1 minute read
Take MCA with you wherever you go
By Jeff Margolis
It’s hard to believe the month of June is here already. Many of our seasonal fellow MCA members have already left for their northern addresses. Whether you are on the road or in the Greater Naples area, members have access to all MCA activities throughout the summer.
Here is a sample of programs available this month. (Note: All programs are available through the Zoom platform).
Monthly travelogue
Jim Sernovitz’s monthly travelogue will take members on a trip to Modern Egypt and Life along the Nile. The combination of Jim’s outstanding photos and knowledgeable dialogue makes for a fascinating program. Please join Jim on Tuesday, June 1 from 2:30 to 4 p.m. (EDT) for this excellent event. Jim will be presenting his travelogue series throughout the summer months.
The Jewish Genealogy Interest Group will continue to meet via Zoom throughout the summer. The next session is scheduled for Tuesday, June 8 from 10 to 11:30 a.m. This group meets all year on the second Tuesday of every month, so feel free to join. For details, please contact program chair Arthur Sissman at genresearch13@yahoo.com.
Lifestyle and Health
MCA’s Lifestyle-Health Discussion Group also meets throughout the year. The next program will take place on Wednesday, June 9 from 10 to 11:30 a.m. This program is coordinated by Jerry Kumin, MD, and Arthur Sissman. Interested members can email asissman@yahoo.com to register.
Book discussions
Looking for some scintillating summer reading? Join the MCA Book Discussion group. Members vote and choose a book to read and discuss each month. To learn of the book for June, please contact program chair, Stanley Farb, at stan4mignon@earthlink.net. The group is currently meeting via Zoom.
It’s time to renew MCA membership for the 2021-2022 season. The cost of dues is $90 and includes a membership in the Jewish Federation of Greater Naples. Registration is quick and easy. Go to mcanaples.wildapricot.org.
If you are new to the area and are thinking about joining MCA or if you have a suggestion for a program or event for next season, please contact MCA president Les Nizin at mcapresident2021@gmail.com.