Federation Star
Celebrating Jewish Life in Collier County, Israel and the World
Federation Star
July/August 2022
Summer programming
Published by the Jewish Federation of Collier County serving Naples, Marco Island and the surrounding communities
2500 Vanderbilt Beach Road, Suite 2201 Naples, Florida 34109-0613 Phone: 239.263.4205 Fax: 239.263.3813 www.jewishnaples.org Email: info@jewishnaples.org Officers
Board Chair: Jane Schiff Vice Chairs: Nat Ritter, Marc Saperstein, Beth Wolff Secretary: Rosalee Bogo Treasurer: Elliot Lerner Immediate Past Chair: Alvin Becker
Board of Directors
Frank Baum, Patti Boochever, Harvey Cohen, Marcia Cohodes, Amanda Dorio, Paula Filler, Cheryl Ginsburg, Larry Israelite, Tammy Katz, Merlin Lickhalter, Robin Mintz, William Petasnick, Joel Pittelman, Stuart Price, Michael Rubenstein, Michael Sobol, Steve Strome, Jay Weiss, Jeff Zalasky, Board Member Emeritus: Phyllis Seaman
Past Board Chairs
Gerald Flagel, Dr. William Ettinger, Ann Jacobson (z”l), Sheldon Starman, Bobbie Katz, Rosalee Bogo, Judge Norman Krivosha (z”l)
Synagogue Representatives
Stan Alliker, Cantor Donna Azu, Rabbi Ariel Boxman, Steve Chizzik, Rabbi Ammos Chorny, Rabbi Mendel Gordon, Rabbi Mendy Greenberg, Rabbi Mark Gross, Rabbi Howard Herman, Rabbi Adam Miller, Charles Flum, Rabbi James Perman, Dr. Arthur Seigel, Len Teitelbaum, Rabbi Fishel Zaklos
Jeffrey Feld: Federation CEO/President Reneé Bialek: Program Director Alicia Feldman: PJ Library Coordinator Marcy Friedland: Capital Campaign & Planned Giving Director Janine Hudak: Admin. Coordinator Teresa Zimmerman: Finance & Operations Manager
Federation is the central Jewish community-building organization for Greater Naples, providing a social service network that helps Jewish people locally, in Israel and around the world. As the central fundraising organization for Jewish communal life in our area, strength is drawn from organized committees of dedicated volunteers. Programs include: • Annual Campaign & Endowment Fund • Celebrate Israel • Educational & Cultural Programs • Israel Advocacy Committee • Israel Scouts • Jewish Book Festival • Jewish Community Relations Council • Jewish Young Professionals • Jewish Russian Cultural Alliance • Men’s Cultural Alliance • PJ Library • Publication of the Federation Star, Connections and Community Directory • Women’s Cultural Alliance • Women’s Philanthropy • Youth Activities Committee – sponsoring youth education and scholarships for Jewish Summer Camp and Israel Experience
A new group is starting!
Reneé Bialek
Published by
Program Director
If you can follow and participate in a conversation i n He b re w, t h i s group is for you! We are looking for those who speak in Hebrew and want to practice so that we do not forget the language. We will gather once a month with a theme to follow or just to catch up and converse while learning new words. This group is open to the entire community. Please contact me if you are interested.
ore programs and groups have been added to our summer lineup. In addition to mandala coloring, board games and potluck lunches, you now can enjoy a summer book club and a discussion on a Netflix series. Everyone is invited to attend these various programs.
Book club
JFGN book club has specific books that you read at your leisure and then come join us on Zoom to discuss. The July and August books are announced in Federation’s weekly Monday e-blast.
Netflix series discussion
Watch “The Beauty Queen of Jerusalem” on Netflix and come together on Zoom to discuss this series. Dates and times are announced in Federation’s weekly Monday e-blast.
Author book discussions
Author Jerry Greenfield will present his book, “He Lost it in the Catskills,” on Wednesday, July 20 at noon (ET) on Zoom. This is a free program for all. Joshua Jay, author of “How Magicians Think,” will present his book on
Mix and Mingle
Friday, July 22 at noon (ET) on Zoom. Cost per household is $25 for Joshua’s presentation, so please make sure to register for his magical book talk. Register at www.jewishnaples.org to receive the Zoom link two hours prior to the start of each program.
Mix and Mingle will come together at Jewish Federation of Greater Naples for more potluck lunches. This group also will go out to dinner and meet on Zoom. This group is for Jewish singles who are 55 and up.
Jewish Young Professionals
Jewish Young Professionals have been meeting! If you are in your 20s-30s and are not getting the specific JYP emails, please let me know so I can add you to the roster.
For young children
145 9 PI N E R I D G E R O AD , N AP L E S, FL BethTikvahNaples.org
PJ Library and Jewish Families with Young Children are invited to Tumbles Naples for activities and fun on Sundays, July 17 and August 14 at 3:30 p.m. Please make a reservation with Alicia at programs@jewishnaples.org. If you have an idea for a program or want to be a guest speaker or facilitator, please contact me, at rbialek@ jewishnaples.org. Please read our weekly Monday e-blast for any changes to these programs and, of course, for information about the additional programs being offered to the community. We have a variety of groups and committees at Jewish Federation of Greater Naples, such as PJ Library, Jewish Families with Young Children, Cardozo Legal Society, Catholic-Jewish Dialogue, Israel Advocacy Committee and Jewish Community Relations Council. Please join the group and/or committee that best fits your needs. A taste of each one can be found throughout our website at www.jewishnaples.org.
Read the current and previous editions of the Federation Star online at www.jewishnaples.org