The Week In News
NOVEMBER 3, 2016 | The Jewish Home
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The Week In News
NOVEMBER 3, 2016 | The Jewish Home
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The Week In News
Community Happenings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5
JEWISH THOUGHT Refugees Alone Together. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 How Boundaries Help Us Break Free. . . . . . . . . . . . 14
PARENTING Dr. T.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
ENTERTAINMENT Quotes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
ELECTION 2016 The Candidates and Where they Stand on the Issues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Trump’s & Hillary’s First 10 Days. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 The Path to 270 Electoral College Votes and the Presidency.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
NOVEMBER 3, 2016 | The Jewish Home
Dear Readers, So that’s it. We’re at the end of the mudslinging. We are all pretty much confident who we don’t want in the White House and at any cost. Ayin roeh v’ozen shama’as, there’s an eye that sees and an ear that hears. As traditional Jews our biggest takeaway from this election cycle might just be to remember that all that we do is being recorded, and that one day we will have to face it. (Luckily for us, we will be judged by our merciful Father in heaven and not by our fellow human beings…) The house of Clinton, a once untouchable organization with loyalists in all branches of Government, Media and Wall Street might have just met its equal – a mirror. It has to face itself. It is suddenly laid bare for all to see. The myth of the elitist gone with the wind. Turns out they are just as judgmental, illiberal, and crave power as those they maligned all these years. Trump? Obviously not the guy you want sitting next to you in shul but #neverhillary. We’ve had eight years of redefining marriage, mixing bathrooms, reigniting racial tensions, the secularization of morality, and allowing the dictators of the world a free pass to harm as they please. A third term is the last thing we need. Mr. Trump knows he’s on a tight leash. An impeachment is one mistake away for him. An elected Mrs. Clinton on the other hand would have the people’s approval to continue pushing the progressive agenda of these past eight years. In addition, should Hillary lose it would be a major check on the power of the mainstream Media which has gone out of its way to spin her into the White House. As we’ve seen in the case of Israel, a biased Media can be very dangerous. May we see in the very near future how the upheaval of this election, as well the storms brewing throughout the world is the trembling referred to by our neviim as ushering the coming of Mashiach and a time of truth, peace and goodness. Wishing you a wonderful Shabbos,
T H E P R E M I E R J E W I S H N E W S PA P E R H I G H L I G H T I N G L A’ S O R T H O D OX C O M M U N I T Y The Jewish Home is an independent bi-weekly newspaper. Opinions expressed by writers are not necessarily the opinions of the publisher or editor. The Jewish Home is not responsible for typographical errors, or for the kashrus of any product or business advertised within. The Jewish Home contains words of Torah. Please treat accordingly. FOR HOME DELIVERY, OR TO HAVE THE LATEST ISSUE EMAILED TO YOU FREE OF CHARGE, SEND A MESSAGE TO EDITOR@JEWISHHOMELA.COM
TheHappenings Week In News
NOVEMBER 3, 2016 | The Jewish Home
In the Sukkah with the New Los Angeles Consul General of Israel During this past Chol Hamoed Sukkos, Rabbi Yehuda and Simi Feigen of Hancock Park hosted a gathering of the Los Angeles Republican Jewish Coalition with its special guest, the new Los Angeles Consul General of Israel, Sam Grundwerg. The official role of the RJC is to foster and enhance ties between the American Jewish community and Republican decision makers in the United States. The Republican Jewish Coalition “works to sensitize Republican leadership in government and the party to the concerns and issues of the Jewish community, while articulating and advocating Republican ideas and policies within the Jewish community.” One of the pillars of the RJC is its strong support and loyalty to the state and people of Israel. In his introductory remarks, Mr Arie Lipnick – Regional Director of the RJC – reminded the audience that all comments and questions should relate to policies and issues regarding the State of Israel and that at this luncheon, the topic of the current contentious presidential election would not be discussed. Rabbi Yehuda Feigen then rose and welcomed the Consul General and other guests. “We are fortunate to have an Israeli Consul General who is a native of Miami, Florida, a diplomat who understands Americans and has a sense of the American Jewish communities.” When it was his turn to speak, Grundwerg thanked the host and hostess, Rabbi Yehuda and Simi Feigen, who have hosted the Grundwergs for Shabbos meals several times since their arrival in Los Angeles in August. The Consul General also acknowledged the presence of Paul Koretz, member of the Los Angeles City Council;
Yaki Lopez, L.A. Israeli Consul for Political Affairs; and Mr. Stanley Treitel. The Consul General expressed his thanks for the opportunity to meet members of the RJC, strong supporters of Israel. Consul Grundwerg related that he grew up in a Modern Orthodox home and made aliyah on his own when he was 17 years old. He was a soldier in the Israeli Army and completed his education in Israel. After close to a decade in Israel, he returned to Florida with his wife and young family. The Grundwergs then spent the next decade in the States, returning to Israel as previously planned. Prior to his current post, Grundwerg was Director General in Israel for the World Jewish Congress. Grundwerg was appointed Consul General of Israel in Los Angeles last April by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, beginning his term in August. In his post, he acts as top representative for Israel in the southwestern United States, working from the Consulate’s Brentwood office The Consul General expressed his thanks to the Los Angeles Community for their warm welcome of him and his family. “I look forward to developing close relationships with the Los Angeles community and working together on issues of concern to Israel and the American Jewish community.” He then added, “I look forward to making Israel relevant, not only to the Jewish community, but to the African American community and the Spanish [-speaking] American community. We look forward to making inroads and partnerships with these communities and others, as well.” Grundwerg then discussed some of the concerns of Israel regarding the recent
Ramat Givat Zeev Real Estate Fair Comes to L.A. A growing number of Orthodox families from the Los Angeles area are purchasing homes in the luxurious Ramat Givat Zeev project, located on the outskirts of Jerusalem. This unique private community features a variety of homes, which are being built to the highest standards. Ramat Givat Zeev will also highlight a wide range of community services including synagogues, mikvah, and educational facilities, as well as lush green parks, tennis and basketball courts, and a plush country club. All of these aspects have transformed Ramat Givat Zeev into one of the most
sought after real estate projects in metro Jerusalem, especially amongst new and future immigrants. On Sunday, November 6, Los Angeles residents will have a once in a lifetime opportunity to purchase a home in Ramat Givat Zeev, at a huge sales fair that will take place at Morry’s Fireplace, 9118 W. Pico Blvd. from 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. A special discount will be offered to potential buyers who attend the fair. For more information about the project: Contact via email office@nofei.com or visit their website at http://nofei-israel. co.il.
Consul General Sam Grundwerg with hosts Rabbi Yehuda and Simi Feigen
UNESCO statement, the effects of the BDS movement, the Iran deal, and peace in the Middle East. The Consulate General of Israel in Los Angeles is one of Israel’s largest diplomatic missions in the world. It covers the entire Southwest region of the United States, including Arizona, Southern California, Colorado, Hawaii, Nevada, Utah, and Wyoming.
Photos: Arye D. Gordon
Rabbi Arye D. Gordon
The official Consular Residence for the Consul General will be in Beverlywood. Guests at the RJC gathering were delighted to discover that the new Los Angeles Consul General is shomer Shabbos and an adherent of Torah u’mitzvot. To the Honorable Sam Grundwerg, Consul General of Israel, welcome to Los Angeles!!
TheHappenings Week In News
NOVEMBER 3, 2016 | The Jewish Home
Mrs. Miriam Adani ,”Shomeret Kever Rachel,” to Speak at Melaveh Malkah Motzei Shabbos, November 5, 2016/4 Cheshvan 5777 To meet Mrs. Miriam Adani is to meet an extraordinary woman whose faith and strength shine in her eyes. The visionary and guiding spirit behind the Kever Rachel Heritage Foundation is a mother of seven, and solely responsible for getting the Israeli government to open up Kever Rachel to the public. Miriam says of Kever Rachel, “I believe that this place has amazing power. Chazal say that when the Beis Hamikdash was destroyed all the gates of tefillah were destroyed except one, the gate of tears. Kever Rachel is the “gate of tears” because that is where Rochel Imeinu is crying for all of her children, and people from all over the world come here to cry and pray.” She tells a story of how most of the Israeli soldiers who are sent there for security purposes are secular and clueless about why this kever is such a holy and important site. After Miriam gave one of the commanders a private tour he told her that he wanted every soldier to visit there and learn about how important it is to the Jewish people. Kever Rachel Heritage Fund organizes
lectures, prayer sessions, holiday celebrations, and gift baskets for soldiers, as well as programming for tourists and visitors. How Miriam Adani became the driving force behind reclaiming and renovating Kever Rachel is a fascinating story. 20 years ago she organized a gathering of women on the yahrtzeit of Rochel Imeinu as a display of solidarity. More than 3000 women attended. Four years later, during the first intifada, Kever Rachel lay neglected and on the verge of being abandoned by the Israeli government as a result of the Oslo Accords. Mrs. Adani requested a meeting of the commanders in charge of security and police as well as with several cabinet members. She was allowed to make one brief statement in an effort to dissuade them from closing this site. She says she thought to herself, “‘What can I say?’ But Hashem gave me the words and I told them, ‘Israel is the home of all Jews and what is a home without an Ima, a mother. Please allow the children of Rachel Imeinu to come and visit with their mother.’” Mrs. Adani says that the powers that be
just sat there in stunned silence and then finally agreed to open Kever Rachel to the public with the proviso that they would provide security only if she would find the funding for a bulletproof bus to transport visitors to and from the site. That is how Miriam Adani began her career as a fundraiser to raise funds in order to keep Kever Rachel as a safe and secure haven for people to come and daven. During Operation Defensive Edge she raised money for extra bulletproof vests for soldiers. Just this past Rosh Hashanah, when some Arabs were throwing Molotov cocktails at the visitors, the army sent in 60 extra soldiers for more protection. As
Rabbi Gradon with the soldiers guarding Kever Rachel
soon as she heard about this, Mrs. Adani personally took it upon herself to make sure that they were provided with machzorim, apples and honey, and catered meals for yom tov. Her dream and latest project is to build an educational center there similar to the one at “Ir David” that will tell the stories of Rachel Imeinu in multiple languages and through a variety of media. This center will IY”H be dedicated to the memory of Naava Applebaum, a 20 year old Israeli/American woman who was murdered along with her father by a suicide bomber the night before her wedding. A piece of her wedding gown was donated by her family to the kever and made into a parochet that hangs in the women’s section. Mrs. Adani says, “We want to connect all Jews with Rachel Imeinu, the mother of us all.” She will IY”H speak at a melaveh malkah this coming Motzei Shabbos, November 5th, at 8 p.m. at the Young Israel of North Beverly Hills. It will cost each couple $100 to attend. Additionally, there will be a sale of beautiful Judaica and artwork inspired by Kever Rachel.
OPEN HOUSE November 9th, 2016 7:00 pm Doors Open 7:30 pm Program Begins
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Ateres Malka v’Sara Esther Menlo Family Girls Division November 9th: Valley Torah Girls Division Open House November 17th & December 21st: VTHS Girls Mini Experience November 20th & December 11th: VTHS Girls Entrance Exam
TheHappenings Week In News
NOVEMBER 3, 2016 | The Jewish Home
Congregation Kol Yaakov Yehuda: Tishrei and Beyond Yehudis Litvak
Congregation Kol Yaakov Yehuda (KYY), under the auspices of Congregation Levi Yitzchok in Hancock Park, is “the shul for the kids – by the kids.” Its members had a busy and productive month of Tishrei. From auctioning off Maftir Yonah on Yom Kippur to three hours of hakafos on Simchas Torah day, its members imbibed the energy of this special month and shared it with the rest of the Jewish community. On the first day of Chol Hamoed Sukkos, the KYY members embarked on their annual Sukkah Hop. With close to a hundred children in attendance, the event was sold out. The children went to Long Beach, where they saw the harbor, participated in a Nerf activity, and had lunch together with the children of the Long Beach Jewish community. Along with having fun, the children also brought the joy of Sukkos to the Jews they met along the way. They took along a large portable sukkah. The children themselves put it up and took it down in all the places they visited. They also helped unaffiliated Jews shake the lulav and esrog and taught them about Sukkos. In one especially moving encounter, an elderly woman told the children that she remembered shaking the lulav and esrog as a little girl growing up in Brownsville, NY. On Wednesday and Thursday nights of Chol Hamoed, many members of KYY attended Simchas Beis Hashoeva concerts in the Valley and at Congregation Beis Betzalel in the Pico/Robertson neighborhood. The Simchas Torah celebration at KYY was especially lively. On Simchas Torah night, Rabbi Mendel Duchman, the spiritual leader of KYY, brought a carnival cart loaded with candy and took the children around the neighborhood, visiting other shuls and bringing extra simchah with them. On Simchas Torah day, over three hundred children attended the hakafos at KYY. All of the pesukim of Atah Hareisa were recited by the children, followed by festive dancing. As the month of Tishrei has come to an end, KYY is gearing up for an exciting year. In the upcoming weeks, KYY will hold its annual elections,
where some of its members will be chosen as the shul’s officials, including a president. In addition, this year, KYY will begin a new, ambitious project. At
the initiative of last year’s president, Zalmy Greenbaum, the shul will write its own sefer Torah. The entire campaign will be run by children. “Tishrei doesn’t end,” says Rabbi
Duchman, expressing his hopes that the positive energy of Tishrei will spill out into the rest of the year.
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TheHappenings Week In News
NOVEMBER 3, 2016 | The Jewish Home
Markowitz to Run for BH City Council Vera Markowitz, a resident of Beverly Hills for almost five decades and an activist in local civic affairs, hosted a campaign kickoff event on October 30th, 2016. Markowitz is running for the Beverly Hills City Council in the March 2017 election. There are five seats on the Council, three up in this election. Thus far, there are eight candidates, and more are expected. Mayorship in the City of Beverly Hills is by rotation.
Markowitz – a relative of philanthropist and owner of Factor’s Deli and The Mark on Pico, Marvin Markowitz – is running under “VOTE VERA * VISION * VALUES.” She says, “I seek to end the divisive rhetoric that has gripped our City politics in recent years.” Promising “to work together with all City residents and businesses, as well as City staff,” she wants to open “new lines of communication so that everyone’s concerns are heard
and addressed.” Markowitz is fondly referred to as the “Orthodox Candidate,” representing both her own congregation of Young Israel of North Beverly Hills and Beth Jacob, located on Olympic Boulevard. “Bringing her love of Judaism and Israel with her, Vera is an extraordinary lady my family has known for decades. She embodies characteristics so sorely absent nowadays from politics and embed integ-
345 N. Fairfax Ave
rity, loyalty and an overall good spirit in everything she does,” says journalist Ari Bussel. “With a myriad of construction projects active concurrently in our city, I want to make sure that quality of life is not disrupted and that security is maintained throughout this period of exciting growth,” states Markowitz. Markowitz points to the three new subway stations that will be opening in Beverly Hills, bringing an influx of visitors from the greater Los Angeles area and a boost for local businesses, but also providing significant challenges for city agencies. Markowitz sees the preservation of Rodeo Drive as the centerpiece of Beverly Hills’ local tourism industry. To this end, Markowitz seeks the creation of a pedestrian promenade along Rodeo Drive that will enhance the beauty of this world-renowned shopping area and improve the quality of the experience for all who frequent the promenade. In seeking election to City Council, Markowitz stresses the need to achieve unity of purpose in the city among all the various constituencies that make up Beverly Hills. Markowitz proposes greater transparency in City government through proactive, regular communication with all Beverly Hills businesses and residents through the use of weekly Council and City emails, informing all city stakeholders of all upcoming events that impact their daily lives. Increased communication will also promote greater involvement in local government by city residents. As Beverly Hills grows, it is important to welcome new and young families into the city. Markowitz would like to see each new resident receive a welcome basket providing them with critical information about life in Beverly Hills, establishing communication that will help integrate them into the community. Although this is Markowitz’s first foray into seeking elected office, she has long been active in local and statewide politics. She played a key role in Governor Jerry Brown’s successful gubernatorial campaign and also served as Campaign Chair for Beverly Hills Mayor MeraLee Goldman. Markowitz participated in Team Beverly Hills, an experience that has given her a keen understanding of the workings of City Council. Markowitz’s public service extends to the private sector as well. She served as president of the Amy Karen Cancer Fund and is a founding member of the Zimmer Children’s Museum. She is an active member of the Beverly Hills Synagogue and currently serves on the Board of the Sisterhood. The mother of three and grandmother of six, she and her husband Dr. Harold Markowitz have been married for nearly fifty years. In her spare time, Vera creates culinary delights that please the palate, and enjoys swimming and traveling.
NOVEMBER 3, 2016 | The Jewish Home
The Week In News
The Week In News
NOVEMBER 3, 2016 | The Jewish Home
NOVEMBER 3, 2016 | The Jewish Home
The Week In News
Living with In theNews Times The Week
By Rabbi Pinchos Lipschutz Publisher of the Yated Ne’eman
It might just be a discarded candy wrapper on the floor of the shul or trapped on a seforim shelf. Maybe it’s a piece of a festively-colored flag still sitting in the corner or a stray aravah leaf floating down from atop the aron kodesh. The reminders of the recent yom tov are everywhere as we struggle to hold on to the glorious days that have come and gone. The period following Sukkos is one of the loneliest times of the year. As the decorations are peeled off and the sukkah is taken apart and put away, we feel exposed and removed from the comforting shelter in which we were enveloped for more than a month. This year, that feeling is compounded when we note how we are accosted daily with news that would cause people from a different generation to blush. There seems to be no place to hide from the constant onslaught. Wherever you go, that is what people are discussing. Next week, hopefully, that will end. From when we began reciting “LeDovid Hashem ori” at the beginning of Elul, we were drawn into a transcendent world. The shofar was blown every morning, calling upon us to shape up. Bemotzoei menuchah, we felt the tremors increasing, as we ushered in the days of selichos. The week reached a crescendo as we stood in awe upon hearing the 100 piercing cries of the shofar. During the Aseres Yemei Teshuvah, we inched closer. Finally, we stood like angels dressed in white on Yom Kippur, emerging from Ne’ilah feeling reborn and reenergized. We were clean and fresh and ready to soar. Then we climbed the next rung, going from teshuvah to simchah, entering the sacred abode of the sukkah, betzilah dimehemnusah. We sang and ate, drank and celebrated, rejoicing with Hashem. By the time Sukkos began, we felt that the barriers between us and Hashem had come down. We fell in love with our daled minim and yom tov limudim. Then Simchas Torah arrived, and we felt one with the Torah and other Jews. We sang, grasping the hands and shoulders of fellow yidden,
NOVEMBER 3, 2016 | The Jewish Home
Refugees Alone Together dancing joyously, and feeling fulfilled. And then, suddenly, it all came to an end. We were thrust out of that cloud of sanctity and into the mundane world once again, with only echoes and happy memories to accompany us. However, as Rav Yitzchok Hutner taught his talmidim, “We don’t say that a yom tov has passed us by, but rather that we have experienced a yom tov.” The sublime moments, heartfelt tefillos, earnest kabbalos, exultant songs and intense simchah are now part of us. Our neshamos have been expanded. We enter this new period with enthusiasm and desire to gain a deeper understanding and appreciation of the Torah whose completion we just celebrated. We seek ways to hold on to the message of the sukkah and what it represents. We have been buffeted about through centuries of exile, moving from place to place, rarely feeling welcome or at home. The small wooden hut of Sukkos represents a place of refuge in the environs of golus. In this week’s parshah, we learn from Noach how it can be done. The posuk states, “Es haElokim hishalech Noach – Noach walked with Hashem.” Perhaps we can understand this posuk to mean that Noach walked with Hashem because he had no one else to walk with. Noach was essentially all alone. He had no one. No one other than Hashem. He had no one to converse with, so he spoke to Hashem. For 120 years, Noach attempted to convince the people of his generation to right their ways, to no avail. He was unable to sway anyone to live a life of dignity, honor, and respect. We don’t know how great Noach would have been had he lived during a different period. All we know is what the Torah tells us about him. He was a tzaddik and a tamim, a righteous, upstanding person in a generation in which there were no others. We study the parshah named for Noach and discern that it is possible to stand
out. The world may be living deceitful, dishonest, immoral lives, but that doesn’t have to stop us from following Hashem’s creed of kindness and goodness. We learn this week’s parshah and observe that we can rise above the influence of those around us. We can be strong, honest, and moral in a time of depravity. And if we are, we will find favor in the eyes of Hashem. It is hard to stand alone, but that is our mandate and the call of the hour. When the Brisker Rav and his family were on the run, trying to escape Europe, they spent a night in a neighborhood inhabited by anti-religious people. Late that night, before they went to sleep, the rav’s children saw him pulling a table towards the front door of the apartment. It seemed strange, and they inquired what his intention was. The rav explained that he wasn’t worried about security. The Rambam states that if a person finds himself surrounded by impurity and those who are spiritually deficient, he must flee, for negative talk and leitzonus can weaken anyone. If a person finds himself in such a situation, the Rambam says, he should move to a place where there are no people, such as a desert. “While we are forced to be here to save our lives,” the rav said, “I wanted to remind myself that we should remain apart.” The significance of the teivah that Noach built is that he found a way, in a generation of hedonism, immorality, and wickedness, to create an island for himself. This is a lesson that is still relevant to us in today’s world. While our physical situation at the present time is better than it was anytime over the past 500 years, and Torah is being studied around the world in greater numbers than anyone can remember, there are many dark clouds on the horizon and awful winds are blowing. Leadership wanes, crises loom, solutions are lacking, fiction replaces truth, glossy veneers substitute for depth, and ignorance is more popular than brilliance. Spiritual threats abound. The air seems
to have been poisoned, and no one is able to find the proper antibodies. The culture of this country, which was founded on – and led by – religious values, has sunk to unprecedented lows. The assault on traditional family life is tangible. The deviation from the script of a decade ago is very strong and has swept across the country the past few years. People pine for leaders who speak truth to power and actually care about them and their interests. Citizens have a hard time making ends meet and look at the entrenched powerful people, their lifestyle and the laws they champion, and wonder what’s going on. They wonder why taxes take such a bite out of their paycheck and why the government is everywhere they look. They want to know why the health insurance plan that was supposed to cut their expenses did just the opposite and how they are supposed to afford it. The middle class feels strangled. People don’t know where they will get the money to pay their mortgage, insurance, taxes and tuition. Religious people and those raised on bedrock moral values find no place to hide from the onslaught of decadence. They wonder where their country’s values have gone. They shudder when they see the changes wrought on the moral character of the U.S. and fear that the election may return to power individuals with deviant agendas. They resolve to vote and take a stand for moral values in the country. They head to the voting booth with an eye on the Supreme Court and the weight it carries. Chazal say that had the people of Noach’s time followed his example and heeded his admonitions, the Torah could have been given in their day (see sefer Pri Tzaddik on this week’s parshah). Instead of floodwaters, they could have had the Torah, which is referred to as mayim. Instead of destruction, they could have experienced rebirth. Instead of desolation, they could have merited prosperity. Instead of klalah, being cursed, they could have had brachah and been eternally blessed. Because they preferred to follow the path of their desires, they earned for themselves infamy, shame, and violent death. We wonder what we can do to stay afloat in a sinking world. We look to Noach as someone who can provide us with inspiration and serve as a guide, reminding us not to feel lonely and not to give up, despite the odds against us. Noach knew the secret of the sukkah. Noach knew the secret of the teivah. We follow Torah and not cultural icons so that we remain honest, moral, and refined. We don’t get sucked in by societal fads which seem to provide a quick hit, but end up corrupting us and leaving us feeling empty. We need to have our own personal tei-
Living with In theNews Times The Week
NOVEMBER 3, 2016 | The Jewish Home
vah, for it is be folly to seek inspiration and guidance from the big world that surrounds us. We are blessed with an ancient code of conduct, and when we abide by it, we hold our heads above water. This is the lesson we received from the sukkah, and this is the lesson we are reminded of this week. We aren’t here to win friends or popularity contests. We are told that Noach, one of the less popular figures in his time, found chein in the eyes of Hashem. That’s the only chein that matters. The Sukkos weather was the best of the year, but we know that winter is fast approaching. We must prepare ourselves for the cold and the snow. Though we have left the comforting walls of the sukkah, we can still maintain its protection if we preserve the levels we reached over the past months of Elul and Tishrei. If we stand tall, we will be blessed with the fortitude to weather the impending storms and not be swept away by the mabul of a world devoid of character, conscience and integrity. In our personal teivos, constructed and reinforced with Torah, we can breathe purified, rarified air and contribute to the spiritual warming of the global communi-
Rav Shlomo Freifeld maintained a tolerant atmosphere in his yeshiva, Sh’or Yoshuv, which was home to many fresh ba’alei teshuvah and other struggling souls. The yeshiva had no formal dress code, and bochurim were free to wear t-shirts. One morning, a talmid entered the bais medrash wearing a shirt emblazoned with the name of the Harley-Davidson motorcycle company. The rosh yeshiva asked the boy to change his shirt. “You want to know why?” Rav Shlomo asked. “Is the company paying you to wear that shirt? Of course not. You’re wearing that shirt because Madison Avenue suckered you in, but that’s not the approach of a ben Torah. A ben Torah thinks for himself. He has his own mind and opinion. You don’t have to sell another company on your shirt. Your mind and your opinions should belong to you.” Someone who constructs for himself a teivah of Torah and dedicates his life to its study and observance becomes blessed not only with unforgettable knowledge, but also with the dynamism, excellence, exuberance, and leadership that the Torah
infuses into man. It protects us and our families from the dangerous storm waters swirling about. Those who construct their personal teivah bravely walk with Hashem, ignoring the calls of the masses who have lost their way in the fog of life. They remain faithful despite being unpopular, for they know that their dream will never die. Their hope springs eternal. Their chein finds favor b’einei Hashem. The Lakewood mashgiach, Rav Nosson Wachtfogel, shared that he had a kabbolah going back to Rav Yehoshua Leib Diskin that “during the final war before Mashiach, the ehrliche yidden will be spared. And who is ehrlich? One who is muvdal from the amim (separated from the nations).” The world is on fire. The Middle East is at war. Russia is on the rise, rapidly assuming its old powerful position, as threats of a new cold war are strengthened. Iran, the largest state supporter of terror, gains ground and power. Under the weight of a refugee crisis, Europe is breaking apart. The world’s superpower, the United States of America, is facing an unprecedented cri-
sis in leadership. The Divine fingerprints are apparent all over. Now is the time to seize those lofty moments, the heights we scaled over the yomim noraim, the joy of our little huts over Sukkos, and the ecstasy of being part of the circle of hakafos; and grasp them tightly. We can be ehrliche yidden. We can rise above the commotion and noise. We can keep holding on to our flags. We can be alone together. We are all refugees escaping that which threatens us and seeking to establish healthy, safe Torah lives for ourselves and our families. We emerge from the holiest days of the year with the security of the knowledge that those who seek Hashem’s approval are the real winners. So, let’s go ahead and build that wall to separate us from the awful mess that surrounds us. Let us make our homes islands of kedushah and construct teivos to remain apart from the many threats to our hallowed Torah way of life. If we do so, we will find chein in the eyes of Hashem and man.
Torah Musings The Week In News
NOVEMBER 3, 2016 | The Jewish Home
How Boundaries Help Us Break Free Sarah Pachter
Nearly every female I know has at some point in their lives stood before their closet (perhaps for more time than they’d like to admit) and thought to themselves, “I have nothing to wear.” As husbands and fathers can attest, most of the time, this feeling does not accurately reflect reality. Usually, the “guilty” closet is filled to capacity with perfectly wearable attire. Deep down, it’s not really about the clothing; rather, it is an internal feeling of lack and limitation. Juxtapose this scene with the following: You are going on vacation and have packed a small carry-on for your two day trip. This valise has severely limited your clothing options, yet rather than deliberating over what to wear each morning, you quickly choose an outfit and are free to enjoy the rest of the day. Although you have a very narrow selection of clothing, that
limitation liberates you. This idea that structure and boundaries ultimately create freedom is a core concept in the Torah. When my baby was first learning how to walk, she would stumble around in the most adorable (yet frightening) way. To prevent our little “drunken sailor” from tumbling down the stairs, we installed a baby gate that remained closed whenever she was on the second floor. If open, I had to watch her every move in order to prevent an accident. Once the gate was securely closed, she had the freedom to walk (insert: stumble) around at will. Although counterintuitive to our laissez-faire, free-thinking mentality, boundaries (such as the gate at the top of the stairs), actually bring freedom. The Torah has a built-in framework of boundaries which guide us on the path of life, and as
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In the me r it of y ou r C he sse d may y ou be g r ante d a
humans, we thrive off that structure. In a recent lecture, I shared the following analogy: We all know that the seat belt and engine are very important to the function and safety of driving; however, there is one essential piece of equipment without which you would never think of stepping foot in the car – the brakes. Yet, brakes are the most restrictive element! They can prevent the car from moving at all. It is these very brakes, however, that give the driver control to travel anywhere. As I write this article, I cannot help but consider the following. The rules of writing mandate thousands of boundaries and tremendous structure. There are a finite number of letters to use in the English language, and we have rules regarding their combinations. There are spelling, syntax, grammar, and punctuation requirements. Sometimes I want to speedily type away, ignoring all these rules in order to get my thoughts on paper. Yet, if I were to throw the writing rulebook out the window, my work would appear as incomprehensible jargon. I have to slow down and use my brakes, to look back and edit. If I want the readers’ imaginations to be able to soar while reading the print itself, there has to be structure. This piece was edited many times over by more than one editor before sending to print. Freedom within a framework of structure encourages creativity like nothing else. Even though boundaries grant us freedom to create and grow, human nature often resists it. A student came to me looking for guidance. She confessed, “Sarah, I feel guilty saying this, but I feel so suffocated by all the laws of the Torah; I just want to give up.” Frankly speaking, this was not the first time I had heard this sentiment; it seems to be a widely-experienced feeling. The question that begs to be asked is, if structure is so freeing, why does human nature tend to feel stifled by it? How can we appreciate the way that mitzvot guide our lives, rather than feel suffocated by them? We often assume that without structure, our lives would be easier, yet crave that very structure once it is gone. Studies show that when humans are given unlimited choices, it causes them to freeze up, unable to make a choice at all. This phenomenon is called Analysis Paralysis and has been termed “Paradox of Choice” by Psychologist Barry Schwartz.
Although counterintuitive, salesmen are trained to only give customers a few choices because there is a higher likelihood that the shopper will make a purchase when options are limited. Research has proven that when given too many options, customers make no selection at all. Children are a prime example of resisting yet needing structure. When given enough space to flourish within the confines of set boundaries, children know their limits and start to learn and discover their capabilities. The same holds true throughout our lives. Even with the evidence that structure and boundaries lead to a happier and more fulfilling life, it can be hard to translate this knowledge into our day to day lives. We all sometimes feel overwhelmed by the responsibilities and expectations of being a Torah Jew. Truth be told, Judaism and its myriad of laws can be overwhelming. It does require a lot from us, but societally we often put more restrictions that necessary upon ourselves. For example, many people take their Shabbat preparations to the extreme: cooking elaborate Shabbat meals and preparing extravagant table settings that require so much time and energy that they feel worn out by the time Shabbat actually arrives. Yet, the Torah actually mandates that it is better for there to be a simple meal for Shabbos than an elaborate meal created with anguish. (Pesachim 112a) We must learn to discern between societal pressures and actual Torah requirements. Take a step back and make sure that what you are doing is necessary in order to ensure that your religious observance feels manageable. Secondly, if Judaism and the mitzvot feel too overwhelming, try taking a stepby-step approach. If we are feeling stifled, perhaps we have taken too much upon ourselves, whether for social or religious reasons. Take a step back and reflect on your choices to see what changes can be made. Torah is meant to bring joy to our lives, and if the breadth of it feels overwhelming, there are steps we can all take towards moving in a positive direction. G-d is our ultimate parent, and understands the psychology of the human mind. He has created and gifted us the perfect framework called Torah. Torah, like a car with proper brakes, gives us structure to truly zoom ahead.
The Week In News
NOVEMBER 3, 2016 | The Jewish Home
Team Yachad s!
a g e V o t g n i d a e is h Running Hand in Hand fo Disability Inclusion
Las Vegas Half Marathon
29 January 2017
B”H we found our 9 year old son, after he got lost for over 3 hours. The exalted Tefilos of the Kollel Chatzos Talmidei Chachamim in the holy city of Meron brought the proper Yeshua. M.W. Airmont, NY
part of the Biggest Loser Race Series Team Yachad participants commit to raise sponsorship money to benefit Yachad Programming Run, Walk or Jog with us and you’ll receive: Round Trip Airfare Hotel Accommodations Team Yachad Gear Pre- Race Pasta Party and Post-Race BBQ Personalized Training Regimen Full Weekend Programming A meaningful weekend that the whole family can enjoy
Yachad, the National Jewish Council for Disabilities, is dedicated to enhancing the life opportunities of individuals with disabilities, ensuring their participation in the full spectrum of Jewish life. Yachad is an agency of the Orthodox Union.
להצלחת חיים משה בן חנה שפרה וכל משפחתו
The Week In News
NOVEMBER 3, 2016 | The Jewish Home
NOVEMBER 3, 2016 | The Jewish Home
The Week In News
Election 2016 The Week In News
NOVEMBER 3, 2016 | The Jewish Home the Jewish Home | OctOber 29, 2015
the candidates and Where they Stand on the Issues On Tuesday, when Americans head to the polls, they’ll be pulling the lever for Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump or another person hoping to occupy the Oval Office. These past few months have been filled with insults, barbs, insinuations, accusations, and a lot of fodder for talk radio. Want to make an informed decision? Read on.
TAXES Trump ◊ Will create three clear tax brackets: Joint filers making $75K or less = 12% tax rate; making less than $225K = 25% tax rate; making more than $225K = 33% tax rate. ◊ Will lower business and corporate tax rate from 35% to 15%. ◊ Will allow families to fully deduct the average cost of childcare from their taxes, including stay-at-home parents. ◊ Will eliminate estate tax.
“I’m going to cut taxes big league.”- Donald Trump
Clinton ◊ Will not change the business and corporate tax rate. ◊ Will raise rates on medium-term capital gains (investments held for less than six years) to between 24% and 39.6%. ◊ Will add a 4% surtax on income over $5 million.
“I want to make sure the wealthy pay their fair share, which they have not been doing.”- Hillary Clinton
REFUGEES Trump ◊ Wants “extreme vetting” which includes ideological tests and other background tests for all refugees. ◊ Will not allow in Syrian refugees but supports creation of a “safe zone” in Syria where both sides of the conflict are prohibited from fighting.
“This is going to be the great Trojan horse of all time… Hundreds of thousands of people coming in from Syria when we know nothing about them.” – Donald Trump
Clinton ◊ Calls for increase in Syrian refugees from the current 10,000 annually to 65,000.
“There are children suffering in this catastrophic war, largely, I believe, because of Russian aggression. And we need to do our part. We by no means are carrying anywhere near the load that Europe and others are. But we will have vetting that is as tough as it needs to be from our professionals, our intelligence experts and others.” – Hillary Clinton
TheElection Week In2016 News
NOVEMBER 3, 2016 | The Jewish Home OctOber 29, 2015 | the Jewish Home
IMMIGRATION Trump ◊ A Big Beautiful Wall. Trump’s campaign centerpiece has long been the 2,000 plus mile wall that he plans on building along the U.S.- Mexican border. The cost? $10 billion. Who will pay for it? (Everybody together now) M-E-X-I-C-O. ◊ Although Trump has in the past promised to deport the estimated 11 million illegal immigrants, he has modified that position and now says that he will deport the criminals first and will then figure out what to do with the rest of the people who are in the country illegally. ◊ Will end “catch and release,” a policy under which apprehended unlawful immigrants are released while they wait for a hearing with an immigration judge. ◊ Will end “sanctuary cities,” cities that do not enforce federal immigration laws and do not allow police to ask individuals about their immigration status. ◊ Will ban immigration from countries where terrorism is widespread and vetting is poor.
“I would build a great wall, and nobody builds walls better than me, believe me.” “We have some bad hombres here; I’ll get them out.” – Donald Trump
Clinton ◊ Promises to introduce comprehensive immigration reform with a pathway to full and equal citizenship for the approximate 11 million illegal immigrants within her first 100 days in office. ◊ Will give illegal immigrants access to Obamacare ◊ Supports “sanctuary cities” ◊ Supports “catch and release” ◊ Will expand fee waivers to alleviate naturalization costs
“Hillary Clinton believes that sanctuary cities can help further public safety, and she has defended those policies going back years.” - Clinton campaign spokeswoman
“Immigration helped keep the U.S. population young and dynamic.” – Hillary Clinton
TRADE What is TPP? The Trans-Pacific Partnership is a pact to deepen the economic ties between the U.S., Japan, Malaysia, Vietnam, Singapore, Brunei, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Mexico, Chile and Peru. It will eliminate most tariffs on imports and foster trade between the participants. To take effect, the deal has to be ratified by February 2018.
Trump ◊ Staunchly opposes ratification of Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and wants to renegotiate North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), which he calls the “worst trade deal in the history of the world.” ◊ Wants to even the playing field by putting a tariff on items coming into the U.S. — 35% tariff on imports from Mexico; 45% tariff on imports from China. ◊ Promises to rein-in China’s illegal activities against the U.S. , including its theft of American trade secrets.
“I think our current deals are a disaster. I’m a free trader. The problem with free trade is you need smart people representing you. We have the greatest negotiators in the world, but we don’t use them. We use political hacks and diplomats. We use the wrong people. Mexico is smart; they have out-negotiated us…”-Donald Trump
Clinton ◊ Opposes TPP, although she supported it in the past. Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe and longtime best friend to the Clintons has said that after elections are over Hillary will support TPP. ◊ Will create a special prosecutor to assure countries comply with trade deals.
“We will defend American jobs and American workers by saying no to bad trade deals like the Trans-Pacific Partnership.”- Hillary Clinton, 2016
“This TPP sets the gold standard in trade agreements to open free, transparent, fair trade, the kind of environment that has the rule of law and a level playing field.”- Hillary Clinton, 2012
the Jewish Home | OctOber 29, 2015 NOVEMBER 3, 2016 | The Jewish Home
Election 2016 The Week In News
Official Plan For Destroying
OBAMACARE Trump ◊ Wants to repeal Obamacare. ◊ Will allow insurance to be sold across state lines which would create more competition and drive down costs. ◊ Will establish high-risk pools to ensure access to coverage for individuals who have not maintained continuous coverage. ◊ Will allow premiums to be tax deductible. ◊ Supports health savings accounts.
“Obamacare is a heat-seeking missile that will destroy jobs and small businesses; it will explode health care costs; and it will lead to health care that is far less innovative than it is today.” – Donald Trump
Clinton ◊ Wants to expand Obamacare, with the ultimate goal being universal health care. ◊ Will work to expand Medicaid in every state so that access to care no longer depends on where you live. ◊ Will make sure the Secretary of Health and Human Services has the authority to block or modify unreasonable health insurance premium rate increases so that coverage is more affordable ◊ Will cap prescription drug costs that people have to pay out of pocket and will limit excessive out-of-pocket costs for families. ◊ Will allow people 55 years or older to opt into Medicare.
“[The Affordable Care Act] is one of the greatest accomplishments of President Obama, of the Democratic Party, and of our country.” – Hillary Clinton
ISIS Trump
◊ Work with our Arab allies and friends in the Middle East in the fight against ISIS. ◊ Pursue aggressive joint and coalition military operations to crush and destroy ISIS, international cooperation to cut off their funding, expand intelligence sharing, and cyberwarfare to disrupt and disable their propaganda and recruiting. ◊ Establish new screening procedures and enforce our immigration laws to keep terrorists out of the United States. ◊ Establish a Commission on Radical Islam to identify and explain to the American public the core convictions and beliefs of radical Islam, to identify the warning signs of radicalization, and to expose the networks in our society that support radicalization.
“I don’t want to broadcast to the enemy exactly what my plan is. I’m not going to call you up and say, ‘We have a great plan.’ This is what Obama does: ‘We’re going to leave Iraq on a certain day.’” – Donald Trump
Clinton ◊ Intensify the coalition air campaign against ISIS fighters, leaders, and infrastructure. ◊ Step up support for local Arab and Kurdish forces on the ground and coalition efforts to protect civilians. ◊ Pursue a diplomatic strategy aimed at resolving Syria’s civil war and Iraq’s sectarian conflict.
“We have to defeat ISIS. And we’ve got to do it with air power. We’ve got to do it with much more support for the Arabs and the Kurds who will fight on the ground. We’re going to work to make sure that they have support—surveillance, intelligence, reconnaissance help. They are not going to get ground troops. We are not putting ground troops into Iraq ever again.” – Hillary Clinton
TheElection Week In2016 News
OctOber 29, 2015 the Jewish Home NOVEMBER 3, 2016 | The| Jewish Home
Trump’s & Hillary’s First 10 Days TEY IMAGE BY DONKE YHO
trump DAY 1: Will take oath to “protect and defend the Constitution of the United States…big league.”
DAY 2: Will issue a press release that he said “big league” not “bigly” when taking the oath.
DAY 3: Talking about bigly or big league, Chief of Staff Chris Christie will announce that all White House doors are being closed to the press because of a traffic study.
DAY 4: Trump TV Network debuts
DAY 7: Appoints Rosie O’Donnell
from the Situation Room. (Wolf Blitzer shaves his beard in protest.)
ambassador to Afghanistan.
DAY 8: Has a state dinner for his DAY 5: Swears in cabinet officials: Secretary of Defense Donald Trump, Jr.; Secretary of State Eric Trump; National Security Advisor Ivanka Trump; Attorney General Tiffany Trump; and Department of Education Advisor Barron Trump. All other cabinet positions will wait.
campaign chairmen, Vladimir Putin and Julian Assange.
DAY 9: Releases The Art of the Presidency.
DAY 9: Resigns and announces that it was all a hoax to promote the upcoming season of the “Apprentice.”
DAY 6: All Trump properties given national landmark status.
DAY 10: Who said there’s going to be a Day 10?
DAY 4: Appoints Anthony Weiner as ambassador to Siberia
anything on me.”
DAY 1: Takes the oath to “protect
DAY 5: Appears in a Halls commer-
and defend the Constitution of the United States”… remotely from a jail cell.
cial: “If you have coughing fits, you gotta’ try these…”
key figures in the radical Islam movement, AKA “those that have a different point of view than us.”
DAY 6: Commissions Secretary of
DAY 9: Calls out Orthodox Jewish
codes to the highest bidder.
Interior to work on new pantsuit colors.
magazines for using a Hillary lawn sign as her image.
DAY 1: Quarantines Bill Clinton.
DAY 7: Breaks into Watergate Hotel.
DAY 10: Announces that she is pardoning the leader of one of America’s longest serving crime families: herself.
DAY 2: Sells America’s nuclear
DAY 8: Has an ISIS summit with
When asked why, she explains, “I’ve been involved in every other -Gate scandal. I didn’t want Nixon to have
The Week In News
NOVEMBER 3, 2016 | The Jewish Home
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NOVEMBER 3, 2016 | The Jewish Home
The Week In News
The Week In News
NOVEMBER 3, 2016 | The Jewish Home
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The Week In News
NOVEMBER 3, 2016 | The Jewish Home
NOWHERE BUT HERE Yeshiva University stands alone as a vibrant institution where students immerse themselves in academics and extracurricular pursuits, while simultaneously living a Torah lifestyle. At other schools, exams on Yom Tov, games on Shabbat and BDS rallies are elements of the “college experience” students must navigate. Achieving their academic, recreational and spiritual goals is why YU students find outstanding success when applying to graduate schools and entering their chosen careers including 94% (44 students) accepted to medical school, 96% (27 students) to dental school and 100% (60 students) to law school in the last year. With unparalleled faculty and Jewish resources, YU offers it all—including $42 million in scholarships and financial assistance benefiting 79% of students.
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Communicated The Week In News
NOVEMBER 3, 2016 | The Jewish Home
Mosdos Kever Rachel: Rochel Imeinu’s Yahrtzeit – A Source of Powerful Yeshuos What is it that you daven most for? Is it health? Is it prosperity? Do you wish to find your shidduch? Do you long to finally hold a baby in your arms? Or, perhaps you may be grateful for the brachos Hashem has bestowed upon you, but your heart aches for the pain of others who suffer and sorely need a refuah, parnassah, or shidduch? Who among us does not have bakashos for the Ribbono Shel Olam – whether for themselves or for their loved ones? And who is better to advocate for ourselves and our loved ones, than our own Mama Rachel? Rachel Imeinu is our greatest guardian, our eim b’yisrael. Throughout the ages, Mama Rachel has campaigned to the Ribbono Shel Olam on our behalf, wept bitterly over our sorrows, and petitioned for rachamim for all those who daven by her. For many years, Kever Rachel stood neglected and desolate, as violence in the area increased. Yidden were too afraid to enter Beit Lechem for fear of danger. Since the Intifada of 2001, the Kluger family of Sanhedria has taken personal responsibility for the spiritual presence there, as if it were their own mother’s grave. They began their initiative by sponsoring armored transportation, allowing more yidden access to daven there, so that Rachel Imeinu would not be alone; and her resting place could bear a yiddishe presence despite the fear of Palestinian uprisings that frequently occurred. Mosdos Kever Rachel, as the Klugers’ endeavor is called, initiated a kollel – which, today, has grown to seven kollelim. Scores of avreichim come to Kever Rachel in unending, round-the-clock shifts to learn, daven and say tehillim on behalf of Klal Yisrael. These avreichim host tefillah programs and services that allow yidden from all over the world to call in names, for anything from refuah shelaimos to parnassah, or any other requests to be davened for at the gravesite, for Rachel Imeinu’s neshamah to carry upward to the Ribbono Shel Olam. Hundreds of requests are called in, mailed, and emailed every month to Mosdos Kever Rachel from yidden worldwide, requesting prayers to be said on behalf of the ill, the childless, and those in need of yeshuos. And so the incredible stories of happiness and success get called in, mailed, and emailed. Tales of unbelievable yeshuos; of
how families facing uncertainty find the stability they asked for; of how the older single child who had been awaiting an appropriate shidduch for years, soon gets engaged; of how the loved one, ill and anx-
learning at the Kollel Chatzos. The very next morning he received a phone call from the IRS asking for him to appear at their offices. What was this meeting called for? Moshe was asked to pay a fine, and the case was simply – miraculously – closed. Moshe and his rav made a trip together to Kever Rachel in celebration and gratitude for the unbelievable outcome of this predicament. The rav then suggested to Moshe to think about the future of his three unmarried daughters – the youngest of whom was already twenty-eight. “Take advantage of this opportunity,” he urged. Without hesitation, Moshe then made out a check to Mosdos Kever Rachel to cover three months of Kollel Chatzos learning, one month for the zechus of each of his daughters. Three weeks later was his oldest daughter’s l’chaim; eight weeks later, the middle daughter became a kallah, and on the last day before the three months’ sponsorship ended – the youngest daughter got engaged.
ious from a horrible diagnosis, begins an experimental drug and tests show he has been cured; of a childless couple who sent in their full names to have tefillos said on their behalf at Mama Rachel’s kever finally gets the good news they’ve cried for, and so many more miracles. A story of just one man’s recent experiences of Mama Rachel’s power is eye-opening. Moshe W. (name withheld for anonymity) was framed in an IRS case. With his entire future at stake, he reached out to his rav for guidance and consolation. His family was sure to become impoverished, and ending up behind bars was a near certainty. His fear and anxiety was too much to bear. His rav’s answer? “Mama Rachel can help – she always helps, in every situation.” Since Moshe could not leave the United States, his only alternative to being at Kever Rachel was to have a shaliach be mispallel for him. He contacted Rav Moshe Menachem Kluger of Mosdos Kever Rachel, and sponsored an entire night of
Stories like these and more are the effects of the outpouring of kavanah and learning at Rachel Imeinu. Our gedolim agree that supporting Mosdos Kever Rachel brings upon these most powerful yeshuos. Harav Elyashiv, zt”l, said, “Hashem brings yeshuos to those who donate to Mosdos Kever Rachel, since they combine the power of their tzedakah…with the power of Kever Rachel, which has been known throughout the generations as a place for yeshuos.” Rav Shalom Arush, author of the best-selling Garden of Emunah shares why he believes that Rachel Imeinu has the power to bring yeshuos to Klal Yisroel. “Mosdos Kever Rachel has arranged for groups of Torah scholars to study at Kever Rachel around the clock,” says Rav Arush. “They [also] offer heartfelt prayers for the salvation of the entire Jewish people. Tzedakah has the power to save from death and annul evil decrees. Is it no wonder that people have experienced miraculous salvations after contributing to Mosdos Kever Rachel?” Rabbi Meir Solovetchik, shlita, re-
called his father, Rav Velvel Solovetchik, zt”l, frequently traveled to Kever Rachel from Yerushalayim, despite the difficulty of the journey. When Rav Meir’s talmidim asked why Rav Velvel took time from his intense Torah learning to make such a difficult trip, he explained, “The Torah itself mentions Kever Rachel as a place where one’s prayers are more quickly accepted. When our forefather, Yaakov decided to bury Mama Rachel on the roadside, it was already determined that in the future, Kever Rachel would become a place of prayer, and that the Jews would stop to pray there even as they were exiled from their land.” According to Harav Ovadia Yosef, zt”l, “Am Yisrael owes a huge debt of gratitude to Rav Kluger. Thanks to his selfless dedication, Kever Rachel has remained in Jewish hands. For this reason, anyone who donates to Mosdos Kever Rachel will experience yeshuos immediately. Our Mother repays those who exert themselves for her sake.” While learning, davening, tehillim and chessed programs, all in honor of Rachel Imeinu take place 365 days each year, on Rachel Imeinu’s yahrtzeit, it will be even stronger. Yud Alef Cheshvan is the day when our tefillos will count so much more. A massive tefillah gathering led by talmidei chachomim and renowned mekubalim is scheduled for Sunday, November 13th. The yahrtzeit is quickly approaching, so act now! What if you could change your mazel? What if you could have the health and prosperity for which you so intensely daven? What if you could? Don’t hesitate to include your name and the names of your family and loved ones in Rachel Imeinu’s yahrtzeit tefillah gathering. Call or email before Sunday, November 13th at 8:00 a.m. Eastern Time. Don’t be left out of the astounding stories of yeshuos and nissim you and your loved ones deserve! Call Mosdos Kever Rachel, and with your generous support, you can merit yeshuos! The power is in your hands. Call 1-888-276-2435 or visit www. keverrachel.com to place your sponsorship.
Quotes The Week In News
NOVEMBER 2016 | The Jewish Home OctOber3,29, 2015 | the Jewish Home
Notable Quotes “Say What?!”
The best email that’s been leaked so far claims that Hillary met with rapper Q-Tip last year to discuss how to appeal to hip-hop fans…I guess the meeting with Q-Tip really affected Hillary because afterwards, she actually came up with some rapper names for herself. First, she tried Lil’ Wheezy. Then she tried Run DNC. And finally, she tried Wiz Deleeta. – Jimmy Fallon
I think it would be Mexican food. – Hillary Clinton when asked last week what her favorite food is on the Univision Show “El Gordo y La Flaca”
The only reason the whole email flap has legs is because the candidate is female. - Robin Lakoff, Time magazine, after FBI Director Comey’s announcement that he is reopening the investigation into Hillary’s emails
Bob Dylan was awarded the Nobel Prize for literature today. Dylan was like, “This is the greatest honor I’ve ever received.” Or he might have said, “Misses gravy’s on her ivory steed.” It’s impossible to tell.
Hillary Clinton’s campaign manager said that based on early voting, they expect this election to have the largest voter turnout in American history. That’s right, more people than ever will go to the polls for their chance to say, “Ugh, I guess...” – Jimmy Fallon
Dead people generally vote for Democrats.
– Seth Myers
- Rudy Giuliani talking about how Democrats steal elections
The main reason behind successful immigration should be painfully obvious to even the most dimwitted of observers: some groups of people are almost always highly successful given only half of a chance (Jews, Hindus/Sikhs and Chinese people, for example), while others (Muslims, blacks and Roma, for instance) fare badly almost irrespective of circumstances. The biggest group of humanity can be found somewhere between these two extremes – the perennial overachievers and the professional never-do-wells.
Happy birthday to Hillary Clinton, who turned 69 years old today… Hillary’s press secretary posted a photo on Twitter of the staff surprising Hillary with a cake for her birthday. It was really fun — you could hardly tell that Hillary had spent two hours practicing her “surprised” face.
– Part of a text of a private speech that Hillary gave to Wall Street bankers, recently disclosed in a WikiLeaks dump of her campaign chairman’s emails
– Jimmy Fallon
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OCTOBER 29, 2015 | The Jewish Home Election 2016 The Week In News
NOVEMBER 3, 2016 | The Jewish Home
The Path to 270 Electoral College Votes
and the Presidency Solid Clinton: 195 Solid Trump: 180 Toss-Ups: 163 Real Clear Politics average of polls has 263 electoral votes solid and leaning Clinton and 165 electoral votes solid and leaning Trump (which leaves Trump with a very narrow path). The below map, however, considers the states in which the candidates are campaigning and spending money as the “battleground states.” The numbers indicating which candidate is ahead of the other in the individual boxes are based on the Real Clear Politics average as of November 1. Red States are for Trump, Blue States are for Clinton and Grey States are Undecided.
Nevada Clinton +1 Nevada is the most Hispanic swing state in the country, but also has a large share of non-college educated white males, who are predominantly Trump supporters. After his decisive Nevada caucus win in February, Trump even quipped, “I love the poorly educated!”
able, which gives Trump a glimmer of hope that he can carry this state.
lar workers, who have traditionally considered themselves Democrats, have been flocking to Trump, according to the Des Moines Register.
Wisconsin Clinton +5.7 The last time Wisconsin went Red was in 1984, but Trump has been to this state five times since the summer.
Clinton +6
The last Republican to win this state was Richard Nixon in 1972. But Minnesotans are being rocked by 60% insurance premium hikes due to Obamacare and even its Democrat governor recently admitted that Obamacare is not afford-
Republicans have lost six of the last seven presidential contests in Iowa, including the last two by more than 5 percentage points. However, Iowa’s large population of economically anxious blue-col-
Trump +1.4
President and Michelle Obama making repeated trips to the state.
Arizona Colorado Clinton +4 In the past six presidential elections, Republicans and Democrats have each won Colorado three times.
Trump +1.5 Except for Bill Clinton’s win in 1996, Arizona has voted Republican since 1952.
Florida Trump +1
North Carolina Clinton +0.7 Obama won by 0.3 in 2008; Romney won by 2.0 in 2012. Clinton’s strategy of getting a high African-American turnout has seen
Recent elections: 2012: Obama 0.9; 2008: Obama 2.6 North Florida is overwhelmingly Republican; South Florida is overwhelmingly Democratic. The Interstate 4 corridor stretching from the Tampa Bay area to Dayto-
The Jewish Home | OCTOBER 29, 2015
TheElection Week In2016 News
NOVEMBER 3, 2016 | The Jewish Home
Toss ups
Electoral College votes
Larry Sabato’s Crystal Ball
Associated Press
Cook Political Report
NY Times Upshot
Noted Forecasts as of 10/31
na Beach is the real battleground. The candidates have each spent millions courting the 1.6 million voters in that 140-mile corridor.
Maine’s 2nd Congressional District Clinton +2 Maine and Nebraska are the only two states which split their Electoral College votes, with one vote going to the winner of each congressional district and two votes going to the statewide winner. Maine’s 2nd Congressional District is rural and conservative but went for Obama in the past two elections.
New Hampshire Clinton +4.7 Republicans last won this state in 2000. If Trump wins Nevada, Ohio, Florida, North Carolina and Arizona (all doable) and New Hampshire he would have 269 electoral votes. In that scenario the House of Representatives would decide the election. Since Republicans have a safe majority in the House, Trump would likely win the presidency.
Ohio Trump +2.5 Voted for Obama in 2008 and 2012. Ohio is a blue-collar state with a shrinking industrial sector, making it one of the Rust Belt
states. Unlike other Rust Belt states like Michigan and Pennsylvania, it does not have a significant minority population, making it a prime target for Trump.
Philadelphia transit workers went on strike on October 31; if the strike is not over by Election Day it may affect voter turnout in Philadelphia.
Clinton +6
Clinton +5.2
Many consider Pennsylvania “fool’s gold” for Republicans as it always seems in play, yet the last Republican to win there was Ronald Reagan in 1988. According to Patrick Murray, director of the Monmouth University Polling Institute, “Essentially Pennsylvania is two different states. Philadelphia and its suburbs – if it was its own state – would be a solid blue state and would be uncompetitive, and then the rest of the state would be solid red and be uncompetitive.”
In less than a decade, Virginia flipped from being a reliable Red state to being an almost certainly Blue state due to an increase in population of educated, high-income professionals as well as immigrants and other minorities — all voters who tend to choose Democrats — in urban areas. Northern Virginia, which abuts Washington, D.C., went from favoring Bill Clinton by 12,000 votes in 1992 to favoring Barack Obama by 225,000 votes in 2012.
The Parenting Week In News
NOVEMBER 3, 2016 | The Jewish Home
Proactive Parenting:
Consequences vs. Punishment Sara Teichman, Psy.D.
Dear Dr. T Like so many other parents, our major issue with our children is discipline. We make rules which are reasonable and fair, but our children don’t seem terribly impressed by some of them (like “clean your room,” “do your homework,” etc.) I think that if we had a list of punishments at the ready which we could whip out at a moment’s notice, we would have a better shot at getting them to mind us. Can you provide us with a list of punishments that you feel are fair and effective? Heshy and Deena From your letter I gather that you have trouble making your rules stick. And, like many a parent, you are searching for the “magic” that will make the process of discipline work. Unfortunately, despite ads and claims to the contrary, there is no magic; but, there are normal courseof-event happenings that can bring long-term results. We call them natural consequences. A natural consequence is just what is sounds like – the expected result of our actions. If we forget to take our umbrella, our clothing gets ruined; if your daughter does not clean up her room, she can’t find her stuff. If we don’t turn in work reports, we may be docked in pay or even lose our jobs; if your son does not do his homework, he may get a poor grade or fail. For so many of our children’s misdeeds, there is a natural consequence that occurs without any intervention by the parent. So, for example, if your teen is late, he will be called to task – unless you cover for him with a note. Because the consequences fall without any action on your part, learning occurs without you being the “bad one.” The beauty of natural consequences is that they work – and without any negative impact on the parent child relationship! But, take heed – parents need to steel themselves to refrain from rescuing their children so that they may learn from experience. Learning cause and effect is a critical life skill. It teaches appropriate behavior and fosters responsibility. One of the best ways to learn about cause and effect is by letting things happen, i.e. allowing for natural consequences. However, unlike natural consequences, punishment not only does not work, but
also wreaks havoc on the parent-child relationship. Punishment is ineffective because it does not teach the child to avoid the crime, but rather to avoid the punishment. The child reasons – very logically, I might add – that if I lose dessert because of two stolen cookies, the next time I steal cookies, I will make very, very sure not to get caught. In addition, punishment often breeds resentment – not remorse. The child is more apt to resent his mom for taking away dessert than to regret his theft. And, most regrettably, punishment allows the child to feel vindicated. He has paid for his crime, the slate is clean, and he and his mom are now “even.” Such thinking does not encourage honest reflection and remorse. Sometimes, we are at a loss with our children because although we do not want to punish, there is no natural consequence for their behavior. In cases like this, and there are many, you do want to be prepared by arming yourself with logical consequences. A logical consequence is one that makes sense in the context of the behavior – as opposed to an illogical one which feels more like a punishment. Because the logical consequence has a rational connection to the child’s action, it makes sense to the child and is an effective way to reinforce discipline. Here are some examples of logical consequences: • Child violates bedtime. The next night, he has an even earlier bedtime to make up for missed sleep. • Child does a project but refuses to put away art supplies. The next time (only once!) – the art supplies will not available to him. • Child nags and pesters Mom all
day. Remove the child to his room or, failing that, have Mom remove herself to some other area of the home, because people like to spend time with people who are pleasant. • Siblings fight long and hard while playing a game. Separate the two children, remove the game, and do not let them enjoy each other’s company until they work things out. Illogical consequences are those where there is no connection between the crime and the consequence. That would include the ubiquitous “You’re grounded!” “You’re not going to Disneyland!” and “I won’t buy you the new bike I promised!” These kind of illogical threats are a lose/ lose proposition. If you don’t carry them out – and most parents don’t because the threats are like killing an ant with a sledgehammer – your words become meaningless, even a joke. If you do carry them out, you are way over-disciplining, i.e. actually going after that ant with the sledgehammer. So, the parent emerges from this fracas looking either like a fool or an ogre. It is important to note here that as our children grow up and mature, they are more and more removed from our discipline and control. You can inspire teens, but not control them, so you need to rely on natural consequences and your earlier training. If you weren’t effective when your child was six, you certainly won’t be now! The good news is even
though your child is an almost-adult, you can also accomplish a great deal by talking/discussing/negotiating in a mutually respectful manner. But, that is a topic for some other time. So, in response to your letter, yes, you do need to be prepared – if only to give yourself the courage of your convictions. What you want to prepare, though, is not punishment, but an awareness of the natural and logical consequences for the child’s behavior. And, if you’re thinking that such preparation take lots of hard work, you are certainly right! Like for any major endeavor, being an effective, proactive parent takes lots of thought, effort, and energy. But, the results are so worth it: a better behaved child who has a good relationship with his parents. So, give these ideas some thought: your children will thank you for it – one day! The Book Nook: In Balanced Parenting a father and son – a rabbi and psychologist – examine love and limits in raising children. The authors, Rabbi Raphael and Dr. David Pelcovitz, combine their many years of wisdom and experience to explain the concept of discipline with love. Sara Teichman, Psy D. is a psychotherapist in private practice in Los Angeles and Clinical Director of ETTA, L.A.’s largest Jewish agency for adults with special needs. To submit a question or comment, email DrT@jewishhomela.com.
NOVEMBER 3, 2016 | The Jewish Home
The Week In News
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