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It’s a Hairy Situation by Rivki D. Rosenwald Esq., CLC, SDS
Life C ach
It’s a Hairy Situation
By Rivki D. Rosenwald Esq., LMFT, CLC, SDS
Getting your hair dealt with. Man or woman – it grows. There’s no refuting that. So what’s your hair management technique?
Some guys are absolutely pragmatic. They go out and find that one Russian barber and they are good. This is identified as time management and financial planning all rolled up into one. Give that barber about ten seconds along with your buzz number and you’re done. No stress on your wallet or your schedule. You’re practically out before you even walk in.
Then there are the guys who opt for a hair stylist, and that’s a whole different experience. But, that’s nothing like what a woman goes through.
Women are truly in it for the long haul. There’s no escaping it. The only shortcut I’ve ever witnessed is when they hand their heads in.
One can actually accomplish “almost” double the amount in life when they use a wig. Your hair goes to the stylist and you can go to the gym!
Notice that I’m qualifying the “accomplishing double the amount” with the word “almost,” though. Here’s the reality. There are times when a person wants to accompany their wig to the hairdresser. This is in order to see how it actually looks with the rest of them! And therefore, they may really commit to some valuable amount of time in the stylist’s chair after all.
Women and hairdressers…. It’s probably one of the oldest stories. They have these longstanding relationships. After all, there’s not much one can do that’s constructive when someone has you captive by the scalp. And so, the relationship develops.
You chat and chat and chat till they know practically your whole life.
And here’s the thing: hair keeps growing, so you need to keep going back! It needs to look good, so you go back! Sometimes you want a style change, so you go back. Sometimes it even changes colors, so you go back! And every once in a while, you’ve got an event, and so you’re back! Or you just don’t want to deal with it … and you’re back! When you are spending that much time with someone and depending on them for how good you look, this is more than just an intimate relationship; it’s almost a hostage situation.
But luckily they don’t want to keep you around for too long. Because thankfully, if they are good at what they do, they have a bevy of others waiting to have their true beauty revitalized too.
Now let’s not forget how the whole wig thing adds another confounding factor. I did say it often gives you some independence, however, the sheer
number of wigs you often possess keeps you coming and going to your hair person quite a bit.
After all, you’ve got your casual wig, your dress wig, and your oncedark-that’s-now-oxidized-and-potentially-saved-you-loads-of-money-onhighlighting-it wig. Everyone says they love you in the lighter hair! Except, of course, you! So it’s back to the colorist.
Wait! We’re not finished yet.
You’ve got your short, easy wig and your longer wig that’s got too
much hair to wear every day. And finally, you have that one new wig you just haven’t gotten around to cutting quite right yet. It’s kind of on hold till you get a spare hair minute or someone special is getting married – whichever comes first.
So we are reminded that for a woman dealing with hair, on or off your head, it’s just no quick and easy matter.
Therefore, the next time a guy says, “I buzzed it all off because I just didn’t want to deal with it.” Or he says, “I just wasn’t watching, that’s why it looks like this.” Take a deep breath. And tell him he’s fired. He’s lost the job of finding his own hairdresser to cut his tresses. You’re on the case now!
He’ll probably opt for one more chance to get it right. And trust me, he won’t fall asleep on the job next time. He’ll be on his game. He’ll hopefully even show up looking a lot better. And at a minimum, he’ll get a tiny taste of what woman go through just to look good when they wake up in the morning.
Rivki Rosenwald is a certified relationship counselor, and career and life coach. She can be contacted at 917-705-2004 or rivki@rosenwalds.com.