SFCV September 26, 2024 Edition

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Wishing for a year of endless opportunities, blessings, growth & peace


“Dr. Martin Karp has been an absolute champion for the Jewish community, and authored numerous policy initiatives to support Jewish students and fight antisemitism.”
- Ariel Bentata, former Board Chair, Greater Miami Jewish Federation

Increased access to study abroad programs like High School in Israel

Supported and expanded Holocaust education programs

Made sure students would not have to choose between their IB exams and going on the March of the Living

Required Miami-Dade Schools to specifically address and root out antisemitism during the review of all curriculum

The only candidate with education experience

Martin Karp was a public school teacher at Biscayne Elementary for 13 years and also taught at Yeshiva Elementary and Scheck Hillel.

Benjamin and Samson.

It is a great privilege to present the South Florida Community Voice. This weekly publication features updates, articles, and advertisements from local businesses. We are proudly affiliated with the finest and most reputable business owners and service providers of South Florida’s thriving Jewish communities.

This widely-read Community Voice stands out as South Florida’s largest direct-mail publication, uniting the Jewish communities of:

Orlando (Pesach/Sukkot)

Palm Beach

Boynton Beach

Delray Beach

Boca Raton

Deerfield Beach


Coral Springs


Pompano Beach

Sunrise Lauderdale


Fort Lauderdale Hollywood Davie

Cooper City Pembroke Pines

Hallandale Beach


North Miami Beach

Sunny Isles



Miami Beach


Rabbi Eliyahu Segal

Publisher, CEO

Phone: 954.662.5054

Email: info@tsfcommunityvoice.com For inquiries or to submit

at: editor@tsfcommunityvoice.com.

© The South Florida Community Voice Magazine. All rights reserved. Reproduction in printed or digital form in whole or in part in any form without prior written permission is prohibited. The publisher reserves all right to edit all articles for clarity, space and editorial sensitivities. Submissions cannot be returned to sender. The South Florida Weekly Magazine is not responsible for the cash flow of any advertised product or service that appears in these pages. The South Florida Community Voice Magazine assumes no responsibility for the content of articles or advertisements in this publication, nor for the content of books that are referred to or excerpted herein.

Discover full time living options at Eden Gardens Orlando!



This Shabbos is the perfect opportunity to see firsthand if Eden Gardens could be a good fit for your family. Connect with current residents, tour the neighborhood, and experience the vibe.

Experience the warmth, connection, and support of a community built on shared values.

Enjoy uplifting tefillos, engaging shiurim, incredible Kiddushim, and the chance to meet people who share your vision.


November 14-17, 2024


• Meet & Greet BBQ

• Kumzits Tohameha around the pool

• Tour our villas

• Community Kiddush

• Guest Speakers

Grand Melava Malka

• Entertainment

Come spend an inspiring Shabbos with us in Eden Gardens and explore what makes our growing community unique.

Step Into The Shabbos Revolution And Experience Miracles

In a world where challenges seem to multiply by the day, one thing remains constant: the power of Shabbos to transform lives. Since its founding, V'Shamru has been at the forefront of a global revolution, bringing the sanctity of Shabbos to Jewish families everywhere. Born out of the tragedy of the Meron disaster, this organization has turned sorrow into action, ensuring that the light of Shabbos reaches every corner of the Jewish world.

At the heart of this revolution are the Miracle Kits—carefully curated packages designed to remove the barriers to Shabbos observance. With a donation of $260, you can help fund one of these kits, bringing the beauty and sanctity of Shabbos to another family. And with the option to spread this amount over 18 payments, it comes to less than half a dollar a day—an amount that could bring miracles into your life, as promised by our esteemed rabbis and by Shabbos itself, the source of all blessings.

In just two years, V'Shamru has reached an incredible milestone: over 40,000 families have begun observing Shabbos, many for the first time. This achievement is a testament to the dedication and vision of V'Shamru. The Miracle Kits include everything from a ceramic hot plate to Shabbos

timers, making the transition to Shomer Shabbat as smooth and meaningful as possible.

The impact of these kits has been felt far and wide. From Eretz Yisrael to communities around the globe, families have shared stories of personal transformation, spiritual awakening, and even miraculous events. Survivors of unimaginable tragedies, such as the Simchat Torah massacre, have

found new purpose and strength through Shabbos observance. Soldiers in the thick of battle have reconnected with their Jewish heritage, bringing the light of Shabbos into their lives and the lives of their comrades.

One of the most remarkable aspects of V'Shamru's work is the support it has garnered from Gedolei Yisrael. These esteemed rabbis have not only blessed the organization's efforts but have

“The Miracle Kit”

also emphasized the spiritual power of Shabbos as the source of all blessings. Their endorsements have inspired many to contribute to V'Shamru's mission, recognizing that by supporting Shabbos observance, they are helping to bring the Geulah closer.

Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky zt”l, a revered Torah giant, once declared that donating to V'Shamru could serve as a powerful atonement for Shabbat desecration. His words have resonated deeply with those seeking to rectify past mistakes and bring more holiness into their lives.

V'Shamru also takes a proactive approach in spreading the message of Shabbos through lectures and educational events held throughout Israel. These lectures aim to inspire and encourage more people to take on Shomer Shabbat, providing them with the knowledge and motivation needed to embark on this life-changing journey.

But V'Shamru doesn't stop at simply delivering kits. The organization goes above and beyond by providing personal support to families taking their first steps in Shabbos observance. Volunteers, many of whom are former recipients of the Miracle Kits, work tirelessly to ensure that every family is not only equipped with the physical tools but also with the knowledge and encouragement needed to embrace Shabbos fully.

Now, more than ever, V'Shamru invites you to be a part of this global revolution. With each kit costing $260, your donation can make a profound difference in the life of a Jewish family. And with the option to spread the payment over 18 installments, joining this sacred mission is more accessible than ever. By participating, you become a partner in spreading the light of Shabbos and in bringing blessings into your own life. Whether it's for the health of your

children, finding your soulmate, or achieving peace of mind, the power of Shabbos is unparalleled.

Be a part of the miracle. Join the Shabbos Revolution and see the blessings unfold.


Tapping into the New Year

I am sure that if we were to ask every Jew in the world if he imagined what the coming year would look like, he would probably not imagine the year as it was.

In one moment, every Jew who lives in the Land of Israel, if he lives on the border of Syria like Aloni Bashan, and in general every Jew in the world, to some extent, many fundamental things in his life were turned upside down.

According to many psychological studies there are 3 anchors in every person's life: 1. Good people - most of us live with the feeling that most of the people around us are good people and all of a sudden, we met with absolute evil, an evil that does not hesitate to use any degree of vileness and cruelty in order to destroy, kill and lose. 2. Knowing what will happen - most of us live with the perception that we know what will happen, it is not meant that we are prophets but that on a certain level we have control over life according to patterns that we build during our lives and in the morning, one of us woke up to a scenario that unfortunately we didn't think would happen or could happen and it undermines the foundation of our existence. The 3rd anchor is: even if something happens we will know how to deal with it, that is, since we more or less know what is happening around us and we also know what the unexpected things

are that can happen, at least in our minds we understand that we will probably be able to cope and again on a clear day this anchor also collapsed in one moment, an emergency happened and we didn't know what to do the reality around us became silent and entered into chaos for a while.

Against this feeling comes the special day of Rosh Hashanah. The word Shana in Hebrew can be in the meaning of Shana = repeat which means memorization, that is to do something over and over again.

Another meaning of Shana=Shina Meaning of change. Every year that begins we face a special day where we have to find out all the good things that happened to us and change them again, repeat them and take them with us into the next year. On the other hand, the bad things that happened to us, we should leave them in the previous year and not take them with us further, but rather free ourselves from them.

Every Jew in the world knows the Golan as an island of peace and pastoralism, everything is green, flowing and pleasant and here in one moment from 0 to 100 the Golan became a target for antiaircraft missiles, missiles and fear of terrorist infiltration from Syria and Lebanon.

However, God willing, in one moment thanks to the resilience and courage of the Golan residents, all the standby units in the settlements were mobilized and immediately stood

up to defend the people and the country. In addition, the hearts of Jews and fans of Israel all over the world opened and people spent money for the benefit of the Jewish settlement in the Land of Israel in general and the Golan in particular, and so it happened that we got used to the new reality out of caution but determined to continue to develop the settlement.

I would like to share in one of the wonderful projects that gives resilience to the settlement of Aloni Hashan, which is the easternmost point in the country and the closest to the Syrian border, the custom of forgiveness for children. Every morning for 40 days from the beginning of the month of Elul to Yom Kippur, 50, 60 children from the age of two to the end of high school get up, in the cold of the oaks of the Bashan (at an altitude of 1100 m) and pray to G-d, then they receive surprises and prizes, thus confirming the words of the sages that the power of children's prayer She has the power to break the enemy's arrows.

We invite you, even in these complex days, to come visit the Land of Israel in general and the Golan in particular and strengthen the Jewish settlement in the Holy Land. To be partners in the projects of building Ha'aretz and aid to localities and of course to immigrate to Eretz and the Golan. Shana tova!

Rabbi Jonathan Sanders

Rabbi of the Yishuv Aloni Hashan, Golan Heights, Israel


Thoughtful, compassionate, mission-driven. Yeshiva University students embody these values, creating a profound impact both at home and across the globe. Whether mentoring schoolchildren in NYC, visiting with or delivering food to the elderly or helping to rebuild Israeli communities affected by Oct. 7, they are unwavering in their commitment to improving lives—one act of kindness at a time.


Rosie’s Qualifications:

• Assistant Director of Investigative Services, Miami-Dade Police Department

• Chair of Miami-Dade County Sheriff Internal Transition Team

• FBI National Academy, Session 265

• FBI National Executive Institute for Leadership, Session 46

• Police Executive Leadership Institute graduate

• 1st Vice-President of Florida FBI National Academy Associates

• Certification in Human Resources Management, Florida International University

• Certification in Executive Leadership, Nova University

• STARS Future Police Chief Certification

• Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice, Marist College

• Master in Public Administration, Florida International University

Rosie’s Hands-On Experience:

• Uniform/Road Patrol

• General Investigations – Burglary, assaults, thefts

• Robbery Intervention Detail

• Homicide Bureau

• Professional Compliance Bureau (Internal Affairs)

• Economic Crimes Bureau’s Mortgage Fraud Task Force

• Media Relations Public Information Officer

• Homeland Security Bureau

• Robbery Bureau

• Communications

• Records Bureau

• Personnel Management Bureau

• Employee Support Section

• Cyber Bureau

The most qualified to protect Miami-Dade. Make your voice heard, vote November 5th.

Vote #72 on the ballot

Message from Rosie:

For 28 years, I've worked to keep Miami-Dade safe for all, and as your next Sheriff, I’m dedicated to protecting our community, especially in light of the recent rise in antisemitism. Under my leadership, Miami-Dade will remain a secure place for the Jewish community. May 5785 bring peace, joy, and many blessings to you and your families!

More Than Just A Vanity Plate –Florida Stands With Israel

In September 2020, on the eve of Rosh Hashana, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis signed HB 1135 authorizing the creation of a “Florida Stands with Israel” specialty license plate. The legislation enjoyed bipartisan sponsorship and passed through both the Florida House and Senate unanimously.

Upon approval of any new specialty license plate, the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles (FLHSMV) is required to collect voucher pre-sales before the new plate may be produced and distributed. A 3,000-unit pre-sale requirement is necessary for all specialty license plates.

The beautiful plate is the work of graphic designer Daniel Ackerman, of Boca Raton, Florida. Ackerman’s work was chosen as the winning design from over 100 artists in a contest sponsored by the Israeli American Council Artists for Israel (IAC). Ackerman created a charming icon by superimposing an orange blossom, the Florida State flower, over a Magen David, with a well-placed tropical leaf and a (Florida) orange. The wave of blue on top and bottom are representative of the Israeli flag. The Florida-Israel connection is

both subtle and captivating.

De Santis stated, “I am committed to deepening the relationship between Florida and the State of Israel. This specialty license plate serves as a visible symbol of our steadfast support and friendship.”

As time progressed, Covid-19 disrupted the sales initiative. Taxcollector offices for purchasing vouchers were closed, and the original company promoting numerous Florida specialty license plates went out of business. This created the perfect storm for confused customers and significant barriers to sales. The original two-year time frame to achieve the 3,000 vouchers was from October 16, 2020 until October 15, 2022. By that time, everyone assumed this initiative had dissolved.

A few months ago, Daniel and his father Michael learned that a

two-year extension was provided for all organizations that had been selling specialty license plates during that tumultuous period. At that time, there were a little over 100 vouchers sold in threeand-a-half years. This was not surprising given the previously undermining circumstances. After regrouping, the father-son duo launched a new website and dedicated grassroots efforts for the “Florida Stands with Israel” license plate in July, resulting in over 500 voucher sales in two months.

Supporters of “Florida Stands with Israel” license plates are urged to act promptly and order from www. floridastandswithisrael.org. The deadline for ordering is October 14, 2024. Again, a minimum of 3,000 vouchers must be sold for the production of the license plates to commence. As of this

writing, 2,400 more sales are needed to achieve the goal. If the number of orders falls short even by one, the initiative fails and this unique opportunity is lost.

Thanks to the support of generous donors, Florida Stands with Israel is proud to announce 1,000 “Buy One, Get One (BOGO)” vouchers. For every voucher purchased, one will be given free. Each voucher covers the specialty plate renewal fee for one year. To qualify, one must

first purchase the voucher(s) and then fill out the BOGO form at www.floridastandswithisrael.org.

Additionally, one can purchase multiple vouchers using the same Florida license plate number. Those who are interested in saving on processing fees by purchasing 10 or more vouchers should contact info@ floridastandswithisrael.org.

Non-Florida residents can purchase vouchers as gifts for Florida residents using the recipient’s Florida license plate number and full name. Purchasing a voucher supports the initiative but does not obligate an individual to redeem it for the specialty license plate.

Hatzalah South Florida Emergency Services, an

organization of EMT and paramedic volunteers who operate during medical emergencies, will receive $25 of every $33 of the proceeds of pre-sales vouchers. Executive Director of the organization Andre Roitman expressed gratitude for the contribution and its impact on Hatzalah’s services.

Unfortunately, there has been a recent loud and shocking acceptance of antisemitism and anti-Zionism in our beloved United States. Florida has the opportunity to take up the cudgel of the effort against this troubling trend. Florida can act as a role model for states and declare, “We Stand with Israel.” The time to act is now.


Yeshiva of Miami

Zucker Hebrew Academy

Young Israel of Deerfield Beach Blowing Shofar

It's a very hands-on experience in Coding for our future programmers of America (or anywhere!).

These dedicated talmidim come every morning before Shachris to join Rabbi Benhamou's Chassidus Shiur.
A Talmid Enjoying Some Quality Time with Rabbi Avraham Rakow, 12th Grade Rebbe
Yeshiva Shachris - the Best Way to Start the Day
Rabbi Dr. Chaim Benhamou, Academic Director and 9th/10th Grade Rebbe, Blowing Shofar at Shachris
Children at Zucker Hebrew Academy learning in their STEAM program.
Rabbi Martin Schloss and Mordechai Routburg
Sha'arei Bina
Preparing for Rosh Hashanah while fostering kindness and growth

Does Hashem Place Us at Certain Venues for A Reason?

We all know that God rules the world yet there are times we don’t fully comprehend why certain things happen in our lives. My childhood friend, David L, proved to me that God places us in situations for a reason.

David, taught me so much with a simple act of chesed he did for total strangers. One day David’s wife Sarah asked if he could go to the local Publix supermarket for some groceries. David carefully purchased items on the list given to him by Sarah and called home at least twice for clarification, don’t we all. David’s cart was full and he was pretty certain he got everything that he needed. David proceeded to head to the front of the store where all the checkout lanes were located.

David told me he picked a shortest lane and waited his turn to place the items from his cart onto the conveyer belt to have them scanned by the cash register clerk. As the clerk was scanning the items she was also speaking to her coworker in the next lane. David’s cash register clerk told the other employee, “did you hear Joan is not at work today because her apartment burned down last night?”. She continued by saying “the employees throughout the store are putting

together a collection to help her out”. David’s groceries were all packed in his reusable bags and it was time for him to pay. David handed the clerk his credit card and a $20 dollar bill. The cash register clerk asked David, “do you want to put part of your bill on this credit card and pay the rest in cash?”. David responded no, put the entire total on the credit card. With an inquisitive look the clerk asked “what is the $20 dollars for?”. David replied, it’s for Joan whose apartment burned down last night. In total shock and bewilderment, the clerk says to David “you don’t even know this person”. David responded, “just because I don’t know her or her family should not be a reason for not helping them”. The clerk shakes her

head and asks again “are you sure?”. The clerk then proceeds to tell her fellow employees at the adjacent lanes what this random customer just did. The clerks both glanced briefly at David and he could tell they were clearly looking at his colorful kippah. David left the store and went home very happy that he had an opportunity to help another person who was going through a difficult situation, even though they never met. David’s wife was pleased he got all the correct groceries, he was proud of himself. Later that week, Sarah realized she needed two key ingredients for Shabbos and sent David back to the supermarket.

David went back to the same supermarket he was at earlier


in the week. While walking up and down the aisles looking for the two ingredients he was sent to purchase, he is approached by the cash register clerk he had earlier in the week. The clerk tells David, “I’m so glad you are here, someone wants to meet you, can you please stay in this aisle while I get him?”. A few minutes go by and David is greeted by a person who identifies himself as John, the store manager. John tells David that every employee has been talking about his kindness all week long. John continues by telling David that his thoughtful charitable act was unbelievable and that he is now officially part of the supermarket family. John handed David his business card

and tells him if he ever needed anything he should not hesitate to knock on his door.

David told me that he believes Hashem put him in the store and that specific lane for a reason, to help another human being in distress. He continued by saying that Hashem always seems to put him in different situations where he can help random people while creating a kiddush Hashem.

David taught me a big lesson, which we can all emulate, chesed opportunities sometimes fall into your lap and are obvious. If we see or hear of an opportunity to make a difference, don’t ignore it, don’t walk away from it, and don’t make believe it’s not your concern. Hashem

puts us in different venues for a reason, as in the case of David L. Ask yourself the question, how can I make this person’s life easier or better, I am certain and confident your heart will direct you to do the right thing. Keep helping others because that is what Hashem expects from all of us. With each act of kindness, we will all accelerate the coming of Moshiach. Have a Gibbenched year filled with chesed opportunities and Hashem will shower you and your family with equal kindness as well.

Leslie Srolovits is a retired banker / technology officer who worked for several international banks. Mr Srolovits can be reached via email at LeslieSrolovits@gmail.com

Deep Slumber Mattress
Deep Slumber Pillow


Operation Inspiration: 1 – 2 – 3 Wheee!

When I was a child, my parents and maybe my older siblings (I don’t recall exactly who it was) had a game we would play. It was called 1-2-3-Whee!, which you may have guess from the title of this column. One person would stand at each side of me and hold one of my hands. Since they were much taller than I was as a toddler, I would reach up my arms to their hands. We would walk quickly and along the way they would say, ONE… TWO… THREE… WHEEEE!

At the end of three, I would jump a bit, and they would lift their arms, and me, high into the air. It probably wasn’t even a foot, but I felt I was flying. Of course, as a good toddler, I would want to do it over and over again. What I didn’t realize at the time was that they were tricking me into walking to shul or wherever we were going. I might otherwise have wanted to be carried the whole way, or refused to walk, but this way I enjoyed the trip and would continue to walk on my own.

We played the game with my children as well, though for some reason, my memories of playing the game while being the child are more powerful than being the parent. Well, I’m a bit older now, and so far, no grandchildren. We also live far from most of my family.

However, I do have a niece who lives near us, and one day when I stopped by, her two-year-

old broke out into a huge grin, waved at me, and came over to give me a big hug. (Hi Yehudah!) As I bent down for the hug and he came running into my arms with his arms outstretched, I scooped him up and raised him high in the air to giggles of glee. I find that many of us do that with little children. We pick them up, spin them around, and enjoy their shouts of joy as they revel in the heady experience of almost flying.

Too be honest, I don’t know if I could have stayed bent down at his level too long. After all, I’m his GREAT-Uncle. I’m too old to be playing on the floor. (We’ll see what happens when it’s grandchildren IY”H.) But even if I could have, there’s no comparison to having a hug standing on the floor when you can be soaring up in the heavens. Then, we played 1-2-3-Whee! He’d never done it before, but my sister who was also visiting was holding one hand and walking with him, so I took his other hand and began to count. She took the hint, and when we said “Whee!” we lifted him up in a wide arc, placing him down several feet in front of where he’d been. As only a toddler can, he squealed delight and cried, “Again!” We did it several more times but then told him we’d do more another time. I’m sure he will remember this for some time, especially as he’d never done it before.

It made me think of something. When he came running to me, with such love and excitement, I just wanted to scoop him up and hug him at my level. I instinctively lifted him high in the air, even over my own head, to his utter delight, before I put him down. Then, I looked for more chances to lift him again and give him that joy.

Well, we may feel like we’re grown-ups, like we’re fully grown and tall, and there’s no more opportunities to be lifted like that, but you know what?

To Hashem, we are small and innocent like the toddlers we all love. If we run to Him with excitement and love, He will scoop us up and lift us close to Him. We’ll experience a feeling of exhilaration like nothing else, and most likely cry out, “Again!”

The more we express our love to Hashem, the more we become worthy of being uplifted. It relieves us of much of the hard work of walking and climbing on our own because He lifts us up effortlessly and holds us close, too.

When we reach up to hold His hand, and place our full trust in Him to lift us up, we’ll enjoy the ride of our lives, and we’ll remember it for all time.

© 2024 – All Rights Reserved

Did you enjoy this column? Feedback is welcome and appreciated. E-mail info@JewishSpeechWriter.com to share your thoughts. You never know when you may be the lamp that enlightens someone else.


Chicken Legs in Silan

Silan is an Israeli date honey, sold like real honey (and much less expensive) it has a taste similar to molasses or black treacle. I always serve with white rice.


• 6 chicken legs, drumsticks and/or thighs

• ½ cup silan

• 2 tablespoons soy sauce

• 2 garlic cloves


1. Pre-heat oven to 375°F (180°C).

2. Clean chicken of all feathers (if needed) and place in a pan (I use a rectangular pyrex dish)

3. In a small bowl mix the silan, soy sauce and chopped garlic then brush generously on the chicken.

4. Cook for 45 minutes to 1 hour.

Jamie Geller is the Chief Media and Marketing Officer at Aish. She is also a best-selling cookbook author, celebrity chef, television producer and businesswoman. She is an author of 8 cookbooks and the founder of Kosher Media Network.

Unlock the Power of Your Home: The Ultimate Guide to Equity Loans and Lines

Your home is more than just a place to live - it's a powerful financial asset. Whether you're planning a major renovation, consolidating debt, funding an education, or seizing an investment opportunity, tapping into your home's equity could be the smartest move you ever make or the biggest risk you ever choose. As I have been flooded with questions about equity lines, loans, and the like, I thought it was time to address it openly.

Home Equity Loans and HELOCs are two popular ways to borrow against the equity you've built in your home. A Home Equity Loan provides a lump sum at a fixed interest rate, making it ideal for large, one-time expenses. In contrast, a HELOC works more like a credit card, offering flexibility with a variable interest rate that can be used, as needed, during the draw period. But how do you choose between them? The answer depends on your financial needs, interest rate preferences, and how much flexibility you want in accessing your funds.

This article offers a sneak peek into the key considerations you should weigh when exploring these

financial tools. If you're serious about maximizing your home's potential, I encourage you to dive deeper by requesting our comprehensive Ultimate Home Equity Guide. I spent a lot of time and effort creating a playbook with the most common scenarios and questions I have fielded over the years.

When it comes to tapping into your home equity, timing is crucial. Interest rates, housing market trends, and economic conditions all play significant roles in determining how much you can borrow and at what cost. For instance, did you know that the Federal Reserve's decisions can directly impact the interest rate on your HELOC? A rate hike could mean higher monthly payments, making it essential to understand the market before you act. At the same time, when they cut rates, as expected next week, it clearly indicates that the economy is weakening, and you can expect further tightening with access to credit. Our guide dives into the nuances of timing your loan, providing insights into when and how to navigate the markets.

A HELOC isn't just another

loan; it can be a versatile financial tool with multiple uses. Need to fund a home improvement project? A HELOC can cover the costs while potentially increasing your property's value. Looking to consolidate high-interest debt? HELOCs often offer lower rates, making them an attractive option for reducing monthly payments. From education expenses to emergency funds, the possibilities are vast. No two homeowners use equity loans in the same way, and speaking to a friend or neighbor might prove insufficient.

If you're considering a HELOC, it's crucial to understand how the Federal Reserve influences your loan's interest rate. As the Fed raises or lowers rates, the cost of borrowing through a HELOC can fluctuate, directly affecting your monthly payments. With economic uncertainty, staying informed on how these changes impact your finances is more important than ever.

While both Home Equity Loans and HELOCs offer valuable benefits, they come with their own set of risks. HELOCs provide flexibility but often carry variable interest rates that can lead

to fluctuating payments. On the other hand, Home Equity Loans offer stability with fixed payments but lack the same flexibility. Our guide will help you weigh some of the pros and cons, ensuring you choose the right option for your financial situation.

Moreover, not all lenders and banks are created equal. Interest rates, fees, terms, and customer service can vary widely. To secure the best deal, it's essential to shop around (or have someone do it for you) and read the fine print. Prepayment penalties, hidden fees, and other surprises can turn a good deal into a costly mistake.

If you're considering tapping into your home's equity, now is the time to equip yourself

with the knowledge you need to make the best decision. Use our free Ultimate Home Equity Guide as your roadmap to financial success. Whether you're interested in learning more about the timing, understanding the impact of the Federal Reserve, or exploring intelligent uses for a HELOC, our guide covers it all. Regardless, you can always reach out to me directly for more information about the particulars of your circumstances.

Would you rather spend the rest of your life only with your immediate family and three close friends or constantly meet new people but never stay in touch with anyone for more than a month (except your

immediate family)? Please email or message me to let me know your choice! Please let me know if you have a good "Would you rather" question, and we will highlight your submission.

Shmuel Shayowitz (NMLS#19871) is a respected Real Estate & Finance Executive, Writer, Speaker, Coach, and Advisor. As the President and Chief Lending Officer of Approved Funding, a leading national mortgage banker and direct lender, Shmuel has facilitated over $3 billion of mortgages over the past two decades. Shmuel's expertise spans various licenses and certifications, including specialized mortgage underwriter, licensed real estate agent, and accredited coach. His market insights and experience are highly sought after in the real estate, finance, and coaching industries. In addition, Shmuel is a seasoned real estate investor and property manager, facilitating thousands of rentals nationwide. Shmuel can be reached at www.approvedfunding.com/ shmuel.

Most Visited Tourist Attractions in South Florida:


is a vast wetland ecosystem home to alligators, crocodiles, birds, and other wildlife. You can explore the park by tram tour, airboat ride, kayak, or on foot. It is a great place to learn about the natural history of South Florida.


is another major theme park complex, home to attractions based on popular movies and television shows. It is a great place for fans of pop culture.


is a sprawling complex of theme parks, water parks, resorts, and shopping. It is a popular destination for families with young children.


is a popular aquarium and marine life park. It is home to a variety of marine animals, including dolphins, sea lions, sharks, and manatees.


is a historic estate that was once owned by industrialist James Deering. It is now a museum and garden, and it is a popular destination for tourists who want to learn about South Florida's history and culture.


is a popular destination for snorkeling and diving. The park is home to a vibrant coral reef ecosystem, and it is a great place to see a variety of marine life.


is a popular outdoor art district in Miami. It is home to a variety of murals and sculptures by street artists from all over the world.


is another popular botanical garden in South Florida. It is home to a wide variety of plants from all over the world, including orchids, bromeliads, and palms.



is a world-renowned art museum that is home to a collection of modern and contemporary art. It is a great place to visit if you are interested in art.


is a beautiful botanical garden that is home to a variety of tropical plants. It is a great place to relax and enjoy the beauty of nature.

South Florida by the Numbers:

A Year in Births, Homes, and Community Growth

Total Babies Born This Year (roughly)

• Broward County: 4,727

• Miami-Dade County: 7,261

• Palm Beach County: 3,598

Shuls and Restaurants

• Amount of shuls in South Florida: 153 shuls

• Kosher restaurants in South Florida: 217 restaurants

Housing market growth

The average house price increase in South Florida from September 2023 to the present has been around 5%





Create a drawing or a piece of art to show your favorite part of Sukkot!

First place: $30 gift card | Second place: $20 gift card | Third place: $10 gift card

Email your artwork to info@tsfcommunityvoice.com

Make sure to include your name, age, and city. Entries must be received by October 8, 2024

This type of contest encourages creativity, education, and community engagement while celebrating important Jewish themes. It allows kids to express themselves through their art and writing, and it also provides an opportunity for their work to be showcased in the magazine.

Sponsored by: SMASH HOUSE BURGERS smashhouseburgers.com (305) 351-9545



In the month of Elul, Hashem makes Himself more accessible to every person. No matter what we have or haven’t done in the past year, we have a special opportunity to connect to Hashem and ask Him for forgiveness, along with a good and sweet new year.

There was once a wonderful king. He lived in a grand palace in the capital city, far away from the fields where the common folk worked. It was difficult and very unusual for the common folk to see the king, let alone have a private audience with him. On rare occasions, the king would come out to the fields. At such times, even the simplest of people could approach him. He would receive every single one of them with a happy face and grant them their requests. They would all then escort him back to the city. Although usually, only a select few were granted audiences with the king, these dedicated subjects now became part of the exclusive group that would have access to the king in his throne room.


What Mitzvah can you do to strengthen your connection to Hashem?

This Mashal explains the dynamic between the Yidden and Hashem during the month of Elul. Hashem is always available and ready to be connected with us, but sometimes he feels very far off, similar to the common folk in our Mashal who could not easily access the king in his palace. During the month of Elul, there is a special revelation of Hashem that makes Himself more accessible to us than during the rest of the year. It is up to us to approach Hashem, our king, and decide that we want to connect with Him. He makes it more attainable, but it is still up to us to make the first move to get closer to Him. Each day of Elul (besides the day before Rosh Hashana) we blow the Shofar to wake us up to Teshuva, to remind us that we have a special opportunity right now to get closer to Hashem, and to ask Him for a good and sweet new year.

Bubble Blowing Shofar PARSHA

* be sure to do this project outside or on a well-covered surface.

Using scissors, cut the label off of an empty water bottle and then cut the water bottle in half.

In a slightly larger container pour 2 Tbsp. of water and about 2 Tbsp. of soap, and mix well.

Turn over the bottle, open the cover, and blow bubbles to the shofar’s beats. Tekiya, Shaverim, Terua!

Cut a sock in half and cover the water bottle. Secure the sock at the mouth of the water bottle with a rubber band and trim excess.

Dip the bottom of the bottle into the soapy mixture, then turn it over.

How satisfying to watch the bubbles come out of the Bubble Blowing Shofar. TOOOOO

In 4 small containers pour a small amount of watercolor (or diluted food dye.)

Using a pipette, drop some of each color onto the bottom of the bottle until the entire surface is covered.


4 Colors of Water Color (ordiluted foodcoloring)

Empty 16oz. Water Bottle

4 Small Containers

Large Container

2 Tsp. Dish Soap

2 Tbsp. Water

Popsicle Stick

Rubber Band

Brown Sock



*We would love to see how your Parsha Studio Project came out!

Send us pictures to, info@jcm.museum

Dear Members,

As the shofar sounds and the gates open wide, We look back at the journey, together we’ve tried.

In moments of healing, in times of simcha and light, We’ve stood by your side, through day and through night.

This year we’ve saved, in health and in parnassah, Helping your families, with Hashem’s bracha. Tens of millions in savings — a zechus we share,

All across the country, United in care.

May 5785 bring Refuah, nachas, and peace, A year where struggles and hardships cease.

May Hashem’s chesed and rachamim fill every day, And His bracha uplift us in every way.

With deep hakaras hatov, we give thanks to Hashem above, For the siyata dishmaya, for His unending love.

A Ksiva v’Chasima Tova, in His book we long to be, With sweetness, joy, and hatzlacha for all eternity.

Moishe Katz, CEO

The United Refuah Team

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