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JCRC offers a “Taste of the Day of Learning”

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“The Legacy our Jewish Supreme Court Justices Have Given the Country”

By Joel Pittelman, Chair of the Day of Learning

The Day of Learning is a signature program of the Jewish Community Relations Council (JCRC). The six previous programs addressed a wide variety of topics that were all well received by our community. Last year’s Day of Learning was expanded to a “Day and Night of Learning” and attracted more than 200 people.

This year, due to the uncertainty caused by COVID-19, JCRC is offering just a “Taste of the Day of Learning,” with a full program returning next year. This year, the Taste of the Evening of Learning will be held at 7 p.m. Tuesday, March 22. The program will be held in person at Temple Shalom, with the option to attend virtually.

“A must read for anyone interested in Jewish, American, or legal history.” ~ Alan Dershowitz

The United States Supreme Court has handed down rulings that have shaped the very structure of democracy, the workings of our government and the moral fabric of the nation. The Supreme Court Justices, who have contributed to the arc of American history, have varying backgrounds, which, when taken together, blend into a fabric of unusual complexity. Some of the strands of that fabric have been from the minds and hearts of the eight Jewish Justices who have served on the Supreme Court.

Who are these people and what have they brought to the American experience, both individually and as representatives of our Jewish heritage?

Rabbi David Dalin

Rabbi David G. Dalin, a noted scholar who has done an indepth examination of the contributions of the Jewish Supreme Court Justices, will be the featured speaker/ teacher. Dr. Dalin will discuss the Jewish background, identities and legacies of the Jewish Justices, including the antisemitism some justices encountered in their ascent to America’s highest court. He will also look closely at the impact of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg on the issues the Court will be facing as well as the effect of Justice Stephen Breyer’s impending retirement.

Dr. Dalin, a senior research fellow at Brandeis University, is a widely published scholar of American Jewish history and Jewish-Christian relations. His most recent book, “Jewish Justices of the Supreme Court, from Brandeis to Kagan: Their Lives and Legacies,” is the first history of the eight Jewish men and women who have served or who currently serve as justices of the U.S. Supreme Court. Dr. Dalin has also authored, coauthored or was the editor of 11 other books, including “The Presidents of the United States and the Jews.”

Although the Day of Learning has been reduced to a one-hour “taste” this year, it will serve as an appetizer of what could be a full dinner for those who read Rabbi Dalin’s book, “Jewish Justices of the Supreme Court, from Brandeis to Kagan.” While his books will not be sold at the event, you can order them on Amazon. If you already have a copy, bring it to the event and Dr. Dalin will sign it.

While there is no charge to attend the event, registration is required. To register, go to www.jewishnaples.org or use the link in Federation’s weekly e-newsletter. Questions? Contact Program Director Reneé Bialek at rbialek@JewishNaples.org.

We look forward to being with you, in person or virtually, when we welcome Dr. David Dalin to Naples for a Taste of the Day of Learning.

This program is brought to you by the Jewish Community Relations Council of Jewish Federation of Greater Naples. Special thanks to all our cosponsors, including our host congregation, Temple Shalom, Beth Tikvah of Naples, Naples Jewish Congregation and Jewish Congregation of Marco Island.

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