4 minute read
2021 Annual Campaign officially ends
Tomorrow begins today
Karen Deutsch, Campaign Chair
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! We celebrate the month of June, culminating in the end of the Jewish Federation of Greater Naples fiscal year and the official close of the 2021 Annual Community Campaign. Throughout this challenging year, we have remained connected together as one community, through our wonderful Federation leadership and staff, our amazing volunteer 2021 Annual Campaign solicitors, and to you, our wonderful, generous donors, to make this campaign, Tomorrow Begins Today, exceed our budgeted goals to be our most successful ever!
Tomorrow begins today, as your gift to the 2021 Annual Community Campaign has transformed, enhanced and enriched our children’s, teens’ and adults’ lives by recognizing and supporting vital local educational, social and humanitarian needs within our community. We have also continued to cultivate Jewish identity and connection, and have engaged our community through enriching programs and experiences.
Your dollars from the Annual Campaign go through a rigorous budget and allocations process, passing directly to the following local beneficiary agencies and supporting the following important and exciting local programming:
• Beth Tikvah: Scholar in Residence, Naples Jewish Film Festival, and “All Things Jewish”
• Chabad Naples: Summer of the Arts, Jewish Legacy Mitzvah workshops, and Hebrew School program
• Jewish Congregation of Marco Island: Saul I. Stern Cultural Series, and Marco Island Jewish Film Festival
• Naples Jewish Congregation: Artist/Scholar in Residence
• Temple Shalom: Religious School scholarships, Preschool special programming, Camp scholarships, “Jewish from the Start” program, Young Family Engagement Initiative, and Temple Shalom Men’s Club continued on page 13
• Chabad at FGCU: Shabbat and holiday programming
• Jewish Historical Society of SWFL
• BBYO: High school program, immersive experiences, middle school program, and J-Serve program
• Hillel: Florida Hillel consortium
• Financial need-based scholarships for Jewish sleep-away camp and for Israel Experience
• Jewish War Veterans Post #202
• Holocaust Museum & Education Center
• Naples Senior Center at JFCS: Holocaust survivor program and geriatric case management for frail elderly
• Programming support for the Catholic-Jewish Dialogue: Community Kristallnacht program, documentaries and speakers
• Programming support for the Israel Advocacy Committee: Volunteers supporting the community-wide Israel Fest and Israel Scout Friendship Caravan, and educational opportunities about Israel
• Programming support for the Greater Naples Jewish Book Festival: A literary festival showcasing Jewish writers and/or subjects from the U.S. and around the world, and Evy Lipp People of the Book Cultural Event
• Programming support of the Jewish Community Relations Council: A vital committee enhancing Jewish relations with the Greater Naples communities, Human Needs Award, Stand up for Justice grant, Martin Luther King Jr. Parade, Antisemitism Task Force, Jewish Community Day of Learning
• Yom HaShoah community event
• Programming support for the Chanukah & Menorah Lighting
• Programming support for Jewish families with children: Social activities for parents and their children
• Programming support for Jewish Professionals of Greater Naples: A civic group helping to develop new business associates, mentors, friends and spiritual support and social opportunities
• Programming support for the Jewish Russian Cultural Alliance: A group offering support for first-generation Jewish immigrants and their families from the former Soviet Union
• Programming support for the Maimonides Medical Society: A networking group for health care professionals dedicated to healing the sick and Tikkun Olam
• Programming support for the Men’s Cultural Alliance (MCA): A group providing networking, socializing and athletic activities for more than 750 members
• Programming support for Mix and Mingle: Activities for Jewish singles aged 55+
• Programming support for Patricia J. Adkins Youth Leadership Award: A scholarship given to Collier County high school seniors who demonstrate Jewish leadership, academics and community service
• Programming support for the Women’s Cultural Alliance (WCA): Networking and social, informal educational and leisure-time/recreational programs for some 1,600 members
• Programming support for the Young Jewish Professionals of Greater Naples: Providing socialization for 20, 30 and 40 year olds who are Jewish professionals
• Programming support for PJ Library
Your generous donations to our Annual Campaign are also allocated to support our partners in Israel and the Jewish people worldwide, advocating on key issues and providing humanitarian assistance:
• Jewish Federations of North America: The American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee and The Jewish Agency for Israel
• World ORT: The world’s largest nongovernmental education and vocational training organizational operating in 37 countries and serving some 300,000 students around the globe
• World Union for Progressive Judaism: Serving preschools in Kiev, Ukraine
• Neve Michael Children’s Village: The Therapy Enrichment Center through JFNA
• Yad Lakashish: Providing Food program for the Elderly, and Transportation for Needy Elderly
• Sapir Kfar-Saba Community Center: Supplementing academic, social, psychological, cultural and welfare services to specific groups identified as socially and economically deprived
• Jewish National Fund: Special in Uniform
• Birthright Israel
• Anti-Defamation League: The Florida Region
• Yashar Lachayal
• American Friends of Eli
• Ethiopian National Project: Strengthen academic achievement among Ethiopian/Israeli high school students
• Friends of the Arava Institute: Advancing cross border cooperation to safeguard the environment in Israel
• American Friends of Leket Israel: Providing hot meals for Holocaust survivors and vulnerable seniors
• Susan’s House; (Keren Yuval Susan): Employing teens, providing a warm and encouraging environment
Tomorrow begins today, and today, we have all come together to meet great challenges through our commitment to the annual campaign of the Jewish Federation of Greater Naples. We care, we grow; your generous gifts have given our community and our world a shared Jewish future, a better, brighter future tomorrow!