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Entire shelves of my office library are devoted to the Arab-Israeli conflict. The titles range from The History of the Arab-Israeli Conflict, 5th Edition, to the Routledge Atlas of the Arab-Israeli Conflict, and Teaching the Arab-Israeli Conflict. There are the reference books once considered essential – The Arab-Israeli Conflict: Readings and Documents, by John Norton Moore, and Walter Laqueur’s The Arab-Israel Reader. There are right- and leftwing perspectives, works by Muslims, Christians, Jews, the memoirs of peacemakers and generals. The literature spans over seven decades and seemed destined to expand through many more. But, suddenly, these books about history have become books of history. Now, with the signing of the Abraham Accords between Israel, the United Arab Emirates, Sudan, and Bahrain, and the Moroccan-Israeli peace deal, the Arab-Israeli conflict is dead.
– Michael Oren, Israel’s former ambassador to the United States, writing in Tablet Magazine
If Biden really wanted unity, he’d lynch Mike Pence.
-Tweet by New York Times contributor Will Wilkinson We’ve never missed a game at Michigan or New England or wherever. For the first two games [of this season] when I was in the hospital, I didn’t even care if they were playing, much less missing the game. It was a matter of life and death, just like [for] anybody who goes to the hospital. That’s serious stuff.
- Tom Brady, Sr. in an ESPN interview disclosing that he and his cancer-surviving wife battled Covid at the beginning of this season, during his son’s first two games as quarterback of Tampa Bay
When I announced it, you all said it wasn’t possible. Gimme a break. C’mon man.
- President Biden’s response to a question whether the goal of distributing 100 million vaccines in 100 days is too modest
Sheldon loved an Israel that most of the residents living here don’t even want. He preached a racism that is inimical to us. He supported discrimination against Arabs, which we are definitely not prepared to go along with. He hated leftists and did his utmost to make Israeli society fractious. He encouraged internal disputes and rivalries among ourselves, even though he himself didn’t live here. Everything he loved, I hate. Everything I love about Israel has nothing to do with Adelson.
– From a Jerusalem Post op-ed about recently deceased Sheldon Adelson by Ehud Olmert, the former prime minister of Israel who spent years in jail for engaging in bribery and corruption, titled, “I hate everything Sheldon Adelson loved about Israel”
I feel as a legal immigrant that this government is spitting on the faces of every legal immigrant in this country that contributed to this nation. As of January 20th, [the] United States officially became the Socialist United States of America. We are no longer citizens. We are second-class citizens, and it’s a disgrace.
- Agnes Gibboney, a legal immigrant whose son was murdered by an illegal immigrant, talking about President Biden halting all deportations for 100 days, on Fox News
I didn’t feel a thing.
– World War II veteran Henry Sayler after he became the millionth senior in Florida to get the vaccine
I just want to say how happy we are to live in the number one state in the union and have the number one governor in the union.
- Ibid.
We believe that the best approach to a valid, fair and successful election is one that is conducted manually, in-person, making it easy for associates to verify and cast their vote in close proximity to their workplace.
- Amazon’s spokeswoman talking about Amazon’s fight to prevent a pending employee unionization vote from taking place by absentee ballot (Amazon’s CEO Jeff Bezos also owns the Washington Post, which repeatedly mocked Trump’s concern about mail-in ballots)
First Shabbat! I made chicken soup, kugel, more chicken, challah and purchased the finest Trader Joe’s chocolate babka as recommended by friends. Wow, I could never do this every Friday but it was beautiful!
- Tweet by a non-Jewish celebrity chef and actress

It could just be a favor for some contact, a favor for someone in the Jewish community, a favor for a donor. Who knows what it is?
– Gov. Cuomo, during a radio interview on January 19, when he was asked about a rumor that Trump may pardon Sheldon Silver, violating the number one rule of liberalism by connecting one person’s action to a whole community

Double-masking is a sensible and easy way to lower your risk when you have to spend more time around others — in a taxi, on a train or plane, or at an inauguration.
– From a New York Times article, titled “Two Masks Are the New Masks”
If you have a physical covering with one layer, you put another layer on it just makes common sense that it likely would be more effective.
-Dr. Anthony Fauci, who last March said that masks don’t work, when asked whether people should wear two masks
Is the picture of America that’s presented by the radicals, I would say — Black Lives Matter, some of them, the anti-racists — of America 2021, is it an accurate picture? Because sometimes I’m like, “Are they talking about 2021?” Am I wrong to not want to see race all the time? Because that’s how I was brought up. Like, that’s what a good liberal does, is you don’t see race. And now, they switched it all around, and I’m bad because I don’t see it all the time. Is ubiquity even effective? To make people aware of this issue at every turn?
- Bill Maher, HBO
Good Riddance, Donald Trump!
-Tweet by the official Chinese government news agency on January 20, 2021
I’ve been wanting to come on your show for months and months. You’ve been asking me to come on your show for months and months and it’s just gotten blocked. Let’s call it what it is – it just got blocked because they didn’t like the way you handle things and they didn’t want me on.
- Dr. Fauci during his appearance on “The Rachel Maddow Show” When Senator Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) railed at the doors of the Supreme Court amid a throng of furious pro-abortion protestors, called out the judges in session by name, and threatened and warned them that they were to reap a whirlwind and that they would have no idea of what might soon “hit” them, he later shrugged that he was speaking Brooklynese, the sort of rough patois he grew up with – as opposed, we must suppose, to Donald Trump’s Queens rough talk? Is Schumer to lead the Senate trial of Trump because he has the most congressional experience in threatening public officials while revving up a mob?

- Victor Davis Hanson, American Greatness
I stand with the students & workers of #WI, impressive show of democracy in action #solidarityWI
- Recently unearthed tweet by Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi from 10 years ago, after pro-union demonstrators stormed the Wisconsin State Capitol in 2011 by breaking windows and shattering doors in an attempt to block a vote on collective bargaining reform
It’s your party that believes in govt power: to shut your business, to oppress your faith & to censor your speech. Anyone who disagrees, they try to cancel. BTW, a lot of folks in Hollywood are conservative – & muzzled by the fascist Left.
– Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) responding to a tweet by Seth Rogan, who called him a fascist for supporting Trump