Federation Star
www.naplestemple.org / 239.455.3030
By Jeanette Fischer, Temple Shalom Director of Communications
Shabbat evening summer service hours
July 8 through Aug. 12, Temple Shalom will begin Friday evening services at 6 p.m. Join us before the service at 5:30 p.m. for the “Pre-neg” – light refreshments and schmoozing. Regular Friday evening service hours resume on Aug. 19.
Shabbat on the beach
Friday, July 1 at 7 p.m. Join us at Lowdermilk Park for the very popular beach Shabbat Friday evening service. We meet on the beach at the north end of the park. Bring a beach chair.
Torah Talk
Join this lay-led discussion of the week’s
Torah portion via Zoom every Saturday morning at 8:30 a.m. Please contact the Temple Shalom office, info@naples temple.org, for the Zoom link.
Jewish yoga
Yoga teacher Missy Balsam guides you through an all-levels gentle yoga stretch session via Zoom on Mondays at 10:30 a.m. Interwoven with Jewish spiritual teachings, the class is designed to relieve stress and calm the mind. This class will be practiced lying down and seated on the floor. It is open to all, no experience necessary. The fee for a seven-week session is $54. Join anytime! If you miss a class, a recording can be sent to you. Call the Temple Shalom office at 239455-3030 to register and receive the Zoom information.
Tributes To:
Roberto & Laurie Bollt In memory of Maria Bollt
From: Phyllis Seaman
Claudia & Robert Mills In memory of Edith Cowen
From: Paula & Ronald Filler To:
Stanley Deutsch & Family In memory of Barbara Joan Schuster
From: Rosalee & Jerry Bogo Paula & Ronald Filler Jane Schiff Nancy & Jack Wiadro
Hal Fogelson, MD In memory of Nancy Fogelson
A call for 2Gs by GenShoah SWFL By Shelley Lieb
Temple Shalom events for all he following Temple Shalom events are open to everyone.
July/August 2022
Hedy Pearlman In honor of your Special Birthday
From: Harriet Israel
Tributes require a minimum donation of $18.
From: The Sisterhood of the Naples Jewish Congregation
To place a Tribute in the Federation Star in honor or memory of someone, please contact Janine Hudak at the Federation office at 239-263-4205 or jhudak@jewishnaples.org. Tributes require a minimum donation of $18. A note card acknowledging your gift will be sent to the person or loved one you designate. Tributes help further the work of the Jewish Federation of Greater Naples.
Stay connected. Visit www.jewishnaples.org
outhwest Florida is full of surprises. GenShoah SWFL has four goals: Even after 50+ years of living in • Promotion of Holocaust education this area, I encounter people, busiand human rights nesses, artists, plants and animals that are • Preservation of the history and amazing. That there is a population here memories of the Holocaust that can sustain a Holocaust museum • Connection of 2nd and 3rd generastill amazes me. And, each year, since the tions with one another inception of GenShoah SWFL by Sandy • Support of the Holocaust Museum Levine in 2008, I have met & Cohen Education Center others whose parents survived Some projects and ideas the Holocaust. We are known are already active and unfoldas second generation, 2Gs, or ing. Fifteen written narratives Generations of the Shoah. of the Holocaust experience Over the years, there have of the parents of our 2Gs been various programs, social are posted on the museum events, community partnerwebsite, www.HMCEC.org. ships and group support And there is plenty of room events with the guidance for more. of the Holocaust Museum Contact me at liebro@ and many active individuals. gmail.com for more Sandy Levine With the stepping back of Ida information and encourMargolis from the leadership role, it is agement. David Nelson is helping time to reenergize, reorganize and reform 2Gs reach out to local students and our local GenShoah group. I am working museum visitors. There are a few, but with Margolis as well as Susan Suarez more are needed as our local survivors and David Nelson from the Holocaust grow older. You can contact him at Museum & Cohen Education Center to david@hmcec.org. establish a GenShoah coordinating comI wouldn’t be surprised if there mittee for that purpose. A call has been are more 2Gs out and about in Southsent out to everyone on our GenShoah west Florida who might want to get SWFL mailing list. That door remains connected. Let us know. Time to suropen at genshoahswfl@hmcec.org. prise yourself.
summer at the museum...continued from page 13 bookings have also increased as summer Summer teacher vacations begin. workshop Are you looking for an interesting The Museum will sponsor a one-day activity for your family, friends or organiSummer Holocaust Education Teacher zation this summer? Why not book your Workshop in August before school own private group tour of the Museum? starts. The theme will be “Holocaust These docent-led tours are held in the 1942 – From Bad to Worse.” All active mornings when the Museum is closed middle- and high-school grade educato the public, allowing you plenty of tors are invited. There is no charge time to ask questions and explore the for the workshop and complimentary exhibits. We can customize the tour to light breakfast and lunch will be fit your schedule and even provide a light provided. Teachers will also be probreakfast if you wish. Please contact Eduvided with Holocaust education classcation Specialist Dave Nelson for more room resources for use during the next information and to schedule a private school year. group tour — David@HMCEC.org or The workshop is funded courtesy 239-263-9200, ext. 205 of a generous grant from the Merrill Kuller Educator Series. For more inforNew special exhibit mation and to register, please contact this summer Education Specialist David Nelson at Don’t miss the new special exhibit in the David@HMCEC.org or call 239-263Estelle and Stuart Price Gallery — “Art 9200, ext. 205. If you know any teachers After the Holocaust.” who might be interested, please feel free The exhibit, on display through Aug. to share this information. 31, presents a cross-section of Holocaustthemed artwork held in our perma“Save the date” nent collection. A variety of media are The popular “Movies That Matter” series shown, including: will return this October! Films will be • Black-and-white photographic shown on three consecutive Wednesdays: images of contemporary Auschwitz by Oct. 19 (via Zoom), Oct. 26 (in person at Arnold M. Hodes Paragon Theaters) and Nov. 2 (in person • Pencil drawings of pre-Holoat Paragon Theaters.) Check our website caust life in Eastern Europe by Sander in August for additional information on Gordon Bergman the films and discussion panel details. • Oil paintings created by Bill Wishing you and your families a Farnsworth for the children’s books safe and happy July 4th holiday. I look “Irena Sendler and the Children of the forward to seeing you at the Museum Warsaw Ghetto” this summer! • Woodcut print portrait of Elie Wiesel by Sr. Mary Charles McGough