Five Towns Jewish Home - 5-12-22

Page 40

The Jewish Home | MAY 12, 2022


Around the

Community M’Afeila L’Ora at DRS


n the Acheinu tefillah, we offer a prayer to HaKadosh Baruch Hu to watch over Klal Yisroel “M’Afeila L’Ora, from Darkness to Light.” On Yom HaShoah, Yom HaZikaron and Yom Ha’Atzmaut, we commemorate, and celebrate, some of the darkest and brightest moments in our nation’s history. On Yom Hashoah, DRS was honored with the presence of two Holocaust survivors, Mr. Shimon Felder, a grandfather of two DRS alumni, and Mrs. Judith Wohlberg, grandmother and great-grandmother to DRS students and alumni. Both Mr. Felder and Mrs. Wohlberg shared their remarkable stories of survival, managing to stay strongly committed to their Jewish identity throughout the horrors they experienced. Their words of courage, strength, fortitude, and immense bitachon inspired the entire yeshiva and moved many to tears. On Yom HaZikaron, DRS alum Amiel Kerstein, now serving in the IDF, spoke to the yeshiva via Zoom from Eretz Yisroel and shared why a regular kid from

the Five Towns decided to join the Israel army. On Yom Ha’Atzmaut, to celebrate the miracle of the birth of Medinat Yisrael, the day began with a festive schoolwide musical Hallel. Following breakfast, students were enlightened by a presentation from Rabbi Dr. Ari Bergman, on the

intricacies of hilchos Shemittah and the sacrifices that farmers in Israel practice to follow Hashem’s laws. A few months ago, Rabbi Bergman brought a group of YU students to visit farms across Israel to receive a hands-on lesson on Hilchos Shemittah, and two of those students presented

to the DRS talmidim as well. Throughout the day, both Judaic and Secular classes presented lessons revolving around Israel in “Israel Across the Curriculum.” The day ended with a celebratory BBQ on the school’s front lawn.

YCQ Commemorates and Celebrates


emembrance days remind us of our ancestors, and how Klal Yisrael as a nation has to always keep our past in mind, and follow our Mesorah,” stated Rabbi Moshe Hamel, Assistant Principal, JHS Judaic Studies. YCQ had a meaningful day commemorating Yom Hashoah and the six million Jews who perished in the Holocaust. Students across all grades had age-appropriate discussions and ceremonies to recognize this important day. Grades 3-4 participated in a meaningful ceremony with speeches from rebbeim and students honoring their family members with a special candle lighting ceremony. Tehillim were recited throughout the day honoring the six million Jews who died, and the heroism of the survivors and rescuers. YCQ commemorated Yom HaZikaron, Israel Memorial Day, with special assemblies for Grades 3-8. Students were inspired by numerous video presentations, as well as prayers for the fallen soldiers. We were privileged to have YCQ parent Mr. Menachem, as well as YCQ alumnus, Mr. Chanoch Aminsky, both IDF soldiers, in attendance. The students truly felt the meaning, purpose, and

importance of the day. Thank you, Mrs. Shirly PouradKaikov, for your hard work preparing a meaningful program. Yom HaAzmaut was epic day at YCQ. The entire school, students, faculty, and staff, participated in an outdoor Hallel led by Rabbi Ophie Nat, JHS Judaic Studies Teacher. All students in grades K-8 participated with kavana, and it was truly an inspiring morning. Thank you, Rabbi Ophie Nat, Rabbi Moshe Hamel, Assistant Principal, JHS Judaic Studies, Rabbi Mark Landsman, Principal, Mr. Aaron Kessler, Building Manager, and CM Schwarz for beautifully enhancing our tefillot. The celebration continued with a special Israeli lunch of falafel, pita bread, and Israeli salad. An outdoor concert for all students featuring dancing and singing concluded the joyous day. Also on Yom HaAzmaut, YCQ’s Early Childhood Program celebrated somebody’s birthday! Whose birthday? Israel’s! And what better way to celebrate then for the early childhood classes to go on a “trip” to Israel. The classes boarded a “plane” (chairs set in rows) and presented

their passports for stamping. They were served snacks while they traveled. Finally, they arrived in Israel! Each class set up different cities around the rooms. The children davened at the Kotel in Yerushalayim. They played in the sand in Eilat, floated in the Dead Sea, and visited a Kibbutz to see the animals. Some classes painted in Tzefat and visited the Israel Museum which contained artifacts from Israel brought in by the children. The children joined in the dancing and singing outside to live music as part of the celebration. The classes returned “home” just in time for dismissal.

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Articles inside

Word Salad by Rivki D. Rosenwald Esq., CLC, SDS

pages 142-144

Your Money

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Heroes in Helicopters by Avi Heiligman

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pages 134-139

Notable Quotes

pages 124-129

Mr. Ben Hiller’s Story of Survival and Gratitude

pages 102-103

Protesting at Justices’ Homes is Illegal by Marc A. Thiessen

page 130

How Diplomacy in Armenia Could Help by David Ignatius

page 131

Parenting Pearls

pages 118-119

The Aussie Gourmet: Fried Green Tomatoes

pages 122-123


pages 120-121

Crank Up the Caffeine by Aliza Beer, MS RD

pages 116-117

I Can’t Change by Dr. Deb Hirschhorn

pages 114-115

A Lasting Tribute to Rabbi Moshe Neuman, zt”l

pages 104-107

Teen Talk

pages 108-109

Delving into the Daf by Rabbi Avrohom Sebrow

pages 94-95

Community Happenings

pages 40-85

The Kohein Within by Rav Moshe Weinberger

pages 90-91

The Iron Beam is Laser-Focused on Israel’s Defense

pages 98-101

Deepening Our Understanding of Sefiras Ha’Omer by Rabbi Shmuel Reichman

pages 92-93


pages 86-87

Rabbi Wein on the Parsha

pages 88-89

My Israel Home

pages 96-97
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