Federation Star - Jewish Book Festival - December 2020

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Federation Star

December 2020

There’s still time to become a Patron of the Jewish Book Festival!


hat’s the secret to the success of the Greater Naples Jewish Book Festival? Our generous Patrons! The financial support and enthusiasm of our Patrons in promoting Festival programs have enabled us to continue to bring an outstanding array of authors to our community. There is still time for you to show your support for the Book Festival by becoming a Patron at one of these three levels: Platinum at $500, Silver at $225 and Bronze at $118. Many Patrons have told us that the greatest benefit of being a Patron is “knowing that I am supporting the Book Festival.” The generosity of our Patrons helps to underwrite the expenses of the Jewish Book Festival and assist our Federation in fulfilling its mission to build a vibrant Jewish community in Greater

Naples and support the social service needs of the Jewish people. The next benefit Patrons highly value is “not having to remember to buy tickets to all of the events.” You will automatically be registered for each event; you simply sign up once.

Several other benefits to being a Patron • Patrons have an opportunity to greet each other in an informal chat following the conclusion of one or two of the presentations. • Patrons are acknowledged in the Federation Star as well as on the Jewish Book Festival webpage. • Patrons receive advance notification (prior to the announcement in the Federation Star) of the authors participating in next year’s Book Festival.

Platinum and Silver Patrons receive three additional benefits • The heartwarming feeling that you are helping to financially support the Jewish Book Festival above and beyond the cost of the registration fee for events. • Invitations to two exclusive (virtual) Patron gatherings with Book Festival authors following their presentations. • A copy of Lori Gottlieb’s bestselling book, Maybe You Should Talk to Someone. If you plan to “attend” Jewish Book Festival events, being a Bronze Patron is, in itself, a great value! Offering a significant discount on registration, the Bronze level was added this year because of the unusual circumstances caused by the pandemic. If purchased separately, the cost of the events would total $212, while the cost of being a Bronze Patron is

just $118 — plus you get all the perks of being a Patron, including knowing that you are supporting the Book Festival. If you have been a Patron in the past, we thank you and urge you to become one again this season. If you have not been a Patron, we hope you will join this wonderful and generous group of Jewish Book Festival supporters.

How do I become a Patron? Simply go to the Festival webpage, JewishBookFestival.org, and check the appropriate box on the Jewish Book Festival Registration Form. A link to the Registration Form is also in Federation’s Monday e-blasts. It’s that easy. It’s not too late to reap the benefits of being a Patron. Please consider becoming a Patron for the 2020-21 Jewish Book Festival. It’s going to be Zoom-tastic!

On your mark . . . Get set . . . Zoom! Eight easy tips for successfully “Zooming” into our Book Festival


efore you settle back onto your couch, here are a few hints to ensure that you enjoy each Book Festival event to the fullest. 1. Come as you are! No need to dress up. When you enter, your video and microphone will be off. 2. Closed captioning will be available to allow all members of our community to enjoy the Book Festival events. 3. A week before the event, you will

receive an email reminder about the event. Please make sure the event is on your calendar. If you find that you will be unable to attend, please email Reneé at rbialek@ jewishnaples.org to let her know. 4. Two hours before the event, you will receive an email with the Zoom link. Either flag the email or copy the Zoom link into your calendar for easy access when you need it. (The link is unique to you. Please do not forward it or you

may risk being locked out of the event.) 5. Sign in by clicking on the link. (If you prefer, you can also join by entering the Webinar ID number and password.) 6. Before the event begins, you will have the option of using the “Chat” feature to send a greeting to the other attendees. Chat will be turned off when the author is introduced. 7. If you have a question or comment for the author, type it into the Q&A

section on your screen. Questions will generally be read after the author’s presentation, but you can type in your question at any time. 8. Please Zoom into the event 5 minutes early so that you are all set when the program begins. If you experience a problem signing in, please email Reneé at rbialek@jewishnaples.org. Now, sit back, relax and enjoy the event!

Question: How do I register for a Book Festival event? Answer: To register for an event, visit www.JewishBookFestival.org. Fine print • You will receive a confirmation email after you register. The Zoom link will be emailed two hours prior to each event and is good for your entire household. • Event reservations are not transferable. Please do not forward the Zoom link or you may risk being locked out of the event. • Payments are not tax-deductible. • If a start time or author needs to be changed, you will be notified via email. • If an author cancels, every attempt will be made to reschedule the author; your original reservation will be good for the rescheduled event. (No refunds unless the entire event is canceled.) • Books may be purchased at Barnes & Noble at Waterside Shops and online at barnesandnoble.com and amazon.com. If you have questions, please email Reneé, Program Director, at rbialek@jewishnaples.org.

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The 2020-21 Jewish Book Festival Committee

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Book Festival Co-Chairs Robin Mintz and Susan Pittelman

Carole Greene, Author Review Team • Phil Jason, Jewish Book Festival Co-Chair Emeritus Patti Boochever Steve Brazina Gayle Dorio

Judith Finer Freedman Susie Goldsmith Lenore Greenstein

Jewish Federation


Lee Henson Carol Hirsch Bobbie Katz

Ellen Katz Ida Margolis Irene Pomerantz

Reneé Bialek, Program Director

Dina Shein Iris Shur Elaine Soffer

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