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WCA talks and talks and talks about TED Talks
By Susan Pittelman, WCA Publicity Director
It is not surprising that WCA members value opportunities to express their opinions! WCA member Sonya Bloom moderates the popular monthly TED Talks (Technology, Entertainment, Design) program that encourages women to share their thoughts, and often their feelings. TED Talks are short, powerful videos of presentations that had been given at conferences around the world. After showing the video(s), Sonya skillfully facilitates a discussion about the topic.
How did TED Talks come to be part of WCA’s programming? Sonya explains, “I had attended TED Talks at the Naples library and appreciated the experience. When I returned north, I started leading TED Talks at Penn State York. Then the Naples library asked me to facilitate some of its TED Talks discussions. The moment Elaine Soffer learned that, without missing a beat, she asked if I would moderate TED Talks sessions for WCA.”
One of Sonya’s goals for TED Talks is to provide women with a sense of belonging and connection. And she has succeeded!
Members discussing “friendship” during the mid-January session of TED Talks
Geri Feldman says, “TED Talks provide a welcoming forum that introduces new perspectives and provides a safe space to discuss our views.”
Jan Goldman comments, “TED Talks is an opportunity to really get to know the women who participate.”
Sue Bookbinder agrees, “I have met wonderful women that I’d never met before — and I’ve been with WCA since it began!”
Deedee Remenick notes, “I really like the topics and the discussions afterwards. I have learned a lot from both the videos and the women in the group.”
And Nan Roytberg adds, “TED Talks have created a place for intimate, important conversations with other women.”
To ensure meaningful discussions, Sonya limits each session to 25 women. The first session was an instant sellout! TED Talks met monthly at Federation for two years.
When COVID caused us all to “pivot,” Sonya happily moved TED Talks to Zoom, enabling women in and away from Naples to take part. Many participants welcomed the transition. Nan Roytberg says, “Zoom is easier for those of us who have limited time and energy. With COVID still in the picture, it’s the only way many of us can participate. The discussions are still very intimate; I feel like we are together in the same room, not just connected by Zoom.”
To accommodate more women, Sonya began leading two Zoom sessions each month. While participants for most WCA groups register for the entire season, women register monthly for each TED Talk based on the topic. As a result, TED Talks provide an opportunity to meet and share ideas with many different women.
Sonya Bloom reviewing videos for future TED Talks sessions
TED Talks have covered a variety of topics, ranging from ‘How to Spot a Liar’ to ‘Impressive Young People Changing Our World’ to ‘Regenerative Medicine.’ Sonya explains, “I try to choose videos that focus on issues that women are thinking about and want to discuss. I selected ‘Friendships’ for the January TED Talks. Friendships are important wherever you live, but because most of us don’t have family living in Southwest Florida, we value our friends even more.”
Suzann Yussen says, “At the session on friendship, we discussed such issues as, how do you define a true friend? and how do you maintain long-distance friendships? Everyone had something to contribute. We could have gone on and on, sharing our own experiences in what we all feel is a ‘safe place.’”
“Of all the TED Talks groups I have facilitated,” comments Sonya, “WCA’s are my favorite. The participants are kind, thoughtful women whom I highly respect. I always look forward to hearing their responses to the videos.” She adds, “TED Talks could not happen without the TED Talks technical team of Robin Mintz, Patti Boochever and Ann Cowan. I am very grateful for their assistance.”
Much of the success of TED Talks is due to Sonya herself. Participants are most appreciative of the topics she selects and the skillful way she moderates the discussions. It is clear that she spends a great deal of time preparing for each session, not only selecting the videos but also preparing thoughtful questions.
“I admire Sonya’s ability to facilitate the sessions. She gives everyone an opportunity to speak and knows how to make people feel comfortable sharing their thoughts,” says Norma Ruben. Nancy Kahn remarks, “Sonya is a marvelous leader. She chooses interesting topics and formulates good questions to keep the conversation flowing.”
Thank you, Sonya, for bringing TED Talks to WCA!
WCA is our “Community of Friendship.” Sonya aptly concluded the TED Talks discussion on friendship with this quote: “While diamonds are a girl’s best friend, your best friends are the diamonds in your life!”
If you have an idea for a new WCA program, please contact WCA Program Director Elaine Soffer at esoffer0921@ comcast.net.