— See page 5, 62 & 63 —
Around the Community
In The Five Towns, Queens & Brooklyn
Life in North Korea In the Kitch en
Rabbi Shalom Hammer of the IDF Visits Yeshiva Har Torah
Page 46
Eat Like an
Naomi Nach
Israeli Ton i
I am writing this article on the week go erev Yom Ha by without pu atzmaut. By tting in my fav the orite Israeli recipes. I ha time this is published, the ve just come back from thr day will have passed. Whenever I ee weeks in make matbu Israel and we ka. I pour cha, I alway just love Isr approximate s take off so aeli ly one cup’s me and turn gently. I the worth into it into shuksh n crack three a small frying uraw eggs int heat to cook pan and he o it and let the eggs thr at it it ough. (I like salad and hu runny yellows sit and cook on a mediu mmus with m .) I then se some fresh rve it with Isr pita and it ma aeli kes for a wo Ingredients nderful brea kfast. 4 tomatoes, diced small 3 kirbys, pe eled and diced small 2 scallions, finely diced 77 1/4 cup fresh parsl finely minced ey, Splash of oli oiloaN aNveim 1n lem am onh, c juiced, to taste (I lik e it lemony) t eh siht emi Salt and pepp ilbup si er to taste oc tsuj e ht ,dehs I couldn’t let
C la ss ic I sra e li
Sa la d
EJ H HSIW M n EMO A Y 2 4 , 2102
Commanding Officer of the 101st Precinct Praises the Accomplishments of the Rockaway Citizens Safety Patrol
Page 42
Learn & Live: Learning Halachos is Fun! Page 43
Thousands Commemorate the 20th Yahrtzeit of the Rav
Page 44
T ile !thgino de
h lliw ya
rs d a l aS il e a
Happy 65t h Birt hday Israel!
Naomi Nach man, the ow ner of The Au Yom Tov me ssie Gourme als for famili es and indivi t, caters we communities ekly and Sh duals within , with a spec ab The Five To ialty in Pesa this paper an wns and neigh bat/ ch catering. d also produc boring Naomi is a co es and hosts Segal Networ ntributing ed her own week k stream calle ito r to ly radio show d “A Table for cooking pres on the Nach entations for Two with Na um omi Nachma organization York/New Je n.” Naomi giv s and priva rsey Metrop te groups thr olitan area. es the QVC TV oughout the In addition, network and Naom New has been fea other media tured in cook i has been a guest host covering top on ics related to books, maga obtain addit zines as we cuisine prep ional recipe ll as aration and s, joi blog. Naom personal ch i can be reach n The Aussie Gourmet efs. To on Facebook ed through he (516) 295-96 or visit Naom r website,www 69. i’s .theaussiego urmet.com or at
I c i ss a
er to taste.
A glimpse into theMtotalitarian regime where people live atbu ch a under the tyrannyIngrof the very leaders they adore H u m m u s edients 1 large onion , cu 4 garlic clove bed s, crushed 1 can 28 oz crushed tom ato 1 can 14 oz can diced tom ato 1 bunch chop ped cilantro , finely diced 1/8 cup suga r Salt, pepper, cumin to tas te Preparation Sautee onion s fo r fiv e minutes until stir until it is soft on mediu soft fo m heat. Ad Add in rest of r another five minutes. d in garlic an ingredients d down and fla an d sim mer and stir vors are conc fo r fifteen minu entrated. tes until red uced
rf kcab e
t mo eva Preparation .dessap sI ni skeew eerh Places vege uj ew dna lear tab s a boiwl sI edvol t les in lea. rAd in olive oil, !enisiuc lemon juice and salt and pepp
stneide a cid ,seot llams de eep ,syb l e d a n d llams de il enfi ,sno l y d i c e d hserf p ,yelsrap m y decni fo lio evilo ,deciuj , e ( I ti ekil )y reppep etsat ot
Page 74
Ingredients 2 can chickpe as, drained an Juice from ha d rinsed lf of a lemon 4 cloves garli c, pressed 2 TBS good olive oil ¼ cup techin a Water for thi nning
a eciuj
a tlas dn
ppep dn
re .etsat ot
no egev ni selbat d ni io evilo nomel ,l
su rd ,s na denia o f nomel a desserp lio e
desnir d
To eat like an Israeli, see page 88
Preparation Blend all ing redients in smooth cons food proces g istency. sor; water as needed until it reaches a
HANC High School Boys’ Torah Bowl Team Wins League Championship Page 64
— See page 16—
ni rp doof
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