Jewish Home LA - 10-28-21

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The Week In News

OCTOBER 28, 2021 | The Jewish Home




Dear Readers, While walking with my 10-year-old daughter the other day, she stopped and said that she wishes the Yetzer Hara operated the way children’s books describe; a sinister character lurking in the bushes, instead of the reality of his being within us. Perhaps without knowing it, she hit the nail on the head. Fighting the Yetzer Hara is a lifelong endeavor. He isn’t (only) some bad guy trying to get us to do something dumb. He’s right there in our heart trying to get us to feel that we absolutely need to do such and such or that if we don’t say this or that we will not be complete, we just have to! It’s at that point we need to dig deeper and acknowledge that my feelings are not really what I want. Just as with a diet. The urge to eat feels real but it’s not what we really want. Indeed, we can feel a deep urge to eat something we are extremely allergic to. On a deeper level, the Yetzer doesn’t just tell us to do wrong. He tries to mix in to anything we do including Mitzvos. Do it because I say so, do it because it feels good. His hope is that once we’re into feeling good he can easily convince us that we should continue to behave based on how we feel… Put this way, it sounds like an almost impossible task. Except that like in the books, this isn’t who we really are. Each of us already has a perfect Neshama inside that we can access and draw strength from. It’s who we are and the center of our existence. The more we align our lives with it the happier we’ll be. Mitzvah Goreres Mitzvah, one good deed leads to another. Jumping in even when we’re not in the mood and then again and again will bring our Neshama to the fore and continuously strengthen us in our battle with the Yetzer. May we very soon enter the time when we will shecht the Yetzer Hara, our mortal enemy and we will be cleansed of him forever. What remains will be a world in which each person is happy with their lot, happy for the other person, and thrilled to connect to our creator 24/7. Wishing you a wonderful Shabbos,


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OCTOBER 28, 2021 | The Jewish Home

The Week In News



The Week In News Living with the Times

By Rabbi Pinchos Lipschutz

OCTOBER 28, 2021 | The Jewish Home

Who We Are

Publisher of the Yated Ne’eman

Every generation has its tests. Every generation is confronted with challenges unique to its period. Every generation thinks that the things it has to deal with are tougher than anything their forbears were forced to confront. Many of the challenges we are currently faced with involve matters of self-control and discipline in a time of plenty and easy access. Not that long ago, nobody dreamt of communal wealth to the extent that we have today. There were some people who were blessed with wealth, but almost everyone was living paycheck to paycheck. Life was much simpler back then, as were the temptations and the ability to deal with them. In the generation prior to that, as the community was basically comprised of immigrants who came to this country escaping hunger and death, they were confronted with a weak religious education system, meager employment opportunities for a shomer Shabbos, and a real fear of starvation. They were forced to make do with little. Only the strong and faithful were able to transmit their mesorah to their children. Many millions were lost to assimilation. It took strong doses of courage, strength and fortitude to remain loyal to Torah. From where did they, and from where can we, derive the determination and resilience to see past the adversity of various predicaments? It was and is by studying the examples of our parents and grandparents who preceded us, back to the avos and imahos, whose experiences are recorded in the Torah to inspire and guide us. The past few weeks, we have been studying the different nisyonos that Avrohom Avinu faced and how he was able to surmount them with steadfast emunah and bitachon. Avrohom was faced with challenges large and small, from being thrown into a furnace, exile, and hunger, to his wife being taken from him and being barren. In this week’s parsha, he’s forced to contend with a lying schemer to bury his wife in the land that had been promised to him. He withstood them all and continued his growth because he had fortified his faith and was uncompromising in his observance of Torah. That may sound cliché-like, but it was what empowered Avrohom to survive and flourish. Those who follow in his ways until this day enjoy the blessings of Hashem and are able to persevere and endure. Faced

with setbacks large and small, despite all the hurdles, Avrohom is prepared for whatever comes and is never blindsided, stymied, or led astray. He overcomes all. His trusted servant and the one who spread his Torah and ruled over Avrohom’s holdings was Eliezer. The Torah hints to us the secret of his strength and ability. The posuk (Bereishis 24:2) depicts Eliezer as “avdo, zekan baiso hamoshel bechol asher lo, his slave, the senior member of his household, who ruled over all of Avrohom’s possessions.” But Chazal see a deeper portrayal of Eliezer here. They saw in the words “hamoshel bechol asher lo” that Eliezer ruled over his yeitzer, which was why Avrohom trusted him with everything

Eliezer determined that Rivkah was the girl who was destined to marry Yitzchok and become a mother of Klal Yisroel, he presented her with golden jewelry, which weighed a beka, and two bracelets, which weighed ten zohov. Rashi explains that the beka hinted to the shekolim of Klal Yisroel, regarding which the posuk says “beka lagulgoles.” The two bracelets hinted at the two Luchos, and the “asarah zohov mishkolom” alluded to the Aseres Hadibros. Rashi is teaching us that in life, things are often not the way they appear to be. Nobody who was watching the interaction between Eliezer and Rivkah could have understood what was going on. It is only years later, in hindsight, with the aid of the

They won’t break me if I can remember who I am. and why he succeeded in rising to his high position. To make it in this world, to really make it, a person must be able to conquer his yeitzer and control it instead of allowing the yeitzer to control him. At the root of man’s foibles, mistakes, and errors in judgment and action is the yeitzer hora. At the core of every machlokes, once you peel everything away, is the yeitzer hora. Much of human failure can be clearly placed at the feet of the yeitzer hora. Ego, jealousy, bad middos, poor decision-making, and lack of faith and belief in a brighter future are due to people allowing themselves to be taken over by the yeitzer hora, which poses as a best friend but is, in truth, man’s worst enemy. Study of Torah and mussar provides the ability to recognize the yeitzer hora and appreciate his attempts to mislead us and cause us to fail. Avrohom paved the path for all to follow. Eliezer was his premier student, and through the portrayal in this week’s parsha of how he went about finding a suitable spouse for Yitzchok, we see a prime example for us to follow when we are in the parsha of shidduchim and every day, from when we awaken and recite Modeh Ani until we recite Krias Shema Al Hamitah and go to sleep. The posuk (24:22) relates that when

Torah and its meforshim, that we are able to comprehend the shlichus and the manner in which Eliezer went about finding Yitzchok’s basherte. Rivkah’s older brother, Lovon, the paragon of chicanery to whom we are introduced in the story of Eliezer’s visit with his family, became enamored with Eliezer, the gold he presented his little sister, and his retinue of camels. Most people are like Lovon, seeing what is transpiring in a strictly superficial manner and not bothering to comprehend the depth of what is really going on. Most people fail to recognize that everything that happens is from Hashem and, therefore, what occurs in this world is often not what it appears to be. Nothing happens without a reason. Although we are not always privy to understanding why we are placed in certain situations, we must know that Hashem caused those experiences to happen to us. As maaminim and children of Avrohom, we have to recognize that we have the strength to overcome everything. We can’t let ourselves become broken or overwhelmed. It happened for a reason, and with faith and the inner strength we are blessed with, we can overcome all, just as Avrohom, Yitzchok and Yaakov did. There is always what we see and experience on a superficial level, and then there is a deeper level, which we cannot always see or appreciate.

In last week’s parsha, we read that after the destruction of Sedom and Amora, Avrohom looked out at the smoldering cities, “vayashkeif al pnei Sedom” (Bereishis 19:28). It is interesting to note that the posuk uses the term “vayashkeif” to describe Avrohom Avinu’s gazing at the cities. Lehashkif denotes a deep, penetrating gaze. It implies looking and contemplating. He didn’t go there to glance indifferently as a tourist would. He stood there beholding the scene. To most onlookers, the city was nothing more than a bastion of hedonism and immorality, inhabited by sadistic and selfish people. They were so vicious, they would kill a girl for the sin of offering hospitality to strangers. It was a place whose destruction most people would view as a cause for celebration. Yet, our forefather Avrohom had a deeper perspective. He gazed into the town’s innermost soul, and what he saw there caused him to beg Hashem to have mercy upon them. What did he see? The posuk in Tehillim states, “Motzosi Dovid avdi - I have found My servant Dovid.” Chazal (Bereishis Rabbah 41:4) expound and say, “Heichon motzosi? Where did I find Dovid? B’Sedom. I found Dovid in Sedom.” And we wonder what that means. He looked out at Sedom, and where everyone else saw only destruction and a pillar of salt, He saw Dovid Hamelech, who descended from Rus, a daughter of Moav, who was born out of the destruction of Sedom. He saw Dovid Hamelech emanating from there, as well as Moshiach ben Dovid, whose origins lie in the devastation of the infamous city. Sometimes, a person experiences terrible hardships and begins wondering what he did to deserve such punishment. A person in difficult straits approached Rav Elozor Menachem Man Shach and shared his tale of woe. Rav Shach took out a Shabbos zemiros and turned to the zemer of Koh Ribon. He read aloud the words, “Lu yichyeh gevar shenin alfin la yei’ol gevurteich bechushbenaya.” Rav Shach explained that these words mean that even if a man were to live for one thousand years, he would be unable to comprehend the cheshbonos of Hashem and the constant chassodim being performed for him. To emphasize his point, Rav Shach began a discussion about Akeidas Yitzchok. Pirkei D’Rebbi Eliezer states that Yitzchok Avinu’s neshomah left him at the Akeidah. The Zohar states that when

The Week Living with In theNews Times

OCTOBER 28, 2021 | The Jewish Home

Yitzchok was revived, Hashem sent him a different neshomah. He explains further that Yitzchok’s initial neshomah was one of bechinas nukvah, and had it remained, Yitzchok would not have been able to have children. The neshomah that Hashem sent him following the Akeidah was bechinas duchrah and was able to give birth. Rav Shach told the broken man, “In other words, what the Zohar is saying is that if not for the Akeidah, Yitzchok would not have had children. It was due to the experience of the Akeidah that the bechinas nukvah was removed from Yitzchok and Klal Yisroel sprang forth from him. It is impossible for us mortal beings to understand why things are happening to us, to others and to the world, but we must know that everything that occurs is part of a clearly designed Divine plan.” We are each here for a reason. We were not created and brought into this world simply for personal, selfish enjoyment. Everyone has a mission and a job to do. We should seek to do what we can to bring light into this world and make the world a better place. Every person can make a difference. When Rav Yaakov Galinsky, the renowned maggid, was imprisoned in Siberia

during the period of the Second World War, he noticed that one of his cellmates would awaken every night. Upon awakening, the man would reach under his bed and pull out some clothing, which he would put on and then stand ramrod straight for a minute or two. He would then remove the garments, return them to their hidden place, and go back to sleep. Rav Galinsky pressed the man for an explanation. “In Poland,” the man told him, “I was a general in the army. Here, as a prisoner of the Russians, they attempt to break and dehumanize me. I won’t let them. I need to remember who I really am, what I represent, and that one day I will get out of here and return to my position. So, under the cover of darkness, I take a few moments each night to put on my military uniform and contemplate what it means to be a general. They won’t break me if I can remember who I am.” The parshiyos we study these weeks inspire us to recognize who we are: bnei Avrohom, Yitzchok v’Yaakov. They remind us of what that means to us and what we must do to succeed in our roles. We each have a mission, and even when things that were not part of our plan happen, they are

part of Hashem’s plan. With emunah and bitachon, we can maintain our pride and self-respect. We may be down, we may have losses, wounds and battle scars, but we must never become disillusioned, no matter how bleak things appear. Our confidence in a better tomorrow must never be shaken. We cannot allow the yeitzer hora to depress us and our ambitions. We should never permit anyone to get us down. We have an inborn strength that nobody can take away from us. No matter what comes down the pike, and as difficult as things appear, we must be as resolute as our grandparents were when they arrived in a strange country with a strange language and customs. As far as they veered from home, they never forgot their roots. Every day, when they arose in the morning, they thought of their great heritage and obligations in this world. Sometimes they faltered, as life was tough and temptations were aplenty, but they always had a Chumash, a Gemara, a Tehillim, and a siddur to remind them of who they are and to look past the ailments, setbacks, and threats of the day. They left a legacy to us. They bequeathed to us the ability to be strong and have the proper perspective on life, an im-

mutable perspective based on Torah and emunah. When things happen to us or to the world, when we don’t understand what is going on or what to do, think about what Avrohom would have done. What would Eliezer have done? What would our grandfathers and grandmothers have done? What would our rabbeim and their rabbeim have done? Study Torah. Study the parsha with the meforshim. Study the seforim hakedoshim, Chovos Halevavos, Mesilas Yeshorim, the Gr”a on Mishlei, the works of the Chofetz Chaim, the Sefas Emes, and the like. The list is virtually endless. Find some seforim that you can understand. Learn them and review them. Learn with a chavrusah or a rebbi. Phone a rebbi or a rov and seek guidance. There is no reason to get lost. If we keep ourselves inspired by constantly learning and growing and reaching higher, we will have the strength and fortitude to persevere and carry on, overcoming all obstacles that come our way, earning untold zechuyos in the process. May Hashem bentch us to maintain our grip, to hold fast to our heritage and mesorah, and do what makes Him proud each and every day.

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TheBiale WeekRebbe In News

OCTOBER 28, 2021 | The Jewish Home


The Los Angeles residents are getting excited! The Rebbe is coming again. Hardly a year has passed since the Biale Rebbe of Bnei Brak has visited Los Angeles, yet hundreds are excitedly anticipating the return of their revered Rebbe. Although the Rebbe has been visiting not one year and not two, but annually for some years now, every year the sensation repeats itself. Every year when the Rebbe arrives at the house where he lodges, the place becomes a public source of attraction as hundreds of people of various standards and types gather. The street becomes a hive of activity as lawyers, doctors, lay leaders, rabbis, educators, ranging from Hassidic to modern orthodox mingle as they flock to the Rebbe’s house. From early morning until the small hours of the night the streets resound with miraculous tales of unnatural miracles seen and experienced firsthand as a result of the Rebbe’s blessing. Everyone wants to understand, what is it that draws so many people to see the Biale Rebbe again and again? What is it that causes thousands of people from different backgrounds to seek the Rebbe? What is it that brings people with no semblance to Chassidim to cleave to the Rebbe with all their might, involving him in every move they take in life? At every occasion, be it happy or sad their first phone call is to include the Rebbe! What is it that unites young boys and elderly? What brings the famous ambassador of United States ,Mr. David Friedman, to visit the Rebbe? Many other prominent Rabbis and highly significant political figures from the American and Israeli government can be recognized amongst the Rebbe’s visitors anyplace between California, Florida, New York and New Jersey. 7 Missed Calls A young smiling couple is seen waiting to meet the Rebbe. “So, what is your story?” The young woman relates her amazing story. When I reached marriageable age, the years passed and my destined match was still delayed. Last year word reached me that the Biale Rebbe is coming to Great Neck. I made an appointment and waited with the rest of the crowd to meet the Rebbe. When the moment arrived, I was very emotionally moved as the Rebbe read my name, gave me instructions and blessed me with all his heart. As soon as I left the room, my caller ID informed me that I had missed 7 calls. You won’t believe this, but as soon as I left the Rebbe’s room I received a phone call suggesting

the dream match I had prayed for. Here we are now, a happy couple waiting to receive our blessing from the Rebbe. Your match is close, very close, you have no idea just how close. Another woman completes the above incident with a story of her own. I came to the Rebbe asking for a blessing for my daughter to find her destined. I just sat there and cried. The Rebbe said to me: “Don’t cry, your daughter’s match is very close. You have no idea just how close.” Several weeks passed and my daughter shares with me her good news. Baruch Hashem. Things start to get serious and before long we are celebrating her engagement to a wonderful boy. As my daughter relays the happenings of this shidduch I suddenly realize that this suggestion started on the very day the Rebbe said to me: “It’s close, very close. You have no idea just how close.” Moving to Teaneck? You’ll have a tinok! This sounds like a play-on-words. The word Teaneck in English is similar to the word tinok in Hebrew, which means “baby”. However, in our case it was not merely a play. It actually happened. We married and began our life together. We

lived in a big city progressing in our life goals, except for the fact that our prayers for children went unanswered. As time passed, we began medical treatment. Unfortunately, we could see no light at the end of the tunnel. One day, after a very disappointing consulation with a specialist, who gave us no reason for hope, I went down to pray at a synagogue that was in the area of this medical Centre. It was there that I saw the leaflet informing of the Biale Rebbe’s impending visit. I made an appointment and asked the Rebbe for a blessing. The Rebbe encouraged me not to give in to despair. A year passed. The Rebbe is in our area once again. We go in to him for a blessing and we tell him that we just bought an apartment in Teaneck, New Jersey. The Rebbe says: “mazal tov! Teaneck! Tinok! – you will soon have a tinok- a baby.” The doctors were just as surprised as we were when within a year of moving to Teaneck our baby was born. I was certain I was doomed, but the Rebbe saved my life! You know how it is, when you have one million your still not satisfied and you want more, and more! Sometimes you succeed and sometimes…… that what happened to me. I was at a young age when I joined my father in his business. I

immediately wanted to conquer the whole world. I bought one asset after another, and then another one and another one. My portfolio continued to grow, the bank gave me credit and I continued to purchase. Until one day…. The bank foreclosed everything! Without any prior notice. The bank noticed that the flow was not covering the costs and they put a lien on everything! Absolutely everything. My explanations and pleadings fell on deaf ears, as did the plans I had. I was embarrassed to leave my house. I had ruined everything. For myself and for my father who had spent a lifetime building his fortune. I was in deep despair. Friday night I went to a synagogue close to where I live and I saw there’s excitement and preparations going on. A guest was in town. The Biale Rebbe was in my neighborhood and the tisch was to be held at my neighbor’s. My neighbor forced me to come to the tisch. You won’t regret it, he promised me. Before kiddush the Rebbe held a short speech. I felt as if was talking directly to me. He said: even when everything seems bleak, and a Jew feels like he has lost everything, if he accepts upon himself to strengthen his faith, he is never alone. He can always find a way out. I felt the Rebbe was talking only to me. In short, with his blessing and personal

TheBiale WeekRebbe In News

OCTOBER 28, 2021 | The Jewish Home

guidance I have become one of the greatest supporters of the Rebbe’s institutions. Rising from the deep pit I was in, I have once again purchased properties. It is with great gratitude to Hashem that I deduct maisser (one tenth) from each asset I purchase. I thank Hashem for sending me the Biale Rebbe to save me from the dire predicament I had been in. Many share similar stories how the Rebbe finalized their engagement. Young couples who were having shalom bayis issues and with the Rebbe’s mentoring restored marital harmony and happiness to their homes. These stories mingle with stories of business men who reaped great success after receiving the Rebbe’s blessing. Childless couples who had all but lost hope were blessed with children. People who were being harassed by the legal system and could not sleep at night from fear were miraculously straightened out after receiving the Rebbe’s blessing. So, it is really no surprise or wonder at the crowds waiting to meet the Rebbe. THE REBBE SAVED US FROM BANCRUPCY A well-known business man is also waiting to see the Rebbe. He tells us that he met the Biale Rebbe by mistake; I was invited to A Tisch that the Rebbe conducted in my neighborhood. The week I met the Rebbe was the worst week of my life, that week seemed like all the fortune I made my whole life is lost. The bank was about to foreclose everything. I didn’t sleep the entire week and didn’t see a way out of the complication, not knowing what’s going to happen to me and my family. As I said, accidently I saw the Rebbe at the Tisch. At the Kiddush the Rebbe spoke about trusting in Hashem, and that a Jew should never give up and a Jew is above nature. I felt that the Rebbe is talking to me, to my soul. On Motzai Shabbos I came to take a blessing from the Rebbe. The Rebbe, who didn’t study Business in MIT, told me to set a time every day to learn Torah and to respect my wife.The Rebbe told me to speak with Bank manager himself with no attorneys and no one else. The Rebbe guided me to do some spiritual stuff before the meeting, the Rebbe even guided me on the phone and encouraged me in my hard days, till now I have no clue how it happened, but here I am-my house in not on foreclosure, and my business is growing with Hashems help, and everything with the Holy Rebbe’s blessing. THE REBBE SHLIT”A Twenty-two years ago, The Rebbe was barely in his early thirties when the yoke of leadership of Biale Chassidus Bnei Brak was thrust upon him. His greatness and guidance reached far beyond the borders of Bnei Brak as the Rebbe chose to draw his brethren from all over the world close to him by encouraging and helping them. The Rebbe is leader and mentor of a most respectable chassidus which is cen-

trally based in Bnei Brak and has branches in Jerusalem, Beitar Eilit, Ashdod, Bet Shemesh and Modiin Eilit. This has added a new \old hue to the leadership of Biale chassidus. Every day hundreds of people from varying backgrounds, Sephardim and Ashkenazim alike. Ultra-orthodox and those who have just donned a kippa, from

Cholon to Bat Yam, Beer Sheba to Eilat, all stream to one address. The Rebbe opened his door and his heart to the whole of klal yisrael. Welcoming them with his compassionate heart and warm smile. People enter his room carrying a heavy load of troubles and worries however when they leave they are lighthearted and hopeful.

Biale Chassidus’ holy lineage stems from a holy sage named Rabbi Yaakov Yitzchok from Peshischa. This revered tzaddik lived some two hundred years ago and was known to all as the “holy Jew” – ‘The Yid Hakadosh’ from Peshischa. He was a disciple of the holy “Chozeh of Lublin” who was a direct fourth generation de-




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TheBiale WeekRebbe In News scendent of the holy Baal Shem Tov. The Yid Hakodosh was the greatest of Polish Rabbis, Rabbi to the leaders of Gur, Kotzk, Alexander and other great luminaries. Generations of tzaddikim in succession continued the tradition of the “Yid Hakodosh”. This chain was continued from father to son until the flame was kindled in our generation by the holy tzaddik and Rebbe – Reb Yechiel Yehoshua from Biale, may his holy memory be blessed. He was the grandfather of our revered Rebbe, a direct descendent of five generation to the Yid Hakodosh. The Chelkas Yehoshua Prewar Poland boasted of the Rebbe’s grandfather, Reb Yechiel Yehoshua Ztk”l as one of its’ greatest leaders. However, his fame reached a pinnacle during the terrible holocaust when he uncompromisedly sanctified Hashem’s name, first in occupied Poland and later in the freezing Siberia. His selflessness was indescribable. When he reached Israel all the great Rabbis acknowledged him as a great tzaddik. He was defied and honored as an angel in a mortal world. The Lahavas Dovid Next in line was the Rebbe’s father, the holy Rabbi Dovid Mattisyahu ztk”l. he was renowned and famous for his purity and greatness. During his lifetime his father appointed him as head of yeshivas Biale. During his travels throughout the world he revived the broken hearted with his moving prayers and heartfelt talks. People were drawn to him from afar. His tall handsome profile reminded many of his holy father’s image. The Rebbe continues to tow this beautiful golden chain. However, he does not suffice with leading his own community. He is concerned about the welfare of all of Klal Yisrael. Several times a year he leaves the comforts of his home and visits countries and communities where no other Chassidic Rebbe has ever spent a Shabbos before. He embraces those who have strayed. He strengthens, encourages, motivates and directs until another Jew has found his way back to our Father in Heaven. THE FATHER OF THE ORPHANS The Rebbe’s institutions are famous throughout Israel. The center is based in Bnei Brak, and there are branches all over the country. However, his favorite project is the welfare of “his” orphans. The Rebbe is father to fifteen biological children and countless of grandchildren. However, hundreds of children throughout the world call him “Father”. Amongst the many institutions which are under his auspices is the yeshiva gevoah called “Mishkan Shimon Biale” which is situated in Beitar Eilit. Batei Midrash and kollels for young men are spread out in Bnei Brak, Jerusalem, Beitar Eilit, Modiin Eilit, Ashdod and Beit Shemesh. However, the institution for widows and orphans are under the Rebbe’s direct administration. This fund supports

OCTOBER 28, 2021 | The Jewish Home

the widows and orphans studying in the Rebbe’s institutions. The desolate orphans receive everything they need of the best quality and quantity. This includes clothing, shoes, scholarship, dorm service and of course pocket money. All this is naught compared to the personal attention the Rebbe bestows upon them. As far as the Rebbe is concerned they are his fully adopted children. His house is their house, their worries become his own. The Rebbe is following after their studies and makes sure they have personal tutors Point in case - the Rebbe who had just returned from a trip to the USA one Erev Pesach told his driver to take him to visit his orphans directly from the airport. His own family and children can wait – his orphans come first. Upon his arrival the Rebbe gave each orphan gifts and pocket money enough for everything he needs for yom tov. Only then did he make his own way home to his family and yom tov preparations. Outstanding development in Biale institutions in Israel: For many years, the special institution in which the Rebbe’s “children” reside is an old building in the town of Beitar Eilit which is close to Jerusalem. The building lies in close proximity to the borderline and faces directly the Arab town “Hussan”. The Arab inhabitants have a daily view of a Jewish Torah town developing right in front of their hate-filled eyes. The town is part of the “occupied territories.” The building is old and dilapidated. In the winter the rain leaks in, in the summer it is more of a furnace. This year the Rebbe reached a decision: NO MORE! “My wonderful children” deserve better! In recent months a new campus is being built on Kedushas Levi St. in the heart of Beitar Eilit. The campus will include spacious classrooms, computer and game rooms, a fully equipped dormitory and a modern kitchen, for the welfare of the students for whom the building is home. In addition to the above, a huge chesed center is being built on Daf Hayomi St. The Rebbe is renowned for his acts of chesed. He is the first address which needy widows and orphans turn to. Truckloads containing everything possible are sent on every erev chag to provide the needy with everything they need for yom tov. Clothing, shoes, fish, meat, chicken, goodies and last but not least a hefty cheque to lighten their sorrow filled hearts. Very often the Rebbe takes part in weddings where he acts as the “father” on both sides. Coronavirus routine: Caring for widows and orphans before the Passover holidays is standard procedure for the Rebbe. However, this year with the outbreak of Covid 19. The Rebbe added more families experiencing financial stress. Despite the economy crisis and the financial difficulties his institutions in Israel are currently experiencing, the Rebbe gave strict instructions to take special care of each of the many families in distress who the Rebbe takes care of every year. Despite the logistic hardships the situation

has created, each of the families received a complete delivery containing all of their holiday needs, including: meat, chicken, fish, goodies and of course gift certificates to buy clothing, shoes and even toys… after all, who will take care of these poor orphans if not for the Rebbe of Biale?! As the crisis in Israel increases continuously the Rebbe continues to distribute vouchers although Passover is long gone by. The Rebbe also continuous to keep track of all their spiritual and material needs. AROUND THE CLOCK As day turns to dusk in New York, the phones in Israel become alive! Now it is the Jews of Israel’s turn. They call nonstop asking the Rebbe for blessings and advice. it is the Yidden in Los Angeles, New York, Miami and New Jersey who are calling. It makes no difference, they are all his children. Hundreds of emails are sent to the Rebbe’s office daily, and the Rebbe devotes precious hours to answer them personally. He carries these requests with him and remembers them in his daily prayers. The burden becomes his own. He is with them in their sorrow and delights in their happiness. Seven gabbaim are employed throughout the day to provide immediate response to the thousands calling the Rebbe. How happy are the gabbaim when they can inform the Rebbe of another baby born a couple engaged or yet another miraculous turn of events! EDUCATION AND MARITAL HAPPINESS: Amongst his other vast talents is the Rebbe’s deep understanding in matters of education. Parents worldwide call him for advice in education dilemmas. Very often the Rebbe’s advice leaves the parents in surprise. Yet it is this very unique approach which eventually brings about a positive change to the entire family. Homes which were full of strife and angst are now happy, warm nests. So too, many issues of marital distress were solved by applying the Rebbe’s insightful advice. Restoring peace at home is high on the Rebbe’s list of priorities. Many hopeless couples who were already applying for divorce had a miraculous turn about enabling the holy shechina to dwell in yet another Jewish home. THE REBBE KNOWS!! A couple enters the Rebbe’s chambers, The Rebbe looks on the kvittel and tells the husband “you have to honor your wife! If you will respect your wife your problems will be solved. The woman burst out crying. This is the first time they meet the Rebbe, and he is aware of everything going on between the couple. The Rebbe is unconcerned about the tens of people waiting outside and patiently expounds on the importance of domestic peace. The Rebbe gives them detailed instructions how to bring their hearts closer. The Rebbe tells them that the key to happiness and success as well as nachas from their children lies in the respect shown between the parents. And so, another couple exits with a happy

smile on their faces. After a while the Rebbe’s secretary receives a note from the wife saying: the Rebbe saved our marriage!!!” THE REBBE’S LODGING: These days are happy days for the residents of Los Angeles as they are anxiously preparing to meet once again with their beloved Rebbe. The Rebbe will be staying in Los Angeles from Tuesday, October 26 at the house of the honorable host DR. & MRS. DAVID & and Dorothy Stoll, at 422 S. LAS PALMAS AVE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90020. ONEG SHABBAT & TISH FRIDAY NIGHT IN BEVERLY WOOD ON OCTOBER 29 ON Shabbos October 29 will be held an amazing “Oneg Shabbos” tisch which the Rabbi will hold Friday night. The great Shabbos will take place on Parshas Chai Sarah on the 29 of october 2021 At the residence of MR. & MRS. FARSHAD & FARNAZ SINAI at 9509 Sawyer St Los Angeles, at 8.30 pm. There are still some people in Los Angeles who remember the Rebbe’s Holy Father, the previous Biale Rebbe Z”TZl. So it is now over 30 years that Rabbis of the community, Shtreimlech wearers, and modern jews, have participated in Biale tishes. The most special part of the tisch is during the famous kiddush which the Rebbe performs. It is well known that the Rebbe’s kiddush is capable of bringing about great miracles. The emotive singing and dancing at the Rebbe’s tischim elevating its participants to a standard of “maeyn oilam habah!” this will follow with an abundance of divrei torah and hashkafah. A special occasion will be held Be”h on Motzai Shabbos at Havdala, people come from far and wide to join this special moments when the Rebbe shares his insights on the Shabbos that left us and for the beginning of a new week, with singing and holiness, when after the crowd has the merit to get wine remaining from the Havdalah cup that is a Segulah for a blessed week. Then everyone is invited for Melaveh Malkah. Players of musical instruments are invited to bring their instruments. The Havdalah and Melavah Malkah will be held Be”h at the residence of Mr. & Mrs. Motti & Fayge Slodowitz 1551 S CREST DRV, LOS ANGELES CA 90035 AT 8:30 pm. Now the residents of Los Angeles have this unique opportunity. If you have not yet had the merit of meeting the Rebbe and would like to book an appointment for a personal consultation, blessing or advice, call the Rebbe’s private secretary now! Rabbi Moshe Friedman (English speaking) telephone no. 917-272-40-45. Or send an email to bialebneibrak@ Don’t miss this opportunity….

Sarah's The WeekCorner In News

OCTOBER 28, 2021 | The Jewish Home

I’m Done Complaining Sarah Pachter

Have you ever read a story from the Torah and thought, I can’t believe the Jewish nation did that! I always find it fascinating that when we learn segments from the Torah, in hindsight it seems obvious to the reader that the Jewish nation should have behaved otherwise. We may think: They should have been grateful to Moshe. Did they really complain about manna and the lack of meat? How could they have gotten upset with Moshe when he asked Paroh to free the Jews? Wait! Rewind! They got mad at him and complained for trying to free them from slavery? Yes! When they were faced with mounting suffering, they didn’t have the Chumash in front of them to review and think, Oh! Let’s not complain about Moshe because in a few pages we will be free! Rather, when Moshe went to ask Paroh to free the Jewish nation, not only did Paroh decline, but he also made the workload harder for the Jews. Now the Jewish people had to create the same amount of bricks, but were not given the proper materials—like straw—to do so.1 With more backbreaking work and a feeling of hopelessness, the Jews began to complain and cry out to Moshe. Instead of feeling grateful to Moshe for trying to save them and having the courage to approach the most powerful man in the world, they were angry. Moshe did exactly what Hashem asked of him, and yet the Jewish nation was upset at him for approaching Paroh. Would we have responded any differently? More jarring is that the commentaries write that had Jewish people expressed appreciation to Moshe rather than complain-


Shemot 5:7

ing, we would have been freed at that very moment! We should have had faith that this was part of G-d’s ultimate plan.2 Are we responding with gratitude today? Every time there is hardship or suffering, a seed of redemption is planted and awaits our gratitude to open up the final geula. Each time we are tempted to complain, we can instead stop and express gratitude for what we do have. It’s clear in retrospect, but rather than pointing fingers at the people written about in the Torah, we should examine our current patterns. Instead of thinking about what they did, think about ourselves. The object of Torah study is to reflect and fix ourselves through learning about the past. Where am I going wrong? What lesson can I take away from this ancient Torah wisdom? Practically, you might be surprised to discover just how difficult it is to break the habit of complaining. I’ve tried it, and I find myself floating back to my old ways more quickly than I’d like to admit. Rather than setting ourselves up for failure by vowing never to complain again, we can aim for smaller goals. Try making a “no complaint zone” in one room of your house, or committing to a single hour per day of refraining from negativity. Enlist a friend to join you in sharing daily gratitude before beginning your conversation. Complaining is a difficult habit to break, but the bracha you can receive is well worth the effort. A childless woman once sought advice from Rav Shalom Arush. As they were finishing, he said, “There is something that could help…” Then he changed his mind and said, “Actually, never mind.” The woman saw his moment of deliberation and asked, “What were you about to say? Is it a specific tehillim or segula?


pgs. 22-23

Shalom Arush, The Garden of Gratitude,

I’ll do anything!” He gently said, “No, nothing…don’t worry.” And then tried to send her off. She begged, “I traveled a long distance to come here, please tell me!” Reluctantly, he began, “For one hour each day, go into a private room and thank Hashem that you don’t have a child.” Flabbergasted, she responded, “I don’t understand. Is this a joke?” He answered, “Hashem runs the world, and doesn’t do anything that isn’t for our benefit.” He ended the meeting with, “Bracha and hatzlacha.” That night, she turned to her husband and decided, “I’m going to do it.” Just one year later, the couple welcomed a baby boy, and Rabbi Shalom Arush served as sandek at the bris.3 It is one thing to say words of thanks to Hashem for perceived bad, but how can we really transform and feel it? Rabbi Elimelech Biderman sheds light on this concept with a story. There was a man named Michael who owned apartment buildings in a dilapidated, crime-ridden neighborhood. One afternoon, Michael needed to drive there to attend to business. An envelope containing $40,000 was sitting on the passenger seat of his car. He left the car for thirty minutes, and forgot to bring the envelope with him. As soon as he remembered, he raced back to it. As he approached, he saw his window was shattered, but to his surprise, the envelope was untouched! He counted, and every last dollar remained inside. Only two cheap MP3 players sitting on top of it were stolen. He breathed a sigh of relief and thanked Hashem profusely for this miraculous moment. Imagine this man never had an envelope of cash. The cost of replacing his window and technology would feel like


Story told by Charlie Harary: https://, (Also from Shalom arush book will find page)

an expensive burden. In reality, he was overwhelmed with gratitude because his money was untouched. What could have been perceived as terrible was now objectively glorious, all because of that small envelope. We all experience losses, but we each have a “$40k envelope” in our lives. Most of us have something that we cherish and are grateful for, big or small. Now, whenever I suffer from misfortune, I try to thank Hashem for the experience with gratitude instead. In a similar vein, the other night, our family planned to go out to dinner. While getting ready to leave, the children began to bicker uncontrollably. My husband and I turned to each other and said out loud, “Okay, I see you don’t want to go out to eat tonight. Let’s cancel the reservation.” The children were upset, but we stuck to our guns! (Truthfully, I was even more disappointed as I had to bear the brunt of a last-minute, makeshift dinner.) During our meal at home, I asked the kids about their favorite part of the day. “Well, the worst part of the day was the fact that we didn’t get to go out to dinner!” Emmy griped. I responded, “Think about it, Emmy. If the worst part of your day and your biggest trouble is that you can’t go out to eat, then that tells me you have a really great life!” I said aloud in prayer, “Thank you Hashem for the fact that the worst part of Emmy’s day is that we didn’t go out to dinner. Baruch Hashem!” My son chimed in almost on cue, “That’s right! Thank you Hashem that we didn’t go out to dinner.” Afterward, we went around the table sharing our gratitude for the perceived “bad” in our lives. It was a true Brady Bunch-moment, and we were not at all disappointed that our evening turned out this way. A great lesson was shared with my kids that night. Not only did we prove that we won’t tolerate fighting, but we gained a paradigm shift that we would not have benefited from had we simply gone out to eat. So sincerely, thank you Hashem that we didn’t go out to eat that night! We can all learn great lessons from the Torah for today, and we have the ability to thank Hashem for the “bad” instead of simply complaining. Hashem promises that through gratitude instead of complaint, redemption—both personal and collective—can come.



The Week In News

The Week In News

OCTOBER 28, 2021 | The Jewish Home

20 cents a gallon. After a monthly 60-liter quota, it costs 30,000 rials a liter.

Fatal Floods in Nepal Cyberattack Targets Gas in Iran

A cyberattack crippled gas stations across Iran on Tuesday, leaving angry motorists stranded in long lines. For now, it is unclear who is behind the attack. It is similar in some ways to another attack that took place a few months earlier that seemed to challenge Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. The attack this week rendered the government-issued electronic cards that many Iranians use to buy subsidized fuel at the pump useless. Iran is facing worsening economic problems as Iran deals with world powers with regards to re-entering the Iran nuclear deal. Lines of cars snaked around blocks as people attempted to get gas. Pumps and gas stations were closed. People, though, are waiting in line for when they anticipate the stations to reopen. The semiofficial ISNA news agency, which first called the incident a cyberattack, said it saw those trying to buy fuel with a government-issued card through the machines instead receive a message reading “cyberattack 64411.” Most Iranians rely on those subsidies to fuel their vehicles, particularly amid the country’s economic problems. That number is associated with a hotline run through Khamenei’s office that handles questions about Islamic law. ISNA later removed its reports, claiming that it too had been hacked. Such claims of hacking can come quickly when Iranian outlets publish news that angers the theocracy. The number “64411” was also used in an attack in July that targeted Iran’s railroad system. Israeli cybersecurity firm Check Point later attributed the train attack to a group of hackers that called themselves Indra, after the Hindu god of war. Indra previously targeted firms in Syria, where President Bashar Assad has held onto power through Iran’s intervention in his country’s grinding war. Cheap gasoline is practically considered a birthright in Iran, home to the world’s fourth-largest crude oil reserves despite decades of economic woes. Subsidies allow Iranian motorists to buy regular gasoline at 15,000 rials per liter – about

Flooding and landslides in Nepal caused the deaths of at least 104 people since Wednesday evening, Phanindra Mani Pokharel, spokesperson for Nepal’s home affairs ministry, said. By Friday, the death toll across Nepal and India’s states of Kerala and Uttarakhand had rose to 201. In Uttarakhand alone, at least 70 people have died of the flooding, the state’s director general of police Ashok Kumar said. The state’s Nainital district was the worst-affected, accounting for approximately half the deaths. Most of the state’s rescue operations are complete, but helicopters have been deployed to rescue trekkers in remote areas. The heavy rains destroyed bridges and swept away homes in the area. Dozens were reported missing. The disasters have wiped out crops as well, dealing a blow to families already grappling with the devastating fallout of the COVID-19 pandemic. In Nepal, the Ilam district was hardest hit, with 36 deaths recorded. Rescue and recovery operations are ongoing in that country. The flooding began on Monday during the Chardham yatra, a Hindu pilgrimage, and several pilgrims were caught in the floods. The rainfall has since receded, and the pilgrimage has resumed in some areas, where the roads have been cleared of debris. In February, flash floods killed nearly 200 people and washed away houses in northern Uttarakhand state in India. In 2013, thousands of people were killed in floods there. Nepal borders India in the south, east, and west.

Paris Likes Bikes

The city of Paris, France, will become cyclist-friendly by 2026.

The new infrastructure plan, announced this week, aims to prioritize “green” forms of transportation and increase cycling tourism, as well as make the entire city bike-friendly. It will cost a total of 250 million euro ($291 million). The plan also encourages teaching all of Paris’ elementary school children to ride bicycles, as well as creating bicycle schools to teach any adults interested in learning. It would also include the creation of a bike self-repair workshop in every district. Under the new plan, dubbed the Bike Plan, an additional 112 miles of bicycle paths would be added to the existing 621 miles of bike lanes. In addition, tens of thousands of new parking spaces would be created to accommodate cyclists. David Belliard, spokesperson for Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo, who is also a presidential candidate and a member of the country’s Socialist Party, tweeted: “This bike plan is one of the essential pillars of the ecological and social transformation that we are leading in Paris.”

Colombia Captures Most Wanted Trafficker Security forces in Colombia have captured the country’s most wanted drug trafficker. Dairo Antonio Usuga, 50, also known as Otoniel, was arrested on Saturday during an operation in a rural area of Colombia’s Uraba region, in the country’s Antioquia province.

According to President Ivan Duque, Otoniel is accused of killing police officers, recruiting minors, abusing children, and sending dozens of shipments of cocaine to the United States, among other crimes. In a broadcast video message, Duque said, “This is the biggest blow against drug trafficking in our country this century. This blow is only comparable to the fall of Pablo Escobar in the 1990s.” He added that one police officer died during the operation. Pablo Escobar was a Colombian narco-trafficking kingpin. A reward of up to three billion pesos (around $800,000) had been offered for information regarding Otoniel’s location. The U.S. government had offered a reward of $5 million for help locating him. Intelligence provided by the U.S. and

UK led over 500 Colombian soldiers and special forces members to Otoniel’s jungle hideout, which was protected by eight rings of security, authorities said. The capture, Duque noted, was “the biggest penetration of the jungle ever seen in the military history of our country.”

Mossad Agents Allegedly Arrested in Turkey

A Turkish man allegedly working for Israel’s Mossad described how he was recruited and trained in how to encrypt and transfer files. According to Turkey’s Sabah, 15 men who allegedly spied for the Mossad intelligence agency were arrested by authorities on October 7. The arrests were not officially confirmed by Turkey. In an interview with Sabah, one of the detainees, identified as M.A.S., said, “I met face to face with a Mossad official. He taught me to encrypt files on the laptop.” The man, who has a company which provides consulting services to students arriving in Istanbul from abroad, told Sabah that he had first been approached by a man claiming to represent an Arab in Germany, who was interested in studying in Turkey. Initially, he was sent hundreds of euros for providing information on how Palestinian Authority Arab students entered Turkish universities and what support they received from Turkish authorities. He also said that he provided his client with details on a Palestinian Authority NGO operating in Turkey. Over the course of three years, the agent received $10,000 in exchange for providing information. Some of the money was handed to him in an Istanbul market, and some was sent via Western Union. He was also brought to Switzerland to meet his alleged handlers, receiving a visa sponsored by the European Student Guidance Center. In a visit in which all his expenses were paid, he met with two separate men, one of whom taught him to encrypt Word files on Protonmail. Sabah added that the man and his handler continued contact through Protonmail. During a second visit to Zurich, M.A.S. met the two men again, as well as a third man named “John.” At one point, he became suspicious and asked if they were intelligence agents, to which they replied that they worked for “an intelligence-like

The Week In News

OCTOBER 28, 2021 | The Jewish Home

organization with the duty of doing research for EU institutions.” It is not clear when he came to the conclusion that he had been recruited by the Mossad. According to Sabah, the arrested suspects are of Arab descent and operated in five groups of three, in different areas of the country. Some had met with Mossad agents in Croatia and Switzerland, the report added. It also claimed that they had also received orders in Bucharest and Nairobi. They provided the Mossad with information on students studying in the country, some of whom were foreigners – including from the Palestinian Authority – and others who were Turkish citizens, the report said. The main targets of their espionage were Palestinian Authority Arabs in Turkey and the facilities hosting them.

Erdogan Targets Ambassadors

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Saturday said that he had ordered 10 foreign ambassadors to be declared persona non grata. The ambassadors had called for the release of an imprisoned philanthropist who had been imprisoned wrongly for four years. Earlier this week, the envoys issued a statement calling for a resolution to the case of businessman and philanthropist Osman Kavala, who has been imprisoned since 2017 despite not having been convicted of a crime. Last year, Kavala, 64, was acquitted of charges connected to anti-government protests in 2013, but the ruling was overturned and was joined to charges related to a 2016 coup attempt. Among the envoys issuing the statement were U.S., French, and German representatives to Ankara. Erdogan responded by saying the statement is an “impudence.” During a rally in Eskisehir, the Turkish leader added, “I gave the instruction to our foreign minister and said, ‘You will immediately handle the persona non grata declaration of these 10 ambassadors.’ “They will recognize, understand and know Turkey. The day they don’t know or understand Turkey, they will leave.” The list of diplomats also includes ambassadors from Canada, Denmark, Finland, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, and Sweden, who were summoned to the Foreign Ministry on Tuesday. In a statement, the U.S. State Department said, “We are aware of these reports and are seeking clarity from the Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs.”

Princess Marries Commoner

There was no royal wedding in Japan this week, as Princess Mako gave up her royal status on Tuesday after marrying Kei Komuro, a commoner. Many in Japan opposed the marriage. The nuptials, though, were three years in the making. The couple will start their new life together in New York “For me, Kei-san is a priceless person. For us, our marriage was a necessary choice to live while cherishing our hearts,” Mako said. Mako and Komuro, both 30, met at Tokyo’s International Christian University and announced in 2017 that they intended to marry. However, they postponed the wedding because of a financial dispute between Komuro and his mother. The former princess has taken her husband’s surname – the only family name she has ever had. She also rejected a $1.23 million payment for leaving the imperial family, citing criticism of the marriage as her reason. She is the first person since World War II to reject the money. Komuro returned to Japan last month after spending three years studying law in New York. Mako will join Komuro in New York permanently. “There will be different kinds of difficulties as we start our new life, but we’ll walk together as we have done so in the past,” Mako said. Mako is the niece of Emperor Naruhito and the daughter of Crown Prince Akishino and Crown Princess Kiko. Mako also leaves behind a brother and a sister. Because of a “males-only” line of succession, only Crown Prince Akishino and his son Prince Hisahito are in line to succeed the emperor.

Afghanistan Heading Towards Chaos and Collapse

Afghanistan will soon collapse into chaos if the international community does not step in to prevent it, ministers from Sweden and Pakistan warned over the

weekend. The forewarning follows a takeover by the Taliban in August, which ended billions of dollars and many years of international aid. Speaking to Reuters in Dubai, Swedish development minister Per Olsson Fridh predicted, “The country is on the brink of collapse and that collapse is coming faster than we thought.” He added that Sweden would not transfer money through the Taliban but would increase humanitarian contributions to the country. Other countries have taken similar steps. On the other hand, Pakistan’s Information Minister Fawad Chaudhry said that direct engagement with the Taliban is the only way to prevent a humanitarian catastrophe and urged the release of billions of dollars frozen overseas. “Are we going to push Afghanistan into chaos or are we going to try and stabilize the country?” he asked. Urging major powers to set a framework for recognizing the Taliban and removing United Nations sanctions, as well as providing economic assistance, he warned, “The watch on this bomb is already clicking.” Pakistan has deep ties with the Taliban and was often accused of supporting the group as it battled the U.S.-backed government in Kabul for 20 years – charges denied by Islamabad. Fridh noted the Taliban had so far failed to prove they had shed the oppressive policies that marked their previous period in power from 19962001. He also said conditions were not right for European countries to reopen embassies in Kabul. Instead, more diplomatic activity would take place in Qatar, an important interlocutor between the West and the Taliban.

Fire on Container Ship

A fire broke out on Saturday on containers on a cargo ship carrying mining chemicals. The MV Zim Kingston was off the coast of British Columbia, Canada, when the incident took place. The Canadian Coast Guard confirmed that it is working with the U.S. Coast Guard to assess the situation, including environmental hazards that may be posed by the flaming cargo. Five crew members remained aboard the vessel to fight the fire, while 16 otheres have been evacuated. According to the Canadian Coast Guard, ten containers were burning, and

that while the fire continued to spread, the ship itself was not aflame. The two Coast Guards are working to track 40 containers which fell overboard, due to the risk they pose to mariners, the agencies said, adding, “Mariners are advised to stay clear of the area. Currently there is no safety risk to people on shore, however the situation will continue to be monitored.” On Friday, the Maltese-flagged Zim Kingston said it encountered rough weather west of the Strait of Juan de Fuca.

Sudan: Coup is Preventing War

On Monday, the leader of a coup in Sudan said that the military seized power this week to prevent “civil war.” Gen. Abdel Fattah al-Burhan added that the deposed Prime Minister Abdalla Hamdok was being kept at the general’s house “for his own safety” and would be allowed home soon. Sudan has been in turmoil over the past few days. Protests are continuing for a second day in the capital, Khartoum, with roads, bridges and shops closed. Phone and internet links are also disrupted. At least 10 people are reported to have been killed since the unrest began. “The dangers we witnessed last week could have led the country into civil war,” Burhan told a news conference. He added that he had dissolved civilian rule, arrested political leaders, and called a state of emergency as political groups had been inciting civilians against the security forces. Troops are reportedly going house to house, arresting those who have been organizing local protests. Despite Burhan’s assertions and assurances, the coup has drawn global condemnation. The U.S., the UK, EU, UN, and African Union, of which Sudan is a member, have all demanded the release of all arrested political leaders which includes members of the cabinet. Civilian leaders and their military counterparts have been at odds since longtime ruler Omar al-Bashir was overthrown in 2019. An agreement between civilian and military leaders was designed to steer Sudan towards democracy but has proven tenuous with a number of previous coup attempts, the last just over a month ago. Burhan, who was head of the power-sharing council, said Sudan was committed to the transition to civilian rule, with elections planned for July 2023.



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