2 minute read
Security measures to keep us all safe
Jeffrey Feld Federation President/ CEO
Security is a most important issue that faces our entire Jewish community, and Jewish Federation of Greater Naples takes the issue very seriously. Regarding the Nina Iser Jewish Cultural Center, leadership has gone to great expense to make this building a very secure one. This includes things like the bollards surrounding the perimeter of the building, the magnetic lock system, security cameras strategically located inside and outside the building, and many more steps taken.
We are fortunate in this community for the relationships that we have with our local law enforcement. That includes Collier County Sheriff’s Office, Naples Police Department and Marco Island Police Department. In addition, we are in communication with the FBI. Of course, we also work closely with Secure Community Network (SCN).
We are all aware of the increase of antisemitic activities in our community, in our state, in our country and the world over. Because of this, we want to make sure that everyone participates in keeping us safe. There is an expression, “If you see something, say something.” If you see something that appears suspicious, please report it.
Recently, emails had gone to a number of our Jewish congregations and institutions identifying that there was a “bomb threat” in the building. Although each of these has turned out to be a hoax, every single incident must be taken seriously and responded to appropriately. That may mean the interruption of a service, preschool, religious school or other activities. We appreciate everyone’s support in responding to these threats.
We also include communication with the ADL (Anti-Defamation League) for follow-up on these threats.
Our Federation now has a security guard on-site during normal business/ operational hours. For programs that go beyond our normal hours, we hire additional security. During our Monday through Friday business hours, Andy Marrero is our security guard. Marrero, as a corporal in the Marines, served tours in Iran and Japan.
When coming to the Nina Iser Jewish Cultural Center, please be sure to have your security badge with you to enter the building. We need your participation in following this protocol as part of our security.
We hope for a better future regarding these kinds of activities; however, in the meantime, we thank you for your help in keeping our community secure.