Five Towns Jewish Home 8-21-14

Page 1



– See pages 5, 19, 54, 55 & 93 –

Around the Community



Mayor Andrew J. Parise

Celebrating a Siyum with 200 Friends in Support of One Israel Fund

From the Battle of the Bulge to Cedarhurst Village Hall


Hundreds Enjoy Yeshiva of South Shore’s 11th Annual Concert on the Lawn Page 68


Community Bake Sale Raises Thousands for Lone Soldiers in Israel

37 Years of Caring for the Community


TJH Speaks with

Assemblyman Harvey Weisenberg

Page 64

Madraigos’ Golf and Tennis Outing PAGE 47

OpEd: Position Available: Ambassador for Israel

Page 14

– See page 10

– See page 28 –

– See page 103

T H E J E W I S H H O M E n AUGUST 21, 2014




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CONTENTS >>Letters to the Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 >>Community Readers’ Poll. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 OpEd by Tzvi Dear. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Community Happenings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44

>> News Global. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 National . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Odd-but-True Stories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

>> Israel Israel News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 My Israel Home: Inspiration from the Fallen Soldiers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83

>> People TJH Chats with Yanky Hersh, Director of Camp Areivim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 37 Years of Caring for the Community:

Dear Readers, Cedarhurst Mayor Andrew Parise is recognizable by his easy smile. The few times I’ve met him it was at events in the village—in the park, at the Memorial Day Parade, at the annual concerts—and he always seemed to be reveling in the company of his constituents. A photo with a five-year-old, a talk with a parent, a handshake with a firefighter—each moment he connected to a person living in his village he was engaged and happy to be involved in that person’s life. But Mayor Parise is more than just an occupant of Village Hall. Few know that he fought at the Battle of the Bulge and saw the crematoria of concentration camps in Europe during the war. He was witness and part of our nation’s history. Additionally, Mr. Parise is one of the few who were born and bred in the Five Towns—he went to Lawrence Public School and moved up in the ranks of Village Hall until he became mayor almost 10 years ago. A good politician is one who is connected to his constituents and becomes involved out of a desire to help others. Assemblyman Harvey Weisenberg expressed this sentiment when he was asked by TJH why he joined the Assembly 37 years ago. It was out of his desire to affect change and help his neighbors that made him go into politics. A resident of Long Beach, I know that he was very involved in the City of Long Beach and still enjoys his daily runs on the Long Beach Boardwalk with his wife at his side. As the summer slowly winds down—where did it go?!—we will be hearing from many politicians who will be interested in connecting with us and urging us to cast our votes in their direction. We will make sure to keep you posted on the local elections as we bring you interviews and articles on those who will be running in our area.

TJH Speaks with Assemblyman Harvey Weisenberg . . . 64 Mayor Andrew J. Parise: From the Battle of the Bulge to Cedarhurst Village Hall. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68

Wishing you a wonderful week, Shoshana

A Photo of the Past: 20th Century Photographers by Avi Heiligman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72


Yitzy Halpern PUBLISHER

Rabbi Wein on the Parsha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63


The Shmuz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .62

classifieds@fivetowns text 443-929-4003

>> Jewish Thought Enjoy Already! by Rabbi Jonathan Gewirtz . . . . . . . . . . . . 82

Yosef Feinerman

Shoshana Soroka


Nate Davis

Rachel Bergida Berish Edelman Mati Jacobovits


Nechama Wein COPY EDITOR


>>Health & Fitness


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On the Derech by Deb Hirschhorn, PhD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74

Friday, August 22 Parshas Re’eh

Is Stretching Really Helpful? by Dov Segal, MFT . . . . . . . 75

Candle Lighting: 7:24

>> Food & Leisure

Shabbos Ends: 8:24

Edible Pearler Beads by Esther Ottensoser . . . . . . . . . . . . 90

Rabbeinu Tam: 8:54

Recipes: The Aussie Gourmet: 16 Hour Smoked Oven Roasted Ribs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92

>> Lifestyles The Real Building Blocks of a Successful Career by Rabbi Mordechai Kruger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 Ask the Attorney . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87


SAT. Aug 23

SUN. Aug 24

MON. Aug 25

TUES. Aug 26

WED. Aug 27

THURS. Aug 28








Your Money . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102 Laugh and the World Laughs with You by Rivki Rosenwald, Esq., CLC, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104

>> Humor Centerfold. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 Uncle Moishy Fun Page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100

>> Art


From My Private Art Collection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86


>> Political Crossfire Notable Quotes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70

>> Classifieds

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94

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The Jewish Home is an independent weekly magazine. Opinions expressed by writers are not neces­sarily the opinions of the publisher or editor. The Jewish Home is not responsible for typographical errors, or for the kashrus of any product or business advertised within. The Jewish Home contains words of Torah. Please treat accordingly.




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9 T H E J E W I S H H O M E n A U G U S T 2 1 , 2014

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‫קו‬ ‫העפת‬ ‫רי‬

T H E J E W I S H H O M E n A U G U S T 2 1 , 2014


Dear Editor, I really enjoyed the article about Woodbourne. It brought back memories of my teenage years, when my parents used to tell me every Motzei Shabbos, “if we hear that you went to Woodbourne tonight, we are going to send you to a juvenile detention facility.” And every Motzei Shabbos I would go. And every Motzei Shabbos my parents would find out that I went...because we would practically bump into each other in the pizza store! (They never did send me to a juvenile facility and they also never did pay for my pizza.) It is amazing that all these year later Woodbourne is still rocking and it actually seems a lot tamer than when I was a teenager. I don’t know if it’s because the kids these days are “better” than we were or if it is because they are up to worse things than just hanging out on a street corner. I’m not trying to be philosophical, I just wanted you to know that I enjoyed the article. It brought back great memories of summers gone by! Rachel S. Dear Editor, I must say that I disagree with Ms. Rosenholtz [“The Invisible Child,” TJH, August 14]. I don’t see what is wrong with forcing children to befriend others, if it’s done in the right way. She says that “the kids who are encouraged to include others often grow resentful of the disruption of their social experience and their forced ‘friend.’” Whereas I sympathize with children whose “social experience” is somewhat tampered with, I have a lot more empathy for a child who is socially isolated. When four kids who are playing ball

Readers Poll How many books have you read this summer? None 2% One or Two 29% Three to Five 57% More than Five 12%

have to be inconvenienced because they are forced to include the unwanted fifth kid, I don’t think that their collective resentment will be as damaging as the emotional pain caused to the fifth kid if he/she is constantly left out. Furthermore, if the integration process of the isolated child is done the right way, it need not cause any resentment at all. For example, let’s say Moshe is the isolated kid in question. A teacher may

the Editor say something like “Since Moshe did this amazing mitzvah (fill in the blank) the whole class will get ices.” Or perhaps in another setting a teacher/counselor/parent can take Moshe and the “in crowd” bowling or for ice cream in honor of Moshe’s birthday. The point is that if the kid who is being “forced” to include Moshe is not merely being told that he has to be friends with Moshe, but is instead getting something for it, he won’t

be resentful and he will actually start to want to include Moshe in his activities. In Pirkei Avos it says, “Knei lecha chaver”; sometimes a child is not capable of buying their own friends and it is in those instances that we must “buy” the friends for them. There is nothing wrong with doing that. In fact, it is what the Torah tells us to do. Sincerely, Bashy Krauss

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Letters to


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14 74


Tzvi Dear

Position Available: Ambassador for Israel


always liked my fellow Americans. Whereas some people despise spending the day with their kids in some theme park or another, I always like doing that, because I like seeing people having a good time. I love seeing people waiting on line at the hot dog stand at ballgames and walking away with a hot dog stuffed with enough sauerkraut and toppings that you almost feel bad for the hot dog, which must be getting crushed. I love seeing people barbequing in the park and playing Frisbee. But to echo Michele Obama, “For the first time in my life, I am truly proud to be an American.” Let me reiterate, I always loved being an American, but now I am proud to be an American. Why? Because despite our international reputation as being a culture which is predominately occupied with maximizing our enjoyment and couch potato experiences, we are indeed a so-

ciety of people who are thoughtful and right-minded. Nothing proves that more than the fact that Americans overwhelmingly supported Israel during the Gaza incursion. Remember, most of them are not Jewish, they have never been to Israel, and they don’t have family there,


yet they were able to look at the situation and stand with Israel. I am not simply grateful because they supported “my side,” I am grateful that despite the rest of the world showing an anti-Israel bias, they didn’t just go with the flow. Even more so, the American media itself was—as usual— biased




remediating children with


against Israel. Yet, the American people were not influenced by that. The support that the American people showed to Israel undoubtedly affected the level of pressure that the politicians in Washington (some of whom are not as supportive of Israel) were able to exert on Israel

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during the incursion. I actually felt like walking up to people in the street and thanking them for their support. (The hot dog line at Citi Field probably would have been a good place to start. I could only imagine Richard’s deadpan reply, “Hey, you mind passing the ketchup?”) Now that the Gaza incursion is— hopefully— pretty much over, as American Jews, I hope we don’t go back to our comatose state in America. We should stay engaged in the affairs of Israel by advocating, donating and davening. But most of all, the best thing that we can do for Israel is to try our best to make a kiddush Hashem. It is often debated whether being anti-Israel means that one is anti-Semitic. The flip side of that is certainly true: if one is anti-Semitic, they are certainly anti-Israel. As Jews who are fortunate to live in this great country, we have the duty of making sure that Americans have a positive view of Jews. I am not talking about contributing to the arts, marching in rallies, or becoming public officials. I am talking about each Jew acting in a way which makes a kiddush Hashem when walking in the street, driving a car or sitting in a board meeting. I am talking about making a micro-kiddush Hashem, not a macro-kiddush Hashem. The small impressions count. Ever wonder why a politician who is running for office and needs millions of votes takes the time to hop off of his campaign bus to shake the hands of the

small crowd gathered at a street corner? He has to convince millions to vote for him; why is he wasting his time hobnobbing with these 27 individuals? The answer is that a good politician knows that every campaign needs an element of a “grassroots” movement. When he shakes those 27 hands, those people then tell their families, coworkers, and friends that they shook so-and-so’s hand. Those 27 handshakes morph into hundreds or maybe even thousands of people feeling some sort of personal connection with the given politician. It’s the same thing with us. As Jews in America, when we make a kiddush Hashem, we are not just changing the view of the woman who we let go ahead of us on line; we are changing the view of her husband and children who she talks to that night at her dinner table as well. We need to create “grassroots” kiddush Hashems. If we do so, then we will have a voice in America. The voice won’t come from our bullhorns, it will come from our track record as good people. And when Israel is forced to take action to defend itself, Americans will trust that Israel is doing the right thing because they will equate the Israeli Jews with the American Jews who they have come to know and respect. One of the salient things I noticed about this past mission into Gaza was that the Israelis lifted their PR game. All of Israel’s spokespeople spoke perfect English and barely even had Israeli accents when speaking with the press. They sounded relatable and knew how to talk to the American people. Perhaps that also played a role in the American people supporting Israel. PR is important. Now that the main incursion is over, we need to continue to have good ambassadors for Israel. And each of us can become an ambassador for our land. Let’s create positive PR for our Holy Land by continuing to show our fellow Americans who we really are: good TJH people. 

Global London Most Influential City in the World

Hold onto your hats, New Yorkers. This piece of news will rock you off your high horse. Recently, business magazine Forbes named London the world’s most influential city. Much of the world’s super-rich call London their home; its historic capital of the English language contributes to its eminence in the eyes of the world’s elite. The city was praised for its strong transport links, long history as a global financial

hub and lack of regulations owing to its position outside the U.S. and the Eurozone. “Compared to New York, it is also time-zone advantaged for doing business in Asia, and has the second best global air connections of any city after Dubai, with nonstop flights at least three times a week to 89 percent of global cities outside of its home region of Europe,” Forbes pointed out. It also holds the position of Europe’s top technology startup center with more than 3,000 tech start-up firms as well as Google’s largest office outside Silicon Valley. Despite the accolades and its top position, Forbes did point out that London is not the city it once was—suffering from the UK’s decline to a “second rate power.” New York, with a population of 8.4 million, came in at a close second to London. Most of the world’s top investment banks and hedge funds call the Big Apple their home. And the world’s markets are busier here than ever; stock market trade levels are 10 times that of London and four times that of Tokyo. Paris managed to come in at number three on the world’s most influential

In News list. Despite its ranking, it’s important to note that the French city comes in way below the top two—London and New York. “Paris may rank third in our survey, but it is way below New York and London by virtually every critical measure, and the city’s future is not promising given that France, and much of the EU, are mired in relative economic stagnation. “Elsewhere, Europe boasts a veritable archipelago of globally competitive cities — Munich, Rome, Hamburg — but none is large enough, or unique enough, to break into the top 10 in the future. East Asia is likely to place more cities at the top of the list,” Forbes concluded. Singapore came in as the fourth most influential city; it has been named as the best place in the world to do business and attracts the highest level of foreign direct investment. Tokyo came in at five and is the world’s largest city in terms of gross domestic product. Hong Kong, the largest financial center in the world after London and New York, came in at sixth place. Dubai, with a population of 2.1 million, scored top for diversity, with 86

percent of its residents born abroad. It came in at seventh on the list. Beijing and Sydney tied for 8th place. In the tenth place, the San Francisco Bay area managed to jump into the top ten this year, with a wide array of the world’s top technology companies. Los Angeles and Toronto also tied for tenth place this year.

Day of Mourning for Victims of Flight MH17

August 22 has officially been declared a day of mourning by the MalayContinued on page 18

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The Week


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17 T H E J E W I S H H O M E n A U G U S T 2 1 , 2014

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18 T H E J E W I S H H O M E n A U G U S T 2 1 , 2014

The Week


Do you want your son to love and live the ‫תורה‬ he learns?

sian government for the victims of Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17. 16 bodies were returned to Malaysia from the Netherlands on the 22nd, all of whom died when the flight was downed over eastern Ukraine last month. Twenty-four of the 43 Malaysians on the flight have been identified by Dutch investigators almost a month after the jetliner carrying 298 people crashed on July 17 after being hit by a surface-toair missile. The government said it would decide next week if the day will also be a public holiday, signaling the closure of public offices and financial markets. “As for now, it is a national day of mourning, not a public holiday. We will discuss with the cabinet about this matter.” Authorities say that 15 of the 16 bodies that were brought back are those of Malaysians, while the last is a Dutch national, whose remains are to be buried in Malaysia. At least two Malaysian women onboard were married to Dutch citizens. Of the 43 Malaysians aboard the flight, 15 were crew and two were infants. The plane was en route from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur when it was shot down in a separatist-held area of Ukraine.

Assange Getting Restless

For more information please call Rabbi Ariel Rabin at 646-701-1431 or email:

threat to arrest him. The 43-year-old Australian fled to the embassy in June 2012 to avoid extradition for questioning in Sweden over assault charges and allegations, which he denies. He says he fears that if extradited to Sweden he would then be handed over to the United States, where he could be tried for one of the largest information leaks in U.S. history. The British government would arrest Assange when he leaves the embassy because he has breached his British bail terms. “I am leaving the embassy soon… but perhaps not for the reasons that Murdoch press and Sky news are saying at the moment,” Assange told reporters at the embassy in central London. The media outlets reported that Assange was leaving the embassy due to failing health. In 2010, the world was shocked when WikiLeaks began releasing thousands of confidential U.S. documents on the Internet. That embarrassed the United States, and some critics say it put national security and people’s lives at risk. After the flurry and chaos, Ecuador later granted Assange political asylum. But he was unable to leave Britain and has ended up living in the embassy’s cramped quarters in central London. The Assange issue has put Britain and Ecuador at odds, with London angered by the decision of Ecuador’s socialist President Rafael Correa to grant him asylum and Ecuador unhappy at the British refusal to allow him safe passage.

Saudi Prince Carjacked in Paris

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In News

After two years of residing in Ecuador’s London embassy, it seems that WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange is getting restless. On Monday, he announced that he intends to leave the building “soon,” although threats from Britain to arrest him if he tried may delay his plans. Despite his announcement, Assange’s spokesman played down his chances of an imminent departure, pointing out that the British government would first have to back away from its

Late on Sunday, the motorcade of a Saudi prince was attacked by heavily armed robbers who made off with 250,000 euros in cash and diplomatic papers in northern Paris. The attack came as the motorcade was making its way from a plush hotel on the Champs Elysees to an airport in Le Bourget, said police, who confirmed there were no in-


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The Week juries. A gang of “between five and eight” thieves in two BMWs hijacked the first of around 10 vehicles in the convoy, driving off with the three occupants before letting them go. The Saudis’ Mercedes and one of the thieves’ BMWs were later found abandoned and burned approximately 25 miles from the scene of the crime.

“It’s quite an unusual attack. They were obviously well-informed. It’s true that it’s quite a rare way of operating,” one police source said. The head of a national police union, Nicolas Comte, said, “We need to find out what they were looking for, the money or the documents.” Obviously, if they were looking for the documents, the investigation will be focused on that.

In News It seems as if the robbers knew exactly which car would hold those documents. He added, “I hope we will also have efficient cooperation with the Saudi authorities.” “Once again, unfortunately, we see that these individuals had no fear of the police and were not concerned about the consequences of their actions,” an official noted.

Yazidis Minority Massacred by ISIS

As President Obama enjoyed his vacation last week, the U.S. began airstrikes against the Islamic State extremist group in northern Iraq. Tens of thousands of Yazidis are being forced to flee to barren mountains as Islamic militants close in. The Yazidis are a centuries-old religious minority viewed as apostates by the Islamic State. Meanwhile, warplanes targeted insurgents around a large dam that was captured by the Islamic State extremist group a few weeks ago. In a statement, U.S. Central Command said the airstrikes on Saturday were launched under the authority to support humanitarian efforts in Iraq, as well as to protect U.S. personnel and facilities. Central Command said the nine airstrikes carried out so far had destroyed or damaged four armored personnel carriers, seven armed vehicles, two Humvees and an armored vehicle. Despite the strikes, on Saturday, Islamic State fighters besieged the village of Kocho and commanded all residents to convert or die. Yazidi lawmaker Mahma Khalil said the Yazidis in Kocho were given the choice to abandon their religion for that of the fighters. When they refused, “the massacre took place,” he said. Halgurd Hekmat, a spokesman for Kurdish security forces, said the militants took the women and children of Kocho to a nearby city. An eyewitness and the brother of the Kocho mayor, Nayef Jassem, who said he obtained his details from another witness, said the militants told villagers to gather in a school, promising them the opportunity to leave Kocho after their details were recorded. The militants separated the men from the women and children under 12 years old. He spoke to the press by phone from an undisclosed location where he is hiding. Of course, he spoke on condition of anonymity, fearing for his safety.

21 T H E J E W I S H H O M E n A U G U S T 2 1 , 2014

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T H E J E W I S H H O M E n A U G U S T 2 1 , 2014


The Week “They thought we were dead, and when they went away, we ran away. We hid in a valley until sundown, and then we fled to the mountains,” the terrified survivor recalled. The exact number of men killed is still unavailable but Iraqi and Kurdish officials believe it was at least 80. However, Yazidi residents said they believed the number was higher, because there were at least 175 families in Kocho, and few were able to escape before the militants surrounded their hamlet. The Islamic State group is in control of massive parts of northeastern Syria and northern and western Iraq. The magnitude of the humanitarian crisis prompted the U.N. to declare its highest level of emergency earlier this week. Since the Islamic State’s rapid advance began in June, nearly 1.5 million people have been displaced. Even with the airstrikes last week, Khalil is urging the U.S. to do more to help protect Yazidis. He lamented,, “We have been calling on the U.S. administration and Iraqi government to intervene and help the innocent people,” Khalil said. “But it seems that nobody is listening.”

2 Die in Chess Tournament

When you think of activities during which people might die, chess is not on the top of the list. But this week, the most prestigious international chess tournament ended on a somber note after two players died suddenly, one while he was in the middle of a match. Hundreds of spectators attending the 41st Chess Olympiad in Troms, Norway, reacted with shock after Kurt Meier, 67, a Swiss-born member of the Seychelles team, collapsed during his final match of the marathon two-week contest. Despite immediate medical attention at the scene, he later died in the hospital. A player from Uzbekistan, who has not yet been named, also died in his hotel room during the tournament. Norwegian police and the event’s organizers

In News said they were not treating the deaths as suspicious. The Olympiad involved 1,800 competitors from 174 countries, accompanied by more than 1,000 coaches, delegates and fans. The event sees players compete in national teams over 11 rounds, often playing matches that last for up to six hours, and claims a worldwide online audience of tens of millions. Meier is not the first player to die in the middle of a match; in 2000, Vladimir Bagirov, a Latvian grandmaster, had a fatal heart attack during a tournament in Finland, while in the same year, another Latvian, Aivars Gipslis, suffered a stroke while playing in Berlin from which he later died. While the causes of the two men’s deaths are still unknown, they will raise questions about the mental and physical stress that tournaments place on players. One of Australia’s leading players, Ian Rogers, retired abruptly from chess in 2007, saying his doctors had warned him that the stress of top-level competitions was causing him serious health problems.

34 Sikhs Trapped in Container while Fleeing Afghanistan

On Saturday, banging and screaming was heard coming from a shipping container at Tilbury Docks near London. When the container was opened, authorities found 34 people suffering from severe dehydration and hypothermia. They feared that if they would have been held in the container for just another 20 minutes, all of them would have perished. Sadly, one 40-year-old man who traveled with his two children, aged nine and twelve, did die. The Sikh families were fleeing persecution in Afghanistan. They said that the women were forced to be covered outside of their homes and the Afghan locals would tear off the men’s turbans when they went outside. They came to

Britain to claim asylum. According to the group, the 15 families were trapped in darkness without fresh air for 18 hours. Nine men and eight women survived—ages 18 to 72— and there were 13 children between the ages of one and 12. The container crossed the North Sea on a ferry from Zeebrugge in Belgium. “It was pitch black, without any air. It soon became extremely uncomfortable,” a translator told the media. “Horrendous, horrendous, horrendous. They suffered a lot.” Once they came to Britain, they were in the container for 12 hours before anyone heard their shouts. “They’d been banging on the container…they’d tried for hours and hours for somebody to hear their voices,” the translator said. “They are thanking G-d they are alive. Another 20 minutes... all would’ve been dead in there.” “This tragic incident is a reminder of the devastating human consequences of illegal migration and we will do all we can to help bring those responsible to justice,” a spokesman from the Home Office interior ministry said. “We are providing accommodation and support to those who require it while their [asylum] cases are considered.” The chair of the Sikh Federation UK said the case showed the plight of followers of the religion in Afghanistan had been overlooked. “It is a disgrace the persecution of the tiny minority of Sikhs from Afghanistan has largely been ignored and it takes an incident like this to remind us all that they are also being exploited by human traffickers,” Bhai Amrik Singh pointed out.

Israelis Visit “Israel-Free Zone” Best way to ensure your random hometown becomes a popular Israeli tourist destination? Declare it an “Israel-free zone.” After British parliament member George Galloway declared that Israeli tourists are not welcome in Bradford, groups of Israelis and British Jews arrived in the city in the past week—just to spite the controversial MP. Last week, Rabbi Shneur Odze from Manchester organized a pilgrimage to the area, in order to “prove a point,” he said. “We wanted to show that you can’t make a city an ‘Israel-free zone,’” he added. “Got my Israeli flag, passport and tee shirt, Bradford here we come! Sorry George Galloway ;-),” Odze wrote in a tweet.

The visitors uploaded videos to social networks documenting their “infiltration into enemy territory,” in which they performed tasks such as ordering coffee at Starbucks while displaying a passport, and distributing Israeli products, such as Bamba, to those walking the streets of Bradford. Several visitors posed for pictures with the Israeli flag against the background of different sites in the city. The sightseers then uploaded the photos to Twitter, adding the hashtag #galloway, to ensure that he would catch sight of the protest. “I was surprised how many had actually heard of his speech and knew what he said and were embarrassed,” Rabbi Odze told the British press. “I don’t think he has as much support as he thinks. Later in the day, some pro-Palestinian demonstrators came from another demonstration happening at the same time. We spoke about the conflict, and even though one side is never going to convince the other, it was a respectful discussion and we shared our biscuits,” the rabbi added. Yorkshire Police have announced that they will launch an investigation into Galloway’s comments.

First Woman to Receive Math’s Highest Honor

In News tional Congress of Mathematicians held in Seoul this year, and the first female among the 56 winners since the prize was established in 1936. “This is a great honor. I will be happy if it encourages young female scientists and mathematicians,” Mirzakhani was quoted as saying on Stanford’s website. “I am sure there will be many more women winning this kind of award in coming years,” she said. Mirzakhani, 37, was born in Tehran and lived there until she began her doctorate work at Harvard University. She said she had dreamed of becoming a writer when she was young, but she pursued her enthusiasm for solving mathematical problems. “It is fun – it’s like solving a puzzle or connecting the dots in a detective case. I felt that this was something I could do, and I wanted to pursue this path,” she said. Mirzakhani was recognized for her work in understanding the symmetry of curved surfaces. The prizes are awarded every four years. South Korean President Park Geun-hye, the first woman to hold that post, presented this year’s prizes. The other three Fields Medal winners were Artur Avila of the National Center for

Scientific Research in France, Manjul Bhargava of Princeton University and Martin Hairer of the University, of Warwick in the United Kingdom.

A Dollar and a Doughnut

Want to know what a dollar’s worth? It seems that it’s all about location, location, location. Where you are will determine what that buck’s really worth. Amazingly, a dollar can get you a bottle of wine or even a full meal depending on the different countries around the

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Locksmith Service Installation and Repairs • Decorative Hardware • Shabbos Locks High Security Locks • Mag Locks • Electric Buzzers Automatic Handicap Door Openers • New Safe Installations The first woman to ever win the Fields Medal in mathematics is Iranian-born Maryam Mirzakhani of Stanford University. The Fields Medal is the equivalent of the Nobel Prize in math. Mirzakhani was among four Fields Medal recipients at the Interna-

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T H E J E W I S H H O M E n A U G U S T 2 1 , 2014

The Week


T H E J E W I S H H O M E n A U G U S T 2 1 , 2014


The Week world. “Don’t think you can get very far on a single dollar anymore? Think again. When Lonely Planet asked its readers what $1 can buy in their neighborhood, the answers were astounding,” the Lonely Planet website reads. The company created an infographic to show readers just how far their dollar can stretch depending on where they live. “Sure, one hour of parking may not seem all that extravagant, but as it turns out, in certain parts of our world, a lonely Washington can get you an unlimited meal, a pretty serious back massage, and even an entire bottle of wine,” it added. In you’re living in L.A., a dollar can only buy you an hour of parking. Obviously, that seems cheap compared to Manhattan prices—and your dollar will become expensive if you forget to feed the meter. On the other side of the world, customers in Nepal can eat 10 dumplings and a Coke for just a buck, and in Vietnam, you can purchase 3 pairs of sandals. In case your feet are aching from your flip flops, you can head to the Philippines, where a dollar will give you a

half-hour foot massage. Or better yet, head to England, where you can just buy some gas—1/2 liter—for your car and give your aching feet a rest. “Where will you spend your next dollar?” the website asks. Maybe try the lotto—after all, it’s a dollar and a dream.

In News served as New Zealand’s prime minister from the center-right National Party since 2008. “The Jewish community in New Zealand, they are hard-working, decent people and they don’t deserve to be brought into some sort of personal campaign that’s directed at me,” Key said in statement.

Anti-Semitism against New Zealand PM Prime Minister John Key of New Zealand is Jewish. But the small, 7,500 person Jewish community in New Zealand was stunned this week when campaign posters for Key’s reelection were defaced with anti-Semitic graffiti. One of the defaced campaign posters featured a picture of John Key that was spray-painted to resemble an observant Jew with a black hat. Painted next to the picture were the words “Lying Jew.” Key, who was born to an Austrian-Jewish mother and has family members who died in the Holocaust, has

Stephen Goodman, president of the New Zealand Jewish Council, told the Australia and New Zealand Jewish news website J-Wire that New Zealand’s Jewish community “is concerned about the rise in anti-Semitic acts and statements being made at present.” Goodman strongly said that anti-Semitism “must be dealt with swiftly; it has no place in our culture.”

with 2,887 and “Mohammad” was 57th with 1,059 given the name. As a result, the top three spellings alone accounted for the names of 7,445 boys, easily beating the second most popular name, Oliver, which was the given name for 6,949 boys last year in England. The statistics are only published for the top 100 names, so the even more obscure spellings of Muhammad are likely to push the total even higher. Muhammad is so popular as a name in England because the three million Muslims in Britain tend to name at least one of their sons after the prophet. This makes the name much more popular amongst Muslim families than any name is among Christians. In 2002, the Muhammad spelling of the name was the 61st most popular boys’ name in Britain. Since then, the number of Muslims in Britain has doubled.

Will France Change the Name of the City Called ‘Death to Jews’?

Muhammad Most Popular Name in England

Take a minute and guess what you think the most popular name in England was in 2013. If you guessed Oliver or Jack, try again. In figures recently published by the Office of National Statistics (ONS), Muhammad has been crowned Britain’s most popular boys’ name today. As a result of the way the statistics are put together, the name does not appear to have won, as the ONS classifies each of the different spellings as a different entry on the list. This means that “Muhammad” came in 15th with 3,499 children but “Mohammed” was 23rd

This town in France is number one on my list of places I don’t want to live. French authorities will next month consider changing the name of a tiny town near Paris which is officially known as La-Mort-aux-Juifs (“Death to Jews”) after a top Jewish group protested. “We will look at this problem right at the beginning of September” to find “a new name for the hamlet,” said Serge Montagne, a senior official from the village of Courtemaux. Montagne explained that the name, which dates back at least as far as the Middle Ages, is still on the official cadastral list, although the tiny hamlet of one farm and two houses has been known as “Route de Louzouer” on the postal register since 1992. A possible name change will be on the agenda of the next municipal council meeting, said Paul Laville, a town hall official. The hamlet shot to prominence after

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The Week the Simon Wiesenthal Center spoke to Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve about the name. “It is extremely shocking that this name has slipped under the radar in the 70 years that have passed since France was liberated from Nazism and the [pro-Nazi] Vichy regime,” wrote the group’s director of international affairs, Shimon Samuels. But on Tuesday, the deputy mayor of Courtemaux (population 289) dismissed the concerns as “ridiculous.” “Why change a name that goes back to the Middle Ages or even further? We should respect these old names,” Marie-Elizabeth Secretand said. In 1992, an anti-racism organization lobbied the interior minister and the authorities at the time in vain to get the name changed. In May, residents of a town in Spain with a similar name, Castrillo Matajudios (“Castrillo Kill Jews”), voted to change the name of that town. They voted 29-19 in favor of scrapping the northern Spanish town’s name, in existence since at least 1623, opting for the less offensive, older name, Mota de Judios, or “Hill of the Jews.”

Jailed US Citizen Faces ISIS Death Threats

According to his wife in Idaho, an Iranian-American Christian pastor imprisoned in Iran for nearly two years has received death threats from Islamic State militants held in the same detention center. Saeed Abedini, 34, a naturalized U.S. citizen, was sentenced to eight years in prison by an Iranian court last year. His crime was undermining national security by setting up homebased Christian churches in his native country from 2000 to 2005. His wife, Naghmeh Abedini, of Boise, Idaho, said threats to his life from lack of healthcare and nutritious food were compounded this week when cell-

In News mates told him Sunni Muslim prisoners who have aligned themselves with the Islamic State, or ISIS, have targeted him for death. It was not clear if the detained militants were Iraqis or Iranians. Abedini relayed the information to his mother, who visited him this week at Rajai Shahr prison, west of the Iranian capital of Tehran. “He’s already under threat because he is a convert to Christianity. Now we understand that ISIS members in the prison have said he is their number one target,” she said. Abedini is in the same ward but a separate section from the Islamic State adherents, his wife said, adding that he is afraid to leave his cell and join the general prison population in the yard for exercise. “I fear for his life,” she said, adding that the couple’s young children have submitted a video to President Barack Obama pleading with him to bring their father safely home.

Chinese Hair Market Growing

gone from small to big and are selling internationally.” In the workplaces, the hair is first disinfected in two huge barrels before workers use paddles to stir clumps of strands in steaming water. It is dyed in colors from white to black and is then dried in ovens, brushed and sewn into hair extensions. Prices can go for as much as 5,400 yuan – $880 – for cuts of 20 inches. Mr. Quanguo’s son, Fu Qianwei, 36, has a company with the English name Anna and export sales of $8 million a year, mostly to the United States. He employs more than 200 people full time. He explains, “Each country has different demands on length, thickness and quality. As Africa’s economy grows, the market is growing and moving towards higher quality. Because the value of hair is so high, people call it black gold.” According to the World Trade Organization’s International Trade Center, China exported nearly 75 percent of the world’s “bird skin, feathers and human hair” products in 2012.

Probe into Brazil Politician’s Doomed Flight

When you walk along a main street in a Jewish neighborhood, you are bound to see two things: Chinese restaurants and sheitel shops. Turns out, they both may come from the same place. While China is best known for exporting Oriental rugs and herbal teas, human hair has now become one of China’s hottest commodities. Taihe, in the eastern province of Anhui, is home to more than 400 companies processing human hair into a variety of styles, including curly extensions, wigs and Afros, which end up on heads in the United States, Europe and Africa. It is one of many “industrial clusters”—areas that specialize in a single product— that have emerged in recent decades as a result of the booming Chinese economy. Fu Quanguo, 64, pioneered the trade in the 1970s. He explains how he “used to collect the human hair locally, but now it comes from all kinds of countries, like Myanmar and Vietnam. In the past, making hair products was tough, and we did it all by hand. Now we’ve

Last week, a private jet that was transporting presidential candidate Eduardo Campos, 49, crashed in Santos, Brazil. The jet slammed into a residential area during bad weather; seven people onboard were killed and buildings below caught fire. Campos had been running third in opinion polls for the October election. He had previously served as governor of the northeastern state of Pernambuco. He had five children, the youngest just an infant. Air force members sifted through the wreckage for the black box hoping to discover the cause of the accident and insight into the moments leading up to the fatal crash. The black box was found but the two hours of recordings it contained were not related to Wednesday’s doomed flight, according to the military branch in charge of the investigation

into the crash. “The reasons why the recording does not correspond to the flight will be studied during the investigation,” the air force added, noting that the voice recording was not “crucial” to the probe seeking to determine the causes of the crash.

Protestors Call for Pakistani PM to Step Down

In News third-largest political bloc in parliament. In his camp, young people danced to music and waving flags. At Qadri’s protest just feet away, the atmosphere was more subdued and organized. This sentiment reflects the cleric’s religious roots; Qadri attracted protestors from his network of mosques and religious schools across the country. Khan and Qadri undertook to bring 1 million followers into the streets of Islamabad, which is impressive, considering that the population of the whole city is just about 1.7 million. Police estimate that about 35,000 people were present at Qadri’s rally and 25,000 at Khan’s so there’s still a long way to go before they reach their goal.

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Gang Forces Children in China to Donate Blood

Shabbos & Weekday Pants & Leggings Seven people in northwest China have been arrested for forcing children to donate blood. Those arrested include the deputy chief of a blood center operated by a company in Gansu province and six jobless men, the official Xinhua news agency reported late Friday. The company, Lanzhou Institute of Biological Products in the city of Wuwei, is said to be one of the country’s biggest producers of blood products. At least eight students ranging from ages 10 to 16 were forced to donate blood at least once every four weeks for seven consecutive months. The suspects would use false identification cards at the center to pass off the donors as adults. Supposedly, the group earned 6,250 yuan ($1,000). Blood centers in China are supposed to double check a donor’s identity before taking blood but somehow that protocol was overlooked. The center’s deputy chief told police he was under pressure to increase the number of donors and sought help. The gang used force to get the children involved to cooperate. Luckily, the plot was uncovered when one brave child went to his parents for help. Legally in China one must be 18 years old to donate blood. Continued on page 30

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Anti-government cleric Tahir-ul-Qadri and Pakistan’s most famous cricket player Imran Khan are leading mass protests that have interrupted regular life across Islamabad. They are demanding that Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, the country’s first democratic ruler, step down over alleged fraud in the country’s May 2013 election. Sharif has refused to resign. Protesters have promised to remain in the streets until he leaves office, a scary thought in a nuclear-armed nation. In response to throngs of protestors, the government has heightened security measures and basically closed business in the capital. On Saturday, Qadri encouraged his supporters to continue protesting until they bring about a “peaceful revolution.” “Nawaz Sharif should be arrested when he steps down and he should not be allowed to leave the country,” he said. He also called for the disbanding of Parliament and new elections. Leaders of Sharif’s party say Qadri’s demands are unconstitutional and Sharif has no plans of stepping down. Khan called on more people to join him. “A new history is going to be recorded in Islamabad,” Khan told the protesters. Although both parties share similar ideas and demands, they have mostly maintained a separation between their rallies. The attitudes and behaviors amongst the two separate groups are stark. Khan controls the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf party, which is the

T H E J E W I S H H O M E n A U G U S T 2 1 , 2014

The Week


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The Week

Israel 93 Arrested by Shin Bet in Plot to Start Third Intifada

More than 90 Hamas operatives were arrested in May and June by the Shin Bet, the security service announced on Monday. The mass arrest thwarted a Hamas coup attempt in the West Bank aimed at toppling Mahmoud Abbas and starting a third intifada uprising. Dozens of weapons that were smuggled into the West Bank were confiscated and more than $170,000 earmarked for the attacks were seized. When the Shin Bet announced its successes, it produced photos of the confiscated weapons and a flowchart of the operatives who had been questioned who were planning a series of massive attacks against Israeli targets—including Temple Mount. Terror cells were set up in dozens of Palestinian West Bank towns and villages — including in and around Jenin, Nablus, eastern Jerusalem, Ramallah, and Hebron. Many of those recruited for the cells were students studying chemistry and engineering, and academics. According to the Shin Bet, the plot was orchestrated by senior Hamas official Saleh al-Arouri, who is based in Turkey and enjoys the support of the local officials there. Hamas seized control of the Gaza Strip in 2007 from forces loyal to Abbas. It is currently negotiating in Cairo over a ceasefire to formally end the past six weeks of Israel-Hamas conflict. The Israel-Hamas fighting was preceded by Israeli arrests of hundreds of Hamas members in the West Bank following the abduction and killing of three Israeli teenagers in June. The Shin Bet said it uncovered the West Bank coup plot due to information gleaned from those arrests. Detailing what it said was the thwarted bid to topple the PA in the West Bank,

In News the Shin Bet said on Monday that Hamas military cells in the West Bank and East Jerusalem, run through headquarters in Turkey, sought to execute a string of attacks against Israel, overthrow the PA, and establish a second front against Israel during Operation Protective Edge. During the three-month operation, the Shin Bet arrested 93 activists and confiscated 24 rifles, six pistols, seven rocket launchers, a large amount of ammunition, a getaway car, and funds amounting to over NIS 600,000 (some $170,000). It said that the infrastructure for the unusually “severe” string of attacks was based, also, on a “forward front in Jordan.” Using a network of couriers to Jordan and Turkey, the Shin Bet said, the Hamas activists transferred hundreds of thousands of dollars of funds into the West Bank, with the intention of purchasing arms, and preparing safe houses, warehouses for weapons and laboratories for manufacturing rockets. The leader of the operation, Riad Nasser, a resident of the village Dir Kadis, was recruited by al-Arouri, the head of West Bank operations for Hamas abroad. Al-Arouri was one of the founders of the Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades, the Hamas military wing. The Shin Bet called the network “one of the most widespread we have known,” and said that its existence pointed to the danger of Hamas operations abroad, particularly in light “of Hamas’ strategic intentions of toppling the PA.”

Drivers to Search Suspicious Passengers

Recently, the Transportation Ministry announced that it will soon begin to certify drivers to search for suspicious passengers on the country’s buses. The drivers will be enrolled in a special course to teach them how to hopefully thwart terrorist activity. Once the drivers have completed the course, their certificates will grant them



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the authority to perform body searches on passengers and on their possessions and hold them, if necessary, until a police officer arrives. They will also be able to confiscate objects that may threaten the public security—such as knives or other weapons. The certificates will enable them to demand the identification of passengers, including name, address and official identity card, the ministry said. The course will help drivers identity suspects and teach them how to handle explosives. They will be trained about passengers’ rights and they will learn self-defense as well. Regarding the program’s launch, Transportation Minister Israel Katz stressed that the course will allow drivers “to better cope with attempted terrorist attacks on public transportation and help prevent hostile individuals from harming the security of the public and passengers.”

British Media Rejects Pro-Israel Ad

The British newspaper The Guardian rejected an advertorial piece written by renowned Harvard Law School professor and pro-Israel advocate Alan Dershowitz. In the ad, Dershowitz disproves claims by media outlets that justified the use of human shields by claiming that the entire Gaza Strip is densely populated. “The British media is divided,” Dershowitz said in response to the rejection

in an interview. “But The Guardian, which holds itself out to be a purveyor of diverse truth, clearly reflects a bias against Israel on its editorial pages, as well as in its presentation of the news. Now that bias has spread to the advertising pages.” Dershowitz told that news-

In News papers “have a right to decide which ads to accept and reject,” but he questioned The Guardian’s decision not to run his advertorial. “My column was factually sound and not a personal attack on anybody. It simply laid out the geographic facts of the Gaza Strip and its implications,” he

added. Harry Wechsler of the Wechsler Family Foundation shares Dershowitz’s perspective on the issue. He told JNS. org in an email, “Dershowitz was presenting a new point of view in this article. Hamas was not forced into shooting their rockets from pads located in urban

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The Week areas, thereby leading to unavoidable civilian deaths. They were not shooting from some of the densest population centers anywhere because they had no other choice. No—the choice was there. Though not large, Gaza had ample space that was not densely populated— farm land, empty spaces where rockets could have been stored and shot from. Furthermore, the U.N. could easily have developed temporary quarters in these same spaces for the sheltering of civilian refugees, far away from the sites of battle.” “The Guardian rarely shows photographs of Hamas fighters firing from densely populated areas. They continue to perpetuate the myth that all of Gaza is densely populated. They continue to perpetrate the myth that the vast majority of people killed in this was children and women, when the fact is the vast majority of people killed have been males of terrorist age,” Dershowitz said. It is important for American and British readers to know that the worst kind of distortion is “distortion by omission, where the media refuses to print the truth or opposing points of view, and the rejection of this ad is a manifestation of that,” added Dershowitz. The Guardian’s only response to the rejected ad was a canned comment made by a spokesperson for the news-

paper who said, “The Guardian reserves the right to reject any advertisement.” This isn’t the first British publication that has refused to run a pro-Israel article. The Times of London refused to run an advertisement featuring Holocaust survivor Elie Wiesel, who also spoke out against Hamas’s use of human shields. However, The Guardian accepted the Wiesel advertisement, along with the New York Times, the Washington Post, the Wall Street Journal, and others. After running that ad, The Guardian received 140 complaints, leading it to clarify in a statement that its acceptance of the ad “does not equate to support or endorse the views expressed in that advertisement.”

Yahoo Purchases Israeli Startup It seems as if the “American dream” has been revamped. Create a brilliant app or software that one of the big guys (Google, Apple, Yahoo, Facebook) just can’t resist, sell it while maintaining a significant stake, and be set for life— financially, at least. Apparently that dream is not exclusive to America; it can happen anywhere where there is a

In News computer, Wi-Fi, and a great idea. A small Israeli startup named ClarityRay, which develops software to help publishers identify fraudulent ads, is being purchased by Yahoo. The full details of the deal were not disclosed by Yahoo executives but experts estimate that the company has a price tag of anywhere between $15 to 25 million.

It began as a venture by six people in 2012. They raised half a million dollars with the help of Israeli entrepreneur Sa’ar Wilf, one of the founders of Fraudulent Sciences, a company which was sold to PayPal for $170,000,000. In just a single year, the small startup broke even and quickly began making a profit. “Our vision has always been making the eco-system safe, compliant and sustainable for consumers, publishers and advertisers,” ClarityRay said in a statement soon after the acquisition was confirmed.

“We helped the online advertising industry take a big step towards that direction by identifying, measuring, and solving many of its unseen hurdles inhibiting that. We brought traffic clarity to an amazing roster of clients, with our findings becoming an industry standard,” the statement added. “Joining Yahoo now will allow us to make use of that momentum and take the next steps towards that vision, and we couldn’t be more excited. This oncein-a-lifetime opportunity enables the mass scaling of our technology, impact and ideas to the absolute forefront of our field, while working with an amazing team who shares our passion. We’re proud to call Yahoo ‘home.’” Several months ago another Israeli startup was purchased by Yahoo. RayV, which specializes in video streaming technology, was bought for nearly $40 million.

Activists Attempt to Block Israeli Cargo Ship

Anti-Israel boycotts are popping up all over the world. In the latest anti-Israel protest, American and Canadian activists are trying to prevent an Israeli cargo ship from docking on the West Coast of the U.S. or Canada, according to a report by Al Jazeera. The protest action, called “Block the Boat,” hopes to block a cargo ship of Israel’s largest shipping company, Zim Integrated Shipping Services Ltd. They plan to protest at ports in Oakland, California, Seattle, and Vancouver to try to close off the Israeli cargo ship from docking and to prevent Israeli goods from being unloaded. Al Jazeera defended the attempted blockade by quoting the organization: “From its founding in 1945 by the Jewish Agency for Israel and the Histradut, Zim has served Israeli settler-colonialism, bringing settlers to Palestine and

serving as Israel’s only maritime connection during the 1948 war, supplying ‘food, freight, and military equipment’ used of course to carry out the Nakba. The worldwide commerce conducted by Zim today funds the occupation of Palestine with revenue generated on every continent.” The International Longshoremen and Warehousemen Unions (ILWU), who refused to unload a Zim ship’s cargo in 2010 as a response to the Mavi Marmara flotilla incident, has stated that it has no plans to participate in this year’s protest.

National De Blasio Keeping His Free Ride

After just a few months in office, New York Mayor Bill de Blasio is exhausted. He has described his job as “incessant and draining and intense,” although one can’t imagine he expected differently when he signed up to lead the biggest city in the world. In July, the mayor had enough and vowed to find a way to recharge. “So, some people might go to Montauk, and that’s great, and I like doing that too. But sometimes it’s doing something very different,” the mayor said. “For me, being in the land of my ancestors is very energizing, very important to me.” Well, I’d like to go to Italy too—if you pay for my ride. On Monday, the mayor insisted that although the taxpayers are footing the bill for some of the expenses on his personal trips, he was just following guidelines set by the city’s Conflicts of Interest Board. “The Conflicts of Interest Board is the definitive voice in terms of ethics in this city,” de Blasio said, speaking publicly for the first time since it was revealed that he doesn’t intend to repay taxpayers for expenses like gas, tolls and the white Mercedes his NYPD detail used to chauffeur him around in

Italy. Although board rules don’t require elected officials to reimburse such expenses on personal trips, they give them the option of paying back the city — and most choose to foot the bill. The mayor sidestepped questions on why his policy was different from other prominent elected officials. “When I went on my recent trip to Italy . . . my family and I paid for our plane tickets, we paid for our hotel, we again followed the Conflict of Interest Board rules,” he reiterated. Under board rules, the mayor was required to pay for his airfare and lodging. But he has come under fire for being to-the-letter about his expenses. According to the Daily News, more than half a dozen past and present city politicians have either avoided personal trips in city vehicles or paid back the costs to the city. City Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito has a reimbursement system to keep track of gas and mileage for any personal trips she makes with her NYPD detail, her spokesman said. Her predecessor, Christine Quinn, used the same system. Manhattan Borough President Gale Brewer, who has a city-issued car and a civilian driver, said she only uses the car for “city-related things.” Lest you think that we only pay for his ride while he’s vacationing in Italy, the mayor gets a free ride—literally— while he’s home as well. De Blasio rides the subways for free when he travels with his security detail. His predecessor, Mr. Bloomberg, paid his own way for all his subway rides to work. He also paid for the full cost of his government-issued vehicle during campaign years.

State of Emergency in Ferguson, MO This week, Missouri Governor Jay Nixon declared a state of emergency in Ferguson, a St. Louis suburb where an 18-year-old black teenager was killed last week by a white police officer. The town is also seeing a curfew from midnight till five in the morning. Nixon said that although many protesters were making themselves heard peacefully, the state would not allow a handful of looters to endanger the community Tensions in Ferguson flared after police released the name of the officer who fatally shot Michael Brown and documents showing Brown robbed a store

In News before he died. Nixon also said the U.S. Department of Justice is beefing up its investigation into the shooting. 40 FBI agents have going door-to-door talking to people who might have seen or have information about the shooting.

no previous complaints filed against him. The Ferguson Police Department has refused to say anything about Wilson’s whereabouts. Wilson has been put on paid administrative leave since the shooting.

Grand Jury to Convene in Case of Eric Garner

Brown’s death has already ignited several days of clashes with furious protesters. Tensions eased a bit after Nixon turned oversight of the protests over to the Missouri Highway Patrol. Local officers faced strong criticism earlier in the week for their use of tear gas and rubber bullets against protesters The officer who shot Brown was identified as 28-year-old Darren Wilson, a six-year police veteran who had

On Tuesday, Staten Island District Attorney Daniel Donovan announced that a grand jury will be asked to hear evidence next month in the July 17 death of Eric Garner. According to some, Garner was placed in a chokehold by police prior to his death. “I assure the public that I am committed to conducting a fair, thorough and responsible investigation into Mr. Garner’s death, and that I will go wherever the evidence takes me, without fear or favor,” Donovan said. Police were arresting Garner last month for selling loose, untaxed cig-

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The Week arettes. He was placed in an apparent chokehold and then was lying on the sidewalk until medics arrived. A short while later, Garner, who had asthma, died. Donovan said his decision to take the case to a grand jury was based on his office’s investigation and the medical examiner’s ruling that the death was a homicide caused by neck compressions from the chokehold, chest compressions and Garner’s prone position while being restrained. After the incident, Officer Daniel Pantaleo, an eight-year NYPD veteran, was stripped of his gun and badge and another officer was placed on desk duty. Two paramedics and two emergency medical technicians were suspended without pay. Patrick Lynch, the president of the Patrolmen’s Benevolent Association, said the union expected a grand jury investigation and is encouraged that the process is moving forward. “We are confident that a fair and impartial grand jury that is allowed to conduct its deliberations based on facts and not emotion or political considerations will see that justice is served,” Lynch said in a statement.

Al Sharpton has been vocal about Garner’s death. He plans to lead a march to Donovan’s office on Saturday, calling for him to file criminal charges or let federal prosecutors take over the case.

San Fran Loves Bran

As Americans, we all know that we have to step away from the all-youcan-eat buffets and start lacing up those sneakers and snacking on kale. We are the “fattest country” in the developed world; according to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, 70 percent of adults in the United States are overweight—and half of that number qualify as being obese. But not every state in the nation tips

In News the scales. Some areas are more healthy than not and people there have learned to bike to work and nosh on lettuce. So where are the healthiest Americans residing? Well, according to Yummly, a website which helps people find recipes, if you love to snack on carrots, San Francisco is the place to be. It takes the cake as the healthiest city in the nation, followed by San Diego, Los Angeles, New York, and Portland, OR. Residents in these towns often search for healthy, filling recipes to serve their families. Where do the least healthy city fall on the map? If you’re living in St. Louis, you aren’t serving up healthy dishes for your fam. Neither are residents of Pittsburgh, Cleveland, Charlotte, NC, and Dallas-Fort Worth. Here are some other food facts, according to Yummly. In St. Louis, residents consistently search for recipes with bacon, cheese, cake and pie. Heartburn city! In New York, Boston, and D.C., residents are more likely to search for chicken dishes than beef. And people in Atlanta and Houston are the biggest fans of fried foods.

and June of 2011. Police Commissioner Bill Bratton has expressed his doubts on the correlation between the two recently released statistics, although it seems pretty hard not to notice it. Stop-and-frisk policies, made popular by the Bloomberg administration, have become a largely racial issue. In 2013, New Yorkers were stopped by the police 191,558 times. Of that number, 169,252 (88%) were totally innocent. Of those stopped, 104,958 (56%) were African-American, 55,191 (29%) were Latino, and 20,877 (11%) were Caucasian. In a stark reduction, in the first quarter of 2014, New Yorkers were stopped by the police 14,261 times, and 11,573 (81%) were completely innocent. About 7,535 (54%) were African-American, 4,013 (29%) were Latino, and 1,694 (12%) were Caucasian.

Three Knifed at Grand Central Station

Stop-and-Frisk Falls; Shootings Rise in NYC

Mayor de Blasio’s mayoral campaign promised a better New York. A big issue he was hoping to tackle was decreasing “stop-and-frisks,” a policy he largely disliked. Well, that can be checked off his to-do list since stopand-frisks have dropped 99% in the borough of Brooklyn. Unfortunately, as stop-and-frisk incidents decrease, crime is increasing. Shootings in Brownsville and East New York are on the rise. Shootings in East New York spiked from 34 to 43 through August 10, a peak of about 27% compared to last year. In Brownsville, shootings are up from 38 to 56, an increase of about 47%. Officers assigned to the 75th and 73rd Precincts in Brooklyn stopped 126 people in the first half of 2014, as compared to 10,540 stops between January

On Saturday, Ivan Deleon, 38, a resident of Queens, was traveling on a Bronx-bound No. 4 train. According to police, as Deleon departed the train in Grand Central Station, he bumped into a small child which sparked a fight. Authorities say that Deleon threatened to kill one of the man’s children, a comment that was obviously met with anger from the men traveling with the child. The comment sparked an argument that led to a brawl and Deleon pulled out a pocketknife, charging at the three men. One man, 27, was stabbed in the stomach and taken to Bellevue Hospital in critical but stable condition. The other two victims, both 26, suffered minor wounds to the chest and arm respectively and were also taken to Bellevue for treatment but were released a short time later. Thankfully, the child was not harmed. Witnesses immediately alerted nearby transit cops, who arrested Deleon without incident. He was transported

to Bellevue hospital as well because he was too intoxicated to be interviewed. He was charged once he sobered up. According to a recent Daily News report, more than 8 million travelers pass through the station each year and 88 violent crimes were reported between July 2008 and June 2013.

Son of Russian MP Held on Hacking Charges Computer hacking charges are keeping the son of a prominent Russian lawmaker in custody. A prosecutor said evidence recovered from Roman Seleznev’s laptop after his arrest in the Maldives gave new insight into the breadth of his activities. Seleznev, 30, the son of Russian lawmaker Valery Seleznev, appeared on Friday in U.S. District Court in Seattle, where he was indicted in 2011 on charges that involved hacking into computerized cash registers, stealing hundreds of thousands of credit card numbers, and selling the data online for at

least $2 million. Seleznev faces similar but unrelated charges in Nevada. In arguing for Seleznev to remain in custody, assistant U.S. attorney Norman Barbosa told the court that at first look, his laptop contained 2.1 million stolen credit card numbers, his criminal behavior was ongoing and his profits had topped $17 million. “Those funds have remained beyond the reach of U.S. law enforcement, so they are probably — almost definitely — available to the defendant” should he try to flee, Barbosa told Magistrate Judge James P. Donohue. Even as Seleznev vacationed in the Maldives, he had been searching the online system of the U.S. federal courts for charges filed against him — under his own name and his online nicknames, Barbosa said. The grand jury in Washington state indicted Seleznev on charges of bank fraud, obtaining information from a protected computer, aggravated identity theft, trafficking in unauthorized access devices and possessing stolen credit card numbers. Seleznev has pleaded not guilty to the charges, which carry a range of po-

In News tential penalties, with some counts punishable by up to 10 years in prison and a $250,000 fine. The Russian foreign ministry has accused the U.S. government of kidnapping Seleznev.

You Do Not Have the Right to Remain Silent

Seems everyone’s favorite police quote might soon need to be changed. The California Supreme Court has recently ruled that the silence of suspects can now be used against them. This unprecedented law decision came about in a sharply divided high court which effectively reinstated the

felony conviction of a man accused in a 2007 San Francisco Bay area crash that left an 8-year-old girl dead and her sister and mother injured. Richard Tom was sentenced to seven years in prison for manslaughter after authorities said he was speeding and slammed into another vehicle at a Redwood City intersection. Prosecutors repeatedly told jurors during the trial that Tom’s failure to ask about the victims immediately after the crash but before police read him his Miranda rights showed his guilt. Legal analysts said the ruling could affect future cases, allowing prosecutors to exploit a suspect’s refusal to talk before invoking Fifth Amendment rights against self-incrimination. In a 4-3 ruling, the state Supreme Court said Tom needed to explicitly assert his right to remain silent — before he was read his Miranda rights — for the silence to be inadmissible in court. Prosecutors argue that Tom’s car was speeding at 67 mph in a 35 mph zone when the collision occurred. He was placed in the back of a police cruiser but was not officially arrested and advised of his rights until later in the day. Prosecutors said Tom’s failure to ask about

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The Week the Wong family while detained highlighted his guilt. Tom’s attorney Marc Zilversmit said he is deciding whether to petition the U.S. Supreme Court to take up the issue or renew his arguments in the state court of appeal. “It’s a very dangerous ruling,” Zilversmit said. “If you say anything to the police, that can be used against you. Now, if you don’t say anything before you are warned of your rights, that too can be used against you.”

Amazon Leads the Pack in Business Growth Things are looking up for our economy; in the first quarter of 2014, retail sales were 2.4% higher than the same time last year. A huge contributor to that increase is a 15% rise in e-commerce sales—online shopping is growing more and more popular in our nation.

Which companies are growing the most in this market? Interestingly, there are some retailers—like Family Dollar—that are benefiting from the slump in our economy. Some other companies, like Whole Foods, target a specific segment of the population that don’t generally shop in general retailers.

Starbucks came in at number ten on the list of the top growing businesses in the country. Although they seem to be everywhere, there are 11,513 Starbucks stores in the nation. Other stores in the top ten include AT&T Wireless, Whole Foods, Apple, Family Dollar, Chick-fil A, and Sherwin Williams. came in at number one on this list. The retailer achieved 27.2% growth this year and made $43.9 billion in retail sales in the U.S. in 2013. Seems like Americans like the concept of free shipping.

That’s Odd He’s a W-I-N-N-E-R

Every letter really counts in this game. On Wednesday, 24-year-old Conrad Bassett-Bouchard beat Jason Li, 29, of Montreal, in the final round of the five day 25th National Scrabble Championship. The playoff was held at the Buffalo Niagara Convention Center. The playing was intense and the stakes were high. After the extreme games, the final score was 477-350, with the champion playing the word “tidy” on his final turn and Li putting down “qua” for

In News his last stand. Unbelievably, 525 players from 11 countries joined in the championship to compete for the $10,000 top prize. Although the tournament began just days after the new Official Scrabble Players Dictionary debuted, the players were not able to use the 5,000 new words that were added to the dictionary. Some words they will be able to use next year include da (short for dad), gi (a martial arts garment), po (a chamber pot), and te (a variant of the musical note “ti”). Qajaq is another word that was added which created a lot of buzz. It’s another word for a kayak and will require players to use a blank tile to spell since there is only one letter “q” in the Scrabble game. Love Scrabble as much as champion Conrad? Well, probably not as much, but here are some Scrabble facts that may interest you: Architect Alfred Butts liked to build more than just buildings; he devised the game during the Great Depression. And America just loves to play this word game. Hasbro sells 2 million copies each year in the U.S. There are 100 tiles in a game; the letters Q and Z are each worth 10 points. Groups of six letters that combine with another letter for a valuable seven-letter word are called bingo stems. SATINE, SATIRE and RETINA are considered the best bingo stems. Think you’re a champion—just like Conrad? You’ll never beat this: the highest word score recorded in a sanctioned NASPA tournament was braziers, which earned T.A. Sanders 311 points in 1997 in Tyler, Texas. Bet you can’t top that.

Largest Gator in Alabama

In Alabama, catching an alligator is a family affair. On Saturday, five members of the Stokes family caught a monster alligator; it took them 10 hours of close-knit family time to wrangle the

beast. The water monster measured a whopping 15 feet, and it weighed a scale-tipping 1,011.5 pounds—making it the largest gator ever captured in Alabama. They sure have some fun family activities down South. Now, pass the remote please.

Ferrari Sold for $34M

Rev up your engines and take out your wallets, car-lovers. This will get your heart a-racing. A rare 1962 Ferrari 250 GTO once owned by a famed racing driver and Olympic gold medalist has sold for $34.65 million. Thursday’s auction in California is believed to be a record public auction price for a classic car, topping the nearly $30 million paid for a Mercedes W196 last year in England. The Los Angeles Times reports the $38 million total price — including 10 percent buyer fees — is half of what experts said it could fetch. One example reportedly sold for $52 million in a private transaction. The car is one of just 39 Ferrari GTOs produced and was once owned by racer and retired Olympic gold medal skier Henri Oreiller, who died after crashing it into a building.

LOL Rules of the Road

Officials in Massachusetts want drivers in their state to enjoy driving— but they also want them to be safe.

Recently, the Department of Transportation unveiled some humorous signs meant to remind drivers of road safety—all with tongue in cheek. In May, drivers were reminded to “Use Yah Blinkah” when changing lanes. “With the ‘Use Yah Blinkah’ sign, we got people’s attention,” said Highway Administrator Frank DePaola. “By changing the routine messages, we hope to bring a new light to important public safety messages that sometimes may be overlooked.” Because of the success of the “Blinkah” road sign, officials created a contest for motorists to submit a humorous sign about road safety. So which ones made the cut? On Thursday, the winners were announced—and it may just be hard to keep your eyes on the road when driving. “Make yah Ma proud, wear yah seatbelt,” “Keep Calm and Drive On,” and “Put down the phone! Your LOLs and OMGs can wait” were the three that grabbed authorities’ attention. The lucky drivers who submitted the winning entries received gift cards from

gas stations and restaurants and their message will appear on hundreds of boards. How about a sign about not double parking on Central Avenue—or is there nothing funny about that?

Lego Laundering Scheme

It took five months of investigating, but Arizona police have finally made an arrest in a major Lego heist that has been plaguing the Phoenix area. Authorities uncovered a whopping $200,000 worth of Legos and at least

In News $40,000 worth of children’s toys that were stolen from neighborhood Toys R Us stores after they raided the homes of four suspects. The four thieves would steal Lego sets that cost between $99 to $500 each by walking out of the stores without setting off any alarms. They would then sell them at a discounted price on the streets and one suspect sold them online. It turns out that you don’t have to be worried about thieves stealing your wallet anymore. Lego is all the rage. Over the weekend, a Long Island woman was accused of stealing hundreds of boxes of Lego sets from one storage facility and trying to sell them on eBay for a profit. They were reportedly worth about $60,000. And this Lego obsession is nothing new. Last year, it was reported that a Silicon Valley executive pleaded no contest to stealing tens of thousands of dollars’ worth of Legos and hiding them in his $2 million home. Wonder if he was able to build himself some sort of alibi with all those blocks he was hiding.

The Paper Cocktail

Want to know what the coolest, newest drink tastes like? Well, it sort of tastes like paper. Recently, Remy Savage of Little Red Door won the top prize at Bombay Sapphire’s World’s Most Imaginative Bartender competition. Turns out, he’s the only bartender out there who mixed up a drink that tastes like paper—and that seemed to wow the judges. Continued on page 42

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The Week Remy said he got the idea for a ginbased drink with notes of paper after touring the brand’s Laverstoke Mill distillery, which used to produce the paper used for English cash. “The real challenge was trying to find something that could taste and smell like paper – without using any paper, because that’s obviously going to be disgusting,” he related. Remy

ended up making a pulp from cane sugar, vanilla beans, water, Martini Bianco, “smoky, peaty whiskey,” dried gentian root and grass. His cocktail beat out other boozy competitors from around the world. I guess that the judges really like their booze to taste like their banknotes. Yum, the taste of money.

In News Facebook Photo Leads to Death Selfies can be dangerous. Last weekend, a Mexican man shot and killed himself while he was taking a selfie with a gun. Before the tragic incident, Oscar Otero Aguilar was

drinking with two friends. “I heard a gunshot, and then I heard somebody screaming and realized somebody had been hurt. I called the police straight away and when they arrived they found that he was still alive,” neighbor Manfredo Paez Paez said.

Authorities said that the 21-yearold’s death was an accident. Oscar meant to post the photo with the gun on Facebook. He had posted many photos of himself on the social media site. Previous photos of Oscar show him lounging next to alcoholic beverages and standing near several cars.

Flying One Handed

While piloting the Flybe flight from Birmingham to Belfast City Airport last February, the pilot was forced to fly one-handed. You see, as he was navigating the aircraft through the gusty conditions, his arm fell off. Although the 46-year-old insisted that he checked his prosthetic lower left arm before flying, the appendage fell off right before touching down. Thankfully, he was able to use his right hand to make the landing and all went smoothly for the passengers. “He did this, but with power still applied and possibly a gust affecting the aircraft, a normal touchdown was followed by a bounce, from which the aircraft landed heavily,” the Air Accidents Investigation Branch reported last Thursday. The pilot has vowed to be more cautious about checking the attachment on his prosthesis in the future.


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Around the Community Orah Day Camp’s Non-Stop Fun Keeps on Coming

LARK BALLET Under the direction of Leyah Newmark Give your daughter the gift of a lifetime: learning grace, poise and coordination while enjoying the magic of classical ballet! Classes for all ages include:    

Beginner level to advanced Pre-ballet (4-5 yrs. old) Older beginners Women's adult ballet

Featuring an end of year gala performance To register and for more information call: 917 837-8319 or email

Because here at Orah Day Camp there is no opposite of fun, we are going to start our weekly column at the end and work towards the beginning. We want to thank all of our wonderful staff for all their hard work and dedication. It is because of their attention, warmth, and devotion to the campers that we can provide such an outstanding experience! To show that our appreciation to our staff knows no “bounds,” we had a special night just for them, and not just a night in camp but we took a “leap” that the staff would enjoy a trip just for them to “BOUNCE,” the indoor trampoline sports arena! Our staff of all ages— from mother’s helpers to specialties who are grandmothers—had an amazing time playing dodgeball, basketball, jumping into foam pits and, of course, bouncing around on trampolines. The final days for the campers were also full of fun. Our specialties made sure the girls were able to finish off whatever they were working on. Ceramic pieces were fired and finished, and jewelry pieces were completed. The paper quilling crafts were done and anything left in Art of the Week (AOW) or Arts and Crafts was sent home so parents can enjoy what their girls have been working on all summer. There were so many specialties this summer we know there was something for everyone. Some girls enjoyed dance, kickboxing or creative movement, others liked sports and swimming the best and others enjoyed group activities like drama and team building the most. There are also some campers whose favorite activity was “Main Event.” Each week there was a special entertainer or project that fit into the theme of the summer. Looking back, there was a puppet show, making flower pots (that are blooming so nicely all around the pre-school playground), making Jacob’s ladders, wax

candles and besamim boxes. We hope you get to use these things even after camp is over. It’s hard to imagine that camp is over it feels like it just began. Every week had its share of trips to places that would please all the age groups; for example, our younger division went to the Children’s Safari, Fun Station and the Staten Island Children’s Museum, while the upper division went to Luna Park, Hot Skates, New Roc City and KZAM. We were always on the go—especially our 7th grade, who, as this article goes to print on the last day of camp, is on their very last surprise trip—it is not a “stretch” of the imagination that the 7th graders thought this treat wouldn’t make an appearance. The summer was so full of extra-ordinary days that it’s hard to remember if there were even any regular camp days. We had dress up days, Av in Adar, Carnival, Color War, the Ari Goldwag concert, Wacky Hat and Sock Day and bunk week. The Nine Days, even without swim, was full of exciting activities! Our campers loved the brand new zip-line and tried to get the hang of the slack lines we hung up. And the fun was not limited to the days here at Orah Day Camp. We had late night swims and BBQ’s for many different age groups and after camp & Sunday swim for our Orah families in our magnificent outdoor, in-ground Olympic-sized pool. So much happened in camp I hope we didn’t forget to remember, or we remembered not to forget all the fun we had in Orah 2014…we are counting down the days until summer 2015! It may be the end to this summer but work has already begun on next year! We want to thank our campers and their families, wish them well for the upcoming year, and as we said in the beginning, here at Orah Day camp there was no opposite of fun!

Is the Centerfold Commissioner resigning? See page 60


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Around the



A Siyum Like No Other By Simon Springer When the six of us, all friends from the neighborhood, sat down for sushi on Monday evening during the Nine Days, we had no idea that this informal gathering would end with plans for a small fundraiser to support our brothers in Israel. With less than three days to plan this grassroots event, the six original friends inflated to over 200 friends and neighbors who came out to support One Israel Fund just three days later. Our goal was to organize a small BBQ built around a siyum at the home of Gabe and Rebeka Boxer. Dr. Marvin Snow was finishing Maseches Bechoros and was planning on celebrating this accomplishment with his family and friends. A few phone calls, a few emails, a posting on Facebook, and before we knew it, the event went viral. The responses kept coming in. Our small family became one large family. We didn’t realize just how strongly people felt about the situation in Israel and it seemed everyone was looking for ways to show their support and solidarity. We also didn’t realize how strongly people felt about a good BBQ, especially during the Nine Days. Wednesday morning brought the realization that this was going to be a full-fledged event. Food donations came from Brach’s and Allan’s Bakery, Gourmet Glatt, Seasons and the

Meat Maven, AZ Catering, New Star war in Gaza was at its height and these el was the true highlight of the evening Caterers, The Hickory, Lost Tribes funds were used to help fortify the since Barak represented everything that Beer, Atlantic Beach Wines and a fab- troops with medical equipment such as the BBQ was intended for. ulous display of pastries from Desserts Quikclot Combat Gauze, stretchers and To be part of such an evening was a by Irresistibelle. truly incredible experience. The BBQs, taTo watch it grow in three bles, chairs, tent days to what it ultimateand linen were ly became, was inspiring. donated by The What started out as “guys’ Party Source. Panight out” ended up three per goods were days later as an evening of donated by East support and action. It was a Coast Paper and true Kiddush Hashem in evThe Paper Place. ery sense of the term as peoThe waiters were ple came from near and far sent over from with one common denomiRafi Mittel of nator – to help our people in the RME Group Israel in their greatest time Events & Staffof need. Everyone contin(l to r) Republican Congressional Candidate Bruce Blakeman, Executive VP of One ing, and Mosues to mention the incrediIsrael Fund Scott M. Feltman, co-chairs Gabe Boxer and Simon Springer quito Seekers dobly achdus – unity – which nated their service to ensure everyone ALS and BLS Kits and shlukers – 3L currently exists in Israel since the kidhad an enjoyable time outdoors. Aryeh water packs. It also helped reinforce the napping and murder of Eyal, Naftali Kunstler took care of the sound sys- southern communities along the Gaza and Gilad hy”d. This night, we joined tem and Ami Lock Custom Menswear Border with vitally needed security with them in the same spirit. donated a custom suit as a prize in a items such as high intensity lighting, Thank you again to all the estabscratch off lottery ticket campaign. binoculars, communication equipment lishments which ensured the overThanks to all the sponsors, every and thermal imaging cameras. whelming success of this event. Thank penny of the nearly $20,000 raised from In addition to the delicious food that you to all the participants and donors this evening was sent directly to Israel we enjoyed, we were joined by Barak who attended the event. And thank you and thanks to One Israel Fund, the mon- Klammer, an IDF lone solider from the to Gabe and Rebeka for opening their ey was put to work within days. There Five Towns, who was in town visiting home (and yard) and working so hard were no operating costs. This was ex- his parents before he made aliyah. His to make this evening happen. tremely important to everyone since the first-hand account of the events in Isra-

Eldan’s Expressway for Incoming Customers: Rent a Car at Ben-Gurion Airport without Waiting at the Rental Counter! Eldan has launched a new and unique service at Ben-Gurion Airport – the Eldan Expressway, offering cus-

Twist and Shout! Is Stretching Really Helpful? See page 75

tomers a fast and efficient process for picking up their rented vehicle without having to wait at the rental counter. The new service is based on integrated technology: the reservations service is completed on the company website; details about the pick-up point of the rented vehicle are sent by text message directly to the customer’s cell phone; the rental contract is filled out on a tablet with no need to print it out. Eldan’s branch at Ben-Gurion Airport is the company’s largest branch. Customers include tourists (more than 50% of the branch customers), mainly from the United States and Europe, and Israelis living abroad and returning to Israel for a home visit. The branch is open 24/7 except for Yom Kippur. With the realization that customers

arrive at the service counter after a long and tiring journey, Eldan devised this special service, easing and expediting one of the first steps of a tourist’s visit to Israel: Eldan’s Expressway. Shai Dahan, CEO of Eldan, said, “Eldan is a staunch advocate of service and innovation, and the ‘Expressway’ reflects both principles. Through this new service, we allow our customers, who have had a long flight, to save valuable time and leave the airport as quickly and with as little fuss as possible.” Eldan is one of the country’s leading leasing and rental companies. Its fleet comprises tens of thousands of vehicles, in dozens of branches around the country with hundreds of employ-

ees. The company emphasizes the outstanding service experience it offers its customers, adhering to the highest standards of quality and professionalism. Eldan is active in the fields of operational leasing of vehicles, car rentals in Israel and abroad, sale of pre-used vehicles, vehicle sales via the “private leasing” method, including new vehicles, vehicle and property insurance, and the operation of hotels in Jerusalem and Paris. Recently, Eldan was granted the Israel franchise for Enterprise, the largest car rental company in the world. Eldan is a private company owned by Yossi Dahan and managed jointly by Shai Dahan, CEO of Vehicles, and Momi Dahan, CEO of Hotels and Real Estate.

Madraigos’ Golf and Tennis Outing


Community Rebbetzin Esther Jungreis Speaks in QueensPHOTO CREDITS: AARON KATZ

On Sunday, August 17, the CHAZAQ Women’s Division experienced a night that will be remembered for a long time – a night full of power, emotion, en-

couragement and chizuk with one of the most inspirational women in Klal Yisroel today. The world renowned Rebbetzin Esther Jungreis appeared Live at CHAZAQ! The Rebbetzin gave an exhilarating speech that left the women deeply touched and intensely motivated. Her message conveyed a strong sense of urgency for the women of our generation to be proactive in bringing the redemption. Her words moved the audience in a way that is rarely seen as she instilled strength and a feeling of empowerment into the hearts of everyone who received her words.

Mercury Capital foursome on the 13th Green

The Shmuz Returns to Chicago The Madison Tennis Sponsor

Rabbi Josh Zern, Rabbi Dov Silver and Yoni Kutner, representing the Harborview Dinner sponsors

On September 4th- 7th, the Chicago community will have the privilege to once again host Rabbi Ben Tzion Shafier of “TheShmuz.” He is scheduled to speak in different locations throughout Chicago. These include a Shabbaton in Beis Medrash Mikor Hachaim, his famous “Marriage Seminar” for men and ladies separately, a teshuva lecture in Kehillat Chovevei Tzion in Skokie, an Elul message to Hannah Sacks High School, and Skokie Yeshiva and a Shmuz in Buffalo Grove. “The Shmuz,” as the title implies, is a mussar talk that deals with a wide range of subjects that affect our daily lives. Drawing from Torah sources, the Shmuz makes Torah guidance relevant and understandable to Jews living in the 21st century. “Everywhere today, people are busy and lives are complicated,” said Rabbi Shafier, a veteran mesivta rebbe who left the classroom to create the Shmuz at the urging of his Rosh Yeshiva, Reb Henoch

Leibowitz, zt”l. “The Shmuz provides 24/6 immediate and free access to Torah wisdom in a way that is impactful and easy to understand.” There are over two hundred Shmuzin available for free downloading from, or from the Shmuz office. Ten thousand subscribers in 29 countries download more than 4,000 Shmuzin each week. The Shmuz also has published several books including The Shmuz on the Parsha, Stop Surviving, Start Living, and Shmuz on Bitachon: Finding and Keeping Your Soul Mate. His recent popular lecture series titled “The Marriage Seminar” is Rabbi Shafier’s response to the reality of the unfortunate spread of divorce and troubled marriages in our communities. The Marriage Seminar was produced by Rabbi Shafier to address these realities and remedy the issues that they sprout. To access Shmuzzin, go to www., or call 866.613.TORAH (8672).

47 T H E J E W I S H H O M E n A U G U S T 2 1 , 2014

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T H E J E W I S H H O M E n A U G U S T 2 1 , 2014


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Gourmet Glatt Presents Jewish Night at Andrew J. Parise Park with Cirque-Tacular and Yoni Ziegelbaum

A Small Shalosh Seudos Gathering Can Lead to Great Things… By: Danielle Irom Aronovitz With daily rocket attacks continuing against Jewish communities in Israel, world Jewry turned its collective attention to both the Land of Israel and the People of Israel. The talk within Jewish communities was, “What can ‘we’ do?” While sitting around a friend’s Shalosh Seudos table discussing what could be done to help our sisters and brothers in Eretz Yisroel, a light bulb went off. Let us organize a bake sale. Within a few days, the first Five Towns/Far Rockaway bake sale to raise funds for The Lone Soldier Center in memory of Michael Levin was off and running. Our committee had only one meeting, which was held on Tisha B’Av. Within a few hours, a flyer was created by graphic designer Toby Schwartz of Imprint Indeed. The ad was generously featured in The Jewish Press, The Jewish Home and The Five Towns Jewish Times at no cost to us. All of us sitting around the table divided and conquered the nitty gritty details, and by the end of Tisha B’Av hundreds of emails and texts were sent out

seeking bakers and buyers for the bake sale. Chava Lowy, manager of the Plum Boutique in Cedarhurst, graciously offered her store for the bake sale. The feedback as to where the bake sale funds were going was received so enthusiastically. Each of us on this committee know of Lone Soldiers in Israel. We received emails and phone calls from a few families of Lone Soldiers thank-

ing us for raising needed awareness and necessary funds. I have lived in the Five Town community for most of my life, and I have seen this community band together in complete and selfless achdus when our fellow Jews are in need. I knew that this

achdus would make the bake sale a success. During the bake sale, families of Lone Solders came in to buy baked goods and to once again thank us. Our response to them was heartfelt and filled with gratitude. We thanked them for allowing their children to protect our children. As the event was in full swing, we had hundreds upon hundreds of delicious baked goods. By the end of the sale, there was not a delicacy left to buy. While we were selling our goods here in Cedarhurst, Bini Back row: Sara Goldberg, Aidel Miller, Lucy Rosenthal, and Chava Lowy. Dachs, who stays at Vacation Front row: Naomi Nachman, Daniella Aronovitz, and Susie Lewin Village for the summer, ran a si$14,000. multaneous sale there as well. Achdus, our community’s unity, is a I would like to thank my fellow Bake Sale committee members for their dedi- powerful tool that brings us together and cation and commitment to this endeavor contributes positively toward the betterand for stepping up to the plate on such ment of the Jewish People. May we continue to daven for peace short notice: Bini Dachs, Sara Goldberg, Susie Lewin, Chava Lowy, Aidel Miller, in Eretz Yisroel and for all of Klal Yisrael. Naomi Nachman and Lucy Rosenthal Contributions to the Michael Levin Thank you to all of the volunteers, patrons and, most importantly, to all of Lone Soldier Center can be forwarded our Lone Soldiers and their families who to: Check made payable to: FJC Memo Line: Lone Soldier Center have put their lives on the front line for Address: Hahistadrut 20-Jerusalem the future of the Jewish People. As of August 18th, the Lone Soldier Israel Center bake sale generated in excess of



Dirshu’s Bein Hazemanim Program in Eretz Yisrael Answers the Call of the Gedolim By Chaim Gold “Once again Dirshu is stepping into the Gedolei Hador. Showing the rethe breach at a time of great difficulty markable ahavas haTorah that charfor Klal Yisrael.” That is the way Rabbi acterizes the organization and using Shlomo Rozenstein, Dirshu’s Director of Public Affairs, described Dirshu’s revolutionary Bein Hazemanim Program in Eretz Yisrael. Dirshu’s Bein Hazemanim Program is immeasurably enhancing the summer bein hazemanim for thousands of bachurim throughout Eretz Yisrael while affording them a practical way to answer the call of the leadRav Dovid Hofstedter visiting HaRav Yitzchok Scheiner, discussing details about the upcoming siyum of Daf HaYomi B’Halacha ing Gedolei Hador to strengthen themselves in learning during this bein hazemanim. its organizational talents and sparing Rabbi Rozenstein explains, “This no effort or resources, Dirshu created summer in Eretz Yisrael has been one a program that would formulate the of the most difficult summers in mem- learning during bein hazemanim into ory. The country has been at war with an organized program with small inan implacable foe. Soldiers were fight- centives. This program is aimed to ening on an extremely difficult battlefield sure that the kol Yaakov of thousands and our bnei yeshiva were fighting with of bnei Yeshiva will resonate strongly the koach of Yaakov, the kol Yaakov – throughout bein hazemanim arousing unremitting dedication to Torah and the resultant Divine Protection that tefillah. comes through the pure limud haTo“The Gedolei Yisrael from across rah of bnei yeshiva, especially during the spectrum addressed these trying bein hazemanim – a time when it is times and encouraged all bnei yeshiva often difficult to maintain the kol Toto learn and daven with tremendous rah on such a scope and scale.” mesiras nefesh to invoke rachmei shaThe gedolei Roshei Yeshiva enmayim on behalf of Am Yisrael. thusiastically greeted the news that “The gedolim also cautioned that Dirshu will be running a special bein this bein hazemanim must be different hazemanim program. Not only did than a regular summer bein hazemanim. they express their gratitude and adRegardless of whether or not there is a miration to Dirshu for stepping into viable ceasefire, the situation facing the breach, but they have strongly Am Yisrael both in Eretz Yisrael and encouraged their talmidim to join the in the diaspora is not simple. Although program, thus continuing to particicertainly, bnei yeshiva need a change pate in the defense of Eretz Yisroel of pace, nevertheless, the kol Yaakov during this very difficult summer. of limud haTorah and tefillah must be heard strongly during bein hazemanim The Program too,” the gedolim declared. Dirshu designed a learning program to appeal to a wide range of bachurim “Dirshu Displayed its from every segment of Klal Yisrael. Unique Koach” Providentially, Dirshu’s popular Daf One younger Rosh Yeshiva of a HaYomi B’Halacha Program has just very large yeshiva gedolah in Eretz begun learning Hilchos Sukkah, the Yisrael related, “We heard the call of often complex laws of Sukkah. The the ziknei hador, but on a practical hanhala of Dirshu has designed a spelevel, it was difficult to enact. This cial Daf HaYomi B’Halacha program is where Dirshu displayed its unique for this bein hazemanim that will alkoach. Dirshu stepped in with a prac- low bnei yeshiva to come out from tical method to implement the call of bein hazemanim with comprehensive

knowledge of a significant part of the halachos of Sukkah. Rabbi Avigdor Bernstein, a senior member of Dirshu’s hanhala, explained, “With Sukkos just around the corner, it is truly a ‘davar b’ito,’ a timely limud. Moreover, many bnei yeshiva do not have the time, during Sukkos, to learn the halachos of building the Sukkah and what constitutes a kosher Sukkah. During the Elul zeman when the focus is on teshuvah and the Yamim Noraim, the halachos of Sukkah are not usually learned. Once Yom Kippur comes, Sukkos is just days away. Dirshu has especially published 20,000 beautifully designed Daf HaYomi B’Halacha Sukkos booklets containing the daily limud with helpful diagrams and other important material to enhance the understanding of the halachos and to offer chizuk.”

Yisrael, who have also adapted the Daf HaYomi B’Halacha on Hilchos Sukkah as their summer limud. In addition, Dirshu will be giving a special stipend to any talmid who takes the test on the entire program spanning from Siman 625-630. “In truth,” says Rabbi Motti Kroizer, a senior member of Dirshu’s hanhala, “the prizes and stipends are not what have made the program so popular with the thousands of participants. The fact that Dirshu understands the learning needs of bnei yeshiva and invests time and effort to create a structured program is the real reason for the program’s phenomenal success. The prizes and stipends are merely sweeteners gifted to bnei yeshiva who are already learning, that show how much Dirshu values the avodas hakodesh of our most precious commodity, the bnei yeshiva!” “Daf HaYomi B’Halacha is the perfect limud for a summer bein How it Works In Eretz Yisrael, there exists a ye- hazemanim,” says Rabbi Avigdor Bershivas’ bein hazemanim system in vir- nstein. “It is an opportunity to learn tually every Chareidi neighborhood. the complex halachos of Sukkah in a comprehensive fashion with the Mishna Berurah. Dirshu’s new edition, with its voluminous Biurim and Musafim that brings so much context and depth as well as piskei halacha of all the leading gedolim past and present who lived after the Mishna Berurah was published, offers the talmidim a wide-ranging Bochurim in Eretz Yisrael taking part in the knowledge and an Dirshu Bein Hazemanim program extremely engaging Yeshivas’ bein hazemanim enables bnei seder. “I recently toured the country visyeshiva to come learn together in a local beis medrash in an organized fash- iting a wide array of Dirshu Yeshivas ion. It generally consists of one seder Bein Hazemanim locales and watched per day with prizes such as sefarim bachurim learn and debate the halaor small stipends awarded for steady chos of Sukkah. It was an eye-opening attendance. Dirshu has linked with experience! I developed an even greater yeshivas’ bein hazemanim programs understanding of why the Gedolei Yisacross the length and breadth of Eretz rael so trust Dirshu and appreciate its Yisroel sharing not only its program, role in facilitating limud haTorah on an but offering a matching grant program unimaginable scope and scale. The redoubling the sefarim rewards given by sultant rachamei shamayim invoked on each of the respective yeshivas bein behalf of Klal Yisrael is certainly also hazemanim. Dirshu has also liaised on an unimaginable scope and scale!” with numerous yeshiva camps in Eretz

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T H E J E W I S H H O M E n A U G U S T 2 1 , 2014


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Assemblyman Goldfeder Visits OHEL’s Camp Kaylie Recently, Assemblyman Phil Goldfeder joined the incredible staff for a tour and some fun at Camp Kaylie in Wurtsboro, NY. Camp Kaylie is a one-of-akind integrated camp experience which is inclusive of special needs children without differentiating between campers with or without developmental disabilities. All campers eat together, sleep in the same bunks and enjoy a majority of activities together. OHEL’s Chief Administrative Officer, Amy Bierig, tours the campus with Goldfeder

Assemblyman Phil Goldfeder and David Mandel, Chief Executive Officer at OHEL, enjoyed a go-cart ride on a beautifully renovated track in the middle a sprawling campus, which also includes multiple sports fields, a swimming pool and professional ropes course.

To end off an amazing summer at Ruach Day Camp, we had an awesome color war. The older girls hosted their own cupcake wars as a new favorite activity added to the entire array of activities.

Campers Do a Double Take! Summer 2014 is rolling along with more spirit than campers have ever experienced. It’s a field day for children and teens who are eager to release the energy that’s been bottled up in them all winter. Adding to the excitement of this summer, it has become the “in” thing for summer camps to invite the famous “Twins from France” to perform their renowned athletic stunts, to the delight of all campers. The twins are a wonder to the eyes, boggling campers with their most amazing performance. We all recognize the Twins by their trademark coiled peyos, checked fedoras, flying tzitzis, and dazzling smiles. And, of course, by their unicycles! But good only becomes better when the Twins share not only their unbelievable gymnastic capabilities, but some geshmake ice cream and ices as well. Courtesy of Mehadrin, the ice pops and

ice cream bars distributed by the Twins lend the finishing touch to the day that will go down in countless campers’ scrapbooks as their Favorite Day in Camp Summer ’14. Mehadrin is happy to share the most wonderful selection of ices and ice creams with everyone in the Catskills. With the Twins at their side, the fun automatically doubles.

Some of the campers from the Five Towns who had a great summer at Camp Kaylie


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Teshuva Lecture to be Held in YCQ on Sunday, September 14 In preparation for the forthcoming Yom Hadin, the Alumni Association of Yeshiva of Central Queens (YCQ) is pleased to invite the members of the YCQ “family” and the general public to participate in an inspiring lecture on the topic of teshuva. The lecture will take place at the YCQ building’s auditorium, 147-37 70th Road in Kew Gardens Hills on Sunday, September 14 at 6:30 P.M. The lecture, entitled Teshuva—A Fresh New Start—will be presented by the renowned mashpia Rabbi Benzion Shafier, founder of Tiferes Bnei Yisrael and The Rabbi Shafier has inspired thousands of people, young and old, with his downto-earth analysis of the matzav of Yiddishkeit today. He has encouraged many Jews to engage in introspection and to increase their study of Torah, enthusiasm towards observing mitzvot and improvement of middot. Israel Glaser, Chairman of the YCQ Board, said, “The yeshiva takes particular pride in having Rabbi Shafier, one of the yeshiva’s many illustrious alumni, give this teshuva shiur.” “We look forward to having a large crowd at the shiur,” said Alumni Director Rabbi Marc Merrill. “It promises to be an incredible evening of inspiration and growth for all.” Rabbi Merrill urged all alumni to come to the shiur because “this will be an event you will not want to miss.” In addition to shiurim, the YCQ Alumni Association sponsors numer-

Looking for a job? Make sure to read Rabbi Mordechai Kruger’s insights into the real building blocks of a career on page 85

ous activities including sports tournaments, reunions and social networking among its alumni.

For more information about the YCQ Alumni Association and to be involved in its activities, please call

Rabbi Merrill (718) 793-8500 ext. 304., http://www.ycqweb. com/alumni.

51 T H E J E W I S H H O M E n A U G U S T 2 1 , 2014

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52 T H E J E W I S H H O M E n A U G U S T 2 1 , 2014

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53 T H E J E W I S H H O M E n A U G U S T 2 1 , 2014

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T H E J E W I S H H O M E n A U G U S T 2 1 , 2014

54 Sale Dates: August 24th - 30th 2014

Weekly Kellogg’s Rice Krispies or Corn Flakes 9 oz Rice Krispies 12 oz Corn Flakes

Bumble Bee Solid White Tuna




All Flavors - 12 pack - 16 oz




Hellmann’s Mayonnaise Assorted - 30 oz

299 ...................................................... $

Pepsi, Schweppes, Mountain Dew, Sierra Mist, Mug, Brisk


¢ 2 liter 99 ...................................................... Ronzoni Pasta

Spaghetti, Elbows, Ziti, Ziti Rigati, Rotini, Rigatoni - 16 oz


$ 69

$ 49





8 oz

Except Quinoa, Long Grain, Pearled

25 oz


549 ...................................................... $

Turkey Hill Iced Tea Assorted - 64 oz

$ 49



Herr’s 16 oz Salsa or 13.5 oz Tortilla Chips 4/$


mix n match!


Strauss Milky



100 count



8 oz




Domino Sugar

Light or Dark Brown, 10x Confectioners - 1 lb



Tropicana Orange Juice All Varieties 59 oz


12 oz

All Varieties Large 10 oz Bag



All Flavors 7 oz


Philadelphia Cream Cheese 12 oz

6 cups



Miller’s Sliced Muenster or Mozzarella

36 oz


Eggo Pancakes Assorted - 14 oz




Aaron’s Chicken Franks



13.5 oz



Ha’olam Shredded Cheese


Whole Fruit Fruit Bars

Breyer’s Ice Cream



16 oz




$ 99

Heinz Vegetarian Beans

5.3 oz

32 oz

14 oz


Stonyfield Greek Yogurt


Hanover Whole Green Beans




Whole or Half Sour 28 oz


16 oz

8 oz


Flaum Pickles


Dole Whole Strawberries

Stella D’Oro Swiss Fudge Cookies


16 oz







Pomodori Pizza

64 oz



Marino’s Italian Ices

Stonyfield Organic Milk



6 oz


Herr’s Potato Chips

buy one get one free!









Maxwell House Coffee K-Cups


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5 lb

15 oz





Dagim Flounder Fillets


7 oz

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12 count


Solomon’s Beef Frankfurters

Salted or Unsalted

$ 99



14 oz $ 99

Gourmet Glatt Cashews

All Sizes - 100 count


24 oz $ 99

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All Sizes


Kineret Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough



All Varieties 8.5 oz - 9 oz



38 oz


Clearly Elegant Pre-Cut Always Handy Powder-Free Gloves Clear Table Covers



Plastico 10” Plates

Folger’s Instant Coffee






8 - 12 oz



Heinz Ketchup


18.76 oz

Morningstar Burgers & Patties

Paesana Marinara & Pasta Sauces

Near East Couscous & Rice Pilaf



Emerald Almonds or Cashews

Mehadrin Yogurt



All Varieties All 12 oz Boxes



$ 49

32 oz


Lieber’s Mini Os Sandwich Cookies


8.8 oz

Bloom’s Box Cookies



Tnuva Light Feta Cheese

Smucker’s Grape Jam Or Jelly

Whole, Diced, Crushed, Sauce 28 oz/29oz


$ 99

Hunt’s Tomatoes

In Water or Oil - 4 PacK-5 oz Cans

Jack Daniel’s BBQ Sauce

5 28 oz/29 oz


48 oz




Bird’s Eye Sweet Corn 4 pack



Pas Burger & Frankfurter Buns


$ 99

8 pack

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Family Pack

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Seasoned or Breast Buffalo lb. Chicken $199 lb. of Veal Wings

Chuck $ 49 Eye 8 lb. (California) Roast ...................

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Sweet & Sour Corned or Italian $ 49 $ 49 Beef 9 lb. Seasoned 6 lb. 1st Cut Meatballs Brisket .ready . . . . . to . . .bake! ..........


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...................................................... Coke, Fresca, Sprite, Dr. Pepper, Seagram’s Brisk, Fanta, Barq’s Minute Maid, Fuze

99¢ Wow! 2 liter ......................................................

20 oz Cinnamon Toast Crunch, 15 oz Cookie Crisp, 21 oz Honey Nut Cheerios, 20 oz Cocoa Puffs, 18 oz Multigrain Cheerios


$ 49 Red & Green Grapes

Peacock Cantaloupe

Golden Delicious Apples





199 lb.


Cello 99¢ lb. Carrots



1 LB Bag

...................................................... Sabra Hummus

Snow White Cauliflower

Green Squash

All Varieties - 17 oz

89¢ lb.



Persian Cucumber $159 lb.

...................................................... Cavendish French Fries





32 oz

Gala Apples

Butternut Squash 69¢ lb.

Brussels 2/$ Sprouts

Red Potatoes

$ 99



99¢ lb.



Sumripe Grape Tomato

Fresh Eggplant





79¢ lb.

Spanish Onions

69¢ lb.

Red Radishes

59¢ lb.


79¢ ea.

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We reserve the right to limit quantities. No rain checks. Not responsible for typographical errors.

T H E J E W I S H H O M E n A U G U S T 2 1 , 2014


Around the



Five Towns Marriage Initiative Striving for Greatness in Our Marriages When a baby boy is born, there is a terminology used during the bris to describe the boy, stating, “Zeh hakatan gadol yihyeh,” this little body will one day become big. R’ Shimshon Pincus

explains that the term gadol refers to more than physical growth to adulthood. He says that true “bigness” is measured by the growth in awareness of Hashem in our lives, greater recognition

of Hashem and taking every opportunity to try to connect with Him. Hence it’s not the years that one will live or the height he will reach that will define his “bigness” in the eyes of Hashem, but


T H E J E W I S H H O M E n A U G U S T 2 1 , 2014


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rather the spiritual component that determines how big and how great he truly becomes. R’ Matisyahu Solomon explained that Yosef merited to be called “Yosef the Tzaddik,” not due to any brilliance or political prominence. Yosef merited sustaining his family through a time of famine and his descendent will be Moshiach ben Yosef. Yosef achieved royalty in Pharaoh’s palace and he merited to father two tribes. All the rewards Yosef received were because he overcame temptation with the wife of Potiphar, and that was the true measure of his “bigness” and greatness that made him deserved of the lofty title of “Yosef the righteous,” We, too, should strive to become big and great where and when it really counts. We should strive to make our marriages righteous and great and not merely plan to age gracefully with our spouse; our marriages should be ones that bring us closer to Hashem and strengthen our connection with Him, while impacting positively on those around us. The amount that a couple can accomplish as a unit far exceeds that which they could do as individuals and it is worthwhile to capitalize on that togetherness to truly become great. Five Towns Marriage Initiative provides educational programs, workshops and referrals to top marriage therapists. FTMI will help offset counseling costs when necessary and also runs an anonymous shalom bayis hotline for the entire community Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday evenings, 9:30-11p.m. For the hotline or more information, call 516430-5280 or email

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T H E J E W I S H H O M E n A U G U S T 2 1 , 2014


Around the



Hundreds Enjoy Yeshiva of South Shore’s 11th Annual Concert on the Lawn PHOTO CREDITS: IRA THOMAS CREATIONS

The Heller Resource Center at Yeshiva of South Shore had their event of the season—the 11th Annual Concert on the Lawn—at the lovely home of Jeff and Sharona Weinberg on Tuesday evening. Guests enjoyed the heartfelt songs and sweet voice

of Baruch Levine along with a sumptuous BBQ by Oasis Catering. The evening featured a surprise guest appearance by Gad Elbaz who performed some of his recent hit songs.

Klein’s Country is Now Tropical Fruity! The more things change, the more they stay the same! Achieving the delicate balance of constantly being innovative and on the cutting-edge, yet still upholding the integrity of being classical is no simple feat. Indeed, the geniuses at Klein’s kosher ice cream company have mastered this balance and turned it into an art form into the company principle which has served its consumers well for nearly six decades. Kosher consumers in Klein’s Country and across the United States have come to expect new, exciting Klein’s products in the freezer section of their local retailers and are known to anticipate the release of each new item. What is perhaps more surprising is the excitement still generated by Klein’s products that have been around for decades. It is indeed amazing how many customers continue to seek their ice cream and ices by name and don’t simply settle

for just any lesser quality products. “If it’s not Klein’s, it simply won’t do,” a mother was recently overheard telling her daughter as she sent her to the store to make a purchase. One of the most classic products that has satisfied consumers—young and old—for many decades is the Klein’s Fruit Bar. This frozen stick of deliciousness is crafted with 100% fruit

and is available in six tropical flavors: Cherry, Lime, Orange, Pineapple, Red Ruby and Strawberry. These Fruit Bars have satisfied palates, young and old, and been a trademark of summer for generations. As times progress and the many mom-and-pop groceries are giving way to larger supermarkets and mega-stores, Klein’s has responded to the call and be-

gan producing their yummy Fruit Bars in convenient 4-packs, which include a Lime, Orange, Pineapple and Strawberry bar in every box. The new packages are available in the freezer sections of fine retailers everywhere, right near the many other delectable Klein’s products that continue to be synonymous with summer, generation after generation. The Fruit Bars are perfect as a quick refreshing snack for the kids; for mothers, as a quiet, well-deserved refuge from the hubbub; for the fathers, as an energizing pick-me-up on the long drive up to the country; or as an elegant dessert to be served to guests on a hot Shabbos afternoon. No matter which flavor you choose or how many convenient 4 packs you purchase, Klein’s Fruit Bars are so fruity good, it’s like they grow right on a fruit tree!



District Attorney Ken Thompson Visits OHEL Kings County District Attorney Kenneth P. Thompson along with Wolf Sender, the D.A’s Jewish Liaison Officer, recently visited OHEL Children’s Home and Family Services. The meeting with OHEL co-presidents Moishe Hellman and Mel Zachter, OHEL board members, and senior OHEL staff was a welcome opportunity to share with the new D.A. the history of OHEL and the breadth of services provided to thousands of individuals and families in need. The D.A. visited one of OHEL’s many residences and met clients and staff, seeing firsthand how OHEL helps individuals thrive by effectively managing their disability, integrating them into the community and helping them grow in their independence. Right to left: Amy Bierig, Adam Lancer, Josh Mehlman, Mel Zachter, D.A. Ken Thompson, Moishe Hellman, Marc Hershkowitz, Moshe Zakheim, Wolf Sender, and David Mandel

Ner Israel Annual Breakfast to be Held on Labor Day at the Bobker Home On September 1, the Five Towns entered the Yeshiva, I began to appreciCommunity will welcome Rabbi Tzvi ate the far-reaching effect that Yeshiva Berkowitz, Rosh Yeshiva, and Rabbi education can have on one’s life and to Sheftel Neuberger, Menahel, of the Ner comprehend its benefits. I came to the United States at age 17. Yisroel Yeshiva to the annual breakfast of Ner Israel. Joe and Miriam Bobker At that point, due to the selfless efforts and teachings of my first and their children are Rebbe, Rabbi Yitzchok again hosting this annual Baalness, who was the event at 189 Wildacre in Rav and leading educaLawrence and look fortor in Shiraz, my Judaic ward to greeting you perbackground was above sonally. average for Persian Jews Since its founding of my age, yet far below in 1933, Ner Yisroel that of the yeshiva. In has welcomed students our school in Shiraz, we from all over the world. followed the government Known for its Klal Yiscurriculum and this alrael approach and for inlowed only about 6- 8 stilling a sense of achrayus, responsibility, in its Rabbi Herman N. Neuberger zt’l hours a week for religious initiated the Iranian Program studies. I had learned students, the yeshiva has Chumash with Rashi, many alumni in the Five Towns who serve as professional and lay some halacha and a little Mishna. When I entered the yeshiva, I spent one day leaders. One example of this has been the in the preparatory class of Rabbi Noshistory of opening the yeshiva to waves son Friedman, then I moved to the regof talmidim fleeing Iran. The yeshiva ular ninth grade shiur of Rabbi Simcha and its supporters can take pride in our Cook and a few months later to the 11th efforts to help other Jews in times of tur- grade shiur of Rabbi Tzvi Dov Slanger. By Chanukah, I was promoted to the first moil. year Bais Medrash shiur. In each of the classes, I was in way over my head, but I “Rabbi Neuberger Would Be persevered and made it. Very Proud” Rabbi Herman N. Neuberger initiatRabbi Eliyahu Hakakian, Director of Ner Israel’s Iranian Program, recently ed the Iranian Program with one goal in spoke with The Jewish Home about Ner mind but it worked out differently. OrigIsrael’s efforts for Iranian students, of inally, Ner Israel was going to train a cadre of Persian boys who would go back which he, himself, is a product. I first came to Baltimore in 1984 to to lead their communities. Instead, then join a brother who lives here. When I came the Iranian Revolution and not only

did the boys stay, but they prepared the way for waves of others fleeing Iran. There were essentially three waves. The first group came in 1979 and was met by Rabbi David Zargari, who helped them adjust. When he left for Los Angeles, his place was taken by Rabbi Daniel Shaliasaboo, who later went to Great Neck; I came in the second wave in 1984. By the time the third wave came in 1996, I was asked to lead the program. I would estimate that over the years, at least a thousand Persian students have passed through Ner Israel, some staying longer and others only for a shorter time. Rabbi Neuberger foresaw that these young men would not only be the rabbis and teachers but many would be lay leaders of the transplanted Iranian community. We are now getting second generation students also, who have grown up in the United States. Rabbi Neuberger insisted that we not only be mainstreamed into the Yeshiva but that we maintain our Persian customs and practices. He even used to join us sometimes at our Sephardic Minyan on Shabbat. Over the years, I was involved in various projects to help our students. We created a summer program for the boys and set up a system to help them with their physical needs up to and beyond wedding expenses. Rabbi Neuberger supported me in these efforts and was personally involved helping us in our lives. He was a father to all of the Iranian students. At present, Ner Israel has about 40 Persian students and another 20 married men in the Kollel. This Kollel continues

to produce rabbinic and lay leaders for our communities. Our Persian alumni include learned rabbis who are leaders and educators in Persian communities both here and in Israel, as well as doctors, lawyers, and businessmen who continue to be involved in Torah learning. I am married to the daughter of a Holocaust survivor, Mr. Gershon Gershon, from Kazmiriez-Dolny, Poland, who learned in Baranovitch under Rav Elchonon Wasserman. Her mother is the daughter of late Mr. and Mrs. Louis Miller, prominent members of the Baltimore community. As time has moved on, and we have been blessed to be joined by our parents and families from Iran, Baltimore has developed an Iranian Jewish community with a number of synagogues. Recently, some of my talmidim in their 30’s, who are professionals, asked me to be involved and lead a new minyan. I proudly juggle my campus responsibilities with being in town to help strengthen the young married members of our community as they build their lives. Rabbi Neuberger has a lot to be proud of. He was the visionary who opened his heart and welcomed us into the yeshiva and the yeshiva’s way of life. Today his dream lives on and we are proud to be a part of that legacy. Our challenge is to reach out to the members of the Iranian Jewish community who, in the course of becoming Americanized, are encountering for the first time intermarriage and assimilation. We need leaders who can help us preserve our heritage. That is our mission.

59 T H E J E W I S H H O M E n A U G U S T 2 1 , 2014

Around the


T H ET JHEE W G UAYS T2 24 1, ,2012 2014 J EI SWHI SHHO MH EO MnE AnU M

60 78

Watergate Trivia Redux

Riddle! Mr. Pitman was a very rich man who liked to see how smart the local kids were. One day, he came into town with a little safe and announced that there was $1,000 in the safe for anyone who could get it open. He showed the crowd five different colored keys and the person who figured out which key was the correct one for the safe got to keep the money. Using the clues, do you think you could figure it out and win $1,000? Red: This key is somewhere to the left of the key to the door. Blue: This key is not at one of the ends. Green: This key is three spaces away from the key to the door (2 between). Yellow: This key is next to the key to the door. Orange: This key is in the middle. Answer on next page

You Gotta be


As your Centerfold Commissioner, last week I was summoned to do a Watergate Trivia in honor of the 40th anniversary of Mr. Nixon’s resignation. I laid down my non-alcoholic martini and got to writing. It turns out that in my summer stupor, I mismatched two of the answers. Normal people make mistakes; Centerfold Commissioners do not. As such, “I hereby resign the Office of Centerfold Commissioner of The Jewish Home.” Well, maybe not…I don’t want to cause mass demonstrations. Anyway, let’s try this again; here are the two questions with the correct answers: 1. On what basis did Nixon argue that he shouldn’t have to hand over the White House tapes? a. The Right to Privacy b. Executive Privilege c. Due Process d. National Security concerns 2. How was the burglary on the Democratic National Committee’s office uncovered? a. Nixon’s campaign started using information that only the DNC had, which led to an investigation which uncovered the burglary b. One of the burglars told his friend and the friend went to the press c. The burglars were seen on videotapes which were present in various parts of the DNC’s offices d. The burglars used tape to hold open the latches on door locks and a sharp-eyed security guard saw some tape which was left there and called the police Answers 1. B 2. D

A state trooper pulls a car over on a lonely back road and approaches the driver and asks for his license. The officer sees that the driver, Jimbo, has a fairly clean driving record so he says, “Jimbo, is there a reason that you’re weaving all over the road?” Jimbo replies, “Oh, officer, thank goodness you’re here! I almost had an accident. I looked up and there was a tree right in front of me. I swerved to the left and there was another tree in front of me. I swerved to the right and there was another tree in front of me!” Reaching through the window to the rearview mirror, the officer replies, “Jimbo, that’s your air freshener.”

61 79 T HT HE EJ JE EWWI SI SHHHHOOMME E nn AMUAY G U2S4T , 22012 1 , 2014

Dog Days Trivia Information obtained from National Hot Dog & Sausage Council, Washington, D.C.

1. Name the only Major League Baseball ballpark that sells more sausages than hot dogs per season? a. Yankee Stadium in New York b. Wrigley Field in Chicago c. Dodger Stadium in Los Angeles d. Miller Park in Milwaukee 2. What is the average weight, fully loaded, of a baseball park hot dog vendor’s bin? a. 25 lbs b. b. 100 lbs c. c. 10 lbs d. d. 40 lbs 3. It is well known that Babe Ruth loved hot dogs. In fact, he once ate how many hot dogs between two games of a double header? a. 2 b. 5 c. 8 d. 12 4. How many hotdogs do Americans eat between Memorial Day and Labor Day? a. 80 million b. 300 million c. 750 million d. 7 billion 5. In which city are the most hot dogs eaten? a. Dallas b. New York City c. Chicago d. Los Angeles 6. How much does Thomas Makkos pay the city every year to sell hot dogs at a pushcart outside of the New York Metropolitan Museum of Art? a. $17,050 b. $24,320 c. $68,552 d. $415,670 Answers 1 - D. Out of all 30 MLB parks, Miller Park in Milwaukee is the only

one in which sausages outsell hotdogs per season. Miller Park is home to the famous “Sausage Race” during each game. 2- D. A fully loaded bin weights approximately 40 pounds—and vendors typically walk 4 to 5 miles per game, up and down steps. 3- D. Legend has it the Babe once ate 12 hot dogs and eight bottles of soda between games of a doubleheader. 4 - D. Americans eat 7 billion hot dogs during peak season, from Memorial Day to Labor Day. That’s 818 hot dogs per second. 5 - D. Los Angeles residents consume more hot dogs than any other city, beating out New York and San Antonio/Corpus Christi, Texas. 6 - D. Thomas Makkos pays $415,670 per year for the city’s top dog spot, which is right outside of the Met. That’s right—what do all of those “cultured stiff shirts” want after staring at Rembrandts for 6 hours? A hot dog with sauerkraut and baked beans! A bunch of frauds! So how did you do? 4-6 correct: You are really good at hot dog trivia. Give yourself a pat on the back…if your hand can actually reach that far. 1-3 correct: You are just a typical American…make sure to get your 47 hot dogs this summer. 0 correct: Truth is I can’t figure you out. You played the game so you can’t be such a “stiff.” But you didn’t even get 1 answer right! Maybe you Comm Let the are just in a hot dog-inission duced coma. er d

Answer to riddle: The order (from left to right) is Green, Red, Orange, Blue, Yellow. The blue key is the key to the door.


ecide Send your s tuff to c

fivetow enterfold@ nsjewis hhome. com

T H E J E W I S H H O M E n A U G U S T 2 1 , 2014


The Shmuz

R’ Ben Tzion Shafier

Parshas Re’eh

Life: The School of Growth “See I have placed in front of you today a blessing and a curse. The blessing: if you will listen to all of the mitzvahs of Hashem your G-d as I have commanded you today…” — Devarim 11:21 There are two paths in front of you… In these posukim, the Torah sets out two divergent paths. One path leads to ultimate success and blessing, and the other to devastation and curses. If you follow in the ways of Hashem, you will be richly rewarded. You will look back at your years of sacrifice with enormous joy and satisfaction, saying to yourself, “Whatever price I paid was so worth it. I am now being compensated beyond anything I could have imagined.” On the other hand, if you don’t follow the Torah’s ways, there will come a time when

you will deeply regret your mistake and you will look back and say, “Woe is me! How could I have been so foolish? How could I have chosen so poorly?”


A Mashal for Life The Daas Zakainim brings light to this concept with a mashal. He says it is comparable to a crossroads. One road begins as a difficult thorny trail, then it opens up, and the rest of the way is clear. The other path begins as a smooth

This Daas Zakainim is difficult to understand because the meanings of the posukim seem self-evident – serve Hashem and you will receive blessing; violate the mitzvos and you will be cursed. It doesn’t seem that he is adding much to our understanding with this


passageway, but ends in a thicket of thorns. An old man sits at the crossroads and warns the passersby, “Be careful. This road begins smoothly, but ends up all thorns. Rather choose the other road. Even though it begins as a difficult path, it opens up and will carry you well.” Anyone who listens to the man will work at the outset of his journey, but will travel in peace the rest of the way; whereas anyone who ignores the advice of the old man will get caught in the thorns for rest of his passage. The Daas Zakainim explains that this is what the Torah is telling us. If a man sins and follows his inclinations, he will find comfort in this world, but when he dies, he will go to Gehennom, which is all thorns. However, if one works in this world and labors in Torah study and mitzvos, he will merit the World to Come, which is all goodness, joy, and happiness.



  

mashal. If the point is that punishment and reward aren’t in this world, but rather in the Next, that concept doesn’t need a parable. Simply state, “The Torah is referring to the World to Come.” What point is the Daas Zakainim trying to bring home to us with this mashal? To understand this, we need a different perspective of life. Progressive Weight Training A rather yeshivishe fellow went to a power-lifting gym to learn how to work out. As a kid, he had little experience with sports and was clearly out of his element. Recognizing this, the coach showed him various exercises and worked closely with him. One day, this fellow was overheard saying, “That coach, I don’t know what’s with him. Every time I get the exercise right, he goes and adds more weight to the bar. What’s wrong with him?” The point this fellow missed was that progressive weight training is all about increasing the load. The goal of the activity is to coax the body to grow. By gradually increasing the work load, the body is called upon to respond. The work should never be easy. The nature of the activity is to incrementally increase the demand placed on the body, thereby causing it to grow. This is a good parable because in life we are put into many situations. If a person doesn’t understand why he is on this planet, he will have many questions. Why is life so difficult? Why is it that when I finally get things under control, a whole new set of circumstances arises that sets everything out of kilter? Why can’t life just be easy? The point that he is missing is the very purpose of life. Hashem put us on

this planet to grow. Many of the challenges and situations are given to us specifically for that reason. It isn’t by accident, and it isn’t because Hashem doesn’t pay attention. Quite the opposite; these situations were hand-designed to demand from us. They are catalysts to change who we are. In weight training, the movement of the bar isn’t the significant part; the demand on the body is. So, too, in life, the situations I face are far less significant than my reactions to them. Who I become is a result of my attitude and the way I handle my challenges. When a person understands this perspective, then life itself makes sense. If not, then the situations in life seem arbitrary and unfair. The answer to the Daas Zakainim seems to be that this mashal defines our path in life. The road that we are being asked to take isn’t easy. It isn’t laden with roses and doesn’t smell like lilacs. It has thorns. A life properly led will have moments of doubt, pain, and confusion. That doesn’t mean that we are on the wrong path. Quite the opposite: if life is going too smoothly, it’s a bad sign. Since the purpose of life is to grow, we need the challenges of life to help us reach our potential. If the road is too level, that is likely a sign that we have chosen the wrong path. Hashem wants us to enjoy our stay on this planet, but there is a plan and a purpose to it all. If a person lives his life in accordance with the Torah, he finds deep satisfaction, an inner sense of peace and tranquility, and true simcha. But it isn’t a walk in the park. There is much work along the way. There are trials, travails, and circumstances that demand growth. If a person responds appropriately, he finds a sense of inner peace because he is in synch with his purpose in life. That sense of balance is an indicator that he is on the right path, and the work that he puts in on that path will bring him to true joy, happiness, and elation in this world, and much more so in the World to Come. Get the new Shmuz APP! Access hundreds of audio, videos, and articles from the Shmuz. Simply go to the App store, or Google Play, and search for “TheShmuz” or go to www.



he use of the verb re’eih by the Torah to begin this week’s Torah reading indicates that the seemingly complicated and abstract choices in life regarding faith and doubt, good and evil, right and wrong, and life and death are really simple ones. The word re’eih denotes something that can be seen with the naked eye and needs no great thought or judgment to identify it. The Torah implies here that life can indeed be a matter of simple correct choices that in reality are not difficult to make. But how can these simple choices truly be seen and discerned? We are witness to the fact that a great deal of humanity, if not even the majority, makes very wrong choices in personal and national life. War, strife, angst and disputes govern human life and have done so for millennia. All of these are undoubtedly wrong choices but if it is so simple and clear as to what the correct choice should be, then why do humans continue to make wrong and harmful choices? So it is difficult for us to completely under-

Rabbi Berel Wein

Parshas Re’eh NOT KNOWING THE PAST ALWAYS BLINDS THE PRESENT AND DIMS THE FUTURE. stand why the Torah should, almost cavalierly, say that if one but sees with one’s own vision, one will unerringly make a correct choice in life. The Torah seems to indicate that the choices in life are stark and clear and that there is very little if any grey area surrounding or encompassing these issues. Would that this would be true. But all of us are aware that there are great complications in life and that easy choices are rare and not very forthcoming. I think that the “seeing” part of decision-making that the Torah envisions

here extends to a knowledge and view of past events and of history generally. The Torah in essence tells us to look at what has gone before us, to see what decisions were made then and what the results of those decisions were, before making any current choices or decisions. Not knowing the past always blinds the present and dims the future. Look at what happened to millions of Jews who abandoned their faith and observances, with their absent generations and the misfortune that they brought upon themselves and the Jewish people generally. Be aware of

those who placed their faith in Western civilization and not in the G-d of Israel or the destiny of the Jewish people. See how unforgiving history is of wrong decisions and of the pursuit of vanity, the lure of passing political correctness and of the faddish culture of the time. See and understand the fate of those Jews who no longer considered themselves Jewish but were destined to nevertheless be Jewish by the definition of a hateful anti-Semitic society. In the eyes of history and of nonJewish society there are no liberal or conservative, wealthy or poor, observant or less observant Jews. There are only Jews. This is a clear lesson of history that literally shouts at us and waves itself in front of our eyes. The Torah is therefore completely correct in using the verb re’eih in dealing with the pivotal decisions of life that Jews and Jewish society are always faced with. Good vision and knowledge of the past will always help us find the right path for us and for all of Israel. Shabbat shalom.

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T H E J E W I S H H O M E n A U G U S T 2 1 , 2014

Torah Thought

64 88 T H E TJHEEWJ EI SWHI SHHO MHEO MnE AnU M G UAYS T2241, ,2012 2014

37 Years of Caring for the Community BY TAMAR SULLIVAN



n August 30, 1989, a little girl named Angela Policastro was born suffering from severe brain damage and requiring 24-hour nursing care. Home care was nearly impossible, and there were no local Long Island facilities that could care for her. Her parents sent her to a facility in Connecticut, but she did not live long past her first birthday. After the Policastros’ heartrending tragedy, Assemblyman Harvey Weisenberg (D-Long Island) made it a personal mission to join the Policastros in their mission to advocate for the needs of developmentally disabled children in New York. The result was Angela’s House, Long Island’s first residential home for children in need of roundthe-clock medical care. There they receive not just medical care, but also acknowledgement, support, and love – basic needs that get chronically overlooked in underfunded facilities.

vide services to handicapped children and adults and has achieved far-reaching legislation to protect both the disabled and their direct caregivers. He has even expanded health insurance coverage for screening, diagnosing, and treating autism spectrum disorders. Working not just from the confines of his office but also visiting classrooms, residential facilities, and families, Mr. Weisenberg has singlehandedly made the impossible possible for so many disabled children and their families. In a very touching case in point, the 80-year-old assemblyman himself, along with many Long Beach lifeguards, takes children with autism and other disorders to the beach every summer to experience the thrill of surfing. If anyone views the title of “public servant” as a directive and a responsibility, it is certainly Mr. Weisenberg. Besides being a staunch advocate for people with special needs, other examples of his noteworthy accomplishments include ensuring that local first responders have adequate up-to-date equipment, strengthening New York’s laws against violent criminals, increasing penalties to vehicular criminals, and making the use of electronic devices while driving a maWith Assemblyman Phil Goldfeder and Lawrence Trustee Michael Fragin jor violation. In the following interview, Mr. Weisenberg speaks to TJH about his faith, his family, and his legacy. After almost 40 years in public office, Assemblyman Weisenberg is retiring this December, though You have helped your community in so many not without leaving an extraordinary legacy. His far-reaching ways and you go the extra mile to tireless devotion and work on behalf of people with help even single individuals. How would you dedevelopmental disabilities has secured hundreds fine your guiding principles over the course of of thousands of dollars for organizations that pro- your career?

Assisting the community after Hurricane Sandy

I believe that G-d blessed me with my incredible wife and family. One of my children, Ricky, is a special child who is 56 years old and has never spoken a word. He has had a very difficult life and has been through a lot. Giving to Ricky so selflessly for so many years has been the framework from which I approach my place in this world. I certainly believe that G-d’s mission for me was to put a face on special children so that people can understand what they are all about. Parents of these children are handpicked by G-d – there’s no doubt about it. They see what their children can do, not what they cannot do. Who or what was your first inspiration for selflessness? First and foremost, my mother. She was a social worker without being an “official” social worker. She was everyone’s friend and mentor, always helping everyone around her through life’s challenges. She taught me the greatest lesson I’ve ever learned: you get happiness out of life by doing good for other people, and that is the greatest measure of success. Secondly, becoming a parent to Ricky taught me

so much about selflessness and unconditional love. I have put countless hours into ensuring Ricky’s well-being, and what I receive in return – a smile, a touch, a head on my shoulder – give me happiness beyond words. It’s love in the purest sense. How has being a parent to Ricky influenced your role as a husband? Thank G-d, despite all the stress and challenges of having a special child, my marriage never faltered. My wife and I are always together, and we always prioritized our marriage to each other no matter what else was going on. As an aside, on one of our anniversaries, I had a bench installed on the Long Beach boardwalk. On it is an inscription that says, “Dedicated to Ricky, our special child, and to all special children for the joy and happiness they bring to our world.” When I presented it to her, all our family members were there, and it was a really poignant and moving day for us. When we took our usual run on the boardwalk the next day, we saw flowers on that bench. It meant so much to us that we had touched someone’s heart with that inscription.

had strong family values. Now people run after dollars, and they are more important than people. We have a society that has moved away from religious foundations, from goodness, from life. Technology is taking away from personal communication. Our families aren’t families anymore. Our politicians try to get re-elected at the expense of the public’s health and safety. We still have some good people in government, but we are moving away from a caring world where everyone looks out for each other.

What would you say is your biggest accomplishment in public service? I kept my commitment to be the voice for those who have no voice, and I helped restore $90 million to New York’s developmentally disabled population. But above all, my happiness comes from the

Looking back on a very successful career, is there anything you would do differently if you could do it over? No, I don’t focus on mistakes – I learn from them.


sincere and heartfelt gratitude I get from the people I’ve helped. I have had the privilege to serve people’s real needs.

What do you think having Ricky as a brother has taught your other four children? Ricky is the oldest. My other children, Russell, Julie, Gregg, and Vicki, all recognize the blessing of not having the challenges that special children have. Many of their peers did not have the awareness and the sensitivity they had. They’ve also learned that life is about giving, not about getting. What are the biggest challenges of being an assemblyman today? When politics takes over government. When I ran for office, I ran as an Independent Democrat because values are more important than my political views. I never had any political aspirations – I was a special education teacher, a basketball coach, a lifeguard, and a policeman. I went into government in order to be a voice for the people – to serve the public’s needs, not to play politics. How did your other professions prepare you to be an assemblyman? Everything I did professionally inspired me to realize how essential it is for people to have a voice

What was the biggest crisis you had to deal with in government? The abuse of special children in state facilities. Because his caregivers were overworked and underpaid, a special child named Jonathan was abused and died as a result. That was what prompted Jonathan’s Law [which mandates that parents receive swift notification and access to reports of abuse their child may have suffered in such a facility]. Since then, I have been motivated to protect direct caregivers and ensure they receive a raise. Caregivers are surrogate parents to our children!

Tell me about your successor. How can someone possibly follow in your altruistic footsteps? I endorsed Todd Kaminsky, who used to be a federal prosecutor. He is young, bright, and has strong family roots here. We share similar values. I am confident that he can take off where I left off. He will be a great asset to the state of New York. And he is running as an Independent Democrat partly because I’ve encouraged him to stay apolitical. What do you plan to do now that you are retiring? I’m going to advocate for awareness for special children, and I’m going to love my wife and my children everyday.

With Rabbi Chaim Wakslak of Long Beach and Speaker Sheldon Silver

What is the biggest change, for better or worse, you observed in your district during your 37 years in public office? Our communities have moved away from being happy and values-centered to angry and violent. We didn’t used to lock our doors, we didn’t worry so much about children’s safety, and average people

What advice would you give to other families with special children? To remember that there is nothing greater or more virtuous than being a giver, and to relish the small signs of love from your special children – the greatest return on investment that can ever be had. Whether or not they realize it, thousands of people are indebted to you for the public services and legislation you brought to your district and to the state of New York. In your nearly four decades in public office, you’ve accomplished more than most of us accomplish in our lifetimes. Thank you so very TJH much. 


At an event at Peninsula Public Library in Lawrence with County Executive Ed Mangano

in government. For example, having been a policeman led me to write Leandra’s Law [making it a felony to drive while intoxicated when a child is in the vehicle] and to make it a crime to leave the scene of an accident. I could name countless other bills we championed for the sake of accountability and safety. Having been a lifeguard, I passed environmental bills protecting our natural resources. Every elementary school child in Long Beach learns how to swim. I also created a junior lifeguard program, where kids learn CPR, environmentalism, sunscreen safety, etc. Having been a special education teacher, I am a very strong advocate for public education and reform. My philosophy is to develop the potential of every single child by providing opportunities to flourish and excel.

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Mayor Andrew J. Parise

From the Battle of the Bulge to Cedarhurst Village Hall By Tammy Mark












PAST THE IMPRESSIVE CEDARHURST VILLAGE HALL OR RELAXING AT THE PICTURESQUE ANDREW J. PARISE PARK, CEDARHURST RESIDENTS CAN’T HELP BUT THINK OF THE MAN WHO IS THE HEART AND SOUL OF THEIR BELOVED TOWN. Andrew Parise has been the mayor of the Village of Cedarhurst since 1995. Incorporated in 1910, the Village of Cedarhurst is a part of the Town of Hempstead, and Mayor Parise has been an integral part of the neighborhood for most of his 90 years. Born and bred in the Five Towns, Mayor Parise grew up in Inwood and attended the Lawrence Public Schools. He went off to war, departing for basic training from the Cedarhurst train station, and returned here after helping defeat the Nazis. He married his high school sweetheart Lillian, who grew up across the street from his childhood home, and together they raised three children in Cedarhurst. He owned a paint and hardware store in Inwood. He fondly remembers a time when orchards lined the streets of Rockaway Turnpike where the gas stations now stand. Mayor Parise is a true hometown guy, and it shows through in him all that he does. One of his favorite pastimes is cruising up and down the streets of Cedarhurst to see where improvements are needed. His namesake park across

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mediate future. As a former small business owner, the mayor is happy to see small business owners thrive. As a product of the Lawrence Public Schools, Mayor Parise is proud to see the progress of local Lawrence School District #15. “Superintendent

Remembering our veterans at the Memorial Day Parade in Cedarhurst

Gary Schall is doing a super job,” says Parise. “He gets the community together.” The mayor appreciates the many individuals on the School Board who are dedicated to the success of all of the children in the district.


ike many of his other experiences, Parise’s career in public service also began in the Five Towns. His career was actually cultivated through a friendship he made while at Lawrence High School. Parise’s predeces-

“It’s a different world than what we fought for.” nized by the Cedarhurst Business Improvement District. A percentage of business taxes are used to help develop and promote Cedarhurst commerce. All of the Cedarhurst business owners have a stake in the success of the village, trying to fill empty stores and help with issues like parking areas and meters. Cedarhurst retail spaces are almost at full occupancy, with the remainder of vacancies slated to be filled in the im-

Farina became mayor in 1971, he appointed Parise as a Village Trustee. Parise went on to become the Deputy Mayor and eventually replaced Farina when he retired. Mayor Parise is now serving his 11th term, a total of 60 years in public service so far.

sor, former Mayor Nicholas Farina, had been his high school civics teacher. He encouraged Parise to join the Kiwanis club upon his return from the military. Farina went on to become the Principal at the Number 5 School, as well as Parise’s mentor and lifelong friend. Parise began working in the New York State Assembly in 1954 and for the Town of Hempstead in 1956. He remained there for 35 years. When

The mayor is very happy with the state of the Cedarhurst Village community. He has one more year to go as mayor and is happy to say that he has run uncontested each time. He loves the people and appreciates all of their support. “The Board of Trustees does a great job. They are very dedicated to the community,” he adds. While it can be often difficult and frustrating to navigate the larger government agencies, Mayor Parise is able to secure grants and donations for most village improvements thanks to all of his years of experience and the relationships he has formed. The beautification of the streets is done at no expense to taxpayers, and Cedarhurst currently boasts the lowest taxes in Nassau County. The most pressing issue that the mayor is dealing with at this time is the improvement of the low lying areas and flood zones off of Peninsula Boulevard. One major concern is Jamaica Bay and Mott’s Creek near Lawrence High School. He is currently working on securing county and state funding and resources necessary to deal with these vital projects.


arise has always been committed to getting the job done. His remarkable military career began

in 1942, when he enlisted immediately following high school graduation. He served 154 days on the frontlines of World War II, in eleven major battles. During that time, he went up against the Nazis, braved the brutally cold winter, and suffered injuries to both of his legs. He fought in the infamous Battle of the Bulge, the longest and fiercest land battle by the U.S. Army, and was awarded the Purple Heart military decoration along with several other medals and awards. One of his most significant memories was the liberation of the Buchenwald concentration camp. In April of 1945, young Parise and his fellow soldiers saw proof of the mass murders of the Holocaust – ovens, torture chambers and human remains. The men were brought in to bear witness to the atrocities of war and to be witnesses to history. From his military prowess to his many years of public service, Mayor Parise’s wisdom can’t be overlooked when discussing current world issues, like the war in Gaza and the extremists’ targeting of Christians. “I find it very sad. It’s a different world than what we fought for. For those that have to go in now, they don’t know their enemy,” says Parise. “Netanyahu is a great guy, having to stand up for his people while people are shooting at them.” “Our country is not into it like they used to be. It’s incomprehensible. The world was different and we were different,” he laments. “People don’t have the gumption to get together and do something about it.” Mayor Parise became involved in public service simply “to do things for people.” His desire to help has always been evident, from his time spent serving his country to his many years at the Town of Hempstead, where he even set up a mobile van to go village to village in order to connect with the people. Being able to make a real difference in people’s lives is very important to him. “The more local government is the one that is able to be the most responsive. It’s very gratifying now to know that people can call my office, and I can help them directly and quickly.” If he’s not out surveying the streets of his beloved Cedarhurst, you can find him in his office at the Village Hall, where he is proud to say that he often answers his own phone and his door is rarely TJH closed. 


from the Village Hall is one of his favorite places, a tranquil spot he is extremely proud of. Formerly known as Cedarhurst Park, Andrew J. Parise Park is the jewel of the neighborhood, hosting many community events. The park features a handicap accessible playground, ball fields, a gazebo and the 9/11 Memorial Plaza. The flagpole erected in 1922 pays tribute to local veterans dating back to World War I. Thanks to a donation from the National Council of Jewish Women, the playground has blossomed. The Council has partnered with the Village and is committed to continued improvements and upgrades, with a new swing area as the most recent addition. The summer season brings the Tuesday Night Free Concerts Under the Gazebo. Featuring a different style of music and pre-show entertainment each week, the performances represent the diversity and the unity of the unique community of Cedarhurst. Local corporate and community sponsors help bring a range of musical genres. With theme nights like “Ireland in the Park” to “American Songbook,” the performances offer something for everyone. The “Jewish music night,” which was held on Tuesday of this week, is always a highlight of the series, bringing residents in droves. “The concerts are such a success. We are very proud of that,” Parise beams. “They brings families together.” Another annual summer event in Cedarhurst is the Sidewalk Sale, orga-


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Compiled by Nate Davis

“Say What?” President Obama went to the beach yesterday while he’s vacationing on Martha’s Vineyard. Which got weird when he took out his metal detector to search for $16 trillion in quarters. - Jimmy Fallon

1980’s rock star Bret Michaels is holding a motivational seminar at the Hard Rock Cafe in Orlando this September called “Life Rocks.” So if you’re going, yours doesn’t. - Seth Myers

Today is National Middle Child Day. And, appropriately, it won’t get any attention.

President Obama is apparently back on speaking terms with Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan. I guess their disagreements over Israel have made their relationship somewhat complicated. But not as complicated as the name, “Recep Tayyip Erdogan.” - Jimmy Fallon

- Seth Myers This is now a national, central issue, and anyone running for president needs to come up with a formula, or, in my opinion, they forfeit their right to be taken seriously. I’m amazed that we’re not hearing from leading candidates ... Chris Christie or Jeb Bush or Hillary Clinton. I land in New York this morning, and I see Chris Christie dancing. - Al Sharpton discussing the situation in Ferguson, Missouri, the day after Chris Christie danced at a fundraiser (and President Obama danced at a friend’s birthday party in Martha’s Vineyard)

You’re welcome. I’m awesome! - A charged-up Rick Perry after his Iowa State Fair speech when thanked by the moderator

I’m sorry. Our intentions were good. - Ethan Zuckerman writing in The Atlantic about his invention: popup ads To commemorate the 25th anniversary of “Field of Dreams,” the Iowa State Fair is displaying a 200-pound butter sculpture of Kevin Costner. Or as Paula Deen put it, “If you build it . . . I will come.” - Jimmy Fallon

There’s a luxury Middle Eastern airline that’s going to start offering first-class passengers a suite with bedrooms, a kitchenette, and shower. United Airlines says you can enjoy the same amenities if you cancel your flight and stay home. - Conan O’Brien

Oh, this isn’t good. The Secret Service just arrested 13 people in New Jersey who were making counterfeit money. Which got worse when the counterfeiters said, “Are you sure this isn’t something a seven-dollar bill can’t get me out of?” - Jimmy Fallon

I would have been inclined to talk about crimes against humanity, war crimes, and the crime of aggression, all of which I think can be shown have been perpetrated at various times during the history of the state of Israel….When [the term] “genocide” was invented there was no court at all. There was no court for crimes against humanity, but we have them now. And with a bit of luck and by twisting things and maneuvering we can get them before the courts. - William Schabas, who has been tapped to head the United Nations’ investigation into Israel’s actions during Operation Protective Edge, speaking at a 2013 conference about the Middle East

I bet you can tell I’m a woman and I suspect the rest of the world can, too. My past is littered with the bones of men who were foolish enough to think I was someone they could [not take seriously].

A 14-year-old Texas boy lived in a Walmart for four days before he was discovered. Employees got suspicious when they noticed something in a Walmart that was made in America. - Conan O’Brien

- New NBA Player’s Union head Michele Roberts to a gathering of NBA players During a fundraiser last night, President Obama suggested that one or more Supreme Court justices may retire soon. Which got awkward when Ruth Bader Ginsburg said, “You can have this gavel when you pry it out of my even colder, deader fingers.” - Jimmy Fallon

- Conan O’Brien A survey found that 75 percent of Americans don’t use up all their vacation days. While the rest apparently loaned them to President Obama—he’s on vacation again! - Jimmy Fallon An Oregon man called Portland police on Monday to report that traffic was being held up by a chicken attempting to cross a road. Then on Tuesday, he called back to report a priest and a rabbi walking into a bar. – Seth Myers

Yesterday a fight broke out between the Oakland Raiders and the Dallas Cowboys during a joint practice. Referees told them there’s a proper way for NFL players to settle their disputes. It’s called murder. - Conan O’Brien We are continuing our struggle. ALLAH IS OUR GOAL, THE PROPHET IS OUR LEADER, JIHAD IS OUR WAY, AND DEATH FOR ALLAH IS OUR MOST EXALTED WISH - Tweet sent out by the military arm of Hamas while they were in the middle of cease-fire talks in Egypt

People are still fighting about immigration. Congress is suing the president. I’m not saying things are bad, but the Middle East just sent diplomats to negotiate peace in our country. - Jimmy Fallon

I would contend that discussing police tactics from Martha’s Vineyard is not helpful to ultimately calming the situation. - Executive director of the Fraternal Order of Police Jim Pasco in an interview with The Hill, criticizing President Obama’s remarks about law enforcement in Ferguson, Missouri

Texas Governor Rick Perry has been indicted after he threatened to veto funding for a district attorney’s office unless she stepped down. He’s now the most controversial governor in the country — which is why today he got a gift basket from Chris Christie. - Jimmy Fallon

• Owner emeritus • Clippers Number One Fan - Names bestowed upon Shelly Sterling in the contract for the sale of the Clippers from her and her husband to Steve Ballmer

Kobe Bryant and Nike have teamed up to make a Beethoven-themed sneaker. They’re motto is “Play basketball like an 18th century deaf German.” - Conan O’Brien

I’m proud of us. We deserve this. – A looter in Ferguson, Missouri, to the Washington Post

Our sufferings today are the prelude of those you, Europeans and Western Christians, will also suffer in the near future…Please, try to understand us. Your liberal and democratic principles are worth nothing here. You must consider again our reality in the Middle East, because you are welcoming in your countries an ever growing number of Muslims. Also you are in danger. You must take strong and courageous decisions, even at the cost of contradicting your principles. You think all men are equal, but that is not true: Islam does not say that all men are equal. Your values are not their values. If you do not understand this soon enough, you will become the victims of the enemy you have welcomed in your home. – A warning by the recently-exiled Catholic archbishop of Mosul, Iraq, about radical Islam taking over the world

A woman was arrested at LaGuardia Airport this week after she was seen stealing an iPad and iPhone. The woman could be sentenced to as much as six months at LaGuardia. – Seth Myers

ISIS here

The world is exploding all over. - Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel addressing a group of Marines

Toronto Mayor Rob Ford said that he is still sober and he’ll never be caught doing anything illegal ever again. Then he said, “Unless someone’s taping me. Then I’ll get caught probably.” - Jimmy Fallon

I know it is the holiday period in our Western countries, but when people are dying, you must come back from vacation. - French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius in a radio interview in France, urging President Obama to return to the White House to deal with the ISIS threat This week a town in Minnesota elected a dog named Duke as its mayor. Yeah, they elected a mayor that … sleeps on the floor and eats out of the garbage. Then Toronto said, “Been there!” - Jimmy Fallon

- A sign being held up by a protestor in Ferguson, Missouri, while CNN was showing live footage of the demonstrations

Rob Ford also said that he is committed to living a healthier life, and his days of going to the liquor store are over. Which would be great, if he weren’t addicted to crack. - Ibid Customers at a Georgia Subway restaurant located inside a Walmart started throwing things at the workers because the store’s lettuce looked brown… because there is no customer with more discriminating taste than one who eats at a Georgia Subway in a Walmart. - Seth Myers

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Apple announced it will ban two toxic chemicals that are used in the production of iPhones. In a related story, that iPhone in your pocket right now is made of toxic chemicals.

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Forgotten Heroes

Avi Heiligman


20th Century Photographers


hotography in the 20th cenSeveral armies during WWI had tury greatly improved from photography units. Ernest Brooks its early days. The quality of worked for the British and before the the pictures were much better, it was war had the opportunity to photovery easy to cargraph the king ry a camera (no on a tiger huntmore portable ing trip to Africa. studio wagons!) Before and after and color phothe war he was tos made phoan official photographs more tographer for the easily accessible crown, although to the common he was dismissed man. For war in 1925. Brooks photographers, was appointed an this meant that official photograthey could take pher when Winaction photos ston Churchill, of combat and then a lieutenant show the people colonel, started a at home what war photography unit. was really like He was the only on the battlefield. photographer at Photograph taken in Israel by Robert Capa WWII ushered the Battle of the in a whole new Somme and conera of battlefield photography as ev- tinued taking pictures through the rest ery battlefield was extensively pho- of war. Brooks was on-hand for the tographed. Some of the world’s most Italian campaign and was awarded famous pictures came from the war the French Croix De Guerre for his and changed the way average people work. The pictures that he took were thought about fighting for freedom. “real,” which means that they weren’t

The Falling Soldier. Taken by Capa in Spain, the photo was later proven staged

staged, and showed the true face of battle. Pictures of injured soldiers or men in a trench showed the men and women back home what fighting in war really was about. Many of his subjects didn’t know he was taking pictures of them as he was allowed to wander around the battlefield. Silhouette photos were his signature, and his 4,400 photos of the war represented a full 10% of all British pictures for WWI. Many of Brooks’ pictures are now on display in the Imperial War Museum and most have been digitalized. However, Bob Smethurst and some of the treasures he rescued from the trash that isn’t always the case with many of the pictures taken by lesser known pho- sequent exam and became a photogratographers. British dustman (in Ameri- pher on ships. After a year in the army, ca known as a janitor) Bob Smethhurst he joined the Associated Press as a put together an incredible collection photographer and was sent to the Paof pictures he gathered from the trash cific following the marines on the path over a period of 36 years. These 5,000 to Japan. The marines invaded a straWWI photos probably were discard- tegic island that the air corps wanted ed after the veterans past away and for an advance airbase to bomb Japan. the family didn’t realize the value of Iwo Jima was invaded on February 19, them, both monetarily and historically. 1945, and Rosenthal was in the first Smethhurst has collected medals and wave of marines to land. other memorabilia from the trash and The island was dominated by 550is digitalizing many of these pictures foot Mount Surabachi and the peak and artifacts for public viewing. was taken on February 23. A few phoTwo American Jewish photogra- tojournalists also climbed to the peak phers from WWII have photos that and were there in time to witness the stood the test of time and have become marines raising the flag. 40 men from icons in American photojournalism. Easy Company from the 2nd Battalion, Joe Rosenthal had poor eyesight and 28th Regiment, 5th Marine Division therefore was rejected from the army. made the dangerous trek up the slopes Somehow, he managed to pass a sub- along with a flag that was to be placed

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Famous photo by Jewish photographer Robert Capa of troops struggling to get on the beach on D-Day

Photography has advanced greatly since its invention in the 1830s. Today, real time images are broadcast to commanders as they assess the best way to handle situations. The pictures that get sent back home are the ones forming opinions in civilian minds and can change the public view of a war. War photographers have a tough job, especially as unarmed civilians going into battle, and they perform it well.

This author wrote an article just on Capa in a past issue. Please email avi5 for the article.

Avi Heiligman is a weekly contributor to The Jewish Home. He welcomes your comments and suggestions.for future columns and can be reached at aviheiligman@


there if they took the mountain. Tag- landed on Normandy on D-Day, June ging along with the patrol was Staff 6, 1944. Out of the 106 pictures that he Sergeant Louis Lowery of Leather- took, only eleven survived a darkroom neck Magazine. He took a picture of disaster. Some of these became wellthe event which shows several men known as they showed troops strugaround an already raised flag. gling to come ashore. After the war, There were two problems with Capa traveled to the Soviet Union with the flag. One, it was too small to be famous author John Steinbeck and seen from the beach and Secretary of produced an account of their expedithe Navy James Forrestal decided that tion called “A Russian Journey” with he wanted it as a personal souvenir. Steinbeck writing and Capa’s pictures There was to be another patrol going illustrating the points. Capa also travup the mountain the next day with a eled to Israel after its founding in 1948 larger flag with Joe Rosenthal and two and the photos taken there still exist. other photographers joining the expe- He was killed when he stepped on a dition. The gomine in Vieting was rough nam while with and the group French troops considered goduring the First ing back down. Indochina War. However, they The most met Lowery famous Russian who told them picture of WWII that the view was taken by was amazing Yevgeny Khalfor pictures, so dei. It depicts a they continued. soldier raising a As they reached Soviet flag over the top, five mathe Reichstag in rines and one Berlin on May navy corpsman 2, 1945. This were about to picture has a lot raise the flag on of symbolism a captured Japato it as the Red nese water pipe. Army considFirst Iwo Jima flag raising Rosenthal alered it the home most missed the for Fascism. shot and had to take the picture with- The raising of the flag brought victory out using the viewfinder. Bill Genaust, in the Russians’ eyes and as this picone of the other photographers in the ture was sent back to the motherland, group, stood next to Rosenthal taking the civilians knew that the war was a video of the historic event. It was a over. one in a million shot, and it was immeBeing a photographer on the frontdiately sent to AP headquarters where lines is dangerous business. Marine the editor exclaimed, “Here’s one for Corporal William Perkins served as all time!” Within eighteen hours of be- a combat photographer with the 1st ing taken, the picture was being distributed. It was awarded the 1945 Pulitzer Prize for Photography. In the 1950s, a bronze statue was created from the image in the photo and now stands as the U.S. Marine Corps War Memorial in Arlington, Virginia. An iconic photo called “The Falling Soldier” was taken during the Spanish Civil War in September 1936. The photographer was another Jewish world traveler named Robert Capa. The photo depicts a Republican soldier after he was hit and about The famous photo of raising the flag over Iwo Jima to slump to the ground. Later, it was discovered that it was probably a staged photo but it brought the Marine Division in Vietnam. He was message home to civilians about how killed when he jumped on an incoming brutal war can be. Even though he was grenade to save the lives of his fellow Hungarian by birth, Capa was allowed marines. Perkins was awarded the only to join American troops into Europe as Medal of Honor given to a photograa photographer for Life magazine. He pher.

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o bring children to a love of Torah, you have to do it with love. I feel kind of stupid writing that because it seems so obvious. Yet, I’m plunging forward because I keep hearing hair-raising stories of doing it the other way. You know what I mean by the “other way”: yelling, threatening, saying, “Because I said so,” embarrassing the child, and sprinkling conversation with a litany of “No’s.” How did we get here? If it’s logical that you can’t teach love with anything but love, then where did all the other stuff, the bad stuff, come from? Maybe it will help if we break down the two key words of this big question: Torah and Love. What, exactly, are we teaching when we teach Torah? The correct answer is “everything.” Torah encompasses everything including who your friends are, how you speak to them, your desires for your future, how you go about doing your work, your connection to G-d—everything. That’s true for your children and it’s true for you. So once you’re looking to teach your children to want to keep Shabbos (not just half of it), it would be a good idea to assess how you yourself have been doing in the areas listed above: who your friends are, how you speak to people, where you are going with your life, how you do your work, your connection to G-d, and all that. There are two reasons to look at yourself first. The most obvious one is that kids are smart. They can pick up hypocrisy from miles away. You can’t stand there smoking a cigarette and tell

Deb Hirschhorn, Ph.D.

TJH Staff

On the Derech them that cigarettes are bad for your health. It doesn’t make much impact. They see that and they totally discount every word you say. The second reason is a bit deeper: If you’re going to teach Torah, then by definition, you have to be a role model of a Torah Jew. First of all, Shema tells parents that one of their most important jobs is to teach Torah to their children. Not only that, but to teach it all the time: when you get up, when you’re walking on the street, and when you lie down.

Difficult as it is, the answer is still “everything.” We’re back to that. The proof, of course, is Parshas Eikev which tells us not to neglect the “little” rules. But this is actually very good because now you know for sure that you can’t belittle speaking nicely—lovingly—to your daughter, your son, your wife, or your neighbor. You can’t say it’s “just a little thing” because that very fact makes it of equal importance to the rest of Torah. In fact, another source for this is the

IT’S ABOUT CONNECTING FROM YOUR HEART, IN A LOVING WAY. That doesn’t leave much room for anything else, does it? In order for a parent to be able to do this, during all that time he has to be following Torah himself. I don’t know how he would be able to not follow Torah and still manage to teach it throughout the course of a day. It also says in Parshas Acharei-Mos (Vayikra 18:5) that we are supposed to “live by” the laws that Hashem has given us. This again conjures up the image of a person incorporating Torah into his day: it’s his life! So if you have made it your business to follow Torah yourself, where do you start? What is most important?

book of Midrash in Vayikra Rabbah (9:3) which declares: derech eretz kadmah l’Torah (good manners, decency precedes Torah). The Torah itself states that there is a reciprocal loop between Torah and derech eretz: knowledge in one assists carrying out the other. (See Pirkei Avos 3:21) What this means to me is that in teaching your child to love Torah – or teaching anything to anyone for that matter – you have to have, at the very least, decency. Your approach must be civil, mannerly. So where does Love come in? Well, we are asked to emulate Hashem and He loves us. At least, He loves us when we haven’t gotten Him really, really angry. Now, this is confusing. Are we allowed to be angry or not? The short answer is “No.” In teaching children, the Rambam in Hilchos Dayos 2:3 says that you can pretend to be angry if that will help get a child to take you seriously. What’s the difference? Once you’re pretending, why not just be angry? I can remember when my children were little. I had three boys in a row, the youngest two being 20 months apart and the next two, 14 months apart. I had my work cut out for me! And I can tell you I very often had to give “the face” to make sure they understood that I was serious. But there is a world of difference between that and losing it. What’s more,

there is something very sound and good about looking angry but feeling love at the same time. What you convey to the child is how important the behavior is. When you are indeed angry, what you convey instead is pure rejection of the person. If a child feels rejected, how in the world can he come back to Torah? Your approach to your child is not about behavior and it’s not about clever things to say. It’s about connecting from your heart, in a loving way. So, let’s say your son steals your car keys and goes out and gets into an accident; let’s say your daughter sneaks through a window to hang out with the wrong people; let’s say your child is disrespectful: How do you approach that child with love instead of anger? The reality is that you allowed a whole lot of water under that bridge if your child’s connection to you is so lost that he would stoop to any of that. But it’s still not too late. Here are the steps to take: 1. Learn to love yourself. If that’s difficult, get outside help. You can’t love your child – or Torah – if you don’t love yourself. 2. Learn to connect with HaKadosh Baruch Hu. He is the Source of strength and help. That will enable you to pave the way for your child. 3. Apologize to your child for being weak, distant, not present, whatever. And determine to rectify that. 4. Set gentle and loving rules and share them with your child. 5. Attend to your child as though he is a real person, a person of meaning in your life. 6. Only then are you in a good position to lovingly share with him your most precious possession. Dr. Deb Hirschhorn, a Marriage & Family Therapist and best-selling author of The Healing Is Mutual: Marriage Empowerment Tools to Rebuild Trust and Respect—Together, is proud to announce that readers of The Jewish Home will receive a $50 discount on every visit to her Woodmere office. Listen to her new show called “Kids and Parents” on Chazaq Radio live from 3-4 on Thursdays. The call in phone number is 718-285-9132. Attend the Food For Thought lectures at Cravingz Cafe, 410 Central Ave, Cedarhurst, on Wednesdays at 10 AM. Any questions, call 646-54-DRDEB or check out her website at


Health & Fitness Dov Segal, MFT

Stretching: Is it Really that Helpful?


t’s five minutes before Shabbos. Going through the usual erev Shabbos rush, you quickly get dressed, sit down to tie your shoes, and realize you have a slight can’t reach down to your shoelaces. After calling your son for help, you feel determined to prevent this unfortunate predicament. No more procrastination—it’s time to stretch. Flexibility training (stretching) is not about becoming a world class gymnast. It’s about balancing the muscle groups you use or overuse during exercise and other activities or imbalances due to poor posture. Flexibility training provides many important benefits that cannot be achieved by any other exercise or activity. For starters, safe and effective flexibility training increases physical performance. A flexible joint greatly decreases your risk of injury, enabling your joints to move through a greater range of motion utilizing less energy. Recent studies show that slow, static stretching can also help reduce muscle soreness after exercise. Static stretching involves a slow, gradual and controlled elongation of the muscle through the full range of motion, held for 15-30 seconds, in the furthest comfortable, painless position. Stretching improves muscular balp ance and posture as well. Many people’s soft-tissue structures have adapted poorly to either the effects of gravity or poor postural habits. Stretching can

help realign soft tissue structures, thus reducing the effort it takes to achieve and maintain good posture in the activities of daily living. Stretching helps reduce the risk of lower back pain as well. A muscle in constant contraction requires more energy to accomplish activities. Flexibility in the hamstrings, hip flexors, quadriceps, and other muscles attached to the pelvis reduces stress to the lower back. Stretching also helps relax both mind and body, bringing a heightened sense of well-being and personal gratification during exercise. Flexibility training is one of the key components of a balanced fitness program, and should be incorporated into every exercise routine. Without flexibility training, you are missing an important part of overall health. One of the most common ways to check your level of flexibility is to see if you can touch your toes while standing up or sitting with both legs straight. If you find that you feel stiff, lacking in flexibility, suffering from bad posture or would like to increase your flexibility to improve your normal exercise routine, flexibility training is a must. Be sure to choose stretches that feel tolerable to you. If you ever feel shooting pain, numbness, tingling or unusual discomfort during a stretch, speak to a health professional before continuing. So keep stretching, and before you know it, you’ll be tying your shoelaces with ease.

Sit and Reach Stretch 1- Sit on the floor with your knees together and fully locked. 2-Extend your fingers as close to your toes as possible without bending your knees. 3-Hold for 2 rounds of 30 seconds.

Back/Shoulder Stretch 1-Starting on hands and knees, sit back on heels and extend arms out in front. 2-Extend your hands as far forward as possible without moving the hips. 3-Breathe normally. 4-Hold position for 20 seconds. Repeat 2 times.

Dov Segal is a master fitness trainer specializing in weight loss, post-rehab, muscle strength, back pain, and heart conditions. He has private studios located in Manhattan, Queens and the Five Towns. Female and male trainers are available. For more information, you can visit, email or call 347-619-9035.

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Focus on People Tamar Sullivan

An Inside Look at Camp Areivim TJH Chats with Yanky Hersh, Director of Camp Areivim ek we Every we inging r will be b inside you an one of look into unity’s our commps. cam

TS: Thank you for taking the time to speak with me. Can you tell me a little about how Camp Areivim started? YH: Camp Areivim started five years ago. Whereas most camps start with younger ages and eventually build up, we started with older boys and built down. It was a good opportunity to design a camp geared specifically for older boys and solidify a strong program for them. Three years ago, we branched out to younger age groups and added more divisions over the years. This year is the first year that we introduced our preschool division called Areivim Freshies, making Camp Areivim a premiere boys’ summer camp accommodating boys ages nursery through 8th grade.

Tell me about yourself. Did you grow up here? Is this your first time running a camp? I grew up in Flatbush and learned in Yeshiva Torah Temimah. When I was 17 years old, together with a group of friends, I started a camp in the Ukraine. That’s for another time, but it was an incredible experience that gave me tremendous insight into how to develop a successful camp program. When I got married, I became a rebbe in the Hebrew Academy of Cleveland. After my first year of teaching, I was asked to head their day camp and did so for six years. Seven years ago, I moved to Far Rockaway and became a fifth grade rebbe at Yeshiva Ketana of Long Island. After my first summer, a number of parents from the yeshiva approached me and asked me to start a camp for their older boys who weren’t going to sleep away camp. One thing turned into another, and Camp Areivim was born. In the first year of Camp Areivim, we had less than fifty 6th, 7th, and 8th graders. It was a tremendous success. It’s now five years later, and our enrollment has grown to over 500 boys, b’li ayin horah. How do you divide the groups and who runs each of them? Interestingly enough, although the camp has grown tremendously, I wanted to keep my original intent of providing each age group with its own personalized program. I’m extremely proud of how the camp has become four incredibly age-appropriate divisions that run like welloiled machines. Each division has its own individualized program highlighted in each one of its own weekly newsletters: The Freshies Flash, The Areivim Junior Herald, and The Areivim Times for the Seniors and MITs. It could only happen by having an extremely dedicated head staff. The MIT division, which stands for Madrich-In-Training, is for boys going into 8th and 9th grades. This group is headed by Rabbi Tsvi Greenfield, who is a very popular mechanech at Mesivta Ateres Yaa-

kov. They enjoy specialized overnights all over the East Coast every other week of camp. The senior division is for boys going into 5th, 6th, and 7th grades and is headed by another exemplary mechanech, the Assistant Menahel at Mesivta Ateres (L-R) Rabbi Yosef Friedler, Rabbi Yanky Hersh, Yaakov, Rabbi Yossi Bennett. Rabbi Yossi Bennett, Rabbi Tsvi Greenfield He is my right-hand man in running all of the day-to-day and behind-the-scenes aspects of camp. Besides being so friendly and personable with both staff and campers alike, he is phenomenal at taking care of every last detail of every program, ensuring that everything runs smoothly. Our junior program is for boys going into 2nd, 3rd, and 4th grades. It is headed by the very experienced and talented Rabbi Yosef Friedler, an incredible machenech who teaches alongside me during the year as a fifth grade Rebbe at YKLI. He puts lev v’nefesh into designing a program that is perfectly suited to this age group. Our freshies division is for boys in Nursery, Kindergarten, and Pre1A. Mrs. Bayla Barkany directs this division with her signature warmth, love, experience, and organizational skills. Together with Mrs. Adina Hoch, whose fun and bubbly personality adds so much to their division, it’s no wonder that their top-notch program is so successful. What are your division heads’ best qualities? Each one of them is able to perform an unbelievable balancing act! They are incredible at being responsible and organized while at the same time providing non-stop fun to the campers. Which activity do the campers look most forward to? It’s hard to say. We do so much and we present everything in such a fun way. Sometimes even the most ordinary of things becomes so much fun because of the way the staff gets into it. If I had to pick, I’d say that the Freshies and Juniors love their brandnew, huge commercial water inflatables. It’s like a carnival for them every day! For the Seniors and MITs, it is definitely the overnights and competitive leagues that are the most exciting parts of camp. Where do you take the boys on overnights? Every year we go to different places. This year, we took the boys to Connecticut, the Adirondacks, Philadelphia, and the Poconos. In past years, we’ve

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is always, “Where was this when I was a kid?!” It’s really incredible! We also gear our program to what the boys want and need. We understand the need for longer camp hours the older the boys get. Our Senior and MIT divisions have a full day beginning with minyan at 9:00 through dismissal at 5:30! Our staff is hand-picked throughout the school year. Our morahs in the Freshies division are married, experienced, and understand the sensitivities of the children. The same goes for our other divisions in which, aside from having caring and responsible counselors, many of our rebbeim remain on throughout the day as counselors and are joined by other married kollel yungerleit as well.

In a sports competition against other camps in the area, which sport would your campers have the best chance at winning? We have sports clinics for our Freshies and Juniors because we want to teach our campers from a very young age the rules, fundamentals, and techniques of how to play each game. So I am pretty confident that our camp can play any sport in any division against any camp and win!

Can you share a funny or memorable story that happened while you were camp director? Besides having a very structured program, there is a lot of spontaneity that goes on in camp. One year, on the way to a Staten Island Yankees game, the staff was trying to come up with a creative way to break out Color War later that day. Meanwhile, the boys on the buses were jumping up and down on their seats in excitement for the trip. Suddenly, a police officer stopped all the buses. He got on the first bus and yelled at all the kids to get in their seats. He lectured them about sitting down (and he was right). I signaled to the other staff, and as soon as he got off the bus, we screamed, “COLOR WAR!” I radioed to the other two buses receiving the same heated lecture to follow suit. It was perfect! Some parents later called to tell me how impressed they were that we were able to get the Staten Island police involved in our Color War breakout. I couldn’t say I planned it!

Can you tell me about the learning program at Camp Areivim? Our learning director, Rabbi Tzvi Medetsky, is unbelievable! He runs all of our learning programs. He is very hands-on and is involved in all the learning in every age group. He is also extremely creative! He has introduced a number of extracurricular learning programs with fantastic incentives for learning over Shabbos (Masmidei Areivim), reviewing shnayim mikrah v’echad targum, and all sorts of other ideas. He is so encouraging and ensures that the learning in Camp is both serious and geshmak! Our rebbeim are quite experienced and know how to motivate our campers. We have rebbeim who give safrus workshops, sukkah building projects, Erev Shabbos “Kiddush clubs,” and so much more. The goal is that our boys should feel the simcha and warmth of learning and to come into the next school year on a high. What do you do when it rains? Baruch Hashem, in addition to our spacious grounds, we also have a large, beautiful indoor facility at YKLI and a very creative head staff who always have very inventive and exciting ideas in their back pockets for rainy days. Our indoor gym is also very useful when it rains. Sometimes we will take the kids on local indoor trips if it’s raining or even run a scavenger hunt or capture the flag in the rain! Do you join the boys on their trips? Yes. Baruch Hashem, I have an amazing staff that allows me to spend more time being involved with the boys. I can go on the senior overnights with the confidence that everything is in good hands. Which was your favorite? It’s hard to name a favorite. One of many memorable moments was a minor league baseball game where Rabbi Bennett sang “G-d Bless America” in front of the entire stadium, and Rabbi Greenfield threw out the first pitch! Being that it was a surprise for the boys, they went wild! What makes your camp unique from others? It’s really a home away from home. We try to develop the achdus that makes the kids feel “we’re all in it together.” The atmosphere at camp is infectious. When parents or anyone else come to visit the camp, the reaction

What is your biggest programming flop, and how did you deal with it?

No matter how much planning goes into something, there is always the possibility of a curve ball being thrown. Sometimes a trip may get cancelled and we have to figure something out last minute. Like I said before, a lot has to do with the way the staff rolls with it. For example, there was a programming change this summer that turned into a very teachable moment. On the second overnight [to the Adirondacks], the shul the MITs were going to fell through. Since it was a Thursday morning davening, we needed a shul with a Sefer Torah. We made a call to the only other Orthodox shul near Schenectady and left a message informing the rabbi of our arrival, hoping all would go smoothly. On the way to the shul, the rabbi called me back and told me that there is an elderly member of the shul whose wife had passed away just two days before and hadn’t been able to say kaddish yet! He asked me if we could bring the man with us to the shul so he could have a minyan to daven with. After davening and this man’s reciting of kaddish, I spoke to the boys: “For Yidden, there is no difference between individual and communal pain. ‘We’re all in it together’ is not just the Areivim motto. It is the way we live our lives. We all need to feel every Yid’s pain.” After I spoke, all the boys lined up to be menachem avel. The man was so appreciative and emotional. It was amazing to see yad Hashem so clearly – our technical difficulty became an opportunity to comfort a lonely, mourning Yid. What is the hardest thing about being camp director? With the staff that I have, bli ayin hara, it’s not hard. They

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also gone to Lake Placid, Washington, Boston, and New Hampshire. What are the leagues in Camp Areivim? Our leagues are a very competitive and exciting part of camp! We play a lot of sports – baseball, hockey in our new hockey rink, flag football on our new turf football field, soccer, volleyball, and basketball – both indoor and outdoor. Baruch Hashem, YKLI has ample grounds and facilities for it all, and the boys play different sports each day. We have a designated sports commissioner who oversees all the league activities and the counselors get really into the games, hyping up the campers. We emphasize achdus, sportsmanship, and mentchlechkeit and always include honorable mentions in our weekly league highlights.


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make my job so much easier. The one thing that is hard to deal with is my broken Spanish. Our very hardworking custodial staff can’t understand my attempts at speaking Spanish. I now have a better understanding of the dor haflaga! But I can deal with that. What is the most often repeated question campers ask? We have a special incentive program that involves raffle tickets. Every ticket a boy receives – whether for good davening, learning, sportsmanship, middos – is worth money in the canteen and goes towards a weekly Shabbos raffle and a grand raffle at the end of each half of the summer. Because I don’t carry the tickets with me, I always “hand” them out orally, “You get ten tickets, you get fifteen tickets” etc. So campers are always running to their counselors and division heads asking, “Do you have my tickets? Rabbi Hersh promised…” Why do you think camp is important? I had a rebbe call me at the beginning of this past school year. He was very surprised that a previously average student was at the top of his class this year. The rebbe said that he asked the boy what had changed, and he said that he had a great summer of learning at camp. This boy happened

to have won our Masmidei Areivim learning contest having learned over 20 blatt of Gemara over the course of the summer! I truly believe that camp is a stepping stone for the coming year. We put an enormous amount of energy into creating a Torahdikeh environment for our campers. I also feel that a camp setting is the best place for a child to work on bein adam l’chavero. At camp, unlike in a yeshiva setting, the entire day is spent interacting with other children. Our staff is constantly involved by being positive role models to their campers. This is a major focus at our pre-camp staff orientation. There is very little down-time, and it’s good for kids to be occupied with kosher fun. I often say that the two months of the summer can sometimes have a bigger impact on a child than the ten months of the school year. What is your favorite part about being camp director? There are so many, but my biggest satisfaction is seeing the camp running smoothly. It gives me tremendous nachas when I see over 500 campers safely and happily engaged in all the camp fun. It’s a great feeling. I hope to continue, BE”H, to be involved in making positive impressions on our boys’ lives. I hope the fun continues until the very last day. Thanks for speaking with us. Hatzlacha with the rest of your summer!


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Mother of Pearl and Sterling Ataros

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The Observant Jew Rabbi Jonathan Gewirtz

Enjoy Already!


ave you heard about the cruise ship just for Jewish mothers? It’s called the S. S. Mein Kindt. OK, that joke was probably a lot funnier for most people years ago when Yiddish was spoken by everyone and no mother would ever suggest her bubbaleh go on a diet. Ess, ess, mein kindt (eat, eat, my child) was a common refrain. My grandfather related how his mother’s last words to him, as a scrawny eleven-year old, were, “Trink dein milich,” drink your milk. The point of the matter is that a parent loves to see his or her child enjoying themselves. When we see other people smiling and enjoying themselves (not at another’s expense,) we enjoy that as well and want to be part of it. My sister really likes cheese Danishes from New York. When I go down to visit her in Maryland and want to bring something I know she’ll enjoy, I’ll pick up a few Danishes. Knowing how excited she will be with this special treat is a treat for me as well. The same goes for the candies I know my father and father-in-law like and I try to bring them this indulgence when appropriate. When I was in yeshiva, there was a young man who taught himself to play the keyboard and I saw how he loved music. Now, years later, when I see him, Yossi Newman, directing the Yeshiva Boys Choir, doing what he loves, I find it heartwarming and

gratifying. It makes me happy to see him happy. It sounds crazy but I know that my friend’s wife likes cotton candy. I don’t have occasion to use that knowledge much, because I’m not going out

to actually know some secret passion they have to give people something they’ll enjoy because some things are universal. People like to be listened to. No matter who, people enjoy sharing their


and buy it for her, but when we’ve had occasion to buy them something, I remembered that cotton candy should be on the list because she likes it. It’s not so much that I am fixated on her likes as much as that when I find something that makes anyone happy, I file that information away to be used later. For example, I know my wife’s favorite flower. Let me correct that – I know what flower my wife USED to like, until I bought it for her so much that she got sick of it and doesn’t like it anymore. That’s a blow to me. Not because I’m insulted, but because now I don’t get a slam dunk of a gift knowing that she will like what I buy. Being aware of what makes others happy is a fantastic thing because it means you care enough to want to see them happy, and the feeling you get when you make someone else happy is unbelievable. Now, you don’t need

opinions and views with others. They like to show that they have a brain and if you hear them out, nodding and actually taking in their words, you will be giving them something that rivals a favorite candy. In fact, it’s better since it doesn’t come with cavities or calories. That’s not to say you should listen to lashon hara or other gossip, G-d forbid, just to make them happy, but when the topic is acceptable, your attention is a treat. Sometimes just letting someone vent is quite cathartic and if nobody else gives them the chance, they’ll appreciate it from you. People like compliments and thank yous. If your child listened to you and cleaned his room, say something. Tell him you like how he did it. Thank him for listening right away (assuming it didn’t take four days of begging and pleading for him to do it). Tell your daughter that the way she made her hair today looks especially pretty, even if you, as a “boy,” don’t get what all the fuss is about. Compliment a co-worker on a well-written paper or thank your child’s teacher when she gets a good grade on a paper. And there’s even more to the concept of “Enjoy!” The reason we were put on this planet is to enjoy the world Hashem made for us and to enjoy each moment of the gift of life He gives us. He gave us the Torah to guide us to the most enjoyable experience during that life,

and Hashem, like most of us, enjoys it when we’re enjoying ourselves. If that’s what He wants, then we should focus on enjoying every moment of life and finding the enjoyable things in it. The night before my grandmother’s funeral, we were all at my sister’s home eating Chinese food. My mother a”h, who was going to be sitting shiva the next day, had her camera out and was taking pictures. We asked her how she could do that. Her response, so typical for her personality which sought out and found the enjoyment in every moment of life, was, “I’ll cry tomorrow but right now all my kids are here together.” That’s my message. For you, for the people you love, from Hashem: Enjoy!

Now in bookstores, The Observant Jew, a compilation of some of Rabbi Gewirtz’s best articles from years past, is receiving critical acclaim. With short, funny, insightful selections, this book is the perfect summertime companion. Look for it in your favorite Jewish Book Store or visit Jonathan Gewirtz is an inspirational writer and speaker whose work has appeared in publications around the world. He also operates JewishSpeechWriter. com, where you can order a custom-made speech for your next special occasion. Sign up for the Migdal Ohr, his weekly PDF Dvar Torah in English. E-mail info@ and put Subscribe in the subject. © 2014 by Jonathan Gewirtz. All rights reserved.

83 Gedaliah Borvick

Inspiration from the Fallen Soldiers


ver the past few weeks, Jews neral. His grandfathers, parents and throughout the world have siblings spoke beautifully and elojoined together in a tremendous quently about Yuval’s sterling attridisplay of solidaributes: how he was ty to support Israel a wonderful son, during Operation loving brother and Protective Edge. selfless friend. Then The outpouring of his girlfriend spoke, love and appreciaand shared that just tion to our soldiers the previous week has been inspirthey had made a siing, and the acts yum upon completof chesed that this ing Sefer Mesillat unity has spawned Yesharim (The Path have been nothing of the Just), a classhort of astoundsic book of ethics ing. (mussar) written One of the by Rabbi Moshe Chaim Luzzatto many areas where which focuses on Jews have shown character perfecappreciation has Yuval Heiman hy'd lived a life tion. It dawned on been in the exalong the 'Path of the Just' me – and probatremely well-atbly many others – tended funerals for our fallen soldiers. Many of these sto- during the funeral that Yuval was an ries have already become legendary: extraordinary person who spent his the almost 20,000 people who attend- brief life traveling along the “Path of ed the Haifa funeral for lone soldier the Just.” Sean Carmeli, and the funeral for lone Two days later, I attended the fusoldier Jordan Bensemhoun, where neral of lone soldier Max Steinberg. only 6,000 people attended because Max had a limited Jewish background and visited Israel for the first time in 2012 on a Birthright trip. Max obviously had Jewish pride and a strong moral compass, but this trip awakened within him a heightened appreciation of his heritage and the importance of having a Jewish homeland. Max fell in love with Israel and decided to enlist in the army’s Golani Brigade the following year. Max cherished the legMax Steinberg lived life for others endary singer Bob Marley and often quoted him. One the government asked people to stay insightful quote mentioned repeatedaway due to safety concerns owing to ly at the funeral was, “Live for yourthe Ashkelon cemetery’s proximity to self, and you will live in vain. Live for enemy fire. others, and you will live again.” That I attended two uplifting funerals quote appeared to be Max’s raison which had many similarities and many d’etre: he was a magnificent son and differences. brother and a caring and compassionYuval Heiman of Efrat was killed ate friend. To paraphrase Bob Marley, in the early days of the conflict and Max lived for others and, making the thousands of people attended his fu- ultimate sacrifice for his people, died

for others. My wise mother-in-law often tells me after attending a meaningful funeral that it was a “beautiful funeral.” By learning about the deceased’s activities and priorities, she was inspired to rededicate herself to personal growth. The funerals of Yuval and Max were “beautiful funerals,” as we learned stories of two idealistic men who died way too young but left their indelible mark on many people. By allowing ourselves to be inspired and uplifted by these extraordinary heroes, Yuval and Max will indeed both “live again.”

Gedaliah Borvick is the founder of My Israel Home (www.myisraelhome. com), a real estate agency focused on helping people from abroad buy and sell homes in Israel. To sign up for his monthly market updates, contact him at

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My Israel Home

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85 Rabbi Mordechai Kruger

The Real Building Blocks of a Successful Career


uestions. All kinds of questions. Since I began working full-time teaching our community about the best ways to choose a career, the most effective ways to search for a job, and the vital ways to grow in a current job, or preparing for the next one, I have been asked questions about every aspect of the world of employment. It is my hope that in this column I will be able to share some insights with our community. I hope that readers will ask even more questions that I can address in the future, but I’ll start with one that I know is on many minds. I’ve heard this from young men who have been learning in yeshiva a few years. I’ve heard it from kollel yungeleit who have spent many years immersed in learning. And I’ve heard it from their parents, only louder and with more frustration: “It’s time to find a job; what am I going to put on my resume?” This question often reflects an assumption about the time spent learning in a yeshiva. Both parents and students affirm that while yeshiva learning is valuable, it contributes little to future success in the workplace. After years devoted to learning, a yeshiva graduate seems to be handicapped by his age and lack of key skills. I would humbly submit that neither of these points should be seen as insurmountable, and that in fact, years spent in yeshiva may be the best opportunity to develop the building blocks of a successful career. There are millions of successful people in almost every field who started late, with backgrounds that are unrelated to their current work. I know a fellow who studied Chinese literature— and now is a successful surgeon. People change professions, mothers re-enter the workforce, there are many reasons. The fastest growing age group for starting new businesses is those over 50. We live in a time where your age when you start a job has become almost a non-issue, and what you were doing before matters far less than what you are ready to do now. With this in mind, we need to think about what leads to a successful career. Yes, a programmer must be expert at computer languages, an accountant

must know his audits or taxes. But is the most successful accountant the one who knows the books the best? What

more, they are searching for workers who can create a goal, and pursue it until it’s done. And then create anoth-


really distinguishes the people who are successful in any field? There is a lot of research available on this question, and the answer is clear. People who are successful at work share a skill set that isn’t taught in any college. In fact, it isn’t taught anywhere. Because successful people, overwhelmingly, succeed because of discipline, organization, positive attitude, honesty, and by deeply caring about the people around them. If someone wants to learn how to make these skills part of how he lives every day, yeshiva may be the best

er one. So when you walk into the Beis Medrash in the morning, have a plan in mind. A goal you can write down. And that you can stick to all day and maybe even after everyone else leaves. Set a goal at the beginning of the zman and break it down into weekly and daily goals. Keep track of your progress and review it with someone who knows more. What can you improve? How high can you reach? 3. Positive attitude and caring can be expressed in many ways. But the best way is to open your eyes and see

place of all. So, if someone wants to have years of successful learning, followed by a successful working career, here are the key points. 1. It sounds strange but in the world of work, showing up on time really matters. And staying until the job is done, without watching the clock. Every day. Really. In the workplace, time is not flexible. Start times and deadlines are very real, and missing them can be very expensive. So step one to being ready to succeed in work is to make ontime a habit, and missing time a rarity. 2. The second step is discipline. Productivity is crippled by workers who spend their day on their phones, computers, games, you name it. Employers are desperate for workers who spend the day actually working. Even

the needs of the people around you— do they need chavrusas? Shidduchim? Someone to speak to about learning? Or life? Are they dealing with illness? Tragedy? You might find that you can help the people who are already involved—or you might find something that no one else has addressed. Doing something, starting something, being a person who people know will accept responsibility—that is what counts. In yeshiva and later, the ones who step up and take responsibility are the ones who succeed. What does all this have to do with actually looking for a job? Where does this fit on a resume? The first line on your resume, just beneath your name, is where you write a personal statement. It needs to be short and to the point,

expressing what makes you the person this company should hire. When you are starting on your career, you won’t have work experience or accomplishments to mention. But if you can honestly say about yourself, “A worker who starts early every day, and stays focused and enthusiastic without watching the clock, until the job is finished. Able to define long term goals and the milestones that must be accomplished to meet them, whether as part of a group or working alone,” you will get an employer’s attention. If further down you can write that you organized, expanded, or improved something in some way, that you made an effort to reach out to the people around you, you’ll have something concrete to describe how you can contribute. One day, hopefully soon, you’ll be at a job interview with an employer who is seriously considering hiring you. He’ll ask, “So, what have you been doing?” He means, “What have you been doing that makes you ready to contribute to the work I need to get done?” If you can explain (honestly) that your years in yeshiva were the time when you learned to build your day around the habits of discipline, organization, and focus, you will be making a strong statement about your readiness to work. Does this mean that everything besides learning—secular studies, professional education, work experience, etc.—is unnecessary? Not at all. The proper relationship to these things is different for every person and should be guided by continuous guidance from parents and rebbeim. Everyone must develop the particular skills that will enable him to contribute real value in whatever workplace is right for him. But there are skills which are universal—everyone needs them, everyone should be constantly working on them. These are the skills which make you ready to succeed. Rabbi Mordechai Kruger is the Director of Pathways to Parnassa, an organization dedicated to educating our community in all aspects of career choice and job search. He can be reached at

T H E J E W I S H H O M E n A U G U S T 2 1 , 2014

In the Workplace

T H E J E W I S H H O M E n A U G U S T 2 1 , 2014


From My Private Art Collection Rebbetzin Naomi N. Herzberg

Artistic Mosaic Puzzle Displays


ack to school is an exciting time for students and teachers alike. Anticipation of seeing old friends and making new ones this coming school year is happily on everyone’s minds. Teachers are busy searching and preparing unique projects and ideas for their classroom bulletin boards. Mosaics are beautiful to look at. Mock mosaic puzzle displays are also simple to create. They will make a welcoming statement to the entryway of the school or classroom. Students of all ages are able to create original designs, each at their own artistic level. How do teachers get large groups of students in their class to create mock mosaic puzzle designs for a beginning of school bulletin board display? To begin, search the internet for pictures of original mosaics and print out sample pictures in color. You can also take out books from the public library with pictures of mosaics. Mosaics are very often quite colorful and attractive. Museum gift shops will also have prints

of mosaics available. Israeli artists have created numerous mosaic pictures taken from ancient Judaic finds. You can also go to a tile store and ask for some sample books or actual samples which you can have for educational purposes. I have done this numerous times with enormous success. Over years of experience I have found that many stores are extremely happy to help teachers. Choose the mosaic design which you want the students to work off of and make copies for everyone. Measure the bulletin board which you will be covering and then cut a large piece of bulletin board paper to fit exactly. This must be done so that it will fit perfectly when put

back together. Draw the basic outline of the design onto the white bulletin board paper, first with a pencil and then follow the outline with a thick black magic marker. On the back of the paper, number each section, consecutively, in pencil. (Do not use a black marker on the back as it will show through to the front.) Cut out each section and distribute the puzzle pieces to the class. Each student should receive at least 2 sections to color in. With school grade non-toxic colored thick markers, the students should color in their section by copying the intricate patterns of the mosaic design as closely as possible. Cut out a second piece of bulletin

board paper the same size as the first. Have the students glue their finished puzzle pieces on to this second piece which should be the same color as the first and numbered accordingly in the same exact order. Use any type of glue or paste to accomplish this. Attach this finished piece of background paper on your class bulletin board with a stapler or thumbtacks. Frame with a thin and simple border which complements the colors used in the mosaic design. This is an eye-catching project and will be enjoyed by all who walk the halls of the school or enter your classroom. Welcome back to school! Rebbetzin Naomi N. Herzberg is a professional art educator, artist and designer. Among her known artwork is a floral sculpture presented to Tipper Gore, Blair House, Washington, D.C. Presently she is the Director of Operations at Shulamith School for Girls. Please feel free to email nherzberg@ with questions and suggestions for future columns.

87 Stephen H. Weiner, Esq.

A Time to Review the Will


he Book of Koheles discusses there being certain times for certain events—a time for war, a time for peace. When your family or health changes or your financial circumstances change as well, it is time to review your Will. When circumstances assumed by the Will have changed, it is time to take action and have the Will changed. Family changes are important reasons to review wills. One of my clients came to see me because he had not changed his Will since his wife was deceased—thirteen years before. The old Will had left everything to his wife in the event of his death. Now after raising his two children on his own, he had a teenaged son and an older daughter who he wanted to share equally under the new Will. However, the new Will had to designate a person to be a Trustee to take care of his son’s fifty percent share until the

son reached the age when the father wanted him to have full control of his

that older Will, New York law applies a formula that can lead to an unusu-


funds. The new Will also stated what would happen to his property if both children were deceased before him. In another case, parents had designated guardians of their children under an old Will. However, the parents had become too distant from the guardians to feel they could carry out that important responsibility. It was time to change the Will. When a child is born after the execution of a Will (“after-born child”) and is not provided for in any way in

al result. In a famous case, a parent wrote a Will leaving everything to one favorite child out of a total of five children when the Will was executed. Another child was born after the Will. A court found that the child inheriting under the Will and the after-born child each inherited fifty percent. The other four children received nothing. Persons who become divorced feel an urgency about changing their Wills for obvious reasons. However, they may have overlooked changing named beneficiaries in accounts and insurance policies. In a recent Supreme Court case, the Court held that a woman who had been divorced ten years before was the beneficiary of a federal employment life insurance policy because her ex-husband never changed the beneficiary designation to his new wife. Health changes are an opportunity to consider whether you need to update not only a Will, but a health care proxy, a living will, and a power of attorney. It is important to have reliable people in place when you need them

because you cannot make decisions on your own. Also, they need guidance on what your desires are while you can explain it clearly. Depending on one’s age and financial circumstances, this may be time for Medicaid planning. As people get older and live alone with one or more pets, they need to consider how the pet will be taken care of. A final sign it is time to review the Will is when financial circumstances change and one becomes prosperous. A multi-million dollar estate including life insurance and the value of a resi-

dence can lead to an estate tax amount that would have been reduced with advance planning. Here an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. No column is a substitute for competent legal advice. Any additional or different facts could change or affect any legal analysis. Please consult with your legal professional of choice regarding any legal question you may have. Stephen H. Weiner has practiced law for twenty-nine years. His office is located at 750 Third Avenue, Ninth Floor in New York City. He can be contacted at weiner@ or 212-566 -4669.

T H E J E W I S H H O M E n A U G U S T 2 1 , 2014

Ask the Attorney


88 T H E J E W I S H H O M E n A U G U S T 2 1 , 2014

Wine Tour

M on day august 25/ av 29


n to Shomron Grow ow n Inte r national Ren


Eve Harow

Har Bracha Vineyards on Har Gerizim; the grape harvest, shemitah thoughts and the Har Bracha Winery Tura Winery in Rachelim - so much more than just wine... honey, apple cider and olive oil, too Gvaot Winery in Givat Harel for a gourmet meat lunch Gush Shilo, view of the Jordan Valley and experimental vineyards avodat Ivrit Achiya Oil Press in Shilo for award winning olive oil The unique Tanya Winery in Ofra for Happy Hour Price includes lunch and all tastings. Purchasing available at all sites.

Cost Per Person $130 / $250 per couple Trip departs from the Liberty Bell Parking Lot promptly at 8:30am and return approximately 6:30pm. For reservations & additional information Visit Email to or contact: In US: Ruthie 516.239.9202 x10 • In Israel: Chaim 058-650-9974

For terms and conditions, please visit the website or contact our oFFice. itinerary subject to change as determined by security and weather considerations.


Please join us for a breakfast

the bobker family is honored to host a breakfast for the benefit of ktrah rb ,chah

Ner Israel rabbINIcal college baltimore, maryland

Divrei Brocho

Guest Speaker

Rabbi ShefTel NeubeRgeR t’’yhka

Rabbi Tzvi beRkowiTz t’’yhka

menahel, yeshivas ner yisroel

rosh yeshiva, yeshivas ner yisroel

monday, september 1 , 2014 • dwwga, kukt wu • 9:30 am st

At the home of

Joe and miriam bobker

189 Wildacre avenue

laWrence, ny

We look forward to greeting you personally Joe and miriam bobker

eli and hadassa

avi and baylie

benny and layella

dovi and devorah

T H E J E W I S H H O M E n A U G U S T 2 1 , 2014

‫ה‬ ‫ב‬ ‫י‬ ‫ת‬ ‫כ‬ ‫וחתימה‬ !‫טובה‬



In the Kitchen

Edible Pearler Beads

By Esther Ottensoser

Now that camp is over, there’s extra time spent at home, and with too much time and too little to do, there may be lots of “I’m so bored!” heard throughout the house. Here’s something to entertain kids of all ages—and to make it even more fun, they can eat their artwork afterwards! This is a new twist to that good old pearler bead activity! You can now design and create your own edible craft. All you need is a package of rainbow Twizzlers, an iron, and some parchment paper, and you’re on your way to some “sweet” fun. From simple to sophisticated, all ages will enjoy creating, making, and then eating this colorful craft. Directions: • Cut rainbow Twizzlers into ¼ inch pieces. • Draw an outline for your picture on a piece of parchment paper. • Fill your picture with cut up Twizzlers. • Place a piece of parchment paper on top. • Use a hot iron to fuse the pieces together. • Allow to cool and then enjoy!

T H E J E W I S H H O M E n M AY 2 4 , 2012

T H E J E W I S H H O M E n A U G U S T 2 1 , 2014



T H E J E W I S H H O M E n A U G U S T 2 1 , 2014


92 96

In the Kitchen Naomi Nachman


love the whole summer outdoor eating experience. I really enjoy barbecues and picnics,

and the eating outdoors concept is fabulous and exciting to me. However, in New York, due to our climate, we have a limited time-frame to enjoy barbecues and eating al fresco. Because I love barbecue food so much and would love to enjoy it all year, I decided to explore some options. One idea that I came up with is to slow-roast ribs overnight in the oven. It was soooo good and it tastes like I am having a BBQ during the year! It’s so easy to make; I can even throw it in the oven before I head out for the day, and not worry about it – very similar to a crockpot concept. When I want to serve this dish for Shabbat lunch, I cook it for 1-½ hours at 350° on Friday afternoon covered, then I place it in the oven right before Shabbat at 200°. I take it out in time for lunch the next day. It’s similar to the yaptzik idea.

Naomi Nachman, the owner of The Aussie Gourmet, caters weekly and Shabbat/ Yom Tov meals for families and individuals within The Five Towns and neighboring communities, with a specialty in Pesach catering. Naomi is a contributing editor to this paper and also produces and hosts her own weekly radio show on the Nachum Segal Network stream called “A Table for Two with Naomi Nachman.” Naomi gives cooking presentations for organizations and private groups throughout the New York/New Jersey Metropolitan area. In addition, Naomi has been a guest host on the QVC TV network and has been featured in cookbooks, magazines as well as other media covering topics related to cuisine preparation and personal chefs. To obtain additional recipes, join The Aussie Gourmet on Facebook or visit Naomi’s blog. Naomi can be reached through her website, or at (516) 295-9669.

16 Hour Smoked Oven Roasted Ribs Ingredients 4-5 pound side of ribs (Ask Rabbi Yehosha Feldman at Gourmet Glatt to help choose a really meaty piece) 1 large onion, sliced 2 TBS Dijon mustard 1 TBS extra virgin olive oil 2 TBS liquid smoke 1 tsp kosher salt Crushed black pepper 1 tsp paprika 1 tsp onion powder 1 tsp cumin 6 cloves garlic, crushed 1 cup ketchup 1 cup red wine

Ribs with rub before cooking

Preparation Preheat oven to 200°. Place onions on the bottom of a large roasting pan. In a small bowl, take mustard, garlic, oil and spices and mix them together to form a paste. Rub the paste all over the meat. If you have time, let the meat stand at room temperature for one hour to absorb some of the flavors. In a separate bowl, mix the wine and ketchup and pour over the meat right before placing in the oven. Cover the meat really well and place in the oven for 16 hours.

ner time, I take it out of the fridge, skim off the fat and warm it up for dinner.

Note: I put mine in the oven at 7pm at night and take it out the next day around lunch time. I then let it cool and place in the fridge. Around din-

Any leftovers go really well inside my hubby’s sandwich for lunch the next day with Abeles and Heymann sweet and tangy mayo and marinated coleslaw.

Ribs after 16 hours in the oven

Marinated Coleslaw The perfect side dish Ingredients 1 shredded cabbage, finely chopped 2 carrots, shredded 4 scallions, finely chopped Dressing ¾ cup white vinegar 1 tsp kosher salt 1 TBS brown sugar (to taste) 1 tsp celery seeds 1 TBS Dijon mustard ¾ tsp garlic powder 2/3 cup vegetable oil ½ cup white sugar Black pepper (optional) Preparation In a large bowl, mix the vegetables together. Mix first six dressing ingredients together in a small

saucepan; bring to a boil. Remove from heat, then immediately add in the oil and white sugar; mix to combine until the sugar is completely dissolved, then pour the hot mixture over the veggies. Allow to sit out at room temperature for 1 hour, stirring occasionally with a spoon. Cover and refrigerate for 24 hours, stirring occasionally. Season with freshly ground black pepper (if desired) before serving.


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For more information about CHALLENGE: T. 718.851.3300 W.

T H E J E W I S H H O M E n A U G U S T 2 1 , 2014

Early Intervention Services

T H E J E W I S H H O M E n A U G U S T 2 1 , 2014



Avi’s moving and Trucking Need it moved? Furniture, deliveries, apartments, small office etc. Call Avi 646-258-6137 Bubby Babysitter Available Part-time or Full-Time Excellent References Newborn and up Long hours T.L.C. Far Rockaway Location Please call 718-327-1932 Thinking of selling or buying Real Estate? Rentals? Call me directly 212-470-3856 Yahya (YOCHI) Sabri Lic. Real Estate Salesperson WinZone Realty 718-899-7000 Office Loving Day Care in Far Rockaway has few full time openings starting Sept 1. Ages newborn to 18 months. Please call 7183274104. Frum experienced teacher and mother available to babysit in Far Rockaway. Small group. All ages. Flexible/late hours. Call or text 718-290-3848. Summer Keyboard Lessons on Sundays Free Trial Session - Only $30 per Session Learn by Ear/Note Reading Loads of Fun! Call or Text Meshulam: 917-280-4545 Are you Itching? Getting Bitten? Call us for Bed Bug Inspection! We also get rid of carpenter ants, silverfish, termites, carpet beetles, raccoons, Mice, rats, fleas, roaches, opossum, squirrels, mosquitoes, bees and wasps. Call 917-873-3180 RENT-A-SUKKAH Various sizes available. Prices include: delivery, assembly disassembly, lighting, extension cord. All you have to do is decorate! (516) 644-3348 In between camp for the last two weeks of August. August18-29 Ages: 3-4, Hours: 9-2, $25 a day Experienced morah with a structured daily schedule. Call Yael Vogel to reserve your spot: 718-734-7442 Long Island Emergency Plumbing Service cleaning sewers, leaking pipes and faucets , etc. 3478503376 All your construction/repair needs Big or small: Cell: (732) 503-9770 CUSTOM BUSINESS SOFTWARE Information Management Solutions Tailored to Your Needs. New Projects or Enhancements. MS Access / MS Excel Specialist Paul Strauss: 718-696-8427 or

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Across street from playground, pools, and shuls overlooking the beautiful lake and gazebo.- Two story 7-9 bedroom,5 baths , 2 kitchens, enclosed porch, enclosed storage room, large deck with custom canopy, fully furnished, 2 zone ac plus split units, base board heating, fireplace, pellet stove, new paint, new roof, totally move in condition also just completed block garden - MUST SEE


For Sale: Cedarhurst $600’s Double Lot: Nestled on a park-like corner property, this private oasis awaits you. Step into the splendor of the spacious rooms of this all brick Tudor/Colonial with many custom details: high ceilings, crown moldings, cozy fireplace, to name but a few. Steps from Ced Park, transportation, shopping, numerous shuls, and everything and everyone. Low taxes and endless possibilities make this a truly rare find. Call/text C Slansky, broker, 516-655-3636 House in Far Rockaway For Sale by Owner Beautiful 4 bedroom 3.5 baths. Hardwood floors throughout, large rooms, lots of closet space, granite counters, skylights And much more. Call 917-593-1922 to set up an appt.


Post your Real Estate, Help Wanted, Services, Misc. Ads Here Every Thurs. Weekly Classified ads

up to 5 lines and/or 25 words

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Email ads to: Include valid credit card info

Deadline Monday 5:00pm

West Hempstead By Owner Charming colonial on desirable street. Near Shuls, L.I.RR, beautiful garden. Four bedrooms, two full baths, den. Rita and Moish Katz 516-483-1464

Commercial Real Estate Commercial Property In Cedarhurst: 1500+/- SF Retail Space, Former Take Out Restaurant, On Rockaway Tpke, Near Peninsula Blvd, High Traffic Area, For Lease Call for Details (516) 295-3000 Commercial Property In Valley Stream: Office Building, Owner/User, Investment Opportunity, Ideal for Professional Use, 8100SF +/on 2 Floors, Elevator Bldg, For Sale Call For Details (516) 295-3000 Commercial Property In Valley Stream: Retail Space, 3 Available, Right Off Sunrise Hwy, Available Immediately for Occupancy, 650SF, 850SF, 650SF, Plenty of Parking Available, For Lease Call for Details (516) 295-3000

19,600 SQFT Warehouse and office space available for rent in West Hempstead. Includes three loading docks and parking. Asking $12 per SQFT (negotiable) Call Michael at 516-582-4247 to setup a showing.

Real Estate for Rent Far Rockaway/Lawrence apartment available for rent by owner. Conveniently located on Central Ave Doorman building, Shabbos elevator Fourth floor, junior 4, 1 bathroom, updated kitchen – Please call: 917-250-3464— for rent by owner, no brokerage involved

Far Rockaway Co-Op for Rent: 833 Central Ave. Luxurious 24 hour Doorman Building, Spacious 2 Bedroom, Renovated Bathroom, Spacious Kosher Kitchen, Spectacular View, centrally located near LIRR and all shuls. Call 516-633-5564. Bayswater apt for rent three bedrooms two bathrooms eat in kosher kitchen dining room living room first floor apartment call 212-470-3856 WinZone Re Apartment for Rent 3 Bedrooms, 2 Bathroom, 2 Porches Outlets for washer and dryer (Dinsmore Av. corner Nielsen in Far Rockaway) Very sunny, a lot of windows, nice view Asking $1750 please call 516 225 4558


Carol Braunstein Call or Text

(516) 592-2206


Totally Rebuilt 6BR, 3.5BA Col, LR, Mint Waterfront 6BR, 3BA Tropicana FDR, Lg Eik, SD#15...$1.4995M Hi Ranch, HW Flrs, Updtd Eik…$799K

Prestigious Woodmere Park 3BR, Spacious 3BR, 2.5BA Split, Eik, Bsmt, 2BA Ranch, Lg Mstr BR Ste...$649K Den, Expandable Attic, SD#14...$445K


LOOKING TO BUY OR SELL? CALL ME TODAY!!! Commercial Property In Valley Stream: 5,500SF +/- Warehouse W/Offices, OH Doors, 2 Separate Office Suites, 12 Car Parking, For Sale Call for Details (516) 295-3000 10,000 SQFT Warehouse and office space available for rent in West Hempstead. Includes three loading docks and parking. Asking $12 per SQFT (negotiable) Call Michael at 516-582-4247 to setup a showing.

Can You Sell?

Looking to make some extra cash?


T H E J E W I S H H O M E n A U G U S T 2 1 , 2014



T H E J E W I S H H O M E n A U G U S T 2 1 , 2014


CLASSIFIED Seeking a middle school SS/English teacher for Sept. 2014. Supportive staff, good salary. Please call 917-742-8909 and email resume to

Expanding boys’ school, 5 Towns/FR area, seeking General Studies afternoon teachers for elementary and junior high for ’14—15 school year. Email resume: Yeshiva Ketana of Long Island has a JHS, 8th Grade, 2 period ELA position available, M - Th., during the 2014-2015 academic year. We are looking for a dynamic, experienced teacher whose teaching degree emphasizes specialization in the English subject-area . Please email your resume to CATAPULT LEARNING

School Teachers for Title I in Brooklyn Yeshivas

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Premier clients receive a copy of my book (sefer) “Sweeter Than Honey” as a gift

obert Redford has thrilled movie audiences for decades. He’s breathed life into iconic roles like the outlaw Sundance from Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid. He’s won two Oscars, and even been awarded French Knighthood in the Legion D’Honneur. (It’s been a long time since French knights have struck fear in anyone’s heart, but it can’t hurt when it comes to charming les cinephiles in Paris.) But Redford is far more than just a pretty face on a screen. In 1978, he founded the Sundance Film Festival near his hometown in Utah, establishing himself as the “godfather of indie film.” In 1996, he launched the Sundance Channel, dedicated to airing independent feature films, world cinema, documentaries, and similar programming. And in 2005, he sold part of his equity in that venture — which brings us to today’s story. Redford didn’t hold his interest in the channel in his own name. (That would have been be too easy.) Instead, he owned 100% of a New York-based limited liability company called Sundance T.V. That entity owned 85% of an “S corporation” named Sundance Television, Ltd. And that entity, in turn, owned Redford’s interest in yet another entity, called Sundance Channel LLC, which owned the actual channel. (It’s just like those little Russian “nesting dolls,” except instead of dolls we’re talking business entities.) Now, all of those entities are “passthroughs,” which means that instead of paying tax themselves, they pass their gains and losses directly through to their owners. So, when Redford sold 20% of his interest in the TV channel, his gain passed through Sundance Television, Ltd., to Sundance T.V., to Redford himself. Redford paid his tax on his federal 1040 and his Utah state return, and called it a day. But Redford missed one thing. That final entity, Sundance T.V., was organized in New York, not Utah. And the

New York Department of Taxation and Finance can be just as dogged as the posse that tracked Butch and Sundance through the Wyoming mountains. So just imagine Redford’s surprise when New York sent him a bill last May — eight years after the sale — stinging him for $845,066 in unpaid tax plus another $727,404 in interest! So now Redford and New York are headed to court. Redford is asking the Court to declare that New York’s own constitution prohibits the Empire State from taxing him on his gain. That constitution provides that assets in New York that aren’t used to carry on an active business are “deemed to be located at the domicile of the owner for purposes of taxation.” Redford concedes that, yes, the LLC was established in New York. But he argues that he didn’t use his ownership interest in any of the “nesting doll” entities to carry on a trade or business in New York. Nor did he have “any property, payroll or receipts located in or deemed attributable to the conduct of a trade or business” in New York. Ironically, New York has already said that Redford doesn’t owe them any state tax for selling the rest of his interest in Sundance to Showtime in 2008. So you’d think he ought to be able to avoid the 2005 bill, too. But anything can happen in court, and we’ll just have to wait and see if Redford can shoot his way out this time. Getting a surprise tax bill isn’t any more fun than a surprise visit from the Pinkertons. But you don’t need to run to Bolivia to avoid it. You just need a plan. Believe it or not, it’s easier than robbing a train, and a whole lot safer, too!

Allan J Rolnick is a CPA who has been in practice for over 30 years in Queens, NY. He welcomes your comments and can be reached at 718-896-8715 or at

103 T H E J E W I S H H O M E n A U G U S T 2 1 , 2014

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Life Coach Rivki D. Rosenwald Esq., CLC, SDS

Laugh and the World Laughs with You


e all need to laugh. It’s so cathartic. I remember being in grade school and something hitting me funny and I’d want to giggle. But then the teacher would look my way and I had to stop laughing. The more I couldn’t laugh, the more I wanted to. Remember that feeling? It’s great to doing it; suddenly you’re bawling and laugh and the pressure to stop is tortur- you have no idea why. So who really ous. knows if that saying is so on target. I love those people who have a reMaybe it just means everyone likes ally good, hardy laugh. They kind of to be with a happy person and not with crack you up just listening to them. a kvetch. Next thing you know, you are hysterical (That doesn’t mean you absolutely and you have no idea why. can’t kvetch; just make sure you’re with And what about those silent laugh- someone willing to listen.) ers? There are buckets of tears streamAnyway, “the world,” so to speak, ing down their faces, yet they are hav- actually often gets unhappy if they feel ing the time of their lives! They’re someone else is too happy and they depleting you of all your tissues even themselves are not! though they are comSo forget about pletely joyous. You, that saying... But on the other hand, are there is this other JUST DO IT; clueless and left in great saying: “Laughcharge of replacing ter is the ‘best’ medLAUGH FOR THE the tissue supply. icine”! And we all like to go for the best. Now think of a HEALTH OF IT! So I suggest: whethnew baby. Everyone er the world laughs gathers around the with you, or at you, minute they start to giggle. Four hundred mature adults are or not at all, in response to you—who jumping, gesticulating, and rearranging cares? Just do it; laugh for the health of their entire facial anatomy, just to get a it! Not only is it the best medicine but two by nothing kid to stay entertained. you don’t even need health insurance to I’d certainly love to see just one of my access it. You be the pioneer—start some kids have a date that makes that much good, loud laughter. People just rarely effort to keep them entertained. Think of the concept of a “laugh laugh anymore. Because who needs to? track”; now what is that all about? Do Every funny text response says LOL / we really need that powerful a hint to Laugh Out Loud, which kind of means make us laugh? Like, couldn’t we fig- if I had the time or energy I’d be laughure out to laugh if we think something ing but instead I’m texting! No way that is funny? And, if it’s not funny, are they can feel as good as a full out Ha, Ha, just hoping that we are sooo insecure, Ha-which releases tension in the whole that we will laugh just because we hear body instead of just your tiny little everyone else doing it? thumbs. They say, “Laugh and the world So now, go ahead: take two tablelaughs with you. Cry and you cry spoons of laughter – and text me in the alone.” Why do they say that? Often morning! I feel that the world is laughing at me! But with me? I don’t think so. Rivki Rosenwald is a certified relationAnd who says you always cry ship counselor, and career and life coach. alone? Sometimes just watching some- She can be contacted at 917-705-2004 or one’s tears roll down their face gets you


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