Purim: A Time for the Entire Community to Come Together
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MARCH 2012 | 5772 | ADAR-NISAN | VOL.64-NO.7
Purim: A Time for the Entire Community to Come Together By Anna Shabtay, Donor Relations Director
ewish communities around the world celebrate Purim as a holiday of feasting and gladness, revelry and imbibing and gift-giving and tzedakah (charity). It is one of the most popular Jewish holidays for families and children. The celebration of Purim is based on the story found in the biblical Book of Esther. A tractate of the Mishnah and the Talmud are devoted to it as well.
Jewish Community Partnership Annual Campaign Purim is a time for us to support our community and one another. As we reflect on Purim and listen to the reading of the Megillat Esther, the Book of Esther, we should take some time to do a little Jonica Kristak and Paula Avchen Early Childhood Education classroom Ahgas reflecting on our community. The Book of Esther is the only book of the Tanach (Hebrew Partnership Agencies and you can bring canned Bible) that does not mention G-d. This teaches goods and other non-perishable food items to the us that it is our duty to make a difference in our Alpert JCC during the month of March that will world and in our community. We must do what be delivered to Centro Shalom and people who is necessary to take care of our community just need it. like Esther did for her community. We are also reminded on Purim to be proud to be Jewish. We Community Wide Purim Carnival Purim is also a good time to gather with fellow are reminded that while living in a Diaspora community we should be proud to support our com- community members to celebrate the community’s munity, here, in Israel and around the world. By strength. We will gather together as a community making a donation to the Jewish Federation’s An- to celebrate Purim at The Long Beach Community nual Campaign, you are expressing your pride in Purim Carnival on Sunday, March 11, 2012 from being Jewish and your pride in being a member 11:30 a.m. till 3:00 p.m. at the Alpert Jewish of this community. Please take this opportunity Community Center. Many organizations in the during Purim to make your Jewish Federation An- community are coming together to put on the carnual Campaign pledge by visiting our website nival including: Alpert JCC, Jewish Federation of www.jewishlongbeach.org or calling our office Greater Long Beach and West OC, Jewish Family and Children's Service of Long Beach, Beach at 562-426-7601. Another way that we help those who are less Hillel, Congregation Shir Chadash, Temple Beth fortunate than ourselves during Purim is in the tra- Shalom, Hebrew Academy, Temple Israel, Shul dition of sending Mishloah Manot (Purim bas- by the Shore, and Congregation Sholom Leisure kets/treats to others). The Book of Esther World. explains this tradition “as days of feasting and eeeeThe carnival will feature all kinds of familygladness, and sending portions of food to one friendly activities including a Moon Bounce, a another, and gifts to the poor" (9:22). There are Jousting game, face painting, holiday crafts, costwo ways that you can fulfill this mitzvah (com- tume parade, Hamantaschen Hop (cake walk) mandment) during this year’s Purim. You can and a pre-school area with games and prizes. make your Jewish Federation Annual Campaign eeeThere will also be a Mezuzah auction that pledge to help support the Jewish Community will showcase both standard Mezuzah cases 2 | Jewish community chronicle | ADAR-NISAN | 5772
along with Pezuzah cases (Pez decorated cases) all done by local professional and amateur artists. The money raised from the auction will help support the Gatov Gallery and Jewish art in Long Beach. Purim is also about tzedakah or charity. Glatt Kosher Food will be available for purchase from Blueberry Hill. For more information, visit www.alpertjcc.org or call 562-426-7601. Early Childhood Education Purim Parade eeeJoin us at the Alpert JCC on March 8th and 9th to celebrate Purim with the ECE classes. In the morning, we will parade around the building in costume to celebrate Purim and follow each parade with a Purim Shpiel. For more information, contact Linda Keiles at 562-4267601.
Purim is a time for us to support our community and one another. ____________________________________________________________________________
Young Adult Purim Party Another way to gather with our community is by joining young adults from all across Long Beach and Orange County at Cirque de Purim at Andrei’s in Irvine starting at 8:00 p.m. on Saturday March 10th. The party is co-sponsored with the Young Leadership Division of Jewish Federation and Family Service of Orange County, Jewish Federation of Greater Long Beach Young Adult Division, and Gesher City Long Beach. For tickets visit www.yldoc.org and for more information, contact Anna Shabtay at 562-5062804 or ashabtay@jewishlongbeach.org. Megillah Readiness & Purim Spiels It is customary on Purim to hear the Megillat Esther read. Our Local synagogues will be having Megillah readings as well as many varieties of Purim Spiels. Consult the Synagogue Directory on page 6, call or visit the websites for exact times of Purim fun at each congregation.
Contents 4 VISIONS 2012 Was a Huge Success
Published since 1947 by the Jewish Federation of Long Beach and West Orange County www.jewishlongbeach.org Jim Breslauer PRESIDENT Deborah Goldfarb EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR
5 Legacy Society
Legacy Society Brunch
6 Upcoming Events at our Area Synagogues
Erin Bellinghausen GRAPHIC ARTIST
Check out the March events at local Synagogues
PUBLICATION OFFICE: 3801 E. Willow Street Long Beach, CA 90815-1791 562-426-7601, EXT 1314 FAX 562-424-3915
1a-4a Alpert Jewish Community Center Program Guide
All submissions should be submitted via e-mail: chronicle@jewishlongbeach.org
March Events at the Alpert JCC
ADVERTISING & COPY DEADLINE First Wednesday of the month: May 2012 deadline: April 4 ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT Anna Shabtay 562-426-7601 EXT 1007 Yolanda Placencio 562-426-7601 EXT 1314 ISSN# 1525- 6847 ___________________________ Long Beach Area Chamber of Commerce Member ___________________________
The appearance of product or establishment advertising in the Jewish Community Chronicle does not constitute an endorsement of kashruth.
12 Voluntary Subscription Drive
Get the Chronicle Delivered to your IN Box instead of your MAIL Box. E-mail Anna at Ashabtay@jewishlongbeach.org to get on the e-mail list
Shabbat Candlelighting March 2 March 9 March 16 March 23 March 30
5:32 pm 5:38 pm 6:44 pm 6:49 pm 6:55 pm
Opinions printed in the Jewish Community Chronicle do not necessarily reflect those of this newspaper, the Federation or the Jewish Chronicle Committee. We reserve the right to edit all submissions for length and style. The publication of a paid political advertisement does not constitute endorsement of any candidate, political party or political position by this newspaper, the Federation, or any employee. No part of this newspaper may be reproduced without the express permission of the Chronicle. This newspaper is published monthly.
www.jewishlongbeach.org | march 2012 | 3
The Jewish Community
FOR MORE INFORMATION: 3801 E. Willow Street Long Beach, CA 90815 WEB: www.jewishlongbeach.org PHONE: 562-426-7601
VISIONS 2012 Was a Huge Success On Thursday February 2nd, 285 people gathered for the Jewish Federation’s Women’s Philanthropy Arlene Solomon VISIONS Dinner at the Alpert Jewish Community Center. Every year, VISIONS brings together the women in our community to do three things: hear a great speaker, honor extraordinary Women of VISIONS in our community, and support a great cause, the Jewish Community Partnership Agencies through the Jewish Federation’s Annual Campaign. This year’s event was no exception. Ilene Beckerman, author of Love, Loss and What I Wore, delighted the audience with her wit and humor about real life issues. We honored 10 amazing women who received the Woman of VISION awards. Harriette Ellis, Diane Fike, Melissa Fox, Nitzan Harel, Andrea Kaiser, Evelis DeGarmo Marshall, Susan Miller, Anita Newman, Linda Palitz, and Eileen Tobey are all inspirations to the entire community. Leslie Kern and Emily Sukman chaired this year’s VISIONS Dinner and along with their entire committee made everyone feel welcome and excited to attend again next year. Thank you to the wonderful women who helped underwrite the event by being Chai Angels. Their generosity allowed us to include full time students at a reduced rate, indulge in a fabulous kosher meal for everyone at a reasonable cost, and donate backpacks filled with essential items to Hamilton Middle School students.
(L-R) Women of VISION Honorees: Linda Palitz, Anita Newman, Andrea Kaiser, Melissa Fox, Harriette Ellis, Diane Fike and Eileen Tobey. (Not Picture: Nitzan Harel, Susan Miller, and Evelis DeGarmo Marshall)
(L-R) VISIONS Co-Chairs, Emily Sukman and Leslie Kern, Deborah Goldfarb, Federation and Foundation Executive Director, and Ilene Beckerman, Guest Speaker
Join the Jewish Community Partnership, local synagogues, and other organizations for a community-wide day of social action with friends and family. People of all ages are welcome to participate – there will be something for everyone. Volunteer to pitch in, help out and give back! To register, contact Brian Avner at (562) 426-7601 Ext 1014 or at bavner@jewishlongbeach.org or visit www.jewishlongbeach.org/bigsunday.
(L-R) Pamela Weinstein, Danielle Van Divort, and Jaime Nemirow helped out at the registration table
Susan Miller, Shul by the Shore Woman of VISION honoree and Channie Perelmuter
Women’s Philanthropy of Jewish Federation Lion of Judah & Pomegranates are invited to an evening with Shoshana Bisawer Ethiopian-Israeli Dental Student & activist in The Ethiopian Israeli Community
Hillel Students enjoyed VISIONS this year and were especially excited to honor Woman of VISION Honoree, Nitzan Harel
4 | Jewish community chronicle | ADAR-NISAN | 5772
For location or to RSVP Contact Sharon Kenigsberg at 562-426-7601 EXT 1008
Are You A Secret Member Of The Living Legacy Society? By Edie Brodsky & Laurie Raykoff, Co-chairs of the Jewish Community Foundation Create a Jewish Legacy Initiative Thank you, thank you, thank you….We can never say “Thank You” enough to all of our community members who make Jewish life possible through their continued support of our Jewish agencies, schools and synagogues. However, we need to ask you an important question. Are you a Secret Member of the Legacy Society? Have you protected your lifelong investment in our Jewish community by including a gift to the Jewish community in your will? If you have, then
you are already a member of the Legacy Society. If you have not, then we invite you to make a promise today to make a difference tomorrow. We are asking you to consider including a gift in your will to the Jewish Community through the Jewish Community Foundation. It is up to us to ensure that in the future we will be able to provide: Jewish arts, culture & education programs that stimulate, enrich and connect all ages; comprehensive teen, young adult & family en-
gagement programs that inspire and groom the next generation to assume leadership and connect to our worldwide Jewish community; expanded services to our seniors so no elderly person is left alone, hungry or without care; counseling and support for families who are at risk and much more… By signing a “Letter of Intent” to leave a bequest, of any size, you will automatically become a Legacy Society Member. Legacy Society Members will be recognized
at the Foundation’s inaugural plan; designation of a life inLegacy Society Brunch on surance policy; a charitable gift annuity and more. April 15, 2012. The Jewish Community Making A Legacy Gift is Easy Foundation is ready to assist Every family and finan- you in starting the conversacial situation is unique and tion to find the right philanbequests of all amounts are thropic path for you and your needed. There are many family. For more information ways to leave a bequest and or to receive a copy of the some options include: a sim- new Create a Jewish Legacy ple bequest in a will or trust; brochure and/or a letter of call Sharon a named endowment or spe- intent, cial purpose fund through an Kenigsberg at 562-426outright gift using appreci- 7601 EXT. 1008. Together we can help enated assets or cash; distributions from an IRA or pension sure the future.
What will your legacy be? Legacy Society Make a promise today to make a difference tomorrow by signing a Letter of Intent to leave a bequest through the Jewish Community Foundation. With your signing of a Letter of Intent, You are invited to be our guest at the inaugural
Legacy Society Brunch Sunday, April 15, 2012 11:00 a.m.
Call 562-426-7601 today to speak with a Foundation staff member to secure your spot at the brunch.
Your legacy lives on
To learn more about how The Jewish Community Foundation can help your family Create it’s Legacy Call 562-426-7601 EXT 1009
www.jewishlongbeach.org | march 2012 | 5
r a B B i n i c
r e f l e c t i o n s
Why Do Jews Still Observe Purim? Rabbi Howard Laibson
The Rabbis long ago made a curious comment: ‘In the messianic end of days it will no longer be necessary to celebrate Shabbat or the High Holy Days. But even then, the Jews will continue to observe Purim.’ So, why Purim? The Book of Esther tells the story of a buffoon of a king of Persia, who in a moment of drunkenness and at the misogynistic urging of his advisors, dethrones his queen for refusing to debase herself dancing before his inebriated guests. Ahasueros, the buffoon, is now in need of a new queen. So he calls for all the available maidens in his empire to parade in front of him so that he can select the most beautiful one to be his mate. This turns out to be Esther, a Jewish young woman being raised by her older cousin, Mordecai. Mordecai advises Esther to keep her Jewishness a secret from the king (presumably to protect against anti-Semitism in the royal court). In the meantime, two minor events occur involving Mordecai, which become major factors in the ensuing drama: Mordecai overhears two men plotting against the king, reports their plan and thus saves the king’s life; and
Mordecai refuses to bow down to the king’s egomaniacal Grand Vizier, Haman, because Jews only bow down to God (which, by the way, wasn’t always true – Jews historically have frequently bowed in respect to royalty . . . but that’s irrelevant). As the story unfolds, Haman – angry over Mordecai having bruised his starving ego – tricks Ahasueros into permitting him to kill all of the Jews. Ahasueros learns one sleepless night, when he has the royal records read to him, that Mordecai had earlier saved his life! Asking Haman how he, the king, should show appreciation to a loyal subject (Haman thought the king was referring to him), Haman advised Ahasueros to have a respected member of the royal court walk the loyal subject around the capitol and sing his praises. The king then ordered Haman to do so . . . for Mordecai! This was, of course, a foreshadowing of Haman’s demise at the hands (indirectly) of Mordecai. The wicked anti-Semite is later outwitted by Mordecai’s cousin Esther, who reveals her Jewish identity to her husband and, thus, her
vulnerability to death as a result of Haman’s plan to kill all of Mordecai’s coreligionists. Enraged that Haman would harm his now-favorite wife, Ahasueros has Haman and his sons executed. Mordecai secures the king’s permission to allow the Jews to defend themselves, and they do so to a frankly embarrassing degree of success (something which we don’t really go into in Religious School). The End. So, what is it about this story that makes the celebration of Purim an eternal observance? We know that the incidents depicted aren’t historical. There may be allusions to historical people, but the story itself is not actual history. I believe that the reason Purim is so dear to our hearts is actually that it isn’t factual. The Book of Esther is a farce. It delightfully demonstrates how pathologically driven some people can be (Haman) who seek the downfall of the Jews, and how incredibly foolish some leaders are (Ahasueros), to their own and their people’s detriment. It provides a surprising – maybe even shocking – example of when it may be wise to downplay our separation from other groups in society, so long as
we proudly emphasize our uniqueness when Rabbi Howard O. Laibson really it matters (both Mordecai and Esther). Most of all, Purimprovides us with a grand opportunity to be completely silly, which simply is a lot of fun. We wear costumes, we enact the Purim story in exaggeratedly farcical plays, and in some circles – I don’t recommend this – we drink in a manner that makes us resemble Ahasueros more than Mordecai. Now that’s very, very silly! So even in the end of days, when the world will be perfected in messianic peace, there will still be opportunities to laugh, enjoy and celebrate. But why wait? We can all laugh, enjoy and celebrate this month! During Purim! Chag Purim samie’ach! Happy Purim! Rabbi Howard Laibson is Rabbi at Congregation Shir Chadash in Lakewood. This delightful story of Purim is a reprint from the March 2011 issue of the Chronicle.
Upcoming Events at Our Area Synagogues Below you will find many of the exciting events happening at our local synagogues. Be sure to contact them directly if you have any questions. Their contact information is available in the Synagogue Directory on the right sidebar of this page.
Temple Beth David Sunday, Mar. 11 at 9:00 a.m.- 2:00 p.m., join TBD for the Spring/Purim Auction &
Carnival. This will be a great day of family activities, live & silent auctions, carnival & activities for all ages. Thursday, Mar. 29, at 7:00 p.m. TBD presents Facing Armageddon Israel and the Six Day War. This lecture will address the causes and results of the 1967 Arab-Israeli War and how that conflict has shpaed the politics of the Middle East today.
Temple Israel Wednesday, March 7, T.I. inivtes the community to celebrate Purim at the Alpert JCC at 6:00 p.m. Purim Pizza dinner will be available for $5 per person. Purim service and Megillah reading at 6:30 p.m., followed by costume parade and ice cream sundaes. Temple Beth Shalom Sunday, March 25, at 6:00 p.m. TBS will be celebrating
6 | Jewish community chronicle | ADAR-NISAN | 5772
their 60th anniversary , call the office for more information. Wednesday, March 28, TBS Men’s club invites you to join them at the Los Angeles Clippers game. Tickets are $36, for more information contact David Alpern, at alpern@hotmail.com If your synagogue would like to be a part of this listing, please submit your events to chronicle@jewishlongbeach.org
Synagogue Directory Congregation Shir Chadash (I) 6440 Del Amo Blvd. Lakewood, CA 90713 Contact Rabbi Howard Laibson Phone: 562-429-0715 Email:csclakewood@dslextreme.com Website: www.CongregationShirChadash.org Shul By The Shore (O) Seaport Marina Hotel 6400 Pacific Coast Highway Long Beach, California 90803 Contact: Rabbi Abba Perelmuter Phone: 562-621-9828 Email: rabbi@shulbytheshore.org Website: www.shulbytheshore.org Temple Beth David (R) 6100 Hefley St. Westminster, CA 92683 Contact: Rabbi Nancy Myers Phone: 714-892-6623 Email: tbdavid@templebethdavid.org Website: www.templebethdavid.org Temple Beth Shalom (C) 3635 Elm Ave. Long Beach, CA 90807 Contact: Rabbi David Klatzker Phone: 562-426-6413 Email: rabbi@tbslb.org Website: www.tbslb.org Temple Israel (R) 269 Loma Ave. Long Beach, CA 90803 Contact: Rabbi Steven Moskowitz Phone: 562-434-0996 Email: info@tilb.org Website: www.tilb.org Temple Ner Tamid of Downey (R) 10629 Lakewood Boulevard Downey, CA 90241 Contact: President David Salzman Phone: 562-861-9276 Website: www.downeytemplenertamid.org P’nai Or (I) Long Beach, CA Contact: Cantor Steven Puzarne Spiritual Director Email: cantor@pnaior.org Website: www.PnaiOr.org Phone 562-364-5154 Congregation Lubavitch (O) 3981 Atlantic Ave. Long Beach, CA 90807 Contact: Rabbi Newman Phone: 562-426-5480 Email: yitzyg@aol.com Chabad of Cypress (O) 4454 Cerritos Ave. Los Alamitos, CA 90720 Contact: Rabbi Shmuel Marcus Phone: 714-828-1851 Email: smarcus@jewishcypress.com Website: www.jewishcypress.com Congregation Sholom Leisure World, Seal Beach (C) P. O. Box 2901 Seal Beach, CA 90740 Contact: Cantor Galit Levy-Slater Spiritual Leader Membership: 562-431-0113 Temple Beth Ohr (R) 15721 Rosecrans Ave. La Mirada, CA 90638 Contact: Rabbi Mark Goldfarb Phone: 562-691-2551 E-Mail-Tmplbthohr@AOL.com Website: www.TempleBethOhr.com Chabad of West Orange County/ Congregation Adat Israel (O) 5052 Warner Ave. Huntington Beach Contact: Rabbi Aron David Berkowitz Phone: 714-846-2285 Email: info@chabadhb.com Website: www.chabadhb.com Surf City Synagogue (C) Services held at the HB Central Library 7111 Talbert Ave. Huntington Beach Phone: 714-596-2220 E-Mail: info@surfcitysynagogue.org Congregation Ahavas Yisroel (O) 10433 Los Alamitos Boulevard Los Alamitos, CA 90720 Contact: Rabbi Yitzchok Marcus Website: Under Construction E-mail: CongAhavas@aol.com Phone: 562-493-4570 (R)=Reform (O)=Orthodox
(C)=Conservative (I)=Independent
FOR MORE INFORMATION: Phone: (562)426-7601 www.alpertjcc.org
MARCH 2012 Adar-Nisan 5772
Alpert JCC Program Guide
inside Israeli President Shimon Peres Interviewed by Charlie Rose . . . . . . . 2 Chai Society . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Jewish History Course . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Mezuzah Pezuzah! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Senior Prom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Swim University Classes . . . . . . . . . . 3 Martial Arts Tournament . . . . . . . . . . 4 NEW Jiu Jitsu Class. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Spring Break Camps. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
The Barbara & Ray Alpert Jewish Community Center
1 www.alpertjcc.org
Alpert JCC Program Guide
Chai Society AJCC Launches Chai Society Enhanced Membership Program This exciting program brings special events from NYC’s renowned 92nd Street Y to the Alpert JCC in Long Beach. Admission is free to AJCC members and members of our partner synagogues, Temple Beth David, Temple Beth Shalom, Temple Israel, Congregation Shir Chadash and Shul by the Shore.
FREE SPECIAL LIVE BROADCAST! Israeli President Shimon Peres interviewed by Charlie Rose Thursday, March 1, 2:30pm The entire community is invited to this FREE Live broadcast.
Mandy Patinkin in conversation with Thane Rosenbaum Thursday, March 15, 7pm Mandy Patinkin’s career encompasses theater, film, television, recordings and the concert stage. He has appeared in more than 20 feature films, multiple television series and has made numerous solo recordings. Thane Rosenbaum is a novelist and law professor at Fordham University and the director of the Forum on Law, Culture and Society
The Alpert Jewish Community Center recently launched its new Chai Society Enhanced Membership program. Members of the Chai Society give a single annual leadership gift starting at $1,800. In addition to AJCC Michael Rosen, membership, Chai Society members receive event tickets AJCC Resource Development and the ability to allocate funds to programs and projects Committee Chair of their choice. “We developed the Chai Society to meet our donors’ needs,” said Michael Rosen, Vice President, AJCC Board of Directors. “Instead of approaching supporters several times a year, the Chai Society allows donors to make one annual gift to support the programs and services that are most meaningful to them.” “I’m encouraged by the response to date,” says Jeff Antonoff, AJCC Executive Director. “Proceeds from the Chai Society bring renewed energy to our programs and services and new life to the Center.” For more information about how to become a Chai Society member, please contact Carolyn Brooks, Resource Development, at (562)426-7601, ext. 1021.
Thank you to the 2012 AJCC Chai Society Members Founders - $10,000 and above Ray & Barbara Alpert • Jim & Elizabeth Breslauer The Robert Kronick Family • Rich & Amy Lipeles
Upcoming 92Y Lectures ---------------------------------------------Unprotected Texts: Controversial Elements in the Bible
Visionaries - $5,000 and above Nancy Alpert & Josiane Alpert-Sandler • Andy & Gail Pieter Mort & Susan Stuhlbarg • Barry & Rita Zamost
Bart Ehrman & Jennifer Wright Knust with David Gibson
Tuesday, April 10, 7pm
Patrons - $3,600 and above
Eric Kandel with Alan Alda: Between Science & Art
Joel & Edie Brodsky • Stephen & Linda Gordon David & Pat Lemmerman • Gene & Shirley Ross
Thursday, May 3, 7pm
Madeleine Albright Thursday, May 24, 7pm For more information on 92Y Lectures visit www.alpertjcc.org
Pacesetters - $1,800 and above Kent & Mika Azaren • Matt Davis & Mark Dressner • Dennis & Lea Gerber Jonathan & Lynne Kass • Gordon & Judi Lentzner • Henry & Paulette Matson Arthur & Barbara Miller • Kendra Miller & Jeff Schimsky • Robert & Laurie Raykoff Michael Rosen & Deborah Lewis • Murray & Sue Taubman
RSVP to Eve Lunt, (562)426-7601, ext. 1067 or elunt@alpertjcc.org
Summer at the “J” Natalie Chernik, nchernik@alpertjcc.org (562)426-7601, ext. 1205
Registration Opens in March for Komaroff Camps at the J JCC Camp Komaroff: A leader in Jewish camping for over 25 years
For kids entering grades 1-6 in fall 2012 American Camp Association Accredited
Daily swim, field trips (Knott’s, CA Science Center & IMAX, beaches, and more), overnights, Judaics, Arts & Crafts, Sports, Outdoor Activities, Drama, and much more!
Register by May 15th to qualify for Early Bird specials!
Half Day Specialty Camps: Jedi Engineering with LEGO, Writers’ Workshop, MYART Musical Theater Production of “You’re a Good Man Charlie Brown” & more!
Half Day Sports Camps: British Challenger Soccer Camp; Pete Davis Legends Basketball Camp; Sensei Mac’s Mixed Martial Arts Camp!
Teen Summer 2012 entering grades 6 & up Camp J Crew 3 Trips every week! IFly Indoor Sky Diving, Knott’s, Beach Days, Soak City, Kayaking, Angels Baseball Game, Universal Studios & overnight at the AJCC, 3 day trip to JCA Shalom, OC Fair, swimming, Judaics & more! •Digital Movie Making Camp •Teen Summer Stock Presents: GREASE •Counselor in Training Leadership Program for 9th – 11th graders
Watch your mailbox for summer 2012 Brochure and Registration
Wellness & Fitness Alpert JCC P.E. Courtesy Desk, (562)426-7601, ext. 1051
Join the ‘J, get a TIFT Our TIFT Program gives new members to the Alpert JCC six 30-minute sessions with one of our personal trainers.
Includes: • Health assesment • Fitness center equipment orientation • Instruction in exercises appropriate for your fitness level and goals • Nutritional and health tips
Group Fitness The “J” offers over 50 weekly group fitness classes that are FREE to all members. We offer Spinning, Zumba, Pilates, Yoga and much more! To check out our full group fitness schedule, or to learn more about our programming, please go to our website.
Take the first step toward a Healthy & Fit You Personal trainers make the most of your time with efficient workouts, they help motivate you to stick with your exercise routine, and create fitness programs specifically designed for you to reach your goal. Whether your goal is to fit into your skinny jeans, lose weight, tone & sculpt your physique, or train for an upcoming event, the AJCC personal trainers can help you get there. To schedule a free consultation with one of our nationally certified personal trainers call (562)426-7601, ext. 1051.
Adar-Nisan 5772
MARCH 2012
Eve Lunt, elunt@alpertjcc.org (562)426-7601, ext. 1067
Get Ready for the April 29th Mahj Tournament Sunday, March 25 10am-1pm Are you an intermediate player who’d like to step up your play? Interested in the April 29 Mah Jongg Tournament at the “J” but are intimidated by the pace? Mah Jongg Maven Linda Simmons will give you all the tips and rules you need to know to play. Two tournament rounds of 4 games will be played and a light lunch will be served.
Abraham casting out Hagar and Ishmael GUERCINO (1591-1666)
Crash Course in Jewish History Mondays, March 5–April 2 7pm From Abraham and Sarah to the beginning of the twenty-first century, join us as we learn about the history of the Jewish people. You’ll explore the major figures, places and historical events that shaped the Jews of today. The five sessions include: Biblical Times, United Kingdom to Exile and Diaspora, The Jewish Epicenter Moves West, Enlightenment to WWI, and Holocaust and Renewal. FREE
All participants will get $10 off registration fees for the April 29th Mah Jongg tournament.
$18/AJCC Member; $24/Public
Tuesday, March 20 7-10:30pm: Game Time
Seder 101 Everything you wanted to know about Passover but were afraid to ask! Thursday, March 22 9:30am From the meal to the haggadot, from the story to the traditions, there is no one way to have a Seder. You will learn the Passover story, how to set the table, choose a Haggadah perfect for your family and guests, and learn some Passover trivia at the same time. FREE/AJCC Member; $5/Public
Come to the GesherCity Shabbat, where we’ll celebrate with good friends, great music and tasty food.
SENIOR ADULTS Dr. Susan Mathieu, smathieu@alpertjcc.org (562)426-7601, ext. 1721
Beginner (8, 30 min lessons)
Day In Paradise Senior Prom Exhibits in the Zena & Pauline Gatov Gallery: The 5th Annual AJCC Mezuzah Case Art Exhibit & Silent Auction March 5-11
Exhibit and Auction Open to Public
Tuesday, March 27, 7pm
Fri, March 2, 7:30pm
Mon & Wed: 2pm or 3pm Tue & Thur: 2pm, 3pm
Contact Eve Lunt for more info. or RSVP
Rosh Chodesh at the JCC
GesherCity Shabbat
Tiny Tots (8, 30 min lessons)
Join other women for Rosh Chodesh, the new moon, which has special meaning to Jewish women and help us usher in the Jewish month of Nisan. FREE
Contact Eve Lunt for more info. or RSVP
Susanne Katz, skatz@alpertjcc.org (562)426-7601, ext. 1625
Sascha Bryan-Zwick sbryanzwick@alpertjcc.org (562)426-7601, ext. 1035
March 5-29
Local artists, celebrities and community members will show off their creative sides by decorating mezuzah cases for our 5th Annual Mezuzah Case Art Exhibit & Silent Auction. This year’s theme to go along with the Purim Holiday is Mezuzah Pezuzah, mezuzot created out of Pez candy dispensers in costume just like kids dressed up for Purim! You will have a chance to preview and pre-bid on the mezuzot for the week before the Purim Carnival on March 11th. This is your chance to purchase a unique mezuzah and help support Cultural Arts here at the J.
Doors open for registration at 6:30pm. Texas Hold’Em Poker will be played, snacks and beverages will be served, and cash prizes will be won. $20/AJCC Member; $25/Public For details visit www.alpertjcc.org
Sponsored by the Alpert JCC & Jewish Federation of Greater Long Beach
Swim University Group-Swim Lessons
Mezuzah Pezuzah! AJCC Poker Club
Hadassah through the Eyes of the Artist March 14-April 15 This group exhibit will showcase the paintings, sculpture, ceramics and other media from the members of Southern California Hadassah chapters. Curated by Georgia Freeman-Harvey of the Hadassah Southern California Centennial Art Exhibition.
Reception Sun, March 25, 2-4pm Exhibition & Reception open to Public
Sunday May 20, 1-4pm Attend solo or with your buddies. We’ll enjoy refreshments, dancing, and music from a DJ. Wear any Hawaiian themed clothing, be creative. $5 Please RSVP to Susan Mathieu at, (562) 426-7601, ext. 1721, smathieu@alpertjcc.org
Gil Alcantar Musician & Entertainer Wed, March 14 Lunch 12pm Entertainment 12:30pm This will be Gil’s Debut Appearance at the "J", you name it-Gil will play it $5 for lunch
Mon & Wed: 2:30pm, 3:30pm Tue & Thur: 2:30pm, 3:30pm
Adv. Beginner (8, 30 min lessons) Mon & Wed: 4pm Tue & Thur: 4pm $75/AJCC Members; $90/Public
Year-Round Private Swim Lessons
Alpert JCC Program Guide
One-on-one instruction for all ages with a Swim University instructor. Spots available, call today! Visit website for more info.
Year-Round Masters Swim Mon & Wed, 6:30-7:30pm Sat, 9-10am Ages 14+
Year-Round Prep-Swim Team Wellness Lectures at the “J” with Coach Rafe Montes Diabetes: The 7 Warning Signs Wed, March 21, 12:30pm
Tue, Thur, 4:30-5:15pm Ages 5-12
Dr. Ajay Meka, Internal Medicine, Sr. Clinic & Diabetes Education Team Dir. of St. Mary Med. Center will run the lecture that will conclude with a blood glucose test for all participants. Lectures take place after the Alpert JCC’s weekly Senior lunch. Lunches begin at 12pm.
The lecture is FREE & the Sr. Lunch is $4/AJCC Member; $5/Public
Ongoing Senior Activities Knit Wits: Mon, 1pm Lunch Program: Wed, 12pm Mah Jongg Group: Thur, 12pm Book Club: 1st Thur of month, 1pm
The Barbara & Ray Alpert Jewish Community Center
Year-Round Youth Swim Team with Coach Rafe Montes Mon-Thur, 5-6:30pm Fri, 4:30-5:30pm Ages 6-16
Alpert JCC Program Guide
SPORTS & RECREATION EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION Natalie Chernik, nchernik@alpertjcc.org (562)426-7601, ext. 1205
AJCC/Pete Davis Youth Basketball Spring Camp April 9, 10, 12, 13 (No camp on the 11th) 9am-12pm Boys & Girls ages 6-13 years $125/AJCC Member; $155/Public
Webby Dance Ages 2-4: Wed, 3-3:45pm Ages 4-7: Wed, 4-4:45pm Intro. to basics of tap, jazz & ballet. For prices visit www.alpertjcc.org
Alayna Cosores, acosores@alpertjcc.org (562)426-7601, ext. 1092
Summer/Fall Registration Opens in Mid-March For Pre-School, Pre-Kindergarten, & Parent Participation & Enrichment Classes Membership Matters! The longer you’ve been a member of the Alpert JCC, the better your chance of getting your child into our highly regarded ECE programs. Become a member today, and move your child’s name up on the registration list.
Tuesdays & Thursdays 9:30am-12:30pm 18-28 months with an adult Parents enjoy playing with their child for the first hour, and then leave them in the nurturing care of experienced ECE staff. The children will learn through guided group play, participating in music, rhythm, stories and dramatic play and other hands-on activities. The emphasis of this class is on social skills and development which will provide a great transition into pre-school! For registration info., contact Danielle Putnam at dputnam@alpertjcc.org, or at ext. 1090
Registrations should be handed in by the following dates, depending on your eligibility status: • March 14: Families currently enrolled in any ECE program • March 28: Current JCC members, in order of date of membership • After March 28: registration will be open to the general public. For info. or to set up a tour contact Linda Keiles, acting Dir, ECE, at (562)426-7601, ext. 1092 or at lkeiles@alpertjcc.org
3rd Annual AJCC Instructor’s Cup
Martial Arts Tournament Sunday, April 1 1-5pm Demos, sparring, skills & thrills by students currently enrolled in Sensei Mac’s Martial Arts Classes at the Alpert JCC. $5 spectator fee More info. contact Natalie Chernik at nchernik@alpertjcc.org or at ext. 1205
Martial Arts with Sensei Mac Classes ongoing, start anytime!
Parent/Child Participation Classes These classes offer fun & learning for families with children from birth through toddler in a welcoming Jewish atmosphere. The “J” has three different classes; find the right one for you & your baby.
From the Beginning Newborn through walking, with an adult
Call for schedule Begin your new life with us at the AJCC; this class for new mothers and their infants will help you discover the joys and face the challenges that are part of transitioning your family when a new baby arrives, whether it’s your first or your fourth! Class is facilitated by a caring and experienced ECE staff member.
This is a FREE class
NEW CLASS! Jiu Jitsu All Ages: Tuesdays, 7:30-8:30pm
•Parent & Me Martial Arts •Pee Wee Martial Arts •Youth Martial Arts •Youth Sparring •Cardio Kick-Boxing •Self-Defense/Mixed Martial Arts •Drop in fee per class •Private Lessons with Sensei Mac
Moving On
To arrange for private lessons, call Sensei Mac at (562)688-9994
Yad b’ Yad (Hand in Hand) Tuesdays & Thursdays 9:15-10:45am Meeting day depends on age of child.
For children 9-23 months, with an adult Your child will experience development and discovery through hands-on learning, including music, arts & crafts, manipulatives, table and playground time. This class is a great way to make friends you and your family will keep for a lifetime.
Natalie Chernik, nchernik@alpertjcc.org (562)426-7601, ext. 1205
Spring Break Camp April 9-13 (Mon-Fri) For Kids in Grades K-8
9am-4pm: Regular Day $45/AJCC Member; $55/Public
7am-6pm: Extended Day $55/AJCC Member; $65/Public Sign up for all 5 days & save $5/day! Contact Natalie Chernik for more info.
TEENS/J-CREW Rachel Gordon, rgordon@alpertjcc.org (562)426-7601, ext. 1023
J Crew Skate Night Saturday, March 24 7-8:30pm
Purim Parades
Middle School & Up Join the J Crew at Skate Depot in Cerritos for a night of skating with your friends! While the DJ is playing the latest hits you can skate or just hang out with your friends. Drop off & pick up at Skate Depot. 11113 E. 183rd St. Cerritos, CA 90703 $10 for admission & $3 for skates
Thur & Fri, March 8 & 9
Contact Rachel Gordon for more info.
Come watch our kids as they parade around the AJCC Promenade in their handmade Purim costumes! Then join us as our staff has a blast sharing the story of Purim in their annual Purim Spiel.
Spring Break Camp
Kid’s Night Out, Parent’s Night Off
$55/AJCC Member; $65/Public Sign up for all 5 days & save $5/day
April 9-13 (Mon-Fri) Grades 6 & up
9am-4pm: Regular Day $45/AJCC Member; $55/Public
7am-6pm: Extended Day More info. contact Natalie Chernik at nchernik@alpertjcc.org or at ext. 1205
Sat, March 24, 5-9pm For children 1-8 years Enjoy dinner, a movie, or a walk on the beach while ECE staff takes care of the kids! Cost includes dinner, games, stories, play, staff supervision $25 per child Discounts available for siblings: 2nd child is 20 and 3rd is 10
Program closes when full RSVP is required Call Danielle Putnam at ext. 1090 or email at dputnam@alpertjcc.org
ECE Spring PlayDays April 9-13 (Mon-Fri) 9am-2:30pm Ages 2-5 years old Each day holds new surprises in this week of fun. $47/AJCC Member; $57/Public, per day or $200 for the entire week! Reservations required. Extended childcare is available. Call Danielle Putnam at ext. 1090 or email at dputnam@alpertjcc.org
Adar-Nisan 5772
MARCH 2012
JFCS Call Today! We’re Here to Help!
3801 E. WILLOW STREET LONG BEACH, CA 90815 WEB: www.jfcslongbeach.org EMAIL: jfcs@jfcslongbeach.org PHONE: 562-427-7916
Race With A View Benefit Scheduled for April 1st On Sunday, April 1, at 8:00 a.m., JFCS will host its 24th annual spring fundraising event, Race With A View, supporting the amazing and critical social services of JFCS. Highlights for this year’s Race will be team racing, sponsored walkers/runners, a costume contest (it is April Fools’ Day after all), and last but not least, food trucks for your dining enjoyment. There are several ways you can help to make this event a success: •Participating in the Walk/Run, individually or by forming a team of your family, friends, neighbors,
and co-workers. Individual and team sign-ups can be completed by filling out a registration form at www.racewithaview.org or on Active.com. Have friends, family and coworkers sponsor you to double your impact. •Become a sponsor. It’s a wonderful gift to your community as well as an excellent opportunity for business owners looking to grow their business. For information about sponsorship opportunities and levels of sponsorship, contact Lise Miller, Director of Development and Market-
ing, at EXT 235 or at lmiller@jfcslongbeach.org. •Sponsor someone you know who is walking/running that day. If a walker/runner is able to collect $100 or more they will get free movie tickets as well. Come out and join the fun, have a great day at the beach, and enjoy the view all for a great cause. We hope you will join us in healing the world, one person, and one family at a time….by taking on step at a time.
Race With A View is officially underway! To start things off, JFCS hosted an Underwriting Party at the Sky Room in Long Beach for loyal friends and donors. Thank you to those who helped ensure Race With A View was started off with a bang.
Elaine Davis and Nancy Schneider
Renee Simon and Barbara Shoag
Anita Newman, Leslie Kern, Joyce Feldman, Nancy Linden, and Dale Strok
If you find yourself experiencing anxiety or depression, JFCS is proud to announce we have a new group forming just for you. Research has shown that the best method of treatment for mood disorders is a combination of cognitive behavioral treatment along with exercise. This group will combine a group therapy model of cognitive behavioral treatment paired with a consistent workout plan utilizing exercise designed to improve mood. If you would like to par ticipate, please contact JFCS at 562-427-7916.
Are you a new mom that is struggling? if so, this group may be for you. Post-partum support group for new moms which is open to all women with children who are not yet crawling. Call Kendra Godfrey for more information. OUR MISSION: Jewish Family and Children’s Service of Greater Long Beach/West Orange County is a nonprofit agency that provides a wide range of professional counseling and support services to assist all individuals regardless of religion, race, ethnicity, disability or sexual orientation in facing life’s challenges.
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Hillel at CSULB FOR MORE INFORMATION: WEB: www.Beachhillel.org EMAIL: beachhillel@gmail.com PHONE: 562-985-7068 or 562-426-7601 ext 1424
Beach Hillel’s Taglit-Birthright Israel
The combined Hillel group celebrates reaching the top of Mount Masada
Five Beach Hillel students embarked on a TaglitBirthright Israel trip with other Hillel students from Southern California on December 21, 2011. The Beach Hillel students bonded as a group prior to the trip through preparatory meetings lead by Rabbi Drew Kaplan. They learned about Israeli culture and history and what to expect while traveling in the foreign country. One participant, Eric Sandler, gives a detailed account of his experiences: One of the highlights of visiting Israel for me was our visit to Tzfat. We entered the city under cloud cover and some rain similar to that at Mount Bental and learned shortly that it was here that many
Spaniards had fled to after the full spread of the Spanish Inquisition within Spain in the late 15th century and here as well that a center of Kabbalah, of Jewish mysticism, would come to be established. Given my pursuit of immersion in the Spanish language and culture and previous brief trip to Spain, the city of Tzfat and visit there to a Sephardic orthodox synagogue where a Torah scroll laid from Spain circa 1492 were particularly meaningful to me. Moreover, it was neat to be able to finally meet the Israeli soldiers with whom we would be spending the next few days during the mifgash activity, and the Yemenite lahuhe, a sort of pita wrap with mellawach fried bread, several cheeses (such as balady,
FEDERATION TOWER APARTMENTS FREE Alpert JCC Membership Including Wednesday Senior Lunch Seniors 62+ pay only 30% of your income for rent! Intercom Entry Two Lounge Areas Planned Activities Wheelchair Accessible
Air Conditioning Carpeting & Vertical Blinds Refrigerator & Stove Mirrored Closet Doors
a soft, white cheese), zåatar (a condiment made from one of several dried herbs, sesame seeds, dried sumac, salt, etc.), olive oil, eggs, tomato, and shoog (a special sauce) was absolutely scrumptious. It was neat as well to learn of Livnot U’Lehibanot’s offering of subsidized post-Birthright experiences with volunteering, hiking, seminars, and workshops; though I decided to come home after the Birthright trip rather than immediately pursue Livnot U’Lehibanot’s 1 week post- Birthright program, perhaps I may come back sometime for one of their 3-5 week programs. Participating in the drum circles at the Bedouin tent and at an overlook of Jerusalem that was our introduction to the city was also an extraordinary experience. As I had previously taken an African Dance Styles class, I felt greatly animated by the sound of the djembe drums played and enjoyed using the African dance steps I had learned to dance in the middle of both circles alongside Allison, Riddle, Zachary, and others as well as dancing in a Hora-like fashion while holding hands with everyone else during part of the drum circle in
Jerusalem. Moreover, it was magnificent to see the grand cityscape of Jerusalem darken as we sang the Shehechiyanu prayer (used to celebrate special occasions, which this most definitely was), praised G-d for being creator of the fruit of the vine, and danced in a spirit of togetherness and harmony. By traveling to Israel, I exceeded my expectations in gaining a deeper sense of Jewish identity; came to more greatly recognize the relationship between as well as enhance my own personal connection to Judaism, Israel, and earth-centered philosophies; and had some great adventures with newfound friends. In these ways, the TaglitBirthright Israel Hillel trip has allowed me a new beginning towards pursuit of interaction with Judaism and Israel. It has given me knowledge and inspiration to reinvigorate my interaction with Hillel, share my amazing Birthright experience with others, keep up to date with that which is happening in Israel, improve my Hebrew reading comprehension, eat more Israeli and Mediterranean food, and keep in touch with my fellow Birthright trip participants.
Donate a Vehicle
to The Jewish Federation of Greater Long Beach
Your wheels help make a world of difference!
Call 1-800-237-5714 seven days a week to get the wheels in motion.
(562) 426-8404 3799 E. Willow Street, Long Beach Next to the Weinberg Jewish Federation Campus
8 | Jewish community chronicle | ADAR-NISAN | 5772
NCJW National Council of Jewish Women Long Beach Section
Mini Conference
CALLING ALL WOMEN “Sounding the Alarm for Women's Rights” Sunday, March 4, 9:30am - 2:30pm at the Alpert JCC Program by Rabbi Nancy Myers, Temple Beth David, topic The Changing Role of Women in Synagogue Life Beth McGovern, Executive Director of the California Commission of the Status of Women, topic How the Economic Climate and The State Budget are Impacting Women and Families J. Parker Dockray, California Coalition for Reproductive Freedom, topic Reproductive Issues Under Attack
Keynote Speaker, Sheri Eshet, Director of NCJW Israel Office, topic Defending Women's Rights $30 fee includes refreshments, program and lunch. For RSVP’s please contact Barbara Millman at 310-548-1919.
HEBREW ACADEMY Award Winning Academics in a Genuine Jewish Environment
14401 WILLOW LANE HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92647 WEB: www.hebrewacademyhb.com PHONE: 714-898-0051 CAMP SILVER GAN ISRAEL: www.campsgi.com
Visionary Awards Dinner
Beverly & Robert Cohen
Shelly & Shmuel Newman
Sybil & Dr. Marc Tamaroff
More than 250 guests will join the Hebrew Academy this year on Sunday, March 4 at the beautiful Four Seasons Hotel in Los Angeles to honor Robert and Beverly Cohen with the Lifetime Achievement Award, Shmuel and Shelly Newman with the Young Leadership Award, and Dr. Marc and Sybil Tamaroff with the Partners in Education Award. The evening will be hosted by television personality Elon Gold with entertainment by
film celebrity and comedian Larry Miller. The Visionary Dinner is the Hebrew Academy’s major fundraising event; the signature evening of the year. All are welcome to join as Jewish education and continuity is celebrated. Honorees Robert and Beverly Cohen have been partners in life and in business for close to 60 years. The monumental enterprise of their lives has been the development of the Four Seasons Hotel in Beverly Hills. However, the real passions of their lives are their three children, Ernie (Amy), Eleda Cohen and Michelle (Jeff) Lerman and their ten grandchildren. All great achievers, these children fill their parents with pride and pleasure. Honorees Shmuel and Shelly Newman have been a force in promoting local Jewish education for nearly a decade. Shelly credits Shmueli’s ability to think outside the box as an important leadership tool. H. A. and the surrounding Community were inspired by the idea of participating in the Facebook based Kohls Cares contest becoming one of twenty schools to gain enough votes to receive funds. They are humbled by being honored, preferring to promote success and education for the community rather than as individuals. Honorees Dr. Marc and
Sybil Tamaroff are very flattered and overwhelmed by this honor. Dr. Marc Tamaroff grew up in Phoenix, Arizona, where his dad and grandfather began a scrap metal business. Sybil was born in Los Angeles but raised in Fontana where her parents, both Holocaust survivors, owned an egg ranch. Their paths crossed at UCLA, where they met, fell in love and married in 1978. In 1980, Marc began his private medical practice in Long Beach. There they made their life-long connection with other Jewish couples and young parents at the Long Beach JCC. As their involvement grew, Marc became a member of the Center's Board of Directors. In 2001, he was elected as President. He completed his tenure on the Board in 2005 and in 2010, joined the Board of Directors of the Hebrew Academy. Sybil, too, was involved as a volunteer at the JCC in Long Beach, including acting as co-chair for the Holocaust Remembrance event. She also served on the Board of Trustees at Temple Beth David in Westminster. All of these have been wonderful and fulfilling experiences. If you are interested in attending this event and/or want more information, please call Jenny Kdoshim EXT. 209 or email eventshahb@gmail.com.
March Upcoming Events OPEN TO THE COMMUNITY:
School Wide/Community Shabbat Dinner/ Shabbaton Friday, March 2 Visonary Dinner Sunday, March 4 School Wide Purim Celebration Thursday, March 8 Rosh Chodesh Assembly Friday, March 23 Family Fun Day O.C. Great Park Sunday, March 25 First Grade Siddur Party Thursday, March 29 Town Hall Assembly Every Tuesday
Purim Celebration Bring your family, bring a friend… the entire community is invited to join us on Thursday, March 8th from 9:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., to a fabulous Purim celebration which includes the Megilah reading, costume contests, live entertainment for ALL ages, music, dancing, food and more. To emphasize the importance of Jewish unity and
friendship on Purim we send gifts of food to friends. On Purim day, March 8th we encourage you to send a Mishloach Manot gift of various kinds of ready-to-eat foods (e.g., pastry, fruit, beverage), to a friend. To order Purim packages, please call the office of visit the website.
Imagine! Congratulations to our Pre-K student Zachary Levy for his winning entry to the “Imagine you lived in the Library” writing and illustrating contest. The award ceremony was presented in the Huntington Beach Central Library during the 24th Annual Authors Festival sponsored by The Friends of the Children's Library. Zachary’s winning story is titled ‘Transformer Bee’. This is what the judges had to say about his entry:
“This is a repeat winner and we love how Zachary thinks of details for his story. His character starts as a blue bumble bee that, in the end, turns into a ghost that spins a web and goes to sleep. We applaud Zachary and this entry for originality and imagination.” Great job, Zachary! We are so proud of you.
www.jewishlongbeach.org | march 2012 | 9
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Call Today to Add your listing to our Professional Directory Call Anna 562-426-7601 EXT 1007 or Yolanda 562-426-7601 EXT 1314 for more information
Jewish Lecture Series Just in time for Passover, on March 14, at the Alpert JCC, Rabbi Miriyam Glazer will Rabbi Miriyam explore the Glazer, Ph.D. complex and sometimes contradictory approaches to food by Jews and in Judaism. Her lecture is “Kosher, Treyf, and Chinese: The Jewish
Matrix of Food and Spirituality.” Sometimes foods the tradition declares “treyf” (taboo) are treated by many Jews as “kosher” (acceptable), e.g., stir-fried shrimp, but only if eaten in a Chinese restaurant in Brooklyn, while foods that are perfectly kosher according to Jewish law, e.g., white bread and mayonnaise, are treated as the epitome of unjewishness.
Community Women’s Passover Seder Join us as we joyously explore the traditions of the Passover Seder from a woman’s perspective. All women over the age of 12 are welcome. Tuesday April 3, 2012 6:00 PM at the Alpert JCC $25 Admission $18 for Students
Rabbi Glazer is the Chair of the Literature, Communications and Media Department at American Jewish University. The lecture series is free and open to the community. Lecture begins at 7:00 p.m. For more information, please contact Susan Paletz at the Alpert JCC at 562-4267601, EXT. 1012.
Look for the Community Seder Schedule and Community Passover Greetings in the April 2012 Passover issue
To RSVP, contact Susan Paletz at spaletz@alpertjcc.org or 562-426-7601 EXT 1012 or mail checks payable to AJCC to 3801 East Willow St., Long Beach, CA 90815
Roberta Fassler-Katz Remembered It is with sadness that we inform you that Roberta FasslerKatz of Sacramento (formerly of Long Beach) passed away on January 18, 2012. Roberta was a Marriage & Family Therapist and, here in Long Beach, once served as the executive director of the Long Beach Women’s Center. Also in Long Beach through the 70’s and into the 80’s, Roberta served as a program specialist for Orange County Mental Health agency, focusing on training first responders in providing benefit, care, and treatment to rape victims. However, many of our Chronicle readers will remember Roberta from her time as
10 | Jewish community chronicle | ADAR-NISAN | 5772
the Director of the Women’s Division for the Jewish Federation of Greater Long Beach & West Orange County. Her exuberance and passion for the Federation’s mission was evident in her work and in the fact that many of the women in our community maintained their connection to Roberta long after she moved to Sacramento in 1989. In Sacramento, Roberta distinguished herself as a selfless, giving & caring person in both her professional and personal life. Roberta served her synagogue community, the Women for Reform Judaism, her students at National University, her private therapy clients, the local B-
Street theatre, and numerous social service organizations. She is in the hearts and memories of her husband Norman (she and Norman were past members of Temple Israel); her sons Jeremy (Yenyy) & Jason (Emilie); her brother Marty (Katie); her two grandchildren Jonah & Ethan; nieces, nephews, cousins and her precious friends for life. She loved and cherished them all with her enormous heart. The Community is invited to join together in remembrance and friendship for Roberta on Shabbat afternoon on March 24, 2012 at 2:00 p.m. at the Alpert JCC.
from Gerda & Harold Seifer For tributes to the Jewish Federation and Jewish Community Foundation please call 562-426-7601 EXT 1314
AJCC Jewish Federation GENERAL FUND •To Jodi & Neil Okun, in memory of Ida Okun, from Laurie & Robert Raykoff •To Norman Fassler-Katz & family, in memory of Roberta, from Ronni & Bob Kaplan
GENERAL FUND •To Cindy & Jon Gotz, in memory of your mother, from Barbara & Ray Alpert •To Louis Blumberg, in honor of your 80th birthday, from Jeff Antonoff, Florence Haut, Jordon & Jesse Antonoff
ANNUAL CAMPAIGN FUND •In blessed memory of Roy Merrit, from Carla Beam •In honor of Anita Newman receiving the 2012 VISIONS award, from Karen & Joshua Strok
PAULA BLUM SENIOR FUND •To Cindy & Jon Gotz, in memory of your mother, from Susan & Mark Paletz •In memory of Morton Webber, from Susan & Mark Paletz ROSECARRIE BROOKS ISRAEL AND MUSIC FUND OVERSEAS FUND •To Rosecarrie & Alan •To Jonathon Gotz & family, Brooks, in honor of your 40th in memory of Marilyn, from anniversary, from Sary Melles Harriet Danufsky
Jewish Community Foundation JEAN BLAKEY JEWISH STUDIES SCHOLARSHIP FUND •To Sandy Horwitz, wishes for a speedy recovery, from Gerda & Harold Seifer •To Judy Green & family, in memory of your father, from Gerda & Harold Seifer •To the Florence Schild family, in memory of Florence,
For tributes to AJCC please call 562-4267601 ext 1414
JFCS GENERAL JFCS FUND •To Anita Newman, in honor of being a 2012 Visions award recipient, from Joyce Greenspan, Nancy Linden, Helene Ansel, Karen Zoller & Gayle Nachlis •To Irene & Lee Werner, in memory of your father, from Janet & Harold Pottebaum •To Lea & Dennis Gerber,
with our thanks, Ansel & Andrew Kincaid •To Cindy & John Gotz, in memory of your mother Marilyn, from JFCS board and staff •To Tybie Becker, in memory of your son Ricky, from Lucille Pash ORLOFF FUND •To Laura Orloff, thinking of you and sending you wishes for a speedy recovery, from JFCS board and staff •To Laura Orloff, thinking of you often and wishing you well, Binnie & Jack Berro For tributes to JFCS please call 562-4267601 ext 235 or 562-427-7916
Jeremy Robert Duclos Jeremy Robert Duclos will be called to the Torah March 31, as a Bar Mitzvah. Jeremy is an honor student at Mesa View Middle School. His Mitzvah project was collecting hundreds and hundreds of canned food items for the Huntington Beach Youth Shelter. TEMPLE BETH SHALOM
Mira Leah Hauer Mira Leah Hauer, daughter of Susan and Richard
Hauer and granddaughter of Marion Lieberman will celebrate her Bat Mitzvah on March 10. Mira is a 7th grade student at Stanford Middle School. For her Mitzvah project, Mira will be volunteering at ARC Long Beach (Advocacy-Respect and Choice for persons with Developmental Disabilities) assisting in art classes and Special Olympics dinner dances.
HEBREW ACADEMY •To Rabbi & Mrs. Newman, in honor of the marriage of Adina & Moishe Newman, from Judi & Gordon Lentzner
Sarah Greenfield S a r a h Greenfield will be called to the Torah March 10. Sarah is in the Sea Eagles class at Eldorado School in Orange. For her mitzvah project, Sarah has been saving recyclables to raise money for Fast Friends, a greyhound adoption organization.
www.jewishlongbeach.org | March 2012 | 11
Tribute & memorial contributions are special gifts to honor, memorialize, or congratulate friends & family for all occasions. We will be delighted to send a card on your behalf.
The Jewish Federation of Greater Long Beach & West Orange County Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage
3801 E. Willow St., Long Beach, CA 90815
PAID Permit No.129 Long Beach, CA
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12 | Jewish community chronicle | ADAR-NISAN | 5772