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Press Club SWFL accepting scholarship applications
The Press Club of Southwest Florida is accepting applications from Collier and Lee County high school students, 2022 high-school graduates or students currently in college for two 2022-23 Terrence J. Miller $1,000 Annual Journalism Scholarships, which are renewable.
The application deadline is April 30, 2022. Applications and criteria are available on the Press Club website, https:// pressclubswfl .org, under “Scholarships & Criteria,” or by contacting Press Club Scholarship Committee Chairman Connie Kindsvater at ckinds@me.com or 239-249-4969. Previous applicants may reapply. The required criteria to apply are:
(1) Students must plan to attend, or currently attend, an accredited institution of higher learning as a full-time student, pursuing an accredited four-year degree program
(2) Students must plan to (or currently) major (preferably) or minor in the overall field of journalism/media studies, such as journalism, mass media communication, mass media studies, TV/radio broadcasting, electronic media, multimedia communication or photojournalism.
(3) Students must maintain at least a 3.0 GPA.
Applications and supporting paperwork will be screened by the Press Club Scholarship Committee. Students who best meet the criteria will be personally interviewed by the committee to determine which applicants will receive a Press Club journalism scholarship.