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“Say What?!”

They did, but I didn’t.

- President Joe Biden acknowledging that even though CEOs knew in April how bad the baby formula shortage would be, he did not realize it

Türkiye (pronounced “tur-key-yay”)

- The new name of the country formerly known as Turkey

I think the president – it probably would be helpful if he acknowledged that he made a mistake along with the treasury secretary and the other economists, but that he is now going to take steps to try to deal with it.

- Former Obama Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta criticizing President Biden for not dealing with runaway inflation last year

Molly absolutely loves to play basketball.

- The owner of the guinea pig that broke the world record for most slam dunks in 30 seconds My great-grandparents died in Nazi Germany. I know a fascist when I see one. Ron DeSantis is a fascist. We can’t allow fascism to fester. That’s why we have to get rid of Ron DeSantis and his sidekick Attorney General.

– Tweet by Daniel Uhlfelder on June 6, which is the anniversary of the historic D-Day invasion, resorting to calling his political adversaries fascists…and, of course, containing a link for donations from like-minded liberals

My gambling got to a point of being reckless and embarrassing. I had to address it. And I’ve been addressing it for a number of years. And for hundreds of hours of therapy. I feel good where I’m at there. My family and I are and have been financially secure for some time.

- Golfer Phil Mickelson opening up to Sports Illustrated about his gambling addiction, which reportedly cost him $40 million over four years

They went with this shock and awe terrorist strategy… Take me with five agents, like an alQaeda terrorist, rock me into a car, and the next thing I know I’m in leg irons, handcuffs, stripsearched.

- Peter Navarro, a former White House trade adviser under Donald Trump, describing to Tucker Carlson what happened when he was recently arrested for failing to cooperate with the January 6th Committee, based on his legal argument that his communications with then-Pres. Trump are protected by executive privilege

A big thank you to everyone who helped me get my unconditional release. What a long, strange trip it has been. Now it’s time to rock and roll.

– Tweet by John Hinckley Jr., the man who shot President Ronald Reagan in 1981, celebrating his upcoming release from court restrictions

I do think my colleagues on the Democratic side of the aisle try very hard to erase the history of the Klan, that it was formed by elected Democrats, that its leadership was almost entirely elected Democrats, that the authors of the Jim Crow laws were without exception elected Democrats. And I also think today’s congressional Democrats try to use the charge of “white supremacy,” which is undoubtedly evil, bigoted, and wrong, and weaponized by their own party, they try to use that as a proxy for attacking a political party they disagree with.

- Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) during a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing

My view is simple: violence is always wrong. Whatever your ideology, left-wing, right-wing, no wings: If you’re seeking to hurt people, it is wrong. Is violence from white supremacist extremist organizations a problem? Absolutely. As is violence from other hate groups. The Brooklyn subway shooter was a known black supremacist who called for racial violence. The Waukesha attacker, who murdered six people driving an SUV into a Christmas parade, was a viciously left-wing black nationalist bigot. 2016, another black nationalist gunned down five police officers in Dallas. I was there with President Obama at the funeral for those police officers. He [the shooter] did so on explicitly racial grounds. In 2019, two anti-Semitic domestic terrorists gunned down four people in a kosher grocery store. San Francisco in the past year has seen a 567% increase in anti-Asian violence. Anti-Jewish hate crimes in New York City are up 148% in the first quarter of 2022 compared to the first quarter of 2021.

- Ibid.

And then, of course, we have the violence of the Antifa riots and the Black Lives Matter riots that racked this country. As stores were looted, police cars were firebombed, people were assaulted, people were murdered, my colleagues on the Democratic side of the aisle sought to excuse, sought to apologize for, even went so far as raised money to bail out of jail the violent rioters committing these acts of violence.

- Ibid.

Sadiqa and I were probably unduly sensitive about the whole situation. But we wondered if our Black child’s attachment to a white doll could mean she had already breathed in what the psychologist Beverly Daniel Tatum has called the “smog” of white superiority.

– Race baiter Ibram X. Kendi, who is a professor of humanities at Boston University and a leading advocate of critical race theory, in an essay published in The Atlantic about his daughter playing with a white – presumably racist – doll

When Imani released her grip, I walked around the day care and found the large toy chests. I rummaged through the toys and did not come across a single doll that looked Asian, Native, Latino, Middle Eastern, or Black. Every single doll I saw looked White. Anger overtook me.

Lots of luck on his trip to the moon. I don’t know.

- President Joe Biden when asked about Elon Musk saying that he has a “bad feeling” about the economy Don’t let your dreams just stay as dreams. Have a goal and work towards achieving this and a beautiful life awaits.

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