Federation Star
December 2023
We Stand with Israel
How I finally lost 65 pounds and kept it off By Diane Lynn, Weight Loss Coach
y doctor had advised me to overweight like “I can’t wait until this lose 50 pounds for five condiet’s over so I can eat whatever I want” secutive years. The fifth year, and “If no one sees me eat it, it doesn’t she told me I was prediabetic count.” If I continued to and would be fully diabetic if think this way, of course, I’d I didn’t change. Knowing the gain the weight back! challenges faced by my diabetic What I learned was so brothers, I was determined to important that I quit my prevent this outcome. In my corporate career and became quest for a diet plan I hadn’t certified as a weight loss yet tried, I unexpectedly discovcoach. After coaching hunered weight loss coaching. The dreds of clients, I’ve concoach explained I could retrain densed what I learned into Diane Lynn my brain to not want junk a series of six online classes food as much and learn to manage stress called Permanent Weight Loss for Emowithout eating chips. tional Eaters. I hired the coach and was astounded Join us in January if you’d like to learn by what I learned and my results — how to rewire your brain to finally be I lost 65 pounds! It became evident free from the addiction and in control of that retraining my brain was the only your weight. Learn more on the JFGN way I’d ever have been able to lose website at www.jewishnaples.org. that much and keep it off. I discovered A portion of your tuition benefits Jewish sneaky thoughts that were keeping me Federation of Greater Naples. OF GREATER NAPLES
Donate to the Israel Emergency Relief fund at www.jewishnaples.org/donate.
Sit and stand with poles and bands The fun way to greater strength and better balance By Shari Greenberg, Fitness Instructor
Monday, January 15, 2024
Meet: 10:00 am • Parade Start: 11:00 am Location: Broad Avenue S & 3rd St. S
Please walk in the MLK Jr. parade with the Jewish Federation of Greater Naples. Come hold our banner while we walk in the parade!
CELEBRATE AND REMEMBER The celebration will continue with food, music and entertainment at Cambier Park. The Jewish Community Relations Council is looking for volunteers to walk with us in the parade. This is a family friendly, kid friendly program and everyone is invited to walk with us.
FREE ADMISSION FOR ALL! The first 50 registrants will receive a free t-shirt to wear in the parade. Wear comfortable shoes! Please register to walk with us at: www.jewishnaples.org OF GREATER NAPLES
ith passion and purpose, After several class sessions, you will Shari Greenberg brings a begin to notice less pain and stiffness, fitness strategy to support resulting in greater ease of movement, your lifestyle to each 45-minute class, along with a greater sense of confidence which is designed to safely guide parand a bonus of more smiles! ticipants through a total body moveThe classes will be held at the Nina Iser ment experience. Jewish Cultural Center as follows: Each session includes fun Tuesdays in January (Jan. activities to build and enhance 2, 9, 16 & 23) strength, endurance, balance, Pole Walking Class, 10:30agility and posture. While 11 a.m., $8 per class targeted to all levels, those Sit/Stand/Poles/Bands, who engage in racquet sports, 11:15 a.m.-noon, $12 golf and other activities will per class also benefit. Wednesdays in February Each class begins with (Feb. 7, 14, 21 & 28) a warmup while seated or Pole Walking Class, 1-1:30 standing. With a strong focus p.m., $8 per class Shari Greenberg on balance, Shari integrates Sit/Stand/Poles/Bands, both static and dynamic 1:45-2:30 p.m., $12 per class exercises throughout each class session. Wednesdays in March (March 6, 13, Resistance bands are a great way to 20 & 27) target upper and lower body to improve Pole Walking Class, 1-1:30 p.m., $8 strength, flexibility and overall conditionper class ing. Walking poles will be introduced Sit/Stand/Poles/Bands, 1:45-2:30 p.m., in creative ways, using all directions of $12 per class movement to allow for increased range of Please register at www.jewishnaples. motion. Walking poles help to improve org or use the direct link: https://JFGN. posture, which promotes better balance regfox.com/sit-and-stand-with-polesin motion. and-bands. Wear sneakers and bring In order to stay functional with less your poles. To encourage good grip and pain and stiffness, we need to move stability, I recommend special Urban and challenge our heart, muscles, bones Poling poles (different from trekking and brains. poles), which I will bring for purchase. To remain steady on our feet, it is (Prices range from $106-$132) imperative to do something active every The Jewish Federation of Greater Naples day. Each week you will learn a new is co-sponsoring these classes and a portion movement pattern to practice at home of the tuition will benefit them. to support and enhance skills learned in class.