1 minute read
Award-winning project continues to grow
By Betty Schwartz, JCRC and SUFJ Committee Member
The Jewish Community Relations Council (JCRC) annual awards, the Stand Up for Justice Educator Grants (SUFJ) and the Human Needs Award, are presented only after each committee has carefully considered all eligible candidates. Once the winners are announced and recognized, they are not thought about as much as they should be. True excellence should have a longer shelf life.
This year’s First Place SUFJ educator grant winners, Daniel Shaw and Beth Barrus of Gulf Coast High School, developed an educational program based on science to lead “A Discussion on Gender & Science.” Genetics and endocrinology research was presented in a relevant and understandable way, which enabled a meaningful discussion of gender diversity for the Gender & Sexuality Alliance. Knowledge is a powerful weapon against bigotry.

The success of this program has led to a planned series of discussions that include topics on gender and psychology, followed by gender and sociology, which was most recently presented.
Naples Pride Center won one of the Human Needs Awards and is providing valuable and much needed services and programs to the LGBTQ community. When told about the program at Gulf Coast High School, Cori Craciun, board leader, was very much interested in offering the program at Naples Pride Center. A true example of synergy.
It is so gratifying to see that positive change can be perpetuated if we are open to the possibilities. Every effort to increase understanding and appreciation for diversity is like a pebble dropped in a pond, with the circles continuing to spread.