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Notable Quotes
Notable Quotes My father used to say to me when I was younger, “Well, it was like that for me, so it’s going to be like that for you.” Just because you suffered, that doesn’t mean that your kids have to suffer – in fact, quite the “Say What?!” opposite. If you suffered, do everything you can to make sure that whatever negative experiences that you had, you can make it right for your kids. Isn’t this all about breaking the cycle? Isn’t this all about Falling back on convenient, sanitized terms making sure that history doesn’t repeat like “real estate disputes” and “airstrikes on itself? militants” sounds a little disingenuous when - Prince Harry, in an new interview with Oprah for a what you’re describing is forcing people docuseries, talking about how his father, Prince Charles, from the homes they’ve lived in for decades didn’t protect him as a child and killing civilians and children.
- John Oliver, on “Last Week Tonight” expressing what many on the left feel about Israel
And of course, you have the great senator, the powerful senator from New York, the “protector” of the Jewish people, what he has told us for the past 25 years. He’s not protecting anybody except himself. He’s so terrified of AOC running against him that he is betraying the fundamental values, betraying his people.
Every siren makes me cry and feel sad. Just Watching Joe Biden two days ago take credit for a ceasefire was so you know, my army is strong. However, like watching an arsonist show up and try to take credit for putting this does not protect me from being afraid. out a fire that he helped start. Let’s be really clear about this: those Israel was founded to protect the Jewish 4,000 rockets that went into Israel were not Hamas rockets, they were Iranian rockets. nation. We will not be sorry for [Israel] being a strong country. - Former Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe - Renana, a 10-year-old girl from Kfar Azza, on the Gaza border, in a response to Oliver that went viral Israel has the right to defend itself, as any nation does when its The Middle East dispute is not over land. civilians are targeted by violence from a terrorist organization whose Israel is the size of New Jersey. It is I’m just flabbergasted, to be honest with you. Israel is our ally. aim is nothing short of mass murder and the destruction of the smaller than El Salvador. There are 22 Arab Hamas is a terrorist organization. I’ve spent my 25 years as a Green world’s only Jewish state. Beret, spent my career fighting alongside, and in many cases losing states. There is a state with a majority of Palestinians called Jordan. The issue is not soldiers with them dying, fighting alongside our allies against Democrats have, for decades, been defenders of Israel because the land. The issue is religion. And, again, this terrorism around the world. Never did I think I would get elected Jewish state’s rebirth was an inspiring act of progressive justice. We is not what the left wants you to believe. to Congress and have my colleagues supporting terrorism…inside must not allow extremists to hijack important discussions about They want you to believe it’s over land. No, the halls of Congress. So, what we did in our office building just last securing a better future for Israelis and Palestinians by promoting a it’s not. There is a big chunk of the Muslim week was put up huge “I stand with Israel” posters. My colleagues false narrative that denies the historical and unbroken connection of world that would like to exterminate the and I lined the hallways with it. And in one hallway, Rep. Ocasio-the Jewish people to their ancestral homeland. Cortez has to walk down that hallway every time she goes to vote. Jewish state, beginning with, of course, So, I’ve renamed the Squad the Hamas Caucus. - Former NY State Assemblyman Dov Hikind decrying the Iran. That is why, if you look at the rhetoric, No one should have to live under the threat of attack, and Hamas - Rep. Michael Waltz (R-FL) on Fox News silence by the politicians of New York in the face of many anti-Semitic attacks it’s … never [get rid of] the Israelis. It’s always [get rid of] the Jews. must be held accountable for its war crimes, which include the use of civilian infrastructure for launching its attacks against civilian - Dennis Prager on Fox News I’ve failed many times in my life and career, and because of this I’ve targets. Hamas bears responsibility for civilian casualties on both sides of the border as a result. learned a lot. Instead of feeling defeated countless times, I’ve used - House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-MD), in a statement after “The Squad” and other it as fuel to drive me to work harder. So today, join me in accepting members of the Democrat Party turned on Israel and had gone as far as accusing Israel of war crimes our failures. Let’s use them to motivate us to work even harder.
– Tweet by Phil Mickelson, age 50, on May 11, 2021, several day before he made history by becoming the oldest golfer to win a major when he won the PGA Championship

My father used to say to me when I was younger, “Well, it was like that for me, so it’s going to be like that for you.” Just because you suffered, that doesn’t mean that your kids have to suffer – in fact, quite the opposite. If you suffered, do everything you can to make sure that whatever negative experiences that you had, you can make it right for your kids. Isn’t this all about breaking the cycle? Isn’t this all about making sure that history doesn’t repeat itself?
- Prince Harry, in an new interview with Oprah for a docuseries, talking about how his father, Prince Charles, didn’t protect him as a child
And of course, you have the great senator, the powerful senator from New York, the “protector” of the Jewish people, what he has told us for the past 25 years. He’s not protecting anybody except himself. He’s so terrified of AOC running against him that he is betraying the fundamental values, betraying his people.
- Former NY State Assemblyman Dov Hikind decrying the silence by the politicians of New York in the face of many anti-Semitic attacks Watching Joe Biden two days ago take credit for a ceasefire was like watching an arsonist show up and try to take credit for putting out a fire that he helped start. Let’s be really clear about this: those 4,000 rockets that went into Israel were not Hamas rockets, they were Iranian rockets.

- Former Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe
Israel has the right to defend itself, as any nation does when its civilians are targeted by violence from a terrorist organization whose aim is nothing short of mass murder and the destruction of the world’s only Jewish state.
Democrats have, for decades, been defenders of Israel because the Jewish state’s rebirth was an inspiring act of progressive justice. We must not allow extremists to hijack important discussions about securing a better future for Israelis and Palestinians by promoting a false narrative that denies the historical and unbroken connection of the Jewish people to their ancestral homeland.
No one should have to live under the threat of attack, and Hamas must be held accountable for its war crimes, which include the use of civilian infrastructure for launching its attacks against civilian targets. Hamas bears responsibility for civilian casualties on both sides of the border as a result.
- House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-MD), in a statement after “The Squad” and other members of the Democrat Party turned on Israel and had gone as far as accusing Israel of war crimes
I have been struck...by the overwhelming whiteness and maleness of Chicago media outlets.
– Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot (D), in a two-page letter to the media stating that she will only allow interviews from black journalists from now on (the letter did not address what she is doing about the rampant increase in robbery and murder in her city, under her watch)
The founder of Amazon is reportedly building a $500 million superyacht that is so big, it requires a “support yacht” to travel with it. This is like the billionaire version of having a second fridge in your garage.
— Jimmy Kimmel
Truth is, Bezos didn’t really need the support yacht, but Amazon did one of these upsells where they go, “People who buy this, also buy this.”
— James Corden
You can tell which one is the support yacht because it has that little vest. That way, you can take the yacht on the plane with you.
— Stephen Colbert
Attacks on Jews Over Israel Are a Gift to the Right
- New York Times headline on May 24, 2021
You are a really dull class. Come on, man. Is the sun getting to you? I would think you’d have an opportunity when I say that about the Navy to clap.
- President Joe Biden, while speaking at the Coast Guard Academy graduation, when a joke he said did not garner clapping or laughter
Put aside all of the other evidence and use your common sense. Isn’t it a remarkable coincidence that the virus happened to originate next to the Chinese lab that tests coronaviruses?
– Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) tweeting about the slowly emerging fact that Covid originated in a laboratory in Wuhan More so than destroying your body – because I do know a lot of people that have overdosed – it really destroys your spirit, which is everything.

- Actress Kirstie Alley in an interview with Tucker Carlson, Fox News, talking about drugs
When people go, “Well, it’s not mind-altering.” Well, the weed I did was mind-altering.
– Ibid.
How many people do you know did heroin that didn’t do weed first? Or did [cocaine] didn’t do weed first? Or did whatever they did, did weed first.
– Ibid.