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While the situation facing Lt. Byrd was chaotic and frightening, video of the incident shows that Babbitt was merely breaking and entering. She was not presenting an imminent threat to anyone at the moment she was shot. Moreover, in his interview, Byrd admitted that, “I could not fully see her hands or what was in the backpack or what the intentions are.”
- Jonathan Tobin, Newsweek, responding to Lt. Byrd’s interview in which Byrd explained why he killed Trump supporter Ashli Babbitt on January 6
We may understand Byrd’s fears and not know exactly what was in his mind at the moment he fired. But if police had applied to the 2020 Black Lives Matter riots the same standard that was applied to Byrd’s shooting of Babbitt, then hundreds – if not thousands – of rioters around the country, including those who broke into government buildings, could have been legally gunned down, even if they were unarmed. Does anyone think that such shootings would have been justified by those who now laud Byrd, or that the cops involved would not have been dismissed and put on trial?
- Ibid. At the beginning of this, we all had to make the decision about how to handle nursing homes. Florida, we prevented, prohibited hospitals from discharging a sick nursing home patient back into nursing homes because we understood the hazard that that would have. Obviously, New York and other states made different decisions. The corporate media never talked about that or cared about that, even though that’s a decision that had a direct impact on the lives of a lot of very elderly people. And so, I think the media looked at somebody like Cuomo and thought it was an antiTrump, and I think that they were very much interested in weaponizing COVID against Trump. Trump was their villain, and Cuomo was kind of their hero. Obviously, it doesn’t necessarily work out for them in that regard. But at the end of the day, had they been doing their jobs back in March of 2020, some of these nursing home policies may have never been able to be sustained.
- Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL), Fox News
Thank you to the baseball writers, all but one of you, who voted for me.
- Derek Jeter during his Hall of Fame Induction speech, noting how one writer’s no vote prevented him from being a unanimous Hall of Famer
White people should commit suicide as an ethical act.
- Quote in a slide for a presentation on racism hosted by Duquesne University psychology professor Derek Hook
Over on Fox, human manure spreader Tucker Carlson has floated yet another race-baiting conspiracy theory that tens of thousands of Afghan refugees are being sent over to this country in order to change the outcome of elections.
- Jim Acosta, CNN
Some members of the far-right in this country have apparently decided they will resort to intimidation, and in some cases, even violence to get what they want. They could sweep into power faster than the experts thought possible. Sound familiar? Sort of like an American Taliban. It is starting to look like a combination of theocracy and thugocracy. The leaders of this MAGAban movement, people Marjorie, Madison, and Tucker, they’re not counting on an intelligence failure or a lack of planning on your part. They’re counting on a lack of courage to stand up for your rights in this country. Does that ring a bell? The antiimmigration, anti-democratic, anti-women’s rights forces have all sought these kinds of changes for years, even decades, in this country. Their operation to change America forever is well underway.
- Ibid.
We believe the world has a unique opportunity of rapprochement and coming together to tackle the challenges not only facing us but the entire humanity. And these challenges ranging from world security and climate change need the collective efforts of all, and cannot be achieved if we exclude or ignore an entire people who have been devastated by imposed wars for the past four decades.
- Senior Taliban official Abdul Qahar Balkh, at a recent press conference, either trying to manipulate the left or trolling them I remember spending time at the, you know, going to the, you know, the Tree of Life synagogue, speaking with them.

- Pres. Joe Biden in a pre-Rosh Hashana call with rabbis recalling visiting the Pittsburgh synagogue after the 2018 anti-Semitic massacre there; the Tree of Life Synagogue executive director, though, confirmed that Mr. Biden did NOT visit the synagogue at any time after the massacre

A previous version of this article incorrectly stated that Indian cuisine is based on one spice, curry, and that Indian food is made up only of curries, types of stew. In fact, India’s vastly diverse cuisines use many spice blends and include many other types of dishes. The article has been corrected.
– Correction in the Washington Post to an article by food humorist Gene Weingarten in which he joked that the only spice used in Indian food is curry
I need not tell you the perception around the world and in parts of Afghanistan, I believe, is that things are not going well in terms of the fight against the Taliban. And there is a need, whether it is true or not, there is a need to project a different picture.
- From a July phone call between President Biden and thenAfghan President Ashraf Ghani
Based on our research, we rate PARTLY FALSE the claim that Trump saluted the caskets of fallen U.S. service members, while Biden checked his watch. The pictures are real, but they don’t accurately summarize the two events. The way Biden honored the 11 caskets presented at Dover Air Force Base, with a hand over his heart, was similar to how Trump paid respects to fallen service members during his presidency. Biden checked his watch, but he did so after the ceremony had ended.
– A USA Today fact-check on September 2, 2021
Corrections & Clarifications: This story was updated Sept. 2 to note that Biden checked his watch multiple times at the dignified transfer event, including during the ceremony itself. The rating on this claim has been changed from partly false to missing context.
- USA Today tying itself in knots with its fact checking Today one can see how the Cordoba House could have helped to heal our country as we nursed the wounds from the horror of 9/11.

- Jonathan A. Greenblatt, a former Obama advisor, who now heads the ADL, an organization that claims to talk for American Jews, apologizing for the ADL objecting 11 years ago to the building of a massive Mosque near Ground Zero
We’re assessing the announcement but despite professing that a new government would be inclusive, the announced list of names consist exclusively of individuals or members of the Taliban or their close associates and no women.
- Secretary of State Antony Blinken expressing his “real concern” about the Taliban