The Jewish Community Partnership Where Everyone is Welcome
www.jewishlongbeach.org | 562.426.7601
JUNE 2011 | 5771 | IYAR/SIVAN | VOL.64-NO.10
The Jewish Community Partnership Where Everyone is Welcome By Anna Shabtay, Campaign Communications Manager “ think it’s amazing that it doesn’t matter who you are or what you do, there is a place for you here,” explains Danielle Van Divort as she thinks about what the Alpert Jewish Community Center means to her and her family.
Academy of Huntington Beach, and Long Beach Hillel. The JCP is a vital community resource serving Greater Long Beach and West Orange County. Our partnership works collectively to strengthen individuals and families in our community and beyond. Modeling core Jewish values of compasHER STORY sion, community, learning and philanthropy, Danielle is originally from West we enhance, enrich and connect the Jewish Bloomfield, Michigan. She grew up in a Community while providing people of all predominately Jewish area, had a Bat faiths, cultures, and ages convenient access Mitzvah and was confirmed. Throughout to comprehensive services and life-changcollege at the University of Wisconsin, ing programs. she had a lot of Jewish friends and celeThe Jewish Community Partnership brated all of the holidays. After college, has changed Danielle’s life for the better Danielle moved to the Bay Area to teach and continues to make an impact on her, in Oakland through Teach For America. her husband, and their children every day. She fell out of touch with her Judaism. In order for The Jewish Community PartnerWhen she moved to Long Beach and ship to thrive, the agencies involved have got married she still wasn’t involved in embarked on a joint fundraising campaign anything Jewish and she didn’t feel like called the Fund for Our Future. The Fund a part of the community. After growing for Our Future has been established to proup in a Jewish home, Danielle felt like vide immediate funds and future funds to something was missing in her life. A few the Greater Long Beach Jewish community years ago she and her husband started While Danielle’s oldest son has already finished the Early Childhood Education profor the purposes of agency capacity buildtheir oldest son at the Early Childhood gram at the AJCC, Danielle’s youngest son is still a student and her family will stay ing aimed at sustaining vibrant Jewish life and Education Center at the AJCC. Danielle connected even after he has graduated. service to the community over the next 60 explains “It was amazing! After all of years and beyond. those years, I had found my way back to The Jewish Community Foundation has many large being Jewish and finally felt a part of a community. I but also the greater Long Beach community. The Jewdid not realize how much had been missing from my ish Community Partnership has helped Danielle and and small programs and services available that need her family make connections beyond the walls of the funding in all of the agencies in the Jewish Community life.” ECE classrooms. Danielle adds, “My kids have a Partnership. If you are interested in learning more wonderful sense of community and my husband, who about the Fund for Our Future, please contact Sharon HER CONNECTION is not Jewish loves the JCC for the community feeling Danielle, her husband Alan and their two kids _______________________________________________________________________ have found a home at the Alpert Jewish Community he gets when he walks in the door, the gym and the Center. They have not only become a part of the ECE pool.” “My kids have a wonderful sense Danielle is active the community because she understands how important it is to help of community here and my make the community flourish. She believes that the AJCC is a home for her family; she husband, who is not Jewish is the ECE committee chair person and sits on the Alpert JCC Board of Directors. She loves the JCC for the community is also a member of the 2010-2011 New feeling he gets when he walks Leaders Forum, a community-wide leadership development program designed to in the door…” strengthen the leadership skills of new and _______________________________________________________________________ emerging leaders in the Greater Long Beach Jewish community. Kenigsberg at sharonk@jewishlongbeach.org or 562THE JEWISH COMMUNITY 426-7601 EXT 1008. PARTNERSHIP Danielle’s story is just one of the many stories The Alpert Jewish Community Center is about families that have been changed for the better a member of the Jewish Community Partner- by becoming a part of the Jewish Community Partnership (JCP) which is convened by the Jew- ship. Danielle explains “I am really excited to see ish Federation of Greater Long Beach and what the future holds for our community but the comWest Orange County, and also includes munity will not be able to continue to thrive without The Jewish Community Foundation, Jewish the help and support of all of us.” Family and Children’s Service, The Hebrew
Published since 1947 by the Jewish Federation of Long Beach and West Orange County www.jewishlongbeach.org
4 Celebrating Our Community’s Success Jewish Federation Jewish Community Foundation
5 Jewish Community Partnership
Anna Shabtay
Archstone Grant
Deborah Goldfarb
6 Upcoming Events at our Area Synagogues
Check out the June events at local Synagogues
Erin Bellinghausen
3801 E. Willow Street Long Beach, CA 90815-1791 562-426-7601, EXT 1314 FAX 562-424-3915
1a-4a Alpert Jewish Community Center Program Guide
All submissions should be submitted via e-mail: chronicle@jewishlongbeach.org
June Events at the AJCC
11 Federation and Foundation Annual Meeting
First Wednesday of the month: August 2011 deadline: July 6
June 2, 2011 at 6:00 p.m.
ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT Anna Shabtay 562-426-7601 EXT 1007 Yolanda Placencio 562-426-7601 EXT 1314
Donate a car
ISSN# 1525- 6847 ______________________________
to The Jewish Federation of Greater Long Beach
Long Beach Chamber of Commerce ______________________________ Winner of 39 State and National Journalism Awards ______________________________
Go to www.donateacar.com And click on “charities” and search for “Jewish Federation of Greater Long Beach” or call
The appearance of product or establishment advertising in the Jewish Community Chronicle does not constitute an endorsement of kashruth. Opinions printed in the Jewish Community Chronicle do not necessarily reflect those of this newspaper, the Federation or the Jewish Chronicle Committee. We reserve the right to edit all submissions for length and style. The publication of a paid political advertisement does not constitute endorsement of any candidate, political party or political position by this newspaper, the Federation, or any employee. No part of this newspaper may be reproduced without the express permission of the Chronicle. This newspaper is published monthly.
Shabbat Candlelighting June 3
7:41 pm
June 10
7:44 pm
June 17
7:47 pm
June 24
7:49 pm
1-800-237-5714 Your donation will support home visits and a meal for a senior, a Shabbat dinner for a college student, Jewish pre-school education, counseling sessions for families and more through the agencies and programs that Federation donations support.
www.jewishlongbeach.org | JUNE 2011 | 3
The Jewish Community
Celebrating Our Community’s Success From the Director Deborah K. Goldfarb
On June 2nd, we will celebrate the installation of Jim Breslauer as the Jewish Federation’s new president, and Judith Lentzner as the new president of the Jewish Community Foundation. As our outgoing Presidents of the Jewish Federation and Jewish Community Foundation, Shari Nemirow and Laurie Raykoff pass the torch to their successors, we are proud to update
you on what our organizations, in partnership with the Alpert JCC, JFCS, Hebrew Academy and Beach Hillel, have accomplished over the past two years. It has been a most challenging and exciting time for us to serve in our respective positions. One of the most momentous accomplishments of our sister organizations and our beneficiary agencies, was coming together in our first-ever joint agency event, the Legacy of Leadership, which took place this January and grew out of our joint-agency marketing plan. The joint effort exemplified the collaborative efforts of our community and honored three deserving couples,
the Alperts, Schlesingers and Stuhlbargs, who have been extremely instrumental in helping lay the groundwork for the future of our community through their extraordinary leadership and philanthropy over many years. This event, spearheaded by the Jewish Community Foundation, with strong support from each of our agencies, resulted in bringing together over 500 community members to celebrate the future of our community, and raised over $120,000 in muchneeded, short-term funds for the agencies. This effort, coupled with our ongoing Leave a Jewish Legacy marketing efforts, will help our community rally to-
Jewish Federation 2011 Annual Campaign Ends June 30, 2011 Federation Works Because We Work Together as a Community Your support means that social services and community organizations will remain strong and active for all of us.
Visit our website jewishlongbeach.org or call us at 562-426-7601 EXT 1007 to make your gift.
Shari Nemirow Outgoing President Jewish Federation
gether to ensure that our institutions remain strong well into the future. At the annual meeting we will be proud to recognize the various organizations and the people who lead us to this point. We are confident that this was just one of the many collaborative efforts which will continue, as we build our endowments and the capacity of each agency, to ensure the future of our community endeavor. Some of the most important achievements of our organizations over the past two years include: • Our community assets managed by the Jewish Community Foundation continued to grow, in spite of the economic downturn, with current assets under management of over $12 million, and an additional $17 million promised through bequests. • We have set the stage for continued growth of both the Federation and Foundation through the active building of infrastructure, board development and succession planning, and the building of our relationship with our community agencies. • The Federation’s allocation process continues to change
Laurie Raykoff Outgoing President Jewish Community Foundation
in order to be more responsive to donors’ interest in our reporting specific outcomes from the projects we fund. • Thirty-five leaders, who will now serve on the boards and major committees of all of our agencies and synagogues, were trained through our New Leaders Forum funded by the Alpert family. • A new budgeting and financial oversight process, as well as committee structure, was created to help sustain the beauty of our world-class facility well into the future. • We adopted the national branding initiative of the Jewish Federations of North America, allowing our local efforts to be more clearly identified with the world-wide work our system provides, along with updating our marketing materials, website, and social media outreach. Together, in true partnership with our agencies, we are growing the influence, relevancy and capacity of the Federation and Foundation. Thank you to each of you as well, our community members and donors, for helping us sustain the wonderful community that we all call “home”.
Jewish Community Partnership
FOR MORE INFORMATION: 3801 E. Willow Street Long Beach, CA 90815 WEB: www.jewishlongbeach.org PHONE: 562-426-7601
Jewish Community Partnership Agencies Collaborate to Serve Older Adults in our Community how to do effective outreach in the community. Elaine Porzucki and Susan Mathieu were tasked with planning all of the aspects of the program. They visited similar programs in other communities and explored how obstacles could be overcome to encourage more people to attend. One of the obstacles addressed was transportation. It has been an on-going challenge for some seniors and was included in part of the City of Long Beach strategic plan for older adults. The Archstone proposal included the cost for bus transportation for some of the activities in hopes that it would encourage more people to participate. The program that launched the year of activities was well attended by 90 people. The first quarter activities included a Country Western lunch with dancing, and a breakfast club. An educational program on healthy eating included a field trip to the grocery store. A six part series entitled “Healthier Living—Managing Ongoing Health Conditions” was offered and was well attended. The numbers of people attending the activities including the senior lunch program at the AJCC has grown by 40%. One of the lessons learned was in the area of transportation. People need transportation but the need for more personalized service from their front door to the vehicle is required. As a result bus transportation is not adequate for a number of participants. To meet this need, the Community Partnership launched “Elbow to Elbow” with Benita and Beatrice pose with Bernie, a the assistance of Diane
JFCS, AJCC and The Jewish Federation received a one year grant last July from the Archstone Foundation to collaborate on programming needs for the “older” population. The Long Beach Health Department also joined the Jewish Community Partnership in the effort by assisting with resources and in outreach. One of the main goals of the grant was to encourage more participation amongst the active, aging population. The program was named “Active Adult Community Connection” and has included programs centered on social, educational and fitness activities. The goals of the program were to reduce isolation, improve the safety of older adults at home and in the community, maintaining and improving the physical and mental health and sense of well being of older adults, and strengthening and expanding programs that meet the needs of seniors. Last July when the program began, community leaders and stake holders were interviewed as part of the planning process. They were polled to learn about desired activities, limitations that people had in participating, and
helpful volunteer, during Senior Lunch
Johnson of RSVP. It involves pairing volunteer drivers with people who need extra assistance in walking to the vehicle. Christopher Pelzer was added to the team to work on outreach, recruiting and training volunteer drivers as well as scheduling. One senior who gets a weekly ride to the Wednesday luncheon said that her daughter was pleased with the program because she does not have to leave her job to transport her mother back and forth to the program. Another result of the Archstone grant was collaborating with other community organizations for Older Americans Month at the AJCC. The six programs covered diverse topics such as fire safety, telemarketing scams, a Veterans Forum, an Alzheimer’s Caregivers Workshop, health screenings, and senior driving. The information gained from these sessions has been invaluable. A senior attending the telemarketing scams session realized that she is involved in a telemarketing fraud. She was able to meet with the speaker from the National Telemarketing Victim Call Center after the meeting and they are working together on her case. This was a direct result of the special program collaboration. Outside entertainment, community networking with other groups such as the Harbor Jewish Senior Singles of Orange County (125 attended that program) and trips to museums have enhanced the lives of seniors in our community. A special Mother’s Day luncheon was hosted by Jack and Binnie Berro in loving memory and appreciation of their mother and grandmother, Flora Spellens. Soloist HaMo’ Robyn entertained the crowd by doing a tribute to moms.
Phyllis plays bingo after Wednesday Senior Lunch
A wonderful volunteer, Jessica Pearlman, principal oboe player with OC Pacific Symphony, has traveled to the homes of homebound older adults. She presents a concert in their home and they are encouraged to invite friends, neighbors and relatives. JFCS is tracking the level of satisfaction of seniors who have participated to see if these programs are impacting people’s sense of well-being. Although the end of the year statistics has not been tallied yet, it is a safe bet that this program has positively
impacted many seniors in our community. We are grateful to the Archstone Foundation and hope that we will be able to continue programming for seniors for years to come. If you would like to sponsor a senior lunch in memory or in honor of someone special, please contact Susan Mathieu at 562 426 7601 ext 1721. To learn more about the programs offered, or to volunteer to drive, please contact JFCS at 562-427-7916 or the AJCC at 562-426-7601.
Betty and Ofelia sit together at Wednesday Senior Lunch
www.jewishlongbeach.org | JUNE 2011 | 5
Freedom’s Purpose Rabbi Steven Moskowitz
Unarmed civilians confronting Tunisian riot police. Cries across the Arab world for the downfall of despots. The defeat of a modern Egyptian pharaoh in the face of tens of thousands gathered in Tahrir (Liberation) Square. The journey across Libya’s desert sands of ill-equipped rebels emboldened to engage the organized military might of Muammar Gaddafi. The increasingly hardening heart of tyrant Bashar al-Assad as he unleashes a ferocity of violence against his fellow Syrians. These scenes provided a dramatic backdrop as we gathered around our seder tables to tell the story of our own journey from slavery to freedom, from degradation to exaltation. Where the current uprisings enveloping the Arab world will eventually lead remain as yet uncertain. By contrast, the directional purpose of our exodus from oppression has always been clear. It is a 49-
step journey towards moral refinement and communal accountability. This crossing over is embodied in the 49 days of the counting of the omer, beginning on the second evening of Passover. Jewish tradition teaches that the Israelites traveled for 49 days upon leaving Egypt and arrived at Mount Sinai where on the 50th day they received the Torah. The 49-day journey was a period of national metamorphosis that transformed a slave people into a self-governing nation guided by the highest principles of ethical conduct. The number 50 is a profoundly important one within Judaism. The Torah directs that we are to count off seven times seven years. The 50th year is the Jubilee Year, when it is prescribed that debts are to be annulled and slaves set free. As stated in Leviticus, this year of release is to be announced with a blast of the shofar, and we are to “pro-
claim liberty throughout all the land unto all the inhabitants thereof!” (Leviticus 25:10) American colonists, embarked upon the world’s greatest experiment in self-government, inscribed those very words on the Liberty Bell in 1751. One of the greatest lessons of the Jewish struggle for freedom is the imperative to transform slave mentality into sovereign mentality, to become individuals and a people capable of governing ourselves and not oppressing others. To facilitate this kind of self-growth and ethical maturation the rabbis of the Talmud encouraged us to dedicate each of the 49 days of the counting of the omer to studying one of the 48 ways by which the crown of Torah is acquired. The 49th day is one of reviewing them all. The kabbalists wove the 49 days of the omer counting into a period of reshaping our lives through an examination of the seven sefirot, divine attributes,
with which God has imbued each of us: loving kindness, Rabbi Steven strength, Moskowitz beauty, endurance, humility, bonding, and sovereignty. By the end of that 49-day phase we have refined ourselves morally and spiritually, ready to receive on Shavuot God’s Torah. The Jewish impulse, as expressed in the Haggadah, is that all people may be free. It is the lesson of our own journey that true freedom is not merely an escape from tyranny. It is the exercise of communal responsibility by morally developed human beings whose well-being depends not on the subjugation of others but on the liberation of all. Rabbi Steven Moskowitz is Rabbi at Temple Israel in Long Beach.
Upcoming Events at Our Area Synagogues Below you will find many of the exciting events happening at our local synagogues. Be sure to contact them directly if you have any questions. Their contact information is available in the Synagogue Directory on the right sidebar of this page.
and ice cream. In lieu of a fee, please bring a fruit and/or flowers as a donation to be shared with senior temple members the next day. This event is free and open to the community. Call the temple office for more information.
Temple Beth David Tuesday, June 7, join TBD as we celebrate the Revelation of Torah, learn about the holiday of Shavuot, hear the Ten Commandments, and enjoy creating Biblical fruit salad with Rabbi Nancy Myers. The evening will end with an Oneg of fruit salad
Temple Beth Shalom Friday, June 3, TBS will hold Shabbat in the Park at Los Cerritos Park, 3750 Del Mar Avenue in Long Beach. Dinner & outdoor activities 5:30-7:00p.m., 7:008:00p.m. Kabbalat Shabbat led by Rabbi Gartenberg. Tuesday, June 7, 6:15p.m. Eve of Shavuot. We will be decorating the Synagogue with greens and flowers, followed by an evening service at 7:15 p.m. where the entire Torah is opened as our children sit in the center. Rabbi Gartenberg will take us on a tour of the portions.
We culminate with a medley of Jewish songs celebrating the Torah and its precious legacy for us. Wednesday & Thursday, June 8-9, Shavuot Day Services will be held at 10:00a.m. in the decorated sanctuary. Shavuot services feature the chanting of the 10 Commandments (Aseret Hadibrot), Hallel (the beautiful prayers of Thanksgiving), and the reading of the Book of Ruth. For further information on any of these events, please contact the TBS Office. Temple Israel Saturday, June 11 at 6:00p.m. TI is holding its Annual Gala, “Shalom ‘v Shalom: Remember the Past, Celebrate the Future.” Join us for one last celebration as we close the doors on the old building and prepare for the new. There will be din-
ner, dancing, an auction, a cabaret room, a cigar lounge and other surprises. Check the website or contact the office for more information. Temple Ner Tamid Saturday, June 18th from 6:30p.m. – 11:00p.m., TNT will host at Grand Casino Night. Tickets are $35.00 and include a light buffet dinner catered by Café Opa from 6:30p.m. until 8:00p.m., $100.00 in playing chips, one soft drink ticket, and one free drawing ticket. There will be a no-host wine and beer bar. Father’s Day Special: all Dads receive an extra $25.00 in chips. For further information contact TNT.
If your synagogue would like to be a part of this listing, please submit your events to chronicle@jewishlongbeach.org
Synagogue Directory Congregation Shir Chadash (I) 6440 Del Amo Blvd. Lakewood, CA 90713 Contact Rabbi Howard Laibson Phone: 562-429-0715 Email:csclakewood@dslextreme.com Website: www.CongregationShirChadash.org Shul By The Shore (O) Seaport Marina Hotel 6400 Pacific Coast Highway Long Beach, California 90803 Contact: Rabbi Abba Perelmuter Phone: 562-621-9828 Email: rabbi@shulbytheshore.org Website: www.shulbytheshore.org Temple Beth David (R) 6100 Hefley St. Westminster, CA 92683 Contact: Rabbi Nancy Myers Phone: 714-892-6623 Email: tbdavid@templebethdavid.org Website: www.templebethdavid.org Temple Beth Shalom (C) 3635 Elm Ave. Long Beach, CA 90807 Contact: Rabbi Dov Gartenberg Phone: 562-426-6413 Email: tbs.longbeach@gte.net Website: www.tbslb.org Temple Israel (R) 269 Loma Ave. Long Beach, CA 90803 Contact: Rabbi Steven Moskowitz Phone: 562-434-0996 Email: info@tilb.org Website: www.tilb.org Temple Ner Tamid of Downey (R) 10629 Lakewood Boulevard Downey, CA 90241 Contact: President David Salzman Phone: 562-861-9276 Website: www.downeytemplenertamid.org P’nai Or (I) Long Beach, CA Contact: Cantor Steven Puzarne Spiritual Director Email: cantor@pnaior.org Website: www.PnaiOr.org Phone 562-364-5154 Congregation Lubavitch (O) 3981 Atlantic Ave. Long Beach, CA 90807 Contact: Rabbi Newman Phone: 562-426-5480 Email: yitzyg@aol.com Chabad of Cypress (O) 4454 Cerritos Ave. Los Alamitos, CA 90720 Contact: Rabbi Shmuel Marcus Phone: 714-828-1851 Email: smarcus@jewishcypress.com Website: www.jewishcypress.com Congregation Sholom Leisure World, Seal Beach (C) P. O. Box 2901 Seal Beach, CA 90740 Contact: Rabbi Manny Goldstein Phone: 562-431-0113 Temple Beth Ohr (R) 15721 Rosecrans Ave. La Mirada, CA 90638 Contact: Rabbi Mark Goldfarb Phone: 562-691-2551 E-Mail-Tmplbthohr@AOL.com Website: www.TempleBethOhr.com Chabad of West Orange County/ Congregation Adat Israel (O) 5052 Warner Ave. Huntington Beach Contact: Rabbi Aron David Berkowitz Phone: 714-846-2285 Email: info@chabadhb.com Website: www.chabadhb.com Surf City Synagogue (C) Services held at the HB Central Library 7111 Talbert Ave. Huntington Beach Phone: 714-596-2220 E-Mail: info@surfcitysynagogue.org (R)=Reform (O)=Orthodox
(C)=Conservative (I)=Independent
FOR MORE INFORMATION: Phone: (562)426-7601 www.alpertjcc.org
JUNE 2011 Iyar-Sivan 5771
Early Childhood Summer Camp pg
Teen Summer pg
Alpert JCC Program Guide
Summer Aquatics pg
inside Zumbathon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Mah Joungg Tournament . . . . . . . . . . 2 Shirley MacLaine - 92Y . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Nora Ephron - 92Y. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Senior Museum Trip . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Basketball Clinics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Youth Volleyball Club . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Spanish for kids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
The Barbara & Ray Alpert Jewish Community Center
1 www.alpertjcc.org
Alpert JCC Program Guide
Dianna Villegas, dvillegas@alpertjcc.org (562)426-7601, ext. 1056, 1051
Eve Lunt, elunt@alpertjcc.org (562)426-7601, ext. 1067
Tue, June 14 6-7pm People who experience heightened levels of stress and anxiety are 4 to 5 times more likely to have a fatal heart attack or stroke. The primary symptoms of stress are: irritability, sleep problems, allergies, sinus problems, digestive trouble, headaches, fatigue, pain and tension in the neck, shoulders or lower back. Please come join us as we discuss; what supplements to take, what foods to eat, and activities to perform to naturally reduce your stress. The Lecture will be taught by Dr. Lotto, a certified Chiropractor, who is considered an expert in his field. FREE/AJCC Members & Public
Tue, June 6, 7pm Please join other women for this wonderful ongoing program at the AJCC. This month we’ll usher in the Jewish month of Sivan. "In the third month after the Exodus of the Jewish People from Egypt, on that very day, they came to the Desert of Sinai" (Shemot 19:1). Jewish Tradition says that "that very day" refers to Rosh Chodesh Sivan. FREE This program is supported by donations. Each month is led by a different woman in our community; we welcome volunteers who want to lead a special evening Contact Eve Lunt for more info. ext. 1067
Come to the J for Dad’s Day & Watch the Cubs take on the Yankees
Come together at the J with other families & folks from New York & Chicago to watch the game on the big screen in the Lipeles Auditorium. We’ll serve up classic Chicago Style Hot Dogs & Nathan’s Famous Yankee Dogs. Celebrate Dad, celebrate your home team & meet others from back home!
Call Dianna Villegas for more info.
Sun, June 5 8:30am-4:15pm
Sun, June 26 4-6pm Registration starts June 1st. Get ready to laugh, sweat, burn calories, have fun and smile at this fundraising event. Linda Buchbinder, Carlos Franco, and Rachel Gunther will lead the Zumbathon dances for two great hours of dancing. Zumbathon donations will support the Kid Fitness programs and hopefully begin a Zumbatomic Pre K program at the AJCC. Event will include a performance from the AJCC;s Latin Grooves class members. Open to AJCC Member & Public Call Dianna Villegas for more info.
Visit www.alpertjcc.org for our entire group fitness schedule.
Come join this year’s fun, friendly, & competitive tournament Prizes will be given to the top 3 players. All players must play the entire schedule to ensure equal tables throughout the day. A continental breakfast & lunch buffet catered by Blueberry Hill is included. Play will be run by tournament organizers Bill & Judi Nachenberg. $35/AJCC Member; $42/Public
AJCC Poker Club Tue, June 21 6:30pm: Doors open for registration 7-10:30pm: Game Time
RSVP to Eve Lunt, elunt@alpertjcc.org (562)426-7601, ext. 1067
Tue, June 14, 7pm MacLaine has appeared in more than 50 films and has been nominated for an Academy Award six times, winning Best Actress for Terms of Endearment. She is the author of 10 international best sellers: Sage-ing While Age-ing, Out on a Leash, Don’t Fall Off the Mountain, and most recently, I’m Over All That: And Other Confessions, in which she surveys her life and universe and shares her opinions and insights.
Nora Ephron in Conversation with Rebecca Traister Thur, June 23, 7pm
Pauline & Zena Gatov Gallery Presents:
Art Survives: Expressions from the Holocaust Exhibit continues through June 13
Contact Eve Lunt for more info. ext. 1067
Shirley MacLaine: Life Lessons
Join our friendly Texas Hold’Em Poker Club. Poker will be played, snacks and beverages will be served, and cash prizes will be won. $20/AJCC Member; $25/Public (Cash Only) Includes Entry Fee & Initial Buy In of $300 in chips. Visit web for re-buys/add-ons info.
Contact Eve Lunt for more info. ext. 1067
“Art Survives is an exhibit of artwork done by Holocaust survivors, created during the Shoah, as featured in the documentary “As Seen Through These Eyes.” The pieces in the show are windows into the surviving art and artists of the Holocaust. However, they are more than a Holocaust study; they offer an incredible look at the survival mechanism of humankind, regardless of race or religion, and the profound need to communicate at any cost.
organization members, $10 to the Public
$5/kids & seniors 65+; $8/everyone else
Wed, June 15 9-11am
4th Annual AJCC Mah Jongg Mania: Tournament
92Y is presented in partnership with the
(Game time TBD on MLB schedule)
Oh My Aching Feet with St. Mary Medical Hospital
This Free lecture includes a foot exam and recommendations for sore and aching feet. Bring a friend! FREE/AJCC Members & Public
This exciting program brings special pre-recorded lectures from NYC’s renowned 92nd Street Y to the Alpert JCC in Long Beach.
Sun, June 19 Alpert JCC, Jewish Federation & local synagogues Temple Beth David, Temple Visit www.alpertjcc.org for time Beth Shalom, Temple Israel, Shir Chadash & This is the first gathering for the Shul by the Shore. AJCC Chicago and New York Club! Lectures are FREE to partnership
RSVP to Dr. Susan Mathieu, ext. 1721 or Eve Lunt, ext. 1067
Call Dianna Villegas for more info.
Rosh Chodesh at the AJCC
Natural Solutions for Stress Reduction
Kaballah Class Wednesdays, 12pm You'll add a new dimension to your life, renew your spirituality and gain some knowledge. Rabbi Abba Perelmuter teaches the class with a keen sense of wit and great knowledge of Judaism and its teachings. Bring your own lunch. FREE
Join Nora Ephron and Rebecca Traister as they discuss the future of politics, women's issues and life. Nora Ephron is a best-selling author who wrote and directed the hit movie Julie and Julia and has received Academy Award nominations for Best Original Screenplay for When Harry Met Sally, Silkwood, and Sleepless in Seattle. Rebecca Traister is senior writer for Salon, where she has written about women in politics, media and entertainment since 2003, she has also written for Elle, The Nation, The New York Observer, Vogue and The New York Times. TICKETS: Eve Lunt, elunt@alpertjcc.org, (562)426-7601 ext. 1067
JUNE 2011
Susanne Katz, skatz@alpertjcc.org (562)426-7601, ext. 1625
SPORTS & RECREATION EARLY CHILDHOOD Linda Keiles, lkeiles@alpertjcc.org EDUCATION (562)426-7601, ext. 1047
Lori Davidson, ldavidson@alpertjcc.org (562)426-7601, ext. 1092
Creating an Outdoor Environment
GesherCity Shabbat Fri, June 3 We’ll celebrate Shabbat with great food, great friends & fun. Contact Susanne Katz for more info.
SloshBall Game Sun, June 12 Contact Susanne Katz for more info.
GesherCity Bar Night Fri, June 17 Contact Susanne Katz for more info.
Doggie Park Day Sun, June 19
AJCC/Pete Davis Youth Basketball Clinics June 12, June 26 Sundays, 1-3pm Ages 6-14 Sharpen your skills and pick up new ones with Pete Davis & company in these great two-hour clinics. Pick one clinic, or pick them all! A great way to get ready
for Pete Davis Legends Basketball Camps this July! Cost per clinic
Contact Susanne Katz for more info.
$20/AJCC Member; $25/Public
Visit the GesherCity Long Beach Facebook page for more info!
Webby Dance
Fruits of their Labor Ages 2½-4: Tue or Wed, 3-3:45pm Ages 4-8: Wed, 4–4:45pm Intro to basics of tap, jazz & ballet with Webby Dance, the leaders in kids’ dance instruction.
Continuing enrollment – join anytime!
SENIOR ADULTS Dr. Susan Mathieu, smathieu@alpertjcc.org (562)426-7601, ext. 1721
Trip to The Museum of Latin American Art (MOLAA) Fri, June 10 10:30-2pm Cost includes transportation and admission. $10/AJCC Member & Public You must RSVP to Susan Mathieu to attend (562)426-7601, ext. 1721
Enjoy a fun BBQ with hilarious entertainment.Everyone bring a friend, new diners will receive a gift.
Ongoing Senior Activities Lunch Program: Wed, 12pm Knit Wits: Mon, 1pm Mah Jongg Group: Thur, 12pm Book Club: 1st Thur of month, 1pm
Last spring Eagle Scout Troup 65 and volunteer parents planted a garden in the ECE playground, which has produced more than anyone expected! The ECE students tended to the garden, harvesting lettuce, carrots, potatoes, and even radishes, which they think are just delicious! Along with discovering the scientific relationship between soil, sun, and water, students have learned the values of patience and team work. The ECE teachers have observed that when children are integral to the gardening process, they enjoy the authentic ‘fruits of their labor’ much more intensely.
Wednesdays, 9:30am Have you had a baby recently? When a baby enters your life, everything changes, your sleep patterns are disturbed; your body feels different, & taking a shower becomes a logistical problem. The transition is easier when there is support from others just like you. Join us weekly at the AJCC.
Enrichment Classes for Summer Preschoolers All Summer: June 20-Aug. 26 Two 5 week sessions: June 20-July 22 or July 25-Aug. 26 Two different programs provide fun learning activities for young children. Morning preschool attendance not required.
Chaverim Connection Ages 2-3½
Mon: Get Buggie Tue: Kitchen Wizards Wed: Circles & Squares, Colors in Pairs Thur: Crafty Kids Fri: Water Play Chugim Ages 3½-4½ Mon: What’s Jewish About . ? or Trains, Planes & Automobiles Tue: Let’s Get Moving or Once Upon a Story Wed: Water World or Space Cadets Thur: Gardening or Whirls & Swirls of Art Fri: Mother Goose Mania or Magic Potions (cooking)
Price is per class per session $96/AJCC Member; $135/Public
Webby Hip Hop Dance/Cheer Side by Side Ages 5-10: Tue, 4–4:45pm Boys & girls learn basic cheer skills, hip hop routines to age appropriate music....great for fitness, selfconfidence & fun!
Senior Lunch Summer Party Continuing enrollment – join anytime! Wed, June 15 12pm
The staff and parents of the Alpert JCC’s ECE program have begun exploring ways to transform the traditional playground into a more natural outdoor environment. They realized there needed to be a change after attending workshops, consulting with landscape architects who specialize in children’s environments, and speaking with ECE professionals. The goal is to create a more natural habitat which retains the challenging opportunities provided by a conventional play space, while at the same time connecting the children to the beauty and wonders of nature.
From The Beginning
Alpert JCC Program Guide
Martial Arts Classes with Sensei Mac • Youth Mixed Martial Arts • Parent & Me Martial Arts • Youth Sparring Class • Cardio Kick-Boxing • Adult Mixed Martial Arts • Self-Defense • Private Martial Arts Lessons
In the Side by Side classes at the AJCC, babies, toddlers & their parents or caregivers enjoy a varied selection of learning activities that include, music, arts & crafts, singing, & outdoor time. A featured component of each class is self-selected activity time. During this time parents ask questions to the teacher and share parenting tips.
Side by Side 1: Thur, 11am-12:30pm Babies & toddlers 10-17 months
Side by Side 2: Tues & Thur, 9:15-10:45am Babies & toddlers 17-23 months Call for more information.
Visit www.alpertjcc.org for details
The Barbara & Ray Alpert Jewish Community Center
For more information or to register, call, email or visit the ECE offices.
Gan Hamaish KinderCamp Session I: June 20-July 22 Session II: July 25-Aug. 26 Both Sessions: June 20-Aug. 26 5 & 3 day options available 9am-2:30pm •2 Field Trips per session & many in-house visitors (e.g. reptiles, puppies) •Special interest activities including photojournalism/scrapbooking, 3D art, woodworking, & fine arts •Kindergarten readiness skills reinforced •Use of swimming pool, gymnasium, and playgrounds •Optional reading program offered To register contact Danielle Putnam at ext. 1090 or dputnam@alpertjcc.org
Alpert JCC Program Guide
Natalie Chernik, nchernik@alpertjcc.org (562)426-7601, ext. 1205
For kids entering grades 6 & up 4 options to choose from
Sascha Bryan-Zwick sbryanzwick@alpertjcc.org (562)426-7601, ext. 1035
•Camp J Crew • Digital Movie Making Camp • Teen Summer Stock Presents:
FAME, The Musical • Counselor in Training Leadership
Now Registering for Fall
Program for 9th-12th graders
Afterschool Program for students in K-Middle School
NEW: Coming in July AJCC Youth Volleyball Club
Our afterschool program fees include pick-up, snack, homework assistance, and one enrichment class per day, at no extra charge.
July 11-August 15 Mondays, 6-7:15pm
Camp J Crew
Pick-Up from Long Beach area schools including: Longfellow • Twain • Newcomb Naples • Kettering • Fremont Bancroft • Gant • Emerson • Carver Tincher • Stanford•Hughes
have volleyball experience, this great new program is just right for you. Our experienced volleyball coaches will focus on skill development, rules of the game, strategy, and sportsmanship… an excellent way to get started in a sport that is hotter than ever.
Putting Edge Fun Center, Medieval Times, Wild Rivers, Kayaking, Six Flags, Overnights, California Adventure, OC Fair, swimming, Judaics & more.
Schools subject to change.
Visit website for more info on camps
Summer Group Swim Lessons
June 20-July 14 (4 wks) Girls & Boys entering 5th-9th grade IFly Indoor Sky Diving, Knott’s, Beach July 18-August 11 (4 wks) Whether you are a beginner or you Days, Soak City, Sky High Sports, August 15-25 (2 wks) 4 Trips every week!
Tiny Tots:9, 1:30pm, 2:30pm (1:4) Beginner: 9:30am, 2pm, 3pm (1:4) Adv. Beginner: 10am, 3:30pm (1:6) Class gets kids to love the water and teaches them how to be water safe. $75/AJCC Mem; $90/Public, (4 wks) $37.50/AJCC Mem; $45/Public, (2 wks)
Contact Natalie Chernik for more info.
New This Summer Write On: Handwriting the Right Way! Session l: Tue & Thur, June 20-July 22 Session ll: Mon & Wed, July 25-Aug 26 Ages 4-5: 2:45-4pm Ages 6-7: 4:30-5:45pm Is your child struggling with letter reversals or letter formation? Do you want to give your child a head start on the fundamental skills necessary for successful handwriting for school? During this class a certified & licensed pediatric occupational therapist will use games, songs, crafts & the acclaimed Handwriting Without Tears® program to help kids improve their fine motor skills for successful handwriting. Small group size & fun themes make the classes fly by. $300/AJCC Member; $350/Public, per session
Sizzling Summer Spanish for Kids Jun 29-August 17 Wednesdays, 4:15-5pm Ages 5 - 13 Your child will have fun learning a second language in this highly interactive course. Kids will learn basic greetings, numbers, alphabet, and many practical phrases through innovative instruction, magical music and awesome art. $115/8 week session
Teen Summer Stock presents
“Fame” The Musical
YOUTH SUMMER Linda Keiles, lkeiles@alpertjcc.org (562)426-7601, ext. 1047
Register Today for Komaroff Camps at the J: JCC Camp Komaroff: A leader in Long Beach camping for over 25 years
For kids entering grades 1-6 in fall American Camp Association Accredited
Daily swim, field trips, overnights, Judaics, Arts & Crafts, Sports, Outdoor Activities, Drama, and much more!
New Camps This Summer: Fresh from the Garden Cooking Camp, Gifts from the Heart, Sensei Mac’s Mixed Martial Arts Camp; Let’s Get Physical Fit Camp; Webby Beginning Cheer Camp
Call to schedule your FREE 10 min. swim lesson try out. Fridays, June 3, 10, 17
June 20-July 25 Rehearsals start Monday, June 20 Performances July 20-July 25
Summer Water Polo
phenomenon. First came the hit motion picture, then the long-running television series. Now the screen sensation of the 1980's is the stage sensation of the 1990's and beyond! "Fame-The Musical" is indeed "gonna live forever." Be a part of “Fame - The Musical” this summer at the AJCC!
Ages 5-8 & 9-12 • Learn Water Polo fundamentals • FREE T-shirt & team photo
For info. contact Dept. Dir. Linda Keiles at lkeiles@alpertjcc.org
Private Swim Lessons
June 20-July 20 July 25-Aug. 31 For Middle School & up It is nothing short of a global Mon & Wed, 4pm
FREE tryout the 1st week of class $65/AJCC Member; $75/Public Must be USA H20 POLO Member ($25-55 per yr)
Continuing enrollment – join anytime!
One-on-One instruction teaches water safety and confidence
15 & 30 min. lessons available Spots fill fast so call today! Visit website for more info.
Half Day Specialty & Sports camps: Engineering FUNdamentals with LEGO, British Challenger Soccer Camp Mad Science, Pete Davis Legends Basketball Camp, Writers’ Workshop, MYART Musical Theater Production of “HONK” & more!
Ages 3-8 Our goal is to get kids to love the water & teach them how to be water safe. The older swimmers prepare for the swim team & water polo.
Mon & Wed or Tue & Thur (30 min)
Ask about our NEW Kinder pricing.
For info. contact Dept. Dir. Linda Keiles at lkeiles@alpertjcc.org
Linda Keiles, lkeiles@alpertjcc.org (562)426-7601, ext. 1047
Masters Swim Thursday Night is Teen Night at the Pool… All Summer Long!
May 2-June July 6-Aug 31 Mon & Wed, 6:30-8pm Ages 14+ $102/AJCC Member; $136/Public, per session
Starting Thur, June 23 Drop by the AJCC for dinner, dessert & beverages for only $7 Bring your friends and chillax with us! For more info. contact Dept. Dir. Linda Keiles at lkeiles@alpertjcc.org
Summer Prep Swim Team with Coach Rafe Montes
Tue, Thur 4:30-5:15pm Ages 5-12 Visit website for more info.
JUNE 2011
JFCS Call Today! We’re Here to Help!
3801 E. WILLOW STREET LONG BEACH, CA 90815 WEB: www.jfcslongbeach.org EMAIL: jfcs@jfcslongbeach.org PHONE: 562-427-7916
Janet Pottebaum Retires after 6 Years at JFCS On May 31, 2011, Janet Pottebaum retired after 6 years and 3 months as the first Director of Development and Marketing at JFCS. In her position Janet staffed the JFCS Fund Development and Marketing Committees as well as all fundraising events. Janet’s work has had a positive impact on contributions raised at the agency as well as how the community views JFCS. “Janet has been a key member of the management team at JFCS. We will miss her and we wish her well in her retirement” said Steve Gordon, JFCS Board President. Janet has worked closely with Wendy Puzarne, JFCS Executive Director to promote the agency and the wide variety of services that JFCS provides. She has taken a leadership role in strengthening ties with local organizations such as the temples and NCJW. Janet also hit the circuit as a guest speaker to promote the agency for the purposes of attracting clients as well
as new donors to the agency. Janet has taken some of the JFCS signature events and added new life to them. When Janet began the annual membership campaign was called Associates. Because she considered our donors friends of our agency, it was renamed “Friends of JFCS”. One of the last events Janet staffed was the JFCS 10k/5k Run/Walk, a successful evolution from our 23 year old event “Athletes Fete”. Janet was instrumental in getting a website for the agency started. She worked closely with our webmaster to keep the information updated. The number of activities and relationships that Janet cultivated at JFCS are too numerous to mention. Her greatest strength and the thing that gave her the most pleasure was when she connected with people; donors and clients alike. Janet handled many calls that were out of her job description offering resources to people and accepting
donations such as a large shipment of purses and shoes which she creatively sold to benefit the agency. There is no one like Janet. She helped to create her job description and added her personal touch to so much at JFCS. Her welcoming spirit was apparent to board members, staff and interns who would walk all the way down the long hall to get a hug from Janet. Janet and her husband, Harold, plan to spend more time with their 5 grandchildren (she only had one when she started 6 years ago), travel and discover the other things that retirement offers. “We are really going to miss Janet at JFCS”, said Wendy. “It will not be the same around here without her passion, persistence and yes, even her occasional tears when she hears a client’s story.”
TURN AROUND SPONSOR Barbara & Ray Alpert Amy & Rich Lipeles WATER STATION SPONSOR Leslie & Aaron Kern McDonald’s
Multitasking is a skill JFCS can help with! Do you ever wonder what to get someone for their birthday or anniversary? Do you want to show your respect for someone who has lost a friend or family member? How about what to get for that relative who just had a graduation or other special event? How can you accomplish any of these things and call it multitasking? JFCS’ tribute card program is the answer. While giving special recognition to the person or family you want to tribute you will also be providing much needed help to those in our community who are in need of JFCS services. JFCS has eight tribute funds that can be supported with your donations. Each fund supports a specific program or type of client: • JFCS General Fund – supplements costs of direct services to individuals and families of all ages. • Marcie Balan Blakey Fund – supplements counseling costs for adolescents and your adults. • Seymour Pizer Fund – provides low cost counseling to clients for the Center for Children, Youth & Families
• Howard & Ava Weiss Older Adult Fund – supplements costs of counseling and protective service to the elderly • Elaine & Howard Davis Domestic Violence Prevention Fund – supplements the costs of the JFCS domestic violence prevention programs • Gordon & Judi Lentzner Fund – supplements counseling costs for low-income families • Mervin N. Glow Assistance Fund –for emergency financial assistance • Arnold Orloff Self-Sufficiency Fund – helping survivors of family violence and violence against women achieve self-sufficiency and counseling and providing support for young adults, teens and youth to overcome self-destructive behaviors A JFCS tribute card will be sent per your request and your gift will be recognized in the Jewish Community Chronicle. So let us help you while you also help our clients.
DISTANCE MARKER SPONSOR Elaine & Howard Davis Pioneer Packaging Los Alamitos Medical Center Linda Haley & Marvin Zamost
Thank You to Our Sponsors...
HEART HEALTHY SPONSOR Berro Management Bay Psychiatric Medical Group Farmers Insurance Group Philips Steel Company Rita & Barry Zamost
OUR MISSION: Jewish Family and Children’s Service of Greater Long Beach/West Orange County is a nonprofit agency that provides a wide range of professional counseling and support services to assist all individuals regardless of religion, race, ethnicity, disability or sexual orientation in facing life’s challenges.
www.jewishlongbeach.org | JUNE 2011 | 7
Hillel at CSULB FOR MORE INFORMATION: WEB: www.Beachhillel.org EMAIL: beachhillel@gmail.com PHONE: 562-985-7068 or 562-426-7601 ext 1424
Beach Hillel Annual Brunch Israel Week On May 1, Beach 2011, Hillel held the annual end of the year brunch. Students, parents, the Beach Hillel Board of Directors, and community members gathered at the Rabbi Drew and a group of students enjoying the Beach Hillel home of Barbara Annual Brunch & Leon Shoag to The Annual Brunch was also celebrate another successful year. held to recognize the group of stuNitzan Harel received the award for outstanding student of dents participating in Beach Hillel’s the year. As an active member of Taglit-Birthright Israel trip this June. the Beach Hillel student board, she Ten students from CSULB will join pioneered a basic Hebrew course Hillel students of UC Davis, Sacraon campus, used her skills in mento and Silicon Valley for the graphic design to create promo- free 10 day trip. We wish them all tional t-shirts and posters, lead sev- safe and happy travels and cannot eral Israel advocacy programs and wait to hear about their experimore. Congratulations to Nitzan ence. Thank you to Barbara & Leon for going above and beyond as a student leader and setting a posi- Shoag for graciously hosting this joyous event. tive example for her peers.
FEDERATION TOWER APARTMENTS FREE Alpert JCC Membership Including Wednesday Senior Lunch Seniors 62+ pay only 30% of your income for rent! Waiting lists for qualified applicants Studios & One Bedroom Apartments Intercom Entry Two Lounge Areas Planned Activities Wheelchair Accessible
Omer hangs out with the students as they pass out Israel information to students passing by
May 9-13 was the annual Israel Week celebration at CSULB. Every day of the week, different activities took place on campus to commemorate Yom Ha’atzmaut and Yom HaZikaron. Student-designed t-shirts were passed out, as well as Israeli snack foods and proIsrael bumper stickers, buttons, key chains and more. The Israeli soldier Omer Yaakov, who was visiting Long Beach on behalf of Partnership 2000, a Jewish Federation program, visited CSULB for a meet and greet with students. He talked about what it is like to be an intelligence analyst in the army along with what it is like to be a young person living in Israel’s border region with the Gaza Strip. The students who are traveling to Israel this summer are excited about the opportunity to meet up with Omer in his native land. They hope that he will show them a little bit about how real Israelis live their lives. We watched the Israeli move Walk on Water. The movie is
Air Conditioning Carpeting & Vertical Blinds Refrigerator & Stove Mirrored Closet Doors
(562) 426-8404 3799 E. Willow Street, Long Beach Next to the Weinberg Jewish Federation Campus
Omer Yaakov, our visiting Israeli soldier, leads a discussion group on campus
Omer poses with students while showing off his army uniform
Beach Hillel celebrates Israel Week
about Eyal, an Israeli Mossad agent, is given the mission to track down and kill the very old Alfred Himmelman, an ex-Nazi officer, who might still be alive. Pretending to be a tourist guide, he befriends his grandson Axel, in Israel to visit his sister Pia. The two men set out on a tour of the country during which, Axel challenges Eyal's values. Rabbi Drew led us in a thought provoking discussion about the movie and we had Israeli snacks to round out the evening. The last Shabbat dinner of the semester was held during Israel week. We had all kinds of Israeli food to celebrate Israel but also to
celebrate the end of the semester. We are sad that the semester is over and it went out with a bang! Israel Week got great recognition on CSULB’s campus! The activities made the front page of the school newspaper, the Daily 49er. They really helped us attract a lot of participants to all of the amazing programs that took place over the week. We hope that we will continue to get press in the Daily 49er so that we can continue to broaden our reach to students who might not know about our events otherwise. One of the most successful activities was a student-led fundraiser for the deforestation in Mount Carmel. Last December, 1.5 million trees were destroyed and 44 lives were lost in a devastating fire. The region still needs help rebuilding and our students believe that it is important for them to help in every way that they can. For every $10 raised, one tree will be replanted in Israel. If you would like to make a donation towards this cause, visit and donate online at www.beachhillel.org.
HEBREW ACADEMY Award Winning Academics in a Genuine Jewish Environment
14401 WILLOW LANE HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92647 WEB: www.hebrewacademyhb.com PHONE: 714-898-0051 CAMP SILVER GAN ISRAEL: www.campsgi.com
34th Annual Graduation Ceremony
Kindergarten Readiness Class
Anticipation and excitement is in the air at Hebrew Academy. Our school is a Pre-school through Twelfth Grade Jewish Day School, which means that many of our graduates have been learning and growing together for over thirteen years. What have they learned? They have learned not only how to read, write and analyze English and Hebrew, but more importantly, they have learned how to apply their academics to their lives in order to make a positive difference in the world. Our mission has four main tenets – we work to help our students develop intellectually, emotionally, socially and spiritually. When our alumni are asked what they remember from their H.A. days, their answers never cease to be a center of pride for all their teachers, administrators, Rabbis and parents. The students, who become amazing citizens in vocations such as doctors, lawyers, entrepreneurs, religious leaders, artists, writers, educators, CPAs,
Many parents worry when children begin kindergarten.They wonder: will my child’s teacher nurture his wonderful curiosity, will my child be challenged without getting overwhelmed, will she make friends, will I make friends, etc…? We have the answer. H. A. is offering a Kindergarten Readiness Class two mornings this summer. During this class, children will have fun while preparing for success in kindergarten. As an added bonus, the parents will get a chance to learn about how to best help their children be successful students in elementary school and beyond. Don’t miss this opportunity-we guarantee that your child’s academic and social success will be enhanced when he/she attends this program. For Kids: taught by Rochelle Chanin & Barbara Perazzo • Reading Caldecott Award winning books & learn reading skills • Learn math & writing skills • Sing songs • Creative Dramatics–act out various kids’ stories
June Upcoming Events
domestic engineers and more, remember the close knit feeling they had at H.A. They remember learning how to recite a poem or passage, they can comfortably rely on their experience when planning their preparations for a holiday, they fondly speak of their days in Silver Gan Israel or their fieldtrips to Los Angeles or New York. Basically, they can cite many of their in-and out-of-class experiences as pivotal in their development into outstanding human beings and citizens. This year, we are proud to announce the 34th Annual Graduation Ceremony to honor our 2011 graduates. The ceremony will be held at the Alpert Jewish Community Center in Long Beach, June 15. Our Senior High School Graduates are: Rachel Abecassis, Paris Bazerman, Galya Clein, Samantha Cymerint, Sarah Dahan, Amit Fadida, Shaina Gollub, Esther Helfand, Shira Jacobson, Raya Keypour, Annalise Kontokanis, Joelle
Middle School Award Night June 1
June 3
Father’s Day Assembly June 10
Preschool End of Year Performance June 12
Father’s Day Baseball Game and Tent Sleepover June 13
Graduation Ceremony Middle & High School June 15
Silver Gan Israel Day Camp Enroll Today Campership available
Registration open for Hebrew Academy
Koseff, Chana Peterson, Mushka Rapoport. Our Junior High Graduates are: Paul Bibas, Sarah Bonner, Marlie Cymberg, Miraima Geisinsky, Mendel Gollub, Sophie Kijel, Masha Rivka Marcus, Adina Newman, Devorah Leah Newman, Rivky Newman, Noah Paul, Gabrielle Penn, Joey Willis, LeeEl Yehezkel. These ladies and gentlemen are proud graduates who are soon to be H.A. alumni. We wish them well and look forward to hearing about their adult pursuits.
Is Camp Silver Gan Israel Amazing?
Rosh Chodesh Assembly
Senior High Graduates
How about a giant garden maze? Amazing indeed, SGI will sport the first huge maze in the area just in time for this year’s summer camp. The new Henderson Family Garden Maze that has been made possible through a generous donation, is sure to drive any counselor to insanity. The kids, however, will love finding their way out. The structure for this new facility will be comprised of hay, plastic tubing and vehicular obstacles, among other things.
“Camp Silver Gan Israel will also use the new maze to house its very own laser tag program. We are always looking to create new fun experiences for our campers so that each one will have a blast,” said Rabbi Sender Engel, the camp director. “Every child comes home daily with new songs, lasting friendships, projects and more than anything else an indelible bond with their counselors who are nurturing, positive role models.” “While going on trips is always exciting, our 11 acre safe and secure facility boasts 2 exclusive use pools (1 covered), game rooms, an enclosed hockey rink, a cyber lab, and a laser tag arena. Kids will enjoy archery, arts & crafts, karate, Lego MINDSTORMS, gaming,
• Swimming • Cooking • Gross Motor–kids will learn how to play typical kids games through developmentally appropriate games • Fine Motor–art experiences • Getting along–practice games teaching sharing, cooperating For Parents: taught by Dr. Megan M. Carlson & Chanie Perelmuter • School entry basics–the start, end time, calendar, get assigned to a host family who has had children go through kindergarten and can guide you through the year • Developmental milestones–review Gesell Institute information • Parenting basics–based on Parent Effectiveness Training • Teambuilding–based on Outward Bound techniques Classes will take place Tues. & Wed., July 12 & 13 from 9:00 am–12:00 pm. For more information contact Josephine at 714-898-0051 or admin@hebrewacademyhb.com.
Golf Classic science, hamster balling, rock climbing, laser tag, swimming and so much more while they are infused with a sense of Jewish pride and excitement for their heritage. Being Jewish should be fun!” the Rabbi said. For more information contact Rabbi Sender Engel at EXT. 221 or sender@campsgi.com, or www.SilverGanIsrael.com.
The Hebrew Academy’s annual Golf Classic was a huge success. Everyone enjoyed fun on the green at the exclusive Seacliff Country Club in Huntington Beach. Funds ratised will help to enhance many Hebrew Academy and Camp Gan Israel children’s lives.
www.jewishlongbeach.org | JUNE 2011 | 9
Tikkun Olam Institute: Fixing the World Through a Jewish Perspective?
Alban & Alban, A Law Corporation
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(562) 598-4848
PODIATRY Eric R. Hubbard, D.PM, F.A.C.F.S. Board Certified-Foot & Ankle Surgery Adult’s and Children’s Foot Disorders Athletic Injuries-Custom Orthotics 2333 Pacific Ave., Long Beach
(562) 426-5151 (562) 427-7443
PSYCHOLOGY Bernard F. Natelson, PSY.D. Certified, American Board of Medical Psychotherapists, Stress Management-Relationship Expertise 10900 Los Alamitos Blvd., Suite 207
_____ (562) 431-1033
Craig Kain, Ph.D. Licensed Psychologist, Psychotherapy & Counseling in Long Beach, Afternoon & Evening Appts. drcraigkain@craigkain.com
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JEWELRY The Gold Trotters, Inc. Fine Jewelry since 1977. On-site gemological services performed by Rose Keller, GIA graduate (1977).
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ORTHODONTICS Brodsky Orthodontics Braces & Invisilign™ for all ages 5920 Del Amo Blvd., Lakewood
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OB/GYN Joel Kizner, M.D., F.A.C.O.G. Board Certified in OB/GYN 10861 Cherry St., Ste. 109 Los Alamitos, CA 90720
(562) 431-3606
Southern California Jewish Student Services will be holding a three-day event entitled “Tikkunizzle Olamizzle: Fixing the World Through a Jewish Perspective” in Long Beach from the afternoon of Wednesday, June15 through midday on Friday, June17. Aimed primarily at college students and young adults, the event will be kicking off Wednesday afternoon with a park clean-up. Thursday, June 16 will feature different speakers on topics relating on tikkun olam ("fixing the world") and Friday, June 17 will finish off with more sessions and looking towards making the material actionable. For more information, check out http://socaljss.org/toi2011or contact Rabbi Drew Kaplan at or RabbiDrew@socaljss.org 562-400-5627
Call Today to Add your listing to our Professional Directory Anna 562-426-7601 EXT 1007 or Yolanda 562-426-7601 EXT 1314 for more information
JUNETEENTH WorldWide Concert at the Terrace Theater JUNETEENTH WorldWide Concert on Sunday, June 19, 2011 at 2:30 p.m. will feature Denyce Graves, who has won accolades for her performances in opera houses across North and South America, Europe and Asia (see ad page 12). She has appeared with leading symphony orchestras and conductors throughout the world. She made her debut at the Metropolitan Opera in the title role of Carmen. She performed with Israel Philharmonic Orchestra in Mahler's Eighth Symphony. Ms Graves was also among the soloist in 1996 Gala Concert of Psalms at the Hassenfeld Open Air Theater under the baton of Zubin Mehta and the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra. Graves’ repertoire embraces sacred and 20th century classical music, German lieder, French mélodie, English art song, Broadway standards, and Latin jazz songs in Spanish and Portuguese.
New Leaders Forum Graduates will Make a Difference Over the past nine months, 16 members of the Greater Long Beach community have come together once a month to learn, laugh, and lead. The New Leaders Forum is a yearlong program for the future of our community that is made possible by the generosity of Barbara and Ray Alpert. The program trains new and emerging leaders in many areas including the local Jewish community landscape, American Jewish history, leadership skills, and marketing to target audiences. There is also a Judaic component as well as a session devoted to Israel. The 16 participants were recommended by the many different organizations and synagogues in our community. Jay Alhadeff, Andrea Bloom, Ellen Bloom, Martha De Young, Larna Norman, Matt Paretsky, Jaime Rideaux, Gary Roberts, Eric Schiffer, Jeffrey Schimsky, Dave Silverman, Chaya Leah Sufrin, Emily Sukman, Danielle Van Divort, and Marcos and Pamela Weinstein are members of Temple Israel, Temple Beth Shalom,
Temple Beth David, Congregation Shir Chadash, Shul by the Shore, parents of Hebrew Academy students, board members and committee members from the Alpert JCC, Jewish Family and Children’s Service, Jewish Federation, and Jewish Community Foundation. With the training that they received in the New Leaders Forum, they will go on to do fabulous things for our community. Many have decided that they want to join other boards throughout the community, help with events, serve on committees for organizations that they might not have known about when they started the program. The group had lively discussions about the future of our community and are motivated and dedicated to making our community stronger. If you would like more information about the 2011-2012 New Leaders Forum, contact Anna Shabtay at 562-426-7601 EXT 1007 or ashabtay@jewishlongbeach.org.
B’nai Mitzvah
Tribute & memorial contributions are special gifts to honor, memorialize, or congratulate friends & family for all occasions. We will be delighted to send a card on your behalf.
TEMPLE BETH DAVID Joshua Gipoor J o s h u a Gipoor will be called to the Torah on June 4. Jewish Federation Joshua attends ISRAEL EMERGENCY Rogers Middle FUND school in Long •To Harriet Danufsky, in your honor, Beach. from Karen Kearney
Abigail Rosenberg Abigail Rosenberg will be called to the Torah June 18. AJCC GENERAL FUND She is in 7th •To Ray Alpert, for receiving the Lifetime grade at Sowers Achievement Award, from Daniel Arnstein Middle School in Huntington For tributes to AJCC please call Beach. 562-426-7601 EXT 1414 For tributes to the Jewish Federation and Jewish Community Foundation please call 562-426-7601 EXT 1314
Joe Cohen Joe Cohen GENERAL JFCS FUND will be called to •To Shelley Carl & family, in memory of the Torah on June your sister-in-law, from Daryl & Sandy 25 to read KoPhilips rach. Joe is a stu•To Dan Spellens, get well soon, from dent at Oak Daryl & Sandy Philips Middle School.
MARCIE BALAN BLAKEY FUND •To Jean Blakey, get well soon, from Ruth Beckman For tributes to JFCS please call 562-426-7601 EXT 217 or 562-427-7916
Advertise in the Chronicle Contact Anna Shabtay for more information at 562-426-7601 EXT 1007 or Yolanda Placencio at 562-426-7601 EXT 1314
Jewish Federation and Jewish Community Foundation Annual Meeting
Thursday June 2, 2011 6:00 p.m. Hors D’oeuvres 7:00 p.m. Annual Meeting At the Alpert JCC 3801 E. Willow Long Beach, CA
Election and Installation of New Board Members Baldwin Award Arthur Miller Neuburger Award Paige Fingerhut and Sara Phillips New Leaders Forum Graduation
Please RSVP to Yolanda at yplacencio@jewishlongbeach.org or 562-426-7601 EXT 1314
www.jewishlongbeach.org | JUNE 2011 | 11
The Jewish Federation of Greater Long Beach & West Orange County Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage
3801 E. Willow St., Long Beach, CA 90815
PAID Permit No.129 Long Beach, CA
Advertise in the Chronicle Contact Anna Shabtay for more information at 562-426-7601 EXT 1007 or Yolanda Placencio at 562-426-7601 EXT 1314
TOP REASONS TO GO ON THE COMMUNITY MISSION TO ISRAEL OCT.23 - NOV.1,2011 Join us at the Alpert JCC, Tuesday, June 14 at 7 p.m. for the Long Beach information meeting about the Community Mission
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2
Experience the best of Israel with your family, friends, synagogue, and/or professional colleagues Choose from a host of personalized tracks, featuring unique experiences Enjoy private tours of top museums and boutique wineries - no lines, no waiting, no hassle VIP visits to Israeli military bases for a soldier’s view of history Leave your mark in Israel through a community service project Dance and drum in the desert with Israel’s new young pioneers Be inspired by how our community touches the lives of Israelis Meet Israel’s Prime Minister and top leaders, including the President Celebrate our Centennial at three community-wide mega-events
AND, THE SINGLE MOST IMPORTANT REASON TO GO? 1 A mission like this only happens once in a hundred years!
To sign up for more information, contact Sharon Kenigsberg at (562) 426-7601, ext. 1008, SharonK@JewishLongBeach.org or visit www.JewishLA.org