Chanukah Miracles PAGE 2
www.jewishlongbeach.org | 562.426.7601
Published since 1947 by the Jewish Federation of greater Long Beach and West ORange County
Alpert JCC
Around the “J”
November 2013 | 5774 | heshvan-kislev | Vol.66-No.3
FEATURE article
Chanukah Miracles
By Sharon Kenigsberg, Director of Endowments & Community Development
elcome to the Chanukah issue of the Chronicle…November, Chanukah. Wait a minute… In case you have not heard, the first day of Chanukah coincides with Thanksgiving on November 28th this year. It turns out that this has never happened before…and it will never happen again. Thanksgiving is set as the fourth Thursday in November, meaning the latest it can be is November 28th. November 28th is also the earliest Chanukah can be. The Jewish calendar repeats on a 19-year cycle and Thanksgiving repeats on a 7-year cycle. Therefore, you would expect them to coincide roughly every 133 (19 x7) years. Looking back, this is approximately correct. The last time it would have happened is 1861. However, Thanksgiving was only formally established by President Lincoln in 1863. So, it has never happened before and, according to predictions, is unlikely to happen again. Why? The Jewish calendar is very slowly getting out of sync with the solar calendar at a rate of four days per 1,000 years. This means that while Chanukah can be as early as November 28, over the years, the calendar will drift forward, so that the earliest Chanukah can be is November 29. In the year 2146, Chanukah will again fall on November 28 – but that will be a Monday, and not Thanksgiving. The time at which the two holidays arrive this year is not the only similarity they share. Chanukah and Thanksgiving also emphasize gratitude. Chanukah is also about miracles, both past and present. As we begin our celebrations, it is a time to reflect on those who are in need. Here in our own community, our Jewish Community Partnership agencies Jim & Bella, Moscow (Alpert JCC, Hebrew Academy, Hillel, Jewish Family & Children’s Service, Jewish Federation and Jewish Community Foundation) nourish the people in our Jewish community with counseling, Jewish programs and education, scholarships for camp, programs for college students, sending students to Israel and much more.
Chanukah Miracles There are other miracles that all of us, through our donations to the Jewish Federation’s Annual Community Campaign, make happen every day, in Israel and throughout the world, through the work of our overseas partners: The Jewish Agency for Israel (JAFI), the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC), World ORT and the Israel Trauma Coalition.
Marie (seated) from Tbilisi
Caring for the Vulnerable & Preserving Dignity Many of our community leaders have travelled on special missions to see the miracles taking place. Jim Breslauer was in Moscow three years ago and met a disabled woman named Bella. “Bella, a lady who had nothing, was confined to a wheel chair and unable to get outside because she lived in an apartment higher than the elevator. Our donations help provide her food and a caretaker a few hours each week. She gave me a small glass elephant and a lesson that it is not what we give but why we give. She taught me about sharing, pride, and a belief that we are one people. We are a people that Sandy Horwitz & cares and shares. I am proud Sarah to share with the Bella’s of the world both here in Long Beach and as far away as the 6th floor of a tiny apartment in a rundown building in Moscow,” shared Jim. Sandy Horwitz met Marie in Tbilisi and expressed how meaningful the visit was to her. “I had the privilege of visiting with a warm, brave and loving woman, Marie, in her 5 story walk-up apartment in Tbilisi, Georgia. We were delivering a food box, costing only $18, with her monthly provisions that were supplemented by two hot meals a week and a visiting nurse to sustain her life. Marie had suffered a stroke after bidding her only family goodbye – her son was offered an opportunity to create a better life in Israel for his wife and child. In spite of her loss and confinement to a wheel chair, she greeted our small group of women with a huge smile,” said Sandy. Jewish Identity & Education Chanukah literally means ‘dedication’ in Hebrew, and that translation underscores our collective dedication to preserving the future of the Jewish people through investing in schools, summer camps and programs that inspire Jewish leadership throughout the world. Hank Feldman was part of a mission that went to Szarvas Camp in Hungary four years ago. “When the Iron Curtain fell and Jews were
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once again allowed to practice their religion, twenty years had passed and few Jews knew anything about being Jewish. So Ronald Lauder and the JDC came in to open a camp to teach the children about being Jewish. Twenty years later, the campers who attended then are now the camp counselors, the staff at their Jewish Community Centers, and the leaders in the community. Our donations saved Hungarian Jews from losing their religion and their heritage,” said Hank. Linda Simmons had a similar experience in Odessa. “On my visit to the Youth Camp outside of Odessa, I was deeply touched. Many of the kids were just discovering their Judaism that was hidden from them during Soviet Era Communism. Their enthusiasm and excitement about what they were experiencing and learning left me proud of the work we do.” In Israel, we witnessed the miracle of welcoming home the Ethiopian Jews, and because of all of us, that community is part of the future of Israel. Through our partnership programs in Israel, we are all a part of that miracle. Sandy Horwitz spent many years working on behalf of our partnership community in Kiryat Malachi and formed many bonds with leaders like Sarah. “Sarah, left a small village in the hills of Ethiopia as a small child. She has become the symbol of the future in Israel. After overcoming poverty, living and learning in a very different culture, she became an active member of the city’s youth group. Sara then matriculated from high school and became an officer in the IDF and is looking forward to her future after graduating from a university. Sarah was also one of the first Ethiopian teens to come to our community as a camp counselor,” stated Sandy. Jerry Silverman, the CEO of Jewish Federations of North America, sums up our impact. “The celebration of Chanukah symbolizes hope – the hope that one small flask of oil could keep the Temple flame alight for eight days, the hope that all those who are vulnerable will find food to eat and a roof overhead, the hope that the Jewish community will live peacefully and vibrantly for generations to come.” Wishing everyone in our community and throughout the world, Happy Chanukah!
Throughout the Former Soviet Union & Europe summer camps help develop Jewish identity
Published since 1947 by the Jewish Federation and Jewish Community Foundation of Greater Long Beach & West Orange County
Contents 4
Ring Ring, Ring Ring: It’s That Time of Year Again
Around the “J” November Events at the Alpert Jewish Community Center
Deborah Goldfarb CEO
Danny Levy Director of Development
Khatera Zubin Marketing & Chronicle coordinator chronicle advertising
Using Your IRA Distribution to Benefit Others
Italian Jews from Emancipation to World War II
Erin Bellinghausen graphic artist
Jewish Federation Jewish Community Foundation 3801 E. Willow Street Long Beach, CA 90815-1791 562-426-7601 FAX 562-424-3915 www.jewishlongbeach.org
Jewish Community Partnership Corporate Partners
PUBLICATION & ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT 562-426-7601 EXT 1006 chronicle@jewishlongbeach.org ADVERTISING & COPY DEADLINE First Wednesday of the month: Jan 2014 deadline: Dec 4, 2013 ISSN# 1525- 6847
_____________________ Long Beach Area Chamber of Commerce Member
Shabbat Candlelighting
November 1
5:42 pm
November 8
4:36 pm
November 15 4:32 pm November 22 4:29 pm November 29 4:27 pm
Cover Image A collection of dreidels
The Shadden Group at Morgan Stanley Wealth Managment
Craig Kain, Ph.D.
Licensed Psychologist (Psy 14664)
Become a Corporate Partner Today Contact The Jewish Community Partnership at 562-426-7601. For more information about our Corporate Partners, visit www.jewishlongbeach.org/sponsors
The appearance of product or establishment advertising in the Jewish Community Chronicle does not constitute an endorsement of kashruth. Opinions printed in the Jewish Community Chronicle do not necessarily reflect those of the Jewish Federation. The publication of a paid political advertisement does not constitute endorsement of any candidate, political party or political position by the Jewish Federation or any employee.
www.jewishlongbeach.org | november 2013 | 3
The Jewish Community
Ring Ring, Ring Ring: It’s That Time of Year Again By Danny Levy, Director of Development
We have kicked off the 2014 Jewish Federation Annual Community Campaign with a bang! I’m sure you’ve heard of it. The Annual Community Campaign? For over 84 years, this Annual Community Campaign continues to ensure, through the Jewish Community Partnership, that programs and institutions that enrich Jewish life here in Greater Long Beach, in Israel and overseas, remain vibrant and strong. We connect those who can help to those who need it most. So where does the ring ring come in? Super Sunday. The Annual Community Campaign Phone-a-thon is one way for us to reach the broader community. One day a year, making calls, lots of calls and asking for support. Super Sunday is this day. And it’s a powerful day.
port preschools, day schools, foster and celebrate Jewish summer camps, college stu- identity for future generadents and synagogues. tions. Together we have the power to make an impact. Caring for the Needy The strength of a people. Every day, the Federation The power of community. supports programs that feed, clothe, shelter, counsel and Get Involved. Donate. rescue thousands of people Volunteer. here in the Greater Long There are several ways Beach area, in Israel and that you can make a difaround the world. It’s our re- ference, if you have not al1 Answer the letter sponsibility. It’s our privilege. ready: l It’s who we are. that will soon arrive in your 2 Answer the call on home l The Jewish Future Super Sunday, the Jewish We believe we have a Federation Annual Commuresponsibility to ensure the nity Campaign Phone-a-thon Jewish Future, together as a on Sunday December 8, 3 Volunteer to make 2013 l community, to succeed. calls at the Phone-a-thon. To Every GIFT Makes a volunteer, pick a shift and Difference call 562-426-7601 x1021 A donation to the Jewish or email mdonaldson@ Federation Annual Community jewishlongbeach.org. Campaign is a promise that For more information, Jewish social services and visit our website at www. Changing Lives vibrant community organiza- jewishlongbeach.org or call We change lives. The tions will remain strong and Danny Levy at 562-426Jewish Federation Annual active for all of us, for you, 7601 x1007 for customized Community Campaign is a and for your family. It’s an donations or payment plans. major funder for programs opportunity to be a part of a that care for the aged, coun- caring community that gives sel families in crisis and sup- back. It’s an opportunity to
4 | JEWISH COMMUNITY CHRONICLE | heshvan-kislev | 5774
Using Your IRA Distribution to Benefit Others If you are 70½ or over and have an IRA (Individual Retirement Account), you are required to make a distribution from your IRA and are taxed on that money, every year! Did you know that you can make that distribution to a charity and save on taxes and help your community at the same time? The IRA Charitable Rollover is once again available for 2013. Over the past years, many individuals over age 70½ have utilized the IRA charitable rollover to transfer funds from their retirement accounts directly to public charities in a tax-efficient manner. The IRA charitable rollover is available again through the end of 2013 and permits direct rollovers from IRA accounts of up to $100,000 to qualified public charities. The distributions are not included in the donor’s income but will count toward the required annual minimum distribution.
There are also additional benefits to leaving your IRA to a charity if you are considering making a large one-time gift or do not claim other itemized deductions. Please consult your financial professional or the Jewish Community Foundation has professional investment advisors that are also available to answer your questions. Remember, however, that qualified IRA rollover contributions cannot be made to donor advised funds, supporting organizations, or private foundations. There are many ways to use current and deferred assets to help the causes you care deeply about. The staff at the Jewish Community Foundation are available to assist you with your questions and talk to you about how we can help you meet your philanthropic goals. Please call us at 562-426-7601 x1008.
www.jewishlongbeach.org | november 2013 | 5
r a b b inic
re f lections
Giving Thanks
By Rabbi Howard Laibson
What a strange year this is on Rabbi Howard the Hebrew O. Laibson calendar. The High Holy Days and their attending festivals arrived so early. Now that they’re gone, we’re already planning for Chanukah. Compellingly, Chanukah falls on Thanksgiving this year. These two observances are more related than we typically think. How so? After all, Chanukah is about religious freedom among Jews in a faraway land more than two millennia ago. Thanksgiving focuses on the virtue of gratitude, especially among Pilgrims only a few short centuries ago. First, did you know that the Pilgrims who first came to these shores emigrated as religious refugees? They left England in hopes of finding a place where they would be able to live in religious freedom. They saw themselves as “modern-day Hebrews” escaping from their own Egypt. It was very common for them to be given biblical Hebrew
names. They even gave serious consideration to making Hebrew their official spoken language. When they brought in their first fall harvest, they were deeply grateful. Reading in the Hebrew Bible that the Israelites made a special celebration about the fall harvest (Sukkot), the Pilgrims created their own celebration which has come to be known as Thanksgiving. Just as we invite guests to share a meal with us in our sukkot, they invited Native Americans to share in their good fortune. Chanukah, too, is about gratitude. Historically, Chanukah is a complicated story. To some historians, it is essentially a David vs. Goliath story of Jewish guerilla fighters overcoming the strength of the Greek empire. To others, it is about Jewish zealots fighting against Jewish traitors, some of whom were attempting to curry favor with Egyptian Greeks, while others were politically aligned with the Syrian Greeks. Many of those aligned with the Egyptian
and Syrian versions of Greek culture assimilated to the lifestyle of their hoped-for conquerors. This latter version of the story is as much a civil war as it is a battle against dueling empires. But what unites these two versions of Chanukah? The desire of committed Jews to remain faithful to Judaism. Whether the threat was from Greeks to the south and north, or from assimilationist Jews themselves (or, most likely, both), the true goal was remaining faithful to the One God of Judaism and God’s laws. And the Jews succeeded. So what happened? It depends on whom you ask. Ultimately, the Jewish people in Second Century (B.C.E.) Israel were able to live as Jews, and for this they were very grateful. In gratitude, the first thing they wanted was to re-establish the Jerusalem Temple as the focal point of Jewish worship. According to a legend in the Talmud, there was only enough kosher oil to illuminate the menorah in the Tem-
ple for one day. Yet somehow, it lasted for eight days! Thus, we express our gratitude by lighting a Chanukah menorah for eight days – usually not by burning oil, but candles. One of my daughters – whose birthday falls on the first night of Chanukah and Thanksgiving – has suggested that with our Thanksgiving turkey meal we should not have mashed potatoes but latkes (potato pancakes) instead. That sounds like a terrific way to merge our observance of these two holidays. However you share your Chanukah and Thanksgiving experience with the people dear to you, please remember that more important than the food with which we celebrate, is the religious freedom we are grateful to enjoy. My family and I wish all of you a wonderful Thanksgiving and Chanukah. Rabbi Howard Laibson is Rabbi at Congregation Shir Chadash in Lakewood.
Area Synagogue Upcoming Events
Below you will find events happening at our local synagogues. Please contact them directly if you have any questions using the Synagogue Directory on this page.
Congregation Shir Chadash Friday, 11/29 @7 pm: Simchat Chanukah Shabbat in the chapel. Bring your candles and light up the night with a Chanukah celebration. 11/30-12/1: Annual Rummage Sale. Call the temple for more info. P’nai Or Saturday, 11/30 @6 pm: P’nai Or’s Chanukah Party at a Long Beach home. Alan the Latke Man’s world-renowned latkes, a potluck veggie/fish dinner, candle lighting, singing, and schmoozing. Call the temple to RSVP or email
info@pnaior.org to get exact location. Sunday, 12/1 @3 pm: Peacemaking in Israel with Eliyahu McLean at Grace First Presbyterian Church. Contact the temple for more info. Temple Beth David Sunday, 11/3 @11 am – 3 pm: Chanukah Carnival & Holiday Gift Boutique. Food, games, gifts, shopping vendors, and jumpers. Sunday, 11/17: A Culinary History of Jews in America. Seth Front gives a presentation based upon the astrological signs of Jewish delis.
Temple Beth Shalom Wednesday, 11/13 @10 am: TBS Sisterhood Announces the Next Pan Tournament & Luncheon. Continental breakfast and games. A moment of silence will be observed in memory of Clara
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Asch, to remember her years of service at Temple Beth Shalom. Please watch for further details and registration information. If your synagogue would like to be a part of this listing, please submit your events to chronicle@ jewishlongbeach.org.
Synagogue Directory Chabad of Cypress (O) 10433 Los Alamitos Blvd. Los Alamitos, CA 90720 Contact: Rabbi Shmuel Marcus Phone: 714-828-1851 Email: smarcus@jewishcypress.com Website: www.chabadlosal.com
Chabad of West Orange County/ Congregation Adat Israel (O) 5052 Warner Ave. Huntington Beach Contact: Rabbi Aron David Berkowitz Phone: 714-846-2285 Email: info@chabadhb.com Website: www.chabadhb.com Congregation Ahavas Yisroel (O) 10433 Los Alamitos Boulevard Los Alamitos, CA 90720 Contact: Rabbi Yitzchok Marcus Website: Under Construction E-mail: CongAhavas@aol.com Phone: 562-493-4570 Congregation Lubavitch (O) 3981 Atlantic Ave. Long Beach, CA 90807 Contact: Rabbi Newman Phone: 562-426-5480 Email: yitzyg@aol.com Congregation Shir Chadash (I) 6440 Del Amo Blvd. Lakewood, CA 90713 Contact Rabbi Howard Laibson Phone: 562-429-0715 Email:csclakewood@dslextreme.com Website: www.CongregationShirChadash.org Congregation Sholom Leisure World, Seal Beach (C) P. O. Box 2901 Seal Beach, CA 90740 Contact: Rabbi Galit Levy-Slater Spiritual Leader 562-493-2680 Email: duets@icloud.com Website: www.galityomtov.com P’nai Or (I) Long Beach, CA Contact: Cantor Steven Puzarne Spiritual Director Email: cantor@pnaior.org Website: www.PnaiOr.org Phone 562-364-5154 Shul By The Shore (O) Seaport Marina Hotel 6400 Pacific Coast Highway Long Beach, California 90803 Contact: Rabbi Abba Perelmuter Phone: 562-621-9828 Email: rabbi@shulbytheshore.org Website: www.shulbytheshore.org Surf City Synagogue (C) Services held at the HB Central Library 7111 Talbert Ave. Huntington Beach Phone: 714-596-2220 E-Mail: info@surfcitysynagogue.org Temple Beth David (R) 6100 Hefley St. Westminster, CA 92683 Contact: Rabbi Nancy Myers Phone: 714-892-6623 Email: tbdavid@templebethdavid.org Website: www.templebethdavid.org Temple Beth Ohr (R) 15721 E. Rosecrans Ave. La Mirada, CA 90638 Contact: Rabbi Mark Goldfarb Phone: 714-521-6765 Email: templbthohr@aol.com Website: www.templebethohr.com Temple Beth Shalom (C) 3635 Elm Ave. Long Beach, CA 90807 Contact: Rabbi David Klatzker Phone: 562-426-6413 Email: rabbi@tbslb.org Website: www.tbslb.org Temple Israel (R) 269 Loma Ave. Long Beach, CA 90803 Contact: Rabbi Steven Moskowitz Phone: 562-434-0996 Email: info@tilb.org Website: www.tilb.org Temple Ner Tamid of Downey (R) 10629 Lakewood Boulevard Downey, CA 90241 Contact: Rabbi Dany Mehlman Phone: 562-861-9276 Email: templenertamid1@dslextereme.com Website: www.downeytemplenertamid.org (R)=Reform (O)=Orthodox
(C)=Conservative (I)=Independent
3801 E. WILLOW STREET LONG BEACH, CA 90815 FOR MORE INFORMATION: Phone: (562)426-7601 www.alpertjcc.org
Around the “J”
Mah Jongg in a Month. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2a Chanukah Dessert Making. . . . . . . . . . . 2a Chanukah Vendor Boutique . . . . . . . . . . 2a
Black Friday Special . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2a Chanukah Outreach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3a Chanukah Senior Lunch . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3a
Rock The Dreidel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3a Turkey Triathlon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3a Webby Dance is Back . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4a
Heshvan-Kislev 5774
Around the “J”
ADULTS Eve Lunt, elunt@alpertjcc.org • (562)426-7601, ext. 1067
The Locally World Famous
AJCC Chanukah Vendor Boutique Mon-Thur, November 18-21
Ballroom Dance with Mitch Tannen is back! Mondays,7pm November 4-December 16 (no class 11/11)
We’ve all got a lot of shopping to do with eight crazy nights of gift giving. There’s a sweet something for everyone on your list with vendors selling jewelry, Judaica, clothing, health and beauty products and so much more. Don’t miss this one-stop shopping opportunity.
AJCC Poker Club
Join us for this fun 6-week class where you'll learn the basics of the Foxtrot, Cha Cha, Waltz and Rumba. Learn techniques of leading and following, timing and the latest steps. Classes are taught by professional dancer Mitch Tannen, whose career spans over three decades, encompassing stage, television, choreography and competition. He brings insight from his own training from notables and legends to his teaching. Students are expected to wear appropriate attire & leather soled shoes with backs. Couples and singles welcome. $75; $60/MVP; 18 & over please For more info, contact Eve Lunt, AJCC Adult Director
Tue, November 19, 6:30-10:30pm Game starts promptly at 7pm Join our friendly Texas Hold’Em Poker Club. Poker will be played, snacks & beverages will be served & cash prizes will be won. Special: Bring a new player and get a $500 chip bonus. (Only one bonus per player per night)
$25; $20/MVP (Cash Only) For more details visit www.alpertjcc.org.
Five Crack! Two Bam! Mahj! You Wanted It - So Here It is!
Kabbalah Class
Mah Jongg in a Month Wednesdays, 10am-12pm November 6, 13, 20 & December 4
Wednesdays, 12pm Rabbi Abba Perelmuter teaches this ongoing class where you'll add a new dimension to your life, renew your spirituality and learn something new. FREE
In this four-session workshop for novices only, you’ll learn all the basics, identifying tiles, choosing hands, rules and table etiquette. By the end of the sessions you’ll begin using strategies and defensive play. We will be teaching American Mah Jongg, also known as Jewish, which uses a card issued by the National Mah Jongg League. We’ll have 2014 cards available for your use during class only. Contact Eve Lunt for info on purchasing your own card or visit www.nationalmahjonggleague.org. 8 person maximum in class so RSVP today. $75; $60/MVP; 13 and over please Special Deal for ECE parents - Bring a table of 4, save $10 each
Figure Drawing with artist Lara Meintjes Thursdays, November 7-December 19 7-8:30pm Have you always wanted to learn how to draw? This six-part beginner workshop will teach the basics of simple line figure drawing and progress to ink and watercolor portraits. Bring a sketchbook, pencil and eraser to the first class and a basic materials list will be provided for the rest of the class. $175; $150/MVP; 13 and over please
The AJCC 2nd Biannual Member/Staff Art Exhibit December 11-January 21 On display will be a diverse offering of art from our talented members and staff, including painting, photography and mixed media. You will be able to vote for the AJCC Favorite awards. Ballots will be collected in the gallery and presented at the reception. Contact Eve Lunt for submissions.
Reception: Thur, January 9, 6:30-8pm
Sweet Chanukah Dessert Making with Nataly Stein from the Great Dane Baking Co.
6 Week PASS Black Friday Sale
Tue, November 12, 7pm
Nataly will teach us how to make gorgeous, fun and delicious sweet treats for the Festival of Lights. From cake pops to Chanukah houses to sugared stars, these confections will make great gifts and table decorations. $18; $15/MVP; 13 and over please
MVP: The MVP price is the "Member Value Price" that gives our members an automatic discount to the fee we charge for our programs and events. Not a member of the Alpert JCC, speak with one of our Membership Services specialists and learn how you can start benefiting from MVP pricing today.
Heshvan-Kislev 5774
Dr. Susan Mathieu, smathieu@alpertjcc.org (562) 426-7601, ext. 1721
WELLNESS & FITNESS Cindi Massengale, smassengale@alpertjcc.org • (562)426-7601, ext. 1056
Pizza Party & Prime Time Players Wed, November 13, 12pm Enjoy a delicious pizza luncheon followed by a musical by the Prime Time Players. RSVP to Dr. Susan Mathieu
We Need Volunteers! Sr. Adult Chanukah Outreach Program
Sun, November 24 10:30am-12pm
Tue, December 3
Warm up your Thanksgiving appetite with the 1st Annual AJCC Turkey Tri: 20 min. on a treadmill, 20 min. on a Spin bike, & 20 min. of laps in the pool. The AJCC brings members together to start the holiday season in a healthy way.
Help package & deliver holiday treats to community members who are homebound and in nursing homes.
Around the “J”
This event is FREE to the first 30 AJCC members – So sign up TODAY.
Packing 9:30-11:30am • Deliveries 11:30am-2pm
For more info contact Cindi Massengale
RSVP to Dr. Susan Mathieu
Sr. Adult Chanukah Luncheon Wed, December 4, 12pm Enjoy traditional Chanukah food, music and mementos. RSVP to Dr. Susan Mathieu
Ongoing Alpert JCC Senior Activities Knit Wits: Mon, 1-3pm • Senior Lunch: Wed, 12-2pm Bridge Lessons: Wed, 1:30pm • Mah Jongg: Thur, 11:30-3pm
GesherCity Young Adults Sponsored by the Alpert JCC & Jewish Federation of Greater Long Beach
Susanne Katz, skatz@alpertjcc.org • (562)426-7601, ext. 1625 Find us on Facebook at GesherCity Lb
GesherCity Shabbat Fri, November 1, 7:30pm Experience Shabbat with great music, food and friends. If you’ve never been to a GesherCity event before, now is the perfect time! Our events are fun and casual. So don’t be shy… give us a try.
2nd Annual Cycle for Good Sun, December 1, 8-11am On the first day of Chanukah, you can spin your wheels as well as your dreidel. Come be a part of JCCs of North America Cycle for Good and raise money to benefit sports and community programs. Participants across North America will be riding at the same time, cycling for a good cause and for their own wellness. Reserve your stationary bike by the hour or get sponsors. Part of the proceeds will go to the Special Olympics, the wonderful athletic event for people with developmental disabilities. Space is limited, register at the PE Courtesy desk and reserve your bike today. Registration available at the PE Courtesy Desk. Ride for 1, 2 or all 3 hours on our indoor Spinning bikes. $10 per hour For more info contact Cindi Massengale
The need is constant. The gratification is instant. Saturday, November 23, 8pm
Mon, November 4, 12-6pm • Tue, November 5, 7:30am-1:30pm at the Alpert JCC
The most anticipated event of the year is here! We’ll Rock the Dreidel at Sababa Restaurant and Lounge in Long Beach with an Israeli DJ. There will be special bling for the first 100 guests, Free Gelt, Free Sufganiot.
Blood donors report feeling a sense of great satisfaction after making their donation. Why? Because helping others in need just feels good. It feels good to give.
Tickets: Pre-sale tickets are $15 each or 2 for $25 Tickets at the door are $20 each or 2 for $35
For more information and to schedule an appointment, contact Cindi Massengale, AJCC Fitness & Wellness Manager, (562)426-7601 ext. 1056 or cmassengale@alpertjcc.org.
Purchase presale tickets at www.alpertjcc.org.
The Barbara & Ray Alpert Jewish Community Center
Around the “J”
Early Childhood Education
Linda Keiles, lkeiles@alpertjcc.org • (562)426-7601, ext. 1092
Sascha Bryan-Zwick, sbryanzwick@alpertjcc.org • (562)426-7601, ext. 1035
Webby Dance Is Back! Hip Hop/Tumbling
Private Swim Lessons One-on-one instruction for all ages with a Swim University instructor. Spots fill quickly so call today.
Visit website for more info.
Tuesdays, 3-3:45pm for 2½-5 yrs old Beginning rhythm/movement, dance combinations, choreography and basic tumbling and balancing skills. We provide age appropriate music and an actionpacked class. Children will benefit by building their memory, concentration, coordination, creativity and selfconfidence, all in a positive atmosphere.
Beginning Dance
Youth Swim Team with Coach Rafe Montes Mon-Thur, 5-6:30pm Fri, 4:30-5:30pm Ages 6-14 This is a competitive swim team, so all participants must tryout and be able to swim 25 yards with all 4 swim strokes. Membership in USA Swimming is required to compete in swim meets. Swim meet participation is optional, as swim meets have an added cost.
Tuesdays, 4-4:45pm & Wednesdays 3-3:45pm For 2½ -4 ½ yrs olds
Fall Group Swim Lessons
Beginning tap, ballet, creative movement and tumbling. The classes incorporate over 250 choreographed dance routines along with ageappropriate music. Included in our classes are a variety of creative props such as pom poms, maracas, tambourines, leis and much more.
November 4-December 5 Mon & Wed or Tue & Thur
Intermediate Dance Wednesdays, 4-4:45pm For 5-7 yrs old Fundamentals of tap, jazz and hip hop for Pre-K & up. This class will build on basic tap and jazz skills using individual instruction, across the floor techniques and choreographed routines. Musical selections include age appropriate hip hop, disco, 50's and much more. This class builds body awareness and self-confidence. Classes are $140; $115/MVP per session If you're interested contact Danielle Putnam, (562)426-7601, ext. 1090
YOUTH & TEENS Natalie Chernik, nchernik@alpertjcc.org • (562)426-7601, ext. 1205
Veteran’s Day Camp Monday, November 11 Grades K-8 9am-4pm: $55; $45/MVP • 7am-6pm: $65, $55/MVP For more info, contact Natalie Chernik
Kids’ Night Out/Parents’ Night Off! Saturday, November 16, 5-10pm Grades K-8 This fun for the kids’ night out is held on the same night as ECE Kids’ Night Out. So bring your little ones to the AJCC preschool and leave your big kids with us. The cost includes dinner, movies, games and snacks. Cost per child: $35-1st, $25-2nd, $15-3rd (must be siblings) MVP: $25-1st, $20-2nd, $10-3rd (must be siblings) Must register by Wednesday, November 13. Drop-ins will not be admitted. For more info, contact Natalie Chernik
Ages 3-8 • 30 Minute lessons Tiny Tot: 1:30pm, 4pm Beginner: 2pm, 2:30pm, 3pm • Adv. Beginner: 3:30pm $95; $80/MVP (Get 5 weeks for the price of 4)
Fall Water Polo with Olympic Gold Medalist Coach Elsie Wenger Continues through December 6 Mon & Wed, 4:15-5pm: Ages 5-12 Learn water polo fundamentals. We offer a Free tryout day the first week of class, call for details. $90; $80/MVP Must Be USA H2O POLO Member: $25-55 per yr
Continuing enrollment - Join anytime!
SPORTS & RECREATION Sascha Bryan-Zwick, sbryanzwick@alpertjcc.org • (562)426-7601, ext. 1035
Private Basketball Lessons The best way to improve your basketball skills is to find a private coach who can help you maximize your potential. Private coaches are here to help you design personalized basketball sessions so you can improve rapidly. The AJCC has two experienced basketball coaches that will help you achieve your goals. Pete Davis is a former Michigan state and NBA player and Rock Lloyd was a McDonald’s All American and played at CSULB and Syracuse. It's never too early to begin training. Failing to train is like training to fail. Sign up today and see improvement tomorrow! For more info, call (562)426-7601, ext. 1051
4a MVP: The MVP price is the "Member Value Price" that gives our members an automatic discount to the fee we charge for our programs and events. Not a member of the Alpert JCC, speak with one of our Membership Services specialists and learn how you can start benefiting from MVP pricing today.
Heshvan-Kislev 5774
Call Today! We’re Here to Help! 3801 E. Willow Street Long Beach, CA 90815 WEB: www.jfcslongbeach.org EMAIL: jfcs@jfcslongbeach.org PHONE: 562-427-7916
JFCS Welcomes New Director of Development and Communications development of marketing campaigns and materials, creating and forming cooperative partnerships between entities, and business development for several types of businesses, including hotels, convention and visitors bureaus, and tour companies. Her career includes 16 years as Executive Director Pattie Davidson of the Buena Park Conven JFCS is pleased to wel- tion and Visitors Bureau and come Pattie Davidson as the 7 years as Director of Tournew Director of Development ism at the Long Beach Conand Communications. Pattie’s vention and Visitors Bureau. professional experience in Most recently, Pattie was the tourism and entertain- Director of Sales for Starment industries includes the gazer Productions, an event
management and production company that also manages Center Stage Theater in Fontana. She has also taught courses in tourism development in the Recreation and Leisure Studies Department at Cal State Long Beach and in the extension program at University of California Irvine. She has experience volunteering for, and serving on, the Boards of nonprofit organizations including the Los Altos YMCA and West Coast Academy Basketball Club. “We are fortunate to have someone with Pattie’s energy and expertise joining
our team. I am confident that she will help us bring our development and marketing efforts to a whole new level,” says Kathryn Miles, Executive Director of JFCS.
Pattie and her family are long-time residents of Long Beach and have been active in the Jewish community for over 20 years.
OUR MISSION: Jewish Family and Children’s Service of Greater Long Beach/West Orange County is a nonprofit agency that provides a wide range of professional counseling and support services to assist all individuals regardless of religion, race, ethnicity, disability or sexual orientation in facing life’s challenges.
www.jewishlongbeach.org | november 2013 | 7
Hillel at CSULB
For more information: WEB: www.beachhillel.org EMAIL: info@beachhillel.org PHONE: 562-426-7601 ext 1424
Hillel in Action: What the Hillel is going on? This past month Beach Hillel has been working hard to bring dynamic programming to the students of Long Beach. We are able to reach students with varied interests and help them maintain their Jewish identity through a multitude of programs including Israel engagement, Jewish learning, LGBT networking, and advocacy training. Beach Hillel is focusing on community outreach by extending our influence to different networks that have not traditionally been engaged. As such, we hosted a Rainbow Shabbat, which merged LGBT themes with Jewish learning. Students learned where the concept of the rainbow came from in the story of Noah, and also learned about why the LGBT movement is using rainbows as its iconic image. We also welcomed Hen Mazig, the Western University Campus Director for Stand With Us, an Israel advocacy organization, to speak to our students about being an openly gay commander of the Israeli Defense Forces. He shared his coming out experiences and the obstacles he faced being raised in an Orthodox family. His moving story was great for students to hear and expanded their appreciation for Israel.
Hen Mazig’s presence reinforced the drive towards Israel engagement for CSULB, exciting the students of what is to come in terms of Israel programming. Danielle Protas, the CSULB Emerson Fellow, is creating “49ers for Israel,” a pro-Israel group which strives to educate students and provide a positive image of Israel on campus. Additionally, Beach Hillel seeks to constantly empower its students by providing them with the tools necessary to make a difference, and bring Israel advocacy to the next level. Allen and Deanna Alevy sponsored six students and one staff professional, to attend the AIPAC Northern California Campus Summit at Stanford University. There, students learned about the central issues surrounding the Middle East Conflict and how to advocate on behalf of the US-Israel relationship. Three of the students who attended the summit went with Beach Hillel on Taglit-Birthright this past summer and look to further expand their connection with Israel in the future. Beach Hillel complements other engaging programming including Israel programming, LGBT programming, and Shabbat learning, with our monthly Torah on
Tap where Jewish students gather at The Nugget, CSULB’s pub and grill, to grab a drink and discuss Judaism with Rabbi Drew. This month, students discussed the Jewish take on graveyards and cemeteries, including the traditions surrounding Jewish burial, the burial customs, and the practices of those who visit the dead. Keep up with Beach Hillel on Facebook by liking our page on www.facebook.com/ BeachHillel, Instagram at @ Beach_Hillel, or on Twitter by following @Beach_Hillel.
D a n i e l M at h i e u
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8 | JEWISH COMMUNITY CHRONICLE | heshvan-kislev | 5774
The Best Gift to Give Is One That Replenishes Itself Beach Hillel continues to create ways for students to connect with their Jewish identity. Jewish students can easily connect to their heritage through food. Each week, we teach students how to create an iconic Jewish/Israeli dish so their Jewish identity is strengthened, and their connection to Israel heightened. Beach Hillel decided to provide the students of Long Beach with a small taste of Israel in a University setting and have our first cooking lesson with kosher dark meat chicken shawarma. Shawarma is a dish that can easily be picked up from stands or shops anywhere in Israel, and is a must try for any student on a Taglit-Birthright trip. This meal takes only 10 minutes to cook and goes great with some pita,
Hillel students busy cooking
hummus, and Israeli salad. For the second cooking lesson, Beach Hillel taught students how to make shakshouka, a great dish that was brought to Israel by Tunisian Jews. Most Israeli soldiers eat shakshouka as a quick meal between traveling to and from the base. College students can get their taste of Israel by making this meal late at night after a hard day of studying. Eat shakshouka with pita, challah, or your favorite kind of bread and enjoy!
Award Winning Academics in a Genuine Jewish Environment 14401 Willow Lane Huntington beach, ca 92647 WEB: www.hebrewacademyhb.com PHONE: 714-898-0051 CAMP SILVER GAN ISRAEL: www.campsgi.com
iPad Serves as An Engaging Launch Pad Thanks to a generous grant from the Alevy family, our teachers gained some outstanding training and support in engaging their students through the use of the new iPad cart in their classrooms. The research is clear, well-prepared and skilled teachers offer superior teaching and learning in their classrooms. Additionally, the expert integration of technology improves student engagement. This data helped guide our decision to focus our attention and resources on these two aspects of our already stellar program. Consultant Shira Alevy, Harvard MS in Technology
Library is the Hub of Learning
This summer, thanks to significant seed money donated by a Hebrew Academy alumni, our library went through a tremendous metamorphosis. Under the direction of newly appointed librarian,
Valerie Bleakley, and library assistant, Kathy Younessi, the library environment, as well as collections (both English and Judaic) and attendance have risen in stature and priority.
The Hebrew Academy Mitzvah Day at Bella Terra
A Celebration you won’t want to miss! What: A Celebration of the Philanthropic work that our students did When: November 19, 2013, 12:00 – 1:00 PM Where: Bella Terra Amphitheater Why: To give our students an opportunity to present their Mitzvahs to the Huntington Beach Community
Policy and Instruction, Consultants and Innovative Educators, Rebecca and Rachel, along with Director of Curriculum Amy Meador, Chapman MS in Educational Administration, planned and delivered engaging and resourceful professional development this summer. Much of the training was related to giving teachers
the guidance, time and resources to do their own “research and development” in order to offer the most engaging, research-based and well-articulated instruction possible to our students. The students have already begun many exciting educational journeys on the iPads, based on expert application choices made by the teachers and supported by Ms. Meador. In addition, we have begun an ethnographic study of this implementation process. If you are interested in the study or the results, contact Dr. Megan Carlson at mcarlson@hacds.org.
Teachers collaborate with an already stellar academ- teers. If you are interested in Valerie in order to coordi- ic program. We are always volunteering, please contact nate library lessons such as looking for community volun- Dr. Megan Carlson. how to choose a book and read from various genres with content such as literature, Torah or science. The students go to the library on a weekly basis. Additionally, a homework club takes place What began like this... ended like this... after school twice a week. Dr. Carlson offers study skills to our middle school students during Enrichment Academy. All-in-all, this library improvement has been such a wonderful booster shot to and this... and this...
Mommy and Me Classes
Don’t miss this amazing opportunity to participate in weekly workshops for mothers and babies from newborn to three years of age. Our Mommy and Me program, led by Chanie Perelmuter, Early Childhood Educator of the Year, offers a great opportunity to meet other moms, share experiences, discuss child growth and develop-
ment, and of course, enjoy Call 714-863-0757 for more Shabbat songs, bake Chal- information or visit www.helah, do arts and crafts and brewacademypreschool.org. more. This class gives all moms Present this a chance to establish a great coupon for beginning to their children’s two free education. You’ll never want Mommy and Me to miss a day! Cost: $10.00 classes at the per class, includes snack and Hebrew Academy! crafts. Infants welcome with 714-863-0757 their siblings at no charge.
www.jewishlongbeach.org | november 2013 | 9
tributes & announcements
P rofessional Directory attorneys
Lawrence H. Nemirow, ESQ
Business Law, Insurance Law, Trusts and Estates 5242 Katella Ave., Suite 104 Los Alamitos, CA 90720
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C.P.A.’s Shari D. Nemirow, C.P.A.
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retirement Karen Codman
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Add your listing to our Professional Directory Call Khatera 562-426-7601 EXT 1006 for more information
Send a special gift to honor, memorialize, or congratulate friends & family for all occasions. We will send a card on your behalf.
Israel Relief Fund •To Miriam Jalowitz, Happy 100th Birthday, from Harriet Danufsky
Jewish Federation
General Fund •To Barbara Miller and Andy Kincaid, thinking of you & sending warm get well wishes your way, from the Jewish Federation Board, Leadership & Staff •To Archie & Melissa Kreitenberg, in memory of your beloved mother & motherin-law Irene, from the Jewish Federation Board, Leadership & Staff •To Sherwin Basil, in memory of your beloved wife Susan, from the Jewish Federation Board, Leadership & Staff •To Neil & Laura Chasin, in memory of your beloved father & father-in-law Hilly, from the Jewish Federation Board, Leadership & Staff •To Suzanne & Michael Brodsly, in memory of your beloved father & father-in-law Barry Karp, from the Jewish Federation Board, Leadership & Staff •To Bethlaine Moreno, in memory of your beloved husband Seymour, from the Jewish Federation Board, Leadership & Staff •To Sunny Haberman & Aaron Mozkowitz, in memory of your mother & grandmother Bina Haberman, from the Jewish Federation Board, Leadership & Staff •To Christina Goldman, in your honor, from Eva Schlesinger
Honors & Simchahs
I work with individuals and couples privately to find a way to more shalom (peace).
(562) 477-2530 Let’s get started right away! Gail Desilets, M.A., M.S. Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist 3780 Kilroy Airport Way, Suite 200 Long Beach, CA 90806 Visit my web site at www.GailDesilets.com for more details.
General Fund •To Bobby Kronick on his 90th birthday, from Ann & Gene Lentzner •To Amy & Rich Lipeles, Mazel Tov on the new addition to your family, from Barbara & Ray Alpert •To Jeri & David Goldstein, in beloved memory of Ruth Shafer, from Linda & Steve Gordon •To Arline & Paul Hillinger, in honor of our wonderful parents & grandparents, from Laurie & Brian Garabedian & family Paula Blum Senior Adult Fund •To Susan Mathieu, Happy Birthday, from Susan & Mort Stuhlbarg •To Jeri & David Goldstein, in memory of Ruth Shafer, from Susan & Mort Stuhlbarg •To Reuben Cohen, Happy 90th Birthday, from Penny, Kurt, Kelly & Kevin Bayless
General Fund •In memory of Rob Feldman’s mother, Addie, from Nancy & Mark Schneider •In Honor of Dr. Eugene Temkin, Community Hospital Legacy Wall Inductee, from Renee Simon & Jack Blecher •In memory of Mrs. Ruth Shafer, from Isobel Levanthal JFCS tributes: 562-426-7601 EXT 235 or 562-427-7916
Beach. The Legacy Wall, to patients and their families. Community Hospital Long •To Miriam Jalowitz, Happy • To Jeannie & Bob Alban, Beach recognizes those who 100th Birthday Mazel Tov on the birth embody the hospital’s spirit of of your grandson Anderson commitment and dedication Maxwell Alban •To Susan Mathieu, Happy Birthday •To Inga Freshman, congratulations on receiving the AJCC Stanley V. Goldin Senior of the Year Award •To Linda Palitz, Happy Birthday •To Dr. Eugene Temkin, Bar Mitzvahs • Weddings • Private Catering Mazel Tov on being inducted onto the Legacy Wall at Community Hospital Long From the Jewish Federation Board, Leadership & Staff
Are things a little MESHUGA right now?
Paula Blum Senior Adult Fund •To Inga Freshman, in honor of receiving the AJCC Stanley V. Goldin Senior of the Year Award, from Barry Borkin •To Susan Mathieu, Happy Birthday, from Barry Borkin Jewish Federation and Jewish Community Foundation tributes: 562-426-7601 EXT 1314
•In honor of my daughter Susan Mathieu’s birthday, from Sally Leifer •To my sister Susan Mathieu in honor of her birthday, from Barbara Leifer Douglass •To my sister Susan Mathieu on her birthday, from Sandy Leifer Morrison •To our mom Susan in honor of her birthday, from Joseph & Daniel Mathieu •To Susan Mathieu in honor of her birthday, from Cindy Buckner, Barry Borkin, and Katie Miller •To Inga Freshman, congratulations on receiving the Stanley V. Goldin Senior of the Year Award, from the Kitchen Volunteers Michael Segal Maimonides Fund •To Judy Mark & family, in memory of your beloved mother Shirley Mark, from Jessie Butler •To Linda Keiles, best wishes for a speedy recovery, from Jessie Butler AJCC tributes: 562-426-7601 EXT 1414
10 | JEWISH COMMUNITY CHRONICLE | Heshvan-Kislev | 5774
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Italian Jews from Emancipation to World War II CSULB’s Jewish Studies Program is pleased to present Dr. Shira Klein Dr Shira Klein at the Alpert JCC on Tuesday, November 19 at 7:30 pm. In her talk, Dr. Klein will speak about Italian Jews in the century between Emancipation and the start of World War II. Historians traditionally think of Italian Jews as an assimilated community who lost their Jewish identity in the wake of Emancipation.
NCJW Long Beach
In fact, however, Italian Jews cultivated a vibrant Jewishness. They did so through a Jewish culinary culture, dialect, and life-cycle traditions, to mention just a few. She will use photographs, paintings, Judaica, and even video excerpts of interviews to explore Italian Jewish life in the late 19th and early 20th century. The lecture series is free and open to the community. For more information, contact Jeffrey Blutinger at 562-9852196.
BEN YEHUDA STREET Will be at the Alpert JCC for your Chanukah and Thanksgiving shopping!!
See us Monday through Thursday November 18, 19, 20, 21
On Tuesday, Nov. 5 at 1:30 pm, NCJW’s Thanksgiving Tea For the Child will take place at the Alpert JCC. Show your support for abused and neglected children by bringing a donation of canned goods and boxed food items for the Thanksgiving meal for families in distress. Refreshments will be served. Call 562-431-8714. On Tuesday, Nov. 12 at 7 pm, come help our Sunday Branch at the Alpert JCC with assembling HugPacks to be donated to children going into foster care. Call 562961-6890.
B’nai Mitzvah
TEMPLE BETH DAVID Samantha Dunlap Samantha will be called to the Torah as a Bat Mitzvah on Nov. 9. Samantha raised $2,400 for her mitzvah project, providing dance scholarships for disadvantaged and special needs children.
We Mourn The Loss Of..... Susan Basil Hilly Chasin Bina Haberman
Barry Karp Irene Kreitenberg Seymour Moreno
Please contact us at chronicle@jewishlongbeach.org if you know of someone who has passed and would like them to be recognized.
tem p l e i sr a e l lo n g b e ac h
Join Us for oUr shabbat services
Friday Evening Services conducted by Rabbi Steven Moskowitz, Cantor Finnley, and organist, David York. Saturday Morning Services and Torah Study conducted by Rabbi Moskowitz. Friday, November 1 7:00 p.m. Family Shabbat Service Saturday, November 2 8:45 a.m. Torah Study 10:30 a.m. Sabbath Fellowship
Friday, November 15 7:00 p.m. Got Shabbat! Service Saturday, November 16 8:45 a.m. Torah Study 10:30 a.m. Shabbat Morning Service
Friday, November 8 6:00 p.m. Ruach Shabbat Saturday, November 9 8:45 a.m. Torah Study 10:30 a.m. Shabbat Morning Service
Friday, November 22 6:00 p.m. Tot Shabbat 6:00 p.m. Shabbat Evening Service Saturday, November 23 8:45 a.m. Torah Study 10:30 a.m. Shabbat Morning Service
Friday, November 29 7:00 p.m. Chanukah Happening Saturday, November 30 8:45 a.m. Torah Study 10:30 a.m. Shabbat Morning Service
Temple Israel • 269 Loma Avenue • Long Beach, CA 90803 • 562.434.0996 • www.tilb.org
www.jewishlongbeach.org | november 2013 | 11
Donate a Vehicle
The Jewish Federation of Greater Long Beach & West Orange County 3801 E. Willow St., Long Beach, CA 90815
Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage
Permit No.129 Long Beach, CA
Federation Annual Community Campaign
Phone-A-Thon December 8, 2013 ANSWER Our Call
Please pick up your phone when our friendly volunteers call so that you can participate in making a difference right here and across the globe.
Pick a shift 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m or 12:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. HELP Sign up at www.jewishlongbeach.org/supersunday or email mdonaldson@ Make Calls jewishlongbeach.org Make your Federation 2014 Annual Community Campaign contribution today SAVE at www.jewishlongbeach.org or call 562.426.7601 ext. 1007 and we won’t call Us a Call you!
We Connect Those Who Can HELP To Those Who NEED It Most Jewish Federation Jewish Community Foundation OF GREATER LONG BEACH & WEST ORANGE COUNTY
Federation 2014 Annual Community Campaign Pledge Yes! I would like to support the well-being of the Jewish Community by Contributing:
$50 a month
$36 a month
$18 a month
$5 a month
Other @ $______ a month
Other amount of $_____________
Donor Signature_____________________________________ Date___________________________________ 12 | JEWISH COMMUNITY CHRONICLE | heshvan-kislev | 5774