1 minute read
Good news from Israel
By Harvey Cohen, Israel Advocacy Committee Chair
We are often bombarded by news from Israel and the Middle East that can make us feel like the sky is really falling. And yes, some of that news has serious implications and ramifications. Do pay attention. Be concerned. Take action, as appropriate.
Recently, I learned of an e-newsletter and Facebook site that brings just good news from Israel. Yes, it’s 100% good news and speaks to the humanitarian, intellectual and striving of the Jewish Homeland to be a light.
This newsletter is a breath of fresh air, chock-full of scientific advances, medical therapies, technological wonders and human-to-human (Israeli, Arab, Jew, Christian, Druse and Arab) dramas.
If you want to subscribe (yes, it’s privately curated and does request support), write to michael.goodnewsisrael@ gmail.com or follow the Facebook page at verygoodnewsisrael. https://verygood newsisrael.blogspot.com/
You’ll feel proud, and you’ll amaze your friends and family with your new treasure trove of exciting news from Israel.