Jewish Home LA - 3-23-17

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The Week In News

MARCH 23, 2017 | The Jewish Home

MARCH 23, 2017 | The Jewish Home

The Week In News



The Week In News



Community Happenings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6

JEWISH THOUGHT Looks Can Be Deceiving. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Redeemers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

FEATURE A Match Made in China 25 Years of the China-Israel Alliance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

PARENTING Dr. T.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

LIFESTYLES Book Review - Glixman in a Fix. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Notable Quotes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38


Global. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34




MARCH 23, 2017 | The Jewish Home

Dear Readers,

In this week’s parshah the Torah describes in great detail how the yidden donated, created, and brought all the various vessels and special clothing needed for the mishkan. The obvious question is: many halachos are derived from an extra word or even a single unnecessary letter in the Torah. Yet here we have two whole parshiyos almost entirely repeating the specifics of each item we learnt about already when Moshe Rabbeinu taught them to the yidden. It could have easily just said that the yidden brought the utensils exactly as they had been commanded. Why include the details all over again? At times we may feel down. We ask ourselves, “What am I really accomplishing? What’s it all worth? I’m still struggling to overpower my animal soul and I don’t always win, so what value does my avodas Hashem have?” Vayakhel-Pekudei shows us that we’re looking at it wrong. From Hashem’s point of view, each detail of our avodah is precious. Whether it be catching an afternoon minchah, being more careful about kosher food, or withholding a hurtful comment, these are what it’s all about. Looking at it from Hashem’s prospective allows us to see the big picture and not get caught up in our real or imagined faults. Perhaps a world of truth isn’t so scary after all. We will then see the value in each and every positive action we have done throughout our lives. The current weeks are sandwiched between the redemption of Purim and the redemption of yetzias mitzraim, wouldn’t it be grand if the final redemption made it a chazakah. The signs are there. All we need is the redemption itself. Wishing you a wonderful Shabbos,

Shalom In the February 29th edition of the Jewish Home we published an article titled "Memories of a Forgotten Rabbi, Part Two." Against our general policy, some negative information was inadvertently included about someone. We apologize to those who have been hurt by what was written.

T H E P R E M I E R J E W I S H N E W S PA P E R H I G H L I G H T I N G L A’ S O R T H O D OX C O M M U N I T Y The Jewish Home is an independent bi-weekly newspaper. Opinions expressed by writers are not neces­sarily the opinions of the publisher or editor. The Jewish Home is not responsible for typographical errors, or for the kashrus of any product or business advertised within. The Jewish Home contains words of Torah. Please treat accordingly. FOR HOME DELIVERY, OR TO HAVE THE LATEST ISSUE EMAILED TO YOU FREE OF CHARGE, SEND A MESSAGE TO EDITOR@JEWISHHOMELA.COM

MARCH 23, 2017 | The Jewish Home

The Week In News

The Educational Revolution We All Felt in the Summer of 2014 is Coming to LA! The way Yeshivat Makor Chaim handled the tragic kidnapping and murder of their students brought about an unparalleled feeling of Jewish unity throughout the world. In Israel, Makor Chaim has long been widely recognized as one of the nation’s foremost, cutting-edge innovative educational powerhouses. Founded by Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz, referred to by Time Magazine as a “Once in a Millenium Scholar”, Makor Chaim has been headed for 32 years by Rav Dov Singer whom Maariv newspaper termed as “One of the 100 Most Inspiring Israelis”. With a unique combination of modern psychology stressing emotional intelligence, together with traditional Jewish and Chassidic sources, Makor Chaim has succeeded in confronting the great challenges of our time: alienation from G-d, nation and family, loss of religious feeling, substance abuse and more. Rabbi Dov Singer, who also heads Makor Chaim’s Teacher Training Program “Lifnei V’Lifnim” operated in conjunction with Herzog College, is coming to Los Angeles for a special Sunday morning workshop for educators, for parents and the general public.

Makor Chaim Presents: Reach & Teach with Your Heart!   

Holistic Education – Treating the Class or the School as an Organism The Key to Success – Students Improve Teachers! Working with the “Third Partner” – Hashem in the Classroom

Sunday morning March 26, 2016, 9 AM –12 Noon at:

Yeshiva of Los Angeles Girls High School

1619 S. Robertson Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90035 No need to register in advance – open to the public! For more information on Makor Chaim’s new campus being built on the historic “Derech Ha’Avot” Contact: Yossi Baumol 718-734-6524

Join us at Beth Jacob Shabbat afternoon March 25 at 6:50 PM for Seuda Shleesheet!



The Week In News


MARCH 23, 2017 | The Jewish Home

Annual “A Toast to our Heroes” Honors IDF Soldiers and Vets

On Saturday night, March 4th, 200 Angelenos gathered at The Mark for the annual “A Toast to Our Heroes” event, honoring 10 Israel Defense Forces (IDF) soldiers and veterans who were wounded in Operation Protective Edge. The party was the culmination of a 10day Trip of a Lifetime organized by Lev Chayal. Co-founded by Brocha Yemini and a hosting committee of young professionals, Lev Chayal is under the auspices of Chabad Israel Center. It’s devoted to building a community of love and support around injured IDF soldiers. Wounds of war stay with our soldiers the rest of their lives. The Trip of a Lifetime is a gift of gratitude in which we all can take part. The trip eases the unimaginable physical and emotional trauma veterans have experienced during military service protecting the land of Israel. During their time in L.A., the delegation visited Staples Center, Tinder HQ,

Save the Date Scholar-In-Residence: Shabbos April 29, 2017. Rabbi Daniel Lapin, noted Rabbinic scholar, best-selling author and host of the daily television show, Ancient Jewish Wisdom, will be Scholar-In-Residence at Congregation Bais Naftoli, 221 S. La Brea Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90036

Headspace, Getty Villa, Hollywood Boulevard, OUE Skyspace, RTA Brand, and much more! “Israeli soldiers wounded while protecting our country deserve respect, love, and affection from the greater Jewish community of Los Angeles,” says founder Brocha Yemini. She adds, “We are incredibly grateful for the warm welcome the community showed our delegation. We appreciate all the individuals who opened up their doors and hearts to support our soldiers and the Trip of a Lifetime, especially Marvin Markowitz, who generously supports our project.” A video from the Knesset was shown. Asaf Goren presented awards to the soldiers, and Avner Saban gave greetings from the Israeli Consulate and expressed how important it is to support Lev Chayal. The next delegation arrives December 2017. To get involved please contact

The Week In News B"H you must know a Jew not going to the Seder. Send them to esther and rabbi mendel Schwartz

MARCH 23, 2017 | The Jewish Home



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you may have escaped to a pesach resort… don't escape from the mitzvah of ‫כל דכפין‬



TheHappenings Week In News

MARCH 23, 2017 | The Jewish Home

Torah Luminations Makes History Again with New Children’s Animated Videos Worldwide

The producers of the popular Maharal and Golem of Prague DVDs, are offering an exciting new service for children’s professionally animated videos which has never been done before. This innovative service allows frum families around the world to get a new video based on stories of tzaddikim every month, to be watched whenever they want, without needing in-

ternet in the home, and at a better price than the local Judaica stores. These videos are both rabbinically-approved and Chinuch HaVaad reviewed. It’s a service that is completely new for the frum world. Chana Aidel Erlenwein, the mother of a large family living in Toronto, Canada, can all too well relate to the need for meaningful and entertaining videos

for children. Together with her husband Avrahom-Moishe, they took this need and turned it into a mission to serve the frum world. “With my husband’s 10 years’ experience working with advanced technologies at Microsoft Corporation, we decided with siyata d’shemaya to take that background and create a service for the frum community.” The “formula” for producing high-quality, meaningful, and fun videos isn’t only about technology. “Another animation studio had released a video which created a lot of controversy in the frum world. We wanted to learn from that. We wanted everyone to feel comfortable allowing their children to watch our videos. We took our videos to a couple of different rabbanim and received their approval to put their name on our videos, including HaRav M. Lowy, Agudah Rav of Toronto.” Besides rabbinical approval, Torah Luminations has a VaaD Hachinuch to review their videos from a chinuch, tznius and heimishe perspective. The formula was, B”H, bentched with success. Within one year, Torah Luminations produced three DVDs based on several of the Maharal and the Golem of Prague stories. These sold in 40 Judaica stores across five countries. To date, no other animation studio has produced more than one 3D animation video. Besides Torah Luminations, there are only two other 3D animation videos in the market. The budgets for those companies to create each of those videos were between $500,000 to $1,000,000 and produced by a team of ten to one hundred people. The costs, resources and skills needed to produce high quality, children’s 3D animation have made it an almost impossible task until Torah Luminations “found the secret sauce.” Torah Luminations is now making history again by offering worldwide a month-


ly subscription for 3D animation videos. Every month, they will be sending their subscribers a NEW 20-30 minute animated video based on stories of tzaddikim. Your kids will absorb Jewish values such as emunas tzaddikim, bitachon, and simchah while enjoying watching these videos. “With the advent of proper internet filters, awareness, and education, the Jewish community is going online in ever increasing numbers. By making our videos available for download, we found that we could reach more families worldwide and save them money. Since the video is digital, it won’t get scratched like a DVD. With our new subscription model, you get the best of a DVD and the internet. Many parents have told me they plan to download our video while at a place that has an internet connection, then bring it home for their children to watch on their family computer, tablet, or cell phone which isn’t connected to the internet.” The Butcher Who Saved Pesach, the first of the videos in the monthly subscription, is set to launch Rosh Chodesh Nissan for download only. Subscribers can choose two devices ranging from a PC, Mac, IPad, or Android to download the videos. You do NOT need to have internet in your home to enjoy these videos. Keep the kids busy erev Shabbos or while preparing for Pesach with something good or incent them to help! Torah Luminations is offering an “Early Bird discount” to those who order now. You can visit their website at or email for pricing, a video sample, more information, or to contact them.

TheHappenings Week In News

MARCH 23, 2017 | The Jewish Home


Letter to the Editor Thank you for writing about a wonderful woman, Eva Kohan. I would like to add that Mrs. Kohan had a very important role in our community in the late 1970s and 1980s.

Cedars-Sinai Medical Center had just opened a Kosher Kitchen with the supervision of the Rabbinical Council of California. Mrs. Kohan was the first cook for this important endeavor. Mrs. Netty Levine

was the Dietician for the Kosher kitchen, and together with Mrs. Kohan they provided a choice of meals suited to the variety of dietary needs of the patients. My late husband, Rabbi Levi Meier z’l

was the first Jewish chaplain, and had a warm with relationship with Mrs. Kohan. Sincerely, Mrs. Marcie Meier

Rabbi Stulberger Strengthens Saint Louis Yeshiva and Community Rabbi Josh Bregman Missouri Torah Institute was privileged to host Rabbi and Mrs. Avrohom Stulberger for Shabbos. As the Rosh Yeshiva of Valley Torah High School in Los Angeles, and an experienced mechanech for over 30 years, Rabbi Stulberger came to inspire the talmidim and give chizzuk to the community. On Friday, he delivered a shmuess to the mesivta, stressing the immense value of each member of klal yisrael. Our achrayus is to always seek out more ruchniyus, as there is no limit to the spiritual heights that we can achieve. He emphasized that our goal is stand up for kiddush shem shamayim as the future leaders of the next generation. Rabbi Stulberger then proceeded to University City to address the talmidim at Torah Prep Elementary School. He gave chizzuk to the students and spoke about derech eretz and sensitivity to others as a primary focus in a Jew’s striving for great-

ness. After spending Shabbos in yeshiva, Rabbi Stulberger was extremely impressed with the talmidim, and the palpable ruach and simchah that permeated the yeshiva. On Motzei Shabbos, the yeshiva partnered with the Community Initiative for Strengthening Families and sponsored a community lecture on the topic of “Love and Discipline – Finding the Balance in Parenting.” The event took place at the home of Rabbi and Mrs. Todd Davidovits. Rabbi Davidovits, a proud alumnus of Valley Torah, welcomed the impressive crowd and expressed his hakaras hatov to Rabbi Stulberger. He shared that he wouldn’t be where he is today without Rabbi Stulberger and Valley Torah. Rabbi Stulberger spoke about the importance of being self-disciplined and great role models for our children. In addition, we should be genuinely interested

in each child’s needs. Kids have a unique radar that can sense their parents’ true approval. It’s imperative that parents love their children unconditionally and avoid competitive parenting, such as comparing school grades and growth in ruchniyus. Upon reflection of the Stulberger’s visit, the Rosh Yeshiva, Rabbi Dovid Fromowitz, expressed his profound appreci-

ation on behalf of the staff and talmidim of MTI. The multiple opportunities over the weekend to hear powerful shmuessen, thought-provoking question-answer sessions, and a well-attended community lecture from a veteran mechanech and sought-after speaker were a real aliyah in ruchniyus for all.

The Shloshim of L.A.’s Beloved Schwartzie Tova Abady ie and Olivia hosted 60-plus guests every Shabbos in a warm, loving environment. There, they were charmed by Schwartzie’s charisma and the unforgettable, healthy home cooking of Olivia. A family friend – from the only Jewish family from her town in New Mexico – said her life was transformed in the twelve years she knew the Schwartz family, beginning with one

such uplifting Shabbos experience. Other amazing stories will hopefully be shared in a book in the near future. Mendel Schwartz told the audience that his father loved each and every one of them. He asked that those who were privileged to know his father commit to at least one deed listed on a card they handed out – and help fellow Jews to do likewise: par-

ticipate in weekly or monthly Torah study, practice love of fellow Jew, give daily tzedakah, put up a mezuzah, begin to keep the laws of kashrus, wear tefillin, light Shabbos candles, get a Jewish education, read a minimum of three Jewish books (Bible, Prayer Book, and Psalms), and/or follow the laws pertaining to Jewish marriage.

Photos: Lynn Abesera

The night after Purim, hundreds of people gathered at the Writers Guild in Beverly Hills, where the Chai Center holds their annual Yom Kippur service, to celebrate the life of Rabbi Shlomo Schwartz, affectionately known to Jews around the globe as Schwartzie. The greatness of Schwartzie was described by the eloquent speeches and stories shared by his children, friends, and his wife, Olivia. Each story illustrated how this one Jewish man, a shaliach for the Lubavitcher Rebbe, was able to make a difference and touch countless lives. As several of his children explained, there was nothing Schwartzie wouldn’t do to reach out to Jews, including wearing rainbow suspenders, handing out flyers with his son Mayshe (with the police in tow), and driving a car with his collection of colorful bumper stickers. No one would fear approaching a rabbi wearing these suspenders, and the bumper stickers attracted curious people. Many of these fellow Jews were later welcomed at the Schwartz home. Schwartz-

Rabbi Mendel Schwartz

Rebbetzin Olivia Schwartz

The Week In News

MARCH 23, 2017 | The Jewish Home

everything's changed. except the taste.


The Week In News

MARCH 23, 2017 | The Jewish Home

Easy, Breezy. Lieber's coconut miLk ice cream

1. Blend all ingredients together until smooth.

1. 26 oz. Lieber's coconut milk, (chilled, 4 hours)

3. Whisk briskly or churn with an immersion blender.

2. 1 - 1 3/4 c Lieber's sugar

4. Refreeze and repeat every 30 minutes until creamy and completely frozen.

3. 2 t Lieber's vanilla extract

2. Freeze for 30 minutes.

Lieber's coconut milk is what makes this ice cream recipe smooth & scoopable.

Also try Lieber's organic coconut cream & light milk in your Pesach recipes this year!

!‫חג כשר ושמח‬



TheHappenings Week In News

MARCH 23, 2017 | The Jewish Home

Mental Health Referrals for the Jewish Community: Relief Resources Come to Los Angeles Yehudis Litvak The Los Angeles Jewish community can now avail itself of the services provided by Relief Resources, a non-profit mental health referral service. With headquarters in New York, Relief has helped tens of thousands of people in the past 16 years. The services are geared towards the needs of the Jewish community and are provided free of charge. Providers cover the full range of mental disorders.

Relief maintains a database of various mental health professionals, including psychologists, psychiatrists, and specialists in abuse and eating disorders. The current database consists of over 4000 clinicians located in the United States, Canada, Britain, and Israel. The local branch of Relief is headed by Rabbi Daniel Berman. As per Relief’s policy, Rabbi Berman is not a mental health

professional, so that he can stay impartial when providing referrals. However, he is

‫בס "ד‬





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Birria Lamb and beef braised overnight in dry chiles

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Side Dishes



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well-read on the subject of mental health, as well as rigorously trained by Relief. Since taking on the position of director at Relief Los Angeles, he has spent months meeting with local clinicians. Relief uses a vetting process when including a mental health professional in its database. Following Relief’s protocol, Rabbi Berman gets to know the clinicians and gets a feel for their unique strengths. The local database is continually expanding, currently consisting of over 150 clinicians. The local database includes a significant number of Orthodox mental health professionals, as well as non-Orthodox or non-Jewish clinicians who are familiar with the frum lifestyle and understand the needs of the Orthodox patients. “When we try to help a client with mental health issues, there is a religious overlap,” says Rabbi Berman. He explains that at times, the therapist needs to involve a rav, for example, when treating Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) that manifests in compulsive religious rituals. When a client contacts the local branch of Relief, they usually need to leave a message. Rabbi Berman returns the phone calls and conducts an informal intake. He gathers information about the client’s symptoms, whether they had occurred before, and prior medical history. When a parent calls to obtain referrals for a child, Rabbi Berman also asks them about the child’s position in the family and other relevant factors. “[I try] to get a picture of what’s been going on,” says Rabbi Berman. “After obtaining information and ascertaining that the client is safe, we search the database and provide a number of names of clinicians, taking the client’s preferences, budget, and location into consideration.” Different clients have different preferences. “Someone only wants a rabbi,” says Rabbi Berman. “Another wants somebody they would never ever see, never bump into. Another wants to avoid being seen. [They prefer] to drive further out. And some just want the best care.” Once the client receives the referrals it is up to them to choose a clinician and contact them. Relief provides follow up after a month, three months, six months, and a year. Clients can call Relief any time if they need additional help. More information is available on Relief’s website, or by calling the Relief office at 818-655-0032.

TheHappenings Week In News

MARCH 23, 2017 | The Jewish Home

Adam Krief: His Life and Legacy Yehudis Litvak When the news of Adam Krief’s passing spread on Tuesday, March 14th, the Jewish community of Los Angeles and beyond was thrust into collective mourning. Adam’s funeral the next day was attended by close to 2000 people, most of whom did not know him personally. “The funeral looked like it was a leader of a country,” says Betty Braun, a close family friend. “It was devastating, but [Adam] changed the world. Most people want to change the world in their lifetime. He accomplished it at the age of 32.” Prior to his illness, Adam was an unassuming businessman and family man. He grew up in Los Angeles, where he attended public school. After high school, Adam spent a year in Israel at Bar Ilan University and then majored in business management at USC. After graduation, Adam began working at his family’s watch business. At age 24, he married Lia Mantel, also from Los Angeles. They had three children, who are currently 4, 2, and 1 years old. Adam’s friends remember him as “an all-around wonderful guy.” He was kind-hearted and caring, a devoted husband and father. He kept up close relationships with his family and friends, including his parents, siblings, and cousins. “He was always there for his friends, always talked things through,” says a close friend. “Anyone who knew him loved him. We looked up to Adam and Lia. They were a close couple.” Betty adds, “He was always smiling and friendly. He never had anything negative to say to anyone.” While Adam had always been admired by his close circle of friends, it wasn’t until he was diagnosed with primary myelofibrosis, a deadly blood cancer, that Adam’s name became known in the wider world. The doctors told Adam that his only hope for defeating his disease was a bone marrow transplant from a donor whose bone marrow matched Adam’s. Thus began a worldwide effort to locate a match and save Adam’s life. Adam’s family and friends began bone marrow drives, where anyone could be tested with a swab of their cheek. The potential donors were entered into the bone marrow registry, so that their information would be available to anyone in need of a match. The campaign, named Hope 4 Adam, circulated over Facebook. The Jewish community’s response was overwhelming. As soon as the testing stations were set up, they were flooded by eager volunteers hoping that their bone marrow might prove to be life-saving. The Gift of Life donor program, which provides the testing kits and maintains the registry, had to hire additional employees to process the new potential donors. “They never had such a response,” says Jeremie Braun, a close family friend who was very

involved in the campaign. The campaign spread from Los Angeles to other cities and countries, including Israel. “Altogether, 60,000 people joined the global bone marrow registry in four months as a result of Hope 4 Adam,” says Jeremie. To date, thirteen other people have found their bone marrow matches thanks to the donors registered through the campaign. Approximately 1 in each 400 people registered becomes a donor, so the

total amount of matches expected to result from the campaign is 150. Throughout the campaign, Adam insisted that he wasn’t only looking for his own match. He wanted to make sure that other people would also be helped. Thus, he refused to look for a match in countries that do not maintain a bone marrow registry, including Morocco, where his family was from and where he was most likely to


find a match. When Adam’s match was finally found last December, the entire community was ecstatic. But the fight was not yet over. Adam needed numerous blood transfusions, including platelets. The community stepped up to the plate. The staff of the City of Hope hospital, where Adam was hospitalized, “were amazed at how many cont. on page 14




The Week In News




VOICEMAILS It’s one bracha to get engaged. It’s a bonus bracha for the shidduch to proceed so smoothly and speedily that even the shadchan is amazed.

We credit this double blessing to Kollel Chatzos. L.P., Monsey

The Kollel Chatzos

Bais Hora'ah Dayanim at every Kollel Chatzos Location are ready to answer your Question - in person or on the phone

people came to donate blood and platelets,” says Jeremie. “It is a 2.5 hour process to donate platelets. People took half a day to give [Adam] life.” Unfortunately, Adam’s body rejected the bone marrow transplant. While doctors fought valiantly to save Adam’s life, the Jewish community stormed the Heavens on his behalf. Tehillim were recited around the clock. Learning sessions organized in the merit of Adam’s recovery were exceptionally well attended. People took on additional mitzvos they had not observed previously. Some began to observe Shabbos for the first time in their lives. In the last days of Adam’s life, 26,000 people around the world participated in the group Tehillim. Adam hung on to life for three days longer than the doctors had predicted. Ultimately, the answer we received was not the one we’d hoped and prayed for. But in his short 32 years in this world, Adam managed to inspire and unite the Jewish community all over the world like never before. Jeremie, who visited Adam in the hospital often, says, “He never complained for a second about his situation. He never asked, ‘Why me?’ He was never angry at Hashem. He was selfless and genuinely cared about other people. He had the most positive attitude I had ever seen. He inspired me.” Even those people who never met Adam were inspired by his struggle. Laura Abergel did not know Adam personally. She responded to a request for volunteers at one of the local bone marrow testing drives. “I saw how many people were coming to the drive, from far away,” Laura says. “I was so touched and moved that it became a mission [for me].” Laura took a prominent leading role in Hope 4 Adam, spending many hours late at night testing potential donors. The experience changed her life. “It started out as a physical journey,” she says. “First volunteering, then blood and platelet donations. Simultaneously, it became a spiritual jour-

MARCH 23, 2017 | The Jewish Home

ney, with saying Tehillim, learning, with people trying to better themselves in [Adam’s] merit. It showed a different side of the Jewish people, and of everyone. [Adam] became part of everyone’s family. We all became one family.” Betty adds, “Usually, when somebody is sick, all you can do is pray. Here, we could do something. So many people wanted to help! It showed that people are good.” Betty explains that Adam and his wife Lia always made people feel good about helping them. “[They] let everyone into their world,” she says. “Lia always thanks everyone who helped them. But they were helping us. They showed us how to live gracefully at a time like that.” “We all did everything physically and humanly possible,” says Laura. “Now I finally understand why [Adam succumbed to his illness]. He must have been such a special person to ignite such love and unity in everybody. G-d wanted His angel back.” When Jeremie came to say good bye to Adam shortly before his passing, he thanked Adam for “inspiring us to do mitzvot.” He made a commitment to Adam to continue the work he’d began. “Such level of achdut was never seen before,” says Jeremie. “We need to continue.” Adam’s friends and family, both those who knew him and those who didn’t, are continuing to make a difference in the world in Adam’s memory. This Sunday, March 26th, the family and friends are conducting a blood drive at the Baba Sale Congregation, which Adam’s family attends. “We will save more people,” Jeremie says. Betty adds that Lia is asking anyone who would like to honor Adam to pray for people who are sick, to donate blood, and to help others find a bone marrow match. Jeremie maintains a WhatsApp group, called Adam’s Army, where hundreds of people are planning other projects to continue Adam’s legacy. For more information, Jeremie can be contacted at or 310-614-9413.

Boro Park Williamsburg Monsey Monroe Meron

‫להצלחת דוד משה‬ ‫בן שיינדל‬ '‫וכל משפ‬

Congratulations to TEAM BIKUR CHOLIM’s flagship runner, Daniel Wintner, who completed this year’s LA Marathon on behalf of those who fought for their lives, and those still fighting. This was a wonderfully inspiring opportunity for Bikur Cholim to raise awareness of the vital help they provide to thousands of children and adults throughout Los Angeles through their Blood and Bone Marrow program, millions of dollars in medical and charity care for patients, and the Bikur Cholim House, to name a few.

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MARCH 23, 2017 | The Jewish Home

The Week In News

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Bonus Happenings The WeekFeature In News

MARCH 23, 2017 | The Jewish Home

Ryzman MRI Institute Opens at Mayanei Hayeshua Medical Center History was made in Bnei Brak with the inauguration of the new Ryzman MRI Institute at Mayanei Hayeshua Medical Center this week. The festive opening event was attended by Rabbanim, Gedolei Yisrael, Health Minister Rabbi Yaakov Litzman and the directors of health funds and the health establishment in Israel. The event began with a moving ceremony at the magnificent, state-of-the-art institute, attended by the donors, Zvi and Betty Ryzman, and their family, of Los Angeles. The ceremony began with the kevias hamezuzah for the rooms of the institute by the donor, Reb Zvi, and his relatives; the health minister, heads of medical organizations in Israel — Rabbi Elimelech Firer, chairman of Ezra Lemarpeh and Rabbi Chananya Chollak, Chairman of Ezer Mizion — and the Rav of the medical center Harav Baruch Yosef Hoffner, shlita. An unveiling was held by the Ryzmans and Health Minister Rabbi Litzman, with the attendance of the medical center’s department heads. It was followed by a reception for the donor and his family, which was attended by guests from Israel and abroad. Some notable guests were Rosh Yeshivas Ponevez Harav Baruch Dov Povarsky, shlita; the Modzhitzer Rebbe, shlita; Rosh Yeshivas Chevron Harav Yosef Chevroni, shlita; Health Minister Litzman; the founder and director of Mayanei Hayeshua Dr. Moshe Rothschild, health fund directors and personalities in the health industry. The event was chaired by the CEO of the medical center, Shlomo Rothschild, who introduced the guests who were inaugurating an MRI institute in Bnei Brak, a city of almost 200,000 people that lacked such a vital service, Health Minister Litzman, and the donor, Reb Zvi Ryzman and his family. The CEO delivered a message on behalf of Harav Chaim Kanievsky, shlita, a member of the Halachah Committee of the Medial Center. He noted that a philanthropist asked a question just last week regarding the order of priorities in the mitzvah of tzedakah. Rav Chaim pointed to proof from the Shulchan Aruch that it is a priority to give to Mayanei Hayeshua, which combines both medical care and healing to sick people and supports Torah, because there are Torah scholars learning there every day. Mr. Rothschild added that in recent years, Mayanei Hayeshua has nearly tripled the scope of its activities in a range of medical fields, some of which have developed to meet the needs of the

community. He also noted the fact that “Mayanei Hayeshua is the only community hospital in Israel that develops health services based on the needs of the public. As an example you can see the Mental Health Center, which includes hospital wards, clinics and outpatient care, which was established to meet a public need and will save many families who are crying out for help.”

Divrei brachah were delivered by Rosh Yeshivas Ponevez Harav Baruch Dov Povarsky, shlita, who praised the donor, Reb Zvi Ryzman, for the zechus of having a combination of Torah and gedulah. He noted that Reb Zvi is outstanding in his support of Torah learners and in providing medical assistance to masses of people, such as this donation to Mayanei Hayeshua, in an effort to save people’s lives.

A dvar Torah was delivered by the Modzhitzer Rebbe, shlita, who emphasized the vital nature of the donation and praised the donor, who is renowned for being a leader in chessed in our generation, and in supporting Torah, while he is a talmid chacham in his own right. Health Minister Rabbi Litzman thanked the donor and the management of Mayanei Hayeshua for succeeding in establishing

Lifesaving device: Reb Zvi Ryzman with the machine he donated for the benefit of Bnei Brak residents.

Donor Reb Zvi Ryzman, Health Minister Rabbi Yaakov Litzman and the CEO of Mayanei Hayeshua.

Chairman of the Board CPA Moshe Leon presenting Reb Zvi Ryzman with the photo of the kevias mezuzah at the Institute by Harav Steinman.

Reb Zvi Ryzman with Health Minister Rabbi Yaakov Litzman and the Rosh Yeshivah of Chevron Harav Yosef Chevroni, shlita.

Reb Zvi Ryzman with the Modzhitzer Rebbe, shlita.

Dr. Ehud Shapira, chairman of the friend of Mayanei Hayeshua association and chair man of Psagot, reading the special letter from Rav Chaim Kanievsky shlita

TheHappenings Week In News

MARCH 23, 2017 | The Jewish Home

an MRI institute that was approved and partially funded by the Health Ministry. He shared with the audience that after the donor pledged his donation for this purpose, it took just two days to issue a permit. The minister noted that when he entered his job at the Health Ministry, there were 24 MRI machines in Israel, and today, thanks to his policies and Health Ministry funding, there are 46 such machines. Soon, a process will be completed whereby all hospitals in the country will have the lifesaving machinery. Rabbi Litzman also noted that the Mayanei Hayeshua community hospital has met many challenges that other hospitals have not met, and noted the construction of the Mental Health Center that recently opened. He noted that the men’s hospitalization ward is already active, alongside clinics and outpatient care, and urged the hospital to quickly open similar women’s and children’s wards. The president and founder of Mayanei Hayeshua, Dr. Moshe Rothschild, also expressed gratitude to the donor, and noted that he is a pioneer and always ready and willing to make generous donation for causes that benefit the public. This donation will save lives each and every day. He noted that there are many Gedolei

Yisrael, and cited as an example the founder of Ponevez Yeshivah Harav Yosef Shlomo Kahaneman, zt”l, who did not write many sefarim despite being erudite scholars. He said that he had heard from the Ponevezer Rav that his sefarim were saving lives and building buildings for institutions that he established to benefit tens of thousands of students, and their students. “Rabbi Ryzman, who has authored several important sefarim, such as Ratz KaZvi and others, which are used by leading poskim for matters of practical halachah in medicine, has merited that his primary compositions are those actions that he has taken to infuse a whole nation with life,” Dr. Rothschild said. The director of the cardiac department and one of the leading cardiologists in Israel, Dr. Oren Agranat, spoke on behalf of the medical center’s doctors, and stressed the necessity of the MRI machine in medicine. “Just like a hospital without a catheterization unit and a cardiac intensive care unit cannot provide full care for the public, the same is true of a hospital without an MRI machine, and for that, Reb Zvi Ryzman deserves our deepest thanks.” Moving words were then delivered by the donor Reb Zvi Ryzman, who related how important the donation of an MRI ma-

chine to Bnei Brak is to him. Bnei Brak “is the big city for Hashem and His nation,” and it is inconceivable that a city with hundreds of thousands of people should not have an MRI machine to provide lifesaving medical care. He related that he experienced firsthand the effort it took to make an MRI appointment for a relative. After a two month wait, the appointment was granted for 4 o’clock in the morning. He shared with the participants his feelings in the days when Dr. Rothschild traveled the world in order to raise funds to establish the medical center. He saw him as a “dreamer with hallucinations.” Then the hospital came into being and Dr. Rothschild began to speak about a “new dream,” the psychiatric hospital. “Then, too, I looked at him as a dreamer who was trying his luck again. But this, too, has become a reality.” In conclusion, he thanked the representatives of Mayanei Hayeshua, who visited his home in Los Angeles in order to receive the donation, Rabbi Gershon Lieder, the chairman of the board of trustees, and Mr. Chaim Fachler, director of the resource development department. Hospital CEO Shlomo Rothschild related that he visited the Rosh Yeshivah, Harav Aharon Leib Steinman, shlita, on Motzoei Shabbos, and in response to a

The dais at the reception of the Ryzman MRI Institute.

question as to how the Rosh Yeshivah was feeling, the Rosh Yeshivah replied: “I thank Hashem for giving me life so that I can serve Him.” With that, the CEO invited CPA Moshe Leon to present Rabbi Ryzman with a beautiful picture in which Rav Steinman, shlita, is seen affixing the first mezuzah in the MRI institute several months ago. The chairman of the friends of Mayanei Hayeshua association and chairman of the Psagot investment house, Dr. Ehud Shapiro, presented the donor with a piece of artwork depicting Mayanei Hayeshua combined with a rare handwritten letter by Harav Chaim Kanievsky, shlita. Also in attendance at the event were Rabbi Shimon Ragobi of Ezer Mizion; Rabbi Yitzchak Stern of Refuah Vechaim; CEO of Meuhedet Mr. Zev Wurembrand; deputy CEO Dr. David Morel; director of the district Mr. Elisha Hussman and his deputy Rabbi Moshe Cohen; Maccabi representatives Mrs. Devorah Chassid, director of the Central District, and Mr. Eli Ovadia, director of the Bnei Brak region; director of Association of Friends Mr. Zvi Wilder; Mr. Bentzy Sau, member of the Association of Friends, and many more prominent people.



The Week In News

MARCH 23, 2017 | The Jewish Home

The Week In News

MARCH 23, 2017 | The Jewish Home

More Tu Less na, Oil


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The Week In News

MARCH 23, 2017 | The Jewish Home


GROCERY Gefen Potato Starch Glicks Ketchup Tabachnik Chicken Broth Tonelli Pasta Sauces

2 99 ea 2 279

29 ea


99 ea

Meal Mart Gefilte Fish Jar

5 99

Lieber Almond Milk

3999 ea

Gefen Cranberry Sauce

2499 ea

Natural Earth Balsamic Vinegar


Liebers Honey

32 OZ

99 ea



Glicks Olive Oil Spray

2 99 ea

Liebers Chocolate Chips 10 OZ


Kedem Apple Juice 64 OZ

N & K 2lb Shredded 9 Mozzarella & Mexican Blend Givat Cottage 399 Cheese Mehadrin 449 Sour Cream 99

Haolam 108 American Cheese

14 99 399

Haolam Shredded Mozzarella & Chedder

8 OZ

Haolam Sliced 399 Mozzarella & Muenster 6 OZ


Pardes Frozen Vegetables B’gan Broccoli Florets A&B Gefilte Fish (Sweet)

5 99 5 99 7 99 4 49

Kosher Catch Traditional Gefilte Fish Meal Mart 4 99 Chopped Liver Haddar Whipped Topping

2 49

CASE DEALS 9” Plastic Plates 4/100CT

25 00 cs 16 99 cs

Solomons Dinner Franks Solomons Beef Kishka Aarons/Shor Habor Classic Franks

5 99

7oz Plastic Cups

3 5 49

Plastic Soup Bowls 8/100CT

25 00 cs

9x13 Aluminum Pans 100CT

30 00 cs

Aarons Salami


Kedem Apple Juice 64 OZ


2 99





20 00 cs


FRESH FISH Ahi Tuna fillet


9 99LB

Russet Potatoes Brown Onions Jumbo Carrots Oranges

3LB/100 4LB/100 3LB/100 4LB/100



The Week In News B”H

MARCH 23, 2017 | The Jewish Home




Alfasi Cabernet

6 99 ea


Alfasi Merlot

6 99 ea

MEAT Beef Stew


Shoulder Roast

8 99LB

Whole Brisket






99LB Beef French 10 Roast GRAIN FED Organic Middle 8 99LB Chuck Fillet Chuck Eye Roast 8 99LB

Minute Roast


Top of the Rib Roast Boneless Chuck Pot Roast Whole Turkey

8 99LB



8 99 LB 3 49 LB

Ground Beef & Chicken Value Pack Pickled 1st Cut Brisket Mock Beef Cheeks Chicken Legs VALUE PACK

Beef London Broil Shoulder Veal Boneless Neck Roast Boneless Whole Chicken Pickled


6 99 ea

9 99LB

Carmel Selected Vineyards

8 99LB 2 99LB 8 99LB

Teal Lake Classic Wines

9 99LB

Don Alfonso Wines

6 99LB

Marquest Cuvee Abel

Chicken Cutlets

4 99LB

Stuffed Chicken Roast



Alfasi Chardonnay


8 99 ea

7 99 ea W by Weinstock

6 49 ea

5 99 ea

29 99 ea

Herzog Orange Muscat

15 99 ea

99 LB

Kedem Concord Grape Wine

3 49 ea


































‫‪The Week In News‬‬

‫‪MARCH 23, 2017 | The Jewish Home‬‬


‫קנין חכמה‬ ‫תומר דבורה ~ ארחות חיים להרא”ש ~ אורחות צדיקים‬ ‫מסכת אבות עם פירוש רבינו יונה ~ מסילת ישרים‬


‫הסכמה מאת‬

‫הרב הג‬

‫שי"ת‬ ‫בעזהשי"ת‬ ‫בעזה‬ ‫בעזהשי"ת‬

‫און רב מתתיהו‬ ‫ידוע יי‬ ‫כבר‬ ‫כבר‬ ‫דועמה‬ ‫דוע‬ ‫קדמ‬ ‫סלומון‪ ,‬שליט”א‬ ‫כבר‬ ‫ונים‬ ‫מהונים‬ ‫מה‬ ‫קדמהה‬ ‫מש‬ ‫קדמ‬ ‫כרח‬ ‫ונים‬ ‫ההלל‬ ‫כרחהה‬ ‫מוד‬ ‫כרח‬ ‫מודלל‬ ‫הגות‬ ‫ללולמוד‬ ‫גיח‪ ,‬בית מדרש גבוה‬ ‫הגותול‬ ‫ולבהגות‬ ‫ראה‬ ‫ראה‬ ‫ספריבביספרי‬ ‫ומ‬ ‫ומ‬ ‫ספרי ייראה‬ ‫וסר‪,‬‬ ‫וסר‪,‬‬ ‫ומווסר‪,‬‬ ‫בכל ווזאת‬ ‫בכל‬ ‫היצר‬ ‫בכל זאת‬ ‫זאת מת‬ ‫גבר‬ ‫היצר‬ ‫מתלה‬ ‫היצרגברמת‬ ‫זניח‬ ‫גבר‬ ‫לימ‬ ‫להלימ‬ ‫זניחלה‬ ‫ודה‬ ‫ודה‬ ‫זניח‬ ‫עד‬ ‫עד‬ ‫לימ‬ ‫שגם‬ ‫שגם‬ ‫ודה‬ ‫עד‬ ‫מוצאי‬ ‫שגם‬ ‫בני‬ ‫אצל בני‬ ‫אצל‬ ‫אצלת בני‬ ‫ורה תתמצוי‬ ‫שבת פ’ ויחי תשע”ז‬ ‫ורה שמ‬ ‫ורה‬ ‫מצויתרש‬ ‫מצוי‬ ‫שמלים‬ ‫שמ‬ ‫תרשבזה‪,‬‬ ‫תרש‬ ‫ע"כ‬ ‫ליםע"כ‬ ‫לים‬ ‫בזה‪,‬‬ ‫בזה‪,‬נ ע"כ‬ ‫חזיק ננטיב‬ ‫ותא‬ ‫חזיקותא‬ ‫חזיק‬ ‫טיב‬ ‫לאי‬ ‫לאי‬ ‫טיבותא‬ ‫רגון‬ ‫רגון‬ ‫ד‬ ‫ד‬ ‫רשו‬ ‫רשו‬ ‫לאי‬ ‫ש‬ ‫ש‬ ‫רגון‬ ‫ד‬ ‫מעור‬ ‫מעור‬ ‫רשו‬ ‫שרים‬ ‫מעורבכל‬ ‫ח‬ ‫רים תפו‬ ‫רים‬ ‫בכלצות‬ ‫צות‬ ‫בכל‬ ‫תפויש‬ ‫תפו‬ ‫צות‬ ‫ישלהת‬ ‫ראליש‬ ‫ובת לימוד המוסר בכל‬ ‫חזק‬ ‫ראלחזק‬ ‫ראל‬ ‫להת‬ ‫בזה‪,‬‬ ‫להתחזק‬ ‫יום מן המפורסמות כמו שכבר בזה‪ ,‬ויבזה‪,‬‬ ‫שית‬ ‫ה"רקבל‬ ‫ה"ר ויויה"ר‬ ‫הדב‬ ‫שית‬ ‫רים‬ ‫קבלרים‬ ‫שיתקבל‬ ‫האריך מרן ר’ יש‬ ‫הדבבל‬ ‫הדב‬ ‫רים‬ ‫בני‬ ‫בלבני‬ ‫בותבל‬ ‫בות‬ ‫ראל‬ ‫בותישבני‬ ‫ראל סלנטר באור יש‬ ‫ראליש‬ ‫ראל‬ ‫שם‬ ‫ישויראל‬ ‫בשם‬ ‫יע‬ ‫בל‬ ‫בל‬ ‫הפו‬ ‫שם ויוישם‬ ‫בנו‬ ‫בנו‬ ‫ו”ש‬ ‫אה‬ ‫אה‬ ‫סקים‬ ‫ואין‬ ‫בתו‬ ‫בלבנו‬ ‫אתו‬ ‫בתואהוירבתו‬ ‫וירלע‬ ‫אתוויר‬ ‫שות רר‬ ‫אתו‬ ‫צריך להסכמה‪ ,‬אכן‬ ‫צונו‬ ‫לערצונו‬ ‫שותלע‬ ‫שות‬ ‫ולצונו‬ ‫עבדוול‬ ‫לבב‬ ‫לבב‬ ‫ולבעבדו‬ ‫לם‪.‬‬ ‫כפי רוב התועלת שיש‬ ‫עבדו בבשלבב‬ ‫בלימוד המוסר‪,‬‬ ‫לם‪.‬ששלם‪.‬‬

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‫מרן שר התורה‬ ‫מרן ראש הישיבה‬ ‫הגרי"ג אידלשטיין שליט"א הגר"ח קניבסקי שליט"א‬ ‫“זה בוודאי דבר טוב‪,‬‬ ‫“צריך לדעת שגם מוסר‬ ‫ובעיקר שכל אחד יתחזק‬ ‫זה לימוד תורה‪ ,‬ובודאי‬ ‫שהחיזוק בקביעות בזה זה בלימוד התורה‪ ,‬וטוב‬ ‫דשמיאבלימוד מוסר‬ ‫שיתחזקו‬ ‫דבר חשוב”‬ ‫בסיעתא‬ ‫בסיעתא דשמיא‬ ‫בין הסדרים”‬

‫חכמה'‬ ‫חכמה'‬ ‫'קנין‬ ‫'קנין‬ ‫לוח לוח‬ ‫דשמיא‬ ‫בסיעתא‬

‫בכבוד רב‪,‬‬

‫הצטרפות‬ ‫הרב הגאון ר’ אלי’ בער‬ ‫ראש ישיבה‪ ,‬ישיבה גדולה זכרון וואכטפויגעל‪ ,‬שליט”א‪,‬‬ ‫משה‬




‫חשון תשע"ט‬ ‫תשע"ט‬ ‫חשון‪ -‬טז‬ ‫תשע"ז‬ ‫שבטטז‬ ‫תשע"ז ‪-‬‬ ‫טז שבט טז‬


‫‪The Kinyan Chochma Program is open‬‬ ‫'קנין ‪to‬‬ ‫‪all.‬‬ ‫חכמה'‬

‫קנין חכמה*‬ ‫חכמה*‬ ‫‪ this new test that month,‬קנין‬ ‫תאריך‪as‬תאריך‬ ‫שבוע פרשת‬ ‫‪Those taking a Kinyan Torah or Daf HaYomi B’Halacha test are invited‬‬ ‫‪to‬‬ ‫‪take‬‬ ‫שבוע פרשת ‪well.‬‬ ‫תשע"ז ‪-‬‬ ‫תומרטז שבט‬ ‫‪1‬‬ ‫‪1‬‬ ‫תשע"טמידה ו‬ ‫מידה וא‬ ‫חשוןפרק‬ ‫עד‬ ‫טז א‬ ‫פרק‬ ‫הקדמה‬ ‫הקדמה עד‬ ‫דבורה‬ ‫תומר דבורה‬ ‫שבט– כ שבט‬ ‫טזכשבט‬ ‫טז שבט –‬ ‫יתרו יתרו‬

‫‪STIPENDS: 100% - $15 stipend / 90%-99% - $13 stipend‬‬

‫סוף פרק‬ ‫פרק א‬ ‫סוףז עד‬ ‫מידה‬ ‫עד‬ ‫מידה‬ ‫שבט כז שבט‬ ‫שבט –‬ ‫כג‬ ‫‪– stipend‬‬ ‫משפטיםמשפטים כג שבט‬ ‫‪ $10‬א‪STIPENDS FOR BOCHURIM: 100% -‬‬ ‫‪stipend‬‬ ‫‪ 90%-99%‬ז ‪/‬‬ ‫כז ‪-‬‬ ‫‪$8‬‬ ‫בסיעתא דשמיא‬ ‫בסיעתא דשמיא‬ ‫שבוע‬ ‫סוף יום ה קנין חכמה*‬ ‫תאריך‬ ‫יום ה‬ ‫סוף– עד‬ ‫פתיחה‬ ‫חיים – עד‬ ‫פתיחה‬ ‫אורחות‬ ‫אדראורחות חיים‬ ‫אדר– ד‬ ‫פרשת ל שבט –לדשבט‬ ‫תרומה תרומה‬ ‫וכל הדעות'‬ ‫הדעות'‬ ‫הקדמהו עד '‬ ‫וכל‬ ‫הקדמהאעד '‬ ‫צדיקים‬ ‫ארחות‬ ‫תומרהספר‬ ‫הספר‬ ‫סוףו עד‬ ‫שבטאדריום ו עדיום‬ ‫אדר– יא‬ ‫אדר – זיא‬ ‫מידה‬ ‫צדיקיםעד פרק‬ ‫ארחותהקדמה‬ ‫אדרכ‬ ‫שבט –‬ ‫תצוה ז טז‬ ‫תצוה יתרו‬ ‫דבורה•‬ ‫סוף•‬ ‫ההקדמה‬ ‫ההקדמה‬ ‫סוף‬ ‫–‬ ‫'‬ ‫הדעות‬ ‫סוף‬ ‫–‬ ‫וכל‬ ‫'‬ ‫הדעות‬ ‫'‬ ‫וכל‬ ‫אדר‬ ‫'‬ ‫יח‬ ‫–‬ ‫אדר‬ ‫אדר‬ ‫יח‬ ‫יד‬ ‫–‬ ‫אדר‬ ‫יד‬ ‫תשא‬ ‫כי תשא כי‬ ‫א‬ ‫פרק‬ ‫סוף‬ ‫עד‬ ‫ז‬ ‫מידה‬ ‫שבט‬ ‫כז‬ ‫–‬ ‫שבט‬ ‫כג‬ ‫משפטים‬ ‫!‬ ‫‪New‬‬ ‫מחויבים'‬ ‫שאנחנו‬ ‫שאנחנו‬ ‫עד‬ ‫'ודע‬ ‫הגאוה‬ ‫כה‬ ‫אדר‬ ‫–‬ ‫כא‬ ‫כה‬ ‫–‬ ‫פקודי‬ ‫כא‬ ‫ויקהל‬ ‫פקודי‬ ‫ויקהל‬ ‫סוף יום ה‬ ‫עד‬ ‫מחויבים'–‬ ‫פתיחה‬ ‫אורחות‬ ‫אדר‬ ‫ד‬ ‫–‬ ‫שבט‬ ‫ל‬ ‫תרומה‬ ‫תשע"ט‬ ‫חשון‬ ‫תשע"ט‬ ‫חייםטז‬ ‫'ודע‪-‬‬ ‫חשון‬ ‫תשע"ז‬ ‫שבטטז‬ ‫הגאוה‪-‬‬ ‫תשע"ז‬ ‫שערעדטז‬ ‫שבט‬ ‫אדר שער טז‬ ‫חכמה‬ ‫חכמה‬ ‫קנין קנין‬ ‫לדעת בינה )משלי‬ ‫לדעת בינה )משלי ד’(‬ ‫‪KINYAN CHOCHMA SHIURIM ON KOL HALASHON:‬‬ ‫צדיקים הקדמה עד 'וכל הדעות'‬ ‫ארחות‬ ‫מחויבים'עדעדסוף‬ ‫שאנחנוו‬ ‫'ודע יום‬ ‫הגאוה‬ ‫שער‬ ‫הגאוה‬ ‫סוף‬ ‫שער‬ ‫מחויבים' עד‬ ‫סוף‬ ‫אדרגד’(ניסן'ודע שאנחנו‬ ‫ניסן –‬ ‫אדר‬ ‫אדר–‬ ‫ויקרא כח זאדר‬ ‫כח–ג יא‬ ‫ויקרא תצוה‬ ‫הספר •‬ ‫חכמה*‬ ‫שבוע‬ ‫פרשת‬ ‫ענפים‬ ‫טובים'‬ ‫'הרבה‬ ‫ארחותענפים‬ ‫'הרבהעד‬ ‫שערעדהענוה‬ ‫תאריך שער הענוה‬ ‫אדר––י‬ ‫ניסן‬ ‫פרשת ייד ו‬ ‫תשא ו –‬ ‫צושבוע צו‬ ‫ההקדמה‬ ‫קנין סוף‬ ‫חכמה*–‬ ‫טובים''‬ ‫קניןהדעות‬ ‫וכל‬ ‫צדיקים '‬ ‫ניסןאדר‬ ‫תאריךיח‬ ‫כי‬ ‫‪English: Rav Zev Smith‬‬ ‫ויקהל‬ ‫ימנע'‬ ‫אם‬ ‫ימנע'‬ ‫מתבייש‬ ‫אם‬ ‫מתבייש‬ ‫'יש‬ ‫הבושה‬ ‫'יש‬ ‫שער‬ ‫הבושה‬ ‫עד‬ ‫טובים'‬ ‫שער‬ ‫עד‬ ‫ענפים‬ ‫טובים'‬ ‫'הרבה‬ ‫ענפים‬ ‫'הרבה‬ ‫ניסן‬ ‫יז‬ ‫–‬ ‫ניסן‬ ‫יג‬ ‫יז‬ ‫–‬ ‫יג‬ ‫פסח‬ ‫פסח‬ ‫ו‬ ‫מידה‬ ‫א‬ ‫ו‬ ‫מידה‬ ‫פרק‬ ‫א‬ ‫פרק‬ ‫הקדמה‬ ‫הקדמה‬ ‫דבורה‬ ‫תומר‬ ‫דבורה‬ ‫תומר‬ ‫שבט‬ ‫כ‬ ‫–‬ ‫שבט‬ ‫שבט‬ ‫כ‬ ‫טז‬ ‫–‬ ‫שבט‬ ‫טז‬ ‫יתרו‬ ‫יתרו‬ ‫ארחות צדיקים שער הגאוה עד 'ודע שאנחנו מחויבים'‬ ‫כא – כה אדר‬ ‫פקודי‬ ‫‪Dirshu now has an English direct Kol Halashon‬‬ ‫'ויאהב רעיו'‬ ‫האהבהרעיו'‬ ‫האהבה 'ויאהב‬ ‫שער עד שער‬ ‫ימנע'‬ ‫עד‬ ‫אם‬ ‫ימנע'‬ ‫מתבייש‬ ‫'יש‬ ‫'יש‬ ‫ניסןכזכד‬ ‫כג–‬ ‫משפטים ככג– כד‬ ‫משפטיםשמיני‬ ‫שמיני‬ ‫פרק א‬ ‫סוף‬ ‫מתבייש א‬ ‫פרק‬ ‫אםעד‬ ‫סוףז‬ ‫מידה‬ ‫מידה ז עד‬ ‫ניסןכז שבט‬ ‫שבט‬ ‫שבט –‬ ‫שבט כ–‬ ‫'ודע שאנחנו מחויבים' עד סוף שער הגאוה‬ ‫כח אדר – ג ניסן‬ ‫ויקרא‬ ‫היא‬ ‫היא‬ ‫אורחותרעיו'‬ ‫עד‬ ‫'ויאהב‬ ‫אורחותרעיו'‬ ‫אייר'ויאהב‬ ‫ניסן‬ ‫ניסן ––לכזדא‬ ‫מצורע‬ ‫תרומה לכז‬ ‫תזריע‬ ‫תרומהמצורע‬ ‫תזריע‬ ‫האהבה'ה‬ ‫סוף יום‬ ‫האהבה'ה‬ ‫יום‬ ‫'וכיצד– עד‬ ‫סוף‬ ‫פתיחה‬ ‫עדעד‬ ‫'וכיצד–‬ ‫חיים‬ ‫פתיחה‬ ‫חיים‬ ‫אייר–דאאדר‬ ‫אדר–‬ ‫שבט‬ ‫שבט‬ ‫‪number: 718.906.6449 - Push #3, then #1‬‬ ‫שער הענוה עד 'הרבה ענפים טובים'‬ ‫ו – י ניסן‬ ‫צו‬ ‫וכל הדעות'‬ ‫הדעות'‬ ‫הקדמה עד '‬ ‫הרחמים'וכל‬ ‫הקדמה עד‬ ‫צדיקים‬ ‫ארחות‬ ‫הספר‬ ‫הספר‬ ‫'וכיצדעד‬ ‫סוףו‬ ‫יום‬ ‫יא אדריום ו‬ ‫הרחמים‬ ‫צדיקיםשער‬ ‫שערסוף‬ ‫ארחותעד‬ ‫סוף‬ ‫סוף•עד‬ ‫האהבה'‬ ‫היא‬ ‫'וכיצדעדהיא‬ ‫אייר‬ ‫יא– ח‬ ‫אייר‬ ‫אדר – זד‬ ‫קדושים ח‬ ‫קדושיםמות זד –‬ ‫תצוהמות אחרי ‪-‬‬ ‫אחרי ‪-‬‬ ‫אדר–‬ ‫אדר‬ ‫תצוה‬ ‫האהבה' •‬ ‫'הרבה ענפים טובים' עד שער הבושה 'יש מתבייש אם ימנע'‬ ‫יג – יז ניסן‬ ‫פסח‬ ‫טו‬ ‫אייר‬ ‫יאיח–‬ ‫יא –‬ ‫אמור‬ ‫אמור‬ ‫ההקדמהההקדמה‬ ‫האכזריותסוף‬ ‫הדעות' –‬ ‫האכזריותסוף‬ ‫שער –‬ ‫וכל‬ ‫הדעות'‬ ‫שער '‬ ‫אדרוכל‬ ‫אייר '‬ ‫אדר– יח‬ ‫אדר‬ ‫טו –יד‬ ‫אדר‬ ‫תשא יד‬ ‫תשא כי‬ ‫כי‬ ‫‪Yiddish: Rav Yehoshua Nosson Feiffer‬‬ ‫'יש מתבייש אם ימנע' עד שער האהבה 'ויאהב רעיו'‬ ‫כ – כד ניסן‬ ‫שמיני‬ ‫לחקור'‬ ‫אדם‬ ‫לחקור'‬ ‫'וצריך‬ ‫אדם‬ ‫עד‬ ‫'וצריך‬ ‫השמחה‬ ‫עד‬ ‫השמחה‬ ‫אייר‬ ‫כב‬ ‫אייר‬ ‫–‬ ‫יח‬ ‫כב‬ ‫–‬ ‫בחוקותי‬ ‫יח‬ ‫בחוקותי‬ ‫בהר‬ ‫בהר‬ ‫מחויבים'‬ ‫מחויבים'‬ ‫שאנחנו‬ ‫'ודע‬ ‫שאנחנו‬ ‫עד‬ ‫הגאוה‬ ‫'ודע‬ ‫עד‬ ‫שער‬ ‫הגאוה‬ ‫שער‬ ‫אדר‬ ‫כה‬ ‫אדר‬ ‫–‬ ‫כא‬ ‫כה‬ ‫–‬ ‫פקודי‬ ‫כא‬ ‫ויקהל‬ ‫פקודי‬ ‫ויקהל‬ ‫‪718.906.6400 - Push #3, then #3, then #30, then #2‬‬ ‫תזריע‬ ‫האהבה'‬ ‫היא‬ ‫'וכיצד‬ ‫עד‬ ‫רעיו'‬ ‫אייר‬ ‫איירא‬ ‫ניסן‬ ‫כז‬ ‫השביעי'‬ ‫השביעי'‬ ‫'הביטחון‬ ‫'הביטחון‬ ‫עד‬ ‫לחקור'‬ ‫עד‬ ‫אדם‬ ‫לחקור'‬ ‫'וצריך‬ ‫'וצריך אדם‬ ‫אייר‬ ‫כחג––‬ ‫כה‬ ‫כח –‬ ‫מצורע כה‬ ‫במדבר‬ ‫הגאוה‬ ‫שער‬ ‫הגאוה‬ ‫שערסוף‬ ‫עד‬ ‫מחויבים'‬ ‫סוף‬ ‫'ויאהבעד‬ ‫מחויבים'‬ ‫שאנחנו‬ ‫'ודע‬ ‫שאנחנו‬ ‫ניסן'ודע‬ ‫כט– ג‬ ‫ניסן‬ ‫אדר‬ ‫כט–‬ ‫אדר‬ ‫במדבר ויקרא‬ ‫ויקרא‬ ‫מות‬ ‫‬‫רי‬ ‫אח‬ ‫השמחה‬ ‫השמחה‬ ‫שער‬ ‫סוף‬ ‫שער‬ ‫עד‬ ‫השביעי'‬ ‫סוף‬ ‫עד‬ ‫השביעי'‬ ‫'הביטחון‬ ‫'הביטחון‬ ‫סיון‬ ‫ז‬ ‫–‬ ‫סיון‬ ‫ג‬ ‫ז‬ ‫–‬ ‫ג‬ ‫נשא‬ ‫נשא‬ ‫טובים'‬ ‫ענפים‬ ‫טובים'‬ ‫'הרבה‬ ‫ענפים‬ ‫עד‬ ‫'הרבה‬ ‫הענוה‬ ‫עד‬ ‫שער‬ ‫הענוה‬ ‫שער‬ ‫ניסן‬ ‫י‬ ‫ניסן‬ ‫ו‬ ‫י‬ ‫ו‬ ‫צו‬ ‫צו‬ ‫'וכיצד היא האהבה' עד סוף שער הרחמים‬ ‫ד – ח אייר‬ ‫קדושים‬ ‫החכם'‬ ‫'ואמר‬ ‫החכם'‬ ‫הכעס‬ ‫'ואמר‬ ‫שער‬ ‫הכעס‬ ‫ענפיםעד‬ ‫שער‬ ‫הדאגה‬ ‫עד‬ ‫שער‬ ‫הדאגה‬ ‫ניסן שער‬ ‫ניסן–ידיזסיון‬ ‫סיון–‬ ‫ימנע'אם ימנע'‬ ‫מתבייש‬ ‫מתבייש אם‬ ‫הבושה 'יש‬ ‫שער 'יש‬ ‫הבושה‬ ‫טובים' עד‬ ‫שער‬ ‫עד‬ ‫טובים'‬ ‫'הרבה‬ ‫ענפים‬ ‫'הרבה‬ ‫בהעלותך ייג––ידיז ייג‬ ‫בהעלותךפסח‬ ‫פסח‬ ‫שער האכזריות‬ ‫יא – טו אייר‬ ‫אמור‬ ‫'ויאהבהם'‬ ‫שמיעות‬ ‫הם'‬ ‫שמיעות‬ ‫האהבה'ארבע‬ ‫הרצון‬ ‫'ארבע‬ ‫הרצון‬ ‫שער‬ ‫החכם'‬ ‫עד‬ ‫'ואמר‬ ‫החכם'‬ ‫ניסן–‬ ‫שמיני שלח‬ ‫שלח‬ ‫רעיו'‬ ‫רעיו'‬ ‫האהבה‬ ‫'ויאהב‬ ‫שער‬ ‫שער עד‬ ‫ימנע'‬ ‫עד‬ ‫ימנע'אם‬ ‫מתבייש‬ ‫אם‬ ‫מתבייש‬ ‫'ואמר 'יש‬ ‫סיון 'יש‬ ‫כאניסן‬ ‫סיוןכד‬ ‫כא כיז –‬ ‫שמיני כיז ––כד‬ ‫בהר‬ ‫‪For further information about this new program,‬‬ ‫לחקור'‬ ‫אדם‬ ‫'וצריך‬ ‫'וכיצדעד‬ ‫שער‬ ‫אייר‬ ‫ניסן–‬ ‫מצורע–יח‬ ‫שלא יקנא'‬ ‫יקנא'‬ ‫שנזהר‬ ‫'ומישלא‬ ‫שנזהר‬ ‫הקנאה‬ ‫'ומי‬ ‫שער‬ ‫הקנאה‬ ‫השמחהעד‬ ‫שער‬ ‫עדהם'‬ ‫שמיעות‬ ‫רעיו'עד‬ ‫עדהם'‬ ‫שמיעות‬ ‫'ארבע‬ ‫סיוןאייר'ארבע‬ ‫כח‬ ‫סיון‬ ‫כבא–‬ ‫כד‬ ‫כד‬ ‫תזריע קרח‬ ‫קרח‬ ‫האהבה'‬ ‫האהבה'‬ ‫היא‬ ‫היא‬ ‫'וכיצד‬ ‫'ויאהב‬ ‫'ויאהב רעיו'‬ ‫אייר– א‬ ‫ניסן‬ ‫כח–כז‬ ‫בחוקותי כז‬ ‫תזריע‬ ‫מצורע‬ ‫‪please call Dirshu at 888-5-Dirshu ext. 142‬‬ ‫הזריזות‬ ‫הזריזות‬ ‫שער‬ ‫סוףסוף‬ ‫שער‬ ‫שערעד‬ ‫יקנא'‬ ‫סוף‬ ‫שלאעד‬ ‫יקנא'‬ ‫שנזהר‬ ‫'ומי‬ ‫שנזהר‬ ‫תמוז 'ומי‬ ‫כט– חה‬ ‫תמוז‬ ‫כה –דא‬ ‫קדושים חה‬ ‫במדבר דא ––‬ ‫הרחמים‬ ‫הרחמים‬ ‫שער‬ ‫עד‬ ‫האהבה'‬ ‫סוף‬ ‫עד‬ ‫האהבה'‬ ‫שלאהיא‬ ‫'וכיצד‬ ‫'וכיצד היא‬ ‫אייר‬ ‫אייר–‬ ‫חוקתמות‬ ‫קדושים‬ ‫חוקתמות אחרי ‪-‬‬ ‫אחרי ‪-‬‬ ‫השביעי'‬ ‫'הביטחון‬ ‫עד‬ ‫לחקור'‬ ‫אדם‬ ‫'וצריך‬ ‫אייר‬ ‫עיניו'‬ ‫המעלים‬ ‫עיניו'‬ ‫'כל‬ ‫הנדיבות 'כל‬ ‫'הביטחוןשער‬ ‫האכזריותעד‬ ‫שער‬ ‫העצלות‬ ‫האכזריותעד‬ ‫העצלות‬ ‫אייר שער שער‬ ‫אייריבטותמוז‬ ‫יבטוז חיא–‬ ‫אמור בלק‬ ‫בלק‬ ‫תמוז–‬ ‫השמחה‬ ‫המעליםשער‬ ‫הנדיבותסוף‬ ‫השביעי' עד‬ ‫סיון‬ ‫אמור חיא–ג– –‬ ‫נשא‬ ‫‪To receive the first month’s limud via email,‬‬ ‫אם יש בו'‬ ‫שיזכורבו'‬ ‫החכם'יש‬ ‫'השישית אם‬ ‫שיזכור‬ ‫'השישית‬ ‫הזכירה‬ ‫הזכירה‬ ‫'וצריךשער‬ ‫עיניו'‬ ‫שער‬ ‫עד‬ ‫המעלים‬ ‫עיניו'‬ ‫המעלים‬ ‫שער 'כל‬ ‫תמוז 'כל‬ ‫סיוןיט‬ ‫תמוז‬ ‫טו –‬ ‫בחוקותיי– –יט‬ ‫טו‬ ‫פנחס‬ ‫לחקור'‬ ‫אדם‬ ‫'וצריךעד‬ ‫השמחה‬ ‫השמחה עד‬ ‫שער‬ ‫כב אייר‬ ‫אייר‬ ‫כבידיח‬ ‫בהעלותךיח‬ ‫בחוקותי‬ ‫פנחס בהר‬ ‫בהר‬ ‫לחקור''ואמר‬ ‫אדם הכעס‬ ‫שער‬ ‫עדעד‬ ‫הדאגה‬ ‫שער‬ ‫ועשרים'‬ ‫ועשרים'‬ ‫'החמש‬ ‫עד‬ ‫'החמש‬ ‫'הביטחוןבו'‬ ‫עדיש‬ ‫החכם'עד‬ ‫אם‬ ‫שיזכורבו'‬ ‫עדיש‬ ‫אם‬ ‫'השישית‬ ‫שיזכור‬ ‫'השישית‬ ‫כטתמוז‬ ‫כו‬ ‫תמוז‬ ‫כב‬ ‫כו‬ ‫כב‬ ‫במדברמסעי‬ ‫מטות‬ ‫במדברמסעי‬ ‫מטות‬ ‫השביעי'‬ ‫השביעי'‬ ‫'הביטחון‬ ‫לחקור'‬ ‫אדם‬ ‫לחקור'‬ ‫'וצריך‬ ‫אדם‬ ‫אייר 'וצריך‬ ‫אייר‬ ‫כה –‬ ‫כה –‬ ‫שמיעות הם'‬ ‫'ארבע‬ ‫הרצון‬ ‫שער‬ ‫עד‬ ‫'ואמר‬ ‫סיון‬ ‫כטכא‬ ‫יז –‬ ‫שלח‬ ‫‪please email‬‬ ‫שהלשון‬ ‫קלה'‬ ‫שהלשון‬ ‫'ובעבור‬ ‫'ובעבור‬ ‫השתיקה‬ ‫השתיקה‬ ‫שער‬ ‫ועשרים'‬ ‫שער‬ ‫ועשרים'‬ ‫'הביטחון'החמש‬ ‫סיון– ד אב'החמש‬ ‫תמוז‬ ‫אב‬ ‫השמחה‬ ‫השמחה‬ ‫שער‬ ‫סוף‬ ‫שער‬ ‫השביעי'עדעד‬ ‫סוף‬ ‫השביעי'עדעד‬ ‫'הביטחון‬ ‫סיוןכט–‬ ‫תמוזג‬ ‫דברים נשא‬ ‫נשא‬ ‫קלה'שלא יקנא'‬ ‫שנזהר‬ ‫הקנאה 'ומי‬ ‫שער‬ ‫הם' עד‬ ‫שמיעות‬ ‫'ארבע‬ ‫כח זדסיון‬ ‫דברים גכט– זכד –‬ ‫קורח‬ ‫‪33‬‬ ‫‪33‬‬ ‫החכם'‬ ‫'ואמר‬ ‫החכם'‬ ‫הכעס‬ ‫'ואמר‬ ‫שער‬ ‫הכעס‬ ‫קלה'עד‬ ‫שער‬ ‫הדאגה‬ ‫שער עד‬ ‫הדאגה‬ ‫שער‬ ‫סיון‬ ‫סיון– יד‬ ‫בהעלותך יז – איד‬ ‫השקר'‬ ‫בענין‬ ‫השקר'‬ ‫'ויש‬ ‫בענין‬ ‫השקר‬ ‫'ויש‬ ‫שער‬ ‫השקר‬ ‫עד‬ ‫קלה'‬ ‫שער‬ ‫עד‬ ‫שהלשון‬ ‫שהלשון‬ ‫'ובעבור‬ ‫'ובעבור‬ ‫תמוז אב‬ ‫יא‬ ‫אב‬ ‫ואתחנן‬ ‫ואתחנן‬ ‫הזריזות‬ ‫שער‬ ‫סוף‬ ‫עד‬ ‫יקנא'‬ ‫שלא‬ ‫שנזהר‬ ‫'ומי‬ ‫יא– יזה‬ ‫בהעלותךחוקת‬ ‫הם'‬ ‫שמיעות‬ ‫שמיעות‬ ‫'ארבע‬ ‫הרצון‬ ‫'ארבע‬ ‫הרצון‬ ‫שער עד‬ ‫החכם'‬ ‫'ואמרעד‬ ‫החכם'‬ ‫אב–‬ ‫יז‬ ‫יז‬ ‫שלח‬ ‫החכם'‬ ‫'אמר‬ ‫החכם'‬ ‫האמת‬ ‫'אמר‬ ‫שער‬ ‫האמת‬ ‫עד‬ ‫השקר'‬ ‫שער‬ ‫עד‬ ‫בענין‬ ‫השקר'‬ ‫'ויש‬ ‫'ואמרבענין‬ ‫סיון 'ויש‬ ‫כא אב‬ ‫סיון– יח‬ ‫יד‬ ‫יח‬ ‫שלח עקב‬ ‫עקב‬ ‫המעלים עיניו'‬ ‫הם''כל‬ ‫הנדיבות‬ ‫שער‬ ‫שערעד‬ ‫העצלות‬ ‫שער‬ ‫תמוז‬ ‫כאיב‬ ‫יד ––ח –‬ ‫בלק‬ ‫שלא יקנא'‬ ‫יקנא'‬ ‫שנזהר‬ ‫שלא‬ ‫'ומי‬ ‫שנזהר‬ ‫הקנאה‬ ‫'ומי‬ ‫הקנאה‬ ‫עד‬ ‫שער‬ ‫שמיעותעדהם'‬ ‫החכם'עד‬ ‫שמיעותעדהם'‬ ‫'ארבע‬ ‫סיון– כח‬ ‫אב–‬ ‫כהכד‬ ‫כח‬ ‫פנחס כד‬ ‫קרח‬ ‫'השביעי'‬ ‫'השביעי'‬ ‫החניפות‬ ‫החניפות‬ ‫שער‬ ‫שער‬ ‫'אמר‬ ‫'ארבעהחכם'‬ ‫סיון 'אמר‬ ‫תמוז אב‬ ‫כה‬ ‫כא‬ ‫כא ––‬ ‫קרח ראה‬ ‫ראה‬ ‫שיזכור אם יש בו'‬ ‫'השישית‬ ‫הזכירה‬ ‫שער‬ ‫שערעד‬ ‫עיניו'‬ ‫המעלים‬ ‫'כל‬ ‫יט‬ ‫טו –‬

‫חכמה'‬ ‫חכמה'‬ ‫'קנין‬ ‫'קנין‬ ‫לוח‬ ‫לוח‬ ‫חכמה‬ ‫חכמה‬ ‫קנין קנין‬ ‫לתכנית‬ ‫לתכנית‬ ‫לימוד‬ ‫לימוד‬ ‫טבלת‬ ‫טבלת‬ ‫תשע"ח‬ ‫תשע"ח‬ ‫ניסן‪ -‬ניסן‬ ‫תשע"ז‬ ‫תשע"ז ‪-‬‬ ‫ניסן ניסן‬

‫‪HUNDRE‬‬ ‫‪HUN‬‬

‫כמו כן משתדל‬ ‫היצה”ר וממציא כמה‬ ‫אמתלאות לע‬ ‫שות רפיון שלא ילמדו‬ ‫מוסר‪ ,‬ועל כן מה רבו‬ ‫השמחה במה שא‬ ‫רגון‬ ‫‘ד‬ ‫רשו’‬ ‫כלל‬ ‫בתוך תכניותיהם גם‬ ‫סדר של לי‬ ‫מוד המוסר בכל יום‪ ,‬ל‬ ‫הקל ולזרז שילמדו מוסר‬ ‫בכל יום‪ ,‬תחלה‬ ‫ללמוד ולידע ידיעות‬ ‫המוסר‪ ,‬ואח”כ לקיים‬ ‫אל‬ ‫‘והשבות ל‬ ‫בבך’ להשריש יסודות‬ ‫המוסר בלבם‪ .‬ועל כן‬ ‫אמינא לפ‬ ‫עלא טבא ויה”ר שי‬ ‫שרה‬ ‫ש‬ ‫כינה‬ ‫במ‬ ‫עשי‬ ‫להרבות‬ ‫ידיכם‬ ‫פעלים לכבוד שמים‪.‬‬


Torah Musings The Week In News

MARCH 23, 2017 | The Jewish Home


Looks Can Be Deceiving Sarah Pachter

Erica walked into a clothing store in Europe. Striking at 5’10”, weighing only 110 pounds, she was a typical American model: unhealthy by most standards, yet barely able to keep her weight down in order to continue her successful modeling career. Her manager walked alongside her as they entered the store, and he angrily pinched a minute quantity of fat he found on her, saying, “You need to lose this, or else.” She sarcastically thought to herself, What difference does it make? They can just edit out any extra pounds I have. I can’t starve my skin away. After all, they still “touch-up” everything anyway. My student, Erica, left the modeling business shortly after this real incident occurred. As she described this scene to me, I could do nothing but shake my head in disapproval over the way she was treated. Unfortunately, I had heard these sentiments before. Cameron Russell, a famous model, has made a TED Talk about this very topic. One of the top questions people ask her most is, “Do they really touch-up pictures as much as they say they do?” She answered in front of her overwhelmingly large audience that they don’t merely touch them up. The people in those pictures are not actually humans once the image is fully edited and presented to the public. It is a full-blown construction. The “model” is a merely a canvas: a blank slate that they use to create a completely new image from. She shared pictures of herself in a magazine looking tall, slender, and suggestively posing in embrace of a man. In reality, she felt completely awkward; she was not yet 15, and had just started high school. She showed personal photographs from the day of the shoot, compared with the actual magazine’s pictures, and it looked like two different people, years apart. She explained to me then that “touch-ups” are an understatement. The entire image is an illusion. A deception, if you will. We often think that this beauty-deception is a result of our skewed modern world. However, in reality, this concept actually began long ago, with Adam and Eve. The Torah describes the Garden of Eden as a paradise, using the term “pure clarity” to describe it. This clarity was seen

in everything that was present there. Animals, plant life, and objects looked exactly as they were. A poisonous mushroom looked ominous, while an apple was bright and beautiful, practically yelping, Eat me! Adam and Eve knew just from looking at an object whether it was good or bad. Once the pair sinned, however, confusion was introduced into the world. A mask, or cloud, of confusion was created to obstruct that clarity. Hence, the beauty-deception concept with which we live today was established. Allow me to describe this beauty-deception in today’s terms. You see a billboard featuring a stunning model with her hair flowing while riding a horse. (It’s a perfume ad. I’m not really sure why she’s on a horse – but stick with me here.) She has a bright smile on her face, and her head is tilted backwards, enjoying the sun, the breeze, and life itself. Life is perfect for this woman, who has not a care in the world. Now, let’s zoom in behind the scenes of this image. The reality is not actually very pretty at all. She has been sitting in this position with her head cocked at this angle for hours straight. Her back feels like it’s going to break, and she hasn’t eaten in three days, in preparation for this day. It’s downright painful. The final image looks pretty, but the process to get it is not pretty at all. Taking this concept to a deeper level, Yad Vashem has a beautiful painting of a sunset at the end of a corridor, past the entrance of the museum. As you walk closer towards the work of art, however, it becomes apparent that it is not a sunset at all, but rather a gruesome depiction of the fire of the crematorium in Auschwitz, and the ashes of the bodies alongside it. This especially horrific beauty-deception is reflective in the Nazis themselves. The leaders were sophisticated and refined externally, famously appreciating symphonies, art, and intellectual and scientific pursuits. Inwardly, however, they were monsters. Something that seemed good and beautiful on the outside but was in fact full of evil on the inside.

Similarly, the Torah describes the non-kosher pig in this way.1 The pig is the only animal with split hooves but which doesn’t chew its cud. It looks kosher on outside, but doesn’t reflect that internally. All of the previous examples clearly demonstrate beauty-deception, but what is true beauty? A model might describe beauty as pain. A scientist, on the other hand, could define it as symmetry. To an artist, beauty may lie within the eye of the beholder. The Torah’s definition is an interesting twist on all three of these. Let’s first go to the first place the word or concept is mentioned: “G-d made every tree which was attractive to the sight and good for food.”2 Why would this sentence discuss the fruit of the garden as being attractive to the sight first? If I were G-d describing the function of food, I would say, “Here, look at this apple. It is good for you…and it’s pretty, isn’t it?” It is through the Torah’s sentence and the order of the words that we can truly see the importance of beauty in consumption. Hashem understood that for humans, attraction inherently comes first, even before nutritional value. As humans, we appreciate beauty so much that studies have been conducted regarding the effect of beauty on patients recovering in hospitals after surgery. The studied patients with windows facing a tree needed less pain medication and recovered faster than those with windows facing buildings. Humans appreciate beauty deeply, and have a strong, internal need for it.3 Consider an upscale restaurant: the table is covered in fine linens, the dining room has a pleasant ambiance, and the

1 2 3

Parshat Shemini Genesis 2:9

Summarized from The Gratitude Diaries by Janice Kaplan, pg. 206

stemware feels elegant. The food is presented as artwork, making it taste better, due to the additional eye-appeal. But then, to feed a dog? You just throw some brown, lumpy food into the dog’s bowl, and he’s as happy as can be! If you have ever hiked in Israel, at some point you must have stopped to enjoy the splendorous view. Looking out from a mountain peak can even be a spiritual experience. But a goat walking across the Ein Gedi trail does not stop to enjoy his view. Rather, he simply grabs another mouthful of grass and continues chewing! The Torah says the food in Gan Eden was attractive to the sight first. Beauty is important, and is not something to disregard as insignificant or vain. Simultaneously, Hashem defines the concept of beauty for us: the harmony between the desire of the body and the soul. When the fruit is attractive to the sight and healthy to eat. Sarah, the matriarch, was considered one of the most beautiful women in creation.4 As Rashi writes, she was as beautiful at one hundred as she was at twenty, and as beautiful at twenty as at seven.5 Hence, Sarah was extremely attractive externally, but her internal goodness matched her radiating exterior.6 As humans, we all walk around with a shell. After their initial creation, the souls of Adam and Eve radiated from the inside out. After their sin, however, their skin became opaque, hiding their true essence. I recently came across and anonymous quote that said the following: “If only our eyes saw souls instead of bodies, how different our ideals of beauty would be.” Science and Torah both describe beauty as symmetry, not just of the right and left side of the body, but inside and out, as well. Beauty radiates when our inner and outer selves match, allowing the soul and body to represent each other as the cohesive unit that they were always meant to be.

4 5 6

Tractate Megillah, 15A Genesis 23:1 Genesis 23:1


Living with In theNews Times The Week

By Rabbi Pinchos Lipschutz

MARCH 23, 2017 | The Jewish Home


Publisher of the Yated Ne’eman

The parsha this week begins with the words, “Vayakhel Moshe es kol adas bnei Yisroel.” Moshe descended the mountain the day after Yom Kippur and all of Klal Yisroel flocked to him to hear his message. There is an immediate lesson here for us, which is relevant throughout the year. The Jewish year, just like Jewish life, is composed of peaks and valleys, moments of joy and times of pain. Every moment has its specific avodah, whether it is a day that is spent entirely in shul or one that is spent eating and drinking. Even on a more routine day, each moment in a Jew’s life is laden with opportunity and meaning. Unfortunately, certain times, such as those that call for more intense avodah may be perceived as more significant than less intense periods. The reality is, that time that passes will never return, and every moment that arrives is unique. Mimochoras Yom Kippur is the day following the most exalted twenty-four hours of the year. How can you top that? Any day that follows must be a downer, maybe even a day off, without its own specific recipe for growth. Our parsha opens on that day, Mimochoras Yom Kippur, when Moshe Rabbeinu gathered the nation. As they stood listening to him, they were once again together, b’achdus, and they merited the Mishkon. The people flocked to listen to Moshe. They had learned the lesson of the day and understood. Following his return from Har Sinai after the chet ha’Eigel, Moshe called out, “Mi laHashem eilay. Everyone who remains with Hashem come to me.” Only the bnei Levi answered the call. But following their repentance, all the people recognized that just as every moment has its obligation, so does every individual have a mission and they came to hear what it was. After falling and failing in the mindlessness of the chet ha’Eigel, after having done teshuvah, the enthused, newly-cleansed nation gathered around Moshe,

the fountain of direction. We can now appreciate the power of Moshe Rabbeinu’s message to them. The parshiyos of Vayakhel and Pekudei conclude the five parshiyos that discuss the construction of the Mishkon and its design. The building of the Mishkon began after Yom Kippur and continued until Rosh Chodesh Nissan. The work required hundreds of workers and large amounts of material. To facilitate its construction, there was a fundraising campaign, in which everyone participated. When the Mishkon was completed, the fes-

He noted that Rav Elazar Menachem Man Shach, however, had a term all his own. He referred to the intercession as “zeman habeinayim,” or “the in-between zeman.” This, said Rav Moshe Mordechai, was part of the secret of Rav Shach’s growth and leadership. Each moment, each day, had a role and mission. Nothing was temporary or without meaning. The days of relaxation from the frantic yeshiva pace were a zeman of their own. The Mishkon, epicenter of holiness, repository of Hashem’s presence on this world, defied time. Although the Mish-

Look for something positive in each day and you will find motivation.

tivity lasted twelve days. Rav Yaakov Kamenetsky points out the incongruity between the effort exerted into building the Mishkon and the original intended duration of its existence. The Bnei Yisroel left Mitzrayim on Pesach and were to travel in the desert until reaching the Promised Land. Had the sin of the meraglim not taken place, they would have entered Eretz Yisroel in a matter of months and would not have wandered in the desert for thirty-nine extra years. Why, then, was so much effort and expense invested in constructing a temporary edifice? Why all the specifics, precise merasurements and exhaustive work? In fact, they teach us a vital lesson. Rav Moshe Mordechai Shulsinger of Bnei Brak maintained a written correspondence with many great men. He once commented that when gedolei Torah would respond to his letters during the bein hazemanim period, they would indicate in their letters that it was bein hazemanim.

kon would be temporary, its effect would be eternal. While it was only meant to last for several months, it represented the ideal that every day could be spent in the presence of Hashem. No day, or even part of it, should be taken for granted or wasted. Every minute is precious and can generate greatness. We know nothing about which day or which moment in it is most important. We value rest and relaxation. We know the value of bein hazemanim and a change of pace. Everyone needs to relax in their own way, but there is never off-time. Rav Boruch Sorotzkin’s wife once shared what she felt was key to her husband’s greatness. Before she and her husband departed Europe on the long escape route that would eventually lead them to Cleveland, Ohio, her father, the Telzer Rov, gave her some advice. He told her to ensure that even though they would be on the run, moving from place to place, she should do what she

could to give each day a sense of permanence and create a feeling of home. The rebbetzin would recount how, during the long journey across Europe to what felt like the end of the earth, she made sure to serve the future rosh yeshiva “breakfast” - whatever meager food there was - on a plate. She understood that by investing the day with a feeling of stability, her husband would follow by learning as if he was back in yeshiva in Telshe. The rebbetzin said that she felt that her husband shteiged during the multi-year journey in a way that others had not because of her father’s wise directive. Klal Yisroel, newly-cleansed from the chet ha’Eigel, desirous of a proper relationship with Hashem, appreciated the opportunity to construct a dirah batachtonim. And they knew that in a relationship, there are no off moments. For however long it would stand, they would ensure that the Mishkon would be a place where Hashem would, kevayachol, be comfortable. They understood that building the Mishkon was an act of teshuvah for their sin and they immediately responded to the appeal. They engaged in a labor of love, determined to begin again with a cleansed slate. It did not matter that the Mishkon was to stand for only a short period of time, for they would take advantage of the opportunity to become closer to Hashem, and in that zechus they would enter Eretz Yisroel and build the permanent Bais Hamikdosh. They toiled and labored in joy. They understood that even one moment of hashro’as haShechinah was worth everything. As the Mishkon was completed, Moshe Rabbeinu blessed the Jewish people, stating, “Viyhi noam Hashem Elokeinu aleinu.” Rav Simcha Scheps explained that they were blessed upon the completion of the work and not when they began it, because Moshe knew that there would be an initial burst of enthusiasm for the project. He didn’t have to bless them at the outset. He feared that the initial euphoria would wear off and they wouldn’t be able to maintain the proper spiritual levels to merit the Shechinah remaining among them. It was at the end, with the task completed and the Mishkon erected, that he was able to look on with pride at the lesson his people had learned. In the great mussar yeshivos, every talmid was infused with an awareness of the greatness inherent in man, referred to as gadlus ha’adam. Rav Shlomo Freifeld would tell of

Living with In theNews Times The Week

MARCH 23, 2017 | The Jewish Home

the time he stayed at a Tel Aviv hotel and was eating breakfast. He noticed a distinguished looking woman enter the hotel dining room and begin looking around, as if for something in particular. After a while, she found it: a vase, holding a single flower. She proudly carried the flower to her table, where she sat down to wait for her husband, who came a few minutes later. Her husband was the Ponovezher Rov. Rav Freifeld would say, “When I saw that flower on the table, I understood how the Ponovezher Rov was able to accomplish so much every single day of his life and just how much of a partner the rebbetzin was.” Every day is a gift from Hashem and worthy of expending the effort to construct a Mishkon - a place for Hashem - in our hearts. presents new opportunities to grow, learn and achieve greatness. Every day deserves cleanliness and preparation for Godliness. The posuk states, “Vayavo’u kol ish asher nesa’o libo” (35:21). Every man “whose heart lifted him” came to work on the construction of the Mishkon. The Ramban states that none of the people who were engaged in building the Mishkon had learned that trade, nor did they have any previous experience. They were the people who responded to the call of Hashem. Niso’om libom, their hearts lifted them. They were consumed with the desire to fulfill the wish of Hashem. They didn’t say that they weren’t trained for anything that the Mishkon required. They didn’t say that the work was too difficult. They didn’t say, “Leave it for someone else to do.” The Mishkon was built by men of greatness who ignored their shortcomings and pushed themselves to do what they didn’t know they could, to serve Hashem. Perhaps, in light of our understanding, we can appreciate the lesson. Nothing is random. Our year doesn’t consist of “on-days” and “off-days,” and our nation doesn’t boast capable people and those who are absolved of work. Every day has its special light, shone into it by the Master of us all. Look for something positive in each day and you will find motivation. They achieved greatness. They brought the Shechinah to this world. They received the brochah of Viyihi Noam and the Mishkon lasted much longer than anyone thought it would. In fact, the Mishkon was never destroyed. It lies in hiding, waiting for the day when we can appreciate our blessings, the potential that lies in each

moment, and all join together and summon the inner strength we all possess to put aside differences and work together to reestablish a dirah laHashem batachtonim.

B’Nissan nigalu ubeNissan asidim lehigoel. Nissan is a month of redemption. Redemption of time, of people, and of our nation. If we would all appreciate the gift


of time, our personal gifts and the gift of our nation, singular in the world, we would be redeemed.



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Feature TheOCTOBER Week In2015 News 29, | The Jewish Home

MARCH 23, 2017 | The Jewish Home

A Match Made in China

25 Years of the China-Israel Alliance By Susan Schwamm


srael’s population is a mere 8 million; China is home to almost 1.4 billion people. Despite the disparities in number of people who call these countries home, Israel and China have steadily been working on growing their relationship. Just this week, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu met with Chinese President Xi Jinping in China to discuss technological cooperation between the two nations. “We have signed many agreements,” Netanyahu said, “but I think that your decision to announce a comprehensive innovation partnership between China and Israel is a tremendously important decision, certainly for us in Israel, and I believe through our cooperation, for China as well.” This is not the first time the prime minister visited the Chinese and is 25 years since the dawn of an initiative aimed at fostering trade between the two nations. Netanyahu continued, “We admire China’s capabilities, its position on the world stage and in history. We have always believed, as we dis-

cussed on my previous visit, that Israel can be a partner, a junior partner, but a perfect partner for China in the development of a variety of

peoples, but also I think for humanity as a whole.” He concluded, “I want to thank you, not only for the friendship you

“I believe this is a marriage made in heaven,” Netanyahu said at the beginning of the meeting. technologies that change the way we live, how long we live, how healthy we live, the water we drink, the food we eat, the milk that we drink – in every area.” Israel, which has been called the Startup Nation, is known for its strides in technology. “There are vast and rapid changes in technology, which Israel excels in that we believe that we could cooperate in,” Netanyahu explained. “We know that you have great scientists, great industrialists, great capabilities, and we think that by working together we can make the future better for our

have shown Israel, but for the important strides we are making to make the world a better place for all of us.” Netanyahu began his three day trip to China this week on Sunday, bringing along with him a group of businessmen and government leaders to sign deals during the visit. While meeting with Chinese Premier Li Keqiang in the Great Hall of People in Beijing, the two leaders agreed to accelerate negotiations regarding the establishment of a Free Trade Zone and the work of the special economic cooperation committee. The

two leaders also discussed a “fast track” for Israeli and Chinese investors to streamline the way to joint agreements and a direct air link between Shanghai and Tel Aviv. “We think there are only two such concentrations of technology in the world for the moment… We are eager to work with you. We’re going to sign with the government in the coming days a series of agreements on how we can pursue this cooperation, how we can help China in its plans and how China, of course, can enable us to participate in its great projects. But I believe this is a marriage made in heaven,” Netanyahu said at the beginning of the meeting.


oday, there are approximately 2,500 Jews living in China – the majority of them, around 2,000, live in Beijing. Historians have noted that Jews first came to China sometime during the Northern Song Dynasty (960-1127). At that time, during the Silk Road, Jews were well-suited to become involved in international trade. For one, many Jews were already merchants in their

Feature The Week In News

MARCH 23, 2017 | The Jewish Home

The Jewish Home | OCTOBER 29, 2015

Jewish children in the Shanghai ghetto in 1944

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Lighting the menorah at the Great Wall of China

Jews of Kaifeng, late 19th century, early 20th century

hometowns. Additionally, because Jews speak a common language – Hebrew – Jews from Europe, Persia, India and the Middle East were able to converse and trade amongst themselves despite the language barriers that non-Jews faced. If Jews were trading within Europe and India at the time, China would be the next country with which to trade. A significant group of Jews – around 70 families – settled in the city of Kaifeng during the Song Dynasty. It is not known why they left their hometown or why they settled in China. The group was welcomed by the Song Emperor and was allowed to freely practice their faith. For at least eight or nine generations, they only gave their children Jewish names. They would only eat meat slaughtered by Jews and wouldn’t eat blood, pork and other non-kosher animals. During the Ming Dynasty, many Kaifeng Jews were given roles in the government. As their status grew, though, many of them turned to study Chinese texts and some of their Jewish learning was diminished. When the Yellow River dams flooded in 1642, the Golden Age of Kaifeng Jewry abruptly ended, as many lost their lives in the rushing waters. The community gradually lost itself within China as many of its members intermarried. In the 19th century, they no longer knew Hebrew and didn’t even know when Shabbos was. At one point the Kaifeng Jews sadly posted their holy seforim in the

city square and offered a reward for someone to translate them. No one could. In 1914, the site of their shul – where they had prayed for 700 years – was sold to a bishop. The history of the Jews of Shanghai is a bit more recent. As the port city of Shanghai opened to foreign trade in 1842, many Jews fleeing repression in Eastern Europe and particularly those escaping the Russian Tsar stumbled into Shanghai. The Ohel Moishe Synagogue was built in Shanghai in 1907. At the time, the population of Shanghai Jews grew

city grew to a population of approximately 25,000 – around 18,000 of those were Jewish refugees who came to the city from 1933 to 1941. When Japan captured Shanghai in 1937, the Jews suffered terribly and eventually migrated to the United States, Britain, Australia, and Israel after the war. Now, there are only a few Jews living in Shanghai. The Shanghai Jewish Refugees Museum reminds visitors of the city’s Jewish past. Beijing, the capital of China, is now home to around 2,000 Jews – in

China is Israel’s largest trading partner in Asia, with bilateral trade volume surpassing a whopping $11 billion.

to 700. The majority of those Jews – 400 of them – were Sephardim, hailing from Baghdad, Bombay and Cairo, including the wealthy Sassoon, Kadoorie, Hardoon, Ezra, Shamoon, and Baroukh families. The community in Shanghai grew as the Russian Revolution in 1917 pushed more Jews towards China. And then, in the 1930s and 1940s, as Jews raced to escape Hitler’s evil minions, some fled to Shanghai, a port city which did not require visas. Students of Mir Yeshiva and Slabodka found refuge in Shanghai and the

a city of 21.5 million. For the past few decades Jews from all over the world have been traveling to China to engage in commerce and pursue economic development. Judaism is not a state-recognized religion in China and freestanding religious buildings are not allowed. The Chabad shaliach, Rabbi Shimon Freundlich, came to Beijing in 2001. The shul is officially held in his home. There is a mikveh in Beijing and a Montessori school run by Rebbetzin Freundlich. Beijing’s first kosher restaurant, Dini’s, opened in March 2007.


here is little anti-Semitism in China. Some, like Professor James Ross, who teaches journalism at Northeastern University in Boston and was a Fulbright lecturer at Nanjing University, say that the Chinese are more ignorant or apathetic about Jews than anti-Semitic as many of them don’t have any contact with the Chosen Nation. Despite that, the Chinese seem to see Jews as being a smart people, a trait that they admire and wish to aspire to. In an interview with The Forward in 2016, Ross relates about his time spent in China: “I was taken aback by people’s admiration for me because I was Jewish. And their assumption that I was rich and smart because I am a Jew. I found that really awkward.” He added, “Now that everything is focused on getting rich and attaining power, there is not much to believe in, and the interest in Jewish people involves what Jews believe in, even though the Chinese cannot study what Jews believe in. So it is still a mystery to them. They feel that they want to be like Jews, but have no idea what Jews believe in.” The Chinese want to know the secret to Jews’ supposed success and are willing to look for it. Books that line Chinese bookstore shelves include ones with titles like The Secret of the Talmud: The Jewish Code of Wealth, The Eight Most Valuable Business Secrets of the Jewish, and Jewish People and Business: The Bible of How to Live Their Lives. These books aren’t necessarily written by

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Feature TheOCTOBER Week In2015 News 29, | The Jewish Home

MARCH 23, 2017 | The Jewish Home

Jews or even spout Jewish tradition and wisdom. But the Chinese view the Jews as being successful and smart, two traits that they value, and books about Jewish wisdom fly off the shelves.


erhaps it is this stereotype that propels the Israel-China alliance to continue to grow. Israel sees China as another resource for expanding business relations, and the Chinese respect Israel’s great advances in numerous fields. Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion saw the opportunity in China years ago. In a 1953 essay on international relations titled, “Israel Among the Nations,” Ben-Gurion predicted that the United States and Russia would struggle over world leadership. He urged Israel to turn towards the Far East. “Once again,” he wrote, “two great and ancient nations – India and China – stride out into independence. Their weight in the scales of humanity is increasing and is likely to tip those scales more yet hereafter.” Ben-Gurion pointed out that Israel sits on the edge of Asia, a perfect spot to embrace both the East and West. Despite Ben-Gurion’s foresight in China becoming a world power, he never saw a relationship come to fruition. Communist China did not invite outside alliances under Chairman Mao, although Israel was the first Middle East country to extend diplomatic recognition to China in 1950. But then, when China aligned itself with the Muslim world at the UN in 1956, Ben-Gurion realized there was no practical reason to reach out to Beijing. In 1978 Deng Xiaoping ascended China’s leadership. He encouraged foreign investment and market reforms, steering the country away from Mao’s strict ideology. In 1979, Israeli-based business tycoon Shaul Eisenberg endeavored to take advantage of the opening of China’s shore to foreigners – the first forging of a relationship between Israel and China. (Eisenberg actually fled to Shanghai from Nazi Germany during the war.) He arranged for leaders of Israel’s defense industry to hold a meeting with their Chinese counterparts, leading to a number of lucrative arms deals. Not wanting to aggravate China’s Arab allies, the two nations kept the meeting and re-

President Xi Jinping and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu

lationship under wraps. The United States, though, supported the fledging partnership, hoping to diminish Soviet power. It was President George H. W. Bush who brought Sino-Israel relations to the fore. In 1991, with the Soviets no longer sponsoring Arab states, the president convened the Madrid Peace Conference between Israel and the Arab world. When China saw that sitting down with the Israelis was condoned even by the Arabs, it brought its relationship with Israel out into the open. Diplomatic relations were formally established in 1992. Israel subsequently instituted a series of economic reforms in the 1990s that allowed bilateral trade to increase, and Chinese President Jiang Zemin eventually visited Israel in 2000. The fall of the Soviet Union was a boon and a hindrance for Sino-Israel relations. On the one hand, Israel no longer had to hide its interest in China. But on the other hand, the United States saw itself faced with the threat not of the Soviet Union but of China. Indeed, in 2000, the United States forced the Israeli government to cancel a $1 billion deal to sell China four Phalcon warning and surveillance systems. Diplomatic relations cooled for a while between Beijing and Tel Aviv but the Chinese are practical and pragmatic. They knew a relationship with Israel is too good to throw away over one bad deal. In fact, because of advances in the high-tech industry in Israel, the Sino-Israel alliance tightened and from 2000-2005 trade between Israel and China tripled. The financial crisis of 2008 brought economies around the globe to their knees. But with disaster comes opportunity, and China, in

2010, officially announced that it would be making innovation the new engine of its economy. Who better to partner with than the Startup Nation?


hinese companies began investing in Israeli companies and infrastructure. In 2008, a Chinese company was awarded the contract for digging the Carmel Tunnel in Haifa as well as part of the Red Line on Tel Aviv’s light rail project. Another Chinese company also won the tender to supply bridge cranes to the Haifa port. In 2013, following Netanyahu’s second diplomatic visit to Beijing in which he oversaw the signing of a $400 million trade agreement that was officially penned and signed by Israeli Finance Ministry Accountant-General Michal Abadi-Boiangiu and officials from China’s Finance Ministry, H.E. Gao Yanping, China’s Ambassador to Israel, wrote: “With the interdependence between countries deepening in the globalized world, China and Israel have a shared destiny. The closer our cooperation is, the more benefits will accrue for both our peoples, and the more contributions we will be able to make to regional stability, world peace and global prosperity.” In 2014, for the first time, Israel imported more goods from China than it did from the United States – $8.1 billion and $7.4 billion, respectively. In 2015, then-Economy Minister Naftali Bennett said, “Israel has made a strategic decision to diversify its commerce, so we’re moving to the East. I’m talking about China, Japan, India … and it’s working.” Today, 25 years after establishing formal relations with China, China is Israel’s largest trading partner

in Asia, with bilateral trade volume surpassing a whopping $11 billion. It’s not always about economic collaboration between the two countries. Back in 2011, SIGNAL – Sino-Israel Global Network & Academic Leadership, an institute dedicated to strengthening ties between the two nations – hosted the first-ever China-Israel Strategy and Security Symposium at the Interdisciplinary Center in Herzliya. In 2011-12, SIGNAL established five Israel Studies programs at Chinese universities; even more exist today. And in 2013, the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology announced that it will launch a campus at Shantou University in Guangdong, China’s most populous province. Hundreds of scholarships have been set aside in Israel for Chinese undergraduate, graduate, and postgraduate students in the hope that more Chinese will study in Israel. Three years ago, Chinese magnate Li Ka-Shing, among China’s richest businessmen, donated $130 million to Technion Institute of Technology as part of a joint venture with Shantou University that will establish the Technion Guangdong Institute of Technology. The gift marked the first time a school from any other country was invited to establish an entirely new college based in China. Ground was broken on the project in China in December 2015. Economic alliances and academic collaboration are parts of a strong Sino-Israel relationship. Take a visit to the Holy Land and you will see that Chinese citizens are taking advantage of the friendly atmosphere between China and Israel. According to the Israeli Central Bureau of Statistics, 76,400 Chinese tourists visited Israel between January 2016 and November 2016 – a massive 60 percent increase from 2015 – making China its biggest growth market.


ho would have thought that a nation in which there are barely Jews would be one of Israel’s biggest trade partners? The Jews of Kaifeng, when they journeyed to China almost 2,000 years ago, could never have imagined that generations later Jews would once again be doing brisk business with the Chinese. But, as Netanyahu said this week, “This is a marriage made in heaven.”

MARCH 23, 2017 | The Jewish Home

The Week In News



Book Review The Week In News

MARCH 23, 2017 | The Jewish Home

Glixman in a Fix by Rebecca Klempner (Menucha Publishers, Inc. 2017, 280 pp.) Reviewed by Rosally Saltsman

“You know how things with family are weird sometimes,” says Mendel Glixman, the protagonist of Glixman in a Fix. And he’s right. All his friends are having some kind of problem with their families. But Mendel’s problems seem to intensify when his mother’s hoarding literally reaching new heights and his favorite aunt and her family disappear without a trace. In this original mystery novel for tweens, written in an engaging and somewhat addicting style, Glixman in a Fix tells the story of Mendel Glixman who, while struggling to keep ahead of his schoolwork, and make friends in his new school, also has to deal with a school bully, a social worker’s investigation and government agents and spies. But he’s, so to

speak, holding the cards to solving everyone’s problems. Helped by his smart sister Yehudis, his friends Ari and Ilan, and his geometry teacher, Mendel gets out of a really tough fix. This novel was originally serialized over a year in Binah BeTween. I personally couldn’t have waited that long for the ending, having read the book in one day. Besides riveting its audience of young tween readers, this mystery manages to teach some lessons in emunah, hashgacha pratis and ahavas yisrael but not in a heavy-handed way. It imparts some good lessons and values that kids can take with them into their own lives like organization, acceptance, friendship, and knowing when to consult an adult when things get out of

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hand. One of the issues addressed in the book is a new kid at school who happens to be black. I’m so used, living in Israel, to seeing black religious Jews that I don’t even give it a second thought. The fact that Mendel’s classmates do pay more attention than necessary tells me that Klempner is trying to bring attention to a problem that exists in America. In fact, accepting differences and showing empathy to everyone with their own struggle is an underlying theme of the book. But everyone seems to find common ground at Blue Mooin’ the neighborhood ice-cream parlor with a name that more than milks the joke. While I’m glad that by the end of the book, things are back to normal in the

Glixman household, I’m hoping that Rebecca Klempner comes up with some new adventures for Mendel and his pals and a new mystery to solve. And I, for one, want to be the first to read it!

MARCH 23, 2017 | The Jewish Home

The Week In News



Dirshu The Week In News

MARCH 23, 2017 | The Jewish Home

Limud Hamussar at Forefront as Lomdei Dirshu the World Over Take First ‘Kinyan Chochma’ Mussar Test Chaim Gold

There were many thousands sitting with pen in hand and furrowed brows this past Friday and Sunday. They were in sitting locales across North America, Eretz Yisrael, Europe, South America, South Africa, and Australia. They were taking a Dirshu test. What was unique, however, was that this test was not on Gemara, or halachah, but rather on mussar! They were taking the first test on “Kinyan Chochma”, Dirshu’s new mussar program, wherein a portion of the mussar classics are learned daily and Dirshu participants are tested monthly on the content. As with all Dirshu programs of accountable limud haTorah, stipends are given for excellent results. Perhaps the most momentous resolution to come out of Dirshu’s recent convention was the announcement at the Motzoei Shabbos keynote melavah malkah of a new program, the Kinyan Chochma mussar learning program. In a world gone wild, where there is so much poisonous influence on our middos and a toxic worldview from the outside world seeping into our world, at the behest of leading gedolim in both Eretz Yisrael and the diaspora, Dirshu launched its new mussar learning program. The program consists of a daily dose of mussar from the mussar classics such as Tomer Devorah, Orchos Chaim L’Harosh, Orchos Tzadikim, Mesilas Yesharim, and Rabbeinu Yonah. Mussar – The Antidote for the Yetzer Hara Indeed, numerous gedolei Yisrael addressed Dirshu testing sites and expressed their deep sense of joy that such a program has been established. HaGaon HaRav Meir Simcha Auerbach, shlita, a son of the posek hador, Rav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach, zt”l, said that in truth the program is the fulfillment of a halacha brought in the Mishnah Berurah [1-12], “A person must set aside time to learn mussar sefarim every day… He who is greater than his friend has a greater yetzer hara and the antidote for the yetzer hara is the rebuke of mussar…” At a different testing site, HaGaon HaRav Avrohom Halberstam, shlita, a son of the Sanz-Klausenberger Rebbe, shlita, said, “Everyone knows that in yeshivos, learning mussar is an accepted part of the curriculum. For some reasons this is not the case in kollelim. People have this misconception that a kollel yungerman or a baal habayis is too old for this. On the contrary, at this point in life it is imperative to learn mussar! That is why Dirshu has done such an important service for Klal Yisrael by establishing the Kinyan Chochma program where mussar will be learned daily by all…”

Rabbonim worldwide adressed the inauguration of the Kinyan Chochma Program

Rav Dovid Hofstedter giving a shmuess in the Tshechonover Yeshiva

HaGaon HaRav Eliyahu Abba Shaul, Rosh Yeshivat Ohr L’Tzion, related that when it comes to middos it is impossible for a person to observe middos properly, such as refraining from speaking lashon hara and rechilus and not engaging in sinas chinam without learning mussar daily. Thus it is a wonderful thing that Dirshu has undertaken a structured program promoting the learning of mussar with monthly tests on the material…” The Difference Between Yaakov and Amalek The importance of devoting time to learning mussar was underscored by Dirshu’s Nasi, Rav Dovid Hofstedter, who recently delivered drashos in both Lakewood and Yerushalayim on this topic. In Lakewood this past Shushan Purim, Rav Hofstedter participated in a siyum on Masechta Zevachim by Kollel Ohel Daniel, a night Kollel that learns with the Dirshu method of accountability taking monthly tests. At the siyum Rav Hofstedter related, “One of the six things that we are commanded to remember every day is what

Amalek did to us. Why every day? Especially today when we don’t even know who Amalek is anymore?” Rav Hofstedter explained that when the Torah mentions that Amalek came to fight with the Bnei Yisrael it uses the word, ‘vayavo - Amalek came.’ “We see, however that when referring to Yaakov Avinu, the Torah uses the term ‘vayeitzei - he went out.’ Chazal learn from here that when a tzaddik leaves it makes an impact. Why does the Torah only make this point regarding Yaakov? We find that Avrohom and Yitzchok also left the places where they lived? “It is said specifically by Yaakov because Yaakov underwent a profound change. He underwent a transformation and did not return only as Yaakov but in addition as ‘Yisrael’. After leaving his old life behind and being immersed in the learning at the yeshiva of Shem V’Ever, after his struggles with Lavan and with the Sar of Eisav, he became totally transformed. In a similar vein when Chazal say that a person must exile himself to a makom Torah it means that if person wants to

truly be successful in his learning he must leave behind all of the old things that hold him back. “Amalek, however is the opposite. He doesn’t ‘leave’, he only ‘comes’. He never changes, he never lets himself see the hand of Hashem, he retains the same agenda. Amalek saw kriyas Yam Suf, but he didn’t change. He is always stuck in his old agenda. “If we want to change, if we do not want to be stuck in the old agenda that the yetzer hara constantly puts before us, we must learn mussar. Mussar makes us into ‘vayeitzei people’, enabling us to leave the havlei Olam Hazeh, the worthless pursuit of the transient matters empowering us to focus on the eternal.” The Transformative Moment About a week earlier at the Tshechonover Yeshiva in Yerushalayim, Rav Hofstedter gave a comprehensive shmuess explaining why limud hamussar is imperative for any person who truly wants to grow in his avodas Hashem and his relationship to Hashem. “The Torah at the beginning of Parshas Beshalach states, “And it happened when Pharaoh sent out the people.” Why did the Torah emphasize the fact that Pharaoh sent them? Did not Hashem take them out of Mitzrayim by sending the plagues? The answer is that the Torah is telling us that from the perspective of the Bnei Yisrael it was Pharaoh who sent them out. Even though physically they had left Mitzrayim they were nevertheless still attached to him and their former role as slaves. It was still as if ‘Pharaoh’ sent them out. It was only at kriyas Yam Suf when the Torah tells us, ‘They feared Hashem and they believed in Hashem and Moshe his servant,’ that they underwent the transition from being Pharaoh’s slaves to Hashem’s servants! Therefore, it was only at Yam Suf that they attained the true level of yiras shamayim. “What mussar does, is, it severs all of us from our own Mitzrayim. We are slaves to our desires, to the borders imposed upon us by the yetzer hara. Learning mussar daily enables us to free ourselves from those bonds and to grow in yiras shamayim. “Indeed, the Orchos Tzaddikim in his introduction that we just learned in the Kinyan Chochma program writes that without middos tovos there can be no Torah and no yiras shamayim.” As Klal Yisroel begins month two of Kinyan Chochma, there is no question that the impact of the limud hamussar on so many thousands, will serve as the catalyst for sustained, profound growth in all areas of avodas Hashem.

Parenting The Week In News

MARCH 23, 2017 | The Jewish Home

Proactive Parenting: Labels Stick Sara Teichman, Psy D

Dear Dr T, My wife is a wonderful mother. She is a great communicator and really works on understanding our children. So, why am I writing you? Well, I would like an opinion on a point of contention. See, it’s like this: At night, when our kids are safely in bed, we take some time to discuss what’s going on with them, what works, what doesn’t, how we can help. And, to be honest, my wife has a way better handle on them than I do. But, when we talk, she will describe a child as selfish, stubborn, brilliant, whatever. I tell her that I think it’s wrong to label kids – even though they are not around to hear it. She feels that what they don’t know won’t hurt them, but we need to call a spade a spade. To be honest, I’m not comfortable with this labeling, and don’t get why she does it. Am I being overly sensitive or do you think I have a point? Daniel Dear Daniel, Let me begin by complimenting you and your wife for doing the really hard work of parenting – and for the respect and regard you obviously have for each other. Your question is an intriguing one on many levels, and I will do my best to do it justice. “Is the unspoken, behind-the-door stuff really hurtful?” is not a question. Our children know what we think. They have observed us from the day they were born, and they know what each look, intonation, or utterance means. And that’s when we are careful. But, as discreet as we may be, inevitably our thoughts, feelings, and attitudes do slip out – especially to the people who know us best, our children. Though we may be masters of deception at work or social situations, it is unrealistic to think that we can fool the children who are with us 24/7. We all tend to use labels in our mind in order to organize our world and get a fix on things. This neighborhood is “safe;” that store is “pricey;” this school is “into secular studies;” that one “values school

production.” It’s a way of simplifying the world for ourselves. We don’t have to consider the store that’s pricey – that’s not for us. Nor would we ever send to a school that glorifies the extra-curricular, so that choice is off the table. There is so much going on nowadays, who has energy to do more than look at the label? For the trivial stuff, labels may be great. That store has the worst produce. This one has the trendiest clothes. But, for the important things in our life, we need more than just a generic label. We need to develop the ability to look at the many sides of an issue: in short, a more nuanced approach. We need to see the full spectrum of colors, not just the black and white. A label is harmful. When it is a negative label, it becomes a bad self-fulfilling prophesy. If your child is told he is stubborn, he begins to see himself that way. We accept our assigned identity and then dig in our heels. The reaction to our doing so only confirms what everyone knows: We are so stubborn. And, so the vicious cycle begins. Our child’s self worth can be destroyed before he even passes go.

But, what about a positive label: “My child is brilliant, beautiful, talented?” Unfortunately, such a label is damaging as well. It can lead to an over-inflated ego and an insufferable child. It may also lead to massive disappointment when the world does not recognize the child’s greatness. In addition, striving to maintain a label assigned in childhood is a very heavy load. Labels are limits. As parents, we want to resist the urge to categorize – and be open to possibilities. We want to develop every part of our child and see what takes root. We want to let our children find their way without their having to live up – or down – to our expectations. And, more importantly, we want to see our children as works in progress. They are not selfish, though it may appear so. Children (and adults!) do what they do in order to get their needs met. They may not know another way – yet. It is for us parents to figure it out what’s going on – to get to the source of the problem and help our child deal with it- rather than just fit the behavior into some convenient category. Five-year-old Mindy’s morah has been calling her mom with some concerns. Mindy is being really difficult in pre-school. For example, when there are crayons for the table, she grabs all the red’s first. She won’t share the Magformers: she has to have the whole bin for herself. Morah is wondering if Mindy is becoming a bit “selfish.” As tempting as it is to just agree with

morah that Mindy is on the selfish side, Mom decides to give the situation some thought. She wonders: could it be that Mindy feels ignored with all the fuss over the new baby? Or, maybe it was a mistake to move her to a room with an over-domineering seven-year-old sister? Rather than accepting a negative label, mom makes an honest effort to understand Mindy and her challenges. Mom understands that positive reinforcement alone will not help Mindy be more giving. Mom needs to help Mindy deal with the baby, older sister, or whatever else may be going on. Only then will Mindy feel safe enough to give up the need to have and to hold. Seeing potential and possibilities gives our children permission to develop and grow in their own unique and individual way. Avoiding labels and looking at the whole picture is a good way to start. The Book Nook: How To Raise an Adult by Julie Lythcott-Haims helps parents break free of the over-parenting trap and prepare for their child’s success. The author talks about issues like letting go, helicopter parenting, and the fostering of independence. Sara Teichman, Psy D. is a psychotherapist in private practice in Los Angeles and Clinical Director of ETTA, L.A.’s largest Jewish agency for adults with special needs. To submit a question or comment, email



The Week In News

MARCH 23, 2017 | The Jewish Home


The Week In News

Center-Right Wins in Netherlands

The Power of Your Passport

Wood Grilled Rib Eye mustard demi | fried yukon gold potatoes sous vide abalone mushrooms | roasted pearl onions




Henley and Partners have released the 2017 Visa Restriction Index, which ranks passports in term of traveling power. The United States did better than last year but was still unable to out rank Germany and Sweden when it came to how many countries accept entrance of passengers carrying a U.S. passport. Germans are allowed to travel to 176 countries and the Swedes can go freely to 175 countries with their passport. Americans did pretty well – 174 countries allow them in without a visa. America’s third place spot is shared with Denmark, Finland, Italy and Spain. The VRI counts how many countries – of the 219 countries and territories that are recognized – one can enter visa-free. A perfect score would be 218 (no visa is needed for entering your own country.) The high number seen now amongst countries may be changing in the near future. Christian H. Kälin, chairman of Henley and Partners, feels that rankings may soon change more drastically than in the past. “We have witnessed several major events recently that are likely to have an impact on global mobility – including Brexit and the election of U.S. President Donald Trump. Both can be interpreted as steps toward restricting movement and creating barriers to entry,” Kälin noted. “Generally, visa requirements are a reflection of a country’s relationship with others, and take into account diplomatic relationships between countries, reciprocal visa arrangements, security risks, and the dangers of visa and immigration regulation violations,” he added. Countries with the lowest scores – meaning, their passports open less doors into other countries – included Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Syria and Somalia.

The votes have been cast and counted in the Dutch elections that have dominated headlines in Europe over the past few months. Much to people’s surprise – and for some, relief – Prime Minister Mark Rutte’s center-right VVD party ended up landing the most seats. Much of the press around the election has surrounded controversial anti-immigrant, anti-EU candidate Geert Wilders. Wilders had promised to “de-Islamize” the Netherlands should he win. Wilders’ Freedom party took 20 of the 150 parliamentary seats, coming in second to VD’s 33 seats. Tied third place was the Christian Democrats (CDA) party and the liberal D66 party with 19 seats each. The Green-Left party also did well with 14 seats. The outcome for the Dutch elections may be quite telling as other EU members are holding elections in the near future and anti-immigration candidates have been more and more outspoken. The far right National Front party in France is likely to take a large percentage of the vote in next month’s election, and in Germany, the populist Alternative for Germany (AfD), may win seats in parliament for the first time this coming September. Wilder did not take losing the election very well. He pledged that Prime Minister Rutte had “not seen the last of him,” and he will continue his political agenda until he sees Netherlands out of the EU, the closing of all mosques, and the Koran banned.

Fire and Ice Combo Sank Titanic Everyone knows that the Titanic hit an iceberg and sank in the North Atlantic. What people do not know, according to a Titanic expert, is that the real cause of the ship sinking was a huge fire that occurred onboard many days prior to the ship ever setting sail. Senan Molony, who has spent over 30 years examining and researching the Titanic, has studied photographs of the ship that were taken by the ship’s chief electrical engineer before it left the Belfast shipyard. The pictures, explain Molony, show that there were 30 foot-long black marks

The Week In News

MARCH 23, 2017 | The Jewish Home

on the right side of the front hull, right next to where the ship was struck and punctured by the iceberg. “We are looking at the exact area where the iceberg stuck, and we appear to have a weakness or damage to the hull in that specific place, before she even left Belfast,” Molony explained recently.

Happiness Around the World

According to the annual World Happiness Report, Americans are getting sadder. Last year Americans ranked number 13th happiest nation in the world; this year we slipped to the 14th spot. Even more so, the happiness of American decreased by 5% in the last decade. Study co-author and economist Jeffrey Sachs of Columbia University explained, “We’re becoming more and more mean spirited. And our government is becoming more and more corrupt. And inequality is rising.” He cited recent research and analysis he previously conducted on America’s declining happiness for the report. “It’s a long-term trend and conditions are getting worse,” he warned. The new report, based on self-rankings, ranked Norway as the happiest country on Earth, despite its declining economy, proving that it takes more than money to be happy. Norwegians became significantly happier this last year; they moved up from spot number 4, and knocked Denmark off the number one spot. “It’s the human things that matter. If the riches make it harder to have frequent and trustworthy relationship between people, is it worth it?” asked John Helliwell, the lead author of the report and an economist at the University of British Columbia in Canada (ranked No.

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The fire, according to experts, appears to have been started in the fuel storage area behind the ship’s boiler rooms. The fire grew so large that it reached temperatures of up to 1000 degrees Celsius. According to Molony, the temperatures that were reached affected the steel hull and made it 75 percent weaker. “The official Titanic inquiry branded [the sinking] as an act of G-d. This isn’t a simple story of colliding with an iceberg and sinking. It’s a perfect storm of extraordinary factors coming together: fire, ice and criminal negligence,” he said. J. Bruce Ismay, president of the company that built the Titanic, gave very clear instructions that none of the 2500 passengers were to be told of the fire. Over 1,500 of the passengers lost their lives when the Titanic sank en route to New York.


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The Week In News

MARCH 23, 2017 | The Jewish Home

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7). “The material can stand in the way of the human.” Where do people have smiles plastered on their faces? Here are the five happiest countries in the world: 1. Norway 2. Denmark 3. Iceland 4. Switzerland 5. Finland Israel came in 11th on the list. At the bottom of the 155 countries listed is Central African Republic Burundi, Tanzania, Syria and Rwanda, all countries stricken by poverty, proving you need some money to be happy. The rankings are based on gross domestic product per person, and healthy life expectancy with four factors from global surveys. In the surveys, people give scores from 1 to 10 on how much social support they feel they have if something goes wrong, their freedom to make their own life choices, their sense of how corrupt their society is and how generous they are.

Terror in Paris Airport

Paris Orly Airport was the latest scene of terror when a man waving a gun at a French female soldier shouted, “I am here to die in the name of Allah ... There will be deaths.” Thankfully, before the terrorist was able to cause harm, two of the soldier’s companions fatally shot the attacker. The incident occurred Saturday morning in the South Terminal, and none of the soldiers or travelers were wounded. The terrorist, identified by Paris Prosecutor Francois Molins as Ziyed Ben Belgacem, is also accused of shooting a police officer earlier in the day when he stole the officer’s weapon. The officer stropped Belgacem for speeding and driving with his headlights off. During the stop, he shot the officer and stole his gun. The officer suffered minor non-life threatening injuries. He has a prior history of criminal activity and had been in jail several times on charges of violence and theft. His longest stretch in prison was for five years in 2009. Belgacem was carrying a weapon and a can of gas in his rucksack when he approached the female soldier and grabbed her. He attempted to get her weapon but they struggled and then the other soldiers interceded. French Defense Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian commended the soldiers who responded so swiftly. They responded

MARCH 23, 2017 | The Jewish Home

with “remarkable professionalism and self-control” to protect their colleague and the public, he said. Le Roux also praised the swift response of security forces at the airport. The airport was quickly evacuated and an elite operations unit and bomb squad officers were rushed in to survey the scene. More than 450 officers were involved in the operation to secure the airport and search for evidence, France’s National Police said. More than 2,000 travelers’ itineraries were interrupted because of the event. President François Hollande took the opportunity to reiterate the importance of the ongoing national security operation, which has placed extra security forces at airports, train stations and other public places. “I want to salute the courage and the exceptional behavior of the security forces who managed to put away the individual and to do so in an extremely complex situation because this occurred in Orly Airport,” he said at a news conference. Paris Orly Airport is France’s second-busiest airport.

The “Bolivian Schindler” A new hero has been identified after rifling through mountains of old documents in a warehouse in La Paz, Bolivia. The papers have revealed the story of Mauricio Hochschild, a German immigrant and mining tycoon who may have helped over 9,000 Jews escape the Nazis in the late 1930s. Now being called the “Bolivian Schindler,” Hochschild left behind a trove of files, photographs, and documents proving his role in the mass rescue of his fellow Jews. In many cases, he paid for travel and initial accommodations out of his own pocket.

Hochschild was born in Biblis, Germany, in 1881 and moved to Bolivia in 1921. He made a great fortune in the tin mining business and was eventually known as one of Bolivia’s three “Barons of Tin.” He eventually created deep and influential political contacts in the Bolivian government, contacts he would use to provide migrant visas to Jews fleeing Europe during the Nazis’ rise to power. The documents show that Hochschild placed some of the newcomers into his mining firm and also built schools for the children that came over to La Paz. One of the letters that was uncovered is from

a child asking the Tin Baron to enlarge the school facility “in view of the number of children who are here and others who want to come.” What makes the story more surprising is that Hochschild has a very negative reputation in Bolivian history. He was known as the worst of the three “Barons of Tin” and was said to be uncharitable and short-tempered. He died in Paris in 1965.

The Week In News

Going the extra mile!

The Richest of the Rich There are more billionaires in the world than ever before. In its annual richest people list, Forbes gathered a list of 2,043 individuals from across the globe – a record breaker. This year 233 people were added to the list, the most in 31 years. Collectively, the elite group’s wealth amounted to $7.67 trillion, another record breaker and an 18% increase. As expected, Bill Gates still holds the throne of richest man in the world with a net worth of $86 billion. Since last year’s release he earned another $11 billion. Warren Buffet, another Forbes’ richest staple, also had an incredible year by adding $14.8 billion to his fortune and coming in at number two. Jeff Bezos of Amazon is the man of the year, earning the highest earner award by stashing away another $27.6 billion. He finally entered the elite of the elitist top three (last year he was number five) for the first time with his overwhelming fortune of $72.8 billion. Rounding out the top five is Amancio Ortega of Zara and Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook fame. Zuckerberg moved up to number five with his earnings of $11.4 billion. He bumped Carlos Slim out of the top five to spot number six, this is the first time Slim hasn’t been in the top five since 2005. We think he’ll be okay, though, with a fortune of $59.5 billion. The country of origin of the majority of the 195 newcomers on the list was China with 76 people with overstuffed bank accounts. The U.S. contributed the next chunk with 25 billionaires. Newbies included founder of sportswear brand Patagonia Yvon Chouinard and Viking Cruise founder Torstein Hagen of Norway (happiest country in the world!). Fifteen of the newbies are women; all but one are from Asia Pacific. These females join the other 212 already on the list, totaling 227 women billionaires. The majority of the billionaires are over 40, with just 56 under the age of 40-years-old. The U.S. is home to the most billionaires for another year with 565 billionaires calling America their home. China is close behind with 319 and Germany has the third-to-most with 114.





Quotes The Week In News

MARCH 23, 2017 | The Jewish Home

Notable Quotes “Say What?!”

The reason I don’t like the Patriots is they represent sustained excellence. As a Giants fan, that drives me crazy. - FBI Director James Comey during a lighter moment at a Congressional hearing when asked about the FBI’s role in finding Tom Brady’s Super Bowl winning jersey which was swiped from his locker

People are scared to hire me. – Saddam Hussein, of India, age 25, whose grandfather named him after the former Iraqi dictator, explaining in his name change application why he is seeking to change his name

There was an article today – it was reported that NFL owners don’t want to pick [Colin Kaepernick] up because they don’t want to get a nasty tweet from Donald Trump. I said, “If I remember that one I’m gonna report it to the people of Kentucky – because they like it when people actually stand for the American flag." - President Trump at a rally in Kentucky

Press Secretary Sean Spicer says that President Trump didn’t literally mean that President Obama wiretapped him. He also said Donald Trump didn’t literally mean for people to vote for him. That was not the idea. – Conan O’Brien

Thank u @israeliPM office for mincha minyan & @netanyahu for davening with me so that I could say Kaddish for my mother – Tweet by White House special envoy Jason Greenblatt after he met with Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu for three hours last week

Today, President Trump had lunch with a Saudi prince. Trump told the Saudi prince, “We have a lot in common. My wife doesn’t leave the house, either.” - Conan O’Brien

An Oregon man led police on a 10mile, high-speed chase on Sunday in a stolen street sweeper truck. On the bright side, by the time he was arrested, his community service was done. – Seth Myers

I am ready to come out of the woods and to help shine a light on what is already happening around kitchen tables, at dinners like this, to help draw strength that will enable everybody to keep going. - Hillary Clinton joking during a St. Patrick’s Day speech to an Irish women’s group

I can’t tell you how many people have come up to me and asked, “Rabbi, which way to the buffet?” - David Letterman, who now has a long white beard, while presenting an award to his former band leader Paul Shaffer at a Chabad dinner


MARCH 23, 2017 | The Jewish Home

The Week In News






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Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.