2 minute read
The lion behind the pin
What do you want your legacy to be?
By Paula Filler, Lion Behind the Pin Coordinator
There is a saying in Judaism, L’dor v’dor , which literally means “from generation to generation.” Often it is understood to mean the transmission of our culture’s values, rituals, traditions and history to the next generation.
On Feb. 2, our Naples Lions will gather for our Lion of Judah Luncheon and a unique program, Lion Behind the Pin. The two founders of the Lion Behind the Pin program, Shelley Robbins and Debbie Lazarov, will describe how they became inspired and sprang into action to protect the legacy of their Lion of Judah sister and founding member of their Lion of Judah pride in Memphis. Together, we will learn how The Lion Behind the Pin program offers inspiration to Lion of Judah sisters nationwide to protect their personal legacy by conveying what is most important to them as individuals. Your Naples Federation will explain the tools and guidance available to help you with L’dor v’dor, as you consider, prepare and share your personal story with those you love.
As Jewish women, we have all heard our forefathers’ stories of immigration, bravery, sticking to our belief in Judaism and integrity in the face of adversity and overcoming persecution repeatedly. The message of Judaism is a message of resilience. What can we share from our past to create and protect our children’s future? How do we pass on our individual stories, values and heritage of righteousness, kindness and bravery that are so deeply ingrained in our lives with the next generation? What is the legacy we wish to leave behind?