3 minute read
Happy New Year!
Reneé Bialek Program Director
The Elliott Katz Lecture Winter series begins. Please join us every other Friday to hear him speak on topics such as The United Nations Blinks, Again; Very Rich, Very Beautiful, Very Bad; These Were Not Nice Jewish Boys; They Said It Couldn’t Happen Here. It Did; and more. Please register for these informative presentations that start at 10 a.m.
Come sing with us on Sunday, Jan. 14 at 6:30 p.m. Kid friendly. Family friendly. The Alta Rockers will perform for us! Please register for this free program.
Walk with us in the MLK Jr. Parade on Monday, Jan. 15.
The Israel and Overseas Committee & Holocaust Museum presents Jonathan Ornstein who will discuss “In The Shadow of Auschwitz: How JCC Krakow is rebuilding Jewish Life in Poland and Supporting Ukrainian Refugees” on Tuesday, Jan. 16 at 7 p.m.
Join Bruce Rosenblatt as he explains senior housing options on Jan. 17 at 10 a.m.
Jewish and Catholic Perspectives on Sin and Forgiveness will be presented by Rabbi Mark Gross of the Jewish Congregation of Marco Island and Fr. George Ratzmann, pastor of St. William Catholic Church. Table discussions will follow the presentations and refreshments will be served on Sunday, Jan. 21 at 2:30 p.m. Presented by the Catholic Jewish Dialogue of Collier County.

Jewish Book Festival continues with “Madam: The Biography of Polly Adler, Icon of the Jazz Age” by Debby Applegate on Tuesday, Jan. 23 at 3:30 p.m. Come 20 minutes early to enjoy some light refreshments before the event begins. If you became a Patron prior to Jan. 29, your name will be listed in the next Federation Star. If you don’t see your name in this issue, now is the time to become a Patron and buy tickets! For more information on becoming a Patron or to buy individual tickets, please visit www.jewishbookfestival.org.
Come to the South Regional Library on Tuesday, Jan. 30 to hear the Naples Klezmer Band Concert. Please support this program by reserving VIP seats at $18 pp. Registration may be made at www. jewishnaples.org.
The Singles Social Group offers monthly events. Please email Michelle at mcunningham@jewishnaples.org to let her know you are a JFGN member, Jewish, single and ready to meet new friends. The group will consist of two separate age groups, so please email specifics to Michelle.
Save this important date
• Thursday, Feb. 29, Rick Recht Concert. Kid- and family-friendly singing concert.
Please register for all events at www.jewishnaples.org
Dates and times of upcoming events are announced on our website homepage. If you aren’t receiving our weekly Monday e-blast, please email me at rbialek@jewishnaples.org.
We have a variety of groups and committees at the Jewish Federation of Greater Naples, such as PJ Library, Cardozo Legal Society, Catholic-Jewish Dialogue, Israel and Overseas Committee and Jewish Community Relations Council. Please join the group and/or committee that best fits your needs.