1 minute read
On your mark . . . Get set . . . Zoom!
Eight easy tips for successfully “Zooming” into our Book Festival
Before you settle back onto your couch, here are a few hints to ensure that you enjoy each Book Festival event to the fullest.
1. Come as you are! No need to dress up. When you enter, your video and microphone will be off.
2. Closed captioning will be available to allow all members of our community to enjoy the Book Festival events.
3. A week before the event, you will receive an email reminder about the event. Please make sure the event is on your calendar. If you find that you will be unable to attend, please email Reneé at rbialek@ jewishnaples.org to let her know.
4. Two hours before the event, you will receive an email with the Zoom link. Either flag the email or copy the Zoom link into your calendar for easy access when you need it. (The link is unique to you. Please do not forward it or you may risk being locked out of the event.)
5. Sign in by clicking on the link. (If you prefer, you can also join by entering the Webinar ID number and password.)
6. Before the event begins, you will have the option of using the “Chat” feature to send a greeting to the other attendees. Chat will be turned off when the author is introduced.
7. If you have a question or comment for the author, type it into the Q&A section on your screen. Questions will generally be read after the author’s presentation, but you can type in your question at any time.
8. Please Zoom into the event 5 minutes early so that you are all set when the program begins. If you experience a problem signing in, please email Reneé at rbialek@jewishnaples.org.
Now, sit back, relax and enjoy the event!