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JWV Post 202 update

Harve Sturm Commander JWV Post #202

Martin Cohn Vice Commander JWV Post #202
America’s Story
Investing in the preservation of America’s history and educating future generations, America’s Story builds on our country’s foundation of strength, and creates the teachers and leaders of tomorrow.
The purpose is to teach, educate, motivate and share with each new generation the history and legacy of the men and women who served and supported the armed forces of the United States of America and the circumstances and passions that guided their action. The values instilled include character, personal social responsibility, selfless service to community and others, student achievement, fitness, leadership, teamwork, American heritage and history, moral principles and a higher standard of behavior.
Recent activities
Members from Post 202 participated in a special Veterans’ Shabbat on Nov. 13, at Temple Shalom. Following a pledge of allegiance, Vice-Cmdr Post 202 Sam Oshry and Vice-Cmdr. Post202 Martin Cohn read a prayer for our veterans and to the nation.
Members from Post 202 also participated in a special Veterans’ Shabbat on Nov. 14, at Chabad Naples. Rabbi Fishel honored all veterans. Vice-Cmdrs. Post 202 Sam Oshry and Martin Cohn were honored with an Aliyah during the service. Commander Harve Sturm gave a speech, which was well received by congregants. Also attending were Post 202 Members, Earl Taube, Hank Benina and Foster Kawaler.
Post 202 announcements
A Happy Birthday to David Isaacson, age 100, Member Post 202 and WWII
Veteran who landed on Utah Beach, during the Normandy Invasion, France.
Happy Anniversary to Commander Harve and Sue Sturm – married 57 years. Happy Anniversary to Vice
Commander Martin and Karen Cohn – married 53 years.
As Jewish veterans, we are proud to have served our country. We are proud that we brought honor and recognition to our people. We stand for Jewish pride, identity and the American military to our nation.
We invite those who have served in the U.S. Military (combat not required) to join us at our monthly meetings. If you are not a veteran, but are grateful for their dedication to our country, you are invited to support and uphold our values as a patron member.
To learn more, contact us at jwvpost202@gmail.com, call 239-272-5999 or go to jwvpost202.wordpress.com.
God Bless America.