Together WE Did Extraordinary Things PAGE 2
www.jewishlongbeach.org | 562.426.7601
Published since 1947 by the Jewish Federation of greater Long Beach and West ORange County
Alpert JCC
Around the “J”
July 2013 | 5773 | Tammuz-Av | Vol.65-No.11
FEATURE article
Together WE
Strengthening Jewish life & fulfilling critical human needs through central planning, resource mobilization and leadership.
Did Extraordinary Things
Jewish Federation Jewish Community Foundation
Jewish Federation Jewish Community Foundation
2013 Combined Annual Report Snapshot Visit jewishlongbeach.org to view the full report
Every day, the Jewish Federation supports programs that feed, clothe, shelter, counsel and rescue thousands of people here in the Greater Long Beach area, in Israel and around the world.
In difficult times, our values & traditions keep us going. At the Federation, even as we focus on increased needs for humanitarian services, we know that Jews around the world are feeling renewed excitement about being part of the Jewish people.
It’s our responsibility. It’s our privilege. It’s who we are.
Together we can help fulfill their dreams—and yours— whether that means traveling to Israel through Birthright; becoming a Jewish leader on campus; learning Hebrew or sending a child to a Jewish preschool or camp.
D E V E LO PI N G C O M M U N I TY L EADERS The Jewish Federation helps ensure the future of Greater Long Beach’s Jewish community through leadership skills building, knowledge, understanding, and community interaction courses through the Alpert New Leaders Forum. This fiscal year we had ten Alpert New Leaders Forum graduates.
COMMUNIT Y RELATION S The Community Relations Committee (CRC) serves as the community relations, social action and advocacy arm of the Jewish Federation of Greater Long Beach & West Orange County. CRC is committed to sustaining a strong and vibrant Jewish Community through education, constructive dialogue on critical issues, and community service through projects like Big Sunday.
ENSURING T HE FU TU RE We believe we have a responsibility to one another and to all mankind. We believe in our power to make a difference. During natural disasters & humanitarian crises, we’re often the first on the ground providing aid, comfort & support.
For over 40 years, the Jewish Community Foundation has ensured the future of our community by building long-term endowments and invested funds. We provide customized donor philanthropic & estate planning; promote the long-term funding needs of the Jewish Community Partnership; cultivate & steward legacy and endowment donors; and provide professional investment of funds.
Judith Lentzner
Outgoing and Incoming Jewish Federation President Remarks
,815 $ 2,428 74 283,6 285,010
N OF EXPE DISTR IBUTIO June 30, 2012 Ending Year
Adm inistr
Fund raisin
Executive Director
Danny Levy
Combined Annual Meeting
Director of Development
Khatera Zubin chronicle coordinator CHRONICLE ADVERTISING
Outgoing and Incoming Jewish Community Foundation President Remarks
Erin Bellinghausen graphic artist
Jewish Federation Jewish Community Foundation 3801 E. Willow Street Long Beach, CA 90815-1791 562-426-7601 FAX 562-424-3915 www.jewishlongbeach.org
538,574 93,024 175,244 46,929 142,101 14,356 181,785 136,339 227,230 148,163
20,057 34,564 4,625 66,168 14,356
51,100 9,800 43,800 29,618 22,214 37,022 72,600
152,167 114,125 8 190,20
1,000 4,000 500
19,200 0 102,00 26,000 7,514 19,400 5,000 0 194,04 5,000 2,950 500 1,000 1,200 1,000
9,498,727 2,709,513 6,478,338 ,578 $ 18,686
2012 Financial Report
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Combined Annual Meeting
Jim Breslauer
Published since 1947 by the Jewish Federation and Jewish Community Foundation of Greater Long Beach & West Orange County
1,000 4,000 10,500
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Around the “J” July Events at the Alpert Jewish Community Center
Jewish Community Partnership Corporate Partners
PUBLICATION & ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT 562-426-7601 EXT 1006 chronicle@jewishlongbeach.org ADVERTISING & COPY DEADLINE First Wednesday of the month: Sept. 2013 deadline: August 7 ISSN# 1525- 6847
_____________________ Long Beach Area Chamber of Commerce Member
Shabbat Candlelighting
The Shadden Group
July 5
7:48 pm
July 12
7:47 pm
July 19
7:44 pm
July 26
7:40 pm
Cover Image Preschool child supported by the Jewish Federation Annual Campaign
at Morgan Stanley Wealth Managment
Craig Kain, Ph.D.
Licensed Psychologist (Psy 14664)
Become a Corporate Partner Today Contact The Jewish Community Partnership at 562-426-7601. For more information about our Corporate Partners, visit www.jewishlongbeach.org/sponsors
The appearance of product or establishment advertising in the Jewish Community Chronicle does not constitute an endorsement of kashruth. Opinions printed in the Jewish Community Chronicle do not necessarily reflect those of the Jewish Federation. The publication of a paid political advertisement does not constitute endorsement of any candidate, political party or political position by the Jewish Federation or any employee.
www.jewishlongbeach.org | JULY 2013 | 3
The Jewish Community
Combined Annual Meeting Remarks
Jim Breslauer
Outgoing Jewish Federation President Remarks
eeeWe have accomplished so many wonderful things these past 2 years. I have grouped many of our accomplishments into what I call the 4 “C’s”: Community, Convening, Coordination and Communication. Community Craig Kain, Chairman of our Community Relations Committee, developed one of our most exciting new programs, Big Sunday. We had hundreds of volunteers and dozens of projects to reach out to literally thousands of people in the Greater Long Beach community, from baking Challah, to cooking at shelters, selling lemonade to raise over $1,500 for Pediatric Cancer Research, providing thousands of pounds of food to the hungry, reaching out to seniors and thanking our servicemen and local first responders. We partnered with the Long Beach Chamber of Commerce last November when my wife Liz and I led a trip to Israel for folks from the greater Long Beach community, many of whom were not familiar with what our Federation does. Our Alpert New Leaders Forum continues to train new potential Board members for all our local agencies and synagogues with 55 graduates over the past 4 years of the program. At the Federation, we are blessed to have some of the best, up and coming generation complete this program. Yehudis Geisinsky, one of our Neuberger awardees
this year, is a great example. We also successfully launched a new men’s group, The Solomon Society, under the leadership of Yitzy Geisinsky, the other half of the dynamite Geisinsky team that has been selected as this year’s Neuberger Award winner. And finally, I am very excited to announce that our Allocations Committee, under the leadership of Rabbi Howard Laibson, has agreed to make our first allocation of $35,000 to help fund Jewish education at our local synagogues, certainly one of the highest priorities in our community.
quote Socrates, “The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new.” Every Jewish community across the country is having the same discussion, and many have been forced to merge agencies. We have been working for two years with outside consultants from JFNA, the Jewish Federations of North America, and continue to have internal discussions with individual agencies. All of us are working together to define the key issues and come up with the best solutions for our community. We are a long way from reaching a consensus, but at least we have been able to begin the journey. Awareness is the first step to a solution. And to quote Walt Disney, “If you can dream it, you can do it.”
(L-R) Jim Breslauer, Deborah Goldfarb & Hank Feldman
Coordination We have a great need to keep this campus, owned by our Federation, in the best shape possible. We have been here 15 years; yet for many reasons, we never built a reserve fund for refurbishment and major repair. This is a community issue. How do we get the money? Under the leadership of Deborah, and now with the addition of our Director of Development, Danny Levy, we started an important new Campaign, Fund For Our Future. While it has taken some time to get off the ground, we have made progress. Some members of our community have already stepped up and we are on our way. Working closely with the Alpert JCC, your Federation and Alpert JCC loaned over $300,000 each
Convening Our Legacy of Leadership Dinner, spearheaded by Judi Lentzner and her board on behalf of our Jewish Community Partnership, was fun, sold out and helped us raise an additional $25,000 for each of our partner agencies. Thank you co-chairs Rick and Arlene Freeman and Helene and Bob Rosenberg and the many volunteers. We have held many discussions over what our organizational future should look like. As our resources shrink and our donors age, we see a very difficult future for our Federation and our partner agencies if we continue to do business as we have done in the past. You’ve heard the phrase, “Well, we have always done it this way?” Let me
CONTINUED on page 9
Hank Feldman
Incoming Jewish Federation President Remarks
eeeI am flattered and honored to accept the position as President of the Jewish Federation of Greater Long Beach and West Orange County. I have very big shoes to fill. First off, I would like to thank Jim Breslauer for the wonderful job he has done in guiding the Federation through some challenging times over the last two years. His leadership and dedication are an inspiration to me. We have created a road map for me to work with moving forward.
Incoming Federation Board Members Barbara Alpert & Emily Sukman
eeeJim did an excellent job summarizing the challenges and successes of the past two years. My job with our new Board is leading the Federation forward. The world of philanthropy and community giving has changed and we must adapt to these changes, whether we like it or not. As I tell my staff at work, “If we are not getting better, we are getting worse.” We must continue to strive to improve our approach and processes to reach our goals. One of our most important goals is to educate the Jewish community, and the community at large, as to the role of the Federation. Within the Jewish community we are the “Safety Net” for our partner agencies: the Alpert JCC, JFCS, Hebrew
Academy and Hillel. Our new allocation of $35,000 to the local synagogues demonstrates our ability to reach further into the Jewish community. I believe we are truly the glue that holds the community together. Our challenge is to better spread the message. Our longtime community members have always understood it. It is our job now to reach out to the younger members of the community, understanding their vision of giving, and asking for their support. As far as the community at large is concerned our Federation Campus is one of busiest community centers in Long Beach. We need to leverage this exposure with corporate sponsorships and other methods to raise money. The Federation can only be a “Safety Net” if it can fundraise effectively. That is why we are here. Hopefully this is not a surprise to anyone. This will be achieved with the following initiatives: we will expand and grow the Alpert New Leaders Forum with a mentoring program that will transition these new leaders into leadership roles in our community agencies more effectively; through collaboration we will build cross agency fund development; we will continue to expand and grow our Fund for the Future campaign, to ensure that this building and our community thrives for future generations; we will continue to work with the Jewish Community Foundation to grow its financial base; and lastly, we will continue our outreach to the community at large as we, the Jewish community, are a vital component of the Long Beach community. CONTINUED on page 9
Judith Lentzner
Outgoing Jewish Community Foundation President Remarks
eeeIt’s been a privilege to have been part of this community for 46 years, and an honor to have volunteered at so many agencies, but I have to admit that the last two years as President of the Jewish Community Foundation have been some of the most exciting and fulfilling. I would like to take just a few minutes to bring you up to date on the accomplishments of the Jewish Community Foundation the last 24 months. Lead by Vice President Edie Brodsky and Past President Laurie Raykoff, our Legacy Committee planned a series of educational events and marketing initiatives. Committee members were Jan Stein, Rita Zamost, Cheryl Avirom and Lea Gerber. In the fall of 2012, we sponsored a two part series on Jewish Views of Death and Dying, and Courageous Conversations families need to have as they age. April was a very busy month with two great events including our 2nd Annual Legacy Society Brunch, honoring those families in our community who have created an endowment at the Jewish Community Foundation. They are providing, every day, the funds for programming for our agencies and short and long-term maintenance for our campus. We also held our first Annual Professional Advisor’s Luncheon with an over-flow crowd of attorneys, CPAs and Financial Advisors. We feel we’re the best kept secret in town and want to share our availability and ex-
pertise, so the professionals will guide their clients to our doors. The Legacy of Leadership Committee planned and successfully executed our third Legacy of Leadership Gala, honoring Binnie and Jack Berro, Amy and Rich Lipeles and the law firm of Keessel, Young and Logan. This Gala was coordinated by the Foundation on behalf of our Jewish Community Partnership agencies, and chaired by Arlene & Rick Freeman and Helen & Bob Rosenberg. That event alone provided to the Alpert Jewish Community Center, Hebrew Academy, Jewish Family and Children’s Service, Hillel, Jewish Community Foundation and Jewish Federation, The Partnership Agencies, an additional $25,000 of revenue, in addition to their annual allocation from the Federation. If you haven’t added that up, it’s an additional $150,000 infused into our agencies. eeeIf that wasn’t enough, members of our community who have contributed to a Perpetual Annual Campaign Endowment (PACE) Fund and Lion of Judah (LOJE) endowments, contributed over $50,000 to the Jewish Federation Annual Campaign this year. Now we’re up to $200,000 coming into the community through the Foundation, just this year alone. Dayeinu! And not only that! We distributed over $65,000 from foundation funds to campus maintenance making sure that our investment in the Federation Campus will always be maintained and a showcase to our agencies and community. The committee members and staff, the last two years, met with approximately 100
individuals and couples, to discuss their desire to leave legacies to the community. To date, many like them have provided the Foundation with almost $10 million in funds which are owned by the Foundation for the benefit of our community and nearly $5 million which we invest on behalf of our agencies and synagogues. This represents a doubling of our assets from just 8 years ago.
Jewish Community Foundation Executive Committee Members (not all shown)
eeeLarry Nemirow, Cheryl Avirom and Cindy Schein worked on our policy manual and completed work on the most important policies governing our Foundation. Daryl Phillips, our Treasurer, along with our own Gary Jackson made sure our financials were always on track to our budget and transparent to the board and community. Rocky Suares took our Investment Committee to new heights creating new formats for reporting and heightening the involvement of the Shadden Group. Lynne Kass, who is not on the Foundation Board, took a strong lead on our B’nai Tzedek program, working with the local synagogues and giving our B’Nai Mitzvah students an opportunity to set up their own Philanthropic Fund. To date 23 students have taken advantage of this program. We also worked with Cal State University Long Beach to establish the Jean Blakey Scholarship Fund, helping CONTINUED on page 9
Lea Garber
Incoming Jewish Community Foundation President Remarks
eeeMy involvement with the Jewish Community Foundation Board and the Jewish community, in general, started with a knock on my door from my neighbor, Jim Breslauer. Jim introduced me to the Jewish community and I am grateful for that. Being involved with the Foundation Board has been a rewarding experience and has enriched me in many ways. I have had the pleasure of working with four excellent presidents, Jim Breslauer, Gene Lentzner, Laurie Raykoff and Judi Lentzner. The Foundation Board, Executive Director and staff work tirelessly to secure legacy gifts to fund for the future so that important programs can continue for children, seniors, and families in need. They also ensure that cultural, educational and youth oriented programs will continue to flourish. The investment committee diligently invests the funds under management to secure good returns for the donors and the Foundation. It is as a result of these efforts that Foundation assets under management have doubled in the eight years that I have been on the board. But, there is still much work ahead of us and I look forward to the challenge. Our goal is to expand the legacy
program and reach out to more families in the community through education and engagement. Being a child of Holocaust survivors, having been raised in Israel and knowing the struggles that my family endured, I especially recognize the need for legacies so that our programs continue in perpetuity. I am proud every time I walk into this building and see happy children running around and busy adults rushing to programs, the fitness center, lectures, meetings or social events. Our goals also include searching for ways to enhance our investment strategy in order to maximize our return on investment. We will also continue to formalize our policies and will review the Bylaws for compliance. I look forward to working with our Executive Director, Deborah Goldfarb, who I refer to as the Henry Kissinger of the agencies due to her diplomacy and aplomb. I know that the Foundation staff and I will work together well because they are dedicated seasoned professionals. I feel very fortunate to work with an excellent board comprised of talented and highly professional individuals. Most of all, however, I want to give special thanks to all of you who continue to support the agencies through your contributions, attendance at many events and helping hand where it is needed.
2012-2013 Alpert New Leaders Forum Graduates (not all shown)
www.jewishlongbeach.org | JUly 2013 | 5
Jewish Federation Jewish Community Foundation
$ 2,365,718 -178,450 22,949 56,251 263,925
Total Support & Revenue
$ 2,530,393
Programs & Allocations Administrative & General Fundraising
$ 2,428,815 283,674 285,010
Total Expenses
$ 2,997,499
The f inancial re p o r ts w e re d e r i v e d f ro m o u r a u d i t ed c o n s o l i d a t ed repor t f or the 2 0 1 1-2 0 1 2 f i sc a l ye a r. A c o p y c a n be o bt a i n ed by contacting the Fe d e r a ti o n o f f i c e a t ( 56 2) 4 26 -76 01.
Ye a r En d i n g J u n e 3 0, 20 1 2
Programs, Allocations & Grants
Local Beneficiary Agencies & Services AJCC Programs / Facilities grants AJCC Shared Services JFCS Programs / Facilities grants Hebrew Academy Hillel Programs / Facilities grants LB Senior Housing Federation Fundraising Federation Programs Federation Administration Federation Campus Long Term Maintenance
Ye ar Ending J une 30, 2012
Overseas JFNA Israel Other overseas grants National Agencies National Funding Council Birthright Israel Other National Grants Synagogues and other local agencies Assistance League Long Beach CCEJ CSULB Foundation / Holocaust Teacher Training CSULB Foundation / Jewish Studies Hadassah LB Symphony Ronald McDonald House / Long Beach Temple Israel UCLA Foundation ADL Federation Free Loan JPAC California Jewish Council of Public Affairs Other Grants Undistributed Earnings to Reserves
Year Ending June 30, 2012 Contributions Investment Income / (Loss) Programs & Events Jewish Community Chronicle Other Income
Current Assets Cash & Cash Equivalents Investments Receivables Campaign Pledges New Campus Pledge Supplemental Pledges Other Receivables Prepaid Expenses Total Current Assets
7,394,827 212,296 1,043,932 8,651,055
$ 22,543,351 $
67,125 167,798 183,902 330,000 2,064,016 1,043,932 3,856,773
Net Assets Unrestricted Net Assets Temporarily Restricted Net Assets Permanently Restricted Net Assets Total Net Assets
9,498,727 2,709,513 6,478,338 $ 18,686,578
Total Liabilities & Net Assets
$ 22,543,351
Foundation Grants & Distributions
159,337 93,024 89,580 32,504 32,133
51,100 9,800 43,800
34,564 4,625 66,168 14,356
29,618 22,214 37,022 72,600
5,000 19,200 102,000 26,000 7,514 19,400 5,000 194,040 5,000 2,950
500 1,000 1,200 1,000
538,574 93,024 175,244 46,929 142,101 14,356 181,785 136,339 227,230 148,163
DIV ISIO N O F A LLO C ATIO N S & DISTRIBU TIO N S Year Ending June 30, 2012
Lo cal Benefi ci ary Agenci es & Servi ces
Nati o nal Agenci es
231,960 1,650 900
1,650 900
1,000 4,000 500
Liabilities Accounts Payable & Accrued Liabilities Jewish Federation of North America Payables Grants Payable Pension Liability Funds held on Behalf of Affiliated Organizations Charitable Remainder Trust Liability Total Liabilities
2012 Supplemental Allocations
1,780,147 11,422,332
376,571 153,954 106,308 31,190 21,794 $ 13,892,296
Non Current Assets Property & Equipment Life Insurance Charitable Remainder Trust Assets Total Non Current Assets
2012 Annual Campaign Allocations
152,167 114,125 190,208
2012 Combined Financial Report
1,000 4,000 10,500
5,000 19,200 102,000 26,000 7,514 19,400 5,000 194,040 5,000 3,450 1,000 1,200 1,000 70,524 116,310
Sy nago gues & Other Lo cal Agenci es
3801 E. WILLOW STREET LONG BEACH, CA 90815 FOR MORE INFORMATION: Phone: (562)426-7601 www.alpertjcc.org
Around the “J”
Karaoke & Cocktails . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2a Beginning Line Dance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2a New Executive Director . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2a
Senior 4th of July BBQ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2a Hairspray Performance Dates . . . . . . . . 3a Former Lakers Coming to “J” . . . . . . . . . 3a
AJCC Summer Camps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3a FREE movie Screening . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4a Swim Lessons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4a
Tammuz-Av 5773
JULY 2013
Around the “J”
The Alpert JCC Has A New Executive Director
Eve Lunt, elunt@alpertjcc.org • (562)426-7601, ext. 1067 The Zena and Pauline Gatov Gallery presents:
After an extensive national search, the Board of Directors has named Jeffrey Rips as the new Executive Director of the Alpert Jewish Community Center. For those of us in the Alpert JCC community, introductions to Jeffrey aren’t really necessary. Jeffrey’s association with the Alpert JCC began at the age of 4, when he attended our Early Childhood Education Preschool program, where his mother was a teacher. Jeffrey has literally grown up in our midst at the Alpert JCC, attending summer camp, participating in a wide variety of programs and even meeting his wife, Lauren, here.
Lara Meintjes: “The Other Guests at the Dinner Party” July 3-August 21 Lara Meintjes, also known as Agnes, is a South African artist, happily living in Long Beach. She is particularly interested in anthropomorphism and the colonizing properties of ink. We are excited to bring the whimsical, endearingly odd portraits by this local emerging artist to the Gatov Gallery. It’s sure to be a hit with young and old alike. Exhibition is FREE and open to the community
Jeffrey’s 25 years of experience in the Jewish communal world includes his work as Director of Youth Programs at the Long Beach JCC, Director of Youth, Children, & Camp Services at the JCC of Orange County, Director of Hillel for Greater Long Beach & West Orange County and Campaign Director for the Jewish Federation of Orange County. Before coming to the Alpert JCC in 2008, Jeffrey spent 10 years as the Executive Director of the Hillel Foundation of Orange County, where he expanded programming and staffing, created new funding opportunities, and successfully navigated a difficult political landscape on the campus of UCI during a period of intense anti-Israel sentiment. In 2008, Jeffrey was hired at the Alpert JCC as the Director of Membership Services. Over the past 5 years, he has added additional responsibilities, including management of Campus Safety & Security, management of the Fitness, Wellness & Aquatics Department, and management of Rental Sales, Youth Sports & Facilities.
Karaoke & Cocktails Saturday, July 20, 8pm Come sing, drink and celebrate a balmy mid-summers eve at the AJCC pool. We’ve got decades of song choices to choose from. Mixologist Jon Strum will be creating a signature cocktail for the evening and MC “EvaLunta” will be spinning the Karaoke tracks all night long. Entrance is FREE! Drinks and small plates start at $5
Jeffrey’s passion for the Alpert JCC and the greater Long Beach community, his vision for the future of our agency, his dedication to inspiring Jewish journeys, and his 25 years of experience as a Jewish communal professional make him extremely well suited to step into his new role on July 1.
RSVP to Eve Lunt
All Alpert JCC members are invited to stop by and meet Jeffrey at a special Welcome Brunch on July 8 at 10:30am, at the Alpert JCC.
AJCC Poker Club Tuesday, July 23, 6:30-10:30pm Game starts promptly at 7pm
Join our friendly Texas Hold’Em Poker Club. Poker will be played, snacks & beverages will be served & cash prizes will be won. For more details visit www.alpertjcc.org. $25; $20/MVP (Cash Only)
Dr. Susan Mathieu,smathieu@alpertjcc.org (562)426-7601, ext. 1721
Senior Adult 4th of July BBQ Party Featuring Pianist, Richard Rush Robinson
Beginning Line Dance July 29-August 26 • 6 Mondays, 7pm Have fun while learning the basic steps and applying them in easy to learn popular line dances like the electric slide, black velvet, cowboy hustle, tush push, slappin' leather and power jam. Taught step by step so everyone will be dancing right away. No partner needed. Bring your boots (or other leather soled shoes) for a stomping good time. Class taught by AJCC Fitness Manager Cindi Massengale. $65; $50/MVP
Line Dance Hoedown Monday, July 22, 7:30pm It’s Cowboy Country Time. Previous line dance class participants will be showing off all the dances they’ve learned so far in a party setting. Light refreshments and lots of fun. $10 drop in fee, no partner necessary.
Thursday, July 4, 12-2:30pm Come celebrate Independence Day with us at the “J” and enjoy pianist and conductor, Richard Robinson. He has played for Mel Torme, Chuck Berry, Debbie Reynolds, Mary Ann Mobley and Gary Collins, the Mills Brothers, Florence Henderson, the Lennon Sisters, and has conducted his own orchestra at the Hollywood Bowl. A BBQ luncheon that includes kosher dogs, burgers, sweet potato fries, watermelon, and apple pie is all part of the celebration. Everyone wearing patriotic attire will receive a special gift and prizes. This is more than a celebration, it’s a party that must not be missed. $6 includes lunch and entertainment. RSVP to Dr. Susan Mathieu
Kabbalah Class Wednesdays, 12pm
Ongoing Alpert JCC Senior Activities
Rabbi Abba Perelmuter teaches the class with a keen sense of wit and great knowledge of Judaism and its teachings. FREE
Knit Wits: Mon, 1-3pm • Senior Lunch: Wed, 12-2pm Bridge Lessons: Wed, 1:30pm • Mah Jongg: Thur, 11:30-3pm
2a MVP: The MVP price is the "Member Value Price" that gives our members an automatic discount to the fee we charge for our programs and events. Not a member of the Alpert JCC, speak with one of our Membership Services specialists and learn how you can start benefiting from MVP pricing today.
Tammuz-Av 5773
JULY 2013
Natalie Chernik, nchernik@alpertjcc.org • (562)426-7601, ext. 1205 Rachel Gordon, rgordon@alpertjcc.org • (562)426-7601, ext. 1023
MYART at the “J” presents
The Wizard of Oz July 29-August 16 3 week program Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri • 9am-Noon For ages 6-12 Instruction in movement, voice and acting help kids develop self-confidence and team-work; the 3 weeks of rehearsals will culminate with the musical production.
Martial Arts Camp MMA/Self Defense: July 29-August 2 Jiu Jitsu/Grappling: August 5-9 Choose one week or both
Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri • 9am-Noon Ages 3-12 Two weeks of martial arts instruction led by the JCC’s own Sensei Mac. $155, MVP/$125, per week To register contact Natalie Chernik at ext. 1205 or nchernik@alpertjcc.org
Alpert JCC/ Webby Beginning Cheer Camp
Former Laker Champions Norm Nixon and Larry Spriggs are Coming to the Alpert JCC The first coaches for our Pete Davis Legends Basketball Camp have just been announced. We couldn't be happier to welcome former Laker, NBA All-Star and NBA Champion, Norm Nixon and former Laker and NBA Champion Larry Spriggs. Norm Nixon will be here on July 11, from 9am to 12pm. Larry Spriggs will be providing his expertise for the entire week of July 15th. If you're a shooter, Norm Nixon can give you the kind of insight that you can only get from someone who has played that role at the highest level. If you're on your way to becoming a forward or big man, Larry Spriggs can show you the moves and the mindset you'll need to go to the rim. Whether your son or daughter (ages 6-14) is an avid basketball player or they are just starting out, give them this unique summertime experience of learning from the pros. As always, Pete Davis and his entire coaching staff do much more than teach the X's and O's...they make sure that they instill a sense of sportsmanship and team play; those are life lessons that will continue to serve your child well.
August 12-16 Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri • 9am-Noon Ages 6-12 Learn basic cheer skills, including splits, bridges, kicks, jumps, formations and hip hop cheer routines to age-appropriate music. Perfect for kids with lots of team spirit. Visit www.alpertjcc.org for Summer Camp info.
Around the “J”
Pete Davis Legends Basketball Camp July 8-12 • July 15-19 Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri (9am-Noon) Boys & Girls ages 6-14 (All levels welcome) Join us for two weeks of summer hoops at the “J”, led by former Michigan State and NBA player Pete Davis. Learn basketball skills through individual & group instruction, scrimmages and lectures, with coaching by former NBA pros including Pete Davis & Mike "Crusher" Davis. $155, MVP/$125, per week
Players will receive a Pete Davis legends jersey To register contact Natalie Chernik at ext. 1205 or nchernik@alpertjcc.org
3a The Barbara & Ray Alpert Jewish Community Center
Around the “J”
GesherCity Young Adults
Wellness & Fitness
Sponsored by the Alpert JCC & Jewish Federation of Greater Long Beach
Cindi Massengale, smassengale@alpertjcc.org • (562)426-7601, ext. 1056
Susanne Katz, skatz@alpertjcc.org • (562)426-7601, ext. 1625
GesherCity Shabbat Friday, July 5, 7:30pm Experience Shabbat with great music, food and friends. If you’ve never been to a GesherCity event before, now is the perfect time! Our events are fun and casual. So don’t be shy… give us a try.
Early Childhood Education Linda Keiles,lkeiles@alpertjcc.org • (562)426-7601, ext. 1092
A FREE Class Especially for New Babies & Their Moms Both the joys and challenges faced with the arrival of a new baby are more easily faced when you are part of a supportive group; you are invited to become a part of that supportive group every Wednesday at 9:30am, in our Free From the Beginning Parent/Child Participation class. From the Beginning is specifically geared to moms of newborn babies all the way through the time that those babies begin to walk. Facilitated by one of our experienced, professional Early Childhood Education staff members, this class will help support the transitioning of your family when your new baby arrives, whether it’s your first child or your fourth.
Age of Champions Movie Screening Wed, July 10, 1pm Healthways SilverSneakers® Fitness Program and Age of Champions proudly present the uplifting story of five competitors who sprint, leap, and swim for gold at the National Senior Olympics. You’ll meet a 100-year-old tennis champion, 86-year-old pole vaulter, octogenarian swimmers, and rough-andtumble basketball grandmothers who shatter expectations of aging.
FREE movie & refreshments. Reserve your free tickets today! RSVP with Cindi Massengale, AJCC Wellness & Fitness Manager, at cmassengale@alpertjcc.org or 562.426.7601, ext. 1056
AQUATICS Sascha Bryan-Zwick, sbryanzwick@alpertjcc.org • (562)426-7601, ext. 1035
Early Childhood Education Director (and former From the Beginning teacher) Linda Sunshine Keiles says, “Being a new mom can sometimes feel very isolating. This class connects new moms with other new moms…women who are going through the same set of new baby issues and experiences and can really share, support and empathize with each other. And they do it all while having fun with their baby!”
Looking for summer fun with your baby or toddler? Summer Parent/Child Participation Classes offer fun & learning for families with children from birth through toddler in a welcoming Jewish atmosphere. The “J” has three different classes; find the right one for you and your baby.
From the Beginning Wednesday Mornings, 9:30am Newborn through walking, with an adult Begin your new life with us at the AJCC; this class for new mothers and their infants will help you discover the joys and face the challenges that are part of transitioning your family when a new baby arrives, whether it’s your first or your fourth. Class is facilitated by a caring and experienced ECE staff member.
This is a FREE class
Tuesdays & Thursdays 9:30am-12:30pm
Yad b’ Yad (Hand in Hand)
18-28 months with an adult Parents enjoy playing with their child for the first hour, and then leave them in the nurturing care of experienced ECE staff. The children will learn through guided group play, participating in music, rhythm, stories and dramatic play and other hands-on activities. The emphasis of this class is on social skills and development which will provide a great transition into pre-school.
Tuesdays & Thursdays 9:15-10:45am For children 9-23 months, with an adult Your child will experience development and discovery through hands-on learning, including music, arts & crafts, manipulatives, table and playground time. This class is a great way to make friends you and your family will keep for a lifetime.
Moving On
More info, contact Danielle Putnam at dputnam@alpertjcc.org, or ext. 1090
MVP: The MVP price is the "Member Value Price" that gives our members an automatic discount to the fee we charge for our programs and events. Not a member of the Alpert JCC, speak with one of our Membership Services specialists and learn how you can start benefiting from MVP pricing today.
Group Swim Lessons
Private Swim Lessons
•July 15-August 6 (4 wks) •August 12-22 (2 Wks) Mon & Wed or Tue & Thur
One-on-one instruction for all ages with a Swim University instructor. Spots fill quickly so call today! Visit website for more info.
Ages 3-8 • 30 minute lessons •Tiny Tots (3-5): 9am, 10am, 1:30pm, 4pm •Beginner (4-6): 9:30am, 2pm, 3pm •Adv. Beginner: (5-8): 10:30am, 3:30pm $95; $80/MVP (4 Wks) $50; $40/MVP (2 wks)
2013 Water Polo July 22-August 14 (4 wks) Mon & Wed 4-4:30pm: Ages 5-8 4:30-5:15pm: Ages 8-10 Learn Water Polo fundamentals $60; $50/MVP (4 wks) Must Be USA H2O POLO Member: $25-55 per yr
Master Swim Mon & Wed, 6:30-7:30pm Sat, 10-11am
Year Round Youth Swim Team with Coach Rafe Montes Mon-Thur, 5-6:30pm Fri, 4:30-5:30pm Ages 6-14 This is a competitive swim team, so all participants must tryout and be able to swim 25 yards with all 4 swim strokes.
Prep Swim Team July 2-30 Tue & Thur, 4:30-5:15pm Ages 5-12 The goal of this program is to get kids ready for a swim team, Junior Lifeguard programs or water polo. $60; $45/MVP (per month)
Tammuz-Av 5773
JULY 2013
Call Today! We’re Here to Help! 3801 E. Willow Street Long Beach, CA 90815 WEB: www.jfcslongbeach.org EMAIL: jfcs@jfcslongbeach.org PHONE: 562-427-7916
Adult Active Community Connections Program
OUR MISSION: Jewish Family and Children’s Service of Greater Long Beach/West Orange County is a nonprofit agency that provides a wide range of professional counseling and support services to assist all individuals regardless of religion, race, ethnicity, disability or sexual orientation in facing life’s challenges.
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r a b b inic
re f lections
A Little Ritual Goes A Long Way By Rabbi David Cantor
On a Rosh Hashanah afternoon, just weeks before my wedding, I was encouraged to apply to rabbinical school. I wasn’t raised in a “religious” family, our religious observances included candle lighting and Kiddush prayer every Friday night (except for the summer months), eating matzah on Passover, attending synagogue on Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, and attending the occasional B’nai Mitzvah. At our synagogue, children were expected to attend morning services every Saturday during the three years prior to their Bar or Bat Mitzvah. It was rather elegant - rehearsal at 9:00 am, Shacharit and Torah Service at 9:15 am, a special Kiddush at 10:00 am (with hot chocolate served from silver coffee pots) and then parent pickup at 10:30 am. Except I was never picked up at 10:30 am; my father would drop me off on his way to a Saturday morning at the office, and come to collect me at 12:30 pm, after services had ended and lunch had been served. So, with nothing much to do for two hours, I would wander back up to the main sanctuary and sit in the service. This
was the beginning of my religious journey. As a child, I listened to the choir. As a teen, I sang in the Intermediate Choir. As a student at the University of Manitoba, I sang in the senior choir. And there, still, I would be, had it not been for two life-changing events: the entry of Christine Barnson into my life and my admission to law school. A good Jewish boy dating for the first time, I brought Chris home for Friday night dinner and invited her to come to synagogue the following morning. Judaism spoke to her, and she began the process of conversion, embarking upon the path of religious observance; which meant that I, as her boyfriend, was compelled to follow her on her journey. A vegetarian since age three, it was easy for her to keep kosher; I gave up pork, shellfish, and cheeseburgers. Religiously-minded, she attended Shabbat services and I became a “regular”, present even when the choir wasn’t singing. But it was law school that brought my Jewish existence out of the synagogue and into my personal life. Law school can consume you - you can study every waking hour, every day of the week, and still have something left to do.
Watching my fellow students develop bags under their eyes and exhaustion in their steps, I made a decision that I would observe the Sabbath. By the end of law school, Christine was “Kedma”, I was keeping kosher, and Shabbat had become a vital part of our lives. When we had first begun dating, Kedma and I had made an appointment to meet with my rabbi, Henry Balser. At that time, he made a suggestion that would lay dormant until I entered the workforce: there will come a time where it will be important to have a daily ritual observance. Apprenticing at a law firm turned out to be that time, and the ritual I chose was putting on a tallit and tefillin, and saying the Shema and an abbreviated Amidah. This practice grounded me and got me through the day. Over the course of that year, I came to the realization that my “religious time” was becoming more meaningful to me than my “secular time”. Each morning I would put on a kippah, my tallit and tefillin, and have a few moments with God. Then I would walk to work, take off my kippah, and attend to my lawyerly tasks. Returning home, I would put on my kippah
and a sense of God’s presence would reenter my world. Rabbi David Cantor Which brings us to that Rosh Hashanah afternoon: Taking a walk with a friend between services, I mentioned that I had been increasingly unhappy at work. She asked me, “If not a lawyer, what would you want to be?” The answer surprised me, “a rabbi.” Each and every one of us has our own story, the history of how we came to be where we are today. What unites us is that at some point in our lives it will be important for us to have a daily ritual observance. It doesn’t have to be religious, for some it may be something familiar and comforting that “grounds us” for the day. For centuries the rabbi’s suggestion has been prayer, saying blessings, and study. My morning ritual set me on the path to becoming a rabbi. May you be blessed to find a ritual that not only grounds your day, but infuses your life with meaning. Rabbi David Cantor looks forward to becoming Rabbi at Temple Beth Shalom, Long Beach on August 1st.
Area Synagogue Upcoming Events
If your synagogue would like to be a part of this listing, please submit your events to chronicle@ jewishlongbeach.org.
Chabad of Cypress (O) 10433 Los Alamitos Blvd. Los Alamitos, CA 90720 Contact: Rabbi Shmuel Marcus Phone: 714-828-1851 Email: smarcus@jewishcypress.com Website: www.chabadlosal.com
Chabad of West Orange County/ Congregation Adat Israel (O) 5052 Warner Ave. Huntington Beach Contact: Rabbi Aron David Berkowitz Phone: 714-846-2285 Email: info@chabadhb.com Website: www.chabadhb.com Congregation Ahavas Yisroel (O) 10433 Los Alamitos Boulevard Los Alamitos, CA 90720 Contact: Rabbi Yitzchok Marcus Website: Under Construction E-mail: CongAhavas@aol.com Phone: 562-493-4570 Congregation Lubavitch (O) 3981 Atlantic Ave. Long Beach, CA 90807 Contact: Rabbi Newman Phone: 562-426-5480 Email: yitzyg@aol.com Congregation Shir Chadash (I) 6440 Del Amo Blvd. Lakewood, CA 90713 Contact Rabbi Howard Laibson Phone: 562-429-0715 Email:csclakewood@dslextreme.com Website: www.CongregationShirChadash.org Congregation Sholom Leisure World, Seal Beach (C) P. O. Box 2901 Seal Beach, CA 90740 Contact: Rabbi Galit Levy-Slater Spiritual Leader 562-493-2680 P’nai Or (I) Long Beach, CA Contact: Cantor Steven Puzarne Spiritual Director Email: cantor@pnaior.org Website: www.PnaiOr.org Phone 562-364-5154 Shul By The Shore (O) Seaport Marina Hotel 6400 Pacific Coast Highway Long Beach, California 90803 Contact: Rabbi Abba Perelmuter Phone: 562-621-9828 Email: rabbi@shulbytheshore.org Website: www.shulbytheshore.org Surf City Synagogue (C) Services held at the HB Central Library 7111 Talbert Ave. Huntington Beach Phone: 714-596-2220 E-Mail: info@surfcitysynagogue.org Temple Beth David (R) 6100 Hefley St. Westminster, CA 92683 Contact: Rabbi Nancy Myers Phone: 714-892-6623 Email: tbdavid@templebethdavid.org Website: www.templebethdavid.org Temple Beth Ohr (R) 15721 E. Rosecrans Ave. La Mirada, CA 90638 Contact: Rabbi Mark Goldfarb Phone: 714-521-6765 Email: templbthohr@aol.com Website: www.templebethohr.com
Below you will find events happening at our local synagogues. Please contact them directly if you have any questions using the Synagogue Directory on this page.
Temple Israel On Friday, July 19 and August 2 at 5:30 pm, TI invites the community to Shabbat in the Park at El Dorado Park. There will be candle lighting, sharing of Kiddush and challah, the joyful welcome of Shabbat, and music from the Long Beach Munciple Band. Look for the Temple Israel Banner.
Synagogue Directory
Federation Tower Apartments
FREE Alpert JCC Membership Seniors 62+ pay only 30% of your income for rent!
(562) 426-8404
3799 E. Willow Street, Long Beach. Next to the Weinberg Jewish Federation Campus
Temple Beth Shalom (C) 3635 Elm Ave. Long Beach, CA 90807 Contact: Rabbi David Klatzker Phone: 562-426-6413 Email: rabbi@tbslb.org Website: www.tbslb.org Temple Israel (R) 269 Loma Ave. Long Beach, CA 90803 Contact: Rabbi Steven Moskowitz Phone: 562-434-0996 Email: info@tilb.org Website: www.tilb.org Temple Ner Tamid of Downey (R) 10629 Lakewood Boulevard Downey, CA 90241 Contact: Rabbi Dany Mehlman Phone: 562-861-9276 Email: templenertamid1@dslextereme.com Website: www.downeytemplenertamid.org (R)=Reform (O)=Orthodox
(C)=Conservative (I)=Independent
The Jewish Studies Program at California State University, Long Beach (CSULB), is proud to recognize the following student award recipients for 2013: Nitzan Harel and Daniel Freitag with the George R. & Beverly August Student Award and Janet Rapaport with the Toni & Alex Horowitz Scholarship and the Jean & Robert Blakey Jewish Studies Memorial Endowed Student Award, established in partnership with the Jewish Community Foundation of Greater Long Beach and West Orange County. An award-winning student of graphic design, Nitzan Harel is a member of the Hillel student board and has served as its president. She has also volunteered with the Jewish Federation of Greater Outgoing Federation President Remarks Continued from page 4
to fund the refurbishment of the AJCC’s locker rooms and to repurpose some additional space for better utilization. Additionally, we provided important security upgrades to the building. The project came in on time and slightly under budget. We hope to pay back these loans via our Fund for the Future Campaign. Communication We are starting to change the way we communicate with our community. Under the creativity of Khatera Zubin we are now updating on Facebook almost daily. I strongly suggest you “friend” us so you can stay up to date with everything that is going on. As you can see from the activities and programs I just mentioned, your Federation continues to do a ton of things. So it truly surprised me when I heard rumors in our community questioning why we even need a Federation. In response, I will share with you one more reason: This
(L-R) Daniel Freitag, Nitzan Harel, Dr. Jeffrey Blutinger, and Janet Rapaport
Long Beach & West Orange County, and has been honored as a “Woman of Vision” at their 2012 Arlene Solomon Visions dinner. Nitzan’s paper, written for the Comparative World Literature course “The Bible as Literature,” offered a close textual reading of Rebecca’s first encounter with Isaac. A dedicated student majoring in history, Daniel Freitag has a long history of service in the boy scouts and his work. Daniel’s paper, written for the History course “The History past year we funded about $1.3 million dollars to our local agencies, in addition to monies that we gave to our Israel and Overseas programs. Our community contributions continue to help Jews in need locally, in Israel and around the world, an important part of our commitment to tikkun olam. But as I said earlier, we do see very serious problems facing our community. We have the illusion of stability, but in reality, our community is not stable. We have an aging group of primary supporters. We need to find ways to bring into our realm of influence the thousands of Jews who live in our community but are not affiliated. Their needs are different, but no less valid, than our needs. The next generations are motivated very differently than previous generations. They will find solutions that I can’t even conceive. We have increasing fiscal constraints. How do we prioritize the present and reconcile the needs of the future with less to do it with? How do we become even more efficient in doing our work and help
of the Holocaust,” explored the moral questions faced by a Jewish ghetto policeman during the Holocaust. Janet Rapaport has been pursuing her B.A. in Jewish Studies for several years now, all while facing the challenges of raising five children on her own. She has demonstrated a passion for Jewish Studies and service to the Jewish community here and abroad. The Jewish Studies Program at CSULB was established in 1998, expanded in 2002 to include both a major and a minor, and in 2006 the program launched CSULB’s first Jewish studies scholarship. Today, the program is widely recognized for its dedication to advancing interdisciplinary analysis of Jewish history, religion, thought, culture, and literature. make our agencies stronger to meet the ever-increasing demands for their services? There are some things we can and must do: we must jointly set the direction of all our agencies with a unified, community-wide vision that includes strategies that address the challenges we face. We must more effectively find ways to educate and engage the younger generations. What organizational structure will best suit our community and meet our future needs? How do we better address fiscal austerity? How do we eliminate duplication? One of our biggest issues is how to overcome status quo inertia. Bureaucracies will always choose failure over change unless there are stronger external factors motivating change. It has been an exciting, fulfilling and yes, sometime frustrating 2 years. But because of the love, dedication and vision of so many, we have made great strides. I am proud to be part of this change. Thank you for the honor of serving as your Federation President the last 2 years.
CSULB Jewish Studies 2013 Award Recipients
Incoming Federation President Remarks
OUTGOING Foundation President Remarks
Continued from page 4
Continued from page 5
I look forward to working together with our new dynamic Executive Council and Board of Directors. We are very fortunate to have many active Past Presidents and I will reach out for their help and support. I also look forward to working with our Partner Agencies to reach our goals of funding our community needs, maximizing efficiencies, and educating all the generations of our community about our mission. When I came to this community 50 years ago, my family was a recipient of some the services that I am now charged with sustaining and growing. I take this responsibility very seriously. When I came back to Long Beach 20 years ago, I was inspired by many of the leaders still a part of the community today. I have worked hard over those years to give back to this community which helped my family. I know I have a lot to learn, but those of you who know me, know that I will work tirelessly to move our community forward. Thank you for the opportunity to serve and I will not let you down.
young adults major in Jewish Studies. Barbara and Ray Alpert endowed the Alpert New Leaders Forum last year, with ten members of the class of 2013 graduating tonight. That brings a total of 55 graduates of our New Leaders Forum who are now serving on boards and helping to make our community strong and ensure our future. Thank you again Barbara and Ray. There have been many great architects of our community who have stood before me, from whom I learned, and hopefully along the way, I have left a legacy of my own. I am happy now to join their Past President’s Club. I was raised with strong Jewish Values, taught tikkun olam at an early age and my beloved father continues to be my moral compass. You have all touched my life and I hope in some small measure your Board of Directors has touched yours.
www.jewishlongbeach.org | JULY 2013 | 9
tributes & announcements
P rofessional Directory attorneys
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C.P.A.’s Shari D. Nemirow, C.P.A.
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Tribute & memorial contributions are special gifts to honor, memorialize, or congratulate friends & family for all occasions. We will be delighted to send a card on your behalf.
Jewish Federation
General Fund •To Elena Belkin, in memory of your beloved sister Maria Rose, from the Jewish Federation Board, Leadership & Staff •To Gayle Nachlis, in memory of your beloved husband Marvin, from the Jewish Federation Board, Leadership & Staff •To Pam Solig, in memory of your beloved husband Lawrence, from the Jewish Federation Board, Leadership & Staff
Business Law, Insurance Law, Trusts and Estates 5242 Katella Ave., Suite 104 Los Alamitos, CA 90720
Master of Science-Taxation, Tax Returns-all types, tax planning & audits Downey
Podiatry Eric R. Hubbard, D.PM, F.A.C.F.S.
Board Certified-Foot & Ankle Surgery Adult’s and Children’s Foot Disorders Athletic Injuries-Custom Orthotics 2333 Pacific Ave., Long Beach
(562) 426-5151 (562) 427-7443
retirement Karen Codman
Investment Advisor Rep.
CA Insurance Lic#OB90642 Securities and Investment Advisory Services offered through FSC Securities Corp Member FINRA/SIPC and a registered investment advisor 1165 E. San Antonio Dr., Suite G Long Beach, CA 90807
(562) 728-5800
Jewish Community Foundation Anne Licht Leadership Fund
• To Sid Penn, in memory of your beloved Helen, from Francine Levy & Rick Wasserman •To Mark & Nancy Schneider, in memory of Helen Schneider Penn, from Francine Levy & Rick Wasserman •To Myron Bloom, in memory of your beloved Paula, from Francine Levy & Rick Wasserman For tributes to the Jewish Federation and Jewish Community Foundation please call 562-426-7601 EXT 1314
py Birthday, from the Jewish Federation Board, Leadership & Staff •To Daisy & Vic Schneidman, Mazel Tov on the birth of your grandson, Hobie Wells Schneidman, from the Jewish Federation Board, Leadership & Staff •To Gerda & Harold Seifer,
D a n i e l M at h i e u
Personal Insurance Advisor
Add your listing to our Professional Directory Call Khatera 562-426-7601 EXT 1006 for more information The Next Generation Insurance Agency
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General Fund •To Beth Bergher & family, in fond memory of Miriam, from Binnie & Jack Berro •To Edna Statman, just thinking of you & hoping you continue to get better, from Barbara Wolfe Blakey Fund •To Sandra Feldman, Happy 80th Birthday, from Ruth Beckman
Weiss Fund •To Joyce Greenspan, Happy AJCC 70th Birthday, from Ava & Howard Weiss Michael Segal •In memory of my mother, Maimonides Fund •To Pam Flakowitz, in memory Sophie Tessler, from Tessie of your beloved mother, from Edlen Jessie Butler For tributes to JFCS please •To Gerda Seifer, Happy call 562-426-7601 ext 235 or Birthday, from Jessie Butler 562-427-7916 For tributes to AJCC please call
Honors & Simchahs
•To Gerda & Harold Seifer, Happy 58th Anniversary, from the Jewish Federation Board, Leadership & Staff •To Charles & Dorothy Samuel, Happy 69th Anniversary, from the Jewish Federation Board, Leadership & Staff •To Eva Schlesinger, Hap-
562-426-7601 ext 1414
congratulations on receiving the Robert Baldwin Community Service Award, from the Jewish Federation Board, Leadership & Staff •To Yehudis & Yitzy Geisinsky, congratulations on receiving the Fred Neuburger Young Leadership Award, from the Jewish Federation Board, Leadership & Staff •Congratulations to the Graduating Class of the Alpert New Leaders Forum, from the Jewish Federation Board, Leadership & Staff
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Please contact us at chronicle@jewishlongbeach.org if you know of someone who has passed and would like them to be recognized.
Lawrence Solig
We Mourn The Loss Of.....
FT !
Contact us at 562-426-7601 EXT 1006 or chronicle@jewishlongbeach.org
Jewish Federation 2013 Annual Campaign Ends July 31, 2013 Every Gift Makes A Difference! Together WE Do Extraordinary Things! Contact Danny Levy at 562-426-7601 EXT 1007 or dlevy@jewishlongbeach.org today! Benefiting the Jewish Community Partnership Jewish Federation Jewish Community Foundation
Temple Is r ael • lo ng Beac h
Join Us In the decades since our founding, we have grown into a thriving, dynamic, inclusive community, welcoming all who seek to learn, experience and celebrate Judaism. Our members come from all walks of life, including singles, traditional and non-traditional families, gays/lesbians, Jews of color, interfaith couples, retirees and young adults. We are a house of prayer, study and caring – we are a family.
We Are A...
WelcomIng mulTI-generaTIonal FamIly VIBranT cenTer oF lIFelong learnIng sancTuary For spIrITualITy & WorshIp For membership information, contact us at (562) 434-0996.
Visit our website www.tilb.org
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The Jewish Federation of Greater Long Beach & West Orange County 3801 E. Willow St., Long Beach, CA 90815
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Permit No.129 Long Beach, CA
Send a High Holy Day greeting to your friends, family and our community. Placing your greeting in the Chronicle assures that you won’t forget anyone. Here are samples of greetings in five sizes and various prices.
Your greeting MUST be in by Wednesday, August 7, 2013
FILL OUT AND MAIL THIS COUPON WITH YOUR PAYMENT TO: Jewish Community Chronicle 3801 E. Willow St., Long Beach, CA 90815 by e-mail: kzubin@jewishlongbeach.org or by fax: 562-424-3915 ALL ADS MUST BE PAID FOR IN ADVANCE BY CHECK OR CREDIT CARD 1. Select the size of your greeting (Circle one) A. 1.94” x 1.94” @ $30 (Only message A or B) B. 3.75” x 0.94” @ $30 (Only message A or B) C. 3.75” x 1.94” @ $65 D. 3.75” x 3.95” @ $100 2. Choose a message or compose your own (Circle one) A. L’Shanah Tovah B. Happy New Year C. Best Wishes for a Happy and Healthy New Year (Available only for greeting C or D) D. Wishing You a New Year of Health, Happiness & Peace (Available only for greeting C or D) E. Compose your own greeting maximum of 65 characters (Available only for greeting D) 3. The name(s) on my greeting should read:
L’Shanah Tovah Mr. & Mrs. Joe Feinstein
(Samples not actual size. Fonts & colors will vary.)
Happy New Year Mr. & Mrs. Joe Feinstein
Best Wishes For A Happy And Healthy New Year Mr. & Mrs. Joe Feinstein
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Wishing your Family a Happy Passover Mr. & Mrs. Joe Feinstein