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TJH Centerfold

Picture Perfect Trivia

1. Which of the following was the fi rst advertising slogan used for a Kodak camera? a. You press the button, we do the rest b. Click it and it lasts forever c. Live for Kodak moments d. Record life

2. The word “camera” comes from the Latin “camera obscura.”

What does the Latin phrase mean? a. Instant image b. Perfect copy c. Here forever d. Dark chamber a. 1796 b. 1861 c. 1898 d. 1918

5. Why didn’t people smile in the early days of photographs? a. Because they had bad teeth b. Because photographs were taken to commemorate serious moments c. Because it took hours to take photos and the subjects of the photos would not have been able to keep their smile for that long d. Abel Lincoln set the trend in photos, and he never smiled in photos so nobody else did3. What is the full name of the

Kodak company? a. Kodak Camera Incorporated b. Eastman Kodak Company c. Kodak Electronic Corp. d. Kodak Cameral and Video


4. When was the fi rst color photograph taken? 6. In a camera, what is the main purpose of a lens? a. To bend light rays so the camera can record them b. To control the amount of light that enters the camera c. To keep dust from entering the camera body d. To illuminate the subject being recorded 7. The below photo is the most viewed photo of all time. (If you don’t know why, you obviously haven’t turned your computer on lately.) It is a virtually unedited photograph taken by Charles O’Rear in 1996.

Microsoft purchased the photo from a stock photo site. Where was the photo taken?

a. Governor’s Island, New York b. Catskill Mountains, New York c. California’s Wine Country d. Hot Springs, Arkansas

8. Approximately how many photos are uploaded a day to

Facebook? a. 2 million b. 14 million c. 75 million d. 300 million

Answer Key: 1-A 2-D 3-B 4-B 5-C 6-A 7-C 8-D

Snapshot: 6-8 correct: You are certainly an expert when it comes to photos… Send in your Chanukah pictures! 3-5 correct: You are an OK photographer. Yet, you marvel at how amazing your pictures are, but let’s face it – it’s really your iPhone that is doing the heavy lifting. Anyways, you can send in your Chanukah photos, too. We’d like to see them. 0-2 correct: Having a hard time getting your hands on fi lm? If you manage to fi nd some, snap a nice picture of the family and join the Chanukah Giveaway. (We will not develop the photo for you, though. So please don’t send in the negative.)

“You Say Donut, I Say Doughnut” Facts

The most accepted spelling for the delicious round pastry is “doughnut.” However, according to Merriam-Webster, “donut” is also an acceptable spelling. (Just be consistent in your spelling when you write your novel about a donut heist gone bad.)

10 billion donuts are eaten in the U.S. every year. (Sounds crazy? Ever see what goes on at the corner of Rockaway Turnpike and Burnside Avenue at all hours of the day?)

The original name for doughnuts was “oily cakes.” (And that was when Israelis started selling Dead Sea salt in the mall… “Selicha, em, you eat too much oily cakes! Put this salt on twice a day.”)

The original pastries, which didn’t have holes, were the size and shape of walnuts – thus the name. (Which begs the question: why the hole?)

Eric “Badlands” Booker holds the Guinness World Record for eating 49 glazed donuts in eight minutes. (“Badlands”…seriously? That’s a nickname for the guy who knocks o the wise guy, not the guy who eats glazed donuts for a living!) Bakers started placing holes in donuts when they realized that it enabled the donuts to cook more evenly. (Now THERE’S an “aha moment.”)

The largest doughnut ever made was an American-style jelly doughnut weighing 1.7 tons, which was 16-feet in diameter and 16-inches high in the center. It was made in Utica, NY, in 1993. (Try that for a bean bag!)

Per capita, Canada has more doughnut shops than any other country. (Hey, they have to excel at something!)

According to studies, there is an 8-day period in the winter, usually in December, during which if you eat a doughnut a day for 8 days you won’t gain any weight from it. (OK, that was totally made up by me…but I know I had you there for a moment!)

Krispy Kreme was founded in 1937. Dunkin’ Donuts started selling doughnuts in 1950, though it was known as Open Kettle for two years prior.(Would sound so much healthier if I told my wife every night, “I’ll be back soon. Just running to Open Kettle.”)

Hey Folks, So, are you one of those people who takes a selfi e with your food every time you go out to eat? (You look great near that penne ala vodka). Well, you can keep those photos. However, we’d love to see your Chanukah photos. Send in your Chanukah, Chanucka, Channnuka or even your Chanukcah pictures in order to win a gift certifi cate to Berrylicious! See details on Letters to the Editor page (the place serious people air their grievances). Hey, do me a favor? Smile big in the pictures, no sour faces, OK?

Happy Channuuukkkcckckhhaaa! Your Favorite Centerfold Commissioner

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