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Community Happenings

Around the Community

Ohel Bais Ezra Opens New Residence

Meir Katz affixes a mezuzah in merit of his father, Marc Katz, a”h

Huvi Katz and her children (L to R) Meir, Miri, Binyamin, and Shraga

Donny and Tamar Miller and their children, Moshe, Tani, and Nava

With its recreational programming and myriad of supportive services, a spacious house here has become the new home for five young men with autism.

The new housemates, ranging from 22 to 30 years old, moved into their six-bedroom home in Lawrence after Rosh Hashana. The residence is designed so that the men can create a new supportive group that will allow them to age in place together.

In its warm and nurturing environment, an array of services addresses each resident’s medical, psychological, intellectual and emotional needs, facilitating their ability to reach their potential and maintain, if not exceed, their personal level of achievement.

“Their parents taught them how to walk and we’re teaching them to fly and be independent,” said Rachel Lewitter, OHEL Bais Ezra’s director of residences.

Professionally staffed 24 hours a day, the residence is an initiative of Ohel Bais Ezra, a division of Ohel Children’s Home and Family Services. The multifaceted social service agency provides a range of services and programs including residential and day programs for adults with developmental and psychiatric disabilities, mental health counseling, case management for seniors, foster care, and Camp Kaylie, an inclusion sleepaway camp for children of all abilities.

Beyond providing supportive services and programs for the young men, including recreational trips and activities, the residence serves to raise awareness in the community about individuals with special needs. The house’s location is in walking distance to stores and a synagogue to give the local community and the housemates opportunities to interact with one another and ease the men’s integration into the neighborhood. In anticipation of the men’s arrival, neighbors have already begun extending invitations for Shabbat meals al fresco and, when COVID-19 ends, in their homes. For their part, the five men will mark their entry into their new locale by bringing cookies and cakes to their neighbors.

The residence is imbued with a Jewish sensibility, including a new kosher kitchen. Earlier this month, Donny and Tamar Miller joined with their extended family members and placed mezuzot throughout the home. They dedicated the mezuzot to Marc Katz, their brother-in-law and Ohel’s beloved Chief Revenue Operating Officer who passed away this past March.

T he house represents Ohel Bais Ezra’s second group home in Lawrence and the fifth in its Nassau County portfolio. The others are located in Hewlett, Arlington (Cedarhurst), and Gateway in Far Rockaway. In addition to the residences, Ohel Bais Ezra serves more than 800 families in the Five Towns community with a wide range of services.

Ohel Bais Ezra has created a family-centered program that welcomes and respects family members as the young men’s circle of support, so the new housemates’ parents have met and communicated frequently with Ohel’s professionals and with each other. As a result, the men’s parents have bonded together, organically forming their own close-knit, mutually supportive group.

“We all have the same interests, and we not only care about our own children but each other’s children,” said Gary Katz (no relation to Marc Katz), the father of resident, Dylan, 22. “And however hard it is to let go, Ohel gives us peace-of mind that this is the right thing for Dylan. It doesn’t just do things properly but with a heart and soul.”

Added his wife and Dylan’s mother, Shelley Katz: “It’s the start of a New Year and the start of a new life.”

About Ohel Children’s Home and Family Services

For more than 50 years, Ohel Children’s Home and Family Services has provided a safe haven for those suffering in our community. Starting as a foster care provider for Jewish families in the New York metropolitan area, today Ohel cares for more than 17,000 individuals from all communities through a broad range of programs including mental health services, housing, eldercare, respite for parents with a child with disabilities, outpatient counseling for everyday people with everyday problems, and trauma resources for communities in New York and across the nation. www.ohelfamily.org

Around the Community

Special thanks to the YOSS PTA for sponsoring ice cream for the entire yeshiva prior to Rosh Hashana

MTA Freshmen Forge New Friendships

מִ י יַ עֲ לֶ ה בְ הַ ר ה‘ נְ קִ י כַ פַ ּיִ ם ּובַ ר לֵ בָ ב


You’re doing Teshuva! You’re making kabalos! You’re beseeching Hashem for a ומתוקה טובה שנה!


Keren Neki Kapayim – the halachic breakthrough solution developed by leading rabbonim in Eretz Yisroel has facilitated the return of millions of dollars of unknown debt!


THE מעמד השבה WILL TAKE PLACE THIS SUNDAY ערב יום כיפור

The MTA Class of 2024 had an amazing time on their freshman hike. They explored the local community on a hike to the Little Red Lighthouse and also enjoyed sports and engaging activities designed to help them get to know one another. Their Cub2Lion Senior mentors joined the fun for a BBQ lunch and exciting games. It was the perfect way for freshmen to bond together as a grade, make new friends, and spend time with their rebbeim outside the classroom.

MTA is proud to offer an enhanced freshman experience, including fun events like this one, guidance sessions, and team-building workshops, which enable talmidim to bond cohesively as a grade and interact with boys with whom they may not share classes. 732.569.9740 WWW.NEKIKAPAYIM.ORG

C o m i n g C l e a n w i t h I n t e g r i t y NEKI KAPAYIM

The halachic solution for paying off unknown debts. Endorsed by leading Gedolei Yisroel


Depositary The dayanim of Keren Neki Kapayim accept custodial guardianship of the funds. Return

Keren dayanim perform a הקנאה to the true owner of the funds, effectuating an immediate & complete השבה. Zechusim This הקנאה is effective based on of principle the זכין לאדם שלא בפניו , despite the fact that the money does not reach the hands of the owner, as it will accumulate zechusim on his behalf, by proving free loans through a Gemach.

Coming Clean for the Yemei Hadin Responsibility Keren Neki Kapayim accepts full responsibility to for money the עד שיבא אליהו when it will be handed over to their rightful owner.

Keren Neki Kapayim operates under the auspices of: רבי יהודה סילמאן ראב“ד העדה החרדית ירושלים תובב“א, הגאון כקש“ת הגאון רבי משה שטרנבוך שליט“א רבי עזריאל שליט“א, הגאון רבי נפתלי נויסבוים שליט“א, הגאון רבי יצחק זילבערשטיין שליט“א, הגאון שליט“א רבי שריאל ראזנבערג שליט“א, הגאון רבי שמואל אליעזר שטערן שליט“א, הגאון אויערבאך

Around the Community

To Bee or Not to Bee... The sweet talmidos of the Ganger Early Childhood at TAG enjoyed a special sweet treat before Rosh Hashana. The girls learned that bees make honey from different flowers and that makes different kinds of honey. They could see the varying shades of honey in the honey sticks and then they got to taste them for themselves!

Shevach Bounces Back to School

The Shevach students were welcomed back to school with an exhilarating event. On Wednesday evening, September 9, all were invited to A Back to School Extravaganza run by G.O. heads Elana Adler, Chaya Shalva Boiangiu, Dassa Gottesman, Chaya Praeger, and Miriam Romm, with Shevach educational administrator Mrs. Devorah Kovitz coordinating the exciting program.

The grades were invited in different shifts to return after school to Shevach’s new outdoor tent. There they were greeted by a fantastic surprise: “Kanga Shoes,” an original activity created and run by Mrs. Faigy Wasserman and her crew from FunNFit. The girls danced up a storm on their kanga shoes and truly had a blast.

After enjoying this novel activity, the students headed down to a beautifully decorated multi-purpose room to partake in individually packaged Chinese suppers from Soy Sauce. As the girls enjoyed the delicious meal, they were treated to an inspiring virtual speech delivered by master mechaneches Rebbetzin Genendel Krohn from Waterbury, Connecticut.

In her inimitable way, Rebbetzin Krohn brought home the message that we are all princesses. With a moving parable, in story form, she emphasized that in order to appreciate that status of princess, we need to work on ourselves. We need to see ourselves as special and strive during our lifetime to remain in the atmosphere of “royalty,” i.e. as part of Kllal Yisroel.

Now, especially before the awesome days of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, that message was especially poignant. The students were mesmerized by her presentation and certainly took the message home with them.

At the end of this special evening, each student received a custom made delicious chocolate confection, created by Iced By Goldy. The night wrapped up with the G.O. girls performing an original dance, and everyone left looking forward to an amazing year.

The Back to School Extravaganza certainly was a meaningful night full of ruach, fun and friendship, a wonderful way to start off a new and promising school year!

SOMETHING IS HOLDING BACK YOUR TEFILLOS! Come clean in time for Yom Kippur!

Keren Neki Kapayim can help you return whatever unclaimed money you might owe to Anyone… Anywhere… Any amount…

Keren Neki Kapayim – the halachic breakthrough solution developed by leading rabbonim in Eretz Yisroel has facilitated the return of millions of dollars of unknown debt!


THE השבה מעמדWILL TAKE PLACE THIS SUNDAY כיפור יום ערב


C o m i n g C l e a n w i t h I n t e g r i t y NEKI KAPAYIM

The halachic solution for paying off unknown debts. Endorsed by leading Gedolei Yisroel


Depositary The dayanim of Keren Neki Kapayim accept custodial guardianship of the funds. Return

Keren dayanim perform a הקנאה to the true owner of the funds, effectuating an immediate & complete השבה. Zechusim This הקנאה is effective based on of principle the זכין לאדם שלא בפניו , despite the fact that the money does not reach the hands of the owner, as it will accumulate zechusim on his behalf, by proving free loans through a Gemach.

Coming Clean for the Yemei Hadin Responsibility Keren Neki Kapayim accepts full responsibility to for money the עד שיבא אליהו when it will be handed over to their rightful owner.

Keren Neki Kapayim operates under the auspices of: רבי יהודה סילמאן ראב“ד העדה החרדית ירושלים תובב“א, הגאון כקש“ת הגאון רבי משה שטרנבוך שליט“א רבי עזריאל שליט“א, הגאון רבי נפתלי נויסבוים שליט“א, הגאון רבי יצחק זילבערשטיין שליט“א, הגאון שליט“א רבי שריאל ראזנבערג שליט“א, הגאון רבי שמואל אליעזר שטערן שליט“א, הגאון אויערבאך

Around the Community

Shofar Workshop at HAFTR

The children in HANC ECC prepared for Yom Kippur and enjoyed hearing the story of Yona and the whale

Yeshiva Zichron Aryeh Starts High School Track

In response to numerous requests, Yeshiva Zichron Aryeh recently started a high school program for 11 th and 12 th graders. The program is geared towards bright, capable young men who will thrive from stronger relationships and guidance. Through positive, interactive learning experiences and open, honest conversations on foundational issues, many of their unanswered questions will be resolved and ultimately will unleash their tremendous strengths.

Baruch Hashem, the feedback has been very positive. The boys have been learning with skilled rebbeim, either individually or in small groups, throughout the morning. Following morning seder, the boys have been enjoying various outings and trips to foster camaraderie and healthy outlets. Last week, the boys began the general studies program in the afternoon which allows them to graduate from high school while simultaneously developing their interests and skills for various career options. Stay tuned for more exciting updates!

Yeshiva Zichron Aryeh believes that every Jew has the innate ability to passionately connect to Hashem and His Torah, all one needs is the proper learning experiences. Yeshiva Zichron Aryeh is here to provide those experiences. For more information, please email yeshivazichronaryeh@gmail.com or call (516) 295-5700. L eading up to Rosh Hashana, HAFTR Lower School Rav Bet Sefer Rabbi Aaron Feigenbaum ran a special shofar program for fourth graders. The students studied hilchot shofar to discern the requirements of a kosher shofar. They looked at many different animals to determine if their horns could be used as a shofar and which of those shofars would be the most preferred.

The boys and girls discussed the necessity that a shofar be naturally hollow inside after the bone is removed, invalidating the horns of a deer or giraffe. They considered the specification that a shofar must come from a kosher animal, invalidating the tusks of an elephant or rhinoceros. The students deduced that there are actually quite a few kosher animals whose horns are hollow after removing the bone, such as antelope, oryx, ibex, gazelle, and the kudu, which many Yemenite communities use.

While many horns make amazing looking shofars, and a cow’s horn fits the physical requirements of a shofar, we still can’t use it, because it could be a reminder to Hashem of the Eigel HaZahav. The students contrasted reminding ourselves and Hashem of the Eigel, with reminding ourselves and Hashem of Akeidat Yitzchak, and why we would prefer to use a ram’s horn and not a cow’s.

Rabbi Feigenbaum and the students ultimately came to the conclusion that the preference is to use a ram’s horn as a shofar because of two main attributes. Firstly, the ram’s horn reminds us and Hashem of Akeidat Yitzchak, and secondly, the ram’s horn is bent, which reminds us to bow ourselves before Hashem.

Did you know?

Pumpkins get their name from the Greek word pepon, meaning “large melon.”

Around the Community

Rabbi Finkelman Visits Netzach HaTorah

The CAHAL Shulamith 1-2 class, taught by Deena Schwartz and Racheli Rhine, designed beautiful Rosh Hashanah cards that were delivered to patients in a local hospital

On the Thursday before Rosh Hashana, Rabbi Mordechai Finkelman visited Mesivta Netzach HaTorah in Woodmere. Rabbi Finkelman, who is the Mashgiach Ruchni of Yeshivas Ohr HaChaim in Queens and a wellknown speaker and personality, spoke to the students on the true meaning of davening before Hashem on Rosh Hashana.

Following the talk, Rabbi Finkelman availed himself to the boys who approached him individually, asking for a bracha or asking further questions on his talk. While the setting may have been very different than usual, with the students fully masked and in their respective pods, the feeling of preparation for the awesome days of Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur were palpable.

Netzach thanks Rabbi Finkel

man for taking time out of his busy schedule to visit the Yeshiva and sharing his powerful thoughts and insights into the yomim noraim.

Did you know?

Monarch butterflies fly south to Mexico and warmer parts of California during the autumn season

Around the Community

Elul Inspiration at SKA

With the yomim noraim fast approaching, classes and activities at the Stella K. Abraham High School for Girls focused on Elul inspiration starting with the first days of school!

Choose Your Own Outdoor Pre-Rosh Hashana Workshop enabled the students to pick from a variety of teacher-led sessions to help make Rosh Hashana more meaningful. A very inspiring Zoom interview with noted singer and baal teshuva Nissim Black in Yerushalayim and noon. Klal Yisroel is preoccupied with the myriad tasks of this auspicious day. The dual seudos, the mikvah, the special Mincha, the endless list of phone calls, and, of course, the last minute preparations for the holy day ahead.

But in an imposing inner chamber, far removed from the frenetic bustle, peace and quiet reigns. The seriousness of the moment is evident on the faces of the esteemed Neki Kapayim senior dayanim seated around the large, ornate conference table. At the center of the table lies sheathes of documents piled high, along with neatly bound wads of a special outdoor kumsitz and U’netaneh Tokef video helped give significant depth to the girls’ yom tov tefillah.

Optional programs of Lunch and Learn and evening mishmars were well attended as SKA students took advantage of the opportunity to grow in their spirituality. Shiurim sponsored by the SKA SPARKS committee included sessions of “Making Meaning of the Machzor,” with Rabbi Rice, “Nesivos Shalom on Chodesh Elul,” with Mrs. Drebin, “Making cash.

The rabbonim have come together for the annual eleventh-hour Ma’amad Hashavah, effectuating the return of millions of dollars of unknown loans and other misappropriated money.

Utilizing a methodical hakna’ah process, lifting up the actual cash with hagba’ah along with various other kinyanim, the Ma’amad Hashavah will facilitate an immediate kaparah – a cleansing and a purity for the many who have submitted their unknown debts to the Keren seeking to have their neshamos unsullied from any trace of money that might not be rightfully theirs. It Count,” with Mrs. Bernstein, and “Letting Go of Our Excuses,” with Ms. Daitch. The annual Hatarat Nedarim also made an impact on our Elul davening.

The fast day of Tzom Gedalia offered another chance to inspire with a voluntary “Have a Meaningful Fast Program” as SKA students made sukkah decorations for non-frum families who will be having a sukkah for the first time!

Gallery of Inspiration, hung up

The concept of Neki Kapayim and the procedure of the Ma’amd aHashavah were developed under the auspices of the great gaonim, Harav Zalman Nechemia Goldberg, zt”l, and, yblch”t, Harav Yehuda Silman, shlit”a, Harav Yitzchok Zilbershtein, shlit”a, Harav Naftali Nussbaum, shlit”a, Harav Ezriel Aurbach, shlit”a, Harav Shmuel Eliezer Stern, shlit”a, and Harav Sariel Rosenberg, shlit”a,. It has earned the enthusiastic haskama of leading Gedolei Yisroel, including Harav Moshe Shternbuch, shlit”a, who stressed in his approbation that “it is worthwhile to promote this initiative.”

Over the past several years, the for students to view, reflected on les

sons learned from the Covid-19 pandemic and lockdown while our erev Yom Kippur speaker, Rav Gav Friedman, brought new insights to the upcoming fast day.

Although there are physical barriers, masks and social distancing, yom tov inspiration at SKA is being imparted throughout the school. SKA wishes our students, faculty and administration, together with klal

Ma’amad Hashavah Get In on This Once-a-Year Opportunity

It’s Erev Yom Kippur, mid-after

Yisroel, a gmar chasima tova. Ma’amad Hashavah has served as a venue for the return of millions of dollars of unknown debt or other money whose owners could not be ascertained.

Now, at the behest of the American community, the Keren has opened offices here in the United States, in advance of the forthcoming Ma’amad Hashavah this Erev Yom Kippur. The Ma’amad Hashava is scheduled for this coming Sunday, Erev Yom Kippur, at 3:00 PM. To take part in this year’s Hashavah, contact the Neki Kapayim U.S. hotline at 732-569-9740 or visit the website at www.nekikapayim.org.

Silver Mehudar Set | $ 145 ________________________________________________

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ARBA MINIM SETS __________________________________________________________________

Number of Sets: __________

____ Silver Mehudar Set

($ 145)

____ Gold Mehudar Set

($ 195)

____ Platinum Set

($ 265) ____ Bar Mitzvah Set

($ 95)

____ Chinuch Set

($ 45)

CREDIT CARD INFORMATION __________________________________________________________________

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Ex: Focus more on Esrog’s gidul (shape, symmetry) or cleanliness? _________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ I want Rabbi Danziger to check my Esrog. (+$20)

DELIVERY PRICES AND DATES __________________________________________________________________

Lakewood Area: $5 | Multiple Sets $10 Tristate Region: 1 Set $25 | Multiple Sets $35 Continental US: 1 Set $35 | Multiple Sets $45

Wednesday, September 30th Thursday, October 1st

Around the Community

Moshe Brandsdorfer of the JCCRP; Baruch Ber Bender, CEO of Achiezer; Dr. Morrish, Chief Medical Officer; Rabbi Uri Orlian, Rav of Shaaray Tefilla in Lawrence; Dr. Teddy Lee, Director of Emergency Services; Judith Modica, Director of Nursing; and Renee Hastick-Motes, VP of External Affairs; on a tour of the new state-of-the-art emergency department at St. John’s

Every Kid is a Success Story Waiting to Happen

Dena’s world began to unravel after she dropped out of high school. She suddenly had no schedule or contact with her peers, and no reason to wake up in the morning. For more than two years, she rarely left the house.

Her parents were scared, but did not know where, or how, to get her the support she needed. They were grateful when Work At It stepped in, taking the first steps to reset the course of her life.

After a social worker identified Dena’s unique strengths, a career coach found her a job. With a new sense of purpose, Dena was motivatard Kopel and the Nassau County Legislature voted to approve funding to numerous community projects in District 7 with Community Revitalization Project (CRP) money. These projects, known as Inter-Municipal Agreements (IMAs), benefit local fire districts and villages working to improve public safety and public services.

The first project will allow the Hewlett Bay Fire District to purchase Lucas Mechanical CPR Devices. Lucas Mechanical CPR devices are ed to leave for work each day, steadily emerging from the despondence that had long weighed her down. Her positive interactions with customers slowly rebuilt her self-esteem and drew her out of her shell. One successful year later, Dena left for a different position she secured on her own – with the help of her employer’s recommendation.

Sadly, a growing number of teenagers are in Dena’s shoes. Depressed. Unfocused. Disconnected from their communities and sometimes their families, too. Once they are out of the school system, they fall into dangerous patterns in no easy-to-use life-saving devices that performs consistent chest-compressions in place of a human provider. They help with people are suffering sudden cardiac arrest or any other situation where chest-compressions are called for. The Fire Department EMTs can use the device in the field and on the move and free up their hands to provide other help.

The second funded project will allow the Village of East Rockaway to purchase an ambulance for their Fire Department EMTs to use. This will allow better responses to emertime – lying in bed all day, hanging out on the street late into the night, and engaging in risky behaviors like substance abuse. With nowhere to go and nothing to do, they lose all hope for the future.

Rivka Ariel, MBA, and Yael Wedeck, LCSW, joined forces to launch Work At It in 2018, bringing the power of their decades of corporate and social work experience to fill the void for struggling youth. Recognized by the Orthodox Union’s prestigious Impact Accelerator, Work At It helps them identify their unique strengths and then provides them gencies, and greatly increase public safety.

The final project is providing security cameras for the Village of Lawrence. These cameras will be placed in the parking lot of Village Hall, to provide safety for the community. with the tools – and the opportunities – to chart a productive path forward.

Ariel and Wedeck see the potential in teens like Dena and champion them as individuals. “These kids can be superstars ...we want to help them believe in themselves so they can get out and shine.” Work At It helps light the way.

To learn more about Work At It, to donate, or to offer a potential employment opportunity to at-risk youth, please visit workatit.org or

Leg. Kopel Announces CRP Money

Deputy Presiding Officer How

call 917-722-3884.

Did you know?

“I am always very happy to help provide funding for our great local fire departments and EMTs,” Deputy Presiding Officer Howard Kopel said. “These IMAs will greatly benefit the residents of District 7 and increase quality of life to all residents.”

Babies born in the fall are generally better students and are expected to live longer

Around the Community

HAFTR Students Prepare for Rosh Hashana

646.881.4745 BIGapple


The students of HAFTR’s Early Childhood division have been very busy preparing for Rosh Hashana, from learning about apples to making their very own shofars and beautiful honey dishes to bring home.

Parents sent in a wonderful assortment of small, medium, and large, red, green, yellow, and multicolor apples, enabling the yeladim to expand their knowledge of apples to become apple experts.

The children counted, sorted, and graphed all the apples that were brought in. They examined the apples’ stickers to discover that each kind of apple has a special name. They learned that the outside of an apple has skin, a stem, and a leaf and that its inside contains a core with seeds and flesh to eat! Carefully analyzing their bountiful collection, the students classified the apples, first by color and then by size.

D id you ever wonder how tall you are in apples? The wonderful HAFTR morot are able to incorporate many lessons into one subject. Touching on math in this unit, they cut apples and counted how many pieces they got from each apple, then the students calculated how tall they are using apples as units of measurement!

The yeladim have been utilizing apples for snack every day, from dipping the slices in honey to crushing them for a delicious drink of fresh apple juice. The children now know the sequence of events that led up to biting into this amazing fruit in school – from seeds being planted to trees growing to blossoms blooming to fruitlets budding to apples developing to being picked to being hauled in trucks to being delivered to the stores to grown-ups buying them and bringing them home to grown-ups sending them with us to the classroom to taking a delicious bite!

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Around the Community

Dancing, Singing, and Shofar-Making

It has been a busy and exciting beginning of the school year for the students in HANC’s Samuel and Elizabeth Bass Golding Ele

mentary School in West Hempstead. While the kindergarten students traditionally gather for a “Welcome to HANC Barbecue” with their families, current protocols prevented this from happening this year. Never daunted by adversity, the HANC administration decided to invite NAZ, the famous iMove with NAZ dance instructor, to lead a kindergarten dance party on Zoom. In advance of the event, the students were provided with glow sticks, hand clappers and HANC wristbands for their “Welcome Back to School Dance Party” with NAZ.

Rabbi Sadigh, Head of HANC’s West Hempstead campuses, launched the event and greeted all of the kindergarten families. Kindergarten students also had time to scroll through their screens and talk to one another. The students were all so excited to show their friends the exciting things they had in their homes, including their favorite toys. One student was even able to show off his new puppy!

HANC’s backyard playground was transformed into a hands-on Shofar Factory. The knowledgeable staff from Tzivos Hashem gave the children an overview of how a kosher shofar is crafted from animal horns.

Amazement, wonder and surprise were just some of the experiences of the sixth graders as they explored the various steps necessary to create a hollow, kosher shofar. During the course of the presentation, many questions arose, including if the shofar’s mouthpiece exists while the horns are still attached to the ram’s head.

Once the students had the opportunity to explore the displays and the lesson was concluded, each student selected a horn and transformed it into a shofar. Protected with gloves and goggles, the children worked hard at sawing the ends off of the horns, sanding the surfaces, and then polishing their magnificent creations. As they worked, the sounds and smells provided the children with an active, multi-sensory learning experience.

On the last day of school before Rosh Hashana, every classroom had a very special visitor. Lenny Solomon, of Shlock Rock fame, gave a spirited concert for all of the children and staff to usher in the Tishrei holidays. Singing a variety of holiday tunes, favorite smash hits, and well-known simcha songs, the children throughout the school were not just watching in their classrooms on the smart boards but were clapping and dancing at their desks along with the music. It was a joyful end of an eventful week, and it got everyone into the Rosh Hashana spirit. Special thanks to the HANC PTA for sponsoring this remote program for all to enjoy.

Shana Tova from HALB

The children of HALB Lev Chana, with the help and guidance of their morot, have been immersed in learning about the Yomim Noraim. The classrooms and

halls are ringing with songs describing apples, honey and saying we’re sorry. Rabbi Isaac Rice, Limudei Kodesh teacher at SKA, walked across the parking lot to talk about and demonstrate the different sounds a shofar makes for the Lev Chana children. Morah Karen Daitchman had our children jumping and dancing to the joyful music of the yomim tovim. All the children wished each other a shana tova u’metukah – have a happy sweet new year.

Around the Community

STAR testing began at YOSS Mechina this week

Sen. Kaminsky Urges Passage of Hate Symbols Education Bill

Last week, in the wake of the release of a nationwide survey showing a troubling lack of basic Holocaust knowledge among adults under 40, Senator Todd Kaminsky urged the passage of his bill (S6648), which would require instruction regarding symbols of hate, including the swastika and the noose, for New York students in grades 6 through 12. The survey, conducted by the Claims Conference, was touted as the first 50-state survey of Holocaust knowledge among millennials and Generation Z.

“ Statistics like this are shocking and emphasize a clear gap in education, when we could be using that exact tool to tackle the larger problem of rising hate crimes in New York,” said Senator Todd Kaminsky. “This is exactly why New York needs to pass my bill requiring our children be taught the meaning of the swastika and other symbols of hate. By educating students on these symbols, we encourage a dialogue on why hate crimes are on the rise and prevent a repeat of the tragic history of the Holocaust.”

S urvey results showed that many respondents were unclear about the basic facts of the Holocaust. Sixty-three percent of those surveyed did not know that 6 million Jews were murdered in the Holocaust, and over half of those thought the death toll was fewer than 2 million. Over 40,000 concentration camps and ghettos were established during World War II, but nearly half of U.S. respondents could not name a single one. Most staggering, the survey revealed that 1 in 10 respondents reported having never heard the word “Holocaust” before.

A s the number of hate crimes have skyrocketed across New York State and throughout our nation, it is crucial that students are educated on the meaning and significance of how these hateful symbols are used to generate fear in our communities across the state. Senator Kaminsky’s bill will ensure that students will receive the proper education on these symbols of hate. By teaching our future generations of students why these symbols of hate made a great impact to individuals in Germany will reduce the amount of hate crimes committed throughout the state of New York and across our nation.

We are off to an

amazing start to the school year at HALB Lev Chana! The children have acclimated beautifully to being back at school. In each class/ cohort children are reconnecting with old friends and getting to know new ones, learning new routines, and enjoying many exciting activities. Of course, Rosh Hashana is in the air as well! With safety as our primary focus, it is truly great to be Back Home@Lev Chana!

As they did last year, the amazing women of the Women’s League of Torah Academy for Girls organized a special welcome gift for all the new parents. The beautiful lucite napkin holder, initialed by family name, drew rave reviews and appreciation from the happy recipients. Special thanks to our Women’s League Executive Board, Mrs. Racheli Blumenkrantz, Mrs. Mindy Glaser, Mrs. Chayale Gorlin and Mrs. Naomi Newman, for arranging for the gift and for delivering them, ably assisted by Mrs. Suri Feuchtwanger. Thanks as well to the girls who helped with the delivery.

Around the Community

A New Home for Psagot Winery

Psagot Winery is happy to announce the completion of its new home along with its new chief winemaker.

The 2020 vintage begins at its new location with an expected production in excess of 600,000 bottles and marks our 17 th year of wine production in the Binyamin region

just north of Jerusalem.

The story of the winery and the traditional winemaking combines the historical connection, fine quality, and modern progress that is expressed in the new architectural structure, carefully planned and designed by Naama Berg after two years of construction.

The architectural style of the winery is built in the shape of an ancient inn overlooking Wadi Kelt and the Edom mountains. On one side is the impressive wine production plant, and on the other side above the barrel cellar where over 1,000 barrels are aged each year is the visiting center and event hall. In the center is a magical garden overlooking the primeval landscape.

In the new Psagot Winery complex, you will find a mini wine museum. In addition, we offer tours for groups and individuals, events, conferences, and seminars. The beautifully designed hall was created to provide special family occasions that include bar/bat mitzvahs, parties, and elegant weddings for up to 600 people in the summer in a special atmosphere with great wine and spectacular views. Only a 20-minute drive from Jerusalem.

Concurrent with the move to our new location, the winery recruited Sam Soroka to the position of chief winemaker at the winery.

Sam, a native of Montreal, Quebec in Canada, studied oenology at the University of Adelaide in Australia and received his bachelor of science degree in food sciences from McGill Universi

ty in Quebec, Canada.

He is an expert in wine production that includes a background in food sciences. Sam lives and breathes the secrets of wine and is considered one of the important players in upgrading standards and wine qualities. His 20-year experience includes many awards that include the following comment from Robert Parker of Wine Advocate.

“For my first impression, the style seemed to lean to elegance and harmony. These are graceful wines, not bombastic wines…. They are a pleasure to drink.”

When asked about the move to Psagot, Sam replied, “It is a great privilege and honor for me to be the chief winemaker of Psagot Winery and to be a partner in the winery’s vision for making quality wines in the Land of Israel.”

Yaakov Berg, CEO & founder of Psagot Winery, summarizes:

The prophet Amos, who was a shepherd and farmer in the land of Israel 2,500 years ago, prophesied and promised us, “I will return the captivity of My people Israel, and they will rebuild desolate cities and settle them; they will plant vineyards and drink their wine; they will cultivate gardens and eat their fruits. I will plant them upon their land and they will never again be uprooted from their land that I have given them, said Hashem, your G-d” Amos 9:14-15.

Yaakov concludes, “We thank the Creator of the world for the privilege of fulfilling this prophesy 2,500 years later – living in the land of Israel, planting vineyards and producing fine wine and winning awards that are recognized throughout the world.”

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