2 minute read
How I finally lost 65 pounds and kept it off
By Diane Lynn, Weight Loss Coach
My doctor had advised me to lose 50 pounds for five consecutive years. The fifth year, she told me I was prediabetic and would be fully diabetic if I didn’t change. Knowing the challenges faced by my diabetic brothers, I was determined to prevent this outcome. In my quest for a diet plan I hadn’t yet tried, I unexpectedly discovered weight loss coaching. The coach explained I could retrain my brain to not want junk food as much and learn to manage stress without eating chips.
I hired the coach and was astounded by what I learned and my results — I lost 65 pounds! It became evident that retraining my brain was the only way I’d ever have been able to lose that much and keep it off. I discovered sneaky thoughts that were keeping me overweight like “I can’t wait until this diet’s over so I can eat whatever I want” and “If no one sees me eat it, it doesn’t count.” If I continued to think this way, of course, I’d gain the weight back!
What I learned was so important that I quit my corporate career and became certified as a weight loss coach. After coaching hundreds of clients, I’ve condensed what I learned into a series of six online classes called Permanent Weight Loss for Emotional Eaters.
Join us in January if you’d like to learn how to rewire your brain to finally be free from the addiction and in control of your weight. Learn more on the JFGN website at www.jewishnaples.org.
A portion of your tuition benefits Jewish Federation of Greater Naples.