Jewish Home LA - 11-5-20

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The Week In News

NOVEMBER 5, 2020 | The Jewish Home

The Week In News

NOVEMBER 5, 2020 | The Jewish Home




Dear Readers, Do we care about election results? Doesn’t Hashem run the world regardless of an election’s outcome? If we do care, how can I be gracious to those who think someone else should win? As usual, Jews answer a question with a question: Do I care if I get the raise I’ve hoped for? How do I react if my coworker gets one and I don’t? Am I worried when crime is up in the neighborhood? What if my neighborhood is safer but others’ isn’t? What if spouses disagree? Should a wife rejoice when her husband is disappointed—or vice versa? Of course, we care about the election. Of course, Hashem runs the world as well as the outcome of this very election. And, of course, we cherish people on a deeper level than their choice even if we believe they are absolutely wrong! It’s no secret that in this election the majority of the frum world wanted the Republican party and President Trump to be successful -indeed most minorities had an uptick in support of conservatives. I surmise that a lot has to do with our being sick and tired of the ridicule the media and the far Left have directed at believers these past few decades. True, we usually have an attitude of live and let live, but when people who aren’t religious enter our lives trying to control what we teach in schools and how we address halachic issues, we understandably became extremely resentful. In addition to being pro-Israel and promoting policies a plurality of frum Yidden like, many in our community view Trump as a bulwark against an overreaching Left. That being said, everything in our life comes from Hashem, and there is nothing to be worried about or afraid of. And it’s definitely against the Torah to be disrespectful or show a lack of care for people we think are wrong. -It is currently 1:00 pm, Wednesday, and election results have yet to be finalized. I write these lines with the belief that we made the right choice and voted in President Donald Trump for four more years as the President of the United States. We all have full trust in Hashem that He will continue showering us and all peace-loving humans with success, peace, and prosperity. Leading to us into the days of light, joy, and laughter that will accompany the coming of Mashiach. Wishing you a joyous Shabbos,


T H E P R E M I E R J E W I S H N E W S PA P E R H I G H L I G H T I N G L A’ S O R T H O D OX C O M M U N I T Y The Jewish Home is an independent bi-weekly newspaper. Opinions expressed by writers are not neces­sarily the opinions of the publisher or editor. The Jewish Home is not responsible for typographical errors, or for the kashrus of any product or business advertised within. The Jewish Home contains words of Torah. Please treat accordingly. FOR HOME DELIVERY, OR TO HAVE THE LATEST ISSUE EMAILED TO YOU FREE OF CHARGE, SEND A MESSAGE TO EDITOR@JEWISHHOMELA.COM



The Week In News Living with the Times

By Rabbi Pinchos Lipschutz

NOVEMBER 5, 2020 | The Jewish Home

Remember Our Mission

Publisher of the Yated Ne’eman When there is bad news in the world, when there is pestilence, terrorism or a war, people ponder why these things are befalling them. They look for others to blame. They blame the liberals, the leftists, the media, the Arabs, the internet, the iPhone, the freiyeh, and the Tziyonim. When all else fails, they chalk it up to chevlei Moshiach. Whatever the problem is, they can generally point to one or more of the above culprits and that usually works for them. They are satisfied that they know why it happened and can move on without much introspection. Those who live according to the Torah know that tzaros befall individuals, communities, countries and the world because of sin, as the Rambam writes (Hilchos Taanis 1). We rationalize and try to make sense of anything that occurs in life, usually attaching natural reasons to what transpires. If we would acknowledge the truth of Hashem being behind everything, that would obligate us to mend our ways and do teshuvah to rectify the underlying problem. In Israel, a great commotion ensued after Rav Chaim Kanievsky advised that chadorim and yeshivos should remain open, following strict scientific preventative measures as Israel endures another lockdown. Rav Chaim was accused of planning an insurrection, and as for the chareidim who followed him, well, you can imagine what was said about them. I don’t have to repeat it here. Last week, on Israeli television, no less than three channels discussed the fact that two weeks after the schools were opened, the infection numbers among chareidim were lower than among all other groups. “How can it be?” they asked. “Maybe there is something to what the rov says that Torah is what sustains the Jewish people.” Rav Chaim’s gabbai and grandson, known affectionately as Yanky Kanievsky, was featured in a long interview in Israel’s Yediot Acharonot newspaper, which tried to understand the phenomenon. Torah is our lifeblood and we cannot afford to be without it. If scientifically schools can be open and children and adults and their

families can be protected, then we are obligated to see to it that Yiddishe kinder are studying Torah. There is always more going on than what meets the eye. In this week’s parsha, we read that after the destruction of Sedom and Amorah, Avrohom looked out at the smoldering cities, “vayashkeif al pnei Sedom” (Bereishis 19:28). It is interesting to note that the posuk uses the term “vayashkeif” to describe Avrohom Avinu’s gazing at the cities. Lehashkif denotes a deep, penetrating gaze. It implies looking and contemplating. He didn’t merely go there to glance indifferently as a tourist would. He stood there beholding the scene. To most onlookers, the city was nothing more than a bastion of hedonism and immorality, inhabited by sadistic and selfish people. They were so vicious that offering hospitality to strangers was a capital crime punishable by death. It was a place

emerged from Moav, a fulfillment of Avrohom Avinu’s vision and conviction that good could emanate even from Sedom. Rav Shlomke Zviller was well-known as a holy person, detached from his surroundings and living on a different plane. Yerushalayim, where he resided, is a city with a tremendous number of stray cats. Old Yerushalayimers say that the rebbe would feed cats and display great kindness toward them. The rebbe’s custom aroused the curiosity of many. One day, his gabbai decided that he had to understand why the rebbe spent time with the cats. He began pestering the rebbe about his habit until the rebbe revealed his secret. “I feed the cats because they have holy neshamos,” he said. “They are the gilgulim of chassidim who were involved in a certain bitter machlokes many years ago. They were sent here to achieve a tikkun for those neshamos.”

It is impossible for us mortal beings to understand why things are happening to us, to others and to the world, but we must know that everything that occurs is part of a clearly designed Divine plan. whose destruction most people would view as a cause for celebration. Yet, our forefather Avrohom had a deeper perspective. He gazed into the town’s innermost soul and found supreme goodness. What did he see? The posuk states in Tehillim, “Motzosi Dovid avdi - I have found My servant Dovid.” Chazal (Bereishis Rabbah 41:4) ask, “Heichon motzosi? Where did I find him? B’Sedom.” The roots of Dovid Hamelech were found in Sedom. Dovid Hamelech descended from Rus, a daughter of Moav, who merited surviving Sedom’s destruction. Moshiach ben Dovid

Sometimes, a person experiences hardships and begins wondering what he did wrong to deserve such punishment. In the times of the Arizal, people who were facing adversity would approach him for assistance. Sometimes he would tell them that the torment they were living through was connected to their neshamos in a previous life and not brought on by anything they had done in this life. The Arizal was able to see beneath the surface and perceive the reason for people’s misfortune. He saw the blemishes on their soul that needed to be rectified. A person in difficult straits approached Rav Elozor Menachem Man Shach, whose

yahrtzeit is this week, and shared his tale of woe. Rav Shach took out a Shabbos zemiros and turned to the zemer of Koh Ribon. He read aloud the words “lu yichyeh gevar shenin alfin la yei’ol gevurteich bechushbenaya.” Rav Shach explained that these words mean that even if a man were to live for one thousand years, he would not be able to fathom the cheshbonos of Hashem and the constant chassodim being performed for him. To emphasize his point, Rav Shach began a discussion about Akeidas Yitzchok. Pirkei D’Rebbi Eliezer states that Yitzchok Avinu’s neshomah left him at the Akeidah. The Zohar states that when Yitzchok was revived, Hashem sent him a different neshomah. He writes that Yitzchok’s initial neshomah was one of bechinas nukvah, and had it remained, Yitzchok would not have been able to have children. The neshomah that Hashem sent him following the Akeidah was bechinas duchrah and thus he was able to father children. Rav Shach told the broken man, “In other words, what the Zohar is saying is that if not for the Akeidah, Yitzchok would not have had children. It was due to the experience of the Akeidah that the bechinas nukvah was removed from Yitzchok and Klal Yisroel sprung forth from him. It is impossible for us mortal beings to understand why things are happening to us, to others and to the world, but we must know that everything that occurs is part of a clearly designed Divine plan.” Many wonder why such a big deal is made over Avrohom’s conduct in the nisayon of the Akeidah. Avrohom had discovered on his own that Hashem created the world and directs it. He dedicated his life to spreading that truth among the masses, jeopardizing his very life for that cause. When Hashem appeared to Avrohom and commanded him to undertake a certain action, as difficult as it was, of course Avrohom was going to do it. Rav Shach explains that the only novi to whom Hashem appeared b’aspaklarya hame’irah was Moshe Rabbeinu. Only Moshe was told explicitly what Hashem wanted him to do. All other nevi’im received their prophecies in a dream and in a parable. When Hakadosh Boruch Hu appeared to Avrohom and told him regarding Yitzchok, “Vehaaleihu shom l’olah,” Avrohom would have been justified in interpreting the command in numerous ways, none of them involving the death of Yitzchok. After all, Hashem had promised Avrohom that his name would live on through his son Yitzchok. It would have been perfectly reasonable to assume that Hashem had something else in mind and that “vehaa-

The Week Living withIn theNews Times

NOVEMBER 5, 2020 | The Jewish Home

leihu” didn’t mean to sacrifice his beloved son, but rather to raise him. But Avrohom analyzed Hashem’s words as though they were referring to someone other than his son, and he reached the conclusion that Hashem’s intention was for him to offer Yitzchok as a korban. When we are obligated to perform a mitzvah, or when we have obligations to carry out, the temptation is to find an easy way out. There are always excuses and rationales that we could use to realize our responsibilities in an easier way. As bnei Avrohom, we have to demonstrate fidelity to the Torah and its principles, even when it appears difficult and we don’t understand it. The posuk states, “Vayashkeim Avrohom baboker… And Avrohom awoke the morning of the Akeidah and set out to find the appointed place.” Many explain that the posuk is teaching us the greatness of Avrohom. Even though he was going to sacrifice his son, he awoke at the crack of dawn to fulfill the word of Hashem. The Brisker Rov says that it is natural that a person who is going to fulfill the word of Hashem would wake up early to perform the action without delay. He says that the lesson of the posuk is that Avrohom was able to sleep the night before setting out to shecht Yitzchok. Even though he knew that he was going to kill his beloved son in whom all his dreams for the future were invested, he was able to sleep peacefully. He who is sure of himself, without doubting or questioning the ways of Hashem, serves with complete faith and sleeps very comfortably at night. One who deals honestly with his fellow man; one who hears the pleas of the hungry, the desolate and the poor; one who rises to every occasion and doesn’t turn a deaf ear to the cries of the abused and afflicted; one whose life isn’t a string of excuses and half-truths is a child of Avrohom Avinu and can sleep comfortably at night. Rav Dovid Soloveitchik, may he have a speedy refuah sheleimah, told of his experiences during World War II. He described the situation in Brisk as the Germans pounded the city to complete their takeover of Poland. In the days leading up to Rosh Hashanah of 1939, the bombs seemingly didn’t stop falling from the sky. His father, the Brisker Rov, was not in the city, and Rav Dovid, who was then a teenager, was petrified along with everyone else regarding what their fate would be. Houses were destroyed one after the next and streets were being blown up. That was until a local ehrliche Yid told him that every bomb has an address where Hashem wants it to fall, and if it is not meant for you, then it will not hit you. By now, that advice has become a cliché, often repeated in the name of the Brisker Rov, but living through constant bombardment and hearing it for the first time and accepting it is something totally different. Rav Dovid recounted that during that period, a siren warned of an imminent bombing by the German Air Force. Everyone ran from their apartments and from

wherever they were to basements and shelters. There was a man who was paralyzed and couldn’t move without help. He was stuck alone in his third-floor apartment as bombs hit the building. The entire building collapsed on the people in the basement. The paralyzed man landed on top of the pile and was easily evacuated without injury. We look around and are worried. We analyze this week’s election and fret about the future. We receive the tragic news of people felled by the virus, which has apparently rearmed itself and is spreading here and around the world, though at a much lower mortality rate. We see how New York Governor Andrew Cuomo and Mayor Bill de Blasio have been able to demonize our community in the name of health and science without repercussion. Millions are convinced that the rate of corona in our community is higher than in any other because we don’t care about life and health. We worry about our businesses, our incomes, our children and their schools. We worry about our health. There are so many things to worry about these days; some people are overcome with anxiety 24/7. The posuk (Vayeira 18:1) states that when Hashem appeared to Avrohom Avinu to visit him following his milah, “vehu yosheiv pesach ha’ohel, Avrohom was sitting outside the tent.” The Medrash (Bereishis Rabbah 48) states that Avrohom attempted to rise, but Hashem said to him, “Sit, veyihiyeh hadovor siman levonecha, and it will be a sign of what will happen to your children. Just as you sit and the Shechinah stands, so will your children sit and the Shechinah will stand above them. This will be when the Bnei Yisroel enter the botei knesses and botei medrash and sit down to honor Me and I will stand above them, as the posuk states, ‘Elokim nitzov ba’adas Keil.’” In a speech, Rav Shach quoted this Medrash and said that traditionally, Jews have always sat outside of the tent as we lived in golus among the nations of the world. Jews had no permanent place, but were always on the go, never feeling safe and always fearing the next gezeirah, pogrom, inquisition, pillaging and exile. Whenever Jews got too comfortable in one place, ill winds would come and blow them out of that country. When we begin to view ourselves as equal citizens, something happens to remind us that we are a homeless nation on a centuries-long trek home. We are home when we are in our shuls and botei medrash, davening and learning, awakening our neshamos, restoring our faith while remembering our mission and essence as the Shechinah hovers above us. In these anxious days, let us remember who we are and what we are about so that Hakadosh Boruch Hu will have mercy on us and return us to where we belong. Until then, let us have the faith of Avrohom Avinu, and people such as Rav Shach and ybcl”c Rav Dovid Soloveitchik (Meshulom Dovid ben Alte Hindl), so that we may grow and prosper, worry-free.


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Sarah's The WeekCorner In News

NOVEMBER 5, 2020 | The Jewish Home

S.T.O.P., Look, and Listen Sarah Pachter

One week, I wanted to make a delicious yet healthy dessert for Shabbos. I found a recipe for coconut and hazelnut truffles, and I decided to give it a whirl. The recipe required an unusual ingredient, and I called a few stores to see if they carried it. Unfortunately, it could not be found in typical kosher stores, or any health food stores near me. I looked online, but none of the products would arrive in time for Shabbos. I took note of the brand that had a visible kosher symbol, made several more calls to additional stores, and finally found one that had it. I quickly bought the ingredient and brought it home and then began the process of concocting truffles. It took more

time than I had intended, and yielded much more than I had anticipated. I ended up making over 100 truffles! Much later that evening, I was randomly struck with the thought to double-check the package for the hechsher. To my horror, the package had no kosher symbol whatsoever. I scanned it over and over, but could not find the symbol I had seen online. Like many busy people, I didn’t really have time to make 100 truffles, especially not ones that can’t even be eaten. As I started to panic, my inner dialogue began. How is it possible that there is no symbol? I can’t believe how much time I’ve wasted! I should call a rav before I toss them, just to be sure. Immediately I phoned a friend who uses this ingredient often to see if it was the same brand—no such luck. I then took

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some pictures of my package, emailed a rabbi, and anxiously waited for his response. Standing by my kitchen table, staring at the product, I forced myself to stop (literally and figuratively), and did the following: S- I stopped, T- took a deep breath, O- observed, and P- attempted to gain perspective. The truffle situation reminded me of something Rivka Malka Perlman once shared.1 While shopping with her daughter, she faced many challenges finding clothing that was both tznius and fashionable. They finally found a dress, and her daughter tried it on. It was the perfect length and neckline, but was just a bit too tight. The dress was beautiful, but the daughter ultimately sighed and said, “It’s okay, Hashem, this dress is my korban to You.” Knowing how difficult it is to decline a dress that is beautiful but borderline immodest, I was impressed by her strength.2 Back in my kitchen, I declared, “Okay Hashem, this is my sacrifice to You.” I called my friend again and said through gritted teeth, “I have decided, I am so lucky that this is my nisayon [test]. Thank You, Hashem, for giving me a nisayon that is so easy to pass and learn from. What a great nisayon to have.” The more I thought about it, the more I meant it, and the better I felt. No anger, no resentment we left in me. Just gratitude for the opportunity to grow. Then, something unexpected happened. The next morning, I received an email from the rav, informing me that the item was actually kosher! I passed it the test, and I got to have my coconut truffles (and eat them, too)! This was admittedly a minor moment, but I learned three deeper lessons from the experience. Thank You The words Thank You for this nisayon, really struck me. A few days afterward, Hashem handed me a much larger personal test. Surely if I could feel lucky regarding the truffles, then maybe I could extend that feeling to this bigger test Hashem sent my way. When that second nisayon hit, I found myself saying, Thank You, Hashem. I am

1 watch?v=Cy9hMUaA__E

2 Addendum to the story: they eventually found the same dress one size up in a different store, and it was less expensive!

so lucky that this is my nisayon, and I know that whatever is meant to be, is from You. Every test we face can be viewed through this lens. We may not feel it at first, but if we regularly ask ourselves, How does Hashem want me to react in this situation? Each challenge in life can train us to become our best selves. Not only do we have to thank Hashem for not giving us a certain nisayon, but we also must thank Hashem for the tests He does give us. Choice Not all tests are equally difficult, and similarly, some boundaries are stronger than others. If something is treif, it is not even a question whether or not it would be served in a kosher home. Kashrut is straightforward; there is no room for rationalization. However, I feel like I’m a little fuzzy on some other mitzvot. Take for example, It’s not really Lashon Hara, it’s l’toelet! The place where rationalizations dwell can be used as an indication of where our nekuda habechira, our “choice box,” is. Hashem is using this to show us where we need to grow, and also have the most potential for growth. We don’t have to judge ourselves for this struggle; rather, use that opportunity to recognize that Hashem is showing us what we need to strengthen. A great question when dealing with our grey areas is, What does Hashem want from me right now? Ratzon What bothered me most about the truffle incident was the loss of my time. With four children to care for, time is a scarce commodity for me. In fact, most people I know are lamenting that they are too busy, or wished they had more time. Rebbetzin Henny Machlis taught a beautiful concept in her seminary. She explained, “We are all so busy doing so many things. Really, there is only one thing to do, and that’s ratzon Hashem.”3 My wish for myself and others is that every time we are faced with a challenge, we can S-T-O-P. When we stop, take a deep breath, observe, and have perspective, we can learn something valuable from each test we face. From the truffle situation, the perspective I gained was gratitude for the nisayon, recognizing where my choice box lies, and the realization that there’s only one thing on my to do list—ratzon Hashem. What will your next test reveal?


Rigler, Sara Yocheved. Emunah

with Love and Chicken Soup, p. 429

TheBiale WeekRebbe In News

NOVEMBER 5, 2020 | The Jewish Home

Biale Rebbe of Bnei Brak arrives in Los Angeles One Of Israel’s Greatest Rabbis, Renowned For Hundreds Of Phenomenal Miracles It’s happening again! Hardly a year has passed since the Biale Rebbe of Bnei Brak has visited Los Angeles, yet hundreds are excitedly anticipating the return of their revered Rebbe. Although the Rebbe has been visiting not one year and not two, rather annually for some years now, every year the sensation repeats itself. Every year when the Rebbe arrives at the house where he lodges, the place becomes a public source of attraction as hundreds of people of various standards and types gather. The street becomes a hive of activity as lawyers, doctors, lay leaders, rabbis, educators, ranging from Chassidic to Modern Orthodox flock to the Rebbe’s house. From early morning until the small hours of the night the streets resound with miraculous tales of unnatural miracles seen and experienced firsthand as a result of the Rebbe’s blessing. What is his secret? What is it that pulls so many people to seek his presence again and again? What is it that causes thousands of people from different backgrounds to seek the Rebbe? What is it that brings people with no semblance to Chassidim to cleave to the Rebbe with all their might, involving him in every move they take in life? At every occasion, be it happy or sad, their first phone call is to include the Rebbe! What is it that unites young boys and elderly? What brings Ambassador David Friedman to visit the Rebbe? Many other prominent rabbis and highly significant political figures from the American and\or Israeli government can be recognized amongst the Rebbe’s visitors anyplace between California, Florida, New York, and New Jersey. WHEN THE REBBE DROWSED AT A MEETING. A prominent mechutan celebrating his daughter’s sheva brachos shared the following amazing incident: Thank G-d I have been blessed with several children who have reached a marriageable age. However, they find themselves “stuck” unable to find suitable matches. Upon the Rebbe’s visit to our town, I decided to ask him for a blessing. I called the gabbai for an appointment and when my turn arrived, I entered the Rebbe’s domain handing him the note with all of our names on it. The Rebbe reads the names and talks to me for a couple of minutes when suddenly it seems as if the Rebbe falls asleep. I thought he must be very tired. However, after a couple of minutes the Rebbe opens his eyes and asks, “What is it with your ketubah?” The Rebbe tells me to check out the viability of my

ketubah. When I came home, I immediately checked and found that indeed my wife’s English name was registered and not her Hebrew name, which she was given at birth. I returned to the Rebbe who advised me to ask my community rav to write us a new marriage contract. On that very same day a special match was suggested for my daughter, and this is the chasan we are celebrating tonight sheva brachos. THE REBBE IS NOT SATISFIED, GO BUY A TWIN CARRIAGE! This incident happened two years ago. A nice couple came to the Rebbe for a blessing as they have been married for five years and are still childless. The Rebbe counsels them in his unique and holy way and sheds a tear with them, when suddenly the Rebbe asks the wife, “Which color carriage do you prefer for your baby?!?” The woman becomes emotional and begins to cry but the Rebbe insists: “I see children, go buy a baby carriage this week and on my next visit I want you to come to me with your baby!” Needless to say, last year the delighted couple came to the Rebbe accompanied by a screaming healthy baby of two weeks of age in a carriage purchased on the Rebbe’s behest. The Rebbe, however, is still not satisfied. Last year the Rebbe said that the child is lonesome, he needs a brother to play with. “Go buy a double stroller!” This year the couple will visit the Rebbe with a fully occupied double stroller including the new baby which the Rebbe’s blessing brought forth. A story in three parts: KEEP THE BOTTLE OF WHISKEY FOR THE NEXT YEAR AND THE FOLOWING YEAR. The power of the Rebbe’s blessing is well known in Central Manhattan. Many residents have their own unbelievable

story to share. Two years ago, the Rebbe received the public in the home of a well-known businessman who was close to reaching his fortieth birthday, a bachelor. Prior to bidding him farewell the host brought the Rebbe a bottle of whiskey wishing to drink l’chaim with the Rebbe. The Rebbe returned the bottle saying, “Save this whiskey for next year. On this specific date. Next year when I will return, we will drink l’chaim together with your wife!” Needless to say, eleven months later was held their wedding, when the Rebbe paid a visit to Manhattan, the young man came accompanied by his wife… However, this story has a sequel to it. As he was pouring the Rebbe a glass to drink to, the Rebbe said, “Save the bottle for next year, when we will drink l’chaim to the birth of your son.” Barely a year has passed and next week the couple will come to drink l’chaim with the Rebbe accompanied by their firstborn son. THE DOCTORS HAD MISDIAGNOSED… A prominent rabbi, joined by his wife and with a baby in a carriage, is waiting to see the Rebbe. “So, what’s your story?” we ask. And this is what he tells us: Several months ago, my wife went for a regular prenatal checkup. Suddenly the doctor turns to her sorrowfully and says, “It doesn’t look good!” Something with the baby’s development was amiss, and the doctor assumed it was unhealthy. My wife returned home in tears, terribly worried about the doctor’s outlook. Acquaintances suggested to contact the Biale Rebbe from Bnei Brak and seek his guidance. We called the gabbai and we spoke to the Rebbe personally. The Rebbe, who had never met us before, said, “The doctor has no idea what he is talking about. You will have a

healthy baby.” Two weeks later my wife went for a follow up appointment and once again the doctor warned her about his dire prognosis. We called the Rebbe again, who said, “I take full responsibility that this baby will be healthy.” After an indescribable stressful period, here is our baby. Whole and healthy just as the Rebbe, shlita, had promised. We are here now to thank the Rebbe personally and receive his blessing. YOUR MATCH HAS BEEN WAITING FOR YOU THE PAST TEN YEARS. Many young couples are amongst those waiting for an audience with the Rebbe. Each one tells its own fascinating tale. One young girl relates: I live in the Upper East Side. For many years I was looking for my destined match, to no avail. The years past and as I grew older, I saw no hope in sight. One day a friend told me about the Biale Rebbe, and I went to him for a blessing. The Rebbe who had never met me before exclaimed suddenly. “You have already met your destined; you went out with him many years ago. Go search for him again, he is still waiting for you!!! He is in California.” I searched my mind for the guy the Rebbe had in mind. Suddenly it got to my mind: I had met him ten years earlier, an excellent young man, a friend of my brother’s. Our relationship ceased for no apparent reason. I contacted my brother to inquire about this boy, and indeed he was still waiting for me. Thank G-d at the age of 37 I was finally married to the wonderful boy I had met 10 years earlier, just as the Biale Rebbe had seen with his ruach hakodesh. Many share similar stories how the Rebbe finalized their engagement. Young couples who were having shalom bayis issues with the Rebbe’s mentoring restored marital harmony and happiness to their homes. These stories mingle with stories of businessmen who reaped great success after receiving the Rebbe’s blessing. Childless couples who had all but lost hope were blessed with children. People who were being harassed by the legal system and could not sleep at night from fear were miraculously straightened out after receiving the Rebbe’s blessing. So, it is really no surprise or wonder at the crowds waiting to meet the Rebbe. THE REBBE SAVED US FROM BANCRUPTCY. A well-known businessman is also waiting to see the Rebbe. He tells us that he met the Biale Rebbe by mistake: I was invited to a tisch that the Reb-



Rebbe TheBiale Week In News

NOVEMBER 5, 2020 | The Jewish Home

be at the tisch. At the kiddush the Rebbe spoke about trusting in Hashem, and that a Jew should never give up, and a Jew is above nature. I felt that the Rebbe is talking to me, to my soul. On Motzaei Shabbos, when I came to take a blessing from the Rebbe, The Rebbe that didn’t study Business in MIT, told me to set a time every day to learn Torah and respect my wife. The Rebbe told me to speak

be conducted in my neighborhood. The week I met the Rebbe was the worst week of my life, that week seemed like all the fortune I made my whole life is lost, the bank was about to foreclose everything, I didn’t sleep the entire week and didn’t see a way out of the complication, not knowing what’s going to happen to me and my family. As I said accidently, I saw the Reb-



with bank manager himself with no attorneys and no one else, the Rebbe guided me to do some spiritual stuff before the meeting, the Rebbe even guided me on the phone and encouraged me in my hard days, till now I have no clue how it happened, but here I am my house has not been foreclosed, and my business is growing with Hashem’s help, and everything with the Holy Rebbe’s blessing.








422 S .LAS PALMAS AVE LOS ANGELES, CA 90020 For appointments and information please call:

TEL. 917-272-4045

8:30 ‫עריכת השולחן בליל שב"ק פר' חיי שרה בהיכל כולל יחיאל יהודה בשעה‬



N OVE M B E R 13 S H A B B A T P A R S H A T


‫חיי שרה‬


441 N LA BREA AVE. LOS ANGELES at 8:30 pm


THE REBBE, SHLIT”A Twenty-two years ago, The Rebbe was barely in his early thirties when the yoke of leadership of Biale Chassidus Bnei Brak was thrust upon him. His greatness and guidance reached far beyond the borders of Bnei Brak as the Rebbe chose to draw his brethren from all over the world close to him by encouraging and helping them. The Rebbe is leader and mentor of a most respectable Chassidus which is centrally based in Bnei Brak and has branches in Jerusalem, Beitar Eilit, Ashdod, Beit Shemesh, and Modiin Eilit. This has added a new old hue to the leadership of Biale chassidus. Every day, hundreds of people from varying backgrounds, Sephardim and Ashkenazim alike. Ultra-orthodox and those who have only just donned a kippah, from Cholon to Bat Yam, Beer Sheba to Eilat all stream to one address. The Rebbe opened his door and his heart to the whole of klal Yisrael. Welcoming them with his compassionate heart and warm smile. People enter his room carrying a heavy load of troubles and worries however when they leave, they are lighthearted and hopeful. Biale Chassidus’s holy lineage stems from a holy sage named Rabbi Yaakov Yitzchok from Peshischa. This revered tzaddik lived some two hundred years ago and was known to all as the “holy Jew”—’The Yid Hakadosh’ from Peshischa. He was a disciple of the holy “Chozeh of Lublin” who was a direct fourth generation descendent of the holy Baal Shem Tov. The Yid Hakodosh was the greatest of Polish Rabbis, Rabbi to the leaders of Gur, Kotzk, Alexander, and other great luminaries. Generations of tzaddikim in succession continued the tradition of the “Yid Hakodosh.” This chain was continued from father to son until the flame was kindled in our generation by the holy tzaddik and Rebbe— Reb Yechiel Yehoshua from Biale, may his holy memory be blessed. He was the grandfather of our revered Rebbe, a direct descendent of five generation to the Yid Hakodosh. THE CHELKAS YEHOSHUA Prewar Poland boasted of the Rebbe’s grandfather, Reb Yechiel Yehoshua, ztk”l, as one of its’ greatest leaders. However, his fame reached a pinnacle during the terrible holocaust when he uncompromisedly sanctified Hashem’s name, first in occupied Poland and later in the freezing Siberia. His selflessness was indescribable. When he reached Israel all the great rabbis acknowledged him as a great tzaddik. He was revered and honored as an angel in a mortal world. THE LAHAVAS DOVID Next in line was the Rebbe’s father, the holy Rabbi Dovid Mattisyahu, ztk”l. He was renowned and famous for his purity and greatness. During his lifetime, his

NOVEMBER 5, 2020 | The Jewish Home

father appointed him as head after all, who will take care of of yeshivas Biale. During his these poor orphans if not for travels throughout the world he the Rebbe of Biale?! As the revived the brokenhearted with crisis in Israel increases conhis moving prayers and hearttinuously the Rebbe continues felt talks. People were drawn to distribute vouchers although to him from afar. His tall handPassover is long gone by. The some profile reminded many Rebbe also continuous to keep of his holy father’s image. track of all their spiritual and The Rebbe continues to tow material needs. this beautiful golden chain. AROUND THE CLOCK However, he does not suffice As day turns to dusk in New with leading his own commuYork, the phones in Israel beAmerican Ambassador of Israel David Friedman at his recent visit by the Rebbe nity. He is concerned about the come alive! Now it is the Jews IN ISRAEL: welfare of all of klal Yisrael. of Israel’s turn. They call nonFor many years, the special insti- stop asking the Rebbe for blessings and Several times a year he leaves the comforts of his home and visits countries and tution in which the Rebbe’s “children” advice. it is the Yidden in Los Angeles, communities where no other Chassidic reside is an old building in the town of New York, Miami, and New Jersey who Rebbe has ever spent a Shabbos before. Beitar Eilit which is close to Jerusalem. are calling. It makes no difference; they He embraces those who have strayed. He The building lies in close proximity are all his children. Hundreds of emails strengthens, encourages, motivates, and to the borderline and faces directly the are sent to the Rebbe’s office daily, and directs until another Jew has found his Arab town Hussan. The Arab inhabi- the Rebbe devotes precious hours to antants have a daily view of a Jewish Torah swer them personally. He carries these way back to our Father in Heaven. THE FATHER OF THE OR- town developing right in front of their requests with him and remembers them hate-filled eyes. The town is part of the in his daily prayers. The burden becomes PHANS The Rebbe’s institutions are famous “Occupied Territories.” The building is his own. He is with them in their sorrow throughout Israel. The center is based old and dilapidated. In the winter the and delights in their happiness. Seven in Bnei Brak, and there are branches all rain leaks in, in the summer it is more of gabbaim are employed throughout the over the country. However, his favorite a furnace. This year the Rebbe reached day to provide immediate response to the project is the welfare of “his” orphans. a decision: NO MORE! “My wonder- thousands calling the Rebbe. How happy The Rebbe is father to 15 biological chil- ful children deserve better!” In recent are the gabbaim when they can inform dren and countless grandchildren. How- months, a new campus is being built on the Rebbe of another baby born a couple ever, hundreds of children throughout Kedushas Levi St. in the heart of Beitar engaged or yet another miraculous turn the world call him “Father”. Amongst Eilit. The campus will include spacious of events! the many institutions which are un- classrooms, computer and game rooms, a EDUCATION AND MARITAL der his auspices is the yeshiva gevo’ah fully equipped dormitory, and a modern HAPPINESS: called Mishkan Shimon Biale which is kitchen for the welfare of the students for Amongst his other vast talents is the whom the building is home. situated in Beitar Eilit. Batei Midrash Rebbe’s deep understanding in matters In addition to the above, a huge of education. Parents worldwide call him and kollelim for young men are spread out in Bnei Brak, Jerusalem, Beitar Eilit, chessed center is being built on Daf Ha- for advice in education dilemmas. Very Modiin Eilit, Ashdod and Beit Shemesh. yomi Street. The Rebbe is renowned for often the Rebbe’s advice leaves the parHowever, the institution for widows and his acts of chessed. He is the first address ents in surprise. Yet it is this very unique orphans are under the Rebbe’s direct ad- which needy widows and orphans turn approach which eventually brings about ministration. This fund supports the wid- to. Truckloads containing everything a positive change to the entire family. ows and orphans studying in the Rebbe’s possible are sent on every erev chag to Homes which were full of strife and angst institutions. The desolate orphans receive provide the needy with everything they are now happy, warm nests. So too, many everything they need of the best quali- need for yom tov. Clothing, shoes, fish, issues of marital distress were solved by ty and quantity. This includes clothing, meat, chicken, goodies, and last but not applying the Rebbe’s insightful advice. shoes, scholarship, dorm service and of least a hefty check to lighten their sor- Restoring peace at home is high on the course pocket money. All this is naught row filled hearts. Very often the Rebbe Rebbe’s list of priorities. Many hopeless compared to the personal attention the takes part in weddings where he acts as couples who were already applying for Rebbe bestows upon them. As far as the the “father” on both sides. divorce had a miraculous turn about enCORONAVIRUS ROUTINE: Rebbe is concerned they are his fully adabling the holy Shechina to dwell in yet Caring for widows and orphans beopted children. His house is their house, another Jewish home. their worries become his own. The Reb- fore the Passover holiday is standard THE REBBE KNOWS!! be is following after their studies and procedure for the Rebbe. However, this A couple enters the Rebbe’s chammakes sure they have personal tutors. year with the outbreak of COVID-19, bers, The Rebbe looks on the kvittel and Point in case—the Rebbe who had just The Rebbe added more families experi- tells the husband, “You have to honreturned from a trip to the USA one Erev encing financial stress. Despite the econ- or your wife! If you will respect your Pesach told his driver to take him to visit omy crisis and the financial difficulties wife your problems will be solved.” his orphans directly from the airport. His his institutions in Israel are currently ex- The woman burst out crying. This is the own family and children can wait—his periencing, the Rebbe gave strict instruc- first time they meet the Rebbe, and he orphans come first. Upon his arrival the tions to take special care of each of the is aware of everything going on between Rebbe gave each orphan gifts and pocket many families in distress that the Rebbe the couple. The Rebbe is unconcerned money enough for everything he needs takes care of every year. Despite the lo- about the tens of people waiting outfor yom tov. Only then did he make his gistic hardships the situation has created, side and patiently expounds on the imown way home to his family and yom tov each of the families received a complete portance of domestic peace. The Rebbe delivery containing all of their holiday gives them detailed instructions how to preparations. OUTSTANDING DEVELOP- needs, including: meat, chicken, fish, bring their hearts closer. The Rebbe tells MENT IN BIALE INSTITUTIONS goodies, and of course gift certificates them that the key to happiness and sucto buy clothing, shoes and even toys…

TheBiale WeekRebbe In News cess as well as nachas from their children lies in the respect shown between the parents. And so, another couple exits with a happy smile on their faces. After a while, the Rebbe’s secretary receives a note from the wife saying: The Rebbe saved our marriage!!!” THE REBBE’S LODGING: These days are happy days for the residents of Los Angeles as they are anxiously preparing to meet once again with their beloved Rebbe. The Rebbe will be staying in Los Angeles from Thursday, November 5th, at the house of the honorable host: DR. & MRS. DAVID & DOROTHY STOLL, at 422 S. LAS PALMAS AVE., LOS ANGELES, CA 90020. ONEG SHABBAT & TISCH FRIDAY NIGHT IN HANCOCK PARK ON NOVEMBER 13th On the second Shabbos, November 13th, will be held an amazing Oneg Shabbos tisch which the Rabbi will hold Friday night. The great Shabbos will take place on Parshas Chaya Sarah on the 13th of November, at the KOLLEL YECHIEL YEHUDA under the leadership of the well-known Rabbi Yochanan Henig and the Rosh Hakollel Rabbi Menachem Krybus, AT 441 N LA BREA AVE, LOS ANGELES, at 8.30 pm. There are still some people in Los Angeles who remember the Rebbe’s Holy Father, the previous Biale Rebbe, z”tzl. So, it is now over 30 years that rabbis of the community, Shtreimlech wearers, and modern Jews, have participated in Biale tishes. Due to the current situation all gatherings and meetings will, be”H, be held outdoors. THE CROWD IS BEING ASKED TO FOLLOW ALL THE RULES OF THE HEALTH DEPARTMENT. The most special part of the tisch is during the famous kiddush which the Rebbe performs. It is well known that the Rebbe’s kiddush is capable of bringing about great miracles. The emotive singing and dancing at the Rebbe’s tisches elevating its participants to a standard of “me’ain oilam habah!” this will follow with an abundance of divrei Torah and hashkafah. Now the residents of Los Angeles have this unique opportunity. If you have not yet had the merit of meeting the Rebbe and would like to book an appointment for a personal consultation a blessing or advice call the Rebbe’s private secretary now! Rabbi Moshe Friedman (English-speaking) telephone no. 917272-40-45. Or send an email to bialebneibrak@ Don’t miss this opportunity…


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nited States Ambassador to Israel David Friedman has spent the last four years as a facilitator of peace in the Middle East and agent of change for Israel relations in the Trump Administration. Originally from North Woodmere, New York, Friedman’s father was Rabbi Morris S. Friedman, z”l, a rabbi at Temple Hillel and a head of the New York Board of Rabbis. Ambassador Friedman graduated from the Hebrew Institute of Long Island before earning his B.A. from Columbia University and his J.D. from New York University School of Law. The ambassador and wife, Tammy Sand Friedman, have five children and eight grandchildren, and resided in Woodmere before Friedman assumed his current post. Though Ambassador Friedman operates on the global stage, he holds his community and personal values dear.

Ambassador Friedman is an observant Jew, known to have a deep love for all of the land and people of Israel. A former bankruptcy lawyer, Friedman initially met President Donald Trump in 1994 when he represented him as the then-chairman and president of The Trump Organization. The ambassador fondly shares the story of how he and President Trump became

friends when Trump paid a condolence call as Friedman sat shiva for his father. Trump had travelled 3½ hours through a blizzard to pay his respects; the two men spent several hours talking long into the night, and their friendship proliferated from there. Their personal conversations on Israel began when Friedman purchased a second home in Jerusalem.

Fast forward to 2016, Friedman was chosen to serve as an advisor to President Trump during his presidential campaign and tasked with advising on Israel-related and Jewish issues. Friedman co-chaired Trump’s Israel Advisory Committee alongside Jason Greenblatt, a former executive for The Trump Organization; the pair promoted Trump’s campaign promise

to move the U.S. Embassy in Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. In December of 2016, President-elect Trump’s transition team announced that Friedman had been nominated as the United States Ambassador to Israel. Friedman was confirmed by the Senate and sworn in by Vice President Mike Pence on March 29, 2017. Friedman formally presented his credentials to Israeli Presi-

Feature The Week In News

NOVEMBER 5, 2020 | The Jewish Home

dent Reuven Rivlin on May 15, 2017 and began working to shape history. ON DECEMBER 6, 2017, President Trump formally recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and proceeded to actualize his campaign promise of relocating the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem, with Ambassador Friedman by his side. While previous U.S. presidents had made promises to relocate the embassy, all ultimately refrained from doing so. On May 14, 2018, on the 70th anniversary of the Israeli Declaration of Independence, the U.S. Embassy was officially opened in Jerusalem. In 2018, The Jerusalem Post listed Ambassador Friedman as one of the world’s 50 Most Influential Jews – “the envoy who moved the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem.” He was listed as #2 in 2019 and tied for the top spot in 2020, after the signing of the monu-

mental Abraham Accords, along with Special Advisor to the President and son-in-law Jared Kushner, Mossad Chief Yossi Cohen, Israeli Ambassador to the U.S. Ron Dermer and Special Envoy for International Negotiations Avi Berkowitz – collectively dubbed “The Peacemakers.” The Abraham Accords represent the tremendous Mideast feat achieved on August 13, 2020. The accords, a joint statement from Israel, the United Arab Emirates, and the U.S., reifer to the peace agreements between Israel and the U.A.E. and Bahrain, and mark the first time an Arab country has normalized relations with Israel since the peace treaty with Jordan in 1994. Though politicians and pundits alike have long insisted that peace could never come to Israel in this way, Ambassador Friedman anticipates such progress to continue under the Trump Administration. Throughout his term, the

The Jewish Home | OCTOBER 29, 2015

Ambassador has maintained the ability to practice as a contemplative, compassionate and dynamic Jew. In April, he authored an opinion piece for The Jerusalem Post, asking “Why a virus?” and positing that “under these extraordinary circumstances, anyone, and certainly a believer and amateur theologian like me, could be excused for searching for an underlying divine message.” In October he took to Twitter to share his participation in the traditional “Birkat Kohanim” service as a kohen at the Kotel during Sukkot stating, “I will pray for G-d’s mercy and healing upon all those throughout the world afflicted with Covid-19. Refuah Shlema to all!” While tending to his various roles and responsibilities during this very exceptional era, Ambassador Friedman took some time to shed some light on the recent and continuously unfolding historic developments.

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With Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu

Giving Menachem Zivotofsky, a U.S. citizen born in Jerusalem, his passport that lists his birthplace as Israel, on October 20, 2020

Ambassador Friedman, congratulations on the Abraham Accords! How long was the agreement with the United Arab Emirates in the works? These agreements have been in the works since early in the Trump administration when the President traveled to Saudi Arabia and Israel and challenged more than 50 Arab nations to combat terrorism and embrace peace. The Abraham Accords were preceded by literally hundreds of meetings across the globe among numerous countries and the Trump peace team.

sideration for peace with Israel? Well, since you first asked, Sudan has joined the circle of peace – a very important and welcome addition. I am certain that there will be more.

What other countries are currently in talks or in con-

During the 2016 campaign you had indicated that

Why do you think the Saudis are so hesitant to normalize relations with Israel? The Saudis have been very supportive and now allow overflights to and from Israel. We respect each nation’s internal process, and we are optimistic that many more nations will join us.

moving the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem was a goal of President Trump at that time, and it indeed came to fruition, contrary to much skepticism. How significant has that move proven to be? Moving our embassy to Jerusalem sent a very powerful message that President Trump keeps his promises, stands with our allies, and cannot be deterred by baseless threats. This set the table for numerous other diplomatic achievements throughout the world. If we are honored to serve another term, we are very well positioned to continue to make history in a very positive way, G-d willing.

Rabbi Zalman Wolowik and Ambassador Friedman at the U.S. Embassy in Jerusalem


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“We are very well positioned to continue to make history in a very positive way.”

In the Oval Office after President Trump announced that the United Arab Emirates will be establishing diplomatic ties with Israel

You have a lot of supporters in the Five Towns community. Rabbi Zalman Wolowik of the Chabad of the Five Towns participated in the historic event and was instrumental in setting up the embassy in Jerusalem in a “kosher” way. Is there a special pride in sharing these events with the Five Towns community? The Five Towns community has been my home for most of my life. I am very grateful for all the support I have received from this wonderful neighborhood. What is your daily schedule like? How often do you travel, between the U.S. and Israel, and in general? I work six days a week, much of each day and night. I travel back and forth to Washington, D.C., almost every month, as well as elsewhere.

Davening at the Kotel on Sukkot

How regularly do you speak with the President? Are there any insights about President Trump that would be meaningful or important to share with our readers? I have a long and enduring relationship with the President based upon mutual respect. We speak often. I am always astounded by his energy, his dynamism and, most importantly, his willingness to think out of the box, rather than blindly

following conventional wisdom. Before your public position as Ambassador you had worked in a private sector capacity and had enjoyed an amicable relationship with President Trump. Do your families still maintain a personal connection at this time? We will always be close friends. Last time we spoke you were fairly confident that President Trump would win. I would assume you’re as confident, if not more, for this upcoming 2020 election. How are the polls looking now? Are there other indicators that you look to? I am not a pollster, but the level of enthusiasm for President Trump seems at levels even greater than 2016. What do you hear from people in Israel regarding the U.S. elections? Israelis overwhelmingly prefer President Trump. I would always trust Israelis to know what’s best for Israel. What do you personally hear from those across the aisle regarding the Trump Administration’s efforts and progress in the Mideast region? There is bipartisan, although sometimes begrudging, acknowledgment that President Trump has really done something incredible in creating the Abraham Accords. What would you say to Jewish voters, especially those who are Orthodox and/or supporters of Israel, who oppose President Trump regardless of the progress that has been made during his adminis-

tration in support of Israel? I’m not allowed to engage in the campaign, so all I would say is that everyone should consider the President’s record and be fair. Personally, I am enormously proud of that record. How would you respond to those who accuse President Trump of being anti-Semitic or bigoted? It’s an insane accusation. Listen to the President’s words — all of them, not just a half sentence taken out of context. The President has been the exact opposite of what his accusers falsely claim, both in word and in deed. Tell us a little more about your personal experiences in this role. What’s it like to have your words scrutinized by the press and by people around the world? You get used to it; you get better at it with time. I’ve always tried to speak directly and answer questions honestly and without spin. Who is the most interesting or most inspirational person you’ve met in your role? There have been so many that I couldn’t even begin to narrow this down to a single or even multiple individuals. Do you ever discuss theology with your Muslim peers? I absolutely love to discuss theology, and I have done so with experts in all faiths. The “M” in your name stands for Melech, which seems to add a nice connection to the biblical King David. Do you feel like you are living in a significant historical era? I do, but I will leave the history writing to others.

The Week In News

NOVEMBER 5, 2020 | The Jewish Home

The Week In News

Terror in Vienna

He is reported to have pledged allegiance to ISIS. ISIS recently called on jihadis to “spill the blood of Crusaders” in “revenge” over cartoons of the Prophet Muhammed, which have seen mass protests and calls of boycotts of French goods in many Muslim nations. The bloodbath in Vienna comes after France was hit by two horrifying terror attacks by Islamic extremists with three people murdered in Nice and a school teacher beheaded in Paris.

Results will be made available within an hour. “[T]hese more advanced tests will help identify infectious individuals who are not displaying symptoms….so they can self-isolate and prevent the virus from spreading,” the nation’s Department of Health stated in the release. Liverpool, which has nearly 500,000 residents, has had one of the highest infection rates in England. More than 410 cases per 100,000 people have been reported.

Fatalities in Turkish Earthquake In what is the worst terror attack to have been perpetrated on Viennese soil, at least four people were killed and 22 others were wounded on Monday evening in the Austrian capital by at least one masked gunman. The first shots were fired near a synagogue, although it’s unclear if the synagogue was targeted. The gunman, Kujtim Fejzulaj, then opened fire in five other places in the downtown area. He was killed by officers. The terrorist was armed with an assault rifle, among other handguns, and was appearing to wear an explosive vest which turned out to be a dummy. “We are currently experiencing difficult hours in our republic. I would like to thank all the emergency services who are risking their lives, especially today, for our safety. Our police will take decisive action against the perpetrators of this vile terrorist attack,” Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz said via Twitter. “I am glad that our police officers have already been able to neutralize a perpetrator. We will never allow ourselves to be intimidated by terrorism and will fight these attacks resolutely by all means.” All synagogues, kosher restaurants and Jewish supermarkets were set to stay closed across Austria on Tuesday. Children in the city was advised to stay home from schools, although schools were open. Fejzulaj, 20, was a dual citizen of Austria and North Macedonia. He had been previously jailed for attempting to travel to Syria. He had been sentenced to 22 months in prison in August 2019 but was released early because of his age. Fejzulai was reportedly being monitored by security services but was not considering capable of mounting a domestic attack. According to German daily newspaper Bild, the terrorist is reported to have posted on Instagram announcing his intentions before the attack. It published a picture allegedly showing Fejzulaj brandishing a pistol, an assault rifle and a machete while wearing a black t-shirt and beanie.

Friday’s earthquake in Turkey left 91 people dead and 994 people injured. The magnitude 7.0 blast struck the Aegean Sea before weekend, shaking parts of Greece and Turkey. Because it struck at a relatively shallow depth of 13 miles, the impact was felt forcefully at ground level near the epicenter. More than 20 buildings were seriously damaged in Izmir by the tremor. On Monday morning, more than 65 hours after the quake struck, a 3-year-old girl was found alive buried in the wreckage of her apartment building. Elif Perincek was found after a firefighter searched for her in the debris near her dresser. She held onto his finger as he brought her to safety. Perincek’s mother and two siblings were rescued earlier. One of her other siblings had, unfortunately, died in the blast. Hours before Perincek was rescued another child, 14-year-old Idil Sirin, was also found alive after spending more than 58 hours trapped in a collapsed building. More than 900 aftershocks have been registered since the initial quake, 42 of them with a magnitude over 4.0, Turkey’s disaster agency said. The earthquake also triggered what authorities called a “mini tsunami,” causing streets to flood Friday in parts of Turkey’s wider Izmir province, as well as on Samos.

Testing All in Liverpool Every person living or working in the British city of Liverpool will be tested for Covid-19 as part of a trial program starting this week. The testing will be done regardless of if people are experiencing symptoms or not.

Testing in the city is set to serve as an example of how the United Kingdom may be able to implement large-scale testing. Several testing sites will be set up across the city. The U.K. currently has 1,057,021 Covid-19 cases. There have been 46,943 total deaths due to the coronavirus.

3 Killed in Nice Attack

On Thursday, a Tunisian 21-year-old entered a church in Nice, France, and slaughtered three people. Brahim Aouissaoui had entered France from Italy on October 9. He had come from the Mediterranean island of Lampedusa less than a month before. His birthplace was Tunisia. When the terrorist committed the brutal attack, he was carrying a copy of the Koran along with his knife. Police managed to arrest Aouissaoui. The attack in Nice was the third attack in two months in France that authorities have said have been perpetrated by Muslim extremists and come amid outrage by Muslims over the portrayal of their prophet Muhammed in cartoons in the Charlie Hebdo newspaper. A 60-year-old woman, Nadine Devillers, was killed in the attack. A 55-year-old man, Vincent Loques, who took care of the

church, was slaughtered as well. The third victim, a 44-year-old woman, Simone Barreto Silva, managed to flee with her bleeding wounds but died at a nearby restaurant. France’s national police chief had ordered increased security at churches and mosques earlier in the week, but no police appeared to be guarding the Nice church when it was attacked. “He cried, ‘Allah Akbar!’ over and over, even after he was injured,” said Nice Mayor Christian Estrosi. “The meaning of his gesture left no doubt.” “With the attack against Samual Paty, it was freedom of speech that was targeted,” Prime Minister Jean Castex told lawmakers, referring to the teacher who was beheaded after showing his class caricatures of the prophet during a civics lesson. “With this attack in Nice, it is freedom of religion.” “Very clearly, it is France which is under attack,” President Emmanuel Macron said as he stood before the church. He added that all of France offered its support to Catholics “so that their religion can be exercised freely in our country. So that every religion can be practiced.” Police have brought in six people for questioning in connection to the attack.

Malaysian Leader Supports Terror

On Thursday, after a deadly attack in Nice, Malaysia’s former leader Mahathir Mohamad tweeted that Muslims had a right “to kill millions of French people.” Due to swift and vociferous anger to his post, Mahathir eventually deleted his statement. Three people were killed at a church in the southern French city on Thursday, with the attacker slitting the throat of at least one of them, in what authorities were treating as the latest jihadist assault to rock the country. Shortly after the horrific attack, Mahathir unleashed a series of tweets. In one of the tweets, he referred to the beheading of a French teacher earlier in the month and said that, although he did not approve of that attack, freedom of expression does not include “insulting other people.” The teacher, Samuel Paty, had shown students cartoons of Islam’s prophet Mohammed. “Irrespective of the religion professed, angry people kill,” said the outspoken 95-year-old. “The French in the course of



The Week In News

their history has killed millions of people. Many were Muslims. Muslims have a right to be angry and to kill millions of French people for the massacres of the past.” He added that “by and large the Muslims have not applied the ‘eye for an eye’ law. Muslims don’t. The French shouldn’t.” This is not the first time that Mahathir had spewed hate. He has called Jews “hooked-nosed” and said that they “rule this world by proxy,” likening them to Nazis. He has repeatedly defended his right to make those remarks and said he is “glad to be labeled anti-Semitic.” Mahathir, who served as Malaysian premier twice for a total of 24 years, said that French President Emmanuel Macron was “not showing that he is civilized,” adding he was “very primitive.” “The French should teach their people to respect other people’s feelings. Since you have blamed all Muslims and the Muslims’ religion for what was done by one angry person, the Muslims have a right to punish the French. The boycott cannot compensate the wrongs committed by the French all these years,” he wrote. “In Malaysia, where there are people of many different races and religions, we have avoided serious conflicts between races because we are conscious of the need to be sensitive to the sensitivities of others.” Mahathir had led the Muslim-majority country for over two decades before his government’s collapse in February.

Smelly Feet Socks Scientists in Thailand say that they have developed a sock that can cure smelly feet. The socks have a special coating made from zinc oxide nanoparticles (ZnO-NPs) with can prevent foot odor and bacterial infection. The coated socks were successfully used on 148 cadets by researchers at Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University in Thailand. Many soldiers and athletes are prone to suffer from pitted keratolysis, a condition when bacteria consume the keratin on the soles of the feet and give off an odor.

The cadets that received the special coated socks to wear for 14 days had significantly less foot odor than those who wore regular socks and were less prone to pitted keratolysis.

NOVEMBER 5, 2020 | The Jewish Home

The findings are being presented at the 29th European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology (EADV) Congress.

Corbyn Pushed Out

Jeremy Corbyn is being held accountable for his anti-Semitic views. Last week, Britain’s main opposition Labour party suspended its former leader following his response to a government watchdog report that said the party had broken equality laws in its handling of anti-Semitism complaints. “In light of his comments made today and his failure to retract them subsequently, the Labour Party has suspended Jeremy Corbyn pending investigation,” the party announced. Labour’s new leader Sir Keir Starmer said the report, which found Labour under Corbyn engaged in unlawful “harassment and discrimination,” marked a “day of shame” for the party. The party said Corbyn, its leader until April, was being suspended pending further investigation. Corbyn vowed to “strongly contest” the party’s decision, labeling it a “political” move. For now, he will be compelled to sit as an independent MP in the House of Commons. In a Facebook post earlier in the day responding to the report, Corbyn said he didn’t accept all of its findings and asserted that “the scale of the problem was also dramatically overstated for political reasons by our opponents inside and outside the party, as well as by much of the media.” “The equality body’s analysis points to a culture within the party which, at best, did not do enough to prevent anti-Semitism and, at worst, could be seen to accept it,” the quality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) said in a statement. The watchdog found the party responsible for unlawful acts in three major areas: political interference in anti-Semitism complaints, failing to provide adequate training to those handling anti-Semitism complaints, and harassment. There were 23 instances of “inappropriate involvement” by Corbyn’s office and others in the 70 files examined in the report, the EHRC said, with interference happening more frequently in complaints of anti-Semitism than in other discrimination allegations. Starmer – who replaced Corbyn in a party election in April, after it lost last December’s general elections in a landslide to the incumbent Conservative party under

Boris Johnson – has said he would fully cooperate with the EHRC’s report into anti-Semitism in the party. British Chief Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis, who had discouraged voters from supporting Labour under Corbyn in last year’s elections, said the report marked a “historic nadir for the Labour Party.” Jewish groups have accused Corbyn, a far-left politician, of allowing a massive surge in anti-Semitism within the ranks of the party that was once considered the natural home of British Jewry. Thousands of cases of alleged hate speech against Jews had been recorded within Labour since 2015, when Corbyn was elected to lead the party. Corbyn had vowed to punish any party member caught making racist statements, yet he defended a number of members who made vitriolic anti-Semitic remarks, and expelled hardly any members despite more than 850 formal complaints. For many, it seemed that Corbyn himself was the problem. Last year, he expressed regret for having defended a 2012 anti-Semitic mural in London’s East End. The mural, named Freedom of Humanity, was painted on a property near Brick Lane by the Los Angeles-based graffiti artist Kalen Ockerman. It depicted a group of men – seemingly caricatures of Jewish bankers and businessmen – counting their money on a Monopoly board balanced on the backs of unclothed workers. Last year, he was found to have authored a glowing foreword to a book that claims that Jews control global financial systems and describes them as “men of a single and peculiar race.” In addition, the Hamas terror group has thanked Corbyn for his solidarity in recognizing Palestinian mourning over the 71st anniversary of the formation of the State of Israel.

Saudi Arrested for Stabbing Amid tensions in France, on Thursday, a Saudi man stabbed and wounded a guard at the French consulate in the city of Jeddah in Saudi Arabia. Authorities arrested the man, who they said stabbed the guard with a “sharp tool.” France had urged its citizens in the kingdom to be “on maximum alert.” In France, on that same day, a terrorist killed three people at a church in Nice. Muslims have been acting out since a French school teacher showed his students cartoons of Islam’s prophet Mohammed. Muslims have also called for the boycott of French products. Although Saudi Arabia has expressed outrage, it is far more muted than in other countries. The Saudi Foreign Ministry has said the kingdom “rejects any attempt to link Islam and terrorism, and denounces the offensive cartoons of the prophet.”

Saudi clerics have too condemned the caricatures, but have also cited the prophet’s “mercy, justice, tolerance.” Another prominent sheikh called on Muslims not to overreact. Diplomatic posts have been targeted in the past. A 2004 armed assault on the U.S. Consulate in Jeddah blamed on al-Qaeda killed five employees. In 2016, a suicide bomber blew himself up near that same U.S. Consulate, wounding two guards.

Van Gogh’s Delirium

According to researchers, it is likely that artist Van Gogh experienced “delirium” caused by alcohol withdrawal. In order to investigate the artist’s possible psychiatric disorders, experts interviewed art historians familiar with 902 letters from the artist – 820 to his brother, Theo – and studied medical records made by doctors who treated him. The Dutch master, who produced some 900 paintings during his lifetime, died by his own hand in 1890 at the age of 37 following years of mental illness. He is thought to have suffered from a combination of bipolar and borderline personality disorder, although these illnesses were never diagnosed. Researchers from The University Medical Center Groningen, in the Netherlands, say that they believe Van Gogh experienced two brief psychotic episodes, presumed to be delirium caused by alcohol withdrawal, following his admission to hospital after cutting off his own ear with a razor in 1888. Researchers say that the Dutch master experienced several severe depressive episodes in the last year of his life – at least one with psychotic features. In the study, published Monday in the International Journal of Bipolar Disorders, researchers say that the artist’s likely “masked epilepsy,” also known as “focal epilepsy” could have led to differing manifestations of anxiety, delusions and hallucinations. In Van Gogh’s case, it could have been caused as a result of brain damage linked to his alcohol abuse, malnutrition, poor sleep, and mental exhaustion. Because researchers cannot speak with Van Gogh directly, they relied on letters to his family, which may or may not have downplayed or embellished his symptoms. As such, their theories are mainly just that – theories.

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