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Summer at Chabad Naples
Rabbi Fishel Zaklos
On Tuesday, June 7, Chabad Naples will begin its 18th year of Summer Camp. If you wish to take a tour of our camp and share the joy of a lot of happy smiles, make arrangements through our office. We wish you all a happy, healthy and joyous summer!
On Sunday, June 5 at noon, we will hold a Shavuot party. Bring the whole family to join the reading of the Ten Commandments. There will be programs for the children, a special lunch and ice cream party.
We anticipate a large crowd taking advantage of this special opportunity to participate in one of the greatest blessings: unity. Let us unite and rededicate ourselves to the values we committed to at Sinai. Please check with the office for details.
Shabbat and Kiddush
Shabbat services at Chabad Naples are very popular. A weekly highlight has always been the Kiddush luncheon, sponsored by a family wishing to honor the memory of a loved one, celebrate a simcha or just sponsor the happiness and appreciation of being with family and friends.
We are happy to report the return of the Kiddush luncheons. They are a great way for the community to come together, connect and bond in a social setting. Everyone is welcome to attend the luncheon following Shabbat services. The Torah service begins at 11 a.m. and includes the Rabbi’s insights, which always has a contemporary, meaningful and relevant message.
The flying challah
Do you know someone in need of a little extra love? Each week, we send out smiles with an uplifting message in the form of tasty fresh challah. Nominate a recipient via email and we will have it delivered.
If you know someone who would appreciate a meal for Shabbat, or in general, please let us know. We will arrange to have one sent to those who are really in need and without means to obtain help.
A mezuzah in your home!
Thanks to the generosity of a sponsor, there is an opportunity for you to have your first mezuzah installed at your home. Rabbi Zaklos will be happy to correctly install it with special blessings and the mezuzah ceremony. No home is complete without the protection of a mezuzah! If you don’t have one, call Chabad.
If you have a yahrzeit or need to say Kaddish, we are here to help make a minyan during the week. We are grateful to those who help us with this minyan service.
Hebrew School
Our Hebrew School classes are incredibly popular, providing the best in Hebrew language and religious education available. We are taking enrollments early for next year, so please enroll as soon as possible.
Torah class
A Torah class is being offered on Wednesdays. If you wish to join, please RSVP to our office. As the schedule changes at times, please reach out to confirm weekly.
Rabbi Fishel offers a video each week. Email offi ce@chabadnaples.com to be placed on the weekly email list. You can also view the past 12 months’ worth of videos at www.chabadnaples.com.
Preschool of the Arts
This is a popular, amazing experience for your children. Space may be limited, and early signup is recommended! Visit naplespreschoolofthearts.com.
Weekly email and mailing list
If you would like to be added to the weekly updates and mailing list, call 239-262-4474 or email office@chabad naples.com.