September 15 — September 21, 2016
Distributed weekly in the Five Towns, Long Island, Queens & Brooklyn
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A Bundle of Bribes
Pages 9, 10, 11, 13 & 27
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America’s Pattern of Paying off the Persian Regime
44 9/11 Commemorated at Yeshiva of South Shore
A Cup for a Cause: Young Five Towners Raise Money for Community Eruv
The Secret History of Presidential Disease, Sickness and Deception
See page 2
A Bond of Cooperation between the Town of Hempstead and the Shomron Pg 2
– See pages 3 & 37
330 Central Avenue, Lawrence, NY 11559
Dr. Deb: Five Easy Steps to Abolish Rudeness in Children Page 93
SEPTEMBER 15, 2016 | The Jewish Home
The Jewish Home | SEPTEMBER 15, 2016
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SEPTEMBER 15, 2016 | The Jewish Home
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The Jewish Home | SEPTEMBER 15, 2016
SEPTEMBER 15, 2016 | The Jewish Home
Dear Readers,
for our parents were de rigueur. During bedtime on most nights, I have been reading my daughter the “All of a Kind Family” series. They are books about a Jewish family growing up in the city in the early 1900s. I love reading her their stories because it tells of a different era. Besides for the lack of telephones, cars, elevators and refrigerators, there was a certain respect for people and life that our generation is missing. Waiting for Papa before touching any supper, doing chores without complaint, keeping their limited wardrobe neat and clean, and listening to their parents’ rules without question are just some examples of the simplicity and wholesomeness of years ago. Life was hard but small things were appreciated – a handful of nuts, a hair ribbon, a bag of broken crackers to munch on. Life was simpler back then. Growing up, my family went to a small shteeble in Brooklyn. I remember sitting on the bench in shul on Shabbos listening to the rabbi’s speech in Yiddish. I don’t understand Yiddish, but inevitably he would sprinkle the words “the alter heim” throughout his talk. He would speak fondly about how life was then and about the rabbonim of that generation. I wish I would have been able to understand all that he was saying. There is so much we can learn from the older generations. I only hope we can take it all in.
ast night I had the privilege of sitting next to my great-aunt at a family sheva brachos. It was time well-spent as she talked and told me stories of how she juggled her work-family balance fifty years ago. She shared anecdotes and imparted words of wisdom, and I only wished we would have had more time together. Speaking with those from previous generations gives you a glimpse into another world. There are so many years and experiences that they can impart and share, and the lessons that you learn are inspiring. Just this past Shabbos I met an elderly gentleman in shul who is zocheh to arichas yomim. His face was unlined and he was smiling as he explained why he felt that he has the zechus of being in this world for so many years, zohl ehr zein gezunt. My son was with me and I urged him to listen to what the man was saying. The gentleman reminded us that when one performs kibbud av v’em to its fullest, one is guaranteed a long life. Based on the way the posuk words the phrase, he pointed out that it’s an imperative that a long life follows respect for one’s parents. He asked, “Do you know what it means to be mechabed your parents?” He answered his question, “To follow in their ways.” When we learn from our parents and follow their customs, then we are showing that we respect them and their values. Even singing the same zemiros, he said, shows how much you value the way they live, or lived, their lives. Years ago, respect for elders and respect
Wishing you a wonderful week, Shoshana
Yitzy Halpern PUBLISHER
Shoshana Soroka EDITOR
Nate Davis Editorial Assistant Nechama Wein Copy Editor Rachel Bergida Berish Edelman Mati Jacobovits Design & Production Gabe Solomon Distribution & Logistics P.O. BOX 266 Lawrence, NY 11559 Phone | 516-734-0858 Fax | 516-734-0857 Classifieds: Deadline Mondays 5PM text 443-929-4003 The Jewish Home is an independent weekly magazine. Opinions expressed by writers are not neces sarily the opinions of the publisher or editor. The Jewish Home is not responsible for typographical errors, or for the kashrus of any product or business advertised within. The Jewish Home contains words of Torah. Please treat accordingly.
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The Jewish Home | SEPTEMBER 15, 2016
SEPTEMBER 15, 2016 | The Jewish Home
COMMUNITY Readers’ Poll
Community Happenings
Odd-but-True Stories
A Bundle of Bribes by Nachum Soroka 74 The Secret History of Presidential Disease, Sickness and Deception 88 ISRAEL
Israel News
PEOPLE A Tale of a Few Spies by Avi Heiligman
PARSHA Rabbi Wein
JEWISH THOUGHT Wrong Address by Rabbi Jonathan Gewirtz
Faith in G-d G-d’s Faith by Eytan Kobre
HEALTH & FITNESS Five Easy Steps to Abolish Rudeness in Children by Deb Hirschhorn, PhD 82
An Apple a Day Might do More than Just Keep the Doctor Away by Cindy Weinberger MS, RD, CDN 84
Dear Editor, I want to commend you on a most inspiring article on Ms. Orly Wahba and her mission to propagate kindness throughout the world. Just by reading the article I wanted to reach out to another person perhaps less fortunate than I to help assuage their pain and neediness. As our world becomes more frenetic and chaotic, with wars, hate, kidnappings and poverty, kindness can be the antidote that can bridge divisions and unite all us. May Ms. Wahba have continued success in all she attempts to do. Sincerely, Mrs. Rose Hirsch Dear Editor, The article printed in TJH this week on the Live Vest Inside organization was the perfect article to read in the month of Elul. Although we have to work on ourselves as we near the yomim noraim, as Orly points out, when one helps another the giver actually turns into a receiver as well and is affected by the kindness that he does. It’s a “boomerang effect” and both parties are uplifted by one act. As parents, it is our duty to help our children recognize a situation and reach out to help. In my neighborhood, there is a family with a few children with special needs. My chil-
dren know to always say hello when we pass these special neshamos in the street. They love delivering mishloach manos there and receiving a special treat from them. My oldest daughter sometimes spends her Shabbos afternoons with her friends at their home to help give their parents some respite from their busy schedule. I am proud of my children and I know that they are proud of themselves. But most of all, I see that they have gained from giving and that they have become more mature, happy, kind individuals. When you give and share happiness, you end up gaining in return. A Reader Dear Editor, This is to address the anonymous dad who was concerned that 13 days off from school and camp was spoiling his children. I have news for you, Mr. Dad. There were many, many families in our neighborhood whose children enjoyed the parks, the backyards, the beaches and their friends during those two weeks. Yes, it was really hard for the parents to have such a long break, but we made sure to do wholesome, fun activities and the children truly enjoyed. There is a way to spend time with Continued on page 12
The Aussie Gourmet: Chicken Noodle Bowl LIFESTYLES Dating Dialogue, Moderated by Jennifer Mann, LCSW
Judging a Book by its Cover by Chaim Homnick
Your Money
Life’s Full of Surprises by Rivki D. Rosenwald Esq., CLC, SDS
HUMOR Centerfold Uncle Moishy Fun Page
64 108
The Meaning of 9/11 by Michael Gerson
Incident in Hangzhou by Charles Krauthammer
Is Hillary Clinton’s health a concern for you in this election?
The Jewish Home | SEPTEMBER 15, 2016
SEPTEMBER 15, 2016 | The Jewish Home
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The Jewish Home | SEPTEMBER 15, 2016
Sale Dates: September 18th - 23rd 2016
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SEPTEMBER 15, 2016 | The Jewish Home
Continued from 8
your children – even an extended period of time – without spoiling them. Perhaps your method of “throwing money at the problem” is not the most optimal when it comes to raising your kids. Best of luck, Shani T. Dear Editor, Mr. Anonymous is right. Something needs to be done about the many days off our children have between camp and school. As parents who pay lots of money for our children’s education for ten months a year, I feel that schools should work with us to make sure that they are giving us what we’re paying for. Schools start mid-September, end mid-June and we have major blocks of time (think Pesach) when the kids are off. The schools should be stepping up to the plate. Yocheved W. Dear Editor, Rocky’s Zweig’s article was a surprise. I usually read Rocky for his humor – and he still was funny! – but this week’s column was right on target and definitely keen mussar for me, especially for Rosh Hashana.
How many times have I popped my foot in my mouth, mistakenly asking people something or alluding to something that could have hurt them? We need to go on a word “diet” and put our forks down between “word bites” so we can make sure not to inadvertently harm someone. Wishing everyone a kesiva, v’chasima tova, Yossi Klein
Views expressed on the Letters to the Editor page do not necessarily reflect the views of The Jewish Home. Please send all correspondence to: editor @fivetowns
The Jewish Home | SEPTEMBER 15, 2016
The Week In News
tremists. While the al-Qaeda organization once led by the evil Osama bin Laden has been decimated, there are terror organizations that are just as conniving, bold, and vicious. However, security experts do not believe the current terror organizations have the resources or skills to orchestrate a trans-national plot as tragic as 9/11.
UK’s Wall
While we in the U.S. have been dealing with our own “wall controversy” courtesy of Donald Trump, England has been preparing to build a wall of its own. The departure point from France to England is to be protected by a 1 kilometer wall. The objective of the structure is to stop migrants from boarding trucks headed to Great Britain through the tunnel under the English Channel. Of course the 13 foot-high wall is not being built without opposition. The controversial project is seen by many migrant-activists as a wrong way to deal with the problem. Still, the government has said that the wall is necessary in order to stop the increasingly aggressive attacks that are coming from the migrant camp at the port. A large fence already surrounds the port, but officials feel that a more sturdy wall is necessary to keep the area safe and secure. “We are going to start building this big new wall very soon. We’ve done the fence; now we are doing a wall,” UK Home Office minister Robert Goodwill asserted.
Are We Safer Now Than on 9/11/01? It’s been a decade and a half since the devastating September 11th attacks, yet the global terrorism threat is still looming. America is safer today than in 2001 from large scale terror attacks but the world is still combatting anti-Western jihadi ex-
The main threat today is that the Islamic State has been using their power to “inspire” lone-wolf attacks across the world. “The threat is actually worse: It has metastasized and spread geographically,” said Richard Clarke, a high-ranking terrorism adviser to three U.S. presidents and the person who famously warned the Bush administration about the increasing risk of al-Qaeda attacks in the weeks leading up to 9/11. “Today there are probably 100,000 people in the various terrorist groups around the world, and that’s much larger than anything we had 15 years ago.” There is very little proof that anti-extremist efforts have reached the Middle East, despite years of U.S.-sponsored programs. U.S. officials have worked on blocking the jihadists’ use of social media but they have found their ways around it. Officials have attempted to disrupt international funding and support for extreme interpretations of Islam, yet the organizations still manage to get donations. Experts feel that American intervention may be counter-productive as the Iraq invasion in 2003 and the continued use of armed drones against suspected terrorists have increased anti-America rhetoric and helped attract new recruits to al-Qaeda and the Islamic State. “We generate more enemies than we are able to take out,” charged former congresswoman Jane Harman (D-Calif.), a chairwoman of the House Intelligence Committee in the years after 9/11. “Our military power remains extraordinary. But winning this fight requires projecting a narrative about American values and interests. And we have failed to do that.”
SEPTEMBER 15, 2016 | The Jewish Home
orchestrated by a group of women, including a 19-year-old girl whose written pledge of allegiance to ISIS was found by police.
France in general, and its Jewish community in particular, has been subjected to extreme terrorism in the past couple of years. This past January, Binyamin Amsalem was attacked by a man swinging a machete and yelling anti-Semitic slogans. Last November, a teacher at a Jewish school in Marseille was stabbed by three people yelling obscenities. One month prior to that attack, a rabbi and two of his congregants were stabbed outside of a shul. In January 2015, four Jews were killed by a terrorist in a kosher supermarket in Paris. With many seeing the writing on the wall, France’s Jewish population has seen a mass exodus to Israel in the past two years. In 2015, 2,900 French Jews fled to Israel.
Supplying the Saudis
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False Terror Alarm outside French Shul Jews in France had a scare last week when a suspicious looking vehicle was seen parked outside a shul
in Marseille, France. Thankfully, the car that was loaded with gas canisters was found to be a false alarm and not a real threat. Police sectioned off the entire area after the suspicious car was reported outside the Bar Yohaye Jewish Community Center on Shabbos. After evacuating the area, authorities con-
firmed that the car was not listed as stolen and had no trigger mechanism attached, deeming it less suspicious. Fears were especially high considering that last week a terror attack was thwarted in Paris that involved an abandoned car with several gas canisters outside of the Notre Dame cathedral. The attempted attack was
Saudi Arabia has gotten the reassurance they were looking for from the Obama administration over the last two presidential terms. The White House has offered to sell a total of $115 billion worth of weapons to Saudi Arabia since taking office in January 2009. This is considerably more than any previous U.S. administration. Experts say the intention is to show the Saudi monarchy that it has U.S. backing especially after last year’s nuclear deal with Tehran. The agreement had increased fears in the Gulf that Washington could potentially lean more towards Iran in its
The Jewish Home | SEPTEMBER 15, 2016
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SEPTEMBER 15, 2016 | The Jewish Home
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foreign policy in the future. The author of this recent report, William Hartnung of the Centre for International Policy, said, “I think that although the Obama administration is not thrilled about the Yemen episode, it feels it can’t stay out of it because of the need to reassure the Saudis,” Hartnung said. Hartnung also pointed out that the sale will boost declining Pentagon sales. “There are $57 billion in sales in formal agreements so far, which is also head and shoulders above other administrations,” Hartnung said. Weapon sales include combat aircrafts, attack helicopters, bombs, air-to-ground missiles, warships and military training. The most recent tank deal generated resistance from congressional Democrats. They are calling for a freeze on arms sales to Saudi Arabia because of its bombing of civilian targets in Yemen. Ted Lieu, a Democratic congressman from California, led a group of 64 members of Congress demanding a delay in the tank deal due to the “deeply troubling impact on civilians.” “I do not oppose assisting the country of Saudi Arabia, which has been a longstanding ally of the United States,” Lieu told the Guardian in a written statement. “What I do fundamentally oppose is continuing to sell arms to a military coalition that has repeatedly committed war crimes. The Saudi-led coalition has killed children, patients, doctors and newlyweds. A significant number of the killings of civilians by the Saudi coalition were nowhere near military targets. I will continue to do all that I can to see that the United States offers no support to Saudi Arabia’s operations in Yemen. The letter that 64 Members of the House sent last week shows that there is a growing chorus in Congress that shares these concerns.”
Shipping Giant Drowning in Debt
Black Friday, you may be disappointed. The world’s seventh largest shipping company has gone bankrupt and has left 40 massive cargo ships stranded at sea. Now merchants are worried that they may not have goods in their stores by the time shopping season gets into high gear. South Korea’s Hanjin Shipping is waiting to dock an estimated $14 billion of goods – everything from furniture to dog food and high-end electronics. The fear is that while the ships are stranded, they will run out of fuel, supplies, or both. “Our ships can become ghost ships,” said Kim Ho Kyung, a manager at Hanjin Shipping’s labor union. “Food and water are running down in those ships floating in international waters.” The ships are not allowed to enter many ports where the company owes money to the dock-workers. “Merchandise is in limbo at the moment and retailers are working hard to make sure it ends up on store shelves in time for the holidays,” National Retail Federation Vice President for Supply Chain and Customs Policy Jonathan Gold observed. Fuel companies that have not yet been paid seized one of the ships near the Long Beach, California, port. A federal bankruptcy court ruled that no additional ships may be seized by U.S. creditors. A dozen ships are waiting to unload their goods at U.S. ports. All of the marooned ships for now have enough fuel, food and water onboard, according to the International Transport Workers Federation (ITF). The Union leaders at Hanjin are working with the South Korean government to supply the stranded ships with supplies, should the need arise. The company was in good financial standing until the economic recession of 2008. With a slumping world trade and multiple hundred-million dollar vessels under construction, the shipping company was not able to ever fully recover.
North Korea Begs for Aid
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While North Korea is facing global condemnation for testing its nuclear weapons capabilities, the country is turning to world aid organizations to help its over 100,000 citizens who are left homeless after devastating floods destroyed their homes.
The Jewish Home | SEPTEMBER 15, 2016
On August 30, Typhoon Lionrock tore through northeast Asia and flooded many areas almost beyond recognition. In North Korea, over 130 people are confirmed dead and another 400 are missing. At least 140,000 people are in “need of urgent assistance,” according to the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs. Additionally, over 600,000 people have been cut off from their water supply due to water pumping stations being wiped out.
While the North Koreans were originally asking for already designated funds to be sent, they have now launched international appeal campaigns for donations. This is coming from a regime that is reluctant to let any information in and out of the country. The timing for the plea is not the best, as Kim Jong Un just ordered his country’s fifth and largest nuclear test. With many other coun-
tries competing for the donations, Pyongyang has encountered difficulties obtaining help. North Korea has said that they have experienced the “strongest storm and heaviest downpour” since the end of World War II. Tens of thousands of houses and buildings have collapsed and hundreds of railways and roads are either destroyed or submerged. Ecology experts have said that the flooding was made particularly worse by the large amount of deforestation the country has undergone recently. Forests have been cut down so people can heat their homes, but the open areas and lack of trees to drink up the excess water has exacerbated the devastation.
London Plague Explained 350 Years Later Researchers in England have figured out the cause behind the Great Plague of London in 1665 that killed over 75,000 people. Three hundred and fifty years ago, over a quarter of London’s pop-
ulation was wiped out by a plague whose origins, until now, have been a mystery. It is now known that it was in fact a terrible case of Bubonic Plague, also known as Yersinia pestis. The plague is caused by bacteria living in fleas found on small animals and rodents. The infected fleas then jump onto humans and bite them, causing them to suffer flu-like symptoms, body aches, and vomiting. The sickness results in death 60% of the time. Scientist sequenced DNA taken from 17th century skeletons that were recently unearthed in London. The bodies came from a mass grave that was uncovered while digging a new railway line near the Liverpool Street station. The grave contained the remains of 42 victims of the Great Plague. Archeologists and researchers used fragments of pottery and glass to date the gravesite to between 1650 and 1670. DNA was then extracted from the teeth of the victims, as the tooth enamel helps preserve the DNA with less risk of contamination. Of the 20 bodies that were tested, five came back positive, with 15 of them thought to have lost their traces of bacteria over time. The control group
that was tested came back with zero hits for the bacteria.
“The discovery of the ancient DNA, which has eluded scientists for so long, is yet another piece of the jigsaw that we are piecing together to learn more about the lives and deaths of 16th to 18th century Londoners,” said Jay Carver, the lead archaeologist at Crossrail. The same bacteria is blamed for the Black Death which killed an estimated 50 million people during the 14th century. The plague is still alive today. In 2013, 780 cases of the plague were reported – mostly in Africa – resulting in 126 deaths. The difference between now and 350 years ago is that the disease seems to be contracted less easily and spread less rapidly than it once did, thankfully.
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SEPTEMBER 15, 2016 | The Jewish Home
Arrogant and Violent?
Although some in the United States may not be able to tell you much about the Chinese and Japanese cultures, there are many differences between our Asian friends. In fact, there may be much animosity and wariness between the two nations. A recent Pew survey polled the Japanese and Chinese publics to see how each views the other’s country. Arrogant, violent and nationalist were some terms that were bandied about. Although views of each other have certainly improved over the past few years, they remain overwhelmingly negative. Negative feelings spiked in 2013, after a long-running territorial dispute over some remote, uninhabited islands flared in 2012. They have climbed down since then but remain high. 42% of Japanese
have a very unfavorable view of China; 53% of Chinese share that view for the Japanese. War is also on their minds. 35% of Japanese are very concerned about a possible military conflict with the Chinese. Only 18% of Chinese feel that they are very concerned about a possible conflict with their Japanese neighbors. How do these people view their counterparts on a personal level? 81% of Japanese say Chinese are arrogant; 76% say they are nationalistic; and 71% say that they are violent. On the other hand, 70% of Chinese say Japanese citizens are arrogant; 41% see them as nationalistic; and 74% say they are violent. Unsurprisingly, Chinese and Japanese do not see eye-to-eye when it comes to their neighbors. 27% of Japanese view South Korea in a favorable light; 55% of Chinese see them favorably. 54% of Japanese see India in a favorable light, as opposed to 26% of Chinese who share that view. And for those of you who aren’t aware of the difference in Chinese and Japanese cultures, sushi is not a Chinese dish. And don’t ask for chow mein and dumplings when visiting the Land of the Rising Sun.
Abbas’s Former Day Job
Mahmoud Abbas kept himself busy in the 1980s, according to newly released information. The famous Mitrokhin archive reveals that the current head of the Palestinian Authority was a former KGB spy. The Mitrokhin archive is a document that was kept by KGB defector Vasily Mitrokhin while the Iron Curtain still stood. When Mitrokhin defected to the United Kingdom in 1992, he brought notes that he kept during his decades of work in the USSR. His edited notes were released in 2014, although his handwritten original
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notes are still classified by MI5. Israeli researchers Isabella Ginor and Gideon Remez have obtained documents which show that Abbas answered to a man named Mikhail Bodganov. Abbas was code-named Krotov (mole). The time period during which Abbas was spying for the USSR is not clear, however it is known that he spent the early ‘80s studying in Moscow. Bodganov is now a top Russian diplomat in the Middle East. He was publicly embarrassed this week when he was unable to broker a meeting between Benjamin Netanyahu and Abbas in Moscow. Both sides claimed that they were willing to meet but that their counterpart was not.
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The Jewish Home | SEPTEMBER 15, 2016
SEPTEMBER 15, 2016 | The Jewish Home
access to basic necessities. Meanwhile, the Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades, the Hamas military wing, have spent over $100 million on its war against Israel. Of that, over $40 million have been spent on digging tunnels into Israel.
די יומא דהילולא פונעם בן איש חי זי"ע
become a talking point for the Israeli tourism industry. The Tour Operator Association has made the bill public. The unsuspecting tourists were charged NIS 4,000 for a private room, NIS 5,900 for alcohol, NIS 3,150 for food and NIS 1,500 for a service charge, although the receipt says “service is not included.”
דעם קומענדיגען
שישי ליל פרשת כי תצא וועט פארקומען א
מען זאל שטיצן די הייליגער חבורה וואס שטייט אויף און אין דעם.בחצות הלילה זכות וועט מען געבענטשט ווערן מיט זרע של קיימא )(הבן איש חי בספרו כתר מלכות סי' ק"ס
מעמד בקשת רחמים
דורך די דערהויבענע חצות תלמידי חכמים און מען וועט אויך אפרעכטן מקובל'דיגע סגולות פאר
זרע של קיימא מען וועט אויך מזכיר זיין אלע נעמען ביים
""מקום בית השונמית וואס איז מסוגל אויף זרע של קיימא
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To put these numbers into perspective, the last Hamas government, which was dissolved in 2014, had a $530 million budget. That means about 20 percent of their funds was spent on weapons, digging tunnels, and training Hamas fighters. While unemployment plagues the Gaza Strip, 1,500 tunnel diggers are currently employed, each being paid between $250 and $400 a month. Excavators also receive incentives for meeting goals and veteran diggers are compensated at higher rates. Many of Hamas’s tunnels are being used to smuggle raw materials into the Strip. The terror group’s military wing has been attempting to develop weapons that may be able to get around the Iron Dome defense system that was so successful in the 50 day war in summer 2014. The tunnels, though, are being discovered and dismantled at a slow but steady rate. Last week, a 2.5 kilometer tunnel was exposed and destroyed by the Egyptian military.
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HummusGate Israel is not the cheapest country to visit but this story is undeniably ridiculous. A Chinese group of tourists is complaining that they were charged 16,500 shekels for a meal in Abu Gosh last week. Their bill has
“The Association decided to make this incident public in order to illustrate the importance of fair and polite treatment of tourists who come to Israel and are an important sector of the country’s economy,” said Yossi Fattal, CEO of the tour operators association. The restaurant is partially owned by Jawdat Ibrahim, who won $17.5 million in the Illinois State Lottery while he was living in America for six years. Ibrahim is defending the bill, saying that he thinks they should have paid even more as they closed the entire restaurant down for their meal and stayed for nine hours. “They enjoyed themselves and thanked me, and now, two weeks later, they’re trying to besmirch us,” Ibrahim complained. Fattal disagrees. He says he checked with the tourists’ tour guide and the Chinese visitors were only there for four hours while the rest of the restaurant remained open to the public. “Naive customers are a very shaky basis business model, and by behaving this way, we are with our own hands destroying the budding potential of the Chinese market for Israel,” he pointed out. China currently sends 47,000 tourists to Israel each year. The Tourism Ministry is trying to increase those numbers but sees incidents such as this one as a huge step backwards.
The Importance of English Chaim Homnick on page 106
The Jewish Home | SEPTEMBER 15, 2016
Wells Fargo, the largest U.S. bank by market capitalization, will be paying the largest fine ever levied by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. The giant financial institution was ordered to pay $180 million in penalties and an additional $5 million to customers it pushed into fee-generating accounts they never wanted. The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau will receive the biggest bulk of the fine – $100 million. “Today’s action should serve notice to the entire industry that financial incentive programs, if not monitored carefully, carry serious risks that can have serious legal consequences,” said CFPB Director Richard Cordray. The Office of Comptroller of the Currency and other Los Angeles officials also received part of the settlement. “We regret and take responsibility for any instances where customers may have received a product that they did not request,” the bank said. Prosecutors were able to prove that Wells Fargo pushed some of their customers into costly financial products that they did not need or even request. Over 2 million deposit and credit card accounts were opened that may not have been authorized. Over 5,300 of the bank’s 100,000 employees were fired due to “inappropriate sales conduct.” Can we call them bank robbers if they’re on the other side of the glass?
The Fastest Line in Costco You’re at Costco on a Tuesday afternoon and you have 25 minutes till your son’s carpool will be honking outside your door. You dash through
Record Bank Fine for Wells Fargo
the aisles grabbing only the necessities and don’t stop to browse the furniture even though you’re tempted, then you scan the checkout lines with 12 minutes left to spare. Quickly you choose the line with several people with only a few items in their carts. As it turns out, you’ve chosen the slowest line. You realize you made the wrong choice, hastily abandon your shopping cart, and arrive home just as your son’s carpool pulls up. How can you make a better choice about which line to choose next time? Dan Meyer, a former high school math teacher who is now the chief academic officer at Desmos, uses real data to help direct us to the shortest checkout lines. “Every person requires a fixed amount of time to say hello, pay, say goodbye and clear out of the lane,” he related. According to Meyer’s research it takes an average of 41 seconds for each customer to pass through and just three seconds per item to be rung up. Therefore it is a smarter decision to get in line behind a single shopper with a loaded cart than a few people with a fewer things. For example, a person purchasing 100 items will take about six minutes to process while four people buying 20 items will take approximately seven minutes.
SEPTEMBER Richard Larson, a Massachusetts Institute of Technology professor and a line expert, estimates that Americans spend a collective 37 billion hours a year waiting in lines. For some, those minutes actually cost them money since it’s time they could’ve spent working. Others don’t have the patience and energy to spend their time in a supermarket’s aisles. For the impatient among us, there are services that will stand in line for you. Robert Samuel, founder of Same Ole Line Dudes, a New York-based service, shed some light on the science of line selection. He related that since the majority of people are right handed, most people tend to veer to the right when choosing a line. A. J. Marsden, an assistant professor of human services and psychology at Beacon College in Leesburg, Florida, suggests doing a quick analysis of the cashier and demographic of shoppers waiting in line. He says to avoid
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a chatty cashier who may spend more time with each shopper. Marsden adds that older people generally go a little slower with loading their things from the cart to counter and sometimes have trouble using credit card machines. The type of items are also relevant. Several of the same item will go faster than a bunch of different items because cashiers can scan one item and then multiply it in the computer. Keep in mind that produce items generally take some more time because they cannot be scanned. Meyer also suggests using self-checkout if you can: “You’ll lose the human contact but gain time,” he said. Another strategy that researchers recommend is to choose a serpentine line when available. A serpentine line is one line that leads to several cashiers like in the bank or at the airport. Julie Niederhoff, an assistant professor of supply chain management at Syracuse University, says that these lines also give us a certain sense of relief psychologically because we can avoid making the decision of which line to choose. What about when you’ve finally reached the cashier? Well, there are steps you can take to make sure your checkout goes as quickly as possible. Samuels recommends placing your items with bar codes facing up, or if you are purchasing clothes removing the hangers and making tags easily accessible for scanning. The worst thing you can possibly do is switch lines after a few minutes of waiting. If you choose a line that’s slow, stick it out, and make a better choice next time. See you on line in Costco.
What’s the Secret with Clinton’s Health? The world was watching as Hillary Clinton excused herself from the 15th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks ceremony in New York City on Sunday. Apparently the Democratic presidential candidate had to duck out after feeling “overheated.” Media coverage of the incident showed campaign staff holding Clinton up and walking her to a waiting van. The presidential nominee was clearly having trouble walking as she was seen staggering and stumbling on a curb before slumping into the seat of the waiting vehicle.
Later in the day her campaign assured the public that Clinton was okay but the episode will surely be used by her rival Donald Trump in the future as an opportunity to question Clinton’s health. Trump has repeatedly claimed that Clinton is not only temperamental but also physically unfit to be president. Back in December 2012 Clinton fainted and sustained a concussion; her doctor diagnosed it as a stomach virus and dehydration. The concussion caused temporary double vision and the discovery of a blood clot in a vein in the space between her brain and skull. Clinton also has experienced deep vein thrombosis, a clot usually in the leg, and takes the blood thinner Coumadin to prevent new clots. Her campaign has announced that Ms. Clinton is currently suffering from pneumonia. After leaving her daughter’s apartment from recovering from the 9/11 tribute incident, Clinton waved to reporters and announced, “It’s a beautiful day in New York.” Her campaign subsequently canceled a previously scheduled trip to California. Donald Trump’s doctor, Dr. Harold Bornstein, has publicly said that Trump, 70, is in excellent health. The Republican presidential nominee is set to reveal his health “numbers” on a Dr. Oz show this week. Trump was also in attendance at the memorial service at Ground Zero in lower Manhattan, along with New York’s Democratic Senators Chuck Schumer and Kirstin Gillibrand. The Republican presidential nominee was asked about Clinton’s health incident after the ceremony and said, “I don’t know anything about it.” Many Americans were disappointed with how Clinton’s campaign handled the situation on Sunday. Once again, they are feeling that Hillary is being secretive and evasive on another issue that has arisen.
The Jewish Home | SEPTEMBER 15, 2016
Crime Rising in the U.S.
Hide your kids, hide your wife – crime is on the rise. The first half of 2015 was less safe than the same period in 2014. According to FBI data, the nation had a 1.7% increase in violent crime during that time. There is good news, though. Property crimes during this time have decreased. The midyear violent crime survey released last Monday by the Major Cities Chiefs Association shows 307 more homicides so far in 2016, according to data from 51 law enforcement agencies from some of the largest U.S. cities. Another scary fact is that murder rates are far higher in the United States than in Europe, Japan, and Canada. While many speculate why, others wonder why this hasn’t been given more attention during the presidential race.
Some of the most dangerous states in the nation are: Mississippi, Oklahoma, Alaska, New Mexico, Tennessee, South Carolina, Louisiana, Arkansas, Nevada, Missouri, Kansas, Alabama, Texas, Florida, South Dakota, Maryland, and Delaware. These are the most dangerous cities in the U.S.: 1. St. Louis, Mississippi 2. Memphis, Tennessee 3. Detroit, Michigan 4. Birmingham, Alabama 5. Rockford, Illinois 6. Baltimore, Maryland 7. Stockton, California 8. Milwaukee, Wisconsin 9. Cleveland, Ohio 10. Hartford, Connecticut
Male CEOs Dominate our Largest Corporations There’s been a lot of progress in women’s rights since the feminist movement, but there is still inequal-
ity in some sectors, specifically in corporate America. According to a Fortune report, women comprise less than 7% of chief executives at Fortune 1000 companies.
There are some very well-known female CEOs like IBM’s Ginni Rometty, General Motors’ Mary Barra and Hewlett Packard’s Meg Whitman, but they are still the minority. “For every [Rometty, Whitman, or Barra], there are a dozen male chief executives,” said Fortune, citing a DiscoverOrg survey. Of the almost 10,000 C-level executives that DiscoverOrg analyzed, just 18 percent were women.
Only 6.7 percent of all chairs of the board, 7.2 percent of chief operating officers, and 8.8 percent of chief financial officers were women. There is a strong female presence in two departments, though: marketing and human resources. Almost half of chief marketing officers are women and more than 60 percent of chief human resources officers are female as well. Women leaders are not represented well across the nation – not just in Fortune 1000 companies. According to a recent American Association of University Women study, women remain “underrepresented at all levels of leadership.” Politics is no exception. The U.S. Congress is made up of mostly men; 1 in every 5 members is a woman. As of 2012, only 26 percent of colleges and universities were led by females. The lack of leadership is even stronger amongst women of color. Last year, less than 3 percent of board directors at Fortune 500 companies were Asian, black or Hispanic women. “To achieve gender parity, we need women willing and able to take up leadership positions. We need men willing and able to take
SEPTEMBER 15, 2016 | The Jewish Home
make a nice profit, the hospital is appealing to Russian women who are expecting. They are advertising superior medical care for mother and baby. The bonus? A baby present of American citizenship for the newest member of the family. The fees range from $8,500 to $27,500.
on more domestic responsibilities so that more women have the opportunity to pursue demanding fields,” the AAUW wrote in its report. “We need employers to embrace a more flexible workplace, allowing women and men to move in and out of the workforce as they balance careers,
family, and personal goals. In essence, we all need to intentionally engage in making diversity and inclusion work on a daily basis.” Perhaps a women will be leading the highest office in the land in the next few months. That would be real progress.
An Easy Path to Citizenship? Meadowlands Hospital Medical Center of Secaucus, New Jersey, has a new campaign that would surely upset Donald Trump. In an effort to
The “AmeriMama” program is a profitable and provocative business method called “birth tourism,” the practice of soliciting pregnant women from other countries to deliver their children in the U.S. in order to grant them American citizenship. “Childbirth in New York is the best investment in the future of your family!” reads the Russian-language AmeriMama website. The hospital has been running an aggressive ad campaign in Russia promising to help secure citizenship papers, passports, and travel visas. Technically the hospital is not breaking any laws (yet) but it is a move angering many. “They claim they’re selling their hospital services, but the unspoken benefit of this is that the child gets a U.S. passport and U.S. citizenship,” said Jessica Vaughan, of the Center for Immigration Studies. The campaign was brought public in the U.S. by a local publication called the NJ Spotlight. Shortly after the campaign was exposed to the public, the AmeriMama website was shut down and its Facebook page was removed. Each year there are about 40,000 babies born to foreign couples in the U.S. The exact laws of birth tourism are not clear. While it is not illegal for foreign couples to give birth in the U.S., it is illegal for them to lie to immigration officials about the reasons for their visit. “There is no clear law that prevents hospitals from establishing this business and promoting it abroad, and there’s no law against a foreigner coming here for the specific purpose of having a baby,” said Vaughan. “It only crosses the line into a violation of law if they
The Jewish Home | SEPTEMBER 15, 2016
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SEPTEMBER 15, 2016 | The Jewish Home
are misrepresenting the purpose of their visit or if they were to overstay or if they were to fraudulently claim public benefits.” Many birth tourism cases, Vaughan explained, “start with a lie to the immigration officer at the point of entry. That’s an immigration violation and means they should be deported,” she reiterated. Alvin Phillips, a spokesman for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, said, “There is nothing in the law that makes it illegal for pregnant women to enter the United States. However, if a pregnant woman or anyone else uses fraud or deception to obtain a visa or gain admission to the United States, that would constitute a criminal act and be a matter of interest to Homeland Security Investigations (HSI),” he said. Birth tourism is extremely popular in Russia and China amongst middle and upper class couples. The dual citizenship that their baby automatically receives is considered an insurance policy. In the future if the child wants to attend school in the U.S. he can receive in-state tuition and it can also help parents apply for permanent U.S. residency if they
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choose. This practice can potentially cost thousands in taxpayer dollars. If the birth is complicated and costs more than the initial quote by the hospital, then the state could end up swallowing the medical bills.
Sleep Right, Feel Right
In many homes, bedtime is a very tumultuous hour. For parents who have heard “it’s not fair!” enough times to weaken their resolve, consider the most recent publication in the Journal of Pediatrics before you cave in. A newly published study has found that late bedtimes lead to obesity and diabetes in adolescents and in some adults. The study followed 977 children from their preschool
ages until they were about 15 years old. Their bedtimes at 4-and-a-half were charted against their obesity levels at 15. For children who were in bed before 8 p.m., there was a 10% rate of obesity. Between 8 and 9 p.m., the rate jumps to 16%. After 9 p.m. the rates rocketed to over 23%. Many reasons have been posited to explain the trend. The more obvious reason is that kids have more hours in the day to eat if they are awake late at night. Children who stay up watching TV are also exposed to more commercials promoting unhealthy snacks. A less obvious factor to consider is hormone regulation. “Children who have a regular early bedtime are more likely to get enough sleep. Not getting enough sleep can result in changes in the hormones controlling appetite and metabolism,” explained Sarah Anderson, associate professor of epidemiology at Ohio State University’s College of Public Health and lead author of the study. Dr. Sumit Bhargava, clinical associate professor of pediatrics at the Stanford University School of Medicine and sleep physician at Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital, has some advice for parents. “The goal should be choose an age-appropriate bedtime that allows the individual child to get the hours of sleep the child needs,” he said. “Set an appropriate bedtime based upon the amount of sleep your child needs to be functional and effective during the day. Then, be consistent with it, even on weekends.” Bhargava added, “Sleep is just as important to human life as eating and breathing. We spend almost a third of our lives sleeping.” If you are wondering what the age-appropriate amount of sleep is, the American Academy of Sleep Medicine released updated sleep guidelines for children this past June. Here is an easy cheat sheet: • Babies 4 months to 12 months should get 12 to 16 hours • Children 1- to 2-years-old should get 11 to 14 hours • Children 3- to 5-years-old should get 10 to 13 hours • Children 6- to 12-years-old should get nine to 12 hours • Teenagers 13- to 18-yearsold should get eight to 10 hours Here’s to a good night’s sleep.
Leprosy Rears its Ugly Head in California
Leprosy is a highly infectious disease that affects the skin, mucous membranes, and nerves, causing discoloration and lumps on the skin. In severe cases the disease can cause disfigurement and deformities. It was mainly confined to tropical Africa and Asia until it mysteriously turned up in Southern California last week. Officials in Riverside Country near Los Angeles are investigating two suspected cases in schoolchildren. Nursing staff at the school first notified officials about the possible infections on September 2, but it will take several weeks for doctors to confirm. Of course, as expected, parents in the district where the cases were reported are very alarmed but Barbara Cole of the Riverside County Department of Public Health reassured the public that Hansen’s disease, also known as leprosy, is not quickly spread between people. It is very unlikely that people would catch the disease in a school or work environment. Despite that, the school has taken measures to ensure all students’ safety. Several classrooms were disinfected after the symptoms were discovered in the two students. Leprosy, commonly referred to as Hansen’s disease, is extremely unusual in the U.S.; there are only about 100 to 200 new cases reported each year, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. In 2014, there were 175 new cases of Hansen’s disease diagnosed in the United States. The majority were in seven states: Arkansas, California, Florida, Hawaii, Louisiana, New York and Texas. “There’s a lot of stigma and a lot of misunderstanding about leprosy,” said Dr. Amesh Adalja, an
The Jewish Home | SEPTEMBER 15, 2016
infectious-disease specialist and a senior associate at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center’s Center for Health Security. “In the United States, there are thousands of people” who have the disease, Adalja said. According to the National Hansen’s Disease Program, there are currently about 6,500 people living with the disease in the U.S. and about half require active medical treatment. The symptoms are treatable with antibiotics. Once the first few doses are administered patients are unable to transmit the disease to another person. About 60% of those people with Hansen’s disease living in America were not born in the U.S. The main question regarding these suspected cases in California is where the children may have contracted the disease. Armadillos in the United States have been reported to have the bacteria that cause the disease. It is possible for humans to become infected through contact with the animal but the risk is very low. Another way that people can become infected with the disease is via extended contact with other patients with leprosy. The disease is not highly contagious and it’s unlikely to become infected through casual contact. Stock up on Purell, just in case…
Goat Yoga
Yoga enthusiasts claim that the exercise calms them and bring them the serenity they need in our hectic world. But it could be that something is missing in their yoga class. Skip the ambient music. Perhaps a few goats would make the class more complete? Heather Ballenger Davis’ yoga class in the Pacific Northwest is held on No Regrets Farm. Goat Yoga is performed outdoors and the farm’s six goats wander in when the class
gets started and appear to thoroughly enjoy themselves. Those in the class find that the four legged creatures add to the serenity of the group. And yogis have enjoyed the animals so much that the classes are booked until the end of spring next year. Wish you had a four legged friend while you do your sun salutations? Other classes around the country offer cats and dogs as friendly yogis to join with you. Namaste.
Expensive Taste
It’s a matter of taste and taste really matters. Recently, the world famous chocolate brand Cadbury insured one of its scientist’s taste buds for a staggering £1 million. Apparently her tongue is just so important. Hayleigh Curtis’s skills are key to the success of many Cadbury’s products. She works as part of a 300-strong team of inventors in the innovation kitchen in Birmingham, and the company says that her expert taste buds are essential in making sure all new Cadbury creations meet their high standards. As part of the insurance package, Curtis has to watch her mouth. That includes no sword swallowing, fugu fish and truly hot peppers. This is not the first time Lloyds has insured parts of people’s bodies. “We’ve insured some interesting assets over the years, and this certainly adds to the mix!” Jonathan Thomas from Lloyds observed. Curtis is delighted with her pout’s protection. “There is a lot of science that sits behind our chocolate innovation – from mouth feel to melting temperatures of chocolate – so with my taste buds safeguarded I look for-
SEPTEMBER 15, 2016 | The Jewish Home
ward to creating lots more deliciously tasting chocolate for years to come.” That’s certainly putting your money where your mouth is.
suggests that we may be able to taste yet another taste, starchiness, which may just help us understand why pizza and pasta are so universally loved.
Zero Second Rule
You hear it around the playground at recess numerous times. “Pick it up! Pick it up! Oh, it’s still good – five second rule.” Who made up this “rule” that schoolchildren follow so ardently? Perhaps it was composed by a child who was sad about his fallen lollypop and scooped down for a lick. Now, though, children should reconsider their dropped delicacies. According to researchers at Rutgers University, contamination from bacteria onto food that fell on the floor can happen instantaneously. Researcher Donald Schaffner pointed out that the five-second rule is a “significant oversimplification of what actually happens when bacteria transfer from a surface to food.” Time, though, does matter. The longer the food is in contact with the floor – or another dirty surface – the more bacterial transfer. Additionally, the type of food and its surface is also a factor. The Rutgers researchers tested watermelon, bread, bread and butter, and gummy candy on stainless steel, ceramic tile, wood and carpet. They found that watermelon had the most contamination, and that transfer of bacteria is affected most by moisture. Apparently they didn’t take tantrums into account when conducting their research.
Juyun Lim, associate professor at Oregon State University’s Department of Food Science and Technology and lead author of the study, said that it’s not so surprising about our sense of starchiness since we are so dependent on carbohydrates as a key source for energy. Dr. Robert Margolskee clarified that the sense of starchiness is probably “just another version of sweet taste.” Another study, also interested in pursuing a “sixth sense” for our tongues that was published last year, made the case that we have another taste that can detect fat. “There are several other candidates for the sixth taste, including calcium, fat, carbon dioxide and even water,” said Gary Beauchamp, a biologist and emeritus director and president of the Monell Chemical Senses Center, who was not involved in the new study. “In my mind, none of them have the perceptual salience of the main four – now five – sweet, sour, salty and bitter, and the recently recognized umami, which is a bit more subtle than the traditional four but still distinctive,” he said. Hey, all I know is that it tastes good.
The “Toylet” Project
A Sixth Sense Our tongue is a powerful organ and can detect five basic tastes: sweetness, sourness, saltiness, bitterness and “umami,” or savory. Wait, did you forget the sixth? A recent study published in Chemical Senses last month
The toilet is their oyster. I don’t know much about oysters – being that I don’t eat them – but now New York is turning toilets into some
The Jewish Home | SEPTEMBER 15, 2016
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SEPTEMBER 15, 2016 | The Jewish Home
You are Cordially invited To
French Fry Arrest
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Hakarat HaTov Award
Community Builder Award
Community Advocacy Award
Dr. Isaac Sasson
Mr. and Mrs. Yaakov Serle
Councilman Rory Lancman
Dinner Chairmen
Youth Leadership Award
Pillar of Chesed Award
Shalom and Victoria Zirkiev R' Yitzchok and Michal Oelbaum
Dinner Committee
Mr. and Mrs. nuel Inoyatov Ema
Hachzakat HaTorah Award
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Community Service Award
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Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Abraham Esq. Mr. and Mrs. Roman Aminov Esq. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Babadzhanov Mr. and Mrs. Manny Behar Mrs. Nechama Biderman Dr. and Mrs. Paul Brody Ms. Jan Fenster Dr. Joseph Frager Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gurgov Mr. and Mrs. Richard Harris Mr. and Mrs. Elisha Hisiger Mr. and Mrs. Nechemia Hoch Mrs. Odeliya Jacobs Mr. and Mr. Eddie Khodgiev Mr. and Mrs. David Koptiyev Mr. and Mrs. Meshulam Lisker Mrs. Rivkah Mierov Mr. and Mrs. Avraham Pinkhasov Mr. and Mrs. Mark Plaine Esq. Mr. and Mrs. Bernie Shafran Mr. and Mrs. Baruch Shamayev Mr. and Mrs. Shlomo Steiman Esq. Assemblyman Michael Simanowitz Mr. and Mrs. Eliezer Szrolovits Mr. and Mrs. Shay Yonaiev Mr. and Mrs. Benny Yunatanov R' and Mrs. Rafael Zavulunov
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R' and Mrs. R Efraim ubinov
Couvert $200 per person oysters’ homes. In collaboration with the Billion Oyster Project, New York City will be using 5,000 old toilets primarily from public schools to build a massive oyster bed in Jamaica Bay. These commodes, smashed into small chunks,
will give oyster larvae something to latch onto to grow. “This oyster bed will serve multiple purposes – protecting our wetlands from erosion, naturally filtering our water, and providing a home for our sea dwellers are just a few,” Mayor
Bill de Blasio exulted. “More broadly, this oyster bed is a small but necessary step in our broader OneNYC commitment to create a more sustainable and more resilient City.” Can I say “oy” to using toilets for people’s food?
It’s not what she stole, it’s who she stole it from. A woman ii Washington, DC, is in big trouble after stealing French fries off someone’s plate at a local restaurant. It wasn’t just anyone from whom she pilfered the fries; it was a police officer who was none too pleased to be sharing his fries with her. According to the police report, two women approached the officer and appeared to be intoxicated. One of them started to eat a fry from his plate. “I then politely asked D-1 to not do that again because I paid for that food and she was stealing from me and she could be arrested for theft of my food,” the officer wrote in the report. The woman responded by saying, “Well, then you might as well take me to jail,” before taking a third fry. The French fry thief was arrested for second degree theft with the stolen property listed as “French Fried Potato … quantity 3.” “The listed offender appropriated the listed property without the consent of the listed complainant,” the report stated. Seems like the woman is just a few fries short of a Happy Meal.
Hashem Believes in Us Eytan Kobre on page 70
The Jewish Home | SEPTEMBER 15, 2016
SEPTEMBER 15, 2016 | The Jewish Home
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The Jewish Home | SEPTEMBER 15, 2016
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The Jewish Home | SEPTEMBER 15, 2016
Around the
Community Yeshiva Har Torah off to an Amazing Start
The children at Yeshiva Har Torah hit the ground running as the first day of school kicked off last Thursday. After a long summer break, students hopped off the buses warmly embracing their friends and teachers. The excitement for the new school year was palpable. The talmidim and talmidot got right down to learning. We anticipate a great year of growth and success for all our incredible students.
Local children opened up lemonade stands across the Five Towns to benefit the Five Towns eruv. It was a refreshing way to raise money for a worthy organization and was a sweet success.
SEPTEMBER 15, 2016 | The Jewish Home
Around the Community
Building Together at Siach Yitzchok
ednesday, September 7, was the day many of our wonderful local yeshivos began the new school year. At Siach Yitzchok the classrooms lit up with the smiling faces of close to 350 children, eager to begin another great year of learning and growth. As enrollment continues to grow, the beloved Menahel R’ Dovid Sitnick welcomed 16 new families and many new staff members. The hanhalah feverishly worked late into the night to prepare the present facility on Central Avenue for the boys. This year, with parallel classes through the 8th grade, the dining room was converted into classrooms. Underscoring the dire need for a building, the rebbeim met to plan how to best maximize this year’s experience for the children in their charge, despite the challenges the current building presents. “Baruch Hashem, we just don’t fit here anymore!” says the
Menahel. “The cheder has expanded, and we are long overdue for a fresh and roomy campus.” That same night, the Executive Building Committee gathered at an important meeting, called by Rabbi Eli Biegeleisen, Siach Yitzchok’s new Executive Director, for major decisions about the next stage of expansion. The meeting took place at the home of Campaign Chairman, Mr. Henry Schachar, a proud grandparent of students in the cheder. In attendance were devoted community members and friends of the cheder: Committee Chairman Rabbi Avrohom Fruchthandler, Mr. Evan Genack, Mr. Nachman Goodman, Mr. Shlomo Zalman Gutfreund, Rabbi Avrohom Halpern, Mr. Reuven Jacobs, Mr. Hershey Kappel, Campaign Co-Chairman Mr. Yitzy Halpern, and Chairman of the Parents Committee Rabbi Yossi Bennett. After Mr. Schachar presented
R-L: Evan Genack, Rabbi Avrohom Halpern, Rabbi Yossi Bennet (obscured), Henry Schachar, Yitzy Halpern, Rabbi Avrohom Fruchthandler, Rabbi Sitnick, Nachman Goodman, Rabbi Eli Biegeleisen, Hershey Kappel and Reuven Jacobs
a clear update from the contractor and immediate campaign goals, Reb Dovid and Rabbi Biegeleisen emphasized the dire need to complete the project quickly to provide the necessary and proper environment for the children. Rabbi Avrohom Fruchthandler, who was a beloved talmid of Rabbi Shlomo Freifeld zt”l and who is extraordinarily devoted to honor his memory, made an impassioned appeal to the committee to do whatever necessary to forge ahead and ensure the building’s completion. The committee’s response was
overwhelmingly positive and it did not take long to both conclude and accept the challenge that, b’ezras Hashem, the building must be completed by the beginning of the next school year. Those at the meeting felt strongly that Siach Yitzchok, as one of the important mosdos in the Far Rockaway/Five Towns, would be warmly supported by the community in this monumental endeavor. Our Building Campaign is now entering high gear. Together, we will build!
terials to create their character trait on a blank poster board. Once all the groups were finished, each group presented their poster board to the rest of the 7th grade class. Each poster board was amazing!
Rabbi Hecht wrapped up the program and each student was given a special HANC pen as they left for the evening, eagerly awaiting their return the next morning.
A Year of Growth at HANC
n Tuesday, September 6, HANC welcomed an amazing group of 7th graders to our annual orientation here at the Hebrew Academy of Nassau County Middle School. The program began with an introduction to the class by Rabbi Hecht. Rabbi Hecht spoke about the theme for this year, “Growth.” Rabbi Hecht then spoke about some of the rules and expectations for the first day of school as well as for the entire year. Following the introductory remarks, Rabbi Hecht introduced many of the faculty members who were in attendance to meet and greet the incoming 7th graders. Once some of the business matters and introductions
were taken care of, the students enjoyed pizza and Ice cream. Thank you to the PTA for sponsoring this event! Following pizza and ice cream, the counseling department, led by Dr. Steven Levey, engaged the students in a group activity designed to help them “create” the type of school they want HANC to be for them. The students were given a colored token (blue, green, red, purple, orange or yellow) identifying a specific character trait their group was in charge of defining and creating. The six character traits were responsibility, trustworthiness, fairness, caring, respect and citizenship. Each group, run by a different faculty member or high school student, used a variety of different ma-
The Jewish Home | SEPTEMBER 15, 2016
Midnight Snacks
Healthy Lunches
Yes you can have it all. Anytime.
SEPTEMBER 15, 2016 | The Jewish Home
Around the Community
A Glimpse into the First Week of Yeshiva Darchei Torah
A view of the main beis hamedrash last Thursday morning First grade rebbi R’ Menachem Engel blowing shofar in his classroom
Rav Yaakov Bender, Rosh HaYeshiva, delivering his weekly erev Shabbos shmuess to the fourth and fifth grades; he also speaks separately to both the Mesivta, Bais Medrash and to the Middle School
Rav Shmuel Strickman, menahel of the Lower Elementary School, greeting talmidim as they disembark from the busses on the first full day of yeshiva
R’ Yossi Reisman, a shoel umaishiv, with Bais Medrash Heichal Dovid talmidim
Rav Zevi Trenk, menahel of Mesivta Chaim Shlomo, delivering a fascinating, hands-on presentation about the shofar and other kinds of animal horns to R’ Seidenfeld’s fourth grade class
The Jewish Home | SEPTEMBER 15, 2016
SEIZE THE OPPORTUNITY! On the Yahrtzeit of the Chofetz Chaim, this coming September 27th, כ"ד אלול, a delegation of Gedolei Rabbonim, Poskim and a group of senior members of Dirshu’s hanhala, will be traveling to Radin to daven for the success of Daf HaYomi B’Halacha participants.
Harav Shimon Badani davening at the Chofetz Chaim's kever during Dirshu's mission to Radin last year HaRav Chizkiyahu Yosef Mishkovsky addressing the Dirshu delegation, at Dirshu's previous mission to Radin
Harav Binyomin Finkel davening at the Chofetz Chaim's kever during a previous Dirshu mission to Radin
I would like to have the delegation of Gedolei Rabbonim daven on my behalf at the Chofetz Chaim’s Kever, on his upcoming Yahrtzeit.
Hebrew name _______________________
Full name __________________________________________
Mother’s Hebrew name _______________
Address ___________________________________________
I am presently a participant in the Daf HaYomi B’Halacha Program
I undertake, bli neder, to join the Daf HaYomi B’Halacha program*
Phone number _____________________________________ Email address ______________________________________
*A kabbalah, the sefarim teach us, strengthens one’s resolve. It is understood that the kabbalah is bli neder and that circumstances can crop up that will make it difficult to keep. There is no minimum time requirement.
Please fill in the pertinent information, and return by fax or email, no later than Friday, September 23rd, 2016 / 20 Elul by 1pm.
Tel: 888.5.Dirshu ext. 141 Fax: 732.987.3949 Email:
Bottom Line Marketing Group: 718.377.4567
Please fill out the form below in order to take advantage of this unique opportunity.
SEPTEMBER 15, 2016 | The Jewish Home
Around the Community
Inaugural Event in New York to Celebrate Three Momentous Occasions
special event commemorating the upcoming 50th anniversary of the Six Day War and the re-unification of Yerushalayim, as well as the 25th yahrtzeit of former Prime Minister Menachem Begin z”l, will take place at the Young Israel of Jamaica Estates, in Queens, New York, this Sunday, September 18. Former UN Ambassador John Bolton and Israeli Minister of Justice Ayelet Shaked will speak at the inaugural event focusing on these three historic occasions, sponsored by Young Israel Chovevei Zion and the National Council of Young Israel. This momentous event is being chaired by Dr. Joe & Karen Frager of Jamaica Estates, NY, and co-chaired by Dr. Paul & Drora Brody of Great Neck, NY. The media coordinator is Odeleya Jacobs of Kew Gardens Hills, NY. The event is free, but sponsors are welcome. No reservation is re-
quired. A light buffet will be catered by Aron’s Kissena Farms, first come, first served, from 4:00 - 5:15 P.M., preceding the program. The program will run from 5:30 - 7:30 P.M. A VIP reception for sponsors will take place with Minister Shaked and Ambassador Bolton prior to the event, where supporters will personally be greeted by the dignitaries. Dr. Frager stated that Ambassador John Bolton has been a good friend to Israel over the past 15 years. He led the fight against the build-up of arms in Iran and the fight against the Iran Nuclear Agreement. Amb. Bolton was instrumental in getting rid of the resolution in which Zionism was equated with racism during the presidency of former President George HW Bush. He speaks about United States mideast relations every day. He is one of the top friends of Israel. “We are honored that Ambassador Bolton will be speaking at this event.”
YESHIVA OF FAR ROCKAWAY Invites all our alumni
to a learning program
Sunday mornings during the month of Elul & Aseres Yemei Teshuva
The program will take place on Sundays September 18th, 25th and October 9th Schedule:
9:45 – 11:00 am
Chavrusa learning 11:00 – 11:45 am
Shiur and divrei chizuk
By Hanhallas HaYeshiva
This week’s shiur will be given by
Rabbi Dovid Kleinkaufman שליט"א
לז"נthree young community members משה בן דוד ע"ה שמעון בן יחזקאל ע"ה משה בן יוסף מתתי' ע"ה
Dr. Brody explained that Minister of Justice Ayelet Shaked is a rising star in Israeli politics. “She has fought hard for the development of Yehuda and Shomron, as well as for transparency of the NGO’s. She has changed the judicial landscape in Israel with the appointment of over 100 judges.” Dr. Frager, Dr. Brody and Mrs. Jacobs have worked often as a group advocating for Israel, including organizing Knesset conferences, working with American and Israeli politicians, combating BDS, clarifying misinformation about Israel,
and bringing important speakers to the Israel Day Concert in Central Park, which they have collectively organized over several decades. The Jewish community appreciates all of their hard work and dedication. Photo ID will be required for entry. No bags or backpacks will be allowed. Early arrival is highly suggested as security checks will take time. Seating is limited. People are encouraged to join the growing group of sponsors to personally meet Ambassador Bolton and Minister Shaked by calling 917-650-5623
What’s for dinner? One bowl of deliciousness See the Aussie Gourmet on page 86
Bnos Bais Yaakov: Starting the Year off Right
n September 6, the entire BBY teaching staff and administration converged on the Simcha Hall eager to hear words of chizuk and inspiration from Rabbi Shlomo Avigdor Altusky. Rav Altusky is the Rosh Yeshiva of Beis Medrash Heichal Dovid and husband of Rebbetzin Baila Altusky, BBY’s esteemed Limudei Kodesh Curriculum Coordinator. Rabbi Altusky delivered the perfect message for our dedicated and sincere mechanchos. He spoke about the Rebbetzins of yesteryear and the elevated quality of their davening and emunah. This, Rabbi Altusky asserted, is what mechanchos must strive to impart to their talmidos. In the crux of his message, Rabbi Altusky explained the process by which emunah is imparted. It is not transmitted through a lecture, nor is it a subject; emunah is a way of life. It is extrapolated from every situation and is replicated in our students when they recognize us as true models of emunah.
Rabbi Altusky ended with the Chasam Sofer’s bracha to mechanchim and mechanchos: If you take care of Hashem’s children, Hashem will take care of yours. It is a very meaningful bracha in this day and age and modeling emunah is a powerful mandate that Rabbi Altusky conferred upon the BBY staff. May we all be zocheh!
The Jewish Home | SEPTEMBER 15, 2016
Dozens of volunteers have already signed up for CIMBY! Join one of our many chesed programs and spread kindness throughout the community.
Cook and prepare Shabbos packages for those forced to spend Shabbos in the hospital.
IN THE SPIRIT OF YOM TOV Blow shofar or read megilla for those who cannot make it to a shul, helping them be mikayim the mitzvah.
HOSPITAL HAVEN Maintain, stock and take inventory at our network of hospital respite rooms around the community. Our many respite rooms serve as an oasis for patients and their families to relax amidst the daily worry and sorrow of life darkened by illness.
TRUSTY COMPANION Join our on-call volunteer list. Whether it’s visiting the homebound, staying with a hospitalized community member or watching children whose parents had to rush to the hospital, your committed time is invaluable.
Join our Meals ‘n More delivery team and deliver packages to numerous hospitals each Friday.
Become a driver for those in need of transportation, such as taking an elderly person to the supermarket or driving a mother and her child to a doctor’s appointment.
RESPITE FOR THE MOURNING Help conduct a burial for a Meis Mitzvah, properly sanctifying the body and neshama.
PROFESSIONAL WORKFORCE Provide legal, accounting, plumbing or electrical expertise for those in need. Join our budgeting team that assists struggling families manage their money. Utilize your expertise to help those who are struggling financially create a budget, alleviating much stress from their lives.
Join a group of volunteers to be on call in case a local Shiva house needs a minyan.
ICE HELPERS Join a group of volunteers on call to clear snow for the elderly and those with disabilities in the neighborhood, providing safe access to steps, sidewalks and driveways.
To learn more and participate in one of our many chesed programs, visit or call 516-791-4444
SEPTEMBER 15, 2016 | The Jewish Home
Around the Community
Midreshet Shalhevet Students Witness History By Zahava Fertig
n Monday, September 12, students from Midreshet Shalhevet’s Committee of Israel Advocacy, and their teacher, Mr. Simcha Bader, joined many local government officials and religious leaders as Town of Hempstead Supervisor Anthony Santino signed a declaration of cooperation between the Town of Hempstead and the Shomron Region in Israel at the Rock Hall Museum in Lawrence, NY. This declaration is part of the continued effort to eradicate the Boycott Divestment and Sanctions movement that is plaguing college campuses and countries around the world, and show their support and partnership with Israel, particularly, the Shomron region. Earlier this year, the Town of Hempstead voted and passed a piece of legislation stating that they will not participate in any business with companies that support the BDS movement. This legislation was a great accomplishment for both Israelis
and Americans, as Hempstead Town, which is the largest township in the United States, became the first municipality in New York State to pass anti-BDS legislation. Midreshet Shalhevet juniors and seniors had the opportunity to meet and talk to a number of elected officials including Councilman Bruce
Blakeman and Councilman Anthony D’Esposito. Junior Leah Feder said, “[I] really appreciated the amazing opportunity of being able to witness the signing of this historical legislation. I am so lucky to live in a community where Israel is a major priority to the local government.” The girls felt honored to be a
part of this historical event and wish to express gratitude to Mr. Avi Fertig, Special Assistant to the Town Board, for inviting us to join the Town of Hempstead and the Shomron region. Zahava Fertig is a senior in Midreshet Shalhevet HS for Girls.
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The Jewish Home | SEPTEMBER 15, 2016
SEPTEMBER 15, 2016 | The Jewish Home
Around the Community
September 11th Commemorated at Yeshiva of South Shore
n Sunday, September 11, 15 years after the infamous attacks on America, the Yeshiva of South Shore hosted a Yom Iyun that reflected on and commemorated the tragic events of 9/11 and the impact they had on the nation, the world and the Jewish community. In addition to the program, a special curriculum was developed for all grades revolving around important themes and lessons through which the nation as a whole, and particularly the Jewish community were able to grow. Dr. Norman Blumenthal trained the teachers in “How to help children in the aftermath of traumatic news events.” An entire curriculum was developed by our menahalim and principals. In the days surrounding the anniversary, our teachers and rabbeim discussed with the talmidim concepts on heroism, community service, rebuilding after a tragedy, and appreciation
of the freedoms granted in the United States of America. Grades 1-5 focused on the middos of hakaras hatov and yeshuas Hashem k’heref eyin. The Mechina Division hosted a special assembly that featured Rabbi Moshe Taub, Rabbi of the Young Israel of Holliswood, noted author and lecturer, and Mr. Eli Polatoff, Hatzalah member and Ground Zero first responder. The boys sat riveted to the speakers and listened as they discussed personal experiences from that day and ways in which to grow from the experiences. Rabbi Taub explained to the gathering of talmidim and parents that when we feel an awaking to do teshuva, we need to put concrete actions behind our decisions to make the closeness to Hashem more real. He told wonderful anecdotes about connecting to Hashem and keep the inspirations of teshuva resonating. Mr. Polatoff focused on the necessity of tefilah in our daily lives. In addi-
Rabbi Mordechai Kamenetzky with Rabbi Moshe Taub and Eli Polatoff
tion to the amazing stories of the fear, the terror and the faith that got him and his chaveirim through the terrible tragedy, he discussed the power of prayer. He related over that on September 11th he was with 40 Hatzalah members and survivors standing on the desolate streets near Ground Zero when someone announced that they
would daven Mincha. After Shemoneh Esrai he turned around and the number of people tripled in size to nearly 150 people gathered together. He said that some weren’t even Jewish! Yet when they saw a group of Jews praying they too instinctively flocked to their group. Mr. Polatoff told the boys, “Don’t ever forget that in your most lonely times, where everything seems lost, you always have Hashem!” According to Rabbi Mordechai Kamenetzky, Rosh Yeshiva, “The events of September 11, 2001 had an integral part on American history as well as forging the future of global civilization, until the times of Moshiach. Though not one single student in the Yeshiva was born during these events, their impact has affected their lives in ways they do not even realize. It is an essential part of chinuch to teach about the tragedy and triumphs of that day and to instill in their minds and neshamos that Hashem is always waiting to bring us mi’tzara l’ruvacha, mei’afeila l’orah, umi’shibud l’geulah.”
Eli Polatoff speaking at the YOSS 9-11 Memorial Yom Iyun
Freshmen and Faculty Orientations at DRS
eginning high school can be a nerve-racking experience, but the incoming class of 2020 at DRS learned right away that DRS is a high school unlike any other. At freshmen orientation this year, our 96 members of the new freshmen class met one another in a warm, comfortable atmosphere. This is the largest incoming class in DRS’s 20 year history, hailing from 15 different elementary schools. The students met
with school administrators, received their schedules and books, and enjoyed a night out at the batting range after a delicious dinner. The students seem to already be acclimating well to their new schedules and new high school experience. But the freshmen were not the only ones beginning a new school year. The DRS faculty also began the year with an exciting, engaging, and informative orientation. Dr. Rona
Novick, Dean of YU’s Azrieli Graduate School for Education and Administration, addressed the faculty on the topic of “Catering to the needs of diverse students,” something the school is focusing on a lot this year. DRS prides itself on the care and attention it delivers each of its students, ensuring that each receives the education and guidance necessary for their particular success. To that end, the freshmen will be receiving special
study skills training this year from the people at Elevate Education, an award-winning, global provider of study skills programs, working with over half a million students across the globe. One of the founders of Elevate also addressed the faculty at their orientation to help teachers assist their students in proper note-taking techniques.
The Jewish Home | SEPTEMBER 15, 2016
Around the Community
103-Year-Old Assisted Living Resident Throws Out Ceremonial Pitch at LI Ducks Game
Another Gurwin resident, Golda Thaw, was celebrating her 100th birthday and was honored with scoreboard birthday wishes as well as birthday hugs and high fives from team mascot Quackerjack, who paid a visit to the residents in attendance. “That was something else,” she said, beaming. According to Staci Rosenberg-Simons, Marketing Director at Gurwin Jewish ~ Fay J. Lindner Residences, “Baseball is one of America’s favorite pastimes, and it resonates with people of all ages. Residents of our assisted living community don’t give up these kinds of things once they move in; they gain the opportunity to participate in all kinds of activities and trips with new
esidents at Gurwin Jewish ~ Fay J. Lindner Residences enjoyed a night out at the old ballgame at LI Ducks Stadium for Jewish Heritage Night, a fun family event cosponsored by Gurwin Jewish. Headlining the event was Gurwin assisted living resident Helen Stemple, who threw out the ceremonial pitch. A perfect example of grace under pressure, the 103-yearold great-grandmother strode calmly onto the field and lobbed a perfect pitch straight into the glove of former Mets shortstop Bud Harrelson, amid cheers of fans and friends. The former Brooklyn Dodgers fan credited her on-the-mark toss to pregame pitching practice on the grounds of Gurwin’s Commack campus.
friends and companions.” When asked how she felt after the pitch, Stemple said it was a night she will fondly remember. “I enjoyed throwing the pitch to Mr. Harrelson, and then watching the game with my friends. It was just wonderful!” The Gurwin Jewish ~ Fay J. Lindner Residences is an elegant 201-apartment assisted living residence located in Commack, Long
Island. Full apartments, elegant restaurant-style dining, wellness programs and fitness trail, exciting social activities, membership to the Suffolk Y, and many other amenities make life at Gurwin extraordinary, including its beautifully-landscaped, park-like grounds. The community also offers Enriched Pathways, a 14-bed unit dedicated to the care of those with memory impairment.
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The Jewish Home | SEPTEMBER 15, 2016
Children of Shuvu SUNDAY
at their home 121 Lawrence Avenue Lawrence, NY INTRODUCTORY REMARKS BY
Rabbi Eytan Feiner shlita Call 718-692-3434 Fax 718-977-5634 E-mail Mail 5218 16th Avenue, Brooklyn, N.Y. 11204
SEPTEMBER 15, 2016 | The Jewish Home
Around the Community
Kids of Courage: A Day to Remember
n Thursday, August 18, 130 seriously ill children made their way to Newark International Airport to kick off a unique eight-day adventure to Texas aboard their very own United charter flight. The flight was truly a K.O.C. one, with music and dancing, starting off their annual summer adventure on a rockin’ note. As they touched down in Dallas Fort Worth Airport, the crew was ready and waiting to greet all the amazing Couragers. Over 450 individuals made their way from all over the U.S., Canada, and Israel to the sumptuous Westin Hotel. It was truly a sight to see! During the first night activity a hypnotist managed to hypnotize multiple members of the staff and some campers. After a thrilling first day, everyone headed up to get some rest for an exciting week ahead. On Friday, the group headed to Six Flags Over Texas for some fun in the rain! Campers enjoyed roller coasters, water rides and even bungee jumping! One Courager commented that there’s no better feeling than the rush of a roller coaster you never thought you’d be able ride. An erev Shabbos barbeque was next on the schedule, followed by Shabbos prep along with professional portrait-taking. As the Couragers welcomed in the holy day with a beautiful kabbalas Shabbos, everyone enjoyed the calm and serenity that floated in over the day. Shabbos day was a combination of delicious food, socializing with friends, board games, ping pong, sumo wrestling (!) and more. Rabbi Elchanan Shoff of California led a beautiful kumzits at shalosh seudos with some wonderful words of inspiration, including speeches from campers who recounted their challenges and victories. A beautiful havdalah was then led by our Israeli division, solidifying the feelings of achdus acquired over Shabbos. Melave Malka was a DJ glow-inthe-dark dance party. Everyone was literally beaming as they danced and sang to the music of DJ Professor. One counselor commented that it was amazing to be able to give his camper the opportunity to just let go and be a normal teenager for the week. Sunday started with a surprise colorlympics – boys vs. girls. The ruach in the room was out of control as each team cheered their way to the finish line. Though the girls took home the
gold medal by winning color war in a landslide, all the Couragers were winners! Then, in true cowboy style, the group visited the North Texas State fair and watched a real rodeo! It was so insane, you almost wouldn’t BULLieve it! It was truly a once in a lifetime experience. The next day brought an incredible opportunity for everyone. Kids of Courage, 450 strong, along with wheelchairs, walkers and oxygen tanks, made their way onto the field of the Dallas Cowboys’ AT&T Stadium. Campers and counselors alike were in awe as they played football and rolled/ ran around an actual football field! Kids of Courage had an opportunity to check out the locker rooms and to play mini golf and other activities on the field. The group then held a livestreamed concert, which helped raise funds for the families of the five fallen Dallas Police Department officers murdered in July’s tragic shooting. The group—and thousands more across the world— enjoyed an 8th Day concert on the field of AT&T Stadium. Campers joined in to sing with the band, as the world watched and sang along on social media. The musical fun didn’t stop there. Upon the return to the hotel, the Couragers discovered that the amazing K.O.C. logistics team had transformed the ballroom into an incredible stage, prepared for an epic lip sync battle. Every camper got a chance to shine as they got up on stage and performed their favorite songs for the whole camp. The adventure continued on Tuesday with a split camp—girls visited a water park reserved for the group and the boys headed to Dave & Busters. While the girls were enjoying the
wave pool and water slides, the boys were having fun in the arcade, winning as many prizes as possible. Then it was time for the switch! The boys made their way to the water park to enjoy some respite from the Texas heat, and the girls headed to Dave & Busters. Fun was had by all! On Tuesday evening at dinner, Kids of Courage presented a $2,490 check to the Dallas Police Department. Hugs and tears were shared by all. On Wednesday, Kids of Courage visited Texas Motor Speedway! Couragers rode in real race cars with professional drivers speeding along the race track. This was yet another opportunity that would have been impossible without the magic of Kids of Courage. The day and the adventure concluded with a gala banquet and closing ceremonies. Many inspirational speeches were given by campers, telling their journeys and the hope that Kids of Courage gives them. The entire group applauded and cheered to thank every-
one who made the trip possible – from the sponsors, to the medical team, to anyone who had a hand in making it happen through months of phone calls, emails and behind the scenes planning. An amazing dance party with special treats and surprise gifts ended off the evening. As the last night of K.O.C. came to a close, everyone packed up, got ready for departure, and said their goodbyes. Along with their K.O.C. signature gear they packed many smiles, memories and enough courage to last until the next adventure! Kids of Courage is a volunteer-based, 501c3 non-profit organization whose mission is to improve the lives of medically fragile children and their families through year-round programming and bi-annual adventure trips. For more information or to make a donation visit Be sure to follow @KidsOfCourage’s adventures on your favorite social network.
The Jewish Home | SEPTEMBER 15, 2016
An urgent appeal from
FAR ROCKAWAY d o o F s u o Delicibe served
Sunday, Sep 18, 2016
9:00 am to 5:00 pm
Yeshiva Darchei Torah
In the Gym Building
Address: 211 Beach 17th St. Far Rockaway, NY Parking on Seagirt Boulevard
Special Gift For Men & Women Ages 16 to 75 Bring along ID
In Memory of
Mr. Arnold Jablon Father of Douglas Jablon
SEPTEMBER 15, 2016 | The Jewish Home
Around the Community
Shulamith 2016-17 Feel It! Face It! Love It!
A wonderful start to HANC Early Childhood Center boys and girls
One Israel Fund: Building and Securing the Heartland of Our Nation
ver the recently concluded Three Weeks, Congregation Kneseth Israel – The White Shul – conducted their annual campaign for Israel. The campaign, which was originally created during the Intifada years by longtime White Shul members Eliezer and Debbie Horowitz and now run by their son-in-law, Brian Nadata, has raised hundreds of thousands of dollars over the past decade and a half. It has provided help for victims of terror attacks, aid for the Sderot Yeshiva and community, and other urgent needs throughout Israel. This year’s campaign benefited a project spearheaded by One Israel Fund in conjunction with Hatzalah Yehuda v’Shomron, to place two armored medic vests onto the 150 ambulanc-
es currently in use throughout Judea and Samaria. These vests will be available to the first responders who, oftentimes, put literally put their lives on the line when responding to crises in the area. Pictured are the Nadata grandchildren, Ariella, Yakov, and Dovie Englard handing Scott Feltman, executive vice president of One Israel Fund, a check for $23,500 out of the over $26,000 raised to date for this campaign. One Israel Fund – Building and Securing the Heartland of Our Nation. Please join One Israel Fund at its 22nd Anniversary Dinner on Monday night, September 19th at the Museum of Jewish Heritage in NYC. Visit for details and reservations.
n Thursday, September 8, their first day back to school, students and teachers of the Shulamith Middle Division streamed into the building on Cedarhurst Avenue and enthusiastically greeted one another. Grades 6-8 davened Shacharit together in the auditorium, while the fifth graders davened in their respective classrooms. After an uplifting tefillah, the fifth graders joined the rest of the Middle Division for a video presentation created by eighth grader Priva Halpert. The video provided a look back at many of last year’s exciting experiences and a pledge by this year’s G.O. Presidents, Shaked Harari and Rachel Schwartz, and Vice Presidents, Lili Paritzky and Shayna Wasser, to offer up even more happy events. Their theme of emojis (Feel it! Face it! Love it!) was evident in the video and throughout the halls of the school. In addition to the G.O. Presentation, the Chesed Committee, led by eighth graders Lily Eisenberg, Leora Friedman, Shoshana Greenberg, Hodaya Landau, and Chaya Sokel, announced an Elul clothing drive for Lev LI. The girls hope to collect a
myriad of beautiful clothing to help outfit children in the community for yom tov. After the two presentations, students received their personal schedules for the year and dispersed for their first day of immersion in their studies. To cap off their welcome back to school, each student was treated to an emoji cookie at recess. The smiles on everyone’s faces reflected the success of Opening Day at Shulamith and are surely a harbinger of good times to come!
How can I get back into the dating scene? Page 78
The Jewish Home | SEPTEMBER 15, 2016
Around the Community
MAY Partners With Touro’s Lander Colleges
he senior year of high school is an opportunity to concretize and consolidate the gains made over one’s high school career. With Advanced Placement courses, exciting honor and elective course options, and challenging shiurim, the 12th grade program at MAY has always offered a rigorous schedule for its seniors. This year, MAY has taken that platform one step further and partnered with Touro College to become a Touro College Freshman Center. A Senior Program Orientation was held at the Mesivta this past Wednesday evening at which the Freshman Center was described in more detail and the many other senior offerings were presented. “We are constantly looking for ways to innovate to make the senior year one of true accomplishment,” commented Rabbi Sam Rudansky, General Studies Principal. “These have included our participation in the CIJE Engineering Program, our exclusive role in Avi Chai’s Online/
Blended Learning Program, and now our partnership with Touro College. Our goal is always to make education more meaningful and engaging for our students.” The courses currently being offered to MAY seniors are English 101, Psychology 101, American Government and Public Speaking. Seniors can earn 15 college credits through these courses alone, and is above and beyond the many Advanced Placement courses on offer. “It’s simply incredible that our students are able to earn these credits while still in high school,” noted Assistant Principal, Rabbi Yossi Bennett. “After all is said and done, a student has the potential, after learning in Eretz Yisroel for two years, to walk into college with 63 credits, and that doesn’t count any AP courses he may have taken. The benefits are obvious, and the savings are huge!” The courses arew being offered by instructors approved and certified by
Touro College including veteran teachers Mr. Chaim Homnick, M.A., who is also a feature writer for The Jewish Home, Dr. Adam Miller, a community psychologist who has taught the AP Psychology course at MAY for over a decade, and Professor Mordechai Hayman, an Adjunct Professor at Nassau Community College. The Mesivta
is very excited to have recruited to the faculty Mr. Nesanel Feller, J.D., a wellknown local community leader and attorney. Menahel Rabbi Mordechai Yaffe commented, “Our faculty is extremely excited about this venture. However, we envision this only being the beginning of our relationship with Touro.”
Mrs. Rose Edelman
Shana Bet Program
a rl C i G y ver A Semin ary Near Home that E
e om H l C al
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Mrs. Debra Green ~Mechaneches
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SEPTEMBER 15, 2016 | The Jewish Home
Around the Community
Let’s Build Forever!
t a busy thoroughfare in Gush Etzion, three chayalim are taking a break from their grueling patrol shift on a day of intense Israeli heat. It is well over 100 degrees outside, and with the added weight of their backpack full of equipment, it feels more like 120! They are thrilled to finally take a break to get some refreshing iced coffee and home-baked cookies, and enjoy the air-conditioned lounge to relax in the area’s Pina Chama (Warm Corner). Some 60 kilometers up the road, in the town of Kfar Tapuach, the new Central Synagogue begins to take shape. It will be a modern and beautiful new facility which will become the focal point for one of the fastest growing communities in the Shomron. On the other side of the country, in the South Hebron Region communities of Kiryat Arba, Carmel and Telem, four refurbished ambulances are officially installed in their new homes. One more is delivered to the Jordan Valley, another to Binyamin and yet another in the Shomron. Almost immediately, one is called to the scene of a terror attack. Three very distinct projects. Three very different scenarios. All made possible through the assistance of One Israel Fund. For years, One Israel Fund has been renowned for its work in fortifying and securing the towns and villages in YESHA (Judea and Samaria and those reemerging from the Gaza evacuees) against the onslaught of Arab terror that has gripped the nation for so long. Unfortunately, as long as that terror continues, One Israel Fund will be there to provide security equipment and training to those who need it most. But there is also another facet of the organization that serves an equally important
purpose. Many people are unaware of the countless building and development projects that One Israel Fund spearheads throughout YESHA, as well as other areas throughout Israel in need. These projects cover a vast array of needs,
Master of Ceremonies Nachum Segal
22nd Anniversary Dinner next Monday at the Museum of Jewish Heritage in Manhattan. It is the yearly celebration of the organization’s remarkable accomplishments on the frontlines in Israel. This year, One Israel Fund will show-
Gavi & Tali Hoffman
from social and medical, to educational and religious. The ultimate goal of every project that One Israel Fund undertakes is to make these communities more viable, more secure, and a more inviting place to live. This, in turn, attracts new young pioneering families to plant their roots in this epicenter of our Biblical Heartland and allow the entire region to flourish and grow. These are not just fanciful dreams. These are reality. In just 22 years, Israel’s entire demographic and political landscape has been dramatically altered by the work of One Israel Fund on behalf of the strong and impenetrable presence of over 400,000 brave Jewish residents living today in YESHA. This is the power of One Israel Fund’s ambitious mission to build, build, and build more! Schools, playgrounds, synagogues, medical and community centers...anything and everything that will help transform the barren desert sand into a vibrant Jewish community is within the scope and mission of One Israel Fund. With this in mind, One Israel Fund will embark on its
as well as the Annual Siyum 4 Israel Summer BBQs have enabled One Israel Fund to look towards a bright future. These and more were the brainchild of Dov. Esther Arakanchi began her involvement in the orga-
Eli & Esther Arakanchi
case some of its most recent development projects, like the new Pinot Chamot, army respite centers (like the one described above) in Hebron, Michmash and soon-to-be Beit El, the Vests4Israel Campaign that outfitted 300 civilian security chiefs with new armored vests, and the newest and most ambitious project to date, the new multi-million dollar Medical Center that will provide desperately needed medical care to over 65,000 residents in the Binyamin Region, the largest Regional Council in Israel. With the renowned Nachum Segal serving as Master of Ceremonies, this year’s dinner is especially meaningful as One Israel Fund honors Dr. Dov & Amy Snow with the Hakarat Hatov Award. Dov joined the One Israel Fund team in 2014 and in a short time added a new dynamic dimension to the entire milieu of the organization. A new and energetic group of young professionals came together in numerous cities across the country to support the work of One Israel Fund. The enormously successful Play 4 Israel Casino Game Nights in New York, Chicago and Miami galvanized nearly 1,000 new supporters. These events
Dr. Dov & Amy Snow
nization when she decided to volunteer for the Five Towns Play 4 Israel Casino Night last year. She had no idea how impactful that decision would become. Earlier this year, Esther took her son, Shabtai, for a whirlwind trip to Israel and spent four days touring sites and projects throughout Judea and Samaria which were fulfilled by One Israel Fund. As she put it, “I needed to learn firsthand what had been described to me about One Israel Fund, so I picked up and visited Israel for the first time in nearly two decades. The four days spent with One Israel Fund was exhilarating and impactful and merely reinforced our commitment to help support this jewel in our own community.” Since that trip, Esther and her husband, Eli, have spearheaded an effort to build a new mikvah in the town of Naale and have become leading advocates on behalf of One Israel Fund in their hometown of Cedarhurst and beyond. One Israel Fund is proud to bestow its Bonei Yisrael Award upon this powerhouse couple. Of course, young professionals do not take a back seat to anyone. While they may be in the philanthropic world for a shorter time than their
parents’ and grandparents’ generations, every organization committed to having a strong future knows how vital it becomes to have a base of support in the under-35 aged crowd. One Israel Fund is blessed, more than most, with a vibrant young professional base. And from that base are incredible leaders willing to go the extra mile to ensure a campaign’s ultimate success. Gavi & Tali Hoffman of West Hempstead are those leaders. Whether it was spearheading a campaign to provide shlukers (soft lightweight water packs) for soldiers in the IDF, or encouraging their friends to attend One Israel Fund events like the Play 4 Israel Casino Night or West Hempstead Summer BBQ, Gavi and Tali are people who can be truly counted upon to get things done. While there are scores of deserving young couples involved with One Israel Fund today, Gavi and Tali embody everything the Manhigut Tze’erim Award represents. With the Hoffmans leading the way, the future of the Young Professional Division of One Israel Fund is brighter than ever. Please take this yearly opportunity to demonstrate your support for One Israel Fund and admiration to the brave residents that it serves. Make a donation that will ensure a bright, strong future for YESHA and the entire Israel. Help us continue to build forever. One Israel Fund’s annual dinner is the only event in North America which pays tribute to all of the 150+ communities throughout Judea, Samaria, the Jordan Valley and those established by the Gazan evacuees. This is our opportunity to show our support and to give them the strength to continue building our Heartland in our Homeland. Donations and reservations can be made at
The Jewish Home | SEPTEMBER 15, 2016
SEPTEMBER 15, 2016 | The Jewish Home
Around the Community
Rabbi Lewis Wienerkur, Co-Director of Israel Guidance at HAFTR High School, sending off students at JFK Airport to learn in Israel for the year
Rabbi Weinerkur and Rabbi Oppen with students at JFK
A New School Year Begins
n 28 Av, the yahrtzeit of Hagaon Harav Avrohom Pam zt”l, Shuvu’s new school year began, and – based on its schools’ growth – it appears Harav Pam continues to serve as a meilitz yosher for the network he founded over 25 years ago. Despite the very difficult financial situation – government funding has been withheld for two years already – Shuvu opened the new school year with a number of noteworthy achievements. Over 800 new students have enrolled – not only first grade, but many in other grades as well; the absorption of many French students, the establishment of new junior high schools, and more. Shuvu has also expanded its kiruv activities, thanks to the great assistance of the Wolfson Foundation, and its representative in Shuvu, Rabbi Yossi Shulman. Shuvu Netanya has enrolled the largest group of French immigrants – nearly 200 – and Shuvu’s Director Rabbi Chaim Michoel Gutterman visited the school on opening day, accompanied by Rabbi Shulman and Shuvu UK Chairman R’ David Blachman, who made a special trip to Israel to be at the schools on the first day of the new year. Absorbing so many new children required extensive renovations, of course. “It is truly amazing how our dreams of only a few months ago, have become reality,” said Rabbi Gutterman. “In only two weeks we b”H put up 6 new air-conditioned classrooms in Netanya, each fully ready for classes to begin. Our workers worked day and night, literally, to ensure that all our new students would be properly accommodated and comfortable in their
new school. “I would like to especially thank the French Children’s Fund, headed by R’ Reuven Wolf, for its generous sponsorship of this project. “We’ve now opened junior high schools in Netanya – one for boys and one for girls.” Opening the new junior high is part of a general trend within Shuvu. For the past few years, Shuvu has been focusing on creating junior high schools to enable children to continue their Shuvu education beyond elementary school, strengthening their commitment to a life of Torah and mitzvos. Opening these schools is extremely costly, and making these schools attractive to children from irreligious homes presents its own challenges. One of the ways Shuvu has gone about attracting these students is by introducing “Mofet,” a widely acclaimed program providing a unique advanced curriculum for math, physics, science, computers, English and life skills for grades 6-12. Last year, Shuvu implemented the 6th grade preparatory classes, and continue with the actual program in its junior high
schools and high schools. These programs as succeeding in attracting students, and, in addition to Netanya, Shuvu junior high schools were opened in Tel Aviv, Hod Hasharon, Beit Shemesh, and Bat Yam. Shuvu also opened a girls’ high school in Natzeret-Illit. They Heard your Voices As had been reported several weeks ago, just days before the new school year, the viability of the Shuvu-Jerusalem Wolf School in Neve Yaakov was threatened. For no logical reason, the Jerusalem municipality violently evicted the school from what was promised to have been its permanent location and allocated dilapidated unstable caravans for the school in a new location. Shuvu parents made it very clear that they would not send their children to the school under these circumstances, and the school faced closure. Shuvu USA launched a campaign asking supporters to email Jerusalem mayor Nir Barkat and even Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to protest the municipality’s behavior. The
campaign baruch Hashem proved successful, as the municipality subsequently agreed to allocate a more suitable area within the Neve Yaakov campus, with the potential to upgrade the facilities which will iy”H be the school’s permanent home. All in all, baruch Hashem, the first day of school at Shuvu was a wonderful success. Thousands of happy, smiling children showed up to a loving and caring environment, ready for a fruitful and productive year, as they began their “return home”, en route to a life of Torah and mitzvos. If you live in Lawrence, don’t miss this opportunity to hear an exciting firsthand report on Shuvu’s work by Dayan Yonasan Abraham of London who will be spending this Shabbos in Lawrence and will be speaking at various shuls over Shabbos. Dayan Abraham will be the guest speaker, with introductory remarks by Rabbi Eytan Feiner, at the Annual Shuvu Lawrence Breakfast, Sunday morning, September 18, at the home of Benjamin and Rena Hoch, 121 Lawrence Avenue. The event will begin at 9:30 am. Come and be inspired.
The Jewish Home | SEPTEMBER 15, 2016
Around the Community
HAFTR’s Early Childhood Center students headed back to school with smiles on their faces
Student Leadership Day at SKA
he official first day of school was still some time away on Thursday, September 1, but several Stella K. Abraham High School for Girls students were delighted to be in attendance. SKA Student Ambassadors, G.O., and Production Heads joined publication editors in the first of a series of student leadership orientations held in the school. Organized by Mrs. Deena Kobre, SKA Associate Principal, Ms. Lisa Fogel, SKA Social Worker, and Mrs. Jordana Mallin, G.O. Advisor and Digital Media Coordinator, and aided by Mrs.Terri Wagner, Director of Production, and Mrs. Danielle Sudw-
erts, Grade Level Advisor and Dance Coordinator, the Leadership Day sessions empowered the students to learn how to make communication and team work play a part in completing a task as a group. What does it mean to be a leader? One of the most informative workshops of the day was devoted to defining the qualities of a leader; after in-depth discussions, the students divided into groups and role-played scenarios of challenges they might face in their leadership positions. Student Leadership Day at SKA set the tone for the year for what it means to assume responsibility!
SEPTEMBER 15, 2016 | The Jewish Home
Around the Community
Hachnasat Sefer Torah in Memory of Beverly Blisko a”h
undreds of people – young and old – gathered in Kew Gardens Hills for a hachnasat sefer Torah in memory of Beverly Blisko a”h on Sunday. Her family and friends gathered together to write the final letters in the Torah at the home of her son, Lazer, before escorting it to Congregation Chasam Sofer (Rabbi Weisel’s Shul) on Main Street. Her husband, Max, a Holocaust survivor, surrounded by their sons Shloimi, Mayer, and Lazer, their grandchildren, and their great-grandchildren, all led the parade down 70th Road with music and dancing filling the streets. When they got to the shul
to lain from the new Torah, there was standing room only. The Torah was a fitting tribute to Beverly Blisko who was remembered as a true eishet chayil who was incredibly committed to her family and community.
The Jewish Home | SEPTEMBER 15, 2016
SEPTEMBER 15, 2016 | The Jewish Home
Around the Community
International Yom Limud and Tefillah on Yahrtzeit of Chofetz Chaim Delegation of Prominent Rabbonim to Daven at Kever of Chofetz Chaim
By Chaim Gold
Yid came to the venerated Rosh Yeshiva, HaGaon HaRav Aharon Leib Shteinman, shlita, begging him to daven for a person plagued with a terrible, terminal illness. He asked
Rav Shteinman, ‘What should we do?’ Rav Shteinman answered, “I don’t know. Perhaps tefillah at the kever of the Chofetz Chaim could help?” This was the story used by Rav Chizkiyahu Yosef Mishkovsky, Menahel Ruachani of Yeshiva Orchos Torah, to describe the potency
of tefillah at the kever of the Chofetz Chaim. This coming 24 Elul/September 27, the yahrtzeit of the Chofetz Chaim, a delegation of prominent rabbonim representing the cross-section of Torah observant Jewry will journey to Radin to daven on behalf of Klal Yisrael at the kever of the Chofetz Chaim. The Two Sparkling Diamonds Bequeathed to Klal Yisroel by the Chofetz Chaim Last year too, a large group of rabbonim and roshei yeshiva journeyed to Radin to daven at the kever. At last year’s yom tefillah, Rav Mishkovsky related, “The Chofetz Chaim bequeathed many great treasures to Klal Yisrael, among them were two sparkling diamonds: the Sefer Mishnah Berurah and the Sefer Chofetz Chaim. Until now there were those who made the Mishnah Berurah their primary interest and others who gravitated to the Sefer Chofetz Chaim. Dirshu has brought both together and published special editions of each sefer thereby immeasurably enhancing the learning of them. They are the ones who can truly come to the kever of the Chofetz Chaim and say, ‘We learn your Mishnah Berurah, we learn your Chofetz Chaim, please grant a shana tova u’mesukah for all lomdei Dirshu and all of Klal Yisrael.’” The Sefer HaGiborim It is in this spirit that Dirshu has again invited all members of Klal
Yisrael to be included in the “Sefer HaGiborim.” The Sefer HaGiborim is a sefer containing the names of all current Daf HaYomi B’Halacha learners as well as the names of any person who accepts upon himself to learn daily halacha with Daf HaYomi B’Halacha and mussar. The names will be placed at the kever and remain there as an eternal merit for those inscribed therein. Anyone who accepts upon himself to start learning Daf HaYomi B’Halacha of Mishnah Berurah with the mussar portion of the learning schedule; anyone who accepted and actually started learning Daf HaYomi B’Halacha, even if he is unable to continue, will still be worthy of entry into the sefer. The kabbalah is to learn the essence – five days a week, it does not have to include the Friday/Shabbos chazara nor does it require taking the tests. Understandably, the kabbalah is to be made bli neder. Storming the Heavens with Zechus Harabbim The yahrtzeit of the Chofetz Chaim is a day of limud, tefillah and Jewish unity for all of Klal Yisrael. Rabbi Shlomo Rozenstein, Dirshu’s Communications Director, related, “In order to tap into the auspicious power of this special day of tefillah and achdus, mosdos hachinuch all over the world – yeshivos, chadarim, Bais Yaakovs, shuls and even businesses – have undertaken to recite special tefillos with heartfelt recitation of Tehillim joining the
The Jewish Home | SEPTEMBER 15, 2016
Around the Community multitudes on the Chofetz Chaim’s yahrtzeit who will be storming the heavens with tefillos with a koach harabbim in the zechus of the Chofetz Chaim. “Dirshu is distributing copies of the Daf HaYomi B’Halacha learning text for 24 Elul, the day of the yahrtzeit and Klal Yisrael, even those who have not yet joined Daf HaYomi B’Halacha, are undertaking to learn that day’s Daf HaYomi B’Halacha learning – the beginning of Chapter 160 in hilchos netilas yadayim, the daily learning of the Sefer Chofetz Chaim and to recite chapter 130 of Tehillim.” Indeed, Gedolei Yisrael from both Eretz Yisrael and America who comprise the Nesius of the Daf HaYomi B’Halacha have urged all who have not yet joined the Daf HaYomi B’Halacha to join and make it part of their lives. “An additional purpose of the trip,” said Rabbi Rozenstein, “is to encourage Yidden the world over who have not yet joined Daf HaYomi B’Halacha to join the program together with the multitudes throughout the world. Perhaps there is no greater zechus to invoke rachmei shomayim than additional Yidden joining those who are already learning the sefarim of the Chofetz Chaim in a daily program of halacha and mussar.” “Rebbi, Rebbi, Father, Father!” HaGaon HaRav Shmuel Eliezer Stern, shlita, Rav of Western Bnei Brak and talmid muvhak of HaGaon HaRav Shmuel Wosner, zt”l, said last year, “The Chofetz Chaim was the Rabban Shel Yisrael and the Avihen Shel Yisrael – the Rebbi of all Klal Yisrael and the father of all Klal Yisrael. As the Rebbi of Klal Yisrael, lomdei Daf HaYomi B’Halacha are coming to you with hundreds of thousands of pages of Mishnah Berurah and Sefer Chofetz Chaim that they have learned. As the father of Klal Yisrael, we are coming with
buckets, rivers of tears, of tzaros, and crying to you, heiligeh Chofetz Chaim, Avi Avi, Father, Father, don’t forget us!” HaGaon HaRav Shmuel Yaakov Borenstein, shlita, Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshiva Kiryas Melech, encapsulated the feelings at last year’s yom tefillah, “As we approach the kever of the Chofetz Chaim, the one person in the last generations whose sefarim are literally the basic sefarim that have been accepted by all of Klal Yisrael, we must beg here, at this heiligeh place on behalf of all of Klal Yisrael. We must beg Hashem that in the zechus of the Chofetz Chaim, Yidden should be able to overcome the terribly difficult nisyonos, spiritual hurdles, that our generation faces. Let us daven that in the zechus of the daily learning of the Mishnah Berurah and Sefer Chofetz Chaim and in the zechus of women and girls learning the laws of lashon hara, Hashem will give our generation the strength to overcome the constantly expanding enticements put forth by the yetzer hara.” “I Learn Your Torah!” As the yahrtzeit of the Chofetz Chaim and the yom tefillah approaches, it is important for all current Daf HaYomi B’Halacha learners and especially those who are contemplating joining the program to be cognizant of the Gemara (Bava Metziah 85) that tells us that when one of the Amoraim was ill, he approached the kever of his Rebbi, wanting to invoke the powerful zechus of his Rebbi, whose Torah he constantly learned and exclaimed, “I learn your Torah!” The Gemara explains how in that merit, he was healed. From afar, lomdei Torah, bnei yeshivos and tinokos shel beis Rabban, will join the delegation of rabbonim who will be at the Chofetz Chaim’s kever, davening and learning the seforim of the Chofetz Chaim on his yahrtzeit to invoke rachamei shomayim for all of Klal Yisrael.
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SEPTEMBER 15, 2016 | The Jewish Home
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SEPTEMBER 15, 2016 | The Jewish Home
Around the Community
Whatever Happened to the DOT Audit of U.S. Frequent Flyer Programs?
eaders may recall that PEYD covered the story some time ago of a rabbi who had sued Northwest claiming the forfeiture of his mileage account and elite status was illegal. In a unique turn of events, the court decided that the case was not able to proceed due to the federal law protecting U.S. Airlines from being sued. Even more interesting, was the courts lack of clarification as to whether the rabbi’s claim was valid. What no one anticipated was that a Florida congressman would be the one who would chose to take this issue up with the Department of Transportation (DOT) as a result of the fallout with his own personal experiences. Over a year ago, Alan Grayson (D-FL) began an initiative to unearth the nature of how U.S. airlines structure the redemption policies of their frequent flyer reward programs. The DOT looked into the matter which resulted in an audit of the industry’s reward systems as a whole. Their official report was recently released, and we
wanted to share their findings with our readers. The audit report’s summary somewhat perplexing headline read: “Improvements needed in DOT’s process for identifying unfair or deceptive practices in airline frequent flyer programs.” In the DOTs report, they clearly state that changing the terms and conditions of an airline’s Frequent Flyer program without reasonable and just notice is an unfair and deceptive practice, yet somehow, at the conclusion of this “audit” the DOT stated, “The DOT’s reviews of passenger complaints related to frequent flyer terms and conditions, however, have not proven sufficient in determining whether airlines have engaged in unfair and deceptive practices.” Below is the full text of the DOT’s findings: Improvements Needed in DOT’s Process for Identifying Unfair or Deceptive Practices in Airline Frequent Flyer Programs
Designed to promote travel and secure customer loyalty, frequent flyer programs are extremely popular, with approximately 630 million participants worldwide and more than 300 million members enrolled in U.S.-based programs. In a July 2014 letter and subsequent conversations with our office, Representative Alan Grayson expressed concerns about practices associated with these programs, including how far in advance members are notified about service changes, the devaluation of awards and benefits over time, and the availability of award seats. As the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) is authorized to investigate unfair and deceptive practices in air transportation, we initiated an audit to review its monitoring of airline frequent flyer programs. In particular, we looked at DOT’s oversight of air carriers’ disclosure agreements and its process for reviewing passenger complaints. We also examined airlines’ practices regarding the availability of award seats and the valuation of frequent flyer miles. We found that DOT conducts oversight of air carriers’ frequent flyer program disclosures as part of its compliance inspections, and that airlines include frequent flyer rules in their customer service plans, as the Department requires. However, DOT’s reviews of passenger complaints are insufficient to determine whether airlines engage in unfair and deceptive practices. For example, from 2012 to 2014, consumers filed 76 complaints about frequent flyer programs at U.S. airlines, but none of those complaints were forwarded to DOT attorneys for review. Yet our review of 36 of these complaints showed that 4 (11 percent) warranted additional review. In addition, while award seats are available for most flights, it is unclear how many miles are redeemed at different award levels, as airlines do not publicly disclose this information. Finally, airlines do not fully explain their process for determining award-seat availability to the traveling public. We made two recommendations to help DOT improve its process for identifying unfair or deceptive practices in frequent flyer programs. DOT concurred with both recommendations, and we consider them resolved
but open pending the Department’s completion of its planned actions. We also encouraged airlines to provide consumers with more transparency regarding frequent flyer seat availability when feasible. What’s interesting is that our friends over at Dan’s Deals have also recently brought to light evidence contrary to the findings of the DOT report by running a cursory sample of frequent flyer redemption with the AAdvantage program, American Airlines’ frequent flyer program. When attempting to utilize American Airlines’ rewards program for travel dates set at 7/13 – 12/31 the offers available were abysmal. -From NYC to Los Angeles there were 99 available dates on United, 107 available dates on Delta, and only 3 available dates on American. All 3 of American’s dates were Saturdays. -From NYC to San Francisco there were 107 available dates on United, 104 available dates on Delta, and only 2 available dates on American. -From NYC to San Diego there were 133 available dates on United, 109 available dates on Delta, and only 2 available dates on American. -From NYC to Las Vegas there were 75 available dates on United, 125 available dates on Delta, and only 2 available dates on American. Both of American’s dates were Saturdays. So it would seem that somehow the DOT’s report was in fact not as comprehensive as it could have been in determining whether US Airlines structure the programs in a manner that discourages redemption or is in bad faith. We encourage our readers who had a bad frequent flyer experience and who feel so inclined, to file a complaint with the DOT. What has become abundantly clear is that consumers earning frequent flyer miles must be aware that for the time being their miles will remain at risk of being devalued, downgraded or more difficult to use, and that the Federal government has chosen not to enforce how frequent flyer programs are structured or maintained by the airlines! For help redeeming your miles and points, visit our website or call PEYD today.
The Jewish Home | SEPTEMBER 15, 2016
Around the Community
Sunday Morning Minyan at HAFTR
ith great pride, HAFTR High School once again began their second year of a Sunday morning minyan where parents and students can bond while davening, learning and enjoying a lavish breakfast. The minyan is led by Rabbi Arie Chait and Rabbi Boruch Oppen, both rabbeim in HAFTR High School.
Shaaray Tefilah Presents Top Tips for Bikur Cholim with Dr. Norman Blumenthal
lanning a visit to a sick relative or friend? While you may be eager to show your concern, you’ll need to think carefully about your interaction and conversation in order to properly perform the mitzvah of bikur cholim. On Tuesday, September 20 at 8:15 pm, Congregation Shaaray Tefilah will host a lecture for men and women entitled “Did I Say the Wrong Thing? Top Tips for Bikur Cholim.” The presentation will be delivered at Shaaray on 25 Central Ave by Dr. Norman Blumenthal, OHEL Director of Trauma and a licensed clinical psychologist in private practice. “While it is a great mitzvah to visit the sick, it is critically important to know how to optimally interact in a manner that is encouraging and uplifting. Chesed is not about giving alone, but also about knowing how to give by understanding the plight of the person you are visiting, getting into his mindset and being sensitive to his needs and circumstances,” said
Dr. Blumenthal. “The goal of this presentation is to help people best tailor their presence and interactions so they can truly lift the spirits of the person who is sick.” “Congregation Shaaray Tefila is pleased to offer this presentation as part of a three-part series on Bikur Cholim, Our Role in Helping the Healing, and invites all community members to attend. I know that Dr. Blumenthal, a noted expert in the field, will enlighten and inform so that we can all enhance our performance of this mitzvah,” said Rabbi Uri Orlian, Rav of Congregation Shaaray Tefilah. This presentation is sponsored by Mendy and Bracha Silber b’zchus refuah sheleimah for Chaim Ben Rachel. Sushi and refreshments will be served. For more information on programs at Shaaray Tefilah please contact
64 24
SEPTEMBER 15, 2016 | The Jewish Home OCTOBER 29, 2015 | The Jewish Home
TJH You gotta be
Bernie went to the doctor for his yearly checkup. “Everything is fine,” said the doctor. “You’re doing OK for your age.” “For my age?” questioned Bernie. “I’m only 85. Do you think I’ll make it to 90?” “Well,” said the doctor, “do you drink or smoke?” “No,” Bernie replied. “Do you eat fatty meat?” “No,” said Bernie. “I am very careful about what I eat.” “How about your activities? Do you engage in thrilling behaviors like speeding or skiing?” “No,” said Bernie taken aback. “I would never engage in dangerous activities.” “Well,” said the doctor, “then why in the world would you want to live to be 90?”
Riddle me this? When they take out an appendix, it’s an appendectomy; when they remove your tonsils, it’s a tonsillectomy. What is it when they remove a growth from your head? See answer on next page
Centerfold Non-Medical Medical Terminology
Artery - The study of paintings Cauterize - Made eye contact with her Nitrates - Cheaper than day rates Pelvis - Second cousin to Elvis Dilate - To live long Benign - What you be after you be eight Node - I knew it Morbid - A higher offer than I bid Enema - Not a friend Tablet - A small table Medical Staff - A doctor’s cane Hangnail - What you hang your coat on
Varicose - Nearby/close by Fibula - A small lie Colic - A sheep dog Labor Pain - Getting hurt at work Outpatient - A person who has fainted
Post Operative - Letter carrier
Seizure - Roman emperor
The Jewish Home | SEPTEMBER 15, 2016 The Jewish Home | OCTOBER 29, 2015
Everything September
9. Should be respected by everyone, even arrogant NFL players 11. Discovered by Henry Hudson. I guess those that came before him thought it was a puddle
2. Important document approved unanimously in Philadelphia 3. Group that investigated the assassination of President Kennedy
12. Finished his heavyweight career 49-0. Was killed in plane crash
5. Formal end of the American Revolutionary War
13. Pilgrims’ transportation
7. Most populated borough in NY
14. Anti-slavery leader began his escape from slavery by boarding a train in Baltimore dressed as a sailor
8. Capital of South Korea 10. A Great Fire in 1666 burned over 10,000 homes
Across 4. Sandra Day OConnor 6. Cal Ripken Jr 9. National Anthem 11. Hudson River 13. Mayflower 14. Frederick Douglass 15. Camp David Accords 16. Autumn
6. Played 2,632 consecutive MLB games
Down 1. Its governor, George Wallace, refused the order to desegregate schools
Down 1 Alabama 2. Constitution 3. Warren Commission 5. Treaty of Paris 7. Manhattan 8. Seoul 10. London
Across 4. First female Supreme Court Justice
15. Israel and Egypt peace treaty
Answer to Riddle: A haircut
16. Starts in September
65 25
SEPTEMBER 15, 2016 | The Jewish Home
Torah Thought
Parshat Ki Teitzei By Rabbi Berel Wein
he brutality of war, which of course is unavoidable since the immediate purpose of war is to kill as many of one’s adversaries as possible, transforms the moral compass and the logical judgment of soldiers. The Torah posits a case of a Jewish soldier taking and assaulting a non-Jewish woman captive. It then forces that soldier into a marriage
with the woman that will undoubtedly have generational consequences. The Torah also recognizes the psychological damage that such a relationship will suffer because of the original act engendered by war. Divorce, family dysfunction and domestic discord are most likely to follow this couple in the near and far
future. Yet, the Torah makes allowances for such an occurrence in the first place. Why should the Torah countenance such seemingly immoral behavior? Does this not legitimize immoral and violent behavior? The Torah not only opposes sin but it is very careful to emphasize that even the appearance of possible sin is to be avoided at all costs. Yet, here we see an entire section of the Torah that is devoted to somehow allowing and condoning what in all other circumstances would be considered a sinful and fairly negative pattern of behavior. So, why does the
that it then formulates for observance. But this really only begs the original question of why is this case allowed to be so exceptional and other instances of the same type of base human nature are explicitly forbidden under almost all circumstances. There is an instance of insight that does appear in the comments of the later rabbis to this matter. In essence, it states that war by its very nature changes the human nature of the soldiers who participate in its battles. The soldier is no longer a human being in the sense that he once was but rather he becomes a le-
The soldier is no longer a human being in the sense that he once was.
Torah not simply forbid the act initially, as it forbids many other acts of human desire and violent behavior? Why is an allowance made for human weakness and error here when in so many of other cases of this type the moral code of the Torah remains steady and inflexible? This moral dilemma has vexed the scholars of Israel throughout the ages. Rashi here, quoting Talmud and Midrash, states that the Torah here recognizes and “speaks� to the base nature and animalistic desires of humans. It therefore accommodates itself to the situation and attempts to channel it into a more positive relationship with all of the laws
gitimate killer who is to become devoid of all ordinary human feelings, restrictions and inhibitions. As such, the soldier requires a special code of law that is not relevant to ordinary people and usual situations. It is to this state of being that the Torah addresses itself. Unfortunately, war has been a steady occurrence throughout human history. Peace is the rarity, not war. The Torah in recognizing this sad fact of human existence thus makes necessary adjustments, unpleasant and dangerous as they may be, to this ugly fact of life. Shabbat shalom.
The Jewish Home | SEPTEMBER 15, 2016
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SEPTEMBER 15, 2016 | The Jewish Home
The Observant Jew
Wrong Address By Rabbi Jonathan Gewirtz
f you’ve ever seen a very old letter and the envelope in which it was mailed, you might have been surprised that it only had something like 123 Main Street, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania for an address. Though we are accustomed to ZIP codes, those only came into being in the 1960s, and even then, they were not mandatory at first. With the world a “smaller” place, some postmen would even deliver incorrectly addressed mail because they knew the area and the people well enough to know to whom it was going. As time went on, ZIP codes were mandatory, and ZIP+4 was introduced to narrow the address down even further. All these advancements set the stage for enhanced mechanical and digital sorting of mail in which computers read the codes on the envelopes and direct the mail where it needs to go. Here’s an interesting fact: If a machine can’t understand the address written on the envelope, it takes a picture which is sent to a computer where a human operator waits to read and type in the address information! A barcode is then sprayed on the envelope
and used by the machines to keep it moving through the rest of its journey. Of course, e-mail is even more demanding when it comes to proper addressing. Just a single missed dot or incorrect letter and that e-mail can go anywhere in the world, or nowhere at all. Sometimes you’ll get a notification and sometimes not. By now you’re probably wondering what my angle on this is. Perhaps you think I’m going to speak about getting the little messages Hashem constantly sends our way. Nope, sorry, not this time. Today I want to talk about junk mail, or in the electronic vernacular, spam. For almost as long as there has been mail, there have been people mailing things we don’t want. From catalogs to circulars to offers for real estate and credit repairing, we’re constantly bombarded with things other people send our way but for which we have no need or interest. At 4 million pounds of junk mail per year, one day’s junk mail could heat 250,000 homes. (Don’t quote me on that. I got it from a government publication and maybe they’re not going to heat them up enough.) There are companies that
will take your name off bulk mailer lists, and e-mail has a spam folder. What we’ve learned to do is direct these unwanted messages elsewhere, and that’s a fantastic idea. But why stop there? There are countless other things that intrude on our minds too. There are things like lashon hara, idle chatter, and inappropriate sights. Those who want to can work on those things to block them and avoid them. But there’s another area I’d like to address that you might not have thought about. Sometimes people dispense with the envelope or computer and just hurl words our way willy-nilly. They may even address them very carefully, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t junk. Here’s a newsflash for you: People say dumb things. People get angry, people are mistaken, and they often intentionally try to hurt or put down others. But you don’t have to take that. You can install a spam filter. Here’s how it works: When someone hurls an insult at you, with your name written all over it, you ask yourself, “Does that really describe me?” If it does, then you’ve gotten the message
and you should know what to do with it. If not, then simply imagine it says, “or current occupant” and toss it into trash bin of your mind. It’s a wrong address, nothing for
and burden of all those misplaced feelings. Sure, people will send mean comments your way, but keep reminding yourself they’re just spammers so you
If not, then simply imagine it says “or current occupant” and toss it into trash bin of your mind.
you to be concerned about. But what if they really meant it for me and they weren’t just lashing out? It still works. Just because it has your name on it doesn’t mean it’s right for you. If GEICO contacts you but you don’t own a car, you really won’t care how good an offer it is. An apartment dweller will likely toss an errant landscaping brochure. Similarly, if someone says something nasty, remind yourself that they don’t know you like you know you, and they’ve got the wrong address. When you start to relegate insults and foolish comments to the spam filter of your mind and empty it often, you’ll be able to break free of the hurt
can simply hit the delete button and continue your day with one less piece of junk to deal with.
Jonathan Gewirtz is an inspirational writer and speaker whose work has appeared in publications around the world. You can find him at, and follow him on Instagram @ RabbiGewirtz or Twitter @ RabbiJGewirtz. He also operates, where you can order a custom-made speech for your next special occasion. Sign up for the Migdal Ohr, his weekly PDF Dvar Torah in English. E-mail info@Je w i s h S p e e c hWr ite r. com and put Subscribe in the subject.
The Jewish Home | SEPTEMBER 15, 2016
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SEPTEMBER 15, 2016 | The Jewish Home
Between the Lines
Faith in G-d G-d’s Faith By Eytan Kobre
hile he still lived in London, R’ Yechezkel Abramsky would offer heartwarming words of inspiration to non-observant youth, inviting them into his home and nourishing their bodies and souls. But when his non-observant students learned the law permitting a Jewish soldier in battle to marry a non-Jewish female captive – be-
cause, if not permitted, the solider might marry her against Torah law (Rashi, Devarim 21:11) – they were incredulous. Is the Torah so malleable as to permit that which is prohibited simply because it is a struggle to obey the word of G-d? Does G-d think so little of our ability to withstand temptation? Does G-d have so little faith in us? R’ Chazkel explained that they
had it all wrong. The law permitting marriage of the female captive actually speaks volumes about G-d’s supreme faith in us. That the Torah permits a Jewish soldier to take a female captive for fear he would not be able to overcome temptation is an implicit recognition that, in all other instances, G-d believes in our ability to rise to, and overcome, the challenges we face. We make a big deal about our faith in G-d – and rightly so. Indeed, it is “the foundation of all foundations and the pillar of all wisdom to know that there is a Creator who created the universe with profound wisdom” (Rambam, Yesodei HaTorah 1:1). Without a perfect faith in G-d, we forsake our Jewish identity. But while we must have faith in Him, G-d also has faith in each of us. The simple knowledge that someone believes in us can be a source of immense strength. That’s what G-d does. He believes in us – perhaps more than we believe in ourselves. No matter how many times we fail, He forgives us; no matter how many times we fall, He lifts us. As we remind ourselves in this auspicious month of Elul, “My father and mother [might] abandon me, but G-d will gather me in” (Tehillim 27:10). We fail, we stumble, we fall. But G-d still believes in us. And He has since time immemorial. Before creating man, G-d gathered a group of angels and put the question to them – creating man: good idea or bad idea? “Bad idea,” they said. “Man will only sin.” So G-d destroyed those angels. Then G-d created a second group
of angels and asked them the same question – creating man: good idea or bad idea? “Bad idea,” they said. “Man will only sin.” So G-d destroyed those angels too. Then He created a third group of angels and asked the same question. “Master of the Universe,” they declared, “the first and second groups of angels told You not to create man, and look where it got them. The Universe is Yours. Do as You wish.” So G-d created man. When mankind later sinned during the Generation of the Flood and the Generation of the Tower of Babel, the third group of angels said to G-d, “Were not the first and second angels correct?” To which G-d responded by quoting the verse, “Even to old age I will not change, and even to grey hair, I will carry [you]” (Sanhedrin 38b). I’m not giving up on man. I believe in man. G-d created mankind, and He has faith in mankind. Whenever we fail or fall or falter, G-d says, “Even to old age I will not change, and even to grey hair, I will carry [you]” (Yeshaya 46:4). G-d does not lose faith in us. Perhaps this is the reason that G-d is described as “the G-d of faith” (Devarim 32:4). He is the “G-d of faith” by virtue of His faith in each of us – “He had faith in the world and created it” (Sifri, Devarim 307; Yalkut Shimoni, Devarim 942). We start each day with that reassuring and empowering thought, that “Your faith is great” (Eicha 3:22-23; Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 1:2). We thank G-d for having faith in us. Because if G-d returns our souls to us, it means He still believes in us and our ability to
The Jewish Home | SEPTEMBER 15, 2016
carry out His mission. Indeed, every person is obligated to say, “The world was created for my sake” (Sanhedrin 4:5). Because, in a sense, it was. If the Torah were to be condensed into a single thought, it would be this:
in Warsaw, and when the ghetto was liquidated, he managed to escape to a nearby forest, where he hid in the small crevice of a rock. He snuck out only at night to scavenge for something meager on which to subsist,
It is not only our faith in G-d that gives us strength, it is also G-d’s faith in us.
“and the righteous lives by his faith” (Makkos 24a; Chabakuk 2:4). Who’s faith? This is normally understood to mean the faith of the righteous in G-d. But perhaps it is also “His faith” – i.e., G-d’s faith in the righteous – that keeps the righteous going. And it always has. The story is told of a man who described himself as the last Jew. Before the Holocaust, he had lived
isolating himself completely from all human contact. Given what he had seen as the ghetto was being liquidated, he was sure he was the last Jew alive. And who could blame him? When asked how he was able to survive such dire circumstances while believing that all his Jewish brethren had been annihilated, “the last Jew” would explain that it wasn’t
his faith in G-d that kept him going. It was knowing that G-d had faith in Him. That’s what kept him alive in those darkest of times. “To tell of Your kindness in the morning and Your faith in the nights” (Tehillim 92:3). In the “mornings,” when things are good, it is easy to speak of G-d’s kindness. But at “night” – during the hard times – we must lean on G-d’s faith in us. Because it is not only our faith in G-d that gives us strength, it is also G-d’s faith in us. The well-known, fictional story is told of a man who dreamed he was walking on the beach with G-d. Across the sky flashed scenes from his life, and, for each episode, he noticed two sets of footprints in the sand: one belonging to him, the other to G-d. Most periods of his life were marked by the two sets of footprints. But he noticed that, at times – ironically, at the very lowest and saddest points in his life – there was only one set of footprints.
This bothered him a great deal, and he decided to ask G-d about it. “I notice that during the most taxing times in my life, there is only one set of footprints. Why did You abandon me when I needed You most?” “My son,” came the reply, “I would never abandon you. During your trials and sufferings – when you see only one set of footprints – it was then that I carried you.” Everyone has problems. For some, it’s health. For some, it’s family. For some, money. For some, finding a soulmate. Whatever the difficulty, we need to have faith in G-d. We already know that. But sometimes in life – especially in those dark times – it’s not so much about our faith in G-d. It’s about His faith in us.
Eytan Kobre is a writer, speaker, mediator, and attorney living in Kew Gardens Hills. Questions? Comments? Suggestions? E-mail
SEPTEMBER 15, 2016 | The Jewish Home
MAJOR DEDICATIONS building dedication // בנין באר רחל e
Mark & Barbara Silber mikvah dedication // mikvah sara e Shalom & Reena Vegh
cornerstones e 2 available mikvah pool—immersion room 1
reception area lobby e Robert & Roselin Vegh mikvah pool—immersion room 3
mikvah pool—immersion room 2
Melly & Rochele Lifshitz
mikvah pool—immersion room 4
Vera Solomon Aron & Rachel Solomon
David & Stephanie Sokol
Adam & Arielle Parkoff
main entryway
Chaim & Livia Jacobs and Family
north wing
south wing
Ezra & Caroline Birnbaum
Moshe & Nechama Ratner
pure water wells for main mikvah
Ari & Ruthy Jungreis
Eric & Elana Sternberg
David & Beracha Gast
east wing
west wing
Shmuel & Batsheva Neuman
Uri & Devorah Dreifus
pathways to purity exit mezuzah north wing
pathways to purity south, east, west
2 Ari &Available Chaya Cohen
e e
preparation rooms handicap preparation room
Nachman & Esther Goodman kallah preparation room
Dr. Freddie & Lori Marton
Anonymous Chaim & Ayala Abramson Danny & Chayala Eberstark Yossi & Deena Eisenberger Nosson & Miri Ginsbury Avi & Pessi Goldstein
Moshe & Rivky Majeski
Motty & Malka Klein Ralph & Magda Manella Yossi & Malk Melohn Yanky & Shaindy Neuhoff Avrumi & Aliza Rosenberg Shimshi & Yocheved Rosenberg
entrance mezuzah
washing stations
Shmuel & Tzipi Schechter
Ushi & Cirri Shafran
Aaron & Eva Wexler 1 AVAILABLE
Menachem & Mariam Lieber
Shalom & Pessy Jacobs
honored contributors ($15,000—$5,000)
Asher & Esty Jungreis Shaul & Batsheva Katz Alan & Carolyn Lieberman Shalom & Iris Maidenbaum Eli & Ava Moskowitz Mordechai & Gyla Schwartz Jeff & Sharona Weinberg Avi & Elia Weinstock Aron Wexler Joshua Zeitman Myrna Zisman
L'zecher Nishmas
Shlomo Fishel Ben Aron
Lobby mezuzah
Dovid & Tikvah Chesky & Naomi Azman Newman
honored contributors ($15,000 and above) Uri Cohen David & Chanee Deutsch Binyomin & Leah Einhorn Daniel & Ariella Freundlich Rabbi & Rebitzin Ginzburg Eli & Riva Goldschmiedt Pinny & huvi Goldstein Dudi & Esti Gross Zev & Evy Guttman Mendy & Kiki Haas Andrew & Teri Herenstein Shaye & Shani Hirsch,
Ari & Daniella Schwartz Nassan & Devorah Treitel
Jonathan Bennett Judd and Chassia Boczko Avi & Goldie Dreyfuss Sammy & Chayie Eberstark Dr. Eli & Esther Eisenberger Seth & Zahava Farbman Shmuel & Aviva Francis Brian & Gila Gluck Chanann & Suri Greenwald Michael & Faiga Joseph Shlomo & Addi Kapetas Steven & Marjorie Kellner
Mordy & Miriam Kriger Motty & Chanie Lazar Allan & Meira Leibowitz Mindy Liebhard Joshua & Melissa Mitgang Avi & Chava Popack Joel and Segal Rothman Marcel and Tami Scheinman Heshy & Sharon Shterm Eddie & Allison Silver Hillel & Saritte Silvera Moshe And Jenine Sommerstein
Yaakov & Yona Spinner David & Ruchi Turner Shiya & Sarala Weiss Moshe & Amy Weiss Shlomie & Blimy Weiss Avrumy & Estie Zelmanovitz
To arrange a named sponsorship, please call 516-962-3001 or contact: Moishe Ratner, Shmulie Schechter, Shalom Vegh, Yoeli Steinberg or Meir Krengel
The Jewish Home | SEPTEMBER 15, 2016
With the partnership of each family, we can complete this monumental Mikvah for all of our families. Please join us today at the level of your ability.
דורות ישרים מבורכים
בנין עדי עד
'בנים אתם לה
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SEPTEMBER 2016 | The Jewish Home OCTOBER 29,15, 2015 | The Jewish Home
A Bundle of Bribes America’s Pattern of Paying off the Persian Regime BY NACHUM SOROKA
s the saying goes: Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me. Fool me over and over again over four decades? Well, you must be Iran, and I must be a U.S. taxpayer. With all the skullduggery Iran has played on the West throughout the years, it sometimes seems that Iranians get more entertainment out of suckering U.S. government administrations than from test firing intercontinental ballistic missiles. Indeed, the past year has been a lollapalooza for Iran, the number one state sponsor of global terrorism: It was able to come to an arrangement with world powers which allows it to continue producing high grade uranium while doing away with much of the crippling sanctions once placed upon it for creating a nuclear program. That deal netted the radical regime access to an amount which by some estimates is upwards of $150 billion. In January, Tehran found
itself the recipient of the U.S.’s benevolence of $400 million, with an additional $1.4 billion in interest payments (didn’t they ever bother to refinance?!) in exchange for the release of four hostages whom were
being the primary founder and supporter of ISIS. The $400 million “ransom” payment made in January may not have come to public light if not for a Wall Street Journal report in August
As always, the reaction of the current administration has been to deny, deny, deny.
being held illegally in Iran. Iran’s response to all the generosity/naiveté of the Obama administration has been to continue its patronizing rhetoric of U.S. leadership. The Ayatollah continues to tweet provocative images of President Obama with a gun to his head and preposterous claims like the ones accusing the U.S. of
which laid out all the spy novel-like details of the payments, which was made in Swiss francs, not U.S. currency. The money originated in Europe and was airlifted to an airport in Tehran. “There’s actually not anything particularly unusual about the mechanism for this transaction,” said White House Press Secretary
Josh Earnest. But in an era of Apple Pay and Venmo, one would think that sovereign governments would be able to transfer moneys more economically than by airlifts, unless there is something to hide. And that is just one of the many disturbing revelations that have been coming out in the past two months. The government claims that the existing sanctions held on Iran made normal methods of payment impossible. As always, the reaction of the current administration has been to deny, deny, deny. But recent reports, which have proven undeniable to even the best swift talking political folk, point out that the $400 million January payment was just the first of a series of payments to Iran which totaled $1.7 billion. Finally, the president’s office has been forced to address the payments (which were all originally arranged in a way that made them difficult to discover) and has come up with a convenient, if not contrived, backstory. The payments,
The Jewish Home | SEPTEMBER 15, 2015 2016 The Jewish Home | OCTOBER 29,
Reagan meeting with aides on the Iran Contra affair
the administration claims, are for a decades-long dispute that Iran has taken to the international tribunal at The Hague which claims that the U.S. unrightfully froze $400 million of an advance payment made by for U.S. weapons during the Iranian revolution. The astute reader may ask: “OK, that takes care of the $400 million. But where did the total $1.7 billion number come from?” Well, says the State Department, that extra $1.3 billion was for the interest on the $400 million we stole from Iran. (And you thought your Amex charges usurious rates!) In fact, according the Obama administration, the U.S. has gotten itself a great deal with the James Bond-esque settlement. Iran was claiming upwards of $12 billion in payments at The Hague and the U.S. was able to settle for only $1.7 billion. But that assumes that Iran had any chance of winning its case, a claim made by the administration, but one which it has yet to back up with any valid legal opinions. What is most peculiar about the “settlement” arranged by the State Department with Iran, aside from all the secrecy which has surrounded it, is the timing of the first $400 million payment. The very same day which Iran released three U.S. citizens being held there for no cause – January 17 – was the day the U.S. dropped its belated New Year’s present in Tehran. Oh, and that time also coincided with the signing of the nuclear deal with Iran, which allows it to continue its pursuit of nuclear enrichment
without consequences. In fact, the day before the money was sent to Iran was the day which President Obama announced that sanctions on the country would be officially lifted. U.S. State Department spokesman John Kirby allowed the connection between the payments and the signing of the deal to be made, but equivocated the link, claiming that the U.S. had held back the money it essentially owed Iran as “leverage” so that the countries would be able to come to a deal. It seems that U.S. citizens were not only duped on the ransom pay-
Lieut. Col. Oliver North, left, and his attorney Brendan V. Sullivan Jr. testifying before the Congressional Iran-Contra committee
t would seem that time and again, the Iranian regime has gotten the better of us naive Americans. And there may be a precedent for that. President Reagan’s presidential legacy will always be stained by the Iran Contra Affair, under which he traded U.S. weapons with the radical Ayatollah-led state on numerous occasions for the eventual exchange of U.S. hostages held in Lebanon by Hezbollah. Iran was under an international weapons embargo and revelations that none other than the most senior U.S. officials were involved in selling it missiles
In an era of Apple Pay and Venmo, one would think that sovereign governments would be able to transfer moneys more economically than by airlifts. ment; they were duped on the exact details of the nuclear deal as well. A report issued last week by a Washington-based think tank outlined that in an effort to make a deal – any deal – the U.S. allowed Iran to sidestep many of the restrictions outlined in the official nuclear deal. This report came out just weeks after another report detailed how the U.S. would allow Iran to “self-inspect” its compliance with the terms of the deal.
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were shocking, even to the president himself, who had earlier denied such allegations categorically. At the time, Iran was involved in the Iran Iraq War and was in need of weaponry, and the Reagan administration desired to support the Contra rebels who were fighting communist forces in Nicaragua. A deal was arranged to sell American missiles to a moderate faction of the Iranian government and to divert the funds to the Contra rebels. Israel served as
the middleman in the transactions, and as a gesture of goodwill, the Iranians arranged the release of a number of kidnapped U.S. citizens. While President Reagan claimed that he was unaware of any arms for captives arrangement, it appears that he was briefed about the plan prior to its implementation. When the details of the Iran Contra arrangement were leaked, the consequences shook up the entire Reagan administration. Top Reagan officials, such as Secretary of Defense Caspar Weinberger and National Security Administration official Oliver North, were indicted in the cover-up of the affair, along with nearly ten other senior officials. President Reagan’s approval ratings dropped overnight from 67% to 46%, and the scandal remains a taint on his term.
ut the parallels between the Iran Contra deal and the current Iran hostage deal are not as strong as they first may appear. The hostage release arranged by the Reagan administration was arranged as a sign of goodwill between the supposed moderate faction of Iranians having discussions and the U.S. Indeed, the hostages were not being held in Iran or by Iranians. The hope was to create an alliance with a group that would be in a position of power after the death of the Ayatollah. Additionally, there is little precedent for the U.S. to pay cash ransoms for any hostages, or to pay cash
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SEPTEMBER 2016 | The Jewish Home OCTOBER 29,15, 2015 | The Jewish Home
Saeed Abedini, one of the released hostages, said that Iran wouldn’t allow their plane to take off until another plane landed. They waited for hours for the other plane
to settle an international dispute, as the White House is claiming this payment was for. When the Office of the State Department was asked to provide an example of a previous cash payment to settle a conflict, it was unable to provide one. In fact, there is precedent, but it is more than 150 years old – from when the U.S. paid the Mexican government $15 million
at the end of the Mexican-American War. When the U.S. settled a Pakistani claim over undelivered aircrafts in 1998, payment was made in wheat and soy. Even past settlements with Iran have not been with similar terms. In 1996, President Clinton settled a claim with Iran over the downing of an Iran Air passenger jet by the U.S. Navy with payments made to the
Brokering a deal on Iran’s terms
victims’ families, not the government. Currently we have in place an administration whose goal appears to be to negotiate any sort of agreement, regardless of what the agreement contains, and to act under cover from its citizens. In January, we will have a new leader: Either one who can’t tell the difference between a classified document and a wedding shower in-
vitation and can’t seem to remember important events over the course of a few weeks, or one whose idea of diplomacy is “You’re fired!” The most dangerous and crafty country in the world, with a history of playing on Western trust, is setting its own rules for how it is to be dealt. With friends like them, who needs enemies?
The Jewish Home | SEPTEMBER 15, 2016
Yeshiva Ketana of Long Island
!ohtcv ohfurc
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SEPTEMBER 15, 2016 | The Jewish Home OCTOBER 29, 2015 | The Jewish Home
Dating Dialogue
What Would You Do If… Moderated by Jennifer Mann, LCSW of The Navidaters
Dear Navidaters,
I’ve been reading your column for quite some time now and have been waiting to see someone raise the question I am about to raise, but so far it hasn’t happened. So I guess it’s my responsibility, since I believe that I’m probably not the only woman (or man) struggling with this situation.
I am close to sixty-years-old and was widowed two years ago. I obviously married young and married the first man I ever went out with. For forty years, he was my soulmate and the only man that I have ever really had very much to do with, aside from obviously my father and sons. My children are grown and out of the house and I do find myself feeling very lonely. Friends are encouraging me to start dating again. And though I know that they are probably right, the idea of going out on a date with a man scares me to pieces! Here I am, almost sixty, and I don’t know the first thing about making conversation with a man. I literally start shaking at the thought of getting into a car with some unknown person and having to smile and pretend I’m relaxed and able to look normal. I’m wondering if any of you have some suggestions for someone like me. How do I start this new stage of life, that I never would have ever believed would be something that I would have to tackle, and not only not make a fool of myself, but be successful? Any helpful encouragement and tips would be greatly appreciated.
Disclaimer: This column is not intended to diagnose or otherwise conclude resolutions to any questions. Our intention is not to offer any definitive conclusions to any particular question, rather offer areas of exploration for the author and reader. Due to the nature of the column receiving only a short snapshot of an issue, without the benefit of an actual discussion, the panel’s role is to offer a range of possibilities. We hope to open up meaningful dialogue and individual exploration. Check out Soon By You’s Aftershow with the Navidaters on YouTube for a sit-down with coproducer Danny Hoffman.
The Jewish Home | SEPTEMBER 15, 2016 The Jewish Home | OCTOBER 29, 2015
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The Panel
The Rebbetzin Rebbetzin Faigie Horowitz, M.S.
commend you on your effort to move on after your loss and to consider remarrying. It’s not about the art of dating, however. It’s not about presentation, styling, artifice and pretense. It’s mostly about being who you are and what you have to offer. It’s not about rules and dating skills which may apply to young people who have not experienced a kaleidoscope of challenges over decades. As a woman in her fifties, who has had a good marriage and raised a family, you have grown in life. You are wise as well as emotionally mature. You have had relationships with people of all kinds and are probably intuitive about many things. I am sure that you do not want to turn the clock back to when you were an insecure young person, untested and inexperienced. So take confidence from your years. Revel in the strengths that you bring to a relationship. Be aware that your expectations of dating this time are very different. Midlife second-times are expecting companionship, listening skills, good middos and compatibility. They have learned to give people a chance, not to pass judgment immediately and to invest in getting to know someone else. They are not expecting to be smitten and swept off their feet. To bolster your confidence, I would suggest doing two concrete actions. Divide a sheet of paper in half. Make a list of what your life skills and positive qualities are. Detail what you have to offer a man. Then, on the other side of the page, bullet essential values and traits that are important to you in a relationship with a potential husband. Take the time to think about your strengths and the must-haves and mull over them over some time. Second, prepare five topics that you can talk about easily and develop an acronym for them so that you
can easily recall them. These will be your fallbacks in case you run out of things to talk about. You might put travels, the presidential election, and favorite activities on that list. Be prepared to listen and respond. Remember, the other person has had a life too. He has things he will want to share and get your reactions on. Remember that dating is always a two-way street and that your maturity is a plus, not a minus, for both of you. Trust your maturity and trust you gut about the other person. And enjoy the experience for itself, not just the prospect of marriage.
The Mother Sarah Schwartz Schreiber, P.A.
ou were very fortunate to have enjoyed a forty-year partnership with your late husband, your soulmate. Now it’s time to map out and enjoy the rest of your life. At the core of your questions is your loneliness coupled with anxiety (“shaking at the thought!”). Can’t blame you! Forty years ago you were energetic, optimistic and carefree (“We’ll live on love!”). At this stage, having weathered many storms, your enthusiasm is tempered by life experience; your confidence is shaken by loss. Dating is not the answer … yet. There are various ways to assuage your loneliness. Get up! Get out! Get social! Start with shul (Hello, Kiddush Club! Invitations for Shabbos lunch). Enroll in classes or the local “Adult” center (Torah study, modern Hebrew, painting, quilting, day trips). Get physical (join the gym, local pool, Zumba – my personal favorite). Volunteer (Bikur Cholim, local yeshiva, children’s library, The Met). Physical activity, social interaction, learning and giving are surefire antidotes to depression and will keep your mind sharp and interesting. Finally, too shy to go it alone? Ask
one of your well-meaning friends, neighbors or relatives to join you. Need a bit more encouragement? A life coach, social worker or psychotherapist may provide the guidance and support you need at this stage. Once you have attained new skills and a new social milieu, you will find yourself less lonely, more engaging and yes … iy”H, possibly engaged – to husband #2.
The Dating Mentor Rochel Chafetz, Educator/Mentor
am sorry that you are a widow. This must be very, very hard for you. But I’m glad that you are thinking of remarrying. I wish you an easy dating experience. What I don’t understand is your fear of starting a conversation with a man. You were married to a man for 40 years! I’ll bet that once you get dressed up, and once you’ve got your makeup on, and you step foot into the car – you’ll both figure it out. Remember, if a twenty-year-old can do it, so can you! Good luck.
The Single Irit Moshe
y first suggestion is that you not think of this as a date, but making a new friend, perhaps a companion. This will automatically take the edge off the encounter and help you to relax. You already know how to encounter a new friend, so just proceed as if he is such a person. Hopefully, during your first conversation on the phone, hearing his voice will automatically relax your mind and bring down your anxiety. During your first phone conversation, let him lead the conversation, though if the conversation goes into an area that you are not comfortable with, feel free to change the topic to something you are more comfortable
Take the time to think about your strengths and the must-haves and mull over them over some time.
speaking about. Try to keep your first phone conversation brief – no more than an hour. Keep the conversation light. The aim is for him to secure a date with you, so that if he brings it up – great. If he doesn’t, say something like, “I really need to go, though I have enjoyed this brief conversation. I hope you did too?” If he responds in a positive fashion, then hopefully he’ll ask to meet you in person. You may have to prompt him with something like, “So, should we meet in person?” since it’s possible he’s as nervous as you, if not more so. Most men nowadays will ask a woman if she wishes to be picked up on the first date or if she wishes to meet at a determined location. The more old fashioned he is, the more likely he will be to encourage you to allow him to pick you up from your home. Make sure you’re comfortable with that choice. You may prefer to be picked up by a friend or a grown child, so that they can make sure you get on your date and come back safely. On your first date, keep the conversation light and enjoyable. Let him lead but don’t let him overpower the conversation. If he does, then call it an early night. Remember to smile and make eye contact. Body language makes up half of a person’s communication and eye contact shows interest in the person and what he is saying. A smile means you are enjoying yourself. Remember, dating is supposed to be fun and enjoyable and a little exciting (butterfly producing) so the goal is to stay in that positive place. Wishing you much hatzlacha in dating!
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SEPTEMBER 15, 2016 | The Jewish Home OCTOBER 29, 2015 | The Jewish Home
You aren’t perfect, you haven’t dated in over forty years … aren’t you entitled to a “mistake” or two?
Pulling It All Together The Navidaters Dating and Relationship Coaches and Therapists
irst, I must acknowledge your husband’s passing. I am so sorry for the loss of your husband; your partner in life for forty years. The attachment bond between husband and wife can be so strong, it transcends earthly entrapments. Sometimes when one spouse is terminally ill, the couple may begin marital therapy to prepare the healthy spouse for life after the death of the sick spouse, and to secure the attachment bond for after the passing. If I had the pleasure of a conversation with you, I would ask you how you are coping since the passing of your husband. Different people have different reactions and responses to the death of a spouse. Some people are ready to resume life and fill it up with all sorts of activities and may even on some level enjoy their new sense of freedom, after time passes. This reaction is OK. And some spouses continue setting a plate for their beloved at the dinner table, or sniff his clothing in the morning, or have a good cry at night. This is all normal too. Normal responses to death are grief and depression. After about a year, typical grief becomes diagnosed as depression. If you are having trouble eating, sleeping, enjoying yourself or find yourself with low energy, I advise addressing those feelings with a therapist before you begin dating. If that is the case (which I hope it isn’t) it may give you some alternative insight as to why you’re afraid to date. Some women feel that dating a new man or eventually having a
new husband would be a betrayal to their “real” husband. These women must process this guilt and work on giving themselves permission to move on and live a full life. Some women feel that no man would ever come close to their first husband, so why bother? And some women worry about their children, even adult children, feeling betrayed that their mother would replace their father. Again, if you find yourself having any of these thoughts, or other private thoughts that you believe may be preventing you from dating, then speaking with a therapist can help you make sense of your feelings and hopefully open your heart to dating and to having a new man in your life, if that is what you want. Now ... in regards to your question. How do I start this new stage of life, that I never would have ever believed would be something that I would have to tackle, and not only not make a fool of myself, but be successful? You begin with the understanding that you may make a fool of yourself. And you work on being comfortable with that notion. You aren’t perfect, you haven’t dated in over forty years … aren’t you entitled to a “mistake” or two? You’re being too hard on yourself and possibly setting yourself up for disappointment; in your dating experience and within yourself. How do you start? You put one foot in the front of the other, scared and shaking, and you go on the date. Then, you go on your second date. You keep doing this, and watch your
confidence begin to rise. Sometimes we need to get into gear and do the task we are afraid of. This is how we overcome fear and it is the entire basis for treating phobias. We expose people to their fears. We do not get over our fears by avoiding them. Avoidance will only make the fear stimulus stronger. (A little story: When I was in graduate school, my favorite professor who taught Clinical Practice with Individuals, Couples and Families told the class about a paradoxical intervention he set up for a client. The client was phobic of social settings. It was preventing her from living a full life. She couldn’t date, get married or have children. He instructed her to get dressed to the nines for a town dance, drive to the dance, and sit in her car. She was not allowed to go into the party. After a while, she couldn’t stand sitting in the car. She said to herself, “This is getting ridiculous. I am here already!” Eventually, she went in. She exposed herself to her fear, and it worked!) There’s a lot of talk about “companionship” dating as people get older. Call it my naiveté or the vast body of research supporting what I am about to say but we as a society tend to think of people in their golden years as having lost their desire for intimacy and romance. And this couldn’t be further from the truth! Often, women in their sixties, seventies and even eighties are feeling vibrant, energized and looking for love and marriage. If you come to the realization that this is the kind of relationship you are looking for,
then a “friend” will not do. Just putting this information out there, in case you or any readers are feeling this way; to let you know this is normal too. And if this is what you want, you have every right to pursue it. In conclusion, get messy. Go on horrible dates. Make a fool of yourself. You may find yourself a natural, wrapping men around your little finger and enjoying the process. You may find that you don’t want to date right now and want to focus on enjoying your female friendships, take a class or two (if you aren’t already), and enjoy whatever else it is that fulfills you. Or, you may find a new husband and settle into married life again. Wherever this next chapter takes you, I hope it finds you empowered and ruled by what you want to do, not your fears … in health and happiness. Good luck! Sincerely, Jennifer
Esther Mann, LCSW and Jennifer Mann, LCSW are licensed, clinical psychotherapists and dating and relationship coaches working with individuals, couples and families in private practice in Hewlett, NY. To set up an appointment, please call 516.224.7779. Press 1 for Esther, 2 for Jennifer. If you would like to submit a dating or relationship question to the panel anonymously, please email thenavidaters@gmail. com. You can follow The Navidaters on FB and Instagram.
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SEPTEMBER 15, 2016 | The Jewish Home
Dr. Deb
Five Easy Steps to Abolish Rudeness in Children By Deb Hirschhorn, Ph.D.
ince my specialty is abuse and trauma, you have no idea how many adult survivors of childhood abuse that I see who spoil their kids to death. It’s totally understandable. Given the kind hearts that they have, they do not, under any circumstances, want to inflict the cruelty on their children that was inflicted on them. The problem is twofold: First, because they did not have good role models of how to raise children, they don’t know where lines ought to be drawn. It’s natural to err on the side of caution. The other problem is that they are like burn victims with raw skin: Any punishment they would be encouraged to give to their children, however slight, feels to them like torture and therefore must be abuse in their opinion. Along that line, I just heard the other day that someone was worried about putting her child in a corner and making him face the wall. If he was forced to look at the wall, it would be cruelty of the highest mag-
nitude. (I really wish the entire world were as concerned about hurting others as this sweet woman was concerned about damaging her child.) Nevertheless, we are told to imitate G-d and He does, indeed, have punishments in store for us. Actually, they are not punishments. If everything He does is good and meant for our benefit, then they are simply Life Lessons, the tools we need in order to grow and do better. Sometimes they don’t feel like fun, but they are good for us anyway. Maybe, as the new school year opens, we should consider adopting Hashem’s methods for our children so as to prevent spoiling them and rid them of rudeness. Here is my five-part plan for young children (ages 3-11): 1. Make positive statements a part of your life. (That’s for all children and adults as well!) Researcher John Gottman found that couples at war with each other – but who stayed together for the
long haul – would give each other five positive statements to one negative one. Imagine! They’re fighting when they do this! Surely, if adults need to hear that positivity, kal v’chomer, certainly children do. When parents sigh and tell me that their child does nothing positive, the truth is that the parent is taking for granted the positive that he or she sees and in his mind nullifies it. When the child, for example, takes the milk carton and puts it back in the refrigerator, well, he should so it doesn’t count! Uh-uh. That’s not the way to inculcate in the child an awareness that (a) he is doing something right, and (b) that behavior is appreciated. By saying, “Thanks for putting the milk away,” you strengthen the child’s awareness that that is really the correct thing to do, and you also make the child feel good about the fact that you noticed and appreciated it. Teens who go off the derech or hang out with the wrong crowd are under-appreciated at home.
Item #1 is easy. It’s free. And it feels good to give as well as to receive. Let’s do it more. 2. You can put children in corners, facing the wall, from the ages of 3 to 11. You can start at 2 although the very young child can’t actually be left there. You would have to stay with him for between a few seconds and a minute. The action is simply a way to let him know that you are displeased. Amazingly, preverbal children pick up the “vibes” of what being in the corner means. They comprehend that being sent there is not a good thing. Parents sending a child to the corner should say it in a serious, perhaps clipped tone, but should not yell. There is absolutely no need for yelling. I recall as a child being sent away from the table for playing with my food (I still remember how I lined up the broccoli spears around the edge of my plate pretending they were trees) but my parents never yelled. When you completely remove yelling and speak in warm tones to your child the rest of the time, you
are more connected to your child. Therefore, just the act of removing the child from your presence is a punishment in and of itself; it’s a wake-up call. And that is what the corner is supposed to do. In the corner, neither you nor other children should communicate with the child. It is a “time out.” But just as you are sending the child (or ushering him as the case may be) there, you are to say how long the corner will last. The clock begins when the child stops complaining and is generally considered to be one or two minutes for each year of age. Teenagers may be sent to their room provided they do not have fun things there to do. The corner might be humiliating and the Gemara suggests that we shouldn’t humiliate a teen or that will cause all of our attempts at discipline to backfire. 3. After the child has served his “time,” you need to ask him what he did wrong. If the child has no idea why he went in the corner, it could be he is being
The Jewish Home | SEPTEMBER 15, 2016
stubborn and doesn’t want to give you the satisfaction of saying that he did something wrong. One would
on his shoulder. You can tell by his body language and tone. If he doesn’t know or
You also make the child feel good about the fact that you noticed and appreciated it.
hope that the rules of civil behavior have been stated enough times in the past that the child does know what he did wrong. The attitude with which he speaks is crucial. Nothing was accomplished if he comes out with a huge chip
want to say what he did wrong, he needs to go back into the corner to think about it. Here, I want to mention the concept, developed through extensive research by B. F. Skinner, called “schedules of reinforce-
ment.” We all know that habits are difficult to break. And the reason why is because we learned them on a variable schedule of reinforcement. That means that sometimes we got what we wanted and other times we didn’t. You would think that a habit would be more easily broken that way, but that is not so. By not getting the reward all the time, we become more persistent in trying to get it! So now, if the child is put into the corner and sometimes he has to say what he did wrong and sometimes you are just too tired to pursue it and you let him out without it, guess what you’ve done? You’ve reinforced the behavior of not telling you
what he did wrong; you’ve strengthened it! Better remove from your child any chances of winning a battle of wills with you. Another way to handle this is to say, “But Dovid, you’re my tzaddik! I am expecting only the best from you.” This will work when you seriously attend to item #1 above. It will sound fake if you are not used to praising your kid. 4. Next, he has to tell you what he should have done instead. All the advice for #3 goes here as well. You cannot let your child off the hook without being sure that he knows what he did wrong. 5. Finally, he must apol-
ogize. And you know very well that it is no apology at all if it sounds like, “Sorreeeeeeee.” Insincere apologies do not count. But if you got him through the above steps, this one should not be difficult. Taking a good look at this set of steps, do you notice that it is exactly what chazal recommend as the best way for anyone to do teshuvah? A good thing for us all in Chodesh Elul.
Dr. Deb Hirschhorn is a Marriage and Family Therapist. She can be reached at 646-54-DRDEB or by writing
SEPTEMBER 15, 2016 | The Jewish Home
Health & F tness
An Apple a Day Might do More than Just Keep the Doctor Away By Cindy Weinberger MS, RD, CDN
t’s no secret that fruits are one of the healthiest foods on the planet. Fruit intake is known to reduce the risk of stroke, cardiovascular disease, type II diabetes and cancers. High fruit intake promotes an overall healthy diet. Fruits are essential for just about anyone, especially pregnant women. Here’s why. Not only are fruits packed with essential nutrients and fiber which are vital for a pregnant mom, new research demonstrates that eating more fruit during pregnancy increases your baby’s IQ. The University of Alberta studied 688 pregnant women and found that each additional daily serving of fruit corresponded with an increase in cognitive scores for their children one year after birth. Which fruits are the best to consume? Keep to a variety of fruits for optimal benefits. The list can go on and on – apricots, avocados, blueberries, cantaloupe, cherries, grapefruit, grapes, guava, kiwi, mango, oranges, papaya, pears, persimmons, pineapple, plums, raspberries, strawberries, tangerines, and watermelon. However, now that the summer is ending,
fall is beginning. Along with the change in weather, comes the change of fruits in season. This month marks the beginning of apple season. Apples are a delicious, healthy fruit that are packed with health benefits. A medium sized apple contains roughly 60 calories; 0g total fat; 0mg cholesterol, 1mg sodium; 3g dietary fiber; and
ol levels. The cholesterol lowering effect of apples is linked to soluble fiber, particularly pectins. Pectins prevent cholesterol from building up in the blood vessels thus preventing atherosclerosis and heart disease. Apples also contain insoluble fiber which provides bulk to the intestinal tract and helps move food quickly
Apples are a delicious, healthy fruit that are packed with health benefits.
10% daily value vitamin C. Apples are one of the healthiest foods a person can eat. As you can see, apples are low in calories, contain zero fat or cholesterol, have only a trace of sodium and serve as a good source of fiber and vitamin C. The fiber in apples combines with other nutrients found in apples to provide health benefits such as preventing heart disease and regulating blood fat and cholester-
down the digestive tract. Besides for combining with fiber, phytonutrients in apples have also been shown to help regulate blood sugar levels. This is done by various mechanisms which include preventing spikes in blood sugar and increasing uptake of glucose from the blood through the stimulation of insulin receptors. The same polyphenols that work to regulate blood fat and sugar levels
also serve as antioxidants which help prevent asthma, Alzheimer’s disease and cancer. Due to the many health benefits, apples are often called a “miracle food,” or a “nutrition powerhouse,” as an apple a day indeed keeps the doctor away. There are many delicious fruits out there. Apples are just one of the many. Whether you are pregnant or not, grab a fruit and enjoy its many benefits.
Cindy Weinberger MS, RD, CDN, is a Master’s level Registered Dietitian and Certified Dietitian-Nutritionist. She graduated CUNY Brooklyn College receiving a Bachelor’s in Science and Master’s degree in Nutrition and Food Sciences. Her Dietetic Internship was completed under Brooklyn College primarily in Ditmas Park Care Center and Boro Park Center where she developed clinical and education skills to treat patients with comprehensive nutrition care. She is currently a dietitian at Boro Park Center and a private nutrition consultant. She can be reached at Cindy
The Jewish Home | SEPTEMBER 15, 2016
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SEPTEMBER 15, 2016 | The Jewish Home OCTOBER 29, 2015 | The Jewish Home
In The K
By Naomi Nachman
Chicken Noodle Bowl with Almond Butter Sauce Ingredients Almond Butter Sauce ½ cup almond butter 4 tablespoons fresh lime juice 3 tablespoons soy sauce 3 tablespoons honey 1 ½ teaspoons sesame oil 3 tablespoons rice vinegar ¼ teaspoon kosher salt
I always make chicken soup with tons of chicken, as it really boosts the flavor of the broth when it’s packed with chicken. However, that means once the soup is drained by my family, I am left with lots of what I call “soup chicken.” I have to try to repurpose the chicken in a way that seems like I just made it for them (everything is about marketing!). This week, as usual, I had tons of soup chicken left over and I decided to make a trendy Ramen noodle bowl using the soup chicken and some broth and to load it up with funky ingredients. The noodle bowl has become very trendy in the food world and is fabulous as it’s a one-pot meal. Everything is served in the same bowl. It was delicious and my family loved it!
Chicken Noodle Bowl 8 cups chicken soup broth 2 tablespoons rice vinegar 1 tablespoon kosher salt 6 ounces rice noodles cooked according to package 3 cups shredded cooked chicken 3 cups shredded napa cabbage 1 ½ cups matchstick carrots 6 tablespoons chopped lightly salted dry-roasted peanuts
Preparation Prepare the Sauce: Process all the sauce ingredients in a food processor until smooth or whisk in a small bowl and set aside. Prepare the Chicken Noodle Bowl: Bring broth to a boil, add vinegar and salt. Add cooked noodles and chicken cabbage and carrots. Divide the soup among 6 bowls. Top each bowl with 1 tablespoon peanuts and drizzle with almond butter sauce.
Naomi Nachman, the owner of The Aussie Gourmet, caters weekly and Shabbat/ Yom Tov meals for families and individuals within The Five Towns and neighboring communities, with a specialty in Pesach catering. Naomi is a contributing editor to this paper and also produces and hosts her own weekly radio show on the Nachum Segal Network stream called “A Table for Two with Naomi Nachman.” Naomi gives cooking presentations for organizations and private groups throughout the New York/New Jersey Metropolitan area. In addition, Naomi has been a guest host on the QVC TV network and has been featured in cookbooks, magazines as well as other media covering topics related to cuisine preparation and personal chefs. To obtain additional recipes, join The Aussie Gourmet on Facebook or visit Naomi’s blog. Naomi can be reached through her website, or at (516) 295-9669.
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SEPTEMBER 15, 2016 | The Jewish Home OCTOBER 29, 2015 | The Jewish Home
The Secret History of Presidential Disease, Sickness and Deception BY JOEL ACHENBACH AND LILLIAN CUNNINGHAM
his second term as president, Dwight Eisenhower looked like an old man. He’d had a serious heart attack in 1955, requiring extensive hospitalization. Ike later suffered a stroke. In contrast to his seeming senescence, his successor, John F. Kennedy, seemed vibrant and flamboyant. The reality was that Eisenhower was not really that
old he was just 62 when first elected. And Kennedy wasn’t actually that vigorous, and indeed was secretly afflicted by serious medical problems, including Addison’s disease, that his aides concealed from the public. The history of the presidency includes a running thread of illness and incapacity, much of it hidden from the public out of political calculation. A stroke
incapacitated Woodrow Wilson in 1919, for example, but the public had no inkling until many months later. And when Grover Cleveland needed surgery in 1893 to remove a cancerous tumor in his mouth, he did it secretly, on a friend’s yacht cruising through Long Island Sound. Presidential politics reveals a more subtle trend: Age is not what it used to be. American culture has
redefined old age, pushing it back significantly as modern medicine allows people to live longer and remain vigorous well into what used to be considered their dotage. Candidates now run for president when they are already at or near the biblical life span of three score and ten (Psalm 90:10). Hillary Clinton is 68, and Donald Trump is 70. They’re the oldest pair of major-par-
ty candidates in history. If elected, Clinton would be the second-oldest person to assume the presidency, after Ronald Reagan. Trump would be the oldest. The relative agedness call it maturity of the two candidates this year has not gotten a great deal of attention until recent days. But health has suddenly become a preoccupation on the campaign trail in
The Jewish Home | SEPTEMBER 15, 2016 The Jewish Home | OCTOBER 29, 2015
Ronald Reagan was the oldest president of the United States. He is seen here working on his inaugural address
JFK suffered from Addison’s disease and other ailments
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Most of America didn’t even know FDR was in a wheelchair as the press generally left it out of photos
the wake of Clinton’s wobbly episode Sunday at a 9/11 memorial service in New York City. The Clinton camp initially called it merely a case of overheating. Late in the day, the campaign revealed that, in fact, she had been diagnosed with pneumonia Friday. On Monday, a representative for Clinton acknowledged that the campaign could have been more forthcoming Sunday. Neither candidate has released detailed medical records. Trump has released only a brief letter from a doctor declaring, without evidence, that if elected, Trump would be “the healthiest individual ever elected to the presidency.” Clinton’s gender gives her an advantage on one respect: Women in the United States outlive men by several years. According to the Social Security Administration’s online life-expectancy calculator, a woman of Clinton’s age is likely to live 18.4 more years. A man of Trump’s age is likely to live an additional 15.2.
will have to determine if the murky health status of Clinton and Trump
should be a factor in the November decision. What’s certain is that the campaign trail can be brutal, and the presidency itself can pound away at the health of whoever occupies the Oval Office. Four presidents William Henry Harrison, Zachary Taylor, Warren G. Harding
what’s wrong with them that they employ old family doctors,” Algeo said. Cleveland, Algeo said, concealed his surgery in part because cancer was such a dreaded disease. But Cleveland also did not think his medical condition was anyone else’s business and
wrote a memo saying FDR would never survive another four-year term. The memo was not disclosed until 2011. Harry Truman, FDR’s final running mate, was shocked when he saw Roosevelt for the first time in a year, because, as he told an aide, “physically he’s just
Frank Lahey, a surgeon who examined Roosevelt, wrote a memo saying FDR would never survive another four-year term. The memo was not disclosed until 2011. and Franklin Delano Roosevelt died in office due to ill health. The desire to keep their physical condition secret led many American presidents to avoid the best doctors, says historian Matthew Algeo, who wrote about Cleveland’s surreptitious cancer surgery in his book “The President Is a Sick Man.” “With presidents, a lot of times they don’t get the best care. You would expect they would, but they’re so paranoid about anyone knowing
he distrusted reporters intensely. The public had limited information about Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s physical condition when he ran for president in 1932, already disabled by a viral infection. The press corps avoided mentioning that Roosevelt used a wheelchair. By the time he ran for a fourth term in 1944, he had heart disease, was constantly tired and had trouble concentrating. Frank Lahey, a surgeon who examined Roosevelt,
going to pieces” a moment recounted in Michael Beschloss’s book “The Conquerors.” When a friend told Truman to take a close look at the White House because he would soon be living there, Truman answered, “I’m afraid I am, and it scares the hell out of me.” But the public didn’t know any of this, Beschloss writes. Roosevelt’s opponent, Thomas Dewey, derided “tired old men” in the White House, but Roosevelt sailed to victory that No-
vember. He died just months later, in April 1945, leaving Truman to close out World War II. Truman had known nothing of the Manhattan Project and had to make the difficult decision about dropping atomic bombs on Japan. Eisenhower’s health problems were initially concealed as well. After he suffered his first heart attack, reporters were told he suffered “a digestive upset during the night,” notes John Dickerson in his book “Whistlestop.” Kennedy had to take steroids and other drugs to ward off the symptoms of Addison’s disease, but he did so secretly. As the Los Angeles Times reported: “During the 1960 campaign, Kennedy’s opponents said he had Addison’s. His physicians released a cleverly worded statement saying that he did not have Addison’s disease caused by tuberculosis, and the matter was dropped. Kennedy collapsed twice because of the disease: once at the end of a parade during an election campaign and once on a congressional visit to Britain.” Historian Robert Dallek told The Post that public
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SEPTEMBER 15, 2016 | The Jewish Home OCTOBER 29, 2015 | The Jewish Home
George W. Bush transferred power to his vice president, Dick Cheney, twice while in office
The eyeglass case and speech papers that saved Teddy Roosevelt’s life
disclosure of Kennedy’s health problems might have kept him from becoming president. But Dallek offers a different perspective about the health challenges facing political leaders. He said lethal cancer should prevent someone from running for president, but other health problems are not disqualifying. “Franklin Roosevelt was a paraplegic and he served there for 12 years. Now, Kennedy had all these health issues, and he did a fine job as president,” Dallek said. “You overcome challenges, disabilities. And that was true with Franklin Roosevelt, and it served FDR brilliantly in the presidency because people in the Depression thought he had recovered from his polio and now he’s the one to lead the country through a recovery, so psychologically it gave him a hold on the public that was really helpful.” Earlier presidents had capitalized on a similar reputation for overcoming physical challenges. Dickerson points to Andrew Jackson, “Old Hickory,” who famously walked around with two bullets lodged in his body from youthful du-
els and who regularly bled himself before going to bed at night. Theodore Roosevelt was sickly as a boy, for which he compensated by pursuing “the strenuous life.” Roosevelt, campaigning for president on the Bull Moose
Moose,” Roosevelt told his supporters, according to Smithsonian magazine. That bravado wasn’t enough on Election Day, when the frail Wilson beat both Roosevelt and the incumbent, William Howard Taft, who carried well more
first debate with his opponent, Walter Mondale, but recovered nicely in the next debate by joking that he would not exploit for political purposes his opponent’s “youth and inexperience.” Reagan was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease in
Roosevelt survived an assassination attempt when a gunman’s bullet was slowed by a folded 50-page speech and an eyeglass case jammed in his coat pocket. ticket in 1912, survived an assassination attempt when a gunman’s bullet was slowed by a folded 50-page speech and an eyeglass case jammed in his coat pocket. The bullet ended up between two ribs, and Roosevelt, bleeding, insisted on going to an auditorium anyway to deliver his speech. “I shall ask you to be as quiet as possible. I don’t know whether you fully understand that I have just been shot but it takes more than that to kill a Bull
than 300 pounds on his frame and holds the title of America’s heaviest president. Reagan’s age, 69, was an issue during his bid for the presidency in 1980. But he appeared vigorous when he first took office, regularly lifted weights and rode horses on his ranch. He survived a nearly fatal gunshot wound in his chest in an assassination attempt early in his first time. Running for reelection in 1984, he appeared confused during the
1994. Journalists and historians and even Reagan’s son Ronald Jr. have speculated that he showed signs of the disease in his second term, when he was in his mid-70s. That remains a contentious topic, and many aides have insisted that Reagan did not have the disease while in office. The 25th Amendment provides for a transfer of power to the vice president if the president is incapacitated. Twice, in 2002 and 2007, President George W.
Bush invoked the amendment to transfer power to Vice President Dick Cheney while Bush underwent routine colonoscopies. The relinquishment of executive authority lasted only a couple of hours in each instance. Such situations point to another subtle change in American politics, said Nicole Hemmer, an assistant professor in presidential studies at the University of Virginia’s Miller Center. She said vice presidents are more carefully vetted, and are more intimately involved with the operations of the government, than they were a century ago. That means a presidential succession due to illness or death is less likely to be a catastrophic disruption. And improved medical inventions gives a president a better shot at overcoming a health crisis, she said. “Candidates’ health matters more in terms of optics today than it used to, but less in terms of actual ability to hold the office,” she said.
(c) 2016, The Washington Post
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SEPTEMBER 15, 2016 | The Jewish Home OCTOBER 29, 2015 | The Jewish Home
Notable Quotes “Say What?!”
Apple is supposed to unveil the latest iPhone tomorrow, which will reportedly do away with the traditional headphone jack. And this is convenient; the included earbuds will come “pre-lost.” – Seth Myers
Apple unveiled the new iPhone today, which it says is water resistant. This could be a devastating blow for the “big bag of rice” industry.
Thanks Obama! - President Obama at a rally, after listing his accomplishments while in office
On Sunday in California, several dozen Latinos held a rally for Donald Trump. They were a group calling themselves “Latinos Who Don’t Really Follow the News.” - Conan O’Brien
– Ibid.
That message…America great again is if you’re a white Southerner, you know exactly what it means, don’t you? What it means is I’ll give you an economy you had 50 years ago and I’ll move you back up on the social totem and other people down. – Bill Clinton at a rally for his wife, arguing that Trump’s slogan of “Make America Great Again” is thinly disguised racism
I believe that we can make America great again. – Bill Clinton on numerous occasions while running for president in 1992
Instagram has a new feature. Finally you can zoom in on photos on Instagram by unpinching your finger. Just when our parents learned that that didn’t work, now it does. I’m going to miss yelling, “You can’t make it bigger” at my mother. I really am. - Jimmy Kimmel
It’s time to make America great again, and I know that Hillary is the one that could do it. – Bill Clinton in a 2008 Democrat primary ad for Hillary
RNC Chairman Reince Priebus spoke out against Hillary Clinton’s attack on Donald Trump’s supporters and said, “Clinton’s comments show outright contempt for ordinary people.” Then again, so does the name Reince Priebus. – Seth Myers
I’d like to jog with him. I don’t think he could keep up. - Vice President Joe Biden at a fundraiser for Hillary, deflecting concerns about the health of Hillary Clinton and arguing that he is in better physical shape than Republican nominee Donald Trump
We begin with the breaking news about Hillary Clinton’s death. - New York ABC7’s Joe Torres mistakenly reporting that Hillary Clinton died, at the beginning of a broadcast after Clinton collapsed at the 9/11 memorial service
He’s 70 years old. He’s not slim and trim. He brags about eating fast food every day. Look at his health. – Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid, 76, arguing that Trump’s health should be questioned rather than Hillary’s
The Jewish Home | SEPTEMBER 15, 2016
SEPTEMBER 15, 2016 | The Jewish Home
The Jewish Home | OCTOBER 29, 2015
I have told Hilleary’s [sic] minions repeatedly that they are making a mistake trying to drag me in, yet they still try. The media isn’t fooled and she is getting crucified. The differences are profound and they know it. I told her how I was using my personal computer for [unclassified] emails. I said nothing about servers, basements, domains, Clinton foundation, government employees. - From a May 2016 email, obtained by hacking website DCLeaks, in which Colin Powell bemoans Hillary Clinton’s attempt to blame him for her use of a personal email server on which she sent classified government information
Last night North Korea conducted what they claim was a successful test of their biggest nuclear warhead yet. So congrats to them. I’m glad they’re finally figuring that out. Will someone please tell Kim Jong Un they like his new glasses and he looks like he lost weight so he doesn’t kill everybody on the West Coast?
Did you see Donald Trump dancing at the gospel church? Donald Trump this weekend, as part of his new initiative to woo AfricanAmerican voters, visited the Great Faith Ministries Church in Detroit. He said he was there to listen. I don’t know what he was listening to but based on his dancing, it clearly wasn’t music. – Jimmy Kimmel
– Jimmy Kimmel
[Islamic radicals] imagine terror, we answer with culture. They destroy statues, we love art. They destroy books, we are the country of libraries. - Italy’s Prime Minister Matteo Renzi talking about a program which gives Middle Eastern refugees vouchers to movies, bookstores and museums
A lot of people were saying President Obama was snubbed by China when they didn’t have the stairs ready for him to get off the plane. In fact, Donald Trump said that if that ever happened to him, he’d just close the plane doors and leave the country. Every other country was like, “That’s all we have to do? Thank you. That’s perfect!” – Jimmy Fallon
After three weddings you’d think he’d have learned how to dance. I bet if you asked him if he’s a good dancer he’d say, “Yeah, I’m the best, nobody dances like me.” And it’s true, nobody does dance like that. – Ibid.
Hillary was just diagnosed with pneumonia. And to everyone’s surprise, Trump has refused to attack her while she’s sick and even said that he hopes she feels better. At which point, people started asking Trump if he was feeling OK. – Jimmy Fallon
I guess Trump really does want her to get better, because today he sent her some flowers in a basket of deplorables. – Ibid
And what’s Aleppo? – Libertarian presidential candidate Gary Johnson on MSNBC when asked what he would do about the raging civil war in Aleppo, Syria
The Jewish Home | SEPTEMBER 15, 2016
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SEPTEMBER 15, 2016 | The Jewish Home OCTOBER 29, 2015 | The Jewish Home
The [Commander in Chief] forum was hosted by “Today Show” host Matt Lauer and a lot of people were very angry with his performance last night. Not Apple-losing-theheadphone-jack angry, but they were angry. - James Corden
My question is, how did Matt Lauer even end up with this job? Was there a conversation at NBC like, “You know who would be great for the presidential forum?” And they were like, “Oh, the guy on ‘The Today Show’ who excitedly announces they’re now making pumpkin spice marshmallows.”
To just be grossly generalistic, you can put half of Trump supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables. Right? Racist ... xenophobic, Islamaphobic, you name it. - Hillary Clinton during a private fundraiser
Hillary Clinton had to walk back a comment she made about Trump supporters last week. So, if you’re keeping track, Trump supporters are deplorable, and Hillary supporters are deportable. – Jimmy Fallon
While in New York Hillary became overheated and had to leave an event to receive medical attention. It turns out that she had been diagnosed with pneumonia on Friday. I mean this was a scary moment for Donald Trump because he was thinking, “Oh G-d, I might actually have to be the president.” – James Corden
– Ibid.
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The Jewish Home | SEPTEMBER 15, 2016
SEPTEMBER 15, 2016 | The Jewish Home
The Jewish Home | OCTOBER 29, 2015
Yesterday, in China, President Obama had a meeting with Vladimir Putin. And before they started, Obama texted Michelle: “Going into a meeting, love you.” While Putin texted the same thing to Donald Trump. – Jimmy Fallon
Some of these people have cut their vacation short and left early. - Town Manager Thomas Woodin of Boothbay Harbor Maine discussing tourists being angered by a sign on private property featuring a picture of a rifle with the caption “Black Rifles Matter”
I’m nervous. And I saw the headline today – race tightening, Trump ahead in Ohio and Florida. If this race is even the week before the election, somebody is going to have to go out there. Why do you think they let Hinckley out?
Hillary Clinton upset Republicans this weekend after she accused half of Trump supporters of belonging to a basket of deplorables, which is also Trump’s usual order at KFC. “I will have the 12-piece basket of deplorables. Tremendously crispy.” – Seth Myers
- Bill Maher, HBO
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The Jewish Home | SEPTEMBER 15, 2016
456 Central Avenue, Cedarhurst (516) 791-1925 Store Hours: Sun: 11-6, Mon-Thurs: 11-7 Fri: 10:30-2:30
SEPTEMBER 15, 2016 | The Jewish Home
Political Crossfire
The Meaning of 9/11 By Michael Gerson
ifteen years after one of the most vivid and violent days in American history, there is still a debate over what the events of Sept. 11, 2001, actually mean. For some individuals, it is clear enough. They experience horrible, continuing and unrecoverable loss – the immense absence of friends and family chosen for death at random or led there by duty. But the place of these events in our national life remains disputed in a way that, say, Pearl Harbor was not. No one accused President Franklin Roosevelt of overreacting to the Imperial Japanese threat. This charge, however, is routinely made in assessing the war against terrorism – that America overreacted in the surveillance of citizens; in the pursuit, interrogation and killing of enemy combatants; and in the use of the military to confront emerging threats. After the killing of Osama bin Laden in particular, some in the Obama administration seemed to regard the threat of terrorism as diminished, contained and manageable. This viewpoint – while offering important corrections – has become dramatically less credible with the collapse of sovereignty at the heart of the Middle East; with ongoing mass atrocities against civilians in Syria; with a refugee crisis that incubates resentment and now shakes the foundations of the European Union; and with the establishment of a physical place – a quasi-state – that claims to be the Islamic caliphate. The second
largest city in Iraq has been controlled by a terrorist organization for more than two years. And the existence of this faux caliphate, according to security expert Juan Zarate, has “rejuvenated [terror] networks in Europe, in Southeast Asia, in the Middle East and elsewhere that were previously suppressed.” Clearly, national passivity – as a matter of conviction or indecision – can also invite serious strategic and moral challenges. Yet this argument against inaction is becoming dated in some respects. President Obama has returned military advisers to Iraq and slowly escalated America’s commitment to the defeat of the Islamic State (there are several thousand U.S. troops now in Iraq and Syria). Progress is being made in significant increments. Obama is attempting to shape an American role that offers intelligence, coordination and airpower while building up the capabilities of allies and proxies. The effort has been limited and late – perhaps too late in Syria – but developing this sort of capacity is the correct goal dictated by the correct question: How does America exercise maximum military influence without the risks of invasion and occupation? And the Obama administration has devoted increasing, useful attention to the ideological battle against Islamic extremism. In one respect, the propaganda produced by the Islamic State has a narrow goal – produce volunteers to fight
for, operate and populate its sad excuse for a caliphate. The effort, at its height, produced perhaps 40,000 foreign recruits. As the chances of dying on terrorist vacation have increased, recruitment has slowed. And efforts to counter Islamic State
deep web, to exploit the angry, damaged and vulnerable. Identifying the radicalized involves attention to individuals by family members, peers and imams. And it requires an atmosphere of trust between the FBI and the Muslim community.
Identifying the radicalized involves attention to individuals by family members, peers and imams.
propaganda have skillfully employed defectors who describe menial work, desperate conditions and disappointed expectations. One response by the Islamic State to military reverses has been to call for terrorist attacks in place – claiming that Muslims can demonstrate their fidelity by shooting up a local nightclub or running a truck into a crowd. This approach is not new. But the Islamic State, according to Zarate, has made it “a core part of their strategy.” In some ways, fighting a geographic caliphate is the kind of thing American does best, applying deadly force with great precision. But disputes about theology and identity are unfamiliar terrain for the American government. Violent Islamists don’t require mass appeal. They set out, via social media and the
In this context, the argument by the Republican presidential nominee that America is too engaged in the world and too soft on Islam is utterly, dangerously wrong on both counts. When he proposes a religious test at the border, or demonizes Muslim refugees, or calls for the murder of the families of terrorists, he feeds social division, alienates important allies, materially complicates the war on terrorism and puts our country at additional risk. Fifteen years on from 11/9, the main task remains the ideological and religious isolation of the enemy – placing them on an island of unholy cruelty. A war of civilizations – the war they want – will not be won.
(c) 2016, Writers Group
The Jewish Home | SEPTEMBER 15, 2016
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SEPTEMBER 15, 2016 | The Jewish Home
Political Crossfire
Incident in Hangzhou By Charles Krauthammer
he president of the United States lands with all the majesty of Air Force One, waiting to exit the front door and stride down the rolling staircase to the red-carpeted tarmac. Except that there is no rolling staircase. He is forced to exit – as one China expert put it rather undiplomatically – through the “backside” of the plane. This happened last Saturday at Hangzhou airport. Yes, in China. If the Chinese didn’t invent diplomatic protocol, they surely are its most venerable and experienced practitioners. They’ve been at it for 4,000 years. They are the masters of every tributary gesture, every nuance of hierarchical ritual. In a land so exquisitely sensitive to protocol, rolling staircases don’t just disappear at arrival ceremonies. Indeed, not one of the other G-20 world leaders was left stranded on his plane upon arrival. Did President Xi Jinping directly order airport personnel and diplomatic functionaries to deny Barack Obama a proper welcome? Who knows? But the message, whether intentional or not, wasn’t very subtle. The authorities expressed no regret, no remorse and certainly no apology. On the
contrary, they scolded the press for even reporting the snub. No surprise. China’s ostentatious rudeness was perfectly reflective of the world’s general disdain for President Obama. His high-minded lectures about global norms and demands that others live up to their “international obligations” are no longer amusing. They’re irritating. Foreign leaders have reciprocated by taking this administration down a notch knowing they pay no price. In May 2013, Vladimir Putin reportedly kept the U.S. secretary of state cooling his heels for three hours outside his office before deigning to receive him. Even as Obama was hailing the nuclear deal with Iran as a great breakthrough, the ayatollah vowed “no change” in his policy, which remained diametrically opposed to “U.S. arrogant system.” The mullahs followed by openly conducting illegal ballistic missile tests – calculating, correctly, that Obama would do nothing. And when Iran took prisoner 10 American sailors in the Persian Gulf, made them kneel and broadcast the video, what was the U.S. response? Upon their release, John Kerry publicly thanked Iran for its good conduct.
Why should Xi treat Obama with any greater deference? Beijing illegally expands into the South China Sea, meeting only the most perfunctory pushback from the U.S. Obama told CNN that he warned Xi to desist or “there will be consequences.” Is there a threat less credible? Putin annexes Crimea and Obama crows about the isolation he has imposed on Russia. Look around. Moscow has become Grand Central Station for Middle East leaders seeking outside help in their various conflicts. As for Ukraine, both the French president and the German chancellor have hastened to Moscow to plead with Putin to make peace. Some isolation. Iran regularly harasses our vessels in the Persian Gulf. Russian fighters buzzed a U.S. destroyer in the Baltic Sea. And just Wednesday, a Russian fighter flew within 10 feet of an American military jet. The price they paid? Being admonished that such provocations are unsafe and unprofessional. An OSHA citation is more ominous. Add to that American acquiescence not just to ransoming hostages held by Iran, but to delivering the loot by unmarked plane filled with stacks of cold (untrace-
able) cash, like a desert drug deal. Why the stealth? Obviously to conceal the manner of the transaction from Congress and the American public. Some humiliations are so grotesque that even the Obama team can’t miss it.
weep. This KGB thug adhering to norms? He invades Ukraine, annexes Crimea, bombs hospitals in Aleppo – and we expect him to observe cyber-code etiquette? Rather than exploit our technological lead – with
His high-minded lectures about global norms and demands that others live up to their “international obligations” are no longer amusing. They’re irritating.
Now the latest. At the G-20, Obama said he spoke to Putin about cyberwarfare, amid revelations that Russian hackers have been interfering in our political campaigns. We are more technologically advanced, both offensively and defensively, in this arena than any of our adversaries, said Obama, but we really don’t want another Cold War-style arms race. Instead, we must all adhere to norms of international behavior. It makes you want to
countermeasures and deterrent threats – to ensure our own cyber safety? We’re back to 1929 when Secretary of State Henry Stimson shut down a U.S. code-breaking operation after it gave him decoded Japanese telegrams. He famously explained that “gentlemen do not read each other’s mail.” Well, comrade, Putin is no gentleman. And he’s reading our mail. (c) 2016, The Washington Post Writers Group
The Jewish Home | SEPTEMBER 15, 2016
Khal Agudas Achim 200 Broadway • Lawrence, NY s"xc We invite the entire community to join us in celebrating the opening of
Kollel Agudas Achim of Lawrence and welcoming the members of the Kollel to our neighborhood Sunday, September 18th u"gaw kukt u"y Reception at 5:30 pm Program begins at 6:00 pm in our shul Welcoming remarks
Horav Leibel Rand t"yhka Rosh Kollel Lawrence/Far Rockaway Community Kollel
Pesichas Hakollel
The Novominsker Rebbe t"yhka Guest Speaker
Horav Elya Brudny t"yhka Rosh Yeshiva - Yeshivas Mir, Brooklyn, NY
Mincha at 6:50 pm
SEPTEMBER 15, 2016 | The Jewish Home
Forgotten Her es
A Tale of a Few Spies How the Pinkerton Detective Agency Came to Be By Avi Heiligman
Three Pinkerton spies, 1880. William Pinkerton, Allan’s son, is in the middle
here was a time when war was thought to be only fought by gentlemen. Way before the FBI or the CIA existed, spying and going directly after the enemy leader was consider rude and was not an accepted war practice. During the American Civil War these ideas were thrown out the window as spying became a lucrative venture for those brave enough to cross enemy lines. President Abraham Lincoln hired out a private detective agency whose founder was credited with saving the president’s life. His name was Allen Pinkerton and he wasn’t even American. Allen Pinkerton was born on Glasgow, Scotland, in 1819 and moved to the U.S. in 1842. A year later he settled near Chicago where his home
Allan Pinkerton, Abraham Lincoln and General McClemand
became a stop on the Underground Railroad. He was a barrel maker by trade and only became a detective by accident. While looking for wood for barrels he stumbled across a notorious band of counterfeiters. After stealthily spying on the gang he reported the activity to the police who swooped in to make the arrests. This suddenly made him a local hero and he soon found himself as a sheriff in a small town. In 1849 Pinkerton was appointed the first detective ever in Chicago. At first he worked for both the police and the post office, and in 1850 he opened up the private investigation firm that became famous worldwide. Known as the Pinkerton National Detective Agency they were soon hired by railroads to protect trains from bandits.
The agency was successful in solving several train robberies in Illinois and their success soon reached the ears of one of the train company’s lawyers. That lawyer was Abraham Lincoln, and the chief engineer of the Illinois Central Railroad was soon to be famous as the general of Lincoln’s army George B. McClellan. Early on the agency had several rules and policies that distinguished them from other agencies. No bribes were to be accepted and there were no compromises with criminals. By partnering with local law enforcement agencies they were able to arrest criminals nationwide. They decided not to accept any reward money, to raise fees without the knowledge of the client and to keep the client in the loop with the inves-
tigation. Soon they coined the term “private eye,” using the logo of a single eye with the slogan of “We Never Sleep.” Surveillance and undercover work became the norm for Pinkerton agents. In 1856 they made headlines again when they hired Kate Warne as the first female detective in the U.S. Just two months before the Civil War started in April 1865 Lincoln hired Pinkerton to provide private security for the president-elect on his way to Washington. There were rumors that pro-slave sympathizers would try to cut the railroad lines in Baltimore. A cable was intercepted that indicated that Lincoln was at risk of an assassination attempt. With the help of Kate Warne and other agents, Pinkerton managed to change Lincoln’s schedule and
The Jewish Home | SEPTEMBER 15, 2016
he arrived in Washington safe and even a few hours early. The press labeled him a coward for skipping the planned stop in Baltimore and none of the plotters were ever arrested. Some historians doubt that there was ever an attempt on his life while traveling to the nation’s capital. Opportunity for the Pinkerton Agency to go undercover as spies arose during the Civil War. Several agents dressed as Confederate soldiers, and Pinkerton himself assumed the title of a major in the Union Army in order to set up spy rings without the worry of being recognized. While most of their reports provided the Union Army with vital intelligence that couldn’t be gleaned from cavalry missions not all were successful. Pinkerton reported to an old acquaintance that was beloved by the men he commanded. General McClellan commanded the Army of the Potomac but wasn’t considered a good general by historians. The fights he had with Lincoln are leg-
endary especially the one where he called the commander in chief a baboon and refused to meet him when the president paid him a home visit. Lincoln’s administration had been pressing the general for months to attack, but he always said he didn’t have enough troops and that the enemy was stronger than the pencil pushers in Washington estimated. To prove his point he sent Pinkerton to scout the enemy near Richmond. The report came back that the Confederates had strong defenses and that the Union troops were going to be soundly beaten. The truth was that Pinkerton had been tricked and by moving around troops in quick succession had fooled the Union into think there were twice as many Confederates. If McClellan had attacked then, the war could have possibly been over in 1862. Instead McClellan decided not to advance until General Robert E. Lee had enough men. Popularity of the agency grew in leaps and bounds after the Civil War.
The newly formed Department of Justice contracted out to Pinkerton the responsibility of hunting down and arresting people in violation of federal laws. After Allen Pinkerton died in 1884 the company was taken over by his two sons. They grew the company into a force that had more men than the regulars in the U.S. Army (over 30,000 agents). This lasted until the 1893 Anti-Pinkerton Act when only members of the government were allowed to track law violators. Backlash from their strong armed tactics, questionable procedures and negative press led to the act. Even though the government agencies couldn’t hire them, private firms still used their services. In 1895, a Pinkerton agent, Detective Frank Geyer, came up with conclusive evidence to charge H H Holmes. Holmes had been accused of several murders in the Chicago area but evidence was lacking. The trail led him through several states and
Canada before finding evidence to charge with him with four murders. Holmes was the first serial killer executed in the U.S. Several other high profile cases were presented to the Pinkertons including legendary outlaws Jesse James, Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid. In a future article we will delve into these cases. The Pinkerton Detective Agency has changed drastically over the years. Competition from former employees starting their own private eye firms and changing laws saw the agency go from being detectives to more of a security role. The FBI now does what the Pinkertons did in the latter half of the 1800s, and the legacy of the Pinkertons remains legendary even today. Avi Heiligman is a weekly contributor to The Jewish Home. He welcomes your comments and suggestions for future columns and can be reached at avi
SEPTEMBER 15, 2016 | The Jewish Home
Studying Sm
Judging a Book By its Cover Why English is (Still) the Most Important Subject in School By Chaim Homnick
n light of the flurry of technological advancement that we have enjoyed in the 21st century, high schools and politicians alike have increasingly promoted STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) courses as the way of the future. While the renewed emphasis on those areas of the curriculum are certainly important in today’s age, the fact remains that English Literature (when taught right) is the most important topic in high school. While a decent percentage of students will in fact pursue careers in STEM-centric fields, it is still not ubiquitous. There are numerous careers in other fields that students can pursue. However, the skills acquired in a well-taught English class are relevant for all students and can be applied to almost any career. A professional in nearly any field needs to be articulate in both their speech and their writing. Below are several other key reasons why a strong English curriculum at the high school level (and earlier) is so vital:
Math, history and science all come with convenient built-in curriculums and textbooks. Are you teaching Bio to ninth grade? Follow the textbook, prepare them for the standardized Bio Regent and voila! Obviously, good teachers are still crucial, but there is a clear roadmap
in those classes. English Literature, meanwhile, is totally open-ended. A teacher can spend four years teaching Shakespeare or four years just doing short stories; the textbooks for English Literature aren’t especially useful, and not enough schools have a coherent, organized plan for what will be covered each year. In Mesivta Ateres Yaakov (full disclosure: I teach 5 periods of Honors, AP and dual enrollment English Literature there), we created and implemented a four-year English Literature curriculum that follows a logical, comprehensive path to ensuring students graduate armed with the requisite skills for success on the SAT, in college and in life. We blend literature and literary knowledge with practical analysis and comprehension skills while also integrating the SAT into the classroom. Every school needs to have a customized, cohesive plan that is more thorough than merely listing two novels that the teacher must cover annually. Consequently, while math, history and science classes are taught very similarly in most schools in the Five Towns, the content of your child’s English Literature class can vary wildly depending upon the school they are in, what level the class is, and the whims of that particular teacher. Considering how important those English skills are, that makes it doubly important to find a school that has a structured, intelligent curriculum that covers all the right
ENGLISH IS CRUCIAL FOR THE SAT AND OTHER TESTS I have written at length in TJH about the SAT (or ACT) but it bears repeating: this is the most important test a child takes in high school. Achieving a solid SAT score (1100 or so) is necessary for admission to most colleges and achieving a higher score (1250-1400 and up) can open the door to opportunities like Honors Programs, scholarships and more. As important as a strong STEM program is, only math is covered on the SAT. The other half of the test is devoted to reading and writing. Why? Because colleges view English and math as the two foundational building blocks that connote college-readiness. Even tests like the GRE, MCAT, DAT, and LSAT have English components.
BUILDING TOWARD THE FUTURE The reason why those disparate tests all test English is because English is the one topic that is universally necessary. Top doctors publish high-end, intellectual papers. Scientists perform copious research and publish as well. Many lawyers do nothing but draft documents all day. Basic reading comprehension skills and writing ability are critical and yet children are increasingly spurning reading books in exchange
for capturing Pokemon or snapchatting their friends. In such an environment, it is even more important that they foster an appreciation for reading in school. Additionally, the analytic skills inherent in a thorough analysis of literature are vital for any profession. English Literature may not have a fancy acronym like STEM, and it may not give parents as much homework-related anxiety as math often does, but it is the most important subject in school nonetheless. Schools need to devote resources to ensuring the class is taught competently and in a manner conducive to genuine improvement. And as for us parents, the next time our child’s search for a Charizard gets rained out, we should hand them a good book instead.
Chaim Homnick is the College Advisor at Mesivta Ateres Yaakov of Lawrence and also teaches 5 periods of Honors/AP English Literature. Chaim is the owner of Five Towns Tutoring ( as well as Machane Miami Day Camp of Florida ( He scored in the 99th percentile on the SAT and the LSAT and tutors both extensively. He has a Masters Degree in Educational Leadership and Administration as well as an MBA. For questions, comments, previous articles or tutoring, he can be reached directly at chomnick@
The Jewish Home | SEPTEMBER 15, 2016
SEPTEMBER 15, 2016 | The Jewish Home
The Jewish Home | SEPTEMBER 15, 2016
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SEPTEMBER 15, 2016 | The Jewish Home
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CEDARHURST: 2,000 +/- Sf Restaurant Plus Basement & Back Drop Off Area, Outside Seating Area, Long Term Lease, Tremendous Location In The Heart Of Cedarhurst, Near LIRR Station, Convenient To All, For Lease... Call For More Details Broker (516) 792-6698
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WOODMERE: Follow The Leader To Woodmere, Now Is The Time To Act!!! No Metered Parking, Various Retail/Office Spaces Available, For Sale/Lease... Call For More Details (516) 295-3000
LONG BEACH: 1400 +/- SF Retail Space, Former Restaurant, Street Parking, Great Location, Near LIRR Station, For Lease…Call For More Details Broker (516) 792-6698
INWOOD Commercial mixed use building + Lot. Private parking, corner property, high traffic area 1st floor offices, 2nd floor: 2 Apts. Asking 849k. Call 212-470-3856 Yochi @WinZone Re
COMMERCIAL RE SPECIAL “LIMITED” OPPORTUNITY TO WELCOME OUR NEWEST ADDITION/LOCATION AT 487R CENTRAL AVENUE, CEDARHURST, NY 11516. Call/text now for complimentary market analysis of your residential or commercial property. 516-655-3636 Cheryl “Chedva” Slansky, MBA Licensed Associate RE Broker, RealtyConnect USA The #1 Real Estate Office 2015 FY by LIBN
LAWRENCE: 2,800 +/- SF Space, Office/R&D Space, 2 Bathrooms, Kitchenette In Office Area, 12 Ceilings For Lease…Call for More Details Broker (516) 792-6698
CO-OP FOR SALE FAR ROCKAWAY 833 Central Avenue 1st floor, balcony, doorman. Completely renovated, near LIRR 2BR/2 full bath, 2 DW/sinks, wood cabinets, granite counters $369 Call 917-572-9644
CO-OP FOR SALE FAR ROCKAWAY 833 Central ,1st floor, balcony, doorman Completely renovated, near LIRR 2BR/2 full bath, 2 DW/sinks, wood cabinets, granite counters $389 917-572-9644 HEWLETT: NEW TO MARKET!!! Beautiful & Spacious 1BR Co-op, Private Patio, Eik, Washer/Dryer, Parking Space & Storage Incl, Close To All...$79,500 Call Carol Braunstein (516) 295-3000 WOODMERE: NEW LISTING Sunny & Spacious 2BR, 2BA Co-op In Highly Desirable Location, Eik, LR/DR, Many Built-Ins, Close To All ...$275K Call Carol Braunstein (516) 295-3000
APT FOR SALE LARGE ONE BEDROOM APT. IN LAWRENCE Close to train, underground parking, spacious living room/dining area. Motivated seller $118,000. Call 917-299-8082
The Jewish Home | SEPTEMBER 15, 2016
Classifieds / text 443-929-4003 APT FOR RENT
CEDARHURST 500-3,500 +/- SF Beautiful, newly renovated space for rent. Ideal for Retail or Executive offices. Prime location. Convenient Parking. Call Sam @ 516-612-2433 or 718-747-8080
EXECUTIVE SECRETARY Seeking organized professional Executive Secretary in OHEL’s Fiscal Department. Will assist the Chief Financial Officer, Controllers and contract managers in all fiscal matters including written and oral correspondence, interaction with Board members, manage a variety of government contracts, fiscal reports and proposals. Additional responsibilities: paying bills, tracking insurance information. 3 years’ experience, superior computer and research skills. Full time, Far Rockaway OHEL BAIS EZRA 718-686-3102,
FAR ROCKAWAY 3 bedroom apartment On second floor in a 3 family home, 2 bathrooms, 2 balconies Kosher kitchen with 2 sinks, Ideal for a couple or 3 -4 girls, Call 516 225 4558
HELP WANTED CAHAL HAS OPENINGS FOR PART TIME ASSISTANT TEACHERS 1) 2-3 grade class, hours 12:15 - 4:00 Monday-Thursday and 10:30 - 1:00 on Friday. 2) M.S. grade class, hours 1:30 - 5:10 Monday-Thursday. E-mail or call 516-295-3666 CAHAL IS SEEKING A PART TIME OFFICE WORKER for afternoons Monday-Thursday and maybe Friday mornings. General computer knowledge, Word, Excel and E-mail required. E-mail resume to
SALES PERSON WANTED Great Income Potential! Requirements- Must currently be employed selling goods and services to companies. Compensation: Generous commission Contact: for more information COMPUTER TEACHER NEEDED FOR BOYS/GIRLS ELEMENTARY SCHOOL AFTERNOON email
F/T DAYHAB TRAINER positions in Far Rockaway for caring individuals to involve adults with developmental disabilities in skill development while encouraging them to become more independent. Valid driver’s license required. OHEL BAIS EZRA 718-686-3102 OVERNIGHT\ WEEKEND COUNSELOR Responsible and exp’d staff to live
PARA PROFESSIONAL Motivated Individuals Work with children with special needs (ASD) Weekday, weekend hours Cases available in Queens, Long Island Flexible hours Excellent rates Call:516-213-3338 Email Resume:
in a beautiful group home & work 3 nights\week 7pm - 9am. Staff are not req’d to remain awake after 11pm. Staff are req’d to work two weekends per month. Free rent & food. Stipend given as well. Great for college girl. For additional info contact Frayde Yudkowsky @732.948.4636 EXPERIENCED REAL ESTATE SALES AGENT needed for a HIGH Producing
Yeshiva near Brooklyn/5 Towns Looking for Responsible Bachur or Yungerman To manage the Kitchen and Maintenance And assist the Office with misc. jobs. Driver License Required, Car a plus Email Resume: FAX: 718-634-4510
real estate office who is seeking an opportunity to Earn & Learn more!!! Call Today (516) 295-3000 x 128. All calls kept confidential.
In the Heart of Jerusalem!! New! For sale, fabulous boutique building with 3 huge apartments available now, on quiet cul-de-sac in classic Jerusalem. Walking distance to the Kotel, Great Synagogue, parks. Garden apt. and massive penthouse available. High ceilings, sukkah porches, smart home, central AC, sub-floor heating, ultraluxe finishes. Specially priced for the holidays!! Phone: +972.523.477.428
SEPTEMBER 15, 2016 | The Jewish Home
Classifieds / text 443-929-4003
Well-established healthcare agency is seeking a MEDICAL RECEPTIONIST for one of our clinics in Far Rockaway. Please forward all resumes to
COMPUTER TEACHER BOYS HS Mon-Thurs, 2:45 -4-15. Email
WE ARE LOOKING TO HIRE A MARKETING/SALES SPECIALIST. Job will require your own car and being computer/internet savy. If you consider yourself a marketing professional, this is the position for you. Opportunity to make unlimited income potential, Don’t delay. Give us a call at 917-612-2300
FREE KIRUV RECHOKIM BOOKS Russian Home Siddur English Beginners Siddur Call 718-438-9025 Leave Message Tashbar Publications
Leading licensed Mental Health agency is seeking SOCIAL WORKERS for our outpatient clinics. FT, PT and FFS positions available. Please send resumes to PCA’S / HHA’S NEEDED Unlimited Care Inc. is currently hiring Certified aides to care for our clients at home in Nassau County. F/T, P/T, Live-ins available Call Gail (516) 433-4095 ASSISTANTS FOR ELEMENTARY SCHOOL, AFTERNOON HOURS Email: EXPERIENCED REAL ESTATE SALES AGENT needed for a HIGH Producing real estate office who is seeking an opportunity to Earn & Learn more!!! Call Today (516) 295-3000 x 128. All calls kept confidential We are looking to hire a MARKETING/SALES SPECIALIST Job requirements: Your own car and internet savvy. Hob has unlimited income potential. Don’t delay, give us a call at 917-612-2300 Growing company in the 5 Towns is seeking motivated, confident, out-going employee for full time bookkeeping/accounting. Must have professional bookkeeping experience, and strong teamwork skills Please submit qualified resume to PART TIME AND FULL TIME BOOKKEEPING POSITION Fast growing accounting and consulting firm seeks a qualified individual to assist our accounting staff in providing bookkeeping services for our clients. Qualified individuals will have the opportunity to join our employee friendly culture At least 2 years working experience Working knowledge of Microsoft Office, QuickBooks a MUST Email – YESHIVA KETANA OF LONG ISLAND SEEKS FULL TIME SECRETARY for busy school office. Organized, friendly and able to multi task. Experienced only. Please email resume to
YESHIVA SECRETARY Yeshiva near Brooklyn/5 Towns Seeking help during Dinner Campaign. Detail oriented and ability to multi task Yeshiva experience a plus Morning Hours, Immediately after Pesach Send Resume to CATAPULT LEARNING Teachers, Title I Boro Park, Williamsburg and Flatbush Schools *College/Yeshiva Degree *Teaching experience required *Strong desire to help children learn *Small group instruction *Excellent organization skills Competitive salary Send resume to: Email: Fax: (212) 480-3691 5TOWNS BOYS YESHIVA SEEKING ELEM TEACHERS. Exc working env’t, supportive admin, exc pay Lic’d & experienced preferred. Email resume to PHYSICAL THERAPIST ASSISTANTS (PTA’S) & OCCUPATIONAL THERAPISTS ASSISTANTS (COTA’S) For 200+ bed Nursing Home in Queens. Must have Hospital or Nursing Home experience. Please email resume to OVERNIGHT \WEEKEND COUNSELOR Responsible and exp’d staff to live in a beautiful group home & work 3 nights\ week 7pm - 9am. Staff are not req’d to remain awake after 11pm. Staff are req’d to work two weekends per month. Free rent & food. Stipend given as well. Great for college girl. For additional info contact Frayde Yudkowsky at 732.948.4636 or fyudkowsky@ Local F.T. Accounting Office Seeks P/T JR. ACCOUNTANT proficient in Q.B. knowledge of payroll tax, sales tax, business tax and individual taxes Qualified applicants should please e-mail resume to: DRS HS FOR BOYS, WOODMERE NY SEEKS CHEMISTRY TEACHER (FT) FOR 2016-17. Resumes:
GREAT OPPORTUNITY Looking for class B CDL DRIVER with clutch for a heimishe lumber co. Great pay, Call: 718-369-3141 Ext. 348
WIG GEMACH Everyone in our community deserves to look great! Donate used wigs and make a world of a difference. Call Deena 845-304-6668
HALB LOWER SCHOOL SEEKS STAFF MEMBERS FOR 2016-17: Limudei Kodesh Morah with Ivrit skills, Assistant Teachers Limudei Kodesh and Secular Studies (FT/PT), Assistant Rebbe (FT). Resumes:
Tutors desperately needed for Zichron Etel, a gemach providing free tutoring to those who cannot afford it. Now in Brooklyn and the Five Towns! Kindly visit our website at
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The Jewish Home | SEPTEMBER 15, 2016
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SEPTEMBER 15, 2016 | The Jewish Home
Red Tax Rising By Allan Rolnick, CPA
ovelist Tom Clancy shot to the top of the bestseller lists when former president Ronald Reagan called his debut, The Hunt for Red October, “the best yarn.” His stories featuring CIA analyst-turned-president Jack Ryan redefined the “techno-thriller” genre, with hyper-realistic plots that foreshadowed real-world developments. Clancy earned special praise for his obsessive attention to detail, especially with military hardware. But that attention to detail didn’t quite extend to his finances — and a Maryland court just ruled that it would cost his children millions in estate tax. Clancy made a fortune from his books and invested his royalties into an impressive collection of toys: six penthouse condominiums totaling 17,000 square feet at Baltimore’s Ritz-Carlton, a 535-acre estate on Maryland’s Chesapeake Bay, a Sherman tank (!), and a 12% stake in his beloved Baltimore Orioles. When he died suddenly in 2013, his estate was worth $86 million — not bad for a guy who started writing part-time while selling insurance. But Clancy faced a dilemma common to divorced men with children who later remarry. Leave as much of
his estate as he wants to his second wife Alexandra, where it escapes tax until her death? Or leave it to his kids from his first marriage, where the IRS grabs 40%, without remorse, immediately upon his death? The usual solution is something called a “qual-
trust for Alexandra, a family trust for Alexandra and their young daughter, and a children’s trust for the four kids from his first marriage. Under the usual rules, the marital trust would escape tax and the family trust and children’s trust would pay. But after
When he died suddenly in 2013, his estate was worth $86 million — not bad for a guy who started writing part-time while selling insurance.
ified terminable interest property” trust, or Q-TIP. Without getting into the weeds of Treasury Regulation §20-2056(b)-7(b)(2)(ii) here (which, trust us, you do not want to get into), this gives Wife #2 (or #3 or #4 or #5, as the case may be) the income from the trust while she’s alive and defers tax on the principal until the kids get it at her death. Clancy’s will left the real estate to Alexandra and divided the rest of his estate into three parts: a marital
he drafted the original will, Clancy added a Q-TIP provision to the family trust and a “savings clause” to protect the marital deduction to the maximum amount possible. When Clancy died, the will directed that taxes be paid out of the residuary estate — the family trust and the children’s trust. That would have meant a $15.7 million bill, split between the two trusts. But that creates a problem: if Clancy’s executor uses money from the tax-exempt family
trust to pay tax, that amount becomes subject to tax itself. Clancy’s widow objected, pressing to take advantage of the Q-TIP provision and savings clause. That would lower the tax bill to just $11.8 million but stick it all to the children. (Holiday dinners at the Clancy house must be a hoot.) Naturally, the dispute wound up in court. Last year, a Baltimore probate judge ruled that the savings clause trumped the directions to pay tax from the residuary. Last month, an appeals court agreed. (Don’t feel too sorry for the kids — they’ll probably inherit plenty more from their mother Wanda, who made out just fine when she and Clancy split in 1999.) Here’s the lesson from today’s story, and you don’t have to work for the CIA to see it: poor planning poses a clear and present danger to your finances! So have a plan before you die, and keep Uncle Sam from playing patriot games with your tax dollars!
Allan J Rolnick is a CPA who has been in practice for over 30 yea rs in Queens, NY. He welcomes your comments and can be reached at 718-896-8715 or at
The Jewish Home | SEPTEMBER 15, 2016
FIGHTING ILLNESS WITH LOVE IS MORE THAN A SLOGAN. IT’S WHAT WE DO. When Jake was diagnosed, getting him better and keeping their family functioning became his parents’ only priorities. So they became Chai Lifeline’s priority as well.
We Care For 4,300 Children and Families Around the World. And One Jake Katz. Jake’s parents breathed easier in the cradle of Chai Lifeline’s hospital support: hot kosher meals that nourished bodies and souls, transportation assistance and the support of caring volunteers. His brothers benefited from the attention of Big Brothers and i-Shine after school activities. And the whole family thrived during retreats, recreational activities and our new Family Camp Adventure. Two summers at Camp Simcha have given Jake the confidence he needs to face painful treatments, and the friends who will help see him through them. Chai Lifeline took care of the entire Katz family, so they could take care of Jake.
151 West 30th Street, New York, NY 10001 (877) CHAI-LIFE (212) 465-1300 Hospital Support: Meals | Transportation assistance | Hospital visits | Respite Children’s Programs: Big Brothers and Sisters | Recreational activities | Creative arts and art therapy | Music programs | i-Shine Sibling activities | Trips Friends ‘n Fun weekends | Camp Simcha/Camp Simcha Special Family Programs: Advocacy and information | Retreats | Insurance Advocacy | Family Recreation | Counseling |Bereavement services Community Programs: Project CHAI
Photo for illustrative purposes only.
SEPTEMBER 15, 2016 | The Jewish Home
Life C ach
Life’s Full of Surprises Plan on It! By Rivki D. Rosenwald Esq., CLC, SDS
est hurricane ever! I’m not saying everywhere. But we were expecting a washout Labor Day Sunday and Monday. We figured we’d crowd the bowling allies, get a jump on Staples school
supply shopping, and walk the aisles of the supermarket. Never did we expect to have two more beautiful summer days to enjoy the great outdoors. We weren’t running to the
beaches; after all, we are not a big surfing crowd anyway. So why get arrested for looking for a thrill we were warned against, especially when it was thrill enough to see the sun shining? Just being able to be outside, to walk, to bike, or get wet was thrill enough. We had written off the days, and they came back in
work to change even one quality. Especially in another person! ‘Cause as we always hear, they unfortunately have to want to change. And then, oy, does it take work to change even one quality! So your job is, whether they are predicting a hurricane or a glorious, aromatic summer day, to have a plan
We should embrace the blessings and try to flow with the challenges.
full force or, rather, locally, without force – and that made it so great. Expecting the worst and getting the best or almost best – now that’s a sweet surprise. Often, we expect the best and we get something much different and that’s disappointing. So how do we address this uncertain life? Have a plan. Some things go according to plan. And some things surprise us to the upside and some to the downside. Could you imagine trying to micromanage all of it? You’d go nuts. Think about it, even with all the predictors out there, traffic changes suddenly, weather changes suddenly, people’s plans change suddenly. The only thing that never changes suddenly are people. Oy, does it take
and then roll with the punches. Life may deliver better than we expected, or worse. We should embrace the blessings and try to flow with the challenges. They must be there for some reason! After all, even we don’t always get the big picture. You know how crazy the kitchen looks sometimes, like total chaos? Yet under it all is a 5 course, succulent meal. And guess what? G-d’s a master chef! So, forge forward, whatever comes your way. Be comforted: It’s all part of a master plan!
Rivki Rosenwald is a certified relationship counselor, and career and life coach. She can be contacted at 917-7052004 or
The Jewish Home | SEPTEMBER 15, 2016
Manhattan beach jewish center
SEPTEMBER 15, 2016 | The Jewish Home