2 minute read
Activity through the lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer
Stan Alliker, President
By the time of this printing, we are back to “our season.” We take a moment, albeit a brief one, to reflect on the past year. We relished the reopening of worship with our synagogue family, survived the ups and downs of streaming technology and restored a very successful season of culture, films and musical entertainment for Marco Island and surrounding communities. The highlight of this spring was the return of our highly popular congregational Passover Seder.
That moment has now passed, and our Board of Directors is diligently returning to the work at hand. As all synagogues do, we keep a keen eye on operations, budget, membership, and so on. The Friday night religious services will continue throughout the summer, led by our beloved Cantorial Soloist Hari Jacobson along with congregational participation and, of course, our famous homemade Oneg’s after the service.
However, the most exciting part of summer is planning for the upcoming JCMI community programming and events for the 2022-2023 year. These include the Fourth of July celebration, our longstanding Cultural Series, the original Jewish Film Festival and some incredible entertainment. We also plan to celebrate and commemorate the Jewish Congregation of Marco Island’s 40th anniversary!
So, yes, we will be taking a few “lazy, hazy, crazy days” this summer. However, underneath the relative quiet, there will also be the hum of activity as our enthusiastic members gather to plan for next season.
Please have a safe and healthy summer as we continue to pray for peace at home, in Israel, Ukraine and the world over.