Federation Star - July/August 2022

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Federation Star

Boston family makes history as four sisters serve together as Lone Soldiers in IDF Fourth and youngest daughter enlists on heels of Israel’s 74th Independence Day, joining nearly 50 Massachusetts Lone Soldiers



July/August 2022

el Aviv (May 11, 2022) – A since my eldest enlisted, our family has special Boston family has made experienced an abundance of care and history, as its fourth and youngguidance from organizations like FIDF, est daughter made the brave and noble NBN and Garin Tzabar.” She went on decision to head to Israel where she is to say, “In my professional career, I have now serving as a Lone Soldier in the Israel the distinct privilege of assisting other Defense Forces (IDF), alongside her three families of Lone Soldiers, and I’m humolder sisters. According to public records, bled by the profound support of FIDF this is the first time ever that a family leadership and my colleagues.” from the U.S. has four daughters servNoya Govrin, director of the FIDF ing simultaneously. – Nefesh B’Nefesh – Lone Soldiers ProJust a few days after Israel celebrated gram, said, “These women are without its 74th year of independence, Y (18.5), enlisted to serve, with the assistance of the Friends of the IDF (FIDF) – Nefesh B’Nefesh Lone Soldier Program. Y joins the 45+ Massachusetts-based Lone Soldiers currently defending the State of Israel. Y ’s s i s t e r s , (L-R, face blurred for anonymity): Lieutenant O, Captain A (24.5), Private A, Captain A, Private Y. Photo credit: Yossi Zwecker. Lieutenant O (23) and Private A (20), each serve in a doubt the true embodiment of love prestigious positions in the IDF. Captain for our homeland, and they are a source (Res.) A, the eldest of the four sisters, of inspiration and Zionism in its purest is an active reservist in an elite Navy form. We are pleased that the number of unit. Lieutenant O, the second-born, young people from North America and completed a pilot’s course and currently around the world who want to make serves as a pilot in the 120th squadron Aliyah and volunteer for the IDF as on the Nevatim Air Force base. Private Lone Soldiers is growing. We are workA, who is extremely skilled in singing ing hard to ensure that they are provided and acting, serves in the esteemed IDF with the holistic support they need, as military band. well as the feeling of home during their “There is no doubt that my sisters had dedicated service.” an influence on my decision, but it is also FIDF CEO Steven Weil said, “The probably part of the DNA our parents brave sisters of this family have made the instilled in us,” explained Y, regarding noble decision to leave their home in the her new enlistment. “The connection U.S. in order to protect Israel and the between my family and Israel Jewish people by serving in was strong and significant very challenging roles. It is to our way of life. I know inspiring for us to witness that the service will be chaltheir tremendous contrilenging, but I am looking butions, and we are very forward to it.” appreciative of the enormous When asked if their parsacrifice they have made and ents were also planning to make Aliyah, continue to make, along with all the the sisters responded, “They finally young men and women who have chosen have some quiet, and they feel like a this path.” young couple again. There’s no need About Nefesh B’Nefesh (www.nbn.org. to hurry.” il): Founded in 2002, Nefesh B’Nefesh, The family’s dedication to Israel runs in cooperation with Israel’s Ministry of deep. Their mother is an employee of Aliyah and Integration, The Jewish Agency FIDF and has supported each one of for Israel, Keren Kayemeth LeIsrael and her daughters in her individual journey. JNF-USA, is dedicated to revitalizing “Being the parent of a Lone Soldier, not to Aliyah from North America and the UK mention four, is not easy but it’s nothing by removing or minimizing the financial, compared to what it’s like for the young professional, logistical and social obstacles woman or man who is living away from of Aliyah. The support and comprehensive their family and all that is familiar. I’m so social services provided by Nefesh B’Nefesh to proud that our girls acted on their beliefs its over 70,000 newcomers have ensured that and, while the difficulties have been real 90% of its Olim have remained in Israel.

First 2022 Birthright Campus Trips arrive in Israel University of Florida group leads wave of 14,000 campus trip participants expected this summer


ew York, NY - A group of students from the University of Florida (UF) arrived in Israel in early May, marking the first of many Birthright Campus Trips this year. The contingent is one of 28 student groups arriving this week. A total of 14,000 students from nearly 900 universities and colleges in North America are expected to land in Israel in the coming weeks. Birthright Campus Trips are a unique opportunity for North American students to go on a life-changing trip to Israel with their college friends and meet new people from their campus. The trips are usually timed to coincide with the school’s winter or summer breaks. The campus trips are among the first flights in Birthright Israel’s long-awaited return after a series of suspensions since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. This summer, Birthright expects to bring about 25,000 young people from around the world, 19,000 of which are from North America. Colleges with the largest number of Birthright Campus Trip participants include University of Michigan

- Ann Arbor (585 students); University of Florida (506 students); and University of Wisconsin – Madison (424 students). “After a long hiatus, we are excited to bring back so many students from North America to these important and exciting tours to Israel. Many of these students are coming from college and university campuses where incidences of antisemitism are increasing, leaving them feeling beleaguered and isolated,” said Birthright Israel CEO Gidi Mark. “We know that after going on a Birthright trip, these students feel more supported and prouder,” he added. Birthright Israel offers a free, lifechanging trip to Israel for young Jewish adults between the ages of 18 and 32 and, in doing so, transforms the Jewish future. Its mission is to give every Jewish young adult around the world, especially those less connected, the opportunity to visit Israel on an educational trip. Today, Birthright Israel is the largest educational tourism organization in the world that has over 750,000 journeys to the state of Israel.

A University of Florida Mayanot group after their arrival at Ben Gurion Airport Photo Credit: Alan Minkin


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Articles inside

Building a vibrant Jewish community for children and families

page 26

Join Jay and Patty Baker in supporting education and the arts

page 25

With summer comes changes and opportunity

page 24

Antisemitism in Florida

page 24

We have big news to share!

page 23

The surest way to heal our world

page 22

Explore Florida’s Jewish history

page 21

Helping to heal the world

page 21

First 2022 Birthright Campus Trips arrive in Israel

page 20

Boston family makes history as four sisters serve together as Lone Soldiers in IDF

page 20

What kind of Jew am I?

page 19

Kvetching – Is there an upside to voicing our complaints?

page 18

King soars, Jerry and Marge win, super pets and more

page 17

There are angels amongst us

page 16

A call for 2Gs by GenShoah SWFL

page 14

Summer at the Museum

pages 13-14

We could not have done it without you

page 12

The fun never stops with WCA!

page 10

Jewish Young Professionals

page 9

Meet the new MCA President, Michael Sobol

page 9

MCA honors two members

page 8

PJ Our Way

page 6

Take a trip to Israel with PJ Library

page 5

Summer programming

page 4

One brick at a time

page 3

Let the planning for next season begin!

page 2

An interview with Building Committee Chair Marc Saperstein

pages 1-2
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