2 minute read
Jane Schiff, Federation Board Chair
As has been reported in our weekly e-blast since late May, Jewish Federation of Greater Naples is back, open for business, but not as usual. We closed to the public in late March of 2020 for a total of 14 months, reopening June 1, 2021.
During the pandemic, a committee of medical professionals, an attorney, Jeffrey Feld and I met on a regular basis to assess the reopening risks to our community as well as how to go about reopening. In early May, it was agreed that opening outdoor activities with restrictions was appropriate. Then, two or three weeks later, the CDC changed the guidelines, so we changed our policies.
Below is our current policy. Be aware that, as conditions change, we may change our policies. We strive to keep up with all changes from the CDC, being as open and welcoming as CDC guidelines allow.
A large thank you goes to the reopening committee — Dr. Jerry Shier (chair), Dr. Bernie Lublin, Dr. Art Siegel, Dr. Karen Ezrine, Dr. Nat Ritter, Dr. Brian Wolff, Stanley Deutsch (pharmacist), Bill Petasnick (hospital administrator) and Josh Bialek (attorney).
The committee wishes to remind everyone that nothing in life is without risk. While the guidelines protect most people, especially those who have been vaccinated, it is still possible to contract COVID-19. Each person must take responsibility for their decision as to when, or if, to reengage in person.
Jewish Federation of Greater Naples is in the process of creating programming that will be available in person and virtually whenever possible.
Criteria for participating in indoor activities
• All participants are encouraged to be vaccinated and wait two weeks after required number of injections (waiting period is mandatory)
• Group size for indoor activities will be at 50%, but this will be reevaluated monthly
• Social distancing encouraged for those not vaccinated
• Masking is optional for those vaccinated
• Masking is mandatory for those not vaccinated
• Hand sanitizer is suggested
• Do not attend if: 1) ill (mandatory) 2) diagnosed with COVID-19 (mandatory)
3) waiting for, or have, positive COVID -19 test
4) not vaccinated and exposed to someone with COVID-19 in the past 14 days (mandatory)
• Participants must notify Federation and activity leader if you become ill with COVID-19 or if you test positive for COVID-19.
• After being ill with COVID-19, you may return to activities if: 1) Three weeks have passed after the onset of symptoms or 2) You have a negative COVID-19 test by PCR
Federation will keep a log of attendance at all its activities. If a participant at any activity reports a positive COVID- 19 test or becomes ill from COVID-19, Federation will endeavor to contact everyone exposed.