1 minute read


By Karen Deutsch Campaign Chair

As we approach the upcoming Passover holiday, we are reminded that it is indeed a holiday of freedom. In that spirit, we want to point out that because of your generous commitments to the Annual Community Campaign, we were able to provide “freedoms” to our beneficiaries.

Your campaign dollars are used to help frail and needy Holocaust survivors in our Greater Naples community. The freedom you help to provide is in several areas. First, you help provide them freedom from food insecurity. Second, these Holocaust survivors need assistance in areas such as home care, counseling, etc. You help provide for these needs, allowing these individuals to live with dignity.

Your campaign dollars provide financial scholarship assistance to families who cannot afford to send their children to Jewish Sunday/Religious School, Jewish day camp or Jewish sleep-away camp. This is about Jewish continuity. Your dollars allow these families the freedom of choosing to provide these kinds of experiences for their children.

With your campaign dollars, we hope to bring Jews to Israel, allowing these individuals the freedom to be Jews. There are still people coming from Ethiopia. The Aliyah and Klitah (immigration and acculturation) provide these Israeli immigrants freedom from persecution.

Your campaign dollars provide freedom for Jews in Kiev, Ukraine, to continue to practice being Jewish. The support for the Ha-Tikvah preschool helps provide for Jewish continuity and the Jewish lifeline.

At the conclusion of the Seder, we say, “Bah Shanah HaBah, B’Yerushalaiyim” – next year, in Jerusalem. We would like to add that, in the coming year, we should be able to be together, in person.

It all begins with you. Thank you for your commitment to the Annual Community Campaign. Thank you for providing so many people with so much help and freedom. Thank you for caring!

We wish you a Zissen Pesach!

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