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Programs, books, games, and more
Reneé Bialek, Program Director
Events and programs this month offer something for everyone.
Adamah program for the entire Mishpachah
Join us for this amazing opportunity — this winter, Jewish Federation of Greater Naples will offer a first-ever program for adults and teens to engage each other in authentic conversations about an issue that many Gen-Zers and Millennials regard as their top concern and a source of great anxiety.
We look forward to seeing you on Thursday, Feb. 14 at 4:30 at the Nina Iser Jewish Cultural Center with featured speakers Adamah CEO Jakir Manela and its Director of Youth Empowerment Liana Rothman. Register here for the free program: https://jfgn.regfox.com/adamah.
Israel now
The Israel and Overseas Committee presents Dr. Michael Koplow who will discuss “Israel in this Moment: A Crisis of Policy and Politics” on Wednesday, Feb. 28 at 7 p.m. Please register at https://JFGN.regfox.com/ israel-in-this-moment-dr-koplow.

Rick Recht comes to Naples
Come sing with us on Thursday, Feb. 29 at 6 p.m. It’s kid friendly and family friendly. Rick Recht will be here and will perform with us! This free program is for all ages and requires registration.
Elliott Katz Lecture Series
The Elliott Katz Lecture Winter Series continues. Please join us on Feb. 9 for “These Were Not Nice Jewish Boys” and on Feb. 23 for “They Said It Couldn’t Happen Here, It Did.” Please register for these informative presentations that start at 10 a.m.
Jewish Book Festival
Jewish Book Festival continues in February with “Because the World is Round” by Jane Saginaw on Thursday, Feb. 1 at 1 p.m. and “The Einstein Effect: How the World’s Favorite Genius Got into Our Cars, Our Bathrooms, and Our Minds” by Benyamin Cohen on Monday, Feb. 12 at 1:30 p.m.
If you become a Patron prior to Feb. 27, your name will be listed in the next Federation Star. If you don’t see your name in this issue, now is the time to become a Patron and buy tickets! Please visit www.jewishbookfestival.org for more information or to buy individual tickets.
Free weekly games!
Join us for Scrabble every Monday at 1 p.m. Email Michelle at mcunningham@ jewishnaples.org to let her know you will be playing with the group.
Or, come to the Super Samba card game on Thursdays at 12:30 p.m. Please email Leslie at tennislbow5549@gmail.com.
The Singles Social Group offers monthly events. Please email Michelle at mcunningham@jewishnaples.org to let her know you are a JFGN member, Jewish, single and ready to meet new friends. The group will consist of two separate age groups, so please email specifics to Michelle.
Important March dates to save
• Monday, March 11 – JCRC Day of Learning with J.J. Goldberg and Steve Schreier
• Monday, March 18 – The Life and Death of the Dead Sea, presented by Prof. Shay Rabineau, Department of Judaic Studies, Binghamton University
Please register for all events at www.jewishnaples.org.
Dates and times of upcoming events are announced on our website homepage. If you aren’t receiving our weekly Monday e-blast, please email me at rbialek@ jewishnaples.org.
We have a variety of groups and committees at Jewish Federation of Greater Naples, such as PJ Library, Cardozo Legal Society, Catholic-Jewish Dialogue, Israel and Overseas Committee and Jewish Community Relations Council. Please join the group and/or committee that best fits your needs.