December 27, 2012

Page 1




OUR CHILDREN. OUR COMMUNITY. A PUBLICATION OF THE FIVE TOWNS & QUEENS COMMUNITY NOVEMBER 1 - NOVEMBER 7, 2012 DistributeD WeeWee kly Kin theWWeeeekFivelytoWns, Queens & brooKlyn K Around the OUR FUTURE. Community 137 SPRUCE STREET

Around the Community


— See page 5, 52, 53—


in the Five toWns, Queens & brooKlyn


The Tragedy of The S.S. ST. LouiS ElEctions 2012 Page 69

An Evening of Chizuk & Practical Solutions to the

May 13-June 20, 1939

Rav ahron Kahn Challenges of the Internet Inspires at We Will Be Privileged To Hear From Rambam



137 SPRUCE STREET Rambam Hosts Romney vs. Obama: The 4th Debate

516-569-2662 Tiferes avos DISHON

Page 36


Rabbi Chanina Herzberg Rabbi Naftoli Jaeger Rabbi Yehoshua Kalish Rabbi Moshe Zev Katzenstein Rabbi Yitzchok Knobel Rabbi Yechiel I. Perr Rabbi Zvi Ralbag Rabbi Yaakov Rubin Rabbi Pesach Schmerling Rabbi Aharon Stein Rabbi Dovid Spiegel Rabbi Asher Stern Rabbi Shmaryahu Weinberg Rabbi Dovid Weinberger Rabbi Moshe Weinberger Rabbi Pinchus D. Weinbeger Rabbi Meyer Weitman 137 SPRUCE STREET 516-569-2662 — See page 5, 52 & 53 — Rabbi Shneur Zalman Wolowik THE EVENT WILL INCLUDE HANDS-ON TECHNICAL GUIDANCE FOR ALL ELECTRONIC DEVICES Rabbi Mordechai Yoffe



— See page 5, 58 & 59 — HAFTR Student Organizes Art Exhibit At International Synagogue

RABBI P a g e 3 4 ————————————————


— See page 5, 60 & 61 —

Around the Community



ZECHARIA Sh’or Yoshuv WALLERSTEIN t”yhka Student JFI Red Carpet Yakov glicksman Launch A PUBLICATION OF THE FIVE TOWNS & QUEENS COMMUNITY Event JAN. 5 – JAN. 11, 2012 | DISTRIBUTEDW eekL ly WEEK Y IN THE FIVE TOWNS, QUEENS & BROOKLYN Around the Named ALL SPEECHES IN ENGLISH • FOR MEN & WOMEN • MINCHA 7:45PM Draws Huge ROMNEY WINS Valedictorian Community Crowd THIS SUNDAY • JUNE 17 • 8PM Prominent 137 SPRUCE STREET 516-569-2662 of Lander College AT CONG. SHAARAY Community TEFILAH 25 Central Avenue • Lawrence

Rabbis Speak P a g e 3 7 ————————————————






Yeshiva of P A G E 3 6 ——————————————————————— Far Rockaway Rambam’s 20th Annual Father/ annual Siyum Son Learn-A-Thon


— See page 5, 58 & 59 —

A Success


Page 56

W Obamas, The Don, and Clinton are doing in ly Week the Five Towns, and OtherHersHeypark on CHol Hamoed suCCos! Purim Stories THEJEWISHHOME


Full Coverage of Iowa Caucus on Page 60


Community Internet Awareness Event This Sunday! Yeshiva Ketana Around the of Long Island Community Page 60 Scholarship Dinner — See page 5, 46 & 47—

A PUBLICATION OF THE FIVE TOWNS & QUEENS COMMUNITY november 8 - november 14, 2012 | DistributeD see Page 8 & 47

“All Our

- A Gathering of

Reaching Out to

WeeKin the Five toWns, Queens & brooKlyn


Children Achdus Each Other Weekly ——————————————————————— P a g e 4 0 ———————————————— Around the Are P A G E 2 4 ——————————————————————— HANC Student After the Storm Elizabeth community Queens Makes Special” Madraigos Strikes WeeklyHistory News Around the finish at Ping Pong Dealing with a GearinG up forAgaina atDramatic 2ndIN Championship and Israel community Rabbi Pesach Lerner Visits ——————————————————————— dewey defeatS truman: Annual 137Gourmet SPRUCE STREET 516-569-2662 national trageDy Dealing with a Local Residents Why hasn’t Glatt Bowl-A-Thon Jonathan Pollard Fill the German wHy electionS are not over until every vote iS counted Strengthening Ourwith Emunah Night Page 43 TJH INTeRVIewS Asking Why In the P A G E 3 3 ——————————————————————— A PUBLICATION OF THE FIVE TOWNS & QUEENS COMMUNITY national trageDy she visitedthe in Music and the EmunahJewish of Our Children full electoral map Around Aftermath of Tragedy During North Shore YCQ Marches yeshiva ketana of long island – RichardAsking Altabe on in Times Chanukah of Tragedy rabbi dov silver Strengthening Our Emunah 60 years? by nate daviS Why In the learning from Generations Hebrew Academy Concert Tour winS i’m not moving if obama to canada, in the | 516-569-2662 A PUBLICATION OF THE FIVE TOWNS & QUEENS COMMUNITY december 20 - december 26, 2012 DistributeD


— See page 5, 58 & 59 —

in the Five towns, Queens & brooklyn


A PUBLICATION OF THE FIVE TOWNS & QUEENS COMMUNITY december 20 - december 26, 2012 | DistributeD

in the Five towns, Queens & brooklyn

Kumzitz in Queens to Benefit Those — See page 5, 58 & 59 — Hurt by Hurricane Sandy

S p o n S o r e d by


BEIT SHEMESH Community Page 34

by sArA Debbie GutfreunD

Why Eric Ulrich is Aftermath of Tragedy by sArA One Debbie GutfreunD the The Right for Second Amendment: Matter of Conflict State ASenate

Page 40

yeshiva ketana of long island – learning fromyeshiva Generations Gedolah

Page 40

of the five towns brings a new yeshiva Gedolah sefer torah home of the five towns Page 62 brings a new sefer torah home Jewish leaders visit the White housePage 62 for Chanukah Jewish leaders visit Celebration the White house for Chanukah Page 51 Celebration


by rAbbi DoviD MorGenstern and the Emunah of Our Children P A G E 4 8 ——————————————————————— in TimesPESACH of Tragedy Celebrate SECTION – See Page 92 Tips on DoviD How to Speak by rAbbi MorGenstern Israel Parade QUEENS NEWS with Your Children S P O N S O R E D BY Pby a gDr.e norMAn 5 0 ———————————————— bluMenthAl Tips on How to Speak Bnoswith Malka academy Your Children

by nAte DAvis The Second Amendment: Page 43 A Matter of Conflict

by Dr. norMAn Celebrates its bluMenthAl

by nAte DAvis

TJH to Interviews “The Shabbos Queens” How to Explain Children PAGE 70 ———————————————— 16ththe annual Dinner Unexplainable Ezra Academy Celebrates hirsChhorn P How a gbyeDr. 4 9Deb ———————————————— to Explain to Children Chanukah With the Unexplainable Torah, Chesed,

Finding the Light Within by JonAthAn Cohen, PsyD AnD sArAh GluCk, lCsW

Finding the Light Within

by JonAthAn Cohen, PsyD AnD sArAh GluCk, lCsW

Tzedakah and a by Dr. Deb hirsChhorn


Page 51 516-569-2662

— See page 9, 58 & 59—

Around the rambam Captures honors Tietz Now Completely Kosher! Margaret Community At yeshiva university

A PUBLICATION OF THE FIVE TOWNS & QUEENS COMMUNITY november 15 - november 21, 2012 | DistributeD

Page 62

Page 72

See PeSach/Travel SecTion — See page 5, 54 & 55—


Around the Community

Page 67

A Concert Invigorates the City with Song Page 49


Page 82

A Look BAck At A truLy unforgettABLe ShABBoS Dirshu Shabbos Kinnus Olam HaTorah

Page 31

Page 29

Home is Where the Heart Is at Chabad Page 65

Mesivta Ateres Yaakov Plows Through Hurricane Sandy

eekly Kin the Five toWns, Queens & brooKlyn WWee

The Story of the Jewish Billionaire

May Sway the 2012 Election Jews inWho tHe

Revolutionary War THEJEWISHHOME S P O N S O R E D BY

Ambassador to ly WeekFormer the UN Talks About Israel, the GOP and Arab Spring


Feelings of klyL WeeWEEK Bnos Bais Inspiration at 137 SPRUCE STREET 516-569-2662 Yaakov’s YITZCHAK — See page 5, 44, 45 — the Yam Hatorah Successful 18th ExclusivE TJH DiscounT for SHAMIR’S Annual Dinner Hamoed suCCos! HersHeypark on CHol graduation

around the ——————————————————————— LEGACY: P a g e 3 9 ———————————————— Chezky Levovitz Chezky Levovitz Hundreds Community Integrity, HaNC516.303.ROOF Turn Out 516.303.ROOF 7 6 6 3 to Celebrate 7 6 6 3 PAGE 34


Huge Turnout at AIM Queens PAGE 42


Page 89

OU Kosher Event in Great Neck Draws Large Crowd

Belgian the Five toWns, Queens & brooKlyn Hot eeklyKinChocolate WWee

———————————————— Academy A PUBLICATION OFEzraTHE FIVE TOWNS & QUEENS COMMUNITY august 16– august 22, 2012 | DistributeD Joins West PAGE 43



Hempstead Community For Shabbos



Modesty and Middle School FULLY FUL LICENSED L Y L I C& E INSURED NSED & • COMMERCIAL I N S U R E D &• RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL & RESIDENTIAL Life in YESHA Courage School Supply girls O O F Igive NPGA G ESBack ING GUTTERS Chezky Levovitz 3I9D ——————————————————————— Chezky RLevovitz Drive for Needy





Page 51

Page 39

Mesivta football League Launches to Great excitement

Page 51

Senator Dean Skelos Tours Chabad and Speaks with five Towns residents Page 46

...The November Next 29th Helping Our Youth


Dr. David Pelcovitz Rabbi Jonathon Rietti

Step By Step

Page 51

Splitting of the SeA

Page 74

for 2,146 CoupLeS AnD CounTinG

The Story of How Frum Matchmaking Has Taken to the Web



Students P a g e Appreciation 3 5 ———————————————— 7 Culminates 6 6 3 in




Traveling with One Israel Fund on Their Mission to Prevent More Jewish Victims PAGE 65

Page 63 ———————————————

TJH Interviews

Chabad’s Gan P a g e 3 6 ———————————————— Chamesh PAGE 48


Acheinu Kol Bais Yisroel Tragedy in Toulouse, France The Jewish World Mourns a Sudden Loss Page 14

— See page 42—

A Look BAckMiriam AtGruzaAof truLy Read to Succeed unforgettABLe ShABBoS

Page 70 Syrian President? How the Jewish People Helped Page 70

in theHaRav Founding of America HaGaon

S p o n S o r e d by

Page 53

— See page 13—

Assemblyman Phil Goldfeder Visits Camp Kaylie

Former Ambassador to QUEENS NEWS the UN Talks About Israel, Who Will it Be? the GOP andTheArab Parrot Rebbe Spring GearinG up for a Dramatic finish PAGE 44

Dirshu Shabbos Kinnus Olam HaTorah

Page3136 Page

Evening from Jerusalem

Supporter of John Bolton Chaim Pinchas Torah and Chessed Scheinberg Shape Up America! Speaks Queens News k’’mz

Acheinu Continues its DayPage 70 Camp Magic PAGE 42

HAFTR Student Organizes Art Exhibit At International Synagogue

Page 82

One Day in Yesha


Page 35

A Noteworthy

——————————————————— Page 72

All Campers Are Stars at Camp Atara

Rambam Hosts Romney vs. Obama: The 4th Debate

Ahuvah Gray’s Journey of Inspiration


ElEctions 2012

our sister, tHe Jew S P O N S O R E D BY

Wolfson z”l

Dinner of the Rockaways & Hatzalah E X T E and R I O R S )8//< /,&(16(' ,1685(' ¬&200(5&,$/ 5(6,'(17,$/ Nassau County A PUBLICATION OF THE FIVE TOWNS & QUEENS COMMUNITY NOVEMBER 1 - NOVEMBER for TOVA Wee Kin the Five toWns, Queens & brooKlyn Backpack Assembly 7, 2012 | DistributeD Community

Huge Turnout at AIM Queens

Page 49

Page 28

62 FoodPage Icons for Nearly a Century The Shopping Experience


The True STory of

EwEn Montagu and opEration MincEMEat

Interview with Yoeli Steinberg, General Manager of Gourmet Glatt


P A G E Rabbi 4 2 Pesach ———————————————— Lerner Visits Jonathan Pollard OU Kosher Event in Great Neck Draws Large Crowd


Page 72

Page 43

Richard Altabe on Why Eric Ulrich is the Right One for State Senate

at Young Israel of dewey defeatS truman: Page 89 Rory Lancman Queens Valley wHy electionS are not over until every vote iS counted Announces full electoral mapCandidacy For Giving is Fun at Wheels to Lease! P a g e Congress 4 1 ———————————————— Page 38 if obama winS i’m not moving to canada, by nate daviS


Page 43




Margaret Tietz Now Completely Kosher!


Chezky Levov

7 6

6 3






Chezky Levovitz

516.303.ROOF 7 6 6 3

How Romney’s Selection of Paul Ryan is a Game Changer

extra-Special activities to Do with Your children Between camp and School

)8//< /,&(16(' ,1685(' ¬&200(5&,$/ 5(6,'(17,$/

Page 74

Young Israel of Long Beach Holds Siyum HaShas



Starting on Page 103

G U T T E RChezky S Levovitz

Chezky Levovitz

516.303.ROOF 7 6 6 3

SPecial to thiS iSSue!


tHe nortHeaSt



People. Places. Things. PAGE 43

Page 64

Page 60

Pesach Belgian Hurricane Sandy 516.303.ROOF 516.303.ROOF Hot Chocolate ISLAND ISLAND ROOFING ROOFING SHutS down A Bold Choice A Week of Fun!

A G E 5 0 ———————————————— SeniorPawards DinnerBob Turner Visits Local at YCQSenior Center SEE PAGES 12-13 P A G E 5 1 ———————————————— P a g e 4 0 ————————————————


Ezra Academy Joins West Hempstead Community For Shabbos

Page 60

Page 48

Page 38

Pesach / Travel Section

Chezky Levovitz

516.303.ROOF 7 Page 6 6 3 41

)8//< /,&(16(' ,1685(' ¬&200(5&,$/ 5(6,'(17,$/

Year in Review

Assemblyman Goldfeder

Page 70

John Bolton Speaks



P a g e 3 0 ————————————————



Hundreds Join to Rebuild Long Beach; A Concert Invigorates the City with Song


ISLAND ROOFING Lido Beach516.303.ROOFIs the Wind Turning 516.303.ROOF 516.303.ROOF 7 6 6 3 7 6 6 3 Weekly Around the Donates The BeauTy of BayswaTer ——————————————————————— Who MaySynagogue Sway the 2012 forElection the Community ambulance to


Page 41



Around the Community THEJEWISHHOME

Jewish Fellowships Receives Top P A G E 5 1 ————————————————— ISLAND ROOFING ROOFING Honors in CUEISLAND Names Rabbi Dov Snow & E X &T E EX TR E IR O I O RR SS Competition Met Council ———————————————————— as Executive Director Celebrates Grand Yeshiva Darchei ROO RFO I NO G FSIIN D IG N G SGIUD T TIEN RS G GUTTERS

Children After the Storm


as Executive Director

— See page 5, 54 & 55 —

Speaker at YIKGH Page 33 G E 4 8 ——————————————————————— UrgesP ACommunity P A G E 3 9 ———————————————————— Yeshiva of to Visit Shomron Page 55 South Shore PAGE 39

Page 63

Ahuvah Gray’s Journey of Inspiration

Simply Tsfat Delights at Long Beach Boardwalk

Chezky Levovitz Torah A Winner Opening of New G E 8 4 ———————————————————————in Science SeniorP AHousing OHEL, Camp Kaylie and HAFTR Hold Free 137 SPRUCE STREET 516-569-2662 Contest Carnival to Provide Entertainment for in Queens P A G E 3 7 ———————————————————

Page 70

Page 65

Mesivta Ateres Yaakov Plows Through White house Chief of Staff Jack Lew Hurricane Tours the rockaways with Sandy

and Chessed at PAGE Yeshiva Ketana of Long Island During Super Storm Sandy


Yeshiva of South Shore Parents of the Year Rabbi Avi and Penina Pechman

THEJEWISHHOME Belgian Hot Chocolate Sheldon Adelson Reb Zev The Story of the Jewish Billionaire



The Amud AnAn ProTecTing our BroThers

Page 29


Jewish Fellowships A PUBLICATION OF THE FIVE TOWNS & QUEENS COMMUNITY June 28 – July 11, 2012 | DistributeD Names Rabbi Dov Snow

in the Dark

How a Community Banded Together After the Storm to Light Up Dinner Their Lives and Homes

our sister, tHe Jew

rav Shmuel Home is DishonWhere shlitathe Heart Is at Visits Ateres yaakovChabad Page 47

THEJEWISHHOME )8//< /,&(16(' ,1685(' ¬&200(5&,$/ 5(6,'(17,$/

How a Community Banded Together After the Storm to Light Up Their Lives and Homes & E X &T E Page EX 72 TR E IR O I O RR SS

rabbi Katz’s Shul rebuilds Hundreds Join to Rebuild AgainLong Beach;


Page 63

Rambam 20th anniversary graduation: The Tradition of STREET 137 SPRUCE excellence Continues

Chezky Levovitz

ISLAND ROOFINGS 7 6 Hurricane 6 3 DAY CAMP REUNION & E X T E R I O R SIMCHA this Sunday - see page 5• • Sandy P AinGQueens E 6 0 ——————————————————————— 516-569-2662 Page 36 Yeshiva Interview with of South y in the FivePage A PUBLICATION OF THE FIVE TOWNS & QUEENS COMMUNITY november 15City toWns, Queens & brooKlyn - november 74 of 21, 2012 DistributeD WeeklWeK Juskowitz, Around the Yisroel Shore Parents of Long Beach A Master of Art, Rabbi Around the ExclusivE TJH DiscounT for Community Struggles to the Year Community MusicCHol and Song Get Back on HersHeypark on Hamoed suCCos! Limud Hatorah

The BeauTy of BayswaTer ISLAND ISLAND ROOFING ROOFING WeeklWeKy in the Five toWns, Queens & brooKlyn

Page 516-569-2662

— See page 5, 44, 45—


White House Chief of Staff Jack Lew Meets with Jewish Leaders in NY


Page 74

Page 41



Page 36

Avi and Penina Their Feet 6 6 ————————————————— After Storm Pechman

Carnival to Provide Entertainment for Children After the Storm A PUBLICATION OF THE FIVE TOWNS & QUEENS COMMUNITY november 22 - november 28, 2012 | DistributeD

RIETS Rosh Yeshiva Visits

Page 70

BelgianLearning of Staff Jack Lew Continues Hot Chocolate Meets with Jewish in Yeshiva Ketana After Leaders in NY 516.303.ROOF




G U T T E RChezky S Levovitz Chezky Levovitz of Bayswater Bans See ad for upcoming event on page 65 7 6 6 3 7 6 6 3 Together A GEEIR3 9OI O RR SS FULLY & E X &T E EX PTR FUL LICENSED L Y LAfter I C& EStorm INSURED N SED & • COMMERCIAL I N S U R E D &• RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL & RESIDENTIAL Page New -Pesach Program Review – Leisure Time’s Hotel Excelsior – Venice, Italy

Page 66


— See page 5, 58 & 59 —

Around the Community


— See page 5, 46, 47 —

137 SPRUCE STREET Starting on 516-569-2662 Page 104 Hold Free OHEL, Camp Kaylie and HAFTR


four more years

Page 32


Page 74

ExclusivE TJH DiscounT for

SHutS down 516.303.ROOF 516.303.ROOF Around the ISLAND ISLAND ROOFING ROOFING ——————————————————————— Community QUEENS NEWS tHe nortHeaSt In-sight White House Chief


Page 62

Starting on Page 104

Yeshiva Visits Taking Care Rambam of G-d’s Children

— See page 9, 58 & 59—

Around of Long Island During Super Jerusalem Storm Sandy Menorahs Page 55 Around Page 72 Jerusalem

See PeSach/Travel SecTion



7 1toWns, ——————————————— in theE Five Queens & brooKlyn WeeklWeKyPAG

Page 38

Limud Hatorah

rambam Captures honors and Chessed at At yeshiva university Yeshiva Ketana Menorahs

Rav Chaim RIETS Rosh Tzvi Kakon ——————————————————————— Hurricane Sandy


Bnos Malka Academy Enjoys Another Successful Parent Appreciation Melave Malka

Hatzalah Page 86 Volunteers Work Round the Clock to Help Those Hit by the Storm

Students Page 48Learn to Lain Megillat Esther

eekly In The Five Towns, Queens & Brooklyn

december 27What - Januarythe 2, 2013, 2012 | Distributed



Many attend RABBI Kollel SHMUEL

HORAV SHMUEL KAMENETSKY t"yhka AND HORAV AHRON SCHECHTER t"yhka Endorsed By: list in formation Rabbi Shlomo A. Altusky Rabbi Zvi Bajnon Rabbi Yaakov Bender Rabbi Yissochor Blinder Rabbi Yisroel Meir Blumenkrantz Rabbi Aaron Brafman Rabbi Dov Bressler Rabbi Moshe Brown Rabbi Pinchas Chatzinoff Rabbi Shaul Chill Rabbi Menachem Feifer Rabbi Eytan Feiner Rabbi Yaakov Feitman Rabbi Eliezer Feuer Rabbi Binyomin Forst Rabbi Yitzchok D. Frankel Rabbi Aryeh Zev Ginzberg Rabbi Mordechai Groner Rabbi Avrohom Halpern

G U T T E RChezky S Levovitz

Page 36

Chezky Levovitz

516.303.ROOF 516.303.ROOF 7 6 6 3 7 6 6 3



The Light Side of 2012 By Nate Davis




Strange How it All Changed, Huh?

G U T T E RChezky S Levovitz

516.303.ROOF 516.303.ROOF 7 6 6 3 7 6 6 3

T h e J e w i s h H o m e n d e c m b e r 2 7 , 2012


Save Date

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o f

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t he

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Honoring Honorary Chairmen

charles harary eric stern

Dinner Chairmen motti lazar

moshe majeski Journal Chairmen shlomo katz

yehuda samter

Mayer & Fraidy Maltz p a r e n t s

o f

t h e

y e a r

Howard & Beth Kafka h a k o r a s

h a t o v

a w a r d

Assemblyman Harvey Weisenberg S p e a k e r P r o Te m p o r l e g i s l at i v e c o m m u n i t y s e r v i c e awa r d

Dinner Committee howard balter david bugayer aryeh gibber mendy haas shalom huberfeld avi krasnow steve landau avrum pultman avrumi rosenberg dani rosenthal binyamin schwartz ushi shafran yaakov spinner david vegh


T h e J e w i s h H o m e n d e c e m b e r 2 7 , 2012

T h e J e w i s h H o m e n d e c e m b e r 2 7 , 2012



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T h e J e w i s h H o m e n d e c e m b e r 2 7 , 2012

T h e J e w i s h H o m e n d e c e m b e r 2 7 , 2012


Contents >>Letters to the Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 >>Community Readers’ Poll. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Community Happenings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42

>> News Global . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 National . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Odd-but-True Stories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Cover Story: 2012 Year in Review . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71

>> Israel Israel News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 On the Road Again. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 My Israel Home: 2012 Israel Real Estate Review . 63 The A-4 Skyhawk: Making the Israeli Air Force One of the Best in the World. . . . . . . . . . . 66

>> People The World That Was: The Story of Lola Lieber . . . 90

>>Parsha The Shmuz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54

>> Jewish Thought Great Moments in Parenting, by Rabbi Jonathan Gewirtz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 Ask the Rabbi. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99

Dear Readers, What is time? This is an age-old question. Physicist Michio Kaku ponders, “I’ve spent most of my life studying time and I know it’s one of the greatest mysteries in all of nature. We all know that time is out there, but we can’t see it, feel it, taste it, touch it, or smell it. So how does it exert such power over our lives?” The truth is, time does hold a significant power over me as I feel my life is all about getting to places on time—having my children ready for school on time, getting dinner to the table on time, preparing for Shabbos in time for candle lighting, and getting this paper to press within the deadline. Yes, I can say that time controls much of what I do and I am pretty sure that holds true for you as well. I always wonder how time flies so fast. It feels like just yesterday we were trying to get used to the ring of the sound “2012.” Even more, we were just dealing with the thought of Y2K, but now we are headed into the 21st century’s “Bar Mitzva” year. The truth is, there are other more perplexing phenomena in the world, like how come all my kids’ socks ending up missing their pairs. Besides, I don’t have the time to worry about time; I am too busy looking for missing socks. At the end of the day, as much as we all wish we can find that button that would make time stand still for a while, thankfully, we are fortunate enough to experience the joys that come with the passing of time. 2012 was certainly an eventful year in the news. From elections to Superstorms, there really never were any dull moments. In this issue, we present the Year-In-Review which reminds us of many of the most significant stories that took place over the past 12 months. It is interesting that this year many of the major events of the year took place in the last several months and weeks of 2012. As such, we focus more on events which took place earlier in the year. We also present these stories in the perspective of people, places and events because our purpose is not to retell the stories but to present a snapshot and highlight certain aspects of these stories. For a humorous recap of the year, make sure to read Nate Davis’ article titled, “2012: Strange How it All Changed, Huh.” As usual, Nate speaks to us in a way that is both informative and analytical with his own tongue-in-cheek style. I loved reading his article and I am sure you will enjoy it as well. So sit back and relax as TJH takes you down memory lane. I hope you find this issue as enlightening and delightful as I did. As always, we appreciate your feedback, comments and even criticism. Feel free to contact me at editor@


Enjoy the rest of 2012!

Social Smarts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89


Rolling Back and Forth. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89

Yitzy Halpern

>>Health Birthdays, Anniversaries, and Cancerversaries, by Cheryl Greenberger, PhD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86



Why is Sorry So Hard, by Deb Hirschhorn, PhD. . 87

>> Food & Leisure

Shoshana Soroka

Nate Davis

classifieds@fivetowns 443-929-4003

Natural Appetite Suppressants, by Aliza Beer. . . . 88

Yosef Feinerman

managing editor

Editorial Assistant

Nechama Wein Copy Editor

Rachel Bergida Berish Edelman Mati Jacobovits Design & Production


P.O. BOX 266 Lawrence, NY 11559 Phone | 516-734-0858 Fax | 516-734-0857

Restaurant Review: 18 Restaurant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82

Shabbos Z’manim

Recipes: The Aussie Gourmet: Chef Poli’s Chumus. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94

Friday, December 28 Parshas Vayechi — Candle Lighting: 4:19 Shabbos Ends: 5:22 Rabbeinu Tam: 5:49

Travel: Illinois. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106

Weekly Weather

Travel: Passover in Florida . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110

>> Lifestyles Ask the Attorney. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 How’s This for a Cliff Hanger?,

fri. Dec. 28

sat. sun. mon. Dec. 29 Dec. 30 Dec. 31

tues. Jan. 1

wed. Jan. 2

thurs. Jan. 3

mostly cloudy/ wind

partly cloudy


partly cloudy

by Rivki Rosenwald . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102

>> Humor Centerfold . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64

>> Art From My Private Art Collection: A Review of 2012 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99


>> Political Crossfire


2012: Strange How It All Changed, Huh? By Nate Davis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67


Notable Quotes .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79

>> Classifieds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100

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rain/snow showers High LOW

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partly cloudy / wind High LOW

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High LOW

34° 29°

The Jewish Home is an independent weekly magazine. Opinions expressed by writers are not neces­sarily the opinions of the publisher or editor. The Jewish Home is not responsible for typographical errors, or for the kashrus of any product or business advertised within. The Jewish Home contains words of Torah. Please treat accordingly.


Street, Haifa 3326508. So far, 9,500 people from all over the world have colored Tal’s camel and read her short life story. All of the camels are posted on http://www. TalCamelE.htm. I would very much appreciate it if you colored Tal’s camel yourself and publish this special memorial event. Thank you for taking part in my effort to keep Tal’s memory alive. Ron Kehrmann, Tal’s Father As long as one is remembered she is still alive Dear Editor, My family loves reading your magazine every week. This year I was put in charge of the games and entertainment for my family’s Chanukah party. I had something planned, but as things go, I wasn’t able

to take care of it until last minute. Then my children remembered the dreidel project you had in your Chanukah magazine. It was an instant hit! All the kids were excited to do their project and were so proud! It was easy to do and the instructions were so clear. I was so happy to be able to contribute something that was fun and creative. Can’t wait to see what you have in mind for next year—my family is counting on you! S. W. Dear Editor, I have small children at home and B’H I was able to shield them from what went on in Sandy Hook Elementary School last week. When I heard the horrific news, I was shocked. But only later in the day did it sink in—these young, innocent children who were brutally snuffed out and their broken parents who will forever remember that day. Every time I thought of what happened, I couldn’t help asking myself, “Why? Why did this happen?” It’s true—this question is an age-old ques-





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Dear Project Nivneh, Words cannot express our deepest hakarat hatov to you, the organizations, the volunteers, and the wonderful community that completely stands behind you as you help all of us “victims.” My husband and myself are people that never take anything from anyone. We have never needed anything. We have everything we always wanted and needed. My husband and I are both working professionals and are raising our 5 beautiful boys together and we are not missing anything. We have all the food, clothes, toys, books, and sports equipContinued on page 15

M.S.Ed. B.S./M.S.


tion—why do bad things happen to good people—and we have found answers and much comfort in the wisdom of our rabbis and sages. I read the articles written by experts in your paper last week and found them helpful in dealing with this tragedy. It was also helpful to hear the writers’ pain and at the same time hear their wise words. Thank you for a wonderful piece. Sandy Newberger-Strauss

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Dear Editor, Shalom On March 5th, 2003, Tal, my daughter, was killed in a terror attack on board bus #37, in Haifa, Israel. Tal was 17 years and 9 months old. Tal was a senior in high school, one of the 17 Israelis murdered in this suicide terror attack. Tal loved camels. In Tal’s diary we found the camel she had drawn, but not colored. I am inviting you to be a part of “Color Tal’s Camel” memorial event. This year we will mark her 10th Memorial Day and my goal is to post at least 10,000 camels on her website. Please color Tal’s camel on your computer or by hand, do not hesitate to be as creative as you can be. Please bear in mind that Tal was a very happy teenager, very creative with extraordinary ideas. Once finished, please scan your camel and e-mail your camel thru the “contact us” on Tal’s website,, or mail it to 33 Hameginim

the Editor


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I N F O @ T H E N E W S E M I N A R Y. O R G

T h e J e w i s h H o m e n d e c e m b e r 2 7 , 2012

Letters to


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iras shamayim and middos. Educational excellence and compassion. Gifted students and boys with personal challenges. Sometimes the most important lessons are learned outside the classroom. At Darchei Torah, our goal is not only teaching Torah, but developing boys into menschen. To the menahalim, rebbeim

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T h e J e w i s h H o m e n d e c e m b e r 2 7 , 2012

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Continued from page 9 ment needed for all of us. What we have, we built together without any financial help from anyone. We have worked hard to do that and we are so blessed and fortunate to have the strength to continue that till today. We have so much fun and laughter coupled with warmth and love...what more does someone need??!! When our good friend “Sandy” came and swept our home away (not exactly literally...though it feels like that), we felt so lost. We felt like we had lost everything we worked so hard for and to pay for. Our sefarim, the couches, the chairs, the tables, all our pots and pans, food, blankets, linens. We were saddened and depressed. We lost “our stuff.” When the boys ran to look for their “stuff,” they saw floating baseball gloves and bats, their bicycles flipped over, all the coloring books and crayons drenched. Their box of Thomas trains was soaked through, Lego was filthy, the

Wii was gone and the DVD’s were all ruined. They felt like they too had lost everything and all they could say was “Ma, when are you going to buy me a new glove?” or “Da, can I get a new DS?” I heard, “Ma, we need to get more Lego” and “Ma, when we get a new house, can we get a new Wii?” This was heartbreaking. My husband and I were so wrapped up in ourselves and thinking about what we had lost. But on their level, our children had lost everything they owned and had too. They too, wanted their “stuff” back. We have since moved to Brooklyn and are working on getting our home and lives back together. The days fly by sooo fast and there is so little time between work and carpooling back and forth to Long Island and trying to be “normal” around the kids. Who has the time to think about buying the “small stuff” for our kids when we are just crazy trying to just put back the “big stuff,” like our walls and floor. Their “small stuff” just

Readers Poll Compiled by Jannah Eichenbaum

Have you ever gotten a speeding ticket?

Yes 62% No 38% How often do you get parking tickets?

A few times a week 0% Once a week 3% Once a month 25% Almost never 72%

the Editor doesn’t seem so important when we are so busy with the bigger picture. And then on a Thursday night as my husband and I were out to dinner, I received a phone call asking me how old my boys are because Nivneh would like to give them Chanukah gifts. I was completely overwhelmed at this call... smiling and crying at the same time. I mean, what my kids need. They have everything, right? My kids don’t need anything. They have everything they need. If they need something, I can go buy it, right? WRONG!! Who has time for that between work, carpool, and phone calls to FEMA and the adjustor, and running all the smelly clothes to the cleaners and watching that our heat is still on and working with contractors and kitchen people? We were not ready for this. And then it clicked…Yes, my kids need stuff. Even if they don’t need, they want stuff. And so I gave the amazing girls at Nivneh my boys’ ages and shortly thereafter, an amazing box of “stuff” was waiting for us at our neighbor’s home. The boys were so excited. The balls, the stickers, NFL cards (Aaron is the happiest), the games, puzzles, CARS stickers and books, Jenga...they were pulling it

all out with huge smiles. To our children, the smallest “stuff” made them feel the “Big Stuff.” Words alone cannot express our sincerest gratitude, gratefulness and deep appreciation for the toys and games you have so beautifully given our boys on Chanukah. From the wrappings, to the ribbons, the packaging...none of all your hard work and efforts went unnoticed!! You literally lit up their eyes and it gave my husband and I so much nachas to see them so happy. We felt so happy too. With much love and appreciation for all you efforts! We thank you from the bottom of our hearts! Amy and Yitzie, and our boys: Shai, JoJo, Aaron, Ezra and Dovi Englander

Views expressed on the Letters to the Editor page do not necessarily reflect the views of The Jewish Home. Please send all correspondence to editor@fivetowns

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T h e J e w i s h H o m e n d e c e m b e r 2 7 , 2012

Letters to


T h e J e w i s h H o m e n d e c e m b e r 2 7 , 2012


The Week Global $3.3 Billion: Richest Lotto in the World

Although Spain suffered yet another year of a severely failing economy, the show still went on. Spain’s annual holiday raffle happened as it did for the past 200 years. The world’s richest lottery pays out $3.3 billion in tax-free rewards to mul-

tiple winners. The winners were announced on live TV on December 22. A group of schoolaged children sung out the winning numbers. The grand prize winners got around $526,000 and hundreds of other lucky winners won smaller amounts. This festive holiday tradition’s biggest winning portion is called “El Gordo” (“The Fat One”). Some years, three $26 tickets were sold for every Spaniard. In a country of 46 million, that’s a whole lot of revenue. “A lot of people win,” said Pablo Foncillas, a marketing professor at the IESE Business School in Madrid. “It’s really common even if you don’t win to get a free ticket. So many people win that people just keep on playing. Everyone knows someone who’s won, even if it’s only a little bit.” Miguel Angel Ruiz is an unemployed construction company office manager who drove 100 miles to buy tickets from a vendor that people believe has the best odds of selling winning tickets. “We’re buying more, hoping we’ll hit it so we can emerge from poverty,” said Ruiz, 39. “Before the

In News crisis, lottery winnings were to buy an apartment or a car, and now it’s to pay debts.” The way the lottery is structured makes a lot of people happy. Instead of just one or two winners, hundreds of winners win smaller prizes. In the eastern Madrid suburb of Alcala de Henares, a total of $687 million was won. Among the top-prize winners were 50 former workers at a metal parts factory. Their company has not paid them wages in five months and has filed for bankruptcy. “I’m bursting with joy, I haven’t fully taken it in yet,” said local resident Josefina Ortega. “When others win you think to yourself it’ll never happen to you, but it has.” Sounds like a fun game! Who wouldn’t want to play?

Margaret Thatcher Hospitalized

Britain’s first woman elected leader, former Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, is recovering in the hospital from a surgery to remove a growth on her bladder. The procedure was minimally invasive. Tim Bell, a public relations executive, said, “The operation was completely satisfactory. She’s now recovering in hospital and as soon as she’s recovered she’ll go home.” Thatcher was dubbed the “Iron Lady” and was famous for embracing free market policies, challenging trade unions, and privatizing many stateowned companies. She served for 11 years before stepping down in 1990. In late 2001-2002, Thatcher suffered a series of mild strokes which caused her to cut back on public appearances and eventually cancel her speaking schedule. Thatcher’s declining health was a focus of the Oscar-winning biopic “The Iron Lady,” which premiered last year. Thatcher was the longest-serving Prime Minister of the United Kingdom

of the 20th century, and the only woman ever to have held the post.

Egypt Awaits Referendum Vote, VP Resigns

Mahmoud Mekki

On Saturday, Egypt held its final voting round on a new constitution drafted by an assembly dominated by Islamists. As a result, the country’s vice president resigned. Mahmoud Mekki, a judge, said previously that he intended to quit if the new constitution, which eliminates the post of vice president, was adopted. But a statement attributed to Mekki implied that his hasty departure may be linked to the policies of Islamist President Mohammed Morsi. Apparently he submitted his resignation last month but events forced him to stay on. “I have realized a while ago that the nature of politics don’t suit my professional genesis as a judge,” he wrote. However, the verdict of the referendum has not been officially announced yet. Egyptian judges are investigating opposition accusations of voting irregularities before declaring the results, President Mohamed Morsi sees the basic law, drawn up mostly by Islamists, as a vital step in Egypt’s transition to democracy almost two years after the fall of military-backed strongman Hosni Mubarak. The opposition, a loose alliance of liberals, moderate Muslims and Christians, says the document is too Islamist, ignores the rights of minorities and women, and feels it represents a formula for added trouble in the Arab world’s most populous nation. About 30% of citizens cast their ballots Saturday but official results won’t be known for several weeks. If the constitution is approved, a parliamentary election will follow in about two months.

17 T h e J e w i s h H o m e n d e c e m b e r 2 7 , 2012

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The Week Mob in Pakistan Kills Man Accused of Burning Koran A group of about 200 Muslims forced themselves into a police station in the Pakistani southern town of Dadu to seize a mentally ill inmate, beat him to death, and then light his body on fire. The Muslim man had been arrested for setting fire to a copy of Islam’s holy books. Police claim they attempted to stop the furious and violent crowd but were unable to control them. The case is likely to raise further concerns about the country’s harsh blasphemy laws, which can result in a death sentence or life in prison to anyone found guilty.

December 21, Not the Last Day of the World Last Friday, December 21, was just

an ordinary day….for most people. Somewhere out there, groups of people held that it was going to be the very last day of earth’s existence. Believers expected Friday’s Mayan apocalypse to discontinue the existence of the planet.

Skeptics claim there is no real basis to this prediction and it was mostly a rumor spread via the internet. Stephen Kent, a University of Alberta sociologist, says that generally doomsday predictions are made by charismatic leaders, often in cult like settings. “It appears that believers in the Mayan calendar apocalypse range from

In News troubled individuals to groups following charismatic leaders,” Kent told LiveScience. “Consequently, the fallout could be very complicated. The believers always predict that their special knowledge will allow them to survive, that they will escape the mortality that all of us face,” Kent said. “And so far, everyone’s been proven wrong on that fact.” As the day wore on without a hitch, believers lamely commented, “We got the math wrong,” to rationalize for the failed prediction. Thousands gathered at the ruins of the ancient Mayan city of Chichen Itza. Some prayed, some chanted, some vendors sold items to tourists urging them to buy something “before the world ends.” At the end of the day, the world as we know it was still here. “We still have to pay taxes next year,” Gabriel Romero lamented.

Saudi Arabian Editor Faces Death Sentence The editor of a Saudi Arabian website faces the death penalty after a judge cited him for apostasy and moved his case to a higher court. Raif Badawi, who started the Free Saudi Liberals website to discuss the role of religion in Saudi Arabia, was arrested in June. Initially, he had been charged with the less serious offence of insulting Islam through electronic channels, but at a December 17 hearing, a judge referred him to a more senior court and recommended he be tried for apostasy. Apostasy, the act of changing religious affiliation, carries an automatic death sentence in Saudi Arabia, along with crimes including blasphemy. Badawi’s website included articles that were critical of senior religious figures, the monitoring group said. Judges base their decisions on their own interpretation of religious law rather than on a written legal code or on precedent. King Abdullah, Saudi Arabia’s ruler, has pushed for reforms to the legal system, including improved training for judges and the introduction of precedent to standardize verdicts and make courts more transparent. However, Saudi lawyers say that conservatives in the Justice Ministry and the judiciary have resisted implementing many of the changes that he announced in 2007.

Chechnya Newspaper Closed For Laughing at Putin A Chechen newspaper has been closed down just hours after its editor-in-chief embarrassed the region’s Kremlin-backed leader while questioning Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Belkis Dudayeva, the editor-in-chief of Kadyrov’s Path, provoked laughter when she asked Mr. Putin a question, which began: “Thank G-d that Chechnya has now become a region of peace and prosperity...” The resulting laughter from other journalists seems to have stung Ramzan Kadyrov, the head of the Chechen Republic, who announced later that the newspaper would be closed down. Someone doesn’t have a sense of humor…

Hungary Bans Foreigners from Buying Farmland Hungary has amended its constitution to bar foreigners from buying farmland, a move the government called “historic,” but one that could cause friction with the European Union. Foreigners are already blocked from buying farmland under a temporary measure that formed part of Hungary’s EU accession agreement in 2003. But that measure, aimed at helping Hungary avoid seeing its land prices soar to catch up with other EU states including neighboring Austria, was originally set to expire in 2011, and was extended until the end of April 2014. On December 17, Hungarian lawContinued on page 22

19 T h e J e w i s h H o m e n d e c e m b e r 2 7 , 2012


T h e J e w i s h H o m e n d e c e m b e r 2 7 , 2012


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21 T h e J e w i s h H o m e n d e c e m b e r 2 7 , 2012

Dirshu’s upcoming Kinyan Torah bechina – on gt-hp sc zay will take place at the locations listed below. Please note that the date for the North American bechina locations is Sunday, December 30th, 2012 / b''ryz zah f"i 7:00 PM

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UNION CITY, NJ Mesivta Sanz

Please call 414-447-7999

3400 New York Ave.

Flatbush: Mirrer Yeshiva H.S.


7:00 PM



7:00 PM

1795 Ocean Parkway

51 Satmar Drive, Unit 101

Flatbush: Khal B’nei Torah – Kollel Dirshu

2925 Ave. K (corner K & Nostrand) Williamsburg: Bnos Yisroel D’Vishnitz

Yeshiva Bais Dovid

20 West Maple Ave


Meor Hagolah



Truman Avenue

Beis Hamedrash Hagodol

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Please call 203-233-3228

Please call 02-560-9000

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Please call 732-674-0840 Please call 773-761-4005

7:45 PM



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7:00 PM

Please call 201-384-0046

1401 54th Street (entrance on 54th St. 4th floor auditorium)

7:00 PM

Tiferes Israel

Jacob Jacobstraat 22


Please call 513-884-6482

180 Passaic Avenue (downstairs)



1700 S. Taylor Rd.



Wickliffe: Telshe Yeshiva Campus

6516 North 7th St. Suite 104

137 Bewick Road NE8



Please call 908-910-5733

Please call 07967-228624



Cleveland Heights: Mosdos Ohr Hatorah


7:00 PM

Bais Haknesses HaGra

14561 Lincoln Dr.


Agudah building

7:00 PM

1131 Raritan Ave.


7:00 PM

Elmora Shul /JEC Building

330 Elmora Avenue


7:00 PM

Yeshiva Sh’or Yoshuv Campus

1 Cedar Lawn Ave. (upstairs Bais Medrash)


Kollel Ohr Ha’emeth

7:00 PM


Lakewood Cheder

7:00 PM

901 Madison Avenue (dining room)

“If the holy Rav Levi Yitzchok of Berditchev, zt”l, were alive today, he would certainly approach the Aron Kodesh before Tekios Shofar, open it widely, and exclaim, ’Ribbono Shel Olam, look at how much Torah learning was added in Am Yisrael in the merit of the Dirshu organization,’ and promptly close the Aron Kodesh and proceed to blow the Shofar.”

7:00 PM

Ohr Hachaim 141-61 71st Ave.


Please call 02-560-9000


Please call +33139836131 Ahavas Yisroel

Toras Chaim Community Kollel (Ohr Somayach, Glenhazel)

10 Kingswood Road

Please call 718-530-4543



Cheltenham Crescent Salford 7

Please call 570-941-0961


6:00 PM

Bais Medrash L’Torah

7135 N. Carpenter Rd.

SOUTH FALLSBURG, NY 7:30PM Yeshiva Gedolah of South Fallsburg

84 Laurel Park Rd (Rosh Yeshiva’s Shiur room)

STAMFORD, CT 7:00 PM Please call 203-325-4351 ext. 13


#2 Beth Halevy


Please call 412-521-4637 Phoenix Community Kollel

Beren Kloiz

United Kingdom: 07967-228624

— Recently overheard from The Sanz-Klausenberg Rebbe, shlita

Kollel Yechiel Yehuda


112 Steamboat Rd

For more information, please contact:


Addas Yeshurun


The Adass Gutnick Hall, Ripponley

NORTH LONDON, UK Nachlas Shlome Belz

49 St Kildas Road, N16

NORTH WEST LONDON, UK Nishmas Yisroel Sunday, Jan. 6th, 1:30-3:30 PM

62 Brent Street NW4


YSI Campus:

Please call +436765352594

Please call 347-446-2834


Willowbrook: Igud Avrechim (Rabbi Pollack’s Shul)

98 Rupert Ave (Green room)

Zichron Moshe

Zelgstrasse 1, 8003 Zürich

Bottom Line Marketing Group: 718.377.4567


T h e J e w i s h H o m e n d e c e m b e r 2 7 , 2012


The Week makers voted by a large majority to amend the constitution to bar foreigners from buying Hungarian farmland. “The constitution will guard Hungarian land as a national treasure, our common inheritance and basis for our living, and protect it from domestic and foreign speculators,” a statement from the rural development ministry said. The vote was a “historic decision” and the “beginning of a new era for agriculture,” it continued. The government says farmland needs to be protected from speculators and bankers looking to score bargains at the expense of farmers.

Wanna Be Happy? Go Visit Latin America A poll taken of nearly 150,000 people around the world reports that seven of the world’s top ten countries with the most upbeat attitudes are located in Latin America. Polls that test positivity fall under a controversial new category known as “Happiness Economics.” The science of happiness economics seeks to add a measurable amount of the population’s attitude to the more traditional markers of a government’s success like average income and life expectancy. Happiness does not necessarily relate to wealth. Prosperous nations can be deeply unhappy ones. And povertystricken ones are often filled with positivity, or at least a close approximation of it.

While Qatar has the most wealth, Canada the most education, and Japan the highest life expectancy, these countries do not contain the happiest people. Gallup Inc. asked about 1,000 people in each of 148 countries last year if they were well-rested, had been treated with

In News respect, smiled or laughed a lot, learned or did something interesting and felt feelings of enjoyment the previous day. In Panama and Paraguay, 85 percent of those polled said yes to all five, putting those countries at the top of the list. They were followed closely by El Salvador, Venezuela, Trinidad and Tobago, Thailand, Guatemala, the Philippines, Ecuador and Costa Rica. The people least likely to report positive emotions lived in Singapore, the wealthy and orderly city-state that ranks among the most developed in the world. Other wealthy countries also sat surprisingly low on the list. Germany and France tied with the poor African state of Somaliland for 47th place. America has the 33rd highest ranking. Not surprisingly, Iraq, Yemen, and Afghanistan all fell in the bottom ten.

Stalin’s Birthday Stirs Mixed Emotions People across the vast landscape that Joseph Stalin once imposed terror upon had very different ways of acknowledging the dictator’s birthday. While many consider the day a black stain on the region’s history, others laid flowers at his grave and remember him with admiration. Leftists in Belarus said they found a Stalin statue that was buried after denunciation of his personality cult in 1956, but refused to specify its whereabouts because they fear authorities would order its destruction. Authorities in Stalin’s hometown of Gori, Georgia, say they will reinstall his statue that was removed in 2010. In southern Ukraine, several ethnic Crimean Tatars trashed a small street exhibition on Stalin. The entire Crimean Tatar population of Ukraine was hastily deported in cattle trains on Stalin’s orders in 1944 for their alleged collaboration with Nazi Germans during World War II. Of the 200,000 Crimean Tatars, almost a fifth died of starvation and diseases, and the survivors were allowed to return only in the late 1980s. According to the most conservative estimates, Stalin was responsible for the deaths of over 20,000,000 people during his reign, while many think that in reality over 40 million people died at his hand. Continued on page 26

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25 T h e J e w i s h H o m e n d e c e m b e r 2 7 , 2012

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The Week

Israel iPad to Replace Flight Manuals on El Al El Al Airlines will begin a trial project next month before changing all flight manuals on its Boeing 777 fleet to iPads. When the plan is completed, all the carrier’s pilots will be equipped with iPads, enabling them to manage flights to destinations worldwide, reportedly saving hundreds of thousands of dollars annually.

“Each year we will save about $160,000 in fuel alone on overall flights, and streamlining measures related to the literature required on aircraft will bring savings of somewhere between $250,000 and $400,000,” said Captain Ofer Ya’ari. El Al will be providing the pilots taking part in the trial with 130 iPads, containing all the necessary flight data including takeoff and landing flight paths, relevant radio frequencies, maps, and permitted heights in various locations. The iPads will also contain Boeing’s specifications and plane manuals, which need to be available to the flight crew at all times. The Israel Civil Aviation Authority will closely supervise the six-month trial. If the trial is successful, all 520 El Al pilots will convert their paper files to iPads by October 2013. The airline stressed that the safety of the flights will not be hindered in any way because of the iPads. Studies have already shown that the devices do not interfere in any way with the other equipment on board, and they will not be working online. Now let’s hope they don’t run out of batteries.

Kineret Sets 10 Year Record In the course of one day, the Ki-

In News neret rose over 18 centimeters, setting a 10-year record for the month of December. The Sea of Galilee is now only 3.21 meters short of its maximum levels after which authorities allow it to drain southward into the Jordan and the Dead Sea.

The head of the Kineret Administration, Pinchas Green, explained “There has not been such a meaningful rise in such a short time for many years, and certainly not at this time of year. Usually it starts rising from mid-December, and this year the rise started as early as November.” Green noted that the soil became saturated at an early stage, causing the flooding to begin early as well. The soil requires about 150 mm of rain in order to reach saturation. He explained that since Thursday, there has been heavy rain in all of the regions from which water flows to the Kinneret: Kiryat Shmona, the Golan Heights, the Naftali Mountains, Merom Hagalil and the Upper Galilee. The past seven years have seen lower than average rainfall and this refreshing news is a very nice gift from the Heavens.

Analyst Warns Of Egypt’s Agenda Dr. Liad Porat is a leading analyst at Israel’s Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies. He has released a report calling Western leaders “naïve” if they believe the Muslim Brotherhood has abandoned its quest to destroy Israel merely because of its leadership role in Egypt. Dr. Porat agreed with the assessment of many Western and Israeli leaders that Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood overlords either won’t be able to or won’t desire to start a direct military conflict with Israel in the coming 10 years. “The Brotherhood recognizes Israel’s military and technological advantage and doesn’t want to start a war,” wrote Porat. But that doesn’t mean the Brotherhood won’t encourage and facilitate

hostile activity directed at Israel. “The possibility of a security threat emanating from Egypt in the near future cannot be dismissed,” noted Porat, especially considering the Brotherhood’s active efforts to demonize Israel in the eyes of average Egyptians. Since its recent rise to power, the Muslim Brotherhood “has influenced the Egyptian street to think that Israel is no longer a stabilizing factor in the region,” Porat explained. “The Brotherhood has convinced the Egyptian public that a treaty with Israel harms Egyptian national security and threatens internal Egyptian stability.” Just last month, as world leaders were praising Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi for his role in brokering a truce between Israel and Gaza-based terrorists, Morsi’s boss and the Muslim Brotherhood’s spiritual leader, Mohammed Badie, was reiterating that it was “obligatory” for all Muslims to wage jihad against the Jewish state. The main point of Porat’s argument is that the West can prevent aiding aggression towards Israel by taking a closer look at the Brotherhood’s intentions. Before sending monetary aid, there must be a realistic prediction made concerning what agenda the funds will support.

John Kerry: Pro-Israel, Anti-Settlements

Senator John Kerry, who was nominated by US President Barack Obama on Friday to serve as his next Secretary of State, is very familiar with the Middle East and the current Israeli leadership. Like outgoing Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Kerry supports Israel and understands its needs, but is a staunch opposer of the settlement enterprise.

Kerry, 69, who was the Democratic Party’s presidential nominee in 2004 but lost to George W. Bush in a tight race, has been a Senator for 27 years and is the chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. Kerry is a graduate of Yale University and fought in the Vietnam War. For that service, he was awarded combat medals that include the Silver Star, Bronze Star, and three Purple Hearts. Clinton, who is still recuperating from a concussion she sustained after fainting in her home in Washington, did not attend the announcement on Kerry’s nomination at the White House. During her four years as the US’s top diplomat, Clinton managed to conceal her differences with Obama over the approach to the Middle East peace process. The President chose to ignore Clinton’s recommendation when he publicly reproached Israel over its settlement construction. Obama would send Clinton to reprimand Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, but she believed her presence in the region was a waste of time and let George Mitchell lead Washington’s efforts to promote an Israeli-Palestinian peace deal. However, Mitchell resigned as the US’s Middle East peace envoy after two years because he failed to make any headway in resolving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Clinton visited Israel only a few times during her tenure as Secretary of State. Her predecessor, Condoleezza Rice, visited the Jewish state no less than 25 times at a time when then-Israeli PM Ehud Olmert and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas were holding direct negotiations. Jewish groups expressed their satisfaction with Kerry’s expected appointment as Secretary of State. The National Jewish Democratic Council issued a statement saying it was “ecstatic” over Obama’s choice. “Senator Kerry has been an outstanding ally to the Jewish community and we fully support his nomination. We urge the Senate to confirm him as the next Secretary of State without delay.” The Anti-Defamation League also welcomed Kerry’s nomination, calling him “a champion for civil and human rights” and an “effective advocate for Israel’s security in a dangerous region.” Over the past few years, Kerry has sponsored or co-sponsored several bills related to Israel. These bills include affirming Israel’s right to exist and defend itself, committing the Senate to a lasting peace in the Middle East while condemning violence and terrorism, and opposing the unilateral Palestinian

In News bid in the UN. During Operation Pillar of Defense, he supported a Senate resolution supporting Israel’s right to selfdefense.

Woman Allegedly Dies at 124 Mariam Amash of the Arab-Israeli village of Jisr a-Zarka died on Saturday morning. According to the Interior Ministry’s population registry, she was 124 years old. The listing was based on a birth certificate issued by Turkish authorities that ruled the region at the time.

Amash, whose identification card states that she was born on

“00.00.1888,” had 10 children of her own and some 300 descendants. If Amash was in fact 124 years old at the time of her death, that would make her the oldest women ever documented. Officially, Jeanne Louise Calment, a French super-centenarian, had the longest confirmed human lifespan in history, living to the age of 122 years, 164 days. In an interview, she gave seven months ago, Amash said, “I’m 124 years old and my identification card says I was born in 1888. Unfortunately, I do not know the exact date, so at the end of each year my family surprises me with a party and gifts.” Mariam was very well-known throughout the entire Arab sector, and her family said people came from all over the world, as well as from Jewish schools in Israel, to hear her stories. “I know what is going on in the country – politically and socially – and I am aware of the Arab sector’s difficulties. You can say that our lives were better before, but I still want to thank the Israeli government for the help it has given us,” she said.

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The Week


The Week

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Yiddish Popular Among Arab Students A strange phenomenon is under way at Bar-Ilan University. Nearly one quarter of the 400 students taking Yiddish language classes are Arabs, says Dr. Dov-Ber Kotlerman, the academic director of the Rena Costa Center for Yiddish Studies. According to Dr. Kotlerman, some of the Israeli Arabs are looking for ways to connect to the Jewish culture that they must get along with, and it’s not easy. “Jews also searched for a way to connect to the local culture in the Diaspora, and it’s wonderful that Yiddish can serve as an ambassador and bridge between nations and cultures,” he says. Gevalt!!

National Land of the Rich America is the land of the free and the home of the brave. With this economy, many Americans want to put their money into something that’s grounded (pun intended) and have set their sights on good, ol’ American land. Just recently, two billionaire brothers from Texas bought 177,000 acres of ranch land in Montana. This recent purchase brings their total land holdings to 276,000 acres. Farris and Dan Wilks, who are in the oil business, now own 431 square miles in Montana—wowza!

And yet, the land of entrepreneurs and free enterprise is home to others who own way more land than these two billionaires. Believe it or not, their recent purchase barely puts them in the

top 30 landowners in the U.S.! Some wealthy Americans use the land they own for agriculture, some use it for timber or as working ranches. And it doesn’t hurt that these men now have more than enough space to hunt, fish or just hike for days. According to Land Report 100, here are the top five landholders in the U.S. of A. and their holdings as of 2012. John Malone, the cable tycoon, owns 2.2 million acres from Wyoming to Maine. His most famous holding is the Bell Ranch, a 290,100-acre cattle ranch. Ted Turner, the media mogul, owns 2 million acres in Nebraska, New Mexico and other states. He has been a champion for environmental causes. The Emmerson family owns 1.8 million acres through Sierra Pacific Industries, which is the nation’s second-largest lumber producer. Brad Kelley, the reclusive billionaire, owns 1.5 million acres and uses much of it for cattle ranching. Although he made most of his money off producing discount cigarettes, the businessman has never smoked. The Irving family is the fifth largest landholder in the U.S. The Canadian family owns 1.2 million acres in Maine and other locations.

Hurricane Hero Dies Tragic Death

Dylan Smith risked his life saving others during Hurricane Sandy. In a bizarre twist, the 23-year-old was found dead in a surfing accident in Puerto Rico. Just weeks ago, the New York City lifeguard used his surfboard to move several of his neighbors in Belle Harbor to safety during the storm. Neighbor Michael McDonnell calls Dylan “a guardian angel in a wetsuit” for what he did during the storm. Although they knew each other for years, it was the night of October 29th that McDonnell says he will remember forever. “There he was, paddling up to me on his surfboard in raging waters as I was standing on a box at the curb fastening a rope

In News to a tree, the same rope that would become the lifeline that would help save six people from fire and flood waters… His calmness and ability to work with me like a team stood out to me immediately, and it was at that moment I knew I had a great person at my side.” He remembers that Dylan did not care for publicity and only appeared for People’s “Hero of the Year” award because he felt that it would bring recognition and help to their neighbors.

Postal Workers Steal Millions

In a new definition of the term “mail fraud,” many postal workers were arrested this month for stealing checks out of customers’ envelopes. A former supervisor at an Atlanta mail distribution facility, a coworker, and four others pled guilty to stealing $3 million in U.S. Treasury checks, including veterans’ benefits, tax refunds and Social Security checks. By the time authorities figured out the scheme, the small theft ring had stolen or cashed 1,300 federal checks, officials said. The Georgia workers aren’t alone. Between April and September of this year, 171 Postal Service employees were arrested for theft, willful delay or destruction of mail, according to a new report by the USPS inspector general. The Service has about 546,000 employees. Gerald Eason, 47, pled guilty to stealing more than 1,300 checks while working at the postal facility. His accomplice, mail handler Deborah Fambro-Echols, 49, has also pled guilty. The two employees pled guilty to conspiracy and theft of government money. Eason pleaded guilty to several other charges including possession of stolen Treasury checks. There’s a wide range of jail time they could be serving, though. Each charge carries anywhere from five to 30 years in prison. Investigators became aware there was a problem in December 2010 but

waited until March to arrest the individuals. They caution that these workers are not the norm. “Eason and FambroEchols reflect just a very small percentage of employees who failed to uphold the trust and integrity placed in them,” said Paul Bowman, the U.S. Postal Service Office of Inspector General’s special agent in charge. “The majority of Postal Service employees are honest, hardworking, and committed to providing the timely and reliable service that customers expect and deserve.” Four other defendants also pled guilty to helping the Atlanta scheme, including cashing the stolen checks, acting as brokers and using fake ID’s. Two were arrested in a Georgia bank when they tried to impersonate the intended recipient of the check. None of the four are U.S. Postal Service employees. In 2011, Georgia “ranked third in the country in the number of federal tax refund, Social Security, and Veterans checks reported stolen by their intended recipients,” prompting the creation of the U.S. Attorney’s Stolen Treasury Check Task Force, a coalition of 14 federal, state and local law enforcement agencies to investigate the problem of stolen checks in northern Georgia. Gives new life to the phrase “The check’s in the mail…”

Kerry Silent at SOS Nomination

President Barack Obama sang John Kerry’s praise this week, as he nominated the former presidential candidate to be the next Secretary of State. But after the President spoke, Kerry did not. It is unusual for someone being nominated not to speak at the press conference but perhaps tight lips are a job requirement. “He is not going to need a lot of onthe-job training,” Obama said, standing alongside Kerry at the White House. “Few individuals know as many presidents and prime ministers or grasp our policies as firmly as John Kerry.”

29 T h e J e w i s h H o m e n d e c e m b e r 2 7 , 2012

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The Week If confirmed by the Senate, Kerry would replace Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, who plans to leave Obama’s Cabinet early next year.

Steve Jobs’ Yacht Impounded

Well, it seems that even if you’re the founder of one the most successful businesses in the world, you still have to pay your bills. A super-yacht built for Apple Inc’s late co-founder Steve Jobs has been impounded in Amsterdam because of a dispute over an unpaid bill to designer Philippe Starck, a lawyer said on Fri-

day. Jobs, who died last year after making his name and fortune at Apple, never got to use the yacht – called Venus – but had commissioned the French designer to work on the vessel, which cost more than 100 million euros to build. A lawyer representing Starck’s company, Ubik, told Reuters his client had received 6 million euros out of a 9 million euro commission for his work on the minimalist vessel and was now seeking to recover the rest of what he was owed. The yacht was impounded on Wednesday evening, the lawyer said, and will remain in Amsterdam port pending payment by Jobs’ estate. And I thought I had problems paying my bills.

BP Settlement Reached British oil giant BP won approval from a US federal judge for a $7.8 billion settlement with people and businesses that lost money and property

In News due to the 2010 oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. Although the deal addresses the bulk of private claims over the Deepwater Horizon oilrig and the oil spill that resulted from its explosion, it does not affect an anticipated tens of billions of dollars in fines and claims from the US government and impacted coastal states and local governments. Nor does it resolve lawsuits filed by shareholders or others seeking compensation because of a drilling moratorium imposed after the worst environmental disaster in US history. The incident also killed eleven workers. US District Judge Carl Barbier gave his final approval to the settlement in a 125-page ruling. He had preliminarily approved the accord in May. “None of the objections, whether filed on the objections docket or elsewhere, have shown the settlement to be anything other than fair, reasonable and adequate,” Barbier wrote. He said the settlement agreement “provides compensation to class members that appears sufficient” to cover their losses from the spill.

Both BP’s and the plaintiff’s attorneys welcomed the approval of a deal that would settle nearly 100,000 claims from fishermen and others affected by the disaster. BP said the decision resolved “the substantial majority of legitimate economic loss and property damage claims stemming from the Deepwater Horizon accident.” “We believe the settlement, which avoids years of lengthy litigation, is good for the people, businesses and communities of the Gulf and is in the best interests of BP’s stakeholders,” the company added. Attorneys Steve Herman and Jim Roy, who represent the plaintiffs, also praised the deal, saying they were “ex-

tremely pleased.” “This settlement has – and will continue to – bring the people and businesses of the Gulf the relief they deserve,” they wrote in a statement. BP has said the settlement is not expected to result in any increase of the $37.2 billion charge it posted to cover the cost of the massive spill that blackened beaches in five US states and devastated the Gulf Coast’s tourism and fishing industries. It took 87 days to cap BP’s runaway well 5,000 feet 1,500 meters below the ocean surface off the coast of Louisiana as it spewed some 4.9 million barrels (206 million gallons) of oil into the Gulf of Mexico.

President Awards Top Scientists and Inventors President Barack Obama has named 12 researchers and 11 inventors as recipients of the federal government’s highest honors in their fields: the National Medal of Science, and the National Medal of Technology and Innovation. The newly named recipients will receive their awards at a White House ceremony next year. “I am proud to honor these inspiring American innovators,” Obama said on Friday in a White House statement. “They represent the ingenuity and imagination that has long made this nation great — and they remind us of the enormous impact a few good ideas can have when these creative qualities are unleashed in an entrepreneurial environment.”

The recipients of the rewards span all areas of scientific research and innovation. Much of the research is done in top schools and hospitals around the country. Recipients include Sandra Faber, an astronomer focusing on evolution of galaxies and cosmic structure at University of California at Santa Cruz, and Golem Peyman, a retina surgeon

credited with invention of Lasik eye surgery procedure. The medals are considered the top national award in the field of science and are reserved for only the highest scientific achievements.

Head to Boise for the Good Life Looking for the best place to find happiness, health and a good quality of life? You may want to consider heading to Boise, San Jose or San Francisco. The three western U.S. cities top the list of the 100 best towns for men in a new ranking compiled by Men’s Health magazine, while Charleston, West Virginia, Philadelphia and Birmingham, Alabama are considered the worst. “Anytime we do a best and worst city ranking and a city comes in at the very top like this, it immediately says to us they were consistently strong across the board in pretty much all of the 38 criteria that we looked at,” Men’s Health Executive Editor Matt Marion said.

Boise, Idaho, which jumped from fifth place last year, scored high marks for the physical and mental health of its residents, its low crime rate and short commuting times – an average of just 18 minutes. “Boise finishing number one was interesting to us because it is a city that would have finished in the top 20, but to come in right at the top is impressive,” Marion said. San Francisco, California, which consistently ranks high in the annual list, impressed with its small percentage of obese people, low number of smokers and high education rates. San Jose, California, had very low death rates from cancer and heart disease, the lowest percentage of smokers in any of the 100 cities in the ranking, and not much crime. Plano, Texas, and Seattle, Washington, rounded out the top five, followed by Burlington, Vermont, which dropped from the top spot last year.

In News At the opposite end of the list, high cancer rates, violent crime and poor fitness levels assured Birmingham last place. In addition to Philadelphia and Charleston, West Virginia, the bottom five included Toledo, Ohio and St. Louis, Missouri. New York ranked 33rd.

Newspaper Nabs 50th Fugitive The popular “Most Wanted” feature in The Washington Examiner reached a milestone this week when readers helped U.S. Marshals nab the 50th fugitive profiled in the newspaper. The weekly feature, which first ran in July 2008, was inspired by the FBI’s “Most Wanted” posters that appear in post offices. Editors at first were not sure the idea would work. They knew stories about the D.C. area’s most dangerous fugitives would make for lively reading. But would they actually lead to arrests? Within weeks, tips from readers resulted in three captures, including one violent offender who vowed not to be

taken alive. “The Washington Examiner and its readers have done a tremendous public service in helping law enforcement bring fugitives to justice,” said U.S. Attorney Ronald C. Machen Jr. Rob Fernandez, commander of the U.S. Marshals’ Capital Area Regional Fugitive Task Force, says The Examiner has become a valuable crime-fighting tool. The fugitives selected to appear in “Most Wanted” are generally violent offenders that the task force has been unable to find on its own. The weekly feature also helps people realize that fighting crime is a responsibility for all, Fernandez said. “This shows more reader engagement than I’ve seen in four decades in journalism,” said Stephen G. Smith, editor of The Washington Examiner. “Our readers have joined with us in trying to make the community safer. They’re showing that newspapers are still kicking at a time when many media critics are writing them off.” We here at TJH couldn’t agree more… Continued on page 34

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The Week


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The Week NRA Says Fight Guns with Guns

The tragic events at the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, have brought the gun debate to the spotlight once again. Advocates for gun control maintain that guns have brought too much death and destruction to our nation. But advocates for gun-rights say that it is the people who use the guns who kill and not the guns themselves. Of course, the powerful NRA, the National Rifle Association, has a lot to say on this matter. Gun-control advocates responded with outrage and disbelief on Friday after the NRA called for armed guards in every school and blamed music, movies and video games for firearms violence. While some people in Newtown, Connecticut, said they supported the idea of police with guns in their schools, critics said a volunteer force was impractical at best, dangerous at worst. The incident at Sandy Hook Elementary School last week has prompted some gun-rights advocates to soften their position, and there was speculation that the NRA might put forth some type of concession and try to find some middle ground However, NRA chief executive Wayne LaPierre did not indicate the group would support new restrictions. ”The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun,’’ he said, roughly outlining plans for an NRA-sponsored program to train and certify volunteers to protect schools from “the next Adam Lanza.” Former Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele said he was at a loss for words after hearing the proposal. “I don’t even know where to begin,” he said. “As a supporter of the Second Amendment and a supporter of the NRA — even though I’m not a member of the NRA — I just found it very haunting and very disturbing that our country now is talking about arming our teachers and our principals in classrooms.”

In News Sen. Frank R. Lautenberg, D-N.J., said he was stunned by LaPierre’s comments. “It is beyond belief that following the Newtown tragedy, the National Rifle Association’s leaders want to fill our communities with guns and arm more Americans,” he said in a statement. The controversy is one that affects everyone and as such, many different opinions are being offered. One thing is certain: this topic of conversation isn’t going away for a while.

Benghazi Debacle Leads to Resignations Four State Department officials resigned less than a day after a released report blamed management failures for a lack of security at the U.S. diplomatic mission in Benghazi, Libya, where militants killed the U.S. ambassador and three other Americans on September 11th of this year. The resignations came as lawmakers expressed anger and frustration over the findings of an independent review panel, and the State Department struggled to find a balance between protecting its diplomats while allowing them to do their jobs connecting with people in high-risk posts. Obama administration officials said those who had stepped down included Eric Boswell, the assistant secretary of state for diplomatic security; Charlene Lamb, the deputy assistant secretary responsible for embassy security; and Raymond Maxwell, the deputy assistant secretary of state who oversees the Maghreb nations of Libya, Algeria, Tunisia and Morocco. Co-chairman of the Accountability Review Board, Thomas Pickering, said the personnel on the ground in Benghazi had reacted to the attack with bravery and professionalism. But, he said, the security precautions were “grossly inadequate” and the heavily armed militants overwhelmed the contingent. “They did the best they possibly could with what they had but what they had wasn’t enough,” Pickering said. Rep. Adam Schiff, a member of the House intelligence committee, said security was “plainly inadequate, intelligence collection needs to be improved, and our reliance on local militias was sorely misplaced…These are not mistakes we can afford to make again,” he said. Continued on page 38

35 T h e J e w i s h H o m e n d e c e m b e r 2 7 , 2012

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T h e J e w i s h H o m e n d e c e m b e r 2 7 , 2012


The Week In a letter, Hillary Clinton thanked the Review Board for its “clear-eyed, serious look at serious systemic challenges” and said she accepted its 29 recommendations to improve security at high-threat embassies and consulates. The Secretary of State said the department had begun to put in place some of the recommendations. They include increasing by several hundred the number of Marine guards stationed at diplomatic missions throughout the world; relying less on local security forces for protection at embassies, consulates and other offices; and increasing hiring and deployment of highly trained Diplomatic Security agents at at-risk posts.

show a decommissioned plane filled with rows of lumpy sacks of potatoes looking like disheveled, unhappy passengers. But the engineers were happy with the work that the tubers did and even dubbed their project Synthetic Personnel Using Dialectic Substitution, or SPUDS for short. And now you can thank your tubers when you can watch Youtube 35,000 feet above ground.

Flying 1 Million Miles a Year

That’s not a [cool] number. So the two of us were going to set out and do a million.” He mentioned that people should remember to be patient and courteous while flying. He also said he likes the aisle seat (so do I!). “I kind of know what the Grand Canyon looks like by now,” he said wryly. In general, this feat could only have been achieved by someone like Stuker who says, “I love traveling the world.” And indeed, he has seen most of it from way up high.

Texting Saves Lives

That’s Odd This Spud’s For You

When you’re flying the friendly skies and are able to check your emails and your favorite websites online, you have your potatoes to thank. Yes, these tubers have been working hard for you, helping engineers work out the kinks in the Wi-Fi on some flights. Since signal strength can be spotty, airlines have been trying to improve the reception at 35,000 feet above ground. Engineers at Boeing Co. needed passengers to sit still for days in order to eliminate weak spots in in-flight wireless signals. So instead of using people, they used potatoes. Other fruits and vegetables were evaluated, but it turns out that potatoes, because of their water content and chemistry, absorb and reflect wave signals much as the human body does, which makes them a suitable substitute for actual people. (So when someone tells you to stop sitting around like a sack of potatoes, don’t get insulted.) Engineers bought 20,000 pounds of the spuds, and photos of their work

In News

When people say that they fly a million miles a year, it’s generally an exaggeration. But Tom Stuker has become the first passenger to fly 1 million miles on United Airlines in a calendar year. Just a year and a half ago, United threw Stuker a party for earning 10 million miles in flight, a celebration that included naming a Boeing 747 in his honor. After so many miles in the skies, Stuker admits that he is “tired. I know I’ll never fly this much again in a year.” He has flown the equivalent of 40 trips around the world in less than 365 days. The automotive sales consultant lives in New Jersey and flies for business. He generally flies first class (that’s the way to go!) and is a member of United’s Global Services which is an invitation-only program that offers “certain unpublished benefits.” In an interview, Stuker gave some insight into his achievement. He said that a producer of reality TV asked if they could do a documentary about Stuker flying for 30 days straight on a plane. He flew 12 days non-stop to practice for the program and flew 100,000 miles. “Granted, I fly first class – I don’t think I could have done it in coach,” he admits. The idea to fly a million miles came from a friend and Stuker said, “I was thinking, OK, I can’t do 917,000 – nobody is going to say, ‘Oh, did you hear about the guy who did 917,000?’

Usually when we speak about texting, we don’t refer to it as saving someone’s life. But when a Boston-area man saw weird texts from his wife, he knew something was very wrong. His wife just visited her doctor and sent him texts saying, “every where thinging days nighing” and “some is where!” These texts sounded too odd to be coming from his pregnant wife and so he immediately took her to the emergency room. When she was evaluated, it turned out it was not just a case of bad texting— she was suffering from a stroke which prevented parts of her brain from getting enough blood. Fortunately, doctors were able to take care of the 25-year-old woman and sent her home. Doctors have coined a term for this phenomenon—dystextia—when texting or the written word is helpful in “identifying neurologic disease.” In some parts of the population, so many people rely on texting or email that the common sign of a stroke or neurologic disease, which is usually slurred speech, is often not what is apparent. Other times, patients will email or write to a friend that they are experiencing symptoms of a stroke since they find it hard to speak. So I guess texting is good for something.

Shoving for Shoes In the early morning of December 20th, crowds across the country got rowdy. No, it wasn’t to protest for hungry children around the world or our failing economy—it was to welcome the latest pair of Air Jordans. Tempers flared at the Madison Square Mall, forcing security officers to call in the police. At least eight patrol cars responded to help control the dis-

turbance that erupted among the crowd of 75. Police were forced to use pepper spray to calm the crowd down. Shoppers had been standing in line for hours, some for days, for the release of the new Air Jordan 11 Bred sneakers. Apparently customers refused to comply with store rules and policies and security officers felt they needed assistance from police officers to get things under control. Retail they cost $180 but on eBay, several pairs are being auctioned off for $400 and up.

Is This for Real?

There’s a new scam out there… awareness is the best defense, so listen up! Consumers have been booking airline tickets online, being lured in by cheap prices or exotic offers, only to find out that they were scammed. Now don’t judge a book by its cover…an odd airline name or strange aircraft design does not necessarily mean that the airline carrier isn’t legitimate. There are many smaller, less popular airlines out there that have been proven to be smart choices. For example, don’t let the neon green exterior of Kulula Airlines aircrafts throw you off. The airline offers low-cost tickets and has been flying for over 10 years within South Africa. Its main destinations are Mauritius, Namibia, South Africa, Zambia, and Zimbabwe. EVA Air Hello Kitty Jet may sound like a toy you would find in your kid’s playroom but it is actually a very popular flight in Asia. Yes, the aircrafts are as you picture them, pink everywhere with the cute Hello Kitty cartoon character plastered on everything from the plane’s exterior down to the ticket kiosks. Travelers in Taiwan can connect to destinations in China, Japan, South Korea, Hong Kong, and Guam. Onboard, the fun continues with Hello Kitty headrests, pillows, playing carding, cups, utensils, tray mats, sugar packets, dental floss, toothpicks, and even bath-

room toilet paper featuring the cute feline…every 6-year-old girl’s dream. Now if you’re gazing at the blue skies and see something but can’t figure out whether it’s a bird, a plane, or a raccoon then it’s probably a Germanwings’ Airbus A320. The yellow-tailed plane represents the official animal of Berlin, a bear. This low-cost carrier is based in Cologne, Germany, which flies to over 90 destinations in Europe, the Middle East and North Africa. But cheap airfare comes with a price (if you’ve ever flown SpiritAir you know what that means). Every small accommodation from blankets to drinks to boarding first will cost you. One feature that Germanwings offers that adventurous flyers love is its “Blind Booking.” It’s an exciting and affordable way to travel just about anywhere from its four German hubs. Here’s how it works: you choose what you’re looking for on your trip like cities with the best shopping or the countryside and the dates you want to travel. The airline provides a list of potential destinations that you could be booked to and you don’t find out where you are going until after you book your ticket—similar to name your own price on Priceline. You are now free to dance around the cabin.

26 Acts of Kindness in Memory of Sandy Hook Victims The nation was brought to tears upon hearing about the devastating tragedy in Newton, Connecticut. Ann Curry of NBC News wanted to do something real to help ease the widespread suffering over the loss of 20 innocent children and 6 brave teachers of Sandy Hook Elementary School. She made a proposal via Twitter: Why not commit to doing one act of kindness for every life lost? The suggestion went viral and people around the country have been committing random acts of kindness in the memory of the Newtown heroes. Shauna Groenewold, the Web administrator for the state Department of Education in Lincoln, Nebraska, felt that it was an excellent way to spread some positive energy. “I noticed that Ann Curry offered a challenge for these acts of kindness, and I think everybody feels helpless, and it feels like something you can actually do to make you

feel not so helpless,” Groenewold said of wanting to participate. Groenewold decided to give $1 to every charity bucket she comes across. Online bloggers made suggestions like to serve at a soup kitchen, donate a toy to child in need, and thank your teacher with a nice note and small gift. Perhaps we can continue to spread the kindness…

Customer Service Call Lasts More than 10 Hours boasts a wide selection of shoes and apparel, free shipping, free returns, and unbeatable 24/7 customer service. Their customer service is unparalleled—some have even ordered pizza from the website!

In News In a study conducted a few months ago, Zappos tied with L.L. Bean for the best customer service via Twitter. Zappos had been using Twitter to field customer queries since 2008. Customers like being able to solve customer service issues over the microblogging site, so Amazon began offering customer support via tweet, too. As a consumer I have to say that the the number one element that affects my buying choice is customer service, although I’d turn to family and friends for advice on relocating. I hope the representative mentioned to the student that Uggs won’t be necessary in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Prince of Dubai is the World’s Most Spoiled Child Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid al Maktoum, Prince of Dubai, may be the most spoiled kid ever. The 29-year-old crown prince of Dubai and son of Mohammed bin

About 2 weeks ago, a Midwestern college student called the site’s Nevada headquarters to purchase a pair of Ugg boots. The simple transaction morphed into a 10 and-a-half-hour chat about Las Vegas, the city the student was considering relocating to. During the marathon customer service phone call, the rep took a few short breaks while the customer agreed to be placed on hold. spokesman Jeff Lewis said providing good customer service is a top priority. “We feel that allowing our team members the ability to stay on the phone with a customer for as long as they need is a crucial means of fulfilling this value,” he said. Zappos’ parent company is Amazon. When Amazon acquired the shoe retailer in 2009, it promised management that it wouldn’t interfere with Zappos’ free-spirited corporate culture. In the long haul, Amazon benefits from the customer-service elements that make Zappos’ customers so loyal. “Amazon has purposely allowed that culture to continue to proliferate,” said Bryan Pearson, president of LoyaltyOne, a loyalty marketing and strategy company. “I’m sure they’re bringing some of the key lessons from the Zappos experience into Amazon.”

Rashid Al Maktoum, the Prime Minister of the United Arab Emirates, leads a fairy-tale life.

He drives a diamond-studded, mink-finished Mercedes that’s worth an estimated $4.8 million and cruises in the world’s largest yacht, which has a $300 million price tag. He spends his days sky diving, jet skiing, and body boarding. Oh, and with all that money, he also enjoys traveling. He visited New York in June and dined in the finest restaurants and ordered a $1,000 dessert, which was served in a $300 Baccarat goblet com-

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The Week


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The Week

Ferrari 250 GTO was built for Sir Stirling Moss, a former well-known race car driver from England. However, that record may be stolen if an anonymous American seller gets his asking price of $41 million for his 250 GTO — a sign that the market for Enzo Ferrari’s most famous race cars may soon overheat.

plete with edible gold and Tahitian vanilla ice cream. Wonder what he’ll get for the big 3-0.

Dancing to Traffic Officer Tony Lepore is a holiday tradition in downtown Providence, Rhode Island. The police veteran comes out of retirement every year for one reason and one reason only: to dance while directing traffic. “He is a Rhode Island landmark, more or less. He’s an icon, he’s like a little mini celebrity,” Michelle Peterson, an emergency medical technician who lives in Warwick, Rhode Island said. “It feels good to see him out here; it definitely brings the holiday spirit.” Karen DeAngelis, of Pawtucket, who got off the bus she was riding to see Lepore perform, says she would make the trip to Providence every year to see him if she could. “I’m not able to, and I just so happened to be here today. He’s that good and he’s that entertaining, and he really cheers people up.”

In News Alexander’s Missouri school district has taken aggressive efforts to battle childhood obesity. The Independence school district is the first to send students as a group to a program like the one in South Carolina. The students who completed the program lost a combined 756 pounds.

After 50 Years of Marriage, Couple Makes a Shocking Realization

$41 Million for a Car Just six months ago, the most expensive car ever was sold. The green 1962

The car is being offered for sale by a London broker but there weren’t many details released about the car, which is one of the 39 known GTOs that have been put on the market. The broker claims it has “a very well cared for history by past and current owners.” In recent years, collector cars have come to be viewed as pieces of art. Hmm…so my Honda Accord would be the equivalent of a Norman Rockwell poster from Marshalls?

Lose Weight Here

Childhood obesity has become a national epidemic. Four months ago, when 16 year-old Jason Alexander boarded a plane headed to South Carolina for boarding school he weighed 326 pounds. Upon his return flight home on Friday, December 21, he weighed almost 100 pounds less. The boarding school he attended was geared towards weight loss. He clocked in at 233 pounds upon his departure from the weight-loss boarding school. He was the biggest lost amongst the 13 classmates he boarded the plane with.

In 1964, Norma and Bob Clark celebrated a beautiful wedding in Northern California. They remember everything being just perfect. The happy couple, now in their seventies, was shocked to learn almost 50 years later that their marriage was technically never legal because they didn’t have an official marriage license. They made this unsettling discovery while getting paperwork in order in case one of them passes away. “I couldn’t find it, and couldn’t find it for a reason, because it wasn’t there,” Norma Clark said of her marriage license. In order to properly officiate a legal marriage, the person who marries the couple must return the license to their county record office, where it becomes a marriage certificate. Apparently, the pastor who married the Clarks never completed the process. So Bob Clark visited the San Bernardino County Hall of Records to try and sort everything out but it wasn’t so simple. “I just went in there thinking I could just do it, and she said, ‘No, no, you have to have witnesses,’” Clark said. “Well, you know most people at our wedding are dead. If we had waited a couple more years, we would have been in trouble,” he added. Luckily, the Clarks were able to track down their old maid of honor and junior usher who were in town for the holidays. The Clarks’ son, Alex, had the privilege of attending his parents’ “second wedding.” “My sister and I, we just kind of joked that we didn’t have to throw them a 50th anniversary party anymore,” he said. I guess we can say mazal tov!


Bnos Bais Yaakov joins

Reb Berish Fuchs in mourning the loss of his choshuve mother

Sarah Matel bas Shmuel v�g Mrs. Serena Fuchs brought light to this world through her kindness and support of Torah. Her sons, Berish and Moishe continue to light the Torah world as they follow the precedent set by their beloved mother.

ohkaurhu iuhm hkct rta lu,c of,t ojbh ouenv

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On the occasion of the Shloshim,

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Around the


Bais Yaakov of Queens First Graders Use Dreidels for a Different Kind of Spin! The first graders at Bais Yaakov learned graphing with a Chanukah spin! Using dreidels and pennies, the students played dreidel in small groups. They applied the use of their learned skills of adding, subtracting and dividing as they had such fun. Depending on what the dreidel landed, they added, subtracted and even divided the “pot” in half when the dreidel landed on hei. While they were having fun playing dreidel, the girls graphed their groups’ individual results on how often the dreidel landed on each letter. Each small group then shared their results with their

class. Taking it one step further, Mrs. Peri Schonfeld’s class graphed the entire class’s results on a life-size graph chart. They hung it in the hallway for everyone to see. To extend the fun and the learning, Mrs. Schonfeld’s reading groups put vowels, consonant blends and digraphs on the sides of the dreidels instead of nun, gimel,hey and shin. When the dreidel landed on a specific sound, the girlshad to think of a word that begins with the sound and write it on a whiteboard. What a fun way to practice phonics!



Torah Finally Returns Home to DRS Beit Medrash After Hurricane Sandy

After five long weeks of being displaced from the DRS building following Hurricane Sandy, students and Rabbeim joined together last Monday to dance their Sifrei Torah back into the DRS Aron Kodesh. DRS expresses tremendous Hakarot HaTov to Hakadosh

Baruch Hu for bringing them back into their building, as well as to HALB Executive Director Richie Hagler, and his trusted assistant, Chaim Hollander, for all the hard work they put into the building as well!

TAG 7th Graders Raise Money for Hurricane Victims with Cakes and Cookies

HANC Loves Art! Students at HANC’s Samuel & Elizabeth Bass Golding Elementary School in West Hempstead are excited about art! Art teacher, Ann Koffsky, introduced students to a variety of “Artist Masters.” In kindergarten, the students discussed how different colors can suggest feelings and emotions and they used colored chalk to create large fields of blended colors in the style of artist Mark Rothko. First graders completed circle and square projects inspired by Vassily Kandinsky’s “Color Study.” The students in second grade created a beautiful art installa-

tion inspired by the glass sculpture of Dale Chihuly. Third graders focused on the works of Piet Mondrian and emulated his signature style using Sharpies and colored tape. Using tape as a resist, the fourth graders spongepainted their own work in the style of Claude Monet. The students in fifth grade studied Georges Seurat’s detailed pointillist style and used it to pattern their own butterfly designs. Sixth graders created heir own pastel pieces as inspired by Mark Chagall’s famous piece, “I and the Village.” Thank you to I & D for their donation of materials to the Art Room.

HANC Student Collects Tzedakah Adina Lustig, a kindergartener in Morah Nenner’s class at HANC’s Samuel & Elizabeth Bass Golding Elementary School in West Hempstead, created a very special Tzedakah box which she used to collect money for the victims of Hurricane Sandy. Adina came up with the idea for this project all by herself and we are so proud of her for performing this act of Chessed!

On Friday, November 23, a number of 7th grade TAG girls participated in a bake sale to raise money for hurricane victims. The bake sale brought in close to $700 and was used to buy Chanukah presents for children who lost their toys in the storm. Many thanks to the girls who participated: Shira Frechter, Ayala Goldsmith, Naomi Schreiber, Malka Ostreicher, Laya Moskowitz, Elana Eisenberger, Dasi Pultman, Daniella Nueman, Shira Schonkopf, Kelly Zweig, Rosie Solomon, Aliza Friedman, (Pictured from left to right) Laya Moskowitz, Naomi Schreiber, Malka Ostreicher, Shira Frechter. Shira Frankel, Eta Jacobson, Kaila Jedwab, Ariella Nueman and Shani Frechter home and was Shire FrechAdest. ter’s chessed project in honor of her Bat The bake sale took place in the Mitzvah.

Comedy at Chabad Don’t settle for another boring Motzaei Shabbos. On Saturday night, January 5 at 8:00 p.m., Chabad of the Five Towns invites everyone to enjoy an entertaining night, featuring the brilliant comedy of Joel Chasnoff. Joel’s comedy with a mix of personal anecdotes and keen observational humor, centered around the theme of the absurdity of modern American life. Joel is not your grandfather’s Jewish comedian. With humor that’s clever, sharp, and never degrading, Joel’s comedy is a one hundred-eighty-degree turn from the Borscht Belt comics of old.

Audiences across the spectrum, from U.S. Marines stationed at Okinawa to the Rebbes of Lubavitch Yeshivahs find Joel’s comedy smart, witty, and—most importantly—hilarious. The night will also features delicious dairy pasta, salads and sushi bar. The chairpersons for the evening are Josh & Naomi Abehsera, Victor and Chana Braverman, Ranon and Rachel Bruckenstein, Adam and Sarit Kramer and Moti and Elke Probkevitz. $30 admission fee and RSVP is appreciated. Please call 516-295-2478 or visit www. to reserve your spot.



DRS YU Scholarships and Columbia Acceptance DRS congratulates Senior Meir Zeidman who was accepted into Columbia University during the Early Decision application period. We also congratulate seniors Hillel Field and Eitan Lipsky on receiving full fouryear scholarships to Yeshiva University, as well as seniors Shmuli Reichman, Alex Selesny, Yaakov Hawk, Aryeh Helfgott, Josh Kaufman, and Yosef Madowicz on receiving major scholarships, amounting to close to a million dollars, for YU’s Honors Program. These students represent the strength of DRS, in that they encourage and foster individual creativity, and research and leadership opportunities. All DRS students have the opportunity to select college level coursework beginning in tenth grade, thereby demonstrating their ability to perform and succeed in college. There are approximately fifteen Advanced Placement courses offered at DRS and nine honors classes. The school has numerous clubs and they

From Left to Right: DRS Menahel Rabbi Yisroel Kaminetsky, Alex Selesny, Yaakov Hawk, Josh Kaufman, Aryeh Helfgott, Yosef Madowicz, Shmuli Reichman, Hillel Field, Eitan Lipsky, Meir Zeidman, DRS College Guidance Director Madeline Rosenberg, and Principal Dr. Gerald Kirshenbaum

allow students to express their interests and create new ones. DRS looks

forward to watching their students’ achievements and successes over their

high school careers and beyond!

Impressions of Yeshiva Orchos Chaim By Mordechai Kastlebaum The inaugural Open House for Yeshiva Orchos Chaim took place this past Motzei Shabbos in Cedarhurst with over one hundred people in attendance. Open houses generally follow a similar routine, and this open house was no different – Roshei Yeshiva spoke, principals spoke and parents asked questions. However, it was clear from the energy and positive momentum in the room that Orchos Chaim is not going to be an ordinary yeshiva. The dynamic team of mechanchim that spoke last Motzei Shabbos was articulate and passionate about their goals for the new yeshiva and the extraordinary chinuch that it will provide for its talmidim. Rabbi Aryeh Zev Ginzberg, Mara D’asra of Chofetz Chaim Torah Center which hosted the event, opened the evening by giving the overflow crowd a personal glimpse of the Rosh HaYeshiva, Rav Shlomo Yonoson Harris. Ascribing to him the gevurah personified by Yehuda, he described how the idea for the Yeshiva was conceived. Though Rav Harris enjoyed a highly successful 19 years as Menahel of the world-class Mesivta Chofetz Chaim in Queens, he

saw the opportunity to more fully utilize his kochos to spread Torah in the Five Towns and he pursued it with determination. Rabbi Ginzberg immediately dispelled the apprehension that parents associate with new Yeshivos. “Don’t think that this is a new yeshiva! In fact it is an old, well-established yeshiva in a new location.” It brings with it the rich, empowering mesorah of Yeshiva Chofetz Chaim, with decades of Harbotzas Torah and a reputation for producing wonderful Bnei Torah. Most importantly, stressed Rabbi Ginzberg, is the life-long relationship talmidim can expect to form with their rebbeim, something that he sees in his experience as a Rav as being sorely lacking in our generation. Rav Harris then spoke of his expectations for the Yeshiva. In essence, he explained, the Yeshiva’s purpose is to develop each talmid in the fullest sense. This means firstly, to develop his thinking abilities, something which requires specialized skill to be able to keenly relate to the talmid’s way of thinking – to “get into his head” – and guide him to

hone his thinking skills so that he be empowered to clearly understand the Torah he learns and eventually grow into a true talmid chochom. This fundamental approach to chinuch applies to every aspect of the talmid’s growth, especially his middos and growth as a Ben Torah. Through close relationships with Rebbeim, a talmid is able to grow on his own, not by coercion, but rather through the gentle guidance of a caring role model. Rav Harris spoke passionately about the powerful impact a rebbi can have on a talmid when they enjoy a close trusting relationship. The results are amazing. Rabbi Avrumi Portowicz, General Studies Principal, then spoke and immediately indicated the high bar that he expects from the General Studies program. “Some people believe that it is not possible to develop a true Ben Torah who is well-educated. I disagree,” he stated emphatically. “A Ben Torah needs to have a strong education wherever life may lead him, and we are determined to provide it for him.” Simply passing the Regents exams will not be viewed as a success. Instead

it will be viewed as the minimum goal – the sights have been set much higher and students will be challenged to excel, not just pass. He also spoke of the importance of writing skills and how that will be a primary focus in the yeshiva. He will introduce Power Writing courses and other enrichment programs to ensure that every student is equipped with strong writing skills when he completes high school. Overall, Rabbi Portowicz expressed his vision of a highly professional General Studies staff that will deliver a top-notch program for the yeshiva. Judging from the discussions and excitement of the audience at the event’s close, there is great interest in the unique chinuch that Orchos Chaim has to offer. As one parent put it simply, “I’m sold!” It is clear that the Hanhalah of Yeshiva Orchos Chaim intends to hit the ground running – putting all the essential elements in place to build a remarkable Makom Torah in our community – one that is built from the ground up with the focus on every talmid’s success.

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Yeshiva Ketana of Long Island Fifth Grade Hascholas Gemara Celebration The fifth graders at the Yeshiva Ketana of Long Island celebrated a joyous milestone as they were presented with their first gemaras last week. The children’s enthusiasm was contagious and their eagerness to delve into the gemara was heartwarming. This Hascholos Gemara was a momentous event for the talmidim and it captured the vitality of the larger YKLI community which continues to thrive as it contends with its recent overwhelming challenges. With the ramifications of Sandy’s wrath still affecting so many in the area, embarking on the new gemara marks steady, purposeful movement forward. Rabbi Dov Edell, Elementary School Principal, pointed out that while there is the concept of “kol haschalos kashos,” this beginning was anything but chal-

lenging. “Our talented rebbeim, Rabbi Friedler, Rabbi Hersh, and Rabbi Langer, consistently infuse the learning experience with such love and warmth that simcha was the prevailing emotion of the day. By carefully assessing each talmid’s growth and addressing the learning needs of every child, these dedicated rebbeim eased their talmidim into this new endeavor masterfully,” explained Rabbi Edell. Rabbi Bajnon, Menahel, delivered divrei bracha further inspiring the eager talmidim and establishing for them the chashivus of this tremendous event. Each Rebbe addressed his class, beautifully elucidating in an age-appropriate manner how vital and all-encompassing the gemara is and how it is the foundation of our beautiful mesorah. The ener-

gy generated by the sounds of talmidim and their rebbeim learning the first mishna b’rabim was profoundly moving, and the presence of parents and grandparents enhanced the festivity while heightening the importance surrounding the boys’ first steps in gemara learning. YKLI seeks to imbue the talmidim with the tools they need to become tomorrow’s bnei Torah. Simultaneously teaching skills while transmitting their

own passion for learning, the rebbeim and the administration work together to ensure that each child receives the education he needs to be successful within the bais medrash and beyond. This wonderful hascholos gemara represents the simcha that is an integral part of YKLI’s efforts to foster within the talmidim a love of learning and an enthusiasm to strive and shteig in Torah for years to come.

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be a part of it!

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Mesivta Ateres Yaakov’s 10th Annual Dinner Mesivta Ateres Yaakov will be marking its 10th annual dinner this Monday, January 7th at 6:30 PM at Congregation Kneseth Israel (“The White Shul”) with an impressive list of honorees. The tremendous growth the Yeshiva has experienced over the past 10 years is noteworthy in and of itself. But, even more so, its trademark warmth, care, concern and emphasis on excellence in all areas of education, for all its talmidim and, more recently, its central role in and positive influence on the community at large, is what will be celebrated on Monday. Drs. Steven and Alyssa Kadish will be the Guests of Honor, Mr. and Mrs. David Ambalo have been named the Parents of the Year, Dr. and Mrs. Benjy Weiss will be receiving the Kehilla Award, and Mr. Sanford Pesner will be accepting the Educator of the Year award. In a Mesivta where young men are encouraged to develop their unique personality traits and strengths within the framework of a Torah-true education armed with Rabbeim for Life, Education for Life and Torah for Life, the MAY graduate is prepared to tackle the many challenges of our complex world. Having said that, one can see both why these honorees have chosen this yeshiva and why the yeshiva has chosen to honor them. Rabbi Noach Haller, the Yeshiva’s Director of Development, noted, “We are very lucky to have such strong supporters of the Mesivta who both champion and engender the goals of the school. It is extremely gratifying that these wonderful honorees are equally proud to be associated with our institution.” Rabbi Yaffe, the Menahel, commented, “The yeshiva’s annual dinner is an opportune time to acknowledge and express our hakaras hatov to these wonderful partners who have invested so much time and effort in helping our yeshiva grow into the premier educational and community institution it has become.” Steven and Elisa Kadish Steven and Elisa Kadish are long time residents of Cedarhurst. They daven at Kehilas Bais Yehudah Tzvi and have been integral, involved members of several local organizations and shuls, including Rabbi Spiegel’s Shteibel. Steven has been a MAY Board Member for the past 10 years and Elisa was

PTA president at MAY for many years. During that time, she instituted many innovative programs, including the very successful and much needed bi-annual Health Fair. Elisa is involved in many worthy organizations and has been honored by Yeshiva University Women’s Organization, Emunah, and Yeshiva of South Shore PTA. Both Steven and Elisa are practicing physicians. He is currently in Private Practice in Gastroenterology in Cedarhurst and serves as the Physician in Charge of Endoscopy at South Nassau Communities Hospital. She is the Chief of Mammography and Interventional Breast Imaging at Sitron-Hammel Radiology, a division of ProHealth. The Kadishs are the proud parents of three MAY talmidim – Yishai (Class of 2007), Gavriel (Class of 2010), and Ariel (Class of 2013). After attending Yeshivas Toras Moshe in Eretz Yisroel for 3 years, Yishai earned a Master’s degree in Education at Johns Hopkins University and is currently studying for his s’micha at Ner Yisrael Rabbinical College. Following graduation from MAY, Gavriel studied in Yeshivas Bais Yisrael in Eretz Yisroel for 2 years and is also learning in Ner Yisrael. Ariel and his twin brother, Yonaton, will be graduating high school this spring. Gavriel’s twin sister Eliana attended TAG elementary and high school, Michlalah in Yerushalayim, and is currently the Assistant Head of the Chesed Program TAG. She will be graduating from Queens College this summer. David and Simone Ambalo David and Simone Ambalo are longtime residents of Woodmere and are renowned for their many acts of chesed and the unassuming way in which they conduct themselves. The Ambalo family davens at Aish Kodesh in Woodmere, where David is a member of the Board, and at Chabad of the Five Towns where Simone is extremely active. Simone also served as a member of a local Chevra Kadisha. David was born in Israel and at age 21 came to the United States after serving as an instructor in the IDF. He is the owner of Designs on Fifth, a jewelry manufacturing and design company. Simone is a New York State certified

teacher, but has dedicated the bulk of her full time efforts to raising their children. Recently, Simone has opened a jewelry store off Central Avenue in Cedarhurst, “The Jeweler’s Wife.” The Ambalos core philosophy for raising their wonderful children continues to be “chanoch l’naar al pi darko.” Their focus is helping each of their children reach their ultimate potential. As such, their family values align beautifully with those of the Mesivta. The Ambalos have four children. Yaakov, their oldest, is a senior at MAY, and helps care for his younger siblings, Joseph, Veronica, and Benji. The Ambalos feel privileged to be partners in this journey and it is with great Hakaras HaTov to the Mesivta, and in particular to Rabbi Yaffe, that they accept the this year’s Parents of the Year award. Benjy and Judi Weiss Benjy and Judi Weiss are residents of Cedarhurst and have watched the Mesivta grow from its inception. During the past few years, since the Mesivta’s move to the center of Lawrence/Cedarhurst, they have become indispensible members of the thriving kehilla. As a participant in the daf yomi cycle for many years and a regular attendee of local shiurim, Benjy devotes a significant amount of his time growing in ruchniyus. Benjy, who has a Ph.D. in Clinical and School Psychology from Hofstra University, is currently the senior psychologist in the Bellmore Merrick Central High School District and maintains private practices in Cedarhurst and Wantagh. Judi has a Masters Degree in Speech Language Pathology from Brooklyn College. In addition to practicing as an independent provider for the Early In-

tervention program and treating school age children, she works as the speech therapist for the P’TACH program at the Yeshiva University High School for Girls. Benjy is a dedicated mispallel at Ateres Yaakov, and Judi is a regular participant at the Kehilla’s mother/daughter chabura which meets every Shabbos directly after davening. They feel humbled and honored to be receiving the Kehilla award at this year’s dinner. Sanford Pesner The Mesivta’s Educator of the Year awardee is the beloved science teacher, Mr. Sanford Pesner, who has been instilling a love of science in MAY students for 25 years! Mr. Pesner has a long and distinguished career in education, not only at MAY, but also at the Freeport School District, where he chaired their Science Department and was honored with the Outstanding Teacher of Nassau County award. He has taught workshops for the New York State Science Teachers Association, including “Motivation of Studies in the Learning of Science” and “The Teaching of Science through Magic.” His articles about innovative teaching techniques have been published in many educational periodicals as models and professional development resources for other teachers. When not teaching, Mr. Pesner moonlights as an actor and has performed in a number of off Broadway productions. He has made a tremendous difference in the lives of his students, and the Mesivta is honored to have him accept this award. The Yeshiva invites the whole community to join this wonderful celebration and to honor these worthy honorees. For more information, reservations or dedication opportunities, contact Rabbi Noach Haller at (516) 374-6465 or at

Seforim For Sandy The Seforim Sale is the world’s largest Jewish book sale, completely run by Yeshiva University students for four weeks beginning February 3, 2013. This year, the Sale is focused on helping out Shuls and schools that were affected by Hurricane Sandy. Our goal is to help replenish libraries lost or damaged during the storm. To nominate your Shul for a chance receive a donation of up to

$10,000 worth of Seforim, simply post a message on our Facebook wall with your Shul’s name and contact info@ Follow us on Twitter @SeforimSale and follow the project #Seforim4Sandy. If you have any questions, feel free to email Sara, our Marketing Director, at



Rav Moshe Lichtenstein at Rambam On Sunday morning, Asara B’Teves, talmidim at the Rambam Mesivta had the privilege to hear a shiur from Rabbi Moshe Lichtenstein, one of the Roshei Yeshiva of Yeshivat Har Etzion. Rabbi Zev Meir Friedman introduced the program by speaking about the relationship between a Yom HaTaanis, “Day of Fasting,” and Teshuva, “Repentance.” “Fasting should help in refocusing us from thinking about and securing our physical needs to thinking about how we can improve ourselves and become better Torah Jews,” he explained. “The Mishna Berurah teaches us that if we fast but we while away the day and do not focus on Teshuva, we are neglecting the essential theme of the day and grabbing hold of the smaller aspect of the day. Clearly, we need both, with fasting leading us to Teshuvah.” Rabbi Lichtenstein proceeded to analyze the Gemara in Rosh HaShana 18b which discusses whether the fast in the month of Teves was to be held on the 10th day of the month (which is how we hold) or the fifth day of the month. He

explained that designating the 10th day of the month as the fast day was based upon the fact that it was on that day that the city of Jerusalem was surrounded by Nebuchadnezzar are and his Babylonian army. The siege was a prelude to the eventual breaching of the walls and the destruction of the Bais HaMikdash. The opinion that suggested that we fast on the fifth day of Teves is based upon the fact that it took approximately 5 months (from the ninth day of Av until the fifth day of Teves) for the news of the destruction of Yerushalayim and the Mikdash to reach the Jewish community in exile in Babylonia. Rabbi Lichtenstein went on to explain a fundamental Machlokes—difference of opinion— between the Rambam and The Raavad (as quoted in the Ritva). He explained that according to the Rambam, the fast of the 10th day of Teves (along with other fast days) is to inspire us to do teshuvah. However, according to the Raavad, the fast days are in actuality days of mourning and “Aveilut – mourning – and teshuvah are diametrically opposed.” Mourning focuses one on the past with the recognition that there is nothing that we can do to change what has taken place. We have no choice but to accept the reality of the

events that transpired. Teshuvah on the other hand focuses on the future. We use the past as a springboard to correct our mistakes and inspire us to change for the better. The Chasam Sofer says that if it were not for the explanation of the Rambam, one would by default think that all the fast days that commemorate the destruction of the Mikdash were in fact an expression of community mourning. “The Rambam revealed to us something that we would not have otherwise known: that the fast days are days of Teshuva and as such we have taken on the tra-

dition of saying Selichos on those days,” writes the Chasam Sofer. Rabbi Lichtenstein closed his remarks by stating that whether we view Asarah b’Teves as a day of mourning or a day to inspire teshuvah, it is important for us to remember our past and think about all of the kedoshim that died, whether it was during the Churban, the Crusades, the pogroms , the Holocaust or from any other anti-Semitic attack. In doing so, he was able to show that time does not exist in a vacuum and that the Klal Yisrael is one people for all time.

SKA NCSY Jump Program in Honor of Sandy Hook Victims: “Umeirim Es Haolam” To commemorate the senseless tragedy at the Sandy Hook Elementary School, the Stella K. Abraham High School for Girls’ NCSY Jump Team undertook a day of learning and spiritual growth on Monday, December 24th. In the merit of those children and adults whose lives were taken in the shootings in Newtown, Connecticut, the Jump Team’s “Umeirim es Haolam” (Lighting Up the World), brought each grade together for twenty minutes of in-depth learning in groups of five – for the twenty innocent children who were killed – with a compilation of various sources focusing on the concepts of finding light in times of darkness and how teachers are like parents. Not a sound was heard when the eulogy of Noah Samuel Pozner, the youngest of the victims, was read aloud and a student-produced video on the tragedy was shown. A memorial table was set up in the bowling alley together with another table for students to write letters to the mourners in Newtown.

“We are a light unto the nations,” said the leaders, “and we turn to Hashem. In this time of unbearable loss, we looked for something unique to Judaism for a zechus of these lives – learning Torah.” Many students wore green, which was the school color of Sandy Hook Elementary School, to show solidarity. Credit goes to Rachel Lunzer, a former SKA student, who conceived of the 20/20 program concept and SKA NCSY Team Leaders, Daniella Bodek, Margalit Graber,

Raizy Joseph, Rebecca Kellner and Alexandra Rubin, who worked so hard to

make this program a very meaningful one.

51 T h e J e w i s h H o m e n d e c e m b e r 2 7 , 2012

Around the


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40th Yeshiva Darchei Torah Dinner to Be Held January 6 By D. Maimon and B. Kaplan Yeshiva Darchei Torah will be holding its 40th annual dinner on January 6th on its campus in Far Rockaway, New York. Among the distinguished honorees will be Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Landa and Mr. and Mrs. Yisroel Salamon. Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Landa Guests of Honor Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Landa have been friends and supporters of the Yeshiva since 2000, when Ben became the owner of Brookhaven Rehabilitation and Health Care Center, situated across the street from the Yeshiva. They recently became Yeshiva parents as well, when their son Sheya joined Beis Medrash Heichal Dovid.

Ben is renowned for his philanthropy and support of Jewish organizations and mosdos in the United States and Israel. “He’s a caring, generous person,” says his daughter, Dina Hirsch. “He supports a lot of worthy causes and Jewish institutions. My father goes out of his way to employ Jews at his nursing homes and gives generously to some of the settlements in Israel in need of financial assistance.” “He is always there for every cause, whether it’s an organization, shul or individual,” said son Mayer Fishel. Ben is active in his own neighborhood, as well. He is one of the leading members of two Brooklyn shuls, Be’er Mordechai and Merkaz Bracha, where Rav Moshe Sevitzky and Rav Dovi Chein serve respectively as rav. Ben received his formative spiritual influence from his father, Rav Yehoshua Boruch Landa, a”h, of Bishkov, Czechoslovakia, where Rav Landa served as a rav before the Holocaust. He and his rebbetzin, Chaya Sarah Landa, a”h,

immigrated to America after the war. They settled in Newark, New Jersey, where Ben’s father once more assumed the mantle of rav, and later relocated to Borough Park. Mrs. Judy Landa is an alumna of Bais Yaakov of Borough Park. Her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Janklowicz, a”h, “were big baalei tzedaka and were very close to the Skverer and Spinka Rebbes,” recalls her son, Mayer Fishel. “My mother is a dedicated daughter who was always there for her parents when they were sick. Her mother is still alive, boruch Hashem, and my mother goes to visit her daily. She’s very involved in chesed activities. She helps various poor families, has cooked meals for others and helps in a quiet unassuming way with hachnosas kallah,” says Mayer. Ben studied in Yeshiva Torah Vodaath and as a young man, earned a degree from Adelphi University. His entrepreneurial skill launched him into business early in life. “My father is brilliant,” says Dina. “He has an amazing knack for business. Ethics are important to him. He taught us by his example to value fairness and integrity in business, and to reach out a helping hand to other Jews.” The Yeshiva is privileged to have such special guests as honorees and trusts the relationship will continue for many more fruitful years. Mr. and Mrs. Yisroel Salamon Alumnus of the Year When Yisroel Salamon was a talmid at the Yeshiva in the early 1990s, the entire school occupied just one rented hallway on the current campus, which was owned by the Hartman Y. Today the Yeshiva owns the campus and fills quite a few hallways. But to Yisroel, not much has essentially changed. “I felt not much of a difference [when recently visiting],” he relates, “except for the actual size. The classic Darchei mailos are still there. Even as it grows the Yeshiva retains that small feeling, because Rabbi Bender does not forget about anyone.” Yisroel, the oldest son of Mark and Sharon Salamon of Far Rockaway, graduated the Yeshiva’s Elementary School in 1997 and joined the realtively new Mesivta Chaim Shlomo. After graduation, he stayed for a year of Beis

Medrash, before continuing his learning in Eretz Yisrael at Torah Ore. On his return to America he joined the Yeshiva Gedolah in Waterbury, Connecticut, and after marrying fellow Far Rockaway native Devori Klein, daughter of Boruch and Tzirel Klein, the couple settled in Waterbury. “We chose Waterbury because it’s out-of-town yet close to New York,” Yisroel explains. “It’s a healthy place to live. It reminds me of Far Rockaway.” Yisroel’s day starts early, with Shacharis kivasikin at the local yeshiva, followed by a fixed session with a chavrusa. His occupation is in the real estate field, a job that takes him all over the Nutmeg State, yet he is firmly anchored in his adopted city, taking an active leadership role in the community. He is heavily involved in the mikveh and the growing Yeshiva Ketana - whose menahel is another YDT alumnus, Rav Yehuda Brecher – lending his assistance whenever it is needed. Mrs. Salamon is the kindergarten teacher of the yeshiva and takes an active role in kehilla life, “in addition to being a terrific mother,” Yisroel emphasizes. Yisroel reflects on his years at Yeshiva Darchei Torah and the role his rabbeim played in shaping who he has become. “Besides the learning, they taught us the way to act, the way to live, the way to conduct yourself,” he says. “It wasn’t only the shmuessen. It was by example – what the Yeshiva does on a daily basis, whether it is for boys with challenges or simply always looking out for the individual.” The Yeshiva takes pride in Yisroel’s achievements and is proud to call him a talmid. True b’nei Torah whose priorities are clearly in order, Yisroel and his wife are fitting recipients of the Alumnus of the Year award. The Dinner will also honor Mr. and Mrs. Naftali Tepfer and Mr. and Mrs. Motty Jacobowitz. A special presentation will be made to the Gruss Life Monument Funds, and Mr. Ronald Lowinger will serve as dinner chairman. For more information please call 718-868-2300 ext. 237 or email



By Hanna Schlager On the fourth night of Chanukah, Newark Mayor Cory Booker held his annual Menorah Lighting Ceremony at Newark City Hall. This year, Mayor Booker invited the New Jersey NCSY JUMP team to light the Menorah with him and recognized it for its extraordinary volunteer efforts in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy. The team founded an organization called “Sundays 4 Sandy” which recruited volunteers to assist in cleaning up many heavily affected areas. Mayor Booker expressed his deep appreciation for the team’s incredible disaster relief efforts and commended the team’s

the Segulah with the Power of Torah

commitment to “taking initiative to do good for the community.” He also mentioned that to him, the story and holiday of Chanukah are all about “taking the sparks and lighting up even the lowest of places.” Phil Rosen of Lawrence, NY, JUMP Founder and community philanthropist, applauded the overall accomplishments of all of the JUMP teams and said, “It’s incredibly important to me that among all of the great things you do, people can look at your achievements and say, ‘Hey, I could do something like that, too,’ and that way we can create a chain effect of change.”



CHATZOS PARTNERSHIP Become a partner And experience miracles!

It is well known that “Kollel Chatzos” offers – among others – the “Vach Nacht Protection”, a tradition enacted by the holy Rashash z’l that on the night before the bris, a group of ten men would gather and learn in the child’s merit, as a safeguard for that night and the rest of his life.

SEGULAH OF KETORAS The only Segulah written in the Torah! MISHNAYAS & SHAS According to your specications-for the soul of a loved one

In previous generations, “this” was the main objective of “Vach Nacht”, and our holy seforim bemoan the fact that through the years its true purpose has been forgotten and all that remains is friends and family that stop by to raise a glass of beer in the child’s merit.


An exuberant new father of a baby boy The Torah received a call from us regarding a Vach learning will protect the Nacht protection partnership. “Of course!” newborn he answered “I have been awaiting your call!” The esteemed kollel members learned and prayed for his child, Opening Date in addition to reciting a Revealed: Tu special blessing for the mother and new baby. B’Shvat! BRILLIANT|845-782-7988

Pictured from left to right: Estie Hirt (Mentor), Samantha Kleinhaus, Eliana Pickholz, Melissa Maza, Mayor Cory Booker, Rabbi Aryeh Lightstone, Amanda Rubin, Zachary Flahmolz, Josh Ottensoser, David Prince (Coordinator). Not pictured, Alex Shoenfeld and Rena Ackerman (Mentor).

The next day he called. “I truly found out the power of “Kollel Chatzos Vach Nacht Protection”. Immediately after the vach nacht there were some complications with the baby which landed us in the hospital. Everyone knows how many hours are wasted there and we had already given up on having the bris on time. But B”H, with “Kollel Chatzos’s” protection, the bris was at the right time, without any problems!

TOPIC SOURCE A group of scholars should learn and have in mind the name of the child on the night .of his Vach Nacht

Monsey residents are happily anticipating the great day, Tu B’Shvat, which has been determined as the ofcial start of the new branch of “Kollel Chatzos - Monsey”, which will be stationed in the beautiful and spacious “Toshnod Shul”. Preparations are in full swing for the opening of the gates of this holy kollel. Potential kollel members are constantly calling into our ofce to have opportunity to be a source of light and help for Klal Yisroel.

(‫)תקנת הרש"ש‬




T h e J e w i s h H o m e n d e c e m b e r 2 7 , 2012

JUMP Program Has a Fan in Newark Mayor Cory Booker

T h e J e w i s h H o m e n d e c e m b e r 2 7 , 2012


The Shmuz

R’ Ben Tzion Shafier

Parshas Vayechi

Make Sure Brain is On Before Putting Mouth in Gear “But as for me, when I traveled from Padam, Rochel died on me in the land of Canaan on the road, while there was still about a beras of land to go Ephras, and I buried her there on the road in Ephras, which is Bethlehem.” – Bereishis 48:7 Yaakov Avinu spent the final seventeen years of his life in Mitzrayim. While there, he lived in peace for the first time in many, many years and remained in that state for the rest of his life. Near the very end of his days, he called in his beloved son Yosef and made an impassioned request: “Please do not bury me in Mitzrayim.” After this event, when Yaakov felt his end drawing nearer, he again spoke to Yosef, saying, “On the road your mother Rochel died, and I buried her there.” Rashi explains that these two conversations were connected. In this final meeting, Yaakov was expressing something that he had held inside for many years. He was telling Yosef, “I know that you have harbored a complaint in your heart against me. You feel that when your mother died, I didn’t treat her with due respect. I didn’t bury her in a city or even in an inhabited place, but right there on the road where she died. You should know that I did this because Hashem commanded me to. Many years from now, when Nevuzaradan will force the Jews into exile,

they will pass along that road where she is interred. Rochel will cry out with bitter weeping, and her tears will save the Jewish people.” The Siftei Chachmim explains why Yaakov chose this particular moment in time to explain this to Yosef – “If not

going to have to tell Yosef anyway. Why not just tell him right away and eliminate all of those bad feelings? The Sensitivity of a Tzaddik The answer to this question is that Yaakov Avinu was extraordinarily

Yaakov was extremely guarded in the words that came out of his mouth.

now, when?” He hadn’t told him up till then because he didn’t want to tell him about the suffering that was to occur. But he had to tell him now because it would be his last opportunity. He was about to leave this world. This Rashi is difficult to understand. If Hashem had told Yaakov to bury Rochel there, why didn’t Yaakov explain this to Yosef years ago? Why did he allow his beloved son to feel some sense of ill will against him for so long? Yosef was not a fragile youth who would fall apart if he heard bad news. He was a mature, sophisticated talmid chacham. His role at the time was leader of all of Mitzrayim. He could have handled the knowledge that the Jewish nation would suffer. And Yaakov knew that eventually he was

guarded in what he said. Every word was measured; every expression was weighed. And he had a policy: “I am not the one to cause suffering to others. If I tell Yosef why I buried his mother on the road, I will have to tell him that the Jewish people will be sent into exile. That fact will cause him much suffering, and I won’t be a part of it. When he has to hear the bad news, I will tell him, but not a moment sooner. If this will cause him to have questions on my actions, if this will cause him to feel some element of resentment toward me, I am willing to pay that price, rather than cause him the pain of knowing what will occur.” This Rashi illustrates a number of beautiful concepts. First, we see the extraordinary sensitivity that a tzaddik has in not causing another human being to suffer. Even though Yosef could “handle it,” and even though Yaakov would eventually have to tell him, he was willing to bear the burden of letting his son think of him as insensitive, rather than cause him pain. “I can’t be the one to cause another Jew to suffer.” We also see a second point: an in-

credible example of discretion. Yaakov was extremely guarded in the words that came out of his mouth. Yaakov had been separated from his beloved son for twenty-two years. For those two decades, Yaakov was living in a state of unending mourning. When they finally met, Yosef was so filled with joy that the tears couldn’t be stopped. The love between the two was overflowing. And yet, there was something that stood between them. Yaakov knew that within the heart of his son was a sense of resentment, of ill will. In Yosef’s mind, his mother had been mistreated; her final honor had been compromised. And his own father was the man who dishonored her. It wasn’t just at one moment that this was a barrier between them. For the next seventeen years, every time they spoke and every time they were together, there was a certain wedge keeping them apart. And yet Yaakov wouldn’t say a word. Even though these feelings were completely unfounded, he wouldn’t talk about it because that would cause a Jew to suffer, and he couldn’t be a part of that. This self control is illustrative of the way that Yaakov lived every moment of his life. What This Means to Us When we study the Avos, we come to recognize that while we will never function on their level, we can gain insight and inspiration from them. And from their sensitivity we can become conscious of the power Hashem gave us called speech. Our words can be the source of great comfort and support to others, or they can be callous, biting swords that cut away at the soul of those around us. With speech, we can build worlds . . . or destroy them.

55 Rabbi Jonathan Gewirtz

Great Moments in Parenting


itting at a Chanuka concert with my musically-inclined daughter, I noticed she was uncharacteristically quiet and subdued. When I asked her about it, she confided that she dreamed of being a musician and a singer (no big secret to me) but she knew that it could never happen. She knew she could not sing in front of the men in the audience, and was saddened that her dreams were destined to be for naught. I knew she was right, but only to an extent. In truth, very few musicians are successful, and there are tens of thousands of “starving artists” out there. But I also knew how important dreams are, and I calmed her. I explained that she could absolutely be a performer. There are numerous female performers in the Jewish world, plus she could play her guitar at school events and other venues. After that, somewhat appeased, she settled in and enjoyed the show. I was pleased, but I knew where that inspiration came from. When I was my daughter’s age, I had dreams of being an actor. Once, I even told my parents, “Next summer, I’m going to California” to follow my dreams. When that summer came around, I had been in Yeshiva in Cleveland for nearly a year, and I knew that as a ben Torah, Hollywood was not the place for me. One day, when planning my trip home for summer Bain HaZmanim (a Yeshivisheh way of saying “vacation”), my mother asked me, “Are you going to California?” I was shocked. Of course I wasn’t going. That was the ridiculous fantasy of a child, but now I knew better. There was no way I would have been able to go to California and make my mark as an actor even if I hadn’t been an Observant Jew. It was a pipe dream built on clouds and nothingness (though I did land a role in Rebbee Hill’s film “Berel and the Bus Driver” many years later). But my mother wasn’t about to burst my bubble. She wanted me to feel that I could have dreams and follow them, and didn’t belittle my goals at that young age. That’s how I knew how to deal with my daughter’s similar feelings. This wasn’t the first time my parents’ actions guided my own. My wife can always tell when I’m about to let

my children do something that perhaps conventional wisdom wouldn’t suggest. It starts when I mention what happened when I went to my cousin’s Bar Mitzvah, almost thirty years ago.

ception, and that memory of standing outside my uncle’s home in the snow comes back as if it were yesterday. I’ve mentioned in the past what happened when I was thrown out of

The overarching message was, “I love you for who you are, not for what you do. Even if you make mistakes, you can’t make me stop loving you.”

Arriving in Toronto, Canada, I was thrilled to see snow on the ground. In New Orleans, where I grew up, snow was a once-a-decade phenomenon, and even then it was not the type to allow for snowballs, snowmen, or sledding. By the time we got through customs and drove from the airport to my uncle’s house, it was dinnertime, and my grandmother wanted me to come inside and eat. “He can play tomorrow,” she said. How many of us have told our children, “Tomorrow is another day” expecting them to listen and thinking it made no difference to wait? My mother, though, felt I should enjoy the experience. “I’m going to let him go out a little now. Let him have fun.” I never forgot that event because when we awoke the next morning, it was to an unseasonably warm, snowless, January day in Toronto, and the weather stayed that way throughout our trip. The snow was gone and I would have been devastated had I been forced to wait until the morning, then had my dreams dashed. This way, thanks to Mom, I didn’t feel like I missed out. Though this doesn’t mean my kids get everything they want, there are definitely times that I will make an ex-

Yeshiva. (R’ Gifter zt”l used to say, “The best boys are the ones who get thrown out.” I assume he means because they have life, verve, and daring to do “shtick,” and that he wasn’t referring to the boys who got into trouble for really bad things.) As I called my father to tell him what happened, I expected him to yell at me and tell me how stupid I had been. To my surprise, he quietly discussed options: what we would do and how to


go about getting me back into Yeshiva. He told me, “The first thing we have to do is get you back into Yeshiva. Then we can talk about what you did.” The overarching message was, “I love you for who you are, not for what you do. Even if you make mistakes, you can’t make me stop loving you.” Sometimes, when my children do foolish things, I’ll start to get upset. But in my better moments, I remember what my father said and did at that time, and I emulate him. I know my kids appreciate it. What these memories also tell me is that I, too, am making memories that will affect how my daughters raise their children, and how they will approach their dreams, desires, and mistakes. I hope that at some point, I’ll have had some great moments of my own, and those are what they will remember and try to emulate. If you can read this article, thank a teacher. If you can read it and understand just what I’m saying – thank your parents. Jonathan Gewirtz is a freelance writer whose work has appeared in publications around the world. He also operates, where you can order a custom-made speech for your next special occasion. For more information, or to sign up for his weekly Dvar Torah in English, e-mail © 2012 by Jonathan Gewirtz. All rights reserved.



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T h e J e w i s h H o m e n d e c e m b e r 2 7 , 2012

The Observant Jew

T h e J e w i s h H o m e n d e c e m b e r 2 7 , 2012


vdhdj vru,v sucfk vhsnuku

The Siyum Hagodol of Mesivta Chaim Shlomo Motzei Shabbos, January 5 ‘hjha hukv hfsrn ’r ic v”g hcm ihnhbc b”gk Binyomin ben Reb Motty Klein a”ung

Special Guest for Shabbos

Rabbi Yissocher Frand t”yhka

Rabbi Frand will speak Shabbos Afternoon at 3:15pm Mincha 4:00pm

150 Bachurim will be ohhxn. Most of these Talmidim will have taken a written bechina of 120 ,ukta on the entire t,fxn/ The entire community is invited to participate in this spectacular event.

Come and Shep Nachas!

UNTIL 8:00


arsnv ,hcc sunhk rsx

7:15-8:15 ohrujcvn ohaushju vru, hrcs

t”yhka rsbc sus crv ,hcc


'v aushe MARCH


arsnv ,hcc ouhx

from Rav Dovid Bender’s house, 328 B.17th St. to the Mesivta with ,urnd and torches

Special Guest Speaker

Harav Osher Kalmanowitz t”yhka Rosh Yeshiva, Yeshivas Mir, Brooklyn


vfkn vukn ,sugx

ohsuehru ohbudhb in the Waterview


Clothing, shoes, stuffed animals IN ANY CONDITION!

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T h e J e w i s h H o m e n d e c e m b e r 2 7 , 2012


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Shemos Volume 2: Parshiyos Yisro – Pekudei


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4Why did Moshe teach the women Torah before teaching the men?

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4In what significant ways were the Second Tablets different from the First Tablets?

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Midrash Rabbah dedicated by Elly and Brochie Kleinman

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4What was the source of the “rays of splendor” that emanated from Moshe’s face, and how does that relate to the Oral Torah and the need to receive instruction from a Rebbi?

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61 T h e J e w i s h H o m e n d e c e m b e r 2 7 , 2012

T h e J e w i s h H o m e n d e c e m b e r 2 7 , 2012


Heartbeats from the Heartland

Zahava D. Englard

On The Road Again


tarting out bright and early, I’m on the way down to the southern hills of Hevron with Marc Prowisor, chief of security projects for One Israel Fund. The jeep Marc drives, its back loaded down with a myriad of security and emergency medical supplies, greets the bumps on the road with a dull heavy thud. We stop at the Gush Etzion junction just south of Efrat to meet Ofer, the head of Hatzalah Yosh. Marc opens the trunk of his weathered jeep and lugs out a bounty of emergency medical kits that One Israel Fund acquires thanks to the generous donations from our supporters It is One Israel Fund’s guiding principle to encourage unity and we therefore work together with other organizations throughout Judea and Samaria. There are no egos involved, no elbowing one or the other for the spotlight; rather, we join forces with other groups to create a greater positive impact. There is one goal, which is to keep

Judea and Samaria flourishing for the Jewish people. Building and further developing the communities along with proper security provisions can accomplish this. To this end, One Israel Fund is dedicated to the safety of all the residents in all of the communities throughout Judea and Samaria and it makes sense to work in conjunction with others who feel the same way. Hatzalah Yosh, Tatzpit, and Regavim are three such groups that One Israel Fund is proud to work with. It is the perfect prototype of achdut, unity. Before leaving the junction, we meet an Israeli soldier from the Kfir unit working his beat. Marc notices that the shluker (water hydration pack) he is outfitted with is one of ours, the One Israel Fund emblem proudly stamped onto it. “We gave these out a couple of years ago,” Marc says pointing to the smiling soldier’s shluker. “It’s good to see how well they’re holding up.” We wind our way back up the road

to Caliber 3 tucked off the road northwest of Efrat where Marc speaks with a group of ravshatzim, heads of emergency response teams in Judea who are there for security training, a project funded by One Israel Fund. Assessments are made as to what type of security equipment is needed by each response team. The surveillance equipment we provide is cutting-edge. With the information we gather from the response teams in the field, One Israel Fund works together with our manufacturers in making the necessary technological revisions. Our suppliers will update equipment and provide special components, modeling the equipment according to our specific requests. Subsequently, the IDF has taken notice of what we are doing and the Home-Front Command is interested in working together with us in securing the civilians of Judea and Samaria. Marc and I continue on highway 60 towards Kiryat Arbah. We stop at the gas station there that houses a small grocery store. I need a quick chocolate fix and Marc needs another coffee. From there we head further south towards Yatir, a community of over one hundred families that boasts an outstanding mechina, a pre-military yeshiva headed by Rav Moshe Hagerlow, a former Division Commander in the IDF. At the mechina, his students are highly motivated with love of the land and social activism. They regularly do farm work and gardening in the community as well as volunteering to help another local farmer in the area, a widow by the name of Dalya Har Sinai, whose husband was killed by Arab terrorists. Despite ongoing threats, she is staying put and One Israel Fund protecting her is a big reason why. In addition, the students volunteer in Sderot and in hospitals. At Yatir, we also meet with Shai, the director of the mechina who informs us that they badly need an exercise room for the students who wish to train before their army service. Many of these young men strive to serve in elite units. We’re told of three brothers who graduated from the mechina, each of them going on to become pilots. Shai shows us around, and we meet several students working in the kitchen, mostly city kids who are now experiencing a hands-on approach in connecting to the land, thanks to Yatir’s mechina.

We wind our way outside and up a metal staircase bringing us to a lookout point that affords us a stunning panoramic view of the surrounding hills with the village of Sussia in the distance as well as the Carmel winery. Shai asks for One Israel Fund’s help in providing the funds toward the exercise room. He also tells us that Yatir’s ambulance is lacking some crucial equipment. Marc instructs Shai to make a list of what he needs before we continue to the southern Hevron city council to meet Dan, the Regional Director of security in the Hevron Hills. He’s been waiting there for us to bring the shopping list of security equipment that each of the ravshatzim in the area requested for their response teams. It was getting late in the day when Dan joins us and further discusses the type of security equipment that he requires. “Don’t say another word,” Marc tells him. “I know just what you need.” He follows us to the jeep and Marc shows him one of the latest state-of-the-art portable, thermal surveillance cameras – a TacSight. Chanukah may be over, but Dan’s eyes widen, excited with this latest gift from One Israel Fund to add to his security arsenal. In our travels, we discover a surprisingly large and successful cosmetics manufacturer who not only is a major exporter but is the third generation of his family in the area and he employs Jews as well as Arabs to work in his factory. Marc and I walk through this wonderful find, uplifted by the living example of coexistence in the southern Hevron hills. All in all, a good productive day. The sun is just about to set when we head back home, passing by several Jewish communities along the way − most of them secular while some are mixed. I indulge myself in a nap as Marc drives north. About a half hour later, he drops me off in Efrat and continues home to Shilo with an entire new list of requirements and security assessments for the Judea region. There is an answer. One Israel Fund. Be a partner with us! Zahava D. Englard lives in Efrat. She’s the author of Settling for More: From Jersey to Judea and The Gilboa Iris. She has served as Trustee on the Executive Board of One Israel Fund and has lectured as a guest speaker in both the United States and Israel.

Considering Buying an Apartment in Israel?

Top 10 Things to Know

Gedaliah Borvick

2012 Israel Real Estate Review The Macro Picture: Israel 2012 has been a busy year for Israel residential real estate. In response to the famous 2011 “Tent City” demonstrations against the high cost of living and the lack of affordable housing, Prime Minister Netanyahu appointed the Trachtenberg Committee to address the complaints and make recommendations. This past June, the Trachtenberg Committee recommended – and the government approved and implemented this proposal – to force Minhal, the Israel Land Authority, to sell enough land over the next five years to construct 187,000 new apartments. This was an excellent move, as the government properly identified the source of the rising prices: simply put, there are not enough apartments being developed to address the huge housing demand. This shortage of new housing units can be traced to Minhal’s historically slow pace of selling government land for development, which had deliberately been done to create strong demand and increase government revenue. We are starting to see the positive results of this new strategy: there has been an increase in Minhal land sales and, consequently, many new residential projects are being developed across the country. In October, the Bank of Israel (or “BOI”) changed housing lending requirements to help keep housing prices in check. The BOI placed mortgage restrictions on real estate investors who are buying second and third homes as investments, limiting these mortgages to a maximum of 50% of the apartment’s value (in contrast, first-home buyers can borrow up to 70%). For example, if an apartment is bought for 2,000,000 NIS (or shekels) – or a little over $500,000 – the largest mortgage that an investor of a second home can receive is 1,000,000 NIS, thus requiring the buyer to put down 1,000,000 NIS. This larger equity requirement should reduce the amount of units that will be purchased by investors and consequently help keep prices down. We believe that the implementation of the Trachtenberg laws and the Bank of

Israel’s new lending requirements will help control sale prices in the outlying areas. However, we do not expect these reforms to impact the Jerusalem market. In Jerusalem and other large population centers, there is limited land for development. Therefore the natural laws of supply and demand will overcome government obstructions and dictate market pricing. Jerusalem has historically been a stable real estate market, with prices rising slowly but surely due to strong demand and relatively limited housing supply. We see this stability as beneficial to both sellers and buyers. Sellers know that they will receive a good price for their apartments, and buyers have the confidence to purchase apartments, understanding that the long-term market outlook is solid and that their investments will, over time, appreciate. The Micro Picture: Overseas Buyers Many overseas buyers continue to focus on buying existing homes throughout central Jerusalem. In addition, this year we have witnessed significantly more clients looking to benefit from the discounts achieved by purchasing “on paper,” which means buying a notyet-built apartment from a developer. Accordingly, we have expanded our focus to include development sales. This concept has resonated with many of our overseas clients, as it affords them the opportunity to “buy like Israelis” and take advantage of price reductions offered in new developments. 2013 Outlook The strong domestic and overseas demand for Jerusalem real estate, coupled with the uptick in sales activity during the second half of 2012, lead us to believe that 2013 will be a continuation of this city’s pattern of slow, steady growth. Gedaliah Borvick is the founder of My Israel Home, a real estate agency focused on helping people from abroad buy homes in Israel. Gedaliah will be in the US in early January, running workshops regarding a new development in Baka Jerusalem. For details, contact Gedaliah at

Plus: a peek at Bustan Baka, a magnificent new Jerusalem project

Workshops focusing on the basics of buying an apartment in Israel Sunday evening, January 6th at 8:00 pm

Young Israel of Holliswood - 86-25 Francis Lewis Blvd., Holliswood

Tuesday evening, January 8th at 8:00 pm The Alters - 2 Alonzo Road, Lawrence

Wednesday evening, January 9th at 8:15 pm The Rubins - 80 Willow Road, Woodmere

Sunday morning, January 13th at 10:00 am

Cong. Eitz Chayim - 660 Dogwood Ave., West Hempstead

Gedaliah Borvick

Columnist for The Five Towns’ Jewish Home; Founder of “My Israel Home,” a real estate agency focused on helping people from abroad buy homes in Israel.

Eliezer Goldberg

Principal at Gold Real Estate, a leading Jerusalem real estate agency, and Principal at Heter - Jerusalem’s foremost zoning/permit company. RSVP: Preferred but not required US: 646.461.1380 | IL: 054.623.0099

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T h e J e w i s h H o m e n d e c e m b e r 2 7 , 2012

My Israel Home



Kidding! Submitted by Carol Tager

On reaching his planeseat, a man is surprised to see a parrot strapped in next to him. He asks the stewardess for a coffee when the parrot squawks, “And get me a whiskey right away!” The stewardess, flustered, brings back a whiskey for the parrot and forgets the coffee. When this omission is pointed out to her, the parrot drains its glass and bawls, “And get me another whiskey you good for nothing.” Quite upset, the stewardess comes back shaking with another whiskey but still no coffee. Unaccustomed to such slackness, the man tries the parrot’s approach, “I’ve asked you twice for a coffee—go and get it now or you will be in real trouble!” The next moment, both he and the parrot have been wrenched up and thrown out of the emergency exit by two burly stewards. Plunging downwards, the parrot turns to him and says, “For someone who can’t fly, you complain too much!”

Submitted by Yoni Sherman You are in a race and you overtake the person who is in second place. What is your position now? Answer on next page

2012 Crossword Puzzle

1 3


5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12


Down 1. No longer on the newsstands 2. Iconic pastry company closing 3. No use for 47% of voters 6. Governor most saddened by the loss of Twinkies (probably) 9. If you won, you are probably reading this from a really nice place 10. Important on Election Day but at no other time 11. Wear the yellow bracelet, but don’t take the steroids 14. Symbol popularized by Twitter 18. What to say when you forget what you were going to say at a debate Across 4. Goes public but doesn’t soar. 5. CIA Director resigns 7. Would have been easier to go there when spacing out in class if you had this 8. Jamaican sprinter breaks world records 12. U.S. Consulate attacked 13. MSG comes alive in the cold of winter 15. What everyone in Washington should jump off of 16. Nominated as Secretary of State 17. Over 16 ounces? Go to jail 19. After failing in 2011, gets himself his first ring

13 14 15 16 17 18


Across 4. Facebook 5. Petraeus 7. Mars Rover 8. Usain Bolt 12. Benghazi 13. LInsanity 15. Fiscal Cliff 16. John Kerry 17. Soda Ban 19. Lebron James

T h e J e w i s h H o m e n d e c e m b e r 2 7 , 2012

You Gotta be

Down 1. Newsweek 2. Hostess 3. Mitt Romney 6. Chris Christie 9. Mega Millions 10. Ohio 11. Live Strong 14. Hashtag 18. Oops



2. Who set a single-season receiving record this year, surpassing Jerry Rice’s previous record of 1,848 in 1995? a. Calvin Johnson b. Wes Welker c. Roddy White d. Gregg Jennings 3. Which athlete earned the most money this year? a. Floyd Mayweather Jr. b. Manny Pacquiao c. Tiger Woods d. Lebron James 4. What was the Mets’ record this year? a. 87W-75L b. 74W-88L c. 62W-100L d. 57W-105L 5. Who won the 2012 National League MVP award? a. Yadier Molina b. Andrew McCutchen c. Miguel Cabrera d. Buster Posey 6. Who won the Stanley (know what that is?) finals this year?


a. New Jersey Devils b. LA Kings c. Detroit Redwings d. Islanders (ha, ha, ha...they don’t even know where they play!) 7. Who was the NBA Coach of the Year in 2012? a. Mike D’Antoni (very funny) b. Erik Spoelstra c. Doc Rivers d. Gregg Popovich 8. Who won the 2012 NCAA Basketball Tournament? a. Kansas b. Duke c. Kentucky d. Connecticut 9. Who was the number 1 golfer on the PGA this year? a. Rory McIlroy b. Tiger Woods c. Bubba Watson d. Phil Mickelson Answers: 1. A- Players who have appeared on the cover of Madden Football since 1999 have generally failed to reproduce their success of the previous years for a variety of reasons. Marshall Faulk, Daunte Culpepper, Michael Vick, Ray Lewis, Donovan McNabb, Shaun Alexander, and Vince Young all have suffered injuries in their season appearing on the cover. These performances and injuries resulted in speculation of the “Madden Curse.” In total, the 10 cover players since 1999 had a total of 39 Pro Bowl appearances prior to their Madden cover appearances, compared with just

My diet. I parked at a meter for thirty seconds on Central Avenue, looked around, nobody was there, ran into a store to drop off a check and didn’t get a ticket.

Scorecard: 7-9 correct: You know there is more to life than just sports? 4-6 correct: Now, there is a healthy balance! 0-3 correct: We need to get you better at this game. Let’s practice: Yes or no question, will the Mets win the World Series in 2013? Wow! I heard that “no” from here! You see—you just need a little confidence.

The world didn’t end (or maybe it did and TJH is distributed in heaven also). Chris Christie turned down a doughnut.

House Speaker John Boehner gave a speech and didn’t cry.

Chuck Schumer saw a microphone that he didn’t like.

I returned my library books on time and didn’t get fined so much that I could have just bought the book in the first place.

Michael Bloomberg realized that he is not a dictator.

My credit card bill was less than I expected one month. I made a joke that wasn’t funny. The Yankees called me up to the big leagues. Nancy Pelosi said a straight sentence.

The Belt Parkway didn’t have traffic as I was going to Brooklyn. Mark Sanchez actually completed a pass. There was no flooding on Rockaway Turnpike when it rained 1/2 inch. Joe Biden spoke for more than 2 minutes and didn’t put his foot in his mouth. When I brought my car to the mechanic he said, “Oh that – that’s a small problem.”

Got funny? Let the Commissioner decide.

Send your stuff to

Answer to riddle: You are in second place since you overtook the second runner and took her place!

The Mets didn’t fail to stink.

T h e J e w i s h H o m e n d e c e m b e r 2 7 , 2012

1. Who graced the cover of Madden NFL 13 (which usually comes with the curse of a subsequent disappointing season, known as the Madden Curse”)? a. Calvin Johnson b. Peyton Hillis c. Aaron Rogers d. Andre Johnson

4 Pro Bowl appearances afterward. 2. A- Stick with a winner when you have it. Calvin Johnson certainly broke the “Madden Curse” this year and has 1,892 receiving yards this year. 3. A- Mayweather spent less than one hour in the ring in 2012 to dispatch his two foes. His combined payday for the bouts: $85 million. Coming in right behind Mayweather, with earnings of $62 million, was Manny Pacquiao. Tiger Woods came in third with $59.4 million. LeBron James came in fourth with earnings of $53 million. 4. B- Could you believe it—the Mets actually won 74 games! (Hey, Mets fans, you gotta start looking at the glass as half full, because ain’t nobody pouring more water in the glass anytime soon.) 5. D- The Giants catcher had a .330 average and more than 100 RBIs. 6. B- The Los Angeles Kings set the single season consecutive playoff road winning record at ten. The 2012 playoffs was only the second time since 1996 in which all teams based in Canadian cities were eliminated in the first round of the playoffs. 7. D 8. C 9. A- McIlroy, who won the PGA Championship, had 2,827 Cup points and earns $8,047,952, compared to Tiger’s 2,662 points and earnings of $6,133,158.50. (Obviously Tiger made more money from endorsements, etc.)

T h e J e w i s h H o m e n d e c e m b e r 2 7 , 2012


Forgotten Heroes

Avi Heiligman

The A-4 Skyhawk

Making the Israeli Air Force One of the Best in the World


ttack aircraft are specifically used for air-to-ground purposes like infantry support. For example, during the recent war on terror in Iraq and Afghanistan, the US Air Force found that they had only one aircraft capable of performing vital infantry support duties and that was the A-10 Warthog (A is the class designation for attack aircraft). Sometimes an attack aircraft is outfitted with bombs and at times with missiles to act like a fighter. The A-4 Skyhawk, which was sold to the Israeli Air Force, performed beautifully in all of these roles. The MacDonnell Douglas A-4 Skyhawk was created in the 1950’s as a small, fast, maneuverable, cheap jet capable of carrying a fair amount of munitions that was able to take off from aircraft carriers. It was 40 feet in

length, 26 feet from wingtip to wingtip, and had a maximum speed of 650 mph (fast for the 1950s but was soon outflown by larger jets such as the F-4 Phantom). The U.S. Navy and Marine Corps were the primary users as the Skyhawk was the aircraft of preference on WWII-era aircraft carriers that had less deck space than nuclear carriers. The plane was made famous as it was the one that future Senator and presidential candidate John McCain was flying when he was shot down over Vietnam. The Skyhawk was replaced

by newer attack aircraft in the 1980s, and by 1994 it was retired from frontline combat in American units in 1994 and from training in 2003. As with most Americanmade military aircraft, the Skyhawk was made available to the international market and Israel was the first foreign country to receive the jet. Called the Ayit in Hebrew, the first deliveries were made after the Six Day War in 1967. These planes made up for the losses of other planes in the war and were heavily used during the conflicts with her Arab neighbors in the next few Middle East conflicts. On May 12, 1970, history was made when Colonel Ezra Dotan, nicknamed “Mr. Skyhawk,” shot down a pair of MiG-17 over Lebanon during the War of Attrition. He describes the dogfight: “I completed my descent towards the MiGs just as they finished their turn. I was now behind them. At this stage in the chase, when I was sitting on their Number Two, I decided to utilize the fire power of the (unguided) anti-tank rockets. I was carrying five pods, each with nineteen rockets. I was very close to the MiG, about 130 meters. I hung onto him as well as I could, pressed the firing button, and let loose two pods, thirty-eight rockets at the same time. The pilot didn’t even feel me firing at him; the rockets, which were very heavy, passed underneath and struck the slopes of Mount Herman. The two MiGs continued on, still unaware that I had fired on them, so I raised my sights a bit and gave him another salvo of two pods. This time the MiG disappeared in a tremendous explosion.” He then chased down the second MiG. “We continued northward, and at a certain point I discovered the MiG. I found him exiting one of the wadis with a sharp bank. I was going at about 570 knots, and in order not to pass by him, I turned off everything I could turn off to slow the plane down. I would have spread my ears out to the

sides, too, if that could have slowed the plane some more...I pulled up so close to him that I couldn’t even point the nose down at him. He got some distance between us and we started playing cat and mouse: He banks right, I turn to follow. He banks hard to the left - I do the same. At a certain point I shot a burst [of 30mm cannon fire] at him. The bullets ripped off the left wing and the MiG rolled right and rammed into the ground.” Most aircraft shot down by jets use air-to-air missiles or rockets; gunfire was rarely used due to its inaccuracy but Dotan got in close enough to shoot it down with his cannon. A newer version of the A-4 was sold to Israel before the Yom Kippur War, and it played a vital role in bombing and air support missions during the war. Due to the new Russianmade surface-to-air missiles, 52 Skyhawks were shot down during the war. The Israeli Skyhawk last major action took place during the 1982 Lebanon War when an A-4 shot down another MiG. However, a plane piloted by Aharon Ahiaz was shot down over the Beqaa Valley. The IAF (Israeli Air Force) started looking for a replacement for the A-4 and chose the F-16 Falcon in the early 1980s. The Skyhawk still remained in the service as an advanced trainer. In the 2000s, some of the Skyhawks were sold, and earlier this year, the IDF decided to replace them entirely with the new Italian M-346 Master as its primary advanced trainer. Military aircraft phase in and out but some remain as legends. The A-4 Skyhawk was one of those few planes that will be remembered by citizens, the Israeli people who were protected by it. It was also beloved by pilots because not only was easy and fun to fly but it was an airplane that was able to make the IAF one of the premier air forces in the world. Avi Heiligman is a weekly contributor to The Jewish Home. He welcomes your comments and suggestions.for future columns and can be reached at aviheiligman@

2012: Strange How it All Changed, Huh?

d e c e m b e r 2 7 , 2012


t seems like 2012 was a year of change… Everything Speaking of elections, Mitt Romney changed his poseemed to change and evolve right in front of our sition on nearly everything. In fact, in recent weeks, his eyes. It started out with us changing our opinions on family has said that they never even wanted him to run in cruises. We have all seen those big cruise ships while the first place. You know what is interesting about that? stuck in traffic on the BQE and imagined how amazing We never wanted him to run either. Now, think about it, it must feel to be on the vessel as it departs to the he spent over a billion dollars doing something he didn’t Caribbean (despite the fact that people seem to fall off really want to do. I’ll tell you, he must be a really good of balconies all the time). But that fantasy changed when husband. Captain Francesco Schettino put the Costa Concordia Joe Biden, on the other hand, did not change at all this on its side because he thought it was a good idea to year. He continued to be as deranged as ever. I guess it’s reroute the massive ship to within a few feet of an island a shame Obama won re-election; I was looking forward in order to impress his friends on shore with a “look at to Biden’s memoirs: “101 Ways to Put Your Foot in Your me, no hands” gesture. It must be some deep trauma he Mouth.” sustained when he was learning to ride a bike. Another change that took place, despite nobody realIn the world of business, Facebook went from being izing it: Newsweek stopped printing their anemic magaa privately owned company to being a public company zine. Which means that the 1.5 million people who were with its stock listed on the New York Stock Exchange. too dumb to figure out how to cancel their subscriptions And, its CEO, Mark Zuckerberg, went from being a bril- won’t have that problem anymore. liant executive who happens to wear a hoodie to being On the international front, Putin is back in charge a hoodie-wearer who and is presiding over a “democratic” somehow happened to Russia. Yeah right, it’s a real democbecome a business exracy—I mean, the guy has banned 16 ecutive, and a bad one oz. sodas. Wait, now I’m confusing Now, think about it, Romney at that. my dictators. (Go figure—in Colospent over a billion dollars Then there was rado and Washington State, drugs Benghazi. The story became New York, soda doing something he didn’t of what happened becomes illegal. “Hey, dude, can I, really want to do. changed more than like, get a Sprite, dude?”) Hillary Clinton changTalking about dictators, Kim I’ll tell you, he must be a es her hairstyle. ActuJong Un went from being a 27-yearally, come to think of old “quarter per pinch”-cheeked kid really good husband. it, perhaps her hairto being leader of North Korea. In style was a signal to fact, TIME magazine readers voted other Obama adminishim to be their Person of the Year tration officials to get them on board for the lie of the (that means that at least three people think he is imporday: “OK, guys, Hillary is wearing a ponytail today... tant). Unfortunately for Un, he didn’t get to see his face narrative is that it was an ‘assault’ by angry Libyans.” on the cover because the editorial board at TIME thought White House Spokesman Jay Carney: “Uh, um, well, the that it is more fitting to make another Communist their investigation is unfolding...we believe that what took Person of the Year—Barack Obama. That was a joke; all I place in Benghazi was an, um, uh, an assault, by ele- need now is for Chris Matthews to send me to the gulags. ments of the Libyan population, who are, I guess you Come to think of it, when this country does make the full could say, disheartened and angry....” “OK she is wear- switchover to Communism, at least we will have a use for ing her hair down today—spread the word, it was the Detroit (truth is, I’d probably prefer Siberia). anti-Islam movie.” Talking about Barack Obama, we also saw his birth On the “bizzaro” legal front, there was John G. Rob- certificate this year and know that in fact he wasn’t born erts. No amount of Obamacare could diagnose how that in Kenya. That makes me feel a lot more comfortable guy changed his position on Obamacare the way he did. with the $20 trillion in debt that he got us into. The next He went from being the darling of the Conservatives to time I get my credit card bill I will just send them a copy being hated as if he were...Chris Christie. of my birth certificate. Talking about Chris Christie, at first he was the Big Things have changed in space as well. We sent a Papa of the Republican Party, giving the keynote address rover to Mars. I don’t know what the accomplishment at the Republican National Convention, then in the final is there—I spent 15 years in Mars from 1st through 12th days of the campaign, he was out there hugging President grade. (That’s right: hence “15 years.”) We also saw a Obama and showering praise on him like Obama was a man jump from 128,000 feet up and land safely. Now we steak dinner. Granted, within weeks, the White House just have to figure out how to get Ahmadinejad to do that convinced Corey Booker not to run against Christie in without a parachute. 2013 (ding-dong!), but how could Christie betray his So, yes, a lot has changed in 2012. But one thing has party like that? Christie’s response: “You know, some- not changed—I am still just an angry and bitter man who times you like sprinkled doughnuts and sometimes you thinks that the world is going to “you know where” in a like custard doughnuts.” handbasket. Actually, strike that: We’ve arrived.

Nate Davis

The Jewish Home n

2012 Year in Review


T h e J e w i s h H o m e n d e c e m b e r 2 7 , 2012


69 The Jewish Home n d e c e m b e r 2 7 , 2012

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PeoPle Hall of Shame

General David Petraeus

Joe Paterno

Lance Armstrong

37: Years he was in the army. 50 push-ups: What he did to convince doctors to release him early after he was shot in the chest during a training exercise in 1991.

45: Years Paterno—known as “Joe Pa”—was head coach of Penn State football. 0.751: Paterno’s winning percentage at Penn State. “You say Joe-Pa! ... I say Ter-no! ... Joe-Pa Ter-No! Joe Pa Ter-No!”: Chant sung at every home Penn State football game. “Joe Paterno is no longer the head football coach, effective immediately”: Vice chairman of the board of Penn State University John P. Surma’s announcement on November 9, 2011. “Right now, I’m not the football coach and that’s something I have to get used to”: Paterno on November 9, 2011, in response to the news that he was fired. January 22, 2012: Paterno dies in shame. July 22, 2012: The day Paterno’s statue was removed from the Penn State campus, after an investigation concluded that he deliberately concealed the horrible crimes of one of the coaches on his staff in order to protect the image of the Penn State football program. 111: Penn State wins the NCAA vacated on July 23, 2012 as part of the punishment levied on Penn State, dropping Paterno from second to 12th on the list of winning-est NCAA football coaches.

20%: chance that doctors gave Armstrong to recover from advanced testicular cancer in 1996. “Two things scare me. The first is getting hurt. But that’s not nearly as scary as the second, which is losing”: Lance Armstrong 7: Tour de France titles Armstrong earned for his consecutive victories from 1999 through 2005. 7: Tour de France titles stripped from Armstrong for his implication in a massive doping scandal, which uncovered his regular use of steroids. $1,029,754.31: Money paid by Lance Armstrong to an Italian doctor suspected of helping cyclists dope. “The most sophisticated, professionalized and successful doping program that sport has ever seen”: How the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency described Armstrong’s actions “Lance Armstrong has no place in cycling; he deserves to be forgotten in cycling”: Pat McQuaid, head of the International Cycling Union, on October 21, 2012, announcing that Armstrong was banned from professional cycling competition for life. “Witch-hunt”: Armstrong’s characterization of the doping investigation and findings.

“To avoid giving Al Qaeda hope.” - Line prepared for a 2009 press release explaining why he kept his early stage prostate cancer a secret, but removed by his wife before release. 4 Stars: Rank achieved. 94-0: What he was confirmed by in the Senate to become CIA Director. September 6, 2011: The day he took over as head of the CIA. November 9, 2012: The day he resigned in shame.

T h e J e w i s h Hh o m e n mdaye c 2e m e r 2 7 , 2012 4 ,b2012

2012 Year in Review

71 87

T h e J eTw 2012 h ei sJ ehwH iosmhe hno mdee cne m baye r2247, ,2012

72 88

2012 Year in Review $hakers and Baker$

Mark Zuckerberg: Takes Facebook Public $38: IPO price per Facebook share on May 17, 2012. $19: price per Facebook share on August 17, 2012. $27: Approximate current share price. 3: Number of days after taking Facebook public that Zuckerberg shares the wealth— he gets married. Sept. 4, 2012: Zuckerberg promises not to sell his stock in Facebook for at least a year, a move meant to reassure investors spooked that shares will flood the market when lockup periods that allow insiders to sell stock expire.

“The performance of the stock has obviously been disappointing” - Mark Zuckerberg, September 2012 1/2: Zuckerberg is half the age of the average S&P 500 CEO. $3.5 billion: Zuckerberg’s net loss since Facebook went public.

Lin-Sanity: From Lowly Harvard Graduate to NBA Star 57: Lin is the first Harvard University graduate to make the NBA in that many years, although he went undrafted. “Every time I try to get into Madison Square Garden, the security guards ask me if I’m a trainer LOL”: Lin posting on his Facebook page on January 4, 2012. Couch in brother’s apartment: Where Lin slept when first joining the Knicks until Linsanity was well under way. Talking about being Lin-frugal. 25 points, 5 rebounds, and 7 assists: Lin’s February 4th performance in his first game playing for the Knicks. 20: Amount of points scored by Lin in each of his first 5 starts, making him the only NBA player in history to have that accomplishment. “He got lucky because we were playing so bad”: Knicks former coach Mike D’Antoni explaining why he let Lin play. 3,000%: Amount of increase in traffic to the Knicks’ online store in the first days of Lin-Sanity. 11%: Increase in price for shares in MSJ stock during the first weeks of Lin-sanity. $25 million: Lincredible contract Lin signed with the Rockets after the Knicks let him walk at the end of the season.

Jamie Dimon: Talking About a Bad Bet “I think you’re wrong!”: What Dimon shouted out to an iconic Harvard Professor when he arrived for his first class and the professor posted an illustration on the blackboard. Dimon was right. “No Whiners”: Sign posted in his office. “You deserve this”: What he said to his wife on their 15th wedding anniversary when he gave her a certificate officially handling over to her a third of his wealth. “Citigroup”: T-shirts Dimon wears despite having been fired from that bank in 2000 and being CEO of JP Morgan since 2005. 1: The amount of towels his daughters are allowed to use per week, in order to reduce the amount of laundry that needs to be done at home. “It takes too much time”: Why he doesn’t play golf, unlike most bankers. $27.5 million: Annual salary as CEO and chairman of JPMorgan Chase & Co. Best known for: Avoiding losses during the 2008 crash by keeping JP Morgan Chase away from risky transactions such as credit default swaps (CDS). $5.8 billion: Amount JP Morgan Chase lost as of July 2012, in a series of derivative transactions involving credit default swaps (CDS). $7 billion: Potential additional losses due to the trade. “Flawed, complex, poorly conceived, poorly vetted and poorly executed...This should never have happened...I can’t justify it”: Dimon at JP Morgan’s annual meeting on May 15, 2012, discussing the bad trade.

Dictator Watch Vladimir Putin (Russia) On March 4, 2012, Vladimir Putin is elected to a third term as president of Russia in an election that is riddled with fraud, intimidation and ballot-box stuffing. Protégé and former President Vladimir Medvedev, who served one 4 year term so that Putin would be in compliance with Russia’s Constitution which doesn’t allow more than “two consecutive terms,” paved the way for Putin’s extended third term by amending the constitution to lengthen presidential terms to 6 years. Putin could be re-elected and serve until 2024, longer than any Soviet leader but Josef Stalin. Since starting his term, Putin has deployed tax collectors and health inspectors to shut down dissident groups and monopolized all major media, as fears mount that he is determined to rule Russia with an iron fist.

Hugo Chavez (Venezuela) On October 7, 2012, Hugo Chavez is elected to his third 6 year term as President of Venezuela. Chavez, who had been battling cancer and who at a public rally prayed, “I have more to do for this country and these people, do not take me yet,” declared himself fully recovered from cancer shortly before the election. However, all indications are that Chavez has reached the end of the line. He has returned to Cuba for additional surgery after his cancer returned for the third time. Prior to departing to Cuba, he told his supporters, “Thankfully, this revolution doesn’t just depend on one person.”

73 89

Fidel Castro (Cuba)

Mohammed Morsi (Egypt)

On October 21, 2012, Castro pens an article, cheekily titled, “Fidel Castro is Dying,” in response to such rumors. In it, he berates imperialist propaganda and reflects on the Bay of Pigs and Cuban Missile Crisis which both took place over a half a century ago. He ends the article by saying, “I don’t even remember what a headache is. As evidence of what liars they are, I present them with the photos which accompany this article.”

On June 24, 2012, Islamist Mohammed Morsi of the Muslim Brotherhood is declared Egypt’s first democratically elected president. Since taking office, Morsi has barred any court from dissolving the upper house of Parliament or the constituent assembly, which is in charge of creating the new Egyptian constitution. Both of these bodies are heavily dominated by the Muslim Brotherhood. He recently granted himself sweeping legal authority, including temporary immunity to judicial oversight. The opposition party spokesman said that Morsi is “not a president for all Egyptians, but merely the representative of the Muslim Brotherhood in the presidency.” Protests have since returned to Tahrir Square, where the “Arab Spring” originally started. Although the protests are smaller in scale, several have been killed. “Things are definitely worse than under the old regime,” said Gamal Eid of the Arabic Human Rights Initiative. “It is because of the Islamists having power – their sense that they have won.”

Kim Jong-Un (North Korea)

Hafez al-Assad (Syria)

The 29-year-old, who was hailed as having his father’s “ideology, leadership, character, virtues, grit and courage,” took over as Supreme Leader of North Korea on December 28, 2011. He has quickly “earned” the admiration of his subjects. He was voted by readers as 2012 TIME Person of the Year, although the magazine did not follow the recommendation. In November, satellite photos revealed a half kilometer long propaganda message carved into a hillside in Ryanggang Province reading, “Long Live General Kim Jong-un, the Shining Sun!” North Korea’s successful launch of an intercontinental ballistic missile, with a range of 6,212 miles, enough distance to reach the west coast of the United States, bolstered the standing of its young tyrant and gained him a stern reaction from the international community.

President of Syria since his father died in 2000, Assad’s rein may be coming to an end due to the rebellion which began with the Arab Spring and continues to be waged against him. To date, approximately 57,000 people have been killed in the civil war, including over 1,000 government officials. In August, President Obama signed a secret order authorizing US support of the Free Syrian Army (FSA). Meanwhile, Russia continues to support Assad. In response to intelligence that President Assad was planning on using chemical weapons against his opponents, President Obama recently stated, “The use of chemical weapons is and would be totally unacceptable. And if you make the tragic mistake of using these weapons, there will be consequences and you will be held accountable.” The international consensus is that Assad’s days are numbered.

Politics Winners

President Obama Wins Presidential election.


Mitt Romney Loses Presidential election.

uP & comers

Marco Rubio Thorough conservative credentials. As a Latino, can win enough of the increasingly important constituency. Serious 2016 GOP contender.

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie

Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton

Keynote Speaker at Republican National Convention. Forms alliance with President Obama after Superstorm Sandy. Shoo-in for reelection in 2013. GOP contender in 2016.

Takes on unions and enacts reform. Handedly wins recall election (beating unions again).

Leaves office highly popular (despite the Benghazi debacle). ABC poll shows 57% would support her for 2016 presidential run.

House Speaker John Boehner

UN Ambassador Susan Rice


Stuck between a rock and a hard place: Needs to negotiate with President Obama and agree to some tax hikes; must deal with rebelling caucus who believe that the U.S. has a “spending” problem, not a “revenue” problem.

President Obama’s choice for Secretary of State but forced to take her name out of the running due to false statements she made in the Benghazi aftermath.

Lose Wisconsin recall election. Unable to prevent Michigan from enacting union busting “Right to Work” law. Many Republican governors are engaging in similar union-busting measures.

Gov. Cuomo

NY City Council Speaker Christine Quinn

San Antonio Mayor Julian Castro

Enjoys 65% approval rating. According to Quinnipiac University poll has big lead among Democrats in NY City Mayoral race.

At age 38, gives keynote address at Democratic National Convention. Pens memoirs in English and Spanish. Draws strong comparisons to the meteoric rise of President Obama.

Highly popular governor who is seen as bipartisan. Possible 2016 Democratic contender, but may face a tough battle against Hillary Clinton.

wi isshhHhoommee nn mday TThheeJJeew e c e2m4b, e2012 r 2 7 , 2012

2012 Year in Review

T h e J e Twh iesJhe w H oi m e hno md e cne mmbay e r 2247,, 2012 2012 sh

74 90

2012 Year in Review Pl aces Benghazi: Timeline of a Cover Up September 11, 2012 US Ambassador to Libya, Chris Stevens, and three other American officials are killed in an attack on the US consulate in Benghazi, Libya. As the attack takes place, Obama administration officials receive real-time information from an unmanned surveillance drone above the consulate. In her initial statements about the attack, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton insinuates that the attack was caused by an angry mob who were angered by an anti-Muslim video which was an intentional effort to denigrate the religious beliefs of others.” Sept 12 In a Rose Garden speech, President Obama says, “We reject all efforts to denigrate the religious beliefs of others.” During a 60 minutes interview, President Obama says, “It’s too early to know exactly how this came about.” Numerous reports surface that the attack may have been preplanned. Sept 13 Secretary of State Hillary Clinton again condemns the anti-Muslim video but does not refer to the attack as an act of terror. Sept 15 In his weekly radio address, President Obama blames the attack on a “very angry mob” that had reacted to an anti-Muslim video. Sept 16 Susan Rice, the US ambassador to the United Nations, says on CBS’s Face the Nation that the attack began “spontaneously” and was “sparked by this hateful video.” Libya President Mohamed Magariaf says it was a preplanned terrorist attack. Sept 18 President Obama tells David Letterman that extremists used the anti-Muslim video “as an excuse” to conduct the Benghazi attack. Hillary Clinton says that there was no intelligence about a pending terrorist attack.

128,100 Feet Above the Earth on October 14, 2012

Sept 19 National Counterterrorism Center Director Matt Olsen tells a Senate subcommittee that the American officials in Benghazi “were killed in the course of a terrorist attack on our embassy.”

Oct 9 Senior State Department officials reveal there were no protests prior to the terrorist attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi — contrary to what administration officials have been saying for weeks.

Sept 21 Hillary Clinton calls the Benghazi incident a “terrorist attack” for the first time.

Oct 15 Clinton takes responsibility for the attacks and blames the mis-information on the “fog of war.”

Sept 20 For the first time, White House Spokesman Joe Carney calls it a “terrorist attack.” When asked about Carney’s comments, President Obama, who was on the campaign trail, maintains that the attack was a result of “natural protests” that arose from the antiMuslim video. Sept 27 Panetta tells reporters that Benghazi “was a terrorist attack” and that it “took a while to really get some of the feedback from what exactly happened at that location.” Army Gen. Martin E. Dempsey, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, says that the U.S. knew in advance that a terrorist attack was being planned for Benghazi. Carney tells reporters, “The President’s position [is] that this was a terrorist attack.”

2 Hours, 21 Minutes: Time it took Felix Baumgartner to float 128,000 feet above the ground. He was seated in a specialized capsule attached to a 55-story helium balloon. 833.9 mph (Mach 1.24): Speed reached by Felix Baumgartner during his death-defying plunge from more than 24 miles above earth. 5: Years Baumgartner trained for his jump from space. 4:20 seconds: Time it took “Fearless Felix” to freefall 119,846 feet. “Sometimes we have to get really high to see how small we are”- Baumgartner, after the jump. Panic attacks: Baumgartner started suffering from

Oct 24 Reuters reports the White House, Pentagon and other government agencies learned just two hours into the Benghazi attack that Ansar alSharia, an Islamic militant group, had “claimed credit” for it. Hillary Clinton warns not to draw conclusions because “cherry-picking one story here or one document there” can be misleading. Nov 15 The House and Senate Intelligence Committees begin holding hearings on the Benghazi attack. Dec 20 Clinton scheduled to testify in front of Congress but has a stomach flu and fainting spell and informs Congress that, at the advice of her doctors, she would be unable to testify at this time. Her testimony is expected to take place mid-January 2013

them when he had to spend hours locked inside the stiff pressurized suit and helmet necessary for survival at the edge of space.

“All of my life I have been looking for unique goals, things no one has accomplished” - Baumgartner explaining why he did the jump

75 91

London 2012 205: Number of nations that participated in the Olympic games. 104: Total medals won by the U.S.A. 87: Total medals won by secondplace China 6: Number of medals won by Michael Phelps in 2012 Olympics, to make him the most decorated Olympian of all time, with a total of 22 medals (18 of them are gold). 219.4 million: Number of Americans who watched some of the games. 71: Age of Japanese Olympian Hiroshi Hoketsu, a dressage rider who was the oldest athlete at the Games. 1,500: Number of seats in a McDonalds which was built in Olympic Village specifically for the 2012 games Lightning Bolt: Jamaican sprinter, Usain Bolt, set world records for the

100 meters and 200 meters dashes, leading to his self-declaration, “I’m now a legend. I’m also the greatest athlete to live.” Female Power: London 2012 was the first Olympics where every country had at least 1 female athlete. Did you know: While the Olympics generates over a $1 billion in sponsorship, there’s no visibility for sponsors. Olympic venues have no signage and Olympic athletes compete in the colors of their country, not their sponsors. The “clean field of play” policy also applies to the areas immediately surrounding the Olympic venues. Nice or Ugly: The Olympics left London with its largest piece of public art: A 377-foot observation tower that was built in the Olympic park and is supposed to be a permanent fixture of London. ArcelorMittal Orbit, a 377-foot sculpture and observation tower in the Olympic Park. It is Britain’s largest piece of public art.

Gaza: Operation Pillar of Defense Nov. 14 In response to incessant rocket attacks from the Gaza Strip, Israel begins Operation Pillar of Defense with a precision missile strike in broad daylight in the heart of the Gaza strip, killing Ahmed al-Jabari, the commander of Hamas’s military wing. Israel posted the “perfect hit” on Youtube.

Nov. 15 Two Fajr rockets land in the suburbs of Tel Aviv.

Nov. 17 75,000 Israeli reserves called up, in anticipation of a ground invasion into Gaza.

Nov. 16 The prime minister of Egypt, Hisham Qandil, visits the Gaza Strip. His official purpose of the visit was to “show solidarity with the Palestinian people.” He arranged for a 3-hour ceasefire to accommodate his visit, but approximately 50 rockets were fired from the Gaza Strip during the temporary ceasefire.

1,500: Terror cells targeted during the 8-day operation. 1,506: Total number of rockets fired from Gaza during the operation. 421: Number of rockets intercepted by the Iron Dome defense system, equaling an 80% success rate. (Iron Dome not yet present in all areas.) 152: Number of rockets fired from Gaza which crashed back into Gaza. 5: Number of Israeli civilians killed by rockets. Hashem yinkom d’amam. 50 miles: Distance between Yerushalayim and Gaza. One longrange rocket landed in the outskirts of Yerushalayim. Pamphlets distributed by the IDF as part of its media campaign

Nov. 18 President Obama supports Israel and says, “There is no country on earth that would tolerate missiles raining down on its citizens from outside its borders. So we are fully supportive of Israel’s right to defend itself from missiles landing on people’s homes.”

Nov. 20 Two rockets land in Gush Etzion, near Yerushalayim, as Hillary Clinton arrives in Israel to broker a ceasefire.

Nov. 21 A bus bomb in Tel Aviv injures 28. Nov. 21 Ceasefire begins at 9 PM.

wiisshh Hhoommee nn mday TThhee JJeew e c e2m4 b, e2012 r 2 7 , 2012

2012 Year in Review

T h e J eTw H oi smhe hno md e cne mmbay e r 2247,, 2012 2012 h ei sJhe w

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2012 Year in Review things Skittles/Hoodies

Costa Concordia 32 people die when the Costa Concordia sank off the Tuscan island of Giglio in Italy after Captain Francesco Schettino allegedly piloted the liner too close to shore as a salute. Schettino, who has been dubbed “Captain Coward,” claims that he did not jump ship but “fell into a lifeboat.” Coastguard recordings captured the coastguard on duty commanding him, “You get back on board! That is an order!” and “Listen, Schettino, perhaps you have saved yourself from the sea but I will make you look very bad. I will make you pay for this ... go back on board!”

US Elections Two trivial items which became part of the tragic story of the Trayvon Martin shooting, which took place on February 26, 2012, when neighborhood watchman George Zimmerman shot Martin who was wearing a hoodie and returning from 7-Eleven where he bought Skittles. Zimmerman remains to be tried.

Diamond Jubilee

One of three official Diamond Jubilee photographs

On February 6, 2012, Queen Elizabeth II became only the second British monarch to celebrate 60 years on the throne. 440,000 official Diamond Jubilee medals were awarded to Armed Forces members and others. There were 9,500 road closures for Diamond Jubilee street parties and an estimated 8.5 million people in the UK took part in Big Jubilee Lunches. Despite joining in the official celebrations, the heir to the throne, Prince Charles, may have been less than excited. In recent candid comments he expressed that he is getting “impatient” with his 60 year wait to assume the throne. “I’ll run out of time soon,” this poor man – whose mother just won’t die – said.

After Mitt Romney revived his chances by scoring a resounding victory in the first Presidential Debate, the race stayed neck-and-neck down to the wire. But that is not the picture that emerged on election night when President Obama resoundingly defeated Mitt Romney by taking 51% of the popular vote and 332 electoral votes, compared to Romney’s 47.3% and 206 electoral votes. Despite an approximate $5.8 billion having been spent on the election, the electoral map and the landscape in Congress effectively stayed the same as it was in 2008. In the aftermath of the race, there have been numerous theories as to why Romney lost. Romney himself suggested that President Obama’s entitlement programs were “gifts” to key constituencies. Some say that Romney didn’t fight like he wanted it. In fact, his son Tagg recently stated, “He wanted to be President less than anyone I’ve met in my life. He had no desire ... to run. If he could have found someone else to take his place ... he would have been ecstatic to step aside.” All theories aside, President Obama simply had a superior ground game with thousands of paid workers on the grounds in key battleground areas to get out the vote. Romney’s campaign relied on a software program for their get-out-the-vote effort. The program, which had not been stress-tested, crashed on Election Day.

Memorable Election Gaffes “If you were successful, somebody along the line gave you some help. There was a great teacher somewhere in your life. Somebody helped to create this unbelievable American system that we have that allowed you to thrive. Somebody invested in roads and bridges. If you’ve got a business – you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen.” - President Obama on July 13th in Roanoke, Virginia

“There are 47 percent of the people who will vote for the President no matter what ... who are dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims. ... These are people who pay no income tax. ... and so my job is not to worry about those people. I’ll never convince them that they should take personal responsibility and care for their lives.” - Mitt Romney on May 17th in Boca Raton, Fla.

“I would do away with the Education, the, uh, Commerce, and, let’s see. I can’t. The third one I can’t. Sorry. Oops.” - Rick Perry in a cringe-worthy, campaign-ending moment during a Republican primary debate

Biden-isms “They’re going to put y’all back in chains.” – VP Biden on Aug. 14th in Danville, Va., talking to a largely African-American audience

“My mother believed and my father believed that if I wanted to be President of the United States, I could be, I could be Vice President!” – VP Biden on May 16th in Youngstown, Ohio

“This is deadly earnest, how they can justify – how they can justify raising taxes on the middle class that’s been buried the last four years. How in the L-rd’s name can they justify raising their taxes with these tax cuts?” – VP Biden on Oct. 3rd in Charlotte, N.C.

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Superstorm Sandy

Fiscal Cliff

After Supreme Court oral arguments in March 2012, most pundits assumed that Obamacare would be effectively overturned. But in a stunning turn of events on June 28th, former conservative darling, Chief Justice John G. Roberts switched his position – supposedly in the eleventh hour – and in an act of legal jujitsu voted to uphold Obamacare, providing a 5th vote President Obama’s signature to the liberal on the healthcare bill side of the bench. Some speculate that Roberts’ actions were based on his desire to protect the Court he leads from being criticized as merely another partisan branch of government and to prevent Democrats from campaigning on an antiSupreme Court agenda. Others believe that Roberts foresaw that in the next few years there will be key social issues brought before the court, including same-gender marriage, and he sought to show that the court is impartial in order to be able to deliver Conservative decisions on these Chief Justice John G. Roberts, former right-wing pride matters. A more cynical turned “Benedict Arnold” view of Roberts’ deci(at least for now). sion is that he has been corrupted by the Washington D.C. cocktail circuit and sought to be in the good graces of the liberal majority which currently controls D.C..

Many homes were destroyed and thousands lived in the dark for weeks on end, but the silver lining in all the hardship was how the community came together and did all that they could to help those who were affected the most.

Definition of the Fiscal cliff : A package of automatic federal tax increases and spending cuts that are due to take effect on January 2, 2013 if Democrats and Republicans don’t agree on a compromise of tax hikes and spending cuts. $7 trillion: The total amount of tax increases and spending cuts included in the fiscal cliff, spread out over the next 10 years. $2,000: Amount the Tax Policy Center estimates that 90% of families will have to pay in additional taxes in 2013, if a deal isn’t reached. $400,000: According to President Obama, families earning that amount should have to pay higher taxes, in order to raise more revenue for the government. $1 million: According to Republican House Speaker John Boehner, families earning that amount should have to pay higher taxes, in order to raise more revenue for the government. $0: Amount of taxes that Conservative members believe should be raised on anybody, regardless of income, as the federal government “doesn’t have a revenue problem; it has a spending problem.” Hawaii – Where President Obama went in the days before the fiscal cliff deadline. Home for the holidays – Where John Boehner sent his caucus after it was clear that he didn’t have the votes to pass his “Plan B.”

16 ounce sodas

Maximum size of soda or sugary drink allowed to be sold in restaurants, movie theaters and food carts in New York City, as per Mayor Bloomberg’s regulation approved by the New York City Board of Health in September 2012. Regarding the ban, NY City Councilman David Greenfield tweeted, “What about Big Macs? Large fries? Pie of pizza? I have a friend who can eat a pie by himself. Where does it end?” Bloomberg became the subject of many jokes and angry tweets such as, “Bloomberg rewrote a law to supersize his term as mayor, now he’s rewriting another one to stop you from supersizing your soda.” David Letterman joked, “Mayor Bloomberg has outlawed giant cans of soda. When you outlaw stuff it creates crime. I saw a guy today walking down the street and a cop is arresting him because he’s got a huge can of soda, and he said ‘No, no, this is medicinal Mountain Dew.’”

Newsweek The printing presses grind to a halt as Newsweek prints its last print edition. Circulation plunged over 50 percent in five years and the company is reportedly losing about $40 million a year. Supporters of Israel will not mourn the loss of Newsweek which had consistently shown an anti-Israel bias.

Shootings Newtown Connecticut - 20 children and 6 of their teachers tragically gunned down in Sandy Hook Elementary School by deranged madman Adam Lanza on December 14th. Aurora, Colorado - 12 killed and 59 injured when James Eagan Holmes set off tear gas grenades and shot into the audience at a midnight showing of a movie on July 20, 2012. Oak Creek, Wisconsin - 6 killed when white supremacist Wade Michael Page shot up a Sikh Temple on August 5, 2012. Malala Yousafzai - 14-year-old Pakistani girl shot by the Taliban while returning from school in Pakistan. Her sin was being an advocate for female education. She miraculously survived and is recovering in England.

Notable issues

First issue: February 17, 1933

Last Print issue: December 31, 2012

wiisshh Hhoommee nn mday TThhee JJeew e c e2m4 b, e2012 r 2 7 , 2012

2012 Year in Review

T h e J e w i s h H o m e n d e c e m b e r 2 7 , 2012


Ask the Attorney Roman Aminov, Esq

Can Medicaid Take My Home From Me? I am currently a Medicaid recipient and have heard that Medicaid may take away my house after I pass away. Is that true and is there any way to protect my family? The Attorney Responds: The answer depends on many factors including your age, familial situation, and the type of care that Medicaid is providing you. Medicaid is divided into two general categories: (1) Insti-

tutional, which includes nursing home and intermediate care facilities, and (2) Community-based, which includes all the other services Medicaid provides including home care and insurance. Let us look at what Medicaid can do with your home in each situation: If you (1) are receiving nursing home care, (2) are deemed a “permanently institutionalized individual (PII)” (meaning you are deemed not to have an intent to return home), (3) and own



your home, Medicaid must place a lien on your home for the amount that they pay out. When the property is eventually sold, the lien must be satisfied before your heirs get the remaining proceeds. There are a few exceptions. First, a lien may not be placed upon your home if certain people are lawfully residing in the home, including a spouse, a child under 18, or a child of any age who is certified blind or certified disabled. Second, if you return home after being a PII, Medicaid must remove the lien. Third, prior to imposing a lien against your home, Medicaid must allow you to transfer the home to the aforementioned individuals, assuming you are able to. Regardless of whether you are receiving institutional or community-based Medicaid, Medicaid can seek “estate recovery.” Estate recovery is when Medicaid tries to recover the amount it paid for your care from your probate estate. Your probate estate only includes assets which you held in your own name and which do not pass by operation of law or through a beneficiary designation. If Medicaid is providing you with nursing home care, home care aid services, doctor’s visits, prescription coverage, or hospital visit coverage, they may go after your probate estate to recover their outlay. The operative words here are “probate estate” and much can be done, relatively simply and inexpensively, to remove your home from your probate estate. There are a few caveats and exceptions to estate recovery. First of all, for community-based care, Medicaid can only collect services provided to you since your 55th birthday. Secondly, for either community or institutional care, Medicaid can only recover up to 10 years worth of benefits counting back from the date of death. Third, no recovery may be made during your spouse’s life, or at a time when you have a surviving child who is less than 21

years of age or who is certified blind or certified disabled. Assuming that the Medicaid agency in New York has not placed a lien on your property, you have the opportunity, with some careful planning, to prevent this from happening sometime in the future. A knowledgeable elder law attorney can utilize different methods such as deed transfers with retained life estates and income-only Medicaid trusts along with properly drafted powers of attorney to shelter your home from Medicaid claims. The important thing to know is that the sooner you speak with an estate planning/elder law lawyer, the more likely it is that you can receive the care you need while protecting your home for your heirs. Roman Aminov is a trusts and estates attorney concentrating in estate planning, elder law, and probate. He is experienced in the drafting of wills, powers of attorney, health care proxies, and trusts of all types. Contact Roman Aminov at (347)ROMAN-85 or visit to schedule a free consultation. CNG Networking Group is an Orthodox Jewish networking group which meets in Queens and Long Island. The attorney sub-group of CNG has 8 members with various specialties: Trusts & Estates, Real Estate, Matrimonial, Criminal, Personal Injury, Trademarks/Copyright, Tax, Nonprofits, Litigation. We welcome questions from readers on a wide range of legal matters. Please submit your legal questions to While we do not provide specific legal advice, we hope to present readers with a greater understanding of the issues presented and potential means of resolving difficulties. No column is a substitute for competent legal advice. Please consult with the attorney of your choice concerning specific legal questions you may have.


“Say What?”

Compiled by Nate Davis

“It’s the first time that I feel it’s more likely that we will go over the cliff than not. If we allow that to happen it will be the most colossal consequential act of congressional irresponsibility in a long time, maybe ever in American history.”

television host to stage attacks against the rights of American citizens.”

- Posting on the homepage of NASA’s website,

- Senator Joe Lieberman

“Enough of the lies! We are next to papa. LIVING, struggling and recovering his health.”

“Well, folks, it is December 21, or as the Mayans call it, April Fools’ Day.” - Jay Leno “I won’t deny certain homicidal tendencies.” - Michael Isikoff discussing what he felt like after another news agency broke the story of a key Bill Clinton scandal (which led to the President’s impeachment) which he had as an exclusive, but Newsweek delayed publishing because they wanted to do more research into it. “For weeks the White House has said that if I moved on rates, that they would make substantial concessions on spending cuts and entitlement reform. I did my part. They’ve done nothing.” - House Speaker John Boehner “If you occasionally buy this product, please kindly resend this letter to the World Human Right Organization. Thousands people here who are under the persicution [sic] of the Chinese Communist Party Government will thank and remember you forever... People who work here have to work 15 hours a day without Saturday, Sunday break and any holidays. Otherwise, they will suffer torturement[sic], beat and rude remark [sic]. Nearly no payment.” - Letter Julie Keith found hidden in a box of an item made in China and purchased in Kmart “I think the President is eager to go over the cliff for political purposes. I think he sees a political victory at the bottom of the cliff.” -Republican Senator John Barrasso of Wyoming

“The good news is that a [fiscal cliff] deal is possible as long as neither side drops the ball. So let’s hope that Mark Sanchez is not involved in any way.” - Jay Leno “President Obama and John Boehner are trying to avoid the fiscal cliff and they’re now on Plan B. If that doesn’t work, then they go to plan C: pray...the world does end Friday.” –David Letterman “[Tebow] is as phony as a three-dollar bill… we’re starting to see his true colors.” - ESPN analyst Merril Hoge discussing Tebow’s alleged refusal to play last Sunday because he didn’t get to start “I don’t think there’s anybody that’s defended the Second Amendment as much as I have.” - Mayor Michael Bloomberg on the John Gambling show “There is a question as to what [in] the Second Amendment was written. You can read it to say they only talked about militias, or you can read it to say they wanted guns in your pocket. I don’t know, that’s up to you.” - Mayor Michael Bloomberg, several minutes later, on the John Gambling show “British citizen and CNN television host Piers Morgan is engaged in a hostile attack against the U.S. Constitution by targeting the Second Amendment. We demand that Mr. Morgan be deported immediately for his effort to undermine the Bill of Rights and for exploiting his position as a national network

- Petition to the White House which garnered enough signatures to guarantee a response from the White House

-Twitter message by Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez’s daughter after rumors spread that he died “Romney’s eldest son, Tagg, drew up a list of 12 people whose lives had been helped by his father in ways that were publicly unknown but had been deeply personal and significant, such as assisting a dying teenager in writing a will or quietly helping families in financial need. Such compelling vignettes would have been welcome material in almost any other campaign. But Romney’s strategists worried that stressing his personal side would backfire, and a rift opened between some in Romney’s circle and his strategists that lasted until the convention. More than being reticent, Romney was at first far from sold on a second presidential run. Haunted by his 2008 loss, he initially told his family he would not do it. While candidates often try to portray themselves as reluctant, Tagg insisted his father’s stance was genuine.” - Boston Globe “President Obama has picked John Kerry as our next Secretary of State. Obama plans to use Kerry. You see, he will bore our enemies to death.” - Jay Leno “Mr. Obama repeatedly lost patience with the speaker as negotiations faltered. In an Oval Office meeting last week, he told Mr. Boehner that if the sides didn’t reach agreement, he would use his inaugural address and his State of the Union speech to tell the country the Republicans were at fault.” - The Wall Street Journal

d e c e m b e r 2 7 , 2012

“If you’re reading this story, it means the world didn’t end on Dec. 21, 2012. Despite reports of an ancient Maya prophecy, a mysterious planet on a collision course with Earth, or a reverse in Earth’s rotation, we’re still here.”

The Jewish Home n



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The Jewish Home n d e c e m b e r 2 7 , 2012

T h e J e w i s h H o m e n d e c e m b e r 2 7 , 2012


Restaurant Review Alex Idov

Keeping Kosher Cool Eighteen Restaurant (18), NYC Eighteen Restaurant (18) 240 E. 81st st. NY, NY (212) 517-2400 Under the hashgacha of the O-K


t was in May of 2010 that Jewish residents of Manhattan’s Upper East Side would walk by 240 East 81st street in anticipation of the new restaurant’s opening. As the red neon sign was being affixed to the restaurant’s exterior, people would whisper to each other, “Eighteen is chai, I get it!” feeling like they were in on the “secret” and a part of the making of the neighborhood’s new restaurant. Two and a half years have passed since then and 18 has flourished as one of the Upper East Side’s premier kosher meat restaurants. Specializing in fine quality food through a vast and varied menu including succulent steaks and lamb chops, large gourmet salads, an Israeli grille, delectable sushi, and their mouth-watering burgers and deli sandwiches, 18 has something to appeal to every palate. 18’s head chef, Chaim Dadi, brings years of experience from over 23 years working at midtown Manhattan’s Mr. Broadway to create a unique and satisfying dining experience—including their Mediterranean grille and salads. Upon my visit to 18, I sampled their combination Mediterranean salad platter which included fire-roasted eggplant babaganoush, Romanian eggplant salad, Turkish salad, tahini, and hummus, served with a basket of warm pita bread. All the salads were all extremely fresh and fla-

vorsome – my personal favorites were the smooth and creamy hummus and the babaganoush, which carried a nice smoky kick to it. I also enjoyed 18’s best-selling burger, the Southwest burger – an 8 oz. beef burger grilled to perfection and topped with creamy guacamole and red Bermuda onions, served with a high pile of crispy golden fries. The burger menu is one of 18’s signature trademarks, boasting an array of different burgers including a Tex-Mex burger, pastrami burger and Jerusalem burger. Their steak and chop menu is also sure to please, with their Romanian Hanging Tenderloin steak as their bestselling steak. 18 also offers healthy dining options with an nice selection of fresh salads, all large enough to be a meal in and of itself, and even offers a no-carb sushi roll. Sushi is a large part of the business, with all sushi handcrafted on site, and they boast an expansive sushi menu offering sushi from your simple tuna or salmon roll to a gourmet Beef Negamaki, a thin sliced rib-eye beef sushi. 18 also has options for the little ones with a kids menu offering sliders and chicken nuggets. The portions are very generous and all main courses include side dishes –18 prides themselves in being “economically friendly,” striving to keep their menu prices at a fair price. The staff is

extremely friendly and attentive, and the sophisticated and relaxed atmosphere lends itself to the diner’s pleasant dining experience. When it comes right down to it, 18 is a cool neighborhood hangout for UES residents, and patrons many times thank them for being one of the neighborhood’s solid establishments.18 tries to keep kosher cool with their eclectic menu and tries to encourage the teenage generation to eat kosher, offering a special discount to high school students during lunch break hours. 18 is the place where deli, burgers, Mediterranean grill, home cooking, and sushi find a home…and so will you. Alex Idov, exclusive restaurant review columnist of TJH, is a passionate and dedicated “foodie.” Idov runs a personal chef business, The Cooking Yeshiva Bochur/The CYB, in the Five Towns and Far Rockaway communities. Visit his website at or contact him at

83 The Jewish Home n d e c e m b e r 2 7 , 2012



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FEATURED TOPICS:  The Impact of Disabilities on Marriage  Services In Israel


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 League of the Physically Handicapped

A Life of Autism

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Services in Israel Page 20

Dentistry for Special Needs Page 58

 Patient Centered Medical Homes  How to Advocate Effectively for your Child  Direct Care Counselors  Services Out of New York  Charter School  The Montessori Method  A Life with Autism  Autism News and Updates  Understanding PANDAS

“I realized how bleak my future really was”

 Does Movement Really Matter?

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This issue of Building Blocks is your source for the latest views and news from the world of Special Needs of interest to all parents in our community.

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 Seizure Disorders December 2012

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Health & Fitness

Cheryl Greenberger, Ph.D.

Birthdays, Anniversaries, and Cancerversaries


allmark has a card for almost every occasion. You can send one to celebrate birthdays, anniversaries, grandparents’ day, and even what is now called “Administrative Assistants’ Day.” You can buy balloons, bake cakes, send presents, and gather with friends and families to mark all sorts of special occasions and milestones, except the ones that may be the most important for cancer survivors: the dates of diagnosis and the end of treatment. As a child, some of my clearest memories are the stories my grandmother told of her life in Europe during

Just One More Date to Remember her camp was liberated and the day she arrived in America. I remember thinking, “How does she remember all these dates? How does she know the day of the week that all this happened?” The dates stood out in my grandmother’s mind because they were so important in her life. So it is with cancer. Ask any cancer survivor and it’s highly likely that she will be able to relay the exact day and time that they first heard about their diagnosis. Most survivors can easily summon the date of their first treatments, of their first surgeries, first chemotherapy and first radiation treatment. And with tremendous gratitude,

They are the days that our lives were changed forever. Each of us has survived a challenge so significant that we are different at the end. Those are the days that we remember. World War II. What always amazed me was the way in which she remembered every date…the day her town was first affected by the Nazi laws, the day the men were rounded up…the day she, her mother and sisters were sent to the concentration camp. She knows the date

they will also recall the date of their last treatment, which many refer to as their “cancerversary.” Family and friends may think that survivors would be happy to just forget these dates, especially those that remind them of some of the worst days of their

lives. Yet most cancer survivors will tell you that putting these dates out of their minds is no more possible than Holocaust survivors forgetting the day they were forced into a ghetto, boarded onto a train, or liberated from the camps. Why is knowing when treatment began or ended so important? Why focus on dates, whether good or bad? The short answer is that the days we remember weren’t “any old day.” They are the days that our lives were changed forever. Each of us has survived a challenge so significant that we are different at the end. Those are the days that we remember. Cancer survivors sometimes debate whether one becomes a survivor on the date he is diagnosed or when treatment is completed. It’s not merely semantics. Celebrating the former date recognizes that you become a survivor the minute you start fighting for your life; celebrating the latter equates survivorship with the beginning of the rest of your life. The truth is that cancerversaries are personal, as different as survivors. Survivorship is different for every person

who lives through cancer. Some cancer survivors see their cancerversary as a day to celebrate, to make a party, do something special, or even something they’ve been afraid to do in the past. For others, it is a day of private contemplation and a time to say “thank you.” Every milestone is a time to take stock of our lives, to be proud of what we’ve accomplished and plan for improving where we can. Cancerversaries are no different. They are a moment where survivors can look back at what they’ve gone through and take pride in the strength they found within themselves (and within those important to them) to make it through. This extra day…a birthday for so many… is a time to celebrate and show gratitude for the opportunity to live a full life, a privilege denied to many. Each of us has milestones in our lives that deserve a celebration. These milestones don’t have to be as momentous as finishing cancer treatment. They can be as mundane as the day you drive your last carpool route or the day you received your first paycheck. There are hundreds of days in our lives that deserve recognition. Whether it’s a blowout party or a private moment, we need to recognize the days that transformed us into the people we are today. There are no Hallmark cards to mark something as wonderful as the day you bought your child her first pair of shoes or as terrifying as a parent’s illness. But each of us can have our own cancerversaries where we remember the important days in our lives and celebrate the spirit that allowed us all to survive. Cheryl Greenberger, Ph.D. is the Director of Clinical and Family Services at Chai Lifeline.

TJH Staff

Why is Sorry So Hard? his response is that he has strong feelings about that particular subject and it’s important to let people know. In fact, he goes on to point out that if you see your neighbor err and you do not let him know, then you bear the sin. Thus, he feels he is actually obligated to do what he has been doing. When Penina would try to reason with him, saying that how you do tochacha (rebuke) makes all the difference in the world, he would have a response for that, too. He would momentarily become logical and say that people don’t like hearing tochacha so if it’s not said forcefully it won’t register. Never mind that he doesn’t like hearing tochacha and is not receiving the information his wife and others give him. With all his arguments and rationalizations blocking his ability to see the world as the rest of the world sees it, he is stuck, alone, in his place of self-

understand his perception of things. Maybe something could be worked out if she understood him better instead of dismissing his approach out of hand. The next morning they had some privacy over coffee and she took that moment to ask him about his battle with Chemie. “Kalman,” she began, “do you think of Chemie as a murderer?” “Of course not!” Kalman replied, angry at the question. “What do you think I am, stupid? You know I don’t think of him as a murderer.” Penina was going to have difficulty here; she could see it. “I see,” she said. “But you actually said to him, ‘You’re a murderer.’” “Now, you’re splitting hairs,” Kalman replied. “I meant it generically. I meant that people who fight with the Palestinians are causing more people to die; it’s a bad thing to do.” “Thank you for explaining,” Penina

“Admitting your mistakes to people you love is a sign of strength.” righteous hostility. Penina chose a new approach. From her perspective, divorce was not an option for many reasons. She also could not see herself being miserable with this difficult man for the rest of her life. Furthermore, her personality was not the type to just live two parallel lives in the same home. If she was going to stay married then she needed to be able to speak her mind and exchange ideas; holding back was not her way. Until this point, their interactions had been fraught with friction: Kalman would get into difficulties; Penina would become irritated with him; they would argue. Since explaining her way of seeing his actions did not work and holding back would not work, the new tactic that she chose was to find out more about her husband and try to

said. She dropped the conversation. She realized that her husband sounded a lot worse than he actually was. Of course, everyone heard what he said and not what he meant. Penina thought that perhaps after a night’s sleep, she would have some kind of a helpful way to present the “other side” to her husband. Unfortunately, she didn’t sleep well. She wondered why it is so hard for people like her husband to say they are sorry. She tossed and turned and tried again the next day. “Kalman,” Penina said the next day, “I want to understand you better.” Kalman was suspicious. And he wasn’t stupid. “If you want to bring up my words with Chemie, forget it. I’ve had enough of that discussion,” he replied. “Yes, that is what I wanted to dis-

cuss. Also, although you’ve had enough of it, I’m having a big problem with leaving it as is,” Penina said. This did catch Kalman’s attention. “What’s your problem?” he asked with a deep sigh. “I know in my heart that you are a good person,” she started. “Thank you,” he interjected. “So I don’t get how you could feel okay to hurt someone’s feelings, anyone’s, not just because Chemie is my brother. I get that you think his feelings shouldn’t be hurt since you didn’t mean to call him a murderer but you did actually say those exact words.” “Of course I don’t intend to hurt people’s feelings,” Kalman huffed. “So why can’t you just tell him that? Why can’t you apologize?” Penina asked. “Because,” Kalman declared, his nose slightly up, “it would be weak.” “What?” Penina asked, flabbergasted. He saw her genuine surprise and was a bit discomfited. “Yes,” he said defensively, “it’s weak to apologize. It means you were wrong. And I am not wrong. We cannot afford to inflame our enemies any more. We have to look for shalom.” Suddenly, a light bulb went on over Penina’s head. “So,” she said hesitantly, “if we need to take steps to prevent our enemies from being inflamed, kal v’chomer those we love. Saying you are sorry you used language on him that you didn’t intend for him in the first place is not a sign of weakness. Admitting your mistakes to people you love is a sign of strength.” How does the story end? Does Kalman apologize? What do you think? Let me or the editor know and the story will be continued next week.

Dr. Deb Hirschhorn has had over 35 years clinical experience. She has been in numerous publications, both professional and for the public, and has appeared on TV and has been featured on radio. She practices Marriage-Friendly Therapy. She has a local practice in Woodmere, N.Y. See her website,, or call her at 646-54-DRDEB.

d e c e m b e r 2 7 , 2012


alman got into it with his brother-in-law again. Somehow this happened with some, almost predictable, regularity about twice a year. Each time was painful for them and for the witnesses. Yet, it seemed doomed to repeat itself. It started innocently enough. Chemie was looking at the news headlines when he opened his email. “Boy,” he said, “there go the Israeli apologists again. Why won’t they just admit the truth about the Palestinians? Why are we always afraid to speak up? Why can’t we take some strong steps with them?” Kalman, his brother-in-law, happened to be passing through the kitchen at that moment. He and his wife, Penina, were visiting for a few days and Kalman came with suitcases full of opinions. “What gives you the right to spill Jewish blood?” he retorted, his face growing red. “What do you want to do, inflame them more? Why, you’re just a murderer of Jews!” Chemie was shocked although he shouldn’t have been. This was Kalman’s modus operandi: If he disagreed with an opinion that someone expressed, he felt duty-bound to express his disagreement in the strongest possible terms. He always believed that strong terms got the message across. Chemie was offended. More than offended, he was perplexed. How in the world could his own wishing for fairness and truth in the media and in the eyes of the government rather than placating people ready to throw bombs at a moment’s notice be the equivalent of murder? It made no sense. Because Chemie was both hurt at the terrible accusation while at the same time he had no way to defend his position to someone who seemed to him to be irrational, he didn’t say anything. He just left the room, upset. Kalman had a habit of getting into scuffles with people. His wife, Penina, is beyond exhausted dealing with the fallout. He has antagonized people in shul, at the office and in the family. Worst of all, Kalman cannot see that he ever did anything wrong. If people’s feelings were hurt, his stock answer is that they shouldn’t be. If he is told that he could have expressed himself more diplomatically,

Deb Hirschhorn, Ph.D.

The Jewish Home n



T h e J e w i s h H o m e n d e c e m b e r 2 7 , 2012


Health & Fitness

Aliza Beer

Natural Appetite Suppressants


any a patient have asked me from time to time if there is a pill that could help suppress their appetites. Many over-the-counter drugs have dangerous side effects, and I don’t recommend taking any of them. There are many foods, however, that can increase a person’s satiety and cut

down on hunger. Try incorporating some or all of the following foods

into your daily diet, and watch those Chanukah pounds melt away! Almonds: Just a handful of almonds are a rich source of antioxidants, vitamin E, and magnesium. Almonds have been shown to increase feelings of fullness in people, according to a study presented at The 2006 Obesity Society Annual Scientific meeting. Caution: keep your serving size small, about 10 pieces, because almonds are high in fat. Ginger: For centuries, many cultures have used ginger root to improve digestion. Ginger works as a stimulant that energizes the body and improves digestion, also making you less hungry. Try incorporating it into a smoothie or a chicken dish. Avocado: Full of fiber and fat, it will suppress your appetite when eaten in MODERATION. The fat in avocado will send signals to your brain to tell your stomach that it’s

full, but remember, listen to these signals! Cayenne Pepper: Let’s get spicy! Research has shown that just ½ tsp of cayenne pepper can boost metabolism and cause the body to burn an extra 10 calories on its own, and up to 60 calories from the next meal. If you use it in 2 meals a day for a month, you can lose up to 4 pounds! Apples: They help suppress hunger for several reasons. One reason is that they are full of soluble fiber and pectin, which help you feel full. Apples also regulate your glucose and boost your energy level. Finally, apples require a lot of chewing time, which helps slow you down, and gives your body time to realize you are no longer hungry. Water: Studies have shown that if you drink 1-2 glasses of water before every meal, you will lose weight. The water fills you up and you will eat a little less at each meal. Soup: A hot broth-based vegetable soup will fill you up with minimal calories. Try having a cup of soup as your first course at dinner, and you will eat less of your main dish. Green Tea: The catechins in green tea help to inhibit the movement of glucose into fat cells, which slows the rise of blood sugar and prevents high insulin, and subsequent fat storage. When your blood sugar is more stable, so is your hunger. Green Leafy Vegetables: From kale to spinach to Swiss chard, green leafy vegetables are very nutritious and low in calories, and keep you feeling full for hours. Salmon: Fish like salmon are high in omega 3 fatty acids, and they help your body increase the amount of Lepitin in your system. Lepitin is a hormone known for suppressing hunger. Cinnamon: Like ginger, it helps lower your blood sugar levels, which help control your appetite. Sprinkle it

onto your oatmeal, cereal, baked apples, etc. Hot Sauce: The hotter you go, the more your appetite will be suppressed.

Dash some on to your eggs, chicken, or even soups; the spiciness keeps you from overeating, and helps you stay full longer. Flax Seeds: Contain a mix of soluble fiber and essential fatty acids that keep you satiated and fueled. The foods that we just discussed are not only natural appetite suppressants, but healthy foods with good nutritional benefits. Over-the-counter appetite suppressants are unhealthy, and possibly dangerous to your body. Portion control is key to any weight management/loss diet. When you cut down on your portions and lose weight, your stomach will shrink and less food will be required to satisfy you. Incorporating these foods into your diet will help you achieve your goal, and maintain an appropriate weight in the future.

Aliza Beer is a registered dietician with a Master’s degree in nutrition. She has a private practice in Cedarhurst, NY. Patients’ success has been featured on the Dr. Oz Show. Aliza’s new line of prepared, healthy meals-to-go are available at Gourmet Glatt. Aliza can be reached at

Devorah Gerber Schmeltz

Rolling Back & Forth

Dear Nechama, Your son sounds like he is right on time with rolling; that is terrific! I am impressed that you are noticing that he frequents rolling to one side more than the other. You are correct in wanting to take preemptive actions to avoid a strong preference to one side. The first thing to do is to create an environment for him in which he would want to roll in the other direction on his own. For instance, while he is on his back, place toys on the side he tends to not roll as often. If you are playing with him on the floor, position yourself on that side as well. If you find he does not roll towards the side he prefers less even when you place stimuli, you can provide him a physical assist to initiate a roll. Here is how: For clarity, we will describe the activity of rolling towards his right side from back to stomach. • place stimulus in his view at shoulder level • cross his left foot over his right foot (picture A) • gently guide his left hip over his right hip (picture B) • This facilitation should provide him enough assistance to then roll over onto his stomach (picture C). Your hand on his body should be gentle. (If you feel you need to force him to roll, you are doing it wrong and should discontinue. Forcing a movement can cause injury.) If you begin seeing a strong disparity between the frequency of his rolling

Figure A

Figure B

Figure C

to each side, consult your child’s pediatrician. Wishing you much hatzlacha! -Devorah

Devorah (Gerber) Schmeltz, MS OTR/L is a 2003 alumnus of Downstate Medical Center’s OT Program. She is a senior occupational therapist at United Cerebral Palsy’s Brooklyn Children’s Program. Devorah maintains a private practice, Bumble & Tumble Occupational Therapy P.C., in Far Rockaway, NY providing pediatric occupational and physical therapy. Department of Education vouchers/RSAs are gladly accepted. Your questions and comments are welcome. She can be reached at BumbleTumble or 917-971-5327.

Rifka Schonfeld

Executive Function Disorder Q: Lately, I have been hearing a lot of people talking about “Executive Function Disorder.” I’ve been trying to get information on it because it seems like my child might be dealing with it, but I can’t get a clear picture. What exactly is Executive Function Disorder? A: It’s true that Executive Function Disorder is becoming a hot topic in education these days. Of course, that is not because more children and adults are dealing with it, but rather because experts have given it a name and have devised ways to deal with its accompanying difficulties. First, what is Executive Function Disorder? In order to understand the disorder, we must understand the executive functions that we all perform on a daily basis. Executive skills allow us to organize our behavior over time and override immediate demands in favor of longer-term goals. Through the use of these skills we can plan and organize activities, sustain attention, and persist to complete a task. Executive skills enable us to manage our emotions and monitor our thoughts in order to work more efficiently and effectively. Executive skills, like executives at large companies, are the managers of our behavior. These skills allow us to keep our impulses and emotions under control, while planning and organizing for a larger goal. Some specific examples of executive skills include: • Planning: creating a roadmap to reach a goal. • Organization: keeping track of multiple sets of information and materials. • Time management: understanding how much time you have and dividing it in order to meet a goal. • Working memory: holding information in mind even while performing other tasks. • Metacognition: self-monitoring in order to recognize what you do well or poorly. • Response inhibition: thinking before you speak or act. • Sustained attention: attending to a situation or task in spite of distraction, fatigue or boredom. Children and adults who have Executive Function Disorder lack many of the above skills. This, in turn, means that they are often late, disorganized, and messy. People who have Executive Function Disorder have trouble moving

fluidly from situation to situation, controlling their emotions through rational thought, problem solving, and keeping long term goals. Frequently, when others view these behaviors, they assume it is because the person is lazy and undisciplined. That is not always the case. Many people with Executive Function disorder would love to change their behavior but do not ask for help and have no idea where to begin (after all, both of those skills are executive functions!). So, what are some solutions to Executive Function Disorder? As the disorder centers on a lack of internal organization and planning, it is extremely important to create external organization. Some forms of organization that may be helpful: • Create checklists. These checklists allow you to keep track of the different components of each task, ultimately leading to a goal. • Put a clock in every room. Having a constant reminder of time will keep you on course. In addition, wear a watch with digital numbers so that the passage of time is immediately apparent. • Keep your house and office clutter-free. Clutter creates visual and physical distraction. Because initially this step might be hard, ask for assistance from someone who is skilled at organizing. Then, do daily checks to make sure the clutter is not piling up. • Write down directions and instructions. Since working memory is often weaker in people with Executive function disorder, writing things down will significantly reduce mistakes and forgetfulness. If you feel that your child always misunderstands directions, losses track of time, and misplaces his belongings, consider taking him to be evaluated for Executive Function Disorder. With just a bit of organization, your life and his life can get a whole lot easier. The opinions expressed in this article reflect the view of the author and those cited by her. In all matters of hashkafah and chinuch, readers should seek reliable rabbinical guidance. Mrs. Rifka Schonfeld, founder and director of Strategies for Optimum Success (S.O.S.) in 1980, services all grade levels in secular as well as Hebrew studies. A long-time kriah and reading specialist, she offers evaluations, as well as G.E.D. preparation, social skills training and shidduch coaching. She can be reached at 718-382-5437 or at rifka

d e c e m b e r 2 7 , 2012

Dear Devorah, My five-month-old rolls from his back to his stomach both ways. However, he does it much more often in one direction than the other. I’m worried he is going to develop too much of a preference to one side. How can I encourage him to roll in the other direction? Nechama


Social Smarts

The Jewish Home n

Health & Fitness

T h e J e w i s h H o m e n d e c e m b e r 2 7 , 2012


Lola's Story

Lola Lieber Schwartz

A World After This

A Memoir of Loss and Redemption Lola Lieber Schwartz is a world-renowned artist whose paintings have been exhibited in art galleries throughout the United States and are part of the Yad Vashem archives in Jerusalem. Most importantly, Lola is a mother, grandmother and great-grandmother to many. She has myriad friends and sees life in all its vibrancy and vitality. But life was not always easy. Lola was only sixteen-yearsold when Hitler ym”sh invaded Poland, and Lola was forced into hiding and spent years on the run with her husband, Mechel. Through six years of trying times, near

starvation and brutality, Lola and her husband held onto their faith and values. It was Mechel’s words of encouragement, “There will be a world after this,” that helped them cling to the hope that there will be a life of light and joy waiting for them at the end. This is the story of Lola’s life—from her grandparents’ “enchanted garden” to meeting Eichmann ym”sh to making the Pesach seder for the Bobover Rebbe during the war—her words will take you back to a different world.

Chapter 2 At the Three Roses

taken away a part of my soul. The clicking of the wheels on the tracks sounded like the repeated opening and closing of the ornamental gate at Grandfather and Grandmother’s. I was not living in the present tense on this trip. I was living in the extended pain of the last minutes of the Munkach farewell. The larger reality for all Jews had not yet settled into my girl’s brain. It was a series of events even adults found hard to envision. In Poland alone before


s soon as we took our seats on the train I closed my eyes. It was the only way I could blind myself to what was happening. We were headed to Krynica, a popular spa resort town in the mountains. It was a place favored by Chassidic Orthodox Jews for health and relaxation. It was often referred to in the travel literature of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries as a place to “take the cure.” In the vernacular of the time, this phrase meant the place contained fresh air and pure waters. Arriving in large groups with our Rebbes, Jews also traveled to Krynica to celebrate the High Holidays and Pesach. We were more than welcome in town. Families with ample resources chose to stay in lovely hotels or in smaller boarding houses. Both the large and smaller places met our religious needs – all establishments were equipped with kosher kitchens. In the more expensive places, delicious meals were served with style and in the graceful European manner typical of the period. Jews were not the only people who came to Krynica. It was a vacation destination for many others living in Poland and the surrounding regions. Krynica was renowned for its healing mineral waters and uniquely picturesque landscape. Four beautiful streams fed into the valley. These were the source of the waters believed to possess curative medicinal properties. It was a prevalent and strongly held conviction that by partaking of these waters one could alleviate the symptoms of a variety of diseases. Nevertheless, there was one virulent ailment the waters of Krynica could not begin to heal. That was the malignant disease of anti-Semitism infecting the hearts and the souls of non-Jewish Europeans by 1938. I knew we were going to a resort spa for reasons other than our health

and the High Holidays. Although I did not understand fully all that was changing for Jews, I was not a complete fool. We were going to Krakow, with a stop in Krynica, because we were no longer free to make the personal travel decisions we had previously enjoyed. I was beginning to digest the fact that the life I had taken for granted was disappearing. With this transition would come the loss of many of our accustomed activities and recreational pleasures. Somewhere

With the turning of the Jewish Year, my girlhood was left behind, never to be recaptured. It would be many years before I talked about this time or recalled it without a wrenching grief. deep inside I sensed an important gate was closing permanently. It was the gate to my enchanted garden in Munkach and the warmth and presence of my extended family. The security I had as a protected child was ebbing away from me. A life of considerable privilege and the absence of fear were slipping forever out of my grasp. We were among those who had sufficient money to stay in an upscale kosher hotel called The Three Roses, the managers of which were good friends of my parents. In 1938 darkness was already visible to those paying close attention to the decrees and pronouncements of Hitler. However, I was only fifteen years old and my thoughts and concerns were centered primarily on my own future. I was concerned about the destiny of my combined and extended family and the separation from my many friends. My heart must have been far more mature than my thinking, though, because on the train I suffered the broken heart of a much older person. Saying good-bye to my family and friends in Munkach had

the Holocaust more than three and a half million Jews thrived, had families, and practiced Judaism openly. We were not aliens or foreigners living in Europe as third-class citizens, we were a robust people. Because of our traditions and our customs, many of us did live somewhat apart from our fellow European citizens, but we had chosen our way of life, and the rituals and manner in which we observed the practice of our faith, and the laws of the Torah. Who could have imagined what was coming so soon? It would have been to suspend all belief. It would have been to embrace an indescribable horror that would become a reality experienced and endured by millions. The train ascended into the Carpathian Mountains and crossed into Poland. Through the compartment window I glimpsed a scenic view, but I was not in a mood to appreciate beauty in nature. The only image I could see was my sister’s face. Goldie had been so brave when she said good-bye to me. I should

have reassured her more than I did. I had not offered her as much comfort as she had given me as we made our farewells. Goldie was always concerned about others, especially about me. Her name was well suited to her personality. There was something so pure and perfectly tender in all she did. I had played the role of the “orphan” in Munkach almost as a joke, but I was a much-loved child and extremely cherished by my sister. My world was changing quickly. Who was I now? Who would I become in the next days, weeks, and months as I progressed on this involuntary and unknown journey? The monotonous clicking of the train’s wheels helped me achieve a measure of mental clarity. My life was disrupted. I was about to change my identity (for the first time). Eventually, I would get off the train to join my family, not as little Leiku from Munkach, but as a girl named Lola who lived in Krakow. I would become a Polish Jewess. I could not know that an entirely different universe was waiting for me. It would be an underworld where I would learn to maneuver with false names, fake passports, and forged documents. This disordered way of life would become the daily rhythm of European Jewry. Moreover, this bizarre future would be only for the most fortunate among us. As the train climbed further into the mountains, I could not know that Jews would need to fight with all their wits and ingenuity. That we would give up our resources and possessions for the chance to survive. Fortunately, in His Divine wisdom, Hashem does not reveal everything to us before we are strong enough to know. Instead, on the train I focused on how much I did not want to live in Krakow all the time. My Polish was very limited. Inside the family and our community, I spoke fluent Yiddish. During my visits it was all I had needed. I would need more than Yiddish to be a Polish resident. I knew my excellent German

have like a Bohemian artist. More than anything else he looked like an observant Jewish man. We did not acknowledge each other openly, but were aware of each other in an acceptable way – a most modest glance here and there. In that way alone we communicated and we each knew the other existed. Because he was both proper and religious, he would never have approached me directly. Instead he asked his sister to meet me in order to make a formal introduction. She was a beautiful young woman and we became friendly in a short time. Accompanied by his sister, I went to Arek’s loft and watched him paint. There we talked together about art, and Arek spoke about the life of the artist. It was a joy for me to connect to someone who not only painted, but also defined himself as an artist. As sister and brother, they obviously understood how I felt without my family. They were very close and gentle with each other and attached to their own family. I was invited to their family home for meals on a regular basis, and most meaningful for me, they had me for Shabbos. I did not have to observe Shabbos alone in the hotel or be seated with strangers, however friendly they were. It was an act of great generosity. It was also typical of the way things were in this early period of distress: Jews tried to look out for

one another in a time of confusion and anxiety about family separations. I liked Arek, his sister, and the rest of his family tremendously. Although it was many years ago, the warmth of his mother’s welcome to her Shabbos table and to the light of her Shabbos candles stays with me. Arek’s family was an echo of sweetness and momentary happiness for me in a time of uncertainty and growing chaos. My temporary residence at The Three Roses had come to an end; it was time for me to make the short journey to Krakow. I said good-bye to Arek and thanked the family for their kindness. He asked for my address in Krakow so that we could stay in touch by mail. I happily and innocently gave him the address. I did not understand his heart had opened toward me in a way mine had not toward him. He began to write letters immediately. I think there was even a letter waiting for me at home when I arrived. I did not think I should answer Arek. I was moving into an existence I had not anticipated. I was adjusting to new conditions and a different culture. More than anything, I was flung headlong toward an increasingly frightening horizon. Lola wrote this book with the help of Alida Brill.

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d e c e m b e r 2 7 , 2012

my dilemma was the fact that my tutor’s Polish was not refined or easy to listen to as he instructed me. He spoke with a rough country accent. With his help, my Polish grammar and vocabulary did improve tremendously, but I spoke Polish as he did. I still sounded like a Hungarian–Czechoslovakian speaking a strange dialect of Polish. This was fine with me, because I was proud of my identity. My accent was a form of verbal identity – the memory of my past was obvious to me in every Polish sentence I uttered. Although I missed my parents and my family, I was happy not to be in Krakow for a few more weeks. Surprisingly, my stay at The Three Roses turned out well after such an isolating start. People were kind and looked out for me. Even the staff at the hotel befriended me. It was a tasteful place and I felt quite at home and comfortable. I tried to paint as much as I could. Although my Polish still left much to be desired, I could soon carry on conversations easily. I was happy to respond to the conversation offered by those around me. It was a rite of passage from girlhood to the first stages of young womanhood, even if it was happening in strange and bewildering times. Because the hotel catered to a wealthy crowd, there were shops filled with pretty objects in its lobby arcade. I liked to window-shop in these souvenir stalls. Each day I looked at small beautiful pieces of artwork for sale; I was told the artist was a local artisan. I learned he was a young Chassidic man whose name was Arek. He earned his living making these souvenir items. There were lovely still-life paintings on glass, others painted on wood in small frames, some on leather, and other scenes were painted on wallets. They were delicate and intricate. His use of color and the exquisite detail in each one particularly appealed to me. I thought this man had great talent and should do something more serious than making souvenir items. He was, I learned, somewhat famous in town; his works were seen on display in all the finer shops. The ones I liked best were paintings of flowers and also those depicting forests. I had not noticed that he came into the hotel daily, but apparently he had taken note of me. He worked in a rented studio loft in the hotel. He was young, but of course he was older than I. He was a nice-looking man who had light eyes, and light hair, and wore glasses. He probably wasn’t tall, but he seemed tall to me, as I am quite short. I thought he was handsome in his long Chassidic coat just like Tattiko’s, but as he was still young his beard had not grown very long. He was shy, had impeccable manners, and was deeply religious. He certainly did not dress or be-

The Jewish Home n

wouldn’t be terribly useful in Krakow. Our parents had decided that Goldie should remain in Munkach. I was quite distraught at the notion of life in Poland without my sister and girlfriends. My brother Moishe had stayed in Belz because he had his own passport. These were my primary thoughts. I was just a young girl about to be deprived of all her pleasurable activities – gymnastics, ice skating, sleigh rides, tennis, life in the garden, the sight of the colorful Gypsies, music lessons, the acrobat living in the cottage, my friends, and my Munkach family. It was indeed the closing of the gate on a life of delight and enchantment. Tattiko would be joining us at The Three Roses in Krynica, but I was not anticipating the High Holidays with anything except sadness. There would be nothing sweet about this New Year. I wallowed in despair and feelings of loss. I was a big crybaby during the Holidays. My parents permitted me to indulge my sorrow. As I look back on it, it is hard to appreciate fully their amazing love and tolerance for my adolescent behavior. They were facing horrible fears they kept hidden from me. There were so many practical strategies weighing on them, which undoubtedly caused them sleepless nights. Yet they did not show me their apprehension and continued to be my attentive parents, once again assuring me that all the comforts and advantages were within reach. We recited our ancient prayers requesting Hashem to inscribe us in the Book of Life, not knowing the profound immediacy of that prayer in Europe in 1938. When the High Holidays concluded, Mammiko and Father returned home to Krakow. I would be staying behind, alone, at their request. Krakow is located only about eighty miles to the northwest of Krynica, but it felt as far away as the Earth from the Moon. With the turning of the Jewish year, my girlhood was left behind, never to be recaptured. It would be many years before I talked about this time or recalled it without a wrenching grief. As virtually everyone left immediately after the Holidays, Krynica became very quiet. Few of the permanent residents were young, and a sense of isolation enveloped me. The year 1938 saw the end of the Krynica where joyous Chassidic family groups came together to observe and to celebrate holidays. After my parents left, I had to get serious about learning to speak, write, and read Polish, which was the reason I stayed behind. Father had hired a tutor for me before they left. Although he was a kind teacher, I did not care for him very much. My true energies were not dedicated to the assignments he gave me. I wanted to paint and draw and sketch, not study Polish. Adding to

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The Jewish Home n d e c e m b e r 2 7 , 2012

T h e J e w i s h H o m e n d e c e m b e r 2 7 , 2012


In the Kitchen Naomi Nachman


his year we were in Israel for Chanukah. What an incredible time we had! We had so many amazing experiences during our ten days there. My husband and I went to visit our daughter, Simi, who is studying in

Seminary at MMY (Michlelet Mevaseret Yerushalayim). Chanukah is an amazing time of the year, but it also can be cold and wet. We had some heavy rain, which was annoying, but we reminded ourselves that each drop was a bracha. Each time we got caught in the rain, we ran to a coffee shop for doughnuts (sufganiot) and hot chocolate with a “cubia” – which is a piece of chocolate that contributes to the flavoring of the drink. We tried soooo many doughnuts (it really rained a lot!): some filled with cream, caramel, or crème brûlée custard. We even tried one with a chocolate-filled pipette that was sticking into the side of the doughnut. All you had to do was squeeze it and you got extra chocolate. Some even had pop-rocks on the top which made a culinary explosion in your mouth. For me, the highlight of the tour was a chef’s tour of Machane Yehuda. We met a chef named Chef Poli (www. who took us on a tour of the shuk and its environs, where he highlighted for us some of the oldest and newest aspects of the shuk, as well as what he thought was the tastiest cuisine. We started off in the Iraqi area, where we sampled chumus and falafel from one of the oldest falafel stores in

Yerushalayim called Rachmo. I am a big chumus lover and this was amazing (even my husband enjoyed it!). Chef Poli even shared his recipe – which I’ve included below. We tasted gelato at Mousseline and went to a cheese store that had 1,000 types of kosher cheeses (including green cheese made from pesto), a spice store that had numerous interesting varieties of exotic spices, and, of course, King Chalva (Chef Poli has a flavor of Halva named after him which he had helped develop). He also gave us a fruit-cutting demo while we sipped tea with nana (peppermint) and ate cheese borekas. The Shuk has really changed since I went to seminary all those years ago. It’s now so trendy, much cleaner, and has fabulous restaurants. My favorite restaurant was Pasta Basta. They make their own fresh pasta from scratch – nothing from a box. You get to choose your pasta, sauce and topping, all custom-made for you. It is also very easy on the wallet. The Shuk also sports at least two fish & chips shops (being a former Aussie it bought back some memories of deep fried and battered fish). Yummy!

Chef Poli’s Chumus Recipe Take a ½ kg dried chickpeas. Soak the chickpeas in water for 6 hours and then bring to a boil. Simmer with a pinch of baking soda and cook until soft, about 1 ½ hours. Strain, reserving one cup of cooking water. Cool and then blend with one cup of water reserved from the cooking. Add 200 gram raw techina (available at local supermarket; it shouldn’t be already made as a mix.) Add spices to taste – kosher salt, cumin, fresh garlic and lemon salt (if available). Naomi Nachman moved from Australia approximately 20 years ago and, in 2004, started “The Aussie Gourmet” to cater weekly and Shabbat/Yom Tov meals for families and individuals within The Five Towns and neighboring communities. Naomi is also sought after to teach cooking classes throughout the NY/NJ Metropolitan area (from Scarsdale to Boro Park, Manhattan to Teaneck, the Hamptons and Connecticut… and of course, The Five Towns). She has also taught classes in Florida, Australia and Israel. Naomi is a guest host on the QVC TV network and has been featured in cookbooks, a cooking CD and a variety of newspaper articles. Naomi currently lives in Woodmere, NY with her husband and 4 daughters.


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From My Private Art Collection Rebbetzin Naomi N. Herzberg

Yehoshua Levy

Making a Modest Living with Wigs There is, however, something wrong with dressing in a provocative or alluring fashion. While there are certain rules and guidelines, it is quite easy to flaunt the spirit of the law while not violating the strict letter of the nothing law. wrong with appearing The Rabbi ReModesty is as sponds: much about attipresentable. Jewelry, My wife, tude and conduct makeup, and even who is a—might as it is about regI add—very talulations. Clothwigs can enhance ented wig stylist, ing that does not gets asked this breach the rules the appearance of a question quite of modesty, but woman, and that is often. She usuis suggestive or ally responds evocative, definot inconsistent with that regardless nitely infringes of how realistic on the concept being modest. or beautiful a of modesty. So, wig may appear, if indeed, a wig it certainly does brings undue atnot feel natural. (Some are more com- tention to a woman, it is no different fortable than others.) A woman who from any other article of clothing that wears a wig feels different, and this attracts interest, and while it technically serves as a reminder that her interac- may not violate anything, it contravenes tions should be consistent with her sta- the concept of modesty. If, however, the tus as a married wig merely enwomen. ables the woman Additionally, to maintain her most of us are appearance, it accustomed to is perfectly acthe “wig look,” ceptable. (There and can tell if it’s are some, mosta hairpiece or acly Sephardic, tual hair. There is rabbis that do a subtle message maintain women in a wig-wearshould wear hats i n g - w o m a n ’s or scarves and appearance that not wigs.) By the conveys that she is in a committed to way, if you know of anyone looking for a relationship. That goes a long way a nice wig, send them our way! in putting all her other relationships in Sincerely, context and is a safeguard against imYehoshua Levy proper behavior. Modesty, contrary to what you might think, is not about making oneself unappealing or even drab and dull. Being modest is really about not calling Please note, the information written above attention to oneself. There is nothing is not meant as a rabbinic ruling. If you wrong with appearing presentable. On have any questions, please consult your the contrary—one should be mindful of rabbinic authority for clarification. Yehoshua Levy, a teacher of Torah, is a their outward appearance, dressed and groomed in a becoming way. Jewelry, writer and lecturer who dares to think outmakeup, and even wigs can enhance the side the box to bring his thought-provoking appearance of a woman, and that is not insights and facts to his readers. He welinconsistent with being modest. It is be- comes your comments and can be reached at ing dignified.

Important Points About The Art Experience


uring the past year we have covered many topics related to art. A common denominator through many of my articles was the understanding of art as a means of expression. The art experience for children and adults serves as a springboard for creative expression. It is an adventure that stimulates and whets the appetite for even more and then some. Through the art experience, the acts of planning, organization and motivation are continuously activated. The eager and observing student will gain tremendously from this experience. Through experimentation, many new avenues will be traveled. The destination for each and every blossoming artist is unknown. Only time will tell where a satisfying art experience will lead a person. The sky is the limit. In order to help achieve this high goal, it is imperative to extend and offer freedom of expression to all art students. With this freedom and flexibility, along with encouragement, students will gain confidence in their own ability to design original pieces of art. A student’s struggles and inhibitions must be allowed to rise up, surface and be brought to the forefront. The art students will then be able to realize their own potential. With perseverance and patience a novice will become more astute and professional as time goes on. With experience by trial and error, a person’s inner abilities will eventually surface. This is all part of the creative process. With good results comes a sense of satisfaction that cannot be matched. Always remember that time, and the capacity to research new ideas helps tremendously in the formation of a good piece of artwork. The public library offers a fountain of information on almost every topic. In my articles I covered numerous topics and theories on art. They include: relief printing, sculpture, Judaica art, communication through art, the use of texture, color schemes, cool color and

warm colors, painting with watercolor, painting with acrylics, oil painting, traditions, translucent colors, opaque colors, two- dimensional and three dimensional, embroidery, perspective, shading and sketching, symbols, paper-mache portrait drawing, art safety, the use of found objects, realistic versus abstract painting, proportion, art supplies, weaving, jewelry making, light and dark, interior design, graphics, values and shades, package design, batik, careers in art, exploring nature, elements and principles of design and much more. I included crafts for classroom and school projects, and crafts created in the home. The list goes on and on… We have certainly been introduced to the wonderful world of art. From these diverse subject areas we can attest to the fact that art is everywhere. Whether it be a photographer, muralist, architect, painter, teacher, craftsman or mom, the creative spark that is ignited helps that person do their work in a unique and interesting way. A true artist leaves their mark. That is their “signature,” and it is recognized and remembered by all. From this we certainly see that “art is a visual communication and expression.” As suggested in my past articles, I strongly recommend that everyone should dabble in art. It is a wonderful and satisfying experience to all on any level. It is an amazing activity that is relaxing and a wonderful learning experience for people of all ages. Rebbetzin Naomi N. Herzberg is a professional art educator, artist and designer. Among her known artwork is a floral sculpture presented to Tipper Gore, Blair House, Washington, D.C. Presently she is the Director of Operations at Shulamith School for Girls. Please feel free to email with questions and suggestions for future columns.

d e c e m b e r 2 7 , 2012

I do not understand why Jewish Orthodox women wear wigs. If this is to be modest, then why wear wigs that look so real, and often make women look better than they would without a hair covering? There is

A Review

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Ask the Rabbi


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Want Home cooked food for Shabbos without the Hassle???? Call Alex Idov, personal chef- serving Far Rockaway & Lawrence (678)644-6168 Reasonable rates- Extensive menu options-References available

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Real Estate For Rent

Jerusalem Hotel Suite Available $950, Sleeps 3 inc. breakfast Available vacation week Jan. 20- 27, 2013 Call 516-569-0995 Far Rockaway Room for Rent Furnished bedroom with full bathroom available in 2BR apartment. Available immediately. (Heimish) Female only. $500/month including utilities For more information, please call Miri @718-327-5153 Belle Harbor Area Beach 118 St. Extra large modern 2 room studio apt. Furnished or unfurnished Short or long term Near Boardwalk, Shuls, Yeshiva, shopping, all transportation. Owner 917 543 0497 3 Bedroom Apt. For Rent Far Rockaway Near Kollel and Shuls In a 3 family house on 3rd floor, also basement ideal for office Sunny apt. with 2 porches Available August Call 516-225-4558 INWOOD BAIS MEDRASH for rent INWOOD GYM for rent Complete Beis Medrash ideal for Kollel or small Yeshiva. Fully equiped gym. Both 1 1/2 blocks from LIRR.-free parking 917-399-5154

Hewlett Neck Ocean Front Mansion for Rent 9,000 square feet, fully furnished, with TV and WiFi Sleeps 20, kosher kitchen, inside eruv, walk to all shuls Can rent weekly or monthly, Perfect for any Simcha or vacationers Call 631-484-6781 Real Estate for Rent/Sale Cedarhurst colonial in excellent condition Three Bedrooms 1 Bath - Den, cellar, fenced backyard close walk to synagogues Call 516-569-4628 or 516-547-8930 (cell) Office space available for rent in Lawrence by owner. Shared waiting room with other health related professionals. Utilities covered and internet access available.

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Job Available Looking for Shadow/tutor in five towns girls yeshiva high school Please call 347-524-3864

For Sale

Beautiful 20 ft Corner Colonial Brick House in Heart of KGH 1 block off Main Street, semi-attached house, 3 BR, 1 ½ baths, finished basement, side hall, EIK, large LR/DR, large backyard and large front porch, front garage with private driveway and electric eye garage door, central A/C. One block from shul. For sale by motivated seller. Asking $595K. Call 917-650-5623. Leave a message if no answer or send text message.

Midyear opening at TAG High School for teacher proficient in global and/or European history. Up to five periods a day available. Relevant degree and experience required. Email resume to Res. Hab. Positions Available Work part time with a special needs young adult. Pays $14 an hour No Certification Necessary. Great opportunity to do Chesed and get paid at the same time Call Metropolitan 718-633-3334 ext. 0 Firm in 5 Town area seeking motivated individual to handle AR/collections and general office work, must be organized, detailed oriented and professional, excellent salary + benefit package and room for growth, please email resume to Executive Assistant: PT, Exec Assis for Lawrence office, Must have superb organizational & phone skills. Micr.Office experience, ability to sched & acquire appointments with top CEO's. Ability to multi-task a must. Email resume to Manager for 5 Town restaurant F/t exp only Send resume Leaders in Online Jewish Marketing are hiring Sales Superstars. Do you fit the bill? Send your resume to or call us @ 646-351-1808 x 111

Seeking Job

101 Experienced P-3 Provider, with M.S. in Education and Permanent N.Y. State Teacher Certification- Available to work with students in all grades Mondays through Thursdays- mornings until 11 A.M. and anytime after 5:30 P.M.; and Sundays anytime Please call Tsivia: 516-526-2385

Misc. FOUND Found ring a few months ago in the Stop & shop parking lot. Please call (718)327-3807. Due to schedule change, looking to fill our spot in Morah Chevy Wachsman’s 2year-old playgroup in Far Rockaway. Hours are Monday-Thursday 9-1. Please call Debra at 347-524-6121. Lost white gold diamond bracelet/covered watch either at Kennedy Airport or in Boro Park. If found please call 347.578.4165 A piece of jewelry was found on July 19th in Cedarhurst, on the street near LIRR station. If you know who it belongs to, please contact The Yeshiva of Far Rockaway admits students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national and ethnic origin in administration of its educational policies, admissions policies, scholarship and loan programs, and athletic and other schooladministered programs.

Drop off Babysitting Available in Woodmere Mon-Thurs 9:30-2:00 For more info please call Rochel Cohen 516-456-7184

Be Seen!

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d e c e m b e r 2 7 , 2012

Beautiful 20 ft., corner Colonial, brick house In HEART of KGH, 1 block off Main St., semi-attached house, 3BR, 11/2 baths, finished basement, side hall, EIK, large LR/DR, large backyard and large front porch, front garage with private driveway and electric eye garage door, central A/C. One block from shul. For sale by motivated owner, asking 595K. Call 917-650-5623 and leave message, if no answer.

For rent 2 bedroom apartment Far rockaway near BBY - Available NOW Kosher Kitchen New appliances Call 516-225-4558

The Jewish Home n

Large House for Sale in Far Rockaway by owner with 3 apts available for rent. Located on corner of Sage and Bolton, near shuls and LIRR.$ 985,000. For more info call 718-916-2724

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Life Coach


veryone is concerned about the fiscal cliff. I would even venture to say petrified. Who wouldn’t be? Especially if we all understood what it was all about! Yet it does bring to mind another precipice. Particularly, with the winter months upon us. There you are, sailing gingerly down a nice, flat, green slope (the beginner mountain). Whoops—suddenly you make a wrong turn. You’re on a double black diamond (the expert slope). You’re accelerating like a runaway train. Your legs are literally visiting opposite sides of the mountain. They are so wide apart a snow mobile just passed through them and you never even noticed it. You are bugging out!

Rivki D. Rosenwald Esq., CLC, SDS

How’s This for a Cliff Hanger? You see your life passing before your eyes—kindergarten, ABCs, graduation… Uh oh—the trees, a body, skis… No such luck, you haven’t hit the ground yet, it’s another poor schnook taking a flop. You unfortunately are still upright and building speed. But wait, up ahead—you can’t believe your fortune— level terrain! Oh no…what did that sign just say? I think it said, “Beware the ‘physical cliff’ immediately beyond this terrain.” O.M.G.—Oh my gosh! Now that’s a fiscal—I mean “physical cliff”—you can truly understand… with appropriate trepidation. The fiscal cliff is creeping up on us and we have no idea what it’s all about? It’s a giant plunge, but not the clear kind the ski slope presents. We need clarity. I’m not trying to discuss politics

here. That’s too touchy a topic to address. People are pretty unmovable when it comes to their political philosophies. In fact, I’d rather accept the truly daunting challenge of attempting to resist pulling into the Dunkin Donuts parking lot, as the smell of hot, glazed donuts wafts through the chimney, than to try to change someone’s politics. However, that’s not what I’m talking about here. I’m not saying change anyone’s philosophy. I’m just advocating that the body running things must recognize the need to work together. There has to be respect for one another’s different vantage points and viewpoints. There has to be an attitude change!!! Let’s take a family for example: Parents, who are two different entities to start with, have to recognize they have different types of kids in their families. Some less motivated, some more, some less capable of certain tasks, some more. Yet they need to try and find approaches to accomplish success for the family, that benefit the whole group,

without drumming up propaganda and prejudices that pits one group against the other. We cannot keep our legs going in two different directions endlessly. Ultimately we will just split ourselves completely in half or go over the cliff (the sayonara type). We need to get those two extremities of ours, left and right, working together so that we can turn in the same direction and avoid the smash up. All I know is divisiveness and a wide, uncontrolled stance certainly isn’t the way to avoid a looming ominous plunge ahead. In fact, if we just begin to pull our left and right closer together maybe some unforeseen benefit may present itself, like getting the chance to plop ourselves down on that snow mobile we never even noticed before and get a smooth ride all the way across the mountain. Can we compromise? Can we be bigger than our respective viewpoints? That is the ledge we are all out on. That is the Cliff Hanger!

Ft. Lauderdale


103 The Jewish Home n

2013 pesach


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106 T h e J e w i s h H o m e n d e c e m b e r 2 7 , 2012

Leisure & Travel

From Sea to Shining Sea : Illinois


f you’re thinking of traveling to Illinois, don’t just think of visiting Chicago. The Windy City may be the largest in the state, but there is much to offer travelers in the other corners of Illinois. The state is home to a most famous baseball field, the nation’s tallest tower, worldfamous pizza, and numerous national parks. When flying into Illinois, just know that you are passing through one of the world’s busiest airports. And use caution when planning your vacation—it can get mighty cold in the winter months!

Things You Won’t Want to Miss Wrigley Field Even if you are not a baseball fan, when visiting Chicago, make sure to stop by Wrigley Field. It is home to the Chicago Cubs and the iconic ballpark is one of the last ballparks to have hand-turned scorecards. Before going to a game, check out which direction the wind is blowing. Depending on the gusts, either the batter or the pitcher has the game’s advantage. At times, the wind has shoved a ball way out of the ballpark; Sammy Sosa and Dave “Kong” Kingman broke windows in the apartment buildings across Waveland Avenue several times. Kingman even smashed a ball onto a porch roof 550 feet away. Whatever the weather, fans gather in and outside the ballpark for fun and maybe even a stray ball! Land of Lincoln Many presidents have called Illinois their home. Three presidents—Abraham Lincoln, Ulysses S. Grant and Barack Obama—lived in Illinois when elected President of the United States. Ronald Reagan was the only president to be born and raised in this great state. But Illinoisans apparently feel most connected to President Lincoln. In fact, their license plates boast the words “Land of Lincoln.” Before Honest Abe was elected president, he served in the Illinois legislature and practiced law in Springfield. He is buried just outside Springfield at Lincoln Tomb State Historic Site. The state of the art Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum in Springfield is the largest presidential library in the country. Sears Tower Be careful—although most of us still call this skyscraper by its original name, the real name for this building is

now Willis Tower. The name was changed in 2009. But everyone will know what you’re referring to when you ask them where to find the tallest building in United States. When built in 1973, the Sears Tower was the tallest in the world. It is now the seventh-tallest free-standing structure around the globe. Make sure to visit the Skydeck, where visitors can experience how the building sways on a windy day and allows visitors to see as far as Indiana, Michigan and Wisconsin on a clear day. The observation deck now has all-glass balconies so visitors can see 1,353 feet below them to the streets below. Not for the faint of heart! Lincoln Park Zoo This zoo is free and sure to delight your younger travelers. It is one of the nation’s oldest zoos; the first animal the zoo purchased was a bear cub that was bought for $10 in 1874. This cute cub would climb out of its cage at night and roam Lincoln Park. Now, youngsters can take in the polar bears, penguins, gorillas and monkeys and visit the farm here as well. Bicycle Illinois If you’re an avid biker, perhaps touring Illinois by bike would be a good option for you. Bicycle Illinois takes travelers on a six-day tour of the state—from Cairo in the south, all the way to Chicago in the north. The trip only takes place once a year and is not cheap—the six day tour runs about $700. But if you’re a biker and are interested in covering over 500 miles, then it may be a great way to get to know Illinois. Blackberry Farm Pioneer Village If you’re traveling with children, this destination will be exciting for both you and the kids. This living history museum takes you back to the days of the pioneers. Enjoy the 54 scenic acres with a lake, pond and stream. Over 200 trees and floral displays bloom in the gardens. Demonstrations of how things were done in the 1800’s will fascinate young and old, and a ride on the train or carousel are the perfect ending to a jam-packed day.

Susan Schwamm





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w w w. m a t z a f u n . c o m • OUR 18 TH SPECTACULAR YEAR! • Poolside fitness center with sauna & steam room • Children’s dining room • Superb day camp program • Private seder rooms available • Glatt kosher, NK supervision • Gourmet cuisine with renowned Chef Andy Serano • Cantor led or private seders • Sumptuous “Tea Room” • Shabbos elevators • Oversized rooms many with terraces • Top name entertainment • Trips to major attractions • Golf, tennis, watersports nearby • Poolside BBQ’s • Olympic-size pool + kids pool • 2 min. to upscale Aventura Mall • Daily services, shiurim, lectures • Scholar-in-Residence Program

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The Jewish Home n


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109 The Jewish Home n

Winter Break 2013

Tu B'Shvat Eve Trips January 23/12 Shvat


in ThE

wESTErn nEgEv

Yesodot-Netzer Hazani; the indomitable Anita Tucker, winner of Moskowitz Prize for Zionism. Netiv Ha'asara; a Gush Katif farmer's new hothouse and a northern Gaza view. Cafe Cafe in Sderot for a mehadrin dairy lunch. The Black Arrow Memorial, symbol of the region's 'battle heritage'. The 5th century synagogue mosaic at Hurvat Maon. South to Yamit's Steel Memorial Tower alongside Holot Halutza's Gush Katif replants; the farms, homes and people of Nave and Bnai Netzarim. Tomatoes in the sand—again; inspiration and personal sacrifice in the air—still.

ThurS January

24/13 Shvat

ThE Shomron iS

grEEn again

Tapuach; where 4 legged defenders of the Land are bred and trained. Itamar; to Zimmerman's organic farm for jams and cheeses in Gav HaHar. Yitzhar; HaCohen's Flour Mill and a luscious lunch at Savta Chana's warm home. Tel Aufer; the Ofra of Gideon the Judge? Shilo; Meshek Achiya, because olive oil is only part of the story. Ending our day with Amichai Luria at his award winning Shilo Winery.

Enrich your Tu B'Shvat Seder - and your Spirit.

Now, more than ever, it’s time to join us.

We leave from the Liberty Bell Parking lot Jan 23: promptly at 8:15am, return approximately 7pm. Jan 24: promptly at 8:30am, return approximately 6pm. Cost per day including lunch: $65/adult $55/student in Israel or child under 12. For reservatIons & Further InFormatIon vIsIt or send email to Israel: Zahava englard 052.484.6034 In US: ruthie Kohn 516.239.9202 x10

ItInerary subject to change as determIned by securIty and weather consIderatIons


d e c e m b e r 2 7 , 2012

...wiTh EvE harow

T h e J e w i s h H o m e n d e c e m b e r 2 7 , 2012


Leisure & Travel


Passover in Florida - On the Beach in Palm Beach

or Passover 2013, Passover Resorts is hosting a Passover program at the 4 diamond spectacular OMPHOY OCEAN RESORT & SPA on the beach in Palm Beach, Florida. In Palm Beach, you’ll enjoy a Passover in the warmth and serenity of one of the most beautiful areas in South Florida. The Omphoy Ocean Resort & Spa is a 128 room/suite luxury hotel with sophisticated chic. It has a private beachfront location with water sports, two sand volleyball courts and panoramic water views. It is the first new hotel in Palm Beach in 18 years and it’s all ours!—all the rooms, the 1, 2 or 3 bedroom suites, dining room, synagogue, day camps, entertainment and classes take place in one building of 5 floors. You can select a garden, pool, partial ocean, almost oceanfront or oceanfront view room. All rooms except for the pool view rooms have either a patio, a balcony or floor to ceiling windows. Each bathroom has a large separate walk-in shower and the suites also have a modernistic tub. There are signature toiletries and robes. Wi-Fi is free for our guests. There is also complimentary valet parking. Just minutes from your room, you’ll

find an infinity pool and Jacuzzi and our private sand beach. Both the pool and the beach have lounge chairs with umbrellas and hotel staff to assist you. Water sports and activities include wind surfing, kayaks, sailboats, wave runners, canoes, snorkeling and deep sea fishing plus yacht rentals and fishing on the Lake Worth Pier. Palm Beach is the golf capital of the U.S. The 3 closest courses are the Atlantis Golf Club, Kevin Perkins Golf Academy and less than a mile from the hotel is the Palm Beach Par 3 Golf Club. Walking opportunities include walking along the intercoastal and Lake Worth Pier and visiting the Four Seasons hotel next door. There is an abundance of shopping opportunities including the Worth Avenue shops, City Place, the Gardens Mall and the recently opened Lake Worth Casino Building whose name, by the way, has nothing to do with gambling. Local tours include the Airboat Everglades Tour and Wildlife Show, Segway and Bike Tours, the Palm Beach Water Taxi narrated sightseeing cruise and the Antique Row guided tour. The Omphoy Spa, voted the Best Resort Spa in the May 2012 by Conde Nast, has an array or exquisite treatments includ-

ing Signature Facials, and Transformational Massage Therapy. You can also pamper yourself with a pool side or in-room massage. Enjoy the separate men’s and women’s saunas in the separate dressing rooms. Work out in the 24 hour fitness center and you can also sign up for one of the many scheduled classes or for a personal training session. Our guests are treated like royalty by a caring, warm and experienced staff during your festive and fun-filled kosher vacation at this luxurious warm weather resort. Visit to see photos of the resort, a listing of its amenities and the nearby attractions. Our Passover Package rates begin as low as $ 3,800 pp/do + tax and tip. Kids 5 and under are FREE if they’re in the same room as 2 adults or 2 teens. Our Early Bird Special in Palm Beach offers you the first 30 Kids 6 - 12 FREE if they’re in the same rooms as 2 adults or 2 teens. Passover Resorts has been making Passover guests happy for more than 20 years. We are noted for coordinating the most classic and elegant Passover Programs. Our menus are designed to delight the most sophisticated palette while satis-

fying those with more traditional tastes, children and those on special diets. Our chefs and staff go the extra mile to ensure you are served the finest quality foods. All of our meals are cooked and prepared on site using only fresh foods and produce. We stock a selection of fine kosher wines. We are Glatt Kosher and have strict orthodox Rabbinic Supervision. Our roster of scholars, rabbis, professional speakers will enlighten, entertain and amuse you. Guests are treated to exciting family entertainment with comedians, Jewish and Israeli vocalists, illusionists, hypnotists and many surprises. We have a pre-school day camp, a day camp and a teen program. Our day camp staff will keep your children busy giving you the opportunity to relax. We maintain a synagogue where services are held three times a day. Our Seders are events of quintessential elegance set to every detail. Join us for Passover 2013 for a joyous, relaxing but fun-filled Passover at the OMPHOY OCEAN RESORT & SPA. For more information, please contact us at 1 800 PASSOVER (1 800 727-7683) or visit our website at: www.PassoverResorts. com.

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Three fantastic “Getaways” to choose from...

Positive Parenting in Challenging Times FRIDAY, DECEMBER 21 - SUNDAY, DECEMBER 23, 2012 FRIDAY, JANUARY 18 - SUNDAY, JANUARY 20, 2013 FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 8 - SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 2013

Rabbi Avraham Braun

additional presenters include :

• W orld • F ive

Rabbi Doniel Frank

mrs. chani juravel rabbi label lam mrs. chaya reich

• W arm

& G ourmet

Rabbi Naftali Reich


kiddies and childcare proGram

Family environment

• m otzei s habbas e ntertainment and c hildren ' s c arnival

Enrollment limited to 25 families

Rabbi YY Rubinstein

mrs. rivky reich rabbi benzion shaFier mrs. shira sWiatycki


cl ass presenters

star caterers

• s uperb

Rabbi J Rietti

$449 per couple

$120 per child (1+ yrs)

all taxes and gratuities included

F or

a brochure and / or to apply , please contact

m rs . s hoshana k irshner , Program Coordinator

845-216-3970 or email:

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join us For an unForGettable Weekend oF

The Jewish Home n

ora v’simcha F a m i ly s e m i n a r s


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SALE DATES: 12/20/12 – 1/02/13

113 The Jewish Home n




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T h e J e w i s h H o m e n d e c e m b e r 2 7 , 2012


Founded by Rabbi Shlomo Freifeld zt”l

Building Through Inspiration

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