2 minute read

Temple Shalom events

By Jeanette Fischer, Temple Shalom Director of Communications

Registration is required for all events and programs.

Why Sharks Matter: How My Faith Informs My Conservation Work

Monday, April 1 at 2 p.m.

Learn about sharks, the world’s most misunderstood predators, from Dr. David Shiffman, world-renowned expert and award-winning scientist, writer and educator who studies sharks and how to protect them. (tinyurl.com/TS-Sharks)

Dead Sea scrolls

Sundays, April 7 and 14 at 9:30 a.m.

Join Temple Shalom member and FGCU professor Dr. Landon Frim for a two-part discussion about the Dead Sea scrolls, Second Temple Jewish sects and the theological and philosophical differences among them. (tinyurl.com/TS-DeadSeaScrolls)

Foodie films

Wednesday, April 10 at 3 p.m.

Just in time for Passover! Join Cantor Donna Azu for the film, “Streit’s Matzo and the American Dream.” Sample the Sisterhood’s matzah brittle, which is also available for purchase! (tinyurl.com/FoodieStreits)

Joanie Leeds in concert

Saturday, April 13 at 5:30 p.m.

Joanie Leeds is a Grammy winning singer/ songwriter. She will be giving a free community concert, co-sponsored by Temple Shalom, PJ Library and C’mon!, at the Golisano Children’s Museum. Food available for purchase. (tinyurl.com/TS-JoanieLeeds)

Creative midrash

Wednesdays, April 10 and 17 at 10 a.m.

Midrash is a fascinating, rabbinic method of commentary used to elucidate meaning in Biblical texts. Join Rabbi Ariel Boxman in a creative writing workshop to explore classic rabbinic midrashim and have the opportunity to write some of your own versions. Bring your creativity and humor! (tinyurl.com/TS-CreativeMidrash)

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