June 22, 2017
Distributed weekly in the Five Towns, Long Island, Queens & Brooklyn
Pages 9, 10, 11, 13, 31 & 93
Around the
Your Favorite Five Towns Family Newspaper
SENDING YOUR KIDS TO CAMP What Every Parent Should Know
Siach Yitzchok’s 36th Annual “Double Chai” Tribute Dinner
36 Three Decades of Chinuch at Priority-1 Dinner
39 Five Towns Little League Team 3E Celebrates World Series Win
The Ultimate Summer Bucket List Bialy Blues by Jon Kranz Page 49
Page 30
– See page 3
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JUNE 22, 2017 | The Jewish Home
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The Jewish Home | JUNE 22, 2017
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JUNE 22, 2017 | The Jewish Home
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The Jewish Home | JUNE 22, 2017
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JUNE 22, 2017 | The Jewish Home
Dear Readers,
as the year flown by? Ask many parents that question and you’ll undoubtedly get an answer in the affirmative. But ask the children who have been getting up early each day, putting on uniforms, standing on bus stops, sitting through classes, creating projects, taking tests, and doing homework – and they’ll tell you that it’s been a long ten months. When you’re young, the school year takes its time. You slowly count the days and the months as you tick them off your mental calendar until summer. And then, the last day of school rolls by. Is it here? Can it really be? Has all my hard work paid off? Am I a graduate of this significant period of my life? My memories of the last day of school are crunchy. It’s the sensation of stepping on crumbs of chips and pretzels on the classroom floor as every teacher throws an endof-the-year party. It’s the overflowing of the class garbage can with tons of books and papers. It’s the heavy knapsack filled with projects and seforim destined for shelves in my room. Heading off the bus the last day was a mix of emotions. On the one hand, it was liberating not to have to head back to school for the next few months. But it was also a bit disconcerting. You mean I don’t have to get up early? I can wear whatever I want? I don’t have to sit in a classroom all day? Is there something I have to do? And there was also the feeling of excitement, knowing the summer is starting. Summer when I was young meant the bungalow colony and camp. I lived on a large
street when I was growing up. That meant that we couldn’t play outside too much, as our ball would inevitably roll into the street, with many cars passing constantly. Our block didn’t have too many young families, and we didn’t have friends on our block. So we played inside with our siblings and rode our bikes. We had fun. But then came the bungalow colony. We would stuff all our belongings into our car – we even had garbage bags full of items propping up our feet in the backseat – and head out for freedom. What a contrast to what life was like back home. We would play all day, every day. We had friends at all hours. Each morning, after I dressed, I left the bungalow and searched for my friends. We would eventually roam back home for lunch or supper and then head back out for countless hours of swimming, biking, playing and chatting. It was a kids’ dream. Now, we are privileged to live on a wonderful block. Our children have tons of friends to play with and enjoy freedom close to what I experienced in the summers of my youth. Indeed, there are many times when I don’t know where exactly my kids are – but I know that they are playing somewhere on the block in someone’s backyard, tossing a ball or swinging on the swing or pretending to be pirates. Oh, summer! What a magical time for kids! Wishing you a wonderful, relaxing summer, Shoshana
Yitzy Halpern PUBLISHER
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Weekly Weather | June 23 – June 29
Friday, June 23 Parshas Korach 23
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The Jewish Home | JUNE 22, 2017
JUNE 22, 2017 | The Jewish Home
COMMUNITY Readers’ Poll
Community Happenings
Odd-but-True Stories
ISRAEL Israel News
My Israel Home
18 77
PEOPLE Sinking German Battleships by Avi Heiligman
PARSHA Rabbi Wein
More of the Roses by Rav Moshe Weinberger
JEWISH THOUGHT People Hearing Without Listening by Eytan Kobre
Starting from Scratch by Rabbi Jonathan Gewirtz
HEALTH & FITNESS Sending Your Kids to Camp – What Every Parent Should Know 82
The Cure for Denial by Dr. Deb Hirschhorn 84 The Power of Words by Dr. Hylton I. Lightman
Hydration is the Key to Health by Cindy Weinberger MS, RD, CDN
86 88
FOOD & LEISURE The Aussie Gourmet: Crunchy Brussels Sprouts
Dear Editor, I was saddened to hear about the passing of Otto Warmbier’s death. Your article on the conundrum that the U.S. and China are presented with when dealing with North Korea was timely. There are three other American citizens in the North Koreans’ clutches. Hopefully, with skill, the new U.S. administration will be able to get them out. We don’t see Kim Jong Un as such a threat. North Korea is thousands of miles away and his venomous statements about the West are filled with bluster and bad grammar. But don’t underestimate him. He is a cruel, sadistic ruler who sees people as mere specks of dirt. If he succeeds in developing a nuclear missile and using it on innocent civilians, he would still sleep well at night. The United States must use all its tactics to get China onboard to ameliorate this situation. His citizens are suffering and he yearns to bring destruction to those outside his command. Elisha Green Dear Editor, Debt clocks should be installed in City Hall, Metropolitan Transportation Authority Board Room, Albany and Washington. Every time any legislative body raises debt and the executive branch signs off, they should see what future generations will inherit. New York City, MTA,
New York State and Washington each carry more long term debt than virtually any other city, transit authority, state or nation. Each citizen is responsible for $61,300 and each taxpayer $185,600 of our almost $20 trillion national debt. This is nothing to be proud of. Sincerely, Larry Penner Great Neck Dear Editor, I was appalled to read the article this week on the new development in the neighborhood. It is always nice to have new families move into the neighborhood. I love living here and I hope that other frum families can enjoy living in our neighborhood as well. But to plan a development that will add another 300 homes to our already packed community is terrible. Just look who is putting up this development – it’s not Five Towners. We are known as a business-minded community. If this was such a good plan for our town, why wouldn’t people living here be leading the initiative? That’s because we live here and we appreciate quality of life. We know that hundreds more houses will not be good for our community. Just a few hours before I read your article the power was out on a few blocks on Central Avenue. It was not necessarily a very hot day and traffic was backed up – and it Continued on page 12
LIFESTYLES Dating Dialogue, Moderated by Jennifer Mann, LCSW
The Ultimate Summer Bucket List
Your Money
How Would You Like Relaxation in a Bottle? by Rivki D. Rosenwald Esq., CLC, SDS 110 HUMOR Centerfold Bialy Blues by Jon Kranz
68 108
When Will We Get Off this Carousel of Hate? by Michael Gerson
Summer began on June 21 – have you eaten dinner alfresco yet?
The Jewish Home | JUNE 22, 2017
JUNE 22, 2017 | The Jewish Home
Sale Dates: June 25th - 30th 2017
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The Jewish Home | JUNE 22, 2017
Sale Dates: June 25th - 30th 2017
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199 lb.
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Grilled Tuna with Romaine Salad $ 99
Breaded Tilapia $ 49 lb.
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Gerbera Daisies 3 Flower Bouquet
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We reserve the right to limit quantities. No rain checks. Not responsible for typographical errors.
JUNE 22, 2017 | The Jewish Home
Continued from 8 ב׳׳ה
50 LE CE
Chabad of Hebron A N D I N C E L E B R AT I O N O F
5 0 Y E A R S O F H E B R O N ’ S L I B E R AT I O N
S U N D AY, J U N E 2 5 T H , 2 0 1 7 R O S H C H O D E S H TA M M U Z 5 7 7 7 9:30 AM AT T H E H O M E O F M R S . M Y R N A Z I S M A N 4 0 M A P L E AV E N U E C E D A R H U R S T, N Y 1 1 5 1 6
הרב ר’ אריה לייב בן הרב ר’ שרגא פייוול
was only 9 o’clock in the morning. When I was reading your article, I thought to myself: how can we sustain 600 more cars? How can we sustain so many more houses being powered on our grid? Now, if people move into our community, they are moving into homes of people who are move somewhere else. But if this development goes through, we are talking a whole new ballgame – and it won’t add to anyone’s quality of life. I believe that one of the benefits of living here is our access to our political leaders. We don’t live in New York City, where we have barely a voice. Take advantage of our wonderful politicians and make sure they hear us loud and clear – this is not good for us and this is not something we want. They have the power to ensure that the development will not come to fruition as planned. They have helped us in the past and continue to help us. Sincerely, Chana Lowenthal Dear Editor, Regarding the article “The Five Towns is About to Become a Lot More Congested” in the 6/15/17 edition of The Jewish Home, I think the writers of this article are exaggerating the whole congestion issue. The population of the Five Towns is now about 50,000, and adding 300 homes, assuming an average of four people per home, means there will be 1,200 more people in the Five Towns, an increase of only 2.4 percent. As far as the congestion on Broadway, West Broadway and Central Avenue, the main reason those roads are so congested is that they’re two-way streets with only one lane in either direction, so when a car wants to make a left turn, it has to wait for traffic in the opposite direction to pass, and that causes a backup of cars behind the car waiting to make a left turn. Convert these three roads to one-way streets and then cars wishing to make left turns will be in the left lane, and cars going straight or making right turns will be in the right lane. Congestion problem solved! The claim that the current infrastructure is overburdened is unsupported. If any additional municipal services are needed after the construction of these homes, it will be paid for by the property taxes paid by these homeowners. Moreover,
this gated community may even result in an increase of property values in the Five Towns, and that benefits all homeowners. The argument that the golf course prevents many homes in the area from flooding is pretty silly. If that’s true, should the golf course send bills to those homeowners for the flood prevention service they’re providing the homeowners? The claim that the loss of green space will reduce the number of wild pheasants, frogs, toads and rabbits is...well laughable, unless you consider these animals more important than people. The writers’ position seems to be that the Five Towns should stay just the way it is forever and resist any changes. Well, the population of the United States keeps growing because the populations of most of the fifty states keep growing. This is called progress, and to keep the Five Towns at its current level is simply a selfish and short-sighted approach to thwart change and growth in the Five Towns. Herbert Kraut Woodmere, NY Dear Editor, This is the first time I am hearing about the Woodmere golf course being sold and I am shocked. Please keep us updated on this development. I don’t see any good that can come from it and am appalled that someone would even think of doing such a thing – although I am sure they are eager to line their pockets. Avrohom N.
Views expressed on the Letters to the Editor page do not necessarily reflect the views of The Jewish Home. Please send all correspondence to: editor @fivetowns jewishhome.com.
The Jewish Home | JUNE 22, 2017
The Week In News
Germany’s Longest Serving Chancellor Dies at 87
ny. He handpicked Angela Merkel to succeed him as chancellor. When prosecutors discovered that he had been illegally taking large sums of money from anonymous donors for his Christian Democrat party, this cozy relationship became kaputt, as Kohl expressed it. He was obliged to repay $100,000, and the scandal of it darkened the end of his life. Former President George HW Bush paid his respects to Kohl saying that he was a “true friend of freedom” and “one of the greatest leaders in post-war Europe.”
Too Many Lose their Lives in London Blaze
Germany’s ex-chancellor Helmut Kohl died at the age of 87 last week. The prominent politician led Germany for 16 years, from 1982 to 1998. Among other things, he is credited with bringing together East and West Germany after the fall of the Berlin Wall. Chancellor Angela German Merkel, a former protégée of Kohl, said his death filled her with deep sadness. “Helmut Kohl’s efforts brought about the two greatest achievements in German politics of recent decades – German reunification and European unity,” she said. “Helmut Kohl understood that the two things were inseparable.” She is referring to the key role Kohl played in introducing the euro, along with his French ally President Francois Mitterrand, to the region. Born in 1930, Kohl had been enrolled in the Hitler Youth, and he no doubt sincerely hoped that his country’s future would not be an extension of its past. At the time the Berlin Wall fell, no one could have anticipated that the Soviet Union would have allowed East Germany its freedom. Kohl knew that Germany would have to embrace a new character as a member of the European Union, lest it resort to its sordid past. The first German chancellor to address the Knesset in Jerusalem, Kohl took Israeli interests to heart, and invited emigrating Soviet Jews to rebuild the community in Germa-
A faulty refrigerator seems to be the possible cause for the Grenfell Tower fire that occurred on June 14. The owner of the apartment in which the fire started, cabdriver Behailu Kebede, reportedly tried to warn his neighbors about the fire in his kitchen when the flames broke out. The residence was located on the fourth floor of the large apartment building. Kebede reportedly woke up his neighbors to alert them because he thought the fire was going to spread. Investigators have repeatedly said that inquiries into the devastating fire are at an early phase and that no information has been confirmed. Within minutes of breaking out the fire engulfed the building. Reports have suggested that the fire was accelerated by cladding that had recently been added to the facade of the tower in an effort to improve the block’s appearance. As of Monday, authorities said that 79 people lost their lives in the blaze. The number of those who perished is expected to rise as searchers locate and identify remains. One report stated that searchers found 42 bodies huddled together in just one room of the building.
JUNE 22, 2017 | The Jewish Home
Explosion in Attempted Car Ramming
Once again, terror hit the capital of France on Monday. A man died in Paris after ramming his car filled with explosives into a police envoy on Champs-Elysees Avenue. An investigation has been opened by France’s anti-terrorism prosecutor into the attempted terror attack. Despite tourists and others walking down the crowded avenue, no one aside from the driver was hurt. After he rammed his car into a police envoy, the car exploded. Authorities managed to get the terrorist out the vehicle. He later died. Gerard Collomb, the Interior min-
ister, called the incident an “attempted attack” and said it “shows once again that the threat level in France is extremely high.” The attack will be used to support the continued state of emergency in Paris, which has been in effect since 2015. The minister is planning on proposing an extension until November 1 to the French cabinet. The attack marks the fifth time that police forces have been targeted in Paris since the beginning of the year. According to police, a handgun was found on the driver, who was badly burned after the vehicle exploded. The driver was a 31-year-old man who had been previously flagged for links to Islamic extremist groups. He was under what is known as a “Fiche S” file, a French terror/radicalization watch list composed of thousands of names, of which some are under active surveillance. Active surveillance means that they are on law enforcement’s radar, not necessarily under rigorous surveillance.
Mosque Attack While London was still reeling from last week’s horrific tragedies,
they were struck yet again. As worshippers left a mosque on Monday, a van came plowing down the road, crashing into the crowd and injuring ten, two critically. The group was mostly North and West African Muslims who were leaving the Muslim Welfare House and nearby Finsbury Park Mosque in north London just after midnight.
The attacker was identified as a man, age 47. Bystanders were able to pin him down at the scene until authorities arrived. He was held by the mob until someone flagged down a passing police car. The media reported that he is the father of four from Wales. Initially authorities held him on suspicion of attempted murder, which was later upgraded to include preparing or instigating terrorism.
One eyewitness reports that upon being arrested the suspect told authorities that he wanted to kill “many Muslim people.” Security Minister Ben Wallace said the man was “not known to the authorities in the space of extremism or far-right extremism.” Prime Minister Theresa May was quick to condemn the attack. “This morning, our country woke to news of another terrorist attack on the streets of our capital city: the second this month and every bit as sickening as those which have come before,” May told reporters outside her Downing Street office. “Today’s attack falls at a difficult time in the life of this city, following on from the attack on London Bridge two weeks ago – and of course the unimaginable tragedy of Grenfell Tower last week,” May said. The prime minister vowed to eradicate all forms of hatred, saying there has been far too much tolerance of extremism in Britain over many years. According to police, hate crimes have increased since the London Bridge attack. They assured the Muslim community more officers would be deployed to increase security around mosques. The Muslim Council of Britain named the attack the most vi-
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The Jewish Home | JUNE 22, 2017
JUNE 22, 2017 | The Jewish Home
olent manifestation of Islamophobia in Britain in recent months. Finsbury Park Mosque said it was a “callous terrorist attack.” This is the fourth attack in the UK in the last three months; three involved a vehicle deliberately being rammed into pedestrians. At the scene of this week’s attack a man suffered a heart attack and died immediately. Authorities are investigating whether or not his death is connected to the attack.
America Has Its Eyes on Russia
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Twenty years ago, the Arctic island of Vardo had double the population than it does now. But last month the local power company cited a surge in demand. They even installed a new cable in a tunnel under the icy waters that separate the island from the Norwegian mainland. Previously, locals supported themselves from the fishing industry but now it has mostly collapsed. Additionally, earth-moving equipment has been spotted atop a rocky plateau overlooking Russia across the sea. Experts believe that this is a not-so-undercover attempt to keep a close eye on Russia’s expanding fleet of nuclear submarines armed with ballistic missiles in the Barents Sea. This theory would explain the need for more power. The electricity is also desperately needed to power an American-funded radar system under construction on an island in sight of the Kola Peninsula, a freezing Russian territory with high-security naval bases and restricted military zones. It is no secret that Russian President Vladimir V. Putin has made his country’s military and economic role in the Arctic a priority. He has made it his mission to make Russia the dominant player in the high north as climate change opens up new shipping routes from Asia to Europe, new gas and oil prospects, and a new
arena for great power rivalry. The joint American-Norwegian radar project, set to cost hundreds of millions of dollars and devour substantial amounts of electricity, has enraged Moscow, which views it as the Pentagon’s ambition to encircle and contain Putin’s resurgent Russia. The Russian ambassador in Oslo, Norway’s capital, recently warned Norway that it should “not be naïve” about Russia’s readiness to respond. “Norway has to understand that after becoming an outpost of NATO, it will have to face head-on Russia and Russian military might,” the ambassador, Teimuraz Ramishvili, told Norway’s state broadcaster, NRK. “Therefore, there will be no peaceful Arctic anymore.” “This place is very, very important for America and for the Western world so that they can keep an eye on what the Russians are doing,” explained Lasse Haughom, a former mayor of Vardo and a veteran of Norway’s military intelligence service. “Russia wants to look into our secrets, and the United States and Norway want to look into their business. That is the way the game is played.” Despite the open secret of what is going on in the country, the chief of Norway’s military intelligence agency, Morten Haga Lunde, says the radar system is simply being upgraded from the original American-built radar system that was planted to track space debris like defunct satellites and to “monitor our national area of interest in the North.” Russia’s generals and many Norwegians have disregarded that explanation as merely a cover-up. Most believe that the new Globus 3 radar is part of the Pentagon’s efforts to develop a global missile-defense system, making it a prime target for attack in the event of a conflict.
Deadly Fire in Central Portugal
Portugal was ravaged by a huge forest fire this past week. At least 63 people were killed in the blaze, making it the deadliest in the country’s
The Jewish Home | JUNE 22, 2017
Kim Jong Un Scared of “Decapitation Operation”
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history. Early in the week, officials said that at least 135 people were injured in the leaping, searing flames. “It is the greatest tragedy of human lives that we’ve witnessed in Portugal in years,” Prime Minister Antonio Costa said on Portuguese television. Two army battalions were needed to help emergency services in the area. The European Union had sent firefighting aircraft, in addition to France and Spain sending three and two planes respectively. “All will be done to assist the authorities and people of Portugal at this time of need,” the European Commission’s aid chief, Christos Stylianides, said in a statement. Originally the death toll was at 19 but that figure quickly rose as the fire spread too quickly for many to escape. Most of the victims were caught in the fire in their vehicles on the road. “It does not seem real, it is out of this world... It is an authentic inferno, we have never seen anything like that,” the mayor of Pedrogao Grande Valdemar Alves told reporters. Eleven people from his village were killed in the flames. The blaze began during a rainless thunderstorm during an intense heat wave. A lightning strike is probably to blame for the fire, according to police. In addition to the dozens that have been killed, hundreds of citizens have been treated for injuries including smoke inhalation, and many thousands lost their homes. Twelve people survived the inferno by seeking refuge in a water tank.
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The leader of North Korea is reportedly so scared of being assassinated that he travels around his own country in disguise. Kim Jong Un’s fears are not completely unfounded, according to Rep. Lee Cheol-woo, chairman of the South Korean parliament’s intelligence committee. Lee has confirmed that South Korea’s intelligence agency has evi-
dence to support Un’s paranoia. “Kim is engrossed with collecting information about the ‘decapitation operation’ through his intelligence agencies,” Lee told a reporter. The “decapitation plan” surfaced in 2015 when South Korea and the U.S. came up with a joint strategy for a possible war with North Korea. The plan, according to the Brookings Institute, “envisions limited warfare with an emphasis on
preemptive strikes on strategic targets in North Korea and ‘decapitation raids’ to exterminate North Korean leaders.” The decapitation rumors have spooked the dictator so much that he disguises his movements, travels in his bodyguard’s car, and only moves about at dawn when roads are completely empty in North Korea. Kim has become more and more
of a problem for his neighbors and for the United States. Missile tests have been conducted repeatedly by Pyongyang and Kim’s threats against America, South Korea, and Japan have been coming fast and thick lately. The fear of the young tyrant coming up with a nuclear weapon and being able to deliver it accurately have prompted many western nations to come up with possible intervention scenarios.
JUNE 22, 2017 | The Jewish Home
Young Border Police Officer Brutally Murdered
Hadas Malka, a 23-year-old Border Police officer, was sadistically killed by three members of Palestinian terror groups. The three terrorists were all shot dead during the attack, which took place on Friday. Staff Sergeant Malka lived in Moshav Givat Ezer in central Israel. She had completed her mandatory military service and then stayed on for an additional 15 months and became an officer. She was brutally murdered near Damascus Gate on Friday night. Malka was responding to sounds of gunfire when she was attacked. The gunfire was coming from a second attack that was being carried out on Border Police officers in the Muslim Quarter. Malka fought with her attacker, while attempting to get to her weapon. The three murderers were Adel Ankush, 18, Bra’a Salah, 19, and Asama Ahmed Atta, 19, all from the West Bank village of Deir Abu-Mash’al near Ramallah. According to the Shin Bet, all three had been arrested for or involved in “popular terror activity.” After ISIS claimed responsibility for the attack, Hamas put out a statement that said that the attacks were indeed carried out by “two Palestinians from the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine and a third from Hamas.” The attack took place during the month of Ramadan. During Ramadan, tens of thousands of Palestinians from east Jerusalem and the West
Bank attend prayers at the nearby Al-Aqsa mosque compound, which is near where the attack took place. Police suspect that the three terrorists arrived from the West Bank earlier that day. “During Ramadan there are large numbers of [Palestinian] youths who enter without permits; they take advantage of Ramadan to be in Jerusalem,” Jerusalem police chief Yoram Halevy said at the scene of the attack. He added that in some cases “this is what we get.” Malka had three sisters and two brothers. Just minutes before the attack, she sent out a selfie to her friends, “Shabbat Shalom to my loving friends.” They responded just ten minutes before she was killed. “Hadas was a real-life Wonder Woman,” her friend Amit Azulai told Channel 2. “Good-hearted and optimistic.”
Who are Israel’s Richest?
According to Israel’s The Marker magazine, there are 116 billionaires living in the country. Their money combined totals over 168 billion U.S. dollars. The richest person in Israel is media mogul Patrick Drahi. The Morocco-born French businessman owns the country’s leading media and telecommunications outlets. He owns a significant portion of the HOT cable television company and founded 124 News. He also founded and is the controlling shareholder of Altice telecom group. In 2015, Drahi was ranked 57 richest person in the world by Forbes magazine. His fortune is estimated to be $14 billion. The second richest family in the Holy Land is the Wertheimer clan, led by patriarch Stefan (Stef) Wertheimer. Their fortune is estimated at $8.7 billion. The German-born Stef is an industrial powerhouse and founder of ISCAR Ltd. He is wellknown for his philanthropic work and peace-promoting efforts. He was
The Jewish Home | JUNE 22, 2017
JUNE 22, 2017 | The Jewish Home
the family. His 49-year-old daughter Danna has taken over as CEO of the group.
Kraft Brings Hall of Famers to the Holy Land
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recently awarded the Oslo Business for Peace Award for his construction of industrial parks in impoverished, predominantly Arab regions of Israel. Coming in third on Israel’s richest list with an estimated net worth of $5.2 billion is Shari Arison. The New York-born businesswoman is the daughter of renowned businessman Ted Arison. She is the owner of
Arison Investments, and Bank Hapoalim is one of her companies. She is considered the richest woman in the Middle East. Next up is Hollywood producer and businessman Arnon Milchan. The $5.1 billion man owns stock in Israel’s Channel 10 and co-owns the New Regency production company with Rupert Murdoch.
Rounding out the top five richest people in the State are Danna Azrieli and the Azrieli heirs. The inheritors of the Azrieli fortune have businessman and architect David Azrieli to thank for all of their dough. David spearheaded the Azrieli group, which owns scores of shopping centers around Israel. David died in 2014 at the age of 92, leaving his $4.5 billion fortune to
New England Patriots owner Robert Kraft sponsored and led a weeklong goodwill visit to Israel this week. The group included 18 Pro Football Hall of Famers including Jim Brown, Joe Montana, Eric Dickerson and Marshall Faulk. For all but two of them, this was their first visit to the Holy Land. “I love bringing people from America to the Holy Land who’ve never been here,” Kraft said. “I think bringing these Hall of Famers – it’s a treat for them – and they see that [Israel] is not like it is [described] in the media.” Noting the fear, he added: “If I didn’t come on this trip, they wouldn’t have come. If I was willing to come, they’d come.” The trip was kept a secret until just before their arrival over concerns that anti-Israel groups would pressure the players to boycott the trip and the country. Before the players returned to the U.S., they attended the dedication of a sports complex with a regulation-size football field that Kraft is building in Jerusalem. Other stops on their tour included Tel Aviv, the Old City, and the Dead Sea. The trip seems to have helped Kraft’s New England Patriots. Kraft told reporters that he sponsored the same trip in 2015 when his team won Super Bowl 49 over Seattle. He won again in 2017 when the Patriots took the Atlanta Falcons for the title in February. On Tuesday, Kraft cut the ribbon in the ceremony marking the opening of the new Kraft Family Sports Campus in Jerusalem. Kraft made a $6 million gift toward the sports complex – his second in Jerusalem, after Kraft Stadium near the center of the capital. This larger complex was
The Jewish Home | JUNE 22, 2017
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constructed with sponsorship from organizations Mifal HaPais and Toto and built in collaboration with the Jerusalem Foundation and the Jerusalem Development Company – Moriah. Due to open in two weeks in time for the 20th Maccabiah, the complex contains two soccer fields and one dual-use U.S. regulation football and soccer field, as well as locker rooms, administrative offices, parking, a central pedestrian thoroughfare and plans in the pipeline for additional facilities. “This is an emotional moment for me,” said Kraft. “My life is about only doing things I’m connected to. To share this with great players who are here, and see how special this country is, is an honor and a privilege.” Kraft, now 76, said he received tefillin for his bar mitzvah, which he would put on every morning as he prayed facing Jerusalem, amid dreams of being in the holy city and praying at the Western Wall. “I was at the King David with my wife in 1963 and I remember being so disappointed to be so close to the Old City and not being able to go to the Kotel because of Jordanian soldiers on the walls,” he said. “I can’t describe the excitement I felt and the recognition I felt for G-d that we were allowed to go back to our holiest place,” he added, referring to Israel’s 1967 Six Day War victory that won back the Old City and offered access to the Western Wall. “Now 50 years later, I’m here to stand before you and I’m able to help Jerusalem do this.” Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat presented Kraft with the Builder of Jerusalem award. It was in 1999 that Kraft first donated $200,000 to construct the first Kraft Stadium in Jerusalem, a stateof-the-art AstroTurf field at the entrance of the city to be used primarily by a local league, American Football in Israel. The collaboration began when an AFI player recognized Kraft in the lobby of the King David Hotel and told the millionaire that he and his friends played organized football in Israel on uneven, overcrowded fields. Shortly after, Steve Leibowitz, a Jerusalemite and founder of the American Football League, met with Kraft and received a contract promising $200,000 for a new field. The field was later improved in 2005, and has been used since for AFI football team scrimmages and games, as well as other sports teams, day camps and concerts.
Syrian rebels near the Golan Heights have been getting their funding, medical supplies, and humanitarian assistance from Israel. The Jewish State has been helping forces opposed to the regime of Syrian President Bashar Assad, according to recent interviews conducted with a handful of rebel leaders. Israel opposes Assad and his Iranian, Lebanese and Russian allies and hopes to set up a buffer zone on its border with forces that are friendly towards Israel. Reports have shown that a special unit has been established to transfer aid to such groups. The unspoken actions taken by the IDF have been dubbed the “Good Neighborhood” policy. “Israel stood by our side in a heroic way,” a spokesman for the rebel group Fursan al-Joulan, or Knights of the Golan, Moatasem al-Golani, said. “We wouldn’t have survived without Israel’s assistance.” Israel has officially stayed out of the Syrian conflict, although the country does treat Syrian refugees that arrive at its borders and provides humanitarian assistance. In response to the report, the IDF said Israel was “committed to securing the borders of Israel and preventing the establishment of terror cells and hostile forces … in addition to providing humanitarian aid to the Syrians living in the area.”
Otto Warmbier Dies On Monday, Otto Warmbier, the University of Virginia student who was detained in North Korea for near-
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JUNE 22, 2017 | The Jewish Home
ly a year and a half, died – just days after he returned home in a coma. Warmbier was 22-years-old when he passed on.
He had been arrested in January 2016 for attempting to bring home a political poster. The North Koreans sentenced him to 15 years of slave labor. He had been in North Korea for 17 months before he was brought home last week. “Unfortunately, the awful torturous mistreatment our son received at the hands of the North Koreans ensured that no other outcome was possible beyond the sad one we experienced today,” Otto’s parents said. Warmbier’s death was mourned by his wide circle of friends and by complete strangers, and it intensified political reaction to his detention, with outraged critics calling it murder.
“There is nothing more tragic for a parent than to lose a child in the prime of life,” President Trump said in a statement. “Our thoughts and prayers are with Otto’s family and friends and all who loved him. Otto’s fate deepens my Administration’s determination to prevent such tragedies from befalling innocent people at the hands of regimes that do not respect the rule of law or basic human decency. The United States once again condemns the brutality of the North Korean regime as we mourn its latest victim.” The North Koreans said that shortly after Otto was incarcerated he contracted botulism and then took a sleeping pill, which put him into a coma. Doctors in the United States said there is no evidence he had any illness or brain injury. There was clearly a large loss of oxygen to the brain. Otto’s death may just prompt the United States to prevent Americans from traveling to the Hermit Kingdom. Reps. Adam B. Schiff (D-Calif.) and Joe Wilson (R-S.C.) have introduced the North Korea Travel Control Act in the House, which would require Americans who want to travel to North Korea to obtain a license.
There would be no licenses for tourists. The travel company that took Otto to North Korea announced on Monday that it will no longer take Americans to North Korea. For years, Young Pioneer Tours has happily boasted: “We provide budget travel to destinations your mother would rather you stayed away from.” But this week, the message that the China-based tour company sent via e-mail to USA TODAY wore a darker and more anguished tone. “Our deepest sympathies are with Otto Warmbier and those who loved him,” the e-mail read. “We had held onto hope that he might recover, and have the life that he should have had, but now those hopes are gone, and we too are reeling with the shock of a young man’s life taken well before his time.” According to the Times of Israel, Otto, 22, went on a Birthright trip to Israel in 2014. He had been active in his campus Hillel and cared about the Jewish community. Rabbi Jake Rubin, the University of Virginia’s Hillel director, told JTA that Otto’s trip to Israel left a strong impression on him. He received a Hebrew name there while hiking to Masada with Birthright.
“In the simplest interactions Otto always found something of interest and would make you smile,” Rabbi Rubin wrote. “At every stop on Birthright he would try some kind of new food, strike up a conversation with someone new, or find some unique thing to bargain for. He loved life and it was infectious. “He was always interested in learning more about the world and the people around him. He put everyone at ease with his humor and genuine interest for others,” the rabbi added. “Otto was a leader at UVa and we are fortunate that he is a member of our community.”
Sailors Die when Ships Collide
Seven American soldiers were killed at sea while onboard the naval
The Jewish Home | JUNE 22, 2017
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JUNE 22, 2017 | The Jewish Home
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destroyer Fitzgerald off the coast of Japan. The warship was rammed by a container ship that was four times its size on Saturday morning. Search crews had a difficult time due to the extensive damage sustained by the starboard side of the Fitzgerald. The ACX Crystal, a cargo ship registered in the Philippines, collided with the warship at 2:30AM, when most of the crew was sleeping. Cmdr. Bryce Benson, the ship’s commanding officer, and two other crew members were injured. The shipping lane where the collision occurred is a very busy one. About 400 vessels pass through it each day and there have been at least three major accidents in the lane over the past five years, according to coast guard reports. Still, the heavy traffic may not be the only factor at play here. Marine traffic records show that the cargo ship made a series of sharp turns 25 minutes before it collided with the U.S. vessel. “Those are very high-traffic-density areas near coastal waters,” said Bill Doherty, a ship safety investigator and auditor with a long career of service on naval warships. “When a big ship like that makes a drastic change in a high traffic area that has to be explained.” A Navy spokesman, Capt. Charles W. Brown, said it was premature to address the cause of the collision. Each of those who lost their lives were grieved by their families, the Navy and the entire nation. Personnel Specialist 1st Class Xavier Martin was 24 when he died. His father, Darrold, mourned his son on Father’s Day. Both father and son had matching tattoos on their arms. Gary Rehm Jr. was married to Erin Rehm. He was 37 when he perished in the crash, and the two had been married for nearly all of the 19 years that Rehm had been in the Navy. He had been on the Fitzgerald for two years and was expected to come home in September and retire next year. Dakota Rigsby, 19, was known as a “good kid” and a good firefighter in his hometown. 25-yearold Sonar Technician 3rd Class Ngoc Truong Huynh was remembered as a quiet, sweet, selfless man who had not always desired a military life. “But he wanted to do something adventurous,” Huynh’s sister told the Hartford Courant. He enlisted about two years before his death. From the town of Weslaco near the Texas-Mexico border, Gunner’s Mate 2nd Class Noe Hernandez
had spent eight years in the Navy, and in that time impressed his family with photos from Italy and the Pacific Ocean. “We all came from poverty in Guatemala,” Aly Hernandez-Singer said. “He was the one who made it.” He left behind a wife and a young son. Carlos Victor Sibayan helped raise his siblings when his military father was away from the family. He followed in his father’s footsteps and joined the Navy when he was still a teen. He had been set to leave the Fitzgerald in a month. Yeoman 3rd Class Shingo Douglass grew up in Japan and went to a U.S. military-run high school. His family eventually moved to California and he later joined the Navy.
Amazon Swallows Whole Foods
Just a few weeks ago, we warned you that Amazon is slowly taking over the world, and here is further proof. On Friday, the internet giant announced that it has signed a deal to purchase Whole Foods Market, a nationwide organic supermarket chain, for $13.7 billion. With 456 supermarkets throughout North America and Britain, Amazon will have massive buying power and potentially sell goods at lower cost. Sounds great for consumers but many in the food distribution industry are concerned, since it puts their businesses in major jeopardy. “Supermarkets will now have to contend with not only competition with each other and non-traditional grocers like Walmart and Target, but with a retailer like Amazon which has the financial capacity to price aggressively,” points out Mickey Chadha, a vice president and senior credit officer at Moody’s Investors Service. “We expect this transaction to further accelerate the consolidation within the supermarket space.” As part of the deal, Amazon will pay $42 per share in cash for Whole Foods, a 27% premium on the Austin, Texas-based grocer’s closing share
The Jewish Home | JUNE 22, 2017
JUNE 22, 2017 | The Jewish Home
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price on Thursday. Whole Foods shares were trading just under that level in early trading on Friday, as investors saw negligible regulatory risk to the deal closing. Amazon’s shares were up 3% at $994.45. Other supermarket chains suffered following the big announcement; shares of Kroger dropped 14% to $21.13. Walmart and Target also suffered losses. This transaction, although newsworthy, won’t change much for the consumer other than prices – hopefully – and better delivery options, a service Amazon prides itself in. The stores will still operate under the Whole Foods Market brand. John Mackey will remain its chief executive officer and headquarters will still be in Austin. Amazon and Whole Foods expect to sign the deal during the second half of 2017.
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“Sir, I have to tell you, I do have a firearm on me.” A thousand protesters gathered in the nearby state Capitol after the verdict was read. The crowd, which contained many children, carried signs that read “Unite for Philando” and “Corrupt systems only corrupt.” The 12 jurors spent 29 hours over five days deliberating their verdict. Yanez claimed that Castile had his hand on the gun and did not stop pulling it out when directed to do so. The evidence presented included the squad car video but it did not give a clear view of what happened inside the vehicle. The jury was hung at a 10-2 count in favor of acquittal for two days before coming to their final unanimous conclusion.
The Heat is On Officer Cleared of Charges in Shooting
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A police officer in Minnesota has been cleared of any charges in the shooting of Philando Castile, a black motorist who was shot during a July 6, 2016 traffic stop. The shooting gained national attention after Castile’s girlfriend streamed the aftermath of the event on Facebook. Castile’s family erupted out of the courtroom after the verdict came down. Despite the clearance of charges, the St. Anthony police department announced that they would be terminating Officer Jeronimo Yanez. Yanez was charged with manslaughter for the death of the 32-year-old school cafeteria worker. “The fact in this matter is that my son was murdered, and I’ll continue to say murdered, because where in this planet (can you) tell the truth, and you be honest, and you still be murdered by the police of Minnesota,” his mother, Valerie Castile, said, referring to the fact that her son was shot after he volunteered to Yanez,
For those in New York, the summer is just starting. But for Americans living in the West, scorching heat is breaking records, causing massive power outages, and prompting flight cancellations. On Tuesday, Phoenix hit a high of 119 degrees. Death Valley, California, scorched into 127 degrees. Las Vegas saw its highest temperature recorded – which was 117 degrees. On Sunday, several Northern California cities – including Sacramento (106 degrees), San Jose (103 degrees) and San Francisco (88 degrees) – saw record hot temperatures. The record-breaking continued on Monday with Sacramento hitting 107 degrees, a step hotter than its 106-degree record from 1988. High heat warnings were sent out for parts of California, southern Nevada and parts of southwest Arizona until Friday. Phoenix reached 118 degrees on Monday, a tie for the record which was set exactly a year ago. It was so hot that on Tuesday at least 43 flights to and from Phoenix were cancelled by American Airlines due to the high heat. Seven flights were cancelled on Monday and
The Jewish Home | JUNE 22, 2017
even more flights were expected to be cancelled throughout the week. Some smaller regional jets cannot take off in temperatures hotter than 117 degrees, the airline said in a statement. Because hotter air is thinner, planes also need more speed to take off and, thus, require more runway. Sky Harbor’s runways are long enough to accommodate most planes in hot weather, American Airlines said. The soaring temperatures are also being blamed for several California wildfires that firefighters are attempting to control. It has also caused power outages, and several roads began buckling and cracking in the heat.
Missing Sailor Found – Onboard Petty Officer 3rd Class Peter Mims was believed to be dead and lost at sea, according to the Navy. But Amy James, his sister, said she still had hope. “I just can’t believe he’s gone,”
James had said. “Is this real? Is this a nightmare?” She added, “He’s still alive, he’s got to be fighting for his life.”
But the Navy had suspended its mission to recover Mims, who was missing since June 8 from the USS Shiloh and was presumed overboard. He went missing while the ship “was conducting routine operations 180 miles east of Okinawa, Japan,” the Navy said. For over 50 hours, the U.S. Navy and Japanese Coast Guard ships and aircraft searched 5,500 square miles of the Philippine Sea. Over half a dozen U.S. and Japanese vessels along with helicopters and fixed-wing aircraft from multiple
American ships were involved in the search. By midnight of June 11, the search crew made the conclusion to shelve their efforts. “The decision to suspend the search was not arrived at lightly,” Rear Adm. Charles Williams said in a news release at the time. “Our thoughts are with our lost shipmate, his family, and the officers and crew of USS Shiloh.” Tears turned to joy several days later when the Navy announced they had found Mims – right under their noses, alive and well. The Navy’s 7th Fleet said Mims was found after the crew of the guided-missile cruiser continued to look for him on the ship. He has since been transferred to the USS Ronald Reagan for a medical evaluation, and his disappearance is under investigation, according to a news release. “We are thankful to have found our missing shipmate and appreciate all the hard work of our sailors and Japanese partners in searching for him,” Rear Adm. Charles Williams said. “I am relieved that this sailor’s family will not be joining the ranks of Gold Star Families that have sacrificed so much for our country.” Not many details have emerged
regarding how he was found and where exactly on the ship he was located, but the Navy Times reported that the missing gas turbine systems technician had been hiding in one of the engine rooms. Mims had been serving since August 2014. There has been no explanation as to why he was hiding for so many days onboard the vessel.
Trump Rolls Back Cuba Deal
The sun is going to set on Barack Obama’s “one-sided deal” with Cuba, according to President Donald Trump. The commander-in-chief announced this past week that he will be challenging Cuba to come to the negotiating table with a new agreement. He will be demanding key reforms out of Cuba and cracking down on the flow of U.S. cash to the Cuban
JUNE 22, 2017 | The Jewish Home
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military. “Effective immediately, I am canceling the last administration’s completely one-sided deal with Cuba,” Trump told a cheering crowd. Trump is fulfilling a campaign promise he made while running for the Oval Office. “I keep my promises,” Trump assured. “And now that I am your president, America will expose the crimes of the Castro regime.”
A major part of the new policy is the banning of financial transactions between Americans and the dozens of enterprises run by the military-linked corporation GAESA. Additionally, U.S. tourists traveling to the island nation will be required to be part of an organized tour group run by American companies. Americans can no longer book solo trips and spend their money on individual bed-and-
breakfasts or taxi drivers. In his decision, Trump focused heavily on the crimes of the Castro government. He accused the regime of harboring “cop killers, hijackers and terrorists” while proclaiming to encourage a free Cuba. “With G-d’s help, a free Cuba is what we will soon achieve,” Trump said. He said he hopes the two countries will forge a “better path.” To that end, the U.S. Embassy will remain open in Havana.
Tuesday’s special election in Georgia was probably the most expensive House race in U.S. history. The contenders, Republican Karen Handel and Democrat Jon Ossoff, raced to the finish line with pockets lined with cash. More than $50 million was spent by the two in the special election runoff. Ossoff had vastly outpaced Handel, with nearly $24 million to her $4.5 million, and millions more was spent by outside groups. Most of Ossoff’s money came from out of state, especially from New York and California. Democrats saw this election as an indication of what could come in 2018 and were trying to pick up a very-needed Democrat seat in the House. The seat in play was held by Tom Price, now Trump’s Health and Human Services secretary. The seat has been represented by Republicans since 1979. Despite the mounds of cash and globs of TV ads that Ossoff poured into the campaign, on Tuesday, Handel expressed her confidence in victory. “Republicans...are coming home to vote in this runoff,” she said. The race, though, was very tight. President Trump came out in support of Handel, calling her a “hard worker” on twitter and urged Georgians to vote. Ossoff held rallies in which participants chanted, “Flip the 6th! Flip the 6th!” On Tuesday night, the results were in. As Democrats around the country sat glued to their TVs, Handel was declared the winner. Ossoff gave a short speech to supporters and then shuffled off the stage, with a lot less dollars in his – and Democrats’ – pockets.
Memo Accuses Nixon Administration of Violence Did you know that only two presidents were impeached in the history of the U.S.? Andrew Johnson and Bill
The Jewish Home | JUNE 22, 2017
JUNE 22, 2017 | The Jewish Home
occurred near a viewing of recently deceased FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover. An accompanying memo by Akerman summarizes his interview with Stone, who said he helped organize young Republicans to join the counter-demonstration but who had no apparent knowledge of the White House plot on Ellsberg. The attack would be on “longhaired demonstrators, in particular Ellsberg,” the prosecutors’ memo states, with the objectives of impugning Ellsberg for protesting near Hoover lying in state and “simply having Ellsberg beaten up.”
Prosecutors concluded that White House counsel Charles Colson directed the operation, which Colson denied. According to the memo, Nixon was briefed on parts of the plot. Previously Ellsberg, a former Pentagon official, had accused Nixon operatives of doing more to bully him that just steal his medical files, the most recognized effort to discredit him. Predictably, Nixon officials denied that account and there weren’t ever any indictments related to the accusation. Colson pleaded guilty to obstruction of justice related to stealing Ellsberg’s medical files but was never charged for conduct related to this plot. The memo addresses that distinction, noting that while prosecutors concluded Colson was involved, the evidence they had “would not be sufficient to indict Colson.” “There is still no clear way to
Clinton – and neither was asked to resign the Oval Office. However, experts say that Richard Nixon would have been impeached and asked to leave office had he not resigned and this might explain why… Supposedly Watergate prosecutors had evidence that operatives for then-President Richard Nixon planned an assault on anti-war demonstrators in 1972, including poten-
tially physically attacking Vietnam whistleblower Daniel Ellsberg. The revelation was revealed in a never-before-published memo acquired by NBC News this week. The 18-page document is a 1973 investigative memorandum from the Watergate Special Prosecution Force. The memo, written on June 5, 1975 by Watergate special prosecutor Nick Akerman, is based on
an interview prosecutors conducted with GOP operative Roger Stone as part of special coverage for the 45th anniversary of the Watergate break-in. It states that “an extensive investigation” found evidence that Nixon operatives plotted an “assault on antiwar demonstrators” at a rally at the U.S. Capitol featuring Ellsberg and other anti-war “notables.” The anti-war demonstration
Our discourse is being materially damaged by the endless search for Twitter leverage. Page 99
The Jewish Home | JUNE 22, 2017
link Colson to the assault which is muddled by his efforts to organize a lawful counterdemonstration,” the memo concludes. “This melding of the counterdemonstration and the assault had been a problem throughout this investigation in charging anybody with a crime.”
vending machines and pick up some chocolate or chips. Around the world, though, there are way more interesting offerings at vending machines than your average pretzel and soda.
Pricey Parking
If you thought parking in Manhattan was expensive, think again. Recently, the South China Morning Post reported that a business executive paid $664,000 for a parking space in his ritzy Hong Kong apartment building, according to property records, setting a new record for the city by $50,000. Kwan Wai-ming is not poor when it comes to parking spaces. The businessman owns two parking spaces and two apartments in the Upton building – worth over $10 million. The price paid for the third spot was two to three times the going rate per square foot for apartments in Hong Kong, which is home to the world’s most expensive real estate today. NYC, though, is home to the world’s most expensive spots (don’t we know it!). A penthouse in New York’s Greenwich Village that was sold last year for $26 million originally was listed with a $1 million parking space included. Looking to add expensive parking spot to your list of assets? A new building in SoHo that’s currently being filled has 10 spots available for $1 million each. With prices like these, your cars must be made out of gold.
Machine Madness Need a snack to tide you over the 4 o’clock slump? Perhaps you can head down the hall to your firm’s
Consider an entire building in Singapore designed to be a vending machine for sports cars. Launched in late 2016, Autobahn Motor’s new ABM facility showcases 60 exotic, vintage and supercars which buyers can browse on a tablet on the ground floor before an automated retrieval system brings your choice down. While this is not technically the world’s first car vending machine (they’ve been around in the U.S. for a while), the Ferraris and Lamborghinis on offer almost certainly makes it the most luxurious. Speaking of the finer things in life, if you have a sudden craving for caviar one night while vacationing in L.A., you can enjoy one of the world’s more expensive foods without heading to a restaurant. At $500 an ounce, it’s good this vending machine accepts credit cards. In London, in Selfridges department store, vending machine users can enjoy a bottle of fizzy champagne from Moët and Chandon. At $23 a pop, you better have something to celebrate. Other, more plebeian, vending machines offer food for the more level-headed and level-walleted people around the world. If you’re hungry, vending machines can be found that offer burgers, hot dogs, pizza, mashed potatoes, French fries or burritos. Hankering for some dessert? Enjoy pecan pie at a vending machine in Texas or delectable cupcakes in myriad flavors. Looking for breakfast? There are machines that offer fresh eggs, raw milk, warm bread, bread in a can – yes, only in Japan – or bananas. For those people who are into the scavengers of the sea, there are machines that sell live crabs in China. They are sold in plastic containers at 41 degrees for $1.50 to $7. Lobsters are also sold in machines. In Vegas, customers can use a “claw machine” to “catch” live lobsters for dinner. If
JUNE 22, 2017 | The Jewish Home
you catch one, some restaurants will even cook it for you for free. That is, unless you want it for a pet. Some vending machines offer the truly bizarre. In Japan, dog wigs and hats are sold at selected vending machines in Tokyo. Socks, made by the I Hate Monday brand, are sold in vending machines in South Korea. And in Germany, if you forget your pants at home, you can buy jeans made by the company Closed on your way to work. Missed your kid’s birthday? Or better yet – need something to entertain them with while you eat your live lobsters and caviar and struggle into your new jeans? Legos are now being sold in vending machines. They are now in Germany and Toronto and will soon be coming to the United States. Last but not least, vending machines are now selling gold. Yes, the precious metal can be purchased at Gold to Go vending machines. The machine tracks real-time gold prices on commodities markets, which means that keen investors can pick up a bar or coin when the price is right. Gold to Go is available in the U.S., Austria, Dubai, Abu Dhabi and Portugal, and is much more filling than M&Ms and a Coke.
Crooked Hillary
Someone with a Sharpie and a little humor went political recently when they changed the sign off the Sagtikos Roadway in Long Island. The original sign read “Crooked Hill Road.” Before the sign was removed by the Department of Transportation last Wednesday it read “Crooked Hillary.” According to the DOT, “Defacing public signs is illegal.” Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump often used the moniker “Crooked Hillary” when referring to Democratic opponent Hillary Clinton, who was not able to garner trust amongst voters. In a recent tweet, President Trump wrote, “Crooked Hillary Clinton now blames everybody but herself, refuses to say she was a terrible candidate.” Clinton tweeted back tongue-in-cheek, “People in covfefe houses shouldn’t throw covfefe.” And we thought they were grownups.
$100K – Lost & Found
“Since October we have found about $1,200, mostly in change in pockets and purses, etcetera,” Cogswell added. “So that kind of puts it in perspective how big this is.”
World Cup Record Recently Lynette Leckrone donated a box of clothing to Goodwill. The clothes she dropped off certainly would be put to good use. But Lynette didn’t think too much about her donation until she received a message on her answering machine at the end of the day. During the day employees at Goodwill were sorting through Lynette’s donation and noticed a duffle bag full of play money. At least they thought it was a bag full of fake money, until they realized it was a bag full of real money – almost $100,000 worth of cash – along with a last will and testament and other legal documents. Thankfully Lynette asked for a receipt for her donation so Goodwill had her contact information. They attempted to call her number, although no one answered when they called. They then called the police department and handed over the cash. At the end of the day, when Lynette and Dan Leckrone came home and listened to their messages, they heard the frantic calls from Goodwill. Dan said that he took $97,004 out of his bank account recently to deposit in another bank that would be closer to a new home they would be moving to. He put the money in a bag in the trunk of his car, where he thought no one would find it. He didn’t even know the money was missing. “We picked the money up at the police department and took it straight to the bank,” Dan said. “We are so thankful to everyone that we got our money back.” Michelle Cogswell, central manager, said something like this has never happened in the 18 years she has worked for Goodwill Industries. “We find the occasional $100 bill or $50 bill but that’s about the most that is found,” Cogswell said. “When I heard they found $100,000, I thought they meant $1,000.”
There are two things I know about Hely Garagozzo: he loves soccer and he is very consistent. The Venezuelan businessman has the all-time record for most attendances of the quadrennial World Cup soccer championship tournament, Guinness World Records said on Monday. Garagozzo has made it to every single World Cup event since 1982, when it was held in Spain. The tournaments are held once every four years, so Garagozzo’s record is nine straight – good enough for Most FIFA World Cup tournaments attended by an individual. “It’s the magic of football,” he said. “That transcends the field and transforms into culture.” Because the international tournament is held in various locations around the world, Garagozzo has logged substantial mileage crisscrossing the globe to witness the World Cups – nearly 150,000 miles worth. “Equivalent to 5.67 full circumnavigations of the Earth!” Guinness said. Beginning with Spain, the tournament locations Garagozzo has visited over the last three decades include Mexico (1986), Italy (1990), the United States (1994), France (1998), South Korea/Japan (2002), Germany, (2006) South Africa (2010) and Brazil (2014). The next event will be hosted by Russia next year and Qatar in 2022. Garagozzo says he’ll attend both. Guinness said it verified Garagozzo’s claim by reviewing his ticket stubs, photographs and other evidence. He’s the most well-traveled fan we know.
The Jewish Home | JUNE 22, 2017
“My flu-like symptoms turned out to be a heart attack.” NAME: AGE:
Woodmere, NY Cardiac arrest
Implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD)
I was getting ready for my grandson’s birthday, when all of a sudden I became weak. I thought I was coming down with the flu. Before going to sleep, I called my son and told him that something didn’t feel right. We took no chances and called 911. The paramedics arrived and within minutes, I was in cardiac arrest.
I woke up a few days later and after many tests the doctors determined that the upper part of my heart wasn’t sending signals to the bottom part to pump blood, and that’s why my heart stopped. I was fitted with an ICD to treat my irregular heartbeat. After the procedure, I’m back to normal, I’m energetic, and I feel great.
WHY CHOOSE SOUTH NASSAU? The entire cardiac team was amazing. No amount of words will ever help me express how thankful I am. They’re my heroes. They’re my angels.
To learn more about cardiac services available at South Nassau or to watch Heidi’s story, visit southnassau.org/cardiologystories. The American Heart Association recognizes this hospital for achieving 85% or higher compliance with all Get With The Guidelines®-Heart Failure Achievement Measures and 75% or higher compliance with four or more Get With The Guidelines®-Heart Failure Quality Measures for two or more consecutive years and for documentation of all three Target: Heart FailureSM care components for 50% or more of eligible patients with heart failure discharged from the hospital to improve quality of patient care and outcomes.
JUNE 22, 2017 | The Jewish Home
Around the
Community HALB Lev Chana Raises Money for FDNOW
t was a glorious sunny day for the children of HALB Lev Chana Early Childhood Center as they participated in their second annual trike-athon. The proceeds of the trike-a-thon benefitted FD NOW, an organization that supports groundbreaking research, desperately looking for better treatments and a cure for Familial Dysautonomia, a life-threatening neurological genetic disease prevalent in the Ashkenazi community. Their shouts of laughter, combined with the accompanying beat of the simcha music could be heard across the Hewlett Bay Park campus as our four- and five-year-olds rode laps
around the colorful festive parking lot/track adorned with waving flags and lane cones. This was a unique opportunity for our children and their families to put into practice what they had been learning in class, the mitzvah of v’ahavta le’raiacha kamocha, love your friend as you love yourself. Families lent bicycles and 4-wheelers for the day, and a steady stream of mother and father volunteers were on hand to give a helping push and steadying hand to the cycling children. Each biker received a medal of participation and the satisfaction of knowing that their efforts raised over $3,000 for FD NOW. Yasher kochachem!
The Jewish Home | JUNE 22, 2017
Around the Community
Siach Yitzchok 36th Annual “Double Chai” Tribute Dinner
n Tuesday, June 13, faculty, parents, and friends enthusiastically gathered for a very memorable Siach Yitzchok 36th Annual “Double Chai” Tribute Dinner at the beautiful Sands in Atlantic Beach. B’siyata dishmaya, this year’s event was a spectacularly successful dinner, raising the most funds ever in the history of Siach Yitzchok. The success was due in large part to the diligent efforts of the office staff and hanhala, as well as many dedicated alumni and parents. The dinner began with a heartwarming choir featuring our 7th and 8th grade boys who sang beautiful, heilige songs, with many of the boys performing solo parts. Rabbi Dovid Sitnick, menahel, then paid a very moving and emotional tribute to our dear friend and
long-time parent and grandparent, Reb Moishe Orlansky, Rafoel Moshe a”h ben Yisroel n”y. His son, Rabbi Yehuda Orlansky, then accepted the honor of Alumnus of the Year l’zecher nishmas his father. Veteran parents Dr. and Mrs. Gavriel and Etti Fagin were presented with the Parents of the Year Award in recognition of their dedication to Siach Yitzchok and its values through the years. To round out the program, Siach Yitzchok and its supporters paid tribute to Mr. and Mrs. Yoni and Rachel Kutner, Guests of Honor, who are long-time, loyal supporters of the cheder, and whose efforts for this dinner were clearly evident and very appreciated. Lastly, the attendees enjoyed a riveting video tour of Siach Yitzchok through the days and years. Many attendees commented that
one was able to get a real feel of exactly what the cheder is all about by seeing the parent body come together to support their school, by seeing the choice of honorees, and by observing the video presentation of all the
classes in action. Thank you to our parents, grandparents, alumni, and supporters for helping us achieve our mission of being mechanech our children al taharas hakodesh.
JUNE 22, 2017 | The Jewish Home
Around the Community
A Tribute to 3 Decades of Chinuch at Priority-1 Dinner
n Wednesday evening, June 7, approximately 400 guests joined to pay tribute to Priority-1 for its three decades of trailblazing work. The event was held in a beautifully decorated tent on the campus of Yeshiva Zichron Aryeh, with a heartwarming program and beautiful weather to enhance the feelings of accomplishment. The program began with Avraham Burger, dinner co-chairman, giving an overview of the different programs that Priority-1 has been involved with over the past three
decades. From outreach seminars to forging the path to addressing the at-risk phenomenon, from opening Yeshivos and Kollelim to community training initiatives, Priority-1 has always been looking for ways to enhance the chinuch system and assure the continuity of the purity of Torah to the next generation.
He then introduced Rabbi Shaya Cohen, founder of Priority-1 and Rosh HaYeshiva of Yeshiva Zichron Aryeh, who presented the Hakaras Hatov Award to Mr. & Mrs. Zev Cohen, close friends of the Yeshiva who were so supportive and helpful over the years. Mr. & Mrs. Yekusiel Sebrow were then presented the Young Leadership Award. “Kus” has been a close talmid of Rabbi Cohen’s for many years and has been instrumental in setting up shiurim for the community, most recently organizing a weekly shiur in his office to promote the message of the Eliezer Institute, which is to help others rejuvenate a passionate relationship with Hashem. This was followed by a video presentation which walked the audience through the life of Rebbetzin Gita Cohen, a”h. From the heart of Yerushalayim to the San Fernando
Valley to Far Rockaway, the presentation reviewed her legendary life. Rabbi Shaya Cohen followed by giving a passionate plea for all to use her life as an example for us to appreciate the good that we have in our lives and to give thanks to Hakadosh Baruch Hu for all of that good. He thanked the family that dedicated the Zichron Aryeh campus in her memory and expressed hakaros hatov to all who have helped the organization in so many different ways. This was followed by a beautiful kumzitz led by the amazing Eli Schwebel which rounded off the evening in an inspiring and beautiful fashion. To see a copy of the video presentation or to make a campus completion dedication in memory of Rebbetzin Cohen, a”h, please call 516-295-5700 x104 or email info@ priority-1.org.
The Jewish Home | JUNE 22, 2017
JUNE 22, 2017 | The Jewish Home
YCQ Girls Annual Bnot Mitzvah By: Hannah Zakry
T Scenes from the American Friends of Ateret Cohanim Dinner, celebrating the 50th anniversary of the reunification of Yerushalayim
Bnot Yaakov 6th Graders Celebrate Their Bat Mitzvah
not Yaakov’s sixth grade class celebrated their bat mitzvahs last week at a special brunch with their mothers and grandmothers. Excitement and nachat were in the air as the girls performed beautiful songs about the meaning of being a Jewish woman and emulating the path of our Imahot. The girls also performed an enjoyable dance relaying this message. The ballroom was beautifully decorated and a delicious buffet of sushi, salad, and wraps was set up compliments of the Bnot Yaakov PTA. The guests were enlightened by divrei Torah by Menahel Rabbi Mordechai Kashani. This event was the conclusion to a yearlong programming of workshops and special activities to prepare the girls for this meaningful time in their lives. Throughout the year, the sixth grade girls participated in challah baking workshops, dance classes, chessed projects, and were inspired by special guest speakers. A special hakarat hatov goes to
the sixth grade morot, Morah Leah Karni and Morah Devorah Panish, as well as Bnot Yaakov assistant principals, Rebbetzin Rivka Aderet and Mrs. Khavi Rosenshein, for putting together this beautiful event and for
preparing the girls all along the way. A special mazal tov to the sixth grade girls, Liora, Michal, Rebecca, Eliana, Shira, Rachel, Galia, Nava, Adina, Sophia, Naama, and Avigail!
he grade 6 girls recently participated in the YCQ annual Bat Mitzvah Program. The girls were allowed to bring their moms, grandmas, and aunts to join them for dinner and a program. Rabbi Landsman, principal, spoke about how important it is to become a bat mitzvah is. The girls raised money through a book sale that they will donate to an organization in Israel that helps kids experiencing trauma from the fighting in Israel. The kids who are living there are worried so this organization offers them pet therapy by helping them to be kids again and deal with stress, as they learn to care for an animal. The girls watched a video of the kids they are helping and got to see how happy they are and how grateful they are to everyone who helps sponsor this program. The girls were also placed in groups and they read about why they were given their name. Each girl got a siddur and a picture with their namesake stories from their morot, Lemor Abraham, Engelson and Hadas Fried who organized the event. The girls sang the songs “Vesakeni” and “Imma.” Rananah Danesh read “Vesakeni” and Shira Rosoff read “Imma.” The mothers, aunts and grandmothers were touched by the songs and some were even crying with joy.
To each person who passed down the line and shook his hand, FDR murmured, “I murdered my grandmother this morning.” Page 74
The Jewish Home | JUNE 22, 2017
Around the Community
Coach Nussie Feiner and Amazing Players of Five Towns Little League Team 3E Celebrate World Series Win
Ben’s Cord Blood
may ensure a healthy future I
t was an amazing season for team 3E of the Five Towns Little League. Under the leadership of Coach Nussie Feiner and a team of dads who acted as assistants, the third graders from an assortment of local schools enjoyed an incredible season of amazing baseball, hard work and most importantly, incredible middos. The road to the trophy saw close games, new skills learned, lots of practice drills, and through it
all, achdus and camaraderie were the common themes of the entire season. After scoring over 100 runs this season and giving up a 3rd grade league low of just over 40, the World Series win was a well-earned season-ending culmination. The team and some of the dads celebrated with a barbecue at the home of one of players. Everyone is looking forward to a great summer and another great season next year.
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JUNE 22, 2017 | The Jewish Home
Around the Community
Astounding Authors of Bnos Malka
n Wednesday, students in grades 1-4 at Bnos Malka Academy enjoyed their final Author’s Share of the school year. Students shared their writing including various forms of poetry and non-fiction research pieces. Students have been working hard with their teachers on the Writing Fundamentals Program, which systematically teaches students how to navigate the writing process and create rich pieces of writing. In addition to their writing pieces, students also created an “About the Author” page and beautiful covers. On the back of the jacket was a comment sheet where other students could respond to the piece and leave comments for the author or ask questions. Everyone enjoyed reading comments about their work, and each girl received a spe-
cial gift, a mini pencil sharpener, to encourage students to continue writing. Mrs. Rivky Babad, assistant principal for grades K-4, added, “Students need an authentic audience when they write. Students look forward to the Author Shares, as it provides them with a chance to share their work and receive feedback from their peers. This encourages them to enjoy the writing process, which inspires them to continue writing. The level of writing this year was above and beyond grade level expectations. We are very proud of our students and teachers and the astounding authors we have at Bnos Malka.” As part of Bnos Malka Academy’s balanced literacy program, the third grade students have been hearing a read-aloud daily from their
teacher. The students became hooked on the mystery series, The Key Hunters, by Eric Luper. After reading all five books in the series, Ms. Aronin, the classroom teacher, arranged for students to skype the author to ask questions about the series. The students prepared thoughtful questions in advance and some even wrote poems about the series, which Mr. Luper said he enjoyed so much he would add them to his website! Students were able to order copies of the books which Mr. Luper signed and personalized. The best part was when the author gave students a sneak peek at the next book in the series – sshh! – we can’t tell you anything but there will be a new main character! Mrs. Rivky Babad, assistant principal for grades 1-4, said, “This culminating
activity is the perfect way to wrap up a productive year of growth in reading and writing for the 3rd grade students. It is so meaningful for them to be able to speak to the author, ask questions they’ve had about the books,
and share their feelings about the series. Making learning real by making it as authentic as possible is the best way to engage students and create a love of learning that lasts a lifetime.”
Prominent UCLA Scholar to Lead The Center for Jewish History in NYC
he Center for Jewish History, home of the country’s largest and most comprehensive archives of the modern Jewish experience, announced recently that David N. Myers, the Sady and Ludwig Kahn Professor of Jewish History in the UCLA History Department, was named as the organization’s new president and chief executive officer. Myers is a distinguished and wide-ranging historian of modern Jewry who has taught at UCLA for the past 25 years. He will assume his new duties at the Center on July 1. He has previously served in various administrative capacities, including director of the university’s Center for Jewish Studies and chair of its History Department. “UCLA has been the center of my academic life and I am forever in debt to my many colleagues and students for their collaboration and support,” said Professor Myers. “At this point in my career, I am excited to embark on a new professional journey by heading
one of the global centers for the study of Jewish history.” “We are thrilled that David will be leading our organization, taking it to new heights,” said Bruce Slovin, founder of the Center for Jewish History and Co-Chair of the Center’s Board of Directors. “With David’s arrival, the future of the Center and our partnering organizations has never looked brighter further cementing its unique position as the preeminent independent Jewish historical institution in this country.” Professor Myers added: “Each of the five partners at the Center is a truly distinguished entity in its own right. Having often worked in their archives, I know what treasures they contain. Working collaboratively, the partners, along with the Center’s extraordinary professional staff and its dedicated board of directors, provide something much greater than the sum of the parts: a Library of Congress of the Jewish historical experience.”
“The combination of the Center’s extraordinary physical space and its ability to expand digital access to the riches of the holdings makes it an indispensable resource for people of all faiths and ethnicities,” Myers added. Professor Myers observed that history is the connective tissue of the Jewish people. “Jews,” he noted, “have created a great world civilization by maintaining a strong connection to their history. Now the task has fallen upon modern scholarship, in all its rigor, to shed light on the Jewish past. And the Center for Jewish History has a critical role to play in that scholarly project. Indeed, imprinted on the documents in the combined collections is the very DNA of the Jewish people.” During the coming academic year, Professor Myers will also serve as the inaugural director of the Luskin Center for History and Policy at UCLA, where he remains a member of the faculty. The Center also announced that
Joel J. Levy will be stepping down from his position as president and CEO, but will continue to serve as a consultant in the coming months. “The board and staff,” Slovin stated, “are deeply appreciative of Joel’s years of service and dedication and look forward to tapping his expertise in the future.” The Center for Jewish History in New York City is a central resource for scholars and researchers of Jewish history. The Center’s experts are leaders in unlocking archival material for a wide audience through the latest practices in digitization, library science, and public education. Containing one of the world’s foremost research collections, the Center offers fellowships, a wide array of exhibitions, symposia, conferences and lectures. More information on current programs and exhibits, including 500 Years of Treasures from Oxford, can be found at http://www.cjh.org.
The Jewish Home | JUNE 22, 2017
and up
JUNE 22, 2017 | The Jewish Home
Around the Community PHOTOS BY MHB
Al Mitzvas Tzitzis at Yeshiva Darchei Torah Rav Shalom Rosen taught his fourth grade talmidim at Yeshiva Darchei Torah how to make their own tzitzis in class last week. Last week’s parsha, Shelach, includes the mitzvah of affixing tzitzis to a four-cornered garment.
Gan Chamesh Ends the Year with an Exciting Builder’s Graduation Parade
an Chamesh, Chabad’s Early Childhood Center, celebrated graduation with a fun-filled and meaningful Builder’s Graduation Parade along Maple Avenue. The parade incorporated concepts that are staples of the Gan Chamesh curriculum. Gan Chamesh’s S.T.E.A.M. (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Mathematics) program focuses on engineering as a large component of the children’s block play. Using hollow blocks, along with creative and unique outdoor blocks, the students master concepts in engineering and math as they build, balance, plan, measure and conceptualize magnificent structures throughout the year. Block building promotes creative thinking, problem solving, and math
skills, and allows the students to think like architects and let their imaginations soar. The children’s block play enables them to understand another more esoteric concept that is stressed throughout the year – the concept of building the future Beis Hamikdash one brick at a time. The children understand that each mitzvah they do is like a virtual brick that they are adding to the Beis Hamikdash. The Builder’s Graduation Parade incorporated the components of the S.T.E.A.M. program while celebrating the mitzvos the children do and the roles those mitzvos play in the building of the future Beis Hamikdash. The parade centered around a magnificent model of the Beis Hamikdash, which was surrounded by
hollow blocks and large size outdoor blocks. The children marched to the music of Gary Wallin, attired in class-colored Gan Chamesh shirts and yellow construction hats. Each child held a block onto which their chosen mitzvah had been printed. As the children marched around the Beis Hamikdash, they added their blocks representing their part in rebuilding the Beis Hamikdash. The little architects really understood the concept of the mitzvos they do, paving the way for the construction of the future Beis Hamikdash. The Grand Finale took place as the children paraded with their families down Maple Avenue as another amazing year at Gan Chamesh came to a close. The Graduation Parade was a
huge success. We thank the families and friends that came to celebrate with us, the local Police Department, the Auxiliary Police Department, the Village of Cedarhurst, Gary Wallin, Tzvi Adler and Yekutiel Weiss for all their hard work. Thank you to Mr. Cesar Gutierrez for his creative and artistic help in constructing the magnificent Beis Hamikdash display. A huge mazel tov to all of the graduates! Gan Chamesh’s Early Childhood Center is under the auspices of Chabad of the Five Towns, headed by Rabbi Zalman and Chanie Wolowik. If you would like any information on Gan Chamesh, please contact Susy Adler or Suzanne Wallin, the program directors, at (516) 295-2479.
The Jewish Home | JUNE 22, 2017
Around the Community
Bill to Educate Students on Holocaust Passes Senate
ast week, Senator Todd Kaminsky and Senator Elaine Philips announced that the State Senate passed legislation they co-sponsored to ensure New York students are taught about the atrocities of the Holocaust (S.5530). The bill was introduced in the wake of a spate of anti-Semitic incidents throughout the nation, as well as a recent incident in which an upstate school teacher gave an assignment requiring students to defend the Nazi viewpoint in support of the extermination of more than 10 million people, including six million Jews. “We as a nation have a grave obligation to remember and honor the lives of those murdered, and prevent one of the worst atrocities in the history of mankind from happening ever again,” said Senator Kaminsky. “I am pleased the Senate passed this crucial measure today to ensure that every child in New York State is taught about the Holocaust, while ensuring that the six million Jews who were murdered due to their faith are never forgotten.” “Learning from the past helps change the future for the better. The Holocaust is one of the worst atrocities in human history; it can never be forgotten or allowed to happen again. Teaching students about it in a responsible manner will reinforce the importance of preventing genocide and condemning hate and antiSemitism,” said Senator Phillips. The measure the senators sponsored requires the State Education Department to conduct an audit of Holocaust education in New York schools and provide a report to the Governor and Legislature. Additionally, the bill orders the Education Department to promulgate regulations to ensure that all schools are teaching about the Holocaust in accordance with state law. Over the last several months, there have been an alarming number of threats and hate crimes targeting people of the Jewish faith, including bomb threats against Jewish Community Centers on Long Island and across the country. Additionally, media reports de-
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www.RentasticParty.com tailed an assignment given by a teacher from an upstate school that asked students to pretend to be Nazi officials attending the Wannsee Conference, where the “Final Solution” was created. Half the class was assigned to write a memo advocating for the extermination of the Jews, while the other half were to write against it, limiting their arguments to those of Nazi leaders who opposed it. Despite some students raising moral objections, the
teacher and the school did not apologize or promise that the “critical thinking” assignment would not be given again until the State Education Commissioner intervened. Kaminsky was outraged when he heard of the upstate school assignment and immediately wrote to Education Commissioner MaryEllen Elia and the state’s Board of Regents calling for an investigation into the matter to ensure that similar classwork is not
855.EZ.RENT.1 being assigned anywhere else in New York. “This assignment is incredibly disturbing, potentially traumatizing, and completely unacceptable,” said Senator Kaminsky. “The Holocaust is not some hypothetical scenario to be used for a mock debate; it was a horrific genocide, plain and simple, and we as a state must do all we can to educate our youth and prevent such atrocities from ever occurring again.”
JUNE 22, 2017 | The Jewish Home
Around the Community
Matches Galore! DineNMeet and YUConnects Shabbos in Woodmere
ineNMeet, partnering with YUConnects and the Young Israel of Woodmere, recently returned to the Five Towns with a successful Shabbaton last weekend. 64 singles, equally divided between men and women, enjoyed a Shabbos of neighborhood hospitality and an opportunity to meet in a fun, comfortable environment. The concept is simple. Eight local families each graciously hosted approximately eight guests who were placed based on compatibility and commonalities. Energized conversations took off and many meals lasted well past midnight. Even the rain on Shabbos day didn’t dampen spirits. All participants gathered for delicious desserts in a structured, interactive program which gave everyone a chance to meet each other in a relaxed way. During some “downtime” later in the in the afternoon, most people decided to remain at the shul to schmooze over board games, speak to some excellent matchmakers, and continue to mingle together. Young Israel of Woodmere rabbis offered words of Torah and divrei chizuk throughout the Shabbos, and the participants continuously remarked how welcome they felt by the entire community. A highlight of the Shabbos was a gala shalosh seudos at a lovely home where the conversation picked up right where it left off. Trivia games and some ice-breakers lent a competitive spirit with small teams spontaneously formed. A short kumsitz followed by a musical ha-
vdala left each person uplifted and ended Shabbos with everyone humming along with smiles. Following the event, the committee received over 152 requests of interest from the men and women attendees. In the short time since the event, 15 mutual match requests have come in and a number of dates already arranged. Four engagements have been made from the prior four Shabbatons in Woodmere alone and the organizers are hoping for continued bracha from this year’s program. DineNMeet plans exclusive, elegant events for targeted groups of Jewish singles based on age, hashkafah, and other factors. Each event focuses on a different niche, ensuring maximum compatibility as its popularity keeps growing. YUConnects is a non-profit organization,
To put it in Shakespearean terms, a modern-day Hamlet most certainly would ask: “To bi-aly or not to bi-aly. That is the question.” Page 108
open to the entire Jewish community, offering unique social activities, educational forums and targeted matchmaking through a friendly and helpful office.
For more information about these programs or to learn about the Young Israel of Woodmere’s “YIWMeet” activities, please email yiwmeet@gmail.com or go to www.yuconnects.com.
The Jewish Home | JUNE 22, 2017
JUNE 22, 2017 | The Jewish Home
Around the Community
Inwood Community Celebrates Siyum HaShas By Chaim Homnick
n Thursday, June 8, the Inwood community hosted a gala dinner to celebrate the community collectively completing Shas. The project, spearheaded by Yehuda Zachter, commenced one year ago when each participant undertook a portion of Shas to learn. The siyum was l’zecher nishmas R’ Moshe Yitzchak ben Rav Meir HaKohen. Over 75 community members signed up to learn part of the communal Shas program. The siyum took place in the Machon Basya Rachel Seminary Simcha Hall at 8 pm. The event was catered by Chap-A-Nosh. Rav Pinchus Weinberger of Bais Tefila of Inwood spoke about how true Torah has to be b’achdus and how this siyum was a testament to the power of the kehilla. Afterwards, guest speaker Rav Moshe Brown spoke about the chashi-
vus of a siyum. He also mentioned how the final Mishna in Shas quotes Rav Yehoshua Ben Levi, an Amora, as it commences the transition from the Mishnaic times to the era of the Gemara. The Inwood community at large has flourished. Started 8 years ago with a handful of families, the community is now comprised of over 100
frum families and counting. The gabbaim and organizers of the Shas project included Rabbi Avrumi Robinson, Yaakov Weinberg, Asher Halpert, Benny Rotberg, Aryeh Blumstein, David Winzelberg, Gud Meir Adler and Shlomo Salamon. Together, they enjoined 75 people to join the project. Yehuda Zachter, the organizer, ex-
plained, “The impetus for the project stemmed from seeing how involved our kehilla is in different sedarim and limudim. Our goal was to bring all of that energy and passion together in one cohesive project that could be a testament to the dedication of Torah in Inwood and act as a zechus for the community as a whole.”
Levi Yitzchak Library relies primarily on community support and to keep its doors open. It’s not too late to participate and encourage friends and family to donate. Every dollar makes a difference! The Levi Yitzchak Library is an independent community based organization and IRS recognized 501c(3) charity that is primarily supported by the community that transcends both school and shul affiliation. In the past six years, the Levi Yitzchak Library has grown to become an integral part of our Jewish community, serving as a go-to place for learning and fun for
all ages, all in the merit of a beautiful young boy who loved learning Torah and whose life was cut short at the tender age of 9, Levi Yitzchak Wolowik, ob”m.
Booked for the Evening
ast Monday night, the backyard of Dr. Evan and Lisa Pockriss was transformed into a magazine-worthy, chic and beautiful venue for the Levi Yitzchak Library’s Annual Chinese Auction – Booked for the Evening. The evening was headlined by award-winning Brisket King of NYC, Kosher Pit Master Sruly Edelman of Izzy’s Brooklyn Smokehouse, who turned up the smoker and served his famous BBQ brisket as well as other amazing dishes and special order desserts. Supporting this evening were event sponsors Cross River Bank, Lev Echad Foundation, Gourmet Glatt, and Stein, Farkas & Schwartz. Hmmm…they look like the guys from Ruben’s. No, they are the guys from Ruben’s! Barbers by day, marimba players by night, Yosef and Alex entertained the guests with great music that added to the relaxed feel of the evening. The Library depends on its volunteers who have committed themselves to helping out in a variety of ways. Some commit to helping out on a weekly basis, while others give of their time to help out with programs and/or fundraising efforts. The event was a success due to the dedication of Committee Chairs Elisheva Baum, Julie Feinberg, Sharrone Glick, Temmi
Kramer and Creative Director Tzipora Sax who lent their experience and expertise while working tirelessly with the Library Directors, staff and an incredible team of volunteers to ensure that the event is a huge success. A big thank you to the corporate sponsors Cross River Bank, Lev Echad Foundation, Gourmet Glatt, and Stein, Farkas & Schwartz LLP who helped make this evening possible as well as all those who sponsored the amazing prizes and the great swag bag items. A Special thanks also goes to Jerusalem Florists and Naomi Cohen who assisted with the décor and Gary Wallin’s team who ensured that everyone in attendance was able to enjoy the music, learn about the library and had a good view of the Izzy’s demo from every vantage point. Everyone who came out or purchased auction tickets was a winner for supporting a community icon. The Levi Yitzchak Library has enriched the lives of all of us in the community. We would be hard-pressed to find someone who has not enjoyed the library experience. Hundreds go on a regular basis to provide for themselves and their children an enriching, wholesome Jewish educational experience. As an independent, community, non-profit organization, the
For dedication or donation opportunities call (516)374-2665, visit www.lylibrary.org, or email lisa@ lylibrary.org. For volunteering call (516)374-2665 or email info@ lylibrary.org. For more information or to learn about upcoming events please call (516) 374-BOOK (2665) or email info@lylibrary.org.
The Jewish Home | JUNE 22, 2017
Around the Community
HANC High School Closing Ceremony
n Friday, June 9, erev Shabbat, HANC High School students and faculty filled the school’s auditorium for the Closing Ceremony. The program opened with remarks from principal Rabbi Shlomo Adelman followed by award presentations. The first set of recognitions was a series of honors that were given to students who stand out in areas that are valued at HANC. Rabbi Adelman introduced the awards with a special emphasis on the process of choosing recipients. Faculty members nominated candidates for consideration and collectively selected the recipients. Each award went to one male and one female recipient and was presented by administrators. The names of each recipient of the ten awards will be added to the plaques adorning the second floor hallway. The students who went above and beyond in their participation in chessed activities were Gabrielle Schoenberg and Coby Kohanim, who received the Rabbi Moshe & Rebbetzin Sandra Gottesman Chessed Award. The Golda Meir Community & School Spirit Award went to Batsheva Moskowitz, and the Natan Sharansky Community & School Spirit Award went to Josh Weinstein, as students who exemplify “a strong commitment to the HANC community and [work] selflessly in order to foster inclusiveness and strengthen school spirit.” Students were also recognized for their “academic achievement, true intellectual curiosity, and a demonstrated commitment to increasing knowledge in various disciplines.” Adam Speiser received the Rav Avraham Yitzchak Kook Passion for Education Award and Adena Cohen received the Nechame Leibowitz Passion for Education Award. Students with outstanding “determination and diligence and an unwavering commitment to advance academically” received The Rabbi Meyer & Rebbetzin Goldie Fendel Determination and Perseverance Award. Talia Ginsberg and Joseph Haar were the recipients. The Ateret Shem and Keter Shem Tov recognizes two students who demonstrate distinguished character and a strong commitment to leading a life of high ethical and moral standard consistent with Torah ideals and values. The recipients were Shoshana Oren-
stein and Zackary Plutzer. HANC helps build character by ensuring that students perform acts of chessed. Chessed, a Hebrew word for kindness, is a term often used at HANC as students participate in chessed activities such as community service throughout the school year and into the summer months. Although 15 hours per year are required by HANC, many students choose to continue their participation past their obligation. Chessed Awards were presented to such students by Rabbi Aaron Friedler and junior girls’ mechanechet, Ms.Nomi Bensoussan. Bronze awards went to students who completed more than 25 chesed hours, silver awards to students who completed over 50 hours, and gold awards were reserved for students who completed over 100 chessed hours. Congratulations to juniors Caralyn Kramer, Michalli Batesh, Arieh Livieim, and Shoshana Orenstein, who went above and beyond and completed over 100 hours of community service. This was followed by a nostalgic year-in-review video presentation expertly prepared by the Student Life Team. Students watched the presentation while enjoying ice cream bars. The audience then took a moment to recognize and applaud Associate Principal, Mrs. Carole Tabin, and wish her well on her retirement. She was presented with a bouquet of flowers given by Sharona Malakov and Josh Vilkas. A highlight of the program was a special tribute to Mario Rodriquez who will be retiring this July. The Middle School joined the Closing Ceremony as Rabbi Elliot Hecht, Middle School principal, paid special tribute to Mario and talked about the devotion that Mario had to the students and to the school for the past forty-years. Re-
ceiving a standing ovation, Mario took the mic and thanked all in attendance. Additionally, Director of College Guidance Ms. Karen Sheff presented a series of awards recognizing students’ accomplishments. These awards were: Bausch and Lomb Honorary Science Award - Jordan Ehrenhaus; The Frederick Douglass and Susan B. Anthony Award - Mackenzei Taller; George Eastman Young Leaders Award Zackary Plutzer; Xerox Award for Innovation and Information Technology
- Shohum Boker; The Brandeis Book Award - Batsheva Moskowitz; and the Yeshiva University Torah U’Madah Book Award - Josh Weinstein and Coby Kohanim. The ceremony was an incredible success and created a sense of achdut among the students as they cheered for their peers who received awards. The program concluded with a musical performance by senior Eran Vaknin. Thank you for a fantastic year and wishing everyone much hatzlacha.
JUNE 22, 2017 | The Jewish Home
Around the Community
MAY Class of 2021 Has Arrived
esivta Ateres Yaakov’s graduating class of 2021 came together for their first official activity last Tuesday evening. At the annual Freshmen Orientation Dinner, the incoming freshman met each other, their rabbeim, the hanhalah of the yeshiva, and had their first taste of the tremendous achdus and camaraderie enjoyed by their more senior schoolmates. Rabbi Mordechai Yaffe, rosh hayeshiva, opened the program explaining the difference between elementary school and high school and the expectations of Mesivta bochurim. He reminded the boys that regardless of which elementary school they hailed from, they were
now Mesivta Ateres Yaakov talmidim. Students also heard from general studies principal, Rabbi Sam Rudansky, who gave an overview of the general studies department and from Rabbi Yehuda Horowitz, Mashgiach Ruchani, who addressed the primacy of limud haTorah at the Mesivta and the focus on growth in Torah and yiras Shomayim. Representatives of the Mesivta Student Government also welcomed the incoming talmidim. Rabbi Yaffe remarked, “We believe that it is healthy for the incoming freshman class to get together to meet each other now, before the new year starts with all of its hectic new
experiences. In this way, they become accustomed from the outset to the fact that MAY talmidim are one cohesive unit. The orientation dinner was a great start and I was exceedingly impressed with the great middos of our entering students. I expect that this cohort will distinguish themselves in our yeshiva and be sources of pride to their families and Klal Yisrael.” Rabbi Yossi Bennett, Assistant Menahel/Assistant Principal, then delineated the myriad extracurricular activities offered to MAY talmidim, from additional shiurim and sedarim to athletics and competitions. As a component to this inaugural event for the class of 2021, Rabbi Bennett led a
team-building activity to engender camaraderie among the new class. Boys were arbitrarily split up into groups and given a bag of random items with which they were tasked to build one of the keilim of the Bais HaMikdash. The creativity soared, competition mounted and new friendships were built. A menorah and mizbeiach were just two of the projects that were completed within the 10 minute timeline. Winners will receive free breakfast at the beginning of next z’man. Concluding the program, pictures were taken of each student with the Menahel as they received their summer assignments in both limudei kodesh and limudei chol and wished each other a good summer.
Mayor Alex H. Edelman of Incorporated Village of Lawrence
f much is anticipated from a public servant’s first hundred days in office, how much more should be expected from their first eleven months. In reporting on the current State of the Village of Lawrence, I’m happy to note that, thanks to the efforts of a talented staff, devoted elected officials, committed volunteer board members and involved and cooperative residents, the past 332 days have been productive, innovative and successful. Decades-old flooding on Harborview and Marbridge Road was ameliorated and roads were paved, repaired and (of course) effectively plowed of snow. Utilities were updated, new street signs were posted throughout the Village, new LED lighting is being installed, a law requiring lit house numbers was enacted, double poles are being removed and trees were planted
and shrubs and bushes trimmed, with overhead flower pots planned for Central Avenue, in an effort to combine beautification with safety. The Village Zoning Code was revised to facilitate new, but rational, construction; the Building Department expanded and streamlined its services and the Board of Building Design’s procedures are being reviewed. On its own initiative, Lawrence restored lighting lost in Super Storm Sandy to the hazardous Nassau Expressway/Route 878. Financially, Lawrence remains sound as it receives additional newly developed income from the sale of surplus property, fairly compensates its dedicated, skilled personnel while remaining sensitive to fiscal reality, utilizes its own resources to reduce costs, and implements new accounting software to increase efficiency.
Our Lawrence Yacht and Country Club, boasting renovated facilities, new chairs in the ballroom and caterers recognized for elegance and quality, continues to expand membership as new bunkers, added safety equipment and increased programs enhance the Golf course, while Tennis enjoys a revitalized clubhouse and the introduction of night tennis and Pickleball; and the Marina offers dry storage for winter with electric and water, and convenient lockers. Maintaining regular, positive working relationships with the N.C.P.D., L.C.F.D., A.P.D., Sanitary District, Board of Education, the County, Town and all our neighboring Villages remains a priority as do the issues regarding pest control, property maintenance, the upkeep of our physical plant and infrastructure, the eventual appropriate disposition of our
own decommissioned sewer plant as well as the relocation of the Peninsula Public Library to Zion Park. Much, if not all, of what has been accomplished is predicated on the principle that there is no such thing as a “bad” idea. Some ideas may be impractical or beyond implementation, but no idea is “bad.” As a result, every component of the Village, whether it be elected representative, salaried employee, unpaid volunteer, concerned resident or interested neighbor, are encouraged to participate in the governing process. They do so in a warm, welcoming atmosphere of camaraderie, confident that their Village government is here to serve them and maintain their quality of life, and proud and even thrilled, as am I, to call their home, the Incorporated Village of Lawrence.
The Jewish Home | JUNE 22, 2017
JUNE 22, 2017 | The Jewish Home
Around the Community
Not an Ordinary Siyum at Stars of Israel
his was not your typical end-of-the-year siyum. Last Wednesday, the boys of Stars of Israel, together with their rebbeim, celebrated a beautiful siyum Mishnayos on Seder Moed. What makes this siyum so out of the ordinary is the fact that for most of the boys in the yeshiva, they began this year not even knowing the aleph beis! Through hard work, dedication and using the award winning system developed by Rabbi Yehuda Schwartzberg, the boys progressed at an unbelievable pace. Their rebbeim looked on with pride as many of the 5th and 6th grade talmidim showed off their new skills by reading and translating a number of Mishnayos with the accuracy and confidence of seasoned veterans. Following the boys, Rabbi Naphtali Sudwerts completed the last Mishna of the seder and Rabbi Baruch Gottesman said the
hadran. This siyum was made in memory of Mr. Jules Hoffman, Yosef ben Chaim Tzvi, a”h, beloved father of Mr. Sheldon Hoffman, who has become a good friend of the yeshiva over the past few years. Mr. Hoffman was truly amazed at the sincere love of learning that he saw in the boys, as well as the amazing technology-based approach to learning that is propelling them into mainstream learning at such an accelerated pace. After reciting the special kaddish, Mr. Hoffman shared beautiful words of inspiration with the boys, impressing upon them the value of a strong education, both Judaic and secular, and how life is short and we must appreciate the gifts we have and the precious people in our lives. These are some of the lessons that Mr. Hoffman learned from his beloved father. Yehi zichro baruch.
YCQ Literary Festival
ast week, Yeshiva of Central Queens elementary school students participated in their annual Writing Festival. Assistant Principal Melissa Cohen worked with the teachers and students throughout the year to improve their literacy skills. She took time out to meet with each teacher individually in order to support them in this project. The students have been compiling their best literary work in order to share what they have learned with their parents. Many of the teachers and co-teachers created slide shows showing a culmination of the students’ year at YCQ. Donny Faigen, grade 2, said, “I read a poem about subjects in school. I felt good about what I read when my parents got to hear me.” The students shared one of their favorite writing pieces, in addition to performing songs and hands-on workshops with their guest. Some of the literary work shared were persuasive writing essays, personal narrative stories and poems. Some of the third graders dressed up as a charac-
ter from history, reading bits of biographies in riddle form, allowing the audience to be interactive and try and guess who they were. Corey Kwitkin, grade 3, said, “I felt like a star when I made a puppet theater and told everyone and my parents about the Wright brothers.” Another grade 3 student, Becky Feygin, wrote “pet letters,” “I tried to convince my parents to get me a dog. It didn’t work. But I felt proud to read it for them.” Esti Goldberg, grade 5, said, “It was really fun trying to teach my mom and aunt how to write poetry. They both wrote their poems on sleeping. They did excellent.” Blair Greenfield, grade 5, enjoyed sharing her poetry with her mom. “I have been working on it for a long time. I felt very excited and happy to share my poems with her. I even taught her to write a haiku.” This year-long project offers students the chance to build literary skills, while still focusing on creativity.
Sheldon Hoffman reciting kaddish following siyum
The Jewish Home | JUNE 22, 2017
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JUNE 22, 2017 | The Jewish Home
Around the Community
Darchei Bike-a-Thon Raises $90K
he threatening grey skies over Reads Lane and a hint of rain failed to dampen the
enthusiasm of the hundreds of Yeshiva Darchei Torah talmidim who came to ride or of their families and
rabbeim who cheered them on at the annual Bike-a-thon. The boys raised $90,000 for scholarships at the Ye-
remember the alef-beis. “I have been an occupational therapist for the past fifteen years and have seen dozens of teachers and classrooms. I can honestly say that the way they teach the alef-beis is unparalleled to probably any other teacher,” said one mother whose son was a student of Rabbi Kviat. The siyum took place at Rabbi Blumenkrantz’s shul in Far Rockaway on Sunday, June 4. Dressed up with crowns and filled up with excitement, the boys of Rabbi Kviat’s class marched into the hall in a perfect line, to be greeted by the proud and shining faces of their family members. After the boys were seated at their designated seats on the stage, Rabbi Kviat spoke about the purity of hevel peehem of tinokos shel bais raban, the pure speech of our precious stu-
dents, and the purity of the alef-beis. The boys then began the program by singing and acting out their prepared parts. They all received a special alef beis sefer from Rabbi Dovid Sitnick, shlita, the menahel. Rabbi Sitnick then said divrei bracha, praising the rebbeim and the children. This was followed by dancing in which each child had a turn to dance with his rebbe and father. Similar scenes took place at the second performance with Rabbi Smilovich’s class, with slight changes of dress and songs. “Even though the children are young and not quite at the typical age of performing in public, they did a superb job, even better than expected,” commented Rabbi Smilovich. The parents, grandparents, rebbeim and students all walked home filled with
shiva. Kudos to them and to all the generous sponsors!
A Special Siyum at Siach Yitzchok
azel tov! Mazel tov! As the boys finished, in unison, the last ois (letter) of the alef-beis, these were the words that echoed throughout the room at the annual Alef-Beis Siyum for the kindergarteners of Siach Yitzchok in Far Rockaway. This was a special day for the children and their rebbeim. The kindergarten classes of Rabbi Yisroel Kviat and Rabbi Moshe Binyomin Smilovich have been working hard and preparing for their siyum since the beginning of the school year. Each week, the kindergarteners learn a new letter and continue to review the previous ones. Along with siyata dishmaya, the creative activities and games that the rebbeim have created over the years have greatly helped their young charges grasp and
abundant nachas and simcha. “The achievements that the kindergarteners attained at their siyum are immeasurable,” says Rabbi Smilovich. “The boys are now enabled to learn all of the Torah and this will remain with them forever.” Mazal tov!
The Jewish Home | JUNE 22, 2017
POOL DATE thru S: Aug 27th* *8 / No W 24 and 8/ omen ’s Sw 27 im 25th
JUNE 22, 2017 | The Jewish Home
Around the Community
G.O. Elections at Shulamith It was a beach party celebration for the kindergarten classes of Shulamith School for Girls as they traveled to Pacific Playground in Long Beach last Thursday to celebrate their completion of the alphabet.
he democratic process is alive and well at Shulamith, where students recently voted for next year’s G.O. presidents and vice presidents. The campaign began weeks ago as eager young politicians entered the primaries and classes voted to determine which candidates would be eligible to campaign in the general election. The field was narrowed down to seventh graders Adina Adelman, Daniella Eichler, Meira Goldstein, and Bailey Schuckman, who ran for G.O. president, and sixth graders Aliza Coronel, Hannah Gewirtz, Eliana Sac-
knovitz, Lauren Zalisky, and Aliza Zilberberg who ran for vice president. In a most enjoyable assembly, each candidate took to the stage for a brief presentation that included divrei Torah, campaign speeches, and performances ranging from dances to drumming to PowerPoint productions. The voters cast their ballots later that day, and G.O. 2018 was announced a day later. Congratulations to all of the candidates for a race well run, and to Adina, Bailey, Eliana, and Aliza Z. for winning the election and being named G.O. 2018!
Yeshiva of Central Queens is a “No Place For Hate” School
he Yeshiva of Central Queens students of the anti-bullying club “Mix It Up,” run by Mrs. Melissa Maisel, had a very successful year. The members of this club create programs for the junior high school that encourage working together and hope to end social isolation. Under the leadership of the club members, they had two very meaningful lunches where all of the students sat at different tables, played icebreakers, and even created posters together with all the reasons why we should include everyone at recess, in school and even outside of school. All of these activates culminated with receiving an award from the Anti-Defamation League. The ADL
chose the Yeshiva of Central Queens as a “No Place For Hate” school. YCQ attended a Recognition Ceremony in Manhattan where they were given a personalized banner that will hang in the junior high school building. Out of the 120 schools chosen from the tri-state area, YCQ was the only yeshiva represented this year. We are extremely proud of our school’s hard work to fight bullying and notice that the climate of the JHS is one of tolerance and acceptance. Special thanks to Sam Verstandig for his tireless work this year raising awareness in the community and making contact with several politicians who have joined us in our fight to end bullying.
The Jewish Home | JUNE 22, 2017
Building and Securing the Heartland of our Nation
Summer Day Trips
With Guide Eve Harow
Centered by the Sea
Tuesday July 4, 2017 - Tamuz 10, 5777
• Gush Katif Heritage Center in Nitzan • Barzilai Med Center private tour • Ashkelon Cafe Cafe for lunch • Netiv Ha'asara security and community tour • Bnai Dekalim visit former Gazans Sapersteins in new home.
Artists in Gush Shilo
Sunday July 16, 2017 - Tamuz 22, 5777
• Maanit - glass blowing in Kida • Aviya of Adei Ad - creams and ethnic food • OIF mikveh - Esh Kodesh • Dairy lunch in Shilo & more: • Joe & Daphna - wood flutes and pottery • Greta’s paintings - Russia to Shilo • Tamar’s calligraphy Creativity flows where one feels safe and at home
One Israel Fund is everywhere!
Cost: $75 adults / $65 children and students learning in Israel (270/235 shekels) Special Discount for Lone Soldiers Cost includes r/t transportation, guide, entry fees and lunch. Trip departs promptly at 8:15am from the Liberty Bell Parking Lot (behind the Sonol Gas Station) and returns approximately 6:00 pm
FOR RESERVATIONS AND ADDITIONAL INFORMATION visit www.oneisraelfund.org/daytrips email to daytrips@oneisraelfund.org or call: Sarah Tacher: 050-5877710 Building and Securing the or US# (Rings in Israel): 786-2337165 Heartland of our Nation (Israel Hours) *Itinerary subject to change due to security, weather and/or other considerations.
JUNE 22, 2017 | The Jewish Home
Around the Community
the need for
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LAWRENCE BLOOD DRIVE THURSDAY, JUNE 29 TH • 2:00 PM - 9:30 PM SHOR YOSHUV • 1 CEDAR LAWN AVENUE Milchig / Parve buffet will be served to all donors Donors will receive valuable coupon to local restaurants PLEASE BRING IDENTIFICATION
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Rav Simcha Kook, rav of Rechovot, at the hanochas tefillin of Uri Fleischmann (center) at Yeshiva Darchei Torah last week. Also seen is his father, Rav Dovid Fleischmann
HALB’s 4th Graders Learn STEM through Robotics
he excitement was palpable in the Technology Lab as Mrs. Rubel introduced Cubelets-Robotics to the 4th grade boys. Cubelets are small blocks that are snapped together to make an endless variety of robots with no programming, no small parts to track, and no wires. Students were grouped in two and each group received their own Cubelet box to explore the different function of each Cubelet. While each group created their own robots they learned that the robot they created responded to light and other objects, could move, detect
temperature, make chirp sounds and have surprisingly lifelike behavior. Teaching STEM lessons with Cubelets gives students a reason to apply knowledge they’ve already learned, to verbalize it, to put into practice new vocabulary and literacy skills about engineering, problem solving, science, and technology. As the students continue into fifth grade they will continue to learn to explore engineering and design principles, as a way to solve problems, and to practice designing robotic solutions with Cubelets.
Pheffer Amato Speaks at Local Graduations
his past Sunday, June 18, Assemblywoman Stacey Pheffer Amato (D-Far Rockaway) was honored to be a featured speaker at both the high school Graduation for the Torah Academy for Girls and at the junior high graduation for Bnos Bais Yaakov. She spoke about the importance of giving back to the community, which is emphasized in the well-regarded programs at TAG and BBY, and to her own experience serving by giving back. She mentioned the high regard of her mother, former Assemblywoman and current Queens County Clerk Audrey Pheffer (D-Rockaway), for the two schools, and how privileged she now felt, fol-
lowing in her mother’s footsteps, to see them flower into the community institutions they are today. “Every time I go to these schools, I’m impressed more and more,” said Pheffer Amato, who toured both programs earlier this year as a new Member of Assembly. “The sharpness you see in these young women and the dedication of their teachers are both clear to see and clearly interrelated. I know their programs emphasize selfless service and excellent character, so it’s always such a thrill to talk to them about my own experiences and see what great things these young women have in store for the future of our community.”
The Jewish Home | JUNE 22, 2017
Around the Community
Yeshivas Be’er Yitzchok of Elizabeth Chai Dinner PHOTO CREDIT: DUNOFF PHOTOGRAPHY
Rabbi Yisroel Reisman, rabbi emeritus of Agudas Israel of Long Island
By Mrs Chana Mayefsky
hy do we need another yeshiva off the Garden State Park-
way?” That was the question posed by Master of Ceremonies Mr. Shimi Globman at the Yeshivas Be’er Yitzchok Dinner, celebrating its 18th year of Torah learning and values on Sunday evening, June 18 at the Renaissance Hotel in Newark, New Jersey. Guests from Passaic, Hillside, Elizabeth, Long Island, and many other communities came together to honor four couples whose commitment to Yeshivas Be’er Yitzchak is unparalleled, each in their own way. Mr. and Mrs. Chaim Asher Reisman, long affiliated with the yeshiva, were granted the Alumnus Guest of Honor Award. Mr. Reisman recalls that upon returning from studying in the Mir in Yerushalayim, he sought a yeshiva where he “could grow in his learning and develop and sustain a close relationship with the Rosh Yeshiva.” He knew at once that Be’er Yitzchok was the right choice for him and he soon became an integral part of the yeshiva. Mr. and Mrs. Chezky Fischer received the Parents of the Year Award; Dr. and Mrs. Ari Lowell accepted the Schochein Tov Award; and Mr. and Mrs. Elly and Chani Miller were presented with the Dedication and Recognition Award. Mr. Danny Kahane, whose father, father-in-law, and uncle all shared the name Yitzchok and in
Rabbi Schulman, Rosh Hayeshiva, Mr. Chaim Asher Reisman, Guest of Honor, accepting his award, and MC, Mr. Shimmy Globman
whose memory the yeshiva is called Yeshivas Be’er Yitzchok, offered some spontaneous and much appreciated words of chizuk to the crowd. Fittingly, it was Mr. Kahane who offered Chaim Asher his first job in real estate. While the greater New York/New Jersey area is blessed with many yeshivos, the one off exit 141 is truly exceptional. “You feel the simcha when you walk into the yeshiva,” explained Harav Avrohom Schulman, Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshivas Be’er Yitzchok. “The rebbeim are happy to be there and teach Torah and the bochurim feel that and are happy to learn too.” Guest speaker Rabbi Yaakov Reisman, rav emeritus of Agudas Israel of Long Island and father of awardee Chaim Asher, turned to Parshas Shelach to explicate the inherent difference between Yehoshua and Calev. During the spies’ ill-fated reconnaissance mission to Canaan, Yehoshua stood loudly apart as a dissenting figure, consistently unafraid to speak his mind. Calev, on the other hand, was an integral member of the larger group whom no one expected to deviate from its rhetoric up until the moment when he forcefully denounced the spies’ lashon hora. Today’s Yehoshua, who sits and learns, keeps away from assimilation but stands the chance of being hurt because he looks and acts different, while a contemporary Calev, an individual involved in the outside world yet steeped in a Torah
Mr. Danny Kahane, the yeshiva’s benefactor, speaking at the dinner
life, faces distractions that can test his convictions. It is fortunate, declared Rabbi Reisman, “that Be’er Yitzchok, a yeshiva dedicated to preparing talmidim to be the rabbinic leaders of tomorrow, whether
as a rebbe, a pulpit rabbi, or a rosh yeshiva, is also equipping bochurim who later decide to enter the secular workforce with the foundation to lead a life guided by Torah values.”
JUNE 22, 2017 | The Jewish Home
Around the Community
“Little” HALB Visits “Big” HALB
n Tuesday morning, the HALB kindergarten children excitedly boarded buses to visit the new HALB Woodmere campus, or as the children call it, Big HALB. This annual end of year visit enables our kindergartners to experience firsthand what it means to be a first grader! The children had an opportunity to meet some of the HALB administrators, including their principal, Mr. Richard Altabe. Mr. Altabe entertained the kindergartners with an amusing story of his first day in HALB’s kindergarten when he was just about their age! Each class enjoyed the opportunity to participate in one of the first grade specialties: art, science, Ivrit or gym. The high point of the visit was spending time with the first grade teachers, Morah and Rebbe, who shared highlights of what to expect in September in first grade. Many of our kindergarten children got hugs and kisses from their older sisters, brothers, cousins, grandmothers and friends as well. They can’t wait to be in Kitah Aleph!
Tav is for Torah
eshiva Darchei Torah’s kindergarten talmidim ended the year with a grand celebration. Each week this year they learned from Rav Yaakov Bender, the Rosh HaYeshiva, about another letter in the alef-beis and a corresponding mitzvah or middah. For the final letter, Tav, the word was “Torah”! With the help of the seventh grade talmidim, the boys danced and sang to the accompaniment of joyous music. The boys we able to see and hold real sifrei Neviim, which are similar in appearance and composition to real sifrei Torah. Most of all they completed a year which marked their entry into the wonderful world of Torah, alef-beis, and limitless growth, with the help of Hashem.
The Jewish Home | JUNE 22, 2017
Bnos Bais Yaakov Administration and Staff
wish Mazel Tov to our 8th Graders upon their graduation Aliza Bracha Alon Malka Aghbashoff Esther Nechama Aziz Devorah Bakst Basya Bender Esther Bender Neshama Adina Ben-Haim Talia Ben-Simhon Aliza Bergman Chava Blau Kayla Rivka Bloom Ahuva Henia Cohen Tova Brocha Cohen Chana Dershowitz Tzivia Yehudis Dunn Bracha Eisenstein Tova Ellenberg Rivka Esmaili Ayala Feder Daniella Feldman Esther Bracha Fishfeld Golda Fogel Chaya Rena Fogel
Miriam Yehudis Fuchs Racheli Garfinkel Penina Bracha Glazer Devorah Goodman Faiga Malka Gordon Rochel Greenberger Rochel Leah Hellman Leah Hirschfeld Esther Jungreis Nechama Kaminsky Chana Kashi Hadassa Kaufman Mati Keilson Shaindy Klein Baila Klein Yocheved Kohan Avigail Shira Light Leah Tzipporah Livian Sheva Rochel Miller Chaya Leah Peltz Kayla Perkal Nechama Petegorsky Shifra Avigail Pinchasov Charna Rochel Richtman
Esther Ahava Ritholtz Ayelet Rosenbach Esther Zissel Rosenberg Esther Roth Faigy Rutner Yafit Rivka Sachmechian Gitty Schiff Raizy Shaiman Nechama Shapiro Rochel Leah Soberman Pessy Steg Gittel Stein Avigail Tsipora Stern Tova Sudwerts Adina Rivka Teitelbaum Levana Tomaszewski Miri Vogel Hindy Weinstein Malka Weissman Shaindy Wischogrodski Leora Wisnicki Malka Rochel Wolfson Chana Zimberg
JUNE 22, 2017 | The Jewish Home
Around the Community
OU Advocacy Center Leadership Mission
ore than 125 lay and rabbinic leaders of Orthodox Jewish communities from across the country convened on Capitol Hill and at the White House on June 15 for the Orthodox Union Advocacy Center’s annual Leadership Mission to Washington, D.C. Orthodox Union President Mark Bane stated: “The Orthodox Union Advocacy Center works year-round to advocate for the values and interests of the Orthodox Jewish community, and coming to Washington is a very visible reminder of our commitment to those we represent and our appreciation for this country’s leaders who work tirelessly on behalf of the Jewish people and Israel.” Throughout the day-long mission, the delegates focused on advocating for three issues critical to the Orthodox Jewish community: • greater funding for the federal Nonprofit Security Grant Program to protect Jewish day schools, synagogues and other nonprofits from attacks; • passing the Taylor Force Act, which will suspend U.S. aid to the Palestinian Authority until it ends its practice of paying financial stipends to the families of terrorists; • advancing school choice policies to empower parents to provide their children with a high- quality K-12 education. OU Advocacy Executive Director Nathan Diament stated: “We are grateful that so many prominent leaders of our community came to Washington and successfully advance the critical policy priorities of security for Israel, security for American Jewish schools and synagogues and school choice.” The day’s events kicked off with an opening session featuring Rep. Eliot Engel (D-N.Y.), the ranking member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, and Rep. Virginia Foxx (R-N.C.), chair of the Education Committee. Chairwoman Foxx spoke of her deep commitment to school choice policies. Rep. Engel spoke of his commitment to pass bipartisan legislation – like the Taylor Force Act – to put an end to the Palestinian Authority’s terrorist stipends. Orthodox Union delegates then met with their congressional representatives in smaller groups to discuss the
Pictured here is the OU Advocacy Mission delegation at a briefing with Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos in the White House’s Indian Treaty Room.
policy agenda. After those meetings, the entire group reconvened for a luncheon with U.S. Senators. Sen. Robert Menendez (D-N.J.) announced the 98-2 vote that had just occurred in favor of new sanctions on Iran, for which he received a standing ovation. Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) said the United States must make sure Iran is held accountable for its actions. ”They haven’t moderated a bit,” Schumer said. “They’re still exporting terrorism.” Schumer was also among several senators who spoke about the need to pass legislation like the Taylor Force Act, saying: “Abbas has to stop making payments to terrorists and their families, and all elected officials should call them out” for this practice. He further stated he will support legislation like the Taylor Force Act if the Trump Administration cannot get the Palestinians to end the stipends. The ranking Democrat on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Sen. Ben Cardin (D-Md.), said: “We’re going to find a way to pass the Taylor Force Act.” Making the cause bipartisan, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) addressed the OU
delegates, noting he was one of the original sponsors of the legislation and that Congress must take action immediately to stop funding Palestinian terrorism. Sen. Cruz also spoke about his support to relocate the U.S. Embassy in Israel. ”Now is the time to recognize Jerusalem as the one eternal, indivisible capital of Israel,” Cruz said. ”It is long past time to move the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem, where it belongs.” Other senators who spoke during the lunch were Sens. Orrin Hatch (R-Utah), Bill Nelson (R-Fl.), John Hoeven (R-N.D.) and Debbie Stabenow (D-Mich.), all of whom voiced their strong support for the OU Advocacy’s work and their ongoing efforts on behalf of Israel and the Jewish people. The OU leaders then traveled to the White House. There, they met with Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos to discuss school choice initiatives; Special Representative for International Negotiations Jason Greenblatt, who spoke about advancing the Israeli-Palestinian peace process; and Deputy Assistant to the President Sebastian Gorka, who provided insights into national security policy. Orthodox Union Executive Vice President Allen Fagin stated: “Coming
to Washington reminds all of us that we have great strength when we join together and speak with a unified voice in our nation’s capital. Our national delegation of leaders deeply appreciated the many Representatives and Senators who met with us and will be our partners on our policy priorities. And we were all honored to meet with such senior Administration officials – Secretary DeVos, Special Rep. Greenblatt and Deputy Assistant Gorka.” Orthodox Union Advocacy Center Chairman Jerry Wolasky stated: “I am proud to be among the leaders of the OU Advocacy Center. Meeting with a Cabinet Secretary, top aides to the President and a score of Senators and Representatives is a testament to the high regard in which the Orthodox Union is held in Washington. The OU Advocacy Center works intensively – and successfully – to leverage this access into concrete policies that benefit our community and others.” The Orthodox Union is the nation’s largest Orthodox Jewish umbrella organization; the OU Advocacy Center is the non-partisan public policy arm of the OU and leads its advocacy efforts in Washington, D.C., and state capitals.
The Jewish Home | JUNE 22, 2017
Mazel Tov to
TMM CLASS OF 2017 Odelia Abdolazadeh Bracha Ackerman Adina Aminov Elisheva Bahary Bracha Barak Shani Becher Basya Bender Tzipora Berman Adina Chetrit Michal Dina Friedman Talia Freund Rachel Goodman Leba Green Sarala Greenberg Rivky Halpern Minna Harbater Lieba Jaeger Sara Leah Kashi Rivka Kay
and their families Ahuva Keilson Tehila Keilson Gitty Klainberg Sarah RochelKlein Rivka Kohan Esti Korngold Chaya Frayda Lebovits Aliza Lehrfeld Eliana Levy Margalit Levy Yael Livian Shifra Lea Majerovic Shaindy Marchuck Chayala Mendlowitz Bina Moeller Chana Munk Esther Nathan Naema Nussbaum Rikki Reich Tova Rosenblatt
Aliza Schechter Reva Schiff Miriam Schreiber Miri Schuss Brocha Sender Adina Silver Esty Sitorsky Aviva Steinberg Chaya Batya Stern Batsheva Tanenbaum Chana Teitelbaum Shani Walfish Sarala Weinberg Malka Dina Weiss Raizel Bluma Weiss Esther Shayna Weissman Racheli Wolf Nechama Wrona Kayla Zar
We wish you much Hatzlacha and Bracha in all your future endeavors! The Board of Trustees Executive Broad BBY/TMM Administration and Staff
JUNE 22, 2017 | The Jewish Home
Around the Community
Midreshet Shalhevet Celebrates Class of 2017
idreshet Shalhevet, the sister school to Rambam Mesivta, was honored to celebrate the graduation of the class of 2017 on Tuesday night at Temple Hillel. Hundreds of family, friends, teachers, and loved ones filled the room to celebrate the graduates at our sixth annual commencement ceremony. Menahelet Mrs. Esther Eisenman praised the graduates and all the hard work they have put in throughout their tenure at Midreshet Shalhevet, as well as the monumental personal growth they have accomplished. “Part of what makes Midreshet Shalhevet special,” she said, “is that the girls are not sacrificing anything by coming to a small school. They receive a top notch education in both limudei kodesh and general studies, clubs, and extra-curriculars in a close and warm environment focused on each individual girl.” Mrs. Eisenman discussed the high level of creativity in this special group of graduates, and compared it to the creativity in the teachings of Rav Soloveitchik. She mentioned Sarit Perl, Michal Beer, Avigail Borah, and Tamar Lifshitz who created incredible AP Art compositions this year. Many girls studied and honed their creative writing skills in both the creative writing elective, as well as AP Composition, and many more examples, both academic and outside the classroom. Mrs. Eisenman ended by expressing how the girls can use their creativity to further their relationship with Hashem. Valedictorian Avigayil Lev of Woodmere has been an integral part of her grade, as well as the larger Midreshet Shalhevet school community over the last four years. Some of Avigayil’s many accomplishments include four years as a Shalhevet Scholar, the Dean’s list at Midreshet Shalhevet. She was a Wendy’s High School Heisman School Winner, an AP Scholar with Honors, Mock Trial team captain leading the Midreshet Shalhevet team to the Nassau County Sweet Sixteen round two years in a row, and a participant on the math team and college bowl team. Avigayil has played for the Midreshet Shalhevet Sabers Basketball and Softball teams for four years, winning numerous awards including; 2017 MVP award for basketball, 2017 MVP award for softball, 2016 Golden Glove award for softball, and 2014 Rookie of the Year award for softball. Avigay-
il has excelled in both sports over her tenure, rising to team captain of both teams in her senior year, and has lead the basketball team to the playoffs for three years. Outside of academia, for the past four years, Avigayil has participated in the Franklin Early Childhood Center’s Bulldog Buddies, a program combining a special education classroom with a general education classroom where she plays with the special education students and teaches them how to be creative and how to interact with each other. After completing an internship with Judge L. Love at the Queens County Court in the summer of 2016 and a senior exploration internship with Mrs. Melanie Marmer, Esq., a prominent Brooklyn attorney, Avigayil will be attending Amudim in the fall and has been accepted to Barnard College. On Tuesday night, Avigayil addressed the packed house, congratulating her fellow graduates on all the hard work they have put in over the past four years succeeding academically, socially, and otherwise. “As graduating high school seniors, we crave independence,” she said. “We talk about it all the time – going to Israel and college, making our own choices, becoming ‘adults.’ I used to believe independence was the ability to think for oneself, but my understanding of this has changed recently. I realized that I need other people, to depend on them, to learn new ideas and a broad range of skills. The only way to actually become independent is through other people’s intelligences, influence, and ideas. To quote poet Senora Roy, ‘Healthy independence includes a healthy interdependence on people who care about us.’ Our different talents, intelligences, and quirks have made for an incredibly
Avigayil Lev
Shaindy Greenberg
interesting group of people.” Avigayil thanked all the teachers and administrators who she has depended on and who have been essential in fostering the intellectual growth and cared for the class of 2017 for four years. Salutatorian Shaindy Greenberg of Queens is an extremely talented and motivated student who works hard to achieve all her goals and has accomplished many in her term at Midreshet Shalhevet. Four years as a Dean’s list Shalhevet Scholar, yearbook editor-in-chief, and Torah Bowl captain, Shaindy has acted as a peer tutor, a member of the math team and STEM science enrichment program. Outside of the academic realm, Shaindy’s true character shines bright as she volunteers at Maimonides Medical Center. Shaindy will be continuing her education at Darchei Bina and Queens College. Shaindy discussed a dvar Torah from Rav Moshe Feinstein which she connected to her high school experience. Shaindy shared in her salutatory address, “Our teachers have a love of teaching. Lessons are clearly thought out, with examples given to make them clear. If we don’t understand, they will try different strategies to elucidate the concept. Whenever I had trouble on how to apply a mathematical equation or how to understand the deeper
meaning behind a poem, my teachers would spend as much time as I needed to ensure my success. Whether we are grappling with the fundamentals of Bereishit or trying to identify the yitron within ourselves, we owe much to our teachers who taught us so many priceless lessons through the texts. “Our teachers have always made it their priority to not only answer our questions as best as they could, but also to stress the significance of inquiry. They have taught us that we do not always need answers in order to learn from our questions, and consistently demonstrate that their role is not limited to the classroom but exists outside of class, for years in the future as well. People say that this is the benefit of having a small school, but I feel it is more than that, it is the benefit of having wonderful teachers who are completely devoted to facilitating their students’ understanding and growth.” Midreshet Shalhevet is proud of the rest of our graduates who have been accepted to the following prestigious schools; Avital Weinberg of Brooklyn, MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology); Aviva Chait of Far Rockaway, William E. Macaulay Honors College at CUNY Queens College; Yael Eiferman of West Hempstead, William E. Macaulay Honors College at CUNY Baruch College; Avigayil Borah of Hewlett, Barnard College; Zahava Fertig of Woodmere, S. Daniel Abraham Honors Program at Yeshiva University Stern College for Women; Sarit Perl of Atlantic Beach, S. Daniel Abraham Honors Program at Yeshiva University Stern College for Women; and Suri Lipsky of Cedarhurst, Yeshiva University Stern College for Women Dean’s Scholarship Program. Congratulations to National Honor Society scholars Avigail Borah, Aviva Chait, Zahava Fertig, Shaindy Greenberg, Avigail Lev, Suri Lipsky, Sarit Perl, and Aviva Rubenstein. Congratulations to AP Scholars with Honors, Avigayil Lev and Shaindy Greenberg. The Rambam/Shalhevet family is incredibly proud of these well-deserving young ladies who excel in and out of the classroom, and we congratulate, once again, the class of 2017 on their growth in Torah knowledge and love of Torah, middot, and excellence in all the life skills and knowledge they have gained over the last four years.
The Jewish Home | JUNE 22, 2017
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JUNE 22, 2017 | The Jewish Home
Around the Community
HANC High School Graduation
n Wednesday evening, June 14, the 20th of Sivan, HANC High School seniors graduated before an audience of several hundred proud family members, guests, administration and faculty members. The ceremony took place at The Space in Westbury, New York. The program opened with a video presentation featuring the graduating class, reflecting on their most meaningful moments at HANC. Rabbi Shlomo Adelman, principal of the high school, welcomed guests and graduates and introduced salutatorian, Eric Lenefsky, who delivered the invocation. Mrs. Carole Tabin, associate principal, greeted the graduates with a heartfelt congratulatory message. In her outstanding valedictory ad-
dress, Rachel Canter encouraged her classmates to continue making positive choices based on the foundations each student received while at HANC. Additionally, Rachel expressed her hakarat hatov to her beloved school, family, and friends. Alumnus Dylan Hamapour (’15) and graduate Eran Vaknin riveted the audience with their heartwarming performance of a “Melech Medley,” both of whom had wowed the audience with their earlier versions of the National Anthem and the Hatikavah. This was followed by Ms. Tziporah Zucker, assistant principal, who addressed the graduates, reminding them that the impossible is pronounced “I’m-possible.” She then introduced the class speaker, Jonah Maryles.
A special audio-visual tribute was made to retiring associate principal, Mrs. Carole Tabin, honoring her years of dedication to Jewish education. Graduates Hannah Daitch and Michael Rubenstein presented her with a plaque. Prior to the distribution of the diplomas, HANC President, Dr. Ruchi Kushner publicly thanked the graduates for being such a wonderful class, while also congratulating them on their many accomplishments. Rabbi Adelman, Mrs. Tabin, and Ms. Zucker distributed the diplomas to the graduates who were also greeted by Director of Student Life, Rabbi Daniel Mezei and Dean of Student Affairs, Mrs. Marie Palaia. Gifts to the graduates were distributed by the Chairman of the Board of Education, Mrs. Loren Daitch, and the Chair-
man of Board Directors, Mr. Duvy Maryles, both parents of 2017 graduates. HANC’s Menahel, Rabbi Shlomo Adelman, in his charge to the graduates, recognized his special bond with the graduates and encouraged students to always stay close to Hashem. Salutatorian Michal Kaufman administered the benediction, thanking Hashem for bringing the students to this milestone. Closing out the ceremony, was a moving rendition of Birkat Kohanim, performed by Chazan Karavani, father of one of this year’s graduates. After the proceedings, graduates and guests enjoyed an elaborate collation sponsored by the Rubenstein and Lifschutz families. Mazal tov to the graduates and their families.
The Jewish Home | JUNE 22, 2017
Around the Community
Brachos and Bagels
eshiva Darchei Torah third graders, led by their rebbi, Rav Yehuda Deutsch, were given a behind-the-scenes tour of the Bagel Hole in Brooklyn to better
understand the Mishnayos they were learning in the sixth perek of Maseches Brachos about the brachos on bread and other foods.
JUNE 22, 2017 | The Jewish Home
Around the Community
Se r v i c e , R e p a i r & I n s t a l l a t i o n
Gesher Blue Room students at their graduation
Eretz Chemda at YDT
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av Yisroel Kleinman and his fifth grade talmidim at Yeshiva Darchei Torah marked the end of their year with the Eretz Chemda program (pictured, with the notepads that they received as a gift from the program’s head). Eretz Chemda enabled the fifth graders to learn about the special mitzvos
ha’tluyos ba’aretz – the unique mitzvos that apply to Eretz Yisrael. The rebbi for this program was 6,000 miles away and taught the boys via live hookup from Eretz Yisrael. The talmidim clearly enjoyed this unique topic and the bright and colorful materials that helped them master it.
The Jewish Home | JUNE 22, 2017
OCTOBER 29, 2015 | The Jewish Home JUNE 22, 2017 | The Jewish Home
Riddle me
Centerfold this?
David just graduated MIT with a Master’s in Chemistry. He is now working in a top biotech firm which looks to find cures and solutions for world problems. He submits his first paper on the chemical of dihydrogen monoxide. His paper noted that this chemical can be deadly if inhaled; if it touches your body, you cannot remove it with water; it accelerates corrosion and rusting of many metals. The report concluded that the chemical should be banned. Upon reviewing the report, the executive committee immediately fired David. Why? See answer below
Grammar Walks into a Bar Three intransitive verbs walk into a bar. They sit. They drink. They leave. A comma splice walks into a bar, it has a drink and then leaves. A dangling modifier walks into a bar. After finishing a drink, the bartender asks it to leave.
A question mark walks into a bar? Two quotation marks “walk into” a bar. A gerund and an infinitive walk into a bar, drinking a drink. The bar was walked into by the passive voice.
The past, the present, and the future walked into a bar. It was tense.
A run on sentence walks into a bar it is thirsty.
A synonym ambles into a pub.
Falling slowly, softly falling, the chiasmus collapsed to the bar floor.
A hyperbole totally ripped into this bar and destroyed everything.
A group of homophones wok inn two a barre.
Answer to riddle: Dihydrogen monoxide is H2O, otherwise known as water.
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The Jewish Home | OCTOBER 29, 2015 The Jewish Home | JUNE 22, 2017
Oh, the Types of People We Meet 1. Bumfuzzle 2. Flibbertigibbet 3. Snollygoster 4. Pauciloquent 5. Madcap 6. Rambunctious 7. Pronk 8. Agelast 9. Mugwump 10. Cantankerous
Answers: 12345678910-
Well, now that it’s summer, you will meet all types of people. If you know these descriptors, you will be able to quickly figure out who is who. Match the word with the description and then see how you did.
A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J.
A person who is unable to make up his or her mind on an issue A shrewd, unprincipled person Someone who doesn’t say much Someone who talks incessantly Someone who is confused, perplexed, or flustered Bad tempered or grumpy A foolish person An eccentric person Someone who never laughs Someone with lots of energy
Score Card:
8-10 correct: You are an egghead! And you are smart enough to know that being an egghead means that you are a person who is highly academic, studious; an intellectual. 4-7 correct: You are prosaic, which means you are pedestrian, which means that you are quotidian, which means that you are vanilla, which means that you are so-so. 1-4 correct: You are a total and complete egghead! (Yes, yes, I know that is supposed to mean “highly academic,” but it just sounds right to call you an egghead. So when I call you an egghead, I mean that you are an egghead not in literal sense of the word.)
You gotta be kidding on eiJimbo is driving along a deserted country road with fields tooth in ther side. He looks out the window and sees a guy with one stops the the middle of a field in a rowboat, rowing and rowing. He car, rolls down the window and yells, “You know it’s rednecks like you who give the rest of us rednecks a bad name!” Getting no reaction from the man in the rowboat, Jimbo screams, “If I could swim I’d come out there and punch you out!”
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JUNE 22, 2017 | The Jewish Home OCTOBER 29, 2015 | The Jewish Home
Torah Thought
Parshas Korach By Rabbi Berel Wein
t is always astounding to see and realize how ego, turf and ambition can blind even great people who are otherwise wise and even pious personalities. Human society suffers greatly from this phenomenon and religious society is not exempt from its erroneous consequences. In fact, religious society is more susceptible to these ills simply because character failings can be wrapped in piety with the excuse that one is doing G-d’s will.
A holy cause that is contaminated by human weaknesses, political ambition, monetary gain and smug self-righteousness is no longer a holy cause. The problem with so-called holy causes is that those who support them feel justified to use any means whatsoever to attempt to gain their ends. Forgery, violence and all sorts of zealotry are all permissible in order to advance the cause being espoused. And the irony and tragedy of the
situation is that those who resort to these means cannot in any way see the desecration of the very holiness that they are attempting to represent, that their behavior and tactics always engender. While allegedly speaking in the name of G-d, their actions and behavior blacken His holy name, so to speak, in the eyes and minds of the general population. Korach is convinced that G-d is on his side and therefore his behavior towards Moshe, reprehensible as it may be, is justified and even necessary. In his hubris of imagined holi-
are clearly outside the realm of Jewish law that are elevated immediately into being regarded as pillars of faith and issues of halacha. And once so elevated, then there is no room for rational reasoning or the wisdom of compromise and harmony. In a Jewish world that faces so many vital issues of overwhelming importance, most of the controversies that spark so much divisiveness in today’s religious Jewish society are not those upon which the eternity of Torah and Israel depend. This was also one of the failings
A holy cause that is contaminated by human weaknesses, political ambition, monetary gain and smug selfrighteousness is no longer a holy cause.
ness he mistakes in his own personal ambition for somehow being the will of G-d. This leads to his eventual destruction and demise. One of the inner plagues of religious Jewish society today, as in the past, is that religious zealotry knows no limits. It can defame Moshe with impunity, undermine legitimate religious and halachic authority, and justify any and all behavior no matter how tawdry and even illegitimate it may be. Unfortunately there are many examples of this attitude exhibited daily in our broader community. There are issues and policies that
of Korach, who took a personal and certainly secondary issue of station and leadership and elevated it into a dispute that involved all of the Jewish people wrongly and unnecessarily. These types of troublemakers amongst us should be shunned and ignored. Even arguing with them feeds their egos and, in their eyes, advances their cause. Perhaps that is the reason that Korach and his crew were swallowed up by the earth so that no martyrdom or memorial would remain for others to emulate or imitate. Shabbat shalom.
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OCTOBER 29, 2015 The Jewish Home JUNE 22, 2017 | The| Jewish Home
From the Fire
Parshas Korach More of the Roses By Rav Moshe Weinberger Adapted for publication by Binyomin Wolf
very year we struggle to understand how a great person like Korach could have fallen so far. When we read the pesukim, Korach appears to be a horrible person. But when we look in the seforim hakedoshim, we see another side of him – an aspect of greatness. Even in Tehillim, we see a number of positive references to Korach’s sons. One of the most fascinating of these is the beginning of the 45th chapter of Tehillim: “For the conductor, on the roses, by the sons of Korach, a Maskil, a song of endearment. My heart is astir with a good thing to say, ‘My works are for the king…’” What makes this particular chapter of Tehillim “for the conductor”? What is its connection to roses? And why is it called a “Maskil”? The Chozeh of Lublin, zy”a, in his sefer Zos Zikaron, quotes the following Midrash: “Korach says, ‘Hashem wants [us] to burn incense before Him in firepans of gold and silver [rather than copper as commanded in the Torah].’ This is comparable to a king who asked his servants to make him a crown. [His servants desired] to affix in it all types of precious stones. The king said, ‘I do not want any of these. Rather, [make the
crown out of] roses.’ The sons of Korach said [after falling into the ground with Korach but before entering Gehinom], ‘We are roses!” Hashem said, ‘You have been victorious!’ This is what is meant by the pasuk, ‘For the conductor, on the roses, by the sons of Korach…’” The Hebrew word for “for the conductor, laminatzeach,” is related to the word for victory, which relates to Hashem’s message to them, “You have been victorious, nitzchatem.” The Chozeh explains that Korach believed he was superior to Aharon Hakohein because he, Korach, was part of the tribe of Levi, which did not participate in the sin of the Golden Calf. The Rebbe Reb Shmelke, of Nikolsburg, zy”a, used to refer to him as, “The holy Zayde, Korach.” Aharon, on the other hand, did participate in it on some level, though even Korach acknowledged that he did so with righteous intentions. Korach therefore looked down on Aharon. What is the significance of this? In the Chovos Halevavos, we are told that a pious person once said to his students, “If not for my sin, I would be afraid of the great sin.” They asked him, “And what is it?”
He answered that it was arrogance. Why was he grateful for his sins just because they saved him from arrogance? What does that mean? The Zohar says that Korach included within himself all of the Levi’im. He was a great person and was quite proud of himself and his tribe, believing that they were sinless. Aharon, on the other hand, felt brokenhearted over his involvement with the Golden Calf. He felt completely unworthy and could not bring himself to approach the altar in the service of G-d (Rashi on Vayikra 9:7). He felt so unworthy that Moshe had to adjure him, “Why are you embarrassed? This is why you were chosen” (ibid.). The Ramban there explains that wherever Aharon looked, he saw the Golden Calf. On his level, Aharon’s sin saved him from the greatest sin, arrogance. Unfortunately, because Korach believed himself sinless, he succumbed to arrogance, which led to the rebellion against Moshe Rabbeinu, as well as his own personal destruction. Now we can understand why the Midrash earlier says that Korach objected to the Torah’s command that the firepans be made of copper. He wanted them to be made of gold and
silver. He believed that they should be constructed of the most precious metals, gold and silver, which correspond to the central attributes a Jew must have in his service of G-d – love and fear. He believed that a Jew must have perfect love and fear of G-d. He thought that Hashem only loves one who serves Him perfectly and has never made a mistake. In his mind, G-d only wants gold and silver. Never copper. Never the “inferior” service of one who has sinned before. Hashem’s response to Korach’s opinion is that he wants a crown of roses. The Hebrew word for roses, shoshanim, also means “those who change, minohs'ehs.” It is wonderful to have some Jews who do not make mistakes and remain sinless. That is obviously the ideal. But Hashem knows the nature of the people He created. Therefore, what He wants more than servants who have never made a mistake is servants who are willing to change and turn themselves around after they have erred. He wants people who are willing to grow, change, and blossom if and when they do fail. That is how Korach’s sons were able to be victorious. They essentially told Hashem, at the last moment be-
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fore they were completely lost, “Yes, we originally agreed with our father. But now we recognize that we made a mistake. We are roses! We want to change!” And Hashem told them that they were successful: “You have been victorious.” The pasuk from Tehillim we quoted above said, “By the sons of Korach, a Maskil.” The word Maskil literally means “intelligent.” Why is this word being used in this context? Another pasuk in Tehillim (111:10) says, “The beginning of wisdom is fear of G-d, good intellect, seichel, to all who do them…” The pasuk starts with wisdom and concludes with intellect. What is the nature of this progression? The Yisa Bracha of Modzhitz, zy”a, explains that wisdom means knowing what to do in the first instance. It means being careful so that one does not sin. But intelligence, seichel, means knowing what to do after he has sinned. It means knowing how to change, how to be a rose and do teshuva. The pasuk (Devarim 32:29) says, “Would that they were wise, they would understand, yaskilu, this; they would reflect upon their end.” In other words, ideally, “would that they were wise,” they would serve G-d with firepans of gold and silver. The best thing is to be wise and avoid falling into sin to begin with. But even if the Jewish people have sinned, “they would understand, yaskilu, this; they would reflect upon their end.” The greatest accomplishment for most people is to look intelligently at their end. At the end, after they have erred, they should consider the mistakes they have made and rectify them. They should change and recognize that Hashem desires their service with copper firepans as well. He does not only want gold and silver as Korach thought. They should recognize that if they can change, then they will smell as sweet as roses to Hashem. That will make their lives a “song of endearment.” Then G-d will say, “You have been victorious.” Hashem reiterated His choice of Aharon and his sons as the kohanim with the miracle of the blossoms and almonds which sprouted from Aharon’s staff, but not the other tribes’ staffs (Bamidbar 17:23). The significance of both the blossoms and the almonds is illustrated in the following story: Reb Simcha Bunim of Peshischa,
zy”a, once asked the chassidim to bring him Reb Lazer Moshe of Vishgrad, a very old chassid who had been a student of the Yid Hakadosh of Peshischa, zy”a. Reb Lazer Moshe was about 100-years-old, which is very rare nowadays and was even more astounding then. When he arrived, Reb Simcha Bunim asked Reb Lazer Moshe, “Why does the pasuk say that Aharon’s staff blossomed? The fact is that it sprouted almonds. The nuts are the final product of the tree. Why was Hashem concerned that the staff should also produce flowers, blossoms, which seem secondary to the almonds?” Reb Lazer Moshe answered: “Sometimes a Jew gets to the end of his life and he has accomplished a lot. His life has borne fruit. He feels like an almond. By teaching that the staff sprouted blossoms as well, the Torah is teaches us that even if a person feels complete and that his life has borne fruit, he must know that he should still produce flowers and blossoms. He must always continue growing and changing, no matter how complete he feels his life is.” This lesson is especially important in marriage. It is wonderful that many men sometimes bring their wives flowers. But the best rose one can bring into his marriage is the willingness to change. I have worked with many couples facing challenges. I often see that one of them, and sometimes both, take the position that “it is not me that has to change. I do not need to seek help because you are the one with the problems. You should seek help because you need to change.” Based on my experience, 99.9999% of the time, the person who says such things is the primary cause of the problems in the marriage and desperately needs to change. But it is not always easy to muster the courage to change. The third of Tammuz is the yahrtzeit of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, zy”a. There are thousands of stories about the Rebbe from seforim and which I have heard from witnesses. But I would like to share one which I experienced personally. I was seventeen-years-old and was facing a pivotal moment in my life. I needed to make a certain change that I believed I knew was right for me at the time, but I felt blocked. I did not know whether I could take that step. I therefore did the only thing I
knew to do to achieve clarity. I found out when the Lubavitcher Rebbe was going to walk from the shul at 770 Eastern Parkway to his car after Mincha. So I made the journey to Crown Heights to attempt to ask the Rebbe my question at that moment. I thought I had really lucked out and that I would have the opportunity to stop the Rebbe and ask him my question when I saw that, two minutes before the Rebbe was supposed to emerge from the shul, I was the only one there. But unfortunately, thirty seconds before he came out, about two hundred people suddenly appeared and I was shunted to the back of the line. A few chassidim had mercy on me, an obviously modern orthodox knitted-yarmulke clad boy, and they pushed me back up to the front of the line. When the Rebbe finally came out toward his car, he walked very quickly, as was his way, nodding toward the men on either side of him as he went. He passed by me, but just before he was about to get into his car, he turned around, walked briskly back over to me, looked me in the eye, and pumped his fist into the air, as if to say, “You can do it! You will be
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victorious!” The people around me could not understand why the Rebbe had singled me out for that chizuk, encouragement, but I knew exactly what he was telling me. He was answering my question. And that message from the Rebbe gave me the strength to do what I knew I needed to do. And it made a tremendous difference in my life. This lesson of strength, this message that one have the power to change no matter what happened in the past, was the lesson that Korach never internalized. Because of his sinlessness, Korach became arrogant. Aharon, on the other hand, always felt sinful and unworthy. That is why he was constantly working to change. He was always blossoming and changing. May we merit to also continuously change and grow. Let us be copper and roses, rather than gold and silver.
Rav Moshe Weinberger, shlita, is the founding Morah d’Asrah of Congregation Aish Kodesh in Woodmere, NY, and has served as Mashpia in Yeshiva University since 2013.
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JUNE 22, 2017 | The Jewish Home OCTOBER 29, 2015 | The Jewish Home
Between the Lines
People Hearing Without Listening By Eytan Kobre
It takes a great man to be a good listener. -Calvin Coolidge
resident Franklin D. Roosevelt often endured long receiving lines of visitors at the White House, although he complained frequently that no one really paid any attention to what he said. During one such a reception, he decided to try an experiment. To each person who passed down the line and shook his hand, FDR murmured, “I murdered my grandmother this morning.” The guests responded with laudatory phrases like, Marvelous! Keep up the good work! We are proud of you, Mr. President! G-d bless you, sir! It was not until the end of the line while greeting the Bolivian ambassador that he was truly heard. Nonplussed, the ambassador leaned into the president and whispered, “I’m sure she had it coming.” Listening is a forgotten art. We are so concerned with making sure other people hear what we have to say that we neglect to listen to what they actually say. So we hear. But do we really listen? In response to Korach’s rebel-
lious rant, we are told that “Moshe heard” (Bamidbar 16:4). Now, of course Moshe heard; he was right there. But the Torah stresses that “Moshe heard” because he did not simply listen to Korach’s words; he delved into what Korach said and he perceived the deeper issue underlying Korach’s gripes. Korach said that “the people don’t need leaders”; Moshe heard what Korach meant: he wanted to be leader himself (Ohr HaChaim, Bamidbar 16:4). That was true hearing. The knack for plucking the true meaning from a hodge-podge of sounds was not unique to Moshe. “And Moshe’s father-in-law, Yisro, priest of Midyan, heard all that G-d had done for Moshe and His people Israel when He brought the Jewish people out of Egypt” (Shemos 18:1). The Zohar elaborates: “Did only Yisro hear and the whole world did not hear? The world heard and was not humbled; Yisro heard and was humbled” (see Zevachim 116a). “There are those that hear and squander, and those that hear and benefit” (Tanchuma, Yisro 2). Because there is hearing and there is listening. Avraham, too, exhibited this penchant for true listening when he purchased the Cave of the Patriarchs from Efron. Efron spoke
to Avraham with great respect. He acted magnanimously. But he mentioned something about 400 shekels. “And Avraham listened” (Rashbam, Bereishis 23:16). He really listened. And he heard what the inattentive, casual listener might not hear: Efron wanted money – and lots of it. To be sure, one must discriminate – not everything that is heard should be listened to. “One should not allow his ears to hear empty words,” and our earlobes are soft and flexible so that they can be used as earplugs to avoid listening to negative or other prohibited speech (Kesubos 5b). As the ears are a prime means for the reception of thoughts and ideas, we must be ever vigilant of what we permit ourselves to hear (Maharal, Kiddushin 22a). By failing to filter the inane (or worse), one dulls the auditory-perceptive sense that permits true, empathetic listening. Listening is an essential life function (Pele Yoetz, Sh’miya), which is the reason a deaf-mute is generally exempt from commandments (Chagiga 2b). Similarly, whereas a person who blinds another pays only the value of the victim’s sight, one who makes another deaf must pay the victim’s entire value (Bava Kama 85b). Losing
the ability to listen is tantamount to a loss of life because it hampers the ability to understand and connect with others (which makes the accomplishments of those with hearing impairment all the more remarkable). The same could be said for the spiritual import of listening. Indeed, “even if the whole body is sullied with sin, but the ear hears and listens, then the whole body receives life” (Shemos Rabba 27:9). “Listen and your souls shall live” (Yeshayahu 55:3). So long as one still is prepared to listen, there is hope. Now, listening is not always easy. We’re busy. We’re impatient. We’re distracted. We don’t like hearing things that are “uncomfortable” or “boring” or “repetitive.” Active and attentive listening requires discipline and skill, deference and empathy. It demands that we refrain from interjecting our opinion or commentary, subordinating our thoughts to those of others. As Stephen Covey put it in explaining the fifth of his Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, “To truly listen means to transcend your own autobiography, to get out of your frame of reference, out of your own value system, out of your own history and judging tendencies, and to get
deeply into the frame of reference or viewpoint of another person.” The second Lubavitcher Rebbe, R’ Dov Ber, personified such listening. Asked why conversing with his followers was so exhausting, he explained that when a follower speaks to him, he first must shed his own garments and don the follower’s so as to listen properly. To consider the problem adequately, he then must shed the follower’s garments and don his own. Once he formulates his advice, he must again shed his garments and don the follower’s so that he is able to impart it well. And who wouldn’t tire from changing clothes three times in a single conversation? How different this attitude is from the two psychiatrists who met up at their twentieth college reunion – one vibrant, the other withered.
“So what’s your secret?” asked the weary psychiatrist. “Listening to other people’s problems every day, all day, for years on end, has
The Jewish Home | OCTOBER 29, 2015
The Jewish Home | JUNE 22, 2017
second” society that undervalues real listening. Our reaction to events of significance is measured not by the depth with which we in-
We are so concerned with making sure other people hear what we have to say that we neglect to listen to what they actually say.
made an old man of me.” The vibrant psychiatrist returned a quizzical look. “Listen? Who listens?” * * * We live in a “speak first, listen
ternalize them but by the volume and rapidity of the “tweets” released in response. Our senses are overloaded and our ability to connect with others and really listen to them has all but vanished. When others talk, we don’t listen; when
we do, our thoughts are elsewhere. The Torah teaches us that there is another way. Torah is acquired through “attentive listening” (Avos 6:6). The “hearing” required is of an internal – and eternal – nature. Indeed, “even great scholars who know the entire Torah must listen with extra, great intensity” (Rambam, Chagiga 3:9-10). “A heavenly voice emanates from [Sinai] every day” (Avos 6:2). But only when we are prepared to listen – attentively and empathetically – can we truly hear the echo of its call. Eytan Kobre is a writer, speaker, mediator, and attorney living in Kew Gardens Hills. Questions? Comments? Suggestions? E-mail eakobre@outlook.com.
The Jewish Home | OCTOBER 29, 2015
JUNE 22, 2017 | The Jewish Home
The Observant Jew
Starting from Scratch By Rabbi Jonathan Gewirtz
hether as part of a camp package, a Shabbos treat, or a “feel better soon” wish, when someone gives you a cake, it’s a very nice gesture. If they picked it up at a bakery that’s quite thoughtful, but when it’s homemade, the meaning (and often the taste) is changed dramatically for the better. There’s another level that the cake could be taken to entirely, and that’s if it was made not from a mix, but from scratch. Making something from scratch means that you didn’t start with a cake mix or prepackaged ingredients, but that you took the basics – flour, eggs sugar, cocoa, etc. – and took the time to measure, mix, and bake the cake. It shows a level of involvement and care that is greater than what it might otherwise have entailed and that adds to the specialness of the gift. Because you went from nothing to something, it means more. Doing it from scratch also heightens the mystique and appreciation of the item because one thinks of how the basic items themselves had to be worked with before they were ready to become a cake. Instead of looking at the finished product, the magic words, “from scratch,” conjure up images of all the steps that went into it before we open the box or tray and look at it. We are able to enjoy that the work was done in addition to savoring the taste of the baked good. This realization could be a key to getting greater enjoyment out of life. Quite often, we look at what we have in our lives and imagine how it could be better. Our home could be nicer, our job could be easier or more lucrative, and our spouse could be
more attractive or have a different personality. Of course, this isn’t really true, as Hashem only does what’s best for us and if it could be better, it would be better. The trick now is to get ourselves to the space where we can appreciate and enjoy what we have instead of wishing we had something else. If someone brings you cookies from one bakery and you like the taste of another bakery’s products better, you might wish they’d asked
walking. Your feet hurt, or you have an ingrown toenail, or whatever. Now, imagine for a moment that you woke up paralyzed one day and were told that you’d never walk again, G-d forbid. You were devastated but your friends gathered together and recited the entire Sefer Tehillim on your behalf. Within a few days, you miraculously started to get some feeling back. Within a few weeks you were walking with crutches, and now, you can walk fully; it’s just a little painful. You’d be elated!
The trick now is to get ourselves to the space where we can appreciate and enjoy what we have instead of wishing we had something else. you where you prefer to buy your cookies. If they baked them from scratch, you’re more likely to enjoy them and not compare them to a bakery. Why? Because they’re in a different category. These were made just for you. When you realize that your life and the things you have in it were custom-made for you, by the loving hand of Hashem, you might be able to stop comparing to what you think would be better. If you can’t, then you can fall back to the “made from scratch” method. Instead of looking at what you have and thinking about how it could be better, think about how it could be worse. Let’s say you have trouble
When you compare what you’re experiencing now to what could be the worst-case scenario, you start to appreciate all the steps involved in going from nothing to something. Like the fellow who told the Steipler Gaon, R’ Yaakov Yisroel Kanievsky, z”l, that he had a daughter and was making a small kiddush. The Steipler said, “If you had been childless for ten years, gone through multiple medical procedures, and finally been blessed with a baby girl, would you just make a ‘kiddush’l’? Of course not! You would be bursting with joy. And now that Hashem has spared you years of suffering you are less appreciative?!” The brachos we say each morn-
ing back this up. We say, “Blessed are You Who gives sight to the blind” or “clothes the naked.” The idea is that in order to truly appreciate the blessing of sight, we must look at the stark contrast between being blind and seeing. It’s so clear that it makes us get the concept. When you see someone sleeping in a doorway, you appreciate your own home, even with the problems it has, because you realize the alternative. You could be starting from scratch, with nothing to get you on your way. So, each day, when you experience your life, remember that it was handmade especially for you by Hashem, and He does it from scratch. When you put it in that perspective, you’ll likely realize just how delicious it truly is. What inspires you? I want to hear! E-mail info@JewishSpeechWriter.com with your inspiring story and you just might find it in these pages one day! Sign up for the Migdal Ohr, my weekly Dvar Torah in English while you’re at it. E-mail info@JewishSpeechWriter.com and put Subscribe in the subject.
Jonathan Gewirtz is an inspirational writer and speaker whose work has appeared in publications around the world. You can find him at www.facebook.com/ RabbiGewirtz, and follow him on Instagram @RabbiGewirtz or Twitter @ RabbiJGewirtz. He also operates JewishSpeechWriter.com, where you can order a custom-made speech for your next special occasion. Sign up for the Migdal Ohr, his weekly PDF Dvar Torah in English. E-mail info@JewishSpeechWriter.com and put Subscribe in the subject. © 2017 – All Rights Reserved
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My Israel Home
Meet You at the Garden By Gedaliah Borvick
Rav Aryeh Levin, zt"l
few months ago, my friend and I agreed to meet at the garden where 29th meets 35th. Sounds like we were meeting in Manhattan to catch a sporting event at Madison Square Garden. Better than that – we were getting together in the center of Jerusalem. In the beautiful neighborhood of Old Katamon, Kaf Tet B’November (The 29th of November) is a charming street named in honor of the date when the United Nations General Assembly approved the partition plan and the creation of the Jewish State. A few months later, on May 14, 1948, the State of Israel was proclaimed, with Ben Gurion reading its Declaration of Independence. Steps from this street is Lindsay Garden, named in honor of John Lindsay, the mayor of New York City from 1966 to 1973. Across the street from Lindsay Garden is Rechov Halamed Hei, named in memory of the 35 Haganah soldiers (lamed hei is 35 in Hebrew) who, in January 1948 during the War of Independence, set out by foot to bring reinforcements to the blockaded kibbutzim of Gush Etzion after earlier motorized convoys had failed in their attempts to deliver supplies. These soldiers fell to an Arab ambush as they neared Gush Etzion.
Headline Trumpeting Israel’s Independence (Courtesy: The Jerusalem Post)
Gush Etzion subsequently fell on the day the State of Israel was declared, not to be liberated until the Six Day War in 1967. In 1951, the bodies of the 35 soldiers were returned to Israel but only 23 could be identified. To solve the problem and afford all of them
Celebrating in the streets of Tel Aviv on November 29, 1947 (Credit: AP)
as to the subjects in question. Let me share with you a poignant account of that event, recorded by Simcha Raz, who chronicled the life of Rabbi Aryeh Levin in the biography, A Tzaddik in Our Time. “The identification took place in Levin’s beit midrash (study hall), in
“In the first verse they reached, there was a specific name that clearly identified one of the fallen … One after the other … the identity of the fallen was determined.” a proper burial, the saintly Rabbi Aryeh Levin – who was dubbed the Father of the Prisoners, for his many visits to members of the Jewish underground who were incarcerated during the British Mandate and also known as the Tzaddik of Jerusalem for his selfless work on behalf of the poor and infirmed – performed the rare “Goral Ha’Gra” ceremony, a process in which the reader of the Bible is led to certain verses to give hints
the presence of representatives of the bereaved parents. Twelve candles were lit, the Bible was opened at random seven times and Rabbi Levin ruled that as they stood in front of the remains of each of the fallen fighters, the last verse on the page had to include the name, or an allusion to the name, of each of those whom they were trying to identify. How amazed everyone was when one of the verses that first appeared was ‘The earth is
the Lord’s, and the fullness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein,’ a verse that [in Hebrew] begins with the word ‘to the Lord,’ which is abbreviated in Hebrew with the initials lamed-heh (35). Moreover, to everyone’s amazement, every page spoke unequivocally. In the first verse they reached, there was a specific name that clearly identified one of the fallen … One after the other … the identity of the fallen was determined.” It is fascinating how much history we can learn just by reading Jerusalem’s street signs. Gedaliah Borvick is the founder of My Israel Home (www.myisraelhome.com), a real estate agency focused on helping people from abroad buy and sell homes in Israel. To sign up for his monthly market updates, contact him at gborvick@ gmail.com.
Gedaliah Borvick is the founder of My Israel Home (www.myisraelhome.com), a real estate agency focused on helping people from abroad buy and sell homes in Israel. To sign up for his monthly market updates, contact him at gborvick@ gmail.com.
JUNE 22, 2017 | The Jewish Home
936 Broadway, Woodmere, NY 11598 | P: 516-371-3250 F: 516.612.4515 | www.madraigos.org
The Jewish Home | JUNE 22, 2017
OCTOBER 29, 2015 | The Jewish Home
Dating Dialogue
What Would You Do If… Moderated by Jennifer Mann, LCSW of The Navidaters
Dear Navidaters, I
When I was dating and finally got engaged to Yitz, my good friend Ricky had a problem with him. Ricky is single and I suspected that maybe she was having an issue with me getting serious with someone before her. I know that sounds awful, but she always thought she’d get married before me and she found it disturbing that was going out with someone seriously when she was still very single. Looking back now, I suspect that she searched far and wide to get the dirt on him. She’d come to me with stories about something he did in elementary school!
She never warmed up to Yitz and when she was around him she would act badly and he would naturally react badly. Anyway, she never let it go, constantly having something negative to say about him. At that point I really trusted Ricky and I let myself feed into her advice that he wasn’t for me. She would start each story with something like, “You know how much I love you, so I just have to tell you that…” or “I so want you to be happy. You deserve to be happy. And my gut tells me that you could never be happy with Yitz.” I suppose I always looked up to Ricky, who is a year older than me, and though initially I tried not to let her words affect me, it was cumulative and eventually I started believing that I was settling for Yitz and that I would have the worst marriage ever! After we were engaged for a little while and started feeling the pressure of planning our wedding, we would occasionally disagree and even argue over certain things that we felt differently about. I shared everything with Ricky and when I told her about these arguments, she would tell me that I should break off the engagement, that it would be mistake to marry Yitz. I know it sounds crazy, but Ricky eventually convinced me to break the engagement. Looking back now, I feel as though I was under her spell, and that she definitely planted many negative seeds in my head and that her messages got so under my skin. I truly believed that she was protecting me and that I had to listen to her advice. That was over a year ago. I’ve gone out since then several times. Not a lot, but whoever I went out with didn’t compare to Yitz. Besides, in general, I found myself really missing Yitz and realizing that my relationship with Ricky was truly dysfunctional and that I should never have listened to her. Since then, I have moved away from my friendship with Ricky, which I should have done a long, long time ago. I analyze that time in my life a lot and realize that I was a victim and subsequently so was Yitz. My question is the following – do I have the right to try and reconnect with Yitz? I know that he is still single and though I’m sure I hurt him very badly, and no doubt he is very angry at me, would it be awful of me to call him and try to explain how I messed up so badly and see if he would be willing to go out again? Is that a really crazy idea?
Disclaimer: This column is not intended to diagnose or otherwise conclude resolutions to any questions. Our intention is not to offer any definitive conclusions to any particular question, rather offer areas of exploration for the author and reader. Due to the nature of the column receiving only a short snapshot of an issue, without the benefit of an actual discussion, the panel’s role is to offer a range of possibilities. We hope to open up meaningful dialogue and individual exploration.
JUNE 22, 2017 | The Jewish Home
The Jewish Home | OCTOBER 29, 2015
The Panel The Rebbetzin Rebbetzin Faigie Horowitz, M.S.
ongratulations for being honest with yourself and honest with the panel about your past and present feelings about Yitz and Ricky, respectively. You seem to have matured and that’s good. But your growth and work is not yet finished. You say that you have been a victim in the past and were in an unhealthy relationship with Ricky. But you are still asking permission of us if you have the right to try to restart your relationship with Yitz. You are still not emotionally independent and healthy. It’s OK to consult others and to ask for validation but your
previous history and the details in which you describe it without being fully straightforward leads me to believe that your sense of self is not fully formed. Get help so that you can go for Yitz from a strong, healthy place. If you want to have a good, healthy marriage of partners with mutual support, come to it from a recovered place where you will not run the risk of abuse again.
The Mother Sarah Schwartz Schreiber, P.A.
es! Yes! A thousand times yes! You must absolutely try and re-
kindle the relationship with Yitz! How you go about it is the real question. Your letter goes into painful detail about the toxic relationship between you and Ricky; it certainly sounds like she manipulated you and set out to sabotage the shidduch. Still, as a mature woman and former kallah you are not a blameless victim. When you committed to Yitz, he took the engagement and your loyalty seriously. You violated his trust; for this he deserves a heartfelt apology. Your question omits the circumstances and mechanics of the breakup. Was the engagement a roller coaster ride? Were there angry and hurtful words hurled between you and Yitz? Does he think of you as impulsive, immature and volatile and is relieved he didn’t marry you? Was he innocently blindsided when you returned the ring? Did you ask for mechilah directly or through an intermediary? Answers to these questions will determine if and how you may attempt to resurrect the relationship. I urge you to seek the wise counsel of a rav, yours or Yitz’s, to advise you on your most effective course of action. And, to all you boys and girls in the dating parsha, a final word: Mother knows best. Your friends? They’re just jealous!
The Shadchan
Looking back now, I feel as though I was under her spell
with a therapist to become a stronger person, which ultimately allowed you to break free of this toxic friend. If not, I’d firstly advise you to go this route. My advice is as follows. Do not expect him to take you back. As much as you have gone through, he has been the victim here and has undoubtedly been very pained by what your decision caused. While you do have an “excuse,” the truth is, it is you who is to blame for ultimately pulling the trigger on the relationship. You can, however, and should engage him in an in-person conversation. The purpose of this meeting should not be to ask him to revisit the relationship but to apologize to Yitz. Talk to him about the ins and outs of what was happening, how it got to that point, and how badly you regret it. At best he will forgive you and may even offer to start over – but the ball’s in his court to bring that up. If he does not, the best would be to move on and find someone new, away from all the drama that had ensued.
The Single
Michelle Mond
nyone who has ever been in the maze of a manipulative friendship understands the pain and regret you’re going through. I am thrilled that you have had the strength to get out of this manipulative friendship, however, now you have to pick up the pieces that are the product that this mess caused. I am hoping that you’ve worked
Tova Wein
t sounds like you had the bad luck of being best friends will a very bad-intentioned individual. But it’s more than luck. I would wonder what was up with you that you picked such a person to be so close with and how you were unable, at the time, to see how she was manipulating you so horribly because of her
OCTOBER 29, 2015 | The Jewish Home
jealousy. This speaks so badly about your friend, but I must say, it doesn’t say anything too great about you, no offense, that you were so vulnerable and threw away a perfectly good man because of your friend’s horrible control. Before you decide whether or not to call Yitz, I think you have to work closely with a therapist and understand what happened and also whether you have truly grown from the experience and changed. I’m glad to hear that you and Ricky are
no longer friends, but I think there are deeper issues at work here that you need to address before you go out with anyone, let alone Yitz. Once you feel that you really worked on your insecurities and that you are a very different person today than the person who broke a probably perfectly fine engagement, you need to first make amends to Yitz, if you haven’t already done so. I think you were a victim, but Yitz was a far greater victim and deserves tremendous validation and apologies. I
Pulling It All Together The Navidaters Dating and Relationship Coaches and Therapists
here is never anything crazy about reaching out to someone you have hurt and owning what you did. At the time, you had a little birdy chirping in your ear, and I hate to say it, but it is Yitz who really dodged a bullet. While we need to be open to feedback from trusted friends and relatives, you allowed a manipulative, jealous, ego-driven third party into your relationship. At the time, you didn’t have the strength or awareness to get rid of her. In a sense, you dodged a bullet as well, because you weren’t ready for marriage. Relationships go through trials and tribulations that will do their best to tear them down. One such example is a third party trying to destroy it, like Ricky. This is not the first time, and won’t be the last time, I hear a story like this. Ricky was probably painfully jealous of you and couldn’t stand to see you happy. I’m glad you got rid of her and I feel badly for her next victim. There will be a next one. We could spend time talking about Ricky, or we can cut right to the chase. It is you who chose her for a friend. And it is you who listened to her. You allowed her to get into your head and to destroy your relationship. I hope you have done some soul searching or have been in therapy to help you understand how you allowed Ricky to
The Jewish Home | JUNE 22, 2017
hope he gives you the opportunity to explain your past mistake and your present understanding of proper behavior. If you are lucky enough to sit down with Yitz and have these meaningful conversations, you will both know whether or not there is still any chemistry between you and whether or not there is an opportunity to revisit a serious relationship. But much work has to be done way before that happens.
after what you want…respectfully. Sincerely, Jennifer Esther Mann, LCSW and Jennifer Mann, LCSW are licensed psychotherapists and dating and relationship coaches working with individuals, couples and families in
m a nipulate you. This usually happens (in my experience) to amazing and sensitive souls who either don’t believe people have bad intentions, or have put up with so much garbage in previous relationships that they don’t even realize there is anything wrong with it, or they know it is wrong but do not feel confident enough or worthy enough to say anything. Before you approach Yitz, you must figure out what you have learned about yourself from your experience with Ricky and Yitz…and it should be an “aha” moment, with a lot of connecting the dots going on. (Those are the best kind of “aha” moments.) Both you and the man you commit to (whether Yitz or someone else) deserve that. As for Yitz… I think you can call him up and ask him to meet. If he will not meet, then the phone will do. No texting! If he will not speak, then a heartfelt e-mail. When you speak, the first thing you are going to do is give him a sincere apology, owning all your behavior. And you have to share with him what you have learned about yourself. Make it known that he deserved none of this and convey your regrets and remorse. I think it is fine to tell him how you feel about him; that you have never moved on. See what happens. Life is short. We live once. Go
I think you were a victim, but Yitz was a far greater victim and deserves tremendous validation and apologies.
private practice in Hewlett, NY. To set up a consultation or to ask questions, please call 516.224.7779. Press 1 for Esther, 2 for Jennifer. Visit www.thenavidaters.com for more information. If you would like to submit a dating or relationship question to the panel anonymously, please email thenavidaters@gmail.com. You can follow The Navidaters on FB and Instagram for dating and relationship advice.
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here’s nothing quite like the overnight camp experience for a city kid, especially when that experience includes exciting daytime activities, beautiful starlit nights, and crisp country air. In camp, children develop new friendships, gain maturity, and gather memories that will last a lifetime. Overwhelmingly, the camp experience remains positive, wholesome, and thoroughly enjoyable for most children. Still, say experts, campers need to be educated about safety issues which, although uncommon, may arise. Forewarned is forearmed. Debbie Fox is Executive Director of Magen Yeladim, an L.A.-based organization dedicated to preventing abuse in our community. According to Debbie, “Awareness in camps about safe protocol, supervision, and hiring is significantly improved. Many camp directors are dedicated to keeping their camps safe for the children.” But the battle is not yet over. And education and awareness is key to protecting our young people.
Choosing a Camp Debbie says that preparing our children for camp safety starts well before we have that “little talk” about privacy. It starts, she says, as soon as we decide to choose a camp. “I believe,” she explains, “that the power to assure that camps are safe rests with the parents. But parents need to exercise that power.” How? By making it clear that this issue is really important. “Before completing camp applications, every parent
should contact the camps and ask about safety policies and counselor training. If every parent did that, camps will realize that this is a priority. And inevitably they will need to adapt.” What kinds of questions should parents be asking? “Lots of things,” says Debbie. “Ask about the hiring process and how they screen their staff. Is the camp licensed? Are counselors trained in CPR and first aid? Is there a Counselor Training Program? Are the campgrounds well supervised? Are cameras installed and operating in secluded areas? Are remote or vacant bunkhouses easily accessible or locked? And finally,” she adds, “is there a protocol in place to deal with any issues that may arise?” Parents should be asking camp directors about their approach to camper safety. That means physical safety, of course. But also emotional and medical safety. “How does the camp deal with bullying, homesickness, or anxious children?” Parents do have power. “A parent once called me with her concerns about a specific camp,” says Debbie. “All the popular boys were going and her son wanted to join them. But when she asked about the camp’s protocols and policies, the answers were not as forthcoming as she had hoped. So she decided not to send him, and eventually the other boys pulled out as well. Those parents clearly made a statement about their priorities.”
Having “The Talk”
You’ve chosen a camp. Your kids are excited. You’re packing the trunks and doing last minute errands. You’re proud of your close relationship with your children, but somehow you haven’t yet had the opportunity to discuss camp safety issues. It’s not something you want to bring up at the dinner table, after all. So how do you go about it? It isn’t easy to discuss sensitive issues, but Debbie offers this advice. “Be natural. Find a window of opportunity. This might be while you’re buying or packing bathing suits for camp. Say something like, ‘You know, I just realized that we haven’t had a discussion about personal safety for camp. Let’s talk about this now.’ Then explain that all areas of the body covered by the swimsuit are considered private. Tell them that no one has the right to look at, touch, or even talk about your body.” Give your children guidelines on how to react in case anyone attempts to break these rules. “Tell them to yell NO very loudly and run away. Then to tell a trusted adult.” Far Rockaway pediatrician Dr. Hylton Lightman says he gives a similar talk to his patients during their well check-ups. “When I examine them I say, ‘Your Mommy and Daddy know that I am examining you, but nobody else should be doing this. Your private places belong to you alone.’” Dr. Lightman agrees that children who find themselves in compromising situations should be taught to scream and run away. How does the screaming help? “Screaming gives a
child a sense of empowerment. He won’t feel like a total victim who is powerless over his assailant. We’ve had incidents where a kid screamed and the perpetrator fled.” Dr. Lightman adds that parents should “make it clear to the children that revealing any inappropriate behavior is not lashon hora. They must tell a person of authority in the camp.” It helps, says Debbie, if children are taught to avoid potential issues by staying in public areas. “Whenever possible, they should make sure they are not alone with one person.” She also advises parents to identify a ‘safe person’ in camp, an adult who their children can feel comfortable approaching with their problems. “It could be a camp nurse, a head counselor, or perhaps a learning rebbe who will become the go-to person if any issues arise.” Most important, children should be told that it’s never OK to keep a secret. Perpetrators often tell their victims to keep the abuse secret, sometimes even threatening them to ensure that they won’t tell. “Make it clear that they will never get into trouble for reporting the incident,” Debbie advises.
Calling All Counselors Being a counselor at camp is not just about choosing softball teams and collecting tips. It’s a tremendous responsibility. And camp directors would be well advised to choose their staff carefully, vetting counselor applicants via a tight screening and interviewing process.
The Jewish Home | OCTOBER 29, 2015 The Jewish Home | JUNE 22, 2017
It’s best, says Debbie, for counselors to sign a written behavioral contract before camp starts and to understand clearly that any improper behavior will not be tolerated, even if it’s just a prank. “Training of counselors is critical,” says Debbie. “There are many training programs available today that provide the counselors with skills to recognize appropriate boundaries and the rules of inappropriate behavior. “ ASAP offers a short counselor training video program online with clear and easily understood guidelines. If possible, counselors should also be trained in CPR and basic first aid. A counselor is in a position of responsibility and they should be aware of certain “red flags” that may signal trouble. “Look for any significant changes in a camper’s behavior, such as sudden mood swings, discomfort with undressing, nightmares, temper tantrums, crying, fear of specific people or places, or speaking about inappropriate topics.” Counselors should recognize when older children or adults seek out opportunities to spend time with younger kids. In general, it’s normal for children to be friends with children, teens with teens, and adults with their fellow adults. Anything else may not necessarily indicate an inappropriate relationship. Still, the situation should be carefully monitored. “Grooming,” says Debbie, “is another behavior that should raise a red flag.” That’s when a staff member or older camper offers gifts or special privileges to a younger child, making him feel special. “Children may not understand that grooming can sometimes lead to abuse, but counselors who observe this behavior need to report it to their supervisor.”
The general rule of thumb for counselors and all staff members is if you see something, say something. If anything questionable is suspected, it should be discussed immediately with a supervisor. In general, it’s the counselor who sets the tone in the bunkhouse. As such, they should never encourage or tolerate unhealthy or improper behavior, even if it’s just a joke. A joke
tionship’ that she is having with a particular person? If parents have any concerns, they should discuss it with the camp staff and perhaps even consult with a professional.”
Coming Home The conversation should continue even when camp is officially over. When the bus rolls up and the kids are home, more often than not Mom
“Show interest and ask questions. Pay attention to the child’s comfort level. Is he asking to come home? If so, why?”
or a prank is only OK if everybody is laughing, including the victim or targeted party. Practical jokes, mischief, and misbehavior at someone else’s expense can be momentarily amusing. But it can be damaging in the long term.
Visiting Day Some people love it, other dread it. But visiting day is a tradition that is part of the summer camp experience. It’s an opportunity for parents to reconnect with their kids and see them thriving in the camp environment. It’s also an opportunity to ensure that their children are safe and happy in camp. On visiting day, says Debbie, parents should spend time alone with their children and talk – really talk – to them. “Show interest and ask questions. Pay attention to the child’s comfort level. Is he asking to come home? If so, why? Does she seem anxious or sad? Does she mention any type of ‘exclusive rela-
and Dad will ask, “How was camp?” The child will answer, “Great!” And then the laundry marathon begins. That’s not how it should be, says Debbie. “Ask specific questions. What was your favorite and least favorite camp activity? Who was your best friend? Which counselor did you like? What happened on camp trips? And so on.” Pay attention to behavioral changes in your child. Be aware of secretiveness, reluctance to discuss the camp experience, withdrawal, and even bedwetting. If anything inappropriate is discovered, it’s important for the parent to remain very calm. “Validate the child for sharing the information with you,” Debbie advises. “Let him know you appreciate his trust. Encourage her to talk but don’t act like a private investigator. Allow the child to share the experience on his own terms. And most important, clearly explain that she did nothing wrong and she is not in trouble. Be loving
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and supportive.” “Unfortunately,” says Dr. Lightman, “we live in a society where we are not immune to the nonsense from the outside world. So we have to be educated. And if anything awry does occur, it should not be brushed under the carpet. Children who have been victims must be given counseling. Do not ignore it!” he warns.
Doing It Right With the summer camp season fast approaching, the topic of safety is certainly on the front burner. Guidelines and information are readily available. And that’s a good thing. But how do we avoid bringing up children who will become overly anxious and fearful? Is it possible to discuss sensitive issues with children and still preserve that wholesome and fun-filled summer camp experience? Yes, says Dr. Lightman, it is. But parents have to set the tone. “When you speak to your child,” he advises, “don’t make it a huge scary thing. Explain that certain things should not be happening because these things are not tzinius. Your private places belong to you. Do not make it overwhelming or threatening or scary. Children should be aware, but not frightened.” If the experts have their way, the topic of camp safety will remain on the front burner for a long time. Because as more awareness is created, chances are greater that perpetrators will be discouraged from doing harm. Are we losing our innocence? Perhaps. But we are gaining tremendously in maintaining the safety, security, and wellbeing of our children. For more information on camp safety, visit mychildsafetyinstitute. org.
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Dr. Deb
The Cure for Denial By Deb Hirschhorn, Ph.D.
remember decades ago when I lived in another state there was talk in the community of a baby that was born with Down syndrome. The parents, a young couple, only married a year earlier, were, as the story went, “in denial.” The doctors showed the parents the tell-tales signs of Downs very carefully, with patience and concern, but it didn’t work. The parents felt compelled to shop around for different opinions.
This is understandable. After all, who would want their world turned upside down? Choice A is to be thrown into a tailspin by frightening news, and Choice B is to spend a lot of time and effort pushing that thought away while searching for a different conclusion. Of course, Choice B leaves the baby without the appropriate treatment and care that he needs. But people make Choice B all the
time. “No, my son is not using drugs; he’s just over-tired.” “No, my daughter is not on the phone on Shabbos; she just likes to keep it with her.” “No, my wife is not doing something inappropriate; she just has to work late at the office.” “No, my husband is not verbally abusive; he’s just upset.” “No, I am not abnormally anxious; you just push my buttons.” “No, I’m not causing your depression by being mean to you; you just have depression.”
Why Do We Do That? We go there when it is simply too painful or overwhelming to confront the truth. I was in that exact place in the hospital when my husband was dying. It’s a whole lot easier to wrap your head around things that don’t make sense than to accept the hard truth sometimes. After all, it is normal and human to try to take some control of the confusion that is our life. That’s where science came from. And accounting. Government. Law. So we rush to apply the Principle of Making Order When It Isn’t There so we can live with whatever it is. It’s normal. It’s human. And it’s a really bad idea.
What’s Wrong with It? Because then we aren’t fully engaged with the life that we actually have. Let’s take a look at our examples. The parents of the Downs child are giving themselves the message that there is something wrong with being
given this Downs child, that the baby is not a gift. While nobody would ask for a child with difficulties and challenges, every child is a blessing and someone to love. Their denial meant they weren’t ready for that love. For how long would they want to hold onto their denial? As long as they do it, they’re deprived of the joy of loving their baby – and the baby is deprived of that love. The teens with drugs and the phone on Shabbos have other sorts of challenges and one of them could very well come from the fact that their parents don’t love and accept them for who they are. The children are looking for a way to tap into friendship and acceptance. Whether they’ll find it or not in the outlets they’ve chosen is another problem, but they should already have found it from their own parents. Parents not recognizing the very real needs of these children are literally losing their children. Yes, children can be challenging and troublesome, but if Hashem gave them to you it’s because He believed you had it in you to help them. In fact, your tikkun olam might just be to learn to accept a kid who for some reason you can’t. The husband who wants to not believe his wife is doing something inappropriate is cutting himself off from ever connecting with her. Better for him to learn what it was in the relationship that she was missing that drove her to this extreme: Was she missing feeling like she was valued? Was she missing feeling like he was there? Was she missing a friendship with him? What was it? Or perhaps he was missing some-
thing from the start: Maybe it was that his wife had emotional problems and he didn’t want to see that. Whatever it is, the paradox is that by pretending he and his wife have a relationship, they have none. Were he – or she – to address the problem, there literally is a chance that they could. Then there is the abusive person who isn’t “really” abusive, just upset. The individual in this scenario understands correctly that her husband is upset. What she doesn’t understand is that every person has choices. We can be abusive when we’re upset – or not. We can learn how not to be. Why is she willing to tolerate abuse? Probably because if she brought it up to him and named it as “abuse,” he would yell, scream, name-call and whatever else he does that is in his arsenal of abusive behaviors. So the truth behind her denial is that she is afraid. She may be afraid of his reaction; she could also be afraid of being alone or having to pay the bills alone. She might be afraid of how the children would react. These are all legitimate
fears but she should grapple directly with them because otherwise a bad situation could get much worse: The children could imitate him, turning on the weaker parent. I’ve seen this and it is extremely painful for a loving parent to lose a child this way.
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The Jewish Home | JUNE 22, 2017
through the mistreatment of the spouse. But each person in this marriage needs to take responsibility for his or her own behavior. If someone was already depressed prior to marriage, it isn’t fair to blame the other person on causing
It’s normal. It’s human. And it’s a really bad idea.
Or the children could be injured, emotionally or even physically, by living a life with such parents – one who is abusive and the other who plays victim and makes excuses. Then there’s the anxiety, depression, and button-pushing scenario. The reality is that either view could be the accurate one: A person could have come into the marriage with anxiety or depression. Or a person without it could develop either one
that depression – or even worsening it – unless, of course, the spouse was abusive. The same is true of anxiety. What is worth looking at is how one person’s anxiety or depression can rub off on the other. It happens.
What Do You Do about It? The first line of attack against denial is self-examination. It can’t be quick. Like the ones that last three seconds and the person says, “No, I
looked at myself, and I’m fine!” Not that kind. The real kind. Second, one has to be willing to sit with more questions than answers. (That’s why it takes so long.) “Did I really hurt so and so?” “What exact vibes did I give off when X happened?” “Is it possible that when I said Y, it hurt someone’s feelings?” A third approach is to also ask other people whom you trust and respect for feedback. What would they do in a similar situation? What is their take on the outcome? Where would they go from here? And sometimes, when all the above steps have been taken, a good night’s sleep is the best and final line of attack. When you’ve done all that work, you’re entitled to it – and you may have greater clarity in the morning. The free video, 3-Keys-To-A-Spectacular-Marriage, on my website, deals (in part) with exactly this. Hope you’ll take a look at it. Dr. Deb Hirschhorn is a Marriage and Family Therapist. She can be reached at 646-54-DRDEB or by writing drdeb@ drdeb.com.
JUNE 22, 2017 | The Jewish Home
Health & F tness
The Power of Words By Hylton I Lightman, MD, DCH, FAAP
y attention was riveted last week (as was much of the American legal community) on an important case that set a precedent: Could a person be convicted of involuntary manslaughter on the basis of words alone? Yes, according to Judge Lawrence Moniz of Bristol County (MA) Juvenile Court who ruled on Commonwealth vs. Michelle Carter. Michelle Carter was found guilty of involuntary manslaughter of Conrad Roy III. These two teenagers – Michelle (then 17) and Conrad (then 18) – built a virtual relationship largely on texting from 2012 to 2014. The girl started out encouraging the boy to seek treatment for his depression. However, in the two weeks before he killed himself on in July 2014, she changed course and encouraged him to commit suicide. Conrad Roy was a good-hearted but depressed teenager who worked as a tugboat captain. He had graduated from high school with a college scholarship, but worried about the social anxiety he might experience in college. Michelle Carter was a conscientious high school student who liked the television show “Glee.” Her life was controlled
by an eating disorder and, like her friend, she experienced social anxiety, seeking the approval of friends whom she admired but worried did not like her. In June 2014, Conrad told his friend Michelle that he was considering suicide, she told him he had a lot to live for, urging him to seek help. He replied: “I WANT TO DIE.” Soon, Michelle changed her tune. “If this is the only way you think you’re gonna be happy, heaven will welcome you with open arms,” she texted. They hatched a plan about how he could kill himself. She egged him on: “You just need to do it.” Without going into details, when he started to back out, she told him on the phone to get back in the car. He complied. She listened to her friend die, not trying to save him. The judge’s legal decision cited the fact that she did not try to prevent his death – in fact, she encouraged him. To put it clearly – Michelle Carter was not physically present when Conrad Roy left this world. But, as The New York Times reported about Judge Muniz’s decision, her physical absence was immaterial. She sent him to his death
when she ordered him back into the poisoned air of the cab by saying, “Get back in.” Three words. “Get back in.” The difference between life and death. The difference between a hope-filled future for Michelle Carter versus a life in prison. The difference between Conrad Roy’s enrolling in college versus his family’s standing over his grave, grieving a life that didn’t even begin to bud. Imagine if her words had been different. • “Conrad, you don’t have to do this.” • “I care about you.” • “Let’s get you help.” • “Your future shines brightly.” • “Your family is so proud of you.” Legal experts are stunned by this precedent-setting case which concludes that words can help cause suicide.
et, as a Torah Jew, I’m not surprised. We are taught that words have the power to create and the power to destroy. As King Solomon says in Proverbs 18:21, “Life and death are in the
hands of the tongue.” The Gemara in Arachin 15b says that negative speech is even worse than the sword, because it kills many people, even at a great distance. Speech is the tool of creation. This world was created by the power of words. Worlds are built constantly by words. A newborn baby is welcomed and enveloped by the family. Words soothe a crying baby. People build relationships through words. Families often have code words or phrases among loved ones, showing love and affection and marking a special unit. Words are important in all relationships, including the classroom. The teacher who appreciates a lively, quirky child who doesn’t quite fit the mold can put the child far on the path to growing into her potential. By the same token, another teacher could, G-d forbid, destroy the same child. All questions asked by students should be accepted and answered, even if the teacher needs to tell the student they need to think about it and get back to them. As the adult, you may find the question stupid or that it challenges the basis of
The Jewish Home | JUNE 22, 2017
Yiddishkeit. Embrace the student, saying, “Let’s learn this together.” You will give the student the correct hashkafic framework which might be more important than the actual answer. Teachers should never belittle nor humiliate a student of any age or any ability. These lessons also apply to summer camp. As the 2017 camp season begins, camp directors, head counselors, counselors, rebbes, and others, take note: You have incredible power over the next 4-8 weeks. Our precious children, whom we entrust to you, can be built from the inside-out under your tutelage. They are leaving familiar territory and venturing from their comfort zones into new terrain which can expand their horizons. And your encouraging, supportive words can make all the difference. Honest, kind words build relationships. Just a few weeks ago, Harvard University rescinded admission to 10 prospective freshmen for fall 2017 because of their inflammatory, hate-filled postings on Facebook. Tough stance? Yes. But it can be a direct line from such postings to destruction and needless deaths. My wife tells many stories about her extraordinary teacher, Rabbi Isaiah Wohlgemuth, zt”l, who taught at the Maimonides School in Boston. Born and raised in Germany, he was a young man at the time of Kristallnacht, the infamous Night of Broken Glass, in November 1938. Rabbi Wohlgemuth was sent to Dachau where he was discharged after some time. He returned to his hometown before leaving Europe prior to World War II. There was a German soldier stationed in the town who helped the rabbi during this time. Why? Because the soldier explained that the rabbi had greeted him every day, wishing him a “Good morning,” when the soldier was growing up. He had never forgotten the kind words, which were accompanied by a genuine smile.
o doubt, Carter’s legal team will concoct some kind of appeal, trying to knock
down Moniz’s decision. Perhaps they will even be successful. Unfortunately, though, Carter will always carry with her Roy’s death by asphyxiation – and that she did nothing to stop it. We should always remember that words have the power to destroy and to create. Let’s evoke this in every encounter with our children and with each other.
Dr. Hylton I. Lightman is an internation-
well School of Medicine. In addition, he
ally-recognized pediatrician, authori-
is actively involved in teaching pediatric
ty and diagnostician, a public speaker,
and family nurse practitioners through
expert witness and go-to resource for
Columbia University, Pace University,
health issues in the Orthodox Jewish
Lehmann College, and Molloy College, as
well as mentoring physician assistants
beyond. Originally
from South Africa, Dr. Lightman is a
through Touro College. To learn more,
board-certified pediatrician and fellow
please visit http://www.drhyltonlight-
of the American Academy of Pediatrics
man.com or http://www.totalfamilycar-
(FAAP). He is also a clinical assistant
emd.com. You may reach Dr. Lightman
professor of pediatrics at Hofstra North-
at drlightman@totalfamilycaremd.com.
JUNE 22, 2017 | The Jewish Home
The Jewish Home | OCTOBER 29, 2015
Health & F tness
Hydration is the Key to Health By Cindy Weinberger MS, RD, CDN
hen you ask the average person, “What’s a surefire way to lose weight without dieting or exercising?” the most common response is to drink a lot of water. Water is famous for aiding in weight loss. How? Drinking water generally replaces sugary beverages, avoiding all those excess calories. Drinking water also helps your body burn stored fat by flushing out all the byproducts of fat. Drinking water also flushes toxins from your body, preventing constipation and regulating bowel movements. Furthermore, drinking plenty of water fills you up, thus suppressing your appetite so you don’t eat as much. But that’s not the only reason why drinking water is so healthy. Drinking water should not be an added chore in order to lose weight. Drinking water should second nature. It’s extremely important to drink plenty of water daily and here’s why. The brain is composed of 95% water; blood is 82% water; the lungs are nearly 90% water. Not only is water the most abundant nutrient in the body, it’s also the most crucial. Water is also the most critical nutrient for health, growth, and development. It is critical to the balance of all the body’s systems, including the brain, heart, lungs, kidneys and muscles. Sufficient hydration is important in all stages in life, however, it is extremely important during pregnancy. Staying properly hydrated assists with the liver and kidney function
for the mother and the fetus. During pregnancy, drinking plenty of water also helps the mother combat constipation and increases her blood volume as her body expands and the fetus grows. Dehydration can cause preterm labor and miscarriage. A nursing mother also needs proper hydration to have a steady supply of breast milk for her baby. Why is adequate water intake so crucial? Proper hydration is required
can also include a water-deprivation headache, fatigue, weakness, constipation, dry mouth, parched lips, dizziness, dry or flushed skin, rapid heartbeat, and muscle cramps. Out of these, the most common symptom that you have probably felt numerous times is a dehydration headache. How does dehydration cause a headache? If you lose enough water, your blood volume will drop and this will temporarily lead to lower blood and
Not only is water the most abundant nutrient in the body, it’s also the most crucial. for maintaining healthy blood flow, proper kidney function, proper sodium/potassium/electrolyte balance and proper digestive functions. Water is constantly leaving the body through urination, sweat and excreting bodily fluids, so it is vital to continuously take water into the body to replenish what is lost. A 2% drop in body water can cause a small, but critical shrinkage of the brain, which can impair neuromuscular coordination, decrease concentration, and slow thinking. This is the feeling that most people describe as being lightheaded, weak, and dizzy. The initial symptoms of dehydration include thirst and minor discomfort, but
oxygen flow to the brain. When this occurs, blood vessels in the brain will dilate, which can cause some swelling, thus giving the feeling of headache. The key to avoiding dehydration is using preventative measures to remain hydrated. Be sure to maintain an adequate fluid intake. Try to drink between 8-10 cups of water daily. But don’t drink it all at once. Our bodies cannot handle large amounts of water at once. Drinking too much too quickly can lead to a sluggish, bloated feeling. The best is to gradually consume water throughout the day. Keep a water bottle handy on the go, and have drinks on the table during
mealtimes. Make sure you have a means to refill water bottles when you’re out or take enough full bottles. If you cannot tolerate plain water, try a Crystal Lite packet to give it some flavor, or try seltzer, which is simply carbonated water. It’s important to note that not all fluids are equal when it comes to fluid replacement. Coffee and alcohol are bad choices since both act as diuretics, which promote urination and fluid loss, and can cause or exacerbate dehydration and headaches. On these hot summer days, in addition to drinking plenty of water, it’s important to eat foods with a high water content such as fruits and vegetables (and to avoid foods with a high salt content). That’s why a juicy slice of watermelon tastes so good while soaking up the sun. Next time you head to the beach, pack some fresh, juicy fruits and some crunchy vegetables. And, of course, lots and lots of water! Cindy Weinberger MS, RD, CDN, is a Master’s level Registered Dietitian and Certified Dietitian-Nutritionist. She graduated CUNY Brooklyn College receiving a Bachelor’s in Science and Master’s degree in Nutrition and Food Sciences. She is currently a dietitian at Boro Park Center and a private nutrition consultant. She can be reached at CindyWeinberger1@gmail.com.
The Jewish Home | JUNE 22, 2017
In The K
Crunchy Brussels Sprouts with Parmesan Cheese By Naomi Nachman I love Brussels sprouts but always found the fresh ones so time-consuming to clean and check. Recently, Pardes Farms started growing their Brussels sprouts in a greenhouse. My family went crazy over them – we even make them just to snack on between meals! Toss with cheese and panko for additional flavor.
Ingredients 1 pkg Pardes Brussels spouts 2 TBS olive oil ¼ cup flavored panko ½ cup shredded parmesan cheese 1 tsp garlic powder ½ tsp salt ¼ tsp black pepper
Preparation Preheat oven to 400°F. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Toss Brussels sprouts with olive oil in a mixing bowl. Add the breadcrumbs, parmesan cheese, garlic powder, salt and pepper. Make sure the sprouts are well coated. Spread in an even layer on the baking sheet and bake for 15 minutes until the Brussels sprouts are lightly browned.
Naomi Nachman, the owner of The Aussie Gourmet, caters weekly and Shabbat/ Yom Tov meals for families and individuals within The Five Towns and neighboring communities, with a specialty in Pesach catering. Naomi is a contributing editor to this paper and also produces and hosts her own weekly radio show on the Nachum Segal Network stream called “A Table for Two with Naomi Nachman.” Naomi gives cooking presentations for organizations and private groups throughout the New York/New Jersey Metropolitan area. In addition, Naomi has been a guest host on the QVC TV network and has been featured in cookbooks, magazines as well as other media covering topics related to cuisine preparation and personal chefs. To obtain additional recipes, join The Aussie Gourmet on Facebook or visit Naomi’s blog. Naomi can be reached through her website, www.theaussiegourmet.com or at (516) 295-9669.
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OCTOBER 29, 2015 The Jewish Home JUNE 22, 2017 | The| Jewish Home
Every year, we prepare a mental “to-do” list for our summers. We want to empty out our closets, lose a few pounds, eat healthier, and spend more time with the family. But summer is about relaxation and fun. Don’t spend your summer season checking off your list of tasks. Spend it by ticking off the fun things that will make the season memorable. Better dive in soon – the summer will fly by!
Grill pineapples on the BBQ
Read at least one book
Take the kids biking on the boardwalk
Jog a mile
Catch a butterfly and then let it go free
Have a charcoal BBQ
Go hiking
Go sail boating on the Hudson
Fly a kite
Learn to play one song on the harmonica
Eat an ice cream sundae with the works—just because!
Go zip-lining
Watch the sun rise
Put your pictures into photo albums
Make a lemonade stand
Rent a convertible and drive with huge sunglasses and a scarf in your hair, Jackie Onassis-style
Eat breakfast for dinner Go to a fair Sleep in a tent Wear a tie-dye T-shirt
Go on a picnic Learn to rollerblade
The Jewish Home | OCTOBER The Jewish Home | JUNE 29, 22, 2015 2017
Take family photos outdoors wearing funny glasses Take a nap under a tree Stay up all night Go for a drive without any destination Eat a banana split Watch your wedding video Make lemonade – from scratch Go for a night swim Play mini golf Go to the farmers market Do The New York Times crossword puzzle
Go bird watching
Go fishing
Grow tomatoes
Run with the kids on the beach barefoot
Spend the whole day barefoot
Go to a baseball game Play flashlight tag Call your grandmother Learn how to play tennis Make real s’mores on the BBQ Watch fireworks Count the seeds in a watermelon Go on a Ferris wheel in Coney Island Make homemade Slurpees
Braid your hair
Host a yard sale
Go to a waterpark
Walk across the Brooklyn Bridge
Smile – all day!
Build a sandcastle
Play monkey in the middle
Pick berries and make a pie
Write a real letter, put a stamp on it and mail it at the post office
Skip rocks in a river Take a nap in a hammock Lie on the grass Put together a 1,000 piece puzzle Go to a state park Take a walk in the rain Get a tan Sleep late Learn to juggle Blow bubbles
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JUNE 22, 2017 | The Jewish Home
Notable Quotes “Say What?!”
On days like today, there are no Democrats or Republicans, only Americans united in our hopes and prayers for the wounded. – Minority leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), immediately after a liberal shot at Republican congressmen playing baseball, seriously injuring Rep. Steve Scalise (R-LA)
How dare they say such a thing?
– Ibid., several hours later, responding to some Republicans suggesting that the rhetoric on the left may have led to the shooting
Uber CEO Travis Kalanick announced today that he is taking a leave of absence from the company. But he’ll be back in three minutes — no wait, hold on, now it’s saying five minutes. Six? Oh, no! Canceled?! – Seth Myers
If Comey will be under the threat of political persecution, we are ready to accept him here. – Russian President Vladimir Putin at a press conference last week
An 18-year-old field-goal kicker could be the first woman to play in the NFL. Scouts say she has the talent and desire. All she needs now is the criminal record. – Conan O’Brien
I’m bothered by the lack of emerging evidence about the underlying crime – that there was actually collusion or coordination between the Trump White House [and the Russians]. I’m actually getting more uncomfortable with this whole deal.
So this sick individual does something despicable — and it was horrible what he did, hateful — but for them to all of a sudden be sanctimonious as if they’ve never seen such a thing before… And I don’t even want to go into the president of the United States, in terms of some of the language that he has used. – Ibid.
If I were shot and killed tomorrow half of Twitter would explode in applause and excitement.
– Trump advisor Kellyanne Conway on Fox News discussing the level of vitriol from the left, after the Republican congressional baseball game shooting
We are in a war with selfish, foolish & narcissistic rich people. Why is it a shock when things turn violent? #HuntRepublicanCongressmen – Tweet by Democrat strategist James Devine, after the shooting
Would rather be in jail than at home. – What 71-year-old Lawrence John Ripple told his wife when he robbed a bank in front of her (A Kansas judge sentenced him this week to 6 months of...home confinement)
–New York Times columnist David Brooks on “Meet the Press”
The Jewish Home | JUNE 22, 2017
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JUNE 22, 2017 | The Jewish Home
Impeachment and removal from office are only the first steps; for America to be redeemed, Donald Trump must be prosecuted for treason and — if convicted in a court of law — executed. – From an article that appeared on Huffington Post one day before the baseball game shooting of Republican Congressmen (the article was removed from the website after a liberal shot Republican congressmen playing baseball last week)
Oh my G-d. I’m such an idiot. I blew it. I completely spaced. – Golden State Warriors coach Steve Kerr after he forgot to mention star-player Steph Curry in his speech at their championship parade
It’s rumored that President Trump’s upcoming trip to the U.K. is on hold because he’s worried about angry protests. I have to admit, of all the wars I thought Trump might restart, I wasn’t counting on “Revolutionary.”
Three Palestinians killed after deadly stabbing in Jerusalem. – BBC headline after three terrorists who murdered an Israeli policewoman were shot while trying to stab other people
Fatah condemns the war crime carried out by Israeli occupation forces in Jerusalem against three Palestinian teens. The international community’s silence emboldened Israel to further spill the blood of Palestinians. – Statement by Fatah’s spokesman
– Conan O’Brien
I love bringing people from America to the Holy Land who’ve never been here. – New England Patriots owner Robert Kraft, in an interview with JTA, about a trip he took to Israel this week with several Hall of Fame players
I was at the King David with my wife in 1963 and I remember being so disappointed to be so close to the Old City and not being able to go to the Kotel because of Jordanian soldiers on the walls. I can’t describe the excitement I felt and the recognition I felt for G-d that we were allowed to go back to our holiest place. Now 50 years later, I’m here to stand before you and I’m able to help Jerusalem do this. – Kraft, at the opening of the new $6 million Jerusalem sports complex that he built
So-called real Americans are [messing] up America. Maybe they should leave, so that we can replace them with new and better ones. – From a New York Times op-ed by immigration advocate Bret Stephens
Sean got fatter. – White House chief strategist Steve Bannon responding to the Atlantic’s inquiry as to why White House Spokesman Sean Spicer has been holding less live briefings recently
The White House using fat shaming to justify increased opacity. 2017. – Tweet by Chelsea Clinton who was not tickled by Bannon’s joke
Watch whiteness work. He wasn’t a “kid” or “innocent.” You can’t go to another country and try to steal from them. Respect their laws. – Tweet by alt-left magazine, Affinity, about Otto Warmbier, after he died from brutal treatment while sentenced to 15 years of labor in North Korea for attempting to take home a political poster
It’s been an amazing trip.
– Joe Montana who went on the trip along with Kraft
The Jewish Home | JUNE 22, 2017
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JUNE 22, 2017 | The Jewish Home
The results speak for themselves. – Otto Warmbier’s father’s response when asked if he feels that President Obama, who urged him to have “strategic patience,” could have done more to secure the release of his son, who was finally released from North Korea last week but died a few days later from his brain injuries
President Obama left him there. President Trump got him back… Warmbier’s father learned the hard way that results among progressives are less important than symbolism, intent and high-minded nuance. – Tom Shattuck, The Boston Herald
There is no greater threat to the innocent than the deranged logic of liberals. It often disguises itself as compassion, usually spoken in a thoughtful tone, lyrically elegant at every turn. But deadly and destructive — and former President Obama was a master.
A United Airlines employee is under fire for pushing over a 71-year-old passenger, or as the CEO of United put it, “We’re back, baby!” – Conan O’Brien
– Ibid.
Providing the perfect balance of professionalism and class, along with the highest level of sincere, leibedig, and PURE Jewish music
The Jewish Home | JUNE 22, 2017
JUNE 22, 2017 | The Jewish Home
Dennis Rodman is in the middle of what is planned to be a four-day trip in North Korea and he brought gifts on this trip for his BFF Kim Jong Un…two books: Where’s Waldo? and The Art of the Deal. I love that he brought Kim Jong Un The Art of the Deal — as if he needs help negotiating. Negotiating with Kim Jong Un goes like this: You do everything I say and I won’t feed you to a boa constrictor. – Jimmy Kimmel
It really is amazing Dennis Rodman and Kim Jong Un are friends. Especially considering Kim Jong Un doesn’t speak English and Dennis Rodman doesn’t speak English.
The Discovery Channel announced that Michael Phelps will compete against a shark in a swimming race. Meanwhile, Ryan Lochte will compete against a shark in a spelling bee. – Conan O’Brien
The DNC could have used you. – Pres. Trump’s quip to the CEO of a cybersecurity company at a White House meeting of tech executives
– Ibid.
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The Jewish Home | JUNE 22, 2017 The Jewish Home | OCTOBER 29, 2015
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Political Crossfire
When Will We Get Off this Carousel of Hate? By Michael Gerson
ragedies such as the attack on a congressional baseball team cry out for interpretation, and resist it. By intention or not, the shooter was strategic in his malice, going after one of Washington’s few remaining symbols of openness and normality. Members of Congress – who are some of the best, most interesting people I know – spend much of their time treated either like mini-monarchs or like beggars at the gate, asking for money and votes. Sport is a rare chance to be teammates and friends. Political violence, among other horrible things, makes it harder to be human in public. Those who work on Capitol Hill – as I did for a decade – live with a certain level of risk. They know that Congress has been used as a stage for dramatic violence before. The Capitol building was bombed in 1915, bombed in 1971, and bombed again in 1983. In 1954, four Puerto Rican nationalists opened fire on the House chamber. In 1998, two Capitol policemen were murdered. With each tragedy, more separation: magnetometers, surveillance systems, bomb-sniffing dogs, ugly concrete flowerpots, hydraulic barriers. Greater security often means greater distance. And our politics already seems so distant from normal life. There is nothing to be done about it; but something has been lost. Attempts to find political
messages in attempted murder are usually either excruciatingly obvious – we are an angry, divided country – or obscene. After the 2011 Tucson shooting of Congresswoman Gabby Giffords, some liberals tried to pin a portion of the blame on conservatives such as Sarah Palin. In turn, Rush Limbaugh judged the baseball diamond shooter to be “a mainstream Democrat voter.” Some partisans seem determined to attract
political landscape for a moment. And what we see is a ready recourse to violence – punches at rallies, assaults, death threats, violent protests and intimidation. The system seems unbalanced – easily veering off course with every provocation. The capacity for human evil is always there. But stable societies construct restraints. Some of those restraints are institutional –
If words can inspire, then they can also incite or debase.
attention by taking advertising space on someone else’s cross. Can you imagine the unseemly satisfaction in some quarters if the shooter had turned out to be an illegal immigrant or a Syrian refugee? Such salivation is one of the worst things about our politics. Our discourse is being materially damaged by the endless search for Twitter leverage. At the risk of committing sociology without a license, there are a few conclusions we might draw. Extreme partisanship may not be the direct cause of violence. But political violence acts like lightning, illuminating and freezing the whole
balancing interest against interest, power against power. In America, such institutions are strong, even under considerable current strain. Yet human beings are also restrained by norms – unenforced and unenforceable standards of civility and respect. We rely on character in countless ways to keep people from destroying themselves and each other. And here all the demonization and decapitation fantasies – all the talk of revolution and warfare against our fellow citizens – have taken a toll. This type of language isn’t new, of course. But the Trump era has unleashed it with a kind of fury. The
routine violation of norms has taken on the nature of an arms race. Each transgression justifies and requires a response. Both sides cultivate a merciless certainty. And, in some cases, they have made anger into an industry – using it to run up the number of listeners, viewers and hits. The trashing of norms has not only been normalized but monetized. This type of hashtag animus is not merely change but decay. The damage is clear. If words can inspire, then they can also incite or debase. We are on a descending path of enmity. In our politics, dehumanization is far along. This is true against outsiders and political opponents. And it is true against those who govern us. We have often dehumanized the leaders that result from our free choices – men and women, on the whole, of public spirit, with a talent for friendship and persuasion. And this should be a reminder to opponents of President Trump as well. His violation of norms is a reason for criticism and opposition; it is not a justification for demonization. As offense and response spin faster and faster, someone must get off this carousel. The success of our politics, the quality of our culture and the order of our society are very much at stake. (c) 2017, The Washington Post Writers Group
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OCTOBER 29, 2015 | The Jewish Home JUNE 22, 2017 | The Jewish Home
Forgotten Her es Sinking German Battleships By Avi Heiligman
The Bismarck sinking
fter World War I, many military restrictions were placed on Germany including the amount of ships that could be produced. Top German admirals thought that in the next war fast battleships would rule the seas. In one of the most crucial errors made by the Nazis, Germany failed to produce a single aircraft carrier. Only a few fast battleships were produced and of the six that were used during the war none of them remained intact at the time of the German surrender. At times, the Allies – mainly the British in this case – went after the capital ships with the might of their own navy. These battles had the home front waiting with bated breath for news of the destruction of the pride of the enemy’s navy. Aside from the U-boats, it was the big battleships and the pocket battleships (in reality, cruiser-types of ships) that posed the main threat to the Allied navies. The Bismarck, the Gneisenau, the Scharnhorst and the Tirpitz were all carefully monitored by the British and through the war encountered the might of the British Navy. Two others, the Schleswig-Holstein and the Schlesien, were preWWI dreadnoughts and didn’t pose much of a threat to Allied shipping
lanes. Named after the former chancellor of Germany, the Bismarck was the second largest warship completed for the Nazis. Her first offensive operation was in May 1941 to raid Allied shipping. She set off in the Baltic Sea accompanied by the cruiser Prinz Eugen to attack convoys in the Atlantic Ocean. A couple of months earlier a leak in the Swedish envoy
Whales and the pride of the British fleet, the HMS Hood, which was in actuality a battlecruiser. Early on the morning of May 24 the Bismarck and the Hood traded salvos at 14 miles apart in the Denmark Strait. At 6AM an armor-piercing shell ripped through the Hood and exploded the ammunition magazine. A huge explosion erupted, and the Hood broke in two and sank in
Shells slammed into the German battleship, and torpedoes from destroyers caused her sink to beneath the seas. to Berlin had revealed to the British some of the Bismarck’s characteristics. Her movements and timetable were provided to the British fleet by code breakers at Bletchley Park. Unbeknownst to the Nazi brass, the code that the Germans had thought was unbreakable had been broken and was being deciphered and disseminated to the British forces. Two battleships were part of the flotilla dispatched to sink the Bismarck: the newly commissioned HMS Prince of
less than a minute. There were only three survivors of the over 1,400 crewmembers. The Prince of Whales had sustained significant damage but so had the Bismarck. Both sides had broken contact for some time after the encounter to lick their wounds. All available British warships were ordered to hunt down the Bismarck to avenge the sinking of the Hood. The sinking had hit home, and Prime Minister Winston Churchill issued the order: “Sink
the Bismarck!” The British admirals were worried that the Bismarck would reach port and would be out of reach for British ships. Three hits during the Battle of the Denmark Strait had hurt the Bismarck and the Prinz Eugen left her to defend for herself. On May 26 the Bismarck was spotted by a flying boat and the two ships in the area that could stop her were the aircraft carrier HMS Ark Royal and the battlecruiser HMS Renown. A flight of antiquated Fairy Swordfish torpedo biplane bombers were sent off the Ark Royal, and scored two hits on the German ship. Pilot John Moffat was credited with hitting the Bismarck with a torpedo that badly damaged her port rudder. This caused it to lose steering, and soon the Bismarck was sunk by other ships of the Royal Navy. The next battleship to be struck from the German Navy was the Scharnhorst. For much of the war she operated together with the Gneisenau. In 1939 they sank the British merchant ship Rawalpindi. As the German battleships were picking up survivors to be POWs, four large Allied warships appeared to pick up the rest of the survivors. By December 1943 Hitler, ym”sh,
The Jewish Home | OCTOBER 29, 2015 The Jewish Home | JUNE 22, 2017
The capsized Tirpitz
had become disillusioned with the navy because they weren’t stopping the British Navy. On December 25 the Scharnhorst set sail into a trap set by the British Navy. Code breakers at Bletchley Park knew of her movements and signaled them to the fleet. Even without the use of radar the Scharnhorst relied on her speed to get her out of traps but this time she was stopped by the battleship HMS Duke of York. Shells slammed into the German battleship, and torpedoes from destroyers caused her sink to beneath the seas. The third German battleship to be sunk during the war was the Tirpitz. Since her commissioning in 1941 she had posed a constant threat
The Scharnhorst
to Allied shipping. In one incident, a large convoy scattered upon hearing of the Tirpitz being in the area. Twenty-four ships of that convoy were sunk by German U-boats. The Tirpitz, however, never sunk an Allied merchant ship. The threat that she posed was enough for the British inventor Sir Barnes Wallis to develop a 12,000 pound bomb named the Tallboy just to penetrate the armor of the Tirpitz. In September 1944, 38 Lancaster heavy bombers took off from a base in northern Russia to attack the massive battleship in the waters off of Norway. One Tallboy struck the Tirpitz and exploded deep in the hull. The damage was so extensive that
the Germans decided not to make her seaworthy again. The British didn’t know this fact and were determined to sink her once and for all. On November 12, two Tallboys from Lancaster bombers hit the Tirpitz in her magazine storage. A large explosion followed, and the largest ship in the German Navy capsized. The other German battleship afloat was the Gneisenau. Although she was wasn’t sunk by Allied firepower she sustained enough damage to be decommissioned in 1942. Her guns were moved to be used as shore batteries, and her crew became submariners. She remained unused until she was sunk by the Germans to be used as a blockship in 1945.
11 101
The Battle of the Atlantic was the Allied fight against the U-boats and was the longest continuous battle of the war. With the destruction of over 750 submarines and their best capital warships the Germans couldn’t stop the massive amount of equipment from crossing the Atlantic. It was with the destruction of the battleships that caused the German admirals to realize that the war was lost. In contrast, the sinking of Germany’s battleships raised the moral of Allied sailors and civilians at home. Sinking large ships like the big German battleships took the efforts of large fleets. In the Pacific the American used submarines and aircraft to do the job of sinking the two largest warships ever built. We will discuss the sinkings of the Yamato and Musashi in a future issue.
Avi Heiligman is a weekly contributor to The Jewish Home. He welcomes your comments and suggestions for future columns and can be reached at aviheiligman@gmail.com.
JUNE 22, 2017 | The Jewish Home
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The Jewish Home | JUNE 22, 2017
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Boys kiruv school located in Kew Gardens seeks general studies teachers for upper elementary grades. Must be proficient in Common Core curriculum and comfortable with technology in the classroom in addition to receiving training in an award winning system. Competitive salary. Hours are Monday-Thursday 12:30-3:45 Please send resumes to jobseekfr@yahoo.com
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HELP WANTED Yeshiva Ketana of Queens is looking for 3RD-5TH GRADE GENERAL STUDIES TEACHERS. 4 afternoons a week 1:30-4:30. Warm environment, good pay. Please call 917-742-8909 and email resume to rlswia@aol.com Hebrew Academy of Long Beach, Woodmere, NY is accepting applications for the 2017-2018 year in Language Arts, M.S. Math (Common Core) and Ivrit. Send resumes to: sbotwinik@halb.org
Immediate openings for Middle School Language Arts Teacher and Limudei Kodesh Maternity substitute in Hebrew Academy of Long Beach - afternoons only. Resumes to ulubetski@halb.org Local F.T. Accounting Office Seeks P/T JR. ACCOUNTANT proficient in Q.B. knowledge of payroll tax, sales tax, business tax and individual taxes Qualified applicants should please e-mail resume to: 5towntaxoffice@gmail.com
JUNE 22, 2017 | The Jewish Home
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The Jewish Home | JUNE 22, 2017
Classifieds classifieds@fivetownsjewishhome.com / text 443-929-4003 HELP WANTED
SEEKING ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT (part-time) Established Pre School in Far Rockaway. Resumes only to jkaplan@onourwaylc.org
Pugatch Realty Corp., in Woodmere, is looking to hire and train a select group of motivated Realtors. If you are looking to build a career in real estate, or looking to take your existing career to the next level, there is no better place to start that the #1 Real Estate Brokerage in the Five Towns… Call Today (516) 295-3000 x 128. All calls kept confidential.
Yeshiva Ketana of Long Island is seeking qualified Pre1A teacher, Monday through Thursday afternoons. Experience required. Email resume to preschool@ykli.org Seeking a dedicated, responsible secretary for a boys’ elementary school starting in mid-late August. Requirements: proficiency in Microsoft Word; knowledge of Microsoft Office is a plus, multi-tasking, including answering phones, delivering messages, making photocopies, typing sheets, and other standard officerelated tasks. M-Th, 8:30-5:15; Fri., 8:30-12:15. Availablility on Sundays is a plus but not required. To join our team-minded staff, please send your resume to mdgoodman@siachyitzchok.org
Looking to hire full time EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT/ BOOKKEEPER. Prior Bookkeeping and Quickbooks experience a must. Please email your resume to: nassaultc@gmail.com FIVE TOWNS OFFICE LOOKING FOR immediate hire of several people…part time and full time…starting at $15 per hour. Need detail- oriented person to handle A/P, A/R, customer service, and ability to negotiate bids and contracts. Computer literate a must. Please email fabadi@egwaste.com WARM, LOVING, HEIMISHE PLAYGROUP IN FAR ROCKAWAY – AGES 2 ½ TO 4 – IS LOOKING FOR ASSISTANTS AND SUBSTITUTES. PLEASE CALL 516-371-6848
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SEEKING 5TH GR. MATH TEACHER for Far Rockaway school. PM hours. Email resume to theteacherhunt@gmail.com
JUNE 22, 2017 | The Jewish Home
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OVERNIGHT \WEEKEND COUNSELOR Responsible and exp’d staff to live in a beautiful group home & work 3 nights\week 7pm - 9am. Staff are not req’d to remain awake after 11pm. APT FOR RENT Staff are req’d to work two weekends Hebrew Academy of&Long per month. Free rent food.Beach, Stipend Woodmere, NY is accepting given as well. Great for college girl. applications for the year in For additional info2017-2018 contact Frayde Language Arts, at M.S. Math (Common Yudkowsky 732.948.4636 or fyudkowsky@evolvetreatment.com Core) and Ivrit. Send resumes to: sbotwinik@halb.org
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HELP WANTED CHEF at Small Ads For take out Food store in The 5 Towns. Will train. Work Call or text 917-620-8954 Immediate openings for Middle School Language Arts Teacher and Limudei Kodesh Maternity substitute in Hebrew Academy of Long Beach - afternoons only. Resumes to ulubetski@halb.org
Local F.T. Accounting Office Seeks P/T JR. ACCOUNTANT proficient in Q.B. knowledge of payroll tax, sales tax, business tax and individual taxes Qualified applicants should please e-mail resume to: 5towntaxoffice@gmail.com
Rabbi Dovid Fleischmann Certified Mohel
Boys kiruv school located in Kew SEEKING ADMINISTRATIVE Gardens seeks general studies teachers ASSISTANT (part-time) for upper elementary grades. Must Established Pre School in Far be proficient in Common Core Rockaway. curriculum and comfortable with Resumes only to technology in the classroom in jkaplan@onourwaylc.org addition to receiving training in an Personalized Attention Baby-Friendly Care Looking to hire full time Executive award winning system. Competitive Expert Skill and Dedicated Service you Deserve Assistant/Bookkeeper. salary. Hours are Monday-Thursday Prior Bookkeeping and Quickbooks 12:30-3:45 experience a must. Please send resumes to Please email your resume to: jobseekfr@yahoo.com nassaultc@gmail.com
516-314-3236 babysmohel@gmail.com
The Jewish Home | JUNE 15, 2017
/ text 443-929-4003
GRAPHIC DESIGN POSITION AVAILABLE Successful publication seeking part-time graphic designer. Experience working with magazine or newspaper layout a must. Candidate must be proficient in Adobe InDesign with a strong knowledge of style sheets; must be proficient in Adobe Photoshop; have proven skills in typography, layout, composition, and color theory; Hurt? Dr. Eric Feintuch, D.C., C.C.S.P. and have strong of print media and Not Feeling Well?knowledgeDoctor of Chiropractic
pre-press production. Chronic pain reduction
Ease pain during pregnancy Migraines Chronic sinus infections Drug free pediatric care Chronic ear infections, colic Functional Nutritional Medicine Sports injuries FIVE TOWNS OFFICE LOOKING FOR Gentle techniques and trigger point therapy immediate hire of several people…part Patient advocacy and 2nd opinion services time and full time…starting at $15 per Late night after work and Sunday hours
Send resume and portfolio to LayoutDesignerSearch@gmail.com.
hour. Need detail- oriented person to handle A/P, A/R, customer service, and 1-800 GET WELL (1-800-438-9355) ability to negotiate bids andNutley contracts. 636 Place, North Woodmere Computer literate a must. Accepting most insurance plans. 25+ years Experience. Effective Results. Please email fabadi@egwaste.com
The Jewish Home | JUNE 22, 2017
108 2
JUNE 22, 2017 | The Jewish Home OCTOBER 29, 2015 | The Jewish Home
Good Hum r
Bialy Blues By Jon Kranz
any years ago, when legendary prizefighter Muhammad Ali entered the boxing ring, he typically did so to a chorus of fanatical fans passionately chanting, “Ali, Ali, Ali!” Similarly, many years ago, when hungry Jews entered the average kosher bakery, they would cry out for their favorite yeasty treat by chanting, “Bi-aly, Bialy, Bi-aly!” Nowadays, however, you would be hard-pressed to find people chanting for a bialy. Granted, these days you also are unlikely to find people chanting for other classic edible items like kishke (stuffed intestines), gribenes (chicken skin cracklings), or p’tcha (pickled calves feet). The delicious bialy used to be a fixture in every Jewish bakery but its glory days are a thing of the past. So, the question is, what happened to our beloved bialy? The bialy, which hails from Bialystok, Poland, is a small round roll that is a bit smaller than your average bagel, but the slight size disparity is not what sets the bialy apart. Unlike a bagel, the bialy is baked (not boiled) and has a stuffed center (i.e., no hole). Yes, bialys are sort of like hamantaschen except that the bialy’s exposed filling typically comes in only one classic flavor: diced onions. Thus, you certainly will not find an apricot- or prune-filled bialy. Of course, bialys and hamantaschen have another crucial difference, namely, you will not find a triangular bialy, and if you do, guess what? It’s not a bialy, just like a bagel stick is really not a bagel. Indeed, as in the case of bialys, some things – by definition – must be round, including a (i) wheel, (ii) planet Earth (just ask Pythagoras), (iii) theatre-in-the-
round, and (iv) the table used by King Arthur and his knights. Other items, however, do not have to be round in order to maintain their identity, e.g., a Sicilian pizza is rectangular but it still is considered a pizza and a football technically is a prolate spheroid but it still is considered a ball. The bialy’s sunken core arguably looks like a golfer took a lousy swing and chopped out a divot. Some bakers refer to this indentation as the bialy’s “depression.” That term is most appropriate because it is thoroughly
ure out what to do with all of their large peanut-eating animals: “OK, folks, we literally and figuratively need to address the elephant in the room.”) With respect to the plight of the bialy, the “elephant in the room” is the disgusting disloyalty exhibited by the bialy’s wicked, manipulative and power-hungry step-brother, the now ubiquitous bagel. (Cue Darth Vader/Imperial March music: “Dun, Dun, Dun, Dun-dada, Dun-dada . . .”) The allegedly sinister bagel seems to delight in the bialy’s downfall and
In fact, authorities have accused the bagel of secretly funding a despicable anti-bialy campaign with slogans like “No Hole, No Soul,” “Diced Onions Cause Sadness” and “Bialy: The Dead Bread.”
depressing how the bialy has become an endangered species. In fact, many of today’s youngsters have never even heard of a bialy. Of course, most of today’s youth also have never heard of a typewriter, black and white television set, Atari 2600, DeLorean sports car, phones with cords, Pan Am Airlines, Crocodile Dundee, Hall & Oates or the 1981 hit song “Bette Davis Eyes.” If we are going to discuss the bialy’s demise, we must address the elephant in the room. (As an aside, that is the same expression used when Ringling Brothers recently went out of business and had to fig-
apparently is rooting for the bialy’s extinction. In fact, authorities have accused the bagel of secretly funding a despicable anti-bialy campaign with slogans like “No Hole, No Soul,” “Diced Onions Cause Sadness” and “Bialy: The Dead Bread.” According to Interpol, the bagel’s actual motivation is to increase the popularity of his bashert across the pond, the English muffin. How can the bialy possibly compete with all of those delicious nooks and crannies? Putting aside such conspiracy theories, if you emphasize the “aly” in bialy, it might bring to mind images of the character “Prince Ali”
from Disney’s 1992 animated movie and current Broadway sensation, Aladdin. Prince Ali, of course, was none other than Aladdin in disguise, courtesy of the big blue Genie. For fun (and especially for elementary school children who read this column religiously, even though it is beneath them), let’s imagine a musical about the bialy featuring Aladdin’s show-stopping hit number, “Prince Ali,” but re-titled as “Prince Bi-aly” (please pronounce bialy as bi-ALY): Prince Bi-aly, fabulous he, bialy bonanza He’s the best, cannot contest, definitely! He faced the onion-topped rolls, a hundred bagels with holes He’s baked by the menschiest trolls Yes, it’s Prince Bi-aly. He is always baked to perfection, boiling is just not how he rolls When it comes to exotic-diced onions, he pleases every Jew, I’m telling you The best in the bakery Prince Bi-aly, delicious is he, bialy bonanza That soft crust, it is a must, so powdery So, get on out to the store, buy some and then by some more Get all of them you can score, cause it’s Prince ... Bi-aly! Bottom-Line: To put it in Shakespearean terms, a modern-day Hamlet most certainly would ask: “To bi-aly or not to bi-aly. That is the question.” Jon Kranz is an attorney living in Englewood, New Jersey. Send any comments, questions or insults to jkranz285@ gmail.com.
The Jewish Home | JUNE 22, 2017 The Jewish Home | OCTOBER 29, 2015
Does Your Money Need a Passport? By Allan Rolnick
conomic inequality is a hot topic in today’s world. Researchers here and abroad consistently show the top 1% of earners gobbling a disproportionate share of gains throughout the world. This trend has more and more thinkers debating what to do about it. Do we redistribute the pie, so that everyone has a more equal share? Or do we grow it so that everyone can have a bigger slice? (There, we’ve just summed up three centuries worth of political economy in two short sentences!) Now there’s new research that shows the old research actually understates that divide. (Don’t you just love when the research changes?) Last month, a team of professors published a paper that reveals another gap between the rich and the poor — the rich hide a larger proportion of their income from the tax man. In 2015, the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists analyzed data covering 30,000 accounts and $100 billion of assets held at international banking giant HSBC’s Swiss private banking department. In 2016, the same group analyzed data on 22,000 shell companies established by the Panama-based law firm of Mossack
Fonseca. The professors matched the information from those leaks to population-wide tax and wealth records from Norway, Sweden, and Denmark. Scandinavians are known for their democratic socialist philosophies, relative equality, and overall happiness. (The 2017 World Happiness Report ranks Norway first, Denmark second, and Swe-
evasion rate is %3 in Scandinavia, that rises to %30 for the top %0.01 of taxpayers, which includes households with more than 40$ million in net worth. How does that correlate to inequality? In Norway, previous figures had estimated that the country’s wealthiest 300 families control 8% of the country’s net worth. The new data suggest those families keep
The new data suggest those families keep a full third of their wealth offshore, which means they actually control at least 10% of the country’s wealth.
den ninth.) Surely the rich people in those countries are happy to support their less-fortunate brethren through taxes, right? Well, not so much. (With all that socialism and equality, it might surprise you to learn that there even are rich people in that part of the world.) While the overall tax
a full third of their wealth offshore, which means they actually control at least 10% of the country’s wealth. Researchers just didn’t know where it was hiding! Over 1% of the Scandinavian families use HSBC’s Swiss private banking services. Another 1% own a shell company created by Mossack
Fonseca. One percent may not sound like a lot. But remember, HSBC is just one Swiss bank out of over 300, and Mossack Fonseca is just one law firm out of countless more. The paper’s authors found that “in practice, about 95% of all the individuals on the HSBC list that could be matched to a tax return did not report their Swiss bank account.” In fact, when Norway and Sweden passed tax amnesty laws letting scofflaws pay reduced penalties, over 8,000 taxpayers ‘fessed up. And further, the numbers suggest that 15% of the wealthiest households have stashed at least some money abroad. Here’s some good news for those of us who live in the U.S. and don’t have 40$ million to worry about. Our country is actually considered a tax haven by many foreigners. That means we have countless opportunities to save taxes without sending our money on a Swiss holiday. All you really need is a plan. Make sure you have one and see if you can send yourself on vacation! Allan J Rolnick is a CPA who has been in practice for over 30 yea rs in Queens, NY. He welcomes your comments and can be reached at 718-896-8715 or at allanjrcpa@aol.com.
110 12
JUNE 22, 2017 | The Jewish Home OCTOBER 29, 2015 | The Jewish Home
Life C ach
How Would You Like Relaxation in a Bottle? By Rivki D. Rosenwald Esq., CLC, SDS
ou can’t drive anywhere! And your car’s perfectly fine. You can’t use your phone, even though it’s fully charged. You can’t cook or go to a restaurant. What are you supposed to do, starve?! You can’t watch TV, shop, or spend money! Hooray?! Does that sound stifling? Yet, you can relax, notice and enjoy the people around you, read, play games. You can also do this ancient activity: talk, rather than text! You can eat, in fact, too much and the preps all been done! And best of all, you can function in real time rather than overdrive! There was a time some people felt the concept of Shabbos could be restricting. Today, many people start to recognize it as liberating. Kids actually put down their technology. In fact, so do husbands and wives, mothers and fathers. Everyone seems to appreciate that the other person is more present even when they’re missing their “stuff.” People basically seem to take more
notice of each other – and it’s not on Facebook, Snapchat or a shidduch resume! It’s right there – live! We are an anxious society these days. Everyone feels concerned about something and it’s staying and playing on their mind. It’s hard to let
Yet something in the formula, the do’s and don’ts of it, combine to bring one to a level of sudden, complete calm. I guess it’s because the rule is you can do no more! Activity stops and simplicity sets in! This is so amazing, if only you could bottle it!
No booking, traveling, or schlepping; just three waves of my hands in front of a candle, and I’m there. it go. It’s there, plaguing their brain. Then this magical moment takes place: candle lighting. And it’s better than a Xanax. Everything goes into slow motion. And you are allowed to just be! In fact, you are trained to just be. Which is amazing because we know that people usually cannot relax just because someone tells them to relax!
So many times, people try to slow their week down but the week gets in the way. This idea of taking the week out of the week seems inspired?! (Wink, wink) In fact, people are always trying to emulate it with camping trips, vacations, office outings. The idea being to get away from the daily routine, concerns, grind. Well, I, for one,
just want to say I’m thankful that Someone bigger and better than me figured this out way before I got here –and at a very good price at that. No booking, traveling, or schlepping; just three waves of my hands in front of a candle – kind of reminds you of Dorothy clicking her heels – and I’m there. So, who cares if the car sits idle a day. The phone hangs out on its charger. The potato sits neglected in its cabinet. I’m hanging out with animate objects and we are totally engrossed, engaged, and enjoying all the bells and whistles built into the technology of the human body and mind. And guess what? It’s a pretty impressive model with more gadgets than the iPhone will ever see! Rivki Rosenwald is a certified relationship counselor, and career and life coach. She can be contacted at 917-705-2004 or rivki@rosenwalds.com
The Jewish Home | JUNE 22, 2017
Which one of these children needs Chai Lifeline? (Hint: They all do.) Chai Lifeline is renowned for the care and love it bestows on children fighting cancer. But that’s only the beginning. Chai Lifeline serves thousands of children with medical challenges that aren’t evident on the outside, everything from Crohns Disease to cystic fibrosis to heart disease and illnesses so rare only a handful of children have been diagnosed. And still, that’s only the beginning. Chai Lifeline includes siblings and parents, too, with programs geared towards the entire family. We care for more than 5,000 children and their families around the world and across the street. Chances are, you know them. They just don’t look sick.
Whenever, wherever we’re needed, Chai Lifeline is there.
Chai Lifeline. Comprehensive, compassionate, professional assistance for families facing illness, loss or trauma. 151 West 30th Street, New York, NY 10001 I (877) CHAI-LIFE I (212) 465-1300 I www.chailifeline.org
Regional Offices: Greater New York I Southeast I West Coast I Midwest I Mid-Atlantic I New Jersey I Canada I England I Israel I Belgium Hospital Support: Meals | Transportation Assistance | Hospital Visits | Respite Children’s Programs: Arts and Recreational Activities | After-school programs | Sibling Programs | Educational Assistance in Limudei Kodesh Counseling for patients and siblings | Camp Simcha/Camp Simcha Special Family Programs: Advocacy and Information | Retreats | Insurance Advocacy | Family Recreation | Family Counseling | Bereavement Services Community Programs: Project CHAI, support for schools, camps, and communities facing crisis or trauma.
JUNE 22, 2017 | The Jewish Home