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Miami resident wins virtual FIDF poker game
Eli Tabacinic, age 25, is best known for working in commercial real estate development, not for being dealt royal flushes, straights or full houses. However, on April 19, Friends of the Israel Defense Forces (FIDF) Miami Chapter supporter Tabacinic became the first-place winner of the first-ever FIDF National Poker Tournament: Miami Chapter Qualifying Event.
Some 23 FIDF Miami chapter supporters came together to play locally as part of FIDF’s first-ever national poker tournament to support well-being and educational programs for Israel Defense Forces (IDF) soldiers.
Eli Tabacinic (credit: Courtesy of FIDF)
Tabacinic was among the top 10% of players from the local qualifying round who advanced to FIDF’s first-ever National Poker Tournament final event, which was won by West Orange New Jersey native, Paul Tractenberg (83), President of Center for Diversity and Equality in Education and Professor Emeritus at Rutgers Law School.
Joining the final event were prizewinning author and international poker champion, Maria Konnikova; celebrity poker players, Eli Elezra and Gershon Distenfeld; and commentator, Jeff Platt. All proceeds from the tournament will support FIDF’s well-being and educational programs for Israel Defense Forces (IDF) soldiers.
“My brother implored me to join the tournament; the cause is important to me; and I love a good game of poker,” said Eli Tabacinic. “I’m looking forward to testing myself against the best players FIDF has to offer!!”
For more information or to support FIDF, contact Isabelle Morris at Isabelle.morris@fidf.org.
About Friends of the Israel Defense Forces (FIDF)
FIDF was established in 1981 by a group of Holocaust survivors as a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization with the mission of offering educational, cultural, recreational and social programs, and facilities that provide hope, purpose and life-changing support for the soldiers who protect Israel and Jews worldwide. FIDF proudly supports IDF soldiers, families of fallen soldiers and wounded veterans through a variety of innovative programs that reinforce the vital bond between the communities in the United States, the soldiers of the IDF and the state of Israel.