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PJ Library update
By Amber Ferren, Coordinator for PJ Library & PJ Our Way
It was so nice to see you at the Martin Luther King Jr. Parade and at our Tu B’Shevat event to celebrate the trees! This month, we have a lot of exciting events coming up.
Next playdate
On Sunday, Feb. 4 at 2 p.m., we will meet at Can U Dig It Playground for a playdate. Be ready for crafts, stories, playtime and snacks with friends!
Attention PJ Our Way Kids!
We are having a special book event this month on Sunday, Feb. 11 at 2 p.m. We will meet in the BBYO room at the Nina Iser Jewish Cultural Center, where the authors will share their original children’s book, “The Nickname Detectives,” with us. We will learn some great lessons, do a fun activity, have some snacks and get to know friends! Don’t miss out and please RSVP to programs@jewishnaples.org to let me know that you can make it!
Rick Recht concert
On Thursday, Feb. 29, we will host a Rick Recht concert and pizza for families at 5 p.m. We will hear a lot of fun Jewish music, and a great time will be had by all! Please RSVP to programs@jewishnaples.org.
Please be sure to follow PJ Library –Federation of Greater Naples on Facebook and @naplespjlibrary on Instagram for upcoming events and up-to-date info on all things local for PJ Library.