The Week In News
JUNE 14, 2018 | The Jewish Home
The Week In News
JUNE 14, 2018 | The Jewish Home
Valley Torah High School is proud to congratulate our
S TA N L E Y M . L I N T Z
VA L L E Y T O R A H HIGH SCHOOL Menlo Family Boys & Girls Divisions
Forty First Graduating Classes
Yeshiva Tzvi Dov v'Ephraim - Menlo Family Boys' Division
Back: Aaron Saada, Levi Mehdizadeh, Yitzi Farber, Benjamin Gamliel, Ben Hamer, Gavriel Menlo, Nadav Altit, Mordechai Lunger, Aron Eskenazi, Netanel Shnider, Nimrod Altit, Matthew Roessler, Charlie Rosenberg, Yaakov Goldman, Ryan Turell, Raziel Ebriani, Binyamin Sloves, Moshe Levine, Mitch Goulson, Michael Stark, Mendy Marks, Shlomo Amsellem, Binyamin Levy, Ari Yosef Cohentov, Eliyahu Marks, Samuel Bandarizadeh Front: Leal Saada, Uriel Sadeghi, Yehuda Jian, Joshua Gurstein, Eden Taranto, Zev Schachter, Ari Pollack, Mehrshad Fasazadeh This year's Graduates have been accepted to the following Yeshivos in Eretz Yisroel: Merkaz HaTorah Eretz HaTzvi Torat Shraga Midrash Shmuel Netiv Aryeh Mikdash Melech Har Etzion (Gush) Lev Hatorah Derech Etz Chaim Yeshivat Sha'alvim Yishrei Lev Shaarei Mevaseret Chofetz Chaim Derech Yeshiva Tiferet (TJ)
Ateres Malka v'Sara Esther - Menlo Family Girls' Division Back: Devora Weinfeld, Shayna Kramer, Atara Bayever, Liat Katan, Enya Goodman, Yael Mehrannia, Gabriella Laskow, Ariel Sarusi Center: Naomy Bernheim, Odelia Safadel, Liorit Kohanbash, Tehila Eglanov, Jodi Marshak, Menucha Winchell, Basya Mintz, Naomi Feldman, Liora Yasmeh, Mariah Cohen Front: Leila Golian, Shira Weinberg, Liora Sadighpour, Yuval Yakobi, Leat Kohanzadeh, Sharon Hakakian This year's Graduates have been accepted to the following Seminaries in Eretz Yisroel: Bnot Torah Institute (Sharfmans) Darchei Binah Ateres Bnos Yerushalayim Midreshet Tehillah Tomer Devorah Me'ohr Bais Yaakov Michlalah Sha'alvim for Women Michlelet Mevaseret Yerushalayim
Graduates from both divisions have been accepted to the following Colleges: University of California, Los Angeles Harvard University University of California, Merced University of Southern California Yeshiva University University of the Pacific University of California Berkeley University of Miami Stern Honors Program Boston University University of Florida Touro New York Kent State Florida International University San Diego State UC Irvive California State University Northridge: Honors Program Fisher College
The Week In News
JUNE 14, 2018 | The Jewish Home
CONTENTS COMMUNITY Happenings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6
JEWISH THOUGHT Living with the Times . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 The Weekly Daf . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 When HaGaon HaRav Chaim Kanievsky, Shlita, Was Moved to Tears. . . . . . . . . . . 22
LIFESTYLES An Interview with Seth Rogen and Lauren Miller Rogen. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Ask the Attorney. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Notable Quotes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
FEATURE Photo-Op or Historical Moment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
NEWS Global. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Dear readers,
The 13th principal of faith listed by Maimonides is, “I believe that the dead will be brought back to life.” Why is it so important that those who have passed away come back to physical life? What’s more, why is it a fundamental part of our emunah without which basic Jewish faith is incomplete? The short answer is that resurrection connects to the reasons we are here in the first place. The intent wasn’t that we fulfill our mission down here and then reap the reward in some spiritual dimension (as lofty a level it might be). The purpose is to remake physicality itself by infusing it with Torah and good deeds. The results of which will be seen once completed, but the process is happening right now. For belief in Hashem to be complete, we need realize that the world itself can, and indeed will, one day be a spiritual oasis where all previous generations come back – from the highest levels of Gan Eden! – to experience G-d down here. Avraham Avinu lived a life of truth, so he will come back in person to serve Hashem. Ruth gave up everything to join the Jewish people; she too will shine when returned to this world. Victims of the Holocaust killed al kiddush Hashem as well as regular Yidden and the righteous among the nations throughout all the generations will be here in this world to experience the essence of G-d. This Shabbos, Gimmel Tammuz, is the 24th Hilulla of the Lubavitcher Rebbe. On one foot, you can say that his strongest message was that Hashem wants a home down here – specifically down here. When we make a brachah on a cup of water, compliment someone, or learn a mishnah, we are accomplishing that purpose. May we see the revelation of all this, in the very near future. Wishing you a restful and meaningful Shabbos,
T H E P R E M I E R J E W I S H N E W S PA P E R H I G H L I G H T I N G L A’ S O R T H O D OX C O M M U N I T Y The Jewish Home is an independent bi-weekly newspaper. Opinions expressed by writers are not necessarily the opinions of the publisher or editor. The Jewish Home is not responsible for typographical errors, or for the kashrus of any product or business advertised within. The Jewish Home contains words of Torah. Please treat accordingly. FOR HOME DELIVERY, OR TO HAVE THE LATEST ISSUE EMAILED TO YOU FREE OF CHARGE, SEND A MESSAGE TO EDITOR@JEWISHHOMELA.COM
JUNE 14, 2018 | The Jewish Home
The Week In News
TheHappenings Week In News
JUNE 14, 2018 | The Jewish Home
Supporting Jewish Education for All: Morasha Hebrew Academy Dinner Yehudis Litvak
The Rachela Silber Peretz Morasha Hebrew Academy, the program where “no Jewish child is left behind,” held its annual dinner at Ahavat Israel Congregation. The hall was filled to capacity as students and supporters of the program spoke about its impact on their lives and on the Los Angeles Jewish community as a whole. The dinner was also attended by principals of other local Jewish schools, such as Rabbi Kupfer of Maimonides, Rabbi Krause and Rabbi Goldenberg of Toras Emes, Rabbi Langer of the Mesivta of
L.A., and Rabbi Gottesman of the Calabasas Mesivta. Even before the dinner, the principals expressed their support for Morasha in a video circulated in the community. Rabbi Yoel Bursztyn of Bais Yaakov passionately urged the community to support Morasha, calling it a cause “of paramount importance.” Morasha is known in the community as the school that never turns away a Jewish child. “Our values-based curriculum coupled with the softness and warmth of our dedicated teachers and staff allow our students to thrive in an academic and social environment accepting of all children,” states Morasha’s website. The program’s success was apparent from the very beginning of the dinner, when the Morasha boys choir performed beautifully for the appreciative audience. The first guest speaker, Rabbi Avrohom Stulberger, Head of School at Valley Torah High School, spoke about the im-
portance of Morasha’s work. He quoted the Seforno on the parshah, who said that if you have a child or a disciple, “they need to feel that you’re giving them everything you have.” That is precisely the message that Morasha is sending its students and the community at large, said Rabbi Stulberger – unconditional love and acceptance. “No child left behind is a vision we need to support,” he said. “We are fortunate to have Morasha and Rabbi Harrosh as its leader. They do incredible work.” Two Morasha students, Noam Pritikin and Aryeh Carmel, spoke about their experience at the school. Noam, age 10, came to Morasha at the beginning of this school year. He said, “Before I went to Morasha, my teachers thought one way and I thought another; they would insist that I do my work a certain way, even if I had another way of doing it that also worked.” Within the first week of attending Morasha, Noam felt right at home. “I’ve never really gotten an opportunity to daven and learn Torah at my other schools, until I came here,” he said. “It makes me feel like a part of the Jewish community.” Noam expressed his appreciation to his teachers and principal at Morasha. Aryeh, age 9, did not come with a prepared speech. He charmed the audience with his confession that he did not want to speak, but Rabbi Harrosh encouraged him to express what is in his heart. “The kids are nice, and the staff are awesome,” said Aryeh. After these moving speeches, the Master of Ceremonies, Bernard Suissa, called up Rabbi Harrosh and presented him with a gift: a clock. The keynote speaker, David Suissa, the Editor-in-Chief of the Jewish Journal, spoke about meeting Rabbi Harrosh a decade ago and writing an article about him entitled, “The Man with Seventy Children.” Mr. Suissa was very impressed with Rabbi Harrosh’s dedication to his students,
whom he treats as his own children. Whenever a student needs anything, Rabbi Harrosh is ready to step in and help out. When Rabbi Harrosh asked Mr. Suissa to speak at the dinner, he immediately agreed, because “how can I say no to a man who never says no?” Mr. Suissa spoke about the “crazy love” he witnessed at Morasha – the love for one’s fellow that transcends the limits of reason. “Crazy love is the future of the Jewish people,” he said. “Rabbi Harrosh and others at Morasha are a movement to shine this incredible ideal of crazy love to the whole Jewish community of Los Angeles.” After Mr. Suissa’s speech the audience watched a video about three families’ experiences at Morasha, with interviews with the parents and the students themselves. The common theme was the boys’ desire to learn Torah and to participate in Jewish life, and their gratitude for being afforded this opportunity at Morasha. Their moving stories brought some guests to tears. The audience responded enthusiastically to the call to support Morasha. One family, Alon and Monique Abady, spontaneously offered to match all the donations pledged at the dinner, and over $45,000 was raised on the spot. Concluding the event, Rabbi Harrosh thanked everyone and said that awareness of Morasha’s work is even more important than the money raised. He urged the audience to “be an advocate for the school.” He spoke about the importance of customizing Jewish education for each particular child. “I couldn’t live in this city knowing that our children are deprived of Jewish education,” he said, explaining there are hundreds of Jewish children in Los Angeles who need a school like Morasha and that the program would like to grow and accommodate them. More information about Morasha, including the video shown at the dinner, is available at https://www.morashaej.org.
The Week In News
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for illustration purposes only
JUNE 14, 2018 | The Jewish Home
The Week In News
JUNE 14, 2018 | The Jewish Home
JUNE 14, 2018 | The Jewish Home
The Week In News
TheHappenings Week In News
JUNE 14, 2018 | The Jewish Home
Bais Naftoli Holds 26th Annual Breakfast A standing-room-only audience celebrated the 26th Annual Breakfast at Congregation Bais Naftoli. The event honored Morton Klein, President of the Zionist Organization of America, and Dr. David S. Frey, Director, Holocaust & Genocide Studies, U.S. Military Academy West Point. President Klein received a standing ovation when he stated that Jerusalem was never holy to the Muslims and that there is no such thing as occupation. He called upon the Consuls General of Hungary and Germany, who were present, to urge their governments to move their embassies to Jerusalem as the United States did. Director Frey emphasized the impor-
tance of education in opposing Anti-Semitism. His program teaches members of the military about the evils of the Holocaust so
that similar genocide should “never again� occur.
Pictured L to R: LAPD Captain, Tony Oddo; LAPD Deputy Chief, Dennis Kato; LAFD Deputy Chief, Ronnie Villanueva
Genetic Study Targeting the Ashkenazic Jewish Population Aims to Prevent Cancer Yehudis Litvak The BRCA Founder Outreach Study (BFOR study), currently conducted in Los Angeles, as well as in Boston, Philadel-
phia, and New York, seeks to prevent cancer by providing free and easily accessible genetic testing and counseling to individ-
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uals of Ashkenazi Jewish ancestry. Such individuals are at increased risk for carrying mutations in the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes. The local study is directed by Dr. Beth Karlan, a gynecologic oncologist and researcher at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center. BRCA1 and BRCA2 are genes, present in all human DNA. “BRCA genes help cells grow and repair errors in the DNA,� explains the study’s website. “Mutations in BRCA genes are spelling errors in the genetic code. They can cause the gene to not function properly. This can increase the risk for breast, ovarian, prostate, and possibly other cancers.� Three specific mutations, known as founder mutations, occur at a higher frequency in the Ashkenazi Jewish population and have been correlated with cancer. These mutations are ten times more likely to be present in Ashkenazic Jews than in the general population, explains Daniella Kamara, M.S., LCGC, a genetic counselor at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center who is working with the BFOR study. “There is a lot of potential to prevent cancer in that population,� she says. According to the BFOR study website, the risk of breast cancer for women with BRCA mutations is as high as 80%, with 40% risk of ovarian cancer. Men with BRCA mutations are at increased risk for prostate and male breast cancer. However, up to 90% of people with BRCA mutations are not aware that they have them. Currently, genetic testing is only offered to those with prior family history, but 50% of people with BRCA mutations don’t have any family history at all, explains Ms. Kamara. “We are missing the opportunity to prevent cancer and only becoming aware of the BRCA mutations when cancer is diagnosed,� she says.
The purpose of the BFOR study is to investigate new ways of providing genetic testing to the general population, thus allowing people access to information that can help reduce their cancer risks. The genetic testing offered through this study is not the same as the widely available carrier screening, which tests for diseases such as Tay-Sachs, Gaucher’s disease, along with others, that have the potential to affect a future child. The platform for the study is especially user friendly, with an online educational module and forms to determine eligibility and affirm consent. Once the participant completes the online component, they will receive a referral to a local Quest Diagnostics lab, where they can come in for a blood test, free of charge, at their own convenience. They can choose to receive the test results from either their own doctor or a genetic counselor from the study team. Genetic counseling will be provided for anyone who tests positive for the BRCA mutation. Both men and women 25 years of age or older, with at least one Ashkenazic Jewish grandparent, are eligible for the study. The study will continue for about a year, until 4000 people total are tested – 1000 in each of the four locations. Different options are offered to those who test positive for the BRCA mutations, such as increased screening, as well as preventative surgery. “These are truly preventable cancers,� says Ms. Kamara, emphasizing the importance of testing and prevention for men, who are just as frequently affected as women. More information about the study is available on the website, https://www. bforstudy.com.
TheHappenings Week In News
JUNE 14, 2018 | The Jewish Home
Spivak Educational Center hosted its second annual gala event on June 7, 2018. Honorees included it’s the Director of School, Cecelie Wizenfeld, and Sonja Berrin, a Pre-1 master teacher, who inspires her students to learn about the world around them. The event was held at The Mark on Pico Boulevard and celebrated the continuation of Jewish Education. Rabbi Gabriel Elias, Dean of Spivak Educational Center, presented the Founding Educator Award to Cecelie Wizenfeld, Director of School. Wizenfeld is the co-creator of Spivak Educational Center. It was her dream to open a quality and competitive Jewish Orthodox day school at an affordable cost to community members. Wizenfeld achieved her dream, bringing her 40 years of experience
in Jewish education with her. The school, which started as a small preschool, will become a full-fledged preschool and elementary school with the addition of fifth grade in the 2018-2019 school year. Spivak Elementary School Choir made their debut performance at the event. The choir was accompanied by Yossi Mandel, a former student of the honoree, and conducted by Kayla Linson, Director of Operations for the school. The choir dazzled the many parents and guests in attendance. Spivak Educational Center was founded in 2009. The school is inspired by the Reggio Emilia Philosophy of Education, which focuses on a developmental approach to education. Spivak Educational Center fo-
cuses great importance on the recognition of each child and student as an individual, while providing a strong and competitive academic curriculum for both Secular and Judaic studies. The school has successfully grown to over 120 students and continues to grow and thrive each year. With wonderful success of their second annual gala, Spivak Educational Center is moving and shaking, and creating a name for itself in the West LA Jewish community! To Find Out More and Schedule a Tour for the upcoming 2018-2019 School Year, please call: (310)-5539900, email: kmdecc@gmail.com, or visit www.kmdschool.com. Spaces are filling up!!! Spivak Educational Center is located at 9717 1/2 W. Pico Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90035.
Photo: Lynn Abesera
Gala Extravaganza for Spivak Educational Center
L-R Cecelie Wizenfeld, Director of Spivak Educational Center, Rabbi Gabe Elias, Dean of School, Sonja Berrin, Teacher Honoree and Pre-1 Teacher
Photos: Manny Saltiel
LINK Celebrates 16 Years with Gala Dinner and a Visit by Rabbi Krohn
wife, Lizie, were the recipients of the Young Leadership Award. He spoke eloquently of the journeys of his parents and in-laws from persecution in Iran and Egypt respectively, to raising Torah-observant families in Los Angeles. He recounted how Rabbi Asher Brander, LINK’s Founder and Dean, had such a profound effect on him as his rebbe in YULA high school, and how Mrs. Batya Brander likewise inspired his future wife at YULA’s girls’ division at the same time. Rabbi Brander and Rabbi Mordechai Lebhar, LINK’s Rosh Kollel, focused on the accomplishments of the past 16 years and on the wonderful promise of LINK’s new building, which had just secured its necessary city permits to begin construction on the eve of the dinner. They also jumpstarted LINK’s sefer Torah campaign (in conjunction with the Azeroual family), that would afford everyone the opportunity to “own” a share of the Torah (by purchasing various verses that are significant omens as well as entire parshiyos). The emotional highlight of the evening was the culminating address by the esteemed guest speaker, Rabbi Paysach Krohn, who flew in from NY for just a
few hours to speak at the banquet. He charged the crowd to look past themselves and try to do acts of kindness and compassion for others. Through a plethora of poignant true stories, he spoke of how every Jew can have such a huge impact on others and on Klal Yisrael as
a whole. He adjured his rapt audience to look past the naysayers who say, “It just can’t be done,” but instead to aim high and build for the Jewish future. It was a most fitting climax to an evening dedicated to growth in Torah.
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The Los Angeles Intercommunity Kollel (LINK) celebrated its 16th anniversary on May 30th with a Gala Dinner, featuring Rabbi Paysach Krohn as guest speaker. Over 400 friends and supporters packed into the Nessah Synagogue’s simchah hall in Beverly Hills. The sell-out crowd paid tribute to the kollel, its avreichim, and to the honorees, the Gruen and Shraga families. There was a genuine feeling of warmth and achdus that pervaded the very diverse crowd – which included all ages, all backgrounds (Sephardim, Ashkenazim), and all levels of observance. The worthy honorees both tried to avoid being honored, and their humility was evident in their poignant acceptance speeches. Mr. Jeff Gruen, a long-time community activist, spoke of his journey to Yiddishkeit which began 35 years ago in Aish HaTorah in Yerushalayim under Rav Noach Weinberg, ztz”l . He thanked his wife, Judy, (a well- known, prolific writer) for sharing in his journey, and in helping to raise their family of serious bnei Torah, including their son Rabbi Avi, a yungerman at LINK. Mr. Avishai Shraga, along with his
Living with the Times The Week In News
By Rabbi Pinchos Lipschutz
JUNE 14, 2018 | The Jewish Home
Eye on Jealousy
Publisher of the Yated Ne’eman
The age-old question is asked every time the parsha of Korach is studied. Korach was wise, talented and capable, with leadership abilities and illustrious yichus. What caused him to revolt against Moshe and Aharon in a battle he would definitely lose and earn for himself nothing but eternal damnation? Many answers are given. Chazal, quoted by Rashi on the words “rav lochem” (16:7), provide an understanding of Korach’s thinking. They explain his motivation: “Eino hitaso,” his eyes led him astray. He foresaw great progeny coming from him and deduced that he could take on Moshe and emerge victorious. Perhaps we can focus on the language of Chazal of “eino hitaso, his eyes led him astray” indicating that it was Korach’s eyes that led him to fail so miserably. Although he was a smart and capable person, he was unable to focus on his own lofty role and special Divine shlichus. Instead, he insisted on looking at his cousin, Moshe Rabbeinu, and at his special role. Had Korach remained focused on his own job and his own position, he could have succeeded in fulfilling his calling. Consumed by looking at Moshe, he became overcome with jealousy, believing that Moshe had usurped what should have been his. His constant eyeing of Moshe gnawed at his ego and destroyed him. An envious person cannot handle when someone else has something that he wants and is referred to in the language of Torah as a “tzar ayin.” One who is able to accept that other people have what he doesn’t is referred to as a “tov ayin,” a person with a good eye. This is because Chazal, in their expert understanding of the human psyche, perceived that the destructive traits of envy and jealousy begin taking root in people with their eyes. Looking at what other people have or don’t have begins the process that leads to bitterness and self-destruction. “Eino hitaso” might well be referring to this destructive habit. His eyes did him
This would also explain the connection of Parshas Korach to Parshas Shelach, which ends with the mitzvah of tzitzis. The posuk there states, “Velo sosuru acharei levavchem v’acharei eineichem” (15:39). Rashi explains, “Ha’ayin ro’ah vehalev chomed vehaguf oseh es ha’aveiros.” At the root of sin is the wandering eye. Korach didn’t follow that admonition. A talmid asked Rav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach questions pertaining to the halachos of mezuzah. He explained to his rebbi that he had purchased an apartment and
talmidim in their homes. After a few days passed, the talmid asked Rav Shlomo Zalman why he had come to visit his new home. The rosh yeshiva explained: “I know that the pressure of buying an apartment weighs heavily on yungeleit, and until a family has an apartment of their own, they are stressed. You purchased a beautiful new apartment in a desirable location, and I knew that there would inevitably be others who would have a hard time with it, wishing that they, too, could find as good a place to live as you have. I was worried that, perhaps, chas
I have what Hashem feels is right for me and my neighbor has what is right for him. had some questions pertaining to hanging mezuzos. Rav Shlomo Zalman asked him several questions about the apartment’s layout, the apartment’s location, and when he was moving there. Not long after the young couple settled in to the new dirah, they had a surprise visitor: Rav Shlomo Zalman himself. The family was very happy that the famous rosh yeshiva and posek had come to visit them in their new apartment. Rav Shlomo Zalman asked to see all the rooms, including the storage area and the porch, commenting favorably about each feature of the new home. After wishing them well, Rav Shlomo Zalman left. While the family was humbled by the experience, they were curious as to what they had done to merit the visit. Rav Shlomo Zalman was quite busy and wasn’t in the habit of visiting his
veshalom, someone might have tzoras ayin towards you, so I came to look, simply to rejoice in your good mazel and to invest the apartment with an ayin tovah.” The inability to positively view the success of others stems from a deep problem. A person who lives with the reality that every person’s situation, success and status are controlled and monitored by Hakadosh Boruch Hu does not become overwhelmed by feelings of jealousy. A believer knows that there is no place for being envious of what other people have, because everything that everyone achieves and attains is Divinely ordained. I have what Hashem feels is right for me and my neighbor has what is right for him. A person who is embittered by his neighbor’s larger house and his associate’s promotion to a higher position does not really believe
that Hashem runs the world. We read in the parsha that Moshe told Korach (16:11), “Lochein atoh vechol adoscha hano’adim al Hashem ve’Aharon mah hu...” Moshe accused Korach of assembling to wage battle against Hashem. From a cursory reading of the parsha, it appears that Korach’s dispute was with Moshe. How was Moshe able to accuse him of fighting Hashem? Korach seemed to have issues with his contemporaries, not with Hashem. According to our explanation, we understand very well why his battle against Moshe was essentially a revolt against the Ribono Shel Olam. Korach was consumed by jealously of the leadership positions of Moshe and Aharon. Since Hashem decides who should be the leader of the generation with whom He wishes to speak and who should be the kohein in the Mishkon, there is no room for complaint against Moshe and Aharon. By complaining about Moshe’s leadership and Aharon being the kohein gadol, Korach exposed himself as an apikores who didn’t believe that Hashem runs the world. He was denying Hashgochah Protis. Therefore, Moshe admonished him for battling Hashem, for that is in essence what he was doing. Interestingly, Rashi, on the posuk of “rav lochem,” which we previously cited to quote the Chazal of “eino hitaso,” says in a second exposition, “Dovor gadol notaltem be’atzmichem lachlok al Hakadosh Boruch Hu - You took upon yourselves a great task, arguing against Hashem.” Perhaps the two thoughts are connected. Because eino hitaso and jealousy were at the root of Korach’s conflict with Moshe, he was battling not only Moshe, but Hashem. ••••• Rav Yisroel Salanter’s Mussar Movement changed the way Jews treat each other and interact with the world. There is a tradition that the revolution was sparked by Rav Yisroel’s reaction to a pitiful incident. The legend goes that there was a man named Yankel, who was a simple shoemaker in a small town. He was illiterate and unable to study much. He could barely daven or recite Tehillim. One day, he received a message that there was a letter on fancy stationary waiting for him at the post office, postmarked from the big city. He rushed over and asked the postal clerk to help him read the letter. As the clerk read on, the initial frown on Yankel’s face morphed into an
Living with the Times The Week In News
JUNE 14, 2018 | The Jewish Home
ever-increasing smile. The letter informed him that his wealthy, childless uncle had passed away and left his fortune to Yankel the shoemaker. Yankel hurried home to inform his wife about their newfound wealth. He was overjoyed by how their life had just taken an unexpected turn. His wife rejoiced in the good news, but advised him to proceed with caution. “Yankel,” she said, “don’t just take the money and spend it on luxuries, because, eventually, it will run out and you will be back to fixing shoes. Go to the big city to claim your inheritance and then we will speak to the local g’vir and seek his advice on a business to invest in.” Wisely, Yankel listened to her suggestion and brought the money to a reputable local financier to invest for him. Within a short period of time, he was earning enough to be able to bid his shoe repair shop a final goodbye. He lived on his investment income and grew wealthier by the day. With nothing to do, he began to frequent the bais medrash, where he would pay young scholars to learn with him. First they taught him how to read, then to daven, and then to read Chumash. Eventually, he was learning Gemara. He felt good about himself as he steadily progressed. The years passed. His sons were enrolled in various yeshivos, where they were good students. His upward trajectory, which included advancing in learning and doing very well financially, earned him growing respect in the small town. One day, a shadchan proposed the rov’s daughter as a suitable match for Yankel’s son. The two sides agreed, and the town rejoiced with the news of the match between this prominent individual and their revered rov. The entire town celebrated, with one exception. Way back when, next to Yankel’s shoe repair shop, was a blacksmith. The two had been friendly, sitting on their stoops when business was slow, whiling away the hours in conversation. The blacksmith was never able to accept the fact that his neighbor, the shoemaker, had risen to prominence, while he had remained a simple laborer, working long hours and struggling for every penny. He would look on bitterly as Yankel would deliver a shiur or speak in learning with scholars. Finally, it was the day of the wedding and the townspeople gathered to celebrate the momentous occasion. The chupah was a grand spectacle, as befitting the rov’s daughter. Yankel stood tall and proud, his face glowing with a surreal light. The glass
was broken, shouts of mazel tov filled the air, and the music began to play. Yankel closed his eyes tightly, as well-wishers gathered around him, and he thought about Hashem’s benevolence toward him. Here he was, a talmid chochom, a g’vir, and, to top it all off, a mechutan with the rov. Yankel opened his eyes and prepared to joyously greet his guests. There was a crush of people around him, and at their head was his old friend, the blacksmith. “Yankel,” he shouted above the music, loud enough for everyone to hear. He reached under his coat and held up a pair of torn shoes for all to see. “Hey, Yankel, how much would you charge me to fix these shoes here?” People looked on in horror. Yankel stood there, deflated, the joy seeming to rush out of him. The bitter, vicious ploy had worked. The blacksmith had come at the most glorious moment of Yankel’s life and reminded him that he was really nothing more than a very lucky shoemaker. The blacksmith’s cruel tactic was the talk of the evening. The next day, Yankel passed away of a broken heart. The story spread like wildfire and was retold in horror across Lithuania. When Rav Yisroel Salanter heard of the cruel and callous action of the blacksmith, he decided that a revolution teaching the importance of tikkun hamiddos was necessary. He took the task upon himself and the rest is history. Rav Nota Zenwirth, one of Yerushalayim’s tzaddikim, would retell the story and offer his own insight. He would say, “Do you know why Rav Yisroel was shaken so badly by the story? No, it was not because of the bad middos of the blacksmith. It was because of the bad middos of Yankel, the baal simcha.” He would explain: “Here was this accomplished man - learned, wealthy, blessed with nachas from his children - and yet the opinion of someone else, the nastiness of a small person, had the ability to affect him so badly that it literally killed him. He should have been able to simply ignore what the poor, sad person had done. ‘Why can’t you look at what you have and ignore him?’ That he wasn’t able to do so, and that no one expected him to, is what convinced Rav Yisroel of the necessity of the Mussar Movement.” ••••• The Torah relates that after the ketores offerings of Korach va’adaso were refused, Elozor Hakohein hammered out the pans in which they were prepared and used
them to cover the mizbei’ach so that the Bnei Yisroel would remember “velo yihiyeh keKorach vecha’adaso, not to be like Korach and his group” (Bamidbar 17:5). Most of us aren’t vicious hate-mongers and we view ourselves neither as acting “like Korach” nor as remotely afflicted with his bad middos. We wonder why it was necessary to have a constant reminder not to be like Korach. When we read the story that gave birth to the Mussar Movement, how many of us understood that the impetus for the revolution in personal conduct and ethics was that Yankel should not have paid attention to what the blacksmith said? That should be an indication that we should be dedicating more of our time to studying seforim that deal with moral behavior. No, we are not as evil as Korach was, but if we permit
our eyes to mislead us, we possess in our consciences the seeds of personal failure. Let us all count our blessings, appreciate what we have, and know that Hashem has a unique plan for each of us. We each have everything we need to thrive and flourish as avdei Hashem. Our situation is different than anyone else’s and we gain nothing by gazing disapprovingly at what other people have. We also need to possess the strength of character to ignore the comments of vacuous people. Everyone has different maalos and chesronos, different kochos and different nisyonos. How we deal with them is what our lives are all about.
May we all merit the brachos of “tov ayin hu yevorach” (Mishlei 22:9).
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The Week In News Torah
JUNE 14, 2018 | The Jewish Home
The Weekly Daf Are there times when we can use a double-hekish in the laws of sacrifices? Rabbi Shmuel Wise, Maggid Shiur of RealClearDaf.com
We explored this question on 57a-57b in the daf this week. The gemara there is discussing the time frame for eating the meat of a korban bechor. R’ Akiva there explains that this halachah is derived from the fact that the Torah compares bechor to “the breast and thigh portions.” Which breast/thigh portions? That of korban shelamim (which are waved and given to the kohein), and thus the Torah indicates that just as a shelamim has an eating time frame of two days, so too a korban bechor. However, the fiery scholar, R’ Yose HaGalili (see the above for how he really got off to a great start on his first official day of joining the High Court), points out that we could just as easily understand the above comparison to be referring to the breast/thigh of korban todah. Since todah has a time frame of only one day, this would teach us that a bechor too only
gets one day (and it’s more reasonable to understand it this way given the rule of “Don’t grab too much,” which states that when faced with a choice in scriptural interpretation, we go with the reading that yields the smaller number). R’ Akiva responds by making an additional drashah from the verse that indicates that the longer time frame is intended. R’ Yishmael objects that R’ Akiva didn’t need this last drashah since the suggested alternative – that the Torah wants us to compare bechor to todah – violates the drashah rule that was established on 49b that we may not use a double-hekish (scriptural comparison) to derive sacrificial laws. For the very law that the breast/thigh of todah is given to the kohein is itself only known based on a hekish to shelamim. So, going from shelamim to todah (hekish #1), and then from todah to bechor (hekish #2)
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would be an illegal double-hekish! The gemara then explains that R’ Akiva would respond by pointing out that we are not dealing with a classic double-hekish since each individual hekish isn’t dealing with the same halachah. For hekish #1 is dealing with the basic obligation to give the breast/thigh to the kohein. Hekish #2, on the other hand, is dealing with the one-day time frame for eating the sacrifice. That the breast/thigh of todah has a oneday time frame is known not based on any hekish but simply based on the fact that the Torah assigns this time-frame to todah itself. Being that a critical part of the teaching is being derived from only a single hekish, R’ Akiva argues that this does not fall under the scope of the double-hekish rule. The gemara attempts to refute the opinion of R’ Yishmael from an apparent double-hekish that is made regarding the inner bull and goat of Yom Kippur. The Torah tells us that when inside the Holy of Holies with the blood of the bull, the Kohein Gadol performs an unspecified number of upward sprinklings and seven downward sprinklings. When teaching the sprinklings of the goat, the Torah indicates that one upward sprinkling is performed but does not specify the number of downward sprinklings. The matter is clarified once the verse compares these two sacrifices (hekish #1). We are thereby taught that by each animal one upward sprinkling and seven downward sprinklings are performed. The Torah then compares the sprinklings performed outside the Holy of Holies to the ones performed inside (hekish #2) which tells us that the same number of sprinklings for each animal is performed outside, too. But wait, I thought we’re not allowed to
use a double-hekish for sacrificial law! Now R’ Akiva can answer that there’s no problem here since the teaching in question only partially relies on a double-hekish (for the basic sprinkling procedure is described explicitly by each animal; we only needed the first hekish to nail down the exact number of sprinklings). But according to R’ Yishmael this double-hekish should not be allowed! In its second approach the gemara suggests the following distinction in defense of R’ Yishmael. By these Yom Kippur sacrifices the second hekish is clearly intended by the Torah irrespective of whether we make the first hekish or not. That is because the Torah does explicitly require upward and downward sprinklings by these animals, and thus the comparison between the outside procedure with the inside procedure does at least teach us to perform those procedures outside of the Holy of Holies, too. Once it is clear that the Torah wants us to make this second hekish, it’s reasonable to assume that all known information regarding these sprinkling procedures – even information that we only know through an additional hekish – is to be applied outside, as well. By contrast, regarding the double-hekish from bechor to todah to shelamim, without hekish #1 (that established that there is even such a thing as a kohanic breast/thigh portion by todah) there is zero basis for hekish #2. So since this is a clear cut chain that begins from one hekish and then continues to another, it is proscribed by the rule on 49b. Thus, the gemara concludes that no refutation of R’ Yishmael can be drawn from the drashah concerning the Yom Kippur sacrifices.
The Week In News
JUNE 14, 2018 | The Jewish Home
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Interview The Week In News
JUNE 14, 2018 | The Jewish Home
Turning Tears into Laughter: An Interview with Seth Rogen and Lauren Miller Rogen Sarah Pachter I recently conducted an interview with well-known comedic actor, Seth Rogen, and his lovely wife, Lauren Miller Rogen. I wanted to learn more about this couple and the secret to their mega-success. Despite initially feeling intimidated, this famous couple greeted me with genuine warmth, and I immediately felt comfortable in their presence. Rogen may be one of the jolliest fellows I have ever encountered, while Lauren is humble and gracious. This couple defies the typical Hollywood stereotype. They have been together for over 12 years. They sustain and nurture their personal relationship, have become A-list Hollywood celebrities, and have founded a thriving charitable organization together. The following is what I learned from my time with the Rogens. Personal Relationship – Quick Insights Seth and Lauren shared that the number one ingredient that has kept their relationship strong throughout life is their respective ability to count on each other. They introduced me to a specific “rule” that they live by: The Two Week Rule. Seth explained that while they both travel regularly, “We have a ‘Two Week Rule.’ We never spend more than two weeks apart.” The couple also clued me in to how they prevent personal burnout. Lauren noted, “We make sure to build in zoneout time.” Seth explained that concept further. “We are really good at doing absolutely nothing together. We watch a lot of good – and bad – TV.” Rest and relaxation in their busy lives, as a couple, is vital to fostering resilience and maintaining a high level of productivity. A-List Hollywood Celebrities – Authenticity and Rejection Authenticity When I asked the Rogens to describe the pros and cons of being famous, Seth joked that he rarely needs to wait in a line or make a reservation at a restaurant. He continued, “Honestly, my fame is a much smaller part of my life than the fact that I have a job that I really, really like, and I am able to express my inner self. The older I get, the more I realize there are so few people that like their jobs at all. Lauren and I both have jobs we really like and allow for self-expression, and we are incredibly fortunate for that.” Lauren, for her part, attributes authenticity as the secret to Seth’s success. “He
has been successful because he keeps leaning into his personal strengths.” Lauren is an accomplished writer in her own accord, and is also adept at being herself. “You have to know what it is that you want. I always have clear goals, and it’s precisely when I am clear about them, I am able to achieve them.
dle rejection, a natural component to such a competitive industry. Lauren explained, “As creative people, we experience rejection all of the time. It’s part of what we signed up for. But I have never been the type of person to take ‘no’ for an answer.” Seth made sure to emphasize that while it
When I am just tossing ideas around, which is an important part of the process, I am not moving forward as much as I am when I am working towards one clear goal. You have to first figure out what that one thing is.” Seth agreed that many people share the desire for success, but admittedly do not know what they want to pursue. He joked that people will say to him, “Seth, I want to be successful.” He responds, “Okay, doing what?” And then they say, “Uh… I dunno.” He continued that once you know what you want to do, you have to work hard to achieve it. However, both he and Lauren noted a caveat: “The only way you can passionately work hard at something long-term is when you are doing what is authentic to you.” Lauren expounded, “Even when we get stressed out, we are doing something we really enjoy and care about. For example, I am currently creating a movie, and it has been a long road, and I am really tired. But I love it, and I am happy to be tired [as a result].” Rejection I asked Seth and Lauren how they han-
clearly “affects you, we just need to keep on going. Move on. I usually tell myself it is not personal. It’s about them, not me. [Then] just try again, or try someone else.” This mantra of perseverance is something that the pair have applied to more serious difficulties that they have encountered in life, beyond mere professional hardship. Lauren’s mother was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s Disease at the young age of 55. Her mother was shocked, horrified, and ashamed. At the time, there was an embarrassing stigma associated with this diagnosis, and Lauren’s mom wanted it kept a secret. However, as her disease worsened, it became increasingly difficult to hide the ailment. “[I was] extraordinarily affected when Mom was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s. We both felt sad and hopeless about any kind of action we could take, and felt paralyzed. One day, a friend suggested we do a comedy show to raise money for Alzheimer’s. However, it soon became clear that this was not going to just be an event, but that we needed to be an organization.” In 2012, the Lauren and Seth founded Hilarity for Charity.
Hilarity for Charity The organization grew organically, fulfilling a true need. “When we started talking about it, people would reach out and comment that they have the same story, and that is when we realized that we are not in this alone. There are so many people going through the very same thing, and want to share their story. Lauren’s mother is still physically alive, though she has experienced great suffering due to her illness. Yet the family continues to put one foot in front of the other, and is proud to have created positive change from this challenge. Hilarity for Charity represents this strength in the face of adversity, and through it they have found healing, not only for the global public suffering from Alzheimer’s, but within themselves as well. Lauren exclaimed that “Creating this organization heals me. Since there is no treatment or cure for Alzheimer’s, there is very little action to take. So the fact that we’ve raised almost ten million dollars, and have given away over two hundred thousand hours of care, helps me feel that I have power over something which I actually have no power at all. It has made me feel so positive, [in a place] where I used to feel so very negative.” When I asked this power couple what has brought them the greatest pride in their lives, their immediate response was the fact that they created Hilarity for Charity together. Recently, Kermit the Frog sang “The Rainbow Connection” with them during a Hilarity for Charity event. Lauren explained the power of that experience. “It was not about the specific song, or detail, but rather what it all represented. As we stood there singing on stage, we realized that we had created an organization so big that even The Muppets were willing to participate. That moment did not come out of nowhere – we had created something real and tangible.” Seth agreed. “That was a moment that gives you nachas!” Truly, it is Seth and Lauren who give us all nachas. An A-list Hollywood couple whose greatest pride is taken in an organization that was created to help others is something to be more than proud of. May Hashem give them continued strength to fulfill this mission. And as Kermit sings, hopefully “someday, we’ll find it” – a cure for Lauren’s mother and everyone else currently suffering from Alzheimer’s Disease.
The Week In News Feature
JUNE 14, 2018 | The Jewish Home
OCTOBER 29, 2015 | The Jewish Home
t n e m o M l a c i r o t s i H olds r H o e r u t p u F -O the
r e a nd W o p a g n i S ppened in a H t a h W By S us a n
or three days this week Singapore stood at the center of the diplomatic universe as President Donald Trump engaged in oneon-one high-stakes diplomacy with North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un. The summit started with President Trump using an iPad to show Kim a short video made on his behalf, laying out the opportunities that could come with an agreement to eliminate North Korea’s nuclear arsenal. It ended with a signed agreement by both countries which will serve as a framework for denuclearization and normalized relations. In time this summit will be seen as either an elaborate photo-op, rivaling President George W. Bush posing in front of a “Mission Accomplished” banner in the early days of the Iraq
War, or an historic moment, which may one day be spoken about in the same sentence as the Yalta Conference at the end of World War II.
Kim Jong Un Arrives The North Korean leader touched down in Singapore on Sunday afternoon in an Air China 747 plane, provided by Beijing, and was greeted by Singapore’s Foreign Affairs Minister Vivian Balakrishnan. Two other aircraft arrived carrying other officials and supplies for Kim, including food and his own toilet. One of those planes was North Korea’s official government aircraft, an old Russian jet, jokingly referred to as “Air Force Un.” Kim’s delegation included Kim Yong Chol, who
recently met Trump in Washington, D.C., to deliver a letter from the North Korean leader, Foreign Minister Ri Yong Ho, and Kim’s younger sister Kim Yo Jong, who attended the Winter Olympics and accompanied Kim to South Korea in April. Kim’s escort of 35 vehicles, including an unmarked Mercedes Benz with North Korean flags in which he rode, brought him to the swanky St. Regis hotel where he stayed in the Presidential Suite, which normally fetches $9,000 a night. The cash-poor Kim, however, did not have to swipe his credit card or use Starwood miles to pay for his stay – he was comp-ed by Singapore, which spent $20 million to host the summit. Kim took it all in before the summit. On Sun-
The Week In News Feature
day evening he greeted tourists and visited local sights. He was accompanied by numerous Singaporean officials, some of whom posted selfies on Facebook. The following day, Kim visited Singapore’s most luxurious tourist attractions — including the extravagant Marina Bay Sands resort and hotel, which is Sheldon Adelson’s $6.6 billion tourist attraction featuring a mammoth casino and a luxury 5-star hotel with two floating pavilions as well as the world’s largest rooftop infinity pool, gazing down on the glittering city-skyline from 57 stories high. President Trump landed in Singapore later in the evening, having flown from the G7 meeting in Canada. He traveled in “the Beast” to the posh Shangri-La Hotel in downtown Singapore.
Meeting – Finally The summit got underway on Tuesday morning at the Capella Hotel on Singapore’s Sentosa Island when Trump and Kim greeted each other and shook hands against a backdrop of U.S. and North Korean flags. Trump, who last week said that he would be able to tell within one minute if Kim is serious about making a deal, then held a private 40-minute meeting with Kim. Only their interpreters were in the room. The two then walked together along a balcony as they headed to a larger meeting with aides which continued with a working lunch featuring several Korean foods as well as Trump’s favorites, such as beef short ribs and Haagen-Dazs ice cream. The summit ended less than five hours later with Trump and Kim sitting alongside each other at a table where they each signed a joint statement. As it was through the rest of the day, Trump did most of the talking. Kim, though, did say, “Today we had a historic meeting and decided to leave the past behind and we are about to sign a historic document. The world will see a major change.” Throughout their interactions, Trump and Kim staged frequent photo opportunities that showed them getting along. During a post-lunch stroll on the hotel grounds, Trump showed Kim the interior of the presidential limousine known as “The Beast.”
JUNE 14, 2018 | The Jewish Home The Jewish Home | OCTOBER 29, 2015
At one point, a translator, apparently interpreting Kim’s words, noted, “Many people in the world will think of this as a form of fantasy from a science fiction movie.” And of course, Trump was Trump – as reporters yelled questions during the photo op, Trump told Kim, “The press, they never stop.” Later, during a working lunch, Trump asked photographers for good pictures “so we look nice and handsome and thin.”
Joint Statement The signed joint statement was aspirational in tone and noted that “President Trump committed to provide security guarantees to the DPRK,
Nothing says to Kim “you can trust me, I call the shots,” like spontaneously changing the fiftyyear military status quo in the region. and Chairman Kim Jong Un reaffirmed his firm and unwavering commitment to complete denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula.” Although the statement is light on details, it noted that “the United States and the DPRK commit to hold follow-on negotiations, led by the U.S. Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, and a relevant high-level DPRK official, at the earliest possible date, to implement the outcomes of the U.S.-DPRK summit.” In his press conference, President Trump disclosed that even though it is not documented in the signed document, Kim told him that North Korea will destroy a major missile engine testing
site. “We agreed to that after the agreement was signed,” he explained. “That’s a big thing,” he added.
Denuclearization The timeline for denuclearization has not been disclosed. At his press conference, Trump declared, “Chairman Kim is on his way back to North Korea and I know for a fact that as soon as he arrives he will start a process that will make a lot of people very happy and very safe.” In an interview with Fox’s Sean Hannity, Mr. Trump stated that Kim will start the denuclearization process “virtually immediately.”
Suspension of Military Exercises President Trump surprised many when he announced at his press conference that the U.S. agreed to suspend military exercises with South Korea in return for a commitment to denuclearization from North Korea. Mr. Trump called the war games “expensive” and “very provocative.” Stopping them is a major concession, something that the U.S. had previously rejected as non-negotiable on the grounds that the exercises are a key element of its military alliance with South Korea and are a deterrent against North Korea. The South Korean government seemed broadsided by this pledge and in a statement said that it needs to “to find out the precise meaning or intentions” of Trump’s statement, while adding that it was willing to “explore various measures to help the talks move forward more smoothly.” It has long been the Pentagon’s position that joint military exercises with South Korea are not provocative. U.S. forces in South Korea seemed caught off-guard by the president’s recent statement halting the exercises and a spokeswoman for U.S. military forces in Korea said it had not received any direction to cease joint military drills. “USFK has received no updated guidance on execution or cessation of training exercises – to include this fall’s schedule Ulchi Freedom Guardian.” She noted that for now the joint military exercises will continue. “In coordination with our (South Korean) partners, we will continue with our cur-
The Week In News Feature
JUNEOCTOBER 14, 2018 | The Home 29, Jewish 2015 | The Jewish Home
rent military posture until we receive updated guidance from the Department of Defense (DoD) and/or Indo-Pacific Command (INDOPACOM).” Although President Trump is known for making off-the-cuff statements, the agreement to suspend military exercises is unlikely to be another “covefe moment.” To the extent it appears that the U.S military and Seoul were unaware of that concession by the president, that optic may be by design. Nothing says to Kim “you can trust me, I call the shots,” like spontaneously changing a fifty-year military status quo in the region.
Trump: Kim is Talented The summit came nearly a year after Otto Warmbier, a 22-year-old college student, died as a result of his imprisonment in North Korea. While on a tour of North Korea in January 2016, Warmbier was arrested and detained for allegedly attempting to steal a propaganda poster. He was sentenced to 15 months of hard labor. While incarcerated, he fell into a coma. The U.S. government obtained his release last year, but he died of a severe neurological disease within days of his arrival home. Trump paid tribute to Otto Warmbier at his post-summit press conference and said, “He had a lot to do with us being here today.” He disclosed that he spoke to Otto’s parents and told them that Otto did not die in vain. “Otto Warmbier is a very special person and he will be for a long time in my life. His parents are good friends of mine. I think without Otto, this would not have happened,” the president noted. With the tragedy of Otto and other atrocities perpetrated by the North Korean regime on people’s minds, many were taken aback by Trump categorizing Kim as “talented.” When pressed about it, Trump drew a distinction between talented and nice. “Well, he is very talented. Anybody that takes over a situation like he did at 26 years of age and is able to run it, and run it tough… I don’t say he was nice or say anything about it.” Trump’s overall tone about Kim was generous. “Really, he’s got a great personality,” Trump told Greta Van Susteren after the summit. “He’s a funny guy, he’s very smart, he’s a great negotiator.”
terms of the agreement must be permanent without a sunset provision. Another way to phrase these six requirements from Senate Democrats would be: everything that we didn’t do in our Iran deal, you better do in your deal with North Korea. House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi – who
Optimism & Skepticism
in 2015 called the Iran deal a “diplomatic masterpiece” and who traveled to Syria for a meeting with dictator Bashar al-Assad, who later slaughtered hundreds of thousands of Syrians – released a statement immediately after the summit criticizing President Trump. “In his haste to reach an agreement, President Trump elevated North Korea to the level of the United States while preserving the regime’s status quo.” Just for good measure, perhaps, she added, “The president’s marginalization of the State Department and his habitual disparaging of our allies as demonstrated at the G7 Forum hinders a lasting, stable pathway to peace.” Schumer, who stood by idly when Obama and
In a letter to President Trump by top Senate Democrats, including Senate Minority Leader Schumer (D-NY), the group outlined the criteria that they will apply to determine whether an eventual deal with North Korea is acceptable to them in order for them to vote for lifting sanctions against the regime. The conditions, laid out and numbered in a clear and concise fashion, are that North Korea must dismantle every single nuclear, chemical and biological weapon; it must end the enrichment of uranium and dismantle its enrichment facilities; it must suspend all ballistic Middle testing; it must allow “anywhere, anytime” inspections; and the
Another way to phrase these six requirements from Senate Democrats would be: everything that we didn’t do in our Iran deal, you better do in your deal with North Korea.
Kerry entered a dangerous agreement with the radical Iranian regime in 2015, criticized Trump for meeting with Kim and said that Trump has given “a brutal and repressive dictatorship the international legitimacy it has long craved.” Schumer argued that Kim scored a public relations coup by getting Trump to meet with him and that that may have been his only objective all along. Those beyond the hyper-partisan Washington Beltway were more measured in their assessment of the summit. Japan’s Prime Minister Shinzo Abe welcomed the agreement as a “first step” towards denuclearization but said more needed to be done. “I want to hear the details by phone [from Trump]. I will continue aiming to resolve concerns such as the abduction, nuclear and missile issues,” he said. United Nations spokesman Stephane Dujarric said in a statement, “Implementing today’s and previous agreements reached, in accordance with relevant Security Council resolutions, will require patience and support from the global community.” Britian’s Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson described the summit as “constructive,” while noting, “There is much work still to be done and we hope Kim continues to negotiate in good faith towards complete, verifiable, and irreversible denuclearization.” South Korea’s President Moon Jae-in, who led the effort on the international front to make the summit happen, praised the “historic” summit and declared, “Building on the agreement reached today, we will take a new path going forward.” He acknowledged that the summit is just the beginning of the process, but promised that “we will never go back to the past again and never give up on this bold journey.”
Where We Go from Here Despite the pleasantries, President Trump declared that U.S. economic sanctions against North Korea will remain in place until North Korea eliminates its nuclear weapons capability. In fact, Mr. Trump declared that there are 300 additional sanctions that he is preparing to put into place but he wants to first see what the outcome is of the summit. Trump disclosed that at some time in the future he may visit Pyongyang and that Kim accepted an invitation to the White House, but when that takes place depends on the progress that is made towards the goal of denuclearization. At this point, it is anyone’s guess whether this summit will lead to North Korea’s denuclearization and a stabilization of the region. President Trump, for one, is confident that it will lead to that. He mused, “I think he will do these things. I may be wrong. I may stand before you in six months and say, ‘Hey, I was wrong.’” Then he quickly added, “I don’t know if I’ll ever admit that. I’ll find some excuse.”
AskWeek the Attorney The In News
JUNE 14, 2018 | The Jewish Home
A Summer Overview of California’s Bicycle Laws Michael Rubinstein, Esq. Summer is here! With warmer weather and longer days, more and more bike riders are heading outdoors to enjoy their time on two wheels. It’s a perfect time for a refresher on the relevant laws pertaining to bicycle riding in California. Here they are, in no particular order. Helmet Laws In California, any cyclist under the age of 18 must wear a helmet while riding. In fact, California law is so concerned with the safety of children, skateboarders and scooter riders under 18 must also wear helmets. I personally witnessed a young child who was on his scooter and fell hard on the sidewalk. His head was the first part of his body that made contact with the ground. Thankfully he was wearing his helmet. Make sure your child does, too. Stop Signs Many people continue to be confused by this. Bicycle riders must stop at stop signs! I have had cyclists call my office after being cited by police for failing to stop at stop signs. It’s the law. Follow it. Sidewalk Riding Sidewalk riding is controversial, and there’s a lot of confusion about it, even
among attorneys. California does not prohibit sidewalk riding on a state-wide level. Instead, each particular city throughout the state regulates sidewalk riding. This has led to a hodgepodge of local laws where some cities outlaw sidewalk riding, and other cities permit it. In the City of Los Angeles, the Municipal Code allows sidewalk riding provided that the rider does not ride in wanton disregard for the safety of others. What does that mean? You’re in good company if you have no idea. Some examples I’ve witnessed myself might shed light on this: Two people racing down La Brea Avenue side-by-side would probably be riding in wanton disregard for the safety of others. But someone riding slowly and cautiously would probably be okay. The California Court of Appeal acknowledged the confusion surrounding sidewalk riding a few years ago. It called upon the legislature to clarify the rules, but there have still been no changes. Most problems that lead to bicycle collisions happen when riders ride on the sidewalk against the flow of traffic. That’s because cars exiting parking lots are not expecting a bicyclist to zoom by from right
to left. Instead, most drivers have their vision trained on their left to exit the driveway or parking lot to merge into traffic. While it currently might not be illegal to ride on the sidewalk against the flow of traffic in Los Angeles, it still can be dangerous. Please be careful. Bicycle Lanes Doesn’t a bicyclist have to ride to the right of traffic? Does it bother you when a bicyclist takes up a whole lane, slowing down traffic? The law is probably on the bicyclist’s side. California requires a cyclist who is riding slower than surrounding traffic to ride to the right. However, cyclists can take up a whole lane if hazards are present and they affect the safety of the rider. For example, a parked car door might suddenly open, leading the cyclist to want to avoid that lane for safety concerns. And potholes are very common in Los Angeles and pose a serious threat to cyclists. I have represented cyclists who have been doored, and believe me, they can cause devastating injuries. Bottom line: Yes, cyclists have to use bicycle lanes. But changing traffic or roadway conditions can support a cyclist’s decision to ride in a lane used by vehicles,
too. Three Feet for Safety Act California law recently changed. It is now illegal for a car to pass a cyclist unless there is a minimum of three feet clearance between the car and bike. This law is especially important because the California DMV estimates that 100 cyclists are killed each year in collisions caused by passing cars. That’s 100 too many. Cyclists can help avoid these types of collisions by riding straight, not weaving, and by being predictable. Conclusions As you can tell, California law affects nearly every aspect of a bicycle rider’s time on his/her bike. It’s important for both cyclists and drivers to be aware of these important rules as we head into summer. To make it easy to remember important bicycle safety tips, my office provides free handouts explaining many of the above rules. Call or email to get your free handout! Michael Rubinstein is a Los Angeles based personal injury and accident attorney. He may be reached by visiting www. rabbilawyer.com, or by calling 213-2936075.
The Week In News
JUNE 14, 2018 | The Jewish Home
Going the extra mile!
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MY DIRECT CONTACT INFORMATION: Naomi Silbermintz 323-769-1374 nsilbermintz@ mountsinaiparks.org
Dirshu The Week In News
JUNE 14, 2018 | The Jewish Home
When HaGaon HaRav Chaim Kanievsky Shlita Was Moved to Tears Dorshei HaDaf Program Launched at Home of Rav Chaim Kanievsky Rabbi Chaim Gold
t was an emotional moment at the home of HaGaon HaRav Chaim Kanievsky, shlita. No one was expecting it, but suddenly Rav Chaim was moved to tears. He was visibly emotional and could not contain himself. What caused Rav Chaim to cry? It was a story about remarkable ahavas haTorah told by his chavrusah and close confidant, HaGaon HaRav Elya Mann, shlita. The event was a pesicha event, the day after Shavuos, marking the inauguration of ‘Dorshei HaDaf’, a new Dirshu project that will feature a hotline whereby anyone who has a question on that day’s Daf can call a number and receive answers from a rotating team of talmidei chachomim who will be charged with answering the phones. The Question that so Deeply Moved Rav Chaim At that event, Rav Elya Mann related, “Today is 7 Sivan, the yahrzeit of the famous Ger Tzedek of Vilna, Rav Avrohom ben Avrohom. When Rav Avrohom was taken to be burned al kiddush Hashem for converting to Judaism, he requested from those who came to kill him that they honor his one final request as has been customary throughout the ages before killing someone... They agreed. “He asked to be taken to the Vilna Gaon. They brought him to the Gaon and he asked the Gaon the following question: ‘We know the rule of ‘zerizim makdimim l’mitzvos - One should perform mitzvos with alacrity.’ According to that dictum I should be running to fulfill this mitzvah of dying al kiddush Hashem. On the other hand, the quicker I run, the quicker I will hasten my death and one must not hasten one’s death. What should I do? Run quickly or not?’” Upon hearing Rav Elya tell over the question, Rav Chaim became extremely emotional and let out a sob. Clearly, the Ger Tzedek’s love of Torah and mesiras nefesh touched him deeply. Rav Mann continued, “Before the Gaon had a chance to answer his question, the soldiers hustled Rav Avrohom
away. The Gaon rushed to the window and shouted after him, ‘Reb Avrohom, quicker!’ Rav Avrohom began to walk quickly…” Rav Mann remarked to Rav Chaim, “How much time did Rav Avrohom merit to learn Torah before he was killed? Still, we see what an exalted level of Torah he was able to reach. That is the power of
The latest program, Dorshei HaDaf, is another aid to Torah learning that Dirshu is providing as a service to Klal Yisroel. At the home of HaGaon HaRav Gershon Edelstein, shlita, senior Rosh Yeshiva of Ponovezh, HaGaon Rav Boruch Dov Diskin, shlita, Rosh Yeshiva at Yeshiva Orchos Torah, and primary composer of the Dirshu tests, as well as Dirshu’s Nasi,
“In order to understand Torah, one must acquire Torah...and the first way to acquire Torah is through ‘talmud’, learning.”
Meeting at the home of Harav Gershon Edelstein to discuss the new Dorshei HaDaf Program
immersion in Torah.” Dorshei HaDaf Another Aid to Torah Learning Dirshu has made its mission to facilitate and encourage limud haTorah with accountability among all segments of Klal Yisrael and has invested a tremendous amount of resources to empower Yidden the world over to maximize both the quality and the quantity of the Torah that they learn.
Rav Dovid Hofstedter and Rabbi Avigdor Bernstein, a senior member of Dirshu’s Hanhalah, explained to the Rosh Yeshiva how the new program came about. “Today, those learning the Daf HaYomi often come up with questions that they cannot answer. The nature of Daf HaYomi learning and the amount that must be covered daily often doesn’t allow for a protracted amount of time to research questions. What Dirshu has done is taken some of
their most capable talmidei chachomim, those who have been tested cumulatively on the entire Shas with Gemara, Rashi and Tosafos over the past two or three machzorim of the Daf HaYomi and have appointed them to be available on the Dorshei HaDaf hotline to offer learners answers to any questions that they have.” HaGaon HaRav Gershon Edelstein, Shlita: The Main Thing Is To Increase Torah Learning Rav Gershon gave his heartfelt bracha, saying that anything that will help improve people’s learning and deepen their understanding of learning is a good and important thing. Rav Gershon also commented that the main thing is to increase Torah learning, both in quality and quantity and if testing succeeds in doing this, then it is a vital, positive tool. The Rosh Yeshiva commented that when large gatherings celebrating the accomplishments of lomdei Torah brings chizuk in learning and results in more people learning Torah, it is a great chizuk. Kinyan HaShas Graduates Explain How Tests Transformed Their Learning One of the unique aspects of the Dirshu Dorshei HaDaf program is the fact that the hotline is manned by those who have succeeded in taking and excelling on Dirshu tests on multiple machzorim of Shas. Rav Yaakov Hain, shlita, Rosh Kollel of Kollel Yissocher B’Ohalecha and a shoel u’meishiv in Yeshiva Orchos Torah, the yeshiva founded and headed by HaGaon HaRav Aharon Leib Shteinman, zt”l, explained what it was that enabled him to become one of the individuals who will be answering the phones for the Dorshei HaDaf program. He said, “I have a tremendous amount of hakoras hatov for Dirshu because it was only through the Dirshu Kinyan Shas program that I was able to make my way through Shas in a comprehensive manner. “I have two different positions. One as a Rosh Kollel and the other as a shoel u’meishiv. If I didn’t have the obligation
Dirshu The Week In News
JUNE 14, 2018 | The Jewish Home
Rav Dovid Hofstedter greeting Harav Gershon Edelstein
to take the Dirshu tests I would be so busy with just learning the material for my two other responsibilities that I would have neglected learning the rest of Shas. It is only because of the rigorous testing schedule that I was able to complete Shas and retain the material in a verifiable way.” Rav Hain then reminisced about an incident that transpired approximately thirteen years ago. “At that time,” he explained, “they asked for a number of test takers to come and meet Rav Dovid Hofstedter. He wanted to hear about our experiences taking the tests, so that he could hear feedback on how to make the program even more effective. I answered that I had already been tested in programs run by several different organizations and now I am with Dirshu. He asked me, ‘If other organizations are doing this, why is Dirshu necessary?’ I replied, that Dirshu is the only organization that has different tracks for Gemara and Rashi and a separate track for Gemara, Rashi and Tosafos. ‘Why,’ he probed further, ‘is it significant that there is a separate track just for Gemara with Rashi?’” I answered, “When one takes a test with Tosafos, human nature, is that he focusses only on Tosafos without investing sufficient time and effort into understand the Gemara and Rashi. If, however, you first go through Shas being tested only on Gemara with Rashi and only then, for the next machzor, do you progress to including Tosafos, the benefits are indescribable!” Success Breeds Success Rav Yaakov Menachem Krauss, a distinguished talmid chochom who has been tested on the entire Shas and is now one of the individuals tasked with marking Dirshu’s tests, spoke about how effective Dirshu’s tests were, in enhancing his own learning. “Firstly, of course, taking a test creates a tremendous feeling of obligation to know the material. It is, however, much deeper than that. I think the most powerful effect that Dirshu has had on me is the
HaRav Chaim Kanievsky meeting with Hanhalas Dirshu regarding the Dorshei Hadaf program
sipuk, the spiritual satisfaction in learning, which it brings. There is nothing that can describe the rush that one feels when, after the test, you get the answer sheet and determine if what you wrote was correct. When you see that you were matzliach the pleasure is incomparable!” “One reason is because when a person does well on a Dirshu test he knows that he succeeded in really knowing the Gemara. Dirshu doesn’t ask riddles or ‘gotcha’ questions but rather asks solid and comprehensive questions that encompass the essence of the sugya. It is mindboggling to contemplate the amount of Torah
Rav Dovid Hofstedter greeting Harav Chaim Kanievsky
ally the day the Torah was given - 51 days after the beginning of Sefiras Ha’Omer. In order to understand Torah, one must acquire Torah. The Chazon Ish would say, “A person cannot acquire anything without the act of a ‘kinyan’, an acquisition. Torah also requires a kinyan. For every acquisition of material possessions there are Mishnayos that explain how that kinyan takes place. With regard to Torah as well, there is a Mishnah that delineates how to acquire Torah. That Mishnah is the one that enumerates the 48 ways to acquire Torah. The first way to acquire Torah, the Mishnah says, is ‘talmud’, to
“Dirshu has made its mission to facilitate and encourage limud haTorah with accountability among all segments of Klal Yisrael and has invested a tremendous amount of resources to empower Yidden the world over to maximize both the quality and the quantity of the Torah that they learn.”
that Dirshu has caused to be learned. I often say that the night before a Dirshu test, there is massive infusion of Torah being learned in the world; a zechus that cannot be properly quantified!” The ‘Kinyan’ Imperative At the home of Rav Chaim, Rav Eliyahu Mann sitting next to Rav Chaim was asked to convey Rav Chaim’s message. His remarks were reminiscent of the Gemara’s account of a meturgaman, a translator, who would amplify the words of the rebbi. He said, “How fitting it is that this event of Kiddush Hashem [of the launching of Dorshei HaDaf] is transpiring today. Today is the day after Kabbolas HaTorah - the receiving of the Torah. According to the Magen Avrohom, it isn’t the day after Kabbolas HaTorah but actu-
learn. What is ‘talmud’? What does talmud mean and how is it acquired? The simple answer is that talmud means to sit and learn Torah. It makes no difference what a person’s ‘job’ is whether he learns all day or engages in parnasah for part of the time. It all depends on what your primary focus is. If your primary focus is Torah, it means that you are a ‘talmud’, a learner. It makes no difference whether you are engaged in other activities for part of the day. You are a ‘learner’ that is what defines you! A person must use every free minute to learn and must make sure that he has free minutes to learn. This is especially important when it comes to Daf HaYomi. There are times when a person is busy. He does not have
the time to learn, it is difficult for him to learn. Still, if he knows that he is learning the same Daf as all of Klal Yisroel is learning, he will somehow find the time to keep up, he will engage in ‘talmud’ even when it is difficult. That is the first kinyan of the 48. Learning. [Rav Chaim told me another interesting thing, relates Rav Mann.] When a child who is becoming bar mitzvah comes to ask [Rav Chaim] what spiritual undertaking he should accept upon himself in honor of his bar mitzvah, Rav Chaim says, “To learn Shas.” [I ask Rav Chaim, “Shas?!”] [He replies, “Why not?”] That is ‘learning’. Learning means Shas, but it doesn’t have to be done in one night. When a person learns Daf HaYomi, he learns one daf today and another daf tomorrow, as the Gemara teaches, ‘The wise person says, “Today I will learn one page and tomorrow another.” The wise person does not say, “How am I going to learn so much? How can I finish the entire Shas?” The way to acquire Shas is by learning one Daf after another with consistency.’ Throughout the generations it was known that one must learn from others. A rebbi must give over to a talmid and a talmid must learn from a rebbi. Today, the new concept of [the Dorshei HaDaf] hotline is akin to a rebbi/ talmid relationship. Whenever a person has a question he has whom to ask. Today, with the establishment of the new [Dorshei HaDaf] Hotline for Shailos it will be possible for people all over the world to tap into this rebbi/talmid relationship even when the rebbi is geographically far away from them. Rav Mann concluded by quoting Rav Chaim’s opinion with regard to Dirshu. He said, “Tell Dirshu that I am jealous of their zechusim. In many ways Dirshu has ensured that Torah should not be forgotten among Yisroel. Ashreichem V’Ashrei Chelkechem - fortunate are you and fortunate is your lot!”
The Week In News
The Week In News
Temporary Taliban “Time Out”
Afghan President Ashraf Ghani recently announced a three-day ceasefire over the Eid holiday with the Taliban. The break in fighting marks the first ceasefire since the 2001 U.S. invasion of Afghanistan. “All the mujahideen [Islamic warriors] are directed to stop offensive operations against Afghan forces for the first three days of Eid-al-Fitr,” the Afghan Taliban said in a WhatsApp message. “But if the mujahideen are attacked, we will strongly defend [ourselves],” the group added. Foreign troops were excluded from
JUNE 14, 2018 | The Jewish Home
the ceasefire. “Foreign occupiers are the exception,” the Taliban announcement said. “Our operations will continue against them, we will attack them wherever we see them.” President Ghani was clear that only the Taliban would be spared in the ceasefire but fighting against other militant groups, including “Islamic State,” would continue. Ghani hopes that the ceasefire will give the Taliban time to reflect on the “negative effects of their violent campaign.” ”With the ceasefire announcement, we epitomize the strength of the Afghan government and the will of the people for a peaceful resolution to the Afghan conflict,” the president added. The United States confirmed that they would respect the ceasefire as well. “We will adhere to the wishes of Afghanistan for the country to enjoy a peaceful end to the Islamic holy month of Ramadan, and support the search for an end to the conflict,” said General John Nicholson, the US commander of NATO forces in Afghanistan.
$2.5B in Aid Going to Jordan Jordan’s neighbors are coming together to help the struggling country during its economic crisis. Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Kuwait have all agreed
to provide $2.5 billion in aid to Jordan, whose economy has hit the skids following the recent wave of anti-austerity protests. “In light of the close brotherly ties … it was agreed that the three countries would provide an economic aid package to Jordan totaling $2.5 billion,” the official Saudi Press Agency said. The package will include a deposit in the Jordanian central bank, World Bank guarantees, budgetary support over five years, and financing for development projects. It was announced at a summit, which was held in Mecca. Jordan’s King Abdullah II along Saudi King Salman and leaders of the United Arab Emirates and Kuwait all attended the meeting. Jordan has been rocked by mass protests against rising prices and a proposed tax hike. The country is pushing for the measures to curb the government’s debt, much of which it owes since securing a $723 million loan from the International Monetary Fund in 2016. Austerity measures tied to the loan led to a dramatic surge in the prices of everyday items across the kingdom. Angry protests over the tax proposals forced Prime Minister Hani Mulki to resign last week. Although authorities announced that they were withdrawing the tax legislation, the balance needed to meet popular demands and reduce the debt burden is very delicate. Jordan blames its economic woes on the general instability in the region and the influx of refugees it has received from Syria over the past six years of civil war.
Jewish Teen Murdered by Migrant in Germany A 20-year-old that was seeking asylum in Iraq has been brought back to Germany to stand trial for the murder of a 14-yearold Jewish girl. “I am delighted the suspect sought by justice is back in Germany,” said Interior Minister Horst Seehofer, adding that Ali Bashar would now “rapidly” face trial.
Bashar is accused of assaulting and killing Susanna Maria Feldman, Hy”d, in the German city of Wiesbaden. He was detained in Iraq following public outcry after German police said that he was able to flee the country with his family. Although there is no official extradition agreement between Iraq and Germany, Bashar was put on a Lufthansa flight to Germany from Erbil, the
Kurdish regional capital. Tariq Ahmad, police chief for the Dohuk province of Iraqi Kurdistan told reporters that “during interrogation following his arrest, the young man originally from Kurdistan confessed to killing the German girl.” Bashar arrived in Germany with his parents and five siblings in December of 2016. They claimed to be refugees when, in fact, they were in Germany to seek a better economic situation. His asylum request was rejected at the end of 2016 and he should have been deported. Sadly, he was not. And so began three years of a crime wave by Bashar which included assaults on police officers, robbery with a knife, and possession of illegal weapons. In March of this year, Bashar was a suspect in the assault of an 11-year-old girl at the same refugee shelter where the Bashar family was living. Susanna disappeared from her home on May 22. Her mother filed a missing person’s report but police thought that she was a runaway. Finally, police mobilized. Tipped off by a 13-year-old migrant boy living in an asylum shelter of the kind that dot Germany these days, the police soon had a suspect. Detectives found Susanna’s body on June 6, in a wooded area near railroad tracks on the outskirts of Wiesbaden, a few miles from her home. She had been assaulted and strangled to death. Renewed pressure is being put on Chancellor Angela Merkel’s government over her decision to open Germany’s borders to Europe’s refugees in 2015. More than a million asylum seekers have entered Germany since then. Demonstrators across the country held a minute of silence for the slain teenager. Susanna’s murder is becoming more than just a blip on the screen of a towering wave of crime that Germany has seen since accepting thousands of refugees. Germans, sick of their children and women being assaulted by migrants, are speaking out. Violent crime in Germany has risen by at least ten percent since Merkel opened the country’s doors in mid-2015. In fact, on New Year’s in 2016 at least 1,200 women were assaulted by some 2,000 men – a terribly scourge that German police have attempted to hush up. Susanna’s murder is the fourth death of a German teenage girl by the hands of a migrants in the last year and a half. Alice Weidel, the leader of the right-wing Alternative for Germany (AfD) party, which surged in last fall’s federal elections, winning almost 13 percent of the vote and 94 seats in the German parliament, made note of the wave of murders of young teenage girls. “Susanna is dead. Maria from Freiburg; Mia from Kandel; Mireille from Flensburg; and now Susanna from Mainz,” she lamented. Weidel has called for Merkel to step down over her failures of leadership on the migration issue, went on: “Susanna’s death is not a blind stroke of fate,” she noted. “Susanna’s death is the result of many years of organized irresponsibility and the scandalous failure of our asylum and immigration policies. Susanna is the victim of an out-of-control left-wing multicultural ideology that stops at nothing to impose its sense of moral superiority.”
The Week In News
JUNE 14, 2018 | The Jewish Home
Sanctions on Russia for Cyberattacks This week saw new sanctions imposed by the U.S. Treasury Department on five Russian entities and three individuals for working with Moscow’s military and intelligence services in an effort to conduct cyberattacks against the U.S. The latest step by the Trump administration comes in response to “Russia’s malign and destabilizing cyber activities” against the U.S. and its allies, including the NotPetya cyberattack and cyber intrusions of the U.S. energy grid, Treasury said, and includes a firm that’s controlled by Russia’s Federal Security Service or FSB. “The United States is engaged in an ongoing effort to counter malicious actors working at the behest of the Russian Federation and its military and intelligence units to increase Russia’s offensive cyber capabilities,” Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said in a statement on Monday. Monday’s action also targets the Russian government’s underwater capabilities. Treasury said that Russia has been active in tracking undersea communication cables, which carry the bulk of the world’s telecommunications data. “The entities designated today have directly contributed to improving Russia’s cyber and underwater capabilities through their work with the FSB and therefore jeopardize the safety and security of the United States and our allies,” Mnuchin added. The firms designated in Monday’s announcement have directly contributed to improving Russia’s cyber capabilities through their work with the FSB, which has compromised the security of the U.S. and its allies. They include Digital Security, ERPScan and Embedi. One of the designated entities is controlled by and has provided material and technological support to the FSB, while two others have provided the FSB with material and technological support. Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control, or OFAC, is also designating several entities and individuals for being owned or controlled by, or acting for or on behalf of, the three entities that have enabled the FSB.
Chinese Company to Pay $1B to U.S. ZTE, a Chinese technology firm, has agreed to pay a $1 billion fine to the U.S. to end a ban that has a bulk of its business. The ban, which traces back to a breach of the U.S. embargo on trade with Iran, had prevented China’s second largest telecom equipment maker from buying the U.S. components it relies on to make phones and other devices. Yin Yimin, the chairman of ZTE, issued an apology to staff and customers on Friday. In addition to the fine, ZTE agreed
to overhaul its leadership in exchange for lifting the ban. In a memo to staff, Yimin said ZTE would look to get back into business as soon as possible and hold those responsible for the breach accountable. “This issue reflects problems that exist with our firm’s compliance culture and at management level,” Yin wrote, according to a source inside the company, adding the incident was caused by the mistakes of a few ZTE leaders and employees. He added the U.S. ban had caused “huge losses for the company” which had been forced to pay a “disastrous price.” Last year ZTE pleaded guilty to conspiring to evade U.S. embargoes by buying U.S. components, incorporating them into ZTE equipment, and illegally shipping them to Iran, paying nearly $900 million in fines. The latest sanction in April was because ZTE lied about disciplining some executives responsible for the original violations. This ban was a key component in recent trade talks between Washington and Beijing. Under the recent deal, ZTE will change its board and management within 30 days, pay the $1 billion fine, and put an additional $400 million in escrow. The deal also includes a new 10-year ban that is suspended unless there are future violations.
Venezuela: Most Unsafe Country
It’s never a good sign when a country’s safety record comes up behind Afghanistan. Venezuelans that participated in Gallup’s annual Global Law and Order Index reported that, compared to the rest of the world, they distrust the police, feel unsafe walking at night, and have been robbed and assaulted the most. The citizens of Venezuela felt their country was worse than many of the war-torn nations, failed states, and historically dangerous regions around the globe. In the Gallup survey, the country achieved a law and order score of 44, lower than Afghanistan, South Sudan, Gabon, Liberia and South Africa. This is the second year in a row that Venezuela came in last, due to the recent political, social, and economic volatility in the nation. A whopping 42 percent of Venezuelans said that they had been robbed in the last 12 months. Another 23 percent said that they had been assaulted in the last year. Both numbers are record highs for the country since Gallup started the survey in Venezuela in 2006. Gallup found that in general Latin America and the Caribbean are perceived as the least secure regions on earth, with a low score of 62. When compared to
Sub-Saharan Africa (68), Eastern Europe (81) and South Asia (83), the numbers are even more disturbing. The safest regions, according to the report, were East Asia (87) and Southeast Asia (86), and Western Europe and the United States and Canada, which were tied in third place with a score of 85. The safest countries were found to be Singapore, Norway, Iceland, Finland, and Uzbekistan. The U.S. had a score of 84 and was about halfway down the list.
U.S. Admonishes Nicaraguan Govt Several officials in Nicaraguans are having their U.S. visas revoked by the Trump administration. The White House announced that the move is in response to the country’s reaction to the latest wave of anti-government rallies in which state security forces killed dozens of people. The international community has come out very strongly against the government of President Daniel Ortega. The revocation
of visas is the first punitive action taken by the Trump administration. The Organizations of American States took up the Nicaraguan issue this week in Washington, D.C. Citizens from the Central American country protested outside local hotels in the capital. State Department spokeswoman Heather Nauert said that the violence is “undermining democracy” in a country that has slowly come under autocratic rule by Ortega. “The political violence by police and pro-government thugs against the people of Nicaragua, particularly university students, shows a blatant disregard for human rights and is unacceptable,” she said. The State Department did not define which Nicaraguans would not be allowed to enter the United States, although it did say that the ban included police commanders and national and regional officials. Tens of thousands of Nicaraguans have been marching against the government in recent weeks. State security forces have been firing on largely peaceful demonstrations with live ammunition. More than 120 people have been killed.
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Quotes 29, 2015 | The Jewish Home 26 26 The OCTOBER Week In News
JUNE 14, 2018 | The Jewish Home
Notable Quotes “Say What?!”
They have great beaches. You see that whenever they are exploding the cannons in the ocean. I said, “Look at that view. That would make a great condo.” I explained it. I said, “Instead of doing that, you could have the best hotels in the world.” Think of it from the real estate perspective. South Korea and China and they own the land in the middle. Great. I told them, “You may not want to do what’s there. You may want to do a smaller version of it. That could be.” - President Trump, at his Singapore summit press conference
Let me see, who has better hair? - Ibid., when two reporters tried asking him a question at the same time
Trump should invite JUSTIFY to the White House lawn for winning the Triple Crown. Justify is a WINNER like Trump who could care less about leftist identity politics. – Tweet by former Milwaukee Sheriff David A. Clarke, Jr.
It just shows how much fake news is out there.
How’s the Staten Island Ferry doing? OK? He wrote the best story about me with the Staten Island Ferry. And after that, he’s never written a good story. - Ibid., when he called on a reporter
- New England Patriots tight end Rob Gronkowski when asked about recent trade rumors
I feel like the bottom has to fall out at some point. And by the way, I’m hoping for it. Because I think once you get rid of Trump it’s a crashing economy. So please, bring on the recession. Sorry if that hurts people, but it’s either root for a recession or you lose your democracy. - Bill Maher, HBO
You go in, you start negotiating. And if you don’t stop them from doing it, will have to take rather drastic actions, because if you don’t talk them now, you are going to be in awfully big trouble in five years from now, when they have more missiles than we do. - Donald Trump, in an interview with CNN’s Wolf Blitzer, in 1999
Getting a good picture, everybody? So we look nice and handsome and thin and perfect? - Ibid., to photographers, as he and Kim were set to sit down for lunch
Right now, there’s no question: It’s feeling strong. I mean, if we’re in the sixth inning, we have our sluggers coming to bat right now. - Warren Buffett talking about the state of the economy on CNBC’s “Squawk Box” last Thursday
THIS MONDAY, June 18 JUNE 14, 2018 | The Jewish Home
The Week In News
Full-Day Conference, 8:00am-5:00pm
Join executives for a full day of presentations designed to take your business to the next level! Monday, June 18 | Full-Day Conference, 8am-5pm
Executive Business Conference Montclair State University Monday, June 18, 2018
Catering by:
Presentations Include
• Think Big, Act Bigger: The Rewards of Being Relentless
• How Do the New 2018 Tax Laws Affect You?
• Lowering the Cost of Employer Sponsored Health Care
• What to Know About Partnership Agreements
• Marketing Hacks Every Executive Should Know
• The Cardinal Rules for Effective Leadership
• Law and the Entrepreneur: Legal Challenges and Opportunities on the Path to Success
• You’re Crazy! Words that can assure you that you’re on the right path
• Maximizing Your Banking Relationship
• Innovate the Way You Innovate
Visit WinningEdge2018.com for the full schedule and presentation details. Presenters
Opening Keynote
Closing Keynote
Jeffrey Hayzlett
Stephen Shapiro
Former CMO at Kodak, Chairman of The C-Suite Network
Innovation Instigator, Managing Partner, NSA Hall of Fame Saul N. Friedman Speaker and Company
Bradley Nash
Solomon Klein Michael Langer Josh Nass
Partner at Schlam Stone & Dolan LLP
Partner at Schlam Stone & Dolan LLP
Saul N. Simeon Yitzchok Friedman, CPA Friedman, CPA Saftlas
Founder & CEO, Gulliver’s Gate
Partner, Saul N. Friedman and Company
Founder & CEO, Josh Nass Public Relations
Allen Fagin
Michael A. MacIntyre
CEO of Bottom Line Marketing Groupת, 77WABC Radio Host
Executive Vice President, Orthodox Union
US Head of Retail Business Banking, HSBC
Eli Rowe
Firouz Daneshgari
David Simkowitz
President & Founder, BowTie Medical
Founder & CEO, Simkowitz Co
CEO, World Medical Bank (WOMBA) Medical Advisory Committee, United Refuah HealthShare
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