3 minute read
It takes a village . . .
A message from your Jewish Book Festival Co-Chairs
At the beginning of most Book Festival events, we commented that we couldn’t offer a 19-event Festival featuring 21 authors without a great deal of support and assistance — and that it takes a team to bring you the Book Festival. Well, we were wrong. It doesn’t take a team — it actually takes an entire village!
Thank you to the many people who make up the village:
Our 15-member Jewish Book Festival Committee for their advice, guidance and book reviews as well as for serving as an overall sounding board. (Their names are listed on page 28.) The committee helped finalize the recommendations of the “Author Selection Team” (Carole Greene, Reneé Bialek and the two of us). Judith Finer Freedman was instrumental in structuring this year’s very successful Patron program. The committee also planned the successful online Preview Event under the direction of Gayle Dorio. And so much more.

The 31 Platinum, 70 Silver and 210 Bronze Patrons. Your financial support and enthusiasm for Book Festival events made the Book Festival possible. (See the Patron listing on page 16.)
The 24 sponsors, including many long-time sponsors as well as a first-time sponsor. We know this past year has been unsettling for many of our sponsors and we are grateful that, in spite of that, they offered their support. (A list of sponsors is on page 17.)
The 21 authors who participated in our Book Festival. Each one was outstanding and kept us fully engaged. We hope that you will purchase their books to show your appreciation for their participation in the Book Festival. (The list of authors is on page 14.)
The Jewish Book Council for introducing us to nearly 250 talented authors this past summer and scheduling the authors to speak at our Book Festival.
The very articulate moderators who introduced the authors and moderated the Q&As. You were key to the success of the program: Cary Barbor, Gayle Dorio, Carole Greene, Steve Brazina, Iris Shur, Karen Deutsch, Sue Bookbinder, Donna Messer, Ellaine Rosen, Irene Pomerantz, Rabbi Adam Miller, Susan Suarez, Susan Koeppel and Felicia Anchor.
Federation representatives who welcomed the community near the beginning of each event: Board Chair Jane Schiff, Annual Campaign Chair Karen Deutsch and President/CEO Jeffrey Feld.

Jewish Book Festival Co-Chairs Susan Pittelman and Robin Mintz
Federation staff who worked behind the scenes to ensure that your questions were answered when you called and took care of registrations, payments, Zoom connection problems, gift wrapping books and more! Thank you, Marcy Friedland, Jeanine Hudak, Nathan Ricklefs and Teresa Zimmerman.
Larry Israelite, who created the Book Festival registration form on Reg Fox, and arranged for closed captioning.
Jake Tavill of Indigo Soul Entertainment and his staff for being the wizards behind the webinars, ensuring that each panelist was on the screen at the appropriate time, could be clearly heard, had proper lighting and more.
Sharon Hood, editor of the Federation Star and her team for designing Book Festival articles and ads, and for giving them prominent placement.
Florida Weekly, for publishing articles about the Book Festival written and submitted by Jewish Book Festival committee member Carole Greene.
And last, but certainly not least — Reneé Bialek — for her invaluable help with all of the above.
And thank you, the members of our community, who loyally attended and supported the Jewish Book Festival.
We feel fortunate to be a part of this incredible village.
Thank you for giving us the opportunity to create events that engaged, entertained and educated you. We felt privileged to be able to bring our community together under the auspices of the 2020-21 Greater Naples Jewish Book Festival.
Todah Rabah,
Susan & Robin